Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 9 2017

G-DRAGON - Untitled, 2014 (무제) (無題) | Engsub | 4K ULTRAHD M/V [NCA Official]

I know that it's difficult and hard to come back to me

I know that you no longer want to get hurt and you're afraid

Even the day you left I made you cry with harsh words

And I turned my back on you and I'm sorry

If I can only once see you

It's okay if I lose everything of mine

I want to see you in my dreams at least and love again

The two for us, like this

It may be easier to die than to be forgiven by you

I sing this song, but I don't know if my true intentions will reach you

I want you to be happy I can't even lie, such a common thing

And I only pray that you'll come back, I'm sorry

If I can only once see you

It's okay if I lose everything of mine

I want to see you in my dreams at least and love again

The two for us, like this

Now I can't believe your heart

That says this is the last time, the end

I can't let go cuz you never know

I can't let go cuz you never know

There won't be another love like yours, like mine to you

Nobody knows we always know

If I can only once see you

It's okay if I lose everything of mine

I want to see you in my dreams at least and love again

If this time passes and I can forget it all

Even the memories, happy ones too

I want to meet you and love you again

Just like we did before

For more infomation >> G-DRAGON - Untitled, 2014 (무제) (無題) | Engsub - Español - Vietsub | 4K ULTRAHD M/V [NCA Official] - Duration: 3:51.


Books I'll (Probably) Never Read | Tag [CC] - Duration: 4:23.

Hey, everyone, it's Maddie and Bee and today

we're going to do the Books I'll

(Probably) Never Read Tag. We saw this

video originally over on Ariel Bissett's

channel, so we'll leave a link to her

video in the description. Number one: a

really hyped book you'll never read. Maddie: A lot

of my answers for this fall into the

sequels of series, because I'm really bad

and if I say I'm not going to read a

series, I probably will end up reading it

anyway, so I'm going to go with all of

the sequels to Red Queen by Victoria

Aveyard because I read it and I really

wasn't impressed. I guess I should

have expected that because everyone said

it was just a mash-up of all the tropes

of other popular dystopian series, and I

read it and felt exactly the same way.

Bee: I've chosen Truthwitch by Susan

Dennard, and although this sounds like

something I would really enjoy because I

adore witches, I've read the first 70

pages of this in a sampler, and the

writing completely turned me off. It felt

like the world building was being

chucked at you, and there were so many

names of things to learn, not only of the

characters but of the different types of

magic, and it just seemed like a lot of

roles that I had to swallow before I

could get on with the story. So, although

I was originally really pumped to read

it, I think that as officially died.

Number two is a series that you won't

start or have started and won't finish.

Bee: For this I've chosen the sequels to

Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins. This was a

pretty recent decision for me. I went

through my series tracker to see all of

the old series that I've had on the go

for ages and Rebel Belle was on the top

of my list and I just thought I have no

intention of reading the second or third

book. I would have, like, two years ago

because I used to just read series even

if I didn't enjoy them to have them

completed, but Maddie didn't enjoy any of

the sequels and said it was a letdown

from Rebel Belle and I was a little bit

confused by Rebel Belle anyway, so I'm

going to let this one go. Maddie: and I've gone

with the sequels of Dorothy Must Die by

Danielle Paige. I read the second book to

this one, as well, The Wicked Will Rise, but

I really didn't like this retelling

style, and after I wasn't impressed by

her retelling of The Snow Queen, I think

Danielle Paige is just an author I won't

be reaching for. The characterization of

Amy Gumm was off for me and the way the

quests were built was unsatisfying

because I thought that they would move

through like a Percy Jackson novel and

instead it was all displaced throughout

the series, so I was never getting what I

thought I was based on the blurbs. Next

is a classic that you're not interested

in reading. Maddie:I'm just going to pick any

classics that I'm not already familiar

with. I find it so much easier to read

classics if I'm familiar with the story

the from a literary webseries or a TV adaptation,

or even just a summary. I feel like I

have to go into classics knowing

something, otherwise I won't get into it.

Bee: I've chosen any Victorian classics

written by men. I just don't care about

Thomas Hardy or Charles Dickens and I've

read a book from each of them, but I

found I don't really care about what was

happening to the men at this time,

because the women, in my mind, were much

more interesting. So, I'll continue to

read the female narratives from this

period but I think that's it. Number four

are what genres do you not reach for? Bee:I've chosen

sci-fi and although there are exceptions

like the works of Lauren James, which is

not really interested in it. I recently

went through my Goodreads TBR, and culled

the majority of the sci-fi books I added,

because I realized I just didn't care.

This decision was firmed up when we read

Illuminae and really didn't like it and

sci-fi as a genre, in the media generally,

like, for movies as well I'm not too

interested in. I think it has to be done

really well and have everything so that

I can suspend my disbelief for this,

otherwise I'm out. The next is an owned

book you'll never read. Maddie: I've gone with If I

Stay by Gayle Forman because this is a

book that came out in 2009 and had a lot

of hype around it when the movie came

out and I have seen the movie, so I've

already digested the story in some way,

but I have no interest in this story or

the next ones. Also, I'm not a super fan

of Gayle Forman's writing style as I

recently read the sequel to Just One Day

and didn't feel that impressed by it ,so

I don't want that feeling to be re-incapsulated

with this story. Bee: My pick is

Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple.

I picked this up because the main

character's name is Bee spelt in my way

with two 'e's. I also got it from a

charity shop for 49p, so I couldn't

really say no, and it was a green book

and we were missing that color on

our shelves...I have not heard anyone talk

about this in a really long time. It's

about a mother's disappearance and then

the daughter tries to find her and I'm

pretty sure it's got some, like,

interesting forms like lists and

interviewers so that's normally something

I'm really into. It's not a book that

I'll never read, but it's not what I'm

going to reach for anytime soon.

So, that was the books we'll probably

never read tag. I feel like we haven't

done a video like this in a really long

time. Normally at the end of the year is

when we say 'no, we're not reading this' so

it's kind of nice to get it off our

chest, now. Also, while thinking about

books for this video, I came up with a

whole other list of books I regret

reading ,so maybe we'll do a sequel for

that one soon too.

We're not going to tag anyone to do this

but if you like the idea then consider

yourself tagged!

Thank you, everyone, so much for watching

this video, and we'll see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> Books I'll (Probably) Never Read | Tag [CC] - Duration: 4:23.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Rex, Familia et Ultio (EU) - Duration: 2:11.

A sword such as this will bring honour to its bearer.

This is nice work.

It's new, isn't it?

You know the trouble with an adventurous life, son?

It can end before it gets started.

I might teach you how to handle a sword

and then someone will shoot you with a crossbow.

And now for the maiden bloodletting.

Surely your father never would have imagined it would be your blood.

Such miserable luck

to die by the sword you helped forge.

Sometimes I ask myself what…

what it all means.

Why does God allow such things to happen?

All this slaughter and revenge, over and over…

Tell me, boy, who are you? What in hell's name happened?

I've come from Skalitz. They burned it to the ground - slaughtered everyone.

Who burned it to the ground?

That's him! That's the bastard who led the attack on Skalitz and killed my parents!

I'm sure we're all agreed that all this unrest must come to an end.

I finally have the feeling we're doing something worthwhile!

We're helping to save the King!

Instead of saving his Drunken Majesty, I'd rather find that whoreson who murdered

my parents, get the sword back from him

and skewer him with it!

We have to put a stop to this senseless war!

For more infomation >> Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Rex, Familia et Ultio (EU) - Duration: 2:11.


Bei YouTube-Q&A verraten: Bieber-Ex Jayde ist bisexuell! - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Bei YouTube-Q&A verraten: Bieber-Ex Jayde ist bisexuell! - Duration: 1:38.


親孝行 感動話!旅行の予定が・・・ まさかの予定変更 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 親孝行 感動話!旅行の予定が・・・ まさかの予定変更 - Duration: 3:01.


Sparkles Cube Attempt with AshHayBrax! - Duration: 7:10.

welcome to another video with Ash Hay Brax

today we will be making the sparkler cube and lets play with some sparklers

first we need to build the cube lets cut the sticks first

get ready for major remodel fellas

back in hardware mode

then you will be like ... ... ...

Ramadan is coming thats how we got our sparklers

congratulation sir

kids never try this yourself

we have our father helping us

and we have fire extinguisher just in case

see you next time

thumbs up and subscribe


now what I don't know

For more infomation >> Sparkles Cube Attempt with AshHayBrax! - Duration: 7:10.


1000 SUSCRIPTORES en Youtube | CONSEGUIDO :-) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> 1000 SUSCRIPTORES en Youtube | CONSEGUIDO :-) - Duration: 3:32.


controversy - Duration: 0:05.

We need a little controversy.

Cause it feels so empty without memes.

For more infomation >> controversy - Duration: 0:05.


Vocus Vocab 2 - Duration: 0:37.

People say they've made a complete 360 degree change

in their life to imply that they've completely changed

from the way they used to be.

However, going 360 degrees means

that you've returned to the exact same place you started.

Which would mean you didn't change at all.

A 180 degree change would mean

that you are the complete opposite

which is what most people are trying to say.

To say you've made a 180-degree change

means that you've turned around

and are now effectively doing

the opposite of what you were doing before.

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