Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Voh dil se bole touch wood, I think she's superstitious

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

Voh dil se bole touch wood, I think she's superstitious

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

She gon' come for what's her.. She gon' come for what

She protect it and serves, She just knows what she's worth

she wears a heart on her sleeve, like comme des garcons

She wears the pants of Eve, but she still wears a thong

She will never give you mercy, she's not here cause' she thirsty

She can break it down all alone, ass to the floor get back up and still curtsy

She give's me drive for my journey, twists and turns like attorneys

Even an in a world so blurry, dirty she gonna make me see so clearly

Voh dil se bole touch wood, I think she's superstitious

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

Voh dil se bole touch wood, I think she's superstitious

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

She a queen without the crown Leader of crowd

Beat the ups and downs holds herself with elegance

She reach for outer bounds, even of out of town

When she's needed around she sacrifices for better friends

She Cut the dead weight, she keep my head straight She give me truth whenever I press play

She keep on my toes, overdose of the love, shine like glove of MJ

In my corner she shoots an arrow, she working hard to the bone, no marrow

If ever die before her, she'd cry in horror but put me down like a pharoah

Voh dil se bole touch wood i think Shes Superstitious...

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

Voh dil se bole touch wood i think Shes Superstitious...

Kare shaadi wale cheezeh bina banne Mrs.

Voh kare meri pooja bas usme religious

She's already got a job plus main hoon uska business

For more infomation >> Shah Rule - Superstitious (Music Video) - Duration: 3:13.


TREINO PARA TER BUMBUM GRANDE E PERNAS GROSSAS! Treino de Pernas e Gluteos Em Casa. Aumentar Bumbum - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> TREINO PARA TER BUMBUM GRANDE E PERNAS GROSSAS! Treino de Pernas e Gluteos Em Casa. Aumentar Bumbum - Duration: 4:10.


Cómo usar los WEBINARS en tu estrategia de MARKETING DE CONTENIDOS - Duration: 5:18.

use the webinars in your strategy

content marketing

If the answer is not pay much

attention this video because you're

leaving out a great tool

marketing and want to tell you how

You can use it and get excellent



Hello my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks of digital marketing

as being a successful entrepreneur

begins now subscribing to

My Channel to not miss any of the

videos published daily

Webinars use within the

estrategia de marketing de contenidos

es una gran táctica para conseguir

resultados las empresas que utilizan han

podido ver el gran potencial de esta

herramienta de esta herramienta de

marketing o y aunque cada vez más

empresas lo incorporan todavía son muy

pocas las que sobre el total hacen

webinars como estrategia de negocio en

el día de hoy quiero hablarte de cómo

puedes utilizar estos webinars en tu

empresa para incrementar sus cifras de

negocio decir alineado directamente con

las ventas

empecemos definiendo qué es un webinar

no los cuales podemos definir como

obsesiones online donde como si de un

curso corto se tratase un presentador

ovarios comparten ciertos contenidos con

una audiencia y hay una interacción

creando un ambiente de conocimiento

colectivo una de las mejores cosas en el

uso de los webinars en tu estrategia de

marketing es que puedes crear distintos

en función de la fase del ciclo de vida

de tu cliente con el fin de utilizarlo

como impulsor de cada uno de los


a lo largo del embudo de ventas que

tengas marcado hasta llegar a la

conversión es decir empujar al usuario

hacia la compra incrementar la base de

posibles clientes

quieres conseguirlo cuando las empresas

trabajan en estrategias de marketing de


usualmente vemos que generan poseen los

blogs contenidos para las redes sociales

pero como decía son muy pocas las que

apuestan por los guaridas por lo que

puedes por ejemplo crear un webinar

recurrente todos los meses donde abordes

determinados temas que sabes que a tu

audiencia a tu posible público objetivo

le puede interesar y a lo largo de 45 ó

60 minutos

hablar de ese tema y permitir a la

audiencia que te hagas preguntas no es

decir buscar algo interactivo con esta

estrategia conseguirás captar datos de

las personas que quieren atender este

webinar con lo cual a partir de ese

mismo momento puedes comenzar una

estrategia de eliminar tan y no es decir

empezar a nutrir

esos contactos con contenido de valor

llegado el día d el webinar habrá

contactos que acudan o pero habrá otros

que por alguna razón no puedan atender

a ese webinar en directo pero luego ese

contenido lo dejarás grabado y lo

podrás volver a enviar a todos incluso

subir alguna plataforma como puede ser

youtube para que todas las personas

puedan acceder a él posteriormente algo

muy importante es que no utilices los

webinars como una herramienta puramente

comercial importantísimo

mi recomendación es que no vendas en un

webinar no en un webinar de contenido no

vendas absolutamente nada

úsalo simplemente para aportar valor y

crear estrategias posteriores con los

usuarios que han atendido o se han

inscrito a tu webinar sé que hay otros

muchos profesionales que los usan para

vender en ellos y no digo que no les

funcionó pero al final cada uno sigue

su propia estrategia lo que considera y

en mi caso nunca recomiendo usarlos como

arma de venta directa aunque al final

tú tienes la última palabra

existen numerosas herramientas tanto

gratuitas como de pago para hacer estos

guabinas por ejemplo puedes hacerlo

directamente desde un facebook live un

google hangout youtube live o utilizar

herramientas específicas como son el

zoom como son bolt webinar lu webex por

lo tanto mi recomendación es que

planifiques mínimo un webinar al mes

con el contenido más relevante en ese

momento el cual puede ser impartido por

alguien de la propia empresa o puedes

invitar a alguna figura relevante o que

pueda aportar valor de tu sector

y no olvides en crear la estrategia que

haga que el webinar sólo sea el primer

paso pero no a cabeza y a continuación

montó una estrategia para gestionar

esos links recibidos y que todo el

esfuerzo y trabajo que ha supuesto la

creación y promoción del webinar

realmente te ofrezca resultados

te ha gustado el video dale me gusta y

quiero hacerte partícipe de él por lo

que deja de los comentarios con el

hashtag marketing de contenidos

si consideras que los webinars son una

eficaz herramienta en el marketing de

una empresa y por lo tanto en la

generación de nuevos clientes entre

todos los comentarios de los videos del

mes sortear en mi curso

la estrategia de marketing digital

valorado el 995 euros por lo que cuanto

más comentes en mis videos diarios más

oportunidades vas a tener que ganarlo

así que comienza mismo dejando ahora tu




For more infomation >> Cómo usar los WEBINARS en tu estrategia de MARKETING DE CONTENIDOS - Duration: 5:18.


Aku pernah operasi.. (Pengakuan) - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Aku pernah operasi.. (Pengakuan) - Duration: 12:32.


Bachata 2017 Romantico Mix - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:11:55.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata 2017 Romantico Mix - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:11:55.


FMCSA SLEEPER BIRTH STUDY link below - Duration: 6:33.

hey guys hey Tucker Paige in a video on the FMCSA or the DLT coming out with a

proposal on the 27th - to do a test study on some drivers and hours of

service I listen to talk of trucker P and and he had some very valid you know

input into the situation because it would be handy to be able to split your

berth up into multiple different directions but of course I still really

worried about it because the the real problem is sleep you know we we get so

sleepy out here and we can't stop our clock and sleep you know back in the day

you could stop your clock and that's how it worked but it's just so dangerous and

I don't know how they can ever try to regulate a man sleep better I just

there's no way it's like trying to cage a wild beast

we all have different patterns and and where I could stop and sleep for five or

six hours and be ready for a whole new day that doesn't mean that everyone can

do that and I can't do that actually anymore everything's you know I'm older

now just used to I could do that but now I really need hell I need nine hours

that's just how this when you get to be an old man I guess or maybe it's just me

there it's like they're meddling with with biology in a way because everyone's

different so how can you regulate everyone in the

same way they've really got to come off of this whole issue with brakes mmm it

don't make no sense I remember my you know thinking about my

parents how their sleep patterns were totally different than their mine at my

age and they sleep less of course they're not out working but if you know

they we're all different I don't I don't see how's this splitting the birth in

any other directions are going to help us it may help you temporarily but like

he said that you know if you're in a dock for five hours and you could reset

that and and still be able to drive another five hundred another five hours

or something that would be great you know I can see where it would come in

handy but you still have to take the break no matter what you still have to

take your filter your full break so I mean I don't like the split sleep

reverse function at all I just not it does come in handy it from time to time

but it's like oh wow look I I split my sleeping Burton didn't even see what I

was doing now I can make it home so it's not a big deal to me

I'd rather just go to bed I'd rather go to bed right now but that's not how it

works that's what we got to figure out out here is how to get our we're big

boys as big boys why can't we decide when we want to go to sleep and when we

want to get up and I'm not talking about cheating your log book or anything like

that I'm just talking about safety you know it's 2:00 in the morning and you

need to lay down for four or five hours why why should you be penalized against

doing the safe thing that's all it comes down to

I really wonder and maybe that's something I need to look into how many

crashes have been caused by the 14-hour Club how many drivers and motoring

public have lost their lives due to the 14-hour clock and where would where

would that be if we didn't have this cruel 14 hour clock as I tell you it is

cruel and you know it is too you know you you're stuck at the at the shippers

demand and the companies demand to be ready to go and that's great but you

ought to have some control of it all so instead of just where the load falls you

have to get up at 2 a.m. even if you did a 10-hour break but you

know some people I try of train multitudes of drivers that could not

drive at night and I've had drivers in my truck if they was shut down at 6 or 7

o'clock it didn't matter if they got loaded at 3 o'clock in the afternoon

they just could not drive at night a lot of people I've discovered have problems

seeing at night and they don't tell you they don't tell you that at all yeah you

they hire on them what are you going to do tell them all I'm not gonna hire you

because you can't see at night in a way yeah yeah I want to know that but you

can't discriminate right against anyone even if they can't see

even if it is a job qualification that you have to drive at night that that's a

huge problem I like my sleep but I I want to get it when I want to get it I

never it's it's when I need it it's probably when you need it you know I'm

saying all right just thought y'all wanna know

about that 27th of October they initiated this whole thing let's see

where it turns out I wonder in the long run if it's gonna if we're gonna end up

going back to square one you know if the if they just gave us the Canadian tires

of service we can deal with that that would that would be so much better or

how about our own tires our service what we'll call them big-boy hours of service

you're a big boy you know when you need to go to sleep go to sleep

and it shouldn't hurt you but we'll see where this goes and I'll try to keep you

posted thanks guys carry on

For more infomation >> FMCSA SLEEPER BIRTH STUDY link below - Duration: 6:33.


DIY How to make ribbon poinsettia and Christmas centerpiece (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #416 - Duration: 4:29.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make ribbon poinsettia and Christmas centerpiece.

I made this video by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut a strip out o ribbon. 5cm x 7cm.

Fold it in a half...

...and slightly heat up an edge.

Cut a petal.

Burn its edge and gently twist it in a few places.

Fold the petal and heat up an edge to make a fold.

Make a few folds as this one.

Fold the bottom sides to the middle.

Burn the edge and press it (this will glue it).

We need 9 petals as this one.

Now, cut a strip out of ribbon. 3.8cm x 4cm.

Make a petal in the same way as previously.

We need 4 small petals as this one.

Cut a strip out of green ribbon. 3.8cm x 8cm.

Make a leaf in the same way as petal but skip the last step - don't fold the sides to the middle.

We need 4 leaves.

Cut a circle out of felt. 3cm in diameter.

Make a hole in the center.

Take a few pearl stamens and glue them to a toothpick.

Move the toothpick through the hole.

Attach it my using hot glue.

Glue 5 big petals to the circle.

Next, glue another 4 big petals.

Make a third layer by using 4 small petals.

Glue the leaves to the back of flower.

Put a floral foam inside the flower pot and attach a candle.

Cut a piece of tulle,...

...fold it...

...and attach to the flower.

Attach the flower to the floral foam.

Add 2 more flowers.

Glue a few small baubles...

...and pine cones.

And it's done.

This centerpiece is a great decoration for Christmas table.

You can decorate it by using walnuts, rattan balls or small stars.

You can use the poinsettias to make a wonderful Christmas bouquet.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make ribbon poinsettia and Christmas centerpiece (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #416 - Duration: 4:29.


Google формы для бизнеса | Как быстро создать гугл-форму - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Google формы для бизнеса | Как быстро создать гугл-форму - Duration: 8:25.


THIS IS WHAT I'VE BECOME - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> THIS IS WHAT I'VE BECOME - Duration: 2:12.


How to get back into drawing ~ Frannerd - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> How to get back into drawing ~ Frannerd - Duration: 14:48.


Vlog - Brothers in a downhill challenge - Duration: 9:01.

Alex and Stavros

We just arrived in the refuge of Aoos springs

Aoos springs refuge

Let's go for downhill

I want to see Stavros

He took it in his hands

He took it in his hands

Once again,


Fanis left,

for the army, and now i got Stavros

for my new victim!

I can't compete with the iron pony!

I can't get him anywhere

arthritic I will suffer from trembling

Alex and Stavros, Stavros and Alex

If he thinks that he is good, we will take the same bike

and we will go for a

good race but with time

and we will se who will win

A small challenge in a hurry!

We got this hill


Both we will take a descent.

with time!

The winner

decised what the looser will do. We have a challenge today with my John here.

That's it! Let's go!





Good, but slow

In the first round a was clearly faster

In the other side, there is another nice hill.

We will go for round two!

What do you think for the next round?

Concerning the first round,

he was cheating, he went vertically, i went all the way around

No problem, we will see it in the second round.

That's way will take round two

Everything will be cleared!

Let's go!

You will go to that tree which is dried

You will go left to those two trees which are good.

And the straight down.

What's up?

Dudes, i am out, send some energy!

Arrived immediately, wait!

Simple things,

And the energy comes straight to you!

And delivery from Gorilla Entertainment

When you run out of energy,

Give us a call, an email

or an inbox on facebook

And it comes to your place.

Secong round, i lost, i admit it!


He got an extra energy

He won for a few seconds, but,

He won!

I must to admit that we was better,

Indeed, the extra energy gave me a push,

To come straight down as fast i could,

And rip him apart, nothing of him left!

But ok, he is good, i admit it!

But he will always behind!

That's the end for today

What your thoughts for a first time on a downhill

For a begginer, you took your lesson

Was great, a bit dangerous.

Because we didn't went on easy trails

Stop, first, there aren't trails

There are a hill with big rocks and you went straight down.

Basically we saw a hill and we went!

That's not a course, that's called bye bye!

The god with us, it called!

You had a cliff in front of you, you was taking the bike in your hands

You jumps, you opened you wingsuit.

We missing the sun, let's roll!

That's all, subscribe to see all our videos,

Don't forget the BELL, to get notifications

We will see you in another video!

For more infomation >> Vlog - Brothers in a downhill challenge - Duration: 9:01.


Detonautas "Você me faz tão bem" Cover acústico no violão - Duration: 3:12.

When I get lost, it's when I find you

When I let my eyes see me

When I deceive myself, it's when I forget you

When I have you I feel so good.

You made me feel again what I did not care anymore

You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

When I invade you with silence

You comfort my pain with attention.

And when I sleep on your lap

You made me feel again

what I did not care anymore

You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid this love

Does not make sense

It does not make sense not to change this love

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

You make Me Feel.. You make Me Feel so good

For more infomation >> Detonautas "Você me faz tão bem" Cover acústico no violão - Duration: 3:12.


De geflipte treinreis | Animatie - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> De geflipte treinreis | Animatie - Duration: 1:46.


"Shhhh"PENSE "KING VERSION" "EP-3" "THE GUEST" || Directed by PAVAN - Duration: 4:54.

Hey...!@ - don't shout else I'll kill you

Do you have boyfriend??

Why are you asking like that!!

Hey- Just simply answer to my question

No, I don't have

What a shame Sis , Still no boyfriend!!??

Hey Reena, Is that you!! you scared me to death!

Oh,did I scare you that much?? Sorry!!

Bye the way , where have you been all these days , no phone calls, nothing, don't even know where you are..

Actually Sis , I was busy in my thesis, so don't have time to contact anyone

Oh, good! so what are you researching on??


What!! didn't you get any other topic to research on??

No Sis , I have to prove that ghosts exist and that's my goal

Hmm! there are no such things, its all your madness Anyways, let me get you something to drink

Reena!! someone calling itseems, see who it is..



hey, are you that much busy that you can't even lift my call!!

Nothing like that , our junior Reena has come , I was speaking to her

What!! are you mad or in a dream??

why are you saying like that!!

'cause its been 1 year Reena was dead



Sis, still don't believe in ghosts!!!???

For more infomation >> "Shhhh"PENSE "KING VERSION" "EP-3" "THE GUEST" || Directed by PAVAN - Duration: 4:54.


Building a connected company: DigitalLife@Daimler netWorkCamp #nwc17 - Duration: 2:41.

Really cool set-up, really cool people, highly recommended!

Colorful, lovely people - it's a great environment!

It's your netWorkCamp.

It will be as successful as you make it!

Collaboration is of absolute strategic importance for Daimler,

especially in the age of digitalization.

Digitalization, new technologies, Social Intranet

contain a lot of opportunities as well as risks.

If we use all these tools in a responsible way,

we can promote better communication and also better learning.

Social Intranet means many things to me.

If I had to choose, it would be digital collaboration.

Connected collaboration truly means to involve all colleagues.

Social Intranet will help us connect all these brains and ideas

and will make so many things work. I'm really looking forward to that!

I can create my own page. I can adjust everything

so it really meets my needs!

New working methods, Working Out Loud - it's all new to me!

I think it's super interesting and I really want to try it!

Finally I will have the platform to collaborate with my colleagues across business sites.

But now we are starting in earnest: Time for us to get cracking!

2 days with 400 multipliers,

a lot of information, great inspiration!

And now they are going back to their departments

to bring social collaboration to the next level!

For more infomation >> Building a connected company: DigitalLife@Daimler netWorkCamp #nwc17 - Duration: 2:41.


擅自幫YouTuber配音?! CUE了超多人WWW【Will Shen嬸嬸】 - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> 擅自幫YouTuber配音?! CUE了超多人WWW【Will Shen嬸嬸】 - Duration: 7:57.


Testing Out Mobile Livestreaming | #TubeLive (Read Description) - Duration: 34:20.

hey guys how are you going what's up this is really weird first of a mobile

livestream so you've pretty much really slow well I'm streaming the almost

everyone now you need 25 subscribers to be able to do it so I thought why not

come on this channel why not go live on this channel it's been about three weeks

I didn't come my computer and I'm in my desk set up yo ha ha see so I messed up

your name that what is your how are you doing but I haven't uploaded in a long

time on this channel and I was just like you know what I want to talk to you guys

wanna tell you guys what's be enough because my mindsets been changing a

little bit to what I'm doing and it's pretty awesome video with my dick but

some of my old video is too and not going to show you because this is you

move our livestream yeah man most of my life screams you will be able to join

because we live in Australia and obviously not go scream it's 3 o'clock

in the morning or anything random yo who do you what is up hope I damage by your

name pretty sure I said it right but I'm just gonna be trying they'll be doing a

little bit work talking guys thank you guys what's been up so first things

first why have I not been uploading so I've been uploading onto time

consistently you know non stuff I only need water for my mouth as I still

thought about this before I want lives

but I've been uploading on to attack really consistently I haven't missed a

single day Monday Wednesday Friday so that's been awesome I'm thinking about

stepping it up to 5 hours a week while I'm planning out how I'm going to do it

and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go through with it or Jame what's gonna do but

that's like now and I'm coming like here and there with it but then I'm you know

I think I'm gonna be doing it well then next about 3 weeks everything should be

good to go I almost rebranding my channel name and a few other things at

the moment because y'all it's a few issues with the name I currently have I

will be making a video to go up into attack talking about that um in about

three weeks time when everything's you know finalized is you guys don't have

Trello by the way definitely get it it's TR e Double L Oh calm amazing free

desktop web page and app for it it's really really useful helps you organize

things and plan things out it's just super duper awesome by the way if the

fan is too out cuz you know you really hard at the moment if the families to

out let me know and I can try and lower it or fix it

I'm not currently using my microphone speaking of which look at this guy's

I don't know if that's backwards you're not for you guys but it is a lab mic by

Road pick this up the other day I'm gonna be doing an unboxing for tube

attack um should be going up if I check let's check this out Friday not today

next Friday it should be going out today we do I'll give you guys a sneak peeks

into here on tube tax tonight's video is how much was it fifty Australian dollars

oh shit I'm live on tube attack oops I'm after I thought I was robbing my

personal channel well this is awkward but we'll just go with that

you guys can tune in and watch it and I'll be on list at the end really didn't

mean to do that so this is your put now it doesn't matter the same thing but I

always good touch this out on my personal channel see first but you know

it's all good all good will go be live tonight's video though is how to not

give up and avoid burnout on YouTube it is a pretty good video so my screen was

going off there it is a pretty good video really useful because burning out

on YouTube especially with you know uploading five days a week which which

is what I'm gonna be doing shortly is going to be really difficult and lots of

chance to burn outside really good video lots of good tips in there for some of

the youth might be you know struggling dolphin consistently or struggling to

stay motivated to upload because you're charged YouTube is hard and it's really

hard to just push yourself consistently and constantly to keep making videos and

you really really good talk about a better breaking pitche summit about

burnout and have a go daily on youtube which is what inspired me in the first

place to want to put Mondays through Fridays but yeah that you're really good

talk if you watched some other you watch the livestream like I did or you went

there or but I even uploaded to channel after this go watch your buddies Channel

y'all put them he's speaking engagements um vid summit about how to go daily

without burning out lots of good tips in there and I really like some of the tips

it inspired me to one up with Monday's through to Friday okay I'm not gonna do

every single day because I'm not at the stage where you know just doing

by myself there's a lot to do I'm also in school so I can't just do this

full-time so going daily isn't exactly possible

for me yet but you know I think I can do Mondays through Fridays I'm gonna be

getting my brothers are helping with some of the editing and stuff but you

know you can streamline the process I'll be talking about that I'm not sure I'm

video going up on that let me check no I think that's my life the video ideas but

since you guys are here watching the live stream I'll give you a sneak peek

of what's gonna be coming out it's been my calendar so today we have five tips

to not burn out unless anything changes guys listen tentative so it could change

but on Monday we have a tips for backs according which is your really good one

because I got a question I was originally gonna make the video I

had a plan that I recorded and everything and someone requested it so

it's like you know what boom this is a good idea you know someone's even the

question that lets go through with it so no that's a good video Monday that's

coming out really useful because back recording is key if you want to you know

upload multiple times a week now I think awesome in you were talking about this

the other day when you mentioned that um for the type of videos it's you know

pretty difficult to batch record I mostly if I covered that in this video

if I didn't I definitely make a follow up on that for like DIY channels or

comedy stuff like that so if I don't cover it in this video I apologize but

after check on November 15th which is next Wednesday I have a gaming channel

video how to grow a gaming channel in 2018 which is you know a really good

video if you are game out there on Hulu you do a lot of gaming I'm pretty sure

so I think that's gonna be good then on Friday next week now these videos

haven't you know recorded yet I recorded the gaming one in the batch recording

ones just need to edit them for Friday next week I've got them planned but I

haven't recorded yet I'm gonna have my road smart lab unboxing yeah that's

awesome yeah I think a lot of good tips in there and especially for a lot of

gamers who are new relatively new to gaming and they just you know they see

PewDiePie's I see markiplier I know gaming used to be

anymore but see all these people just make you know let's place of any games

they don't understand that the translate built up and audience already they can

just do what places much if I want because the audience enjoy see they've

already got the audience there but a lot of the game we don't understand how to

actually bring the audience to them and they shouldn't interview I'd love to do

with someone I'm not gonna tell the name just yet but the future my trying to

arrange that because they've managed to go again sounding pretty fast and I

think there's a lot of good tips but yeah they said why don't you get messy

I'm you know just come across and YouTube randomly and yeah yeah there's a

lot of them um so yeah I have the unboxing on Friday and then go save that

secret for you guys we'll find that out later but I might do these live streams

randomly you know just to catch a few you know true true tube attack fans

support age whatever you want to call it who you know just jump in and manage to

watch the streams and then you put them on unlisted or whatever afterwards I

think it should be pretty chill but in another region I'm inspired to do five

uploads your week by the way now I understand the title doesn't really make

sense because it's like where have I been what's happening next cuz I have an

upload on my personal channel for three weeks now if you don't have a person

challenge is called add amiibo you can search further you can go in the

challenge section of my channel and click it but I haven't uploaded on that

for a long time so that's kind of why I titled the screen the way title that bit

doesn't matter it's all good we are just chilling so um yeah we're gonna talk

about um oh yeah another reason I wanted to do the five upload your week but

because I really want to get much fun tonalities possible to put out as many

good quality videos as possible and if you did watch my quality video which I

uploaded six days ago how am I trying to open can instantly just look at it

YouTube quality explain this hold in YouTube important I played that you know

at the beginning of the week I'm not sure what day Friday I believe yeah

Friday it was a really good video on my dinner right but I talked about how

there's two dozen types of quality there's objective quality and subject

subjective quality and so now I want to you know place many good quality videos

good subjective quality and good objective quality videos as possible so

that you know I can try and as fast as possible and I really want to

I want to crush it in 2018 I'm really pumped really excited to see what I can

do with you Batac I'm so excited that you know I wonder one day bill to build

a team around it so I can have editors and just you know put as much content as

possible without you know substituting you know cock quantity for quality can't

even talk guys but yeah I'm looking forward to that

we've uploaded 35 videos actually I think today's video she'll be the 31st

and I'm gonna be rebranding our website my brother takes a bit of web design

here and there um web developing just a question 5:00 at night invite some fiber

I bought it from in vodka that's E and V 8000 it's kinda like it's not really

like fiber I don't think let me quickly open it up so I can kind of see what how

to describe it best bitch like there's a lot of stuff yet with videohive

off of Envato I'm pretty sure you can get like tons of intros audiojungle even

on this that's a different part of it flex music and audio but yeah let's

you've got some good stuff on video hives

just search on video high bit and bottom market or something and she'd come up I

searched in Bardot and went to the website this video hive right there yo

its key and how are you doing um yeah ton you get in choice in there they

stock footage cinema 4d templates after that tragic files even stuff for Apple

if you have an Apple computer this Apple motion be cool that's awesome man I'm

doing well it's Friday really pumped five o'clock in the afternoon on Friday

so I'm just chilling mm-hmm yeah and bother is pretty good so I haven't a

person should be banning my name and stuff because young when I made this

channel I didn't realize at the time what cube attack could also be a name

for until when I actually like I don't know how this skipped my mind because I

put so much time into thinking of whether or not there was any other brand

out there called tube attack that I don't stop to think what it actually

meant because if you don't know and you're not from very

or London I have a friend from UK so I also found out about this through him

but cheap attack is also like the London called the subways or whatever train

stations underground train stations the tube pretty sore

so tube attacks is another word for like an attack on the tube so I didn't figure

that out I didn't put two and two together I have no idea how it skipped

my mind because I search for the name countless times before actually doing it

like I said you're so focused on making sure there's no another brand called

tube attack that forgot to even think about what results popped up and so I'm

kind of just you know I've been taking the band forward I kind of want to just

prepare myself is well as possible for like you're in England

so yeah according to be in I'm facing like the underground train station jump

really cool tubes but um so I'm kind of just preparing for the future I'm not

gonna tell you guys name yet I just need a particular domain do a few other

things for it it should be pretty good yeah you call them tubes that's it yeah

fuck it you know finish designing the graphics it's pretty much the same logo

same graphics just different name um mostly word Tube still I did oh there

was one name I really wanted but was taken it would have been awesome I think

would be really cool but you know I'm happy still got a cool name to go cool

name oh yeah depends what part of England okay yeah that's fair enough

oh I'm looking some work done talking to you guys if you have any questions about

YouTube or anything you can feel free to ask or answer them

yeah that's true they they will know if I challenge about but another thing is

when it comes to YouTube and the whole you know D monetization and stuff I'm

kind of just like okay not that Google absence is ever big according trains oh

yeah but not that adsense is ever a big factor there was never ever a big factor

in whether or not good YouTube attack today so that whatever channel is gonna

do because a I was never planning on you're lying on it for income anyway I

was I was kind of thinking bitch like you know nice little bonus you get the

end of the month like you know a reward like you would get from like if you

wanted a job and then you get bonus at the end of the month every time you know

whether you do extra work you do this like what kind of wish liked me but then

um I was looking another channel who was talking about how their video and then

she shot my window of Kart keep going by but I was looking another channel who

actually had a video kind of not get pushed out because that certain words in

the descriptions and timing some stuff guys like you know coach this could be

linked to terrorism I always like okay I think we need to change the name just as

I move forward because you do not want to I don't want YouTube to kind of

categorize my sound like that in case you know they change the search terms

you terms you're one of the terms you condition you whatever how they promote

videos that kind of stuff in the future because if they do end up changing that

I do not really want to be linked to it it could like affect my son in the

future and I just rather play it safe if you know what I mean so if you visit

change your name now when it's when you're small I think I talked about that

yeah I talked about then yesterday no two days ago my sevens beginner tips

video because if they took my teens name it's better to do while you're small so

if you guys do want to change your name definitely do it no it's the smaller you

are the better it is I mean I was kinda locked in because you

know I didn't you know super small I still do have you know 157 subscribe it

sent he was 66 so it still you know could affect me I could lose a few but

it's better to do it now than suffer the consequences in the future so yeah

let's see if I miss this y'all I apologize because I'm just like oops I

got the monetized on one of my videos for no even usually an appeal fix yet it

did with my yeah here's a quick tip I'm gonna make at the moment Australia been

affiliates 5:17 p.m. on the East Coast northern East Coast about your monitor D

monetization thing yeah YouTube's de monetizing a lot of

videos there no shit I haven't looked and do it yet but Tim smoke Tim Schmoyer

did a good video on it I'm talking about kind of an update or something to do

with it so I'd watch that too but another tip is if you upload your video

couple of days in advanced on unlisted you can still appeal it without 1000

views a so you needed those thousand bees but they don't really check that

anymore so you can still appeal it and apply for manual review on it if it's

unlisted and that way before you believing goes out you can still have it

you know with a green dollar sign next to it so that's you know a quick tip for

you guys if you do monetize your videos and you who to lose that's how you can

get around getting flagged or whatever so that's that's something I learned I

think that's a pretty good tip awesome 618 and an hour ahead you're welcome man

you're welcome but yeah guys definitely if you're making videos are you doing

anything that needs planning Trello is amazing it's not really like it's not

even like a notes thing it's more like planning things intersection so exam for

example how I plan on my video idea is I have a I have a except it in the leg

boards you have to go to school soon no problem man no problem oh yeah in

England it is like you like slips it's like 9 9 8 I'm not sure but yeah so you

can tip it into like boards and then within those boards you can have like

cards you like the licensee on them and stuff you won't know what I'm talking

about unless you that it but you can like one tip for

planning out your video so I'll probably make a video on how to plan out videos

in the future but I had a plan of ideas but if you have like if you want Trello

or anything really you can do it or mindmap thing but you can plan your

videos or your video ideas and the playlists and started planning out

random ideas you could organize them into playlists to even students this is

a good idea and this helped me even number one when you are planning out

like a hundred ideas or 200 ideas how many ideas you want to put into a list a

rather blank at a store convince some that said that he had over 1300 or 1200

video ideas which is just absolutely mind-boggling but nonetheless I have

about a hundred I think on your fifty maybe but you move tend to repeat ideas

I mean it's inevitable you are adding so many ideas over different days you don't

forget whether or not you've been in this town one day a brilliant idea will

pop in your head that you may have thought of a while back but just in a

different way so you kind of write down the same thing and you think you have

you know how you videotape in reality you have like 50 because you

accidentally you know 50 of them twice and deprivation stuff if you're

organizing them into playlists so for example you have one list of tips for

making videos and then another left for 2018 YouTube tips or another way to

improve the analytics I'm just reading some of mine off then you can you know

organize the videos into that and if you look at the playlist there's only 20

videos in the playlist but if you have an idea and you've already done it

before and you work in that playlist it won't be there or will be the if you've

done it so you won't end up copying the same ideas but also you can make

follow-up videos if you have a video that goes like semi viral or you see to

picking up pace and you like to check your real-time analytics by the way

that's how you check by a virality and stuff but if you go and do real-time

analytics and you had a video from like six months ago and you're looking at it

and it's picking up traction it's getting more more abuses that every hour

goes on every day goes on whatever and you're like okay this video is becoming

really popular this video is getting a lot of views make another video

similarly for example I had a video that they're really really well called

something so dangerous or something like that that's good to know what if it is

doing really well this video did really well for my best

video till date I think second most views and I think it had one of the best

watch time engagement something like that forget what morning fame said but

it was really good video it was doing really well and I was like you know what

I'm gonna make a follow-up video to that so I did how to make some force up work

and it wasn't as such how to do something without that we kind of like

something that I guess you could class yourself itself but no exactly and I

thought really helpful video yo fizzy banging what a joke we're just chilling

today I'm gonna put this demon on my cell actually I'd even mean to do this

since you can't a comment to do this in my personal channel but anyway back to

my thing make a follow-up video to that because you know that that really pick

up tracks into the follow-up video which could either be like a part to something

on the same topic something like that and then you want to get suggested next

to the other video yeah man I got your channel after this

but anyway while staying so yeah this we pick up traction if you make a follow up

video it's more more than likely going to do well too because people are

interested in that topic were you being discovered because of that topic so if

we can't pry myself aside video did well then you can go back to your original

video and change the cards and end screens on that if you change the cards

you can direct not all of them be can direct it you can change one of the

cards to direct back to your new video about the same topic and then people

enjoyed the first one or that people who did enjoy it will more than likely click

towards in second one case about the same thing so they're like oh this video

is awesome let's watch this one to find out what else you need to say in the

topic and if it's like the part two they can continue learning more about it and

another way end cards for people who watch all the way to the end of the

video more than likely actually enjoyed your video so a they probably subscribe

to you and B they probably want to watch more of your content so if you have it

on the end Todd linking off to your new video you would direct more traffic to

that and that's how you can like piggyback off of videos you're doing

really well on your channel so look at your best performing videos and stuff so

yeah that's what I did for my deanship self assault 133 views yep that's my

second most popular videos the morning came really quickly by the

reason I'm not showing you my computer is a because I'm watching on I'm

actually a live streaming on my phone but B I have a lot of login information

and stuff up and I just didn't want to risk showing you guys but yeah it's an

awesome tip it's really useful for one of your videos you're doing really well

freak that we usually if you had a classroom without crate opening and you

open a specific crate can click some playlists I will talk about in just a

second yeah I mean if the video is still getting buttes you can check in your

real-time analytics toodaloo and you can make a follow up to that for example if

one of you create an intro specific tape did really well you can make another

crate opening where you open you know even more crates appreciate John Sandman

under on rocket League he's a gaming youtuber and stream I'm pretty sure my

swatch mundo rocket League which is like a car soccer football game something

like that really fun he did this crate opening series and it did really well a

lot of people liked it so then he's not doing it every time a new crate came out

and you got three point two ten video yeah make a follow-up to that and then

put it in a series playlist if you don't have to do that I'm gonna quickly do it

just to make sure I don't tell you guys the wrong way to do it if you're going

to your youtube channel you're going to click my channel going to your channel

so go to my channel playlists okay so you can do this kind of places it's

already been made or you can make a new one but in your case if you're making a

follow-up video make a new playlist for it click the playlist oops my channel I

don't I'm trying to figure out the new YouTube layout I've been using the old

one the whole time because I just it was easier to get around easier to use but

anyway click Edit playlist and then you want to edit the description of the

playlist not description you want to edit the

settings for just click playlist settings and then there's a little box

to tell yourself it's official series for this playlist you want to click that

because you'll boost your chances awaiting the video suggested next to the

lid you know which is really useful because the biggest source abuse on

YouTube I'm pretty sure is suggest abuse so you want to get your video adjusted

after your video as much possible and if it's in the series

playlist and you're looking out to the college and stuff it's more than likely

go get suggest to the people actually clicking it and watching it so doing

that works to help your chances you want to do that hmm yeah that's that's

another test no problem here Duluth I think you got

another common don't we take again click on playlist yeah forgetting quick some

playlists unless if it's me wait what is will late the game clicks on playlist

hey obviously you'd want to title it like a video for example if you had a

video and you're kind of acting themselves because if you didn't know

playlists can oh Sri Lankans hurts I have a playlist voice I don't know if

it's always your ranking inserts even if the video I'm in a village and rank for

specific keyword this is a pre funny story and I really tried hard to make

you rank for that keyword but then I made a playlist about the keyword as

well and a playlist actually ranked in the video didn't so it's like ok five

Sierra days I mean it's better I guess in my case it's better that the play my

strength in the video didn't I wanted incognito he's like wait what the bit

some things that can add up here but I technically make sense of the playlist

or a water watch time but the video didn't anyway I had the video into

playlists and I was like okay that's cool place to dranking but please do

rank just like videos if you know your metadata then you get enough watch time

and stuff like that so tips for getting clips and playlists so um you want to

title it so that you know people would a wanna click on it and B they can find it

in search whatever so you know you can use headline generation lets you have

any good ones because I haven't really messed around with them too much yet but

you can use headline generators you can google headline generators collect in a

newspaper article if you're looking at a newspaper or blog whatever and you like

just scrolling through you like oh I don't know what I want to look at I

don't know what I want to read and then something catches your eyes and it's

really like whoa I don't find out more about the show I'm interested I'm

interested in this and then you know you keep reading it you find out more and

you're like damn this - really good information and you know

it hooks you eyes it hooks you and that's what you want to lose your title

you try looks like the headline of your video so you want to a grab the reader's

attention with your thumbnail but then they go look at your title to see if

they really want to watch the video and that's why you wanna have an intriguing

and interesting title so you can use have then generate leads to help you

come up with them so once you do that you can also put a keyword in it

whatever to help it rank and then you want to tie the description what do

people don't put descriptions in their phone in their playlists which is

interesting to me because if you have a feature that why wouldn't you use it

just like a video description so you can put keywords in your description fill it

out you know tell what the playlist is about most importantly you can put

keywords other stuff like that there so that can help people know whether

they're interested in the playlist you want um I'm gonna make a whole video on

playlists I've got quite a few good tips for them oh sure

you can't technically put separate thumbnails on your playlist with these

socks it's a feature I would love to do to add a separate thumbnail let's not

you know video in the playlist but onto the playlist but this is something I

really want to start doing in the future I'm not sure if I'm gonna do a bitch go

view if I do like a lot of bigger playlist so it's like more important

that I want to get beats and I freaked them for my 2018 YouTube tips place I

think I might do least one of the other playlists but you can make like a

30-second trailer right where you talk about what the playlist is how it will

help the audience and why they should wanna watch it so you can make like just

really short 30 seconds where you talk about it put it unlisted but make the

thumbnail with the playlist is you're out so make it so that people want to

click on it for example if I had a video on my Twitter if I have my 2018 YouTube

tips playlist I would have a thumbnail just say 2018 YouTube tips something

that makes you want to click on I mean might say that but you get the point

right and then I make that video unlisted right so it's not just on my

channel where people can click it whenever they want a fact you watch the

playlist to see it and that makes that the first video my playlist and although

you can select some nails from videos whenever you want to out the playlist so

if you want the Apes video to be the thumbnail I'm pretty sure you can select

that to be the thumbnail as a playlist haven't messed about with that too much

but close it Centralia obviously you want to be the first video so you make

that the first video and then it's a trailer so total viewing

what this place is about so if I have like a spare evening and I really really

want to learn how to edit in Premiere Pro I'm Noopur me for I wanna learn how

to edit in it and I see a playlist on YouTube kind of like a course there's a

trailer video I'm like okay let's watch the trailer tells me I'm going these

things and go and how to do that edit this way show me feed that boost

whatever I'm like okay I'm pumped I'm excited I don't know what everything

that I've talked about in the trailer and I'm like okay I'm watching this

playlist I sit down for the evening i watch 20 videos 20 videos of just once

and that's like two hours three hours of watch time however long it is and you

know that's three hours watch time your challenge is gone so if you make a

channel if you make a trailer for each playlist you put on listed but footage

the top video in the playlist lets you boost the amount of videos in that

playlist people are to watch because you've given them a sneak peak is ten

like hooking them so think of you playlist it's a big video right and then

you're hooking them with this little trailer thing and it's like okay I'm

going all these things I really want to learn it I'm excited for video number

eight and most importantly if people don't like videos four and five they can

skip them he joins in a video it's a lot harder because they don't know exactly

when that we should put timestamps but in a play which they can skip whichever

videos they want and it doesn't really affect you right maybe because they're

staying in your content so they could you know not like this but then they

skip to this top and then they just keep skipping between the videos in the

playlist and you're still getting over watch them which is awesome right

let you know the tip for playlists another way to get more views on

playlists if you look at your homepage or if you look at my home page any

channel home page lots of people would have organized it

and know those and it's like sections where they have like this kind of series

this playlist whatever I'm like at my channel yeah

claims trailers is something awesome I really won't get done for a few my

playlists them after work on that in the future but like I've had to start and

grow a new YouTube channel that's one of my playlists and I put on a section on

my channel so it's just that playlist it's just these videos so it shows the

title of the playlist the description and five of the videos you formed the

videos I'm not sure what shows for the new arm layout they chose you know a

third number of the videos in that playlist so

we can click it and they'll watch that playlist and I took it another way to

get more views on the playlist which is really useful yeah you can also have a

section that just displays a bunch of playlists like that's my top section I

recommend making it your top section because if new people come on your

channel and they see or how to be successful on YouTube okay I'll click

that I was done going a channel to learn that I'll click that and so on you can

you know find out a lot more which is no it's a cool thing instead of just having

you upload to that because you're someone clicks one of your uploads faces

in playlist it's like to get one videos watch time or you get ten videos watch

time if they watch the entire playlist so kind of like it's more beneficial

with people watching playlists you know tempo game over you can play license I

think you should the final one I'm gonna talk about because I don't really know

what I can't really think of any more off the top of my head but when you link

out if you upload a new video and you put in a playlist hope out turn on the

white and a little bit but if you make a new playlist and oh if you upload a new

video and you're pushing it down this way for media you're pushing it to

Facebook Twitter YouTube will not YouTube Instagram whatever it is you're

pushing it out of there I guess many of you sent in the first 24 hours as

possible yo piece can't maybe do like yeah I'm definitely planning on doing a

regular livestream as for the moment just gonna be spontaneous kind of ones

when whenever but I'm definitely gonna be playing out a schedule shipment most

of my audience is us so it's really hard to balance a time try and get us people

and while Australian people and while I'm awake so it's gobby it's kind of

like it's just struggle if I'm trying to figure that out but I'd love to do a

weekly live stream i think would be really fun

um for the play with step so just saying oh oh yeah when you're linking up to new

video you've just uploaded and you've got in a playlist and you're pushing out

to social media link out to the video like if you click the video in a

playlist and then you right click on it on or you click and open it off and then

you click the link it's like a really long link maybe it's like two buddies to

link shortener or Bentley or Google's link shortener whatever and shortener

you want to use and you just shorten the link down

and you push that out on social media then people will click that link and

instead of you know watching just a video by itself they watch the video in

a playlist and that could lead them on to watching more videos in the playlist

which is also really useful so that's making it more views and your playlists

I think that's really cool idea so let me know do you like that idea let me

know I'm thinking about doing this soon because it it's been awesome trying to

so whether you just talking to you guys for about half an hour but I'm gonna go

for dinner really soon and probably get some more work done but yeah I'd love to

just do a regular livestream hmm do you guys have any more questions let me know

I just quit like mobilize give me would you get set up on my tripod here

Lighting's not the greatest because it is quite cloudy right now in this club

and dark but yeah she really enjoyed this so guys I did upward yeah I'm glad

to help out glad glad to help out I bought a video yesterday or two days ago

about seven tips for beginners on YouTube even if you're not a beginner

but you are still fairly new there's a lot of good information on there

recommend you got now go and click that go and watch it right now become gonna

be ending the stream lots of good tips on there about ways to let your channels

think you should definitely make sure to include that you might not be including

that now go click that right now my channel newest video don't watch it let

me know what you think and I'll try me this live streaming regular things thank

you guys for watching thank you for the awesome questions comments really really

enjoyed just talking about these things with you today really like getting that

stuff about playlists off my chest because you haven't talked about playing

smart at all or I really want to make a video on playlist now thank you for that

idea fizzy Banga I think your name yeah fizzy Banga thank you for that um I do

on playlist we only want to make a video on that now something you're trying to

delve into a bit more yeah playlist Oh extremely useful for gaming views which

is awesome so yeah hope you guys go have an awesome day

I'll catch you guys tonight and my newest video going up in about six hours

have an awesome fun I have an awesome weekend peace out

For more infomation >> Testing Out Mobile Livestreaming | #TubeLive (Read Description) - Duration: 34:20.


[ENG SUB] [Full Audition] The Unit (더 유닛): ToppDogg - Everybody (SHINee) - Duration: 2:11.


Everybody wake up (wake up), the sun is rising

Everybody, the sun is rising



Awaken this sleeping night

Behind your grown up mask, the twinkling of

your girlish eyes is hidden, it's dazzling

You wanted to act childish at least once,

like the kid that resembles you

who lives inside your heart

The moment you dig deep into the night, it's time

to find the rhythm that you've heard for the first time

I'm like the piper boy

and you're like a dreaming child

Now everyone follow me and match your steps

Everybody, everybody, every-everybody

Shake up your heart

Everybody, everybody, every everybody

Awaken this sleeping night

[Self-written rap]

Everybody, everybody, every-everybody

Awaken this sleeping night

Everybody, everybody, every-everybody

Shake up your heart

Everybody, everybody, every-everybody

Awaken this sleeping night

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [Full Audition] The Unit (더 유닛): ToppDogg - Everybody (SHINee) - Duration: 2:11.


Bị bắn tốc độ Biker xuống Biển né chốt CSGT - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Bị bắn tốc độ Biker xuống Biển né chốt CSGT - Duration: 6:45.


Stupid things about STAR WARS 7 - Duration: 1:02.

A stupid thing about STAR WARS 7

one of many


A long time later....

This took time.

That was easy.

Made by Scott Johnny

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