Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017



Rohi di ajab bahaar disse

Rohi di ajab bahaar disse

Jithe main kamli da yaar wasse

Othe aashiq lakh te hazaar wasse

Ikk main musafir bewatan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te aa watan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te aa watan

Dilri Lutti...

Rohi di tatt'di ret ve

Rohi di tatt'di ret ve

Kon dasse ishq de bhet ve

Main russi aa saanwal vekh ve

Kyun jaa banaayo ii kech watan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te aa watan

Dilri Lutti...



Aavo ji...

Padharo mhare des, des re

Padharo mhare des

Kesariya balam...

Aavo ji...

Padharo mhare des, des re

Padharo mhare des

Rohi de peer fareed di

Rohi de peer fareed di

Bas chaah hai ik deed di

Mainu aas hai os eid di

Jo milaye vichhda hua sajjan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te aa watan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te aa watan

Dilri Lutti tain yaar sajjan

Kadi mod muharan te


For more infomation >> Dilri Lutti | Punjabi Folk Music | Khwaja Ghulam Farid | Qissa - The Band | USP TV - Duration: 5:15.


Mirror Frame Restoration | Purple-Blue Bronze Patina - Duration: 14:14.

Mirror Frame Restoration | Purple-Blue Bronze Patina

For more infomation >> Mirror Frame Restoration | Purple-Blue Bronze Patina - Duration: 14:14.


Assembly and Review - PE6502 Hobby Computer - Duration: 25:07.

Hello, and welcome back to The 8-Bit Guy.

So, in this episode, I'm going to assemble the PE6502 computer.

This is a hobbyist computer that's meant to be assembled at home, and this is actually

a prototype.

This computer is supposed to be Apple 1 compatible so you should be able to run Apple 1 software

on it and BASIC and stuff like that.

However, I spent a couple of hours talking with Jason on the phone, he's the guy that

designed this.

And he said he likes to call it Apple 1.5 compatible.

Because it's a bit more powerful than an Apple 1 but now quite an Apple 2.

But, what's really interesting is that what he's actually working on now is making some

changes that will allow this to run Commodore BASIC.

And have the entire Commodore screen editor and everything, which I think would be really


So, but I'm going to go ahead and put this one together and see what I can get running

on it.

I'll hook it up to my little handy TV here and I don't know, let's assemble it and

see if we can make it work!bThese zip-lock bags should have all of the components to

build this computer.

Let's take them out and have a look at them.

I'm not sure if there is any rhyme or reason to the way these are packaged.

Some things are grouped together in bags.

It looks like all of the smaller components are in this bag.

Here's the actual board.

It's really nice and well made.

That's definitely a lot of parts to solder!

Well, I guess I had better get out the soldering station and all of my tools.

But I also decided to print out the manual as it was difficult to reference it quickly

on my computer.

It's quite a few pages, so I printed it double sided to make it easier to manage.

All right, so I've got my soldering iron, I've got the manual, and the board here.

I also need a multi meter.

One of the main reasons I need the multi meter is for all of these resistors, because guess


I can't read the codes on these resistors.

It's great that he even included the color charts for the resistors, but the problem

is I'm color blind and can rarely distinguish brown from green or violet from blue.

I can see most of the other colors in the spectrum, but it's really hard for me to

see brown and violet.

So, I can use the meter to measure the resistors so I make sure I use the right ones in the

right places.

It's also handy to have a picture here of the final assembly because sometimes that's

more helpful than a diagram.

I'm actually going to start with the resistors because they are the most challenging for

me due to my color blindness and I'd just like to get them over with.

And please don't send me a million emails about those special sunglasses for colorblind


Now, the good news is, a lot of these are fairly obvious which value they are even without

the multi meter because I can tell that, hey, these 10 are obviously all of the same, and

so I can look on the bill of materials and see there are 10 identical resistors here,

so I know which ones these are.

And the same with these 7 here.

So that just leaves these for me to measure.

So I'll start with these 10 here, and the way I'm going to do this is just to use

the bill of materials.

So let's look at all of these 1 kilo-ohm resistors and I'll just start with this

one which is R2.

So I'll just look on the board and I can clearly see R2 here.

Pity there's no D2, right?

Then we'd have R2D2.

Ha Ha.

Anyway, that's pretty much where all of those 1K resistors go.

So I'll put all of those in.

Resistors are pretty easy to install.

Just bend the leads over like this.

It doesn't really matter which direction they go in, but it is nice to try to put all

of them the same direction so it looks professional.

Once in the hole, I usually bend the leads out just a bit so it doesn't fall back through

while I'm soldering.

I'm still waiting on my soldering station to warm up.

I forgot to turn it on earlier.

I'm using the default setting of 750 degrees.

There we go, all ready!

And, in case I've never mentioned this, soldering while trying to record it with a

camera is actually really difficult because you've got to get just the right angle to

see the action, and make sure your hands and other objects are out of the way.

I'm often contorting my body to accommodate the tripod.

So, doing this without filming is much easier.

So, when you see me shaking it's not because I am coming down with Parkinson's disease,

it's simply because I'm probably in an awkward position when I'm trying to record


OK, this is what good solder joints should look like.

Afterwords, you can use some cutters to remove the excess leads.

So, now I just have a bunch more resistors to do.

Every time I put in a component, I mark it off the list so I know it's done.

All right, so I've managed to install all of these resistors here and over here just

by using reasoning without having to measure anything or being able to read the codes.

These are all that's left and I'll have to measure them.

OK fast forward a bit, and I've done all of the resistors now.

Notice I put them all in the same direction, which makes it look nicer.

For me, this was the most apprehensive part of this project, so everything else should

be a piece of cake!

The next challenge is going to be all of these tiny capacitors.

Now the thing is, the text on these guys is really small.

And my 42 year old eyes cannot read anything this small anymore.

So I'll be using this magnifying glass.

This one is really handy because it has a built in LED light.

Anyway, as you can see, it will bring these numbers into sharp focus, even for me!

The good news is, these capacitors are apparently all the same values.

The bad news is, they don't fit quite right into the holes.

The leads are too close together.

So that's about as far down as it wants to slide.

This is not uncommon, actually.

The solution is to bend the leads a bit like this.

And so, yeah, it will go in a lot further now.

And so that's how it looks after being soldered in place.

It's not perfect, but it will work.

And so here's all of the little capacitors now finished.

Next up is this resistor pack.

Basically it has 6 identical resistors inside which share a common lead.

And if you see that little dot on the left, that represents pin 1.

And if you look on the board here, pin one is also labeled so you know which direction

to put this.

So we'll just stick that in there, and solder that from the other side.

You sort of need 3 hands to install one of these, but the way I usually do this is I

hold the resistor pack from the other side with one hand, then I'll bend my lead of

solder out so it sort of holds itself near the place I need to solder like this, and

just bring the whole board to the solder.

All I need to do is get one pin soldered so that it will hold it in place.

Then the rest of the pins are easy to do.

I should mention, by the way, that I tend to like to install low-profile parts on a

board first, before I install any taller parts.

So that's just my preference, but it seems to make it easier because the board will lay

mostly flat and also because the smaller parts won't get in the way of the big parts when

it is time to insert them.

All right, so the next part I'm going to install is this 1 Mhz oscillator.

This is what runs the clock on the 6502 processor.

You may be wondering how to tell which direction it goes.

Well, if you look, there's this little circle here, that represents pin 1.

And of course, pin 1 is clearly marked on the board.

So it just goes in nice and easy, like this.

After soldering, these are a bit too long, so I'm going to cut them off.

And next up is the 5 Mhz Crystal used for the Parallax Propeller chip.

This has no specific orientation, you can put it in either direction.

And this fits in nice and flat.

There's exactly one diode in this project, and here it is.

There's a stripe on the right side, which indicates the polarity.

The good news is, this board is labelled really well.

Notice D1, that's where the diode goes and there's a little stripe on the diagram.

This will be pretty similar to the resistor in that the leads get bent like so.

And then right down it goes!

There's also exactly one transistor in this build.

Now, the only thing you need to know in this case, is that the transistor has a flat side.

If you look at the board, it goes right there, labelled Q1.

And you can clearly see the flat side.

The problem is the center lead will need to be bent out some.

So I usually just bend the lead out like this.

Then I'll use some needle nose pliers to bent it back down like this.

So now, it should fit in there better.

Yeah, actually it fits great!

So, I'll check that off the list.

Moving on, the next thing are these two momentary switches, used for reset switches.

One of them goes here, for resetting the propeller chip, and the other goes over here for resetting

the CPU.

Now, these look kind of square like they might go in more than one direction, but they are

actually slightly rectangular and will only fit one direction, so don't worry about


Once it is lined up, it does take a bit of force to pop it down.

The next thing I'm going to solder in is this pin header.

Now, I will warn you that these are copper all the way from one side to the other.

So if you are holding this from one side while you solder it from the other, it will conduct

the heat really well and you're going to burn your finger.

So, this goes right here.

I suggest you be very aware which pins you are touching when you go to solder this in!

Of course, once you get the first pin soldered, the rest of them are easy to do.

Next up, I'm going to start installing the sockets, starting with these little ones.

With any socket, be sure to double check this little notch and make sure it lines up with

a similar looking notch on the board.

OK, so fast forwarding a bit, I've got that one installed, and that one installed, however,

I've got all of these sockets left to do.

These are going to be some of the most time consuming parts to install.

I tend to hold these with one hand, and I do sort of like I did with the resistor pack,

where I just put the solder right where I need it to get that first pin done.

Once that's done, I turn the board around and solder the opposite pin on that socket.

OK, so I've got each corner soldered.

And these aren't even very good solder joints.

But that's okay because they will hold it in place long enough for me to get some other

pins soldered.

At this point, I just want to double check the board from all directions that the socket

is in flat and that it is facing the right direction.

This would be a real pain to fix later.

Now I can solder the rest of the pins.

I'll take this opportunity to mention that I wouldn't really suggest a board like this

for your very first soldering project.

I'd suggest something smaller and cheaper.

But if you're a bit inexperienced, doing a board like this is going to give you a lot

of practice.

I would also like to mention I get a lot of requests to make a tutorial on how to solder.

But, honestly, there are several other youtube channels that have that covered pretty well.

I usually recommend a video by EEVBlog, which I think covers about everything you need to


I will also mention that I'm using lead-based solder, which in my opinion is easier to work

with and does a better job.

However, I do have a fan going in the room that helps to blow the fumes away from my


I also always wash my hands when I'm done soldering to remove any residue from my hands.

And some people might wonder why anyone would want to assemble this stuff on their own.

Well, to be honest, that's half of the fun of a project like this.

It's sort of like a jig-saw puzzle for nerds.

It will take you a few hours to assemble this and then there's the anticipation of whether

or not it will work when it is done!

OK, so I've got a problem.

These are the only pieces I have left, and I am missing a socket, which goes right here

for the MAX232, which is the serial port controller.

So, I guess what I'm going to do is just solder that chip in directly.

Which, is fine.

I mean, you don't have to have a socket.

The main benefit of a socket is to make it easy to remove if you fry the chip or for

whatever reason you might want to remove it.

But we have sockets for all of the rest of the chips, so I think we'll be fine.

OK, so now I'm going to start installing some of the taller objects, such as this header

for the system bus.

One problem you might notice is that… he he, gee it's too big to fit.

So no problem.

I'll just use some cutters and cut it to the right size.

And there we go, fits perfectly now!

Next I'll do the PS/2 keyboard connector.

PS/2 is kind of obsolete now, but at least they were made in the millions so they should

still be pretty easy to find.

Anyway, so that goes on like so.

And this is the next thing I'm going to put in.

This is the composite video connector.

This is where the TV or monitor will connect.

This thing has some pretty big pins on it, that's to help with the stress of plugging

and unplugging those cables.

And the last of the connectors is the DC power port, which is a fairly standard barrel connector.

I should mention this kit does not come with a power supply.

Anyway, so the connector goes here.

Like so.

And this thing also has some rather large pins to help with the stress of connecting

and disconnecting those cables.

I can't tell you how many laptops I've seen in my life that had broken power ports,

usually because somebody tripped over the wire.

Moving along, this is the power LED.

Now, you'll notice that one leg here is longer than the other.

And that is the positive lead.

And when you look on the board, you'll notice a flat side, and that is for the negative.

So the shorter leg will go in that side, like so.

Next up are two voltage regulators.

One of these is for 5 volts for the 6502, and then a 3.3 volt version for the propeller


Just line up the flat side with the big white line there.

Easy peasy.

One of the last things left to do is install these electrolytic capacitors.

I'm going to start with this big one here.

These do have a specific polarity so you need to make sure you don't put them in backwards.

You'll notice there is a stripe on this one side here.

And that needs to line up with the stripe on the board.

Now this board is different from any other I've seen when it comes to electrolytic


So, this cap goes in C21, but it is drawn as a square on the board.

I'm thinking maybe he originally planned to use tantalum capacitors or something.

Anyway, there is clearly a line showing where the stripe goes so you can still line it up.

But, it fits in there perfectly.

I'll bend the leads out to make it easier to solder.

And the soldering is almost done for this job.

Notice there's this spot to solder in a switch, but no switch was actually included

in the kit.

This is if you wanted to add your own to whatever case you might mount this in.

For me, I'm just going to use some of these left over pins and solder those in.

Skipping ahead, those are in now, and I'll just use this jumper here to act as a switch

so that power is always on whenever the plug is inserted.

This would also make it really easy to connect a power switch in the future.

And here's all of the left over trash and excess leads from assembly.

Now, the only thing that is left is to take all of these chips and insert them into the


So, let's get started!

I'm going to start with the 6502.

Believe it or not, this is a brand new chip, Western Digital still makes these, although

I have no idea what uses them these days.

But this is definitely the newest 6502 I've ever held in my hands.

Now I'm going to put this in the socket.

I've actually bent the pins in just slightly to help them line up.

It's very important to make sure these pins are lined up really well, otherwise when you

go to push it down, one or more pins could bend or break off.

Same thing goes for these smaller chips, also be sure to double check the direction and

line up the notch!

This is the firmware ROM chip.

Let's put this in!

It takes a surprising amount of force to push these things in.

Next up is the propeller chip which will serve as a video display since you can no longer

buy the original Apple 1 video chips.

And this is a static RAM chip, I believe 32K, which is a lot more than the 4K of the original

Apple 1.

And THIS is a perfect example of pins not cooperating when I tried to insert the chip.

Fortunately, I caught it before I pushed it all the way down, so I can pull this out and

bend them back.

OK, so this thing is finally finished.

All that is left to do is test it!

I'm going to need a power supply.

I hope this is going to work.

It has the right connector and it's actually 6.5 volts, even though the instructions call

for 9V, this should actually work because it's rated for anything between 6.5 and

9 volts.

This actually comes from my speak and spell.

Anyway, I think it's going to work.

And of course, we'll need a standard composite video cable.

And I'm going to use this old PS/2 keyboard.

It's the perfect size for this project.

So I'll plug in the keyboard, and then I'll plug in the composite video cable.

And now it is time for the smoke test.

If I did anything catastrophically wrong, this is when I'll find out.

Well, the good news is, nothing smoked or popped.

The bad news is, there's no video display.

The power LED did come on, though.

OK, so I am not terribly surprised that it didn't work.

In fact, I would have been more surprised if it had worked the first time.

There's always some little detail an an assembly like this that's going to keep

something from working, even the tiniest little thing can keep it from booting.

But, you know I'm pretty sure I can get this to work.

So, I'm going to go ahead and start some of my standard troubleshooting techniques.

The first thing I wanted to do is check the voltage at one of the chips to make sure we're

getting a steady 5V.

And we are.

So the power supply and regulator and all of that is working fine.

The next thing I did was swap out this serial eprom for the propeller chip.

He sent me two of these for some reason, so let me try the second one.

And behold!

It actually works.

Well, sort of.

I entered into BASIC and just wanted to type something, sure syntax error, that's expected.

But then I discovered that any command I typed gave me a syntax error.

In fact, pretty much nothing worked right on this board.

It was very unstable!

It would reboot constantly like every few seconds, most commands I would type would

either give strange results or just cause the computer to reboot.

So, I knew something wasn't right.

I knew there had to be some other problem and I spent a lot of time troubleshooting

the board, and I couldn't really find anything wrong.

Now, the manual had said in here to clean all of the excess flux off the bottom of the

board and that is something I had intended to do.

But, you know, I was kind of in a hurry so I just thought, I'll skip that step for

now and I didn't realize how important of a step that is because flux apparently is


And, I guess that never really occurred to me.

But yeah, so I took some alcohol and a toothbrush and I spent some time scrubbing the flux off

of the board and then I actually rinsed it in the sink and then it had to dry for a little

while, actually had to let it dry for several hours even after I used some compressed air

to blow all of the water off.

But after that, I turned it on, and it actually works perfectly!

It's perfectly stable now!

So, let's take a tour and see what we can do with this thing!

So, it boots up into something called wozmon, which stands for Wozniak Monitor.

It's a really simple operating system.

Just for some examples of what you can do.

If I type a memory address, like 2000, it will simply reply and tell me what byte is

stored at that address, in this case FC.

Of course this is all in hexadecimal.

If I wanted to see a large chunk of memory, I can type the address, then a period, and

then another address.

Then it will show me everything that is between those addresses.

There are two versions of BASIC stored in ROM, so I can start one of those up by typing

the starting address followed by an R. So, now I'm in integer BASIC.

Of course, I'm actually more comfortable in Applesoft BASIC, so I'll use that one


Of course, when demonstrating BASIC, everyone has to write a small looping command to print

something down the screen.

So I won't disappoint.

However, I'll write something maybe a little bit more interesting.

This is called a random maze.

We used to make these on the Commodore VIC-20 and 64.

It doesn't look quite as good here because the lines don't actually touch each other,

but you can still see the maze if you concentrate.

So you may be wondering what else you can do with it, since there are no disk drives

or SD card sockets or any way to copy over any other programs.

The original Apple 1 at least had a cassette port interface.

This doesn't even have that.

The only way to actually get new programs onto this computer is to type them in with

the keyboard either in BASIC or in machine code.

However, it does have a serial port, which can make that a lot easier.

So I'll just connect it up to one of my old MS-DOS laptops.

I was going to use my favorite terminal program, Telix, however, it doesn't seem to want

to run on this laptop.

So I'll just use Hyperterminal inside of Windows 95 instead.

According to the manual it needs to be set to 115,200 bits per second.

And it's working, because that READY is coming from the little computer.

OK, so what I'm going to do now is click transfer and send a text file over the serial


I'm going to pick microchess.

As soon as I do this, you'll see this machine language code flying down the screen.

As far as the computer is concerned, somebody is typing this in on the keyboard.

It just so happens, the thing typing it is another computer, so it's really fast!

Once it's done, it automatically starts the game, as that's the last command in

the text file.

I've never played this before, so I'm not sure how it works.

I'll pick zero, I guess.

I have no idea what this means either.

And I can't figure out what I'm doing here either.

I guess somehow I'm supposed to indicate which piece I want to move.

Anyway, I'll have to read up on that later.

Moving on, you can also send BASIC programs much in the same way.

First, you just go into BASIC, in this case Applesoft Basic, and I'll send over a text

file for hangman.

Again, it's like I'm typing in the hangman game really fast.

However, when it is done, it errors out.

So I'm thinking maybe it was designed for integer BASIC instead, so I'll change over

to that version and then try it again.

Skipping ahead a bit… it works.

I'll guess E, nope.. how about S, nope.

U, maybe R, T, dang.. what is this?

Well, after nearly trying the whole alphabet, it turned out to be FLY.


Anyway, let's try another one.

This is checkers.

Again, I can't quite figure out the commands on this without reading the manual, so I'll

do that later.

All right, so I was not super impressed with any of the games that are available for this

little computer, so I thought I'll just write my own.

I was kind of thinking something along the lines of Tetris.

I figure I could probably write that in a few hours if I didn't try to get too fancy.

The trouble is, I couldn't figure out how to address the screen memory.

And documentation for the Apple 1 is a bit scarce and when you type that into google

you always get results for the Apple I devices like iPhones and iPads and stuff like that.

Eventually, with enough asking around I finally did find some documentation and one of the

things I discovered about the Apple 1 design which is really bizarre is that it's impossible

to actually address characters like anywhere on the screen you want.

So, the only thing that this computer can do is it can send characters one at a time

to a screen controller which will place the characters at the bottom of the screen and

then scroll everything else up.

But, it's actually impossible to come back up here and change some character that's

already on the screen.

The system's simply just not capable of doing that.

And, to illustrate why, I want to show you this little diagram, king of showing a rough

bus design of a traditional 8-bit computer that would have been made during the 1980s.

In a typical system of the 1980s, the CPU would talk with a peripheral interface adapter,

and that's usually what connects to things like keyboards, joysticks, and disk drives.

And then there's the ROM and RAM on the same bus with the CPU.

And then the video chip usually shares some of the RAM, and displays whatever it reads

on an external monitor.

The apple 1, however, has no joystick, no disk drive, and to be honest, no video chip.

At least not in the traditional sense.

What it does have is a rudimentary terminal display like you'd find in a dumb terminal

of the 70s.

And it is connected to the PIA chip, and the CPU just sends characters over to be displayed.

But the CPU has absolutely no control as to where on the screen the character will end


That's all handled by those terminal chips.

Which means, coding a simple program like Tetris is essentially impossible on the Apple


In fact, that explains a lot as to why those programs like the chess would always redraw

the entire board every time you make a move.

So that really limits what you can do with a computer like this.

However, it does have the full system bus available here on this pin header, so there's

no reason you couldn't attach some other kind of video chip, or even a little LCD screen

like this.

In fact, I may mess with getting one of these working for a future episode.

But still, you know it's a neat little computer, and especially with the expansion socket that

I mentioned, you could hack all kinds of things on there.

I mean heck, I bet you could get a SID chip to work on there if you wanted to!

But, I'll be much more impressed when somebody creates something really similar to this that

can run Commodore BASIC.

You know, the actually screen editor, and BASIC, and the Commodore kernel.

And it doesn't have to be compatible with the Commodore 64 or VIC-20, as long as it

can just run those things so that you can get the environment and you know you could

probably port over a lot of existing software, so that's something that I would have a

lot of fun playing with.

But, I do think it definitely needs and SD-card socket so that you can load and save programs

to something at least a little bit more modern.

I'd probably try to design it myself, but I simply don't have the time and it's

probably a little bit beyond my abilities.

Still, if anybody else has a neat little home-brew kit like this they'd like to send me, please,

contact me and tell me about it and you know, I may feature it here on the show in some

future episode.

Otherwise, I guess that about wraps it up for this one, so stick around and thanks for


For more infomation >> Assembly and Review - PE6502 Hobby Computer - Duration: 25:07.


State Assembly votes to restrict body cam videos - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> State Assembly votes to restrict body cam videos - Duration: 1:05.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I guess I'm back

what another like you know newbie kind of video dumb kind of whatever you want

to call it I guess I'm hearing shit now but basically one of my last videos I

talked about how you could switch your outfit like I have right now and I could

set it as headquarters and how to find all your other outfits that you have

yeah and hopefully that helped a lot of you guys out I'm not sure yet but

anyways today what we're gonna be looking at is what the grips are for so

basically you know if you don't have a supply drop right now but I basically

threw down one and it came down and you got like a epic grip or a legendary grip

like I don't know about you but I've been getting a lot of them like way too

many of them like common ones and rare ones you know epic and legendary heroic

ones but in my head I'm like what the hell is this for cuz obviously I can't

equip it to my AR so what the hell is it for guys I figured it out and some of

you have as well but it's very very rare I don't seen I haven't seen a lot of

people equip their grips so hopefully this helped you guys out but anyways

guys you all know first we gotta roll that intro alright guys so here we are

in the firing range so this is my pistol right now let's inspect it this is how

it looks when you expect it okay so let's say you got a grip right in a

Supply Drop and you come over here and you're like wait how do I clip it it's

not on my gun or nothing obviously you know I'll quick draw my grease gun but

it's not on here so if we go to soldier we go down to expeditionary this is the

one I'm using I got quick-draw right here so I'm

guessing quick-draw is where you can put the grip because quick draws we're you

know the draw is where the grip is basically so I click triangle and

there's nothing here there's camouflage there's paint jobs

prestige options and reticles so yeah I believe that's reticle so like you know

like what the hell what am I supposed to do so you know what the hell is it if

it's not only a gun then what else is it supposed to be a variant of quick-draw

right now basically I don't know if it's supposed to be like historically

accurate but basically it's all your pistol it's not on any any gun you I

don't believe you can put on any basically primary weapon it's only on a

secondary so if you click triangle on your m1911 you don't even have to or any

pistol you don't even have to have a quick-draw you have to click on pistol

grips and there you go now you can go through all the grips in the game so I

got this one feeding friends yet but I believe that was a comment you know

here's a sharp-looking one is that that this one this one Tara from the deep

that looks nice so let's just say I want to put down all this put that on let's

equip quick-draw too now if we go back now we switch and now

look at that not only does the grip actually change what you inspect it

differently too so like look at it now you can actually look at the grip on

what you have on it that looks lean in my opinion inspecting you like this is

really really cool but yeah that's what the pistol grips are for y'all and you

can put on any pistol I'm gonna go right here now and change my pistol let's say

I want it on the PLA right click triangle is gone you know let's just a

different one this time let's go to one of the last ones in here scroll all the

way down oh this one looks clean but let's see do I have one I guess this

green one looks nice so let's say I want this green one right

switch and there you go you can look at it say that's clean and I believe you

can put on any secondary pistol I don't think you put on by a guy so it's only

for the pistols you can also put on machine pistols as well you just press

triangle and grips and here you go the machine pistol is really small that's

why I don't like it but yeah I mean it looks nice on the end 1911 and the POA

it looks really nice on the POA because obviously it covers up most of it if you

look at it right here as you see it covers up most of it in 1911 looks clean

- I just like using the m1911 more so that's I'm gonna put this one off but

yeah I'm gonna put back on terror from the deep because I think that one looks

nice but yeah guys there you go that is how you put on your grips that you get

from the supply job so hopefully this helped you guys out I felt really stupid

and after I figured it out you know I've been getting all these grips in the

supply gels like if they're variants and I'm like what the hell you know

obviously it remind me of black ops 3 so I went and try to press triangle on my

quick-draw in my credit class on my primary weapon but obviously I would

that was not possible so I got some what you guys think about this I think the

pistol grips are a really really good addition it's actually something

different from the variance of black ops 3 the black ops II variants were listed

to be honest guys it was garbage like I changed it but not that much and also

you rarely got the butt DS add like a whole nother thing to it which is really

really clean and I guess they're really not you know I don't know I mean I don't

think anybody back in World War two was walking with something like this but

maybe you know maybe there is just one dude that was really creative and just I

don't know maybe like one out of a couple million of them put up you know I

don't know I really I'm not gonna say nothing cuz I don't know that much about

World War two I don't know they you guys keep some of the comments down below you

guys are great friends for make sure you guys give me more information and I

probably give you all but yeah so I don't know even if it's not historically

accurate it does look clean and it is realistic so I'm cool with that

now hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys admissions you've

liked the videos I'm ready to stay healthy hopefully this helped you

comment down below if you did stay healthy and yeah I'll see you guys on

the next one

For more infomation >> COD WW2 GRIPS - WW2 HOW TO CHANGE ALL PISTOL GRIPS!!! - Duration: 5:41.


Fall Date Night Lookbook // Look CUTE and WARM! // 5 Dressy Fall Outfits - Duration: 4:11.

For this first outfit I wanted to go a little bit girlier so I built my outfit around this

pink skirt and I paired it with this cream turtleneck kind of sweater because I think

that the colors look really nice together.

I chose the turtleneck because I feel like a higher neck on sweaters helps keep you a

little bit warmer and I matched this with a beanie because of course, hats keep your

head warm.

So I think that one with a little pom pom kind of adds to the girliness factor and is

super cute.

So to match my accessories and shoes, I chose tan because I think tan looks really great

with light colors.

Booties are a great choice because you can wear socks with them so you can keep your

feet warm.

Going a little bit more casual with this next look.

I wanted to do something with jeans because I know not everyone likes wearing skirts or dresses

So, starting out with these booties, I decided that these looked the best with my jeans because

they have a higher ankle and I found that the jeans in combination with that higher

ankle makes my legs look really long.

So I love wearing these two together.

Then I paired this top with it because I feel like the lace up is a little bit girlier,

it's a little bit sexy so I felt like this was a great date night top.

And then to break up the black I decided to throw on this denim jacket.

Originally I was going to wear a pink cardigan with this so it's definitely a versatile look.

You can choose whatever you want.

I just finished off with some black accessories to match the outfit.

This outfit is kind of like the dark twin of my first outfit.

It's a sweater and skirt, kind of the same concept, but I do want to say that this outfit

was the coldest out of all of the ones that I wore.

I think it's because the difference between this one and the first one is that I didn't

have a beanie and I didn't have shoes to actually cover my feet.

So it was really interesting to me that it made such a difference.

I chose this kind of rust colored sweater because I think it's a great fall color and

of course I think it looks great with black because of the darker tones in it so I chose

this black skirt to go along with it.

To make this outfit a little bit girlier I added this hearts choker because I felt like

it was a really cute touch and I finished the look off with these really cute strappy

black heels and a small wallet on chain.

Going back for another casual look, I wanted to style a dress, but I didn't want to do

it in the traditional super girly way so that's why I chose this really casual kind of summer

feel dress.

Next I chose these thigh high boots because I feel like this is a really great way to

keep warm, but still look cute.

And then to break up the black that was going on in my outfit I decided to choose this grey

cardigan because I already did an all black outfit.

And lastly to add a little splash of color, I chose this fall perfect burgundy scarf and

then because I did go with a little bit more casual look, I did choose a little black backpack.

For this last outfit, I really wanted to wear this suede and shearling jacket because I

feel like it's a great date night piece.

So building my outfit around that, I chose this white lace up top because of course I

think the lace up is really sexy.

Because it was a crop top, I wanted to pair that with a higher waist of a skirt so I chose

this light denim wash skirt to kind of keep it a little bit more casual.

I think this outfit would look great with that light kind of beige color that some booties

come in, but I chose these kind of darker tan boots because they kind of give me some

cowgirl vibes with the light denim wash.

I don't know, I just kind of thought it looked cute together.

And finally I finished it off with this cream purse to kind of tie in all the light colors.

The winner of last week's $50 Charming Charlie gift card is Lea, I put everyone's username

into an excel spreadsheet and then chose a random number generator between 1 and 57.

So thank you so much for entering!

I loved reading all of your Fall comments!

I hope you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up if you did!

Let me know down in the comments below which outfit was your favorite.

Subscribe if you want to see more of me!

I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> Fall Date Night Lookbook // Look CUTE and WARM! // 5 Dressy Fall Outfits - Duration: 4:11.


How Ikea Started | Short Startup Story - Duration: 1:57.

Ingvar Kamprad was born in the south of Sweden, in 1926. And by the age of five

he was already starting his own business selling matches. And then at age ten he

started another business and started riding around the neighborhood

selling Christmas decorations, fish and pencils. Kamprad always did pretty well

at school despite his dyslexia, and at age 17 his father actually gave him a

cash reward for his good grades. He used this cash award to start another

business in 1943, and started selling household items and delivering them with

a milk truck. He named the company IKEA which is an acronym for his initials of

his first and last name, and the family farm where he was born and the village

outside of that farm. Five years later IKEA began selling furniture from local

manufacturers, but in 1955 these manufacturers began boycotting IKEA

because of their extremely low prices. So in 1956, Kamprad revolutionized the

furniture market and created the flat packing, which allowed customers to buy

this furniture for cheap and assemble it themselves at their own home, after that

IKEA saw major success and expanded all over Europe. And it was in 1985 when they

opened up their first store in America, which was in a mall outside of

Philadelphia. Their sales were 50 million dollars in that one store in the first

year alone. And their Scandinavian food court and famous Swedish meatballs, IKEA's

food services accounted for 1.8 billion dollars in 2016.Today

IKEA has 375 stores in 47 countries and it's worth 13.5 million dollars. And

despite being the tenth wealthiest man in the world, Kamprad is pretty frugal. He

flies economy classm books cheap hotels, and has had the same Volvo car for years

and years. And that's how IKEA started. Thank you for watching my video, if you

enjoyed it please subscribe to me on YouTube and follow me on Instagram


For more infomation >> How Ikea Started | Short Startup Story - Duration: 1:57.


Glitch Season 2 | 3 Things You Didn't Know About: Kirstie | on Netflix 28 Nov - Duration: 0:40.

Her parents who were called June and...

... Gordon actually separated when Kirstie and ...

...Janice were kids.

And then she was raised predominately by her Mum.

Yeah you didn't think her story could get any sadder did you?

Well it just did.

In ninth grade Kirstie actually failed an assignment on...

...Charles Thomson.

I'd wonder how she'd go now?

And her favourite band is of course is...

... The Divinyls

For more infomation >> Glitch Season 2 | 3 Things You Didn't Know About: Kirstie | on Netflix 28 Nov - Duration: 0:40.


GILVAN - Making Of das gravações da música VAI LÁ - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> GILVAN - Making Of das gravações da música VAI LÁ - Duration: 3:00.


(EP-1) Trixz play NightCry - Duration: 3:27:17.

For more infomation >> (EP-1) Trixz play NightCry - Duration: 3:27:17.


Traitor Bergdahl About To Receive a Major Award That Will Make Your Blood Boil – This Must Be Stoppe - Duration: 4:21.

Traitor Bergdahl About To Receive a Major Award That Will Make Your Blood Boil – This

Must Be Stopped.

Most Americans are still livid over the news of Obama's little pet Bowe Bergdahl walking

out of a courtroom last week a completely free man, after receiving zero punishment

for joining the Taliban and subsequently getting 6 members of his unit killed.

While we all wonder just what the hell is going on in our country where it's now acceptable

behavior in our military to abandon their posts and hook up with terrorists, Bowe Berghdal's

lawyer still isn't quite done sticking it to Americans.

The demand he's now making on his client's behalf is so outrageous it will make you want

to punch through a freaking wall and call it a day.

Back in the good old days, we used to publicly execute traitors.

Fast forward to today, and not only are these treasonous morons traded for GITMO terrorists

and then free to go on with their lives, but they're awarded freaking medals for their

treasonous and disgusting behavior.

You heard that right.

If Berghdal's lawyer gets his way, several shiny new medals will soon be swinging from

Berghdal's neck, replacing what should actually be there, like a newly-woven rope.

According to American Newshub:

After outrageously being allowed to walk free of his desertion charges, the lawyer for traitorous

Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl now wants the Pentagon to award him with some of the service

medals he would have been eligible for if he had served with honor.

Early this month the traitorous American soldier who escaped to join the Taliban but was held

against his will for five years afterward was let off the hook by a military judge.

Despite not being convicted of desertion or treason, Bergdahl was given a dishonorable

discharge and allowed to walk free without jail time.

The judge's decision was so outrageous that even a Democrat Congressperson was driven

to slam the move.

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D) was a supporter of Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democrat

primaries, but she was no supporter of Bergdahl's soft treatment.

But now that Bergdahl has essentially been allowed to go without any meaningful punishment,

his lawyer is brazenly demanding that Bergdahl be awarded military medals.

Not only does Bergdahl's civilian lawyer, Eugene Fidell, think that the traitorous soldier

should have his dishonorable discharge reversed, he also thinks Bergdahl should be awarded

a POW medal.

"We have long felt he was entitled to the POW medal," Fidell said, according to USA


The Prisoner of War medal is given to any soldier who "was taken prisoner and held

captive" while in military service.

Of course, Bergdahl deserted his post on his own.

His being grabbed by the Taliban is incidental because the traitor had already abandoned

his service before being "captured."

Still, during his trial, his defense team even insisted that he should get the POW medal

so that it wouldn't look like the government was biased against him — a weak claim if

there ever was one.

In January of last year his military defense team demanded he be awarded his medals, too.

Accodring to

A military lawyer representing accused deserter Sgt.

Bowe Bergdahl called for the Army to award his client several medals, including the Purple

Heart and the Prisoner of War medal, during a pre-trial hearing Tuesday.

"We believe this is a prejudice and casts a semblance of guilt," Rosenblatt said,

noting Bergdahl was wearing his dress Blue Army uniform, including a Combat Infantryman

Badge and 10 overseas service bars.

"We encourage the government to correct that."

In addition to the Purple Heart and POW Medal, Rosenblatt told Army judge Col. Jeffrey R.

Nance, Bergdahl should be awarded the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the NATO medal during the

hearing that largely focused on the defense's ability to access classified material related

to Bergdahl's case.

If this treasonous POS actually gets a military medal for his "service," I will publicly

hold a bonfire and burn every last one of my military medals I received overseas as

an act of defiance because these medals obviously mean nothing if traitors to America are awarded


What the hell is going on in our country?

The only thing that belongs around Bowe Bergdahl's neck is a freaking rope!

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Traitor Bergdahl About To Receive a Major Award That Will Make Your Blood Boil – This Must Be Stoppe - Duration: 4:21.


Family Finger (Daddy Finger), Sesame Street Style, Learn Colors with Elmo, Big Bird, Oscar! - Duration: 1:12.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Family Finger (Daddy Finger), Sesame Street Style, Learn Colors with Elmo, Big Bird, Oscar! - Duration: 1:12.


Willpower and Self Control Thoughts From the Road V1 Ep4 - Duration: 6:00.

Why self-control and willpower are complete bullshit. Yep I said it, utter bullshit.

utter bullshit.


Okay, okay, I'm going to correct myself a little bit. They are not

complete and utter bullshit, but they are a little bit, and it's mainly saying that

use something you've got to develop, or you've got to create out of thin air, or

something of that nature. That aspect of it is really just bullshit and here's

why. You have plenty of self-control and you have plenty of willpower. I would say

it's built right into your DNA. The thing that throws all this shit off is a

positive and negative aspect of it, right.

Because basically the way the words are used is that if you if it's a negative

action that you're doing then you have to use willpower and self-control to

overcome it. Right. There used to overcome some

negative thing that you're doing but it's not like they're create you're

creating this new power to do something, right. You're already using self-control

and willpower to do that action already. It's just you're viewing it as a

negative action. You know you're not an automaton. I'm not a automaton. I'm

choosing to do those actions. I'm using self control. I'm controlling my damn

body and I'm using willpower because it's something I know I shouldn't be

doing and I'm doing it anyway. I am using the power of my will to overcome that, a

little angel on my shoulder, "saying hey you really shouldn't be doing this" and I'm

smacking that little boy down and saying I'm doing it anyway.

Bitch! That's that's not willpower. Hell yea that is willpower. Self-control yeah.

Cuz, I'm up. Everything is telling me don't do it. I'm doing it anyway. That is a lot of

self-control. I'm telling you. I'm a master of this shit. So, when you say you

know you need to develop self-control. You need to develop willpower. That's why

I say it's BS. You already got it. You got tons of it. You're just looking at it

wrong and I'm looking at it wrong, too. Before I came up with this brilliant

brain candy, right. It's all you got to do really is reevaluate how you look at it

and realize that you do have those resources. You just need to apply them

differently. It's quit looking at it in a negative light or a positive light.

Because you're adding weight to shit that doesn't need to be there.

You've got willpower. You've got self-control. You've got a crap ton of it.

You don't think it takes any willpower and self-control to do the actions that

you're doing. Especially if you don't feel good about them. That's a lot of

self-control and willpower. It really is. It's just applied in a way you don't want

to apply it. You can take those same situations and flip to use that same

energy to do the opposite. You really can but when you create this false sense

that you've got to generate willpower or create self-control; you're already using

it. It's what I'm getting at. It's, It's. The resource is already there. The resource

is already available. You don't have to create it out of thin air. You just have to

change your thinking about it and realize hey if I do this action I'm

using self-control and willpower to perform this. So I can use the same

self-control and willpower that I'm expending to do this to not do it.

I don't know maybe that's a little bit out there but it boils down a lot to the

language we use. The way we say something. The way the words are. The the way we

actually understand the words. The actual meaning of the words to us really can

really change a whole situation. Words are not, and this is going to lead into

kind of a broader subject that I may address in another in another talk, words

are just a symbol. They represent something else. By themselves they mean

nothing. When they're associated with something that's where their value lies.

And that association can really throw stuff off and I think that's the case

with self-control and willpower. The way we associate those words with something

just throws the whole damn thing way off and makes it more complicated than it

really is. Because if you just get rid of the words

and just look at what you're using

you're already using. It is that damn simple.

So yeah, maybe that's a little bit out there but I think that's the case. Let me

know what you think. Love all you guys. Take it easy.


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