Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

Thank you Warner Brothers for the free and early game code.

For more infomation >> LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 All Spider-Man (Old West Open World Free Roam) - Duration: 13:03.


John Carter: İki Dünya Arasında (2012) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> John Carter: İki Dünya Arasında (2012) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:01.


افضل طريقه لزراعه البصل والثوم في المنزل|Grow garlic&Onions at home - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> افضل طريقه لزراعه البصل والثوم في المنزل|Grow garlic&Onions at home - Duration: 10:07.


Stop SIDA i Axel Hotel: comunitat, diversitat social i compromís. - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Stop SIDA i Axel Hotel: comunitat, diversitat social i compromís. - Duration: 4:51.


みんな違ってみんないい!白斑の動物たち【考えさせられる】 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> みんな違ってみんないい!白斑の動物たち【考えさせられる】 - Duration: 2:40.


वेगळ्या पद्धतीने चवदार कांद्याची पात बनवून पहा | Hare Pyaz ki Sabzi | MadhurasRecipe | Green Onion - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> वेगळ्या पद्धतीने चवदार कांद्याची पात बनवून पहा | Hare Pyaz ki Sabzi | MadhurasRecipe | Green Onion - Duration: 4:54.


(REUPLOAD) Gun Laws on Indian Reservations - The Legal Brief! - Duration: 6:49.

Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and

misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.

I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we are talking about Indian Reservations.

Are you

concerned about the NRA and the direction it's heading?

Want to ensure someone who enjoys NFA firearms sits on the Board of Directors?

If you are a NRA life member, an annual member for the past five years, or know someone who

is, head on over to to get a petition to place me on the ballot for the

NRA Board of Directors in 2018.

There are about 326 Indian Reservations found in 25 states, with the majority being located

in California.

Approximately 56.2 million acres are held in trust by the United States for various

Indian tribes.

Now you may be asking, Adam, why are we discussing Indian Reservations on this show?

Well, it's actually an important subject to cover, since a lot of times you are able to

hike, camp, fish, pursue other outdoor activities on them, and even gamble in a good old fashion

Indian casino.

The Constitution gives the Legislative Branch the power over Indian Affairs, meaning that

states have no authority over tribal governments unless expressly authorized by Congress.

This means that federally recognized tribes generally are not subordinate to states and

can have a government-to-government relationship with them.

These federally recognized tribes possess both the right and authority to regulate activities

on their lands, independent from state government control.

This means that they can enact and enforce stricter or more lenient laws and regulations

than those of the surrounding state where they are located.

This also means that there is no uniformity between the different reservations, so essentially,

it is like traveling to another state that has different laws.

Which then begs the question, what is the authority of Tribal Courts over individuals

who are non-Indians?

Generally, tribal courts have civil jurisdiction over Indians and non-Indians who either reside

or do business on federal Indian reservations.

They also have criminal jurisdiction over violations of tribal laws committed by tribal

members residing or doing business on the reservation.

In 1978, the Supreme Court in Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe declared that "Indian

tribes do not have inherent jurisdiction to try and to punish non-Indians."

As such, for criminal matters, tribal courts do not have the jurisdiction to prosecute

a non-Indian.

That does not mean that you cannot be arrested, detained, have your property confiscated,

be ejected from their land, etc., while a tribe attempts to ascertain your status as

a non-Indian.

Further, the tribe could turn you over to local law enforcement.

But Adam, you said the tribe doesn't have criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians, so

how can they lawfully seize my property and not return it?

Good question.

Technically it would be an unlawful seizure.

And depending upon how that tribe has elected to structure its court system, either its

own tribal courts or having turned over enforcement to the state, you may have some options.

All said and done, you're probably going to spend more time and money than it's worth,

so it's better to just avoid the situation up front.

It's also worth noting that Indian tribes enjoy sovereign immunity, so you can't sue


However, you can take comfort knowing that you can't spend years in prison on an Indian


As with everything, the best thing to do is to find out what the laws are in that area.

I've included a link to the National Indian Law Library search.

You'll want to search for terms like "weapon" or "firearm" and the name of the tribe whose

land you'll be on.

You can also look for the tribe's website to find information there.

Honestly, that's probably the easiest way to find the answer.

If you are unable to find the answer, submit a request and ask for a response in writing.

It's the best way to cover your butt.

While obviously not bulletproof, it's better than rolling the dice.

Let's try an example.

I'm planning on going on a backpacking trip to Havasupai Falls, which is located in Arizona.

I'm hoping to plan anyway.

Place looks awesome.

Anyway, my license to carry is recognized in Arizona as a valid permit.

If I wanted to take my firearm with me while backpacking in Arizona, I'd be allowed to

do so, assuming I'm not breaking any of Arizona's laws.

However, if I wanted to take my firearm with me onto the land of Havasupai Tribe, I'd be

breaking their tribal law.

How do I know this?

A google search of their tribe lead me to their website.

Their website under the information tab clearly states that it is illegal to possess weapons

on their land.

Let's do another one.

On the lands of the Confederated Tribes of Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, their

law states that a person commits the offense of carrying a concealed weapon by knowingly

carrying or bearing, among other things, a pistol or revolver, that is wholly or partially

covered by their clothing.

However, their law has an exemption written into it that if a person is permitted under

state law to carry a concealed weapon, it is not unlawful for them to do so on the tribe's


How do I know this?

Again, a google search led me to the Tribe's website where the code is published.

As always, if you are unsure, ask for a response in writing.

Lastly, for those traveling through or stopping while passing through Indian Reservations,

you'll again want to ensure you're complying with the reservations rules.

There are some nuances as -to who owns roadways, etc.

Obviously this translates into a large task (depending upon how many you are traveling

through), so you'll want to prepare ahead of time.

The easiest way to explain it is treat traveling to a reservation as if you're traveling to

another state.

Research their laws to ensure you are in compliance with them.

As you can see there is no blanket answer for Indian Reservations.

Since they each maintain sovereignty, it is like having a lot of little countries or states

to travel through.

How many of you guys have been on reservations and didn't know this?

Let me know down in the comments.

If you found this information valuable be sure to share it with your friends.

Don't forget to hit that like button and if you aren't subscribed already, you better

make that happen.

Be sure to ring that bell so you don't miss an episode.

Check out my website

And as always thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> (REUPLOAD) Gun Laws on Indian Reservations - The Legal Brief! - Duration: 6:49.


Vorzeichenregeln - 3 Regeln die sich wirklich JEDER merken kann - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Vorzeichenregeln - 3 Regeln die sich wirklich JEDER merken kann - Duration: 4:47.



Black Panther is out and it is looking banging...

that is all I'm gonna say


There's a bit more I wanna say stay tuned

Assalamualaikum guys welcome to another episode of smile2jannah

The first black superhero, with his own film

it's a big step in the right direction

at least this time he won't be the first one to be killed off yeah?

Although it's not out yet, I had to take

a sneaky peek at the synopsis.

There were a few tiny problems

by tiny I mean gigantic

and by problems I mean blunders

Do they think we don't know the history of Africa?

Do they think we we will lap up anything that they give,

wrapped up in celebrity culture and spoon-fed to us through Marvel?

Do they really think we're that ignorant?

on second thoughts yeah

now hopefully for the vast majority of us we know that

Africa as a continent has been

repeatedly colonized. Its natural resources taken. Loans given by the IMF

to corrupt dictators knowing that they won't be paid back resulting in interest

accumulating that is continuing to cripple the economy till today. Perpetual

Civil War is being sponsored by Western nations which in turn reduce the

regulations in the country so more resources can be taken easily. 43 out of the

53 African nations, suffer from severe hunger and low income levels

3 million children die each year due to hunger. 30 million

suffer due to HIV. The CIA/America has been known to support many dictators in

Africa like Jonas Savimbi of Angola

Mobutu and Laurent of Congo.

Abacha and Olusegun of Nigeria

and Samuel Doe of Liberia to name a few

They've also supported atrocities like that in Rwanda

in Sudan in Liberia and of course Congo

so they're showing us a very prosperous place in Africa called Wakanda

Now we know no such place exists in Africa to the dot

but there is one

country that comes very similar and that's called Congo

now Congo is one of

the most poorest countries in the world but yet here's the kicker it's the most

richest in minerals. Pretty much any mineral you can think of is not only

present in Congo but it's there in abundance from the likes of: Gold,

diamonds, uranium, cobalt, coltan, copper

tin, manganese, iron, just to name a few

half of the world's diamond, uranium coltan comes from Congo

and also billions of dollars worth of gold

also comes from there. Yet it's the biggest

country in the world with no functioning government

Shhh... why, why is this the case?

because Western countries aren't really interested in the stability of African

nations, because the less stability there is and the more war there is, then the

less regulations there are in that country and the more natural resources

and minerals can be taken out with less questions being asked

before we round off, let me show you a quick timeline of Congo

its been through a lot yeah, in fact from 1996 to the current time over 4 million

people have died in Congo

Time magazine has called it one of the most deadliest wars in history

At 1885 there was a very famous event called the Scramble for Africa

This is where all the European countries literally carved up Africa and

took a chunk for themselves

because of this Congo fell into the hands of Belgium

From 1885 to 1908 that's 23 years worth of slavery

Then till 1960 they were officially made part of Belgium

Then finally a leader emerged...

democratically elected

Patrice Lumumba

he only survived for one year before being assassinated

Off course Western powers supported that as well

1961 to 1997, Mobutu the dictator who was backed by the CIA and supported by the CIA led...

Time magazine says the most corrupt regimes in African history so

Wakanda in Africa could have existed

were it not for the CIA and Western powers

and you know what

Black Pather is super awesome, super cool, because he's a superhero

but they're trying to show that even a superhero, needs the help of the CIA

That's what we have to look forward to in Feb, when the film comes out

Until next time guys, Asalaamu Alaikum

For more infomation >> WHAT THE MOVIE BLACK PANTHER WON'T TELL YOU|| AFRICAN HISTORY - Duration: 6:01.


Concepts in Sustainable Development: an Introduction to the Key Issues - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Concepts in Sustainable Development: an Introduction to the Key Issues - Duration: 3:57.


India Wants Second N Submarine From Russia - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> India Wants Second N Submarine From Russia - Duration: 4:31.


SOY LUNA? | ROLLER SKATE | Teri Ice - Duration: 2:39.

Hi everyone! In this video, we are going to learn how to skate on these skates.

They are basically roller skates.

The first part of this video is on Youtube channel, which is called EDDEMI.

So... You should definitely watch it!

The skates are from the (following) website:

If you like them, you should definitely buy them, because they're are amazing!

So, when I was buying these skates

it was mainly because of a series SOY LUNA.

where they use them…

After, I really wanted to have them too.

I had many questions for the shop assistant,

because I was so excited about them.

Now, I'm going to show you what I just learned.

So, that's it. (translate: Lea Majernik THANKS SO MUCH!)

For more infomation >> SOY LUNA? | ROLLER SKATE | Teri Ice - Duration: 2:39.


ALGUNOS CONSEJOS SOBRE RADIESTESIA - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> ALGUNOS CONSEJOS SOBRE RADIESTESIA - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:46.


Filmfragment: Sinterklaas en Bloem starten zoektocht - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Filmfragment: Sinterklaas en Bloem starten zoektocht - Duration: 0:55.


LetterSchool handwriting apk A B C D E F G H I Uppercase Multicolored Snow Version D'Nealian CURSIVE - Duration: 36:15.

LetterSchool handwriting apk A B C D E F G H I uppercase Multicolored Snow Version D'Nealian CURSIVE

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting apk A B C D E F G H I Uppercase Multicolored Snow Version D'Nealian CURSIVE - Duration: 36:15.


25 Amazing Cute Nail Art Compilation 😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Tutorial Ideas 😱 crismistmas - Duration: 10:40.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> 25 Amazing Cute Nail Art Compilation 😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Tutorial Ideas 😱 crismistmas - Duration: 10:40.


Gear Spotlight: AusRV's Finke Caravan Details ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 4:28.

We're here today checking out the Finke--AusRV's 19-foot caravan

and is this thing tough or what?

We took this bad boy out with us on our last adventure,

and it withstood anything we can throw at it.

Made with quality materials right here in Australia.

This is the only caravan I would trust and take to the places that Simon and I go.

This caravan proves that they aren't just made for gray-head nomads and families but

for everyday 4-wheel drivers and even seasoned adventurers like me and old mate here.

The chassis are graded to 2.9 tonne or an optional 3.5 tonne on the Extreme Terrain models,

making it more than capable enough to handle those tougher terrains.

It also comes fitted with AL-KO independent suspension, and we fit EFS shocks

and Mickey Thompson tyres to get that extra leading edge offroad.

This XT model comes complete with sidebars

and the raptor coating to reduce the risk of damage and scratches through tight bush tracks

and even comes with a set of MAXTRAX for those times when you get messed up.

Before we even have to step inside, this caravan is set up for all your daytime camping needs.

Over here we have a slide-out kitchen with a triple burner gas stove,

electric hot and cold water, a sink, and even a Dometic awning so that I can be shaded while I cook

and Simon sits by the fire.

It's got the bbq bayonet fitting and the perfect spot for two gas bottles down the front.

So inside, you find yourself in this world of air-conditioned luxury and amazing comfort.

The great thing about it is, you get the comforts of home.

And you've only got to look out the window or step outside,

and you could be in any remote location in Australia.

Come night-time, I get the spacious queen-size bed with backrest cushioning all to myself.

No I don't think so, mate, you can get the swag outside.

Hell no, buddy. I ain't doing no swag outside.

I'm at least going to use my favorite place that's the kitchen.

Of course, it's got a three burner gas cooktop, one electric hot plate and the spacious drawers

in this thing are more than enough to cater for my needs.

Now this area here is called the AusRV lounge.

The table is adjustable, and for any occasion can be lowered down.

It turns into a bed.

Yeah, it's bloody comfy too.

You can sit here, and you can watch All 4 Adventure on your 24-inch tv, or you can listen

to any of your camping tracks on the sound system inside and outside.

Over in the bathroom, you've got a shower, large basin, generous storage, and a plumbed toilet.

It even comes with a 3.2kg washing machine installed just in case Jase and I ever felt

like doing our laundry.

So managing your power and your water levels is definitely an essential part of traveling

in remote locations, so AusRV has made it easy by installing the Redarc Manager30 and

a digital water tank gauge so you can monitor your usage.

To keep us powered out in the bush, we have 200AH's worth of battery in this XT model

and a 200-watt solar panel to soak up the sun.

The Finke has been taken further than any other caravan that we have ever seen, and

it now has some serious bush cred.

I reckon it's one of the best quality models on the market.

It also comes in three different layouts to cater for every adventurer's needs.

They tell us time and time again if we can't break it then no one can,

and the Finke passed this test.

It really proved itself in Series 9 as we took AusRV off the beaten track.

For more infomation >> Gear Spotlight: AusRV's Finke Caravan Details ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 4:28.


Eminem: Er meldet sich zurück - mit Beyoncé! - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Eminem: Er meldet sich zurück - mit Beyoncé! - Duration: 4:38.


Roblox I Phantom Forces I We Oblilerated Their Team! - Duration: 44:55.

Hey Everyone! Real here from TheDiamondSword!

Today we're going to be playing Phantom Forces..

now let's hop straight into it..

let's go!

Double Kill!

gosh dangit...

triple kill...

Quarter Kill....


Rando Grenade Coming Up!


Dont mess with my team or you will get Destroyed!

Machine Gun Sniper Out Here!

Aaaww Man!

i recorded this just to see if you guys want me to do a series on this and if it'll work out...

Its pretty fun...

go try it out...i'll link this game in the description

Thank you guys for watching!

And i'll see you all in the next video....

And As Always!



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