Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদেশের বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Bangla Vision Tv News Today - Duration: 15:31.


How to sign in and buy first kryptocurrency on Kucoin exchange - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> How to sign in and buy first kryptocurrency on Kucoin exchange - Duration: 9:19.


第一次嘗試Prank朋友,結果居然成功還是失敗?【WilsonFong TV】 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 第一次嘗試Prank朋友,結果居然成功還是失敗?【WilsonFong TV】 - Duration: 3:59.


Nhạc Cực Hay Dành Cho Game Thủ By -- NTT - Duration: 31:35.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Cực Hay Dành Cho Game Thủ By -- NTT - Duration: 31:35.


Gage's EPIC Death - SlendyTubbies 3 Short - Duration: 0:12.

Alright Gage, tell me where he is exactly.

here, hold on.

I'll stand right next to him.

Alright, that way, I can shoot 'im.

Right here!

Ow! *laughter*

For more infomation >> Gage's EPIC Death - SlendyTubbies 3 Short - Duration: 0:12.


Как рекрутировать Анну Нетреба. Как сделать "вкусное" предложение сильному лидеру. - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Как рекрутировать Анну Нетреба. Как сделать "вкусное" предложение сильному лидеру. - Duration: 0:48.


10 фатальных ошибок рекрутирования в МЛМ. Чего не нужно делать в сетевом бизнесе. - Duration: 18:46.

For more infomation >> 10 фатальных ошибок рекрутирования в МЛМ. Чего не нужно делать в сетевом бизнесе. - Duration: 18:46.


Как Нарисовать Панду ♥ How to Draw a Pandacorn Cute and Easy ♥ Panda Unicorn EASY - Duration: 2:29.

In this video tutorial, I'll teach you to draw a panda unicorn step by step

For more infomation >> Как Нарисовать Панду ♥ How to Draw a Pandacorn Cute and Easy ♥ Panda Unicorn EASY - Duration: 2:29.


■빼빼로 만들기, 조금이상한 빼빼로?!! -스티엘- - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> ■빼빼로 만들기, 조금이상한 빼빼로?!! -스티엘- - Duration: 12:20.


Как пригласить в команду лидера. Как построить прибыльный сетевой бизнес. - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> Как пригласить в команду лидера. Как построить прибыльный сетевой бизнес. - Duration: 15:30.


Flowtrail Weingarten part1 - sighting lap VS going fast -subtitled- - Duration: 5:37.

many stairs..

back up again

I'm in Weingarten.. girlfriend got a hip surgery..

and I just found out that there is flowtrail.. lets check it out

not in the mood - lets ride bikes

Flowtrail Weingarten

lets give it a go


survey run


red segment ...urgh

jump into a corner


dirt? dirtlanding... that's ok


and a wooden feature

segment closed.. that's a pity

how to get back up?

only 2 little segments

should be ontop in no time

another lap

some kicker inside



next time taking a break before the downhill


freshly shaped.. looks good - lets have a look


last part looks cool

but too lazy to go down there


urban freeride

like a pumptrack

goes on and on... but wrong direction...

For more infomation >> Flowtrail Weingarten part1 - sighting lap VS going fast -subtitled- - Duration: 5:37.


Injustice 2 - MAGIA, ELÉKTRON e TARTARUGAS NINJA - Fighter Pack 3 DLC - Teaser - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 - MAGIA, ELÉKTRON e TARTARUGAS NINJA - Fighter Pack 3 DLC - Teaser - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:39.


Jane The Virgin 4x06 Extended Promo "Chapter Seventy" (HD) Season 4 Episode 6 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:43.

My publisher set me up on a mini book tour.

I was wondering if you wanted to come?

What Jane wants to say..

You'd want me to come?

Yes, because I love you.

What Jane says...

Yeah, it'd be fun.

I can't believe I almost said I love you.

It is way too early.

But with the help of best-selling novelist Isabel Allende...

Yell passionately.

Jane just might say it.

So I... [long pause]

Jane The Virgin all new this Friday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Jane The Virgin 4x06 Extended Promo "Chapter Seventy" (HD) Season 4 Episode 6 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:43.


FNN: Oklahoma Police Chase, Steve Bannon Honored at Patriot Dinner, Police Chase in L.A. - Duration: 11:55:01.

For more infomation >> FNN: Oklahoma Police Chase, Steve Bannon Honored at Patriot Dinner, Police Chase in L.A. - Duration: 11:55:01.


Phonics Letter D | Alphabets Rhyme| ABC Song For babies | Video for kids | learning street with Bob - Duration: 3:06.

Hi kids!

Guess who's is here

Yes it's me bob

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter D | Alphabets Rhyme| ABC Song For babies | Video for kids | learning street with Bob - Duration: 3:06.


Фен Шуй для начинающих: почему не работает Фен Шуй? Чего не хватает, чтобы достичь успеха - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Фен Шуй для начинающих: почему не работает Фен Шуй? Чего не хватает, чтобы достичь успеха - Duration: 2:57.


【東京モーターショー2017】開発者の熱いこだわりがカタチに!! ワールドプレミアなマツダモデルカーが続々登場!! | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> 【東京モーターショー2017】開発者の熱いこだわりがカタチに!! ワールドプレミアなマツダモデルカーが続々登場!! | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 7:31.


How to manage your stress levels : Practical Tips - Duration: 7:59.

do you find yourself getting stressed all the time do you feel like you simply

can't manage your stress levels well today I'm going to be sharing with you

my top tips on managing your stress levels better before I start however I

want to give you a little bit of insight into how your stress levels impact your

physiological health as well as your emotional health so your brain is

constantly scanning information from its environment it's constantly scanning

what's going on around you and your subconscious mind will decide whether or

not a situation is threatening to you once it decide the situation is

threatening and will initiate the stress response in your body now the problem

with a stress response is that if you are truly in a life-threatening

situation where you are under siege or you are under some kind of attack it's

excellent to go into a stress response because it's going to put you into a

flight or fight mode which will allow you to either fight or run away in

flight however most of us are being triggered by regular day-to-day stresses

over which we have little to no control like getting stuck in traffic or being

late for work and so on once your brain decides that a situation is stressful

immediately there is a response in the area of the brain called the amygdala

that kind of alarms the entire system you'll go into what we call your flight

or flight response your blood pressure will rise your heart rate will increase

you'll find that your blood supply moves away from your stomach because you don't

need to be digesting food if you're running away from a saber-toothed tiger

it will start moving into your lungs so you can start running or fighting if you

need to and you your adrenals will release the stress hormone the fear

hormone cortisol now if this happens consistently every single day day in and

day out you having multiple stress responses to two situations you're going

to have a lot of cortisol flooding through your system which will cause

inflammation over time and this inflammation over time is a breeding

ground for disease it causes it causes depressed immunity autoimmune issues and

over the long term can lead to all kinds of long-term illnesses like

chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia depression Alzheimer's diabetes and the

list goes on and on so I'm sure all of us have heard by now that stress causes

a lot of illness this is what we mean when we say stress causes illness so our

bodies can only be either in stress mode or in healing mode can't be in both at

the same time at this point you may be saying well what am I supposed to do my

life is stressful so what I usually say is we can't take your stress away but we

can change the way your brain perceives stress for a lot of us the situation's

the day-to-day challenges of life has have caused our bodies to go into fight

or flight response and that's completely unnecessary a much cama and more

rationalized response would actually help us to solve the problem better and

to deal with the situation better so today I'm going to share a few of my top

tips and how to manage your stress stress levels so that you can enjoy

better overall emotional and physical health because we now know that your

stress levels have a huge impact on your physical health my first term sounds

very simple but very powerful and that is to breathe you will notice that when

you are in a stress response you immediately start to either hold your

breath or you start to breathe very shallowly what happens is when you

consciously bring your attention to your breath and breathe deeply then your

nervous system starts to calm down the stress response starts to come down you

know a system kind of goes well she's breathing deeply it can't really be a

life-or-death situation so immediately this comes your stress

response down and helps to decrease your stress level so remember to take nice

deep breaths in and out when you find yourself say you're in traffic and

you're driving and someone cuts you off and immediately you find out you just

get this you just get this reaction and your your hands are gripping the

steering wheel and you're holding the pure breath just take some time to

consciously just take a deep breath in and get it all out the next way that you

can manage your stress levels more effectively

and something that we call earthing so I think is backed up by a lot of

scientific research so when I say I think you're going to be walking every

day for five minutes walking or standing on bare grass or any kind of bare sand

sea sand is excellent for any kind of Bay grass not astroturf it has to be a

real grass so you're gonna stand or walk on this

grass or sand for five minutes every day and you're going to experience the

benefits of other thing which I'm not going to cover here but if you do a

google search you'll find a lot of information or if you want me to do a

video on it then please leave a comment below and I'll maybe make a video on

that the next way that you can manage your stress levels better is exercise so

I'm sure all of us at the height of this one by now but what happens is when you

exercise your body automatically reduces your cortisol levels and increases your

happy hormone this is why you have that after exercise height may not feel that

good while you're doing it but afterwards you feel a lot better because

of the endorphin rush consistent exercise daily exercise even if it's

just 10 to 15 minutes of skipping every day is going to go a long way in

bringing down your stress levels another way that you can help manage your stress

levels is to incorporate a gratitude practice into your life so research has

shown us that our subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a via

or an imagined thought so when you remember things that you're grateful for

so for example start every morning write down three things that you're grateful

for it can be anything the morning cup of coffee it can be your eyesight it can

be your kids or just the fact that you woke up healthy today there's always

something to be grateful for so taking the time to think about this and to

notice it allows your body to immediately respond to that so your

subconscious mind feels as though that very thing that you're grateful for is

happening right now so this again decreases your cortisol levels and

increases your happy hormones as well and helps you to focus on more things to

be grateful for throughout the day my last hope for managing your stress

levels is a hub that has a lot of evidence to support it and it's called

ashwagandha it's been around for ages literally this is a hub that can help

manage us Devils do you research into it and see

if this is a viable option to I know many clients who have had positive

benefits from this and use this regularly to manage their stress levels

my last tip for managing your stress levels is to go in for a bodytalk

session in bodytalk we work with disassociating the triggers that cause

the stress response to manifest in your body so rather than trying to take your

stressful situation away we kind of rewire the way way that your brain

perceives the situation and because your brain perceives the situation

differently you can physiologically and chemically respond to it differently I

have a lot of clients who say that once they deal with stressful situations in

bodytalk sessions they may not love that situation anymore but they find that

they much cama in the approach they're much more rational and because they're

comma they're more open to new creative ways of seeing the situation creative

solutions and they also come up with other people around them and this

transforms the way they approach the situation the way they feel about it

overall I hope that you found this video helpful if you did please give it a

thumbs up and do consider subscribing to my channel by clicking the red button

below my name is Ida and I am a bodytalk practitioner and a life coach and I

upload videos that provide you with helpful insights into how you can become

the best version of yourself if you think that anyone else can benefit from

this video then please do share it with them also if you have any methods that

have worked for you that manage your stress levels please do share them in

the comments below I thank you so much for watching I will see you in my next


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