Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

The magnetic field is too strong. I can't get us in there.



I know you think you've lost everything.

But you haven't.

You have me.

You have Charles.

You have more family than you know.

You never had the chance to save your family before.

But you do now.

That's what I've come here to tell you.

And you?

I'm your...

I'm here for my family, too.


Is he okay?

It's his energy. He's drained.

Get out.

Get out!

Professor, it's okay. You're with us.

It's okay.

I'm going to fight for what I have left.

Are you?

There's so much more to you than you know.

Not just pain and anger.

There's good, too. I felt it.

It's not just me you're walking away from.

Here, you have the chance to be a part of something much bigger than yourself.

And it needs you, Erik.

For more infomation >> Quicksilver & Magneto Scene | X-Men Apocalypse (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


How to Draw a Room in 1-Point Perspective in a City: Narrated - Duration: 11:34.

Hi, Tom here and welcome to my new Circle Line Art School video: How to Draw Room in

One-Point Perspective in a City...

the first step is to draw a rectangle for the floor of the room at an angle,

now draw a mark for the vanishing point, quite near the nearest side of the room,

all vertical lines in this drawing will go to the single vanishing point,

this one point, in one point perspective

we need four straight lines and each of these lines comes from our vanishing

point and goes through one of the corners of our rectangle, so the second

line will come along here, we can add another line on the right...

and then the last of these line on the left, along here, to make these

lines into the walls of the room, we need to copy the lines of the original

rectangle the floor of the room that we've already drawn, just higher up, so I

add this one on the left, and then we can take this line along across, along the

back and then draw it on the right too...

next we can draw a line along the front here, for the front wall of the room,

so now it looks a bit like a shoebox, now if we draw two lines to the

vanishing point here, we can make a doorway in our room, we can add two more

lines, next to these two lines, again going to the vanishing point, to create a

thickness to the doorway...

if we copy the line on the right, that will give us a thickness to the doorway

and we can find the vertical line, the back part of this wall, by taking a line

again from the vanishing point, next on the left, I'll draw a tall wardrobe, start

by drawing a rectangular shape on the floor and then from that shape we can

draw vertical sides of the wardrobe, by using the lines from the vanishing point...

now the top lines of the wardrobe will be the same as the base of the wardrobe,

so we can just copy those lines again...

next, let's draw a chair, start with a square shape on the floor and then we

can take these lines up from the floor, using the corners and diagonal lines

coming from the vanishing point, and then the top of the chair needs to

be lower than the top of the wardrobe..

if we make three sides of the top of the square of the chair a double line, that

will give a thickness to the chair and then we can use the vanishing point here

to take these lines down at the front of the chair and then just add a line along

here for the height of the seat, if I add a curved line here, I can make

the arms of the chair curved, I will use an eraser as well at this stage, to tidy

up some of these lines, otherwise it looks like a wire drawing, you know, a sort

of drawing where you can see through things and I want to create a solidity

to the objects, so we don't need the back parts of the objects, even though we've

drawn them, so if we draw a rectangle on the right

here, on the floor as it were, that can be the bed and again using the vanishing

point and vertical lines from the vanishing point going to the corners of

this rectangle, this bed, we can raise the bed up to make it a three-dimensional

shape, just higher up from the flat shape on the floor...

I'll add a front and the back to the bed as well...

we can just erase some of the lines longer need at this stage and add some

curves if we want as well...

I'll draw in some feet for the base of the bed too, aagain the vertical lines just

go towards the vanishing point, we could add some pillows and make the

lines look broken, so it look more fabric like...

next, draw a diagonal from in point through the wardrobe, to create

the two doors of the wardrobe, this drawing is a cutaway, so that we

haven't got a ceiling or roof to this room, but that means that it would be

nice to draw the thickness of the walls, so we can just repeat these lines at the

top and make them a double line, to create the thickness of the walls,

I think I'll add a long line here for the doorway...

again it's time to erase guidelines that we no longer need

in this drawing...

now if we draw a line parallel to the baseline of our room, just a little bit

above the vanishing point and then another line parallel to the base of a

room, a little bit below the vanishing point, then we can use this as a road and

we're sort of looking down outside the room, far down to a street far below,

we can draw more lines from the vanishing point, to create more sense of the edges

of other buildings going along the street, next, we can carefully draw three

lines along this wall to create four glass windows...

looking out to the street below, now draw some parallel lines, parallel to

the road, to create more floors of these buildings and these lines need to get

closer as they go nearer the road and the distance is the further away as they

come towards us, we can start to add some details now to

this drawing, I think I will give these dividing lines for our windows a

thickness, I'll draw the top of the shape first and then bring vertical lines down

towards the vanishing point, to create a sense of three dimensionality to these edges,

most times it's best to add details to a

drawing towards the end, when the basic shapes have been sorted out, for this

drawing I'm using a 4B pencil, I want to add top part of a doorway along here,

we can add a third line to give it a thickness...

now you could add floorboards, to do this, just draw a series of parallel lines,

parallel to the side edges of our room, lower down in the building we can add

more lines too, that are also parallel to the edge of the room and these lines

should indicate the different floors of the building, as we're looking down lower,

as the lines get nearer the road, they can also be thinner and not so dark, to

make a line not so dark just don't press with so much pressure and then what will

be a finer line, we can repeat these lines on the other

side of the road, on the buildings on the other side of the road too, to finish this

drawing I'll add some patterns and details to the fabric...

we could add some tiny cars for the road far down below...

I think I'll turn the vanishing point into a small car too, that saves

trying to erase it!

now I'd like to add a person, I think I'll add a person into the chair...

I just sketch a head and draw a leg and a foot, at an angle...

I think they could have, maybe, one arm on the side of the chair here, maybe

leaning their head on their arm,

as we are looking down from a bird's eye point of view in this drawing, we don't

really need to draw a face, now I will add her other arm here, on her lap...

I can just add a bit of her other foot along here, so the figure just needs to

be an indication, looking from above, looking down, we could draw some pictures

on these pictures next! once you've got all the details that you

want, we could start adding some tones, some shading, now I will that tone to the

edges of things...

I will use a graded tone, darker at the base of the wall and then getting

lighter, graded lighter, as it goes higher up along the wall...

we could add some color too, just some diagonal blue lines could indicate the

quality of glass on the glass wall and the glass of the outside buildings too,

I will add some colors to the patterns of this bed, I'll color the chair green,

I think, and the floorboards brown, and I think I'll color in the room yellow...

Thank you very much for watching this video, I hope you find it useful for your own drawings...

Please subscribe to my YouTube drawing channel:

Circle Line Art School, for a new drawing every Saturday!

there are now over 270 my drawings to watch! Thank you very much for watching,

and see you next time!

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Room in 1-Point Perspective in a City: Narrated - Duration: 11:34.


The Rules of Muay Thai Boxing - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 3:40.

Ninh explains, the Rules of Muay Thai Boxing.

The object of the game is to win a contest by either knock out or points.

Muay Thai Boxing, sometimes referred to as Thai Kickboxing, is a combat sport that is

contested between two fighters, and is contested in an area known as the ring.

The ring measures a maximum of 24ft x 24ft, with ropes surrounding the perimeter of the


Fights can be fought in the modern way, with fighters wearing boxing style gloves.

Or the ancient way where fighter's hands are bound with ropes.

This causes more damage.

In Muay Thai, you can punch your opponent, kick your opponent, knee your opponent and

elbow your opponent.

Because of this, it is commonly known as the 'art of 8 limbs'.

You are also allowed to trip your opponent by taking out their legs.

The idea is to hit your opponent, whilst avoiding being hit yourself.

If you manage to knock your opponent to the ground, the opponent must stand back up within

10 seconds, and be able to show that he can carry on fighting.

If your opponent cannot do this, you will win the fight automatically.

This is known as a knock out.

If neither fighter can knock each other out, or if they knock each other out at the same

time, a panel of judges will score each fighter based upon how well they fought and who was

the superior fighter.

Fights are generally contested in 3 or 5 rounds of 3 minutes each.

The number of rounds varies depending on the company organising the fight.

Judges score every round and the boxer with the superior number of points at the end of

all the rounds, wins.

That's pretty much it, but there's a few other things you'll need to know before

fighting or watching Muay Thai.

For example: Music.

During a fight, you'll hear this music.

This is traditional Thai music that is played throughout the fight.

Musicians will use a java pipe, some small cymbals and two drums to try and reflect the

intensity of the fight.

At any point they can play the music faster to try and urge the fighters to attack more


Wai Kru Before the first round, each fighter must

perform the traditional Muay Thai ritual of homage.

This is known as "Wai Kru".

The fighters must at a minimum complete the basic fundamental elements of Wai Kru according

to the customs and traditions of Muay Thai Boxing.

Knock down If a fighter hits another fighter forcing

him to fall to the ground, he will have 10 seconds to get back up.

If a fighter successfully gets back up, this is called a knock down.

Clinch A clinch is where one or both fighters grapples

each other.

In Western Boxing, clinching is illegal.

In Muay Thai, it's perfectly acceptable, and is a great way to inflict damage to your

opponent with knees and elbows.

Fouls & Disqualification Even though Muay Thai is a fighting sport,

there are rules that prevent it becoming a street fight.

If you break any of these rules, the referee will award a foul against you.

If you accrue three fouls in a contest, you are disqualified immediately and your opponent

is given the win.

If you have found this video helpful, be sure to share this video and subscribe.

It takes me ages to make one of these things and good karma is very much appreciated.

If you're also on Reddit, you can post this video and discuss it there.

But in the meantime, enjoy Muay Thai Boxing.

Ninh Ly - @NinhLyUK -

For more infomation >> The Rules of Muay Thai Boxing - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 3:40.


TOP 10 FREE Intro Templates #73 [ Cinema 4D + After Effects ] - Duration: 4:10.

Go like's, bro! :3

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Go like's, bro! :3

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Go like's, bro! :3

Go like's, bro! :3

Go like's, bro! :3

Go like's, bro! :3

Go like's, bro! :3

Go like's, bro! :3

For more infomation >> TOP 10 FREE Intro Templates #73 [ Cinema 4D + After Effects ] - Duration: 4:10.


Moira Release Date, Overwatch Movie, & Torb One-Trick Bans! (Overwatch News) - Duration: 4:53.

What's up everybody this is Master Ian Gamer back with another quick Overwatch news video.

Today I'll be talking about how console players who've been waiting to try out Moira,

might not have to wait as long as they thought.

Also, there has been talk recently about a possible future Overwatch movie or TV series,

and a ban wave on Torbjorn one-tricks.

So without further ado, let's jump on in.

First is what I imagine most people to be most excited about, which is the release of

Moira onto live servers, including Playstation and Xbox.

Now, having only gone onto the PTR last week, past Overwatch hero releases would lead us

to believe that Moira would remain there for at least a few weeks.

After all, it's important for Blizzard to be able to work out any bugs or imbalances

with the hero before introducing them to the masses.

However, there's actually some evidence to suggest that Moira could be released sooner

than this.

And by sooner, I mean this week!

So the first big indicator is the announcement about Overwatch's upcoming free to play

weekend for November 17th to the 20th.

In the Overwatch blog post giving details about this weekend, it emphasizes that "Overwatch's

full roster of 26 heroes" will be available for the event, which is on not only PC, but

also Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

So unless there was some miscommunication inside Blizzard when making this post, this

seemingly indicates that Moira, who is the 26th hero, will be available to play for everyone

by next weekend.

And, if this post wasn't enough to tip us off, there was also a significantly sized

background update for Overwatch yesterday, which is almost always an indicator that something

new is about to be released in the game.

While there as of yet hasn't been any official statement by Blizzard with regards to Moira's

release date, it seems that we all may finally get to play her, likely starting on Tuesday,

November 14th.

Also, I did want to emphasize that yes, Overwatch is free to play this coming weekend.

So, if you know anyone who may be interested and hasn't tried the game yet, then be sure

to let them know!

In an effort to not quote Tracer, we could always use more heroes in the world!

Moving on, this past week Dot Esports released an interview with Activision Blizzard Consumer

Products Group CEO Tim Kilpin regarding the possibility of a future Overwatch movie or

even TV series.

Without going too in depth, Kilpin stated that they would be interested in doing something

like this, as Blizzard doesn't believe that the story of Overwatch needs to be restricted

to just the game itself.

However, doing a project like this would be a massive endeavor, and it would only happen

if they felt like they had a good enough story to tell.

But even then, if they were to make it in the same animated style as the shorts we already

have, producing a full length movie like this would take a very long time and be very expensive.

So, I wouldn't recommend getting your hopes up for something like this happening anytime

soon, but maybe it'll be something we can look forward to a few years down the line!

The last major topic for today's new update is regarding a significant ban wave which

hit Overwatch earlier today, and has primarily affected Torbjorn one-trick players.

Most notably was a Torbjorn Grand Master streamer named Fuey, who is well known for being a

high level Torbjorn player.

This isn't the only case, though, as many others have been posting on the Overwatch

Subreddit that they, too, have been banned for exclusively playing Torbjorn.

Now, it's proven to be quite debatable as for whether or not this kind of ban is justified,

as many of these players, especially the ones in higher ranks, might only play Torbjorn

because it's the only hero they feel comfortable on when the stakes are that high.

Of course there are many others who do it simply to troll people, which is why we are

seeing such a heavy debate about it.

Personally, I'm not sure what stance to take on one-tricking like this, as I can see

the argument from both points of view.

However, if you have your own thoughts about it, then be sure to vote in today's poll

card to let me know.

I'm sure we haven't seen the end of this issue yet, and I expect we'll get some kind

of feedback regarding it from the Overwatch devs themselves.

So until that happens, we'll have to settle for just discussing it amongst ourselves.

Anyways, that'll do it for today.

Thanks for watching and be sure to leave a comment below with your thoughts about anything

I talked about here today.

Leave a like and subscribe, follow me on Twitter, and hit the bell to keep up with all my future

Overwatch content.

This is Master Ian Gamer signing off, and until next time have a great day!

For more infomation >> Moira Release Date, Overwatch Movie, & Torb One-Trick Bans! (Overwatch News) - Duration: 4:53.


[ENG SUB] [Meeting] The Unit (더 유닛): Ji Hansol (ex SMROOKIES) #SUPERBOOT - Duration: 2:23.

Hello, I'm 24 year old Ji Hansol

I want to stand on stage and

I really love singing & dancing

That's why I participated on The Unit

[Press Your Number - Taemin]

[2U - David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber]

[Drip Drop - Taemin]

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [Meeting] The Unit (더 유닛): Ji Hansol (ex SMROOKIES) #SUPERBOOT - Duration: 2:23.


El Juanito Reviews - Show by Rock Episode 4 - Duration: 6:34.

What up people? I'm your hommie Juanito, and we're in Episode 4 of Show by Rock!!

If you haven't watched the last video, click

The chapter starts with the band rehearsing, and Cyan trying some guitar riffs

The practice ends, and Chuchu says that's it, everybody head home

Retoree says she has tickets for to see a popular asian catgirl, let's go to the concert

Cyan doesn't know about it, but Moa is super fan

at the seats: "Yeah gals! Where's the Slam!?"

We Want Chilly Willy! We Want Chilly Willy

But Cyan is like: Huh? Are they really that good?

The audience is like: Start already :v

I got away from work to get here

The classic guy with a sign that says "My wife doesn't know I'm here"

Too much anticipation already, play!

So, Tsurezure mixes traditional Asian music with what's popular in Midi City

it's not to make George Harrison say "It's been done"

Thing is, the audience gets hyped up, and Chuchu says "we're a thousand years behind"

But Cyan and the rabbit see 'em as rivals

In Sound World, if you're a band, I'm against you

After the concert, Daru Dayu tells her disciples: "Since we're here... Let's go eat tacos"

Plasmagica does the same, and they talk about how the band was pretty original and such

Turns out, they're in the same taco place!

Retoree goes with the leader, and unlike stuck up voice actors in Anime Conventions, she doesn't charge 20 bucks a picture

Dude, the dog girl hits that way, but it seems she only likes little cats

Then Moa goes to say she's ultra fan and all that

So, they come up with ideas to make Plasmagica more original, but it turns into cosplay runway

You can tell it was Retoree who picked the costumes

When it's Cyan turn, strike JoJo pose

That doesn't fit her, no waifu no laifu, we need fanservice


Those foxes, why they play dumb?

Hey man, I think they're all actually foxes

So, Rom arrives, and since he's not gonna behave like that, they ask him his opinion

the leopard says just play ._.)

Then, they think how to stick out from the rest of the bands, and he's right

becoming popular for the looks, that ain't it, You have to be known for doing awesome stuff

is like a cosplayer with "plot", she could have 100K likes on FB

but is not the same to be respected as a pro cosplayer, than having a bunch of kids touching it with your pics

And it's not the same, to have other gamers subscribing your channel 'cuz they're interested in your content

than the weird guys watching a twitch girl that's only showing her "plot"

So, Cyan goes to rehearse at midnight

Instead of buying prints of hags with silicon that do "hot cosplay", watch Anime Girls

It's the same, is not like you're gonna have it with any of them

Cyan is better neko idol than the boi from Love Live

and whoever says otherwise, is a f...

For more infomation >> El Juanito Reviews - Show by Rock Episode 4 - Duration: 6:34.


ClickBait - the YouTube movie - Duration: 15:26.

I hope you've enjoyed this week's video as much as we have before we go I just

want to do a shout out to my amazing crew

and my boy Ben Ember how's it going

head-to his YouTube channel link below for all the funniest pranks and

tricks and remember before always be true to yourself because I'm always

gonna be true to you I love you guys peace

good video babe

but you really shouldn't do that


plug other people's vlogs it like undermines yours

what's that supposed to mean you know exactly what I mean no I don't you don't

have as many subscribers as Luke and nobody cares about your stupid little perks

anymore you know when he associate himself with you makes him look bad I'm

gonna go edit this maybe I can just cut that bit out hey guys can you give us a minute

come on babe leave it in Ben's one of my oldest friends and I want to help him

out fine but don't blame me to get neggy comments

sorry mate she doesn't meet it

yeah she did look I know we're on different scales but not totally shit

you're not shit at all mare I just I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong I mean

at the start with we were getting loads of views

and subs thousands in a couple of days

but now I'm lucky if I get a few hundred a month you're not even doing pranks

anymore you just talk about stuff and you get thousands within hours it's all

well the titles man clickbait videos and vlogs about trending topics

yeah your pretty looks helps too don't be a twat

look I'll help you where I can

don't worry about Melissa thanks man right I'll be in my room I've got to

edit my latest video and prepare myself for the shit storm of comments

hey guys welcome back to another video with me Luke Trinity and my wonderful Melissa we just gonne be playing

a game so first of all we need are our homemade blindfold

hey man have you seen my phone charger no what are you watching nothing just

editing my latest video okay cool

morning hmm Said morning yeah I heard you

what is your problem with me? You really wanna know yeah let's see you're a

leech a talentless leech who's just feeding off of Luke's popularity any

other questions okay Luke wouldn't even do YouTube if I hadn't

encouraged him to get involved with my videos which turn him into who he is by

the way a charming loverboy that you would never have met that wasn't for me

fuck you you literally just hanging around here trying to be Luke it's

pathetic you never gonna be as successful as him because you're shit you

always have been you always will be and your little five minutes of YouTube fame

literally died five years ago

you have no idea what I can do

here's your phone

I'm going to film with Miranda

morning mate know how we could do the next video is she ok yeah just looking for her things

anyway my next video it'll be really great to have you on board are you free today

yeah of course man like I said anything I can do after all you helped me out at the start

cool man well all right get dressed and I'll go get things set up

what you doing

what's all this

I'll explain all on camera take a sit

are we doing this now

hey what's up YouTube thanks for watching my video as you can see

I got a very special guest with me today my BFF Luke hey and he has agreed to

help me out by doing the ultimate challenge quest yeah so you've probably

seen some of those crazy challenges on YouTube you know you've got Kylie Jenner

cinnamon salt and ice - I thought we have a go through all of them and see

who's the ultimate vlog star luke me or me so what we're gonna do is we're

gonna take turns picking challenges out of this bowl to see who's the best so

Luke as my guest you get to go first

the Kylie Jenner lip challenge no way come on don't be a pussy no I don't want

to like a fucking duck are you don't wanna ruin your pretty face

oh you see everyone he won't do a simple challenge one point to me

that's not fair how it works right my turn

vodka challenge take a vodka shot to

the eye simple no don't that's stupid

no worries


fuck that really hurts oh Jesus you go you go it's your turn it's your turn pick one mother fucker

ok here we go okay cream cracker challenge eat as many

crackers as possible in under a minute easy

let me open the package first I give you no time

go no wait the pack is not open this isn't fair

keep going

keep going

dude dude gotta keep going 20 seconds left

enjoying those Lukey boy

ten nine eight seven six five four three two one time's up I'm not gonna count that

that's a fail on all fronts man right yeah man we don't want you to die

right cool all right right tell you what I'll let you choose my next challenge

how's that sound

right here we go ice and salt challenge

put salt on your arm and

hold ice again it against it for a minute no I I think I've heard of

this one this one gives you like serious burns sure does man don't that stupid

come on let's do this we can do it mmm-mate are you sure yeah I'm ready I

just need your help with applying some salt on my skin if that's alright

come on let's do this

ok don't be a pussy this isn't what Gordon Ramsay usually encourages but we'll come

on season me all right I wasn't easy to get an ice cube out with me you you're

my personal assistant on this one that's gonna be the biggest oh oh is something

there we go I got three one how many ones fine thank you

here we go

you know what that feels fine that feels fine that's not a problem

oh I was expecting it to start burning or something

ok starting to feel a little something now it's 20 seconds gone okay I can do this

all right I can feel it burning now uh-huh Oh

that hurts quite hard now

if it hurts stop no no no seriously mate stop no it's fine

oh no get away

I mean it doesn't look pleasant no it does not look pleasant it doesn't feel pleasant to be honest

my turn no sorry your turn what we're talking about your turn but I'll pick for this time only fair but um

tell you what guys since he's losing so badly I'll give you an option here if you

complete this next challenge you win the whole thing

seriously seriously all right game on

choking challenge have your friend hold you in a choke hold

for one minute and try not to pass out I can do this and if I win I win full-stop

you win the whole thing yeah okay yeah I can do this

see I think it might be a little bit too easy as well to be honest so that's where these come in

what's that

come on I got you

yeah but they're cable tights that's fuckin extreme come on you know me trust me

yeah but

I got ya okay but delete that out of the video

people will think that I'm scared scared okay all right no worries so what we're gonna do

is I'm slowly gonna tighten these cable ties around Lukey boy's neck and I see

how far he can take the pressure all right okay start loose feelin okay

how's that huh I mean I'm meant to feel it come on

all right all right getting bit cocky all right now I get a bit tighter

do it for the fans Lukey boy here we go

come on Lukey boy you can do this I believe me

Luke you're in

don't come in I'm filming

piss off yeah whatever

I win I win Oh Deary me Luke well since there's only one challenge left

I will pick it up for you ah bleach challenge knew I had this for a reason

all right here we go Lukey boy

last night YouTube star was Luke Trinity murdered by his best friend Benjamin Ember


For more infomation >> ClickBait - the YouTube movie - Duration: 15:26.


Cam'ron Calls Out Kanye for the Way He Handled Jay Z Feud - Duration: 1:31.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Cam'ron released his mixtape The Program earlier this week and he had some lines for Kanye


On Coleslaw, Cam kicks off the track speaking on the Kanye and Jay Z feud that rolled out

over the last couple years.

The feud came back into the spotlight after Hov released "Kill Jay Z" on 4:44 and Cam

goes between taking shots at Kanye, to encouraging his mentality.

He then says,

Be yourself, you ain't gotta go AWOL And fuck that, 'Ye, I been that way since

yay tall If you regret it, then dead it, but if you

said it, you said it

Ye references aside,The Program is a 15 track project with a multitude of producers ranging

from Just Blaze, AraabMuzik, Dollavision, ADM, REK, JB Music and more.

The Program is a precursor to Cam'ron's highly anticipated sequel to his 2006 album Killa

Season, which is slated for a release this year.

That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

Also get ready for Complex on Cable.

We're coming at you Fridays on FUSE at 11pm EST/10pm Centralor anytime on demand via OTT

or Cable.

You guys can learn more at

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Cam'ron Calls Out Kanye for the Way He Handled Jay Z Feud - Duration: 1:31.


Fall 2017 TV Shows You Should Be Watching - Duration: 5:42.

It's that time of year when your favorite series are back — like This Is Us, The Good

Place, Better Things, and even Will & Grace.

But there are also a number of brand new network and on-demand shows that are sure to blow

you away.

Here's a rundown of the shows that premiered in Fall of 2017 that you should definitely

make some time for.

The Mayor

The time is right for a new political comedy to step up and help us temporarily escape

from real-life drama — and ABC's The Mayor is here to help.

Centering around the charismatic Brandon Michael Hall's character Courtney Rose — an aspiring

rapper who gets elected mayor after running for office as a publicity stunt — The Mayor

could potentially be crowned this season's best new comedy.

It's funny, refreshingly light-hearted, and optimistic — and it certainly has our vote

of confidence.

Future Man

If Seth Rogen is releasing a project, it should probably be on your radar.

The well-established funnyman is once again teaming up with Evan Goldberg to take on the

end of the world — a favorite topic of the two This is The End creators.

With their show Future Man, Rogen and Goldberg are looking to stand out from the comedy crowd

with their own patented brand of humor.

In an interview with SYFY Wire, Rogen and Goldberg said that they prefer very high-stakes

comedy...and Future Man is exactly that.

"People could die at any second.

To us, that's the funniest.

I don't know why, probably because we're sick."

Star Trek: Discovery

As the first new Star Trek show in more than a decade, Star Trek: Discovery is under some

serious pressure to perform.

Setting the expectations even higher is the fact that it takes place after Star Trek:

Enterprise and before the original series of the 1960s, meaning Discovery needs to successfully

maintain continuity if it wants to please the franchise's hardcore fanbase.

Luckily, fans have tweeted out their positive reactions, so perhaps all systems are, indeed,

a go.

With the charismatic Sonequa Martin-Green headlining a cast of almost all new characters,

Discovery should please longtime Trekkies and newcomers alike.


Showtime's hottest new series this fall is undoubtedly SMILF, about a basketball-playing,

man-chasing South Boston woman who also happens to be a single mother raising a toddler.

SMILF thrives in its authentic feel, thanks to writer, producer, director and star Frankie

Shaw, who claims the show is semi-autobiographical.

With Rosie O'Donnell as Shaw's mother and Nashville's Connie Britton on board, it looks

like Showtime is set to score a big win with SMILF.

Big Mouth

If adult-themed animated comedies are your thing, look no further than Netflix's definitely-not-family-friendly

series Big Mouth, which follows two teenagers in the throes of puberty as they battle hormone

monsters and newfound adolescent interests.

Throw in a star-studded cast — featuring comedy favorites like Nick Kroll, Maya Rudolph,

John Mulaney, and Jordan Peele, to name a few — and the fact that Netflix has already

proven itself with adult animated shows, and Big Mouth is sure to be a home run.

"You have a really big mouth"

"Thank you, I think?"

The Deuce

Can't get enough of James Franco?

Then HBO's new series The Deuce is for you — featuring the actor in not one but two

leading roles, while also working behind the scenes as an executive producer and director.

The drama follows twin brothers Vincent and Frankie Martino, both played by Franco, during

the early days of New York City's porn industry.

The creators of the series have already laid out their plan of exactly how they want it

to go, with eight episodes per season for three seasons.

In an interview with Collider, Franco said,

"I think if we pull it off, it will be a really nice encapsulation of a time and a place."

Young Sheldon

CBS's ultra-popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory was destined to get a spinoff — and here

it is.

Young Sheldon centers around child genius Sheldon Cooper, but the similarities stop


Unlike its parent sitcom, Young Sheldon has no studio audience, and it has a more sentimental,

family-oriented tone.

"How can I be excited when he's gonna be in the same grade as me?"

"Don't worry Georgie I'm not planning on being in the 9th grade for very long."

This stylistic change in format works in the spinoff's favor, as does the standout work

of Iain Armitage as the title character.

Whether you're a fan of The Big Bang Theory or not, you'll definitely want to give the

more mature Young Sheldon a chance.


Based on Aaron Mahnke's popular podcast of the same name, Amazon's Lore is set to dominate

the horror genre this season.

The series' first season will run for six episodes, with each episode acting as a standalone

horror story, running the gamut from demons to medical experiments gone wrong.

If frights are your thing, be sure to check out Lore.

American Vandal

Whether you love or hate true crime documentaries, you'll certainly get a kick out of Netflix's

self-satirizing spoof American Vandal.

The series lampoons the all-too-familiar genre by focusing on the crime and punishment of

Dylan Maxwell, a high schooler expelled for drawing male genitalia across 27 automobiles.

"Because everyone thinks I did it."

"Did what?"

"The d----"

What ensues is an utterly brilliant deconstruction of everyone's favorite binge-worthy guilty

pleasure…and it's one you definitely won't want to miss.

The Gifted

Marvel series are always met with anticipation, and The Gifted is no different.

So far, fans and critics agree — it's definitely delivering.

The Gifted excels in both its premise — a mutant family on the run from the Sentinel

Services — and the special effects it uses for its mutants' powers.

Whether you're an X-men fan or not, The Gifted's impressive cast will — quite literally — blow

you away.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Fall 2017 TV Shows You Should Be Watching - Duration: 5:42.


Рэп Баттл - Wolfenstein vs Doom - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Рэп Баттл - Wolfenstein vs Doom - Duration: 2:05.


How To Access Your Inner Voice For Spiritual Guidance - Duration: 2:46.

How To Access Your Inner Voice For Spiritual Guidance

By Dr. Margaret Paul

Everyone in recovery � whether from alcohol, drugs, food, spending, gambling, sex, TV,

codependency, or any other addiction � knows that they cannot heal without a connection

with their Higher Power, yet for many, this connection is illusive.

It is a common experience for me to work with people who have been in Twelve Steps for years

yet still don�t have a direct, personal experience of their Higher Power.

All of us want a direct line to our spiritual Guidance.

We need this help in maintaining abstinence and taking responsibility for ourselves.

We want to know what is in our highest good, what is the right decision in different situations,

how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to manifest what we want.

It is the birthright of each of us to have a direct line to God, whatever God is for


Yet few of us have learned how to do this at will on a daily basis.

Surprisingly however, it is not hard to do.

The spiritual realm exists at a higher frequency than we do here on the physical plane of Planet


In order to access the spiritual realm, we need to know how to raise our �frequency�.

One way to understand �frequency� is to imagine a room filled with people who are

sharing love and joy with each other.

This room has a feeling of lightness�a high frequency�whereas a room filled with angry,

tense people has a feeling of heaviness�a low frequency.

So, how do we raise our frequency?

There are numerous things you can do to help yourself raise your frequency, but none of

them will work unless you have the intent to learn with Spirit about loving yourself

and others.

Our intent is the most powerful tool we have for raising our frequency.

There are only two possible intents in any given moment: to learn with God/Spirit about

loving yourself and others, or to protect against your pain and avoid responsibility

for your feelings.

When our intent is to protect and avoid we seek to control � through our various addictions

� our feelings, others� feelings and behavior, and the outcome of things.

When our intent is to learn, we seek to take responsibility for our own feelings and behavior

by discovering what we may be thinking or doing that is unloving to ourselves and others,

and what would be loving.

You can try many methods of raising your frequency, from prayer to meditation to chanting, but

if your intent is to protect instead of learn, none of these will do any good at all.

The reason is that when the intent is to protect against pain, we close our heart so as not

to feel whatever we are feeling.

God cannot come through a closed heart.

We are each given free will when we come to this planet.

This means that we get to choose our intent � to be open or closed, loving or unloving,

protected against pain or taking responsibility for our feelings.

While the love that is God is all-powerful, it cannot come into a closed heart.

Just as the air you breathe cannot come into your lungs until you take a breathe, the love,

power and wisdom that is God cannot enter your being until you choose the intent to

learn about loving.

When you have a true, pure intent to learn, your frequency automatically raises.

None of the actions I suggest below will raise your frequency without this intent.

However, once you have this intent, the following actions can help to further raise your frequency.

Move into your imagination.

Your imagination is a gift from God.

When you move into your imagination, you raise your frequency and tap into the source of

your creativity and inspiration.

Our willingness to move into and trust our imagination is essential to being able to

connect with our personal spiritual Guidance When you first begin to utilize your imagination

to increase your frequency and connect with God, you might feel as if you are just using

your imagination to make things up.

However, as you take the risk of trusting what you think you are �making up,� you

will discover that it really is coming through you from God rather than from you.

Keep your body clear.

Your body is an energy system.

If your body�s energy is clogged with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, heavy

foods, lots of food or foods contaminated with pesticides, preservatives, artificial

sweeteners or any of the thousands of chemicals that are added to foods, your frequency is



Sincere prayers of gratitude and asking God for help in healing all blocks to loving can

raise your frequency.


Repetitive prayers, chants and mantras can open you to higher frequencies, as can singing

in general.


Rapid repetitive movement, such as Native American drumming dances, may open you to

higher frequencies.

Spend time in nature.

The frequency of a city is far lower than the frequency of nature.

Being among trees and flowers, near a river, creek or lake, at the ocean, in the desert,

or on a mountain can all raise your frequency.

Listen to classical or spiritual music.

Do creative, artistic activities.

Moving into your creative imagination raises the frequency.

Use incense or do �smudging.� Incense has been used for centuries to raise the frequency

and invite spiritual connection.

�Smudging� is using the smoke from various dried plants such as sage, pine, cedar and

lavender to clear the energies in a room and raise the frequency.

Smudging has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples throughout the world.

Lighting candles.

Candlelight, too, has been used for thousands of years to clear the air and raise the frequency.

If you get into the habit of asking yourself throughout the day, �What is my intent?

Am I trying to control something, or is my deepest desire in the moment to learn about

loving myself and others?�, you will begin to understand intent.

This will eventually lead you into hearing, feeling, and seeing your personal spiritual


For more infomation >> How To Access Your Inner Voice For Spiritual Guidance - Duration: 2:46.


Single Parents are super heroes #PWP 45 - Duration: 1:35.

Really if you are a single parent out there my

hat's off to you. One of the things I feared the most was that I may have to

be a single parent because my daughter was, my mother was, my brother was, I saw

how difficult that was and I am always amazed when I watch a single parent and

how much they accomplish in a day and how hard it is on them. But I do want you

to know as a single parent you are already teaching your children things

just because your single parent. If you've had the wisdom to keep your mouth

quiet about the other parent, things that they have done to cause problems or

issues you are teaching your children to have respect. If you are dealing with

every day-to-day situations and you're doing it on your own you're teaching

your children to be self-reliant. If you are doing this and you're holding down a

job and you're getting them to soccer practices you're teaching them they can

do anything if they set their mind to it. There's so much you are teaching your child

just by being a single parent. So I want to encourage you and help you realize

how much you're teaching your kids. You are showing them goals without even

really trying. You are doing an awesome job

I don't know how if at all, we can possibly help you as a community but if

we can, I'd love to be able to do that so please leave us some comments that below

and tell us how we might be able to assist you and as always we want to wish

you an awesome day

For more infomation >> Single Parents are super heroes #PWP 45 - Duration: 1:35.


NFL Thug Bashes Trump, Protests Anthem – Gets Massive Karmic Payback After What Just Happened To His - Duration: 3:46.

NFL Thug Bashes Trump, Protests Anthem – Gets Massive Karmic Payback After What Just Happened

To His Ankle.

Ever since Colin Kaepernick started the disgusting trend of kneeling during our national anthem,

dozens of other thugs have followed suit and taken up the cause of disrespecting our flag.

Thankfully however, after bashing Trump and kneeling during the anthem for MONTHS, one

of the worst contenders just got some massive payback.

Liberals have been trying to undermine this country from within for decades, ever since

the cultural revolution of the 1960's—Marxists and Socialists understand that you can't

destroy such a strong country as America using force, but rather using "cultural subversion."

This is why they constantly parade anti-American propaganda on television, in music, and have

social justice warriors running college campuses like they're daycare centers.

Their goal is to create a generation so hopelessly brainwashed and liberal, that we can't even

run our own country anymore.

It should come as no surprise then that NFL thugs have been doubling down on the anti-American

rhetoric, with their constant virtue signalling, kneeling during our national anthem, and bashing

President Trump—but after Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks gave this country

his worst, it seems that fate dished it right back.

The NFL thug had previously defended Kaepernick, the man who started this entire sick trend

of disrespecting our flag and our veterans, saying that "his heart was pure," and

that "he was trying to do the right thing."

Well, unfortunately for Sherman, he won't be playing in the NFL for much longer.

ESPN reports that he will miss the rest of the season, and potentially even more, after

suffering from a ruptured Achilles tendon in his game last night:


— Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman will miss the rest of the season after suffering

a ruptured Achilles tendon in Thursday night's 22-16 win over the Arizona Cardinals.

Sherman exited the game in the third quarter and did not return.

He says he expects to undergo surgery after swelling in the Achilles goes down in the

next few days.

"No coming back from that until you get surgery," head coach Pete Carroll said,

adding that Sherman "couldn't even walk" after leaving the game and standing on the


"He's been a bastion of consistency, competitiveness and toughness.

We're going to miss the heck out of him."

Sherman, who has never missed a game since entering the league in 2011, said his Achilles

has been bothering him all season and that he has tried to avoid making any drastic cuts.

On the play in which he was hurt, Sherman said the defense was playing Cover 2 and that

he was going for an interception.

"I thought I could get the ball.

Once it popped, just unfortunate," said Sherman, who was visibly emotional at times

while addressing reporters.

"One of those things that you have to play through for as long as you can.

When it goes, it goes.

"I've put a lot of stress on it.

Think it would have gone eventually."

God has a strange way of dishing out justice in the world, and while many believe that

the NFL players are doing their best to protest racial inequality, others simply aren't

having it.

They've been given millions and millions of dollars by the system that we live in,

and then have the nerve to claim that it's stacked against them?

It isn't.

Nothing is stacked against anyone—and the only thing keeping the black community down

is their gang culture that encourages laziness, gang banging, violence, and drug dealing.

Anyone can make it big in this country if they just have the determination to get it


What do you think about this?

If you think that NOBODY should kneel during our national anthem, please give this article

a share.

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> NFL Thug Bashes Trump, Protests Anthem – Gets Massive Karmic Payback After What Just Happened To His - Duration: 3:46.


What If Leatherface Was Real? – Texas Chain Saw - Duration: 4:46.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a horror film from 1974, directed by Tobe Hooper.

It follows the story of a group of friends who are on their way to visit a farmhouse,

fall victim to a family of cannibals.

The antagonist is a sadistic serial murderer, known as Leatherface.

Leatherface wears masks made from human skin.

If you're a fan of the texas chainsaw massacre, you know that the story was inspired by true


Leatherface, was inspired by real life serial killer Ed Gein.

But there were some major differences between Ed Gein and Leatherface, making the character

far more sinister.

So on that note, lifes biggest questions asks, what if leatherface was real?

Welcome back to life's biggest questions.

I'm charlotte dobre.

Please hit that thumbs up, subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics

you would like to see next.

Lets start by talking about the real Leatherface.

Ed Gein, also known as the butcher of Plainfield was a Wisconsin farmer.

He studied the experiments the Nazis carried out in concentration camps.

He would dig up graves and remove female corpses.

He engaged in necrophilia as well as cannibalism, and killed at least 2 women in the 1950's.

In Geins Farmhouse, Police found a total of 15 different female mutilated bodies, that

had been made into strange objects, Including purses, bowls, drums, masks, leggings, lampshades

and shirts.

This was replicated in the film The Texas chainsaw Massacre.

Gein also really did wear a mask made from human skin.

However, It was confirmed that most of the bodies in his farmhouse were already dead

when Gein dug them up and mutilated them.

The major difference between Ed Gein and Leatherface, is that Ed Gein was considered far more of

a grave robber than the murderer from texas chainsaw massacre.

Not to mention, he definitely didn't hang out in rural texas chopping people up with

a chainsaw.

Ed gein had never even been to Texas.

So what if there really was a psycho cannibalistic murderer hiding out in texas, chopping up

people with chainsaws while wearing masks made from human faces?

Well the scary thing is, there are a lot of rural areas in texas that are not frequented

by the general public.

We've all been on road trips before where we take a wrong turn and end up in the middle

of nowhere.

Who's to say that there isn't a chainsaw murderer out there that preys on lost travellers?

There have been several known murderers over the years who have used chainsaw to assist

their murders, that we know of.

Noe Gerado Morin was arrested in 2011 for using a chainsaw to chop up his best friend

Marlon Thomas.

Max Bernard Frank used a chainsaw to chop up a male prostitute after he had murdered

him in 1987.

When He tried to return the chainsaw, there were still bits of blood and flesh inside

the inner workings.

A chainsaw is almost always used to make the corpse easier to dispose by chopping it up.

But there are some murderers who did use a chainsaw as their weapon of choice.

Isis famously executed a group of 9 young people with chainsaws in 2016.

In 2015, Manuela Rodriguez killed her seven month old granddaughter with a power saw.

Robert Owens murdered his own mother with a chainsaw in 2016.

So then, what if leatherface was real?

If there really was a murderer hiding out in the middle of nowhere in texas, they wouldn't

get away with it for very long.

Its definitely not 1974 anymore, the year that the texas chainsaw massacre came out.

Even the remake came out in 2003, a time where cell phones were not as advanced.

Today's technology would prevent him from carrying out his murders unnoticed.

Everyone has a phone now, and almost all of those phones can be traced.

People almost certainly keep in touch with loved ones when they go on road trips.

Leather face also did not dispose of his victims, he made decorations out of them.

Meaning, he had evidence scattered all over his house.

All the more easy to convict him, if he's ever found.

Smart murderers don't leave evidence lying around, and they definitely don't make lampshades

out of it.

On that note, being a smart murderer also means choosing a weapon that's a little

easier to handle.

As scary as a chainsaw is, its not the easiest murder weapon to hoist around.

They are pretty darn heavy, and they also need to be revved up, making them a difficult

weapon of choice.

Scary, yes.

Effective…not so much.

At the end the original film, Leatherface cuts himself in the leg with his own chainsaw,

allowing his Sally to get away.

In the remake, the protagonist Erin Hardesty cuts off leatherface's chainsaw wielding

arm with a meat cleaver.

So a chainsaw wielding murderer is scary in theory, but in reality, when chainsaws are

used to help commit murder, they are mostly only used to chop up the body after the victim

is already dead so its easier to hide.

Gruesome I know, but hey you guys seem to like it when we talk about murderers.

Are there any others you would like us to cover?

Let us know in the comments below.

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That's all for now and thanks for watching LBQ.

For more infomation >> What If Leatherface Was Real? – Texas Chain Saw - Duration: 4:46.


Top 10 Superheroes Harry Potter Could Beat - Duration: 5:40.

Oh hey there magic!

It's the top 10 superheroes harry potter could beat list!

We're matching up some superheroes with Harry and talking about how he could likely

crush them.

Fun stuff!

Let's set some ground rules, though.

It's fair to state that heroes with molecular and sub atomic abilities would likely obliterate

the boy that lived - sorry potter fans - so we won't be arguing any of those.

We all know Harry is without a doubt a very talented wizard, especially with defence against

the dark arts and charms, so let's just assume he's capable of the spells we're

discussing even if we haven't seen him do them in the books.

But no going off the rails with incredibly strong Dumbledore level magic here.

Now remember friends, we're entering hypothetical versus land here, and while each of these

heroes could have a decent advantage over Harry in a fight, we're going to throw some

doubt in every direction for the purpose of this video.

Now, that being said, let's jump right in.

10 Batman I mean, yes, the world's greatest detective

could probably eventually figure out how to stop Harry and cease his magic.

But hey, lets be honest - on a first encounter without any preparation - Harry would definitely

throw Bats off with his magic.

With pretty much any offensive spell.

9 Wonder Woman Assuming Diana hasn't already just stabbed

him through the chest with her sword.

So, this one requires a bit of fancy wand work.

Now, if Harry used the seize and pull charm - carpe retractum - he could use the retractable

magic rope of light to grab hold of Diana's lasso and tie her up - it's her weakness.

Or at least was in the earlier days.

Bondage, friends.

Harry's got some kink in him, right?

While this one is a bit of a long shot, and more capable of a wizard like Dumbledore,

let's have a little faith in the boy that lived, eh?

Or not.

Wonder Woman in many other circumstances has a fairly good chance of kicking his butt,


8 Nightwing Similar to his mentor we previously mentioned,

it would be INCREDIBLY hard for Dick Grayson to manage fighting off Harry's magic.

Don't get me wrong; he's incredibly smart, skilled in hand to hand combat and acrobatics,

and he has a nifty collection of high tech gear at his finger tips.

But he would go down pretty fast if Harry tossed the likes of Expulso or Confringo his


7 Namor Namor's got a few weaknesses that could

give anyone from the world of witchcraft and wizardry an unfair advantage.

His oxygen imbalance and water deficiency when above ground for too long would make

him susceptible to attacks if he were imprisoned or trapped with the incarcerous spell, or

stunned with pet-rif-icus totalus.

He's also incredibly susceptible to head damage, so if hit with the same spells we

mentioned in our last number, there's a solid chance that Harry could knock him unconscious.

6 Black Widow While she's capable of holding her own against

some of Marvel's respectable heroes and villains, she just wouldn't stand a chance

against Harry's magic.

Spells like Stupefy would knock her out almost immediately.

5 Hawkeye All Harry would have to do is incapacitate

Clint Barton and he wouldn't be much of a threat.

Hawkeye's abilities come from his master marksmanship, and expert tacticians and martial

arts capabilities, so when up against magic, and even a young wizard like Harry, he would

share a similar fate to Black Widow and Nightwing.

His trick arrows can easily be deflected or destroyed by spells like the shield charm

or a disintegration curse, like the one Molly Weasley used on Bellatrix Lestrange.

Not sure if Harry is capable of magic like that yet, but it's fair to say more advanced

tricks like that are definitely in his reel house in adulthood.

4 Human Torch This pyrokinetic superhero wouldn't stand

a chance against the Aguamenti Spell.

It's a charm that conjures a jet of clear, pure water, shot directly from it's caster's


There's even the Agua Eructo Charm, that creates a spout of water that can range from

a thin fountain spout or an incredibly powerful and destructive jet of water.

And if that doesn't work, the Human Torch requires oxygen in order to ignite, in which

case, Harry could use the Incarcerous (in-kar-ser-us) spell to conjure rope to strange him, cutting

off his oxygen supply.

3 The Punisher Assuming Harry manages to prevent The Punisher

from unloading a round into his body, that is.

Aside from his impressive abilities with fire arms and general above average physical capabilities,

the Punisher is still human.

Giving Harry a very strong advantage.

Plus, he could aways transfigure The Punisher's guns into something else.

2 The Hulk One word.


The shrinking charm.

Allows for a witch or wizard to exponentially decrease the physical size of their target.

Yes, I'm suggesting you make the Hulk a teeny tiny Hulk.

From there on out, there's plenty of magical objects that could be used to contain this

invisible green Goliath.

Especially if he's dosed in a Calming Draught.

1 Superman Okay, I know.

Man of Steel versus a teenager with a wand.

Natural inclination is to assume Harry wouldn't stand a chance.

Plus, Superman flies.


But let's not forget that Superman has a natural weakness towards magic.

Now this would be a very difficult fight, considering Superman is exponentially faster

than Harry, and that Harry, if forced to a duel to the death, could always whip out the

unforgivable curses.

Yes, we know Harry would never dare use those, but let's be honest - there's other spells

out there capable of killing someone.

And if he uses a particularly strong jinx, whose to say that Superman's healing abilities

would be able to overcome that without a counter curse?

Food for thought, friends.

Debate away in those comments.

There we have it!

Who else do you think Harry could beat?

Who do you think Harry would get his butt whooped by?

Let us know in those comments below!

But for now I've been Kelly Paoli for top 10 gaming, and I'll catch you all in the

next one.

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