Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 12 2017

Told you we should have gone to the supermarket the other day.

Why's that?

Well now we've got to go hunting for bush tucker instead.

This is a supermarket. The desert supermarket.

This is what they call spikey wattle.

See this leaf here, this seedpod?

What we want is, we want the little seed inside, and you get a heap of them.

And then you grind them into a paste with a bit of water, and you grind them up,

and you make little pattycakes, mate.

But that's not all what this prickly wattle will produce.

There's this awesome little thing that it has down in the bottom of its trunk,

and it's the sap that we're looking for.

Because the sap itself comes out in globules.

Break them off.

All right, here we go.

So that's the sap that comes straight out of the tree, especially down around the trunk.

And it's quite tasty.

Now Simon, you have a crack at that.

Grab a big bit of that.

A big chunk of that crystal.

This one too.

It's like a honeycomb, almost. It's got a bit of sweetness.

It tastes like something. Almost like popcorn-y taste.

Popcorn taste.

The trees are everywhere. They're scattered everywhere.

You spend half an hour, you could get a big handful of that.

Stick it in your pocket, and walk around, have a bit of a chew on it.

Basically, if you're stuck out here, it might save your life.


For more infomation >> Spikey Wattle: Bush Tucker ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 1:42.


Lets Talk About Sex - Muslim Talks - Part 2 - Puberty - Duration: 18:50.

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu.

where to begin

we had the intro for a sexuality for this series and I want to start off

again by emphasizing the point that we're just having a general discussion

here I am NOT a qualified sex therapist if you will we're just talking about

things that I personally believe that everybody on the planet should be taught

at a basic level basic understanding of of biology in terms of sexuality safety

and how to enjoy sex how to make it an important part of your life but not an

imbalance part of your life how to approach sexuality from a spiritual

standpoint as Muslims right and inshallah the ultimate goal is to help

alleviate some discussions as well because obviously I can't speak to the

female perspective I can give some basic academic understanding but since I'm not

a woman I don't know how women feel I mean even I don't even know what other

men feel right I know what I feel I know what I understand I know what I've been

through in terms of my sexuality and but inshallah we'll approach this in the

most halal way possible with the intention to learn and to understand so

that sexuality doesn't become something that we're afraid of doesn't become

something that we affects us negatively because sex like anything else can be

very pleasurable very enjoyable and an amazing part of building a relationship

but it can also be extremely destructive it can lead to to so many harmful things

so we have to have a proper understanding to enjoy more of the good

and prevent much of the harm so to start off I mean obviously an easy way is I've

been doing a lot of research on things in terms of biology in especially in

this arbitrary age that we have that we've set up that an adult is 18 years

old or 19 years even in Canada depending on the province that you go to the age

of majority when you are considered a legal adult changes from place to place

we have additional laws in terms of when it's appropriate to have sexual

intercourse that government has also placed laws on things like not that it

should be an issue for us unfortunately but it is things like alcohol there are

stiffer --nt ages depending on where you go to consume alcohol and this one to me

it shouldn't even come up in in conversation however this is one of the

issues having the government feels the need to dictate when and where and how

our freedom is is allowed to be practiced now this creates a lot of

problems particularly about historical aspects in terms of when people started

sexuality and so on and an interesting thing is that people are really upset

about ideas of polygamy and their ideas of year marrying at a young age and so

on but this was always always the practice of human beings of mankind and

it only until recently when we started to say well you know what people get

into medical science and into this you know psychology and something you know

we don't think society is ready to start engaging in sex at this age but the

weird thing is that at least in where I live

in Canada there is this trend to push sexuality at a much earlier age and

they're saying well it's for the sake of education but the problem is that people

are pushing particular ideas of what sexuality should be right and obviously

we're going to have conflicts with that as Muslims now for the young brothers

out there and the young sisters as well I mean from a biological standpoint it's

don't be afraid to ask your parents right I mean it's gonna be challenging

for some because many parents are out there afraid that you're going to ask

them in the first place and that has to to stop as parents we have to have the

confidence and we if we are not understanding of human biology we really

need to take the time to do this right and you can go online there's a lot of

good resources online that will help you too

that will help you to get some basic information I'm talking about biology

right understanding the penis and the vagina understanding that where women

urinate is not the same place that we have intercourse with right for example

right this is like one of those things that that many people don't know and

they're led just short right and so we have to be as parents we have to be

comfortable with this information and in Canada I was taught sex education at

grade 9 grade 10 so I was 14 15 years old they introduced these concepts to us

and they told us that a high level and an appropriate level of what sexuality

is and we really need to do this because if we don't do it as parents our kids

are just gonna go somewhere else and they're gonna learn from their friends

who don't know what they're talking about because they're all in the same

age and they don't know what they're talking about so they're gonna learn

things they're gonna learn things inappropriately they're gonna learn

things that could be harmful so at least learn the basic biology so something

that's found interesting through this study was that back to the age of

majority thing is that we are in an age right now where they're saying that

younger boys and girls are becoming or getting into puberty or starting that

that biological change if you will at a much earlier age becoming its more

common around nine and ten years old now for both boys and girls it's not just a

girl thing anymore for a long time it seemed that that girls were hitting

puberty and beginning having their their menses their periods earlier in a few

years earlier than boys but that's not based on some recent studies that's not

really the case anymore now one of the problems we face is that

physically boys and girls are going through a change getting their bodies

prepared to be sexually active and to become young adults the problem is that

because of the nature of our society we are teaching our children to be children

much longer so physically they're growing up but mentally they're not

taught how to be young adults until a much later age and that creates a lot of

because the physical and emotional urges come up but they don't understand them

because we haven't taught them about these things so so it is important to

have that conversation sooner than later if you will but obviously you have to

pick the appropriate time when to do it I mean when you feel that your child is

conscious consciously aware and things are going through changes you know it's

it's okay to sit them down and have this discussion now as I said focusing on

some of the biological aspects is a really important thing that especially

for the sisters as I mentioned this series was initially inspired by a

sister who doesn't know how to approach her 13 year old son in terms of this

topic because as a woman as a single mother she she's not confident with the

individuals in her society in terms of the male figures in her life to teach

her son in an appropriate rate there seems to be a lot of cultural issues

with this from what I understand I could be wrong and I love forgive me if I'm

wrong in this but but they're just there they just don't want to talk about these

things so it's just like it's natural let it happen and and that's okay to a

point for example women get pregnant and the baby's gonna come naturally whether

you like it or not right but we can't it's better to be educated on that

process to reduce any chance of harm now for young boys well in young girls too

when they start going through puberty I mean a lot of things change right the

changes are similar and the changes are different one of the things that we have

is what's called hormones chemicals inside of our bodies if you will that

they change and they create they throw everything out of whack and I've heard

on many studies that you know in layman's terms they say to some degree

teenagers go a little bit insane if you will and just more of a humorous type of

way of approaching it but the idea is they say that there the mind gets so

confused about so many things that that they will often do things that are

inappropriate without even realizing they're doing it right it's just part of

that process and as I said the body is physically changing but the mind is not

really prepared for this the mind grows up a little bit later now so yeah I mean

this this is kind of a you know the focusing on the age is something that

that has to begin so in this case the sister is talking thirteen and there is

the potential that she should have maybe had these conversations a few years

before but unfortunately the resources may not have been available and that's

one of the reasons for doing this now for me for a young brother

you're gonna start going through a lot of change one it is a thing that we

don't talk about maybe very often that people don't hear about it and my

children go through it a lot is a what we call refer to them as growing pains

you're gonna start to get different aches and pains in your body and this is

because your body is going through a dramatic change in a short period of

time like we're always growing to a point physically our bones are growing

and stretching and and and and everything is changing physically so you

may find that you're starting to get pains it can happen in your legs your

knees especially in your joint stays like this and this is just the physical

change of your body and you get this constant ache and my children all went

through it to a certain degree at different levels and that's an

interesting thing with biology is that what you're going through is going to be

very similar to some of your friends and maybe your family members but it may not

always be exactly the same so growing pains physical like you're just a key

all in it's not like work out or anything you just your body hurts in

certain places and it's tender and sore and it's not to be anything to be afraid

of we're not talking about horrible debilitating pain it's just thick an

achiness that you may get and you'll notice it and this is one of those signs

that you're going through puberty also for boys the the voice will change over

a couple of years they'll go through this awkward stage of being really happy

can they just I didn't get this weird funny almost I guess it sounds like you

have a tickle in your throat you may not realize it's happening but

everyone else hears your voice one day it seems normal the next day it's a

little off and and then depending on various things you may end up getting a

very deep voice you may have a just slight change in your voice but

generally the the voice of of the young we'll start to change and get more shall

we say manly if you will right the sisters on the other hand not so much

with their voices right they made a little bit but that's not one of the

changes that were sisters or women go through the aches the body aches and

stuff is something that they may go through and for the brothers one of the

most challenging things that maybe I'll do an entire is just a little mini video

on this and itself is you are suddenly introduced to something new and strange

and exciting and scary called erections okay this is where your penis starts to

change just randomly out of the air out of the whatever reason and it's it's

it's kind of it's a very stereotypical humorous thing that we use and I don't

know what other cultures but in Western society it's a big joke because it's one

of those things that is it's just a sign that you're going through puberty that

your body is changing and it can just happen at any time and because it's so

new and you're adjusting to this sudden change where your penis goes from what

they call I believe is the word flaccid it's just it's basically just normal and

all of a sudden it decides to stand up and often in public and it can be

uncomfortable it can be embarrassing and I don't mean uncomfortable in a painful

way I mean uncomfortable in the sense that

you're like you're very stressed and tense and you're like you know so a

little tip for this that I taught my son is when you start to notice these things

happening a little trick for the young brothers is where a bigger longer shirt

for example and this will really help you with this because this I grew up

where wearing tight pants and and so on obviously is a Muslim I change to be

more modest in my dress but when now in hindsight if I'd known I would have worn

longer shirts this kind of thing and then when it happens it's a little

easier to to kind of cover because it is a private issue right and the problem is

that when this happens it's a public issue right it's noticeable people can

see that sudden there's a you know a change and

that's where I think the biggest challenge with this is initially for the

young brother so so just just don't be shocked don't be caught off guard I mean

it is gonna be a little bit embarrassing but don't don't think the wrong way

about this kind of stuff so oh I guess basically on that little that little

note I don't really have to maybe I would still we'll go into some other

ideas about I will talk about it further because it does lead into other things

such as masturbation what we call what's known as pre-ejaculate that you may

start having what nocturnal emissions I believe is the term that they use

meaning wet dreams right so there's a lot of things to talk about and these

are natural everybody goes through them right and if if somebody doesn't go

through this and you know in the extreme case where somebody biologically doesn't

go through as a boy through erections through wet dreams and all except

there's usually something wrong physically biologically right an illness

or something like that right it could even be a mental issue yeah let's say

you live in a very stressful environment you're sometimes it can have such an

impact on your body that you may be delayed so so don't worry about that

either if you don't start at 9 or 10 years old

you start at 13 14 it's not a big deal we have an example from the Prophet SAW

somewhere where there was two boys that came for one of the the battles and

wanted to fight in the army and they the brother the Prophet also asked how old

they were and one was I believe maybe 16 or so one was a little bit younger maybe

15 and and the Prophet said well you know you guys are a little too young and

so one of them was bigger and stronger and then there was a smaller one so the

big one says look I'm well-trained my father taught me to hunt in to fight so

I believe what he did was he he said she showed him so the Prophet asked him show

me and he showed how well he will he'll good he was with archery so the Prophet

said near fine and then the younger guys smaller guy said look I'm stronger than

him and and it was kind of this this

in-your-face challenge right so they got them to wrestle and the younger one

proved that he was physically more capable right so just because somebody's

bigger and stronger doesn't mean that they have gone through puberty and

completed puberty and that their changes are somehow superior to your changes

this is just an example where everybody's a little bit different

you're going to get people who are smaller but maybe physically stronger

you're gonna get people that start puberty at an earlier age

some people will start later but in the end I mean you're gonna go through a lot

of the same things majority of the things you're gonna go through are going

from a biological standpoint are going to be the same every man has gone

through them every woman goes through this as well it's a bit different for

sisters and inshallah maybe I will talk about the sisters on a side thing but

right now the focus is to help with the young brothers at this point so

inshallah I hope that's beneficial obviously put in your comments I mean

any of the mistakes that I make in this this is just kind of random casual

conversation and so I may slip up and say things not exactly correct so let's

try not to get caught up in all the biological terms I mean if you you catch

a mistake where I use the wrong term from a biological standpoint a medical

center or a reference to head east and something again one of the ways you can

help with these with this series is to take them don't be confrontational just

say hey look I noticed that you've said this in the video this is actually the

term that's used or this is what these you know this these studies have been

saying or this is the hadith that you were talking about this is where you can

help and this is where you can get involved with these videos because the

idea is to not get this is not supposed to be a debate this is just supposed to

talk about the generalities of things I'm not going to get into thick and

Sharia in terms of the differences of opinions and so on I'm gonna give the

basics and and the the foundation that you're supposed to use to go forward so

that this stuff becomes beneficial and that we don't have to freak out about

sexuality as much right no matter how much information we have it's still

gonna be uncomfortable as an adult I'm gonna lay it out there as an adult it

happens sometimes for me these spontaneous erections right just out of

nowhere right so this is in a what in some ways

I'm hoping that this is a good sign I hope it's not a medical thing I'm hoping

that it just shows that I'm still energetic I'm still there all I'm still

right healthy but so for the young brothers obviously it's not as frequent

right but I just trying to throw that out there just to give you the idea that

this is a normal thing that happens and it can happen all the way through your

life to a certain point and it just it's just changes and we just adjust and we

go with the flow if you will so with all all the upcoming videos I'm just as just

a reminder you can support me on patreon which is creative crowdfunding and

anything that you can do can really support us even if it's just one dollar

a month can really help us to grow in inchaallah and all that information will

be in the video description below so inshallah this would be a good intro for

the for the young brother and the family and whoever else may benefit from this

so try to relax try to remember this is about learning and and using it

knowledge is what's going to help us approach these things in the future so

assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahu wa to get to

For more infomation >> Lets Talk About Sex - Muslim Talks - Part 2 - Puberty - Duration: 18:50.


Big Box Cinematix - NES Kung Fu (Japan, USA) - Duration: 1:27.

This is available for download on the LB Forums

Where you will also find a version of this with Regular Game Audio

And a couple of 4x3 variations as well

For more infomation >> Big Box Cinematix - NES Kung Fu (Japan, USA) - Duration: 1:27.


Simon's Bogged Again: Deleted Scene ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 1:32.

Okay, rolling.

Hang on.

Oh, I'm bogged.

Hang on.

Hold everything, I could be in trouble.

Simon's just turning around but he's bogged.

Yeah, I'm bogged.

Yeah, I'm bogged.

You're right. The sand is bloody soft, mate.

Whatever you do, don't get off the road.

No, I thought up here might have been all right.

That's a big negative.

Yeah, Simon's bogged.

Oh, he drove off the road, and now he's bogged.

Bogged to the eyeballs.

There you go, young fella.

Take 2.

For more infomation >> Simon's Bogged Again: Deleted Scene ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 1:32.


Welcome to Bloxburg: 45K Modern Home (No Gamepasses!) - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Bloxburg: 45K Modern Home (No Gamepasses!) - Duration: 13:05.


Tackling the Territory: Episode 3 Promo ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 0:35.

Next time, the boys roll out a new bit of kit from All 4 Adventure HQ.

Could you get a bigger 4-wheel drive or what?

It's a special mission to reach the border terminal post on the Gulf of Carpentaria.

That's the first time we've stamped ourselves into history.

That's next time on All 4 Adventure.

For more infomation >> Tackling the Territory: Episode 3 Promo ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 0:35.


Visiting Poeppel Corner ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:14.

This is it, mate. We've made it to the center of all the borders.

Feels like about 300,000 dunes later.

There it is, mate.

The old post.

Old August.


August? Or August?



You can stand in all three states all at once.

Look at that.

It's cooler over here.

It's cool in South Australia?

It is.

You better come back to the Northern Territory.

That's better.

I'm gonna keep going in the Northern Territory.

So it was in 1884 that Augustus Poeppel, he dug the hole, and he planted this post.

And it was to mark all three borders.

Now his mission was to head from here to the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Now it's 600 miles to the border.

So it was poor old Augustus Poeppel that only made it halfway.

325 miles to be exact.

And he had to pull out.

He got blind in one eye, and we're not sure whether he got an injury or a disease or something

like that or infection.

Anyway he pulled out, and he went back to Adelaide.

Now it was John Carruthers that took over from that point, and he headed out to the

gulf using the same equipment.

So the equipment wasn't changed, so therefore by the time they hit the gulf they were 600 meters out.

Now later on in the series, we're gonna head out to that gulf country, and we're gonna

have a look at that last post that was put in right out on the coastline there.

Hey Jase, I'm not sure if old mate got a crook eye or whether he got sacked.

Got the sack!

Well there's a new one over here; he was out from the get-go.

Oh you reckon he's out just from that point to that point.

Yeah, he blew it from the start.

This is the post here.

Yeah that's just the new one.

Yeah that's the new one that's in the right spot.

But anyway we had a chat to Bill at the Queenland Museum about the survey equipment of that day.

All right Jason, would you like to see a theodolite that is exactly the same as what Poeppel used

and got himself into trouble with?

Hell yeah.

Okay this is a Y-theodolite just like the one Poeppel used--the same vintage.

These are what they call the Ys here: these two things that hold the telescope.

And this is a telescope, yeah, with the crosshairs there.

And this is what we call our vertical axis or trunnion axis.

And this was the one that wasn't level.

It was slightly inclined, and so as he produced that line fowards, you get a left-hand tilt.

It wasn't until in reasonably recent times that they discovered this problem on the border there.

And it's a fact of life, because it's the wooden marks in the ground as determined by

court cases that mark the border, not the present day value of latitude and longitude.

Extra land it is.

Extra land, it is.

For more infomation >> Visiting Poeppel Corner ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:14.


Black Dragonrider motovlog 45 i can't wait to go - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Black Dragonrider motovlog 45 i can't wait to go - Duration: 2:05.



♫ Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. ♫

♫ Well, that's alright because I like the way it hurts. ♫

♫ Just gon-

I know this is cheating, but…

My mom is outside right now, so I'm shy, okay?

Hello world!


4 posters. Made by me. This brain.

Also with the help from a website called Canva.

Not sponsored.

One of my dear colleague introduced it to me, and I LOVE IT.

Poster number 1!

Ann The Alien logo!

This is why I learned how to use Illustrator, but apparently graphic design is not my strength.

Let me show you version one.

I think the concept was good, but I don't know how to make it looks good.

For this final version, the concept was the two A's from "Ann The Alien".

So you can see here is the first A, and the reflection is another A.

I bet you thought this is just an artsy logo with diamond shape and cute color.


Poster number 2!


Come on, how cute is this?

Thank you, brain.

For providing me creative juice and graphic design juice.

This looks like the kind of poster college student will hang in their dorm room.

And whoever se-

Wow you loud...

And whoever sees this will say: Ha!...

This is my favorite one of all four.

Poster number 3!

"You know what?

I don't give a poop!

So save your time, honey.

Sincerely, deal with it sunglasses."

Decoration part was from the sample.

Clearly, they did not come from my talented graphic design brain.

Originally, I would like the text and design to express empowering woman,

De- being nonjudgmental, DEING nonjudgmental...

Being nonjudgmental, and don't focus on drama.

But I think that sentence somehow covers all.

And I really like the result!

Poster number 4 is purely an artsy poster, which background is my favorite color: Pink.

First, I created these two triangles, mess with the size, color, angle.

And then, after that, I created the rest…

This is art.

No explanation needed. OKAY!?

So these are the 4 posters I'm going to sell.

Now, how can you buy them?

I'm very blessed to say I have a full-time job right now to support my day-to-day expense.

But I know there are lots of people out there who needs financial support.

If you would like to purchase any of these posters.

Donate the amount of money you think those posters worth to a charity or nonprofit organization.

Let's say if you want to buy two posters, and you think they worth $20, then donate $20.

If you think they worth $100, then donate $100.

All up to you.

I do not have a list of charity or organization for you to pick.

So if you think the charity or organization you are going to donate will use the money to make good impact.

Do it.

After the donation, send an E-mail to

Tell me which organization or charity you donated to, and why you picked them.

No need to provide me receipt or tell me how much money you donated.

I fully trust you.

As well as letting me know which posters you would like to get.

And I will reply you with the poster file.

The files will be PDF or JPG format with A2 size.

Therefore, do notice if you would like to print them out with a larger size.

The resolution might not be that good.

There is no deadline to purchase these posters.

If you want to spend some time saving up money first.

Feel free to do that. I will be patiently waiting for your E-mail.

Also, I will put all posters onto the wall joining the world map.

So for sure you will keep seeing them in future videos.

Thank you so much for watching.

I know this is a long video considering the topic is about merchandise.

So it means a lot to me that you finish watching this.

Together, we can help make earth a better place.

So, hit me up with your donation, baby!

And I will see you in the next video.

Stay well my fellow aliens.

For more infomation >> MY VERY FIRST MERCHANDISE! - Duration: 3:40.


How Super Mario Kart Was Changed Outside Japan - Duration: 4:14.

Mario Kart, Nintendo's, go-kart racing simulator features characters from Mario and several

other popular franchise and is one of Nintendo's most successful properties.

Mario Kart has spawned multiple sequels and arcade versions, the latest being Mario Cart

8 Deluxe, released this year for the Nintendo Switch

The original game of the series, however, was released over 20 years ago now for the


Produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario and Zelda, Super Mario Kart was released in

Japan and the US in 1992, with the European release coming the following year.

Super Mario Kart was a top seller for the Super Nintendo, selling 8.76 million copies


In the game, player's race through twenty Mario themed tracks, playing as several characters

from the franchise.

There is also a battle mode where you try to break balloons attached to other carts,

and a two player mode where players can race or battle others.

Despite being an ostensibly innocent go cart racing game, localizers found things in Super

Mario Kart to change for international audiences.

Whilst some of these were of a censorship nature, Nintendo of America, of course, having

an infamously strict family friendly policy back in the 90s, there were other changes

made that were done for translation reasons or to simply improve on the classic game.

Given the iconic nature of Super Mario Kart, it is definitely worth taking a look at how

localizers changed the game for international consumption.

We at Censored Gaming would like to give a special thanks to the folks at The Cutting

Room Floor for ripping some of the graphics used in this video from the game's files.

You can check them out through a link in the description.

The changes to Super Mario Kart start on the title screen.

Localizers slightly altered the title card for the international version, with the Japanese

version featuring a small stylized "O" in Mario's name - similar to the style of

Super Mario Bros. 3 For the international versions, the O was

made the same size as the other text and the trademark symbol was also moved to the bottom


Localizers made additional changes to the title screen's background.

In the Japanese version there is a good deal of Japanese text, such as text reading Mario

Kart in Japanese.

More interestingly, though, is the appearance of an "aiaikasa", which is a drawing of

an umbrella.

If you look closely, you'll be able to see some small text underneath it, with the text

reading "Mario" and "Pichi" - the Japanese spelling of "Peach".

The "aiaikasa", meaning "under one umbrella", is generally used to imply a romantic relationship,

and is often seen in anime and other Japanese media.

Rather than change the text to English, localizers removed it entirely.

They then moved a small blue mushroom from the bottom right of the screen to cover up

the empty space.

Moving on, in both Japanese and international versions of the game there is a Special Cup

mode, which is unlocked on the time trial menu with a cheat code.

In the Japanese version, once you enter the code you can hear a special sound effect.

For some reason, this was removed from international releases.

Another change was curiously made to Yoshi's sprite art.

Certain iterations of his design were slightly altered in International releases, giving

him a slightly larger head.

Rather than a localization effort, this appears to have just been an upgrade to the art work.

Another upgrade was to the menu.

In international versions, the menu remembers choices the player makes, up to the character

select screen.

This allows players to quickly click through the menu later on, to play under the same

options they previously selected.

Finally and more notoriously, certain characters had their victory animations changed for the

international versions.

Like in real life, racers celebrate their victory with a bottle of champagne.

Over in Japan, Princess Peach's ending shows her picking up a bottle of champagne and drinking

it, again and again.

Her face even turns red, showing her start to become drunk.

In the English version, this was replaced with her simply tossing the bottle up in the

air and catching it.

Bowser's ending was handled similarly.

Over in Japan he gulps the champagne down, with it also spilling all down his front.

Outside of Japan though, this was changed to him raising the bottle up in the air in

a celebratory manner.

At the time Nintendo of America had a strict policy against the portrayal of alcohol, so

the international versions had to tone down these animations.

Censored Gaming is committed to covering censorship and localization in not just modern games

but older titles, like Super Mario Kart, as well.

Please let us know about any classic video games whose localization you would like to

learn more about and, as always, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How Super Mario Kart Was Changed Outside Japan - Duration: 4:14.


Ellen Page Claims Brett Ratner Outed Her During Filming 'X-men: The Last Stand' - Duration: 1:53.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Hollywood producer and director Brett Ratner is facing a number of serious allegations,

ranging from sexual misconduct to sexual assault, from several women.

This time his name is being brought up because actress Ellen Page put together a Facebook

post where she says that Ratner outed her more than a decade ago when they worked together

on the film X-Men: The Last Stand.

Page's account of the event was confirmed by Anna Paquin who played Rogue in that movie.

Page would end up publicly coming out in 2014.

Page's entire Facebook post, is almost 1,700 words long, but here are some excerpts from

her experiences in the movie industry, including the intro about Ratner outing her:

"He said this about me during a cast and crew "meet and greet" before we began filming,

X Men: The Last Stand.

I was eighteen years old.

He looked at a woman standing next to me, ten years my senior, pointed to me and said:

"You should fuck her to make her realize she's gay."

He was the film's director, Brett Ratner.

I was a young adult who had not yet come out to myself.

I knew I was gay, but did not know, so to speak.

I felt violated when this happened.

I looked down at my feet, didn't say a word and watched as no one else did either.

This man, who had cast me in the film, started our months of filming at a work event with

this horrific, unchallenged plea.

He "outed" me with no regard for my well-being, an act we all recognize as homophobic.

I proceeded to watch him on set say degrading things to women.

I remember a woman walking by the monitor as he made a comment about her "flappy pussy"."

Considering the recent revelations corroborating the long-suspected belief that Hollywood is

filled with predatory monsters, Page ended the piece by writing:

"This is a long awaited reckoning.

It must be.

It's sad that "codes of conduct" have to be enforced to ensure we experience fundamental

human decency and respect.

Inclusion and representation are the answer.

We've learned that the status quo perpetuates unfair, victimizing behavior to protect and

perpetuate itself.

Don't allow this behavior to be normalized."

Ratner has recently left his post at Warner Bros following the half dozen allegations

against the producer.

That's all for now, we'll have more on this story as it develops, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch

For more infomation >> Ellen Page Claims Brett Ratner Outed Her During Filming 'X-men: The Last Stand' - Duration: 1:53.


Dictionary of kitchen part 8 (definition of abuñuelar, channeling, caramel) - Duration: 2:03.

Welcome to the corner of luck chef First of all we want to thank

let your support and comments in the video description and DEIS

UNLIKE to continue growing and we can create more videos

also increase the quality of these good and not roll it up again in Belgrade

dictionary welcome audiovisual chef's kitchen luck in this video

we will try three new terms the first is to make eggs at boulogne

fried round shaped so that Spongy remain ignored in

edges but you get fits well Leave us it in the comments

video and we will give you some technical simple to achieve a channel

channels or grooves make any raw food

generally it used in the fruit or vegetables on the market

ar channel instruments serve Grating or dial vegetables

such that food that give with Jagged edges the sole purpose

It is to decorate lemons carrots courgettes etc.

if they do not have a Cala d'Or You can carefully use a knife

small sharp for the same result of caramel to bathe

Taffy candy can be the custard pudding molds to make cakes

etc you can also caramelized covering

food with caramel that is, a bath about candy sugar or

While submerging nuts or fruits Fresh candy and get thus a

exquisite sweet good and that's all for Today I hope you liked the video

in the next video we'll bring three very interesting new terms

do not forget to give the must share it with our friends

thanks for following a greeting from around the corner of the chef team


For more infomation >> Dictionary of kitchen part 8 (definition of abuñuelar, channeling, caramel) - Duration: 2:03.


【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#09-10 - Duration: 10:01.

PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood # 09 - 10

For more infomation >> 【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#09-10 - Duration: 10:01.


Five little Babies Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Nursery Rhyme for Children, Baby Songs - Duration: 59:51.

[intro music]

>> Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> One little monkey jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> Put those monkeys back to bed!

[closing music]

For more infomation >> Five little Babies Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Nursery Rhyme for Children, Baby Songs - Duration: 59:51.


MR. NOBODY EXPLAINED [SUB ITA] - Duration: 9:27.

Hi guys it's Debbie and today I would like to give a full explanation of "Mr. Nobody".

If you haven't seen this film yet I would highly recommend not watching this

video because it will be spoiler-packed. "Mr. Nobody" is very open to personal

interpretations because the content it offers has a very theoretical,

philosophical approach, starting from the main character whose name is Nemo

and whose surname is Nobody: he is literally called

"Nobody Nobody". So the film introduces a somewhat realistic story but it then

proceeds to analyse dilemmas which would pertain more to philosophy.

Nearly every element in the film is a metaphor, a symbol, a stratagem to explore

certain concepts, let's take a deeper look. The storyline actually begins

before Nemo was born, in a sort of heavenly location where we meet some

children which apparently know everything about life: past, present and

future. These children represent our consciousness, our mind, if we want our

soul. The film shows how before becoming real children, being born,

these kids are deprived of their knowledge, of everything they know and

they are born into the world oblivious of everything, how we are born. But our

main character Nemo, for unexplained reasons, does not have this gift removed

and so he can basically see everything that will happen in the future. This is a

stratagem the film uses to introduce the concept of what would happen if we knew

the future, what would happen if we knew what was going to happen, if we knew when

our death would be, if we knew everything about our life? So Nemo is born into a

caring, loving family and spends the first years of his life in a joyful

manner, regardless of his unwanted gift. But then the plot thickens when one day

his parents divorce and he is given the choice of deciding whether to spend the

rest of his life with his mother or with his father. Again all of this is

presented in a very metaphoric manner as the choice happens at a train station, by

other either running towards the train which is leaving with his mother

or remaining with his father at the train station. In that moment

Nemo's mind (which can see in the future) immediately starts rushing to

what would happen with either choice. So from this point onwards everything that

we see in the film happens within Nemo's mind: older Jared Leto, the old man, the

women he marries, his job, his teenage life, everything is inside little Nemo's

mind, as he starts debate what the best choice would be. He thinks about leaving

with his mother, in this way he would become an obstinate teen but which would

meet Anna, with which he would have a rebellious, passionate relationship until

the day she has to leave with her father to another city and never see him again.

In this case Nemo would grow up to become a depressed pool cleaner which

spends his free time looking for Anna and years later coincidentally meets her, only

to then have her number erased by one single drop of rain

which falls on it, spreading the ink. He then considers staying

with his father, looking after him caring for his disability and meeting Elise,

which then will turn out to have a severe form of depression leading to a

pretty miserable life for both of them. But then within these two big choices

there are other smaller infinite options. For example in the option of staying with his

mother, in one case he replies rudely to Anna and their love story never even

begins. Or in another with his father Elise dies in an explosion, or again

Elise refuses him so he returns home crying on his motorcycle and speeds and

has an accident and ends up in the hospital in coma. In another option again

he picks Jeanne, another girl and ends up living a wealthy lifestyle but he is

depressed on a daily basis and attempts suicide in their swimming pool, only to then

survive and to spice up his life he impersonates a random person and ends up

being shot by and killed by a hitman in a bathtub. Or his car

drives off a cliff and he dies drowning in a lake. In another option still he

ends being an 118 year old man in a futuristic society in which he

is the last mortal human being on planet earth. There are millions of

possibilities and different paths but everything is within Nemo's little mind

while he is on that platform choosing between his mother or father. As a matter

of fact as Nemo quickly ponders on this decision at the station,

various options flash by as confused dreams, they interrupt one another, they

melt into one another. They also include weird dreamlike symbology because

everything is set within Nemo's mind, that is why the film looks so weird.

Then finally little Nemo at the station makes his choice... that is of not making a

choice, to avoid the decision. He literally runs away from the station and

everything we saw in the film ends up never existing: Nemo never met Elise, he

never became a 118 year old man, his life becomes completely different. So at the

end of the film when the old man wakes up and starts laughing and starts walking

backwards, this is simply the whole hypothetical situation unfolding, breaking

down as Nemo in the end didn't make any of those choices. So altogether the film is

an analysis of choices and of what would happen if we could, in simple words,

predict the future. So it comes up with some pretty interesting questions. Number one:

could true love actually exist? With all the relationships Nemo has in all the

different options, none of them seem to work... except with Anna. And even after

splitting up they still somehow coincidentally managed to find each

other again and in the third choice Nemo makes of not choosing either his father or

his mother, he still somehow ends up meeting her and staying with her. Number

two: are we the same person regardless of our life choices? The film analyses

how Nemo would become and how his personality would develop dependening on

his choices. For the most part in the various different scenarios Nemo remains

the same quiet, reserved, somewhat depressed and anxious but still quite

rebellious person. But the plot also shows how his attitude and subsequent

choices vary depending on his environment. In the situation with his

father he is loving and caring, whereas with his mother he tends to be

rather cold and hateful. With Elise he devotes his

life to caring and loving for her, regardless of the bad situation in which

they are, whereas with his wealthy life with Jeanne he spends his days as a

depressed person which considers suicide. So are we really just ourselves or does

our attitude and way of being depend on our surroundings? Is it moulded by our

environment? Number three: if we could see in the future, would we make the same

choices or would we have made them anyway because that is the future? It is

a tongue twist and a contradiction but basically is our future set out for us

anyway or do we make it by making choices but then at the same time by

making the choices it would have been like that anyway!? I hope somehow I'm

making sense. As I was saying before nearly everything in the film is left

open to personal interpretation and a lot of elements are metaphors. If you

look closely Nemo's life often ends in water: he

commits suicide in the swimming pool, he is shot in the bathtub, he falls into a

lake, Anna's number is erased by rain. And if it's not water it's fire,

explosions: Elise dies because of a tank full of gasoline exploding in front of her,

in the option of the story in which they are in space Nemo dies because the

spaceship on which he is, is hit by meteorites and explodes. This is because

these are the ultimate symbols of losing, control the ultimate symbol of a primal

fear for death. If you smoke you can decide to quit and avoid getting lung

cancer, if you enjoy recreational skydiving you can stop and avoid

plummeting to your death. If you're sitting in your car and a tank full of

gasoline explodes in front of you you have no choice. If you lose control of

the car and it ends off of a cliff and you drown in the lake, you don't have any

control. If you wake up in a bathtub and a hitman shoots you, you have no choice. In

the only scenes in which Nemo could have made a different choice, he could have

changed the outcome of the situation (for example not committing suicide or not

speeding while crying on a wept winding road) he actually survives. Also there is

a lot of symbology with the colours: the life

with Elise is permeated with blues and greys the ultimate colours of depression,

the life with Jeanne is yellow and wealthy, the life with Anna is red for passion.

While the life with his parents before the big choice is bland and brown,

deprived of a interesting, significant colour palette. So in general don't worry

if this film doesn't make any sense, it's more of a philosophical debate. So let me

know what you thought about "Mr. Nobody" with a comment here below. I hope you

enjoyed this vide, if you did make sure to subscribe for more movie reviews and

explanations. And I'll see you soon in a new video, bye!

For more infomation >> MR. NOBODY EXPLAINED [SUB ITA] - Duration: 9:27.


El Reanimator (Death metal love song) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> El Reanimator (Death metal love song) - Duration: 4:11.


Page Family: Campfire Story - Deleted Scene ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:56.

So it's pretty remote out here, you know, and you really gotta have your wits about you.

Probably not so bad this day and age.

There's a lot of travelers going back and forth, and it's quite a popular place to come.

But back in 1963 the Page family... You heard of them?

I have actually.

Yeah now that's a sorry tragedy.

That's epic.

I know.

Mum, dad, three kids.

All three boys.

They're driving along, right?

They've got fuel; they got water.

They're heading north. Now...

car breaks down.

Well it's sort of semi breaks down.

They can only get second gear.

Something to do with the gearbox.

A problem with the gearbox.

And he knew straight away that if they couldn't get it out of second gear,

they would burn too much fuel.

And sure enough they'd keep heading down the road, and before long, run out of fuel.

Oh is that what happened?

Yeah, so he's run out of fuel.


Yep, now this stage, they got food, water, but it's peak summer.

Smokin' hot.

Over 40 degrees every day.

Smokin' hot.

And they think, right first thing we need is we'll get some water.

So they they head for what they see is a windmill, right?

And I think is it it may be a few Ks off the road.

They head over with the drum.

They fill it up with water, and they come back to the vehicle.

Mate, if you break down stay with the vehicle.

Number one rule.

Number one rule, well anyway they stayed with the vehicle for two days.

Here's the funny part.

Well, it's not funny.

It's not a funny story, but here's the part that changed everything.

On the second day, they took him, his wife, and the three kids,

and they thought let's walk to the nearest station.

Because his son had been working around here as a jackaroo, right?

So he knew. Anyway so they start.

There's a windmill with water--endless supply of water.

A team of wild horses wouldn't have got me away from that spot.

They take the food and some water, and they start heading away from the track.

The car is on the track.

They head away from the track into the bush, into the desert.

For some reason, the daughter which livedin Adelaide alerted the authorities within a few days.

So they started the search.

And it was I think it was like five days after she alerted them or something,

they found mum, dad, three kids all perished sitting under a tree.

Out in the desert.

That's horrible.

Oh, mate.

But it just goes to show you can't take this type of country out here for granted.

You've got to think about what if this happens, what if this happens, what if this happens.

That's horrific, dude.

I know.

But it's one that reminds us that the desert, mate, can swallow you up and eat you, quick as look at you.

For more infomation >> Page Family: Campfire Story - Deleted Scene ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:56.


This is Complete Hot Wheels Cars From 2016 or 2017 Year? - Duration: 4:47.

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Did I just Misse Tomica Sale??/

For more infomation >> This is Complete Hot Wheels Cars From 2016 or 2017 Year? - Duration: 4:47.


ALERT: Trump Wins Massive 'China' Victory, No One Expected This. - Duration: 3:18.

ALERT: Trump Wins Massive 'China' Victory, No One Expected This.

President Donald Trump is on his Asia tour where he is meeting with leaders in Japan,

China, South Korea, and many others.

The President's meetings in China ended up turning into a significant victory for

the United States.

The highlight of Trump's China visit is a new trade deal established between the US

and China.

According to Bloomberg, the White House released a slew of agreements that lands the US an

extra $250 billion in business deals.

There are many outlets where this money will flow in and out via trade, and it all leads

to a stronger economy and closer relationship with China.

Many of the agreements in this deal were not broken up into separate entities.

Instead, they are in a group consisting of non-binding memoranda of understanding.

The first order on the table is a $37 billion aircraft order.

This is a combination of old deals that were already in place, combined with new deals

to make it one solid packaged deal.

An unveiled $48 billion project between China and the Alaska Gasline Development Corp is

also finally in motion.

The deal was in the works for years and has finally reached a close.

The Alaska Gasline applied for their approval to start developing in April.

hina also stated that they are interested in investing in West Virginia shale gas development

as well as chemical manufacturing projects over the next two decades.

This investment alone is worth $83.7 billion.

This total is more than the $73.4 billion West Virginia brought in last year on domestic


China agreed to buy 300 aircrafts from Boeing, bringing an additional $37 billion.

The order is mostly for jets and has technically been in place since 2013.

The deal was reassured and will continue through until 2020.

The deals extend to the beef business as well. Inc said that they would buy $1.2 billion in beef from Montana Stock Growers Association

as well as pork from Smithfield Foods Inc. over the course of three years.

The beef portion of the deal would involve the US exporting the beef to China.

Pork, on the other hand, will require Smithfield factories to be created in China so that the

meat can be prepared and shipped from there.

There would seemingly be profits from this deal coming back to the US to open up more

factories and create more US jobs.

It does not end there; this massive deal with China involves many more industries.

Fields such as finance, technology, and manufacturing will play a part in bringing more products

to China while assuring job creation and security in the United States.

There is little doubt that this deal was established and reaffirmed by President Trump as an effort

to get China to distance themselves from North Korea.

The dictator-run country relied heavily on China for their trade and a blow to their

relationship would only further cripple North Korea.

Expanding trade with China entices them to cut back on trade with North Korea, and ultimately

works toward the goal of bringing the US and China closer together.

What do you think about this?

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