Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 12 2017

Jereys Upper Nazareth

You are a Christian Arab

you grew up with Muslms Jews and Christians

What message would you give Palestinians in the West Bank

or outside the region

who say "Jews and Arabs can't live together"

I can understand them

because they are in a different reality

sometimes imagination is something hard to do

we can't imagine sometimes

but we can work on our imagination

and present some realities

of how

Jews and Arabs can exist in one place together

There are certain conditions that should be

respectful from both sides

to live with each other

Yes, I think I would

tell them that these things exist

Sadly it is not that much

but it does exist

and I prefer that it exists

You are leading to what I wanted to

I know because I heard you say...

It exists in specific places

I know you are critical of what people call coexistence

and shared cities

because it seems a little bullshitty

It is mostly because this thing doesn't really exist

Give me an example of something you think is true coexistence

Jewish-Arab political activism together

from what would replace that exists

Two parties together does exist

You mean Hadash as a political party

For example, yes

Yes, if you like it or not

This party is very concise

We work together for this place to be better for both sides


nobody is going to leave

everybody is stuck here

We need to study how to live with each other

and respect each other's backgrounds and history

what's happened to us here

for both sides

But it does exist, yes it does exist

I hope it will be much better in the future

There are those in places like Ramallah

that say "no, we don't want peace"

On your hand, not every finger is the same

There are people

Ibrahim Arara

everyone has his own situation

in his thoughts

in his thoughts

For us, peace is the best

for all of us

Peace is the best

You say peace

More than peace, what is there?

Peace is good Peace is God

It's a political question but I will ask anyways

Do you believe in peace between Jews and Arabs?

Does that touch on politics, I don't know

Yes, please is not political

Wassim Haifa

You believe in peace however you define it is fine

If you were speaking to Palestinians in the West Bank

who let's say, don't believe in peace

who say "we don't see..." "we don't trust the Jews"

"you can't trust them" "we don't want peace at all"

What is your message as someone

that lives with Jews

what is your message to them?

My message could be

to people like that on both sides (Jews and Arabs)

as long as you haven't met

you shouldn't come to conclusions

That's number one


as long as I don't know their point of view

I should continue and try to understand them

because I am not in their place

for sure they are going through something

that I don't know what exactly

and that applies to both sides

Whether I ask someone Jewish or Arab here

with an extreme opinion

that opinion took shape

in some way

for some reason

because, I don't know

Because of problems they are having

It is not because they are stupid

It is not because they love to hate

so in short, my answer is

have patience, wait

learn a little more

understand what the other went through

and get to know more people


On the other side

Getting to know people is not reading the newspaper

Getting to know people is making friends

it is also not just eating hummus (together) in Jaffa

It means getting to know people

know their problems

what they want, what they love

what they hate, what they wish for

how they live their lives each day

their major problems

their loves, their disappointments

The things that we all have in common

both a Palestinian in Ramallah

an extremist (Jew) in Bnai Brak


We all have...

We all have the same shit in the end

We all suffer from the same pains

more or less

and we all have the same dreams

Same dreams

Yes, in general, to be happy

to love

Ola Arara

I believe that we live

in one place

We live together

I think that we have to deal with that

We have to find

a solution for these things

not only the conflict

We have to take our rights

and you have to get your rights

We don't learn

in our language - In university

Yes, in university

Everything is in Hebrew

This is a small thing

Second thing

you don't feel you are a part

of this place

I don't feel it I don't feel I have an identity

I don't have a flag

I don't feel that

I don't feel anything is connected to me here

Because everything is Zionist and Jewish


You don't identify with the Palestinian flag?

I do

I do

I am not judging

I do identify with them

and this is a problem here

we have to

feel the Jewish state in your own

not my country but my own place

I am in my homeland

and I feel in my state but I am connected to another part

of this country

but they all the time have war

Do you have a solution for that?

How both sides can feel they belong

Treat us as equal

Let's start from this point

that we are equal

to other people

We are not

I don't...

First of all, I don't say I am Israeli

I am not

You can say something from the side I won't film you

Like we are dealing now together

You are Jewish

and I am Muslim

I am Palestinian and you are Israeli

but we are dealing with each other

We have a connection

We have

of equality, we talked about this before

I am not giving you words we actually talked about this before

It's not about the people

It's the government

It's the work of the government

If you could speak to Palestinians in the West Bank

who don't believe that Jews and Arabs can get along

do you have a message?

They have their own thoughts

No, do you have a message to them

because you live with Jews

you study with Jews

Do I have a message to them?

I don't know

Is it possible to live with them?

It is possible they are humans

as humans

but they have their own

their own problems

their own case

We have the same case

but we deal with it in a different way

than them

Do you think they should deal with it in a way closer to your way?


They are not really like us that is why

West Bank Palestinians aren't treated the same way as Israeli Arabs

because they don't have rights

that they don't have the same rights?

They are not facing....

They don't face the same things

You work here at the mall You work with Jews

Do you have Jewish friends?


All my friends are Jews

Mohammad Ramle

So what is your message

to Palestinians over there, in the West Bank

that never met a Jew and they hate Jews

that only hear about war all the time

I don't know what to say to them

Ok, do you think Muslims and Jews can get along?


No, I don't know

Every one...

Every one?

Every one with his own thoughts

But you can, you have friends...

I can

I can

Even if you have different views

I believe in my views

I can get along with anyone

It doesn't matter who

You work with Jews?

Do you have Jewish friends?

Every day. We live with Jews I even married a Russian woman

My wife is Russian

From a Jewish background? - Yes

Yussef and Migdad Kfar Qassem

What is your message to Palestinians on the other side

who say that we cannot get along

We can get along, right?

Of course we can get along

there is no such thing as not getting along

Do you have a message - Of course!

Start living and leave aside the politics

So we can

Of course


Jamil Umm al Fahm

I direct my message to those who say coexistence is impossible

I work here in the Umm al Fahm (art) Gallery

we see a lot of people who show their true will

that coexistence is possible

Jews come here - Yes

killing and fighting isn't the only solution

there is another solution which is to sit at the same table

face to face and talk

we met a lot of people who became interested

in getting to know us

and our job here is to introduce ourselves properly

and not to let go of our heritage and history

and that's why I think it is very important for both sides

to sit at the same table and talk

because there is another way not by killing and harming others

They (Palestinians) say they have been talking for 20 years

and the situation is worse


We wouldn't lose hope

that coexistence is possible

It is possible that we will have coexistence

maybe both sides won't live together

in exactly the same place

but coexistence will be going on between the two sides

What do you mean "not in the same place"?

Meaning an Arab town and a Jewish town

We won't necessarily be next door neighbours

but we will always be together in some way

That's why we won't lose hope

because it could be in the same state

or outside the state

For more infomation >> Israeli Arabs: What is your message to Palestinians that don't believe in peace? - Duration: 16:01.


構造幻方(Part 2 - 4M 階)- Mo 仔 Math - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 構造幻方(Part 2 - 4M 階)- Mo 仔 Math - Duration: 2:43.


Apocalypse Empowers Storm | X-Men Apocalypse (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

She's my hero.

I want to be like her.

There's some food here. Not much.

I don't believe it.

You love me.

Love you?


I'm not some simple shepherdess you can awe.

Why, I could no more love you...

than I could love a new species of bacteria.

What are you doing?


In the streets, there is outrage against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan... a brotherhood of our kind.

Several demonstrations.

One of them was held in Boston, and Bruce Morton has the story.

Since the advent of nuclear weapons, the United States does not start fights.


Never before has man possessed so much power.

Soviet Union and United States being superpowers...


The weak...

have taken the earth.

For this, I was betrayed.

False gods.


No more.

I have returned.

A new tomorrow...

that starts today.

Where did you come from?

A time before man lost his way.

Welcome to the '80s.

This world needs to be...




You can't save the world...

just going around killing people.

There's laws, systems in place...

for that kind of thing.

My child...

why do you enslave yourself?

What are you doing?

Making you stronger.

My goddess.


You were right.


You were right.

The time is past.

There is no room for gods.

For more infomation >> Apocalypse Empowers Storm | X-Men Apocalypse (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


យាយសំ និង យាយសយ វគ្គមើលប្រដាល់ប៉ះកែងបែកក្បាល់យាយសយ - Duration: 9:08.


For more infomation >> យាយសំ និង យាយសយ វគ្គមើលប្រដាល់ប៉ះកែងបែកក្បាល់យាយសយ - Duration: 9:08.




For more infomation >> BIG BOSS SEASON 11- BIG BOSS 11 HOUSE INSIDE VIDEO LEAKED - Duration: 0:36.


Discourse - 02.11.17 | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai | Yugpurush Saardh Shatabdi Mahotsav - Duration: 30:42.

Vachanamrut, Patrank - 875

At the Lotus Feet of the Supremely compassionate Great Sage,

Wondrous are the nectar-like teachings,

Countenance and association of the Enlightened One!

They awaken the dormant consciousness,

Prevent the inclination from falling,

Simply beholding which makes one flawless and kindles the unprecedented nature,

They are the cause for right faith of the Self, restraint devoid of indolence (negligence),

And state of absolute dispassion and thoughtlessness;

Lastly, manifesting the state devoid of activities of mind, speech and body,

And causing abidance in the infinite, unobstructed nature of the Self!

Be victorious forever!

Om Peace Peace Peace.

Influenced by a celebrity,

As you become more and more familiar with him,

He appears to be less and less.

He appears beautiful from a distance,

But as you become closer,

See him without make-up,

He appears less and less beautiful,

Less and less handsome.

As you get closer, he becomes less.

And as you go closer to an Enlightened Being,

He seems more and more!

He appears to loom large,

Behold a symbol of that!

After years of association with the Enlightened,

You understand the internal state of an Enlightened Being.

When you truly recognise Param Krupalu Dev,

He appears greater and greater!

This is a symbol of that.

There are several ways one can be impressed.

Some impress another with their dress,

But in no time, even if you were impressed,

You will begin to criticise him.

Some can impress with their oratory skills;

Some impress by the power they wield,

Some by their money,

And some do so by their virtues!

Virtues that have manifested by continuously remaining in the state of soul consciousness,

They have not manifested due to the surroundings,

Neither have they manifested due to satsang,

Nor have they manifested due to scriptural studies,

They have manifested due to remaining in the state of soul consciousness.

The biggest and only proof of whether those virtues have manifested is:

How you become in His presence!

That is the biggest proof.

Never mind if the virtues are invisible,

But in His presence,

If you are coloured in dispassion,

Enthused by devotion,

If the world appears like a blade of grass,

Then He is certainly a Great Being.

Recognising this Great Being,

Though you may see His divine countenance,

But by looking merely with the eyes,

You will not be able to see anything.

If you look through the intellect, you will see a little bit.

If you look through the heart, you will gain much more.

But if you look with connection, you will be immersed!

You will not be in a state to see Him!

You will merge.

If you look with the eyes, you will not see anything,

You will see an ordinary man,

If you look through the intellect, you will be able to see a little - less;

If you see with the heart - more,

And if you look with connection - most!

Beholding the sight of Him (darshan), is an internal experience.

I define darshan as an inner experience.

A blind person visits a saint.

The person is blind.

After paying obeisance, he says,

"I feel blessed after having beheld You in my sight today."

What is sight for a blind person?

What is absence of sight for a blind person?

But darshan is not something that is done with the eyes.

Darshan is an internal experience.

And when that inner feeling arises,

You have done darshan!

To behold the countenance of this majestic idol with the eyes, is enjoyable,

If you see it through the intellect, you will gain a little more,

And much more, if you look with the heart,

And if you look with connection, you will dissolve.

Only then will it be true recognition.

You have truly seen Param Krupalu Dev, only when you see these three virtues in Him,

Which I will talk about within a limited time.

You have not seen Him by seeing the ribs;

Absorption in the Soul,


And the state of liberation.

When you experience these three virtues,

Then know that you have seen Him.

The first is Absorption in the Soul:

One who has unparalleled love for the soul.

Due to which, He is effortlessly detached from the world.

Such a Being is He!

His being is immersed in it!

Not just till the senses,

Not just till the skin,

Not just till the bones,

Not just till the flesh and marrow,

Not just in every drop of blood,

Every pore of this Being is infused with Soul consciousness.

A compass has one pointed end, and a pencil in the other.

And the further the pencil is from the point, the larger is the circle.

The closer they are, the smaller the circle.

This pointed end is the consciousness,

And that pencil is the inclination of the mind.

One whose inclination is close to the nature of consciousness,

His world-like circle too is very small.

Right now I am saying it is small,

By 8.30 p.m., I may say something quite different.

He is in a state of liberation!

When the collection of some outstanding dues is pending,

It is your money, but the other person is not paying up,

And it is a substantial amount.

Just as you would think about it day and night,

Similarly, day and night, He is absorbed only in the Supreme Reality.

In Patrank - 130 He has said - everything is That;

The senses are That,

Walking is That,

Sitting is That,

Eating is That,

Sleeping is also That.

See the sea from anywhere, it will only be salty,

And see this Being in any activity, He will be found absorbed in the Soul alone!

Such is His unparalleled love for the Soul,

And not just love, not just its realisation,

The One who has become one with the Soul.

I am a Pure Soul;

I have infinite virtues,

And earning the three jewels, my occupation,

And the abode of bliss is my residence.

I am Raichand - such is not His perception.

This is my family - Devaba and Jhabak etc. That is not His perception.

Jewellery business is my occupation - Such is not His perception,

And Vavania is my village, and Mumbai my field of activity,

He who does not perceive that.

I am the Pure Soul.

Infinite virtues alone are my family,

Earning the three jewels is my only occupation,

And the abode of bliss alone is my residence.

Such oneness with the Soul.

Whether I have a body or not, is something I barely remember on recollection.

Such is the Lord's absorption in the Soul!

Such a state of bliss

Where there is unconsciousness as well as awareness,

Imagine for yourself what that state might be,

Where there is unconsciousness as well as awareness,

Intoxication as well as supreme wakefulness.

Movement as well as stillness.

There is advancement in the state of no-mind and steadfastness of the intellect.

Such absorption in the Soul.

Leaving everything to fate - ecstatic in the Self alone.

The world can see Him involved in worldly activities,

But there are no impressions imprinted in the mind.

If you can see such absorption in the Soul, when looking at Param Krupalu Dev,

Then you have actually seen His divine countenance!

The second virtue is 'contentment' .

It means such contentment in the Soul that no desire arises.

You may be doing bhakti;

You may have meditated,

But if you have not experienced contentment through them, cravings will arise.

Let me drink something cold.

Let me have something hot.

Let me eat something.

This alone shows that desires for objects of the five senses still arise,

Which means you were not content with what you were doing.

But see the contentment of Param Krupalu Dev, see the satisfaction.

Such Soul absorption, such an experience of contentment,

That no desires arise, no cravings arise, no wants arise,

Day and night, reflection upon the Supreme Reality alone prevails,

Therefore, He doesn't like to hear anything,

He doesn't like to see anything,

He doesn't like to smell anything,

He doesn't like to speak anything,

He doesn' t like to taste anything,

He doesn't like to touch anything.

This contentment is very important.

You will do it,

You will do bhakti till 10.30,

But if you do not experience contentment, cravings will arise,

Contentment versus desires.

Dissatisfaction will cause desires,

Contentment and no desires will arise, no cravings.

The worldly being is afflicted by the desire for more.

Either there is a feeling of scarcity,

Or you want to impress someone,

As a result desires erupt repeatedly.

Your neighbour buys a new car and it gets parked in your garage!

A constant stream of thoughts runs in your mind.

There are many forms of desires.

First you ran after wealth.

You wanted to amass a lot of wealth.

If you have money, you can fulfil all your desires,

If you have money, you get to sit ahead.

If you have money you can do that - money, money, money.

So you craved for wealth.

After sometime you feel that you have wealth, but you are not recognised.

So you want status.

So now instead of wealth, you crave for status.

Then many people start recognising you,

You become a trustee in many places, a president in many places;

But soon you feel that family is family,

Everyone else is simply selfish.

So you go for one retreat after another with your family.

See the forms desire takes.

First you craved for wealth;

Then you craved for status,

Then you craved for family,

Then you enter the arena of religion.

Even there the cravings do not come to an end.

You renounce one sweetmeat -

I asked a person why he gave up a particular kind of sweetmeat

My aim was to know why only one and why not all?

He replied, "By giving this up, I want to secure the long lifespan - of a celestial being"

How cheap must it be!

He wants to win a bumper lottery by giving up a trifling sweetmeat!

The happiness of a long lifespan!

You cannot let go of cravings even after becoming religious.

Therefore, the Enlightened Ones have said,

Renunciation is of two kinds:

One form is non-acquisition,

And the other is charity.

Renunciation is of two types, one is non-acquisition.

When I say I have given up sweetmeats, it means I will not take them.

As per my resolve, I will not eat any sweetmeats, no matter what kind it may be.

The other form is, what you possess is no longer the cause of your happiness.

You have love for all beings,

So you heartily donate it to whoever may need it.

This question will certainly arise:

If it is worthless, why are you giving it away?

Several years ago, a family from Damnagar went to Nairobi to attend a wedding.

And you are obliged to give a monetary gift when you go for a wedding.

You have to gift one or two or five thousand rupees.

The lady said, "Saheb..."

Note, I am not defaming the whole area, as Meenalben is sitting here!

I am talking about the city of Damnagar,

I am not saying anything about Jhalawar.

So she said, "Bapaji, the most valuable thing is 'Vachanamrut'",

"What is more precious than that?"

"So I presented Vachanamrut as a wedding gift."

When the gentleman unwrapped all the gifts, he saw 'Vachanamrut',

And saw its price on the back cover,

Ten rupees!

Did you understand?

Lord Mahavira also did charity for an entire year,

And that did not consist of preaching.

He gave that which the other person was attracted to,

He gave him gold coins.

If the person needed clothes, He donated clothes.

Even though He may have considered it worthless,

But where there is love, the thought is, 'what does that person need?'

And that is offered in charity!

Thus, both are forms of renunciation - one is non-acquisition, not to acquire,

And the second is, lovingly giving away the possessions to those who need them.

It does not matter that your vision has changed, and you find it worthless,

But his vision has not changed,

It is of great significance to him.

Thus, renunciation is of two kinds,

One is detachment,

And the other is love.

Non-acquisition due to detachment,

And charity out of love.

Therefore, contentment is very important here, where,

There is satisfaction, and no desires left,

Neither for wealth, nor power, nor family, nor objects of the five senses, or of any kind.

If you can see His absorption in the Soul,

Only then, have you done darshan of the Lord, no matter how majestic the idol is.

Only if you can see the contentment, then you have done darshan of the Lord.

And lastly, the state of liberation, the most important, the state of liberation.

The One who has unparalleled love and faith in the Soul alone,

Has effortless detachment,

He is unaffected by circumstances,

He remains unattached in all situations,

He rises above them.

No incident causes any hindrance, or bondage.

He is liberated from life, and liberated in life.

No incident disturbs His state of mind.

There is constant connection.

Just like the mother of a small child, no matter what her activity,

She is constantly connected to her child.

If she is working with one hand, she is rocking the cradle with the other.

Even if she is using both hands,

Her mind is constantly engrossed in her baby.

And thereby, the Enlightened remain liberated.

Because they have the supreme support of the Soul.

The value does not lie in the ritual but in the connection.

My daughter is getting married, so I am under a lot of stress, I am very busy.

Nobody becomes stressed or remains busy in a bride's wedding.

That happens only when it is 'my daughter's' marriage.

When it is 'my daughter', where 'mine' comes, you will have thousands of thoughts.

Otherwise you can remain unaffected and indifferent in any activity.

If you did not see this indifference, this detachment, this liberation in life,

Then what did you behold?

You do not have to behold the bones, flesh or ribs,

You have to behold this Being's

Absorption in the Soul, contentment and liberated state.

In spite of being an enjoyer that is, in spite of being involved in worldly activity,

He who moves about without creating any bondage,

And not only that,

Who sheds so many karmas every moment.

Tell me, when someone goes for a morning walk,

He does not aim to reach anywhere.

And if he intends to reach somewhere, it cannot be termed as a morning walk.

Why does he go?

To shed fat!

You see him walking,

Moving ahead all the while.

But he does not want to reach anywhere.

He only wants to get rid of his fat.

And the Great Ones may perform any activity, whether worldly or spiritual,

But it is for shedding karmas alone,

One who marries to pay off His past karmic debts,

One who conducts business to pay off past karmic debts,

And to pay off His past karmic debts,

One who extends His association, And wisdom to beggars like us,

And transforms us from paupers to kings!

But all these activities are to fulfil His past obligations alone,

Not to reach anywhere.

Not to attain anything.

It is like a morning walk.

I walk everyday, so I may lose fat.

And I conduct business everyday so that I can shed past karmas.

And once the destiny is fulfilled after living it through,

I may attain the absolute spiritual state, free of physical embodiment.

They are established in the state of non-doing, that's it.

In non-doing.

Even when you see them involved in activities,

If you can sense the underlying non-doing,

Then, you are connected.

There was a Zen fakir by the name of Linji,

He spoke about Buddha that,

He does not eat, He does not drink,

He does not sleep, He does not walk, He does not speak.

And when he had to narrate incidents or tales of Lord Buddha' s life,

He would say, Lord Buddha spent these four monsoon months,

In Jetvan, in the city of Shravasti.

And He would give sermons twice a day, in the morning and evening.

The listeners would get confused.

Because they were mutually contradictory statements.

He walked to the city of Shravasti, still you say He does not walk.

He gives sermons twice a day, yet you say He does not speak.

Then you say, on a particular day, in Shravasti,

This aspirant had the good fortune of offering Him food.

And yet you say Buddha does not eat.

This is the story of the physical body.

And Enlightenment is in the state of consciousness.

Ishtopadesha says the same thing:

That an Enlightened One eats yet does not eat,

Speaks yet does not speak,

Sleeps yet does not sleep.

It is the supremely awakened state.

Established in non-doing in any situation:

Unmoved Mover!

When you see such a Great Being from a distance, you will see a man,

If you come a little closer and look, you will see a great saint,

And if you come even closer and look, you will see God.

In Patrank-130, the Lord has said,

'To find such a Being is rare.'

'And He is God in human form.'

He said such a Being is God, not God-like.

He did not use the word 'like'.

He is God in human form.

If you say for someone that he is like my father,

What exactly did you say?

He is not my father!

There may be much affection,

But if he is like your father, he is not your father.

And if He would have said He is like God in human form,

Then it would imply that He is not God.

He is God in human form.

It is very important.

Our belief of God is such that,

God is He who created the world,

God is He who imparts the fruits of action,

God is He who is Omniscient, all knowing.

The Enlightened Ones say that One who has known the Soul, has known all.

Now Omniscience is all about knowing the other,

He already knows the Self.

A blossomed flower is the Supreme Soul.

Who is the Supreme Soul?

The One who has experienced His divine nature,

Who has manifested it.

You are also Supreme Divinity, in the form of a seed.

You are inherently a divine Soul.

And when that seed germinates and blossoms into a flower,

You attain that Supreme State.

You are also inherently divine,

And the One who has attained that Supreme State is God in human form.

The ignorant, with a narrow-minded, limited intellect,

Who is insistent about external objects,

His imagination regarding an Enlightened One, about God,

Makes him think all this is an exaggeration.

If the insistence is on the external,

You will not look towards self-realisation.

If you are a Jain, you will want all Gods to be unclad.

Because Mahavira was so.

If you are a Buddhist,

You would want all Enlightened Ones to be seated under a Bodhi tree.

If you find someone dancing or running, that won't do.

If you are a Vaishnav, that is to say 'not a true Vaishnav',

The first thing you will want to see is whether there is a crown of peacock feathers or not.

Otherwise how can He be God?

But if you are a spiritual aspirant, you will say,

The One who has known the Soul has known everything.

If you realise the greatness of the Soul,

You will realise the greatness of the Enlightened One.

If you like the Enlightened One, you will like the Soul as well.

The greatness is limitless.

The Bhagwat states that the saints purify places of pilgrimage.

It is the saints who sanctify places of pilgrimage.

If a saint bathes in the Ganges, the Ganges becomes pure.

Such is the greatness of the saints, of the Enlightened Ones.

If they can purify holy places, can they not purify people like us?

Blessed is the excrement touched by the hoof of an ox that has attained self-realisation.

Firstly, the analogy is one from the animal kingdom

An ox with self-realisation.

And, its lowly body part, under the leg, akin to your sandal, its hoof.

And under that too an impure, smelly substance,

But if the foot of One with self-realisation falls on it, it is blessed!

This is the greatness of self-realisation!

If you find such a Great Being, who shows you your faults,

And not only shows you but helps you to get rid of them.

If you can chance upon such company.

Some children were offering seva.

And after completing it, as night fell, they left to eat.

Guruji got to know about this.

He did not like it.

The next day He called them and said,

"On one hand you offer seva with so much devotion,"

"And on the other you left to eat prohibited food!"

They felt very bad and said,

"We didn't really want to go but our friends were so insistent,"

It must have been Navratri time, so everyone left go for a dance,

And thereafter for some food.

And Guruji said just this much, "Am I not your friend?"

Then someone forced a drink,

And someone insisted on smoking,

If you can indulge in bad habits upon the insistence of your friends,

"Am I not your friend?"

Everything was given up that very day!

Tell me, were the faults exposed or done away with?

A vigour, a passion,

On one side, the affection of six billion people,

And on the other, the love of a Guru,

It's enough, sufficient!

No matter how much love the others may have,

They will take care only till these eyes of yours close forever,

This Great One will take care of you even beyond that.

He is an ideal for us.

May my life be like Yours, O Lord!

Seeing Your greatness, I become more acutely aware of my lowliness.

May my life be like Yours.

What else can I say?

May this body etc., act as per Your bidding from today.

May I live as per Your commands.

In the end, I would like to say just this much, that

When the eyelids lower, prostration occurs,

When the head bows, and obeisance is paid.

O Lord! please grant me such vision,

That I remember you and I behold You.

I remember You and I can behold Your divine countenance.

O Lord! Grant me such vision, that when I remember You, I can see You!


For more infomation >> Discourse - 02.11.17 | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai | Yugpurush Saardh Shatabdi Mahotsav - Duration: 30:42.





Fıstıklı Çikolatalı Kurabiye Nasıl Yapılır? Tatlı Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Fıstıklı Çikolatalı Kurabiye Nasıl Yapılır? Tatlı Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:59.


Bangla News Today 12 November 2017 Ekattor Tv News Bangladesh Latest News Today Tv News - Duration: 17:20.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> Bangla News Today 12 November 2017 Ekattor Tv News Bangladesh Latest News Today Tv News - Duration: 17:20.


VEDUS Day 7 (Rites, The Phantom of Menace COMPLETE!) - Duration: 3:15.

Hey everybody! Welcome back to Tanner's Books and Beyond and Day 7 of VEDUS!

That's right, we've actually reached the end of our first week of this little project,

and also reached the ned of our first book in William Shakespeare's the Phantom of Menace.

Now I don't wanna turn this into a ten minute video giving all of my thoughts and feelings

on this play, especially since I've already kind of done that in the past week or so,

so instead I'm just gonna summarize my thoughts.

I liked Act V, I thought it was just as strong a conclusion as I did the actual movie Phantom

Menace; I know some people weren't the hugest fans of Phantom Menace, though you have to

admit that Duel of the Fates is a pretty boss-ass song.

Actually I was kind of disappointed that they didn't make a reference to it since the term

"Duel of Fates" is a pretty Shakespearian thing when you think about it.

Definitely fits with the tone.

Act V has a lot of great stuff including some really great lines from Padme and a Taken

reference from Qui-Gon!

It's also got the conclusion to the "JarJar's pretending to be stupid" joke, which...doesn't

get the best payoff but at least it kind of makes sense, because when you look back at

his actions in the big droid battle at the end of Phantom Menace it's kind of hard to

believe that he managed to accomplish all of that by accident.

I think my biggest problem with the Jar Jar characterization in this is that I'm not sure

how it's gonna effect his characterization in the next play.

He's supposed to be this really smart guy fighting for freedom and stuff - how is he

gonna be able to justify putting Palpatine in power?

That could be a really clever situation in Episode II, or it could completely fall flat.

If you'd like some more in-depth thoughts on the entire play I'm gonna post a link to

my goodreads review below, but all-in-all I quite liked this reinterpretation and I'm

gonna give it 4 stars out of 5.

And of course we've also got today's Certain Point of View story.

This one is by John Jackson Miller and it is called "Rites".

It's another Tusken Raider story and...I think that might actually be the problem because

I didn't enjoy this one just like how I didn't really enjoy Reirin from a few days ago and

they're both about Tusken Raiders so maybe that's the issue?

I don't know why it's like that, it's weird, it's not like I have anything against the

Tusken Raiders, I think they're cool, and it's not like Rites has the same weaknesses

as Reirin because it doesn't.

As I mentioned earlier I wasn't keen on Reirin just because I felt like it had a very week

ending, and as for Rites I'm not very keen on it because I felt like the character motivations

are kinda...iffy?

I'm also pretty sure this is gonna be very subjective, I'm sure there's gonna be plenty

of people out there who liked Rites, but for me something just didn'

Now there is one thing that I appreciated about Rites, and it's that it helps make one

of the goofier scenes in a new hope a little less goofy, make a little more sense.

See this is from the perspective of the group of Sand Raiders that are trying to kidnap

Luke and the Droids and then they get scared off by Obi-Wan.

This story heavily implies that he was able to scare them off by influencing them with

the Force and making them feel fear, like, this weird cosmic dread.

Which makes a lot more sense than what we sort of see him doing, which is just throwing his hoodie up and going


Even when I was watching the movie as a little kid I

thought that scene was kind of ridiculous so thank you John Jackson Miller for clearing

up that little oddity.

So that concludes this day and this week of VEDUS, but we're not even CLOSE to being finished.

We still have, like, four...and...a half weeks to go until the conclusion!

So be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can see every new video as it comes out.

You can also check out my instagram for daily updates or you can check out my aforementioned

goodreads to see how I'm progressing through all of these novels.

And until tomorrow I'll see you all *snap* later!

*funky music*

For more infomation >> VEDUS Day 7 (Rites, The Phantom of Menace COMPLETE!) - Duration: 3:15.


IM LATE FOR THE ELCPISE - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> IM LATE FOR THE ELCPISE - Duration: 9:02.


1990 - Bucky - Duration: 1:08.


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