Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 12 2017

ASMR Get Ready for A Date Roleplay


For more infomation >> ASMR Get Ready for A Date Roleplay | GigiASMR - Duration: 18:46.


Latin American Sniper | Ep. 2 - Duration: 6:58.

No need for subtitles.

For more infomation >> Latin American Sniper | Ep. 2 - Duration: 6:58.


Ancient Technique That Can Trigger Your Super Human Abilities - Duration: 3:19.

Ancient Technique That Can Trigger Your Super Human Abilities

By consciousreminder

Sungazing was one very popular practice in ancient times.

Mayans, ancient Egyptians, Indians and many more ancient cultures strongly believed in

the power of the Sun.

They believed that it can heal diseases, put an end the need of food, and can even make

telepathy a possible phenomenon.

It sounds fringy and borderline science fiction, but the more spiritually advanced actually

had these abilities and they practiced them.

The process, as the name suggests, involves gazing at the sun.

It is practiced at sunrise and sunset.

The practice begins by looking at the sun for ten seconds and with every passing day

ten seconds are added in the practice.

One thing must be kept in mind, that you must be bare feet when you are sungazing.

It may sound like a myth, but the scientists too, have acknowledged the power of sungazing.

One of the most famous scientists, Nikola Tesla once talked about these super human


He said,

�My idea is that the development of life must lead to forms of existence that will

be possible without nourishment and which will not be shackled by consequent limitations.

Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance

of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food, and

transforming, by a complicated process, the energy of chemical combinations into life-sustaining


The phenomenon is named HRM phenomena after Hira Ratan Manek who popularized the technique

in the modern world and got himself tested by NASA.

Let�s shortly discuss the benefits of the practice:


It activates our pineal gland and boosts production of melatonin and serotonin which are also

called feel-good hormones.

The hormones are also supposed to be the reason behind the increased energy level.


It is known to stimulate the growth of pineal gland.

Generally pineal glands shrink with age, but with sungazing, the result is otherwise.


Sungazing provides nutrition to both mind and body which provides for our energy requirement.

Hence, human can get rid of the need to eat food which promotes weight loss in a healthy


We must realize that our past was very rich in terms of science and techniques.

They had the key to many human problems and the modern world needs to seek the knowledge

which our ancestors had.

The question is, why and how did we forget about this ancient technique?

For more infomation >> Ancient Technique That Can Trigger Your Super Human Abilities - Duration: 3:19.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১২ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 16:31.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১২ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 16:31.


ate dinner at the WORLD'S TALLEST TOWER!!! - Duration: 7:35.

We arrived at the tower!

Look at this!

Good morning, My Mate Nate Family!


You might have seen my hat

It's not...

My Mate Nate's hat

We wear Mickey Mouse's hat because today we are at...

Tokyo Disneyland!!!

Do you see at the back?

There is a Castle!

We came to Disneyland in Tokyo

So, today we will take you around

Tokyo Disneyland!

Everyone here dressed up really cute

Let's see them

They are wearing same cloth

We are here to play but...

I'm not sure if we will be able to film while riding it

So, today...

We will mostly focus on My Mate Nate's Instagram


We already have 3.6 Million subscribers on Youtube

But we only have 200,000+ followers on instagram


We have to take pictures for Instagram just like this!

So, don't forget to follow me on Instagram My Mate Nate

Are you ready?

Inside Star Wars

Good one for Instagram too

We played Star Wars

It was really fun and so cool

It's a...



Ah, 3D

But I have a headache now

It was really cool tho

The seats could move and shake

lots of effects

But it's


So we just

Sit down

and ordered some food

and watch this!

The nuggets look like

Mickey Mouse

Ah ah, Instagram this one too!

Don't forget to follow Instagram My Mate Nate!

Coming to Disneyland

The picture that you MUST take

is picture with the characters

We will try to find all the characters

Coming to Disneyland

The most important thing to do is meeting with...

Mickey Mouse

Let's take a picture with him

There are so many people here

Waiting for a ride

We can Instagram here too

Can we Instagram here?!

It's too bright!



The wind

The wind is so strong here!

This can be an Instagram's picture too!

There are Princess behind me

Let's go to them and Instagram with them

How was it?


Ah... Yeah,

I didn't film lots of rides or review anything that much


You can watch those at Wannabe Mee Channel

Now, we are going to leave here coz we are so tired


We will go back to...

The world's second Tallest building

Because yesterday...

If you watched yesterday's video

You will see that there were clouds

and fog and you can't see anything at all

Tomorrow we are going to South Korea


We have to hurry and go

Film that Tower

and pack our stuff

and leave to Korea

120 Minutes later

We got to the Mall that is next to the tall Tower,

The world's second tallest building and...

We found this store by chance


There are everything about Pokemon in there

But we don't need to check that out

Let's get to the tower

We arrived at the tower!

Hold on, hold on


Do you wanna go up there?

I want to take a picture first

We got here

We finally got here!

The view up here is very BEAUTIFUL!

more than me?

You are very beautiful too

If you happen to come to Tokyo

You MUST come here!

It worths it

The view is AMAZING!

Watch this!

I love this song

We are up here

It's so high and we are up here

It's high enough for us to see the Mt.Fuji

Just look behind me

It's very beautiful

I know I said that a lot

but it's so beautiful and we are so lucky

Because there were storm in the last few days

So the weather today is really nice and clean

and we can see the Mt.Fuji and the whole city

Wait wait wait

We were...

We were going to go down

and I thought

what should be the name of this video?

We don't have any good click bait for other people yet

then I thought

This is the world's tallest "Tower"

Not "Building"

If it is a "Building"

50% of the building have to be where people can live

or can work like in the office

But if it's just a tower

The tower is just...

Anything that is tall

So, this one is a tallest tower

But if we talk about what people build

This is the world's second tallest

But if we talk about the tallest "Tower"


This one


A click bait for today is

"We ate on the world's tallest tower"

Is it good? It's good right?

Nate: But it's not the tallest building Mee: Can we eat now?

Just one sec

The tallest building is...

Burj Khalifa in Dubai

But here is the tallest tower

Ok, let's eat

and we will watch sunset while we eat


Let me grab this

Now we need a picture for thumbnail

It should be like this

You move a bit here




Smile :)

That should be good

For more infomation >> ate dinner at the WORLD'S TALLEST TOWER!!! - Duration: 7:35.


this is why Clash Royale is dying... - Duration: 7:10.

this is why Clash Royale is dying...

Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and a few days ago

I posted a video talking about new features that would make clash royale great again and in that video I

Asked you guys to leave a comment letting me know some reasons on why you think clash Royale is dying

So I went through all the comments on that video. I picked out my favorite

Suggestions and the most popular, and I'm going to be compiling them all into one massive video so today

We're gonna be going over all the reasons that clash Royale is dying now one disclaimer

I don't hate the game. I still think the game is fun

So please don't think of this video as me attacking clash Royale

It's more, so just a fun list video now if you go to enjoy it

Please give it a like down below, and if you're new to my channel

Please remember to subscribe

Zero hour gaming says clash Royale is dying because the long span between card

Releases and the new updates came too late, and this is something

We've talked about in the past just to put this into perspective for you guys

Supercell announced the mega Knight flying machine panic card and the skeleton barrel. I think on June 11

It is now the beginning of November and the skeleton barrel just came out not too long ago

So the card releases they took way too long on that and as far as the updates

Go supercell hasn't really added any major updates to the game and J

Curley 66 says the reason that CR is dying is because they never fix the ladder

Level comments free-to-play vs.. Pay to win

Etc so essentially this is the classic mismatch in matchmaking you guys already know about this

Let's say your level 9

You're searching on ladder

And then I don't know where you find like a level 10 or 11 you

Automatically know you're screwed in this matchup. Like you can try your hardest, but the odds are their cards are gonna

Be really really good and no matter what you do

They're always gonna rank you and no matter how hard you try you just can't stop there pushes

Siddarth kapoor's has AI think clash royale is dying because there is no change in the appearance in the troops alike

If you agree now, I don't think this is a main reason that the game is dying however

I have talked about this time and again

supercell should definitely add some

customization to their game

Referring back to clash of clans in that game

Whenever you upgrade a car to a certain point they get a new texture

So just looking at the Giant for example level 1 it looks stupid, but at max level

It's a total beast and I know in clash Royale

They have this gem rush and gold rush event where your tower looks slightly different

But I feel like if you were able to upgrade your troops to a certain point and change their appearance it would give more players

Motivation to upgrade their cards and try to progress through the game jo-anne fish says

Trophy droppers crappy chests the lag mega knight has ruined the game

That's top 4 problem

So we're gonna go through his four problems one by one so the first thing he mentioned was trophy droppers

And this is just higher level people who are lower in trophies thus causing mismatches, and we kind of touched on this earlier

So we're not gonna talk about it again after that it says crappy chests

I'm not sure if he's referring to silver chests, or just getting cards. He doesn't like but if you're just getting cards

You don't want or cards you don't like from chests. It's kind of frustrating because let's say you want to upgrade your Knight

You're really focusing on that card. He's like your main guy

He's your favorite and then let's say the only common card you're getting is like a bomber

That's definitely annoying and it definitely

Pisses off a lot of people the third point he mentioned was lag and lag is one of those things where it doesn't happen all

the time

But what it does it really really pisses you off and there's like nothing you can do to possibly stop it

Leg is like the root of all evil and it's definitely a major reason

People stop playing the game and as far as his final point goes the mega knight has ruined the game

I'm gonna be honest with you Joe

I completely disagree with you here Erik Perez says it's dying because

Supercell is busy with brawl stars and the reason I wanted to put this in the video is because when I was in

Georgia at Kings Cup - I actually talked to some of the employees at

Supercell and I asked them about bra stars like when will it come out will it ever come out etc

And they gave me a lot of information

and I'm pretty sure I can make it public so if you would like me to make a

Dedicated video about bra size because I know if you don't live in Canada

And if you have an Android device you're probably dying to play this game, and it kind of sucks the game is so limited

Right now, but I'm hoping the game comes out globally soon, so I may just make a video furthermore talking about this H

I or hi says because you have to waste a mony not the best grammar here

But let's be real if you were a bad player like me then the odds

Are you definitely dished out a good amount of money into clash Royale now spending money isn't necessary

But if you're a bad player like me then yeah, it's definitely depressing yeah

Wolf gamer says I would also quit because the game modes are kind of getting old

And we can't just have three elixir bag which was my favorite mode and every legendary

I have gotten out of my last three chests is lava hound and that is my most hated

one so first off the game modes being repetitive

I kind of agree here supercell kind of knows this too

And that's why they introduced touchdown near mode the draft challenge and all that stuff

But since those challenges are temporary once. They go playing the ladder or challenges things

Just kind of get like boring now next up

You said you want them to bring three times elixir back

And I completely agree here three times elixir was like one of my favorite game modes

And I wish supercell always had a special

game mode to play so what if one week they had three times elixir the week after that they had touchdown you guys get the

Point I think supercell should definitely add a variety game-mode on a week-to-week

Basis and the final thing you mentioned is that your legendary lock has been

Extremely bad, and this is something we talked about earlier on in the video

Sometimes chests just aren't your friend and it really sucked now for the final point of the video coming from Phoenix

the update is boring so in the last update they introduced quest and

That was pretty much it like quest was the main thing they released and it isn't that

Cool, so uh yeah, that's like everything

I had to say for today's video if you guys have any other features that piss you off about clash Royale

Please leave those down in my comment section below, but guys this has been eclipse. Thank you all for watching and peace out


For more infomation >> this is why Clash Royale is dying... - Duration: 7:10.


Trump Says Putin, 'Absolutely Did Not Meddle' in 2016 Election, So We're Good Now? - Duration: 2:20.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

As special counsel Robert Mueller and a congressional committee continue to investigate Russian

efforts to influence the 2016 election on Donald Trump's behalf, the President is

repeating a familiar refrain.

He's defending his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Trump and Putin's latest meeting was reportedly limited to the two leaders sharing some informal

talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings in Vietnam.

Taking the opportunity to do what he does best, Trump rambled incoherently to a group

of reporters about Putin

"He said he didn't meddle.

You can only ask him so many times ... He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election.

He did not do what they are saying he did."

In this case, the "they" Trump is referring to would be the FBI and the CIA and both agencies

collective assessment that Russia interfered with the 2016 Presidential Election in order

to help Trump win.

The former reality show host lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, but still won the

304 Electoral College votes necessary to become the 45th President.

While Trump tours Asia, probes are being conducted on possible collusion between various Trump

associates and Russian operatives.

The topic of Trump and Putin's ongoing bromance came up after the Kremlin released an official

statement saying the two presidents "confirmed their determination to defeat ISIS in Syria."

According to David Jackson of USA Today, when pressed further about allegations of Putin

influencing the election, Trump responded by saying, "Well, look, I can't stand

there and argue with him.

I would rather have him get out of Syria."

After meeting Trump at the G20, Putin had this exchange with a reporter:

So, that's it then.

We can wrap up the Mueller investigation early since Putin told Trump he didn't meddle in

the 2016 election.

In reality, Mueller's probe has already indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

on nine criminal counts, including money laundering and tax fraud, and another Trump aide, George

Papadopoulos, has plead guilty to lying to federal investigators about his contacts with


So, normal country, normal president.That's all for now, we'll have more on this story

as it develops, for Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Trump Says Putin, 'Absolutely Did Not Meddle' in 2016 Election, So We're Good Now? - Duration: 2:20.


Sebene 3 temps - Isaac Sariel night inspiration - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Sebene 3 temps - Isaac Sariel night inspiration - Duration: 1:40.


Ride or Die November Products - Duration: 8:32.

Hi guys this is Monique and today I'm going to actually go through my ride-or-die list

for November so I have about seven items that I want to go over and the first is

actually this extra dark Jamaican black castor oil moisturizing conditioner I

think I got this at Walmart actually but it's basically got no odor and it's like

got no extra additives except for jamaican black castor oil it has no

extra scents or coloring or anything like that it's really really thin but I

remember the first time I used in my hair felt so soft like way more off and

really really clean like my scalp felt super clean so it's got Jamaican black

castor oil in it and if you watch my channel you know that I love Jamaican

black castor oil I use it everywhere on my hair I use it on my edges to grow

them back really well so this is a must so I need to buy some more because it's

like right down to the bottom there so the next one I want to talk

about is this Neutrogena deep clean cream cleanser it's oil free and so you

can't tell it right now but I have a little bit of an acne breakout and I'm

still trying to get over it but this item was the most surprising so I used

it and at first it feels like cream it feels like you're putting on lotion on

your face but it actually is a gentle cleanser and when I was finished with it

it had like a minty smell on my face and my face felt like dry and like you know

when it's like drying out acne that's the feeling that you get I really really

really liked it Neutrogena deep clean cream cleanser it

says it cleans deep down into pores to remove dirt oil makeup and everything

like that that can you tell your complexion so that was really really

awesome so the next thing that I just LOVE is actually this Aussie three-minute miracle

shine okay so I used this for the first time today and I cannot wait until next

week when I wash my hair again just so that I can use it again

it's basically supposed to give you like a really awesome shine a really awesome

shine I like the packaging there's no cap you just squeeze it and it comes out

in your hand when you put it on it's so smooth and in like three minutes I

could tell I put on my hair and then I continued with the rest of my shower and

then I washed it off at the end of my shower and in my hair I could tell as

like the warm water was going through my hair my hair was like smooth it totally changed

my hair and so this is a deep conditioner so I co-wash my hair with

that jamaican black castor oil moisturizing conditioner and then after

I rinse it out and I put this on and it's amazing so I really really wanted

to try some Aussie products because everybody says that they're really

really good so so far after one try I'm like WAAA so the next thing I want to talk

about is actually heat protector so I am gonna be straightening my hair a couple

times this month with a flat iron and I honestly always spray heat protectant on

my hair always spray it on my hair I realize now that the flat-iron dries out

your hair and I always like spray it on it doesn't matter if my hair is wet or

dry I always like to make sure that I've got heat protectant on

so this one is TreSemme thermal creations and its heat protection up to

230 degrees celsius so I also wanted to show you this detangling brush which

is really cute the bristles are really soft but I have noticed that I use my

big comb like my wide tooth comb to detangle my hair first and then if I am

trying to straighten my hair I have started to use this or a tiny kind of

like rat tail kind of comb so I've used this and I had like you know done the

chase method with it and it makes my hair super super soft

and really really straight so the detangling brush I only have two

more items that I want to talk about today and this next one is a leave-in

conditioner that I got from my local Beauty Supply Store so not from like a

drugstore and it is cream of nature argan oil strength and shine leave-in

conditioner so I guess what you're supposed to do is just shake the bottle

first to activate it and so I sprayed it all over my hair and then what I did the

first time I used it is I twisted my hair and I put my hair under this cap

like I'm wearing now and after like five minutes just five minutes when I took

out the twists my hair was super soft so before I go to sleep every night I put

in leave-in conditioner and right now it is actually working really really well

and as you can see it's pretty thin but it's really working well it's making my

hair super super soft so the last and final item that I wanted to talk about

doesn't actually have anything to do with hair or makeup it's actually some

lotion that I'm using right now and this is aveeno active natural skin relief

moisturizing lotion and actually I do not like Aveeno moisturizer until this

year because I know maybe it's just me but I always felt like a Aveeno smelled

really kind of like you know earthy so I didn't like Aveeno products like a

soap and things like this but this one has no scent and it's for really really

really dry skin I live in a very arid area near the mountains and so I put

this on and it makes my skin feels so moist and just amazing I'll put some on right now but

it's so moist and it makes your skin feel really really soft I'm gonna try a

different type of Aveeno moisturizer lotion pretty soon just to kind of even

out my skin but I've noticed my skin my complexion is getting a lot better my

skin is super super smooth and so yeah this one is skin relief moisturizing

lotion and it relieves itchy extra dry skin and moisturizes for 24 hours that's

Aveeno and this one you can get at the drugstore so it's a little bit pricier

but it is really really good and I think it's made with oats okay guys so those

were my November ride-or-die items that i wanted to talk about as you can see my

hair is up and a scarf and if you follow my channel you'll see that I'm gonna be

wearing scarfs as much as possible during the day just to protect my hair

I'm gonna try to keep my hair and twists for as much as possible as well so we'll

see what it's like for the first two weeks and then I'll give you an update

video on that as well so if you like my videos don't forget to subscribe to my

channel and watch a couple more videos here or

here and subscribe down there. Bye

For more infomation >> Ride or Die November Products - Duration: 8:32.


[Vietsub]Sự thật về BoxBox-The truth about BoxBox|TTK's Hacker√ - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub]Sự thật về BoxBox-The truth about BoxBox|TTK's Hacker√ - Duration: 3:33.


Jugni | Punjabi Folk Song | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 3:53.


O pehlan naam allah da laiye, pehla naam allah da

Pehla naam allah da laiye, fer os nabi nu kahiye

Ohde har dum ho ke rahiye, o peer mereya o jugni

Mereya jugni kehendi aa, jehri naam Sai da

Naam Sai da laindi aa, jehri naam Sai da

Naam Sai da laindi aa, jehri baith ke kalma kehndi aa...

Wah wah mauj jawani wali shehed gude to mitthi

Wah wah mauj jawani wali shehed gude to mitthi

Aayi jawani har koi weh'nda jaandi kise na ditthi

O peer mereya o jugni

Mereya jugni kehendi aa, jehri naam Sai da

Naam Sai da laindi aa, jehri naam Sai da

Naam Sai da laindi aa, jehri baith ke kalma kehndi aa...

O meri jugni de dhaage bagge...


O meri jugni de dhaage bagge

Jugni ohde muho, o jugni ohde muho

O jugni ohde muho phabbe

O jihnu satt ishq di, jihnu satt ishq di lagge

O peer mereya o jugni, mereya jugni kehendi aa

Jehri naam Sai da, naam Sai da laindi aa

Jehri naam Sai da, naam Sai da laindi aa

Jehri baith ke kalma kehndi aa...

Eh jawani chaar dihade, khushiya naal handaiye

Eh jawani chaar dihade, khushiya naal handaiye

Ki bharvasa jindri da, bhavein kall nu hi marr jaiye

O peer mereya o jugni, mereya jugni kehendi aa

Jehri naam Sai da, naam Sai da laindi aa

Jehri naam Sai da, naam Sai da laindi aa

Jehri baith ke kalma kehndi aa... oo...

For more infomation >> Jugni | Punjabi Folk Song | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 3:53.


Cheri Cheri Lady-Remix-2017 - Duration: 2:58.

subsribe channel nhé

For more infomation >> Cheri Cheri Lady-Remix-2017 - Duration: 2:58.


Doshu's Greetings - 1st Aikido International Youth Seminar (Netherlands) - Duration: 1:43.

Greetings everybody.

I am Ueshiba.

Right now in the Netherlands,

boys and girls from several European countries

Young people like you getting together,

all came to participate in today's seminar.

And that so many of you gathered today

I am very glad about that.

Aikido is now

being practiced in as many as 130 countries and regions around the world.

In Aikido,

through training,

we try to develop one's mind and body.

As you all know

the way our partner and ourselves train in the techniques,

is to practice them alternatively [do and receive the technique].

This is one characteristic of Aikido.

At the same time,

to try to cultivate a sense of respect and good feeling with each other.

The spirit of unification of Aikido is what we build up through the practice.

Therefore, I hope that all of you,

will keep this important point

at the heart of your practice.

I hope people of the World will definitely cherish this feeling

I would like you to enhance your own growth and development.

I hope that during today's training,

you will put all your heart and energy

in your practice at today's seminar.

Please do your best day today

For more infomation >> Doshu's Greetings - 1st Aikido International Youth Seminar (Netherlands) - Duration: 1:43.


minecraft 1 - Duration: 22:20.

thanks for watching bye

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