Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Natheinimaro lungsiat film - HD English subtitle Mr. Kevin & Miss Soma Aimol feature film 2017

For more infomation >> Natheinimaro lungsiat film - HD English subtitle Mr. Kevin & Miss Soma - Duration: 1:50:13.


Close Encounter With a Vampire Squid | Nautilus Live - Duration: 2:31.

Oh! It's a squid Oh wow's an octopus It's a dumbo octopus

Is it a dumbo octopus Look at yooouuuu

It looks like a dumbo Or is it a vampire squid?

Ooooh shiny So pretty! Look at how shiny it is

Is it a vampire squid? I think so

What'd Brennan say?

I think he's interested in doing low light With his camera wanna do this Brennan?

He's probably running up the stairs

Brennan: Hey guys, wanna do a real quickie on this?

Alright video, full wide You're powered up, Brennan

Great, can you start shutting your lights off? got one set of lights still on, Brennan You ready?


....yes! Ready! He's right in my frame

T here it is


He's been blown out so let's see if he does anything for us

He's going back to his..

Yeah quiet spot ...comfortable state, look at that

Hiiii!! Your resting state

Oh! Was that a little glow? There's a little glow!

From him? I don't think it was

....unless it was a remnant Yeah if he was gonna do it he'd do it

Really crisp shot though Yeah, really cool shot

This lens is nice Shiny!

So if it luminesced would it be on the inside of the....sort of umbrella?

See that I don't know. I thought it was on the very tips of his arms but....?

Oh he's really....participating with us Beautiful

Ohhhh Best was yet to come

Oh! Aaannndd it's going to...

For more infomation >> Close Encounter With a Vampire Squid | Nautilus Live - Duration: 2:31.


Double shooting reported in South Louisville - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Double shooting reported in South Louisville - Duration: 1:08.


Rainbow Six Pro League Finals - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Pro League Finals - Duration: 0:57.


Journey to Saturn - Episode 9: Rhea Landing (ORBITER 2016) - Duration: 32:35.

Hello and welcome back to this Orbiter 2016 video series! I'm Tex and this is

episode 9 of Journey to Saturn. In the previous episode we left Titan behind

and we made our way over here to Saturn's second largest moon called Rhea

we didn't quite get all the way there, so we need to go ahead and complete the

orbital insertion burn and also land on the surface of Rhea in this episode

So without further ado, let's go ahead and get started!

All right so the first thing we're gonna do here is a small plane alignment.

I should note that I added some UCGO cargo

down on the surface of Rhea so that we can establish a base camp and just sort

of add another touch of realism and fun to the mission. They were

not previously there in any of my earlier scenarios, so when you download

the scenario pack for this episode they will be on the surface... pretty much due

to limitations with the UCGO addon because Dan has not updated

those. Dan if you're watching please PLEASE update this. I'm just giving you

you a hard time I know you're busy, but like I said they're not really compatible...

UCGO with Orbiter 2016... neither is UMMu, so...

Orbiter crashed on me several times when I was trying to set up base

camp and all that good stuff so when you land on the surface of Rhea you're gonna

have to use the scenario editor unfortunately to set up base camp and

move things around. But I do have a scenario with all of that already

completed in my scenario pack that you'll be able to load and base camp

will be set up. It looks pretty cool so with that said because those were not

already in the scenario I didn't really plan for that when we were coming to

Rhea. Now that we're basically here at Rhea you can see it right in front of

us although it's G contribution is still relatively low. It would have been more

ideal to plan this more ahead of time but I guess we're still far

enough away from it that I can make some small adjustments to the inclination.

Base camp... the cargo I guess we're saying was sent in

advance of us on an unmanned rocket or down on the surface with

a latitude of 65 degrees south I believe it is and longitude of 53 degrees.

So, -65 degrees and -53 degrees,.

That comes out to an equatorial inclination of 72.03

but one thing that you also have to consider is the longitude

of the ascending node and so when I was experimenting with this I was not able

to get both of those exactly where they need to be unfortunately. I don't know if

I'm doing something wrong or I'm just too close to Rhea at this point because

one other important factor is that we need to ensure our periapsis altitude is

relatively low. Now I initially shot for a periapsis

altitude around 100 kilometers when we were flying to Rhea, but on our

final approach here for the orbital insertion burn and when we circularized

the orbit, I'm gonna have my periapsis down around 10 kilometers -- nice and low.

That's above any terrain and that gives us you know a nice low pass over the

surface for our lander to just hop right down and conduct a landing. So what

I'm doing right now is just playing around with the linear RCS and honestly

it took more time than it really should have quite frankly, but looking at

the interplanetary MFD on the right side it's going to be more accurate than

the orbit MFD. I'm trying to get my periapsis altitude -- where the mouse

cursor is currently pointed -- around 10 kilometers, but at the same time I want

to get the relative inclination up on the top around 72.03 degrees.

So we're getting pretty close right here we'll just use the

control key and use some microburst... try and get those two exactly where I want them.

them so that's not bad but let's keep playing with it and just try and get it

right on that number

okay that's probably going to be good enough let's go ahead and time

accelerate you can see it's pretty much one seventy two point zero three and

periapsis slightly under 10k so very rapidly time accelerating here as we

approach Raya we're seeing the G contribution increase and you can see

how close we are to raya yet the G contribution is still under 0.5 zero

Saturn is just a dominant dominant gravity force here but what we're gonna

do is go ahead and basically just turn retrograde we are currently the orbit

HUD currently has us set up with Saturn so when I hit the retrograde autopilot

unfortunately the you know deep star is going to orient itself retrograde with

relation to Saturn but once we fall a little a little more over I guess 0.50

on the G contribution for Rhea it will switch so that the retrograde autopilot

will hold it retrograde with relation to Raya but

that really doesn't matter because we're going to use the circular rise program

on IMF D on the right side there and we're just going to Coast down we're

looking at the burn time it's currently showing to be about two hundred and

fifty two seconds of burn time about one thousand seven hundred and change on m/s

and it has just changed so now it's with relation to Raya so we're getting the

true numbers of what we're what we really care about so with a burn time of

about just under two hundred twenty seconds it's it's falling as we Coast

down closer to periapsis we can estimate that PE T on the left side on orbit MF t

when that's about half of what the burn time is required that's when we're gonna

conduct the burn so burn time is coming down a little bit so probably when PE T

reaches around 105 seconds somewhere in there would be a good time to go ahead

and hit Auto burn so let's just Coast down here we'll pan over so we get a

nice view here of both Saturn and Rhea and we're gonna be passing pretty close

to Raya looks like our periapsis is at nine point seven kilometers so we'll

continue accelerating time accelerating and we're gonna monitor PE T we don't

want to pass that up so we're getting within about a hundred seconds now until

it's time to conduct the burn

okay so there's one oh I've slowed time down all the way and that's time to burn

so I've hit Auto burn and imfg is conducting the burn forests

very cool you can see how close we are actually passing to the surface

unfortunately Raya doesn't actually have terrain you know no tree file that has

the terrain data has been created for Raya but it's still the still looks good

on the surface the micro textures by Jar Manik work just fine so it will look

pretty decent down on the surface anyways

just kind of look around you can actually see the micro textures just in

front of us there because we're so low above the surface here that they're

actually working they're loading and it looks pretty good it's gonna look even

better when we get closer down so you can see we're just about captured here

by Rhea the orbit MFD is changing and there we go we've been captured we are

at ten times acceleration now normal time and it's going to continue burning

until we're perfectly circular eyes just about there and engine cutoff so that

looks great okay so now that we're safely in orbit around Raya I've done a

quick save so you guys can pick up here if you'd like we can look at the map MFT

and let's target it's called lab and you can see that it

is in fact 53 degrees west and 65 degrees south so what we're gonna do is

go to base inc and we're gonna manually input the latitude and longitude so

negative 65 negative 53 and let's change the number of orbits to one okay so we

do have a bit of a plane change to do and again that has to do with the fact

that I was not able to get the longitude of the ascending node and the

inclination exactly where they should be along with keeping periapsis nice and

low had I planned this out ahead of time it probably would have been much more

well it definitely would have been more fuel-efficient but it is what it is

let's take a look at our burn time here we have not done anything with our

spreadsheet in the previous episode so I've added a couple lines in here for

now we're doing a Titan to Raya mo I so basically what we have remaining in our

fuel from from leaving Titan and arriving at Raya

so the spreadsheet just kind of froze on me there there we go so let's input what

we have left that was sixty one thousand five hundred and twenty meters per

second so that means we use three thousand nine hundred and sixty-four

meters per second to get from Titan to and circularize the orbit so that's kind

of a lot I think actually I believe looking at the moon to moon calculator

that Demetri provided me it should have been less than that but I'm sure that's

down to just purely pilot error on my part the other thing that I wanted to

mention with the deep star that I've noticed is it uses an incredible amount

of fuel just orienting the vessel here so for example if I just hit the pro

grade autopilot button it's convenient because it just you know points it pro

great for me and I don't have to take the time to sit there and do it myself

but it uses so much fuel more fuel than I really I guess anticipated so that is

definitely one thing that I should have taken into account when I did the flight

planning but fortunately we've brought more than enough fuel with us that it

should not be a real problem but just keep that in mind if you happen to be

flying with deep star and you're trying to you know keep things super tight on

fuel you really need to account for that extra fuel expenditure you're gonna use

just orienting deep star and I suppose it makes sense it is a big heavy vessel

so alright so we're coasting over to the node here on base income ft it looks

like about 6.9 seconds of burn time and so we're just going to get over there

and bring that off plane distance in the center there it's currently at 83

kilometers we're going to bring that down to close to zero anyways alright so

we'll burn when we're about three seconds away from the node that is half

of our burn time three and a half seconds or so and that's approaching and

we're burning it's all manually orient the vessel here

because of the engine thrust is so great and there we go so we're off by 315

meters no big deal the eccentricity of the orbit changed just a little bit so

we'll bring that back down close to zero and that's fine okay so we are now in

line with the landing site and we can just go ahead and orient the vessel

pro-grade just so we kind of see where we're going and we're gonna Coast we're

just over a thousand kilometers away from the landing site so there is

absolutely no rush at this point rheya is pretty small actually so it's

not going to take a whole lot of time to or fuel for that matter to deorbit and

land now we are going to use the base land MFD that's by topper and it is

available in the links down in the description below the video here I'm not

sure I don't think it's in full release phase you can download it from orbit or

form and so I'm not a hundred percent positive but I think it's still being

you know developed so I you know I had a little bit of trouble with documentation

because there's no real clear documentation he asked like some

pictures and it just it you know it's not it's not completely done so I

suspect that once you know the final product is out that there will be at

least more comprehensive documentation but I was able to pretty much figure it

out and the other thing is is I don't know how much testing he's really done

with this on other moons I know he's done extensive testing with it on on our

Moon so but I was able to get it to work a couple of times I don't know if I did

I'm sure it was user error on my part but a couple of times when I was testing

with it it actually didn't stop me in time I ended up hitting the surface too

hard but it always does a great job of landing you exactly where you want to

land longitude latitude wise so we're now in the lander and we've just

undocked from deep star so we're going to just translate back

away from or maybe down I should say away from deeps are a bit here and

actually translating down seems to be bringing off plane distance down a

little bit so that works out fine that should suffice

so I we're about just under five hundred kilometers from the landing site so it's

probably a good time to go ahead and undock again it's not a huge rush the

actual deorbit burn is not going to be really started until we're I think maybe

about twenty kilometers from the landing site incredibly close like I said so

we're gonna go to manual mode on base land and input the latitude and

longitude and that is done and we'll hit okay and we're just gonna leave it alone

for right now but once we get a little closer we're going to actually activate

the autopilot and base land will actually go ahead and conduct the entire

deorbit burn and landing for you so yeah so like I said at this point

it's not a huge rush we're safely in our Lander here we're waving goodbye to the

crew and just sort of slowly drifting away from deep star deep star will

remain here in a very low rheya orbit while the crew goes down and well some

of the crew there is some left behind on deepstar obviously for safety purposes

but the crews going to go down and land on the surface conduct some science

experiments and just check out what this moon is all about

all right so we're pressing the yaw pitch roll and engine buttons on bass

land and then we will finally hit autopilot so that has activated the

autopilot and baseline is going to actually go ahead and conduct this burn

once we get close enough and so we just got a little bit of time here we're

gonna be coasting forward we're about 330 kilometers away from the landing

site I'm not a hundred percent sure of everything I'm looking at here but on

base land you'll see engine and it has a percentage and it's currently counting

up so it's at seven point nine four percent and trending upwards so I

believe that that's telling us how much percentage of the engine power is going

to be required if we were to conduct the burn at this point in time so if we

started our deorbit burn now we'd only be using eight percent of our engine

power I could be wrong and most definitely probably Anmer honk but

that's what I believe we're looking at and I recall something about one of the

images that he had in the package showed you should hit the ignition button

I guess the IGN button on the right side when engine gets to 50% and I think that

has something to do with G loading so you don't want to you know put too much

G's on your crew members now i'm i tried pressing IGN and again i'm sure i'm

doing something wrong here but nothing happens whenever engine got to 50% I hit

IGN and nothing happened so you know in my testing I said all right well I'll

just I'll just leave it alone and I think it goes all the way up to Oman

almost a hundred percent and then it will finally activate the engines and go

ahead and land so that means that we get incredibly close to the landing site

before the engines actually get ignited but um it worked so that's the most

important thing so we've got some time here we're just gonna be coasting

nothing's going to be happening let's go ahead and just cut forward in time and

we'll come back just before the engines ignite

okay we're getting pretty close to engine ignition here we're at 87 percent

89 90 91 92 and there we go engine ignition okay so it went almost to a

hundred percent like I said you can see the engines are firing and we are

leaving deepstar behind there that looks really really cool so our crew members

here on the lander are the lucky ones they get to go down and land on the

surface of Raya and I have to say those micro textures really add so so much to

this because looking further away it just you know it just doesn't look that

great so big thanks to jar Manik I've probably said it before and if I haven't

I apologize but definitely a big thanks to him for that add-on that has really

added so much for landing on the surface of various bodies throughout the solar

system all right so I think one thing we're looking at on base sink

I'm sorry base land autopilot there you'll see the see sort of the cross and

then you'll see a line extending down to the surface so I believe that where that

line ends is the coordinates for our landing site and you can see the cross I

believe is indicating us and as we slow down

I believe ideally that that straight line should be extending directly below

us so that means that we're we're basically right above the landing site

and then base land is going to just bring us down straight down for a

landing on the surface and I guess you'll notice as the engines are burning

as we are scrubbing some of our orbital velocity here that the engine percentage

listed on base land MFT there is coming down so we've scrubbed quite a bit of

velocity by this point you can see our orbital speed on the HUD up there on the

top and it's it's getting pretty low and we are within half a kilometre of the

landing site so we're essentially right over top of the landing site

we're now just just now about 200 meters from being directly over our landing

site so I'll pull up the surface MFD on the right side and we're sort of because

of the orientation of this lander with the you know with the engine down on the

bottom we're sort of just looking straight up into space and you can see

there is the lab the UC geo cargo down there on the surface so we are directly

over our target fantastic it looks like the main deorbit burn is just about

complete there we go all right so base and is now going to orient us sort of

level with the horizon and you know I don't I'm not sure why it gets so you

know so wobbly here it seemed like it had a little bit of trouble stopping

this this rolling here I tried to use kill rotation and just try and settle it

down and eventually it settled down pretty much but yeah I don't know that

again I don't know how much testing was done with this Lander or on you know

other moons like rheya that are much smaller than our own moon all of these

are probably factors that play into how this MFD actually works but um and again

I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at like I'm basically in there you have the

the circle with the line going through the center of it I'm not sure if that's

like almost like targeting and I guess when you're directly over your landing

target it sort of lines up with the fainter circle you can see below it

anyways just pulling a burn time here and putting in our Delta V estimating

about 80 meters per second pretty much all of that just going straight down and

just looking at how much distance we would need to scrub that so I'm not I

think what I'm gonna do is actually take over manual control here in just a bit

and that way I can manually set us down just like just like they did in Apollo

11 they took over manual control and really

do some hotshot landing here no I just I want to be able to set us down as

smoothly as possible and I think that base land does that great on the moon

but from my testing here on rheya it sort of causes a bouncing and you know

it's it's safe you don't crashing but we're gonna try

and do this a little bit more realistically and quite frankly it's fun

landing manually so I've disabled the autopilot on base land

I've now hit the level horizon autopilot just to keep us nice and level with the

horizon and we are coming down pretty quickly so I'm I'm putting in more of

our hover engine thrust here slowing down our descent rate to something a

little bit more manageable and we're under one kilometer we are getting very

close to the ground everything is looking great at this point I'm just

going to rotate over to the left and just get a nice view of Saturn there

because why not that just looks fantastic so we're about six hundred

meters just over six hundred meters above the ground I guess we can turn off

the base land MFD we don't need that at this point it has done a great job of

ensuring that we hit our mark because we do need to land pretty close to the

cargo here that we have sitting on the surface otherwise it would be quite a

hike for our crewmembers to hop over there in their spacesuits we do not have

any Rovers to drive around you know if you cgo worked that could be fun

actually so hopefully Dan gets that working at some point in the future

because I definitely would like to do a series with you see Geo

but as we come down here you can see the micro textures by Jar Manik are really

shining that just looks so superbly great she's using a little bit of linear

RCS just to keep us from landing in one of those craters there we have a nice

manageable descent rate plenty of fuel so I do not anticipate any problems with

fuel I guess it was quite a bit closer on fuel than probably I anticipated when

we took off from Titan and rendezvous with the deep star but it made for an

exciting episode so this one may not be quite as intense as that but definitely

it's always fun to land on a new world so we're just about down on the ground


and we've just hit the ground pretty softly there so we'll go ahead and turn

off the level autopilot we're gonna go to the scenario editor and just do what

we did before go to location and hit apply that just set us down with zero

ground speed and that we were not sliding on the surface but we are safely

on the ground guys we have made it here and yeah I mean that's looks great okay

so as you can see we have a base camp here unpacked our crew is currently

conducting science experiments we have a fantastic view of Saturn in the

background and it I'd say overall this has been a pretty successful flight from

Titan to Raya we're down here on the surface and that's going to go ahead and

wrap up this episode so as always guys really appreciate you watching we are

what nine episodes in now so I'm not sure how many other worlds we'll go to

we might check out Enceladus or something like that

before we start planning our trip back home

so until the next step so guys listen take care thanks as always for watching

and we will see you then

For more infomation >> Journey to Saturn - Episode 9: Rhea Landing (ORBITER 2016) - Duration: 32:35.


Trump promises major statement on North Korea and trade - Duration: 1:41.

U.S. President Donald Trump says he will make a major statement on North Korea and trade

later this week.

Although it's not yet clear what the statement will entail,... it may include re-listing

Pyongyang as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

President Trump will release a major statement on North Korea and trade on Wednesday,...

as he returns to Washington from his marathon tour of Asia.

Trump made the remark while speaking with journalists ahead of a trilateral meeting

with his Australian and Japanese counterparts in Manila.

(ENGLISH) "So we'll be making a major statement on Wednesday.

And this has been a very fruitful trip; for us and also in all fairness for a lot of other


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said earlier this week that Trump

would announce at the end of his trip his decision on whether or not to officially re-list

North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Quoting a government official,...

ABC News reported that a recommendation had been already made to the president and that

he was considering it.

On the trade issue,...

President Trump hailed the progress made so far,... adding America's trade deficits with

other nations will decrease significantly.

(ENGLISH) "But we've made a lot of big progress on trade.

We have deficits with almost everybody.

Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially."

It's left to be seen whether the statement will also include details related to the revision

of Washington's bilateral free trade deal with South Korea.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump promises major statement on North Korea and trade - Duration: 1:41.


Guests - Suho and Sehun from EXO, Kim Sohyun & Junho [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.11.13] - Duration: 1:19:24.

We will counsel you on your unspeakable concerns.

National Competition on Worries!

Here are today's guests.

The most sensational group!

Suho and Sehun from EXO.

(Suho EXO Sehun)

They're the most spectacular stars of the musical

world. What's more, they're a married couple.

Kim Sohyun and Son Junho.


I heard you were roommates.

I heard Suhyun suffered a lot.

- The younger one suffers more. / - Why was that?

Sehun hesitated a lot.

He hesitated to come out on the show.

Really? Was it that serious?

Tell us.

Why do you have your hand on his thigh?

So this is his worry.

We were roommates for 5 years.

When he eats fruits...

They touch each other's thighs.

They had lived together for too long.

After he eats,

he just puts it beside my bed and leaves.

Always next to my bed.

He never cleans up.

- And the younger one has to clean up. / - So you do?

Of course not.

You guys are perfect for each other!

- You don't even do it. / - Because he doesn't do it.

So who does it?

- So we split the room. / - We divided it.

It was too serious.

It was extremely messy.

Look at this couple's faces. They're totally opposite.

Junho doesn't care at all.

Sohyun is really paying attention.

I saw Junho on TV with girl groups many times.

He didn't know what to do.

I saw his ears turning red like Dongyeob.

But today we have opposing positions.

Is my ear okay? It's odd if my ears get red beside EXO.

- They're red now. / - Really?

They are indeed gorgeous.

As many of you guys know,

one is older than the other.

Junho was born when Sohyun was in 2nd grade.

(9-year difference)

(Oh my gosh)

(That's a lot of detail)

Do you have any worries because of her?

Nope, everything is perfect. (Seeing her reaction)

I'm happy to live with an older wife.

They are often on "Immortal Songs."

So all couples fight.

Even if they fight before going onstage,

once they go up, they're all lovey-dovey.

(Love song, ahh)

Then they go offstage and fight again.

We've been fighting a lot today.

She keeps talking nonsense.

Like what?

Sohyun, I've been thinking...

I think I love you more than you love me.

(I think I love you more than you love me)

(I think I love you more than you love me)

(Matchless power of love)

Sohyun is like, "I love you more."

"I love you more, I love you more!" It gets intense.

Today, you're on Hello Counselor.

What kind of worries do you have these days?

First of all, EXO...


Stop touching his thigh!

This is a big worry.

He's like a massage chair.

Just come out here so we get more views.

(Help me)

(It feels good to give up)

I have a really stressful worry.

There has been a case like me on the show too.

I can't throw things away.

So you just put it beside his bed.

Not garbage.

Like a hoodie I wore back in middle school.

- Do you still have it? / - I can't throw it away.

Like uniforms from college. I get nostalgic over them.

That usually happens to old people.

We have 3 concerns this week as well.

Let's take a look at the keywords.

"Hello Counselor? No!"

"Sexual concern."

Are you sure it's sexual?

It's my story, so it's sexual.

This is a serious concern.

"Spine Breaker."

It's a really shocking concern.

Put yourselves in the shoes of this person.

And think what you would do.

Hello. I'm a male, 7th-grade student

from Paju, Gyeonggi-do.

I didn't know when I was in elementary school,

but the world is different for me right now.

It's all because of my mom.

Son, one moment can ruin your life.

You have to learn to always control yourself.

Mother said that?

Mother teaches? Not the father?

I'm in 7th grade! She's like...

"Knock knock! What are you doing in your room?"

"Mom, I'm listening to music."

"I got you a lot of tissues."


(That's too direct)

"Don't watch too much porn."

- Did you make that up? / - No.

It really says tissues.

I don't know why would she say

that to a 7th-grade boy.

This is not over.

"Have you tried putting a condom on before?"

To a 7th-grade boy?

"Blow it, then it gets bigger.

Make sure it doesn't have a hole."

"Mom, stop it! I don't want to hear it!"

Her biggest problem is...

"Mom, I'll hang out with my friend in my room."

"What are you going to do this late?"

"Don't watch porn.

And make sure to use a condom."

She says this in front of my friends...

She went too far.

What if my friends feel offended and report my mom

for sexual harassment?

Please stop my mom!

Usually dads do the sex education.

Yeah, right.

He's only in 7th grade.

My dad made jokes about it when I was young.

When I was in 6th grade,

I heard the world "sexy" for the first time.

So I asked my father what it meant.

He was embarrassed, and said...


(A rhyme out of nowhere!)

He got flustered.

(Dad, were you flustered?)

I understood the meaning after I went to middle school.

So I asked why he said that back then.

He said, "How can I say such a thing?"

Why would you mention it again after learning it?

(Just for clarification)

We talked about that with our son too.

He asked me how babies are made.

Like in the stomach...

What did you say?

We said it's because a star fell from the sky...

Kids nowadays learn so fast. My son seems

to have drawn a conclusion with his friends.

But he wanted clarification from his parents.

So he asked how babies are made.

Like you did, I said, "If a star falls from the sky...

If a couple love each other, and make eye contact..."

He was like, "Okay, I get it."

(Okay, I get it)

(The apple doesn't fall far from the tree)

Let's seriously talk about this concern.

Please come on out.

(Who's concerned about their outspoken mother?)

So cute.

(Lee Eunsung)


You hated your mom's sex education so bad that

you sent your concern to the show?

Yes! I'm 14 years old.

I need more age-appropriate sex education.

Who do you think your mother's education is for?

For adults.

When she talks about condoms,

she says I have to blow it first

to check if it's strong and usable.

- She said some have colors. / - Colors?

He's a condom model these days.

His mother is a bit understandable because

Koreans use condoms the least among OECD countries.

And our abortion rate is the highest.

But Koreans are conservative regarding this issue.

So she taught you lots of stuff.

What did you hate the most?

When she talks about masturbation...

(Too intense)

(There there)

It's okay.

We're all adults. Just say it.

She said frequent masturbation is bad for the body.

And that I must wash my hand when I do it.

What is it bad for?

She didn't tell me.

Suho, do you know the answer?

It could weaken your bones...

Just kidding.

Elderly people said that a lot back in the old days.

Just kidding.

Just kidding.

It would decrease concentration when you need to focus.

That's right.

Weakening bones is nonsense.

See, it's not weakened.


Have you ever gotten caught?

There must have been a reason for her to mention it.

I've never been caught.

That's a relief.

(So he's watched it before)

Never got caught means...

Good security.

Good job, good job.

But she's still suspicious?

She opens the door suddenly and asks,

"Are you watching porn?"

If I lock the door, she picks it with chopsticks.

- That's bad. / - That makes things worse.

It's bad if you say one thing and do another.

When my friend came, she asked about missing tissues.

It's because we spilled a drink,

and all we used the tissues for was wiping.

But she burst in and asked

why they were all gone.

She asked if we masturbated.

- While your friend was there? / - Yeah.

She asked my friend if he watched porn.

How did your friend respond?

He didn't really answer, but he was uncomfortable.

He must have been embarrassed.

Have you ever gotten caught while watching porn?


But she's being that suspicious?

Yeah, she's just suspicious.

Have you ever told your mother that

you don't like it?

Yes. Once we went to eat fried chicken

and she suddenly started to talk about condoms.

At the fried chicken place?

No, when we were on our way home.

I told her I didn't want to listen to it, and ran away.

Then she chased me while talking about condoms.

Was she like, "You have to use condoms!"?

She said it while she was running.

So I told her I would send my concern to the show.

- She told me to go ahead, so I did. / - That's why?

Who else was there? Mom, dad and who else?

- My older sister. / - Your older sister was there too?

Does your dad ever talk about it?

- He doesn't. / - Just your mom?

I ask my dad if it's sexual harassment if mom says

sexual things and my friends feel uncomfortable.

He agrees sometimes.

He agrees?

It's because his son is being cute.

Would it be better if your father taught you all this?

I think it would be better than mom.

It's embarrassing.

- He's going through puberty. / - Very sensitive.

He would feel uncomfortable with his mom teaching him.

Let's talk to the mother.


Hello. (The sex education obsessed mom)

Your son said he'd submit the concern and here you are.

Can you understand his concern?

Not at all.

- You don't understand it. / - No.

I know schools do sex education too.

But I realized it's not detailed at all.

So I wanted to teach him.

It worries me, because on social media, students...

I understand.

I think 7th graders nowadays know more than I do.

- I doubt that. / - No.

They know more.

Don't you know you're doing it to the extent

that your son is stressed out?

It's not to that extent.

There's a condom vending machine in public restrooms.

You buy one and blow it up...

What we think is too much is that we don't talk about

condoms after having a nice dinner as a family.

It's because his sister told me he has a girlfriend

and she saw them holding hands.

His sister said that?

So I asked, "If you hold hands, don't you want to kiss,

and then it gets bigger,

and then your heart races, doesn't it?"

- That's when he ran away. / - Yeah.

So you chased him and asked...

"Did your heart race?"

(Please stop)

Is she saying that because you're

close to your female friend?

She's not my girlfriend, we're just close.

She didn't talk like that in elementary school,

but she started to after I went to middle school.

But your sister saw you guys holding hands.

People don't usually do that when they're just friends.


(Look at this kiddo!)


Did you just hold hands because she tripped and fell?

How did you hold her hand? Like this or like this?

(Like this)


- That's wrong! / - Then she's your girlfriend!

We don't even hold hands like this.

Did you have any other girl elementary school friends?

Starting in 1st grade.

- 1st grade, elementary school? / - Yeah.

Until when?

- Until 6th grade. / - 6th grade?

You went out for 6 years with one girl?


And then you broke up and met another girl?

Tell us about it.

We are curious.

We are starting to understand your mother.

We broke up after we graduated from elementary school.



After I came to middle school,

I became close to another friend.

But the girl I used to date is in the same class.

What are you?

So it's complicated.

Did you start the education because you were concerned

about him starting dating when he was in 1st grade?

Partially, yes.

When you burst in and asked what he was doing,

did you expect him to answer you?

When I come home, his door is always closed.

So I'm just curious what he's doing.

"I put lots of tissues in here, why are they all gone?"

"Don't do it too much, did you wash your hand before?"

That's really embarrassing.

It's very natural for all guys to go through that.

I know, but he should do it in moderation.

He's always tired.

(Tired because he did it too much?)

I'm wondering what has made him so tired.

He could be tired from playing outside.

He doesn't exercise.

Is that all you think about?


Does everything make you think in that way?

He's tired every day.

Why are you tired?

Because I go to afterschool classes.

It starts at 5 p.m., and ends at 9 p.m.

- Every day? / - Yes.

It must be very tiring. From 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.!

Last time I checked,

studying for a long time doesn't kill.

Excuse me, mother.

Nobody ever died while masturbating.

Studying is tiring, it uses up lots of energy.

He complains about being tired every day.

You're the only one thinking that way.

About the spilled drink earlier,

I think he went too far by saying that.


(What's the truth?)

- Weren't there any stains? / - Nope.

- No stains from the spill? / - No.

Because he cleaned it up.

No, it's not like that.

We don't have any drinks except for water at home.


(What a twist)

He could have bought it.

- You have no drinks at home? / - Other than water?

I bought it.

Where did the tissues you used to wipe it go?

They're still there.


In the tissue box?

Yeah, I put it in there.

You have to throw it away immediately, kiddo.

Haven't you heard this story?

Are you still suspicious?

It's not there, I checked it.

I never found a Coke bottle while doing recycling.

Do they eat bottles too?

Where is the Coke bottle?


Coke! Did your friend take it?

Don't answer! Don't answer!

Don't say it! You'll be at a disadvantage.

Why are you trying to educate his friends?

It's because they are his friends from kindergarten,

So I treat them like my own son.



(Distinguished 7th-grade aura)

- He is... / - You have done nothing wrong.

Raise your hands!

Raise your hands if you received sex education!

(Me / Me)

He looks exceptionally strong.

Did they seem uncomfortable?

Not at all! On that day, they were chatting all night

and woke up in the morning.

I asked, "Did you watch porn? Don't do it in excess."

And that was it.

Perhaps you're trying to be friendly.

But as a son, it might have been a bit hard to handle.

Put yourself in his shoes.

A friend's dad giving you sex education?

It's weird, isn't it?

And your friend is right there with you.

It's embarrassing.

You're his mother, not theirs.

That's a great example.

They say they know, but some don't.

They must be ready.

What do you think?

I don't feel anything.

Do you understand they would be embarrassed?

Juyong, were you embarrassed?

He's scared.

You can't ask like that.

How did you feel when she did sex ed?

I was embarrassed.

What about the friend next to you?

- It was fun. / - He said it was fun.

- Was it funny? / - Yeah.

What if your mother acted like Eunsung's mother?

I would be okay.

I understand him.

But it's good to learn now

so when we grow up, we know what to do.

Be careful with your hand gesture.

What about the other friend?

What if your mother acted like Eunsung's mother?

I would run away from home.


(At least you know how I feel)

That was savage!

(So cute)

Why would you run away from home?

It would be overwhelming.

It's too much.

What do you think of that?

It was so uncomfortable that he wanted to escape.

He's not Eunsung.

He's not your son?

(Come to my home, my friend)

Let's hear from Eunsung's older sister.

How old are you?

- I'm 15. / - 1 year older.

Do you understand his concern?

I do.

Mom speaks very directly,

so it's concerning.

But school teaches this too, and we're all at the age

we should know, so I understand mom is worried.

Does she do the same to you?

It's not that serious.

She just tells me to be careful with boys and that

any boys who say I'm pretty are lying.

(Parents usually take their children's side)

(She's being too tough on her)


Isn't this weird?

Isn't this a bit weird?

Let us ask you.

Why don't you think your daughter is pretty?

She is pretty.

Why did you say it's a lie?

- So she wouldn't get seduced? / - Yeah.

And what else did she say?

Not to go to a house without a female in it.

- That's right. / - Right.


Not all older boys can be trusted.

Not all older boys can be trusted.

It's a real saying.

It has depth to it.

Are you ever embarrassed like your brother?

Not really.

When I tell Eunji to be careful with men,

she's like, "Okay, mom," and that's that.

But Eunsung's reaction is so great.

He has great reactions.

So he's like, "Geez, mom!"

So if he responded like his sister, would you stop?

It's no fun with no reaction, so I wouldn't do it.

You just like to joke around!

It's all because of your reaction!

Next time, just be cool and say, "Okay, mom."

"Did you guys watch porn all night?"


"Don't watch it too often."


Just do it this way.

I've done it.

She won't stop?

She kisses me while we're walking.

- Where? / - On my lips.

And while we are walking,

she uses one hand to grab my bottom.

I told her to stop but she won't.

I think it's a habit for her.

So she does it like this?

Do you hate it?

- If someone sees it... / - It's embarrassing.

Are you worried others will think you're a mama's boy?

You don't like it when she does it outdoors.

To be honest, you don't like it indoors, right?

To be honest...

Tell the truth.

I don't like it.

It's natural to dislike it at that age.

He's really kind.

- Avoiding hurting her feelings. / - He glanced at her.

Did you know that he doesn't like that?

His reaction is really great.

I know he secretly likes it.

I like to touch bottoms too.

A few days ago, my 6 year old son said,

"If my bottom turned black, you wouldn't touch it."

So I said I would be sad.

And then he said, "I would be more sad!"

At just 6 years old he's already

sensitive to the feelings of others.

I think a 14-year-old child as mature as him would be

worrying much more deeply about this.

Did you know he would feel this way?

No, I think he's all grown up.


You must acknowledge it.

6th and 7th grade are just one year apart,

but it's a huge gap.

For himself too. He'll be much different in

the second semester than he was in the first semester.

Don't think, "He wasn't like this in early this year."

You must accept it, and acknowledge it.

Is there anything you don't want your mom to say?

- Masturbation, condom. / - Condom.

- Porn. / - Porn.

And I don't want her to do that to my friends.

Yeah, for sure. Kids at his age are really sensitive.

They would feel it's really weird.

They might lose self-confidence.

It was because I was worried,

and I said those things out of kindness,

but perhaps it was too much pressure for him.


What would you want to talk to your mom about?

Asking me how studying was.

I want to her to ask me, "Was it tough?"

She doesn't say that?

She likes to joke around.

She's mischievous.

Regardless of sex education,

do you talk to him about studying?


Not really?

I'm afraid he'd give up.

So I'm trying to push him.

It would be great if it had a positive effect,

but it might also cause a side-effect.

But you should be more considerate to him now.

(Should look for different educational methods)

Let's start with Junho. Is it a concern?

It doesn't feel like education but more like

joking around with his friends,

so I think it's a concern.

If the joking becomes more frequent,

it would make him want to hide,

so I think it's a concern.

- It's not a concern. / - Not a concern?

It's only that she's excessive,

but it's education that kids need at that age.

I think it's a concern.

If you think it's a concern, push the button!

(What will the audience think?)

5, 4, 3,

2, 1.


Please say something to your son Eunsung.

Son, I love you.

I will believe in you always.

Let's see the result!


(Sexual concern)

It's over 100.

136 votes.

(Earned 136 votes)

It's a fun story.

She has a lot to say to our show.

To our show?

Hello, I'm a newly married wife.

It's supposed to be super romantic, but I'm lonely.

It's because my husband is into something every night.

"It's starting!"

"Lalalalala, Hello!"

My husband is really into this show.

To our show?

He's watches every new episode when it premieres.

He would watch it over and over.

The same episode over 20 times.

- Hello, Counselor? / - More than 20 times.

Don't we have to hire him?

Babe, earlier...

That is so funny!

He doesn't listen to me at all.

"Stop watching that, aren't you sick of it?"

"How dare a woman say such a thing to a man?"

He's copying inflexible men that were on the show.

It's like mimicking soap operas.

He's kidding.

But funny thing is every time he watches the show,

he gets angry over those nasty husbands.

In fact, he's actually similar to those husbands.

So I'm seriously concerned.

Please hear my story.

The first time meeting someone

- addicted to our show in 7 years. / - Yeah.

Wife is concerned her husband is addicted to our show.

Please come out.

(Who's concerned over her husband?)

(Hwang Yeji)

(Precious Sehun's hand)


How does it feel to have Suhun escorting you?

It felt like my heart would explode.

It didn't.

How much does your husband love our show?

When he gets home after work

- He watches it until he falls asleep. / - Thank you.

He watches reruns?

Yeah, reruns as well.

It's aired on monday, right?

He sets his alarm at 11 p.m.

Did he set the alarm clock?

He tunes in in the middle of watching another show.

Sometime he watches it until 3 in the morning.

- Our show? / - Yeah.

And he suffers when he goes to work the next day.

After watching the show?

So are we like cigarettes and alcohol?

Why would watching the show become your concern?

Well, we're newly married.

I want to talk to him when he gets home.

Whenever I talk to him about living expenses

or I tell him there were problems at home,

he would be like, "Okay, sure."

Not serious at all.

After he answers like that, he never remembers

that I told him already.

It feels like he doesn't care about what I say at all.

Do you spend time together during weekends?


No, he watches it right as he wakes up until he sleeps.

He watches it on the weekends too?

He watches it right he wakes up until he sleeps.

If I tell him that I want to go out on the weekend...

- Like eating out? / - Yeah.

He'll just keep on watching episode after episode.

Finally, he's like, "Let's go next time."

It's always like this.

Did he ever apply for admission?

He did many times.

But he failed about 5 to 6 times.

So he's now on the show as a concern.


He couldn't join the audience, so he's on as a concern.

I have another concern.

It was in the story.

You said you would let it all out.

He eats fried pork cutlets

as much as he watches Hello Counselor.

- Fried pork cutlets? / - Yeah.

(Fried pork cutlet addict)

He's addicted to fried pork cutlets?


Why would that be a concern?

- How many does he eat? / - Every day.

Every day?

I fry it for him every weekend morning.

He eats it for all three meals.

Always making the same food would be relaxing.

I got sick of it.

- You can't eat it every day. / - I hate the oil smell.

Sohyun, you are married.

What do you think of her concern?

I can relate to her.

Like he's addicted to fried pork cutlets,

Junho is addicted to meat.

He doesn't accept meals without meat.

He only eats meat.

He fries pork belly in the morning.

And pork skin...

He eats pork skin in the morning?

He eats it before having a meal.

- That's odd. / - Pork belly and skin in the morning?

Does he still do that?

What's that look?

It's all true.


You indeed love her more.

Let's meet our

fried pork cutlet addict.

Hello, nice to meet you.


He does look like a fried pork cutlet lover.

Do you love our show that much?

The reason is

it has my favorite MCs.

Thank you.

And because ordinary people are on the show,

it feels more realistic.

I learn more appropriate ways to talk to other people.

Are you learning from the show?

I can watch and learn.

The show is very educational.

Do you watch the same episodes over and over?

Those crazy stories are fun to watch.

I watch it because they are fun to watch.

What episode did you watch more than 20 times?

The dad addicted to gambling,

the husband addicted to amusement parks.

and the husband who cursed at his wife.

That was a few weeks ago.

He knows every episode.

They made the whole country angry.

Inflexible husbands are fun to watch.

Do you want to be an inflexible husband?

I find it fun to say unrealistic or ridiculous things

in real life.

For example?

"How dare a woman do that!"

(Just stop...)

- He's just kidding. / - He doesn't mean it.

I'm not that kind of person.

How did you feel when you heard this?

Stop smoking, stop eating fried pork cutlets.

"Stop smoking, stop eating fried pork cutlets."

Stop watching Hello Counselor!

If I'm being direct, he would be like

"How dare a woman talk back"!

Whenever he answers me, he speaks in this tone.

So I'm confused if it's a joke or not.

I'm just doing it for fun.

If you do it often, others might feel uncomfortable.

She was not angry.

- She said she was. / - Were you?

How dare you interrupt when a man is speaking?

Bad, bad, bad.

How did you start loving the show?

We were watching the show together,

and it was lots of fun.

My favorite MCs are on the show.

Do you love us that much?

It was a coincidence. But it was really fun.

I watched the whole past year's worth of episodes.

You binged a year's worth.

So the wife provided the cause.

I watched it because I like the show,

but I didn't know he would become addicted.

How do you feel to be on the show?

My heart is fluttering.

His heart is fluttering.

This is where the guilty party sits.

(The guilty party sits in court)

You are not guilty.

- Is this a court? / - He went too far.


I have to be careful with what I say...

Can you tell us the pros and cons of the show?

Pros is the show is aired

1 to 3 weeks after the shooting.

Those people might be reflecting on themselves but

after airing, they get severely criticized online.

That's really unexpected.

Even the show crew doesn't study like him.

It's because they are criticized?

It must be heartbreaking.

For them.

He's very sharp.

Your wife says she has a concern.

What do you think about it?

Compared to inflexible husbands,

I'm substantially different.

"Substantially different."

How serious do you think is her concern?

It's not really a concern.

It's tiny.

You know everyone who sits there says that, right?

Why do you love fried pork cutlets that much?

(We must ask because he said it's not a concern)

I have the appetite of a child.

I make much of texture.

- Texture. / - Crunchy.

I cook it until right before it burns.

Until it turns black.

I don't even need sauce.

Are you trying to show off your way of eating?


I love the crunchiness.

So you enjoy the flavor of oil itself...

I do.

Why don't you stop cooking it for him?

If I don't,

he would act cute.

Is it because you hate him acting cute?


Acting cute is good.

If I don't do it and make him something else,

then he would act cute.

How did he act cute?

I don't know if it's just me but...

- He's handsome. / - So?

I think it's just you.

It's just you.

(I think we're getting concerned)

Let's just pretend he's handsome.


He stands in front of the refrigerator.

He would stamp his feet like a baby and

- beg me with his eyes closed. / - That must be cute.

Can you show us?

(Seal claps)

Pick up the microphone, and stand up.

So you're standing by the refrigerator.

At first, I say, "Make me a fried pork cutlet."

Tell him you won't.

No, stop eating pork cutlets.

Just once.

No, no, seriously stop.

- I'll stop eating it tomorrow. / - No!

Ahh! Pork cut...

(Hello Campaign - Only act cute at home)

I would just cook it for him...

That's cute.

You're just like newlyweds.

And the husband...

He looks so cute too.

It's not acting cute.

I'm just whining from being annoyed.

Do you know you're cute?

I think I'm a little bit.

Do you know acting cute works on her?

Because I do it so often,

I think she's gotten used to it these days.

Why can't cook yourself?

You can stop acting cute, just cook.

I have done it a lot recently.

The problem is he'll cook it

but won't clean it up.

The floor becomes extremely oily.

I would clean the oil with baking soda

and lemon every 2 to 3 days.

He doesn't clean up.

- Suho doesn't clean up. / - Really?

(Come on)

What would you do if Suho didn't clean?

I would clean hard.

(Big difference here)

Does he eat anything else you cook?

No, he doesn't.

He only eats pork cutlets?

You know those kind of newlywed fantasies.

When my husband got home from work,

I'd wait with a pretty apron on with food ready.

With soup bubbling.

One time I made stir-fried spicy pork.

I'm not experienced and was afraid of messing it up,

so I stood by the stove for many hours

and made the stir-fried spicy pork.

He came home with an ice box.

I was wondering what was inside.

It was fried pork cutlets.

I asked if he'd eat the food I cooked that day.

He said he would eat it tomorrow.

When the food was all ready?

- Why would he do that? / - It's so delicious.


One time I cooked mackerel.

He had one bite, and went to throw up

like a pregnant woman with morning sickness.

I asked what was wrong and he said it was disgusting.

- Was it that bad? / - It was bad enough to spit out?

She cooked fried mackerel with curry sauce.

- Mackerel with curry sauce? / - Yeah.

- With fried mackerel? / - That sounds delicious.

When I bit into it,

I thought it was rotten.

You are too honest. You need to learn white lies.

I would understand if was nice about it.

But he frowned and spit it out after one bite.

So my heart was broken.

Wasn't spitting it out too much?

It was so odd.

Saying it's because of fish bones would be better.

I think it was because of fish bones.

- Now you do? / - It poked my tongue.

Are you eating pork cutlets

because your wife's cooking is terrible?

I eat her food,

but I need to have a pork cutlet in every meal.

What food does she make best?

- The most delicious one? / - The best one.

Why are you asking?

Stir-fried anchovies and spicy stir-fried chicken.

Spicy stir-fried chicken? That's hard to make.

What about the worst?

Chilled cucumber soup and greens.

I only like 2 kinds of greens.

I'm curious about the wife's cooking skills.

She brought the side dishes that she made.

- Let's try them. / - They look delicious.

What are they?

(Let's check it out)

- Did you make it all yourself? / - Yeah, this morning.

She made it this morning.

Bean paste soup.


- Oh, chilled cucumber soup. / - Is this water parsley?


Come here and try.

I haven't had home-cooked food for a while.

There's not much in the soup. Just fried tofu and tofu.

Let's try the chilled cucumber soup together.

He said it wasn't good.

- Let's try the soup first. / - All at once.


It's not too good.

- It's pretty bland. / - Too bland.

It's bland.

It's very bland.

(Told you so)

- Why? / - Is vinegar missing?

(To be honest)

How is it? Tell us.

- It's too... / - Be honest.

All I taste is seaweed.

Doesn't seawater taste like this?

Right? It tastes like seawater.

How is it?

I think it would be better with some ice in it.

It's supposed to be cold.

Isn't it bland?

- I like it. / - He likes his food bland.

Let's try the bean paste soup.

It tastes like bean paste soup.

This one's fine.

Everything's relatively bland.

This one is a bit sweet.

It's sweet.

It's sweet.

Shall we try the greens?

This one is good.

Isn't this forgivable when you're newlyweds?

- This one is fine. / - It's fine.

The water parsley is great.

This is delicious, but...

People who like fried food don't eat water parsley.

Everything's pretty sweet.

The eggplant is fine.

Did I eat it wrong?

I think the food is not awesome...

- But it's edible. / - Exactly.

It tastes healthy.

How does this compare to Sohyun's food?

Sohyun's food tastes better to me,

but it's hard to tell which is better.

So they are on the same level?

Sohyun, how is it?

She's only been married for one year.

Everything's perfect except that the

chilled cucumber soup needs more vinegar.

It's not good enough to

fix the fried pork cutlet addict.

Fish cakes would work better.

Something like stir-fried fish cakes.

He's not used to the flavors of adults,

so he's having a hard time.

She's only been married for a short time,

so I'd consider this fairly good.

She's good at it.

(Nice, Youngjae!)

I'm strong.

It was delicious.

How was it, Suho?

It was fine.

It's just that they were a bit sweet.

Except for that, they were fine.

How would you respond if your wife cooked like this?

I would eat it.

That's love. What about Sehun?

I loved it.

He liked the chilled cucumber soup too.

They were all pretty fine.

It's not inedible.

But I want my favorite food every meal.

Fried pork cutlets.

He's a bit like a child.

Children do not eat greens,

but they always ask for sausages.

Meatballs too.

Because he eats fried pork cutlets,

I eat along with him because it's cooked.

I get fat with him.

Whenever we eat out, we eat pork cutlets and spaghetti.

Or pork cutlets with pork cutlets.

Pork cutlets with pork cutlets.

Isn't it a bit selfish

that you only eat what you want?

Recently, we went to Cheonan.

Cheonan is famous for blood sausage, right?

Byungcheon blood sausage.

At the Ahwoonae Market.

I love those kinds of things.

I told him, "Cheonan is famous for blood sausage."

But he had already found pork cutlet restaurants.

We arrived at noon, so we had pork cutlets for lunch.

I thought we would eat local food for dinner

because we had pork cutlets for lunch.

For dinner, we went to another pork cutlet restaurant.

Are you haunted by the ghost of pork cutlets?

I always ask my wife.

I ask her what she wants to eat.

She said what she wanted, so I asked

if she wants to eat pork cutlets.

She rejected it once,

but she never rejected it twice.

If she rejected it 3 times, I would've listened to her.

What? If she rejected it 3 times?

I'm serious.

- Really? / - Yeah.

Do you know your wife's favorite food?

She likes pasta.

So do you go to restaurants that serve both?

She said no.

I like Korean food like rice soup,

hangover soup, or blood sausage soup.

Why did you think it was pasta?

Every time I ask her what she wants, she says pasta.

Because she doesn't want to eat pork cutlets.

She eats pasta because she doesn't like pork cutlets.

Pasta is a bit better than pork cutlets for her.

Do your in-laws know about this?

Yes, and they're very worried.

He's gained about 10 kilograms since we married.

It's because of pork cutlets.

So he's 99.7kg now.

He doesn't look like it.

What do your in-laws say?

They told me not to cook pork cutlets for his health.

I'm always worried because he's gaining more weight.

What else do you like?

He would like ham.

Except for those kinds of things.

I like Spam.

I just said no ham.

Do you like tuna?

I like tuna.

Chicken nugget.

That's too much like a child.

(So it's just pork cutlets)

It's almost the same texture.

That's funny.

Let's meet her mother.



Do you understand her concern?

I think I do.

I bought half-dried herring to feed him some seafood.

That's delicious.

I like to drink alcohol,

but he doesn't.

He doesn't drink alcohol.

So I bought him half-dried herring.

But he took a bite and grimaced.

Some people can't eat it.

I asked what was wrong,

and he said he can eat it, but it doesn't taste good.

Every time I buy him food,

I ask if he has a problem eating it.

He eats it after saying he has no problem with it.

But I'm concerned that there's no

news of a pregnancy, but I would like one.

That's because of our show.

He watches TV all the time.

So do you hate our show?


He watches this show because

he loves Dongyeob so much.

You have good taste, yet you keep eating pork cutlets.

Don't you feel that pork cutlets

are harming your health?

I get my health checked every year.

I have high cholesterol, but everything else is fine.

Why do you disregard that?

(High cholesterol is caused by fried food)

People who love fried food are concerned

about cholesterol.

That's like us saying

everything is fine except for a failing liver.

He seems pretty confident with his health.

He drew the conclusion himself.

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome,

which is common among women.

It's usually caused by immediate weight gain.

If it doesn't heal, it might lead to infertility.

I cried at the hospital when I heard that.

I suggested he exercise with me,

but he said he's too lazy for it.

I'm glad that you're here today.

Did you know about this?

About 40% of Korean women have that disease.

So I didn't feel it was that serious.

Did you disregard that too?

He's pretty stubborn.

You have no respect towards anybody.

You only stubbornly do what you want to do.

You don't respect your wife.

Don't you want to spend more time with your wife?

I understand she feels that way.

When I'm watching TV,

it's hard to focus on what she says.

Why don't you start exercising with her?

You can watch the show while running.

We played badminton several times.

Only for 3 days.

It's meaningless if you don't stick to it.

Eating one type of food every day is fine.

What would be the problem?

But she has health concerns.

I think you must be more self-aware.

Do you want to say anything to your husband?

I'm not saying you must quit eating pork cutlets.

I'll accept eating it once or twice per week.

I'm not saying you must stop watching this show.

Then what?

I'll accept watching 1 to 2 episodes a day.

And let's work hard on planning our family.

- That's the most important one, right? / - Yes.

That's all.

Suho, is it a concern?


Push the button if you agree.


I see his wife is getting stressed over this problem.

So it's definitely a concern.

It's hard to become addicted to something.

But it's just that you went too far.



What's so great about his saying?

I think this is a negotiable problem

between the two, so I won't push the button.

- Sohyun. / - I think it's a concern.

The biggest problem is that

he doesn't know what his wife likes the most.

Watch your favorite food and watch the show one time.

Then your wife gets to choose the food and show.

She's not okay, but says she is because she loves you.


That's really smart.

Junho has a great wife.

I wish she would be like this to me.

You wish she would?

I'm shocked.

You don't know everything about your husband.

And men never know what women want.

If you open up a little more,

it wouldn't be a concern.

If you can relate, please push the button!

(What would the audience think?)

5, 4, 3,

2, 1.


Please say something to your wife.

To the one I love the most...

Look, he's tenderhearted.

He loves her so much.

He's tenderhearted.

Don't cry.

Stop eating fried pork cutlets!

He's sorry.

He never knew. (Wife is tearing up too)

- He's tenderhearted. / - He never realized.

You don't have to cry.

Just eat fewer fried pork cutlets!

Did someone pass away?

Excuse me, ma'am...

You can have pork cutlets today.

- Why cry so much? / - You can have it today.

Dongyeob, comfort him.

Excuse me.

Stop crying!

Why are you crying?

Is it because you're afraid of getting criticized?

- He's so pure. / - So kind.

- He never realized the problem. / - He's a nice guy.

I think he's really sorry.

Please, go ahead.

I never knew it before.

Go on.

He's so cute.

We said he's like a child, but he is a child.

Kids don't know anything.

Before you came,

did you think you wouldn't be criticized

and wouldn't learn anything here?

I never knew it was this much of a concern.

What were you shocked at?

I realized that I didn't know.


That I was inconsiderate to my wife.

He felt it now.

He wiped his tears.

When he covered his face and lifted his face,

there weren't any tears on his face.

He wiped them off.

I thought he was bawling so hard.

But I didn't see any tears.

- Go ahead. / - He's reflecting.

I'll put myself in your shoes every time,

and I'll eat fewer pork cutlets for our health and

talk to you more for our happy marriage.

What about this show?

I won't watch the reruns too many times.

Okay, that'll do.

Tell her that you love her.

Let's live happily ever after. I love you.

"Hello Counselor? No!" Show us the result.

(Show the result)

It's getting lots of votes as lots of women are here.

It's over 100.

146? 136?


(Earned 116 votes)

The "Spine Breaker" story!

Can you do this role? Okay.

Hello, I'm going through tough times

because of my son.

It happened when my son was in high school.

A female teacher called.

You're the female teacher.

(Looking forward to it)

"Hello, I'm Jihwan's homeroom teacher.

Your son got caught drinking."

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

One time, a police officer called.

"It's the police. Your son

caused an accident while riding a motorcycle."

He was in trouble every day.

I thought he would wake up after going to the army.

But after he finished his service, a person called.

(A counselor this time)

"We're a loan company."

What? A loan company?

"Yes, a loan company.

Your son didn't pay the interest on his loan."

(That's it?)

That's it?

I mean this guy...

That's my line.

He wants to be an actor.

"Are you out of your mind?

Why do you need a loan?"

"Oh, that.

I did some gambling on sports. Just gotta pay it back."

Oh my.

What was worse is...


Lend me some money."

"Lend you what?

What do you need money for?"

"I bought a car with a loan.

I'll pay you back later."

"Oh my gosh."

How can he be so shameless?

I don't know how many people we owe.

It's endless.

Please help my son.

Let's meet the mother who's concerned about her son.

Please come out.

(Hong Seonja)

(Nice to meet you)

When did he start causing trouble?

Since high school.

In which grade?

When he was a 10th-grader.

(He started causing trouble when he was in 10th grade)

He started drinking and smoking.

And then he started riding a motorcycle.

I wouldn't mention it if he didn't cause an accident.

- Did he? / - Yeah.

- Did you pay for the settlement? / - Yes.

About 1,000 dollars.

He ran away from home often, right?

Yes, several times.

It's not common, but it's understandable.

I also ran away back in high school.

The problem is when he's an adult.

Doing it repeatedly is wrong.

He caused lots of problems when he was in school.

I thought he would stop after going to the army.

I applied for the army for him.

How old was he?

- He went right after his graduation. / - 20.

After he finished his service,

I received several notes from different places.

It was the lenders.

I asked him what it was for, but he wouldn't tell me.

So I went to the bank and checked.

He bet money on sports.

He got loans for games.

From 4 different places.

- Loans from 4 places? / - Yeah.

(It's frustrating)

I was seriously concerned about these problems,

but his dad said it's okay.

So we paid back the loans for him.

As parents, you'd be afraid because they were lenders.

He even bought a used car.

That was about 7,000 dollars.

He used a loan to pay for that too.

How much have you paid back for him in total?

About 60,000 dollars.

60,000 dollars!

And some was in smaller amounts.

He was fined $700 for skipping reserve forces training.

He didn't pay his phone bill.

How much?

About 3,000 dollars.

3,000 dollars for a phone bill?

It's because of the microtransactions.

(They're not "micro" at all)

Does he go to work?

The company couldn't endure him because of his

- poor behavior. / - He can't fit in.

So he's working in our restaurant now, as a trainee.

What restaurant?

A fried pork cutlet restaurant in Gwacheon.

(I love pork cutlets)

Is this a pork cutlet exclusive episode?

You have a customer here!


He would make a great client.

It's not time for laughing though.

Her son...

She's so concerned about him.

People who just started watching might

be wondering why we're laughing.

(It's because of him!)

Is there any reason why he started acting this way?

Like problems at home?

I have no idea at all.

Did you ask your son?

He won't tell me.

I'm getting crazy about the notes I receive.

Let's talk to her son.

Is it that man sitting silently,

that looks like a fat version of Ha Jungwoo?


His name?

Jeong Jihwan.

Jihwan, where are you?

(Who's the spine-breaking son?)

He's handsome.

He does look like Ha Jungwoo.

What do you think about her concern?

I do admit my mistakes.

I feel sorry towards my parents,

so I'm here to apologize and make a promise.

Because you want to change?

Let's encourage him with a big hand!

He has made up his mind.

You must admit your mistakes,

and then you can carry out changes.

I hope this show would be a great chance for you.

But we're wondering why you caused so much trouble.

I went off the rails, starting in my high school years.

I skipped classes.

I wanted to quit school.

But I didn't, so I went to

the army right after my graduation.

I understand having fun.

I was like that when I was in school.

- But getting a loan is... / - That's for adults.

I don't get that. Why did you start getting loans?

I started betting money on sports out of curiosity.

I started making money...

Oh, you won.

I became addicted, so...

(It's how it all started)

How much in loans did you get?

5,000 dollars each from 4 places.

That's 20,000 dollars.

- 5 places. / - 25,000 dollars.

With the highest interest.

The highest!

It must be over 20%.

When you borrowed money,

you must have considered the interest too.


Did you ignore it or did you think you'd win again?

Actually I didn't think about the interest at all.

You just didn't consider it.

Because he was a bit crazy.

Addicts don't care about what happens.

You knew you had lots of debts.

- Why did you buy a secondhand car? / - Exactly.

That's expanding your debts.

I was interested in cars.

I wanted to drive a car.

Do you have to get everything you want?

Do you not think about the future at all?

- I suppose. / - You don't.

I want to promise I won't cause trouble again.

Do you think you have changed now?


It's still happening.


He drinks until 3 to 4 in the morning

then can't go to work the next day.

How frequent is this?

3 to 4 times a week.

So he doesn't go to work 3 to 4 times a week?

He comes late.

What time is he supposed to be at work?

We open the restaurant together.

So we have to get out at 9:30 a.m.

But what time does he get to work?

12 p.m. or 3 p.m.

You can't do that.

Was he that irresponsible when he worked at a company?

I think he was.

But I didn't know then.

Has he ever caused trouble while drunk?

If he drinks often, it's very possible.

Many times.

He was fined for fighting with a taxi driver.

We live on the 4th floor but he slept on the 3rd floor.

He went to a stranger's home?

Many times when he was drunk.

Do you remember this?

I do. I was drunk, but there's no elevator.

I thought I'd walked far enough and the door was open.

The door was open?

I thought my mom had opened it because it was morning.

I was sleeping.

The owner came with the police.

You must have been shocked.

He must have been really shocked.

I didn't realize I was at stranger's home.

I told them it was my home and asked why they came.

He wasn't sobered up.

If that happened, you can't handle drinking.

It's an old story. I go home fine these days.

- Sober? / - Yeah, sober.

She said you go to work at 12 p.m.

when you have to be there at 9:30 a.m.

I go to work at 2 to 3 p.m.

and stay there until closing time.

So I thought it was okay.

You thought that?

(It's not okay all the time...)

Why did you quit your previous job?

That was because...

Because you were drunk?

Yeah, because I couldn't go to work.

If you're responsible enough, you must go to work

no matter how hard it is.

I can't wake up on time if I drink.

I know it's wrong...

How many companies have you worked for?

5 to 6.

How long was the longest?

The longest was 6 months.

And the shortest.

- One month. / - One month.

Do you not think you should only drink on weekends?

I do, a lot.

I want to drink just on weekends but

after I get off from work, if my friends are drinking,

- I want to be there too. / - Yeah, right.

His friend is here too. Where are you?

- Hello. / - Are you the drinking friend?

We hang out often.

What do you and your friends think about him?

As you can see, he's quiet but talks a lot when drunk.

It's hard to handle him.

Does he have bad drinking habits?

It's serious.

What does he do?

He picks fights if he drinks over 2 bottles.

I don't do it these days.

It was serious back then.

- But not anymore? / - Excuse me.

Being incapable of waking up is a drinking habit too.

(People around you are having a hard time)

If he drinks 3 to 4 times a week,

he must be spending a lot.

He is spending a lot.

I pay him 2,000 dollars a month.

That's a lot.

He saves 500 dollars.

Uses 500 dollars to pay his debts.

Then he can use 1,000 dollars.

I give him a 1,000 dollar check card.

I've seen the bank statements.

It's mostly karaoke, billiards and bars.

- Hanging out. / - Just 3 places.

Is it like drinking with friends first, and then going

to play billiards, and then going to karaoke?


You go to these places with your

girlfriend or girlfriend's friends, right?

Is it all men going?

It's mostly guys.



He's really surprised.

(A surprising story)

What does his dad say?

He doesn't really care.

At first, we scolded him a lot and we hit him.

But as he grew up,

he says it's okay because he's man.

It's just me that is concerned.

And then he blames me that my son spent lots of money.

He blames me.

So I'm more concerned.

Is his dad here today?


- Hello. / - Welcome.

There were a few things that we didn't understand.

Isn't this something that you should handle?

I tried at first and scolded him a lot.

But it's understandable, because he's a man.

It can't be like that.

Drinking and waking up late is understandable.

But it has a negative effect on his own mother.

I'm only concerned because my wife

suffers because of him.

I'm worried about her.

Why don't you keep on scolding him?

His head has gotten big.

I told him many times.

Even if I scold him,

because his head got big...

Why do you keep on saying that?

I'm sorry.

(There there)

Apparently you say things about her?

I don't remember.

You're not a politician. Why can't you remember?

It's like...

Why would I have said that?

(He's good at avoiding)

He doesn't want to get his hands dirty.

What do you think about his noncommittal position?

It's hard.

You two are both parents, but why is one person

concerned while the other doesn't care?

You hated that too, right?

- Is your daughter here? / - Yes.

Do you understand your mother's concern?


Every time he causes trouble, our parents fight.

That ruins the atmosphere of the house.


Why do you tap her, daddy?

I always tell her not to give my

brother money anymore.

He spends it because you give it to him.

Then she tells me that I'll understand

when I become a parent.

When she says that, I have nothing else to say.

Don't you use your mother's money?

I have a part-time job,

so I pay for my own living expenses.

When was the most saddening event for you?

When mom finds out that he caused trouble,

she cries while drinking at home.

If I see her, she tells me

that it's all her fault for raising us wrong.

That makes me sad.

Is there any time you're not happy with your mom?

Not really.

Stop tapping your daughter!

I make my own living expenses,

but sometimes it's not enough,

so I ask for about 20 to 30 dollars.

But she grills me on what it's for, why I keep asking,

and sometimes she won't give me it.

But if my brother asks for me,

because he won't leave until he gets it,

she just gives him the money.

If he asks me for money,

he won't leave until he gets it.

- Quietly with that face? / - Yes.


Mom's friend is here too.

She would know the best about her concern.



How are you two friends?

We were high school friends who hung out together.

You must relate to her a lot, right?

Yeah, for sure.

A bunch of our friends get together once a month.

Every time we meet, she's lost 2 to 3kg.

And she lost about 10kg once.

When we hang out she gets texts about repaying money.

She often says, "He's caused trouble again."

"Let's settle."

A few hundred dollars becomes few thousand dollars.

And then it increases even more.

She can't really eat now.

She eats and throws up.

She goes to the hospital regularly.

The doctor said it's because of stress.

You know it is a stress-related disease.

Yeah, right.

So I'm sad for her.

What did the doctor say exactly?

That I'm dizzy and vomit often.

I'm always on my feet, so I have heel pain.

And I have fluid in my knees.

(The mother is suffering a lot)

The worst was when

she even thought of committing suicide.

- It's not even once. / - She has been suffering a lot.

- She did? / - Yeah.

It must've been so tough.

Yes. My heart ached when I heard that.

You didn't know your mother thought of that, did you?

I didn't know.

So is it your first time hearing this?


How do feel?

I feel sorry.

I truly feel like I have to behave well in the future.

How many times have you said that?

- Did you say that many times? / - Yes.

You must've said it when you got in a motorcycle crash,

when you slept at strangers place,

- every time, right? / - Yes.

But you never stopped.

Because you've never shown your mom you

actually changed, she wanted to be on the show.

You said you're 25, right?


My mother passed away when I was 25.

My big brother had an ear problem,

so he couldn't learn or hear.

He became deaf.

My mother felt guilty that she didn't take him

to the hospital earlier, so she became

extremely stressed out.

She never smoked or drank,

but all that stress built up and

made her pass away in her mid-50s.

You really have to wake up from now on.

You have to think that every bad thing

you do shortens your mother's life.

Causing trouble after drinking.

Not getting up in the morning after drinking.

All of this is you trying to

say goodbye to your mother sooner.

(Can he ease the burden in his mother's heart?)

Suho, Sehun, you are here for advice.

Suho, can you tell him something?

I became a trainee when I was a 9th grader.

I made my debut when I was 21.

I was a trainee for 6 and half years.

I injured my leg while training,

so I was close to giving up dancing.

I reached puberty at that time and

my parents made me deal with

all the mistakes that I made.


I saw my parents crying many times.

So I decided not to act like that again.

If he really cares for his mother, I hope he stops.

And the parent should try to teach him to be more

responsible for his good.


Tell him something.

I still love my son.

You're 25 years old now.

I hope you spend your money according to a budget.

I hope you have a goal in your life, live with it,

and I hope this was a good opportunity for you.

I want you to live with a purpose and be healthy.

I hope you live in that way.

Is it a concern?

Let's start with Suho.

(It's a concern)

- Yeah. / - It's a concern.

(It's not your turn yet)

What happened?

You're speeding.

Did you decide to follow him?

He pushed the button for the first time.

Please do it when it's your turn.

- He had to hurry. / - He's angry.

Due to the health of the mother,

and since she's stressing out so much,

I think this is a big concern.

Sehun, what do you think?

- You pushed the button. / - Yes.

Should I press it one more time?

You can't vote twice.

It's heartbreaking that there's a problem

with the mother's health.

I hope you become a changed man

and live happily together as a family.

I think it's a concern.

Other than listing out things to quit,

I'd like him to know what he wants in life

and finds his dream.

Then every day would be a different day.

I think it's a concern.

If you can relate to her,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3,

2. 1.

That's it.

I guess you didn't really have a chance to

have a proper conversation with your mother.

This is your chance.

I'm sorry that I haven't done anything good,

but caused so much trouble.

I've told you many times that I would behave.

I don't know if you'll believe me but

I will be more responsible regarding work.

And I will drink only 1 or 2 times a week.

Which means during weekends only.

I'll be a better son,

so I hope you believe me.

You will be criticized for what you did.

But you should accept them.

You're sorry about what you did.

Say something to your family.

You shouldn't silently watch, but rather

take this as a serious concern and

work it out with me seriously.

Don't make me worry all by myself.

You two should share the burden.

Yes, of course.

Stop making excuses too.


Please show us the result.

"Spine Breaker!"

The last number is 6.

It must be 156.

136 is the number 1 so far.



(Earned 166 votes)

"Spine Breaker" is the winner!

We'll give you a reward.


Until the day we are all worry-free!

Hello Counselor will continue to counsel you.

Thank you.

("Black Suit" by SUPER JUNIOR)

For more infomation >> Guests - Suho and Sehun from EXO, Kim Sohyun & Junho [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.11.13] - Duration: 1:19:24.


How To Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once | One Click |Pc And Mobile | Simple Steps | - Duration: 2:13.


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КАК ВЫИГРАТЬ 0.25 BTC НА FREEBITCOIN? - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> КАК ВЫИГРАТЬ 0.25 BTC НА FREEBITCOIN? - Duration: 14:34.


Sixth woman accuses George Bush Snr. of groping her - Duration: 1:25.

Former U.S. President George H. W. Bush has been accused of sexual misconduct… again.

A woman says he groped her as she took a photo with him some 14 years ago.

She's the sixth woman to come forward with a complaint against Bush senior.

Park Ji-won has more.

A woman claims former U.S. President George H. W. Bush squeezed her buttocks as she posed

for a photo with him and her mother in 2003. Rosyln Corrigan is the sixth woman to say

she was groped by the former president. She told Time magazine that she was 16 years

old at the time,... and was horrified and confused over the encounter that took place

at a CIA office in Texas. She was attending the event with her mother

and father, who was an intelligence analyst. She said she was emboldened to speak out after

five other women made similar accusations. All six accuse Bush of groping them during

group photo. Actresses Heather Lind and Jordana Grolnick,

author Christina Baker Kline, journalist Liz Allen and former politician Amanda Staples

have all accused Bush Senior of similar incidents. When the reports first emerged,... the 93-year-old

issued a statement apologizing for his actions. Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Sixth woman accuses George Bush Snr. of groping her - Duration: 1:25.


Stronger winds bring chill to air _ 111417 - Duration: 2:07.

Good afternoon.

Strong winds will blow the yellow dust away, but it will make it feel a lot chillier than

actual numbers.

The high in Seoul will reach 11 degrees,... while Daegu gets up to 15 under mostly sunny

skies in many regions.

It's forecast to be a very cold Suneung test day this year, and Friday's showers will bring

even colder conditions to the nation, Seoul will dip to minus 4 degrees on Sunday morning.

So it's time to heat up the floor, take out portable heaters...and when it comes to such

devices, there are tips you should always keep in mind.

Never leave a space or floor heater unattended, especially when leaving the room or going

to bed.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While most regions in South Korea will notice stronger winds in the afternoon along with

yellow dust, many regions in North Korea will be under sunny skies with single digit highs.

As for major cities in Asia,..

Manila, where President Moon Jae-in and other world leaders are gathered for various regional

summits, we will see similar weather conditions to Monday... a partly sunny day with scattered

thunderstorms along with high humidity.

Meanwhile, those in Sydney should enjoy a sunny Tuesday, the rest of week is looking

gloomy with showers at times.

Heading to North America, a wind warning has been issued across Vancouver, but those winds

will ease by the evening and the city will have a rainy Tuesday.

As for South America, Bogota will be rainy,,, while other major cities will enjoy plenty

of sunshine.

Taking you to Europe,...Stockholm and Moscow will have a snowy Tuesday,... while Paris

and Madrid will enjoy sunny skies.

Lastly to Africa, Tripoli will see frequent showers this week.

For more infomation >> Stronger winds bring chill to air _ 111417 - Duration: 2:07.


AIB : Lightning Fast Movies - Duration: 5:07.

Dad, can we get married?


Dad, please


Dad I'll miss my train!

Okay cool!

This movie is about Geeta and Babita

But Dad?

Be quiet!

Are our women any less than men?

But dad?

Shut up, woman!

We're best friends!

Say sorry guys!

I'm sorry


We're best friends!

We're best friends!

Say sorry guys!

I'm sorry. Sorry.

We're best friends!

We're best friends!

Say sorry, guys!

I'm sorry. I'm Sorry.

We're best friends!





I know that you want to kill me!

I know that you know that

I want to kill you.

I know that you know

that I know that you want to kill me.

I know that you know

I know



But I-


What when-


But you-

Come on, Ali!

Let's catch them!

Jay, they've run away !

Oh, shit!

Come on, Ali!

Let's catch them!

Jay, they've escaped!

Oh, shit!

Come on, Ali!

Let's catch them!

Jay, do you not get

what's happening in this series?




Our daughter in law is home

So lets sing a song!

She's leaving the house!

So let's sing a song!

She's had a son!

So let's sing a song!

Everyone's singing!

Father, Grandfather,

Brother, Sister in law

The other brother


The uncle from Lucknow's

sister in law's son's brother in law

They'll all be avenged by-



I can't live with the Mughals.

Just build me a temple

and I'll manage, no stress.

Releasing, this Eid.

Releasing, this Eid.

Releasing, this Eid.

Bro, it's releasing on Diwali,

Can we have another take?

Then dub it you bas****

I'm a North Indian.

I'm a South Indian.

Will you marry me to show how

we can shatter regional stereotypes,

by reinforcing other regional stereotypes?






Our women are no less than men.

But dad, here

Haryana's census.

Well, actually

they are.

Excuse me!

Oh! Sorry.

She loves me.

She loves me not.

She loves me.

She loves me not.


What all will you do

to be a model?


Short clothes?



100 percent!

Bitch about the other models?

No doubt!

Have an affair with a married man?

Of course!

Sleep with an African man?


Ohm, ohm ohm, ohm


Ohm, ohm, ohm, ohm


Talk normally, you idiot!


Okay, bye!


Sid, son you can join my company.

It's okay if you fail.

You can live in my house rent free.

I really like you!

Even though you have no experience,

I'm hiring you.


could you please wash a few dishes?

Why is my life so problematic?

Did you come first?




Did you come third?


Did you beat the Pakistani?



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If you enjoyed that

Let us know what other movies

should we do?

In lightning fast speed

in the comments section.

Drop us a thumbs up!

See you guys next time!


For more infomation >> AIB : Lightning Fast Movies - Duration: 5:07.


Shushman se badla lene ka wazifa by kamran sultan | Dushman ko zer karne ka wazifa - Duration: 10:53.

Shushman se badla lene ka wazifa by kamran sultan | Dushman ko zer karne ka wazifa

For more infomation >> Shushman se badla lene ka wazifa by kamran sultan | Dushman ko zer karne ka wazifa - Duration: 10:53.


Iran-Iraq earthquake leaves at least 450 dead - Duration: 1:32.

More than 450 people are now reported to have died in Sunday's powerful earthquake that

hit near the Iran-Iraq border.

Thousands of survivors have also been spending cold nights out on the street, sparking outrage

over the slow relief effort.

Ro Aram reports.

A huge rescue effort is under way to find any possible survivors trapped beneath the

rubble of collapsed houses in towns and villages in the mountainous area of the western province

of Kermanshah that borders Iraq.

Sunday's 7.3-magnitude quake also caused landslides, which had hampered rescue operations soon

after the tremor.

More than 450 people have been killed, mostly from the Iranian side, making it the deadliest

quake in the world this year.

About seven thousand others are also said to be injured.

Local officials expected the death toll to climb as search and rescue teams reached remote

areas of Iran.

Many survivors are spending a second night in cold, winter conditions, and many of them

are angry at the lack of shelters and aid.

The Iranian Red Crescent says more than 70,000 people needed emergency shelter and Iranian

authorities acknowledged the relief effort was still slow and patchy.

Hospitals have also been severely damaged making it more difficult to treat the wounded.

Iranian state TV has reported that the country's president, Hassan Rouhani, planned to travel

to the hardest-hit area to oversee rescue work.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Iran-Iraq earthquake leaves at least 450 dead - Duration: 1:32.


Int'l oil prices mixed on geopolitical concerns in Middle East - Duration: 0:44.

The price of oil is hovering near a two-year high as tensions in the Middle East balanced

out increased production from the U.S. Crude oil prices settled higher on Monday,...

as investors considered the prospect of supply disruptions over rising tensions in the Middle

East, but there are signs of a rise in U.S. production.

Brent crude futures were down zero-point-5 percent at 63-U.S. dollars 16-cents a barrel,...

while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures were up a little at 56-dollars 76-cents.

Traders say that supplies could face disruptions-- following a purge of Saudi Arabia's leadership

by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,... possibly threatening the political stability of the

region's largest oil producer.

For more infomation >> Int'l oil prices mixed on geopolitical concerns in Middle East - Duration: 0:44.


U.S. nuclear envoy Joseph Yun to arrive in Seoul on Tuesday for 4-day visit - Duration: 0:50.

The U.S. special representative for North Korea nuclear issues, Joseph Yun, is set to

arrive in Seoul later today.

During his four day stay, he will meet with his counterpart, Lee Do-hoon, on Friday to

further discuss the North Korea situation and the results of the recent summit between

Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump.

It will be the envoys' second meeting in as many months, after Lee was appointed to his

post in September.

The U.S. envoy will also be attending peace and non-proliferation forums in Seoul and


He said last month, that if North Korea does not carry out any missile tests or nuclear

activity for 60 days, then direct talks with Pyongyang should be restarted.

That 60-day marker is today, with the regime's last missile test coming on September 15th.

For more infomation >> U.S. nuclear envoy Joseph Yun to arrive in Seoul on Tuesday for 4-day visit - Duration: 0:50.


Seoul court sentences jail time to key figures of power abuse scandal - Duration: 0:52.

A Seoul court handed down prison-time to key figures in the corruption and power abuse

scandal that led to former President Park's impeachment and arrest.

Choi Soon-sil, the ousted president's close confidante, was sentenced to three years in

prison on charges including obstruction of business,... more specifically, corruption

involving her daughter's college admission.

Former Ewha president Choi Kyung-hee was also sentenced to two years behind bars for her

role in the corrupted admissions process.

The Seoul High Court also sentenced former health and welfare minister Moon Hyung-pyo

to two and a half years in prison for pressuring the National Pension Service to green light

a controversial merger of two Samsung affiliates that cemented the tech giant's de-facto leader,

Lee Jae-yong's position.

For more infomation >> Seoul court sentences jail time to key figures of power abuse scandal - Duration: 0:52.




what's up everybody it's a Vikings chick here whoa

I have 91 win year to date record wins on my NFL week picks week 11 if you miss my week 10 picks check out the

link above I did a salute to the military to check

out my picks there case you missed on no less that week a lot of this we have

Tennessee Titans at Pittsburgh Steelers I'm taking Tennessee Titans to win that game

because Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Miami Dolphins I'm taking Tampa Bay

Buccaneers to win that game we have Detroit Lions and Chicago Bears

I have taken Detroit Lions to win that game Baltimore Ravens and Green Bay

Packers I am taking Baltimore Ravens to win that game Jacksonville Jaguars and

the Cleveland Browns I am taking Jacksonville jaguars to win that game

Arizona Cardinals and Houston Texans going with Arizona Cardinals to win that

game Los Angeles Rams and Minnesota Vikings

that's my game of the week I'm taking Minnesota Vikings to win win that games

Washington Redskins and New Orleans Saints I am taking New

Orleans Saints to win that game Kansas City Chiefs New York Giants win their

Buffalo Bills and Los Angeles chargers I'm taking Los Angeles chargers to win

that game Cincinnati Bengals and Denver Broncos Denver Broncos will win in that game

New England patriots and Oakland raiders in New England Patriots to

win now our Sunday Night Football game is

Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys going with Philly to win

Philadelphia Eagles to win game in and our Monday night prime time football game

Atlanta Falcons and Seattle Seahawks battle of the birds I am taking Seattle

Seahawks to win that game have a great week have a great week are you

good luck with NFL Week 11 Picks and Predictions

week 11 NFL games Tennessee titans at Pittsburgh steelers Tampa Bay buccaneers at Miami dolphins Baltimore ravens at green bay packers Detroit lions at Chicago bears Jacksonville jaguars at Cleveland browns Arizona cardinals at Houston Texans l.a. rams at Minnesota vikings Washington redskins at new Orleans saints Kansas city chiefs at new York giants buffalo bills at la chargers Cincinnati Bengals at Denver broncos new England patriots at Oakland raiders Philadelphia eagles at Dallas cowboys Atlanta falcons at Seattle seahawks

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