Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

There's so many examples in popular culture

where we're terrified.

Movies about technologies that we can use

to destroy ourselves in the future.

The Matrix.

The Terminator.

We have Blade Runner.

I was looking for these dystopian realities

but that's not what I found.

So, I'm a journalist, I'm a reporter.

I've spent my life covering lots of things.

There's so many things that would of sounded

completely insane just a few years ago

and that in fact were so dubious

that I wanted to look in to them

and I was amazed to find out they're actually possible.

Like, wow, its possible to build bionic limbs.

That's crazy.

Wait, you can regrow a finger.

Is that really possible?

They can make a helmet that can read your thoughts.

All of these things are things

that people are actually trying to do.

You know, what I found was again and again

these technologies were being used to help people

and that's why we keep moving forward with it.

My name is Adam Piore and my book is called

"The Body Builders: Inside the Science

of the Engineered Human".

Yeah, I've always been fascinated by human resilience

and one of the things I discovered is that some of the most

inspiration and powerful stories of human resilience

are being unleashed and unlocked by technology.

I heard about this guy who was a double amputee

and had built himself bionic limbs

that he was going to connect to his own nervous system

and I thought, I gotta talk to this guy.

Hugh Herr, he was considered like a rock climbing prodigy

but Hugh lost both his legs below the knees.

Then one day, he decided enough of this.

He began tinkering with his prosthetics.

He made little stumpy ones with bladed feet

that could fit into crevices.

Soon, he was an even better climber.

Hugh began enrolling in college classes

and he began taking math and engineering classes.

By the time he graduated,

he had an acceptance letter from MIT.

He ended up getting a PhD

and he began studying everything that was known

about how our limbs work.

And so he built a bionic limb.

I can even run.

And that was the first demonstration of a running gait

under neural command.

Feels great.

You know, there's not just bionics.

The last generation, the unknown was in the outside world.

We used our engineering prowess to send a man to the moon.

We built bridges and skyscrapers, then cars and planes.

And now, in this generation, the unknown and the frontier

is really the human body and mind

and decoding it and understanding it

down to the molecular level.

And some of the most talented engineers of our generation

are now pointing their sights inward to do that.

And then hack in to that to unleash untapped resilience

or upgrade it.

You know, there's a military scientists I talked to who

was in a program called Augmented Cognition, he oversaw it

and I said "Are these technologies a good thing

or a bad thing? Should we be scared of them

or should we welcome them?"

And he said "Well, it depends. Is a baseball bat

a good thing or a bad thing? It's a good thing if you use it

to play baseball with. It's a bad thing if you use it

to beat somebody over the head with".

But at its heart, where I saw these technologies applied,

they were being used to help people.

People who are facing challenges

most of us can't even imagine

but refuse to give up

and are teaching us something about where our limits lie

and how we might over come them.

And I actually just found it really inspirational.

This is taking us in to uncharted territory

in terms of the resilience that we can unlock

and the good we can do to help people.

For more infomation >> Our Cyborg Future is Coming (And That's Not a Bad Thing) - Duration: 3:39.


Fall Lipstick Try On ft. Pur Cosmetics! | Kym Yvonne - Duration: 6:40.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so today's video is actually going to be a

lip swatch video I have tons of new lipsticks from pur cosmetics I have

lipsticks lip liners and then they also sent me a few lip glosses as well so

what I'm going to do is I'm gonna swatch them all and show you how they look on

my skin tone now if you have never heard of pur cosmetics they are actually a

cruelty free paraben free and gluten free cosmetics company so if you are

looking for a cosmetics company that's gonna hit any of those marks and they

are the perfect company for you I've never actually tried any of them on

until now so I'm excited to see how they look on me I do know that some of them

are a little bit too light for my skin tone but that's perfectly fine because

I'm just showing them how they would look so that way in case they may work

for you you'll be able to see it so we're not gonna make this video too long

I'm just gonna jump right into it right now and we're gonna get started with all

the parts to this heartbreaker I do feel like this is a little too light for my

skin tone but I could probably pair it with like a dark lipstick or a lip liner

and it might deepen it this is a little bit too light but I do like the gloss it

has like a thick consistency and that's how I really like my glosses to be

alright so this is a second lip gloss and it's a little bit warmer I feel like

this is gonna fit me perfectly color is squad this is perfect the color is

natural I love everything about it it just looks completely like a lip gloss

that I can just throw on without anything else underneath it and it will

be perfect so I completely forgot to include these inside of the video as

well but these are three additional lip glosses alright so now we're going to

move right into the lip liners now I feel like I should swatch them on my

hand just because I feel like it's gonna mess up later on the lipsticks that I

plan on putting on and I don't want that to happen so I'm gonna put on all of the

lip liners on my hands so you can see exactly how each of the colors look so

the first one I figured I do for you is oh that's cute it's too too this is how

the lip liners are shaped a sharpener inside of your - what that is so cool

okay so random but this one's too - I'm gonna bring it up close to you so you

guys can see it's that shape right here I hope you guys can see it but it is

such a beautiful pink everyday shade and I feel like this would work amazing with

my skin tone so the next one is Teddy oh that's cute as well I'm gonna probably

be saying that for everything but I love if I was ever do a collection or making

my own collection I think that would be the best part about it making up names

and I love seeing like all the new names that cosmetic companies give their

brands and stuff like that this one is called OnPoint oh I thought I liked the

other one I think I like this one a lot more so this one's on point it's a shade

right there it's a more of a warmish like brown nude shade for now this is my

favorite and here's another one it's kind of a nude lip liner as well but a

little bit more of a rose ish color at the bottom one right here don't mind my

nails they're not the best it's such a nice color I swear they're like they

listen to me it's like the pure gods were like you know what she needs some

lip liners that are nude yeah those are the best nude lip liner colors so then

they sent me two more lip liners and these two are that this is the darkest

shade and then this is the lightest shade and I've never seen a lip liner

this shape before so we'll get into this in a second so let's start with the

darkest one first and this is called vamp let me put it down below so it's

the bottom shape right here it's a really nice and brown complexion I feel

like I could wear this so well with a lot of my lipsticks that I have right

now that is like the perfect fall shade but this right here is completely

different this shade is actually called see-through and it comes on completely

clear because the point of it is to just go with any lip color that you're

wearing I actually put it on on the bottom right here and that's why you

can't see it because it's see-through that's pretty cool I think that's really

unique okay so now they sent me six The Velvet Matte shades

I'm going to start with the lightest first and then working my way up to the

darker one so it doesn't really mess up the color but I try my best to give you

the exact color that I see when like it's applied to me alright so this is

the first shade it's obey it is little bit light I will say that but

it's still I feel like it's doable but it is a nice creamy consistency and I

don't see any light creases in my lines if that makes any sense because that can

be annoying when you're wearing a matte lipstick so this lipstick does come on

kind of a little bit glossy but drive matte but it's not like the type where

it won't transfer but it is a nice consistency doesn't feel dry just want

to make sure you guys understand that so the next one is SPF it looks like I

didn't put anything on that's how close to my skin tone it is but I do love it

it's like the perfect nude but I will say it just like before it's creamy it's

not drying where it's completely matte where it's not going to budge it's more

of a creamy matte consistency okay so the next color is upset and it looks

just like this it's like the perfect pink I think it looks really nice and I

think it would look nice with a warmer lip liner to it right so the next one is

innocent and it looks just like this at all of the lipsticks I like this one

the best I feel like it complements my skin tone the best it's a nice warm

Brown will say it's super easy to like remove this from your lips it's not like

the type where you're scrubbing for hours it comes right off so this is

addiction this is so cute too like this like this with some brown boots and like

a jacket and the leaves are falling and you're wearing this it is oh my gosh

this color I'm like I don't even want to take it off this is this color is

amazing the last one was done wine it looks just like this alright so this

shade is definitely an all like full winter type of shade it's very deep and

vampy but it's beautiful I do love how it looks ok so that was all of the

products that were sent to me from pur cosmetics I hope you guys enjoyed this

type of review and if you did please make sure to give a thumbs up also make

sure to hit the subscribe button and the notification bell if you have not done

so already you guys enjoyed this video and of course I will see you in my next

one bye

For more infomation >> Fall Lipstick Try On ft. Pur Cosmetics! | Kym Yvonne - Duration: 6:40.


EDM spectre top music 2017 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> EDM spectre top music 2017 - Duration: 3:22.


Sixth woman accuses George Bush Snr. of groping her - Duration: 0:28.

A woman has claimed former U.S. President George H. W. Bush groped her buttocks as she

posed for a photo with him and her mother in 2003.

Rosyln Corrigan was 16 at the time and she told Time magazine that she was horrified

and confused over the encounter at a CIA office in Texas.

She added she was emboldened to speak out after five other women made similar accusations

against Bush Senior.

For more infomation >> Sixth woman accuses George Bush Snr. of groping her - Duration: 0:28.


North Korea soldier makes daring defection to South Korea across JSA - Duration: 2:10.

A rare scene of high drama at the inter-Korean border on Monday.

A North Korean soldier pierced through the world's most heavily guarded border to the

South in the unexpected way possible,... fleeing across the Joint Security Area at Panmunjeom,...

the only portion of the border where both forces stand face-to-face.

The soldier was shot by his fellow North Korean troops, but the South Korean military managed

to quickly evacuate him to hospital for treatment.

Kwon Jang-ho reports.

The Joint Security Area -- located on the border between the two Koreas

and the only place where soldiers from the two sides stand face-to-face.

And at three-thirty-one PM on Monday, a lone North Korean soldier ran from a guard post

on the northern side, and crossed over the Military Demarcation Line into South Korean


The soldier suffered from gunshot wounds to his shoulder and elbow from North Korean forces

while defecting.

Upon hearing the shots, South Korean soldiers raised the alarm, but the defector was not

discovered until 25 minutes later, collapsed on the ground, 50-meters from the border and

bleeding from his wounds.

(Korean) Our soldiers safely retrieved the defector,

and urgently evacuated him to hospital to treat his injuries.

He was airlifted by a United Nations Command helicopter to Ajou University Medical Center

in Suwon, just south of Seoul, where he underwent surgery.

The defector is thought to be in his twenties or thirties, and wore a uniform of low rank.

Defecting through the JSA is extremely rare, with only two previous instances in 1998 and


South Korean authorities have reassured that there was no altercation between South and

North Korean soldiers, but added that Seoul will remain alert to any possible provocations.

It's been almost two months since North Korea last carried out a ballistic missile test,

or any other provocation, and many have hoped that this signalled an easing of tensions

on the peninsula.

It's currently unclear what response Pyongyang will give to Monday's incident.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea soldier makes daring defection to South Korea across JSA - Duration: 2:10.


Former intel chief arrested over suspicions of funding aides of former president Park Geun-hye - Duration: 0:42.

The former head of South Korea's intelligence agency has been placed under arrest on suspicions

he provided illegal funds to key aides of ex-president Park Geun-hye.

Lee Byung-kee , the former chief of the National Intelligence Service... is accused of funneling

roughly three-point-six million U.S. dollars from the agency's budget to Park's close confidantes.

His arrest comes... after Lee had been summoned to the Prosecutors'' Office on Monday,...

where he was grilled for hours.

Prosecutors suspect,... there may be a link to the funds he provided... and his subsequent

appointment as chief presidential secretary... after leaving the NIS.

For more infomation >> Former intel chief arrested over suspicions of funding aides of former president Park Geun-hye - Duration: 0:42.




BY Phillip Schneider

GMO�s are ubiquitous throughout the United States and many other nations, making them

difficult to avoid.

Although presumed safe or GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) by governmental authorities

and GMO manufacturers, studies have shown that a number of problems can occur in animals

as a result of eating a GMO diet, including physiological issues and excessive cell growth

in stomach or intestinal lining.

Digestive issues typically improve when GMO�s are removed from the diet, but nonetheless

GM foods can negatively affect digestion which is key to the body�s overall health.

�An astonishing 85% of respondents reported improvements in their �digestive problems,�

the ailment most commonly cited.

Of these respondents, 80% said their digestive issues were �significantly improved�,

�nearly gone�, or �completely recovered�.� � Jeffrey M. Smith

New research from the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine

shines light onto the health benefits associated with changing to a non-GMO diet.

The survey accounts for 3,256 people who have seen major improvements with 28 different

health conditions.

If you�ve ever wondered about whether switching to an organic diet would be worth it, maybe

these new findings will give you the answer you�ve been looking for.

28 Conditions Reversed with Non-GMO Diet

After analyzing the data, it becomes evident that the research is consistent with reports

by physicians in regard to improving patients� health by switching to largely non-GMO and

organic diets.

A few of the most common conditions which typically see improvement are digestive issues

like leaky gut, fatigue, and obesity.

However, this new study has shown that many more common ailments can be improved by a

switch of the diet away from genetically modified organisms (GMO�s).

A complete list of conditions which were reversed or severely reduced by switching to non-GMO

and their recovery rates:

� Digestive (85.2%) � Fatigue, low energy (60.4%)

� Overweight or obesity (54.6%) � Clouding of consciousness, �brain fog�

(51.7%) � Food allergies or sensitivities (50.2%)

� Mood problems, such as anxiety or depression (51.1%)

� Memory, concentration (48.1%) � Joint pain (47.5%)

� Seasonal allergies (46.6%) � Gluten sensitivities (42.2%)

� Insomnia (33.2%) � Other skin conditions, not eczema (30.9%)

� Hormonal problems (30.4%) � Musculoskeletal pain (25.2%)

� Autoimmune disease (21.4%) � Eczema (20.8%)

� Cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure (19.8%)

� Asthma (14.8%) � Menstrual problems (13.1%)

� Diabetes (10.6%) � Other mental disorders (7.9%)

� Underweight (6.5%) � Cancer (4.8%)

� Kidney disease (4.5%) � Infertility (3.8%)

� Autism spectrum (2.6%) � Alzheimer�s disease (2.4%)

� Parkinson�s disease (1.4%)

Varieties of GMO foods include most corn and soy, alfalfa which is fed to animals, zucchini,

yellow squash and papaya, and now certain varieties of apples and potatoes as well.

All of these products are commercially sold and have not been backed by any serious long-term

studies proving them safe.

In fact, due to lawsuits by the Alliances for Bio-Integrity, in 1998 the FDA was forced

to hand over several internal memos revealing that agency scientists inside the FDA had

repeatedly warned that GMO foods could cause serious side effects such as allergies and

nutritional problems, but they were ignored and no long-term testing was done.

According to the research, there are three major potential causes of illness from GMO.

These include 1) the generic side-effects of the GMO transformation process, 2) the

Bt toxin found in GMO corn and cotton plants and 3) the herbicides, particularly glyphosate-based

herbicides, which are sprayed on most GMOs.

Disturbing effects which may occur at a biological level in GM crops can range from unexpected

changes to amino acids, immunoreactive and potentially allergic proteins, or misshapen


Alteration of RNA and gene function can also occur as a result of consuming GM foods.


Although it would take highly controlled long-term human trials to scientifically prove that

negative effects of eating GMO�s exist in humans, it becomes self-evident after looking

through the wealth of research available on health risks associated with GM foods that

avoiding them is a safe bet toward long-term overall health and avoiding disease.

If you would like to know more about this particular study, more information is available

in this interview with Dr. Michelle Perro and Jeffrey M. Smith:



Trump promises major statement on North Korea and trade - Duration: 1:46.

U.S. President Donald Trump says he will make a major statement on North Korea and trade

later this week.

Although it's not yet clear what the statement will entail,... it may include re-listing

Pyongyang as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

President Trump will release a major statement on North Korea and trade on Wednesday,...

as he returns to Washington from his marathon tour of Asia.

Trump made the remark while speaking with journalists ahead of a trilateral meeting

with his Australian and Japanese counterparts in Manila.

(ENGLISH) "So we'll be making a major statement on Wednesday.

And this has been a very fruitful trip; for us and also in all fairness for a lot of other


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said earlier this week that Trump

would announce at the end of his trip his decision on whether or not to officially re-list

North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Quoting a government official,...

ABC News reported that a recommendation had been already made to the president and that

he was considering it.

On the trade issue,...

President Trump hailed the progress made so far,... adding America's trade deficits with

other nations will decrease significantly.

(ENGLISH) "But we've made a lot of big progress on trade.

We have deficits with almost everybody.

Those deficits are going to be cut very quickly and very substantially."

It's left to be seen whether the statement will also include details related to the revision

of Washington's bilateral free trade deal with South Korea.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump promises major statement on North Korea and trade - Duration: 1:46.


supercell didn't want you to know about the "Brawl Stars" release date... - Duration: 10:16.

supercell didn't want you to know about the "Brawl Stars" release date...

For more infomation >> supercell didn't want you to know about the "Brawl Stars" release date... - Duration: 10:16.





South Korea's foreign minister says North Korea is stuck in "time warp", urges dialogue - Duration: 0:41.

South Korea's foreign minister says North Korea is a country stuck in a "time warp"...

and that it must secure its future by engaging in dialogue over its nuclear program.

Speaking with Bloomberg,... Kang Kyung-wha said the regime must do more to diffuse tensions

that have escalated since Donald Trump entered the White House.

Kang said she was pleased... that Pyongyang has refrained from military provocations in

recent weeks, but added... clearer signs of a change in course was still needed.

She said North Korea's missile and nuclear capability will not secure the reclusive nation's

future,... urging it to join hands with the international community.

For more infomation >> South Korea's foreign minister says North Korea is stuck in "time warp", urges dialogue - Duration: 0:41.


Routing over vPC - A Series of Unfortunate Events - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Routing over vPC - A Series of Unfortunate Events - Duration: 8:38.


銀座のど真ん中で世界初公開モデルをロボットが製作中!?@銀座・NISSAN CROSSING | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 銀座のど真ん中で世界初公開モデルをロボットが製作中!?@銀座・NISSAN CROSSING | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 3:08.


Resham Da Laacha Lakk Ve | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 4:39.

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Ho jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Na ghoor-ghoor ke adeya takk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Fullan wali kurti tang mahiya

Haye fullan wali kurti tang mahiya

Mainu aave tere kolon sang mahiya

Ho mainu aave tere kolon sang mahiya

Utton chamke jawani da rang mahiya

Chamke jawani da rang mahiya

Na rasta mera tu dakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Ho jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Na ghoor-ghoor ke adeya takk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Boonde chandi te sonne di nath mahiya

Ho boonde chandi te sonne di nath mahiya

Paawa jaandi jawani nu hath mahiya

Ho paawa jaandi jawani nu hath mahiya

Hoon tanga gaiyan ne lath mahiya

Tanga gaiyan ne lath mahiya

Pai firniyan hunn aa ke chakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Ho jatti challi murabeyan di sair nu

Na ghoor-ghoor ke adeya takk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Resham da laacha lakk ve

Naale bullan te sajra sakk ve

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla

Halla-malla ho beeba halla-malla



For more infomation >> Resham Da Laacha Lakk Ve | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 4:39.


President Moon outlines plan to cultivate people-oriented, peaceful, and prosperous relationship.. - Duration: 3:12.

Staying with President Moon Jae-in's final leg of his eight day, three-nation Southeast

Asia tour.

He was the keynote speaker at the ASEAN Business and Investment summit on Monday.

Before hundreds of business leaders from the region and beyond, President Moon placed emphasis

on the importance of South Korea and member nations forging a closer relationship.

Hwang Ho-jun reports.

President Moon's keynote speech at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit marked 20 years

since the establishment of ASEAN Plus Three,... and 10 years since the signing of a free trade

agreement between South Korea and ASEAN.

In his address, President Moon introduced the so-called "Korea-ASEAN Future Community


(KOREAN) "What I have in mind for our future is a community

of three 'P's.

It's a 'people' community connecting each person and each heart, a 'peace' community

contributing to the establishment of peace in Asia through security cooperation, and

a 'prosperity' community that seeks economic cooperation that is mutually beneficial."

( 3P . , ' ', ' ', ' ', .)

Moon said he will work to make relations more "people-oriented" and do more to increase

multilateral human exchanges between Seoul and Southeast Asian countries,... including

more summit meetings, government-level meetings -- also, promoting exchanges between businesses

and students.

Those efforts will include re-examining Korea's visa system... to make it easier for people

from those countries to come to South Korea.

President Moon also pledged to visit all 10 ASEAN member states during his time in office.

As for "peace," President Moon vowed to reinforce cooperation with ASEAN in areas including

national defense, security, and defense industries.

More specifically, President Moon outlined the importance of joint efforts to confront

Pyongyang's nuclear and missile threats, terrorism and violent extremism, and cyber terror.

And to cultivate a "prosperous" future relationship between Korean and ASEAN member countries,

President Moon vowed to increase economic cooperation.

That includes the goal of doubling contributions to the Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Fund by 2019

and expanding trade with ASEAN to 200-billion dollars by the year 2020.

He even pledged to support next year's Asian Games hosted in Indonesia... with 5G wireless

communication technology, which will be launched on a trial basis during the upcoming 2018

Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

This isn't the first time that President Moon has mentioned the need to enhance Korea's

relationship with Southeast Asia.

His "New Southern Policy" seeks to elevate relations with the region to the level of

those with Korea's four key neighbors, the U.S., China, Japan, and Russia.

Its counterpart, the "New Northern Policy," seeks to reinforce economic cooperation with

Russia and other countries in Eurasia.

President Moon has persistently argued... that expanding Korea's diplomatic horizon

is essential for establishing peace and prosperity in the region.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon outlines plan to cultivate people-oriented, peaceful, and prosperous relationship.. - Duration: 3:12.


Monday's market wrap - Duration: 1:13.

Now for your closing market figures.

Wall Street ticked up slightly on Monday,... with gains on all three of the major indices.

Dampening what could have been a better performance,.. was General Electric,... that cut its quarterly

dividend and profit outlook in half.

The move sent its share price tumbling seven percent-- dragging down the Dow.

Looking at the figures,... the Dow edged up less than zero-point-1 percent to 23,439-point-7,...

while the S&P 500 also added zero-point-1 percent to 2,584-point-8-4.

The Nasdaq also went up one-tenth of a percent at 6,757-point-6.

And here in Korea,... shares finished lower on Monday as investors played it safe-- locking

in recent gains,... while eyeing a delay in corporate tax cuts in the U.S.

The benchmark KOSPI lost half-a-percent to finish at 2,530-point-3-5.

The tech-heavy KOSDAQ spiked two-point-8-6 percent to finish at 741-point-3-8,... a 27-month


And the local currency fell against the greenback.

For more infomation >> Monday's market wrap - Duration: 1:13.


South Korea pushes to foster homegrown, mega-sized Investment Banks - Duration: 2:16.

Five brokerage firms in Korea have been given the green light to operate as investment banks,...

after a years-long push to foster the country's own home-grown,... mega-sized Investment Banks

modeled after Goldman Sachs.

Of the five,... Korea Investment and Securities was the only firm permitted to issue short-term

financing,... a key part of the investment banking business.

Won Jung-hwan has the details.

The Financial Services Commission, the country's top financial regulator, issued a license

Monday to Korea Investment and Securities... allowing it to issue promissory notes and

short-term corporate financing.

There are four other securities firms -- Mirae Asset Daewoo, NH Investment and Securities,

KB Securities, and Samsung Securities -- that are also expected to get the go-ahead in the

near future.

The preparations to nurture giant investment banks in Korea started back in 2011 with a

regulatory roadmap to creating a so-called Korean version of Goldman Sachs.

But local securities firms didn't yet have the capital.

So last year, the financial authorities announced a plan to permit securities firms... that

met a threshold of at least 3.6 billion U.S. dollars of equity capital to go into short-term

corporate lending.

Those with 7.2 billon dollars or more would be allowed to launch management accounts for

corporate investors.

Those changes put the big five securities companies on their way to becoming homegrown

giant investment banks, and with Monday's decision, the first one now has the right

to issue notes.

But the traditional banking sector wants the decision to be put on hold as it could disrupt

the corporate finance industry.

The Korean Federation of Banks said the local securities industry lacks an oversight system

to manage the issuance of such notes.

Short-term corporate financing has traditionally been the province of commercial banks, which

are subject to stricter rules and capital requirements.

So there is some concern that the creation homegrown, mega-sized investment banks in

Korea could destabilize the industry, especially amid a lack of regulation.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea pushes to foster homegrown, mega-sized Investment Banks - Duration: 2:16.


Korea, UN member nations promise peaceful 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 2:30.

And while tensions simmer on the peninsula,...

South Korea has less than 90 days to go until it hosts the world for the Olympic Winter


Giving their blessing for a peaceful celebration of sport,...

South Korea and the world have signed onto the so-called "Olympic Truce."

Lee Ji-won has more.

The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for the peaceful hosting of the 2018

PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea.

Adopted by consensus on Monday, the resolution "Building a peaceful and better world through

sport and the Olympic Ideal" urges countries to "ensure the safe passage, access and participation

of athletes, officials and all other accredited persons taking part in the Olympic Winter

Games and Paralympic Winter Games".

(English) "We hope our journey, our joint action today

will lead to a chain reaction of peace within the region and beyond.

Together, we are more powerful than any one of us walking alone."

The "Olympic Truce", respected from seven days before the start of the Olympic Games

on February 9th, 2018,... and until seven days after the Paralympic Games end in mid-March,

also seeks to cease all conflicts during the sporting event.

It also urges countries to take the opportunity to foster and encourage concrete actions that

promote dialogue and reconciliation.

Though the Olympic Truce has been adopted every two years ahead of the summer and winter

Olympics since the early 1990s, this resolution comes at a significant time, given the heightened

tensions on the Korean Peninsula over North Korea's continued nuclear and missile provocations.

And with all 193 UN member states, including North Korea,... passing the resolution, the

2017 Olympic Truce is likely to serve as an opportunity for the organizing committee and

the South Korean government to ensure peace and safety during the Games.

The South Korean delegation, which includes Seoul's Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism,

Do Jong-hwan, and figure-skating gold medalist Kim Yuna, will join a number of promotional

activities in New York for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics through Tuesday.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea, UN member nations promise peaceful 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 2:30.


Toblerone Rips You Off? // The Sugarcoat - Duration: 3:28.

we're just going to gloss over the fact very quickly that I've moved here to london.

well north of london, watford.

but I am here to tell you guys that I am starting a new series.

Welcome to the sugarcoat.

so the concept of the sugarcoat is that I am using sugar



Toblerone has bothered me in that over the years they've shrunken the mountain peaks

you can barely see that E, like it's barely visually there I've moved here to the UK which

means that the days are very very short now that we're heading into winter.

it's dark at five and it looks like it's midnight outside.

I've learned that the word veto doesn't mean anything to anyone here because someone said

something the other day and I said I veto that and I realized that it was an American


Which blew my mind.

It's strange cause a lot of people have been asking me why did you move to England Hussien,

you live in the states isn't that better?

Nougat Nougat Seriously I could eat like a whole bowl of nougat straight up.

The few number of people who just want to be like you ran away didn't you.

this is, you are escaping america because it sounds insane over there.

my coworkers at the moment I've shown them a couple of American political ads and they

were very confused about how those are allowed to run on television.

we had some positive elections I guess in virginia and new jersey and everyone is very

happy about those and I'm keeping a close eye on that I'm hoping everything is ok but

I'm also I'm weary, I don't want to be confident again.

I'm sick of being confident.

There is this egyptian idiom that goes If you've burned your tongue on soup, you're

going to blow on yogurt and thats basically how I feel about everything.

I think the reason I've recently gotten back into trying to have toblerone is because I've

watched an episode of Neo Yokio.

I've brought you a big toblerone.

Garbage anime and also really interesting to watch.

Just there is something absurd about having an anime voiced by Jaiden Smith that also

just, the voices not matching so well.

That white bit is the almond nougat right? and there is just honey throughout the chocolate?

Like there is honey throught out it right?

thats how this works?

Anyway, I'm super sorry about being away for so long.

I had some clips about vidcon that I was going to upload, maybe I will later editing Hussien

you can can say whats going to happen about that.

On the Candy Bar-Ometer that was about a solid 8.

For more infomation >> Toblerone Rips You Off? // The Sugarcoat - Duration: 3:28.


Qualcomm rejects Broadcom's US $103 billion takeover bid - Duration: 0:34.

Mobile chipmaker Qualcomm has rejected a 103-billion U.S. dollar takeover bid from rival Broadcom.

Qualcomm, whose processors go into almost every flagship phone, said the offer "significantly

undervalued" the company.

Broadcom said it would seek to engage with Qualcomm's board and management, adding that

it had received positive feedback from key customers and stockholders.

Analysts say Broadcom can now raise its bid, go for a proxy fight or launch a hostile exchange


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