Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

To Be Sensation! Hello we are SF9!

Hey! Have you heard?

'The Fun' that shook all of South Korea!

What kind of 'fun' is it~?

It's Something Fun!

Congrats Something Fun Comeback

So, everyone

We will be holding a Mini Olympics today

Jae Yoon & Da Won & Tae Yang

In Seong & Ro Woon & Hwi Young

Young Bin & Zu Ho & Cha Ni will be a team

Do you like your teammates?


In Seong hyung is bad at sports!

I like my team

<O Sole Mio> MV trio reunion

We have the eldest and the youngest in our team.

…? So what?

Zu Ho says whatever he wants to get attention

To explain a little about Hwi Young's physical condition,

He can do 2 pull-ups

And 1.5 push-ups

And In Seong,

0 Ab exercise

I can show you push-ups right now

Can you do it with one hand?

Yes, but I'll show you something different

Clapping push-ups

He's like a fish right?

Jumping in the mud….

We're all strong.

Do you want to fight?

Cheers for each team

Urgh~~~ha! team

Is that all you've got?

Pink honey rice cake team's Unknown honey rice cake dance

You guys aren't in sync

Our team concept is to be disorderly



Why didn't you do it?

I didn't expect it


Oppa Run Team

Director, your voice sounds so lifeless

Again in a higher tone

Human curling

2 members from each team play One person sits on the chair, and the other pushes The team who reaches the line closest wins

The order is important

How about 1 from each team plays the 'Tangsuyuk game'?

If there are 3 people, they will keep repeating 'Tang', 'Su', 'Yuk'

It's the same LOL

How about changing the word to 'O Sole Mio'?

Order determined by the 'O Sole Mio' game

Cha Ni out

In Seong VS Tae Yang

Dance battle?

It's not my specialty

One-legged fight

In Seong loses very suspiciously

You lost to make laugh others!

Tae Yang, Please decide the turns.

Pink honey rice cake team (In Seong & Ro Woon & Hwi Young) goes first Oppa Run team (Young Bin & Zu Ho & Cha Ni) goes second Urgh~~~ha! Team (Jae Yoon & Da Won & Tae Yang) goes third

In Seong sits and Hwi Young will push

Let's go!

We did well, right?

Good job haha

Next is

Cha Ni and Zu Ho of Oppa Run team



Marks the point that the hand touches

You did well at the rehearsal!

Why did you

Just go~!

Why'd you do it like this?

I'll keep this horizontal formation


We'll win this

Can't push at all


We won!

Yes we won!

Celebration dance

You can't change the winning team

In my opinion,

This game is

Just a preview.

What's the next game?

Let me do it~ You're really bad at this

Hey! You shouldn't say that!


This is hell

We're in the middle of hell!

Hey! Grab him!

For more infomation >> [SF MuVi] Something Fun 9 : 미니 올림픽(Mini Olympic) #1 - Duration: 5:03.


Quem Vai Defender os Professores? - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Quem Vai Defender os Professores? - Duration: 9:56.


MC耀宗 & TAIL尾翼 -「GOLD CHAIN 金項鍊」【M/V】 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> MC耀宗 & TAIL尾翼 -「GOLD CHAIN 金項鍊」【M/V】 - Duration: 3:30.


Hello Counselor | Hello Counselor! Fried pork cutlets! Lover~❤ [SUB : ENG,THAI/2017.11.13] - Duration: 28:13.

It's a fun story.

She has a lot to say to our show.

To our show?

Hello, I'm a newly married wife.

It's supposed to be super romantic, but I'm lonely.

It's because my husband is into something every night.

"It's starting!"

"Lalalalala, Hello!"

My husband is really into this show.

To our show?

He's watches every new episode when it premieres.

He would watch it over and over.

The same episode over 20 times.

- Hello, Counselor? / - More than 20 times.

Don't we have to hire him?

Babe, earlier...

That is so funny!

He doesn't listen to me at all.

"Stop watching that, aren't you sick of it?"

"How dare a woman say such a thing to a man?"

He's copying inflexible men that were on the show.

It's like mimicking soap operas.

He's kidding.

But funny thing is every time he watches the show,

he gets angry over those nasty husbands.

In fact, he's actually similar to those husbands.

So I'm seriously concerned.

Please hear my story.

The first time meeting someone

- addicted to our show in 7 years. / - Yeah.

Wife is concerned her husband is addicted to our show.

Please come out.

(Who's concerned over her husband?)

(Hwang Yeji)

(Precious Sehun's hand)


How does it feel to have Suhun escorting you?

It felt like my heart would explode.

It didn't.

How much does your husband love our show?

When he gets home after work

- He watches it until he falls asleep. / - Thank you.

He watches reruns?

Yeah, reruns as well.

It's aired on monday, right?

He sets his alarm at 11 p.m.

Did he set the alarm clock?

He tunes in in the middle of watching another show.

Sometime he watches it until 3 in the morning.

- Our show? / - Yeah.

And he suffers when he goes to work the next day.

After watching the show?

So are we like cigarettes and alcohol?

Why would watching the show become your concern?

Well, we're newly married.

I want to talk to him when he gets home.

Whenever I talk to him about living expenses

or I tell him there were problems at home,

he would be like, "Okay, sure."

Not serious at all.

After he answers like that, he never remembers

that I told him already.

It feels like he doesn't care about what I say at all.

Do you spend time together during weekends?


No, he watches it right as he wakes up until he sleeps.

He watches it on the weekends too?

He watches it right he wakes up until he sleeps.

If I tell him that I want to go out on the weekend...

- Like eating out? / - Yeah.

He'll just keep on watching episode after episode.

Finally, he's like, "Let's go next time."

It's always like this.

Did he ever apply for admission?

He did many times.

But he failed about 5 to 6 times.

So he's now on the show as a concern.


He couldn't join the audience, so he's on as a concern.

I have another concern.

It was in the story.

You said you would let it all out.

He eats fried pork cutlets

as much as he watches Hello Counselor.

- Fried pork cutlets? / - Yeah.

(Fried pork cutlet addict)

He's addicted to fried pork cutlets?


Why would that be a concern?

- How many does he eat? / - Every day.

Every day?

I fry it for him every weekend morning.

He eats it for all three meals.

Always making the same food would be relaxing.

I got sick of it.

- You can't eat it every day. / - I hate the oil smell.

Sohyun, you are married.

What do you think of her concern?

I can relate to her.

Like he's addicted to fried pork cutlets,

Junho is addicted to meat.

He doesn't accept meals without meat.

He only eats meat.

He fries pork belly in the morning.

And pork skin...

He eats pork skin in the morning?

He eats it before having a meal.

- That's odd. / - Pork belly and skin in the morning?

Does he still do that?

What's that look?

It's all true.


You indeed love her more.

Let's meet our

fried pork cutlet addict.

Hello, nice to meet you.


He does look like a fried pork cutlet lover.

Do you love our show that much?

The reason is

it has my favorite MCs.

Thank you.

And because ordinary people are on the show,

it feels more realistic.

I learn more appropriate ways to talk to other people.

Are you learning from the show?

I can watch and learn.

The show is very educational.

Do you watch the same episodes over and over?

Those crazy stories are fun to watch.

I watch it because they are fun to watch.

What episode did you watch more than 20 times?

The dad addicted to gambling,

the husband addicted to amusement parks.

and the husband who cursed at his wife.

That was a few weeks ago.

He knows every episode.

They made the whole country angry.

Inflexible husbands are fun to watch.

Do you want to be an inflexible husband?

I find it fun to say unrealistic or ridiculous things

in real life.

For example?

"How dare a woman do that!"

(Just stop...)

- He's just kidding. / - He doesn't mean it.

I'm not that kind of person.

How did you feel when you heard this?

Stop smoking, stop eating fried pork cutlets.

"Stop smoking, stop eating fried pork cutlets."

Stop watching Hello Counselor!

If I'm being direct, he would be like

"How dare a woman talk back"!

Whenever he answers me, he speaks in this tone.

So I'm confused if it's a joke or not.

I'm just doing it for fun.

If you do it often, others might feel uncomfortable.

She was not angry.

- She said she was. / - Were you?

How dare you interrupt when a man is speaking?

Bad, bad, bad.

How did you start loving the show?

We were watching the show together,

and it was lots of fun.

My favorite MCs are on the show.

Do you love us that much?

It was a coincidence. But it was really fun.

I watched the whole past year's worth of episodes.

You binged a year's worth.

So the wife provided the cause.

I watched it because I like the show,

but I didn't know he would become addicted.

How do you feel to be on the show?

My heart is fluttering.

His heart is fluttering.

This is where the guilty party sits.

(The guilty party sits in court)

You are not guilty.

- Is this a court? / - He went too far.


I have to be careful with what I say...

Can you tell us the pros and cons of the show?

Pros is the show is aired

1 to 3 weeks after the shooting.

Those people might be reflecting on themselves but

after airing, they get severely criticized online.

That's really unexpected.

Even the show crew doesn't study like him.

It's because they are criticized?

It must be heartbreaking.

For them.

He's very sharp.

Your wife says she has a concern.

What do you think about it?

Compared to inflexible husbands,

I'm substantially different.

"Substantially different."

How serious do you think is her concern?

It's not really a concern.

It's tiny.

You know everyone who sits there says that, right?

Why do you love fried pork cutlets that much?

(We must ask because he said it's not a concern)

I have the appetite of a child.

I make much of texture.

- Texture. / - Crunchy.

I cook it until right before it burns.

Until it turns black.

I don't even need sauce.

Are you trying to show off your way of eating?


I love the crunchiness.

So you enjoy the flavor of oil itself...

I do.

Why don't you stop cooking it for him?

If I don't,

he would act cute.

Is it because you hate him acting cute?


Acting cute is good.

If I don't do it and make him something else,

then he would act cute.

How did he act cute?

I don't know if it's just me but...

- He's handsome. / - So?

I think it's just you.

It's just you.

(I think we're getting concerned)

Let's just pretend he's handsome.


He stands in front of the refrigerator.

He would stamp his feet like a baby and

- beg me with his eyes closed. / - That must be cute.

Can you show us?

(Seal claps)

Pick up the microphone, and stand up.

So you're standing by the refrigerator.

At first, I say, "Make me a fried pork cutlet."

Tell him you won't.

No, stop eating pork cutlets.

Just once.

No, no, seriously stop.

- I'll stop eating it tomorrow. / - No!

Ahh! Pork cut...

(Hello Campaign - Only act cute at home)

I would just cook it for him...

That's cute.

You're just like newlyweds.

And the husband...

He looks so cute too.

It's not acting cute.

I'm just whining from being annoyed.

Do you know you're cute?

I think I'm a little bit.

Do you know acting cute works on her?

Because I do it so often,

I think she's gotten used to it these days.

Why can't cook yourself?

You can stop acting cute, just cook.

I have done it a lot recently.

The problem is he'll cook it

but won't clean it up.

The floor becomes extremely oily.

I would clean the oil with baking soda

and lemon every 2 to 3 days.

He doesn't clean up.

- Suho doesn't clean up. / - Really?

(Come on)

What would you do if Suho didn't clean?

I would clean hard.

(Big difference here)

Does he eat anything else you cook?

No, he doesn't.

He only eats pork cutlets?

You know those kind of newlywed fantasies.

When my husband got home from work,

I'd wait with a pretty apron on with food ready.

With soup bubbling.

One time I made stir-fried spicy pork.

I'm not experienced and was afraid of messing it up,

so I stood by the stove for many hours

and made the stir-fried spicy pork.

He came home with an ice box.

I was wondering what was inside.

It was fried pork cutlets.

I asked if he'd eat the food I cooked that day.

He said he would eat it tomorrow.

When the food was all ready?

- Why would he do that? / - It's so delicious.


One time I cooked mackerel.

He had one bite, and went to throw up

like a pregnant woman with morning sickness.

I asked what was wrong and he said it was disgusting.

- Was it that bad? / - It was bad enough to spit out?

She cooked fried mackerel with curry sauce.

- Mackerel with curry sauce? / - Yeah.

- With fried mackerel? / - That sounds delicious.

When I bit into it,

I thought it was rotten.

You are too honest. You need to learn white lies.

I would understand if was nice about it.

But he frowned and spit it out after one bite.

So my heart was broken.

Wasn't spitting it out too much?

It was so odd.

Saying it's because of fish bones would be better.

I think it was because of fish bones.

- Now you do? / - It poked my tongue.

Are you eating pork cutlets

because your wife's cooking is terrible?

I eat her food,

but I need to have a pork cutlet in every meal.

What food does she make best?

- The most delicious one? / - The best one.

Why are you asking?

Stir-fried anchovies and spicy stir-fried chicken.

Spicy stir-fried chicken? That's hard to make.

What about the worst?

Chilled cucumber soup and greens.

I only like 2 kinds of greens.

I'm curious about the wife's cooking skills.

She brought the side dishes that she made.

- Let's try them. / - They look delicious.

What are they?

(Let's check it out)

- Did you make it all yourself? / - Yeah, this morning.

She made it this morning.

Bean paste soup.


- Oh, chilled cucumber soup. / - Is this water parsley?


Come here and try.

I haven't had home-cooked food for a while.

There's not much in the soup. Just fried tofu and tofu.

Let's try the chilled cucumber soup together.

He said it wasn't good.

- Let's try the soup first. / - All at once.


It's not too good.

- It's pretty bland. / - Too bland.

It's bland.

It's very bland.

(Told you so)

- Why? / - Is vinegar missing?

(To be honest)

How is it? Tell us.

- It's too... / - Be honest.

All I taste is seaweed.

Doesn't seawater taste like this?

Right? It tastes like seawater.

How is it?

I think it would be better with some ice in it.

It's supposed to be cold.

Isn't it bland?

- I like it. / - He likes his food bland.

Let's try the bean paste soup.

It tastes like bean paste soup.

This one's fine.

Everything's relatively bland.

This one is a bit sweet.

It's sweet.

It's sweet.

Shall we try the greens?

This one is good.

Isn't this forgivable when you're newlyweds?

- This one is fine. / - It's fine.

The water parsley is great.

This is delicious, but...

People who like fried food don't eat water parsley.

Everything's pretty sweet.

The eggplant is fine.

Did I eat it wrong?

I think the food is not awesome...

- But it's edible. / - Exactly.

It tastes healthy.

How does this compare to Sohyun's food?

Sohyun's food tastes better to me,

but it's hard to tell which is better.

So they are on the same level?

Sohyun, how is it?

She's only been married for one year.

Everything's perfect except that the

chilled cucumber soup needs more vinegar.

It's not good enough to

fix the fried pork cutlet addict.

Fish cakes would work better.

Something like stir-fried fish cakes.

He's not used to the flavors of adults,

so he's having a hard time.

She's only been married for a short time,

so I'd consider this fairly good.

She's good at it.

(Nice, Youngjae!)

I'm strong.

It was delicious.

How was it, Suho?

It was fine.

It's just that they were a bit sweet.

Except for that, they were fine.

How would you respond if your wife cooked like this?

I would eat it.

That's love. What about Sehun?

I loved it.

He liked the chilled cucumber soup too.

They were all pretty fine.

It's not inedible.

But I want my favorite food every meal.

Fried pork cutlets.

He's a bit like a child.

Children do not eat greens,

but they always ask for sausages.

Meatballs too.

Because he eats fried pork cutlets,

I eat along with him because it's cooked.

I get fat with him.

Whenever we eat out, we eat pork cutlets and spaghetti.

Or pork cutlets with pork cutlets.

Pork cutlets with pork cutlets.

Isn't it a bit selfish

that you only eat what you want?

Recently, we went to Cheonan.

Cheonan is famous for blood sausage, right?

Byungcheon blood sausage.

At the Ahwoonae Market.

I love those kinds of things.

I told him, "Cheonan is famous for blood sausage."

But he had already found pork cutlet restaurants.

We arrived at noon, so we had pork cutlets for lunch.

I thought we would eat local food for dinner

because we had pork cutlets for lunch.

For dinner, we went to another pork cutlet restaurant.

Are you haunted by the ghost of pork cutlets?

I always ask my wife.

I ask her what she wants to eat.

She said what she wanted, so I asked

if she wants to eat pork cutlets.

She rejected it once,

but she never rejected it twice.

If she rejected it 3 times, I would've listened to her.

What? If she rejected it 3 times?

I'm serious.

- Really? / - Yeah.

Do you know your wife's favorite food?

She likes pasta.

So do you go to restaurants that serve both?

She said no.

I like Korean food like rice soup,

hangover soup, or blood sausage soup.

Why did you think it was pasta?

Every time I ask her what she wants, she says pasta.

Because she doesn't want to eat pork cutlets.

She eats pasta because she doesn't like pork cutlets.

Pasta is a bit better than pork cutlets for her.

Do your in-laws know about this?

Yes, and they're very worried.

He's gained about 10 kilograms since we married.

It's because of pork cutlets.

So he's 99.7kg now.

He doesn't look like it.

What do your in-laws say?

They told me not to cook pork cutlets for his health.

I'm always worried because he's gaining more weight.

What else do you like?

He would like ham.

Except for those kinds of things.

I like Spam.

I just said no ham.

Do you like tuna?

I like tuna.

Chicken nugget.

That's too much like a child.

(So it's just pork cutlets)

It's almost the same texture.

That's funny.

Let's meet her mother.



Do you understand her concern?

I think I do.

I bought half-dried herring to feed him some seafood.

That's delicious.

I like to drink alcohol,

but he doesn't.

He doesn't drink alcohol.

So I bought him half-dried herring.

But he took a bite and grimaced.

Some people can't eat it.

I asked what was wrong,

and he said he can eat it, but it doesn't taste good.

Every time I buy him food,

I ask if he has a problem eating it.

He eats it after saying he has no problem with it.

But I'm concerned that there's no

news of a pregnancy, but I would like one.

That's because of our show.

He watches TV all the time.

So do you hate our show?


He watches this show because

he loves Dongyeob so much.

You have good taste, yet you keep eating pork cutlets.

Don't you feel that pork cutlets

are harming your health?

I get my health checked every year.

I have high cholesterol, but everything else is fine.

Why do you disregard that?

(High cholesterol is caused by fried food)

People who love fried food are concerned

about cholesterol.

That's like us saying

everything is fine except for a failing liver.

He seems pretty confident with his health.

He drew the conclusion himself.

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome,

which is common among women.

It's usually caused by immediate weight gain.

If it doesn't heal, it might lead to infertility.

I cried at the hospital when I heard that.

I suggested he exercise with me,

but he said he's too lazy for it.

I'm glad that you're here today.

Did you know about this?

About 40% of Korean women have that disease.

So I didn't feel it was that serious.

Did you disregard that too?

He's pretty stubborn.

You have no respect towards anybody.

You only stubbornly do what you want to do.

You don't respect your wife.

Don't you want to spend more time with your wife?

I understand she feels that way.

When I'm watching TV,

it's hard to focus on what she says.

Why don't you start exercising with her?

You can watch the show while running.

We played badminton several times.

Only for 3 days.

It's meaningless if you don't stick to it.

Eating one type of food every day is fine.

What would be the problem?

But she has health concerns.

I think you must be more self-aware.

Do you want to say anything to your husband?

I'm not saying you must quit eating pork cutlets.

I'll accept eating it once or twice per week.

I'm not saying you must stop watching this show.

Then what?

I'll accept watching 1 to 2 episodes a day.

And let's work hard on planning our family.

- That's the most important one, right? / - Yes.

That's all.

Suho, is it a concern?


Push the button if you agree.


I see his wife is getting stressed over this problem.

So it's definitely a concern.

It's hard to become addicted to something.

But it's just that you went too far.



What's so great about his saying?

I think this is a negotiable problem

between the two, so I won't push the button.

- Sohyun. / - I think it's a concern.

The biggest problem is that

he doesn't know what his wife likes the most.

Watch your favorite food and watch the show one time.

Then your wife gets to choose the food and show.

She's not okay, but says she is because she loves you.


That's really smart.

Junho has a great wife.

I wish she would be like this to me.

You wish she would?

I'm shocked.

You don't know everything about your husband.

And men never know what women want.

If you open up a little more,

it wouldn't be a concern.

If you can relate, please push the button!

(What would the audience think?)

5, 4, 3,

2, 1.


Please say something to your wife.

To the one I love the most...

Look, he's tenderhearted.

He loves her so much.

He's tenderhearted.

Don't cry.

Stop eating fried pork cutlets!

He's sorry.

He never knew. (Wife is tearing up too)

- He's tenderhearted. / - He never realized.

You don't have to cry.

Just eat fewer fried pork cutlets!

Did someone pass away?

Excuse me, ma'am...

You can have pork cutlets today.

- Why cry so much? / - You can have it today.

Dongyeob, comfort him.

Excuse me.

Stop crying!

Why are you crying?

Is it because you're afraid of getting criticized?

- He's so pure. / - So kind.

- He never realized the problem. / - He's a nice guy.

I think he's really sorry.

Please, go ahead.

I never knew it before.

Go on.

He's so cute.

We said he's like a child, but he is a child.

Kids don't know anything.

Before you came,

did you think you wouldn't be criticized

and wouldn't learn anything here?

I never knew it was this much of a concern.

What were you shocked at?

I realized that I didn't know.


That I was inconsiderate to my wife.

He felt it now.

He wiped his tears.

When he covered his face and lifted his face,

there weren't any tears on his face.

He wiped them off.

I thought he was bawling so hard.

But I didn't see any tears.

- Go ahead. / - He's reflecting.

I'll put myself in your shoes every time,

and I'll eat fewer pork cutlets for our health and

talk to you more for our happy marriage.

What about this show?

I won't watch the reruns too many times.

Okay, that'll do.

Tell her that you love her.

Let's live happily ever after. I love you.

"Hello Counselor? No!" Show us the result.

(Show the result)

It's getting lots of votes as lots of women are here.

It's over 100.

146? 136?


(Earned 116 votes)

For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | Hello Counselor! Fried pork cutlets! Lover~❤ [SUB : ENG,THAI/2017.11.13] - Duration: 28:13.


Hello Counselor | It's how it all started, Bet money on sports And [SUB : ENG,THAI/2017.11.13] - Duration: 24:36.

The "Spine Breaker" story!

Can you do this role? Okay.

Hello, I'm going through tough times

because of my son.

It happened when my son was in high school.

A female teacher called.

You're the female teacher.

(Looking forward to it)

"Hello, I'm Jihwan's homeroom teacher.

Your son got caught drinking."

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

One time, a police officer called.

"It's the police. Your son

caused an accident while riding a motorcycle."

He was in trouble every day.

I thought he would wake up after going to the army.

But after he finished his service, a person called.

(A counselor this time)

"We're a loan company."

What? A loan company?

"Yes, a loan company.

Your son didn't pay the interest on his loan."

(That's it?)

That's it?

I mean this guy...

That's my line.

He wants to be an actor.

"Are you out of your mind?

Why do you need a loan?"

"Oh, that.

I did some gambling on sports. Just gotta pay it back."

Oh my.

What was worse is...


Lend me some money."

"Lend you what?

What do you need money for?"

"I bought a car with a loan.

I'll pay you back later."

"Oh my gosh."

How can he be so shameless?

I don't know how many people we owe.

It's endless.

Please help my son.

Let's meet the mother who's concerned about her son.

Please come out.

(Hong Seonja)

(Nice to meet you)

When did he start causing trouble?

Since high school.

In which grade?

When he was a 10th-grader.

(He started causing trouble when he was in 10th grade)

He started drinking and smoking.

And then he started riding a motorcycle.

I wouldn't mention it if he didn't cause an accident.

- Did he? / - Yeah.

- Did you pay for the settlement? / - Yes.

About 1,000 dollars.

He ran away from home often, right?

Yes, several times.

It's not common, but it's understandable.

I also ran away back in high school.

The problem is when he's an adult.

Doing it repeatedly is wrong.

He caused lots of problems when he was in school.

I thought he would stop after going to the army.

I applied for the army for him.

How old was he?

- He went right after his graduation. / - 20.

After he finished his service,

I received several notes from different places.

It was the lenders.

I asked him what it was for, but he wouldn't tell me.

So I went to the bank and checked.

He bet money on sports.

He got loans for games.

From 4 different places.

- Loans from 4 places? / - Yeah.

(It's frustrating)

I was seriously concerned about these problems,

but his dad said it's okay.

So we paid back the loans for him.

As parents, you'd be afraid because they were lenders.

He even bought a used car.

That was about 7,000 dollars.

He used a loan to pay for that too.

How much have you paid back for him in total?

About 60,000 dollars.

60,000 dollars!

And some was in smaller amounts.

He was fined $700 for skipping reserve forces training.

He didn't pay his phone bill.

How much?

About 3,000 dollars.

3,000 dollars for a phone bill?

It's because of the microtransactions.

(They're not "micro" at all)

Does he go to work?

The company couldn't endure him because of his

- poor behavior. / - He can't fit in.

So he's working in our restaurant now, as a trainee.

What restaurant?

A fried pork cutlet restaurant in Gwacheon.

(I love pork cutlets)

Is this a pork cutlet exclusive episode?

You have a customer here!


He would make a great client.

It's not time for laughing though.

Her son...

She's so concerned about him.

People who just started watching might

be wondering why we're laughing.

(It's because of him!)

Is there any reason why he started acting this way?

Like problems at home?

I have no idea at all.

Did you ask your son?

He won't tell me.

I'm getting crazy about the notes I receive.

Let's talk to her son.

Is it that man sitting silently,

that looks like a fat version of Ha Jungwoo?


His name?

Jeong Jihwan.

Jihwan, where are you?

(Who's the spine-breaking son?)

He's handsome.

He does look like Ha Jungwoo.

What do you think about her concern?

I do admit my mistakes.

I feel sorry towards my parents,

so I'm here to apologize and make a promise.

Because you want to change?

Let's encourage him with a big hand!

He has made up his mind.

You must admit your mistakes,

and then you can carry out changes.

I hope this show would be a great chance for you.

But we're wondering why you caused so much trouble.

I went off the rails, starting in my high school years.

I skipped classes.

I wanted to quit school.

But I didn't, so I went to

the army right after my graduation.

I understand having fun.

I was like that when I was in school.

- But getting a loan is... / - That's for adults.

I don't get that. Why did you start getting loans?

I started betting money on sports out of curiosity.

I started making money...

Oh, you won.

I became addicted, so...

(It's how it all started)

How much in loans did you get?

5,000 dollars each from 4 places.

That's 20,000 dollars.

- 5 places. / - 25,000 dollars.

With the highest interest.

The highest!

It must be over 20%.

When you borrowed money,

you must have considered the interest too.


Did you ignore it or did you think you'd win again?

Actually I didn't think about the interest at all.

You just didn't consider it.

Because he was a bit crazy.

Addicts don't care about what happens.

You knew you had lots of debts.

- Why did you buy a secondhand car? / - Exactly.

That's expanding your debts.

I was interested in cars.

I wanted to drive a car.

Do you have to get everything you want?

Do you not think about the future at all?

- I suppose. / - You don't.

I want to promise I won't cause trouble again.

Do you think you have changed now?


It's still happening.


He drinks until 3 to 4 in the morning

then can't go to work the next day.

How frequent is this?

3 to 4 times a week.

So he doesn't go to work 3 to 4 times a week?

He comes late.

What time is he supposed to be at work?

We open the restaurant together.

So we have to get out at 9:30 a.m.

But what time does he get to work?

12 p.m. or 3 p.m.

You can't do that.

Was he that irresponsible when he worked at a company?

I think he was.

But I didn't know then.

Has he ever caused trouble while drunk?

If he drinks often, it's very possible.

Many times.

He was fined for fighting with a taxi driver.

We live on the 4th floor but he slept on the 3rd floor.

He went to a stranger's home?

Many times when he was drunk.

Do you remember this?

I do. I was drunk, but there's no elevator.

I thought I'd walked far enough and the door was open.

The door was open?

I thought my mom had opened it because it was morning.

I was sleeping.

The owner came with the police.

You must have been shocked.

He must have been really shocked.

I didn't realize I was at stranger's home.

I told them it was my home and asked why they came.

He wasn't sobered up.

If that happened, you can't handle drinking.

It's an old story. I go home fine these days.

- Sober? / - Yeah, sober.

She said you go to work at 12 p.m.

when you have to be there at 9:30 a.m.

I go to work at 2 to 3 p.m.

and stay there until closing time.

So I thought it was okay.

You thought that?

(It's not okay all the time...)

Why did you quit your previous job?

That was because...

Because you were drunk?

Yeah, because I couldn't go to work.

If you're responsible enough, you must go to work

no matter how hard it is.

I can't wake up on time if I drink.

I know it's wrong...

How many companies have you worked for?

5 to 6.

How long was the longest?

The longest was 6 months.

And the shortest.

- One month. / - One month.

Do you not think you should only drink on weekends?

I do, a lot.

I want to drink just on weekends but

after I get off from work, if my friends are drinking,

- I want to be there too. / - Yeah, right.

His friend is here too. Where are you?

- Hello. / - Are you the drinking friend?

We hang out often.

What do you and your friends think about him?

As you can see, he's quiet but talks a lot when drunk.

It's hard to handle him.

Does he have bad drinking habits?

It's serious.

What does he do?

He picks fights if he drinks over 2 bottles.

I don't do it these days.

It was serious back then.

- But not anymore? / - Excuse me.

Being incapable of waking up is a drinking habit too.

(People around you are having a hard time)

If he drinks 3 to 4 times a week,

he must be spending a lot.

He is spending a lot.

I pay him 2,000 dollars a month.

That's a lot.

He saves 500 dollars.

Uses 500 dollars to pay his debts.

Then he can use 1,000 dollars.

I give him a 1,000 dollar check card.

I've seen the bank statements.

It's mostly karaoke, billiards and bars.

- Hanging out. / - Just 3 places.

Is it like drinking with friends first, and then going

to play billiards, and then going to karaoke?


You go to these places with your

girlfriend or girlfriend's friends, right?

Is it all men going?

It's mostly guys.



He's really surprised.

(A surprising story)

What does his dad say?

He doesn't really care.

At first, we scolded him a lot and we hit him.

But as he grew up,

he says it's okay because he's man.

It's just me that is concerned.

And then he blames me that my son spent lots of money.

He blames me.

So I'm more concerned.

Is his dad here today?


- Hello. / - Welcome.

There were a few things that we didn't understand.

Isn't this something that you should handle?

I tried at first and scolded him a lot.

But it's understandable, because he's a man.

It can't be like that.

Drinking and waking up late is understandable.

But it has a negative effect on his own mother.

I'm only concerned because my wife

suffers because of him.

I'm worried about her.

Why don't you keep on scolding him?

His head has gotten big.

I told him many times.

Even if I scold him,

because his head got big...

Why do you keep on saying that?

I'm sorry.

(There there)

Apparently you say things about her?

I don't remember.

You're not a politician. Why can't you remember?

It's like...

Why would I have said that?

(He's good at avoiding)

He doesn't want to get his hands dirty.

What do you think about his noncommittal position?

It's hard.

You two are both parents, but why is one person

concerned while the other doesn't care?

You hated that too, right?

- Is your daughter here? / - Yes.

Do you understand your mother's concern?


Every time he causes trouble, our parents fight.

That ruins the atmosphere of the house.


Why do you tap her, daddy?

I always tell her not to give my

brother money anymore.

He spends it because you give it to him.

Then she tells me that I'll understand

when I become a parent.

When she says that, I have nothing else to say.

Don't you use your mother's money?

I have a part-time job,

so I pay for my own living expenses.

When was the most saddening event for you?

When mom finds out that he caused trouble,

she cries while drinking at home.

If I see her, she tells me

that it's all her fault for raising us wrong.

That makes me sad.

Is there any time you're not happy with your mom?

Not really.

Stop tapping your daughter!

I make my own living expenses,

but sometimes it's not enough,

so I ask for about 20 to 30 dollars.

But she grills me on what it's for, why I keep asking,

and sometimes she won't give me it.

But if my brother asks for me,

because he won't leave until he gets it,

she just gives him the money.

If he asks me for money,

he won't leave until he gets it.

- Quietly with that face? / - Yes.


Mom's friend is here too.

She would know the best about her concern.



How are you two friends?

We were high school friends who hung out together.

You must relate to her a lot, right?

Yeah, for sure.

A bunch of our friends get together once a month.

Every time we meet, she's lost 2 to 3kg.

And she lost about 10kg once.

When we hang out she gets texts about repaying money.

She often says, "He's caused trouble again."

"Let's settle."

A few hundred dollars becomes few thousand dollars.

And then it increases even more.

She can't really eat now.

She eats and throws up.

She goes to the hospital regularly.

The doctor said it's because of stress.

You know it is a stress-related disease.

Yeah, right.

So I'm sad for her.

What did the doctor say exactly?

That I'm dizzy and vomit often.

I'm always on my feet, so I have heel pain.

And I have fluid in my knees.

(The mother is suffering a lot)

The worst was when

she even thought of committing suicide.

- It's not even once. / - She has been suffering a lot.

- She did? / - Yeah.

It must've been so tough.

Yes. My heart ached when I heard that.

You didn't know your mother thought of that, did you?

I didn't know.

So is it your first time hearing this?


How do feel?

I feel sorry.

I truly feel like I have to behave well in the future.

How many times have you said that?

- Did you say that many times? / - Yes.

You must've said it when you got in a motorcycle crash,

when you slept at strangers place,

- every time, right? / - Yes.

But you never stopped.

Because you've never shown your mom you

actually changed, she wanted to be on the show.

You said you're 25, right?


My mother passed away when I was 25.

My big brother had an ear problem,

so he couldn't learn or hear.

He became deaf.

My mother felt guilty that she didn't take him

to the hospital earlier, so she became

extremely stressed out.

She never smoked or drank,

but all that stress built up and

made her pass away in her mid-50s.

You really have to wake up from now on.

You have to think that every bad thing

you do shortens your mother's life.

Causing trouble after drinking.

Not getting up in the morning after drinking.

All of this is you trying to

say goodbye to your mother sooner.

(Can he ease the burden in his mother's heart?)

Suho, Sehun, you are here for advice.

Suho, can you tell him something?

I became a trainee when I was a 9th grader.

I made my debut when I was 21.

I was a trainee for 6 and half years.

I injured my leg while training,

so I was close to giving up dancing.

I reached puberty at that time and

my parents made me deal with

all the mistakes that I made.


I saw my parents crying many times.

So I decided not to act like that again.

If he really cares for his mother, I hope he stops.

And the parent should try to teach him to be more

responsible for his good.


Tell him something.

I still love my son.

You're 25 years old now.

I hope you spend your money according to a budget.

I hope you have a goal in your life, live with it,

and I hope this was a good opportunity for you.

I want you to live with a purpose and be healthy.

I hope you live in that way.

Is it a concern?

Let's start with Suho.

(It's a concern)

- Yeah. / - It's a concern.

(It's not your turn yet)

What happened?

You're speeding.

Did you decide to follow him?

He pushed the button for the first time.

Please do it when it's your turn.

- He had to hurry. / - He's angry.

Due to the health of the mother,

and since she's stressing out so much,

I think this is a big concern.

Sehun, what do you think?

- You pushed the button. / - Yes.

Should I press it one more time?

You can't vote twice.

It's heartbreaking that there's a problem

with the mother's health.

I hope you become a changed man

and live happily together as a family.

I think it's a concern.

Other than listing out things to quit,

I'd like him to know what he wants in life

and finds his dream.

Then every day would be a different day.

I think it's a concern.

If you can relate to her,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3,

2. 1.

That's it.

I guess you didn't really have a chance to

have a proper conversation with your mother.

This is your chance.

I'm sorry that I haven't done anything good,

but caused so much trouble.

I've told you many times that I would behave.

I don't know if you'll believe me but

I will be more responsible regarding work.

And I will drink only 1 or 2 times a week.

Which means during weekends only.

I'll be a better son,

so I hope you believe me.

You will be criticized for what you did.

But you should accept them.

You're sorry about what you did.

Say something to your family.

You shouldn't silently watch, but rather

take this as a serious concern and

work it out with me seriously.

Don't make me worry all by myself.

You two should share the burden.

Yes, of course.

Stop making excuses too.


Please show us the result.

"Spine Breaker!"

The last number is 6.

It must be 156.

136 is the number 1 so far.



(Earned 166 votes)

"Spine Breaker" is the winner!

We'll give you a reward.


For more infomation >> Hello Counselor | It's how it all started, Bet money on sports And [SUB : ENG,THAI/2017.11.13] - Duration: 24:36.


The Last Well - Posljednji Bunar (Short film trailer - 2017) - Duration: 0:49.

I'm sorry, I didn't let you know I'd come...

But I saw the ad…

It said on the forum

that you're the last person selling...

real water.

I have no other choice!

Good night. -Good night.

For more infomation >> The Last Well - Posljednji Bunar (Short film trailer - 2017) - Duration: 0:49.


The iPad Glove - A Cardini Tribute [Subtitled] - Duration: 3:44.

I've created something special to honor one of the greatest magicians of all time.

Because we all know that everything we create today or in the future

is based on the work of the masters from the past.

Only few will know his name:

Richard Valentine Pitchford

He is better known under his stage name: Cardini

Here you see a picture of his signature piece: his white glove.

I was wondering what it would feel like to wear it just once…

The New England Magic Society called Cardini:

„The greatest exponent of pure sleight of hand the world has ever known."

When Richard was a young man he joined the British Army in World War I.

He continued to practice his magic out in the freezing cold.

That's when he gained his remarkable ability

to manipulate playing cards while wearing gloves.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> The iPad Glove - A Cardini Tribute [Subtitled] - Duration: 3:44.


It's me who else can it be! EP1 | Fah Sarika - Duration: 5:46.

Done dress up!

Waiting for them to come.

*knock knock*

*Visitor from Praew Magazine*

OMG what did I open!


Shooting for Praew Magazine*

Good! Smile

Is this Ad for Gucci haha (kidding)

Yeah something like that

Look up a bit


Maybe a smile.

While waiting for them I'm peeling my skin foot off.

After shooting magazine here now back to work!

Oh no card! HAHAHAH

All good!

Switch to go pro, a bit weird tho but is okay.

I'm preparing for another shooting myself.

So wideeeeeee.

dragging my makeup..

I tried it last time but not really worked.

Wear it last time you show my dad.

I look so scary.

Short hair style.

Like my own hair style.

Hello there professor!

You look like Einstein.

How to look old tutorial maybe.

Im a old lady~~~~

But wait maybe it look cool!

Like old chic lady!

Like that old lady

Oh yeah that lady which one?

Why I bought this? why???

That time it was nice.

Maybe the light make it look old.

And this one Make up for winter hahah

Western girl for winter tutorial how about that? haha

Do it and share during chirstmas!

Will they watch it maybe why not?

It's funny!

OMG how to wear this!

A couple went trekking on the mountain.

And he doesn't know that his girlfriend wear vic.

While trekking the girl was sweating real bad

and she can't handle it

She was like AHHH can't take this anymore and took her vic off.

You know they break up after that.

Of course!

This look so cool!

Can't see


I already cut if off ALOT!

The original was like this long!

Too long too thick.

What if I cut if shorter?

In case for makeup look maybe I should cut it.

Thick hair look like thisss. hahaha

Into the jungle!

Enoying my tuned! (really)

Maybe like this so my forehead doesn't look too wide open.

But this is fine yeah?

Yeah this look better.


house maid*

Almost done!

I need to buy some more.

To fill it all up.

Then it will look beautiful!

Done! Thank you for watching!

What do you want to see next time? Please suggest :)

For more infomation >> It's me who else can it be! EP1 | Fah Sarika - Duration: 5:46.


Nếu Được Làm Người Tình - Karaoke Online [Beat Nam] - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Nếu Được Làm Người Tình - Karaoke Online [Beat Nam] - Duration: 5:19.


GOLDBeatz || "Sen ve Ben" (Official Video) ||FREE BEAT|| - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> GOLDBeatz || "Sen ve Ben" (Official Video) ||FREE BEAT|| - Duration: 2:22.


T & Sugah - Sleepless (feat. MVE) [NTH Release] - Duration: 4:37.

Hello everyone!

Thanks you for watching the video

Please Subscribe to my channel to update the latest videos

Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> T & Sugah - Sleepless (feat. MVE) [NTH Release] - Duration: 4:37.


Mezcla Orquesta - 10 let výročí/10th Anniversary - Duration: 15:09.

The band was founded 10 years ago.

It happened, because I love latin-american music, salsa, cha-cha and cuban music in general.

How did I came to it? Well, when I was 10 years old, I was watching latin-american dance on TV all the time,

because I love dance and I'm also trying to dance.

And well... I was captivated by that music.

As I was growing up I played in different bands.

Then one day, I think it was a fate,

a cuban band Santy y su Marabú accosted me, so I tried it.

After five years I thought I would give it a go with Tanda Corróns, my wife.

She is cuban so she sings cuban music.

We spoke to a pianist Milan Kroka and so we started as a trio.

It worked, we had a bit of a success, people liked it.

But I wanted more.

I wanted to extend the band, to have what a real cuban band is supposed to have.

So I wanted a wind section and

as for the rhythm percussion

And that's how we were founded.

It took us about six, seven years to settle down.

I think now the band is settled in a way that I feel I like it, I just love it.

When I met my wife for the first time she has been singing with Ida Kelarova for 4 years.

We got closer and after some time we got married.

That is the story of my wife and I.

Tanda, honestly, were you as a real cuban already born this lively?

And I want to ask you

how is it with us, central-europeans, czechs especially,

how well are we doing with salsa, bachata, you

You are doing well,

because what we can do naturally is always easy,

but what we get into with difficulties, then you see the results and so I'm saying,

you're doing well and please, continue dancing.

Having a lead singer as a wife. Well, the beginning was difficult because...

How would I say it?

It was difficult because I had some opinion, she as a stubborn cuban

also had an opinion,

so we didn't listen to each other.

Sometimes we were returning from a concert

not talking the whole evening. But in the morning we woke up and everything was allright again, so...

What I like about Tanda?

She is being herself, she's honest, truthful and she always says what's on her mind.

It's not always for the best, but I like it anyway, even though I don't always show it.

I think that the communication between the audience and Tanda is very good. When she's talking it's coming right from her heart

and the people can feel that.

If people can they return to our concerts and some people literally demand Tanda to say something.

And now we're about to sing a song for all those cheeky and jealous people out there, so that you don't....

hey don't point at her 'cause you too. I know you very well, ha ha

The tenth anniversary of Mezcla Orquesta resulted from us talking about celebrating

it and throwing a great party for both us and the audience.

Dariel. I like people who follow their believes and do it with honesty.

And he is one of those who really do it with honesty.

Good evening! Good evening ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

And he happened to have the difficult task to begin our tenth anniversary concert. And he did an amazing job.

Dariel, in past and perhaps present and future you have been co-working with Mezcla Orquesta on some project?

So together with Mezcla we did one song with Tanda.

The song is called .......... with Top Dream Company. The song is outstanding, really very beautiful.

And are we going to hear that song tonight?

Unfortunately not, but tonight I'm going to sing 5 songs from my new album Palla da discoteca I'm sure it's gonna be the bomb!

I'm looking forward to it.

I have invited Leon and Saška. They are incredible dancers

and Leon puts all his heart into dancing.

Leon, how long have you known the musicians of Mezcla Orquesta?

I have known the musicians for about 12 or 13 years

and I met them in a clubs where they were performing such as Bodeguita and other dance clubs of the salsa comunity.

And because I love life music I was seeking them out as they are the best band in the Czech Republic.

Since I was attending their concerts and I knew them personally we agreed on an occasional

cooperation all around the Czech Republic where they had concerts on festivals,

And another beloved guest is Veronika Husinecká,

with whom we've been coworking on many different projects.

Bára Kalendová is a wife of our trumpetist

and she's not just any wife! She's a champion of the Czech Republic!

Why did I invite Funky Brothers? I like what they do, it has a drive and I like their funky style.

Ondra Ruml is our friend and also a singer who can sing any possible genre, just consider yourself.

Daniela Konířová: I met Mezcla Orquesta thanks to the singer Tanda as she was my Spanish teacher

and after a while they asked me to become their manager since they didn't have any.

And a band of this size, with ten members cannot possibly function without a manager so we agreed that we would try it. I said 'beware if i'm not good at it!'

Daniela Konířová, the precious of our band! We love her! Having a manager like this is a real treasure

What I value the most about Mezcla

is that not only are they professional,

outstanding musicians but they are also wonderful group of people,

Filip, the drummer is a great person and a truly skilled musician.

We played together in one band even before,Really an amazing musician.

he was very young at that time.

Then I asked him to be part of Mezcla and he accepted. I'm really grateful for him being by my side again.

Ah, Leo, percussion... That's a story.

I visit this club,

La Macumba, that's a great salsa club.

He used to work there and that's how I noticed him because he was drumming with mallets on the bar!

And he said that he doesn't but that he loves music and so blah blah... And I thought 'oh wow, that's amazing, I like that, he truly feels the rhythm' so

I asked him if he plays some instrument,

because I thought he does.

And he said that he doesn't but that he loves music and so blah blah...

I asked him once if he wants to join our rehearsal and try to play.

Of course the begining

was difficult for him as well I think but he evolved to the person he is now.

He creates a good atmosphere in the band and I'm grateful that he is here.

Honzik, the trombonist, an excelent musician.

He's joking around a lot and has a big heart.

is our lead trombonist, He has his own trombone sound which I like a lot.

Richard, the trombonist

is our lead trombonist,

he is the youngest

in the band and a huge talent

and we are glad to have him there

Vašek, the trumpetist. I like him. He is the funny guy.

He spreads a positive energy as he is a story teller. He tells a joke, we laugh and come on the stage in good mood thanks to him.

Petr Smetáček

runs his own project, Los Rumberos.

He is a pianist who is always well prepared.

Viki, the flutist, was performing with me in Santy y su Marabú.

She is an excelent flutist who studied in Cuba

I love her style because

it is impossible to find here in Czech Republic

and so I'm happy that she is in our band

Vlado Ulrich, the second pianist,

a peruan flute virtuoso, he's from Peru.

Also a good musician, we are glad to have him.

I love this band.

I love it more than anything.

We are like a family.

I think it's the most important for the band to be like a family and that's how it is.

Tanda: just don't ask me anything...

For more infomation >> Mezcla Orquesta - 10 let výročí/10th Anniversary - Duration: 15:09.


Our Indiegogo Campaign Video | Build a Rustic Atelier & an Etsy Store - Duration: 2:07.

You're probably wondering who we are.

Berçin is an International Relations student these days

and she is super into wood painting.

I have also worked for a Google Adwords company

before we've founded our own business.

Sefa is a language instructor working for a foundation university in Izmir.

Teaching is my day job and I am a newbie web designer at nights.

We'd like to introduce you to your new designer,

It all started back in 2012,

when we visited the magic land of design, Finland.

After a year in Helsinki,

we made our minds to turn my father's atelier in to a design studio.

This is where the name comes from, Kadir's Atelier.

Since 2014,

We have an online store on Shopify,

and since March 2017,

we're on Etsy.

We are true admirers of nature and rustic designs.

That's why we try to visit the North as much as we can.

Now, it's time develop our atelier,

spread the nordic designs all over the world

and add more design ideas to our YouTube Channel

Help us build our own fully equipped wood workshop

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Catch you later (:

For more infomation >> Our Indiegogo Campaign Video | Build a Rustic Atelier & an Etsy Store - Duration: 2:07.


СЕКРЕТЫ в играх которые НИКТО НЕ ДОЛЖЕН БЫЛ НАЙТИ! - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> СЕКРЕТЫ в играх которые НИКТО НЕ ДОЛЖЕН БЫЛ НАЙТИ! - Duration: 11:32.


Что в моей сумке? Как хранить скидочные карты. - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> Что в моей сумке? Как хранить скидочные карты. - Duration: 7:55.


Man City's Fabian Delph | Tactical Profile - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Man City's Fabian Delph | Tactical Profile - Duration: 3:27.


Fruity drinks to make at home|3 Delicious Summer time fruit drinks|3 Nonalcoholic Drinks Recipes. - Duration: 5:32.


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