Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

This week on TGC News, big blue drops 2 new wheels, Hi Point and Ruger think alike and

Vista Outdoor shakes things up!

Cole-Tac is no longer just making suppressor wraps and pouches.

They are jumping in head first into the precision rifle game with products like the cuddle bag,

the boss bag, the ammo book and the rifle handle.

You pick the colors, they build the gear.

And because you're awesome and you watch TGC, they're doing a special discount code for


TGC10 will get you 10% off your entire order over at

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things

you actually care about, My name is Jon Patton.

I've got an announcement.

This coming Wednesday evening at 9pm Eastern I will be joining forces with Scalpel Arms


We will be auctioning off super limited edition PMAGs, as well as some other limited edition

stuff to raise money to help with relief efforts in Puerto Rico.

We will not be giving money to some big charity, where the CEO makes millions, it will be going

straight to people that are on the ground helping.

They were absolutely devastated by Hurricane Maria and months later are still in peril

down there.

We are going to help as much as we can.

Again that's wednesday at 9pm eastern on the TGC facebook page, keep an eye out.

Now the news.

Let's start with some race guns shall we?

Smith & Wesson has just announced the release of expansion of the performance center line

up with the addition of the 686 and 686 Plus designed for competition use.

They already have a few variants that lean towards competition use but according to big

blue, these were designed for speed.

Being that the first ever gun I purchased was a 686 Plus with a 6 inch barrel, these

things hold a special place in my heart.

It's like seeing a proper race car version of your first car.

These new guns come with a non fluted cylinder, a speed release for the cylinder, an interesting

rib and front sight set up, and of course that renowned Performance Center tune up.

The 686 comes with a 4 inch barrel and holds 6 rounds while the 686 plus comes with a 5

inch barrel and holds 7 rounds.

Both are listed at an MSRP of $966.

I know that revolvers certainly are not as popular as semi autos with the TGC audience,

BUT I have to say that there is something VERY special about a properly tuned wheel


It just FEELS incredible in the hand.

What do you guys think?

Would you spend nearly a grand on something like this or would you rather buy a bog standard

wheel gun?

Or would you spend that money on something else instead?

And 10mm is best millimeter news, Hi Point has announced that they will be producing

their carbine in 10 mil.

The trigger is atrocious and the magazines are mediocre at best BUT for the money you

spend, the hipoint carbines actually aren't bad.

And now they've turned it up to 10.

Pricing was announced recently on their Facebook page at 389.99 which means we will see it

in stores for about 375 bucks.

I am very curious to see how those things hold up.

I have one in 45, and I really genuinely like it.

And because one 10 mil is never enough, Ruger has just announced that they will be making

the Super Redhawk wheel gun in 10 mil.

I think it's interesting that they felt the need to forego putting this in the GP100 series

and went straight to the platform that handles the likes of 454 casull and 480 ruger.

I guess there will be zero worry about that thing coming apart with even the hottest ammo.

The standard features apply.

Slots for scope rings, a nice rubber grip with wood inserts and 6.5 inch barrel.

It also weighs in at a whopping 54 ounces so I'm betting that 10mm will be a pussycat

when it comes to recoil.

Pricing on these is set at 1159 MSRP.

Here comes that struggle bus again!

This time it's visiting Vista Outdoor aka one of the largest companies in the gun industry.

They are the parent company of brands like Federal, Savage, CCI, Stevens, Speer, Camelbak,

Bushnell and a ton more.

In an earnings report released on November 9th, the new CEO, Chris Metz said "While I've

only been here a short time, I realize that we have much to do.

We must make significant changes, act decisively, and move quickly to reposition and restabilize

the company.

We will take an aggressive position on profit improvement through both margin expansion

and cost reductions across all areas of the core business" ...aka people are getting fired.

In that same release it was announced that the president of the shooting sports segment,

Bob Keller is gone as of November 17th.

They are eliminating that position all together.

Much like every other company that I've mentioned recently, Vista is reporting drops in sales

in the double digit percentages.

They were down 14 percent year over year with gross profit being down 25 freakin percent.

Of course this is slightly better than some others BUT these numbers still do not bode


Metz is spot on with needing to move quickly but I would love to see him also focus on

innovation along with making money and cutting costs.

The only real innovation I've seen from the Vista camp this year has been the 224 Valkyrie

and the performance numbers on that are still unproven.

Everything else they've done this year has been expanding on other lines of products.

That's NOT a bad thing.

Offering more is never a bad thing but true innovations could give the company a major


What would you guys like to see from Vista?

I know they're watching, so leave a comment down below and let them know what you want.

This is the story that the mainstream media hates.

As you probably know already, there was a very bad mass shooting in Sutherland Springs

Texas last week.

A deranged young man went into a church and murdered 26 people and injured 27, and that

bastard was stopped by a good guy with a gun.

My understanding is that as this was transpiring, Stephen Willeford, and NRA instructor who

lived just a block down the street, was alerted by his daughter that someone was shooting

up the church.

He immediately went to his safe, grabbed his AR15, and started loading mags as he went

to engage.

He encountered the assailant whilst the psycho was exiting the church and took cover behind

a car and had a small shootout.

The shooter was hit a couple times in between the body armor he was wearing.

He then was able to jump in a car and drive away.

The good guy knowing full well that this guy is off his rocker, looks around trying to

figure out what to do.

He looked to his left and there was a pickup truck at the stop sign.

He tells the man in the truck what is happening, and they both take off together and chase

down the shooter.

They go for a couple minutes at high speed and the shooter hit a barrier and then ended

up in a ditch where he later died of a self inflicted shot.

Now there are a few things to take away from this.

First and foremost, if it's legal where you live, you should have a gun loaded and accessible

at all times.

Second, the guy who engaged was an actual NRA instructor and knew how to use his firearm.

He sought out training and was able to properly engage.

The reality is that this psychopath could have gone after way more people if Willeford

didn't show up and engage.

We are seeing all kinds of political nonsense in the wake of this tragedy.

Assault Weapons, Chainsaw Bayonets, Uninformed pundits spouting off about guns when they've

only been educated by other pundits who knew nothing about guns.

Its viscous.

The true American patriot is almost under attack because of the acts of a murderer.

It amazes me that there are people that would rather blame an inanimate object rather than

the truth.

The mental health problem we have here in the United States.

We shouldn't blame an entire religion or political party for the acts of a few, why punish all

law abiding gun owners for the acts of a few?

This is such a tough story to cover, much like las vegas was tough.

What I want to know, is what you think of this situation?

What is the one major thing you took away from this?

Let me know in the comments.

And that is it for this week's show, if you enjoyed the show, hit that like button and

share it with your friends, that is a huge help.

please get subscribed you won't want to miss a single episode and as always, thank you

all for watching, we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> S&W's 2 New Wheels, Hi Point & Ruger 10mil's, and a shake-up at Vista! - TGC News! - Duration: 10:31.


Neil deGrasse Tyson And Kickstarter Cofounder Yancey Strickler Talk Crowdfunding Origins - Duration: 10:02.

For science!

Hi I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson and this is "Rising Stars."

We are talking today with Yancey Strickler, co-founder of Kickstarter.

and it's responsible for enabling 100,000 projects

to have raised more than $2 billion.

- That's correct

- What were you thinking?

How did this happen?

How did you just extract $2 billion from people's pockets and redistribute it?

— Yeah, no

It has surprised us.

I mean, the the idea for Kickstarter came from my partner Perry Chen, in 2001.

He wanted to throw a concert in New Orleans.

He did not have that money,

but had the thought of,

what if I could put the idea for the concert online,

people put up a credit card,

if the show sells out everyone's credit card is charged and the show happens.

If nobody cares, nobody pays. Nothing happens.

Then he and I met here in New York City, in 2005.

He was an artist and a waiter.

I was a rock critic for the Village Voice. We met at the restaurant where he worked.

He shared this idea he had with me.

So, we decided to start working on it.

If a project raises its funding, if they raise their $100,000.

We'd take 5% of what they raised.

If they don't, we take nothing.

Simple as that.

It's about 40% of projects reached their goal.

The average project raises $6,000, or so.

But the most, a project has raised is $22 million.

The smallest is probably $50.

But probably, you know, the meat and potatoes,

Kickstarter project is someone raising $15,000 to fund a documentary

or to make an album.

But in areas like hardware or games,

where there are massive fan communities,

those are projects where you'll see 100,000 people backing.

Whereas, for an album it will be more like 100 people backing.

It's quite utopian.

I remember for many years going around

pitching investors or whoever, with this idea.

We had nothing built. We just had some mock-ups of what the site would look like.

Yeah, people really didn't get it.

There's not a lot of enthusiasm, not a lot of enthusiasm.

— What's your favorite project that didn't get funded?

Oh, that didn't get funded. Wow.

Early on, there was a police sketch artist,

who launched a project.

Who wanted to draw a sketch of you and your friends, and had this concept of

combining faces until creating the aggregate face of you and your entire social circle.

But, as like a police sketch drawing as if you're a wanted murderer.

This is what police sketch artists think about.

— This is the amalgamated face of you and your friends

Yeah, exactly.

— Whoa

Yeah, most projects that are funded, are over-funded

and often, significantly so.

Oh, okay. Wait. Wait.

So if you put a "I need this much," people then keep giving money,

because they want a piece of the action,

— Yeah —

That just grows the scale of the project

— Yeah, we don't put a limit.

We had debated whether to put a limit.

We just thought,

'Well, we don't have to because why would anyone support over the amount?'

This person says they need $8,000. People give $8,000.

I think our third week, we had a project blow past its goal on its first day.

It was the first time we had to design the site around the idea,

of things exceeding a 100%.

We didn't anticipate the level of generosity that would be there.

— You must be one of the most hopeful people in society.


— Because you see the best of everyone

Absolutely, probably the project that was the most special to me,

was one, very early on.

A woman named, Emily Richmond, who is in her early 20s.

wanted to sail around the world, by herself.

So, I paid $15 in exchange,

I would get a polaroid sent from her trip.

It was all it said.

In a year and half later, I get a strange envelope in the mail.

I open it up, I unfold this map.

Written on the map, is a letter where she describes sitting on

this island in the South Pacific.

At the end, she took the Polaroid tucked it in

and mailed it to me, from Papua New Guinea.

It's not just the thing, it's a connection to the person.

It's an experience and it's knowing that,

"yeah, here's a young woman just sailing around the world because that's what's in her heart."

There are some household brands, today, that you Kickstarted.

Oculus Rift

— Yeah

"Make a pledge and help us change gaming forever."

— Yeah

You had something to do with that.

Yeah, Oculus started on Kickstarter

so did Cards Against Humanity.

In the last 7 years, there has been an Oscar-nominated Kickstarter-funded movie.

7 years, straight.

This model of funding things has a very long history.

We think of the first Kickstarter project as being in

the 17th century, when Alexander Pope translated 'The Illiad' from Greek to English,

for the first time.

To do that he got monetary support from 700 subscribers,

who in exchange got their name in the front of the first edition

and a copy of the book when it was done, four years later.

This is a Kickstarter project. This is how "The Iliad" as we still read it today, was created.

This is how, traditionally, mankind has produced culture,

or reached for the stars, literally and figuratively

— I'm persistently enchanted. Every time I see a community

of people wanting to put up their own micro satellite.

— Yeah

They just want a piece of the action

There's been hundreds of those.

Hundreds. We've had it for anywhere from

kindergarteners through scientists from JPL.

— Jet Propulsion Lab

Yeah, working to put things into orbit or out of orbit.

One of the core concepts of Kickstarter was to create a universe,

a whole other economy where things could exist

just because people were excited.

A lot of ideas contort themselves to fit a profit motive,

to fit the demands of the market.

But what does the world look like, if ideas can exist in their purest form,

due to people's passion, enthusiasm?

That seemed like a world worth trying to create.

— I just realized typically, at least, in my field.

We would apply for a grant from NASA or the National Science Foundation,

both of which are tax-based agencies.

— Yeah

If you voluntarily allocate your money, you're a much stronger participant.

The money you're not otherwise spending on yourself.

Yeah. Well there's examples of I know people like asking

for extra money to be given to NASA on their tax form, at the end of the year.

But unfortunately doesn't work that way.

Wouldn't be interesting if it did?

If you allocated money according to your own wishes rather than what Congress wishes.

I think the country would look very different

— For sure

Some of the NASA naysayers, they'll say,

'Why are we spending money up there and not down here?'

'How much money do you think we're spending up there?'

— Yeah

"Oh... 5%, 10%?"

No, and then I tell them,

"It's .5% of their tax dollars."

If you colored in a stripe on a dollar,

1/2 of of 1 percent of that dollar,

doesn't even get you into the ink,

if you color it in.

So, it's one thing to fund kindergarteners and it's a very different thing to say,

"Alright. I want to crowdsource a mission to Mars."

— Yeah

That's a whole other scale.

— Yeah

Is that within the reach of the generosity the public?

— Yeah

You think, you can lay down $100 billion?

I mean probably not me, personally.

— Yeah. I know, but it's ...

But humanity? Yeah.

You know, this is the exact sort of project,

that would actually do quite well.

If you think about the Statue of Liberty,

was funded in a method, like Kickstarter.

The French,

— I didn't know that

built the statue, but there was nowhere in New York that put it.

So, the New York Herald Tribune

got New Yorkers to each put up $5 a piece, to fund the

pedestal that the Statue of Liberty stands on.

Oh. The French didn't give us the pedestal.

We got a statue, "Alright, guys what are we gonna to do?"

— "Where is this going put this?" Yeah.

So, New Yorkers did that then,

putting up $150,000 to have a place of Statue of Liberty.

That's $150,000 in like 1870 dollars

I think that there are ways that this system

could aggregate that level support.

— Lets talk fast numbers

We have 300 million people,

— Yeah

in the country.

If everyone gave a $1, that's $300 million.

If everyone gave $10, that's $3 billion.

Well, you know.

The people can put up $50 million and then Buffett and Bezos and Gates and all.

They can take care of the rest or something.

But this could be the greatest collective action, by man.

Other than, awaiting the next really cool project to be funded.

What's in your future?

We became a public benefit corporation.

It's basically somewhere, exactly between being

a for-profit company and a not-for-profit, where you are legally required to

produce a positive good for society and you draft a charter saying,

what you are to be held accountable for.

You know, we declare a commitment to artists and creative people

working in less commercial areas.

We donate 5% of our after-tax profits,

to arts and music education programs and

to organizations fighting to end systemic inequality.

We pledge to never use legal

but esoteric tax avoidance strategies,

and we basically just tried to carve out

of what do we think it means to be a company in the 21st century.

One that is conscious. One that is 'woke'

in that, you know, has a sense of belonging to a greater society.

And doesn't want to extract from that society,

but wants to build upon it.

— What kind of a company are you?

Yeah. Well, yeah.

Well, we've ...

— You want to build from ever society instead of extract from it? (Laughs)

You know, we think that ...

— What the hell is wrong with you

This is not a hippie granola thing.

We think this is the future.

We think that this is what all companies

eventually, will aspire to be.

Yeah, it's awesome.

It's a lot of fun.

So you're giving creative people

a conduit to visibility and success,

so that they can participate in enhancing civilization,

rather than being subject

to the judgment of others, who know not what they criticize.

— Yeah. Love it. Yes, please.


— Let's do it

Dude, excellent.

For more infomation >> Neil deGrasse Tyson And Kickstarter Cofounder Yancey Strickler Talk Crowdfunding Origins - Duration: 10:02.


Every Empath Will Try To Hide These 10 Things From You - Duration: 6:42.

Every Empath Will Try To Hide These 10 Things From You

By consciousreminder

Do you suspect that you or someone close to you may be an empath?

Empaths are able to make special connections with the people around them.

An empath can sense when they are needed.

Many times, an empath is the person in your life who is sometimes called �too sensitive�.

Empaths are very special and if you have on in your life then you can consider yourself


However, empaths do need to be treated with special care.

First, let�s explain what an empath is.

Being an empath is not about having the ability to feel sympathy.

Sympathy is when we feel a sense of care and concern for other people.

When we sympathize with someone, it means we feel compassion for them and hope that

their situation improves.

Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others.

When someone is an empath, it means they have an especially deep understanding and connection

to the feelings of people around them.

Empaths can feel other people�s feeling almost as if they were their own.

There is research showing that an empath�s brain is wired that way.

Scientists have identified a specialized group of brain cells that are tied to the ability

to empathize.

When someone is an empath, it means these cells are especially sensitive.

Empaths should look out for people who are sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists.

In terms of psychology, these people have the opposite traits as an empath.

These people are not able to feel empathy the way that normal people do.

Empaths like to protect themselves from being spotted, for a variety of reasons.

They can be concerned about who they make connections with and how emotionally difficult

these connections might become.

Since empaths experience the emotions of other people almost as strongly as they experience

their own emotions, they need to be very careful of the emotions they will encounter.

Here are some of the ways you can spot an empath�



Empaths may try to conceal the fact that they are so sensitive.

They do this in part so that they maybe seen as a source of strength for those around them.

Empaths don�t want to be a burden, so they hide their own emotions.


Ability to Absorb Emotions

An empath can feel happy when those around her are happy and down when those around her

are down.

Empaths are so emotionally connected to others that they experience the emotions of others

almost as if they were their own.



Since empaths are constantly in touch with the emotions of the people they are with,

they may avoid contact in order to get a break.

Spending some time alone means the empath can have some time to take a break and recover

from feeling emotionally drained.


Connection to Nature

If you know someone who has a deep desire to spend time in nature, that person could

be an empath.

There is nothing like the sense of happiness and peace that humans feel when we�re in

a beautiful outdoor area.

Empaths feel this even more strongly than most people do.

Nature can help an empath recharge their batteries with the positive feelings that they get from

spending time in the outdoors.


Ability to Detect Lies

Empaths have a special ability to see through other people.

One of the ways this manifests itself is in an empaths ability to detect lies.

An empath can easily detect lies because they are able to read a person�s emotions and

true intentions.


Giving Too Much

Empaths spend a lot of time and energy tending to other people�s needs.

This can leave an empath with a lot of negative emotions.

Empaths feel a deep need to help others, but sometimes while they�re helping others they

may be harming themselves emotionally.

When an empath tries to retreat so they can recharge, they can sometimes feel like they�re

being selfish.

Empaths need to remember to take care of themselves even though they may not be used to putting

themselves first.


Heightened Intuition

Naturally, empaths are very connected to their own feelings.

An empath will trust their gut feelings to make important decisions.

Empaths have a sense of being connected to the universe and are able to use intuition

to guide them on a daily basis.


Tendency to Get Stressed Out

Because empaths feel all emotions very strongly, it can be easy for an empath to become overwhelmed.

In addition, having too many tasks at a time can also make an empath feel inundated.

This can be very stressful for an empath.


Easy to Take Advantage Of

A manipulative person can easily take advantage of an empath.

This is because manipulators are able to spot empaths and use their empathic abilities against

them in order to get what they want.

A manipulator knows what buttons to push with an empath in order to achieve their goals.

Empaths need to be wary when they get the sense that they are being manipulated by someone.


Ability to Love Deeply

As with all of the emotions they experience, an empath will feel love very deeply.

This love extends from their spouse or partner to their family and to all of the people in

their lives.

Empaths make the people in their lives feel extremely loved and cared for.

Empaths also have a strong appreciation for society in general.

Empaths are very special people who need to be appreciated and protected.

If you have an empath in your life, give them the time and emotional space they need to


Understand that they are not being anti-social when they take some alone time.

It can be difficult and exhausting to go through life as an empath, but empaths also have a

special gift that should be treated with care and respect.

For more infomation >> Every Empath Will Try To Hide These 10 Things From You - Duration: 6:42.


Gummy Bears Implants Shape Vs Mentors-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:12.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: Gummy Bear implant shapes.

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

When it comes to breast implants, you will come across several brands.

Under the gummy bear implants, the two popular brands are Allergan and Mentor.

The brand of implants is not as significant as the shape, profile, and size of the implant,

yet many patients often ask which brand is better.

During the consultation with your plastic surgeon, you can ask the brand of gummy bear implant

he may recommend you.

The Allergan implant comes in a teardrop shape.

It is made of cohesive silicone gel that delivers highly sustainable and safer outcomes.

Within the Allergan implant, there are twelve different shapes.

Make sure to ask your surgeon what shape he recommends you and why.

Most plastic surgeons are familiar with the Allergan Natrelle 410 style implant.

This implant is best for patients who have a long chest wall.

It will also be suitable for you if your nipples sit low and tightly on the lower pole.

The gel inside the Allergan 410 implant is relatively firmer, which means it will support the expansion

of the lower pole of your breasts more effectively and help position the nipple in the center.

This will provide an enhanced aesthetic appearance.

On the other hand, the Mentor breast implant is also teardrop shaped.

It is made of cohesive silicone gel that also delivers sustainable outcomes.

It is absolutely safe to use this implant, just like the Allergan implant.

The Mentor implants are available in 5 different shapes.

MemoryShape is a popular Mentor breast implant shape.

If you have longer chest wall, a short space between your nipple and the breast crease,

or a wide space between both breasts, MemoryShape is good for you.

It can also effectively enhance the aesthetics of your breasts if your breast tissue is low sitting,

your breast shape is poor or unnatural, or your nipples are asymmetrical.

The plastic surgeon can custom-tailor the procedure to further boost the aesthetics of the breasts

with the Mentor MemoryShape teardrop implants.

Moreover, the implants can be tailored to your aesthetic desires.

As a result of these features, the implant will provide you a closer cleavage and generous side breasts.

These results of Mentor implants are more natural than other breast implants.

In this video, we discussed: Gummy Bear implant shapes.

Next week we will discuss: Allergan 410 implants and gummy bears.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Gummy Bears Implants Shape Vs Mentors-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:12.


تغيير الروابط ◆ كيفية التحكم في الروابط الذهنية ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 15:04.

For more infomation >> تغيير الروابط ◆ كيفية التحكم في الروابط الذهنية ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 15:04.


Protestors Demand Meek Mill Be Released From Prison - Duration: 1:51.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

//// Hundreds of people took to the streets of Philadelphia on Monday night to protest

the controversial incarceration of Meek Mill.


Many celebrities and public figures shared a flyer that read "Our criminal justice system

has failed Meek Mill and millions of others like him.

We stand for justice.

Rally For Meek."

The rally kicked off at 5 p.m. Eastern time in front of Philly's Criminal Justice Center.

Fans, celebrities and activists called for the rappers excessive sentence to be overturned.

Some celebs in attendance were Rick Ross, Julius Erving, Malcolm Jenkins, and Vinny


Rick Ross hopped on a mic and addressed the crowd.

I'm here for one reason: I'm here to support my brother Meek Mill.

This type of wrongful incarceration has unfortunately become the calling card in urban cities around

the U.S.

It wasn't simply a miscarriage of justice, it was an abortion of justice.

Social media was flooded with scenes at the rally.

Last week Judge Genece Brinkley sentenced Meek to two to four years in prison for violating

the terms of his probation in association with his 2008 drug and gun conviction.

Many have called her ruling unjust and according to Page Six she will reportedly be investigated

by the FBI.

Meek's attorney made the allegation that Brinkley has a vendetta against his client.

He claims that Brinkley had been biased and had acted inappropriately with the rapper

including asking him to record her a song and advising him to leave Roc Nation and sign

with a friend of hers.

Since the sentencing, Meek's attorney has filed a motion to have Brinkley remove herself

from the case.

He also says Meek is seeking a pardon from the state of Pennsylvania.

//// That's your news for now.

For more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Protestors Demand Meek Mill Be Released From Prison - Duration: 1:51.


Journey Quest S03E01 - Magias Potentes e Péssimo Controle de Impulsos - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 17:24.

For more infomation >> Journey Quest S03E01 - Magias Potentes e Péssimo Controle de Impulsos - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 17:24.


Meghan Markle: Steigt sie bei "Suits" aus? - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle: Steigt sie bei "Suits" aus? - Duration: 2:28.


Gov. McMaster announces unemployment tax cut for businesses - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Gov. McMaster announces unemployment tax cut for businesses - Duration: 1:08.


NFL Player Saw Veteran On 'His' Sideline During The Game, Shocks Entire Stadium With What He Did To - Duration: 4:54.

NFL Player Saw Veteran On 'His' Sideline During The Game, Shocks Entire Stadium With

What He Did To Him.

Despite the dramatically decreasing attendance, NFL games still go on weekly regardless if

there's anyone there to see them and the protests that come with it.

Entitled players seem to completely ignore the harsh reality of their anti-American rhetoric,

seen in the empty seats that surround them that seem to be more than fans who still come

to see them play.

The league reached rock bottom with the record low attendance this past weekend during Veterans

Day games.

However, people watching the demise of what was once America's favorite sport were shocked

when they saw what a Washington Redskins player did as soon as he saw a military veteran standing

on his sideline.

The National Football league tried to pull out all the stops this past weekend to save

a little face by showing some respect for our veterans, who they have spent the last

three months disrespecting with their sideline protests.

It was a little too late to change the league's course for the season which is essentially

over now despite there being several more months until the Super Bowl.

However, it wasn't the pomp and circumstance of the staged events the league put on this

past weekend that got everyone's attention.

What Redskins cornerback Josh Norman did during a game against the Minnesota Vikings, one

day after Veterans Day, when he saw the commandant of the Marine Corps on his sidelines, is what

everyone should be talking about now.

The Daily Wire reports:

A Washington Redskins football player gave signed game gear to the commandant of the

Marine Corps on Sunday during the team's matchup against the Minnesota Vikings.

Redskins cornerback Josh Norman honored military veterans the day after Veterans Day by autographing

and giving the cleats he wore during the game to military officers.

The Smoke Room reported that the cleats appeared to be the same cleats Norman wore last week

which have a patriotic message written on them: "To all whom served beneath the Stars."

The Associated Press noted that during this week's games all NFL players stood for the

national anthem except for three players in the New York Giants vs. the San Francisco

49ers game.

While Norman is certainly owed credit where it's due since not everyone in the league

is represented by Colin Kaepernick and his unfortunate followers who are kneeling by

his example, fans aren't taking this single gesture as a reason to start watching the

games again.

"Unfortunately, the NFL's honorable behavior came after its dishonorable behavior was proven

to be very bad for business," one reader commented on Daily Wire's post of the awesome

honor Norman showed a veteran.

"When guys like Drew Brees, Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers kneel down in support of their

black teammates' anti-law enforcement campaign or to thumb their noses at President Trump,

the damage to the NFL is done, it's forever and a pair of autographed cleats won't change


This seems to be the resounding sentiment among former football fans as stadiums go

empty each week for just about every game played in the league.

The NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell, could have stopped it before it got this bad, but

didn't and now he's suffering the consequences despite ignoring the reality.

Norman is among the rare few players with a genuine appreciation for those who have

sacrificed for our country and defended millionaire athletes' right to free speech and protest

through their service that's been disrespected.

Rather than following in Kaepernick's lead, this cornerback picked another player to emulate

who has been a hero of the league but gone largely unrecognized.

Larry Fitzgerald, 33, is now in his 14th NFL season and has always impressed with how he

plays on the field, but now it's what he did to an Airman that he will forever be remembered


Such is the case for all player who have worked hard to get to the NFL only to remembered

for everything else they did outside the sport to make a statement.

Fitzgerald was on the sidelines watching the flag ceremony when he noticed the Airman's

had fallen off during the ceremony.

Out of respect for the flag, the airman couldn't let go of Old Glory to put his uniform back

together, which Fitzgerald seemed to realize as well.

Showing respect for the soldier and the flag, the receiver ran out on the field and got

the Airman's back by putting his hat back on his head.

It's a simple gesture that speaks volumes, especially since it took place last season

just as the protests were percolating into the big problem they are today.

Rather than following this incredible player's example and learning from his good sportsmanship,

the league went the way of Kaepernick and will end up with the same demise he's suffering


There are still good guys out there in a league of degenerates, racists, and anti-American

idiots who are ruining it for other players and all the fans.

It's players like Norman and Fitzgerald who deserved all of the attention that the

protesting one have gotten and used in all the wrong ways,

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> NFL Player Saw Veteran On 'His' Sideline During The Game, Shocks Entire Stadium With What He Did To - Duration: 4:54.


Make-up: An diesen Trends kommt jetzt keiner vorbei - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Make-up: An diesen Trends kommt jetzt keiner vorbei - Duration: 3:18.


Sewing Tutorial on Children's Corner Ruthie Dress - Duration: 10:03.

Hey everyone, here is how I put together the Children's Corner Ruthie pattern. First

you'll cut out all of your pattern pieces. I am using this pretty plaid fabric for my

"good" fabric, if you will. Then the cream twill is the accent fabric and also the bodice

back lining. As always, all the materials are listed in the description box along with

time stamps and a bunch of other helpful goodies.

So I have two collars cut on the fold out of the cream twill fabric. Then one back cut

on the fold out of the plaid, and another cut on the fold out of the cream twill. Then

two fronts cut on the fold out of the plaid. I will say, if you are using some sort of

stripped/patterned fabric, be careful to match up the pattern at the shoulder seams. Then

I cut out two sleeves from the plaid and finally, I ripped two skirt fronts as well as one skirt

back using the measurements given by the pattern. Ripping is so much easier and accurate than

cutting, so whenever my fabric is rippable, I go that route.

Now this is completely optional, but I decided to make some pipping out of that cream twill.

You could definitely buy pipping instead, or forgo it… use lace or rickrack instead.

Whatever, it's sewing, you do you.

But if you do want your collar's edges embellished, you'll take your chosen embellishment and

sew it from one edge of the collar all the way around to the other edge. I didn't need

to clip the curves for the pipping to fit around this collar.

So to construct the collar, put the two pieces right sides together and sew from one edge

to the other edge. If you did put on some sort of embellishment, it's easiest to sew

with the previous stitches facing you so you can go right over them and have a really clean

line. Then I trimmed up the seam allowance and turned the collar right sides out. I gave

the collar a really good ironing.

Moving onto constructing the bodice, you'll take the bodice front pieces and sew them

to the bodice back pieces at the shoulder seams. You'll have a loop of bodice pieces

when you are done – bodice front, then a bodice back, another bodice front, and finally

the bodice back lining. Since this dress opens in the front, you'll take the bodice front

pieces and fold them at the center. Another way to say that is put the bodice back pieces

together, wrong sides together. Once I have everything lined up, I give it a really good

ironing so I get a crease down the front bodice pieces where the lap is.

Having those ironed creases down the front of the bodice helps when you are lining up

the collar. You'll unfold the bodice from its lining fabric and match the collar's

center back with the center back of the bodice. Then sew around from one edge to the other

edge of the collar.

Then you can fold the lining of the bodice back to the bodice fabric, with right sides

together. Then you can sew around the neckline.

From there, I clip away the bulk at the corners and clip notches around the neckline so everything

will lay nicely in place. If you have this pointer tool, you can use it to push the corners

out… otherwise, just carefully use the point of some scissors. Finally, give that a really

good ironing.

I decided to embellish the waist seam, so I'm sewing on some piping at the bottom

of the bodice pieces. Of course, this is completely optional and you could use lace, ribbon, rickrack,

etc instead of pipping. If you do decide to embellish this seam, just angle your embellishment

off when you get to the front of the bodice. This will allow your embellishment's ends

to be neatly tucked away once the lining is hand sewn in place.

Okay, moving onto the sleeves. And I don't think I mentioned this earlier, but I like

to put little clips at the sleeve front, back, and center marks. So first, I folded over

the bottom edge of the sleeve twice so I could hem that, if you will.

There are a few ways to install the elastic at the wrist. You could take the elastic,

tact it down with a straight stitch for ½ an inch or so and then zigzag over top of

the elastic, then tact the other end of the elastic. That's not my favorite method,

especially for something as visible as a sleeve wrist. Instead, I folded the fabric over on

itself (right sides together) at the elastic casing line. I ran a straight stitch about

1/8" or 3/16" from the folded edge.

This creates a casing without any visible stitches. From there, I double threaded a

needle and tied onto a 1/8" piece of elastic. I'm having to use a needle instead of a

safety pin since I don't have a safety pin small enough to fit in this casing. Then I

feed the needle through the casing, putting the back of the needle in first so it's

less likely to pop out through the fabric.

Be careful to notice when the end of the elastic is approaching the edge of the casing. Take

it to your machine and run a few stitches to secure it down. Then continue to feed the

needle through until the elastic pops out the other end. And again, secure that end

down with your machine. From there, you can iron the sleeve wrist area so it lays nice

and flat.

Before sewing the sleeve to the bodice, I like to line up the bodice with the bodice

lining and run a basting stitch around the edges to secure the pieces together. This

makes joining the sleeve onto the bodice easier to manage.

Then I ran two rows of gather stitches at the top of the sleeve starting at the clip

marking the front of the sleeve and stopping at the clips marking the back of the sleeve.

Having two rows of gather stitches does a great job of keeping your gathers nice and

neat as you stitch over them.

So then I gathered the sleeve up, pinned one side to the bodice, and then pinned the other

side of the sleeve to the bodice. Then I pinned the center clip mark to the shoulder seam

on the bodice and from there, I adjusted the gathers so the sleeve would fit. Once the

sleeve is sewn to the bodice, then I removed the showing gather thread by just pulling

it. Finally, I trimmed up the sleeve seam and went over it with a zigzag to enclose

those raw edges.

Alright, now we can move onto the skirt sections. You'll run two rows of gather stitches across

the top of the back of the skirt. Then I adjusted the gathers so it fit the back of the bodice

and sewed the two together, again, sewing with the previous stitches that secured my

pipping facing up so I could make a nice, neat transition.

Before gathering the skirt fronts, you'll need to finish the front of the skirt, where

it'll open. So I turned over the raw edge about ¼" and then turned it over again

about an inch. I went to my machine and sewed along the ¼" edge only since I didn't

want those stitches to be shown on the good side of the dress. The entire facing will

be secured by the buttons/buttonholes/snaps – however you decide to close the dress.

So from there, you can repeat the same process of putting in two rows of gather stitches

across the tops of the skirt fronts. Then you'll match up the folded edge of the skirt

front at that facing to the folded edge of the bodice front. You'll sew from the raw

edges to the folded edges. And you can see how that makes this neat little transition

for your pipping, if you chose to put pipping on your dress of course.

Then I ironed all of those lining edges under about ½" so the folded edge of the lining

would line up with the machine stitches. I'll use those machine stitches to secure the lining

down by hand later on. If you've seen my other videos, you know that I like to save

all my hand stitching until the end. You can sit down on the couch with a cup of tea or

glass of wine and knock all the handwork out at once.

Until then, I just make sure those folded edges of the linings stay folded as I take

the dress to my machine and secure the sides of the dress together using French seams.

I have a detailed video on how to do French seams that I'll link below.

The last part of the construction is the hem. I'm using the plaid as my ruler, but if

I didn't have a stripped design, then I would use a straight edge to measure. I turn

about ½" up all the way around and then turn another 3.5" or so up. Now, when you

get to the opening areas, I think there are two options here depending on your preference.

You can either have the entire hem folded over the facing, or you can fold the hem up

first and then the facing over on top of the hem. I tend to like the second method better

since you don't have an opening at the bottom of the facing. But to each their own.

After you attach your buttons/buttonholes or snaps down the front of the dress and complete

the handwork, you'll be finished with your dress.

I hope this video was helpful. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments

below and I'll do my best to answer them. As always, I appreciate y'all for watching

and I hope to catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Sewing Tutorial on Children's Corner Ruthie Dress - Duration: 10:03.


LouCity celebrates USL championship at Fourth Street Live! - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> LouCity celebrates USL championship at Fourth Street Live! - Duration: 1:22.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:28.


RDIN - menyesal (#TenToesDownChallange) - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> RDIN - menyesal (#TenToesDownChallange) - Duration: 1:18.


Park Vista Marching Band aiming for 4th straight state title - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Park Vista Marching Band aiming for 4th straight state title - Duration: 1:31.


Boya BY M1 Lavalier Microphone for iPhone, Android, DSLR, Mirrorless Cameras - Duration: 3:10.

Which microphone do you use? I mean that has to be the most common question I am

ever asked, so I'm going to review six different microphones, that I use and tell

you why I like each one of these microphones and why I use them. I am

going to start with my favourite, which is the, let's put it over here, which is the

Boya By-M1 microphone. Looks like a lot of wires doesn't it? Why do I like

this microphone? Well, there's five reasons. First of all it's a lav mic and

I like my lav mics. At the moment, I'm recording on my Yeti microphone because

I'm showing you this mic, but in a minute I will plug in this mic, and show you how

it sounds compared with my Yeti microphone. Secondly, yes, it looks like a

lot of wire. Now you can say, that's a plus or a minus but for me, it's a real

plus, because you'll find with a lot of lav mics that work in a smartphone, you

kind of feel you're stuck on a leash. Often the wire is

not long enough. It doesn't give you freedom to do anything. This

folds up neatly, but if you need it, you can have an extension. I think it's 18

feet. For me, this is a big, big plus. Number three reason that I love this

this. This is the main reason I love this little microphone. Yes, it has

a battery, which I'm not so keen on, but what I love is its flexibility.

It works in a smart phone and it works in a DSLR or mirrorless camera. It is

a very flexible microphone. I've got a photo, I'll show you, I has a little

toggle switch, which when it's off, you can plug it into a smart phone and it

works and when it's toggled to Camera, it works in a mirrorless or a DSLR camera.

That is fantastic! Here is the jack, that will either go

into the external microphone of your camera or it will fit into your

smartphone. I'm going to pause the video now

and I'm going to plug this microphone in, so you can hear the audio. This is the

sound you will get from the Boya By-M1 microphone. I have it plugged

in to the external Jack of my Lumix GH3. The other great thing about this

microphone is it's only $20 US. It's the one heck of a deal for $20 US.

I love to teach people, who are just getting into video, and everything that they

need has to be simple, light and inexpensive. I travel quite a lot, so

the same parameters, I need for travel - simple, light and inexpensive. This is

what I get, with this microphone and I can highly recommend it. The link to this

microphone is in the description below, as is the link to my travel kit with all

the other pieces of equipment that I use to travel light and with sturdy

equipment. If you like this video, please click the "like" button below and share it

with your friends, leave a comment that would be great! I'd love to know which

microphone you use and if you use the Boya By-M1 as well.

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. This is number one of six videos,

where I'm going to talk about microphones that I use and why I use

them, so see you in video number two. Bye for now!

For more infomation >> Boya BY M1 Lavalier Microphone for iPhone, Android, DSLR, Mirrorless Cameras - Duration: 3:10.


Tuesday's market wrap - Duration: 1:06.

For more on the closing market figures,...

Wall Street retreated on Tuesday,... with the Dow and S&P 500 heading for two-week lows

over slumping oil prices weighing heavily on energy stocks.

And General Electric,.. tumbled for a second straight session.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost over 30-points,... or zero-point-1 pecent to 23,409-point-4,...

and the S&P 500 edged down zero-point-2 percent to 2,578-point-9.

The tech-laden Nasdaq shed nearly zero-point-3 percent to finish at 6,737-point-8-7.

And back in Korea,... shares closed lower on Tuesday,... as investors took to the sidelines

over weak Chinese economic data and uncertainties over U.S. tax rules.

The benchmark KOSPI shed zero-point-1-5 percent to close at 2,526-point-6-4,.. while the minor

tech-heavy KOSDAQ added over two-percent to close at 756-point-4-6.

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