Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Hello. I live in Melbourne, Australia.

I'm Seo Boram and I'm 30 years old.

Instead of Melbourne and Sydney,

with lots of Koreans...

I'd like to visit tourist locations around Australia

that aren't very well known.

Please recommend me new travel spots in Australia

and plan my trip with a lot of activities.

So relaxing.

This is relaxation.

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

Isn't it amazing?

This is unbelievable.

The ocean is so beautiful.

This is why I came here.

It's the shortest and yet most powerful.

It's a memory that I will never forget.

(Which team will win?)

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, special host, Sam Hammington)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Travel is war.

Battle Trip!

We are continuing with the Australia special.

Our guests planned trips to very different cities

around Australia.

This week is our team's turn, isn't it?

- Yes, it is. / - It's Brisbane.

Continuing from last week,

we have our 100 objective judges.


Please enjoy the clips today as always.

If you want to go on the same trip, push the button.

I feel so bad. They'll be compared to us.

Our trip was so good.

Last week,

we saw the coral reefs spread out over the ocean.

- When else would we see that? / - You're right.

- It was breathtaking. / - Yes, indeed.

But the judges didn't look so happy

when they heard the budget.

- They didn't look happy. / - Virtually...

When I went backpacking in Europe,

there were so many things I didn't do to save money.

I regret not doing it.

- I should've while I was there. / - Of course.

If you decided to go on a trip...

- Spending $1,000 is okay. / - Go skydiving.

- I agree. / - I realized that when I watched it.

Sydney and Melbourne come to our minds...

- When we think of Australia. / - Yes.

Australia is 77 times bigger than Korea.

Imagine how many places there are to visit.

Which part of the country haven't you been to?

Most of it...

- You haven't been to most? / - Most of the country?

Almost three-halves?


- I've been to a third of Australia. / - Wait.

- Halves? / - That means you've seen all of it.

- He's seen all of the ocean. / - The sky and ocean.

- Two-thirds. / - Isn't it three-halves?

I haven't seen two-thirds of the country.

As an Australian, Sam...

Which part of Australia do you recommend?

Near Adelaide...

- There's Kangaroo Island. / - Kangaroo Island?

It's an island with a lot of wild animals.

- That's interesting. / - And in Melbourne...

There's a road called Great Ocean Road.

- A coastal road? / - Yes, a coastal road.

It's really beautiful.

The length of Gold Coast in Brisbane is...

- The distance from Seoul to Busan. / - Seriously?

- It doesn't end. / - It's 77 times bigger.

- But... / - That's what I mean.

From Melbourne to Perth,

it takes 3 days even via train.

- It's a vast land. / - 3 days?

- Imagine how much there is to see. / - I'm envious.

Right. It's beyond our imagination.

How about the population? 77 times the land mass...

Right now,

it's about 25 million people?

- Say what? / - I knew it.

- It's less than us. / - Less people than Korea?

- Half of the Korean population? / - Extremely small.

Since no one lives in the center.

The biggest city is Sydney.

Around 5 million people live there.

Around 4 million people live in Melbourne.

I think a little less than 2 million live in Brisbane.

Gosh, they must be so bored!

- There's a lot to do. You saw. / - They have so much fun.

- Pardon? / - They live carefree lives.

- With nature. / - I know.

I said it out of envy.

We're going to Brisbane.

- Girls' Generation performs overseas a lot. / - Yes.

Did you perform in Australia?

- We did go for a concert. / - Was it in Sydney?

Just the concert then back home?

- We can't really say we've been there. / - Right.

- Why? / - We were there, but...

- We didn't spend a night there. / - No, we didn't.

- A day trip? / - We only performed there.

- We got on a night plane. / - Just the concert.

You haven't been to Brisbane then?

- This is your first time? / - Yes.

- Brisbane won't lose to Cairns. / - Right.

If Cairns is sunny 200 days a year,

Brisbane is sunny 300 days a year.

- Every day is a sunny day. / - Sunny all year around.

When the weather is nice, people feel relaxed.

- It makes you feel better. / - It does.

I think we were completely healed there.

I noticed people in Brisbane have high self-esteem.

Was that it?

- They have pride. / - It's pride.

A foreigner corrected my Korean.

Tell us more about Brisbane.

Brisbane has so much to see.

It's the center of commerce and economy.

Since it's the third largest city in Australia,

there's so much to see.

I'm certain your eyes will be pleased.

Let me ask you what to focus on your trip.

- First off, we enjoyed your trip. / - Okay.

But the truth is that we did everything you did.

- The same activities? / - You copied us?

No, we went there at the same time.

- Let's just watch ours again. / - That'd be better.

You'll see how much more we enjoyed it.

- That's right. / - You'll see that on our faces.

- I see. / - The same with the nature...


Brisbane is a city even Australians want to live in.

I'm curious and can't wait.

Do you have a team name?

- Yes. / - Ours is...


Burning, burning.

- Brisburning! / - Burning, burning.

Look at Sikyung's face.

What a great name!

- We won! / - Is it named after the energy bar?

Did you see them saying it?

- We've won the team name. / - Burning.

- Brisburning Tour. / - This will last two weeks.

Let's watch the first half!

(It's the best city to relax with Mother Nature)

Isn't this a scene from a movie?

So pretty.

(No. 1 city of Australia, Sydney)

(No. 2 city of Australia, Melbourne)

(The weather is sunny all year around)

(No. 3 city of Australia, Brisbane)


(The golden paradise the world has acknowledged)

(Gold Coast, the paradise among vacation spots)

- It's beautiful. / - This is cheating.

I haven't had the chance to go there.

(City and nature)

(Healing and activities)

(It's time to take a trip to Brisbane and Gold Coast)

- Hello. / - Hello.

The atmosphere is so lively here.

(Hyoyeon, Sunny)

We thought about a good city to visit for Battle Trip,

so we did some research.

The places that would fit our style...

It needs to have water

and something exciting.

We thought it'd be nice to have those things.

I don't remember if we've been there once or twice.

- It was like a day trip. / - It was almost a day trip.

We got there in the afternoon, did our concert

and got back on a night plane.

No need to be jealous of celebrities.

- They just work. / - That's true.

You need to step on land to call it a trip.

- Exactly. / - But we didn't even step on the land.

I think Australia would be fun.

Please fill this out.

Korean age?

Whatever you want.

- I'm done. / - So fast.

(I'll show you the charm of Australia)

Sunny, you've been on a lot of trips though.

- Trips? / - Yes.

- Not really... / - Were they all for shows?

Yes. They were for shows.


- What's that? / - Do we just drop?

That looks fun.

I hate that.

No way...


Try it.

It tastes healthy.

Local food is great.

The kangaroo was just lying there?

Let go.

I can't let go.

I totally recommend this.

I heard you're close with your opposing team.

Hyeoksoo and Jinwoon.

- They eat so much. / - When it comes to fun...

I think they'll have more fun than us.

"They eat so much."

- We do overlap in some activities. / - We do.

We both like activities, eating and drinking.

- Brisbane. Beer factory... Oh? / - Oh?

We should...

- Try the beer. / - We'll win with beer.

We should call dibs on beer.

We should tell them we'll kill them

if they drink Australian beer.

Let's tell them not to even talk about beer.

And there's wine too.

- Really? / - Australian wine is famous too.

- Australian wine is famous indeed. / - That's true.

There's a hot club there.

- We should go. / - Let's not tell the staff.

- Yes, let's keep it a secret. / - We should just go.

- Let's do that. / - Let's go at night.

- Bring your outfit. / - To fully experience that country...

You must visit the clubs. It's not for me.

- Who knows if I meet the one here? / - The one?

- There's a lot we can do. / - I agree. There's a lot.

Hyoyeon and Sunny's...

- Brisbane... / - Brisbane...


- Brisburning. / - Burning!

- I like it. Brisburning Tour. / - Brisburning.

- Brisburning Tour. / - It's all over.

We'll fire it up.

Will we get to see some great airport fashion?

- Go, go, go. / - Hello.

We're off to Australia.

Does it take about 10 hours?

It takes that long?

- If there's no traffic, 10 hours will do. / - Really?

- If there's no traffic? / - Yeah.

We should avoid rush hours then.

Let's cross.

We'll send your luggage all the way to Brisbane.

- Okay. / - Thank you.

- We also made a transfer. / - It took longer?

I've favorited the places I want to visit.

Go to South Bank Parklands and have a barbecue.

- You remember this, right? / - Yes.

And the koala sanctuary.

You like going on rides, right?

I love them. We must try the activities there.

We have to go to all of those places.

We should manage our time well.

- Fish and chips. / - Sky climbing?

- Fish and chips? / - That's the fish.

(Making a transfer in Hong Kong)

I slept so well that I thought I was in Australia.

You were in deep sleep.

So you went to Hong Kong then Brisbane.


- We have arrived in Australia. / - We're here.

We're here. Burning, burning.

Let's smell the Australian air.

Hey, keep walking.

So it's similar to our fall weather?

I heard there's a big temperature difference

between day and night.

What are you doing?

When we usually land in airports, our fans wait for us.

But they weren't there.

- Did you feel awkward? / - Yes.

We couldn't see anyone.

Please photoshop in the fans.

Hello, Brisbane. Hello, fans.

We're going to rest for tomorrow's trip.

- See you tomorrow. / - See you tomorrow.

(Sunny's Brisburning day starts)

Do you want to visit the observatory?

What can two girls do at the observatory?

Let's not go and hang a love lock there.

This one.

Thrilling bridge climbing.

I think they attach the rope...

There's a rope attached here.

Sky climbing?

I guess this is a thrilling activity.

I want to try this. This does look fun.

Observatories are boring.

- Well, observatory... / - That's...

- I'm not sure about that. / - Namsan is the best.

- Exactly. / - You're so old.

How can you say that's the best?

After going to the tower, you should have pork cutlet.

That's such an old version.

(1.5 hours from the hotel to sky climbing)

I really recommend you try this.

It was so thrilling.

- You walk across? / - With one line.


Since we're in Australia,

we should check out the view first.

- That's right. / - A big picture of Australia.

You can see all of Gold Coast here.

The entire view in one glance.

You can see everything?


When we go up there, you'll see everything.

We're going all the way up there?

That's really high. How many floors?

How many floors on this building?

- Lucky no. 7. / - 77 floors.

- But if you go all the way up there... / - 270m.

That's about 80 floors. You have to climb that too.

It's even higher since it's above the 77th floor.

- Lucky no. 7. / - 77 floors.

- The gear is heavier than I thought. / - It is.

We just need to show them...

If the view is worth doing all this for.

Right on.

- Are you taking the elevator? / - How many floors?

Apparently, that's the fastest elevator in Australia.

I'm excited.

42 seconds.

So pretty.


We got to the 77th floor in 9 seconds.

Not 30 seconds.

We're here.

That's intriguing.

That was so fast.

It's really fast.

270m, wow.

(On the 77th floor)

(They'll experience fear and thrill)

- Wow, this... / - It's not scary there, right?

Is it scary there?

We have just begun.

What if that falls out?

I think it'll be fun.

What? The ladder...

This is a ladder, not stairs.

(The slope makes your neck bend)

That's a steep slope.

This is a very steep slope.

- Oh, my God! / - This is too steep! It's scary!

- That is... / - So...

When you go to the observatory,

you only get to see the view through the window.

There are no windows there.

- You're outside. / - I'm already scared.

- No walls? That's too high. / - Right outside?

Oh, my God. But this outfit...

I understand now why we have this safety gear.

It's a necessity.

This is scary.

- This is so pretty! / - That's Gold Coast.

- This is pretty! / - You can see it at a glance.

- Without windows... / - Amazing.

It feels so different.

She must not be scared.

- So brave. / - Sunny...

- Doesn't get scared easily. / - But the thing is...

- It was so pretty that... / - What are you doing?

- What are you doing? / - Why are you doing that?

- Why are you doing that? / - Weren't you scared?

The guide recommended that we look like that.

Look down.

It's scary. Is it safe?

- We can grab the railing. / - But if it's that high...

It's not scary.

- Right. / - I get why people should come here.

- Right? / - Yeah.

Everyone, let's enjoy this spectacular view.

How beautiful.

Isn't that beautiful?

- It's beautiful. / - So beautiful.

My heart is beating so fast.

I have never seen such a dazzling view.

This is nice.

Doesn't it feel like all your stress is blowing away?

- Look at the color of the sea. / - It was so beautiful.

But you don't have to go all the way up. The view...

- From the observatory is great. / - Check out the sea.

You can enjoy the 360-degree view there.

- Hooray! / - Hold on, wait.

- Hooray! / - Hold on, wait.

- How can she look so calm? / - Hooray!

Hold on, wait.

I can see that Hyoyeon is a bit scared.

This is so scary.

This is so scary.

Let go. Let go.

I can't let go.

- I want to let go. / - This is amazing.

I'm so scared.

This is unbelievable.

Everyone... This is so fun.

That's amazing.

- There's nothing there. / - It was really nice up there.

I feel like I will fall.

I don't know if this is good or not.

I'm enjoying it like this.

To see the big picture.

In order to show what Australia is like.

This was our first stop.

Isn't this too thrilling for a start?

I'm sorry.

Where else will we get a view like this?

I know. Where else?

- We can't feel this from books. / - You're right.

We're so gangster.

Girls' Generation referring to themselves as gangster.

I looked it up and inside the city...

There's a beach.

- An artificial beach? / - It's a bit more...

- It's really popular. / - It's not a nude beach, right?

What a pity.

- It's a nude beach. / - Aren't there a lot there?

- There are. / - They're all wearing clothes.

They are. That's a pity.

- Where's your mind? / - You want to visit a nude beach?

I'm curious. Isn't everyone curious?

We can't go because we can't air it on television.

(5 minutes from the hotel to South Bank Parklands)

It's better...

- Than in the books. / - It's prettier.

This is a beach.

It's an artificial beach.

It's interesting that they have a beach in the city.

- Right? / - It's so nice.

The companies that work here are so lucky.

- They can look down when stressed. / - That's right.

It's the middle of the city...

- But there's a beach. / - If you looked down at this...

How much would it relieve your stress?

The important thing is...

- That this beach is free. / - It's all free.

Are places like this all free in Australia?

It's really amazing that a beach is in the city...

If you get stressed from work, you can just jump in.

Who is that?

- In Korea... / - They're playing with kids.

- Watch them playing in the water. / - Kids love water.

There's no need to go to a water park.

They can relieve stress here.

That's right.

This place is really clean and nice.

You're saying that people can barbecue here.


Yes, you have to barbecue when you're overseas.

(What are they carrying?)

Wouldn't it look better for us to show

people camping in a park?

I like the idea of camping.

- Nice mart. / - They're at a mart.

You must visit marts overseas.

Big sale. Meat.

Right now it's beef.

Beef is really cheap there.

That's right.

I think that place is the garden.

Do you have to pay for the fire to barbecue?

- No. / - Is that also free?

Let's pick some lettuce.

Garden, garden.

- What do you mean pick lettuce? / - It's a garden.

Anyone can go and pick vegetables.

- You can eat it? / - Yes.

- That's amazing. / - It's natural.

(South Bank picnic area)

- Can you pick fruit? / - Of course.

There's basil, tomatoes and even coffee.

- Are these all free? / - Yes.

- There is coffee? / - Yes, there is.

- There's a coffee tree. / - That's amazing.

- It's owned by the government. / - For barbecues.

(Volunteers take care of the place)

Are those chrysanthemums?

- What are those? / - I think they're peach trees.

These must be peach trees.

They say there are even cranberries.

But they aren't ripe yet.

There are tomatoes.

That's basil.

- We could pick these. / - Basil.

Should we eat some basil?

- We can't pluck these, right? / - Just pick the leaves...

On the top.

- Is this enough? / - Yes, that's enough.

We don't need a lot.

We need them for fragrance. What are these?

Smell it.

Doesn't it smell really good?

We can all eat this, right?

- It's edible. / - Try it.

(She tries it right away)

- It's really good. / - Really?

- Don't lie. / - Just try a little bit.

It tastes healthy.


- Why are you doing this to me? / - Is it not ripe?

It means that it doesn't taste good if it tastes healthy.

You can trust and eat them...

- Since the environment is so clean. / - So amazing.

- These are yams. / - Let's eat the leaves as a wrap.

I think you're supposed to eat the fruit not the leaves.

There are some over there as well.

There's so much.

Let's leave enough for other people.

- We're just here for sightseeing. / - Sightseeing.

We need basil and ripe green tomatoes.

You look like a restaurant server.

They have a lot of places to barbecue over there.

That's right. They even have them in local parks.

We used to have one in the park next to my house.

What should we eat first?

Open whatever you want to eat first.

The weather is so nice.

I also feel nice. Everything was nice.


- I like medium rare steak. / - Medium rare? Okay.

I like that too.

It looks like you're good at cooking.

(Showing off)

I was excited.

Australians are such good citizens. It's so clean.

- They take their trash with them. / - They clean up.

Yes, that's right.

This is like art.

- Just flip once. / - I know what that tastes like.

- You shouldn't flip around too much. / - I know.

Yes, you'll get in trouble if you do.

We're going to eat a proper lunch.

Yes, we are.

We're going to rest the meat for a little bit.

That's how you do it.

- You have to rest it and eat it. / - You're good.

We're going to cook a T-bone steak.



- T-bone. / - T-bone.

- Is that a T-bone steak? / - Yes.

- That's really thick. / - Sold at the mart.

Premium grade.

- The best. / - It was really cheap.

(The best ensemble, the best meal in Brisbane)

(I want to eat that)

(The best ensemble, the best meal in Brisbane)

Honestly, I'm not good at cooking.

But I like meat.

- You don't usually cook. / - What?

I've had your cooking just once.

I asked why she didn't cook and she said

that she won't cook because

people would want more.

She's so sly.

Try it and tell me how it is.

- Is it good? / - Yes.

It's really good.

You're really good.

- It's good. / - Isn't it delicious?

- Let's go. / - Let's.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

(A cheerful outdoor barbecue lunch)

We ate that meat,

vegetable wraps and corn that day.

It didn't even cost $30.

(The entire cost of lunch, $26)

We completed it really fast.

All we had to do was buy the meat.

- I know. / - It's all here.

- Let's eat. / - Let's eat.

- Thank you for the food. / - Thank you.

You did a good job cooking this meat. How did you?

Cooking it is important

but you need to rest it well.

- Resting it is important. / - For a few minutes.

The juice will spread well throughout the meat.

- The bird's saying it's right. / - The bird says I'm right.

(You're also a natural comedian)

- It just realized what I said. / - Let's eat.

(Ah, ah)

You're never boring.

(Time to do our portion for the program)

Australian cows must run around a lot.

- What are you talking about? / - It's nonsense.

- You cooked it really well. / - The T-bone...

- It's really good. / - Nice.

- You did a good job. / - That really looks good.

Brisbane is so...

- Everything is nice. / - Yeah.

Everything's working out nicely so far.

I feel so good about our trip.

I feel good.

(I really feel good)

- What are they called again? / - Ibis.

Ibis must like meat. They know the smell.

- Right? / - Yeah.

You bring something too. Then we can exchange.

Don't just ask.

- Is it a barter? / - Yeah.

(I'm going to eat it all)

They look like turkeys.

Are there a lot of people who eat there?

Yes, in the evening.

It's completely full on the weekends

so there are no seats.

It's delicious.

- This is prime beef, right? / - Yeah.

- It could be better than a restaurant. / - Yeah.

- We strongly recommend this. / - Strongly recommend.

Eating like that isn't bad.

- We strongly recommend this. / - Strongly.

Do you want some?

Do you want some?

- We strongly recommend this. / - It's so relaxing.

It was so nice. The environment was so beautiful.

Shouldn't we see koalas and kangaroos?

Australia has wallabies.

They're really cute. They're round.

Let's see everything.

- You went to a zoo, right? / - Yes.

We went to a sanctuary.

Do you want to know where we are?

They're greeting us.

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.

Look here.

They have the prices written here.

We're adults.

We have to pay the fee for adults.

- It's free from 0 to 2 years old. / - It's free.

Go back to when you were born.

- They must be chubby. / - I like to go to zoos...

Or botanical gardens.

They make me feel alive.

- Look at those birds. / - They're not ostriches.

- They're emus. / - They're emus?

- Emus. / - They only live in Australia.

They're really big.

- Emu. / - Emu.

- Emu, my soup is too salty. / - Emu.

Oh, that's so funny.

For Girls' Generation's comedy...

Parrots are coming here to eat too.

So cute. There are more than one.

These sparrows?

- Parrots. / - They're eating together.

- Yes. / - They look friendly.

Continue eating like that.

- There are babies. / - Emus.

Aren't those what you mentioned?

I think people are carrying the wallabies.

- Wallabies. / - Those?

- They look like kangaroos. / - The small ones?


They're cute.


They're sitting like puppies.

- You're sunbathing. / - Do you want to eat this?

Are you playing hard to get?

- He's coy. / - Don't you like these?

You must have eaten a lot.

It's really nice that you can touch them

and feed them.

(Hyoyeon vs. wallaby, who will win?)

I have food.

I have food and I won't hurt you.

- I thought they were friendly. / - Guess where it is?



It's haughty.

Doesn't that feel good?

Doesn't that feel good?

It's interesting. They really look like kangaroos.

He won't eat it.

He must have already eaten a lot.

Even the animals are relaxed over there.

- They're relaxed. / - They don't obsess over food.

They're similar to Australians.

They're really relaxed.

I'll place it over here.

I'm giving this to you. Why won't you eat it?

He must not be hungry.

I put it on the back of your hand. Are you satisfied?

- It's like... / - A cat.

Just give him the entire bag.

He has to flip his hand to eat it.

I'll place it here.

You're sleepy.

They just stay still even when you touch them.

We're too clingy. Let's go.

We're clingy.

"We're too clingy. Let's go."

Hyoyeon, there are kangaroos here.


- Really? / - They look like puppies.

- They're all lying down. / - Yeah.

Can I ask you something?

They're lying in the shade.

This one looks like a counselor.

No, Sunny. Come here.

Why is that one sleeping like that?

- Grandpa. / - It's so elegant.

It's like my father.

I found this on the internet,

so I'm not sure if it's true.

But I heard that kangaroos rely

more on their front legs

because their hind legs get weak as they grow old.

The shoulder muscles grow bigger as they get older.

You're right. Look at this one.

Their tails are thinner than their legs.

That's what I heard.

- This one must work out. / - You work out, huh?

Can't you take a picture of me with him?

Take a picture for me.

Massage the shoulders of grandpa.

Grandpa, excuse me for a minute.

Grandpa must be nervous.

We only see kangaroos fighting on social media.

- They're quite gentle. / - Wallabies are really gentle.

- They're really gentle. / - Kangaroos are gentle too.

If you meet kangaroos in the wild,

you should never touch them.

They are so strange. They sleep so well.

It's so funny.

- They are so funny. / - Yes, they are.

It must be paradise on earth for them.

- Let's go and not bother them. / - Kangaroos...

Wallabies and koalas are nocturnal animals.

That's why they're so tired.

- They sleep during the daytime. / - This way.

We're going to see koalas and other animals now.

There are a lot of animals here. They're like lizards.

- There are so many around. / - Koalas!

They look like dolls. Look at them.

They're so cute.

They're holding the tree while sleeping.

Look at them. They must be dating.

- They must be lovers, right? / - Yes.

I know I shouldn't say this

but they look like Jinwoon.

- Do I look like a koala? / - Yes.

I look like a bird. I've never heard that before.

How could they sleep embracing like that?

- Doesn't it look like our dance? / - Look at him scratch.

Doesn't it look like our dance?

Yes, we have dance moves like this.

- We have this in our choreography. / - We do.

- These two. / - It's like this.

- Let's show them how it is. / - They're so cute.

- ??How were you? ??/ - ??I missed you ??

??You looked very well ??

??You looked very well ??

- It's similar. / - It's quite embarrassing.

- They're just sleeping. / - They're eating.

These are babies.

- They're so cute. / - Are those babies?

(They even saw jumping koala)

Did you see it jump?

- Did it jump? / - It was surprised.

You're going to sit on the other one's head.

Step on the head.

Your friend is going to be mad at you.

- They're eating. / - "I'm not going that far down, fools."

They must use their claws to grab the tree.

It seems like you can't touch the koalas.

The koalas are always sleeping anyway.

- They're really cute. / - They're really cute.

Eat well and sleep well.

They're still like that.

(The most thrilling experience you can have here)

There's more?

(They can't close their mouths)

Why? What did you see?

- You said we can't touch the koalas, right? / - You can?

You can take photos with them.

It's really big.

This one's a beautiful boy.

(Sunny tries it first because Hyoyeon is afraid)

- They're so cute. / - My goodness.

(Sunny tries it first because Hyoyeon is afraid)

- It's a baby. / - Were you scared?

They're heavier than they look.

They are also warm.

The only things they do are eating and sleeping.

Thank you.

(Mommy smile)

They really look like dolls.

He's holding on to me.

Aren't they like babies?

- Thank you very much. / - Thank you very much.

It's safe.

Koalas usually sleep for 20 hours.

They were awake just then.

- Do they sleep for 20 hours? / - Yes.

They are only awake for 4 hours.

Oh, my. It's heavy.

I knew you would say that it's heavy.

You just have to look at the camera.


He's heavy.

Here, baby.

His arms are very stable.

- Their eyes are so pretty. / - They're like babies.

- It must feel nice to lean on them. / - Yes.

- Are they warm? / - I want to hold them like babies.

- They're warm. / - It was short...

- But it evokes a lot of feelings. / - No, don't grab.

Thank you very much.

They're so cute.

It feels really nice to hold a koala.

Isn't it? They are really stable.

They feel firm.

- They grab on to you. / - Yes.

They make a hook with their hands and...

- They really hold on to you. / - The photo's so nice.

You can get a souvenir photo.

It feels like we shared feelings.

It's nice.

I think I won't be able to forget these koalas.

- Wasn't it so fun? / - Yes.

It was a new experience.

You're right. It's more fun

than just seeing and saying hello to animals.

It's unforgettable to feed them

and share feelings with them.

I really liked it.

- It's fun to go to the zoo. / - Yes, it is.

Especially fun when you go there with your family.

(Food everyone eats while they're on a trip)

Have you had fish and chips?

I have.

We ate authentic fish and chips.

(Forget about the fish and chips that you know)

(They make fish and chips with cod?)

(Don't mention it)

You can choose your fish?

(Every kind of fish is gathered here)

That looks so good.

The last stop is what you wanted.

- What is it? / - Fish and chips.

- Good. / - And...

- Beer. / - Yes!

That's the grand finale.

But you don't like seafood.

Sunny doesn't like seafood?


But I like chips with beer.

- Nice. / - I can enjoy it.

- This place has a lot of seafood. / - That's a lot.

This place is like a butcher's restaurant.

- It's like Noryangjin Fish Market. / - I love it.

Just pick what you want.

We should definitely try fish and chips.

- Tuna and salmon. / - Salmon.

- And... / - Grilled, battered or fried?

- Fried. / - Fried?


It looks amazing.

(Beer and seafood platter for 2 costs $85)

Thank you for the food.

Fish and chips is a common dish.

- Like spicy rice cakes? / - Like fried chicken.

The shops are everywhere

and people eat it every Friday.

You can't eat seafood now

but you may become to like it later.

- I wish my appetite would change. / - Try this.

I'll cut the barramundi first.


It sounds crispy.

It's white on the inside.

- Right. / - It's white fish.

Exactly. It's white fish.

- It looks so tender, doesn't it? / - It looks so good.

- White fish. / - Looks good.

I've never even tried fish and chips made with cod.

I'd say this is one of the few fish and chips I've tried.

- First impressions are important. / - Try it.

- It has to be good. / - Is it soft?

Why? Is it good?

It's not fishy at all.

She'll like it now.

I've never heard about barramundi before.

- Me too. / - It tastes familiar.

- But a little different. / - It looks so good.

You eat fish fritters on special holidays, right?

Pollack fritters?

It tastes a little like that.

- Really? / - Like pollack. Try it.

It's not strange. It tastes familiar.

- It's so tender. / - Right.

It's crispy on the outside but soft on the inside.

- You're right. / - It's good.

- It's so delicious. / - It really is.

I like it.

It's perfect for beer.

(Drinking beer)


I think barramundi is expensive.

- This is good. / - This place is nice.

- I like it. / - Let's try the tuna.



Tuna is red.

Let's try the tuna.

Why is this one so firm?

It's different.

It's like meat.

Gosh, look at that.

- It looks like beef steak. / - I know. It's amazing.

It's done by a professional.

It would've been nothing if they didn't have beer.

- This is the best. / - I've never tried this one.

- It's like medium well done. / - Tuna!

- The inside looks like that. / - Everyone...

Sam is from Australia but he's never tried it before.

- This is the best. / - I've never seen it made with tuna.

You can enjoy fish and chips made with tuna.

How did they cook it like this?

This is a pro.

This is amazing. It looks delicious.

It feels like I'm slicing steak.

I know. It looks like beef.

- It's so fresh. / - It's so...

- Tuna is always good. / - I know.

And it's fried.

- This is so good. / - This is great.

It's really good.

I love it.

I think I'll come here again because of this tuna.

- Was it that good? / - Yes.

- It was so good. / - You don't even like fish.

It's very tender, right?

- It was really good. / - It's so tender.

Canned tuna is a little dry but this isn't dry at all.

It's so soft. Explain it.

Sunny likes to eat rice with canned tuna.

We once tried very expensive canned tuna.

This is that good.

The high-end version of that expensive canned tuna.

It has the savory taste of canned tuna

but this is more like a steak.

The batter is very crisp on the outside.

The texture is good.

Fried tuna is just so good.

Look how big it is.

- It's very large in quantity. / - Exactly.

I strongly recommend this menu.

You shouldn't say that you don't like fish...

After this is aired.

I ate so well.

(Sunny can't say that she doesn't like fish anymore)

It's delicious. I'm serious.

(It looks amazing)

Jinwoon, did you just smack your lips?

No, it's just my lips are dry.

This is salmon.

Let's try it.

I've never tried fish and chips made with salmon.

(Fish and chips made with salmon is unheard of)

- I haven't seen this before either. / - Salmon...


I've never seen fish and chips made with salmon.

We tried everything.

- Never seen it before. / - It was really good.


The salmon is so tender.

I don't think I can try the salmon.

But this is really surprising.

Salmon is slightly dry when cooked.

But this almost melts in your mouth as well.

Salmon is a little fishy, isn't it?

- Try just a little. / - I'll give it a shot.

Salmon with lemon...

(What is it like?)

It can't be fishy with that much lemon.

- It's just impossible. / - It'd just taste like lemon.

What do you think?

- It's not fishy. / - I told you.

If Sunny says it's not fishy, it's not fishy at all.

She's very sensitive about it.

It's good, isn't it?

It turns out it was a matter of freshness.

This one is very fresh.

I must've only had fish and chips that weren't fresh.

This is a success.

Sunny, you seem to like it.

This is surprising. I didn't know I'd eat this much fish.

Hyoyeon's burning day. To begin...

We'll do something really exciting.


That was so amazing.

- They copied us. / - Skydiving is so common.

That's so cool.

That looks really scary.

- It was so scary. / - It looks so fun.

It's the best.

We burnt it black, today.

I'm looking forward to it.

It reminds me of the time.

I've hosted Battle Trip for quite a long time.

But I never felt the time passed so quickly like this.

- Exactly. It was so fun. / - It was really fun.

- I lost track of the time. / - Sam...

Why are you in Korea?

Australia is so cool.

He keeps saying he's never seen it before.

- Now that I see it... / - Is it new to you?

Do you want to go back?

I don't understand why I'm here either.

I see.

It's such a good country to live in.

I know...

I didn't know Australia was so good.

Excuse me.

Australia is one of the top 5 best countries to live in.

My hometown is the no. 1 best city to live in.

- Melbourne? / - It's been no. 1 for 7 years.

I've only been to Sydney.

And I still can't forget

the seafood, wine and bread I had by the beach.

- I could eat it forever. / - You'll never get tired of it.

The sunset right in front of me...

I had fish and chips when I went to Australia.

- It's served in a paper container. / - Everyone orders it.

I bet you've tried that before. Was it like that?

The fish and chips I tried before was

deep-fried minced fish fillets.

But the place we went deep-fried the whole fish.

I was surprised to see that.

Whenever we went, Sunny only ever ate fries.

But she liked this one.

Even if you don't like fish,

you'll be able to enjoy the deep taste

of seafood there.

You tried different fish. What was your favorite?

I liked the tuna fish and chips the best.

- The tuna? / - Tuna.

- I'd have half and half. / - Half, half?

Half raw and half fried.

Then I can eat it all day.

I loved the batter.

It's impossible to leave the place without being drunk.

- He's right. / - She hardly gets drunk though.

- She never gets drunk. / - Oh, right.

I got drunk by the atmosphere...

- And the natural landscape. / - By the atmosphere?

It felt like I was in paradise.

It was really good.

I have a final question for you.

A while ago, Sam said

Australian people eat fish and chips every Friday.

Why is that?

Why on Friday?

- On Friday... / - He doesn't know anything about it.


I've lived in Korea for the past 15 years.

I barely go to Australia these days.

- I'll give you some time to think about it. / - Maybe...

I heard why. The reason is...

People get paid weekly in Australia.

They're paid on every Thursday.

So they party from Thursday evening to Friday.

What's with you?

Come on.

Here is what I know for sure.

We eat fish and chips a lot at Easter.

We didn't ask about Easter.

- Don't bring up unrelated stuff. / - Why on Friday?

First of all, they don't open on Mondays.

They don't open on Mondays.

They're closed on Mondays.

Closed on Mondays.

Catch your own fish.

Gosh. Okay.

- Shall we take a vote? / - Yes.

Okay, everyone.

Will you go on the Brisburning Tour?

Please vote now.

(Brisburning Tour designed a trip to Brisbane)

(What will the judges choose?)

The result is in.

- We can see it, right? / - Poker faces please.

Don't you think it'll be high?

Please show your faces to us.


It must be lower than expected.

It's not what we expected.

Thank you, everyone.

I thought it would be a little higher than that.

I mean it.

- I didn't expect this number. / - I'm so curious.

I didn't know it would be this high.

It's okay. We have the second half.

Please tell us about the second half.

The second half is Hyoyeon's Brisbane.

Yes. It's my burning day.

We enjoyed every activity you can enjoy in the city.

- Everything. / - Okay.

Then it must have been expensive.

We're confident when it comes to costs.

Good. Let's watch the second half now.

Hyoyeon's Day.

Burning day.

It's totally exciting burning day.

I like rides in theme parks so much.

It's the best.

I think my eyes got sparkly even before we started.

Can you see them? It's a collection of classic cars.

- This is awesome. / - They're classic cars.

The cars are so cute.

- They are really cute. / - They're so expensive.

They really are and I think it also costs a lot

to maintain and repair them.

How did they maintain them?

They look so shiny and new.

Do you wear costumes there?

You love costumes, Hyeoksoo.

I should've been there.

This one is my style. Please buy me this car.

- In the past... / - This is just my style.

There was no drive-through.

- They parked the car, ordered their food inside. / - Right.

- They'd bring the food like this. / - Right.

It's so long.

It was as long as a limousine.

It's like it's from a movie.

They were all drivable cars.

- I want to buy it. / - I want to drive this to the beach.

It's as long as a limousine.

Let's start with something exciting.

- Sunny. / - Is this it?

- It's skydiving. / - What?

- It's not scary. / - Are you sure?

If we do this, we can see all of Brisbane at once.

No wonder the manager told me to buy insurance.


We just need you to fill out some paperwork.

Hyoyeon has skydived before.

- But it was my first. / - Your first time?

- Yes. It was my first time. / - But you're not scared.

She's not scared.

Hyoyeon was able to compare the two experiences

and tell us how good it is.

- The weather needs to be good. / - Right.

Because the weather in Brisbane is so good,

I think you can jump almost any time.

- Yes. / - You're right.

The weather's so good.

The weather is helping us to do whatever we want.

If it starts with skydiving,

I wonder what will come next.

Look forward to it. You can have high expectations.

(It's time to take off)

- Ready to go? / - Yes.


($220 for skydiving including pictures and videos)

(Their plane keeps climbing higher)

(And higher)

(It stops at 4,300m up in the air)

(The one with experience looks relaxed)

(The one without experience looks nervous)


They jump off right away like that.

- It's like throwing out a bag. / - Right.

I was shocked to see that for the first time.


(Sit and tilt your head back)

- Tilt your head back. / - Things go very fast.

You've basically given up by that point.

(It's time to burn now)

That was amazing.

- She looks so relaxed. / - See how relaxed she is.

I felt really great.

I was able to see both the sea and the city.

She was able to enjoy it because she has experience.

- It's great to see the ocean. / - Not scared at all.

- You get the most nervous at that moment, right? / - Yes.

(The moment when you get the most nervous)

(Sunny's first skydive)

(The wonderful moment when you feel like you're flying)

- How was that? / - It was awesome.

I'm so jealous.

- Nothing scares you, right? / - How...

It was not scary but gorgeous.

Because we jumped above the beach,

the scenery of the sea was beautiful.

If you want...

(You can control it yourself too)

Just like that, he gave me some time

to control the parachute.

It was so fun.

You can look down on the whole city of Brisbane.

- Are you landing on the sea? / - Yes.

- Look at that. / - We land on the beach.

("Forever" by Girls' Generation)

(They're enjoying the beauty of Australia)

(Hyoyeon and Sunny)

(You became my miracle, you joined my dream)

(The moment that will last forever)

That is cool.

- They land so safely. / - Incredible.

The landing was great.

Sunny just stood up.

She just went plop.

It's a lion.

- Lion. / - Roar.

- I like her hairstyle. / - It's like Miss Korea hair.

(The hairstyle that was once trendy in Miss Korea)

- It's over. / - How was that?

It was really awesome.

I felt like I became a bird in the sky.

It was the best.

- Hyoyeon, how was it? / - Wasn't it awesome?

It was the best.

Maybe because it was my second time,

the time in the sky felt quite long.

- It was fun, wasn't it? / - Yes.

- It was amazing. / - I was, right?

Did you drool because you were so excited?

- Did I drool? / - It's the best.

I'd like to add skydiving

to the must-do list.

I highly recommend it.

- The sea... / - You felt so good, right?

- I really did. / - You can feel the whole of Australia.

It was really fun. It's the best.

I feel so refreshed.

I think I relieved all the stress

I got from our members for the last 10 years.


It's really burning.

- Burning, let's go. / - Go.


It was even better that it was above the ocean.

It was so beautiful.

Will you skydive in Cairns or Brisbane?

- Of course, it's Brisbane. / - Sure.

Where are you headed?

This is Gold Coast.

- Burning day. / - You need to go to the theme park.

It's the climax of burning.

Yes. We'll be experiencing the highlight of it.

- I love theme parks. / - So do I.

The fact that it's warm in the winter is a great merit.

Right, right.

- We were too excited. / - It's the opposite to here.

(Fairy tale themed buildings)

(Thrilling rides and even animals)

(The largest theme park in Australia)

My goodness. I like this place so much.

This place suits our taste perfectly.

I feel like Dorothy will be here somewhere.

- It does. / - It does, right?

- There's a show going on. / - How exciting.

It's an ice cream shop. The pink is so pretty.

It's very pretty.

(Excitement abounds)

They can't help but be excited.

(It's like they've entered a fairy tale)

- It felt like a town back in time. / - It must have.

It's like she's alone in a movie.

- It's kind of retro. / - Look at Sunny.

Sunny should know that song.

I do.

- She's good. / - How cute.

- It's like watching a musical. / - That's right.

They throw performances like that. It was very nice.

The leisurely vibe is great.

Another concept begins here.

There's that fairytale like setting

but it becomes a bit grittier towards the scarier rides.

I'm happy.

It's fine as long as Sunny is happy. I like rides.

Do you know that this ride isn't a joke?

What's wrong with the sign?

- It's quite chilling. / - Buzz saw.

Why is that there?

It must be dizzying.

I strongly recommend this ride.

- It's scary... / - I thought it wouldn't be scary.

The thrill...

It was scarier than skydiving.

That looked like a straight drop.

I think it'll be a childish ride.

It might be childish.

I think going to exciting places

might suit our preferences better.

I like going to places.

If there are a lot of thrill rides, I'm good.

- Should we sit at the way front? / - Sure.

Let's go.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

This is going to be fun.

Let's head out.

Most women aren't intimidated by thrilling rides.

- But this one was scary. / - Women are less scared.

It was scarier than expected.

You climb up as if you're lying down.

Gosh. What's going on?

I didn't know that we'd go up like that.

This is crazy.

It goes like that.

(Mid-air twist)

- That's the best. / - That's too scary.

That's incredible.

This is crazy.

It was the best.

It's pretty much a 90-degree drop.

(A speedy descent)

You go down like that?

And then...

- Backwards? / - You go backwards?

- Wow. / - Saliva came out.

(Going in reverse)

Now that's scary.

Since you don't know where it's going...

It was so fast.

- It was such a thrill. / - That must be fun.

All I see is Hyoyeon's hair.

(This is scary)

Look at all that silver hair.

- This is like "Frozen." / - Hyoyeon keeps salivating.

That's so funny.

It swings back and forth like the Viking ride.

- This is crazy. / - She's like a grandma too.

It seems like noodles are waving about in the air.

Or perhaps a grandmother with her hair undone.

Her hair is so funny.

- It's so funny. / - So, the ride pauses?

Yes, it pauses briefly.

Gosh. That ride is too scary.

We're going backwards.

(Time to regret)

- That was fun. / - That was.

- Is it over? / - Yes.

Look at Sunny's hair.

That was scary.

I was spitting everywhere.

One more time.

Is that possible?

We couldn't ride it again because of Hyoyeon.

(Wobbly legs)

- Hyoyeon's legs wobbled. / - It was a lot scarier...

Than I imagined.

I underestimated it.

It's an upgraded version of the Viking.

- Viking extreme. / - We thought it would be easy.

It's fun to go on with someone bad on rides.

It's fun but easy to watch.

But this one was scarier than skydiving.

This one was...

This is it.

It goes way higher than the thrill ride at Jamsil.

That one is extremely high.

This is it. Now, that's fun.

- This is a ride that... / - Gosh. This is hot.

- Separates your soul with body. / - Right.

It goes up faster than expected.

I thought it'd be slower.

That one is extremely high.

- It's very high. / - This is it. Now, that's fun.

I heard that it's the highest in the world.

- It's that ride... / - The difference is negligible.

It's so pretty up here.

I'm not doing well. I don't feel very good.

I don't feel good. What should I do?

I hate this.

- Hello. / - It's so pretty.

Gosh. It's so pretty.

I'm not doing well. I don't feel very good.

I don't feel good. What should I do?

I hate this.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

You planned this day.

It feels so...

I wish it'd stop climbing.

It's so pretty.

I feel terrible about this.

Take a good look. Does this even make sense?

You get about 20 to 30 seconds to enjoy the sight.

Gosh. My heart is pounding.

Does it just drop?

Does it just drop?


What is that?

Everything is visible.

It's so pretty.

I even hear a dog barking.

- It's so good. / - This is no joke.

I'm so scared. Oh, no.

I'm so scared. Oh, no.

- Oh, no. / - It takes that long?

Usually, it drops after 5 seconds.

They hold you up there for at least 20 seconds.

- It forces you to look down. / - 5, 6...

It's better to drop right away.

Just let go.

- It's so good. / - This is no joke.

- Gosh. That's terrifying. / - 1, 2, 3.

(All quiet)

Your heart might beat itself to death.

When is it dropping?




It's terrifying.

She knows how to enjoy rides.

She straightened her legs.

So scary.

(Just as advertised, it's a giant drop)

(Eyes clenched shut)


- Sunny's no joke. / - What's with you?

Sunny's so...

Do I look scary?


Are you scared of anything?

This is so much fun.

That was the scariest thing in the whole world.

- Wasn't that terrifying? / - It was.

So scary...

Did you really ride the scariest thing in the world?

It's really scary.

It's so scary.

Bye. I hope I never see you again.


- Why? / - She wants to ride again?

She went on it again.


I respect you.

(That's really something)

I have to respect that.

(While Sunny is busy breathing the air above)

Compared to all the free-fall rides in Korea,

it was 200 times scarier.

I think Sunny is much bolder than I am.

Today is supposed to be my burning day.

- But I'm about to throw up. / - This is great.

But I feel great since I scheduled this right.

- But you're usually not timid, Hyoyeon. / - She's not.

I used to not be able to go on rides.

But everyone in Girls' Generation loves them.

Eventually, I started to enjoy them.

I used to be afraid.

- You have to eat that. / - That's a must.

Local food is a must.

Of course.

(They drive 50 minutes to a local restaurant)

(There is a local favorite across the street)

Let's go.

We have to press this to cross the street.

That's how the signal will change.

When I first went abroad, I didn't know.

I waited forever. It just remained red.

- You have to press it. / - I had no idea.

We're about to cross,

so we have to walk pretty.

- We have to walk sideways. / - Let's go.

1, 2, 3.

We were too excited.

You have to remember the button.

(The weather is great and so is the scene)

- We're doing the model walk. / - It's so picturesque.

- I'm so hungry. Aren't you? / - I am.

- Now it's time to eat. / - I have hunger pains.

I'm so hungry.

- We played too hard. / - I know.

I gained 3kg in Australia.

I ate too much.

Her face changed before and after the trip.

Every day is a bit different.

It's time to eat to fill our stomachs.

What are we eating?

It's time for our words to bear fruit.

I had no idea that this would be Australian local food.

- Really? / - Yes.

- What is it? / - Kangaroo...

- And crocodile meat. / - Oh, my.

(Hyoyeon's local cuisine pick)

(Australian kangaroo meat)

I'm so hungry. I think I can eat anything.

I'm hungry.

- Shall we begin? / - You first.

I love sampling local food but I have a weak stomach.


What should we eat first?

So that's crocodile meat, right?

- That's a bit... / - It's different from ours.

- You're right. / - It's cooked differently.

It's already prepared.

They're not skewers. They've been cooked.

How is it?

- How is it? / - It's just meat.

- It tastes like pork. / - Really?

Yes. It doesn't taste fishy or gamey at all.

- It's good. / - The texture is like pork.

- Very good, actually. / - But it looks like shrimp.

It feels like seafood, right?

Doesn't it resemble stir-fried pork?

But they cooked it well. It's sweet and sour.

Try this too.

She's not trying any of it.

That one needs to be cut. It's too big.

It's pretty tough to cut.

(The juices are red)

I can't do this.

- Maybe it's medium rare. / - There's a layer...

- Of beets under the meat. / - I see.

- We mistook it for blood. / - Oh, they're beets.

She's eating so diligently.

It's like steak.

- It's like steak? / - Yes.

- That's blood, right? / - No, it's not.

- It's from the beets. / - Is it from the beets?

- Don't be so startled. / - It startled me.

Don't worry. It's from the beets.

It's pretty good. I don't taste any gaminess.

It tastes a bit like steak...

Made with a wine sauce. It's just like steak.

It's tasty.

I'll give it a try too.

(Hyoyeon finally gives it a try)


- It's pretty good. / - Look at her expression.

I ate a mushroom.

What was that?

You ate a mushroom?

She pretended to eat the kangaroo meat.

I ate a mushroom.

I shocked the director by eating it so quickly.

I think we need another shot. I didn't get the footage.

She's carving air.

Oh, come on. What are you doing?

I'm about to try the crocodile.

I described it incorrectly.

- But really... / - It's obviously a mushroom.

Not gamey at all. You know I can't eat gamey food.

Okay, I'll try it.

- Maybe if your stomach is churning. / - Don't talk.

- She got annoyed. / - But meat is just meat.

There's nothing to be cautious about.

You wanted to try local cuisine, Hyoyeon.

But we played with kangaroos the day before.

That's right. They saw kangaroos beforehand.

(Will she really try it this time?)

(She ate it)

It's good.

- Was it good? / - It ended up being tasty.

"It's good."

- It's really like beef. / - It really is.

Try the other dish too.

(She attempts to try crocodile too while she's at it)

It's kind of like Thai food.

I like the crocodile better.

She was all disgusted earlier. Now she says,

"I like the crocodile better."

She prefers the crocodile.

It must be more tender.

- It's good. / - It's kind of like cartilage.

- The texture is... / - It's very unique.

You said that you couldn't eat it.

It's fine after trying it, right?

(Foodie destination)


(She washes it down with some local beer)


Kangaroo? Do you want some?

(They drive 15 minutes to reach Mount Coot-tha)

I really like to gaze at the sky.

I went stargazing to Gapyeong earlier this year.

It feels like my mind is being cleansed.

Then this is the place you need to go.

The next destination is also awe-inspiring.

It's a stargazing spot.

That's game over.

Australia is really the place to go to stargaze.

- It was really great. / - But...


There's a star.

The final itinerary of Hyoyeon's burning day...

It's my absolute favorite activity.

We'll enjoy the night view.

Look at the sky.

- We're here to stargaze. / - That was amazing.

- Stars? / - Yeah.

But the view is already so great.

If you gaze into the city and the sky together,

it feels like the stars will rain.

There's a lot, right?

Let's wrap things up...

- This is so nice. / - Gazing up above.

- That's real. / - There are stars all over.

- It pours all over you. / - Your eyes...

- Get overwhelmed. / - You can't capture it on camera.

- Let's watch the stars and wrap up. / - This is so nice.

The panorama view at SkyPoint was wonderful.

But the night view here at Mount Coot-tha is...

So beautiful.

It sparkles down below

and twinkles up above.

- This is the best... / - I think this place...

- Viewpoint. / - Would rank first for dates.

It's hard to see because of the lighting but...

If you look below, everyone is a couple.

- Everyone is a couple. / - You dirty couples...

(Cursing out the couples)

What did you say?

- Everyone is a couple. / - They won't get it. Sorry.

- Everyone is a couple. / - It was full of couples.

- It's an amazing place to go on dates. / - I want to go.

(Brisburning's relaxing star-filled evening)

(The sky and its countless stars)

(Drip down below like sweet honey)

They seem to be pouring down.

We really wanted to show you that scenery.

It's so beautiful.

The night view is so pretty.

What song comes to mind when you look up at night?

Our song.

It's so pretty.

It sure is.

What's that red thing over there?

That's not the moon, right?

(An eye-catching moon-shaped semicircle)

It really is the moon.

It's slowly rising.

That has to be seen.

That's so fascinating.

- How is the moon so close? / - Oh, my God.

How can it be so red?

Around what time was it?

7 p.m.?

You have to go early.

- Isn't it fascinating? / - It sure is.

- Australia is... / - I never imagined it was the moon.

Earlier, we only saw the top half.

It's fascinating. You can see it rise gradually.

The moon is rising.

I'm feeling strange.

- Coming to stargaze at the end is so great. / - Yeah.

Where was your favorite?

For me, I think I enjoyed everything.

Everything was different.

I want to come again. Maybe with family.

I want to recommend Australia to friends.

The best thing about Australia...

Is the perfect weather.

It helped every destination feel like the best.

All the views were amazing.

Perhaps it's the weather but people are relaxed.

That's true.

No one is in a hurry. Maybe they don't have work.

Everything feels like a dream.

Brisbane is so awesome.

I'm in love.

(Their happy moments will continue)

(Brisbane, a gourmand's city)

Oh, that aroma.

Your eyes are going to flip.

Tastes good.

It's really good.

I feel like my stomach is going to explode.

Let's go.

I'd come here every week if I lived here.

(Please look forward to more Brisbane experiences)

Both trips were in Australia...

But they are so different, even the skydiving.

Perhaps it's because the landing zones were different.

It felt completely different.

How was it?

- It was your first time Sunny. / - Over the sea?

- How was it? / - It was my first time...

But I feel like people need to try it at least once.

If you're going to try...

- Be sure to go somewhere scenic. / - A wide space.

I'd like to recommend Brisbane.

- How about the price? / - There was a $50 difference.

Ours was $50 cheaper.

Theirs was $270. Ours was $220.

There were no extra fees for the pictures and videos.

So that's all included?

Yes. It includes the certificate and USB.

The total was $220.

- Where did you stargaze again? / - It was pretty.

That's Mount Coot-tha.


How many stars are visible?

If you lay down to view them...

It almost seemed like they'd pour down.

- Completely filled? / - Yes.

The sky was just studded, right?

There are also restaurants and cafes up there.

- That must be nice. / - We didn't do it.

But many people brought food to have picnics.

With wine.

- It was... / - No. You can't.

In Australia, you'd pay a huge fine for public drinking.

- How come? / - Outdoors?

You can't drink on the street, at parks or beaches.

You'll have to pay about $150 to $200 in fines.

- Like the U.S.? / - But over there...

We laid down on the grass and

looked at the sky then sit to view the cityscape.

You'll get good vibes doing that.

It can get chilly at night.

So be sure to take blankets.

You'll create new memories.

- It was great and a lot of fun. / - It must be.

The most important thing is Brisburning Tour's budget.

- In the end... / - I'm curious.

Brisburning Tour's expense for 3 days is?

We did everything too.

- Skydiving... / - Sunny!

- We're confident. / - Okay.

- Per person... / - Per person?

- Total... / - Total?


It's half the price?

- It's half the price. / - It's almost half the price.

Ours was $1,000. Theirs was $650.

We went in the water. We rode a helicopter.

- Why did you do that? / - I know.

- They're must-do activities. / - You have to.

- You must do them in Cairns. / - Right.

- That's what you do there. / - That's why you save...

- To go and do that. / - That's what it's for.


- Closing statements. / - Sunny and Hyoyeon.

If you'd like to make unforgettable memories

with loving friends and family,

then why don't you head to Brisbane, Australia?

I'd like to recommend this tour.

If you'd like to follow Brisburning Tour

to Brisbane...

- Go. / - Please cast your votes.

(Brisburning Tour designed a trip to Brisbane)

(What will the judges choose?)

But I want to go again now that I've seen it.

But what you've seen is just one part of Australia.

Each city has a unique vibe.

Well, this isn't the end.

We still have the hidden destination battle.

You can enjoy all activities there.

Will you go to Cairns...

According to AuCair AuCair Tour?

Or to Brisbane where you can relax,

enjoy the romance in the city

and even fun activities on Brisburning's Tour?

- Which will you choose? / - We lack the hoo.

This makes me nervous.

But why?

- This is nerve wrecking. / - I'm nervous.

AuCair AuCair Tour did every activity imaginable.

Or the cost-effective...

Brisburning Tour.

$600 or $1,000.

The first digit is the same!

What's going on?

- What's going on? / - Thank you.

- This can't be. / - No.

- No. / - Who will it be?

- No. / - Who will it be?

- No. / - Who will it be?


(Brisbane receives 78 votes)

We won.

We won.

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you.

What was the score for the first half?

- It was 79. / - We were winning.

Cairns' votes fell and Brisbane went up by 4.

It's because of the price.

They were similar but this trip was so much cheaper.

I know. It was too expensive.

It's because I ate too much.

- No, no. / - It's my fault.

- Don't worry. There's next week. / - Right.

- We can turn the tables. / - Alright.

I'm looking forward to next week.

Please don't miss the next episode.

Please stay tuned to see if we'll turn the tide.

The world is a school, life is a journey.

Battle Trip!

(Next episode)

This is 100% natural.

It feels like we'll see dinosaurs.

We're here.

I'm on fire, let's go!

It's paradise in my mouth right now.

(More exciting experiences)

(Cairns' bungee jumping, Brisbane's jet boat)

(Battle Trip)

For more infomation >> Battle Trip | 배틀트립 – Ep.71 : Sunny and Hyoyeon's Brisburning Tour [ENG/THAI/2017.10.22] - Duration: 1:20:48.


CBArte FAM x Cober Dfc & Franco Caseres - EYO! (Prod Biblo el Nagual) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> CBArte FAM x Cober Dfc & Franco Caseres - EYO! (Prod Biblo el Nagual) - Duration: 4:21.


The Flash 4x07 Promo "Therefore I Am" (HD) Season 4 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

This guy, he feels more dangerous than all the others.

He's been watching us for weeks.

He just filed a complaint, said you harassed him.

I don't understand why you don't see what's going on?!

Listen to yourself.

You broke into our home!

Please, we are getting married in a week, Barry.

I'll be thinking of you.

The Flash all new next Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x07 Promo "Therefore I Am" (HD) Season 4 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


JUST IN: Republicans Drop Shock Lynch Accusation, It's a Bombshell. - Duration: 4:11.

JUST IN: Republicans Drop Shock Lynch Accusation, It's a Bombshell.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election

resulted in charges against Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates for unrelated


As a result, many have been left wondering why charges — or an investigation, at least

— haven't been waged in the Democrat corruption rampant during the Obama administration, especially

given the widespread evidence.

On Monday, three House Republicans appeared with Fox Business' Lou Dobbs to discuss

corruption and matters requiring investigation.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), told Dobbs, "Don't forget Loretta Lynch is the one who had to

specially approve the Russian agent coming into this country when she didn't have a

visa so she could have a meeting with Don Trump Jr., setting him up!

So they could then say 'oh look, Don Trump Jr., is meeting with this Russian agent so

now we need warrants to wiretap these people.'"

Alongside Rep. Gohmert were Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ).

The three are just a sampling of the House GOP members dissatisfied and frustrated with

Attorney General Jeff Sessions' lack of action regarding these serious issues.

Dobbs announced to viewers, "It appears tonight General Sessions has put it under

consideration" regarding an investigation into the Uranium One deal.

Dobbs introduced the GOP members and told them directly, "This is the first genuine

consequence of a congressional action on this issue that we have seen.

And I just want to say not only congratulations, but thank you."

Rep. Biggs explained, "I'm glad that [Sessions] is finally taking some action.

We've been calling for that.

But I am concerned because, in his letter, he said he's going to have it reviewed,

in part, by Rod Rosenstein.

And I think Rod Rosenstein is part of the problem."

"He is," Rep. Gohmert interjected.

"I think we need to hold [Attorney] General Sessions accountable and get him to give us

a real review.

Give us a real Special Counsel, and let's open this thing up and let's follow where

it leads."

Rep. Gaetz explained that Tuesday will be a big day as the House Judiciary Committee

holds a hearing that will question Mr. Sessions on these issues.

"The American people are tired of one legal standard for the Clintons, and then a totally

separate legal standard for everyone else in the United States of America," he said.

Rep. Gaetz further explained that Special Counsel Mueller's investigation has been

ongoing for six months and has produced nothing on alleged collusion crimes perpetrated by

President Trump.

Instead, the Democrats colluded when they paid Russians to dig up information on Mr.

Trump, using Fusion GPS to do so.

Rep. Gaetz stated, "What's totally inappropriate would be to put Bob Mueller and Rod Rosenstein

in the mix looking into these things because they are potential witnesses."

Rep. Gohmert made the aforementioned remark about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch,

implying that her visa approval of the Russian agent who met with Donald Trump Jr. was an

intentional set-up to establish a reason for wiretapping.

It appears that Loretta Lynch may have set up Donald Trump Jr. to look like he colluded

with Russia.

Do you think she did this on purpose?

"We're going to see that it was Rod Rosenstein and Bob Mueller who got those records sealed

about the full Russian investigation," Rep. Gohmert said.

He then explained that if those records were available to the public, it could very well

put Hillary Clinton behind bars.

If Attorney General Sessions has indeed begun to consider launching an investigation into

these key issues, perhaps these records can finally come to light.

Whether Mr. Mueller is replaced with a more objective Special Counsel or a second appointment

is made, it is clear that these frustrated GOP members of Congress won't rest until

an investigation is underway.

Hopefully, these corrupt Democrats can eventually be held accountable.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Republicans Drop Shock Lynch Accusation, It's a Bombshell. - Duration: 4:11.


PHÁT HIỆN CON ĐƯỜNG ĐẸP NHẤT HÀ NỘI | Cuộc Sống Người Việt Business - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> PHÁT HIỆN CON ĐƯỜNG ĐẸP NHẤT HÀ NỘI | Cuộc Sống Người Việt Business - Duration: 10:23.


🐷 🇲🇽 Mexican VEGANS in MEXICO? Amazing interview (+6 year old vegan girl!) - Duration: 7:24.

Veganism in Mexico

Today we are in Mazatlan, in a completely vegan restaurant called "La Ruta Vegana" (The Vegan Route)

And there's a really cool atmosphere that I'm enjoying.

Vegan ceviche!

Which is included.

This is the "water of the day": Hibiscus flower.

10 pesos (50 cents)

It's so refreshing.

Fresh for the stomach.

We are in "La Ruta Vegana" with Pamela and Oli.

Can you talk about the concept of your restaurant?

Well, truly, our primary focus are the animals.

You get the health benefits on top of that...

But yes, the main idea is to share veganism.

Learn about respect.

Respect and compassion towards animals.

That we are all equal, we all have the desire to live and enjoy life.

So the restaurant is a little over 3 years old.

And yes, we are vegan!

Everyone who works here is vegan for ethical reasons.

We respect the animals more than any other motive.

We strive to make our dishes as similar as possible to what the local people are used to eating.

To make the transition simpler!

Is it rare/difficult to be vegan in Mexico?

At the moment, there are so many people that are getting closer to veganism.

People come here as meat-eaters and suddenly they tell us they're not eating meat anymore or that they're even vegan!

The majority of the people who come to this restaurant are not 100% vegan, or even vegetarian.

But they want to try it!

And while trying it, they realize that the food is delicious.

The dishes taste similar, it's easy to prepare at home.

That it's cheap and not at all expensive.


So they end up thinking: why not?

I think that generally in Mexico, yes it is definitely growing.

In the past, there wasn't this much open-mindedness.

It's more common to be vegetarian, and for health. Not so much for the animals.

Now, the whole "vegan for the animals" movement is getting stronger and stronger.

Here in Mazatlan, the people are not really accustomed to it.

However, veganism is growing.

It has blown up for sure.

People are gradually more conscious about the situation.

They're getting more compassionate and realizing respect is not only applicable to us humans...

But also to the animals.

It's a "potato cheese"

Made of potatoes?

But it has a cheesy flavour!

You know, something that has been happening often is...

We're realizing that many people who come here were brought by their own kids! Or younger people in general!

For some reason, they saw something on the internet, talked with other people and educated themselves on the matter.

And they start making this connection...

And it gets easier for them to change their mindset and start working on it.

And make the decision to not eat so many animals, or even omit it completely.

Two years ago we hosted a birthday party for a 15-year old girl, which is a big celebration here in Mexico.

And the birthday girl is vegan. She's vegan right? Yes.

Her parents totally support her and even began making changes too.

How about those nachos?

It's amazing. So good.

I love this sauce.

It's not very hot but it has a nice flavour.

Tastes awesome.

Is it hard to find specialty vegan products in Mexico? (soy, tofu, seitan, chorizo)

Here, it's easy.

You can find soy products like chorizo in the supermarket.

That's great because people can just buy it and prepare the food at home.

(Why should we come to your restaurant?) We both are not chefs.

This house, this place... it is made with love.

It is tainted with the desire to welcome people and show them a good time, good food...

To leave them with this feeling that they discovered something different.

We try to give a familiar vibe, so people leave with a sensation that this is their home too.

So yeah... I think is is something wonderful.

Now, the pizza.

It's really big, eh?

Yeah it's huge.

So simple, yet delectable.

Everything here is made with love.

Whether it's the menu planification...

Experimenting with various flavours...

We really strive to make people happy. (Lemon pie with blackberry jam)

It's very rare that someone leaves here unhappy.

This is what we personally eat.

So we want to serve dishes with a "homemade" taste.

But a version without animals in it.

So people will think "Wow this is easy and delicious".

Yes, you have pozole and tacos...

Whatever Mexicans are used to eat in other restaurants or at home, we have here but veganized!

So everyone is happy!

And they clearly see that vegan food is amazing.

It's easy and economical too.

And that it's easy to respect, right?

What you always tell me. It's easy to respect.

Also, we talk to our customers and we wish for them to see us like family.

So I think this is transmittable.

This is the root of "La Ruta Vegana".

Wow, that's just excellent. Thank you so much.


Your name is Nicole?

And you're vegan!

How old are you?


And how do you feel about being a vegan?

Explain that it's for the animals...

The animals are not to be eaten, they want to be free.


Do you eat delicious food?


Yes, right?

Vegan food is good, right?

And since when have you been a vegan?

When I was very little.

You were 2?

You were 2 years old when you went vegan!

And what do you eat now? What do you enjoy eating?

I like eating what my parents make me...

Like soup...


Lots of vegetables.

You like vegetables?

You look very healthy!

And good things like... pasta.

And also...



Salad too.

And fajitas, and seitan!

Thank you Nicole!

Many thanks to "La Ruta Vegana"!

For more infomation >> 🐷 🇲🇽 Mexican VEGANS in MEXICO? Amazing interview (+6 year old vegan girl!) - Duration: 7:24.


এইমাত্র পাওয়া আজকের বাংলাভিশন বাংলা খবর / 15 November 2017/ Bangla News Today - Duration: 14:15.

eibar bangla news

For more infomation >> এইমাত্র পাওয়া আজকের বাংলাভিশন বাংলা খবর / 15 November 2017/ Bangla News Today - Duration: 14:15.


Флеш "Поэтому я" промо 4 сезона 7 серии (Русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Флеш "Поэтому я" промо 4 сезона 7 серии (Русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:32.


Run/Takbo BTS! 2017 - EP.27 - Duration: 29:18.








[Run BTS Welcome to your first MT - 1st Episode- ]

- Run. - BTS.

Everyone welcome to Run BTS!

[They must have bought these shirts together] - MT Episode. - Run BTS with Hawaiian Drubby.

[It's mine] - I didn't think that this photo could be made into a shirt. - You look bright.

[Complaining] It's not drubby!

[In denial] This isn't right, it has to get dirtier.

[Grabs] [Manly] - I know how to make it dirtier. - Make it dirtier. - You shouldn't do that.

[Look at him, so manly] [Look at him]

[Why are you doing this to me?] Even though it's October, it's so hot.

[It's hot] - Why is it so hot? - It feels warmer today.

[A hot day] - It was colder earlier but now it's hot. - We're all wearing the same shirts.

[Why is BTS here, all in the same shirts?] Why are we here today?

[Welcome to your first MT] [Run BTS! MT with BTS!]

[BTS who has never been on a MT before]

[Win items for the BBQ party]

[Today's V LIVE!] Welcome to your first MT.

[Yay! Make some noise!] It's really my first time to be at a MT.

[None of the members have been on a MT] - Has anyone been to a MT before? - No.

- Isn't it abbreviated for "mental training"? - Mart? Mart?

What is MT an abbreviation of?

[Confident] - Isn't it mental training? - Multi-tasking?

[He can't finish his sentence...] Is it mental training?

[What's wrong with you?] [He is so hot he wants to hurry up] Let's listen to the explanation.

[The drawing cup] Give me what's left over.

It doesn't matter. Once you pick, you can't change it.

[Nimble] - No, let's change. - No changing.

[Hurries] - One, two... - Wait, wait, I want to change.

[Please...] - What? What? - Does anyone want to change? - I don't. - Me! Me! - I don't want to.

[Hopeful] [Sure! Why not?] - Do you want to change with me? - Sure.

[Grabs] No, never mind.

[Where will fate lead them?] One, two, three!

[What's this?] - Romeo. - I got Manse.

[V is Juliet?] - What's this? - It says BTS? - Mingook.

[Everyone has different words?] - What? - They're all different.

Daehan, Mingook, Manse, us three must be one team.

[J-Hope & Jimin] - BTX & ARMY. - ARMY~

[Hawaiian buddies... Ironic fates...] Romeo and Juliette meet again. Oh no.

[Roommates] - We're roommates. - Yeah.

[Fussing?] Romeo and Juliet again?

[ARMY and I are linked] I am always ARMY.

[Fixing on a team name] Let's do rock, paper, scissors for the team name. Rock, scissors, paper!

[Falls over] Team name, Kim Seok Jin!

[So funny] - I'm not playing. - Why not? - Team name Kim Seok Jin.

[Team members agree] Let's go with that.

[Friendly] [Jul-Ro is a good idea] - Let's go with Ro-Jul. - Jul-Ro. - Jul-Ro.

- Kim. - Seok. - Jin. - Yeah! - Yay!

[Embarrassed] - What? - Aren't we supposed to say that? Yeah, yeah!

[Suga & V's team name is?] - What about your team? - Ro-Jul. Romeo and Juliet.

[BTS equlas ARMY! ARMY equals BTS] We got ARMY on the card so

we decided on something that has to do with ARMY as our team name.

[That's nice] [Ooh-Ah!] - Ooh-Ah. - That's our name.

[So in love with ARMY] - Ooh-Ah team. - For our ARMY fans.

[Nods] [Of course]

[BTS has decided on their names] - Shall we start then? - We chose our names.

[All ready] [Focused] - We're ready. - Then let's go back and

- start the first game right away. - OK.

[OK] - Let's go! - Run BTS! - Run! - BTS!

[Makes their own sound effects]

[Welcome to your first MT!] [First game, BTS Marble!] This is BTS Marble.

[1st game! BTS Marble!] [Every time they clear one mission on the board, they win a BBQ item]

[They must win as many as they can! They can continue playing until the last team]

[passes the finish line! But if they can't win an item that someone else has won already!]

Let's start BTS Marble.

[Excited] I'm the captain today, aren't I?

[Confident, Jimin is their team captain] Yeah, let's go Jimin. You go Jimin.

Jimin, you can do whatever you want to do today.

[Ready to play] - For Ro-Jul's team, Taehyung... - No, you're here. - What?

- You got to play for team Kim Seok Jin. - Let's go.

Rock, paper, scissors!

[All different] [All different hands!] Rock, paper, scissors! Rock, paper, scissors!

[Surprised] Rock, paper, scissors.

[A world of tough competition] - Rock, paper, scissors. - All right. - Good.

[Perfect teamwork] The last.

[Juliet nags] Why are you so happy about it?

[Romeo's eyes shift]

[Shin gu?] [Slides] - Hold hands. - Let's go. Let's go.

[Why is he so happy?] [The youngest goes first] I'll go first.

Throw the dice.

[3 moves] [What is a telepathy game?] - 3! - Telepathy game. - Shall we read the card?

[#Telepathy game] After hearing a cue word, same team members must shout out their answer.

They must answer 2 out of 3 correctly to win!

[Already worried] - If we miss, we can't move forward. - This is hard.

[Planning ahead] - You know what to say, right? - Since we've been together for a long time.

[OK! Ready to play] - The most obvious one. - This is...

[Having the most fun] [Please give us the cue] - OK, let's go. - Here we go.

[First cue word] Here we go. Clothes VS accessories.

[Focused] - One, two, three! - Clothes!

[Amazed] [That's nothing] The obvious one!

[2nd cue word] [Caps are the best] [Yeah] - Beanie VS Caps. - 1, 2, 3! - Caps!

- Argh! - Mission success! - No.

[We're going to win anyway] - 2 out of 3. - Shall we try until the very end?

[Sits automatically] Let's try the last one for fun.

- If we get this one correct... - The best team work ever.

[3rd cue word] [Human timer] - Sweatshirt VS Hoddie. - 1, 2, 3! - Hoodie.

[This is the definition of teamwork]

[Wow~ They're good]

[Rap-Monster is excited] - Awesome. - Cap, hoodie, clothes.

- That was... - That last one gave me chills.

[Kim Seok Jin team wins sauce!] That was pretty amazing.

Let's go.

[They can't try an item they've already won] 3!

[Teasing] [Biting lips] We've already won that one~

All right.

[2 moves forward!] - Sauce is necessary. - 2! - Quicky dancing!

[#Quick dancing] A random pick of a BTS song and choose between 0,5 times slower or

2 times faster and dance to the song.

[Chooses] Let's see.

[Excited] [So fun] - How slow or fast will they dance? - 2 times faster. Nice!

[That's not easy] [What did you get?] 2 times faster.

[2 times faster] [Confident] - "Fire". - We've done this before.

[Picky] - We have to clear you. - Let's go.

[All right] [ARMY] - We have to say you passed. - ARMY, you can watch and be the judge too.

[Stops] Get ready, and go!

[3 people are mesmorized] [Magicians]

[What?] [Rushing through]

What is that? Are they worms?

[Ro-Jul are trying the best they can] What are you? Worms?

[Are they riding a roller coaster?] [Rushing]

[This team won't do] This is...

[So amazed] This is...

What? What? What?

[Who are you trying to fool?] You two weren't in sync.

[I can't let this pass] Only if you did the 333 right...

[Then is it a no-pass?] - I think Suga could have done better. - This won't do.

[Like this] The only thing that Suga did right was the 3 flicks.

[Confident flicks] - Only these flicks. - All right.

[Agrees] - Fail. - Is that it?

[Oh no] Good of you to agree.

[Please 1] - We have to get 1. - 1! 1!

[2 moves forward] - One! - Two!

- Dessert! - Dessert! - Guess the song titles.

[#Song title guessing game] Guess the song titles of BTS.

- You can discuss among yourselves. 10 second limit! - We have to guess within 10 seconds!

[10 seconds is enough] - 10 seconds! - Go!

[Question) A, J, G, S, G, G, N, B, T, G, J] [Not a still screen] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

7, 8, 9, 10!

[They don't know] [What is that?] What is that?

I think the number counting is making them more confused.

[Wide-eyed] What is that?

[That's the lyrics to your song...] They're lyrics.

[I think I know] I'll guess.

[Fail! Not titles, lyrics] - 1, 2, 3! "Tomorrow"! - You have to guess the lyrics.

[Answer "DNA"] [Rap-Monster is discouraged] - Wrong. - Wrong!

[What will Jimin land on?] There you go, higher...

[Yay! 5 moves!] Speak in nonsense.

[#Speak in nonsense] - Easy. - Speak in nonsense.

If you make sense, then you fail!

[What?] - That's so easy. - You have to start to speak right away. - We'll give it a try.

[Jimin is so confident] - Yeah, you go Jimin. - Right away.

If you don't start talking immediately, you fail.

[Practicing] For example, what is your name?

[Wow~] [Get's it] - Kimchi is good. - Yeah. - OK.

[Starts to complain] There might be someone named Kimchi.

- There might be someone in this country named... - Yeah.

[But that's not fair] If you can find one person named Kimchi!

[Teasing Jimin] OK. That's how the game works.

If I have a son, I'm going to name him "Kimchi is good".

[He's serious] Good. Kimchi is good.

[Perfect] [Satisfed] - Last name Kim. - Name, "Chi is good". - Great.

[Smiling at the thought of his future son] - "Chi is good". - Fighting!

- Let's go. - Here we go.

- What food comes to your mind? - There's a karaokee here.

[Interesting] - What's in the mirror? - The lighting is hurting my eyes.

[All complaining] - He said the lighting! - Lighting~

[False accusation] - What do you see? - That was nonsense.

[Calm down please] - Wait. - The lighting... - What do you see?

[Suddenly discussing about lighting] He said the lighting hurts. The lighting moved.

[Listen to me] - You didn't understand the question. - Hold on.

[What does the staff decide?] - What do you think? - Pass. - What do you mean?

[Complaining] - That's too lenient. - You're Jimin's fan.

[Cute] [Last question] What color does Jungkook like?

[Everyone is so happy, like they've just won the World Cup] [Oh no...] - Ye...- Yellow.

[Jungkook likes yellow]

[Feels like a criminal] [So happy] Yellow!

[Kimchi's dad is so happy] - Kimchi is so good. - Yellow!

[Goes all the way to Jimin to tease him] [Teasing] Yellow!

[Nothing] We have nothing.

[We're going to starve] - The only item we have so far is sauce. - That's all we have to eat.

[I have a good feeling about this] 6! - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. - OK.

[All right!] Taehyung you're up!

[Is it time for me to step up?] - Go on. - Taehyung, you go.

V talks nonsense all the time.

[He's the master] [Got to win] Let's go.

It might be hard though.

[That's nothing] - What's the weather like today? - What should we do in the morning?

[Almost a master] - 1+1 is? - What should we eat for lunch?

- What food does V like? - What should we eat for dinner?

[Romeo steps up to save Juliet] That wasn't the right answer.

[Listen to me!] [Eloquent] What food does V like? What should we eat for dinner?

- He means that he's looking forward to dinner. - No.

[Suga is speechless] [His argument] What should we eat for dinner?

[Discussions] He's thinking about what to eat for dinner.

- Everyone, the producer is the judge. - All right. - OK.

[He says pass!] [Oh yeah, Kimchi!] - OK. - He says pass.

- Let's go Kim Seok Jin. - Don't rush. All we have is Kimchi.

[4 moves!] [Free pass!] - 6! - 4! Free pass! Free pass!

[So excited] [Anywhere... No wait] This means we can go anywhere, right?

[Bursts out laughing] [Oh] Just a blank?

[Cool-headed] [Go] - Look into it. - Blank? I thought it was a spaceship. - 3!

[Nervous] - 3! - Shall we push them over? - No...

- Wait. - You have to succeed to push us over.

[Wow, fried pork] Game for fried pork. Push them over.

[That's nothing] [Sauce VS Kimchi] It's just sauce against Kimchi.


[Not much to lose] There's not much to lose.

[Nervous and worried] - I'm bad at this. - 1, 2, 3!

- Start! - Fried. - Pork. - Fried. - Pork.

[2 times faster. I thought J-Hope said he was bad at this.]

[It doesn't seem like it will ever end] [Just the two of them]

- Fried. - Pork. - Fried. - You're too slow!

[2nd argument] You were a little late.

[Cut! Cut!] All right, do-over!

[Steps in] If you slow down, you lose.

All right, if you slow down you lose.

[Firm] You can't slow down at all.

[Cushion ready] - You should get closer. - They don't have anything to lose.

[Keeps the cushion between them] Ready, play!

[Bursts out laughing]

[He keeps laughing]

[Claps in joy]

J-Hope you lost.

[So upset] - You were slow. - Why did you laugh? - All right.

- Can't I laugh? We can move closer. - We can't laugh?

We can get closer but we can't laugh?

[So funny] But I said the word correctly.

[Ooh-Ah team] Mission failed!


Even though we starve...

- 5! - Golden key!

- There's bad options too. - Golden key.

[Golden key is great] - Golden key. - Please golden key. - Open!

Throw the dice once more!

- Good. - It could be bad.

[Happily] It's not good.

Hurry, go.

- 5. - 5.

[Ah...] - Deserted island. - Deserted island.

[Congratulations] Congratulations.

[Deserted island: You lose one chance to play]

[Flighty] 5!

[Guessing song title] I like this.

[You have to look at part of the lyrics and guess the title of the song] [10 seconds limit]

[Changes the rules] [10 to 15 seconds] Let's give them 15 seconds.

Ready, go.

[So focused]

[Amazed] [In awe]

Mom, wait for me.

[He's older] Be quiet.

[Embarrassed] [Of himself]

[I see] How many times do I...

[That's right]

Let's go.

- 3. - You say it. - I don't know.

[Burdened] - 2. - 1.

[Confident] "Outro: LUV IN SKOOL".

[No] No you have to say the lyrics.

[Answer: "Spring"] [How many days and nights must I wait] Wrong!

[Fusses] [Ha...] [Gives up] [Laughs] This is sohard.

[Deserted island is the worst] It's better than deserted island.

So hard.


[4 moves]

[You have to speak in nonsense!] [If you make sense, you fail!]

[You have to start speaking right away] J-Hope, you try.

[Coy] No stopping.

[Am I shaking?] - Shall we? - Yes.

[Good luck] [Giving him tips] Ready.

[OK, got it] I see.

What did you do this morning?


[Jimin is so happy he dissapeared again]

[Compains] He said J-Hope.

[Wide-eyed] He meant to say that.

[No] That's too forced.

Who is in front of you?

[Suddenly he can't spek] Dir...

[He can't say director]



Golden Key: Escaping from the deserted island, change games, or one more chance]

[100 grams of meat, one more dice (random)] Hurry up.



[Doesn't know] [But follows anyway] - Seok! - Jin! - Yeah!

[What's going on?]

[Team Kim Seok Jin] 100 grams of meat!

[A festival]

[Happy turns] 100 grams of meat!

[Pledges to himself] We can't afford to fail anymore.

Deserted island!

[Oh no, I can't believe this] Deserted island!

[Side by side] Deserted island!

[Congratulations dance]

[Oh no...]

[Rap-Monster seems to be so happy] Yeah!

[Claps fervently] Let's go.

- From now on, we're always going to name my team as Team Kim Seok Jin. - 4.

[After eating lemon juice, you have to blow whistle in 3 seconds] Let's go for rice.

[Hawaiian buddies] One person can't eat lemons,

- and the other can't blow whistles. - He can't blow whistles.

What are you going to do?

- Shall I eat and you blow? - That doesn't make any sense.


[Just looking at him makes him wince] - My mouth waters just looking at it. - That bad?

[Drinks all the way] - You have to go right away. - Right away.

[Tastes so bad] Start counting.

[Starts the countdown] 1, 2, 3...

[Going through the pain with him] [It looks like he drank the lemon] 4...

- 5. - Succeed.

[Ro-Jul team succeeds! Rice!]

Let's go. 1, 2, 3.

100 grams isn't enough.


[Rap-Monster looks closely] Kimchi!

You have to make a sentence with the 5 words given.

Isn't this your major?

[Easy for Rap-Monster?] I'll give it a try.

[Confident] Ready, go.

[Question: Cellphone - BTS - Camping - Milk - Effective] [Bewildered]

[Right away] You're thinking too long.

[Hurries] While I was watching BTS with my cell phone,

[Makes sense] I went camping.

And it turns out that milk is effective.



[Fails] [Team member confesses] He made two sentences instead of one.



[Guessing the song title] Here we go.

[10 second limit] [Finally] This is impossible.

- Try. - Try it.

[Suga &V make a plan] You think about the 1st line.

I'll think about the 2nd line. Got it?

[Harder than you think] You have 15 seconds.

- Ready. - Don't confuse us.

Ready, go.

[Focused] [Quiet]

[Wants to succeed]

[You can play along too]

[So hard] - It's hard. - So hard.

[Blank] Good try.

[Suga seems like he knows?] - Suga. - Go? - Suga. - Let's go.

Pig feet...


[Answer: "I Need U"] [Take everything, I just hate you] [Suga is a genius] Chicken-mayo.

[Everyone claps at his wit]

[Great! My style!] [Proud] Makes everyone laugh.

- This is hard. - Let's give them 20 seconds.

[They add some more time and decides on 20 seconds for the time limit] Let's do 20.

[2 moves forward] 2 moves.

[Oh yeah!] Deserted island!

[Almost like home] Deserted island!

[Hmm] Everyone...

- I'm not going to throw anymore. - 1.

[Chance!] - Push them over. - Meat. - Meat.

[Not fried pork] - How about something harder. - What's harder?

Then let's do J-Hope.

[All right] [Switch to J-Hope] Let's try J-Hope.


[Like listening to a black hole] [Oops]

[Leisurely keeps the meat] All right.

[So different] We kept our meat.

[Youngest] I'm good at this game.


[Look at the 5 words and make a sentence] - Make a sentence. - Stew.

[Make a sentence that makes sense] Are you good at this?


- Taehyung... - You go.

[Let's ee] - Suga should go. - You're the only one that can play.

[What's going on? I think V will be fun] - Let's go, Taehyung. - Taehyung.

Why are you trying to make this fun? We have to win.

[Serious] Taehyung, what if you go?

[Manly] Be quiet. I'll go.


[Serious] [Eyes change] Ready, go.

[Question: Jin - red hair - ghost - tube - cafe] [Difficult to do]

[Oh no] - So hard. - I said it was hard.

[Suga is still serious]

This is easy for me.

Let's hear it.

[Done scanning] [What will he come up with?] Let's go.

[Crisis] After Jin saw a red-haired ghost,

he got on a tube and went to a cafe.

["Uncovering the Truth"] - How can you go to a cafe in a tube? - Why not?

[You can?] - In a tube... - You can go.


[No way] If we find it on Naver, you have to pass us.

[It's here!] [Really?] Really?

[Really?] That is possible?

[Checks with his own eyes] The producer said pass.

[Haha] So doubtful.

[High-five] [Were you always tricked by people?]

It's not our turn.

[Making sound with his mouth]

- 4. - 4.

Human zero game.

We have to avoid the number the staff mentions.

[Perfect posture] Go ahead.

1, 2. 1.


1, 2. 2.

[Did you hit the ceiling?] [Stood up!]

[Rolling on the ground]


You both stood up.

[Wriggle] Come here.

[Pulling Jimin back to his seat]

[My turn]

[X speed dance: One BTS song is picked out randomly]

[And you must do 0,5X or 2X speed dance depending on what you get] Follow me, everyone.

How handsome.

[Dope. 0,5X] "Dope". 0,5X speed dance.

[How funny] They have to dance again.


[Warm-up] Ready!

Are you ready?

[Confused] [Focused] Where is this part?

[No mercy] 3.

[Thinking] 2.

[I know! I know!]

[Super passionate]

[Thanks to Suga, V is getting a hold of it]

[They are way too cute] So cute.

[To Jungkook, they look super cute]

[Reaching the highlight part]

[Slower version is more difficult]

[How easy]

- The dance is... - The dance is...

[Their dance is off] Suga, you are close.

[This is so wrong]

[They caught it] They are so off.

[Dancing offbeat] Hold on.

- What's up? - They are dancing offbeat.

[He's dancing with his face]

[Creaking creaking] You are too fast.

You are a half-beat off.

[He was a half-beat off] [Satisfied] Okay!

[Let's fast forward it for you]

[Can you see it? They are dancing offbeat]

[Ik Ek Ekk]

[I can't let them pass] [No way]

[Sound very calm] - It's not so clear. - What is the result?

[Looking nervous] - The result. - Kim Seokjin.

[It was offbeat] [No soda for them] Too bad.

[I was happy for nothing]

[3 Come on] [He wants the golden key] Kim Seokjin!

- The golden key, Kim Seokjin. - 3.

[What a posture] Let's do this.

[Super serious] - If you get 3... - The golden key...

[He threw it!]

- 1. - 1.

- Tang Soo Yook? - Tang Soo Yook Game!

[Excited] Wait, stew! No, rice?

- Rice. Rice. - Rice. Rice.

[Playing Tang Soo Yook Game] - What is the word? - Let's do Tang Soo Yook.

- I have to start with Tang, right? - Yes. - Yes.


[They are way too good]

[It's not ending...]

[The Master Suga is observing this with his eyes closed]


[Nope] No, he was late.

[The staff is the judge] - No... - Be quiet.

It didn't sound like he was wrong but...

[They have one more chance] One more time.

[Okay? Sure?] - Change the word? - Yes.

- Not Tang Soo Yook. - Change it.

[How about Jeon Jungkook?] Jeon Jungkook is so much more confusing.

[Super hard] [Changed to Jeon Jungkook] - Because of Jeon and Jung. - Here we go.


[Sound clear]



I told you. Jeon Jungkook is hard.

What do you mean why? You said Hyung.

[Good job] You lost but you did well.

[They won!] - Do we get rice? - Rice.

[Team Kim Seokjin won rice] - Two rice bowls. - They are doing so well. - Rice!

[I am so ready for this] Here we go.

[The sound effect] Hyoyoyoyo.

[Where are you going?]

[The sound effect was useless] [go forward 2 spaces] - The sound effect. - 2. - 2.

[One person must show 3-combo acting cute set] It's easy. 3-combo acting cute for 100g of meat.

[This is awesome!] We have to pull this off.

Show 3 cute gestures for your members. 1 person per team.

[Go ahead] 1, 2, 3. Woo~

[Good job] [Step 2. King-sized heart] 1, 2, 3.

[Can't believe this] 1, 2, 3.

[Interpretation: I want to give ARMY a hug!] ARMY!

[I can't take this]

You were supposed to make a cute gesture for the team.

[He's satisfied] They are ARMY team.

You did great. We have to let him pass.


[Team OOH-AHH won meat!] We won the meat!

What do you have?

[Currently...] - We have Kimchee and stew. - Not bad.

- You can make Kimchee stew. - Not bad.

But we don't have rice.

[Way to salty] We will suffer from high blood pressure.

[I want rice!] [Go 5 spaces forward] 5.

[Lucky] [Rice!] Instant rice. Bring it back.

You have to make 3 words with the given consonants in 5 seconds.


[What's up with your eyes?]


[Excited] Child.

Oh. Ah!!!

[Screaming] [Haha]

[That was close] - You should say "Cucumber". - I know.

[No way...] [Can't even walk now]

- That was close. - Come back here.

- Here we go. - He was pressured.

[Go 2 spaces forward] - 2. - 2.

[Got the golden key!] The golden key!

[What is it?]

[Curious] - It's helpful later. - Good.

One escape chance from the desert island.

[Useless golden key] Can you make it to the desert island again?

[No way] I don't think so.

- Go ahead, Jimin. - They just got out.

[Jimin threw it high] - I know. - Can't believe this. - 4.

[You have to provide non-sense answer] - Say whatever. - It's mushroom.

[Only one person from the team. You must provide answer without hesitation] - Hope, you go ahead. - You got lucky again.

No, I can't do this.

[Super excited] [Jimin is so ready for this] - Jimin, fighting! - You can't answer too fast.


- What's Jungkook's favorite color? - Thank you.

- Who is the one person you miss the most? - What's your name?

What day is today?

[Are you Yonggary?] The kimchee is so delicious!

[Satisfied] In the end...

[Everything ends with Kimchee] He had to end with "Kimchee is so delicious]

[Yonggary Jimin won the mushroom!] You have mushroom!


- We want to play a game too. - 1.

[BTS Marble rule] [If one team successfully completes the mission, the other team can't play it again] I see.

[Nervious] [What will they get?] - Tang Soo Yook Game is... - 3.

They are making slow progress.

Seasoned green onion. Telepathy game.

[Two team members have to choose the same word out of the two options] We always get this kind of game.

[Excited] [Meat + Seasoned green onion =Perfect combo] We got everything.

[The team is so lucky] - Whatever is close to us. - They have rice and everything.

Let's go.

- Airplane vs. ship. - 1, 2, 3.

- Shiplane. - Airplane. - Airplane.

[What?] - Who said shiplane? - What was that? - Namjoon, what's shiplane?

[Team Ro-Jul thinks they failed!] Who said shiplane?

[What?] You are taking this too far.

[Let them pass] - What? - You don't make sense. - Okay, okay.

[You have to be careful] - Be careful. - 1, 2, 3.

White vs. black.

[Difficult, huh?] [In union!] - 1, 2, 3. - Black!

[Haha] Oh my.

[They already won the seasoned green onion] - We won it already. - We can get perfect!

[Will they get the last one right?] - We won it already. - We won it.

- 1, 2, 3. - Apartment vs. house.

[Try your best] [What?] - 1, 2, 3. - Apartment. - Apartment!

[This is hilarious] - We got lucky. - What's Housepartment?

[He likes Housepartment] Housepartment.

[The new residential type] Housepartment.

[Giving out notice] - I will throw it. - Go ahead.

- Whistle in 3 seconds after drinking lemon juice. - Lemon juice.

[He's good] - Jimin is good. - I have sialolithiasis. Sorry, Jimin.

[Here's Jumin] [Hehe] Jimin likes sour things.

[He can't whistle] How do you do that?

[Here we go] Here we go!

Jimin likes sour food.

[My team! Fighting!] 1, 2, 3.

[Gulping] [Doesn't make sense] He can do this easily since his hair is yellow.

[Easy] He likes sour food.

[Awesome! Clean play!]

[You are so good] Awesome.

[Fortunately...] Nobody will starve.

[They all have something to eat] - Nobody will starve. - That's good.

[They are loyal. We are one!] - But we will suffer from high blood pressure. - We are one team.

Please throw it.

[Careless] We have to move slowly.

It's up to us now.

[#ChamChamCham, If they don't turn their head into the direction of the staff indicates 3 times, they win!]

[In love with soda, V is so ready for this] V is...

[Checking] - He loves soda. - What are the directions?

Left, right, up, down.

Make them get confused. Great, you look sexy.

[Great job] - So cute. - How sexy.

[He's trying to make them get confused] - Maybe you should just be careful. - Here we go.

[Come on] [Flinging] Cham Cham Cham!

[You are doing great! He won it] Okay, great!

- Cham Cham Cham. - Oh!

[Pass! He cleared it!] Cham Cham Cham.


What's up with your meal? Stew, Kimchee, and soda?

[Not very healthy combination] You can suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes.

[I don't care] Here we go.

Here we go, Jin!

[Whopping 5 spaces. Moving too fast] We are moving so fast.

[We have to go slow to get more] - We went too far. - We need to move slowly.

[Other team won this mission] - Pass it. - We have to pass it.

- They won it. - Really?

- 2. - Stew, stew!

[Desperate][Let's see] - OX quiz. - Stew, stew, stew.

- OX quiz. - You must get the right answer.

- Get 2 right out of 3 questions. - 50:50 chance. - You can consult with your team members.

[Ready!] Give us the OX quiz.

If a poisonous snake accidentally bites it's own tongue, will it die from it?

[This is difficult]

[I know this. I was at the Jungle] I know the answer.

[Thinking hard] [Hold on...] - I know this. - 1, 2... - Wait.

[This?] [Confident] - I know this. - Okay, okay. 1, 2, 3. X!

[Wrong. The answer is O. The snake will die] - You got it wrong. - Wrong!

[I still have two more questions left] He still have two more questions.

- Once you say the answer, it's over. - Let's think simply.

Can a snake move backwards?

Can it go in reverse?

[Like this?] - Go in reverse? - No, have you seen a snake move like this?

[Please!] - It's X. - 1, 2, 3. - X! - Wrong!

[Correct! Snakes can't move backwards!] - Correct. - Really?

I've never seen a snake moving like this.

[What's up with your tongue?] Have you seen a snake moving like this?

[Ah ha?] If a snake comes to you... You should jump over the snake and run.

[Scary] If you are caught when you are jumping, you will die.

- It will bite you. - Let me give you an easy one.

Do snails have teeth?

[How easy] - 1, 2, 3. O. - O.

[Correct! Snails have teeth!] Correct!

[Keeping in check 1 & 2] - They have the whole set. - Got stew. - They have more now.

[Getting super excited. 2.

[Yay!] Meat! Don't let the left hand know...

What is this?

You have to make a circle with your left hand and

you have to write BTS with your right hand.

[This is too difficult. The staff is too mean] - You have to do this and... - So hard.

[Under this condition] - I will do this. - You have to have the same speed.

[Why are you closng your eyes?] The way you make a circle and write BTS.

[Super fast] - At the same speed. - You can go fast.

[Knock, knock. What are you doing?] - Is this disco dance? - You have to be a master at this.

[Dormammu, Dr. Sutrange is here] - Yoongi is... - He's the Dr. Sutrange.

Ready, go!

- He's wrong. - He's making a triangle. - He's good.

[Keeping in check] The circle is...

[Facing a challenge]

I think when he write "Tan"...

[What?] - Tan? Is that a part of our name? - Did he pass? - Yes.


[They won the meat!] - They passed. - Passed!

[Whining] What's wrong with you~

[Yay, we have meat now] We all have meat now?

[Worried] Wouldn't it be too salty?

[Sad Suga] We don't have rice.

That was too much.

[Begging] - No! - Can we do it again? - 1, 2, 3.

[Can't do this again. The mission is accomplished] - Someone accomplished it. - It's dessert.

[Jungkook wants to do this again] - Should we do this again? - No, we have to play it fair.

[Jungkook wants #editing] If it's edited out...

[Oh no] [Should I?] - Go visit the editing room. - Too bad...

[The sound effect alpha go!]


[Guess the song right after reading only initial consonant of the lyrics] - The lyrics... - Initial consonant quiz.

[You have 10 seconds] - It's way too hard. - Way too hard.

[Initial consonant quiz. The hardest game of the BTS Marble]

[Cool~] - It's for desserts. - We already won desserts so we are not so desperate.

- Let's just try. - Go ahead.

- 15 seconds, I mean 20 seconds, right? - 20 seconds.

[Desserts] [ Giving his opinion] Since you already have desserts, you should just get it right in 15 seconds.

[For what?] Nope.

[Saying no sounding cute] I want 20 seconds.

[I lose] - 20 seconds? - Getting 2 desserts... - 20 seconds.

[Focused already] - You pass since you are so cute. - Ready, go!

- Here we go. - It's too hard for them.

[I have no idea] Are we all think about the same thing?

[I know!] - What's this? - I know!

[Whispering] Mamor...

Jin, got it right.

[Time passed] [That's it?] Wrong!

[Gave up] - Jin is good. - I have no idea.

Jin got it right.

"Will you stay by my side"

[Butterfly by BTS] "Will you promise me".

[Respect!] [Impressed] - You are a genius. - Jin.

[BTS Marble is almost...] We are almost done here...

[The game is almost over] - Yes. - Bbyong.

[Desert island?] Desert island.

[No way... but it's happening] It's over.

[Suggesting] How about this? Since it's the first time, why don't you give us one more chance?

[How smart] I know.

[They obtained one more chance] Since we are giving you one more chance,

you can still play the game even if you get a mission achieved by other team.

[Great!] Okay, okay.

- We need "Acting cute" one. - Anything other than 1.

[You trust me, right?] Kim Seokjin.

[I trust you] - Kim Seokjin. - Here we go.

- Kim Seokjin. - Get the sauce. - 3.

[What?] - 1, 2, 3. - Soda!

[Not bad] [X speed dance] - Not bad. - X speed dance.

[You must do 0,5X or 2X speed dance depending on what you get] Go ahead.

[Why "Not Today"...] Suga, can you move a little?

- Why? - What did you pick? - What is it?

[They are curious] - What's up? - What is it? - I got "Not Today".

[Sighing] - I forgot the dance. - I can't remember it.

- We have to do 2x speed. - You can't give up.

[Getting passionate] We never give up. BTS never give up!

[Confused] Wait, we are not in the right formation.

Yes, this is the perfect formation.

[The wings on Jungkook] I know, these are the true wings.

- Give us the music. - 2x speed, right?

[Super shocked] [Got a hold of it]

[Chaos] [Is this BTS dance?] What?

[Jump roping?] Jin is doing this.

[The perfect group dance] What?

[They are so off] [He gives up] We can't do this.

[I told you] [Failed] - I told you. - You failed. - Failed.

[Serious] I am okay with it.

- We are a team. Let's share. - 6.

[Moving it very carefully] - Seasoned green onion. - Not bad.

[Two team members have to choose the same word out of the two options] - They have a good telepathic connection. - Here we go.

[The telepathic connection of Ro-Jul Team] V and Suga's...

[Grabbed his hands] - Don't think too much. We are one. - Grab hands.

They don't connect so well.

[Planning. Suga wants to stare at V when answering] At the count of three, we have to stare at each other, okay?

1, 2, 3.

[Bbyong] - 1, 2. - Okay, okay.

- Color vs. black and white. - 1, 2, 3.

[Not bad] - Black and white. - Black and white. Good.

- Kimchee dumpling vs. meat dumpling. - 1, 2, 3.

[I told you we are one!] - Meat dumping. - Meat dumpling.

If they get the last one correct, it's legendary.

- Coat vs. padded jacket. - 1, 2, 3. Coat. - Coat.

[Perfect combo] [We are invincible] Who said we have bad teamwork?

[You did good]

[Throw it!]

They always talk whatever.

[Moving slowly] Didn't you play it 5 times?

[The Master of saying whatever, Jimin is up] - I think at least 4 times. - It's so hard.

[Hope is more nervous than Jimin] Here we go.

- What is BTS's debut song? - My stomach hurts.

[Speaking English?] - Where do you have the pain? - Don't worry.

- Where is Rap Monster from? - Thank you.

[Complaining] Where do you have the pain?

[They can't let Jimin pass] [V is joining too] - Don't worry. - Don't worry about my pain.

[What's up with you all?] I have pain but...

[They all have questions about it] - But don't worry. - Don't worry.

[This makes sense] It does make sense.

[Toss] - Right? - What do you think?

[Frustrated] Come on...

[Giving him one more chance] What's up with you?

- Director! - Let's give him one more chance. - Okay, okay.

[He's back] - It did make sense. - I know.

- This is how you play the game. - No English. You have to speak Korean.

What is the job of BTS?

[Park Jimin (23/The fairy of BTS)] There are many songs at Karaoke.

[Interviewing?] [So good]

[Done?] [The director attacks him] - Are you done? - 2 plus 2.

It's 4.

[Laughing out loud]

[We failed?] I thought I only get one more chance.

[They can't stop laughing at his honesty]

[He can't say yes to the result] I thought I only get one more chance.

He's too honest. 2 plus 2 is? 4.

[They can't stop laughing] 2 plus 2 is? 4.

[You are so good] This is how he makes the show awesome.

[BTS Marble is over now...] - 4 is the correct answer. - I have nothing to say to that.

[So funny] - I thought I only get one more chance. - It was fun.

[The final result!] [Team Kim Seokjin] [Sauce, Meat, Instant rice (from the other team), Seasoned green onion]

[Team Ro-Jul: Kimchee, Stew, Soda, Meat, Seasoned green onion] [Team Ooh-Ahh: Meat, Mushroom, Dessert, Stew, Kimchee]

[Next Episode] [Run BTS Welcome to your first MT - 2nd Episode-] [It was only a warm-up]

[This is the real MT!]

[Fun BTS is unleashed!]

[Nobody can stop them now]

[International Pop-K Sensational Sunshine Rainbow] 1, 2, 3.

[Why are they acting cute?] Stop! Stop!

For more infomation >> Run/Takbo BTS! 2017 - EP.27 - Duration: 29:18.


한서희 하리수▼페미니스트|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> 한서희 하리수▼페미니스트|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:43.


TWICE - 「TT -Japanese Ver.-] Cover - Olivé [オリベ] - Duration: 4:00.

I get so flustered just by looking at you

I can't do anything ba-ba-ba-baby

I'm already imagining calling out to you like "baby"

Though we don't know each other yet

All the outfits look lovely that I coordinate

Having a fashion show with you in the mirror

This time I'll be the first to talk talk

even though I swear it, I only ever swear it

I tried humming a sweet love song

Why is it? That that's all it takes

To make me want to cry

I tried to act all grown up, but just couldn't

My heart's display is always a crying emoji

The more I hold it back

The more it over flows, my love over flows

I'm like TT Just like TT

Pretending you don't see me

Please stop please stop

I'm like TT Just like TT

You say my looks don't set me apart

even though I'm cute

That doesn't cheer me up at all ba-ba-ba-baby!

I'm down and depressed but why

am I so hungry?

Sugar rush! It's addictive.

No no no no

I'm yelling at my stuffed animals

I wanna lock myself in my room

and let this meaningless time fly by today

My skin's also looking no good good

This negative monologue boo boo

My mama's worried all the time

I used to love this sweet love song

I'm feeling so irritated, getting so upset

I feel like I could explode

I tried to act all grown up, but just couldn't.

With your reactions my feelings go up and down

Now it's an emergency like never before

I can't stop it, stop this love baby!

I'm like TT Just like TT

You're toying with my heart

Please stop please stop

I'm like TT Just like TT

While you still don't know me

I don't want you to fall for someone else

So this time I'll be the one to talk talk

Even though I swear it, I only ever swear it

I tried to act all grown up, but just couldn't

My heart's display is always a crying emoji

The more I hold it back

The more it overflows, my love overflows

I'm like TT Just like TT

Pretending you don't notice me

Please stop please stop

I'm like TT Just like TT

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