Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Oh guys it's great to see you again we're gonna have an awesome show today

today we have Playskool heroes Dilophosaurus wow this scene looks

awesome and it has lights and sounds and cludes the batteries Wow that is cool

New Playskool Heroes DILOPHOSAURUS Vs T-Rex Action Figure Jurassic World Hasbro Unboxing, Review

says get ready for epic Dino adventures chomping roar Dilophosaurus wow that

looks cool let's go ahead and open it up okay guys this is a really cool dinosaur

let's take a look at it without the light on because his eyes do light up -

it's a cool

he does have chomping -

he'd be good at a rock concert

okay let's take a closer look at him let's see his legs move he's got a good

range of movement on his legs looks like they will turn all the way around look

at that he could do lots of stretching and yoga exercises there or he would be

good at kicking a football just let's see this to see this leg moves all the

way around - and then his arms wow look at the big balls he's got his arms have

the range of movement is not dead right because it's sort of blocked by his neck

I mean it okay if you pull it back a little bit and then push it back you

know he could pull hit put it all the way to his back all the way like that

and then he's got cool-looking claws - Tiffani's claws it was a really wicked

looking claws then here's where you put in the batteries and it does come with

batteries so that's nice and he's got orange coloring and spikes

on his back which lifts boys got his spike up his neck then he's got like

these fins on his head like I said his mouth does open up he's got a

realistic-looking red tongue it he doesn't have that many feet Wow

he looks cool so you push this scale to get

and to do the chomping roaring action

uh-oh the deadlock thesaurus is challenging

the t-rex for his eggs wants to eat his eggs and this is the chump this is the

chomping t-rex I did shows on this one this one the cool one to see he actually

hasn't shopped yet pick up the eggs and carry them to safety see that so the

double off the soros doesn't eat them but right now he needs to protect them

see these are both they're both the playschool hero

dinosaurs with a lock source and the t-rex and both have two chomping

oh wait until he's done and then you chops it oh no he's got him in his mouth

oh then he sees a velociraptor behind him trying to steal his egg brother

occupied sleep throw them on to the velociraptors over the Velociraptor

pick up his baby and bring him to safety

you see this egg is already hatching you see the baby's already peeking out not

he has to go bring them to a new nest with the other dinosaurs it not gonna

disturb them Wow guys he's high school one's a lot of fun what do you guys name

and the t-rex his eyes glow - I did a full review on him -

if they are challenging each other

which dinosaurs your favorite make sure you leave it for me in the comments

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Playskool Heroes DILOPHOSAURUS Vs T-Rex Action Figure Jurassic World Hasbro Unboxing, Review - Duration: 6:43.


The 5 Traps Used To Shut Down And Limit Human Consciousness - Duration: 7:13.

The 5 Traps Used To Shut Down And Limit Human Consciousness

by Sigmund Fraud

The human condition at present is one of slavery, a new kind of slavery, where bondage is psychological

and spiritual rather than physical.

Human consciousness is the target in a broad war of control where people willingly acquiesce

to social conditions which clearly fail to serve their best interests, even doing them


We accept the status quo of warfare, fear, environmental destruction, greed, corruption,

poisoned health and false scarcity because we�ve been herded into traps which hold

us hostage with false beliefs and the appearance of comfort.

In reality, though, breaking through these traps would allow us to apply the principles

of peace, sustainability, exploration, acceptance and progress to improving the human condition.

Firstly, though, we have to see and acknowledge the boundaries of the prison we are in.

�There�s five essential boxes for human consciousness, there�s five things that

shut human consciousness down.

Five models that attempt to keep people rigidly inside of their walls.

And if you�re inside these boxes, you�re not going to expand your awareness to understand

the actual truth of what�s going on in our world.�

~Mark Passio



�If anybody identifies with left or right, conservative Republican, liberal Democrat,


~Mark Passio

The self-identification with a particular political party is one of the most divisive

states of consciousness there is in our world today.

This is clearly evident in the quality and character of public discourse and how it merges

with financial interests to create stress, pressure and conflict at every level of society.



The major cultural religions of the world are perhaps the greatest trap for human consciousness

ever devised and put to use as a means of controlling people.

This has been corrupting the world and killing people for thousands of years.

The acceptance of the possibility of a better existence after death is an excuse to ignore

the quality of life one is living in this existence, and is used as an excuse to participate

in wickedness.

We of course see how this paradigm is being used against us today to create a major riff

among the people of the earth as global leaders push for a new religious war pitting Islam

against Christianity.

No one can win if this battle is allowed to escalate.



�Not what I call real science, but what I call ultra rigid skepticism in the form

of quote/unquote science, that�s peddled for modern science in today�s world.�

~Mark Passio

Science has become a religion of sorts, where ideas are vetted in a strange process of study

mixed with

peer review, mixed with corporate and monetary influence, mixed with egos.

In this paradigm, there is no room for ideas which challenge long-held assumptions and

theories about the world, stifling human progress.

Rebel researchers like Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake, are examples of how interesting

ideas about where the human is coming from and where it is headed are shut down by the

rigid thinking of a scientific world which pushes wholesale skepticism as affable quality.

�Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived

at its conclusions.

Meanwhile, however, it is full of assumptions, denials and limitations, and makes the serious

mistake of presenting its theories as facts.

The errors of mainstream science are gladly seized upon by technocrats, eager to use science

and technology to further their own ambitions of control�

~Makia Freeman


The New Age Movement

Another box for human consciousness which is relatively new in our world is the New

Age Movement, which abandons genuine science in favor of feel good platitudes which keep

people sidelined from taking action and fully participating in our world.

It is a unique, open source belief system which

It�s tenets are described by the following 10 bullets here:


Ignore the �Negative�


Never Get Angry


It�s All One, So it�s All Good


You Can Never Really Know


Accept Injustice, Never Resist


A Watered-Down Law of Attraction


Turning the Other Cheek (it evens out the scars!)


Chaos Should Be Feared


We Must Feel Good all the Time


Truth Doesn�t Need to be Defended

~Mark Passio


The Monetary System � The General Belief in Money

This is the greatest trap of all, enslaving nearly everyone on our planet.

At the root of this deception is the general belief in money, that is, in the belief that

money has more value than life itself and is therefore more precious than anything life

has to offer.

Because of this, countless schemes, scams, fiat systems, debt-enslavement programs, frauds,

and thefts are able to syphon the energy and time of human beings, leading us nowhere but

to our own ruin.

The monetary system we have today operates in this way, with a tiny ruling elite having

devised and now controlling an international system of manipulation which gives unlimited

power to those who create money without having to produce anything of actual value.

Final Thoughts

It is impossible to understand the conflict, chaos and division in our world without understanding

the ways in which human consciousness is limited, corralled and enslaved by these paradigms.

At this point in the age of communication, however, it takes a certain willfulness to

continue to operate within these five boxes.

�It�s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled

� such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation.

Breaking free of the ancient, historical �constant� of mind control is an ongoing process of waking

up out of a state of denial.

Spiritual emergence and awakening involves a physiological break from the consensus social

agreements of our planetary cultures.�

~Karlos Kukuburra

For more infomation >> The 5 Traps Used To Shut Down And Limit Human Consciousness - Duration: 7:13.


Exclusive Experience Camp - Episode 3 - Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> Exclusive Experience Camp - Episode 3 - Essence Of Jiu-Jitsu - Duration: 12:17.


YouTube's Secret Text Ad Format - - Duration: 7:57.

Did you know that YouTube is using and ad format

that doesn't even have a name?

You can't use this ad format and it's not a video format.

Why are they doing this?

Let's find out.!

Hey, this is Dane Golden from,

this is the channel where we teach you

video content marketing strategies

to help you get customers

coming back to your YouTube channel

again and again and again.

So, today's question:

Why is YouTube doing these ads

that don't even have a name?

You may have seen them, they're promoting YouTube Red,

but I was curious because these are not video ads.

Here's a video ad company, YouTube,

they're promoting a service

that basically gets you to not use ads

and they're promoting it with ads,

but these ads are, they're...

I don't even know what to call 'em.

They're like text ads, I guess?

They're text ads that come out under the YouTube video.

There is no name for it,

maybe I'll call it a pop-under, a scroll down?

Lower video

text ad?

I don't really know what it's called.

But I wanted you to look at this

because I found it was really strange.

Why is a company

that makes billions of dollars from video ads

not using video ads

exclusively to promote a service?

I found that was strange.

Do they not think video ads are working?

Do they not know the right people to get

to make them video ads?

What is the deal here?

It's very strange.

These are promoting YouTube Red,

which you may know is a service

that you can get ad-free service on YouTube.

You can watch YouTube without ads.

But it's strange.

Why wouldn't you use a video ad to promote YouTube Red?

The crazy thing about this

is that YouTube is actually running ads

to tell you you shouldn't watch ads.

Which is the craziest thing

for an ad-supported company to do.

Why wouldn't you use a video?

Do you know?

I don't know.

I want to find out.

I just wanted to show you with this

and I have some ideas.

And when I have ideas, my thoughts turn to pooping unicorns.

As yours might, because the pooping unicorn,

the Squatty Potty ads and promotions

were some of the best promotions ever,

making millions and millions of dollars for Squatty Potty.

And the same group of people got together

with something called Chatbooks,

which is an app that helps you make scrapbbooks,

essentially, photo albums of your kids.

And these guys make very, very compelling videos,

so YouTube could've done something like this.

Now I did see that YouTube is doing some pre-rolls

that are just telling you

how to download and why you should download.

They're just sort of general pre-load ads.

But importantly, they're also doing some,

essentially some trailers

for some of the movies that they're doing.

YouTube is not only about ad-free viewing,

there's also original content

that you get exclusive access to,

and you get exclusive access to music.

Well, you get the ability to download music

instead of just watching it streaming.

So, if you're going somewhere on your phone

and you don't want to be streaming

because you're not on your wi-fi,

you can use that.

So there's lots of things

and they seem to have done a very good job

with these trailers for their YouTube Red Original Series.

But I wanted to point out some other ways

that they might have done it.

One of them is,

now this is an old version of an ad,

but this is a truck ad,

this was put together by Jake Larsen a few years ago,

and you no longer have active areas

within the pre-roll to click,

because we don't have annotations,

but this video, in the first few seconds,

really tells you,

"Hey, it's a truck ad and if you want to buy a truck

or something for a truck,

this will get you to stay on the video."

And of course, if you don't like trucks

or don't have a truck,

you'll click off.

And either way is good for the advertiser,

'cause they don't pay if you click off,

so it's self selecting and saves money.

But there's a few other things going on here with YouTube

and advertising specifically.

One of the things that's happening is content marketing.

This happens to be my specialty,

and this is an article from The Next Web.

Content marketing is not just for blogs,

but it's for video now

and YouTube is a good place for this,

where businesses can speak to their customers.

This isn't necessarily advertising related,

this sort of takes away money from advertising,

because it's more organic.

And influencers are taking money away from pre-rolled ads,

because the advertiser pays them directly

to talk about the products,

and this is also an effective way of selling.

Then, there's ad blockers,

what about ad blockers?

These are getting more popular on mobile,

and they've done some surveys

to find out why people are doing this.

Some of them say they take up screen space,

they get in the way,

they want their device images to load faster,

they want to avoid ads wherever possible,

they don't like seeing pre-rolls,

they're concerned about online privacy.

So these are some reasons, particularly on mobile,

where people are getting away from watching ads

by installing ad blockers.

Also YouTube,

which is the number one streaming service worldwide,

is competing with iTunes and Spotify and Amazon

for streaming dollars,

so this type of streaming service on YouTube Red

is a definite reason to drive people to that service,

so it's really important for them to get subscribers

as fast as possible, in any way they can.

And at the same time,

they're competing with Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime.

They are doing this original content

to compete with these very quickly growing services,

so they really need as much growth as possible

on YouTube Red, as soon as possible.

And they're competing with cable companies.

Cable companies too, can you believe that?

So, YouTube is going after streaming music,

they're going after Netflix,

they're going after the cable companies now with YouTube TV

and they're doing other ads related to that.

So they really want to get you away

from the ad driven model,

although they will still permit it,

and that's the majority of their income.

But they really want to give you on this subscription model,

because then they can start selling

all these little services,

and variations of services.

So, you can see why they're urgently trying to do this.

There was not just text ads,

but it is an unusual thing for them to do,

and now we understand why they're so urgently

trying to advertise this YouTube Red service.

Do you agree with what I've said here today?

Do you disagree?

Tell me in the comments,

I'm just thinking this thing through,

I've just had some ideas,

I'd like to know what you think.

And if you like this channel, please subscribe. is all about helping you

learning video content marketing tips,

to get customers to come back to your channel

again, and again, and again.

Because if your videos help people learn

how to improve their business,

you'll earn their loyalty and their trust

and their business.

And that's about it.

I hope you'll subscribe, my name is Dane Golden.

Hey, see you next time.

For more infomation >> YouTube's Secret Text Ad Format - - Duration: 7:57.


CALL OF DUTY MW2 #2 TESTANDO A BELA MP5 SNIPER /Games Kauã - Duration: 2:40.


For more infomation >> CALL OF DUTY MW2 #2 TESTANDO A BELA MP5 SNIPER /Games Kauã - Duration: 2:40.


Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:37:20.

Title: Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa Nova & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix

For more infomation >> Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:37:20.


Nach Traumhochzeit: Hunde-Geschenk für YouTube-Paola! - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Nach Traumhochzeit: Hunde-Geschenk für YouTube-Paola! - Duration: 1:36.


Top 5 Weirdest People On The Subway - Duration: 3:13.

In your life you are going to encounter a lot of odd and rather strange people. And

theres a good chance that a lot of those encounters are going to happen on the subway.. because

lets face it theres a whole other world down there where a lot of strange things take place

and that's what were going to be talking about today. Hey youtube im court mcginley

and welocme back to the most amazing top 5. Before we get started I want to know whats

the craziest thing you've ever seen on the subway- let me know your answers down in the

comments. Also if you havnt subscribed yet to our channel then please do- and make sure

you give this video a big thumbs up so we can keep bringing you awesome top 5 videos.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 weirdest people on the subway.

Starting off in at our number 5 spot--Moss man- im really hoping this person is dressed

like this because its Halloween. But im willing to bet that's not the case based on this

womans expression. Why someone would feel the need to cover them selves in moss I couldn't

tell you. The only reason ive seen someone dressed like this is if theyre hunting or

something and trying to camouflage themselves and blend into their surroundings. But if

you were this on the subway then youll definitely be standing out instead of blending in. and

im sure theres no way it smells good in there.

in at number 4--head of lettuce- yeah umm..theres no real reason for someone to do this. Are

they trying to start a new fashion trend?...maybe. did they think this would cool them down?

…possibly. But I mean really? If this is something you enjoy doing maybe its one of

those things that you should do in the privacy of your own home. As much as im all about

originality and people being their authentic selves this is a little much. But hey if you

like walking around with lettuce on your head then you do you. Heck maybe im missing out

on a great thing here and I don't even know it. And now that im looking at it closer it

kind of looks like a cabbage leaf no t a lettuce leaf…now im even more confused.

at number 3--Whos hungry- here we have a woman who doesn't like to waste time. That's

pretty innovative thinking if you ask me. After working a long day the last thing you

want to do is have to go home and cook dinner instead of spending quality time with your

family. Shes being smart and getting the prep work out of the way. She came all prepared

she even has a cutting board. That's how you know she means business. Now this could

backfire if someone was allergic to whatever it was you were cutting. Or…wait a minute…is

she chopping onions? If she is that's kinda rude. Shes going to get the whole subway car


Coming in at number 2--Rhino on board- could you even imagine if one day your just sitting

on the subway and then all of a sudden this fellow makes his way onto your train? I mean

its pretty hilarious. But oh my god does that ever look like an uncomfortable costume. That

head must weigh a ton and just look at the size of that horn. the poor person inside

there cant even sit down. We cant really see what the sign above the head says but lets

hope this was for a good cause. Or who knows maybe this person just likes wearing rhino

costumes in there spare time?

and at number 1 --4 princes- theres just really no reason for this. No ones eyes should have

to be objected to this. Its wrong on a bunch of levels. Like are you guys good? I mean

look at them they don't look too happy- do they?. Theyre all crying or pouting. Except

that one sassy one in the middle sticking his tongue out. From what I can see of the

other passengers on the subway it appears like its warmer weather if im going off what

theyre wearing. So you know hopefully these guys arnt too chilly. Its not looking too

nippy out. So you know that's good.

and there you have it that's our list of the top 5 weirdest people on the subway. Thank

you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Weirdest People On The Subway - Duration: 3:13.


Mi a magyar identitás? / What is Hungarian identity? - Duration: 3:57.

Hi all, I would lay down, that this video is just a start for a discussion, because Hungarian identity is a very complex thing,

the individual variance is huge and I would like to take this whole identity into a frame.

Our identity is so mixed, that it's really hard to define what does it mean to be Hungarian.

If Hungarians meet, the first thing they do is to separate them by ethnics, like:

donauschwabe, jász, kun, zipser, transilvanian saxon, and dozens of smaller Hungarian ethnics

But it's fine, as this is the basic level of the ethnocultural frame: the ethnical part of regional identity.

Lets start from the beginning. There was this wrath from the wild steppes on the back of a horse.

Which was sweeping over all around Europe,

We've migrated here, looted the continent with the wave of newcomers,

but then the allied Europeans gave us a huge slap:

"My son, you can play around here, but it's really unnecessary."

You will be European, or you will be wiped out.

The European culture is basically gracious.

They offer you to integrate, to raise it, be the part of it... But if not, then say good bye. At least at that times...

So here's this horse-sacrificing, samanic tribe from the steppes, which is very into European way of life,

Because they don't have to fear from the coming hordes, or they don't have to live a stressful life due to wandering and nonstop war.

So our ancestors really liked it.

The question was raised: how could we become a part of Europe?

First of all the cross, and the loyalty toward it.

So we excised those parts from our identity which weren't fit the European values.

Like the aggressive expansion or many others, which were necessary to survive on the steppe, but not in Europe.

And what we've recieved instead of these? Europe admitted us. We could have became the part of the so called "Augsburg" which beaten us first,

But we were - at first - thrashed by Europe like the pear-thief child,

Then they said: come into the "spearhead", repel together the hordes of the east, and you can also have a fortress (kővár)!

From the 2 blocks, St. Stephan chose the Western-Roman values, and the trustworthy alliance.

So here we are, we are European, and Hungary can live until the Earth rolls...

...unless the faithful warriors of Mohamed wouldn't have thought somehow else about this.

Hungarian identity wouldn't be anything without islam.

We couln't speak about >Hungarian nation< without muslims.

So thank you so much - long-bearded warriors of Mohamed - that you formed our identity.

We are glad that we were neighbors for so long time, and the things we've passed together...

Because the callous hands of us were just getting stronger in swordmanship.

We won't forget how many things we can be grateful for: how many times you besieged our fortresses,

How many times we fought during the 150 years,

And that you formed the real Hungarian identity: the Valor of our Valiants!

You've flooded so many times our Eastern and Southern borders with blood,

That we can state: you won't stick the crescent moon-pennon once again onto our walls.

If you'd build a mosque, we will put cross onto is, or if you try to drive us away once more, we will fight back.

You see, the West is endangered, because they never felt the pressure of the crescent moon.

But we had enough from this. Thank you this 150 years that you created so many heroes to our nation. But it was enough.

To summarize it: Hungarian identity can be explained the best by names: János Hunyadi, György Szondi, Miklós Zrínyi and hundreds of other heroes.

The core of Hungarian identity was created by the continuous defensive war with islam.

This is how our cultural heritage is: deislamisation!

If you liked the video, and you would like to see more identitarian and new-right stuff, don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Mi a magyar identitás? / What is Hungarian identity? - Duration: 3:57.


Listas de canales IPTV de Latino Americano en Kodi - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Listas de canales IPTV de Latino Americano en Kodi - Duration: 7:21.


Nueva pestaña de la comunidad en YouTube 2017 - Duration: 1:50.

Hi, how is it going? Today I'm on Liza Koshy's channel,

hopefully I'm pronouncing her name right

The point is that I want to comment on this new tab, not so new

The community tab, I'll click on it

Liza published her first post

10 months ago, that is why I'm saying this is not so new

It's been almost a year but this new tab is not available in all channels

We see here in my channel the regular tabs

Playlists, channels, discussion, about... so don't know

when this new tab will be available, but if we go to the google support forum

it says that now this tab is only available in some channels but

this tab will replace the community tab

as its use extends to other creators, when will that happen?

Who knows, you guys comment if you already have it on your channel

do you like it or no?

Here you can post images, animated pictures, you can also create polls

so now you know it, if you want more info

click on the link down below. Bye

For more infomation >> Nueva pestaña de la comunidad en YouTube 2017 - Duration: 1:50.


【SEMA2017】ヘネシーがフォード「F-150 ラプター」を6輪駆動で600馬力にチューンした「VelociRaptor 6x6」を公開!| ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 【SEMA2017】ヘネシーがフォード「F-150 ラプター」を6輪駆動で600馬力にチューンした「VelociRaptor 6x6」を公開!| ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 2:58.


[KAIROS] Girls' Generation 'You Think' Dance Cover from Brazil - Duration: 3:41.


For more infomation >> [KAIROS] Girls' Generation 'You Think' Dance Cover from Brazil - Duration: 3:41.


Despicable Me - Minion Rush Android Gameplay - Minions Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 11:20.

Despicable Me - Minion Rush Android Gameplay - Minions Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Despicable Me - Minion Rush Android Gameplay - Minions Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 11:20.


Trying out youtube - Duration: 39:36.

For more infomation >> Trying out youtube - Duration: 39:36.


2018 Honda CR-V Touring Rain Sensing Wipers - Duration: 1:05.

Automotive technology has come a long way in recent years –and the 2018 Honda Odyssey is no exception. Today were going to take a look at rain sensing wipers.

So I need one of you to help me with the hose. Just wet the windscreen when I say so.


The 2018 Honda CR-V Touring model comes with rain sensing wipers, which means there's one less thing you need to worry about while you're driving.

You simply set it to auto-mode and if it starts to rain…

Your CR-V will take care of it for you.

You can even adjust the sensitivity with the toggle switch here.

It's that easy. Ok, thats enough water!

Just make sure automatic mode is ON when it starts to rain. Did he say on?

The CR-V will take care of the rest….

For more infomation >> 2018 Honda CR-V Touring Rain Sensing Wipers - Duration: 1:05.


UK supermarkets try face based ID and payment system - Duration: 1:57.

UK supermarkets

For more infomation >> UK supermarkets try face based ID and payment system - Duration: 1:57.


What If America Can't Stop North Korea? - Duration: 2:52.

What if America can't stop north korea?

There are few problems that are unsolvable, but there are also problems that can only

be solved by making those problems worse, or creating more problems.

It's one of the reasons why the probelm of north korea has not been solved despite

repeated sanctions being placed and repeated threats being made.

America hasn't been able to stop north korea yet, so perhaps America can't stop north

korea at all.

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest question's, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics

you would like to see next.

So what are america's options regarding north korea?

America could target north Korean nuclear facilities, but we don't know where all

of the facilities are.

If American forces miss even a single facility, North Korea could retaliate.

They could attack the US airbase of Guam, or launch a nuke at the atmosphere to cause

an electro magnetic pulse.

An electro Magnetic pulse could wipe out all electricity in the US, something that could

have catastrophic consequences.

Perhaps there are north Korean submarines armed with missiles floating somewhere in

the pacific ocean.

We wont know if there are, until america strikes first.

America could give south korea nuclear weapons to even the playing field, but is it really

wise to be giving out weapons of mass destruction like the are free ipods?

America could implement tougher sanctions on north korea, stop the trading of military

materials between north korea and surrounding countries.

But if you stop trade of one thing, you're going to have to stop trade of everything


North Korea has 25 million inhabitants, many of which are already on the brink of starvation.

Cutting off trade completely will surely push the country into a famine, another famine.

Plus, you've gotta get both china and Russia to agree to stop trading with north korea,

and they wont do that.

North Korea and China trade billions of dollars worth of goods every year, and also accounts

for 90 percent of Pyongyang's foreign trade.

Plus, china has a lot of reasons to keep the current situation in north korea as it is.

While we are all worried about north kroea, china is expanding its military and its territory.

President Xi built artificial islands in the South China Sea, which are rumoured to be

the homes of long range missiles.

China is also currently constructing its first ever overseas military base in Africa.

If anything changes in north Korea, the regime falls or the US attacks, theres the possibility

of 25 million refugees crossing the border into china.

Need I remind you that china has a 1 child population control policy?

So you see what I mean?

Trying to solve the problem, only creates more problems.

So what if America can't stop north korea?

Well perhaps the best option, is to negotiate for peace, and those negotiations will likely

include letting north korea test and posess nuclear weapons.

Is it really fair for the US to have a say in another country's right to nuclear weapons?

Until a negotiation for peace is on the table, both north korea and America are going to

continue to engage in a game of chicken.

Both Donald trump and Kim Jong Un have a lot to loose if they strike first.

For now, I'm charlotte dobre for lifes biggest questions, thank you so much for watching

this video, if you enjoyed it and would like to see more like it

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