Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Today we are doing the Weird Yoplait Yogurt Taste Test Challenge! Yay!

We have ten different flavors of yogurt and whoever guesses the most flavors correctly wins!

Let's Get Started!

For more infomation >> WEIRD YOPLAIT YOGURT TASTE TEST CHALLENGE / The Aloha Tribe with Jordan - Duration: 7:52.


New YouTube Channel! - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> New YouTube Channel! - Duration: 7:52.


Roblox Playing Jail Break With JacobOmgggg Also Buying Mustang - Duration: 19:46.


For more infomation >> Roblox Playing Jail Break With JacobOmgggg Also Buying Mustang - Duration: 19:46.


ABUNDANCIA MONETÁRIA p/Arcanjo Gabriel - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> ABUNDANCIA MONETÁRIA p/Arcanjo Gabriel - Duration: 4:24.


In The Heights & Telling Immigrant Stories - Duration: 7:42.

["In The Heights" plays] ♪I am Usnavi and you've pro'lly never heard my name

♪Reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated♪

["Breathe" plays] ♪I'm coming back home, with my eyes on the horizon!♪

["It Won't Be Long Now" plays] ♪It won't be long now♪ [funky beat]

["Benny's Dispatch" plays] ♪It's Benny and I'd like to mention,

♪I'm on the microphone this morning. Honk your horn if you want it♪ [horns honk]

Hi everybody! It's Wednesday. I said this last year, but apparently November

is the month in which I talk about musicals.

Two years ago, I talked about Lin-Manuel Miranda's smash broadway musical Hamilton, but Hamilton

was not Lin's first broadway musical. It really wasn't even his first broadway musical

about an immigrant coming to America with big dreams and lots of energy.

When Lin-Manuel was still in college, he began working on a musical based loosely on his

experiences of living in Washington Heights, a neighborhood in Manhattan that's

housed its fair share of immigrants.

Over the next few years, the musical developed into more of a cohesive story

with fleshed out characters and multiple points of view. Sound familiar?

In The Heights opened at the Richard Rogers theater on March 9th, 2008.

It ended up winning four of the thirteen awards it was nominated for at the Tony's that year,

and it was nominated for the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. In The Heights tells the story of

a handful of second generation Latinx immigrants over a 4-day stretch of the hottest days in New York.

The story focuses on identity, legacy, hopes, dreams, love, pain, grief, fear, family, etc. Again, sound familiar?

Lin-Manuel himself played the narrator of the story - the character who, at the beginning

and the end of the musical, is the purveyor of events - Usnavi. Because of course he did.

Usnavi's parents came from the Dominican Republic when he was just a baby,

and on the day they came into the country, they passed an U.S. Navy ship - which is where they get his name.

Unfortunately, Usnavi's parents passed away not long after immigrating, and he's basically

raised by one of their neighbors, who he calls Abuela Claudia. Of course she's not actually his Abuela,

but may as well be. Usnavi now runs the corner bodega that his parents opened,

desperately trying to keep the family business afloat in a neighborhood that is slowly seeing

gentrification take hold. He longs for the day he can afford to close the bodega

and fly to the Dominican Republic to really feel at home. And he's also got a huge crush on my favorite character,

Vanessa. I don't blame him. Karen Olivo, who recently played Angelica Schuyler in Chicago's Hamilton,

originally played Vanessa, a young woman who is desperate to escape her current situation.

Her mother is neglectful and possibly alcoholic, the men in her life treat her like an object,

and she doesn't make enough money to support herself because she's supporting her mother.

She works at her friend's neighborhood salon, which is closing soon to move to a more affordable

part of town, and she's trying to save money to, hopefully move out of the heights and

make a better life for herself. One of Usnavi's childhood friends, Nina Rosario,

was originally played by Mandy Gonzalez, who is currently Angelica Schuyler on Broadway.

At the start of the musical, the other characters are eagerly awaiting Nina's arrival from California.

She's been going to school out at Stanford - the first in her Puerto Rican family to

go to college - but she's nervous to return home because...she dropped out.

Her father runs a cab company, but school is expensive and she became overwhelmed working

three jobs to afford classes and books. She doesn't want to let anyone down,

but she learns quickly that that might be inevitable.

Usnavi's best friend Benny tries to show his support and make Nina really believe in herself again.

Speaking of Benny, Christopher Jackson originally played the only main character not explicitly

of Latinx descent. Benny's a young man who's looking for some direction in his life - and actually

he knows what direction he wants to go in, just now how to get there.

He works for Nina's father driving taxis, but he wants to go to business school

...if only he could afford it. Out of the four main characters, we comparatively

know almost nothing about Benny's backstory except that he went to school with Usnavi and Nina.

What we do know is that he's suave, that he really likes Nina, and that he tends to

show his emotions even when he doesn't seem to want to.

These four characters lead us through a few days in the "life of what it's like in Washington Heights."

They each want something they don't have - freedom, money, an education, and a life

outside of the confines of the barrio. Usnavi and Nina, and possibly Vanessa are 2nd generation immigrants.

We don't get to see Usnavi's parents on stage because, well, they're dead, but we

do get to see him interact with Abuela Claudia, who, herself, is a first generation immigrant.

Abuela looks out for Usnavi, sharing what little she has with him - and then the fortune

she comes upon later in the musical.

She even shares her hopes and dreams with him because, essentially, they are all the other has.

What's interesting about Usnavi's story is that, although his parents came to the US

looking for a better life for him, he longs to return "home" - to their home -

to finding an island paradise for himself. He feels disconnected from the idea of home,

because to him, it's wherever his parents are, even in memory.

And, you know, because struggling to find the bright spots in your community

can often cause you to try to find something better, at least until you realize that what you have is enough.

It's not always the case, but it does happen.

Vanessa isn't looking to redefine home. She's looking to straight up find it, somewhere with a more stable

living situation and an opportunity for her to prove herself. She struggles in the barrio

to set herself apart from the other women in her life, and god damn it she just wants to be treated like a person!

Vanessa wants what any young adult wants - to see something outside of her corner of the

world, to experience life, and to be respected for who she is.

Nina is unsure of what and where home is because she's unsure of who she is.

Is she the smart girl that kicked ass in high school to get into Stanford?

Or is she the colossal disappointment she feels she is because she couldn't keep up

with school and work? Is she defined by her actions, or the effort she put into those actions?

She has lots of questions and no answers, until her friends help her figure things out.

And maybe Nina doesn't know everything, but she's proud of who she is and is thankful

for the sacrifices her family has made for her. Usnavi, Vanessa, Nina, and Benny all want to be better.

They all want lives that first generation immigrants dream of giving their children.

And in a way, they have those lives, especially when they come around at the end of the musical

and realize that they have each other, their neighborhood, and a community that is proud,

vibrant, and determined to thrive. I don't think that this is the only way to interpret this musical.

I think you can watch and listen to In the Heights and see so many different types of stories that are

so beautifully packaged together, gifted to us by Lin[-Manuel Miranda] and his team.

Thank you so much for watching this video! If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up.

In the comments below, let me know what your favorite part of In the Heights is, or who your favorite character

is because...I've already said Vanessa is my favorite. I love her to pieces.

One other little announcement that I have just been forgetting to make is that I made a Ko-fi page!

It's essentially kind of like Patreon, but instead of tiers of support, you buy me cups of coffee.

They're only $3 a piece. You can donate as many cups of coffee as you want, you can do it once.

Unlike Patreon, there's no sort of monthly donation. I'd really appreciate it if you considered donating.

If you don't have the means to do so, I totally understand. If you have the means to share my Ko-fi

page, I would be, also, very grateful for that. The link is in the description so you can go and find that there.

But otherwise, if you're not already subscribed to The Princes and the Scrivener, please do so down below,

especially if you'd like to see more videos on Disney, intersectional feminism, pop culture critiques,

and more! The Scrivener will see you next week! [Latin music plays as the screen goes blank]

Okay, so I know that I look kinda fancy from the top up, but [excited] I'm wearing Harry Potter leggings!

For more infomation >> In The Heights & Telling Immigrant Stories - Duration: 7:42.


Herman and Sharron - Sue Detweiler - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Herman and Sharron - Sue Detweiler - Duration: 28:31.


Homekeepers - Gene and Carol Kent, Ministry to Family of Prisoners - Duration: 28:30.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Gene and Carol Kent, Ministry to Family of Prisoners - Duration: 28:30.


15 YouTubers That Share Their HIDDEN Beauty Secrets - Duration: 18:59.

Arguably one of the most popular genres on YouTube are beauty and lifestyle videos and


So show us some serious BFF vibes by subscribing to our channel and we'll show you the top

15 beauty and lifestyle channels that really stand out on YouTube.

Wild Daze The channel Wild Daze, hosted by the lovely

and positive Mika Francis, showcases her very unique fashion style as well as her popular

festival outfits and fanciful festival makeup.

We're also lucky to occasionally see her festival "After Movies," short, artfully curated videos

showcasing highlights and vibes from her most recent music festival or event she attended.

Beauty and fashion are balanced with lifestyle videos and discussions on deep topics such

as body image, travel, religion, positivity, mental health, veganism, and physical fitness

and health.

A budding fashionista, Mika hosts a booming Depop store.

Some of her best moments are found when she vlogs in her series, "A Week Wiv Miks" in

which she shows us her raw thoughts and feelings as she navigates life.

Native Brit Mika is ever the charming host as she awes with her wild looks and makeup,

as big, beautiful, and dazzling as her personality.

TiffyQuake Creativity surely doesn't lack on Tiffy's

beauty and lifestyle channel.

Among makeup tutorials, trying new trends and products, themed lookbooks, and the occasional

cosplay, Tiffy also regularly features adorable, easy DIY's and crafts.

Artistic, silky-voiced Tiffy enchants with her bubbly, positive, and colorful personality

as she showcases a range of lifestyle topics such as viral challenges with her husband

Mario, art, home decor, party essentials, makeup transformations, food and taste tests,

fashion, Q&A's, jewelry, travel and festival vlogs, costumes, as well as covering topics

such as creative identity, health, and motivation.

A self-proclaimed lover of all things geeky, this young woman's style and DIY's are utterly

unique and trendy, such as her watermelon towel, diamond pinata, friendship candles,

chokers, donut hat, crystal mobile, and more.

Her pastel-themed, adorable designs and personal artworks are a joy to view, and Tiffy serves

as an utterly personable host to her channel.

Simply_Kenna Simply_Kenna's style could be described as,

in fact, simple, in the best possible way.

Her visually pleasing, rustic videos are filled with earthy colors and natural charm as she

talks about fashion, style, hair, favorite things, divine seasonal topics, tattoos, delightful

little DIYs, design and decoration, themed lookbooks, and so much more.

An enormous Disney, anime, and Harry Potter fan, McKenna isn't afraid to tell it as it

is, sharing thoughts on authenticity, spirituality, beauty standards, sexual identification, self-care,

cruelty-free products, veganism, working as a costumed character at Disney, and religion.

She also covers other lifestyle topics in her vlog-style series, "Write Here Write Now"

and the chattier "Coffee with Kenna."

She also of course has an abundance of satisfying makeup tutorials, Q&A's, as well as sharing

monthly favorites.

McKenna's world is filled with calm whimsy and the simple, beautiful, magic moments of


Promise Phan (Dope2111) You've most likely heard of Promise Phan through

one social media avenue or another from her super-viral makeup transformations and trends.

Also known as dope2111 on her sister channel, Promise can easily be considered the topmost

"chameleon" and queen of makeup transformations.

Her eerily spot-on impressions of celebrities, Movie and TV characters, cartoon characters,

and highly creative special effects and themed looks displays her great skill for makeup

and are always impressive.

A lot of work, love, and attention to detail go into every one of her videos as she makes

special effort to dress the part of the character she's turning into as well as incorporating

backgrounds, props, and typically creating cute skits to go with her looks, oftentimes

incorporating her husband Steve and/or other family members.

She even tries out and shares makeup hacks and methods.

Promise's cheery, warm personality and prowess in turning into just about anyone, (seriously,

you name it, she can be it!) sets her apart!

Krist Soup Youthful, energetic, and artistic Krist Yu

keeps it real in her aesthetically pleasing DIYs and life advice.

Her popular food-based DIY's and recipes, complete with a "Krist Taste Test," consists

of the most imaginative creations out there.

Examples include geode lattes, bathbomb smoothies, rainbow ramen, ice cream spaghetti, candy

sushi, and even making the viral trend of slime to look exactly like real food!

(You can see all the details, in her freshly published slime recipe book!)

Her style is honest and she shows any mistakes or flaws in her recipes to show us what did

(and didn't) work and that nothing and no one are necessarily perfect on the first try.

How To's and DIYs aren't the only thing on Krist's radar, however, as she opens in a

chattier, vlog style with her second lifestyle channel, Krist & Yu.

Room tours, food hauls, monthly favorites, and trying trends can be found in her channel's

content, as well as tackling such topics as appearance, health, motivation, skincare,

work ethic, and identity.

The Pinup Companion Displaying a super-unique, different, and

very refreshing kind of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle content, the charming and personable,

precious cinnamon bun Rachel Maksy hosts this youngest channel on our list.

Addressing all things vintage, (with a special affinity and fondness for the 30's and 40's,)

the stunning Rachel showcases and talks about how to go vintage, her favorite vintage-inspired

products, articles of clothing, shoes, jewelry, hats, makeup tutorials, vintage hairstyles,

as well as ultra-satisfying, themed lookbooks to show her put-together and appealing style.

With oldies music setting the mood in the background of her videos, Rachel sprinkles

humor and relatability in her content as she brings back vintage inspirations in a big


She has additionally been incorporating more chatty videos, discussing her thoughts on

having a career while running her channel and life in general.

Also highly talented and skilled in incredible makeup transformations, as well as spot-on,

elaborate cosplays, The Pinup Companion, a fan of vintage and all things "geeky" in pop

culture, is truly something fresh.

Nikkie Tutorials Nikkie's channel rose to fame due to her most

well-known viral video, "The Power of Makeup," in which she puts makeup on half of her face

to show the difference and to spread the message that makeup needn't be taken so seriously

and that it is a fun tool that can change how you feel.

Makeup remains powerful in Nikkie's life.

She constantly explores, tests, and reviews the newest and freshest makeup, trends, and

sometimes unusual products and makeup methods, giving in-depth and honest reports on the

performance and her experiences.

She also features her monthly "Hits and Oh God No's" where she shares her most favorite

(and most hated) makeup products or tools of the month.

Nikkie's zest and deep passion for makeup even made it to a collaboration with the makeup

brand Too Faced for her own makeup collection, of course called "The Power of Makeup."

Highlighter's biggest fan, Nikkie's fun and infectious personality shines through any

amount of makeup, making you laugh out loud as you learn tutorials and which new makeup

or trends are "yass" or "pass."

Marzia The delicate-voiced Marzia, (previously known

under the name CutiePieMarzia,) an Italian native living in England, is certainly a very

well-rounded beauty guru.

In addition to being the author of her horror novel Dream House, she also has her own clothing

line, a carefully curated monthly subscription box, and just recently launched a small jewelry

design and collection, "Stella and Luna."

Featuring hauls, lookbooks, vlogs, makeup tutorials, and takes on her quirky interests

and style as well as her popular series of travel vlogs, Marzia also delights with simple

cooking and baking recipes in her series "Marzia Makes."

Upbeat music and cutesy fonts overlay her quality videos--but don't get all the cutesy-ness

wrong; Marzia is also a lover of all things scary, paranormal, and weird.

As well as being a horror movie buff, she is also obsessed with tattoos and loves self-improvement

and meeting goals, as seen in her "Monthly Notes" series, her studying Japanese, and

taking classes on her growing interest in interior design.

Marzia's content is just lovely and to the point as she shares her experiences with with

art, discusses personality and identity, and draws adorable and strange creatures as she

shares her lifestyle with her "marzipans."

Ladylike A highly popular spin-off channel from the

well-known BuzzFeed, this channel features a solid team of ladies who do indeed explore

makeup, challenges, beauty trends, products, and methods, fashion transformations, (even

period challenges!) as well as a plethora of other lifestyle challenges, such as getting

tattoos, being bartenders for a day, hairstylists for a day, taking DNA tests, running a food

truck, not shaving for a month, wearing pregnancy bellies, and giving up their bad spending


The perfect mix of fun and educational, this beauty/lifestyle channel, by women, for women,

(and men, and everything in between,) shows the strength of being women and what they

can accomplish!

This varied channel is certainly "lady-tested, lady-approved!"

Kimdao Kim, a native Australian, takes a distinctive

approach to beauty and lifestyle as the majority of her videos are about Japan.

She explores sometimes unorthodox skincare, unique makeup products, hottest fashion trends,

what it's like to live in Japan, as well as a plethora of well-executed travel vlogs showcasing

Japan's finest beauty, shopping, and tourism districts.

She reviews and uses products on-screen for us, giving her honest take on the popular

and sometimes unusual Japanese beauty products.

Her reports on Japan's hotspots features brightest on this young woman's channel.

She professionally hosts an inside view to destinations, stores, tourist attractions,

and things to do in Japan.

Her channel has recently taken a fresh turn as she's moved back to Australia, but she

promises there will certainly be no shortage of reviews, beauty, skincare, lifestyle, and

vlog footage of Japan and her other journeys.

Complete with trendy and cute overlays, text, labels, and effects in her videos, the bubbly

and sweet Kimdao will certainly make you smile.

Ingrid Nilsen You may already know Ingrid from her viral

"Coming Out" video from 2015, but this young woman has been, true to her original moniker,

Missglamorazzi, glamming it up on YouTube for many years before.

Bright-eyed and earnest Ingrid talks to us on a myriad of health, beauty, and lifestyle

topics, as well as monthly favorites, makeup and hair routines, lookbooks, and the occasional

recipe or DIY as well.

What adds something special to these commonly found and abundant YouTube topics is the sparkling

personality and passion that sets this beauty guru apart.

In addition to partnering with Bare Minerals for a limited edition small makeup collection,

Ingrid has also partnered with the jewelry brand Mejuri to create unisex pieces with

encouraging messages engraved on them.

She also hosts a fun series of interviews with friends and internet celebs called "Sense

of Self," in which she asks each person what their favorite thing is in their home or room

that matches the five senses.

The other half of the podcast "Ladies Who Lunch," Ingrid is a champion for LGBT+ rights,

open discussions of periods, politics, and mental health.

Freddy My Love Freddy may actually be the closest thing to

a real-life princess.

Veiled in her favorite color scheme of light, soft pinks, white, cream, and beiges, British

native Freddy delights and enchants audiences on her relatively young channel.

Success can be evident in her consistent editing style, thumbnails, and high quality of her

videos, accompanied by a bright background tune.

On Freddy's channel, you come for the aesthetics, and stay for the personality.

Freddy charms with an enormous breadth of topics, including high fashion, clothes, perfume,

makeup, as well as showcasing themed lookbooks, "get ready with me," favorites, hair and makeup

tutorials, viral tags, routines, Q&A's, hauls, and more.

Freddy also occasionally sprinkles in travel vlogs and sometimes deeper videos, talking

about advice, lifestyle tips, and even getting your mood ready for the changing seasons.

You could honestly hear Freddy discuss anything; her sweetness and genuine vigor will always

shine through.

Estée Lalonde Estée, author of the popular and autobiographical

book Bloom, presents a wonderfully unique sense of style on her channel.

A native Canadian living in England, Estée isn't afriad to share her obsessions with

plants, her long-time boyfriend Aslan, makeup, fashion, stationary, home design, skincare,

and her fur-baby greyhound, Reggie.

Bright-eyed Estée and her infectious smile also consistently vlogs of live and travel

adventures on her vlog channel, Everyday Estée.

Estée always seems to have the most interesting, quirky, and creative monthly favorites, hauls,

makeup favorites, and fashion favorites.

Her style can be described as "a hip grandma in a young body," as well as someone who's

life experiences have taught her not to give a fudge!

Host of the new podcast, "The Heart of It," Estée also liberally sprinkles discussion

topics in her videos such as feminism, identity, politics, relationships, body confidence,

and other feminine-based topics in her series, Femtalk.

A wonderful, warm personality and clean aesthetic leave viewers always wanting more.

Cherry Wallis Cherry, a self-proclaimed and clearly evident

Harry Potter addict, showcases her effervescent personality on her channel, where she can

often be found doing hauls and monthly favorites as well as discussing her other love in life,

(besides Harry Potter and her boyfriend, Pete,): makeup!

Cherry even graced us with an amazing series in October 2016 with twice-a-week special

effect/transformation makeup looks.

Cherry also regularly answers viewer's questions, always has a new haul to share, occasionally

shows her baking skills in "Cherry's Kitchen," sprinkles in some DIY projects, and sometimes

features art and paintings (art is what she attended school for.)

In addition, Gryffindor Cherry also periodically posts travel vlogs, (typically to Harry Potter-related


She also unboxes Harry Potter-themed subscription boxes, gives makeup tutorials, lookbooks,

and in her YouTube infancy even featured sketches and comedy.

Cherry's infectious enthusiasm for life shines.

Join her "magical online family" today!

Carrie Rad The beautiful inside-and-out and wonderfully

authentic Carrie hosts a channel filled with it all: beauty, makeup, fashion, skincare,

lifestyle, cooking, health, vlogs, routines, Q&A's, hauls, favorites, travel, and more!

There seems to be no shortage of themes and material on this young beauty guru's channel.

Of course, what sets Carrie apart in the sea of YouTube beauty, is her sparkling sincerity

and lust for life as well as sometimes leaving funny little goofs in her videos to show how

real life is.

(One recalls when her fur-baby Hendrix dunked his paw in her freshly-made coffee.)

She adds more serious chats and topics among the fun and beauty, creating insightful dialogues

about such topics as relationships, motivation, negativity, mental health, feminism, friendship,

politics, career, and more in her ongoing series of "RadTalks."

You can't help smiling, laughing, and nodding in agreement to Carrie's content.

An artist at heart as well as an aspiring actress, this well-rounded old soul keeps

quality and consistency in how she presents her vlogs and videos as she shares and shows

wisdom--all while staying rad.

And before I forget, check out some of our other rad videos and why not subscribe to

our channel.

For more infomation >> 15 YouTubers That Share Their HIDDEN Beauty Secrets - Duration: 18:59.


FS17 Timelapse #7 - the search for gold - Duration: 9:25.

I did this before so I still remember the places of a few goldnuggets

And we just have to find 10 because then all the others will be on the map

I remember one beeing on the island

so let's take the helicopter to get there

I know what we're gonna buy first when we got the million

And now finally we found ten of them so all the others are on the map.

My plan was to drive the train to get all of the gold that is next to the train tracks

In my opinion fertilizing in this perspective look pretty cool

Let's switch to the helicopter again

The helicopter glitched out a bit so that it is turned on but actually isn't turned on

Because of that the rotorblades won't turn any more

just don't mind ;)

Hell yeah

we got that million

now you can watch me spending a million dollars very fast

For more infomation >> FS17 Timelapse #7 - the search for gold - Duration: 9:25.



For more infomation >> BIG HAUL 😍🙌🏾 PRIMARK, STRADIVARIUS, HUDA BEAUTY, MAC ... I DMK - Duration: 12:48.


roblox stuffff | LIVE!!!! w/nick - Duration: 1:29:53.

For more infomation >> roblox stuffff | LIVE!!!! w/nick - Duration: 1:29:53.


07 - Estocolmo - O Retorno da Mala e Surpresas no Albergue - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 6:34.

Good morning!

My second day in Stockholm and I'm going to the pharmacy,

My nose it's not cool, I get so much cold yesterday.

It all started with the air conditioner,

from the last flight,

London to Stockholm.

It's 8 A.M of a beautiful day!

Bem, tá frio pra mim aqui!

It's cold!!!!

It's like winter in Minas Gerais!

It looks I'm back to my parent's house!!

About weather, of course!

I should have dressed a coat!

It's colder than yesterday!

Do you know why am I using the same clothes?

My suitcase didn't arrived yesterday.

It was founded, they'll give it to me today. Between 9A.M and 1 P.M.

People riding bike using coat...

And I'm with this t-shirt...

"Mom, I'm strong" I'm back from the gym" t-shirt style, lol!

Look who's with me!!!

When I arrived, I stayed 30 minutes next to the mat,

waiting for my suitcase, but it didn't appeared.

I went to right department, filled out a form,

and in the next morning I called them.

It was a question of hours until they send me some sms messages

and call me saying that they founded it,

and they would send it to me at the next day.

I gave them Steff's adress,

and waited for them in the morning. Then it arrived.

Of course a million thoughts appeared in my head:

- The suitcase won't appear!! - I will have problems!!!

But, you know what I did?

I'm in another country,

Steff lent me a pair of clothes,

I'm having a blast,

here it's soo beautiful,

I will enjoy and then it will arrive.

And this is what happened!

I don't understand how to cross the street here!

At the right place.

I have the sensation that the cars will kill me all the time.

People here are very polide at the transit!

And I'm not used to it!!

Who lives in Rio de Janeiro is used to,

the cars trying to kill us all the time.

The traffic signal was closed for me,

the car was stopped and driver did a sign. "Go, you can cross"

The I crossed and the cars started walking again.

Me: HELLO???

I'n not used to receive so much education at the traffic!!

This is horrible!

I am very conditioned to a very precarious condition.

It's sad.

This is my room for the next six days.

This is all I need.

A place to sleep,

my things,

this view,

A locker room. (mine is number four)

If you lost the key you pay 500 krons.

That basic rules:

Don't bring anyone. Don't drink. Don't smoke.

No disturb after 11 P.M.

At the next six days I'll be "alone" in the city, living adventures!

Of course I've started a friendship with a lot of people here.

This is my idea!

I've met people from...





And don't forget!!!

Subscribe at this channel!!

Like the video!

Share it!!

And activate the notifications,

at the little bell!

If I had a lot of money,

I'd eat at the best restaurants in the city. Always.

But it's not my reality now!

And I don't wanna stop travelling because of it,

So I need to fit me at my monetary reality.


The quantity of money I can spent to do a nice trip

in the days I planned.

So, instead go to a fancy restaurant,

I go to the market and buy the things I like.

I'm lucky,

I really like to eat some very cheap things,

One thing is whole grain bread without nothing inside. Lol.

I don't need to buy nothing to put inside, I really like this way.

If I do this in Rio, why not here?

02:00. AM!! Everybody's crazy. No one wants to sleep,

We all want some fun!!

Vocês querem festa???

É verão na Europa!!!

E não estamos aqui pra dormir! Porra!!

Eu quero dormir quando eu ficar velho!

Você está sóbrio, não bebeu nada!!

Você está completamente sóbrio e está assim!

Sim. Água já me deixa maluco,

se eu gosto do lugar, das pessoas,

é o suficiente pra mim.

Muita gente acha que eu sempre estou usando algum tipo de droga. LOL.

It's 2 A.M and people are crazy in this hostel!

I'll speak in portuguese, no one is understand a word!

Eu disse: São duas da manhã e ninguém está entendendo nada por que

estou falando em português.

Eu não o entendi! LOL!


Neste quarto há três camas vazias.

Pegue-as e vão dormir!

Neste quarto somos apenas eu e mais um cara.

As outras camas estão vazias.

Vocês podem dormir nelas.

Há um problema com esta porta,

Ela é racista! Lol.

Everything in this hostel it was by internet.

Check in, booking and payment.

After everything is ok, you received an email with some codes.

From the entrance door, your room's door and the number of your bed.

Because of it,

The lady who worked there go away at six, seven at nigh,

and all the place was in our hands, for us!

in this six days,

Every night some people appeared, completely lost about what to do.

Looking for someone who works there.

But there are no one!

They paid, received an email with the confirmation,

but not the email with the codes,

Because of that they couldn't go inside the hostel.

As there wasn't no one working there, and all the dawns we we there, talking,

We started to spread these people at the empty beds,

"Oh, there are two empty beds at my room, you can sleep there!"

"At the other room has more three..."

But there's one rule: They needed to wake up early,

get their things, go out of the hostel,

and return at 7 or 8 a.m. That's when the girl would be there.

Then they talked to her and everything was ok.

Even at the hostels something must happen!

What's happening now?

People are talking but I wanna show something,

Ele está dormingo no chão!

He's sleeping at the ground!

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