Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Chase: Dean Springs

Dean: Yo, What Up!?

Chase: Tell them where we're at brother

Dean: Hollywood, California

Chase: The palm trees are so beautiful man

Chase: Is that a palm tree even?

Dean: No

I don't know how hot it is out here but it is frickin' hot man

I'm not a huge fan of the heat but California is beautiful so far

Los Angeles is pretty beautiful

I just got to stay in the shade

Long sleeves vs. Everything dude

My name is Chase Winters

I am an agent of change

I make music

I make people smile

I just saw a Russian store

and I bought Borjomi for my friend

and I bought this Kvass for myself

Amazing! In California

Dean: Yeah!

Hey Chase!

Hey! :) What?

Traveling is amazing.

It has enriched my life so much to be able to go to other states

to other countries

There are just so many benefits to experiencing a new culture

Trying new foods

Seeing new musical instruments

Meeting new people

It just makes you a bigger person

It's made me better by learning how other people live,

learning new perspectives

and I definitely encourage everyone to make traveling a priority

Because it makes you better

It makes you see the world

There is an entire world outside of the countries we're from

outside of our cites, outside of our small areas

And just to open yourself to bring in new influences

and expand your world is an amazing thing

So, I want to share my money collection with you

I would be lying if I said I knew where I got half of this stuff

I have...

I have money from Moldova

I've been to Moldova

This is...

I think Belorussian money

I think

Money from Honduras

I've definitely never been to Honduras, I don't remember where I got this

I have some friends from Hunduras and they asked "Where did you get that?"

And I said "I'm not sure"

I have some Krona, this is from Sweden

I remember getting this in Sweden

I have...

some money from Turkmenistan

I have…

Is this from Chili?

Yeah, it's from Chili

Really colorful, really beautiful looking money

I have some money from Trinidad

Trinidad is where my family is from

This is a really cool coin from Russia

This is ten rubles...

but it's cool

It's just a really shiny looking coin

This is a gift from a friend that I made in Moldova who just came from Moscow

This is a gift from my friend in Smolensk

Svoboda, Thank you very much

It's a really old Russian coin from 1812

Hey Chase!

Hey! :) What?

Coming to LA, I expected to see the walk of fame

But I did not expect to see a raging wild fire

This is the first time that I witnessed anything like it

I also took my first trip to San Francisco

So we're in the middle of California right now heading to San Francisco

It's super hot outside

I don't like the heat



In San Francisco, sipping Ayran

Alex: Let's Go

Chase: What?

Chase: What do I need to do?


We're at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California

And my message to you in this episode is stand for something

If you have no foundation, no moral code, no ethics

You're bound to be easily influenced by anything

So figure out what's important to you and stick to your guns

And that's it...

Chase your goals

The Bridge!

The Bridge…

The Bridge…

the bri..

Nah.. Let me not break my legs out here

For more infomation >> Chase Your Goals Episode X - Duration: 6:13.


Dinner Party! He meat looks amazing!!! XD [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 17:55.

That's right.

Could you rinse the lettuce for us?

Of course.

Ready or not, rock-paper-scissors.

There's one more.

- Really? / - We only need one.

Ready or not, rock-paper-scissors.

(Laughing triumphantly)

- Rinse the lettuce. / - Are you that happy?

Of course.

- He hates helping out. / - But I'm the lady here.

- I'm sorry. / - That and the ramyeon.

This is unexpected. I really thought

- you had eaten. / - How could we?

Defconn, I'm sorry about earlier.

You should be very sorry.

Anyway, Chaeyeon said we should have a feast.

I'll trust you on the grill!

Yura, this is your favorite.

I'm so happy right now.

Chaeyeon, we owe you.

I will sleep well tonight.

I wouldn't have if I were angry.

Shall we rinse all of these?

- Right? / - Let's rinse

- these first. / - Let's empty this.

This should do it.

(The rinsed lettuce goes in the pot.)

Are we going to boil this instead?

No, we're grilling it.

(They're all busy getting ready for dinner.)

Everyone's hungry.

You're all doing great.

You're really good at this.

Give her a round of applause.

(What's going on?)

They're making up for not doing anything.

Sometimes, it's best to stay out of the way.

He's right about that.

(They're just goofing around.)

- These, too? / - Yes.

(They're doing great.)

- We have dongchimi. / - Are you serious?

Junho, look at this.

- What's that? / - Jeon.

Like this.

Are you really going to eat alone?

There's only two. We only bought two.

You sure bought a lot.

What's this you have?

(Every man for himself)

- Can we eat this? / - Of course.

- Let's move this. / - Chaeyeon did it all.

- My gosh. / - This is amazing.

It's really good.

- Why aren't you helping? / - I'm the supervisor.

In a way, I'm the conductor.

(Maestro Junho)

Hara on the dongchimi.

(Hara, dongchimi!)

(It's like she's following Junho's lead.)

Narsha on dish cleaning.

(Narsha, dish cleaning!)

(They wash the lettuce leaves.)

Watch this.

Defconn, grill!

(Defconn grills.)

The meat looks amazing.

(Meat is spread out on the pan.)

Who are you? What are you in charge of?

I'm the assistant.

See how I don't miss anything?

(I'm not goofing around.)

May I taste that?

- Did you buy that too? / - This.

- Have you tried it? / - No, I haven't.

It's so good.


- Is it good? / - Yes.

It's so good!

- Chaeyeon made it. / - Three cheers for her!

- Hurrah. / - Hurrah.

- Hurrah! / - Chaeyeon, hurrah!

- Yes! / - Good job.

I'm watching you, so don't you slack off.

(They all pitch in.)

- Isn't it good? / - Jongmin.

- Jongmin. / - I'm feeding the workers.

- He's feeding the others. / - I'm over here, though.

Do you want some too?

Jongmin, I'm over here.


Why aren't you paying her more attention?

You're her partner.

I've known her for a long time.

- Why did you ignore me? / - I really wasn't.

I like how the meat is nice and thick.

May I try some?

They're not ready yet.

They're ready enough. Any longer and they'll burn.

Really? Don't we need sauce?

Is that so?

- That's right. / - How about this?

I just made it.

- Okay. / - Minced garlic with

- gochujang and doenjang. / - Are they ready?

All right.

Something tastes delicious!

I bet it's this.

- Really? / - Try some.

I see you're not new to cooking.

Ssamjang tastes great this way.

- Did you just make this? / - Of course.

(Doenjang, gochujang and minced garlic)

(Pour in sugar.)

(Drizzle in tasty sesame oil.)

(Made by Yura)

- It's so good. / - Really?

Yes. I love how it's balanced.

What are you up to now?

They're taking longer than expected.


- See what they're up to. / - Sure.

Isn't this too much?

(Are they only eating chilies?)

- Are we going to grill these? / - Right.

I think these are enough.

(They wrap it up as Joonyoung suggests.)

Let's go.

Are the chilies any good?

They're good.

(The youngest busily sets the table with food.)

What about the kimchi jjigae?

- Are we 12 people? / - Yes.

A table for 12.

We're having a feast thanks to the ladies.

- I know. / - Everything's better.

We never set the table this neatly.

(The dinner table is set with hard work and love.)

Look at the color on these.

(Golden-brown and mouthwatering samgyeopsal)

- A lot are new. / - We should eat these.

- What now? / - He's making ramyeon.

- Jongmin. / - Can I shut this?

It's really good.

- We should eat already. / - Right.

- Come on. / - Can we eat?

My gosh.

(Defconn's samgyeopsal and Yura's ssamjang)

The meat.

It's really delicious.

(She eats the same combination as well.)

Now the kimchi.

(Why bother describing the taste?)

(She drinks the cool dongchimi juice.)


That's good.

What about it?

(Her eyes lit up.)

- Unbelievable. / - Coming up next is beef.

(Second round is beef.)


- It came. / - What came?

My love for meat.

(His love for meat is back.)

Guys, try some beef.

(Gyeongree arrives with a wrap.)

- Defconn. / - Where's the garlic?

- Are you kidding me? / - It's the least I can do.

- That's hot. / - It's delicious.

- Have some more. / - It's really good.

(He never leaves his post by the stove.)

(Whatever meat the others eat,)

(he only cares about the kimchi jjigae.)

(Is this not it?)

Siyoon, here you go.


(Gyeongree's special service)

Here's one for slacking off today.


There you go.

(The brat always gets one more.)

- Smile. / - It's a bit greasy.

Don't you agree?

Hara and Narsha don't look angry anymore.


- You two startled me. / - They seem happier now.

We were pulling your legs too.

That's right.

We're not that mean.

How's the meat?

- Good. / - Is it good?

- It's great. / - It's good meat.

- Have some beef too. / - Beef?

Don't you guys never get to eat?

- This is a first for us. / - It is.

- The beef is delicious. / - Isn't it?

- Really? / - Who wants a big piece?

- A big piece. / - Me!

- Me. / - Me!

- It's this big. / - I give up.

- Me. / - Eat it as it is.

- Here. / - Let me.

- I can eat it. / - Really?

- There's more. / - Really?

Look at this.

- I can eat that. / - Really?

Come and join us.

The piece needs to be big to enjoy the texture.

Narsha's up for the challenge.

- Come on. / - Isn't it too big?

- Be careful. / - Don't forget to chew.

My goodness.


Are you sure about this?

- Narsha. / - Why make her do this?

I didn't. It was actually for me.

We're not using this so...

It's like she only has this chance to eat.

Why would you do that?

Make sure you chew.

- It was for me. / - We can eat together.

- Is he eating too? / - Yes, of course.

There's really a lot.

We've never eaten like this.

- Guys. / - This is amazing.

- No way. / - This is great.

- Who made the jjigae? / - I did.


(Kimchi jjigae to refresh their palates)

- Here we go. / - Are you sure?

Gosh, it's good.

Good job, Siyoon.

(The spicy jjigae calls for steamed rice.)

This is amazing.

- Did you add canned tuna? / - It's good.

Yes, I did.

- I hate canned tuna. / - Then don't eat it.

- Gosh. / - Let me have it, then.

Wait a second. I'll manage around it.

- I see you're full. / - He must be.

That's why it tastes good.

- Is that ramyeon? / - Ramyeon?

- Ramyeon, let's go. / - Coming right up!

Why are the staff being so nice to us?

- The sauce is like... / - Jongmin.

Hello, sir.

- I just stopped by. / - Are you hungry, sir?

Come on over.


- Give me one. / - Narsha.


Is that how you greet your father?

- Dad! / - You weren't like this.

- Open up. / - That's a big one.

(He eats Hara's lettuce wrap.)

- We sure are a big group. / - Isn't it delicious?

We're even making ramyeon now.

- Please enjoy. / - Of course.

(Chaeyeon brings Defconn a wrap.)

Gosh, thank you.

You should make him a lettuce wrap too.


Go ahead and eat.



(What's going on?)

(The two came up with a plan.)

I don't know where it went to.

(Siyoon provides Cheongyang chili.)

(We should add in minced garlic.)

(She gets some that's right next to Defconn.)

(This'll be fun.)

I feel slightly jealous.

- Right? / - He's a lucky man.

We rarely get fooled.

- Chaeyeon! / - How can he not eat it?

Of course.

Have fun, everyone.

Thank you.

- Enjoy the food too. / - Thank you.


- It'll get mushy soon. / - Of course.

- Here you go. / - Thank you so much.

- Thank you. / - Good job!

We can do it!

- Right. / - Well...

(Why aren't you leaving?)

- I need to say this. / - What?

- One... / - One Night...

- Two... / - That's right.

- Say it with me. / - Over there, sir.


- Two! / - It's "One Night".

You should say "Night". One!

- Two Days. / - And.

- One. / - Night!

- Yes. / - Yes!

- I wish you the best. / - Thank you.

- Bye. / - Thank you.

- Look at that. / - It's rice.

What a feast.

(Chaeyeon delivers a bowl to each.)

It's better with Cheongyang chili in it.

- It's refreshing. / - I know.

- I bet it's spicy. / - It's really good.

My stomach's about to burst.

I know I'm full, but I can't help it.

(Ramyeon isn't the end of it.)

What's that?

It's really good.

He watches "Men in Black".

I must've eaten too many lettuce wraps.

Look, peaches.

(They're as big as pears.)

Aren't those pears? Should we peel them?

Bring it to your face.

- Gosh. / - No way.

- It's as big as her head. / - Hers is tiny.

I haven't seen peaches that big before.

Look at Taehyun peeling those.

- Right. / - Are you sure about this?

Here you go. Have this.

Why are you doubting me when I never did?

Here you go.

- I'm trusting you. / - Sure.

- You should. / - Of course.

I didn't add any chilies.

I didn't do anything funny.

(He laughs suspiciously.)

- What's wrong? / - Chaeyeon!

What did he add?

I just put in a lot of garlic.

- Is there an extra knife? / - Defconn.

How could you do that to her?

- Unbelievable. / - How could you?

- She's only a girl. / - She's barely 20.

She's crying.


Her breath reeks of garlic.

- Unbelievable. / - No way.

It'll chase away cancer.

- What? / - How could you?

I only put in a little.

I guess you went overboard again.

I'm really sorry.

It's because his first love didn't work out.

(He doesn't understand women at all.)

The peaches are like mangoes.

They're delicious.

- They're extremely juicy. / - No way.

It's from the elders.

Look at the color. They're almost golden.

They're really big.

This is the best.

I haven't had better peaches before.

It's amazing.


- Do you want more? / - This is incredible.


This is unbelievable.

It's to die for.

This is the best out of everything today.

- It's like pudding. / - It melts in your mouth.

Doesn't it disappear?

(Everyone's mesmerized.)

- How can this be? / - This is impossible.

This is delicious.

You wouldn't believe it.

(Hara delivers it herself.)

- It's delicious. / - Who else wants it?

It's really good.

Do you want some?

- Really? / - Here.

(She hands out a slice to everyone.)

(Her heart is as sweet as the peaches.)

Look at Hara.

We should just eat it.

- Let's try it out. / - Right.

(Junho gets one ready for someone.)

Is there a smaller one?

It's impossible to not eat any.

- Everything was great. / - When they're sliced...

(He spots the clueless Hara.)

Don't sell yourself short and have a proper slice.

- Here. / - I like this better.

She's right. The ends are sometimes better.

(Hara, watch out!)

He sprinkled salt on it.

(Oh no...)

I can't believe she actually ate it.

No way.

- Help her. / - It's way too salty.

- Spit it out. / - Give her a tissue.

It's dangerous to eat that.

How could you?

- Spit it out. / - Hara!


- How could you? / - My gosh.

- You're unbelievable. / - You gave her salt.

(Junho is the worst.)

- It's so good. / - I knew something was up.

Write mean comments, and I'll sue you.

I'll sue you.


I'll take action against every one of them.

Every one of them.

We won't stop you.

That was hilarious.

Should I get the grapes?

Do we have grapes too?

Get the grapes!

Let's play rock-paper-scissors.

I'll just rinse them.

Hara's the best.

She's good in the kitchen.

(Once they are rinsed,)

(they're pulled off from the stem.)

(Rinse again and they sparkle like gem.)

- Good job. / - Look at that.

- They're pretty. / - They're like gems.

(Rinse again and they sparkle like gem.)

- Which one? / - Junho, can you catch this?

Of course.

- He's good at that. / - Really?

In one, two, three.


Did he really catch it?

He's really good.

No way.

He comes from the zoo.

- What? / - He's so good at this.


- That's right. / - Hold on a second.

He's good at these things.

In one, two, three.

(Was it just good luck the first time?)


(That's pure talent.)

- No way. / - What did I tell you?

What is this?

Salt and sesame oil.

(Salt and sesame oil)


No way.

He almost swallowed it whole.

That's what you get.

This is for Shinyoung.

(Take that!)

What comes around goes around.

- See? / - They learn so quickly.

They aren't big, but they're so juicy.

- It's so good. / - Right.

- My gosh. / - They're so sweet.

I know.

Aren't they extremely juicy?

They're so sweet!

You should all eat one too.

Come on and join us.


Look at Hara.

(Hara's at your service.)

My gosh.

Would you look at that?

She's like a fruit store owner.

Since she's handing out to those over there,

they've all gone over to that side.

They're all gravitating towards her.

Look at how they're getting in line.

Even them.

He's too shy to hold up his chin.

(Although he's shy, he doesn't resist.)

They're opening up their mouths

before she's even there.

Isn't that weird?

- They can't wait. / - Since when?

They don't even take the hands out.

Tell me about it.

Seong just came out of nowhere.

He came running.

Where were you just now?

- Well... / - How about this?

How about this?

Excuse me.

(Shut it!)

Goodness. Did you see that?

(Junho, here you go!)


That's enough.

Ms. Koo really knows how to run the place.

- She really does. / - Thank you.

Her parents own an orchard.

Yes, it's in Bundang.

Isn't that right?

Do you think I'm blind?

(I can see you.)


How stupid do you think I am?

He hasn't lost his sight just yet.

Did you see her just now?

(Hara was too obvious.)

Didn't you see that our eyes even locked too?


I thought you wouldn't see that.

(He's dumbfounded.)

- Don't, though. / - She's still that upset.

Chaeyeon saved these for Shinyoung.

Now bring me salt.


- No, don't. / - Go on.

- Don't do that. / - Why not?

Anyway, thank you, Chaeyeon.

- That's right. / - Go, Chaeyeon!

(Chaeyeon, thank you.)


(They enjoyed a feast thanks to her.)

She's a lucky charm.

For more infomation >> Dinner Party! He meat looks amazing!!! XD [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 17:55.


Borderlands 2 w/Kane & Donnie - Duration: 3:58:16.

For more infomation >> Borderlands 2 w/Kane & Donnie - Duration: 3:58:16.


Sleeping indoors or Outdoors-"Save Gyeongree & Narsha" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 31:41.

("Sleeping Indoors or Outdoors")


- This is for you. / - What's that?

Take a look.

(Hara brings her what Chaeyeon saved.)

They're delicious.

- Is it still fresh? / - Of course.

- They're delicious. / - You taste it first.

Sure thing.

(Hara tastes the food first.)

She sure is quick-witted.

I would've ate the fruit without thinking.

(Isn't there any meat?)

- Have you had dinner? / - Isn't it good?

- Chaeyeon saved these for you. / - Really?

That's sweet of you.

(We ate all the meat, though.)


Defconn, I'm back.

We missed you.

Did you know we won first place?

(We won first place.)

- We won first place. / - Really?

- Of course. / - Nice.


- Where's Fart King Jongmin? / - He went to the toilet.

Did you know?

He started farting as soon as you were all gone.

- Who did? / - Jongmin.

- He must've held it in. / - Normally he doesn't.

- I see. / - I was really surprised.

He can fart on cue.

It's time for tea.

(They were alone 10 minutes ago.)

It's time for tea.

There you go.

(In this case, "tea" means his farts.)

He starts farting now that we're alone.

Jongmin's back.

Jongmin, hurry up.

(Jongmin, hurry up.)

(Hara, I'm coming!)

(His steps are lighter after a visit to the bathroom.)

He's so annoying.

(The gang is back together.)

You two are unbelievable.

Your head is twice the size of Hara's.

Shouldn't his efforts get a smile from Hara at least?

He changed clothes twice,

showered and brushed his teeth.

Hara doesn't hate him, though.

I feel like she's had enough of him.

I bet I'm the first of my kind.


Since it's already quite late,

we should get into it right away.

For today's "Sleeping Indoors or Outdoors",

we'll play "Today is Girl's Day,"

"Save Gyeongree and Narsha."

♪ And I ♪

No way!



Girl's Day?

The song sounds like DIA.

- Right. / - We're all in there.

What about Yura?

- You didn't say her name. / - Girl's Day.

I said Girl's Day instead.

She's a member of Girl's Day.

We'll be partnering up once again

and playing three games in total.

The winners of each game

will sleep indoors at Driver Lee's house.

The rest will sleep outdoors at the campsite.


The place we ate?

- Yes. / - We're sleeping there?

That's right.

- It's not bad. / - My gosh.

Tell me you're lying.

The first game is "The Gyeongree".

- "The Gyeongree"? / - What?

Do we have to salute?

Can you guess what game it'll be?

- What is she good at? / - Just like her name,

- she's good with numbers. / - Right.

- Dancing sexily? / - You got it.

You'll be doing sums in your head.

- Oh no. / - I'm bad at that!

(The teams will decide where to sit.)

(They'll be asked in the order.)

(The objective is to)

(answer correctly within three seconds.)

(The questions will get harder each round.)

- Where we sit is very important. / - That's right.

Let's play rock-paper-scissors.

It's best to sit next to someone stupid.

(I'm not as stupid as I was.)

I'm going to sit next to Jongmin.

Let's decide who sits where.

I entered an arithmetic competition once.


Even the ceiling lights makes a plus sign.

Let's decide who sits where.

Since I need to play the game as well,

we have invited a referee

to make sure everything's fair.

It's been a while.

(Kwon Gijong, Referee)

It's hard to have him as a referee now

since he's actually become an actor.

- Really? / - Of course.

- "The Best Hit". / - That's right.

Who are you?

(He appeared on the series "The Best Hit".)

(His uniform says it all.)

- I'm not sure. / - He wants some water.


(He utilized his character on Two Days and One Night.)

You're out!

Let's decide where everyone sits first.

Shinyoung's the MC, so we'll sit in the middle.

- Okay. / - Good.

The rest will play rock-paper-scissors.

No, we're all playing rock-paper-scissors.

- But I'm the MC. / - Rock-paper-scissors.

What? Gosh, I'm sorry about that.

The members of Two Days and One Night

will play rock-paper-scissors.

- Since we start from... / - We'll start from there.

- That's the worst spot. / - Raise your hand.

Ready or not, rock-paper-scissors.

(Everyone put out scissors but Joonyoung.)


- Just stay there. / - You can stay there.

- Just stay there. / - Rock-paper-scissors.

(Jongmin goes to the second spot.)

- Okay. / - You lost.

- I put out scissors. / - No, you didn't.

- You lost. / - Let me play once more.

- Get lost. / - Go to your spot.

- What a good job. / - She's kicking him.

It's going well.


- Yes! / - It's me.


- I love this spot. / - Here?

It's a good spot.

It's good for us.




- Have a seat. / - Thanks.

- We made it. / - Yes.

Now let's start with Joonyoung's team.

Today doesn't seem to be his day.

He's unlucky these days.

(I'm not alone.)

Whoever knows the answer may answer.

(They fail if one of them says the wrong answer.)

If both say the answer but one is wrong,

they still fail.

- Okay. / - Here we go.

49 plus 4 is?

- 53. / - Correct.

57 plus 4 is?

- 61. / - Correct.

24 plus 5 is?

- 29. / - Correct.

19 plus 9 is?

- 28. / - Correct.

47 plus 7 is?

- 54. / - Correct.

33 plus 8 is?

- 41. / - Incorrect.

- Why? / - How can it be 41?

- He said, "33 plus 8". / - Wasn't it "33 plus 8"?

33 plus...

(Listen carefully.)

He said the question wrong. You are right.



You sleep outdoors.

How difficult is it to simply read?

I've become farsighted these days.

I think it's time for you to retire.

I knew he was doing too well.

The letters are too small.

- He's showing it to us. / - He's showing it to us.

He said the letters are small.

All right.

He looks so sad.

Is it getting harder?

Yes. This time, it's going to be a little harder.

- Okay. / - Please be easy on us.

Here we go.

23 plus 45 is?

- Time over. / - 68.

- Time over. / - You're out.

You're out.

- It was too late. / - 23 plus 45 is?

- 68. / - Correct.

(He's quite smart.)

(See? I entered an arithmetic contest.)

32 plus 51 is?

32 plus what?

- Out. / - You're out.

(They couldn't say a word.)

- It's difficult. / - 32 plus 51 is?


- Wrong. / - It's 83, not 84.

- You're out. / - 32 plus 51 is?

- 83. / - Correct.


19 plus 67 is?



- Who are the losers? / - Wait a minute.

Many teams have failed just now, right?

They all failed at the same time.

I can't hear what they're saying.

Those who will sleep indoors, come out.

Whichever team answers the question first wins.

- The one who says / - Whoever says it first.

the answer first will sleep indoors. I see.


You focus on the last number. I'll focus on the first.

Then I can't add them.

Right, you need to add them.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

- Let me start. / - Okay.

- Can you do it? / - 278 plus 19 is?


290... Was it 78?


- Wrong. / - 293.

I know. 296.

Let me give you another one.

478 plus 42 equals?

- Could you say that again? / - 478 plus 42 equals?

Hang on a second.



- 500. / - 510...

- 510... / - 512.

- 500. / - 510...

510. 510.


- 510... / - Let's do it again.

- Give us another one. / - Let's start over.

- Give us another one. / - 520.

- It's 521. / - Next question.

Give us another question.

- Another question. / - 520!

Let's start over.


- What are you doing? / - Sir.

Sir, give us another question.

Give us another question.

- The time was over. / - Okay.

- Be quiet. / - 453 plus 24 equals?

- 492! / - Incorrect.

- Well... / - 400...

It's 470 and something.

- 475. / - Wrong.

- 477. / - 476.

- 478. / - 470...

- 477. / - 475.


- 477! / - 8!

- What's wrong with you? / - What are you doing?

(It's become a mess again.)

- What are you doing? / - Is this an auction?

- Is this an auction? / - Are you at an auction?

It looks like an auction.

This is not an auction.

I asked if this was an auction.

- We already told you. / - What?

(If one of them says the wrong answer, they fail.)

Excuse me. You better know the exact rules.

- Keep the rule in mind. / - Let's start over.

- Think before you speak. / - Let's start over.

This is really hard.

My gosh.

It's hard to add three-digit numbers.

You need to have good hearing for this.

Jongmin is so smart.

Jongmin will be so sad if he loses.

(Jongmin has been saying the correct answers.)

(But Hara has been saying the wrong answers.)

(Could he sleep indoors tonight?)

(From now on, whoever says the answer first wins.)

189 plus 56 equals?

It equals 244.

- Wrong. / - 245.

- Correct! / - Yes!

We did it!

(Defconn and Shinyoung win "The Gyeongree".)



(The winner's ceremony)

Come on!

(Her feet are as nimble as a soccer player.)


(They mess with Jongmin.)

You were good.

They have good teamwork.

- Good job. / - It was close.

- That was really close. / - It was funny.

We beat them by one point.

You guys were so funny.


Hara, why did you keep saying 476? It's 477.

Second place is meaningless.

- Good job. / - All right.

The winners of "The Gyeongree" are

Defconn and Shinyoung.

Give them a big hand.

"Today's Girls' Day..."

- I'm sorry. / - What did you say?

Watch your pronunciation.

- I'm really sorry. / - "Girls' Day"?

"Today is Girl's Day,"

"Save Gyeongree and Narsha."

(And I)

The second game is "Fly Narsha".


(Each team member plays one after another.)

(They'll run forward and blow out the candles.)

(The number of blown out candles will be counted.)

(The team that blows out the most candles wins.)

You can do whatever you want in this area.

Can one jump and flip?

- What do you mean by... / - A triple axel.

- Can I do a triple axel? / - Jump and...

Let's go. Who's first?

Let's give Jongmin a chance.

The first team to start

the game "Fly Narsha" is Junho's team.

Shouldn't you respect your elders?

- There's no such a rule. / - You start.

Sir, you start.

- I start? / - Yes, you can start.

Come and help me.

- I don't feel well. / - Where's his top?

(Come on.)

You said you don't feel any pain.

(You don't feel pain?)

- Good. Junho and... / - Junho, don't mess up.

- You shouldn't mess up. / - Narsha will start.

Don't try to be funny. We must not mess up.

Don't try to be funny. Be serious.

He's not trying anything. That's how he is.

- I'm nervous. / - I think he'll blow five.

Junho, watch out for your lung.

- Take off your hat. / - Watch your tailbone.

Take off your glasses.

Junho, tailbone.

Here we go.

- Go for it. / - I think he'll do good.

Watch your tailbone.

Be careful.

(Fly like a butterfly.)

(Sting like a bee.)

(The result is?)


- You blew out a lot. / - 14.

I knew you'd do better once the game starts.

- We should use our body. / - It should be quick.

Yes, it should be quick.

Narsha used to be good at games.

She looks good in hanbok.

She's good at this kind of game.


- Let me start. / - Go for it.

Fly, Narsha!

Let's go!

(The candles in the middle are all off.)

- They all revived. / - How many?

Why did they revive?

- Eight. / - Eight.

They blew 22 candles out. They're currently leading.

22 is not bad.

I should have blown more than 10 candles.

Next up is Siyoon. He's very horrible with games.

Siyoon is a clumsy man.

- Let me start. / - Let's go.

You can do it!

I wonder how many candles he will blow out?

He's so serious.

We should be quick.

If he stumbles, he will mess up.

Let's go. Jump in!

That's not how you do it.

That's not the way you jump.

- Jump in! / - It's not how you do it.

(The candles are lit again.)

Oh no.

- One, two, / - One, two,

- 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. / - 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

- It's seven. / - He put out seven candles.

Now you see why he's Rockyoon, right?

He shouldn't have been so serious.

- Why is he so serious? / - He's always serious.

He put out even less candles than me.

See? He's Rockyoon.

- All right. / - Yura of Girl's Day.

Next up is Yura of Girl's Day.

Yura is the tallest member of Girl's Day.

She even has her legs insured.

Insurance on her legs?

- Am I right? / - Yes.

I pay 30 dollars per month for the insurance.

- Insurance on her legs? / - 30 dollars a month.

If she scratches her leg, she'll get 30,000 dollars.


After Kim Taehee...

(She's wasting her precious legs.)

- She looks motivated. / - Look. She's tough.

- Go easy on it. / - She's ready.

Look at her face.

She's scary.

- It's terrifying. / - She's so serious.

She looks like a bull.

There comes a bull.

(What's so important about sleeping indoors?)

- Here I come! / - All right.


- She's running. / - Go!

(Yura almost flew.)

Yura is supporting Siyoon.

- All right. / - One, two, three, four,

- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... / - 9, 10, 11...

- 11 / - 11.

- and 12! / - It's 12.

They put out 19 candles in total.

Their record is 19.

We're still in first place.

- You almost flew. / - I know.

Did I look like a flying squirrel, Defconn?

No, you are too big.


- A big squirrel. / - It's Taehyun.

- It's Taehyun's turn. / - Taehyun.

Taehyun is a little slow.

- Really? / - Yes.

And he slept outdoors most of the time.

- That's Taehyun. / - He mostly sleeps out.

He's most likely to sleep outdoors.

(He rehearses.)

That wasn't so bad.


Look. Gyeongree is so competitive now.

- She's let herself go. / - She's carried away.

Here I go.

(Would the practice pay off?)

- What was that? / - Goodbye.

- Oh no. / - Look at that.

- It turns out I was good. / - Let me count.

One, two, three, four...


- Five, six / - Five, six

- seven, eight and nine. / - seven, eight and nine.

- It's nine. / - Nine candles.

- Is it seven? / - It's nine.

That's not so bad.

- I thought it'd be more. / - Not bad.

I'll put out all the candles.

The members of "Invincible Youth" are so competitive.

- I'm ready. / - Will she save Taehyun?

- Let's go. / - Gosh.

- Was it good? / - Excellent.

- That looks good. / - That was nice.

- She's good. / - We'll see.

- I'm coming. / - Start.

Isn't it too far? We should make it closer.


She did it with her voice.

The candles went out as the floor vibrated.


How many candles?

(It's like the roar of a lion.)

- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. / - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

- It's only five. / - She put out five candles.

- Their record is 14. / - What was that?

(They're still in first place.)

- It's almost over. / - It's almost guaranteed.

- But they are strong. / - Look at them.

Hara is tying her hair back.

Jongmin used to be a gymnast.

But he doesn't know much about it.

- Just do it. / - Are you ready?

- Are you ready? / - I'm ready.

He's ready.

It's not as easy as you think.


(The end)

What was that?

- He's so... / - That was lame.

- That was ridiculous. / - I knew it.

- I know you're good. / - What was that?

Please give him one more chance.

- One more chance. / - No way.

That's impossible.

- Please. / - Just one more chance.

All right. Let me be clear about this.

I saw him hesitate when he did the run-up.

"Should I win or make people laugh?"

He looked very weird when he jumped.

All right. Save Kim Jongmin.

He's strict.

She has a heavy weight on her shoulders.

She has to put out 23 candles.

23 candles? That's easy.




- She kicked him. / - Gosh.

I understand how she feels.

- I'm ready. / - Good luck.

- You'll see. / - She'll fly.


Look at that.

(Running fast)

What just happened?

What just happened?

What just happened?

If I could rate her jump, I'd give her 10.

(A long run-up and strong landing)

(Jump score 10)

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 / - 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

- and 13. / - She put out 13 candles.

(It means Jongmin put out zero candles.)

- She's amazing. / - Their score is 13.

She's first place in the women's league.

Respect. I respect her.

If we beat Joonyoung's team,

we'll sleep indoors.

If Joonyoung fails to put out 10 candles, we'll win.

I'll never give up.

(He looks like an anchovy flapping in the wind.)

Good luck.

You should do that. That's right.

All right. They're the last team.


He's ready.

- He's ready. / - He's good at this.

- How did you jump here? / - If you put out...

Oh, right. He's actually quite timid.

- He's right. / - He's a coward.

He wasn't good at the baseball game.

- Really? / - I remember that.

(Meet the Baseball Fans Special)

(He was afraid to jump, so he just slid.)

I'm sorry.

(It's proven that he's a coward.)

- I'm ready. / - He's ready.

(Would he be different today?)

- He looks good. / - He needs 15 candles.


(Clapping like a seal)

(What just happened?)

- 1, 2 3... / - He needs 15 candles.

(It's the best.)

(The coward anchovy has become a flying fish.)

(Fly, Joonyoung.)

(He brags about it without looking back.)

(I'm the genius.)

One, two, three, four...

(This isn't good.)

17, 18, 19, 20,

21, 22, 23 and 24.

- He put out 24 candles. / - He's in first place.

They get to sleep indoors.

Joonyoung and Chaeyeon.

(They are in second place, which is useless.)


Hey, Joonyoung.

You should've gone first.

Joonyoung gave me hope.

Joonyoung flapped the skirt like this.

Chaeyeon's giving a celebration ritual.

- A celebration ritual. / - Let's do that.

- Joonyoung, help her. / - Go easy on it.

- All right. / - This is fun.

It's a celebration ritual for their victory.


- Let's do this. / - I'm ready.

- Okay. She's ready. / - What?

She's already started running.

- I'm ready. / - Okay.

(Running lightly)


(What did I just do?)

- How many is that? / - One, two, three, four,

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. / - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

She's first in the women's league.

(Chaeyeon is number one female player.)

- She's in first place. / - They're the winner.

- Hey. / - They win anyway.

They put out 38 candles in total.

All right. The winners

of the second game, "Fly Narsha",

are Joonyoung and Chaeyeon.

(Joonyoung and Chaeyeon get to sleep indoors.)

- Congratulations. / - This is the last game.

All right. We have only one game left.

- Only one team left. / - Really?

Joonyoung and I won. What if Taehyun wins?

Each game...

Gosh, it's happening again? It's Neubdari.

Gosh, I'm sick of it now.

The third game is

"Save My Partner".

- Save my partner. / - Save Hara.

(Sit face to face on a spinning pole.)

(Hit the opponent off the pole with a pillow.)

(If all four fall off, get back on quickly.)

Taehyun is good at this. He's good at holding out.

We did it on a pole. Where is the pole?

I want you to stand up.

That's... Are you storing energy?

- It's a performance. / - A performance?

All right. That's good.

Isn't it against the rule?

("Save My Partner")

Taehyun and Gyeongree versus Junho and Narsha.

Who sits in the front?

- Girls sit in the front. / - Let's go one by one.

- Hold this. / - Excuse me. Lady first.

Hold the pole.

- I'm tired. / - Hold it.

- Well... / - Lady first. Narsha.

- All right. / - Good.


Narsha, you can't do that.

- I'm sorry. / - We had an accident.

- It hurts. / - You can't go like that.

What should I do, then?

You should put your leg up on it first.

- I see. Legs first. / - I'll hold you.

Junho, hold her legs.

- That's good. / - All right.

You should hold her.

- She has long legs. / - Gosh.

It's not easy for her.

- It's not easy to get on. / - My legs hurt.

- Siyoon, hold this. / - You're funny.

Get on it now.

How can I get on it?

(Everyone is seated.)

- Where's the pillow? / - Careful.

Wait a minute.


- No. / - Junho.

There's a toilet in front of me.

- Junho. / - He's a spy.

When will we start?

Come on, Junho. I'm getting tired.

Please end the game quickly.

I don't want to look at his buttocks anymore.

My gosh.

I thought it was a pillow.

- It startled me. / - A pillow.

- It's as plump as a pillow. / - What is he doing?

Excuse me.

(Passing gas)

- No! / - Did he just fart?

What's the matter with you?

Why would you do that?

(He needs a good spanking.)

- My gosh. / - Seriously.

This game isn't good for my bowels.

Do a better job, please.

(That's enough.)


- You need to move fast. / - We're doomed.


- Is this good? / - Yes.

(Taehyun attacks first.)

(Narsha counter-attacks.)

(After exchanging a swing)

- There you go. / - Junho, look.

(Meanwhile, Junho...)

Move. Don't just watch them.

(He just looks on as they fight.)

You're going to lose.

(It looked like he's finally active.)

He's hitting Narsha.

- Why are you hitting Narsha? / - Junho!

It's three against one.

(It's somehow three against one.)

It's three against one.

You can do it!


He's shaking it.

(Falling together)

(He looks like a cicada.)

(The team who gets back on first wins.)

(Gyeongree gets on first.)

(Taehyun and Gyeongree win.)

- Taehyun! / - Taehyun's team wins!

It worked!

(I told you it's not my game.)

Taehyun and Gyeongree move on to the finals.

(They move on to the finals.)


This match will be fierce.

Hara and Jongmin

versus Siyoon and Yura.

- It's too high / - Siyoon and Yura.

- to get on. / - Jongmin.

Gyeongree just has long legs.

(Hara gets on it at once.)

It's easier to get on the right side.


It's easier to get on the right side.

- Let's see. / - Oh, boy.

Get up there.

Get up there.

- Get up there. / - I'll help you.

- Yura. / - I'll help you.

- Get up there. / - Yura.

It's okay.

- I'll try it from here. / - It's okay.

I'll try again from this side.

See? It's easier from this side.

(She finally gets on it.)

It's easier to get on it from this side.

Gosh, Siyoon.

- That was quick. / - Mr. Gymnast.

(Will Jongmin succeed as well?)

(He wouldn't be Cheerful Fool if he did.)

(He's hilarious.)

It's because there is no take-off board.

I can do the Thomas flair.

(This is an original Cheerful Fool flair.)

That's enough.

This is the Thomas flair.

(It makes everyone laugh.)

That's an old move.

- This is Thomas flair. / - All right.

- Stop it. / - It's been so long.

They look nice.

It's like a group blind date.

Look at Siyoon's rolled up sleeves.

Look at his muscles.

- His muscles. / - Look at Jongmin.


This is going to be fun.

(They hold the bar so the game won't end quickly.)

What are you doing?

- Hara is doing good. / - She's steady.

Hara and Siyoon are good.

(He protects Yura with his arm.)

He's a gentleman.

We'll let go now.

- We're letting it go. / - Here we go.

(They all fall down together.)

Hurry up.

It's rolling.

What a mess.

- Hurry up. / - It's rolling.


(They have no sense of balance.)

No one is up on the bar yet.

The game hasn't ended yet.

No pushing.

Oh, boy.


(They fall again.)

The bar spins again.


(He claps with his feet.)

(While Hara and Yura are struggling,)

(Jongmin is doing the Thomas flair.)

(Yura gets on the bar panting heavily.)

The winners are Yura and Siyoon!

- Hey. / - Jongmin did nothing to help.

It looks like Yura had a UFC match.

Seriously. She was even...

(She was on fire.)

That was amazing.

(It was a good game.)

- I'm sorry. / - It's okay.

(Taehyun and Gyeongree versus Siyoon and Yura)

Listen up, everyone.

- I think I can do this. / - I have an announcement.

- Go ahead. / - It's past 2 a.m. now.

- Oh, my. / - Really?

Yes, it's too late to go to Driver Lee's house.

(They have to sleep here.)

(Final match)


Taehyun. If you win,

our team wins again.

You have to beat them.

- You have to. / - I will.

- Let's get it. / - I'll beat them.

- Please do. / - I don't think he can.

- Let's go! / - Beat Taehyun.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

Beat them, Siyoon. Work out your muscles.

She made two straight hits!

- That's right. / - Goodness.

(Aren't you being too violent?)

Joonyoung, let go. We're letting it go.

Joonyoung, let go.

(Siyoon hangs on to it.)

(Taehyun hangs on as well.)

(Whoever gets back on it first will win.)

Gyeongree won.

Gyeongree won.

(Taehyun and Gyeongree win by a hair.)

(Siyoon and Yura lose.)

That was close.

- We won! / - I'm sorry.

Taehyun! You're the hope of middle-aged men.

I can't believe you won.

Now we've decided who get to sleep indoors.

"Today is Girl's Day."

"Save Gyeongree and Narsha."

- ♪ And I ♪ / - It's painful.

Indoors sleepers are

Defconn and I,

Taehyun and Gyeongree,

and Joonyoung and Chaeyeon.

We're lucky.

We're sleeping outdoors again.

Let me tell you what the morning mission is.

Here is tomorrow's morning mission.

When you hear the morning song,

pick up a megaphone and get on the bus together.

If you don't get on the bus within five minutes,

you'll get a penalty.

Great work, everyone.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Good night.

- Good night. / - Good night.

- ♪ And I ♪ / - I'm sleeping outdoors.

♪ Will always love you ♪

For more infomation >> Sleeping indoors or Outdoors-"Save Gyeongree & Narsha" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 31:41.


เช็คดวงด่วน ราศีกรกฎ ดาวเสาร์ย้าย ส่งผล2ปีครึ่ง | VZMART - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> เช็คดวงด่วน ราศีกรกฎ ดาวเสาร์ย้าย ส่งผล2ปีครึ่ง | VZMART - Duration: 10:12.


Alan Walker - Fade! Âm nhạc đỉnh cao, âm nhạc mang thế giới đến bên bạn! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Fade! Âm nhạc đỉnh cao, âm nhạc mang thế giới đến bên bạn! - Duration: 4:21.


Unrealistic Expectations - Duration: 1:53.

- I want to talk a little bit about expectations,

and their impact on our happiness.

When I look back on times in my life, big or little,

when I was relatively unhappy, I think that

most of the time it was because my expectations

of how things were gonna be, were not lined up with reality.

So for example, I recently had a C-section.

I'm so grateful for the health and the life

of my daughter and my own health,

but there was a lot for me to process through,

it was really difficult for me to process through that.

I think because I didn't expect that to happen.

On a much more superficial note, when I saw LaLa Land,

it had been so built up that for me the movie

just didn't live up to my very high expectations

and I was left dissatisfied.

Don't hate me for saying that.

One of the most dangerous times for expectations

is when we're dealing with family situations.

You know, you go home for Thanksgiving or a holiday

and you're like, it's going to be perfect.

Or at least I do.

I have an ideal in my mind and then 100% of the time

it is not how I expected it to be.

So what do we say then, that expectations are bad, no.

They're totally natural.

God must have given us expectations for a reason.

I don't know if this correct.

I'm not a philosopher by any stretch of the imagination.

But I'm trying to use expectations almost like a flag,

noticing when I'm expecting something of a person,

or a situation, and using that to remind myself

to pray about it.

Our expectations are too heavy for people and

things to carry, but they're not too heavy

for God to carry.

So if we turn that into prayer, and we turn that,

rather than expectation into hope,

I think that will lead to more happiness,

or at least more peace when situations don't go

how we think they're gonna go.

I'm still kinda processing through this whole idea,

so if you have any input or thoughts on this,

I expect you to leave them in the comments below.

- [Voiceover] Make sure you catch all

the latest Spirit Juice goodness.

Hover over the follow tab on our page and select see first.

For more infomation >> Unrealistic Expectations - Duration: 1:53.


Travellers VS Backpackers | Sonalee Kulkarni, Lalit Prabhakar, Prajakta Mali | Hampi - Duration: 6:38.

Hey wow!

Look at this. Sid is in Hampi.



Should we go?

This month?


Wait a minute

So Google says...

the best time to visit Hampi is October- November


But they have festivals in November over there

No in that case December is ideal.


But December is foreign tourist season

New years time.

Best. We will get our hands on a good french 'item'

But the hotel rates would be high then.

I won't be able to afford it.

What about March?

March is too hot.



It rains a lot then.


Directly next year?

Feb second week? No, it's Valentine's day

Third week would be Mahashivratri

Excuse me. I have booked my ticket for this month.

You figure out your plan.

Is it refundable?

Wait a minute. Let's try for April?

Or we can celebrate my birthday in May over there....

Have you been to Hampi ever?

Check this.

Looks amazing.

Why haven't I yet?

What's wrong? Where are going?


Right now?

What if I change my mind later?

Curtains? Check.

Table Lamp? Check.

Passport xerox? Check

Why do we need a Passport for Hampi?

I carry it everywhere

Clothes pegs? Check.

Travel Knife? Travel Knife?

You packed it. I saw.

Thank you. Travel knife, check.


You have a torch in your mobile.

What if the mobile battery drains?

So battery pack... check.

Extra charger, check.

Oven, Refrigerator, Mixer-grinder...


Oh shit !

You're taking the washing machine?

No. I forgot water bottles.

Chill. We will get water.

We aren't visiting Mars.

They also found water on Mars.

But we wont get filtered water, right?

So, water bottles.

Why are you packing lentils?

Oh. Am I?

Now let it be.

Will cook some Khichadi on the campfire.

That's my wallet.

Shut up.

You've got just 320 rupees?

That's my money.

I know. I will return it once I'm back.

Those are my bloody undergarments.

I know. But my underwear is still drying.

Give it back!

Don't be whiny!

I will wear them inside-out today

and buy a new one tomorrow.


Bhaiya... You will be there on time right?

I know the flight is at 11.

But you reach by 7

What's the issue? You just come on time.

I know it's not an international flight.

But I want you here at 7. Ok? Thank you.

Anna... eneke....

You can speak hindi?


I just wanted to confirm. You will be there to pick-up, right?

I mean on time, right?

I know that it isn't an international flight.


What do you mean by so many times?

I have called only thrice.


Brother. Has the Hospet bus left?

Long back.

Where will this one go?


Where is this Udupi?

Further south

It's in the south na? I am heading that way.

Just drop me half way.

Come on, get in quickly.


Oh Isha! R... R.Ranjit! Hello!

Hello madam. Hello.. Hello.

Give that bag. I will take care. Give that bag.

Come on Madam. Let's go.

Madam sit.

In this?


They didn't send a car?

This is almost a car.

Come in. Sit. Welcome to Hampi. Come.

Anne... Thank you!

I will come and watch Rajani's film with you.

See you soon ! (Tamil)

Every palm and every tree...

Has it's own shape and size.

Every palm and every tree, Has it's own shape and size.

Every leaf and and every flower, has it's own face and beauty

Wether it be a bird, a fish,

an insect or an ant.

each one has it's own style and display

each one has it's own style and display, completely distinct from the other.

For more infomation >> Travellers VS Backpackers | Sonalee Kulkarni, Lalit Prabhakar, Prajakta Mali | Hampi - Duration: 6:38.


They remove all the Makeup & Good night. [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 3:48.

I should wash my face.

(Let's get washed up.)

My face is so red.

(At the end of a long day)

Are you taking the before and after shot?

This is my face without makeup.

I've removed the makeup.

(Shinyoung is cleansing her face too.)


(After tiring out their skin after the long day,)

(they remove all the makeup.)

(Get some rest now.)

(This feels good.)

(Feeling refreshed)

I look pure, right?

Will you brighten my face?

(If you want.)

Will you?

Gosh, I look so innocent.

(Absolutely innocent)

I look so innocent.

Thank you, everyone.

Thanks to you, I'm sleeping indoors.

- I owe it to you. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

I'm sorry, but who are you?

- Good night. / - What? I still look good.

Good night, Shinyoung.

- Good night. / - That's Jeongree.

- Jeongree. / - Jeongree?

Or is it Chunli?

(I will ignore him.)

Are those infrared cameras?

Yes, they are.

Is the screen fluorescent, then?

- That's right. / - They're infrared.


(For the fans of DIA)

(Good night, guys.)

- Look at that. / - It looks so cozy.

It looks so cozy.

It looks cozy.

- It's cold. / - Seriously.

Is this okay, Hara?

- It's a bit cold. / - Is it cold?

Yura, sleep here since you're tall.


- It feels good. / - Right? It's like we're camping.

We won't get another chance to

- sleep together like this. / - Right?

I actually lost the game on purpose.

Me, too.

- Guys, is it okay? / - Yes.

It's good.

I told you it's nice.

- Hey, Hara. / - Yes?

- Is it okay? / - It feels nice.

(If you're happy, then I'm happy.)

I'll wake you up tomorrow.

No, I'll wake you up.

(This is nice.)

Is this a midsummer night's dream?

(It's autumn, mister!)

Please play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".


What was that? A rooster just crowed.

Excuse me. A rooster just crowed.

- What was that? / - A rooster?

A rooster crowed.

Good night.

(Just go to sleep already.)

Remember the members. Walk flowery roads.

Remember, remember. Walk flowery roads.

It's "remember the members".

Members remember.

- Excuse me. / - What?

It's "remember the members".

Remember the members?

It's "remember the members".

Remember the members.

- Walk flowery roads. / - Walk flowery roads.

Good night.

For more infomation >> They remove all the Makeup & Good night. [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.22] - Duration: 3:48.


President Moon will leave all options open if talks with North Korea get underway - Duration: 3:29.

President Moon Jae-in flies home today-- from his marathon trip to Southeast Asia... and

brings with him... a number of diplomatic achievements.

Speaking to reporters on his final evening in Manila,... the South Korean leader rated

his first tour to the region as a success.

Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung starts us off.


( CG) Rizal Park, Metro Manila


South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled here with two agenda in mind.

One, building stronger ties with the ASEAN and two, rallying support for South Korea's

policy vis-a-vis North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

And, today... here in the Philippines, the first Asian country to send combat troops

to the Korean War more than half a century ago, 18 leaders representing the Asia Pacific

region adopted a joint statement dubbed the Manila Declaration."

( +3 , EAS , )

"We urge North Korea to stop provocative and threatening actions... and create conditions

conducive for dialogue."

Included in the Chair's Statement concluding the ASEAN Plus Three Summit is a direct and

blunt message to North Korea... in support for South Korean President Moon Jae-in's campaign

for sanctions for talks, lasting peace on the Korean peninsula and PyeongChang 2018

as Olympics for Peace.

( ) That's a point for the six-months old president

and his aides... and the South Korean leader will not hide it.

(Korean) "I believe we have been successful in drawing

nearly perfect support from all East Asian countries including members of the ASEAN on

our position regarding North Korea's nuclear weapons program."

( , .)

During a surprise visit to the makeshift Blue House briefing room set up in Manila, President

Moon said... if the reclusive North Korea agreed to hold talks, negotiations could be

held with all options on the table.

(Korean) "Even if talks do begin to resolve the North

Korea nuclear issue, I feel it will be realistically difficult for North Korea to completely and

quickly destroy its nuclear capabilities when their nuclear and missile arsenal are at such

a developed stage."

( , .)

( , // , ) On his back-to-back talks with Chinese President

Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang...

Mr. Moon admitted that the THAAD issue isn't completely resolved between the two countries.

(Korean) "It would be safe to say that our two countries

have largely agreed to leave the THAAD issue aside and separately

normalize and further develop our bilateral relations."

( , , .)

(Korean) "We believe the president's Southeast Asia

trip was successful as it enabled us to lay the groundwork for a shared future with the

ASEAN community and expand our diplomatic horizon."

( , .)

(STAND-UP) "From trade and security to culture and climate

change, South Korean President Moon Jae-in wraps up his eight-day, three nation Southeast

Asia tour with a whole lot under his belt.

But, this isn't the end... only the beginning of a long process of South Korea cultivating

new ties, restoring relations gone sour and readjusting its status on the global stage.

From Manila, the Philippines, Moon Connyoung, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> President Moon will leave all options open if talks with North Korea get underway - Duration: 3:29.


अगदी सोप्पी खजुराची बर्फी | Khajur Burfi | Sugar Free Dates and Dry Fruit Roll | Ep - 268 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> अगदी सोप्पी खजुराची बर्फी | Khajur Burfi | Sugar Free Dates and Dry Fruit Roll | Ep - 268 - Duration: 6:00.


Maximum Consecutive Increasing Path Length in Binary Tree | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Maximum Consecutive Increasing Path Length in Binary Tree | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 4:35.


The Flash 4x06 | "When Harry Met Harry" | Sub. Español - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x06 | "When Harry Met Harry" | Sub. Español - Duration: 3:06.


Gourmet NY Coffee Colombian Supremo Review - Duration: 6:36.

- Hey, welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee,

your place for average Joe coffee reviews.

One thing I'm wondering,

in Colombia, do they have coffee lords?


- I don't know.

Maybe we should ask some Colombians out there.

If you guys are from Colombia, is there a coffee cartel?

- I bet.

- Well anyway, regardless, today we are talking about

Gourmet New York Coffee's Colombian Supremo coffee.

- Supremo.

- 13 ounce bag, whole bean.

- It's my mustache.

- I don't think that Colombians have mustaches like that.

Mustaches, is that the right word?

- Mustache-o.


- Yeah, so like we talked about before,

they do a coffee subscription service,

we didn't get ours that way, we paid like eight dollars

and 33 cents per bag, for a 13 ounce bag, at a fair.

But they do sell them online, so you can certainly

go to their website,

to order, or to sign up for their subscription service.

- Yes, and it was a craft fair, not like,

a fair where you ride on rides and things like that.

- No, or not a coffee fair, which would be awesome.

- Hmm. - Anyway.

- Place with just coffee vendors, that would be good.

- I would go.

- So we've tried two of their other

one hundred and however many coffees-

- 30. 130.

- they have available, and we thoroughly

enjoyed both of those so far.

- Right.

- And now we're on to the third.

- We are.

- And they've all been whole bean,

so we've had to grind those, and the grinder we were using

is a blade grinder, not a burr grinder,

just because we haven't bought a grinder yet,

and that's one we borrowed from a viewer.

- His mom.

- Yes, so what do you think,

we've talked about the company before,

should we go right into the Colombian Supremo?

- Mm-hmm, let's get right to it.

- I like to drink down here.

- Why? - I don't know.

I like the smell of it.

- I didn't smell the...

- Trying to think of the smell, but I can't come up with it.

- The smell of the beans, sometimes is easier to...

Still don't know.

I think this is supposed to be a- I think what they said

to us was a bold roast, which we have seen that

on a lot of different coffee bags, that will say

oh, it's bold, and it's really not bold.

But this coffee, I find to be bold.

Do you find it to be bold?

- It is bold.

I like the other two that we've had better than this one,

because typically I like a medium or not so bold roast,

but it's still very good.

- It is, yeah, that's exactly my thoughts,

and we have not discussed this yet.

Yeah, I don't even wanna put it down,

'cause I do wanna keep drinking it.

But, when you made the first cup,

I think I asked you how many tablespoons of beans

did you use because it tasted stronger.

Yeah, you only used one, and it tasted like,

you know, if you ever make coffee stronger by using

two tablespoons, that's what it tasted like,

it is rich and bold, I would say.

- Like Donald Trump.

- What?

- Rich and bold.

- Okay, I didn't know where you were...

Anyway, yeah I think that it's really good though.

I certainly, I think one thing that kind of threw me off

with the first cup was that you didn't put as much

half and half as it required for me.

- The cartel said that I shouldn't.

- No, that's not true.

- The half and half cartel.

- Right, well anyway, regardless, I could have used

more half and half in my first cup,

but I added a bit more in this cup,

and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Although, I will say, the other two were,

I think in order of favorite-ness for me,

it would be Sumatra,

and then Kenya,

because it was nutty, so the chocolate, then the nutty,

and then the bold, which is the Colombian Supremo.

That would be my personal flavor profile.

- Yeah, that's probably what I think too.

Well, 'cause, chocolatey, right?

That's always good to have.

- This one has like a little bit of earthiness I would say.

- Yeah, more of a traditional coffee type thing,

which makes sense because it's Colombian.

Right, Colombian coffee, like that guy, Juan Valdez.

Which coffee is that?

Juan Valdez coffee, I can't think of which coffee that is.

- Is that...

- Colombian.

- Maxwell House?

- Mountain Peak?

- Folgers? No.

- It's blue, isn't it blue?

- If it's blue, it would have to be Maxwell.

- Maybe it's not Maxwell house,

maybe it's just another blue one called Colombian...

- Something. I don't know, Juan Valdez.

I think that's, I think it's Maxwell House.

I don't think they use them anymore though.

Do they? I don't know.

Who knows?

Weird that they would use Juan Valdez

to advertise Maxwell House, if that was a thing.

- Maybe they stopped after Exxon Valdez,

after that crash.

Yeah, I think we should look it up.

- Well, thank you all for joining us today.

That's all I have to say about the coffee,

you have anything?

- Yeah, I think we covered it.

We would definitely buy it again.

- Yes.

And we said it's a traditional coffee taste,

maybe a little earthy, right?

- Yeah, bold, rich, all those things.

- So if you wanna find other reviews of ours,

head on over to,

and you can check out the Coffee Table

and look at price per pound, and origin,

and Rainforest Alliance certified coffees,

and all that good stuff, and then you can find a link

for our social media networks,

Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

And YouTube, we have our reviews outlined in playlists,

so if you like medium roast coffees, click on that,

and watch all those videos,

and then you can see the other ones also.

Right? - Yep.

- Until next time...

- Keep grinding.

- Hey welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee. (sighs)

Hey thanks for watching our reviews.

Please be sure to subscribe

and check out our other reviews here.

For more infomation >> Gourmet NY Coffee Colombian Supremo Review - Duration: 6:36.


KỶ THUẬT LÀM CHO CÂY ỔI RA TRÁI HIỆU QUẢ | ho thanh vlogs - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> KỶ THUẬT LÀM CHO CÂY ỔI RA TRÁI HIỆU QUẢ | ho thanh vlogs - Duration: 9:13.


Bangla New Music Video 2017 By Habib Ft Nancy Tumi Je Amar Thikana | bangla 400 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Bangla New Music Video 2017 By Habib Ft Nancy Tumi Je Amar Thikana | bangla 400 - Duration: 5:09.


How To Hack Mobile phone Data Easy Apps In Telugu 2017 | Whatsapp Messages | Omfut Tech - Duration: 4:42.

Best Hacking Apps For Android Phones

How To Hack Android Mobiles In Telugu 2017

Best Hacking apps 2017

For more infomation >> How To Hack Mobile phone Data Easy Apps In Telugu 2017 | Whatsapp Messages | Omfut Tech - Duration: 4:42.


Phim Hành Động Hay và Ý Nghĩa - Mưu Kế Song Hành | HD Thuyết Minh - Duration: 1:31:34.

For more infomation >> Phim Hành Động Hay và Ý Nghĩa - Mưu Kế Song Hành | HD Thuyết Minh - Duration: 1:31:34.


Bangla New Funny Video || Tawhid Afridi - Duration: 8:21.


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