Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

24Hrs After Trump Frees Basketball Players from 10Yr Chinese Prison Sentence, Look What

Racist NBA Did.

President Donald Trump has just returned home from a very lengthy and successful trip to

Asia where he accomplished a lot, including one monumental task that nobody was expecting.

Proving that he's the master of the deal and concerned for every American, regardless

of skin color or if they voted for him, he went out of his way to get three UCLA basketball

players released from Chinese "house arrest" after they were accused of shoplifting sunglasses

and faced a 10 year prison sentence for it.

This is something his predecessor never attempted for any American captive and wouldn't be

able to accomplish if he had bothered to try.

It's no secret that many professional sports players are not Trump fans but that hasn't

stopped the president from being the leader he promised he would be for the American people.

No matter how many leftists and athletes trash him, call him racist, and make other disparaging

remarks about him, he'll still show up and save who or what needs to be saved, proving

them wrong every time regardless of whether they acknowledge it or not.

Every American clearly matters to Trump more than they did to Barack Hussein Obama, who

left North Korean captive Otto Warmbier to die days after being released from captivity,

the Guardian reported.

In a sharp contrast from Trump's treatment of three American college kids imprisoned

overseas, Warmbier, also an American student, was only released once he had reached a vegetative

state and was near death.

He was unfortunate to be held on Obama's watch who forgot about him or simply couldn't

be bothered, which led to him being beaten into a coma.

Sick of caring for him in this condition and not wanting to claim responsibility for Warmier's

physical state, North Korea finally released him – no thanks to anything Obama did who

stood by while this student was abused to death.

It's refreshing to have a Commander-in-Chief who cares and would never allow that to happen

to any American, as he just proved.

His actions of negotiating the release of these college basketball players proved his

character as a leader.

As UCLA teammates Jalen Hill, Cody Riley, and LiAngelo Ball were on their way back to

the U.S. just an hour or so after Trump worked the deal of their lifetime, their professional

basketball counterparts were playing an NBA game and had an interesting way of "thanking"

Trump for what these three players.

NBA star for the Boston Celtics, Kyrie Irving, has been an outspoken professional basketball

player for the protests he's seen happen in the National Football League.

He made a lengthy statement on the matter in September, supporting players' message

in kneeling and their right to do that, according to his statements published by MassLive.

However, after seeing what Trump did for these UCLA players, he showed up with a surprise

on the court Tuesday night, at his game against the New Jersey Nets, and took the whole arena

by complete surprise.

Sports Illustrated reports:

A masked Kyrie Irving returned to the court Tuesday night to help the Celtics beat the

Nets 109-102, giving Boston its thirteenth straight victory after an 0-2 start.

After this latest victory, Kyrie Irving found two women in uniform who serve in the military

and gave one his game-worn jersey and the other his shoes.

As you'd might expect, they were really pumped.

It's impossible to not smile after you see and hear the genuine joy in their voices.

Veterans Day may have been Saturday, but every day is a good day to show active military

personnel and veterans love.

It's a pretty spectacular move in what's been a fairly racist league that almost took

after the NFL, but this shows genuine appreciation for those who serve our country.

In a silent sort of way, it shows a little love for our president who wants to see these

sports stars respect our military members, both past and current.

Most sports stars who still protest today, despite the overwhelming damage it has done

to their industry, are not doing it out of the original principle of bringing attention

to injustices – they are doing it just to spite our president who is outspoken on the

matter, especially after Tweeting that anyone who kneels should be fired.

Trump is already making a major difference in this country that Obama never could, since

he's leading by example to bring about the change and unity he wants to see in this country.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only

light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

This is what Irving did when he brought love and appreciation to Service Members on the

court and set an example of what making a real difference looks like.

If you want change, be the change without disrespecting people, our military, and our

country in trying to achieve it.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> 24Hrs After Trump Frees Basketball Players from 10Yr Chinese Prison Sentence, Look What Racist NBA D - Duration: 4:53.


A Revelation of Sorts | Episode 65 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 6:23.

[Episode 65 - A Revelation of Sorts]

In some ways, knowing how she feels just makes it worse.

I don't know, it's just-

It's unlocked!

Do you want me to take your-?

- What? - Coat?

- Oh. Oh, thanks.

Umm, you're filming?

- Yeah, is that okay?

- Yeah, of course.

- I'm really glad you're here.

Why didn't you leave?

I thought you had a train leaving this morning.

- Yeah, that was a whole thing with Rosy.

It's- it's a long story.

But anyway, I, uhh, I wanted to tell you- - It hurt me to think that you

maybe weren't as good of a person as I thought you were.

- I'm probably not as good of a person as you think I am.

But Dot, I've always- I've always told you the truth.

And to think that maybe you didn't trust that...

I- I couldn't get myself anything else.

It seemed like...

Like suddenly there was no point to anything in life.

- I don't not trust you.

The rain is picking up.

- Yeah.

- So I definitely can't let you leave now.

- Umm, I'm not.

Leaving. Umm.

At least not until Spring Break.

- That's quite the storm.

You know, you were wrong before.

- What?

- When you said there's no point to anything.

I mean, even if we can't be happy,

that doesn't mean other people can't.

And I think it's worth it to try to make other people happy

even when it means that you have to be a little unhappy yourself to make it work.

And when that thing happened with you and Rosy,

I just kind of withdrew into myself.

I was so upset and so absorbed with my own feelings

that I didn't consider how anyone else might be feeling.

And as silly as it sounds, it really helped me to realize that

there's more to the world than just me.

But you haven't felt as crushed as I did,

when, you know, I thought for sure that you hated me.

- I've felt worse. I-

It was worse to think that you-

I don't know.

- We can be honest here.

I mean, I'm leaving in two weeks and

I just-

I know there's no hope for me. Us.

Not with the damage Casaubon's video could do.

Even if-

Even if you felt for me as I do for you,

I know it wouldn't be possible.

I know that.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't- I shouldn't have said that. Umm.

My original plan was to just, uhh,

run away and never tell you anything but, umm,

that didn't exactly work out.

- Don't be sorry. I'm-

I'm glad you said what you did.


Even if it's painful, I-

- What is it?

- I know what I need to do.

For more infomation >> A Revelation of Sorts | Episode 65 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 6:23.


Our Inner Polar Shift - Duration: 7:17.

Our Inner Polar Shift

by Sanna,

When Earth decided to slowly �fall from Grace� and descend from (what I call) Grace

Consciousness, many things took place.

This was not an over-night event, but a gradual process.

She let herself fall, for the love of the living and for the love for her beloved Father


Both the energies are now merged as one once again, as Earth is ascending into its higher

incarnation now.

This fall happened a very long time ago and many things has come to pass ever sense.

Then Gaia fell, in time so did the planet.

Through many ups and down, Earth had several Pole shifts.

Both magnetic and physical and so did all the living on the planet.

When the planet was �High-jacked� and taken over by beings with a different agenda,

the planet went into a non natural state of being.

As this slowly happened, the artificial ways where put in place and that shifted the natural

harmony and balance of the planet, both energetically and physically.

Our matrix reality was completely flipped upside down and that was the time when we

slowly entered a deep slumber into duality and separation from the natural processes

of the creation and all living.

But remember, this was planned and put in place from the highest of sources.

We all decided to play �this game�, on some level.

When our reality was flipped upside-down, so did the planets natural poles.

It has to be said, that after each Galactic year, the ages switch places/took turns from

Divine Feminine to Divine Masculine and vice versa.

Every time we came around the galactic plane, the energies shifted places with each other.

This last Galactic year, we are coming out of now, has been the age of the Masculine

� the age of Pisces.

So our north pole has been Masculine and the south pole has been Feminine.

We can easily see this in the world with the western Male ways of thinking and acting and

the eastern ways of looking at life and belies, being more feminine throughout our resent


I do not want to get so deep into that, as it has been written and spoken about so much

already, but I wanted to give an overall view of our past and how we fell from Grace.

Now we are finding our way back to Grace � back home � again through our hearts and higher


As the poles as been unbalanced and the masculine and feminine energies has been flipped upside-down,

so has the energies and poles within our bodies.

We all came from Gaia, our bodies is mostly made out of Gaia�s essence and elements.

We have now entered a time where the poles are being turned back to its organic natural

balanced positions again and that is also the case with our inner poles.

As we shift and change, we are also experiencing an inner polar shift.

Our male north is now becoming the true north of the divine feminine and the south pole

is going back to being divine masculine.

It is a natural process, for complete harmonization and divine sacred balance of all life.

This goes for all living beings and energies on Earth.

It is the way it is.

I had my inner polar shift in September/October and so has many of you or are in still in

that process of shifting your inner poles with the outer poles.

This is also the case with our Merkaba.

It is changing with it.

I�m sure you feel and know deep inside, if you are experiencing that inner pole shift

or not.

To easy describe it, the up-right pyramids is truly the natural shape and angle of the

divine feminine and the down-right pyramid is the divine masculine.

It is the poles shifting within our Merkaba (energy fields) as well.

First we healed and cleansed the uprising and returning of the divine feminine and now

we are in a huge intense process of doing the same with the distorted divine masculine.

That is why so many are going though this almost crazy moments and intense purgings

right now.

I know, I�ve been there� LOL !!! Just be aware and honor your process and listen

to your own inner voice.

I worked with the divine feminine a lot earlier this year on a universal and planetary scale

and now are working with the divine masculine through the collective energies and earth�s


It is very sacred and an honor, but is NOT BY FAR a piece of cake.

The masculine north pole is being pulled down and back to the south pole for healing and

the divine feminine from the south pole is returning to its rightful place up-north.

We will all go through this inner pole shift.

We are shifting with the planet, as it return to the natural balance and back to Grace.

Our planet so deserves this divine transformation.

It is truly a sacred and magnificent time we are in.

As the poles yet again are being shifted on a energetic level, I do not know what will

happen on a physical level.

I will not even speculate as the unknown is suppose to be magical and NOT placed in fear


I know that I have complete trust in the Divine and I know that Gaia is ascending and that

is how it�s suppose to be.

Just a little personal observation and reflection, as this energetic pole shift are happening.

The ancient structures, like the pyramids, will now starts to really come alive and be

activated, now that the cosmic energies can move and flow naturally through the balanced

earthly poles again.

The cosmic energies are feminine.

Another thing is our electricity and other artificial electric grids and systems might

stop working, being development with the old way, non natural and unbalanced.

I�m referring to the poles of + and � in electricity and how that works.

This may not be the case, but it feels logical, looking at it from a natural and universal

law point of view.

Well, to me anyway�

That might be a natural organic process in our development into start finding other solutions

of energy and communication systems that is harmonized and naturally balanced with all

living and to earth itself (that is a soul and living being).

That would differently be a future to look forward to, don�t you think?!

That is my simple look on life.

Changes doesn�t have to be hard and struggling.

I see it as very natural and compassionate process and progress�and I feel most of

us wants to have it that way too.

So, our earthly collective consciousness have spoken!

All is well, all in the divine circle of life� I am here for you, in love and graceful service.

I hold you all dear in my heart.

From my heart to yours � much love!

For more infomation >> Our Inner Polar Shift - Duration: 7:17.


This Is Us 2x09 Promo "Number Two" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> This Is Us 2x09 Promo "Number Two" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


Feel Like Something Is Watching. - "The Woodsman" - Full Free Maverick Movie!! - Duration: 1:17:51.

[ Banging sounds ]

>> The ongoing search continues for adventurer Mauro Bosque

who disappeared while filming an episode

of his popular web-based reality show "Hombre Y Tierre."

Authorities became alerted when he did not arrive

at a designated pick-up spot.

The search will continue until all options are exhausted.

The search for missing adventurer Mauro Bosque enters

his second week with no signs of him as of yet.

Authorities have privately begun to admit that the chances

of survival beyond this point are very slim.

>> Ready.

>> Yeah.

>> You want to look at these notes?

>> Don't need them, thanks.

>> And action.

>> Hello and welcome.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is

yet another episode of "The Woodsman."

This time around our hike will take us through deep

into the San Ignasio Forest

and the lowlands of Belize mountains.

Let me try that one more time.

>> Alright, retake.

>> Hello and welcome.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is

yet another episode of "The Woodsman."

This time around our hike takes us through deep

into the San Ingnasio Forest and through the lowlands here

in the Belize mountains.

We've got 48 hours to cross treacherous terrain.

Why do I keep fucking that up?

>> Talk about what happened last time.

>> "The Woodsman" intro, take two.

Now, this isn't the first time that we tried

to shoot an episode here in Belize.

I came out last time during early summer,

but became trapped during the rainy season.

Within 12 hours everything

around me became flooded, washed out.

I was unable to cross the river.

I lost half my gear, lost my confidence.

I even almost had to get rescued by a helicopter.

But now we're back and I am determined to make it.

It's January.

It's colder and the rainy season is over.

We will make this trip or I'll die trying.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is "The Woodsman."

I am not going to take trail eight.

It just doesn't make any sense to film there.

It's a paved road.

It's a tourist trap.

Our show is not about tourism.

>> It's safer and we know exactly where we can find you.

>> Safer. You do know what my show is about right?

You have seen my show.

Do you know what I do?

I show the public, our viewers survival tactics.

>> They have a lot invested and if something were to happen

to you they're going to lose a shit-load of money.

>> Correction.

If something was going to happen

to me what you would have is a ratings bonanza.

>> Ratings bonanza or not I don't give a fuck.

I want you to take this camera, take that trail.

Come back with a show so that we can all get fucking paid.

>> That's what it's about isn't it, right?

That's what this is all about to you is nothing

but a fucking paycheck.

You know what, I never thought I would ever hear those words come

from you.

So now I know.

Now I fucking know exactly how you feel about my show.

To you my show is nothing but a big fat paycheck.

Welcome to the real world Mauro Bosque, right.

>> Mauro Bosque, "The Woodsman", point drop-off, take one.

>> So here and here it's all washed out.

So, what I need you to do is just go upstream.

You cross and just come back down.

Why don't I just cut across here.

It'll save me a half a day.

>> Chances are you're going to hit swampland.

>> Well how do you know?

This area right there--

>> Because.

We've already done our research.

What I'm asking you to do is just simply follow a clear path,

make sure it's safe.

Can you do that?

>> Safe. Because that's what my show is about.

It's about safety, walking on paved trails and whatnot,

because that's what the public wants to see.

They want to see Mauro Bosque, "The Woodsman" walking

on a fucking paved road, that's what you're telling me?

>> Alright dude, how about-- how about we do this.

Just go off trail.

>> It doesn't make any sense.

>> It makes perfect sense.

All I'm asking you to do is just take this path, go off trail

by about 30 yards, you film from there.

If by chance you happen to catch the trail

on camera, don't worry about it.

We'll fix it in post.

>> Post. Because that's how we do things; we do them with post.

>> Unfortunately yes, that is how we do things.

You know why, because you fucked up.

You fucked up dozens of dollars' worth of gear.

>> Gear. You're talking to me about gear.

>> Gear.

>> We had already, we had that conversation and you said

that wasn't a problem, right?

>> Right. It wasn't a problem, but now it is.

You know why, because to the investors you've become nothing

more than a liability.

Do you understand that?

>> You know what?

>> What?

>> This is wrong and you know it.

>> It's not wrong.

>> And you know what?

>> No.

>> Why don't you take this

and you can shoot the show your fucking self,

alright cause I don't want to fucking work with you anymore.

>> You fucking moron.

God dang it.

Asshole. [foreign language spoken] mutha fucker.

Can't you just follow the fucking trail, seriously.

Is it so much work?

>> He's very angry.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Let's just go ahead and do what they want us to do

and we'll do it their way.

What do you say?

>> So, you're going to follow the trail?

>> Of course.

We got to get paid right?

>> Man, if you leave me stranded

out hear I wouldn't last more than five minutes.

>> That won't happen.

It couldn't happen.

You're like a brother to me man, almost family right.

So, I don't have any family.

So, consider this an early Christmas present.

>> Look Mauro I just want you to know

that I have your best interest at hand.

>> I know you do and I appreciate it,

but now you got to go.

We're burning daylight.

>> Alright, so we'll see you Sunday evening Tembe Bridge?

>> I'll be there.

>> Alright, best of luck to you.

>> I don't need any luck.

Luck is only required in the absence of skill.

>> You know what I mean.

Come on, get out of here.

>> So, Mauro Bosque, "The Woodsman."

Let the fun begin.

Damn it. You see, you see.

That's what I'm talking about.

You guys throw me in this fucking last second trail A

business you know just when we're about to start filming.

You know you guys really need to step off

and stop messing with the talent.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you guys let those who want to work do the work.

What's next.

I forgot to turn on the microphone.

No tapes. Dead batteries.

What's next God damn it.

You know what you guys just back off and let me do my work.

Nice job Mr. producers.

Alright, let's do a show.

Hello and welcome.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is another episode

of "The Woodsman."

Today I find myself right here at the edge

of the San Ignasio Forest, one of the most beautiful

yet most unforgiving pieces of land that I have

yet the pleasure to visit.

Last night, got a little rest and after what went

down that's all I wanted to do.

Something keeps biting me.

I don't know what that is.

I feel 100 percent today and I'm ready to shoot the program.

To the south, the Mayan Mountains.

To the west, the border that separates Guatemala and Belize.

Us, we're headed due east

where we'll spend the next two days exploring lands

that have not yet been touched by humans and since the times

of the Mayans the ancient Mayans.

We've got two days to get to the bridge

and meet Chucho and damn it.

Rick, cut that shit, okay dude.

I mean half step back and we'll try that again, right here.

Start from here, alright.

And stop you're crying alright, that's what you do.

To the south, the Mayan Mountains.

To the west, the border that separates Guatemala and Belize.

Us, we're headed due east

where we'll spend the next two days exploring lands

that have been barely touched by human

since the ancient times of the Mayans.

We've got two days to get to the Tembe Bridge

where we will meet Chucho, your favorite person and mine.

My friends get ready, because the adventures keep on going.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is "The Woodsman."

Good, good, alright.

Let's check that out.

Ooh whoo, whoo, whoo that was close.

Alright, let's take a look at the map.

Our original plan was to go ahead and take this trail

that you see marked here all the way

to the rendezvous point right here with the bridge

to meet up with the others.

Now, when I was a young boy my grandmother used

to tell me some really fun stories about the Mayans.

Well, the Mayans have their caves and according

to my grandmother they should be somewhere

around this side of the map.

Now, that means that I will probably have

to take this route, move upwards here and depending

on how high the waters have been

since well the rains last summer,

it might get a little sticky out there,

but that's what this show is about isn't it.

Now, I think that we'll have more than plenty of time

to meet up with the others.

The map dictates that it's probably going to be

about a 10 hour hike and I don't really see a problem

with any of that.

Now, my friends I've been dreaming about coming out here

to film my show ever since I started all this.

And when the people responsible for my being here try to tell me

that it's not possible because it's either dangerous

or because there are way too many risks, I'm not just going

to lie down and take that.

This is my show.

I made this show not them.

To them my show is all about money, but not to me my friends,

because you all know who I am, what I do

and how far I am willing to go to get that job done.

My name is Mauro Bosque and you are watching, "The Woodsman."

I want to tell you a little bit of history

about what is now known as the San Ignasio Forest.

This area that we are now walking through used

to be what was once known as the Mayan Empire.

For about 1500 years the Mayan Empire stretched all the way

from southern Mexico to the western part of Honduras.

Legends say that the Mayans had one

of the most advanced civilizations known to man.

But as we all know, nothing lasts forever.

Since the fall of the Mayans approximately 1200 years ago

other smaller tribes began to inhabit this area.

The attraction, a moderate climate and natural resources

and who can blame them.

We also know that one of those smaller tribes was known

as the Motaki tribe.

Now, we now that the Motaki had a very small village somewhere

near here.

We know this thanks to the records kept

by the explorers during that time period.

The Motaki apparently lived here for a very, very long time.

We know this-- what we don't know is as to why

about 200 years ago the small tribe simply disappeared,


And my friends, to be completely honest,

do I really want to know?

Do we really want to know?

I mean considering the fact that we are now walking

through this very same forest.

But that's alright, because this is what we do.

Well my friends, it looks to me like we've come

across our first roadblock so to speak.

It seems to me like this creek bed is running from north

to south from where we are right now.

And in order for us to get to where we need

to be we're going to have to cross it.

Let's take a look here.

Yea, it looks to me like it's about 12 feet steep and more

than likely pretty slippery.

If I should fall I might have to walk at least a mile

or two before I can find a shallow area

where I can actually find a spot for me to be able to get across.

I see this timber crossing here.

Unfortunately though, it looks to me

like it might be a little too unstable should I take the wrong

step, timber and all might come crashing down on top of me

and that will not be good.

What I think we might have to do is head down a little further.

Hopefully maybe not more than a mile

or two before we can find somewhere to cross.

Now the reason that I didn't want to record crossing over was

because at that height I would have maybe broken a leg,

I would have twisted my ankle,

broken an arm even I would have messed up the camera.

And being this far off the charted course,

no one would have found me.

And to be able to get out of this creek bend

with a twisted ankle or a broken leg would have been pretty much

next to impossible.

My friends, realize that the smallest injury can be quickly

complicated by your isolation.

Now, as to what that was that we heard earlier, I have no idea.

These woods are filled with wild animals

and it could have been just about anything.

But truth be told, let's not stick

around to find out what it was.

Let's continue.


So, here's the situation.

Our original plan to get us to the ruins, well it has led us

to this point on the map, the creek.

Now, for us to be able to cross the creek we traveled

in this direction for approximately two miles,

maybe more maybe less, but that's beside the point.

Because it is here that we have a problem.

Instead of doubling back along the creek

to find our original route I decided to triangulate it to try

and save some time and the idea was

to bisect the original route, but such is not the case

because now, well I have no idea where we are on the map.

Based on the direction that we took,

well I thought for sure we'd be able to know

where we are, but now I'm not sure.

Now then, it's a quick lesson in compass.

Your basic compass consists of N, S, E and W;

north, east, south and west.

The red needle always points to the end north.

So, what you want to do is align, align it to the N

and then decide in which direction you want to travel.

[ Banging sound ]

Did you hear that?

I heard it.

Well, like I was saying before a friend out there

so rudely interrupted us align the red needle to the N

and head in your direction.

Ours is northeast, which is the direction we're heading in now.

Always keep your compass handy

so that you can occasionally check your orientation,

come across some grove of trees and some rough terrain

and you will easily find yourself walking in circles

and that's not what you want to do.

Learn how to read your compass properly

and it should be very simple to find your destination.

Well, it could just be my imagination, but it seems

like it's getting real dark real fast out here.

And during this time of the season the sun is lower

in the sky and with all these tall trees, well it seems

that with every minute we lose more light.

I think the thing to do is to find a spot to camp

out and set up the tent.

I was right.

I knew that I was right and here we are.

Home sweet home and a really good spot for us

to be able to set up camp.

So, all I did was follow that small tributary

that eventually led me right here.

We're right on the water so tomorrow

if we have some time maybe we'll get some fishing done.

Also, I saw all along the river

in the woods some really great old wood that will serve perfect

to get a fire started.

So, we've got about an hour left of light so let's get to work.

Our two biggest priorities right now: shelter and fire.

So, let's get the tent up first

and then let's go gather up some firewood.

Ooh whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo.

Okay, so here we are and it is completely dark out here.

I'm glad I remembered to bring my camera light because well

to be honest with you, I am spooked.

And it's the strange feeling

that I never had before and I don't like it.

I feel like the little scared kid who's just frightened

by what might be hiding under his bed.

And I've been-- I've been in these woods

at dark hundreds of times.

But this time, it just feels different you know.

Well regardless, I have got to get some wood

because I don't think I want to be out here in this dark all

by myself any longer without a good fire.

Nice, good start.

>> Ooh whoo, yeah.

Alright my friends, sadly I can't carry anymore wood

and shoot a TV show all at the same time.

So, I'll just see you back at the camp

where we'll build a good fire

and we'll get ready for the night.

Well, unfortunately I wasn't able

to show you how we build this fire before it got way,

way too dark.

I lost time and I just wasn't able to--

I had to get it lit pretty fast.

I promise, however, that I will teach you how to do

that on our next episode, so.

Also, after a day like today

where everything has gone wrong I'm having to reflect, yeah.

I'm having to look at everything that I do regularly different.

And today, it's the beard.

I have never grown one for any of my shows before

and something tells me that I shouldn't have started now.

So, let's say goodbye to the beard and let's say hello

to much, much better luck.


So, I was sitting by the fire and I was eating getting ready

to turn in for the night

when the sound suddenly started again.

Shh, shh, shh.

You can hear them.

Listen, listen.

It's as if it's walking sort of close around us.

I think that someone is having a good time in my expense

and I'm pretty sure that they've been following me throughout

the day.

And I think that they've been waiting for it to get dark

so that they can pull off a prank.

Well, I don't know about you guys

but I don't find this the least bit funny.

I'm not going to take it anymore, no more.

I have seen nothing and heard nothing.

But you know it's almost, it's almost as if every time I get

to whatever's making that noise it just like,

it disappears, just like that.

[ Growling sounds ]

Jesus, did you hear that?

It came from the camp.

It's like 4:00 in the morning

and something's been I don't know moving back

and forth out there.

I don't know what that is for about the last 10 minutes.

The fire's gone completely out.

It's completely dark out there.

I can't see a thing right now.

The only noise I can hear like the sound of the woods.

I don't know it's something large,

bear a hog maybe, I don't know.

All my gear and stuff is out there

so I think I'm just going to hang back here.

My grandmother always said sometimes it's best

to not know what goes bump in the night.

And since I have absolutely no way

to protect myself right now all I want

to say is thanks grandma, I love you.

Richard I have some notes for your editing

for yesterday's footage.

We'll talk next week when I get there

about the rest of the cuts.

We'll cut yesterday's material two ways.

We'll get some of that crazy stuff in there and one of them

and then the serious stuff on the second because if it's

about somebody out here messing with me, I don't want

to put any of that stuff on TV.

But if it is, I'm just going to kick their ass

and get that over with.

But if it isn't, then brother we've got some interesting stuff

we're filming here and let's just see what happens.

Same some of that B footage, all that we can save that material

for some of the title sequences.

I've got some ideas.

I've got some interesting stuff

with me fighting with the producer.

We will have to keep that in case we need it down the road.

I can't think of anything else right now.

That's it for the notes.

Well, it looks like my emergency flares are missing.

My hunting map is gone.

My multi-tool, my compass, most of my food and if

that wasn't enough somebody has poured out my water.

Apparently someone out here does not want me to finish my hike.

But doesn't matter.

I'm up for the challenge.

Basically I've been left out here without any ways

of either sustaining myself or defending myself.

If worse comes to worse, we'll have to eat a few insects

and I'd be lying to you if I told you

that I've never dined on a few grub worms.

So, everything's, everything's alright.

First things first, we have to find some water

and prepare ourselves to hike on out of here.

My name is Mauro Bosque and this is "The Woodsman."

Alright Mr. editor let's go ahead and use that

and if we need to we can get some B roll footage

and do some voiceover stuff in the studio later if we need it.

I hope you're getting a program out of this fucking mess.

Alright, this hilly area is exactly what I was looking for.

According to the map just on the other side

of those trees we should be getting to where we need to be.

We got real lucky last night finding that lake.

It gave me a pretty good idea as to where we are

and how long we need to get where we need to be.

If one's prepared with your map and your compass,

well they way they've been doing it thousands of years,

there should be absolutely no problem.

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing.

Let's do it.

Okay, well this sure looks like a good enough place to cross.

It's a little steep but that's alright.

So, you know as you can see down here, I'll show you.

The current isn't too bad but without a doubt

that water is more than likely pretty cold.

And the last thing you want to do is fall and get wet

because hypothermia is nothing to mess around with,

especially when you are out here on your own.

Falling is definitely a possibility.

See the wood right here is extremely slippery

so maintaining balance is important.

If there exists any other way of having to cross this easy safe,

then by all means take it.

However, this is probably the only place that I've seen

where we're going to have to cross the river.

So, next time you see me I'll be

up there getting to the other side.

So, with that said let's go ahead and do it.

Well you guys missed it earlier when I had to cut camera

and cross back over my backpack fell in the water

and someone has to get the backpack.

Now, immediately after the water crossing the most important

thing for me to do is to dry my boots.

Lots of times they say that boots are waterproof.

But the water will always find its way back in there

and make your feet wet.

Now, when your feet are wet they soften

and when they soften they create blisters

and now blisters cause pain.

And the last thing you want out on a hike like this is

to be walking around with blisters on your feet,

because the pain, well they keep you

from focusing on what's important.

And that my friends is your personal safety.

Now, my advice to you.

[ Growling sounds ]


Who's there?

Talk to me.


Who's out there?

You guys saw that.

I didn't imagine that.

Hello. Well, it has now become painfully obvious

that somebody does not want me here.

I don't know who it could be.

Someone I don't know maybe whose boundaries I've crossed.

They stole from me.

They went through all my stuff and now they're throwing rocks.

Okay, the only thing I know right now is

that I no longer feel safe.

So, I got to get of here right now.


Who's out there?

I have been waiting all my life to find these caves,

to be able to explore their history,

to walk where few men have ever walked before.

How many people do you know that have a dream inside them

that never get to see the light of day?

Well today, I have the opportunity

to live not only my own dream but that

of my grandmother whose own mother used

to tell her the same stories when she was a kid.

Unfortunately, unfortunately

for my grandmother I don't know that I can do it.

After all the bad luck

that we've had all weekend God only knows what can happen

in there.

What I can tell you is that it's going to be pitch dark in there

and the only light that we have is the small light

from the camera to show us where we're going.

It is a ridiculous notion to even think about us going

in there right now, especially since we are

so close to getting home.

According to the map, which I've grown to hate more

and more each day, if we leave right now we can probably be

there at the river in two hours and definitely before dark.

But if that happens, then what we have is no ending

to our show.

And my friends, I did not come all the way

out here risking life and limb to be able

to go home empty handed without an ending to our show.

It's not going to happen.

So, let's go in there and then

when we're done let's get the hell out.

Yeah, I'm ready.

You now I've been hearing these stories about these caves

for such a long time that oh,

being in here is nothing short of amazing.

Whoo, whoo something really smells.

What is this?

Wow, these appear to be hieroglyphics of some sort here.

Wow! Wow, these are unbelievable [laughing].

Hello. Hello.

Jesus, [tapping on light] oh come on come on.

Not a good-- there.

Okay, sorry about that.

Hello. Hello.

Anyone there?

Wow, I'll tell you being out here

in this darkness really kind of messes

with your mind a little bit.

My imagination is kind of, hello.

I'll tell you when I first got in here I was hoping

to find artifacts and really interesting things to share

with you guys for the show and something really,

really smells in here.

A dead animal maybe or something.

I don't know.

What I do know is that it sure is dark.

Here's a--

Can't be.

Are these bones?

Chucho come on out.

Got your jacket.

Trying to play some games?

Chucho? Jesus Christ.


Brother, is this?

Is this your blood?

Come on out.

If this is your blood.

Come on it's Mauro.

Come on out.

[tapping on light]


Come on out pal.

Are you alright?

What gives man?

Is this? [growling sounds] Chucho.

[ Growling sounds ]

[ Silence ]

[ Growling sounds ]

For all of you watching at home

for the first time I have nothing to say.

My friend is dead.

There was blood everywhere.

I saw something.

You saw it.

I saw something.

Why did that to that to him?

What did it look like?

What am I supposed to do?

[ Crying ]

I can't understand what's going on.

[ Crying ]

I first I thought that it was a gag, a joke but it's not.

There's something, there's something

out here that doesn't want me.

It doesn't want me here.

[ Crying ]

Now my best friend is dead.

We have to go.

We have to go.

My friend is gone.

The beast moves all around us.

I can hear it in the trees.

I can smell it's foul stench in the air.

But it doesn't matter what happens here tonight.

I'm going to try to share everything with you.

I have no food.

I have no water.

And this, this is now useless.

It's become nothing but a distraction to me.

It just keeps getting me lost.

Tomorrow when the sun comes out we'll head east

and then I'll now where it's at.


[ Crying ]

I would leave a--

[ Crying ]

I would leave a last will and testament but I have nothing.

[ Crying ]

My only friend in the world is dead.

[ Crying ]

[ Banging sounds ]

That's how they communicate, that's how--

Oh Jesus. You want to play games.

Is that what you guys want to do.

You want to play games.

You want to throw rocks.

Well here.

I can throw rocks too.

Huh. You want some more?

I got more.

Yeah, I got more rocks.

Here. Jesus.


[ Laughing ]

You want to play games with me?

That's what you want to do?

Play games.

[ Banging sounds ]

[ Laughing ]

I'm not scared.

[ Laughing ]

[ Banging sounds ]

I'm not scared anymore.

I'm fucking terrified.


Stop, please.

To all those of you out there watching this,

I want to apologize.

I lost control.

But, I think it worked out in my favor because it's been a while

since I heard any of those terrible noises.

I think maybe that my crying

like a little baby scared them off.

Lots of people wouldn't show this type of footage.

In fact, they would probably erase it quick, but not me.

I think that you guys really need to see what's going

on out here as it happens.

There's legends and rumors of creatures

things people just don't believe.

I think that this is one of those occasions.

Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but you guys need to see.

You guys deserve to see the truth.

There's something out there.

And it's waiting.

Did you hear that?

Whatever it is it's outside my tent banging on the trees.

It doesn't matter.

I'm going to have to wait no matter what happens.

Let's turn off the light.

I think that maybe the light is attracting whatever is

out there.

[ Growling sounds ]

>> No, no, no please no, no!

Please no!

Please no!

[ Music ]

For more infomation >> Feel Like Something Is Watching. - "The Woodsman" - Full Free Maverick Movie!! - Duration: 1:17:51.


Donde Tiene una Playa en Panama ❓ [SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL] - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Donde Tiene una Playa en Panama ❓ [SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL] - Duration: 1:03.


The Staircase Out of Poverty - Anne Hastings - Ideas @Davos - Duration: 3:41.

Fifteen years ago a Haitian priest asked me to come to Haiti to help him build a

bank the poor could call their own I asked him at that time well what kind of

services are you planning to provide he said all the normal things savings loans

money transfers along the way he also explained that you can't just give a

woman alone and send her on her way you have to accompany her as she

struggles to make her way out of poverty I realized later that what that meant is

we were going to have to teach her how to read and write we were gonna have to

give her business skills and then before we knew it we were into health care too

so gradually we built the staircase out of poverty our staircase out of poverty

has five different steps to it at every step there's a different mix of

financial educational and health care services that will allow the woman to

make the next step our job is to get them on this ladder and be there for

them when they fall off

but over the years as our strategy expanded I came to two realizations the

first one is that accumulation of assets doesn't mean much of anything unless you

can protect those assets I have seen women who made their way to the top and

then got knocked down because they had to pay for a funeral or because there

was a bad hurricane season in fact I've seen the same woman the same woman fall

three times in the last six years I simply can't continue to do my business

this way I can't encourage her to save and reinvest her profits back into her

business and use credit wisely and then watch her fail because of a hurricane

and the second one was that not everyone is a micro entrepreneur many of these

people need jobs they can make their way out of poverty but not by opening their

own businesses and job creation most experts would agree is really best done

by the small and medium enterprise sector but in Haiti where there's 70

percent unemployment almost everybody has to be an entrepreneur clearly we

have to find a way to create jobs for these people so here we are dealing with

the very poorest people trying to eliminate extreme poverty and yet we're

having to put our attention on job creation by assisting the small and

medium enterprises instead of just focusing on the poorest people that's a

tricky thing when you're an institution with a mission to focus on the very

poorest people see that as you're drifting away from your mission you're

going up market but in order to help them we also have to be

to create jobs for them the point is that eliminating extreme poverty is not

rocket science we don't have any reason that we have to have the degree of

poverty in that country that we do have today

For more infomation >> The Staircase Out of Poverty - Anne Hastings - Ideas @Davos - Duration: 3:41.


Beached whale dies near Juno Beach Pier - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Beached whale dies near Juno Beach Pier - Duration: 1:43.


How Climate Scientists Predict the Future - Duration: 9:13.


Earth's climate has been through a lot over the past few billion years,

and at this point scientists have a pretty good handle

on how our planet has changed over time.

But we talk about the future of the climate too.

About how it's changing more quickly than it has in the past,

and about the dangers of rising temperatures

and more severe droughts and storms.

Our methods for predicting the future of climate

are a little different than those for reconstructing the past.

The past leaves physical records we can study

in things like tree rings and ice cores.

The future requires us to be a little more abstract.

So, we mostly predict the future of Earth's climate using computer models—

mathematical reconstructions of our atmosphere

that account for as much detail as possible

to produce an accurate simulation.

And it's taken decades to build them up to the point where

we can be confident that what they say is accurate.

But it is.

And what the models say is that our climate is changing,

and humans are making it happen.

Global climate models, or GCMs,

grew out of early computerized attempts to model the planet's atmosphere

in the 40s and 50s.

Scientists weren't even trying to predict the future—

they just wanted to create a representation of the Earth's atmospheric system

as it was at the time.

That was hard enough.

Climate models, then and now,

divide the Earth's surface into chunks a few hundred kilometers on a side,

each with different properties like air movement and surface temperature.

Then, the computer calculates how all those chunks interact with each other

to see how things change over time.

Those early models were super simple.

They did things like combine land and sea into a single damp surface

with no geography, or represent the Earth as a cylinder instead of a sphere

because the poles confused the computer.

Thankfully, that didn't lead to a whole movement of cylinder-Earthers, though.

All this simplifying was necessary because early supercomputers were kind of limited.

We're talking, like, five kilobytes of RAM.

Your phone has, like, 500,000 times that much.

Still, it was enough to come up with a crude picture

of Earth's atmospheric currents and its wet and dry regions.

Eventually, though, scientists wanted more

than just a model of the atmosphere around a featureless cylinder—

they wanted something that fit ... an actual planet.

Now, they could make the model more accurate

by making the chunks smaller, but that would take more computing power.

And what about the effects of mountains on air movement?

What about warm and cold water circulating in the oceans?

To answer those questions, climate modelers needed more juice.

By the 1970s, they were also beginning to worry about the greenhouse effect

of the carbon dioxide we were adding to the atmosphere by using fossil fuels.

They thought it could trap the sun's heat and cause the planet to warm.

At the same time, computers were getting powerful enough

that they weren't limited to modeling the present anymore.

So, programmers wanted to start using models

to predict future changes in the climate.

But before a climate model can be turned loose to predict the future,

it has to be able to predict the past—what's known as hindcasting.

And that's an important test,

because if the model's "predictions" match what we know already happened,

we can be more confident about what it says will happen in the future.

Temperature records go back a century or more.

If you start a model in 1850, it should be able to progress through time

and match the general trends in temperature we already know happened.

And by the late 1970s, climate models started to be able to do this.

In 1979, a report pulling from two different climate models

suggested that the Earth's temperature would increase

as atmospheric carbon dioxide increased.

Specifically, assuming twice as much CO2 in the atmosphere,

they predicted an increase between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius,

which trends suggested could happen before the 21st century was up.

That range has proven pretty reliable ever since.

It still fits the warming we expect to happen over the next century or so,

even as models have become much more powerful.

So, models in the 70s were able to answer one simple "what if" question:

What happens if the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles?

But these days, you can carry more computing power in your pocket

than those early programmers ever dreamed of

and use it to send people pictures of your cat that disappear after 10 seconds.

Truly, it's a golden age.

And not only are cat pictures better, but so are climate models.

We now have the resources to ask and answer more detailed questions.

And boy, do we have a lot of them.

Governments want to know what will happen, in detail, in their corner of the world.

And scientists want to know what will happen

if we take measures to stop global climate change,

as opposed to letting emissions run rampant.

With the models we have now,

we can produce more customized predictions based on different scenarios

of what humans might do in the future,

like how much carbon dioxide will be emitted over a given amount of time

and how much land will be used for agriculture.

You can also use these models to basically run the predictions backwards,

and calculate the factors that would lead to a certain amount of warming.

So for example, if policymakers want to see what changes should be made

to limit overall global warming to 2 degrees Celsius,

they just have to use a climate model with the appropriate parameters.

That said, just because it's the 21st century

and computers are awesome now doesn't mean climate models

have reached their perfect final form.

The Earth's atmosphere is an unbelievably complex system,

and we don't yet have models powerful enough to track absolutely everything.

We also can't account for every single thing humans do now

or might do in the future.

So, we now know a lot about what will happen,

but there's still work left to do in perfecting our predictions.

For example, up until 2012 or so,

models weren't great at predicting sea level rise—

they undershot it pretty badly.

UN reports in 2001 and 2007 made predictions for sea level rise

that failed to track with what we observed via satellites by about 60%.

That might be because the models didn't fully account for

the rapid changes in the ice sheets over Antarctica and Greenland.

For the UN's most recent report in 2013,

the models were re-programmed and the projections for sea level rise

increased to be more in line with what we're seeing happen.

We want our models to do better,

in part because we want to know what's going to happen to our climate,

and in part because accounting for all the variables is just good science.

With these constant improvements,

every new prediction can be more detailed.

And in the last couple of decades,

we've started to be able to tailor predictions for specific regions.

Which is helpful, because people and governments

in different parts of the world want to know very different things.

A farmer in southern Europe might want to know if drought

will affect their crops more severely in the future,

while an islander from the Maldives might be more concerned

about their country being completely swallowed by rising seas.

Now we can try to answer those questions,

and a lot of the answers aren't encouraging.

No matter how you look at it, the models are very clear

that the planet is warming.

That's one of the easiest things to predict—

I mean, we've been doing it since 1979.

If we pump more heat-trapping greenhouse gases

like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the numbers come out warmer.

There are factors other than greenhouse gases that the models

take into account too, like particulate matter from volcanoes

and coal-burning power plants, which can have a cooling effect.

And we know the oceans will slow warming for a while

by absorbing CO2, until they run out of capacity.

But all the predictions say the warming caused by greenhouse gases

will have a stronger effect.

Even in scenarios where governments around the world work quickly

to limit and phase out greenhouse gas emissions,

climate models predict that the Earth's temperature increase

will be at least around 2 degrees.

In other scenarios, where we take less aggressive action or no action at all,

the planet's average surface temperature goes up by more like 6 degrees Celsius.

Which, if you're used to Fahrenheit?

That's 11 degrees.

That's hot.

But higher temperatures are far from the only consequence of climate change.

Using models, along with other tools,

researchers predict all kinds of other effects.

A comprehensive report by the US Global Change Research Program,

published in 2014, lists some of the consequences.

It emphasizes effects on North America,

but similar things would happen all over the world.

With more and more time passing between periods of freezing temperatures,

plants could experience a longer growing season.

That could actually have a net positive effect

of causing plants to take up more CO2 so less stays in the atmosphere.

But the good news pretty much ends there.

In general, around the world and in North America,

there would be changes in the distribution of precipitation,

including rain and snow.

The changes tend toward increasing extremes.

A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, so wet regions will get wetter.

But models show shifts in large-scale movements of air

that would exacerbate dryness, too.

So, for example, the dry American Southwest will get even drier.

And major events like droughts, heat waves, and powerful storms

will get worse and more frequent.

The effects of climate change on Atlantic hurricanes are hard to predict.

We don't know for sure whether it was responsible

for the devastating 2017 hurricane season.

But we know that as the global temperature increases,

the temperature of the surface of the ocean does too.

And warm ocean water is hurricane fuel.

Historically, warmer years don't produce more hurricane landfalls,

so we may only see stronger storms, not more of them.

But that's not a sure thing.

Climate change will have other kinds of effects, too,

like rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and changes in ocean currents,

but it would take a whole other episode to talk about them all.

Which is exactly what we did a few years ago.

Thanks to decades of work improving climate models,

we now have a very good idea of what's happening,

both globally and regionally.

And even though our models have gotten much more detailed over the years,

those predictions of increasing temperatures have stayed constant.

Which is a good sign for the science of climate modeling,

but maybe also cause to be a little worried.

We've always known the Earth wasn't just a damp cylinder.

But as our ability to model the climate has improved over time,

we've learned a lot about how our planet works, and what we're doing to it.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow.

If you're interested in learning more about the effects of climate change,

we have another video about just that topic.


For more infomation >> How Climate Scientists Predict the Future - Duration: 9:13.


Real Witches Caught on Camera? - Duration: 3:27.

Number 5

Some say its a ufo.

While some others say that its a witch.

But what is sure is that you can see some blurry thing hovering and flying across the


Apparently there was even a witness interviewed about it.

And the witness was a police.

He said the humanoid was wearing all black, had a pointy hat and looked pretty scary.

So what do you think about this one?

Was the cop under the influence?

Was it really a witch?

OR was it just someone flying a kite?

Who knows its pretty blurry.

What do you think?

Number 4

There's a few sources for this particular video and a few theories for it.

But most people say that the woman in white was a witch.

The first time I saw the video it was about a Baba Yaga.

Which was a deformed, scary looking witch from Slavic folklore.

But the oldest source for the video came from an Arabic channel.

And it was categorised as comedy.

Thus I'm assuming that this one was definitely a joke.

Though you could hear the authenticity of the scream by one of the guys in the video.

So I think it was a prank to prank that particular guy.

Yea, but I do have to admit that it did look pretty creepy.

Number 3

This was supposedly a recording of a witch doing a ceremony in Scotland.

Other than her looking hagard and flailing about.

There's not much about what exactly she was doing is known.

There was suddenly a black thing in her hand.

Did it just appear out of no where?

Was that what she was summoning?

Who knows.

For all we know, she might just be an old woman with dementia being lost and confused.

But lets hope that that is not the case.

Number 2

2013, Amherst, Massachusetts

A guy claimed to have stumbled upon creepy things in the woods.

Such as a hut constructed with branches and leaves.

With stones, dead flowers, stick dolls and little bird bones around it.

Of course a pentagram.

Then looking around.

The man captured what seemed to be someone running away.

Presummably a witch?

Or it could have just been his friend.

Who knows.

Number 1

This video is said to be that of a fire witch.

It clearly looked like a humanoid but was fully covered with fire.

This was captured by video amateurs saying that the fire being had been seen around the

road in southern mexico and they finally managed to capture it on camera this one time.

You can see that the being was walking slowly, moving forward.

Didn't seem like someone who got set on fire as it didn't flail about.

So, is this the original form of the ball of fire you always hear people have seen?

Was the thing we just say a witch Was it a natural phenomenon?

Or was it special effects?

I guess we'd never know.

For more infomation >> Real Witches Caught on Camera? - Duration: 3:27.


DEAD EFFECT - ANDROID Gameplay (HD) - # 02 - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> DEAD EFFECT - ANDROID Gameplay (HD) - # 02 - Duration: 10:13.


Premier League: What Roman Abramovich told me about sacking managers at Chelsea – Didier Drogba - Duration: 3:47.

Premier League: What Roman Abramovich told me about sacking managers at Chelsea – Didier Drogba

Former Ivory Coast striker, Didier Drogba has revealed what Chelsea owner, Roman Abramovich told him about firing managers at the club.

Drogba, a Chelsea legend, and a good friend of the Russian millionaire, also told RMC that he does not believe the high turnover of managers at his former club is anything exceptional in the current game.

Abramovich has appointed nine managers in the last 10 years at Stamford Bridge.

but Drogba said, Everyone says Chelsea isnt very stable.

But in modern-day football, there is no coach who lasts more than three or four years at a club.

I asked him [Abramovich]: We have had how many managers in how many seasons? He replied: But Didier, each time I have done it, we have got results.

Drogba said he did not believe the changing managerial cast was a conscious strategy on Abramovichs part.

No, because when the managers come in they have carte blanche at the club.

They do what they want.

Having said that, I dont see the relationship with the chairman on a daily basis.

But you cant get into a conflict with your boss.

If thats the case, its that you want to leave..

Current Blues manager Antonio Conte, after winning the Premier League in his first season in charge, has seen his own future brought into question.

And theres Champions League demands now placed on Contes squad, Drogba said, Whats happening now is normal.

Two years ago, they were on the brink of relegation.

Last year, with one match a week, everything went well.

The coach came in with drastic methods and the club became champions again.

But most of the players have never been further than a Champions League quarterfinal or semifinal for a while.

You have to get used to matches every three days again, get used to the demand for results, which is permanent, to the intensity.

You have to be at your best every day, which isnt easy.

For more infomation >> Premier League: What Roman Abramovich told me about sacking managers at Chelsea – Didier Drogba - Duration: 3:47.


Police say nanny never kidnapped Jupiter boy - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Police say nanny never kidnapped Jupiter boy - Duration: 2:07.


Star Wars Battlefront II Review – Is it Worth Your Time? - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Star Wars Battlefront II Review – Is it Worth Your Time? - Duration: 5:11.


We're looking out for you. Slow down and give us space. - Duration: 0:49.

Anyone can breakdown

Slow down and give us space

We're here to lend a hand

Slow down and give us space

We're keeping you safe

Slow down and give us space

Help us help you

Slow down and give us space

If you see us on the roadside

Slow down and give us space

For everyone's safety

Slow down and give us space

Some workplaces are more dangerous than others

We're looking out for you

Are you looking out for us?

For us

For us

For us

For us

For us

For more infomation >> We're looking out for you. Slow down and give us space. - Duration: 0:49.


Majestically Awkward -- LÜT - Duration: 6:02.

Oh hello there. Hi I'm Jake and


These episodes of Lüt usually start with a pun. I'm not 100% sure. Kevin usually hosts this show but he is sick

currently. Get better Kevin. Maybe drink some tea...

drops which come in flavors including citrus ginger, rose earl grey, and sweet peppermint.

Just pour some hot water and drop…

Lollipop that you can personalize with your face.

Upload a picture of the face you want to candify and tell them the eye color, hair color, and

other distinctive features like a third eye or something. Maybe five lips. Who knows?

Then send it to anyone who wants an edible version of your face because this is Lüt!

Hey it's dark in here!

Can someone turn on the light with steampunk gear light switches?

This illumination sensation features wooden switch plates that use gears and steampunk

design to make the mundane a good way.

And if you think that's bizarre check out

Guitar art, a really cool etsy shop that includes this guitar shelf, violin table lamp, and

this other guitar shelf.

Don't shelfishly make yourself late and remember your keys with

Unforgettable door organizer…which looks plain and completely forgettable but what

you put in it, you will remember.

Now losing everything doesn't have to be a thorn in your side and can instead be a

thorn in your

Consuela the Cactus.

She's smiling on the outside but with enough aggression and perseverance, your dog or creepy

relative can rip the happiness right off her face with their teeth.

Seeing this green ball of sadness is your best way to measure success but to measure

accurately use

Euclid Measuring Cup.

The shape of it makes it so that the ratio of surface area to volume is the same at every

measuring amount.

So it can measure small amounts just as accurately as large ones.

Let's keep riding this wave of kitchen convenience with

The Magic Tap.

If you share these children's tragic ineptitude when it comes to pouring liquid, this automatic

beverage dispenser can help.

First lock the straw because this kid has spilled enough for all of us, and then put

it in your jug of whatever.

Now unlock it and press your glass to the trigger bringing stability to this young boy

as well as your


Liftware is technology designed to assist people who have a tremor.

It has an electronic stabling handle and selection of attachments so the food will stay on it

and then go into your mouth.

Assuming that's how you eat food.

Now that you've eaten put that energy to good use with

Wurf Board.

It's a supportive, air spring surface that encourages continuous micro movements.

It's great for a standing desk and these subtle movements improve posture, strengthen

muscles, and raise alertness.

If you're amazed

Stargaze with...Stargaze.

It's the name of this chair.

Anyways, it's the first ever swinging and reclining camp chair.

So now you can relaxingly star at trees like this guy. Hey dude how's the stars?

Or you could stare at your ceiling or whatever you want including

This shadow of a fake tree created by Lumen flame shadow projector.

All you have to do is light the candle and it's like a forest is indoors...a forest

of two trees. Probably not a forest.

Bring it closer or further depending on how big you want it but don't get too cozy,



This is just a ring...BAM just kidding it's an arm spinner.

And it does exactly what it says it does as in it spins around your arm.

You can do this, this, and...okay now you're just showing off. Pretty good. It spins around and around without shooting off in the middle of nowhere.

And speaking of the middle of nowhere let's go into my heart...just kidding let's go camping with

Bite Helper, designed to help relieve bug bites.

It delivers heat and vibration to the affected area which increases circulation and localized

blood flow.

Basically it takes the pain away. But does it? Does it?

And nothing takes the pain away from bad hair quite like

Morning head which cures bed head in seconds.

This fashionable headwear resembles a shower cap but it has extremely absorbent material

inside that can hold water and instantly wet your hair when you put it on.

Now that your hair looks great which it usually does because you're just beautiful why not just become the whole package with

Powerpress. Even though you already are because you're beautiful.

The muscles you work out all depend on where you place these things on the board.

In no time you'll look just like this guy.

Except unfortunately you do have to actually do a pushup.

But if you're more into punching than pushing check out

Quiet Punch, the best way to quietly punch things in the middle of the night while everyone

is sleeping.

You can upper cut, hook, and do power shots which are probably really fun to do and also


Majestically Awkward. Which will be on my tombstone.

Links to all the lüt can be found in the description below and if you want there's a playlist

right here, filled with lüt. Little pointy hands.

If you have lüt of your own that you wanna sell or share or if you have a DONG

that you wanna share with the world, good news there's which was nice enough to sponsor this episode and support Vsauce and the DONG channel.

So thank you Squarespace. Squarespace is really cool they have a bunch of really well-designed templates

that you can use if you wanna have a storefront or just make your portfolio there.

I have dabbled in squarespace myself. I used to do a lot more freelance video stuff, cinematography and directing so I use

so I use them to create a portfolio for my work.

That website no longer exists because I think it's embarrassing now. Doesn't really represent the work I make. Anyway

going off on a tangent. If you are interested you can check out the link at the top of the description.

Use a free trial, create your own site and when you're ready, you get 10% off with that link

to a domain or a website so there ya go

Some more lüt for ya or it's a great place to post your own lüt.

If that's what you're into. You're into posting lüt. Also lüt

L-U-T if you remove the umlaut on the top, a lut

is a look-up-table which we use a lot for color-grading

which I have learned recently which is very exciting.

I don't know why I'm still talking. I should probably stop and let you live your life and

I don't know I just get lonely sometimes and I want

a person to talk to and so here we are.

Like two old chums, old pals.

Just chatting about stuff.

Alright uhh...

Okay. And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Majestically Awkward -- LÜT - Duration: 6:02.


What is OneTeamMVMT? - Duration: 1:57.

The Olympic dream is one that just about every figure skater can relate to.

In synchronized skating, that dream can't be achieved – or at least not yet.

As an organization, OneTeamMVMT formed as an answer to the question;

"How do we CHANGE the future of synchronized skating, for the better?"

How do we get the sport into the Olympics?

How do we attract more support for its athletes? How do we make "What is synchro?" a question that is no longer asked?

OneTeamMVMT is based on the notion that we are stronger, together.

Synchro is a competitive sport, there is no question about that.

But we wish to unite the synchronized skating world, and promote inclusion and sportsmanship for all.

It is our belief, that by encouraging a positive culture in the sport, it will grow.

We designed our signature OneTeamMVMT t-shirts, to unite our community under one synchro logo

and remind ourselves of the common love we share for the sport.

As our shirts continue to grow in popularity, so does the conversation around synchronized skating.

We have sold our shirts to over 2000 to skaters, parents, fans, photographers, coaches, and officials

in 15 countries around the world.

Best of all, because we are a nonprofit organization, the funds go directly toward fulfilling our mission,

of creating a better future in synchronized skating.

We invite you to show your support of OneTeamMVMT and synchronized skating.

Join our growing tribe, today!

For more infomation >> What is OneTeamMVMT? - Duration: 1:57.



♪ Stump Kitchen, stump kitchen, ♪

♪ Gluten-free vegan eats ♪

♪ Stump-tastic treats. ♪


Welcome to Stump Kitchen.

This is my partner Alison.


I'm thrilled to be here on this side of the cam cam.

Welcome to Stump Kitchen. Good to be here.


I feel pretty lucky because you're gonna teach me

a recipe from your family history.

Did you eat a lot of Ukrainian food growing up?


Ukrainian food is my mean attachment to the mother land.


And my one greatest wish to be a male Ukrainian dancer.

That is a new fact.


I did not know that.




This recipe is from Grandma.

So we didn't eat this very much.

'Cause my grandma make cabbage rolls.

But what she taught me,

she taught me lazy cabbage rolls.

(laughing) Oh!

I couldn't be trusted with the...

The rolling of.

I'm all about the lazy times.

Lazy times.

Lazy times.

Has lazy in the name.

How do we make this?

Alright, so, cabbage rolls.


Cabbage rolls.

Cabbage rolls.

Cabbage rolls.

Okay this is all you need.

Cabbage, onion, one cup of rice,

a can of tomato soup.

What is this?

Tomato paste.


And salt and pepper.

That's all.

That's it!

That's it.

Can I rub my hand through your hair?


What do we do first?

We need an inch cabbage. An inch!

At the bottom of the casserole dish.

The casserole dish we're using is like this big.

I'll cut the onion?



Does it matter how small or how big?

I wouldn't make it too small.

The point is it's called lazy cabbage rolls.

Don't work too hard.

Some people are just like,

I'll just do this and there we go.

In the oven.

Ooh, the oven!

Preheat the oven.


400 degrees.

400 degrees, preheat the oven.

♪ Onion time, onion time ♪

We are so profesh.



We have our layer of cabbage,

which is like an inch.

And then we have our onion,

our whole, gigantic, beautiful onion.

Smooth it a little bit.

Oh my God.

Zee eyes.

Oh we're done with that.

No more chopping!

You're doing great.

Here's a pat on the back.

So we're gonna put some salt on the cabbage

so that it'll go all limp.

I've seen you do this before,

and you don't just put like a sprinkle of salt.

You salt this.

(record scratches)

We forgot the oil.

We gotta oil the pan first.

Get some oil and put it on one side

so that we can mix it in.

(low moaning)

Isn't it great with your limbs?

And this is getting the salt around.


Actually, you know what?

I can feel the cabbage doing its thing.


Feel it!

Is that a thing?

Actually it's getting soft in our hands.

(both) Whoa.

Great, so we have


Oh my.

Everything is cool.

Where are you going?

Alright, rice is next.

Wait wait wait.

Just dried rice?

Like you just put it on?

Yeah, you don't have to cook anything.

It cooks itself.


- ♪ Thumps, thumps, thumps, thumps, thumps ♪

After the rice, a can of soup.

A can of soup!

(fake laugh) Tomato soup.

Usually tomato soup in a can has wheat flour in it,

so it's not gluten-free,

and a lot of it has cream.

So we had to do some searching,

but we found this awesome brand.

Imagine Organic Biologique.

It also has French.

My hand's caught in my hair.

All vegan, all gluten-free.

And is so good.

So you just pour it right on.

Pour it right on.

It's just on there.

And it already smells like cabbage rolls.

Kind of.

Now what?

Next, two, three?

Two or three.

Two or three tablespoons of tomato paste

because our soup isn't concentrated soup.

We're gonna add some flavor.

- ♪ Tomato flavor ♪

(British accent) Now some water.


(whispering) Harry water.

Allison's a really big Harry Potter fan.


Stir it up, stir it up.


Salt and pepper, let's do it.


Now what?

Chicken butt.

That's it.

Just put all the layers in and then you bake it.

Tinfoil time!

And we will flourish.




For one, oh!



For one to, no.

One to one and a half hours.

(both talking)

Take the tinfoil off and then--

(both talking)

And then tinfoil off to get the crisp.

See you soon, bye. See ya!

(record scratching)

Hey pals.

So I messed up a little bit

and I lost the end of the video.

So I thought, instead of doing the regular taste test,

because we don't have it,

I'm gonna show you some videos of Allison and I with dogs.


Where's your fin?

Uh, a knight!


Are you both gonna play?

Are you both gonna play?

Look, Allison got her coat on.

(dog groans)

- ♪ Nice little Christmas puppy ♪

♪ Stump Kitchen ♪

♪ Stump Kitchen ♪

♪ Gluten-Free vegan eats ♪

♪ Stump-Tastic treats ♪


Good catch.



For more infomation >> LAZY CABBAGE ROLLS [EASY, VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE!] - Duration: 5:49.


Energy Update – Collapse - Duration: 4:31.

Energy Update � Collapse

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,


Very intense energies came through late yesterday afternoon AEST where one felt like they had

�hit a brick wall� energetically.

Wave after wave of energies that have come through recently came to like a �crescendo�.

Lying down was a must during this� shifting and processing�finding it difficult to even


Then right on 11:11 this eased!

Just like that, I was �woken� to an instant shift/clearing of energies.

And then the singular word that came from the Divine was: �COLLAPSE�.

The word from the Divine the other day was DISCLOSURE.

And I shared that this has now come through in the Human.

As we know there has been much disclosure yet this is coming OUT now in the human.

Which we will �see� more and more.

The same applies with the word COLLAPSE is what is also coming through for the Human

as well.

(From Spirit to Soul)

It is not �straight forward� when the Divine brings through a singular very succinct

word like this and so clearly�as there is much deeper meaning to this.

It is like a cascade effect slowly yet at the same time instantly as well.

So we will �see what this means�.

As this is not the time to �race ahead� with the mind but to be �still� in Soul

and Spirit to see what this means, as this unfolds for us/humanity.

As this could and does mean many many things, in many many ways.

It is such and expansion of �COLLAPSE�.

Already since writing this, more is coming to light with this!

As I do know that those who are going through so much now, who are finding it very difficult

and challenging � as it has been, very much so, will find that this has very much BEEN


I literally wouldn�t be here if it wasn�t.

As the alternative would have been much much more severe.

So it is a time to be thankful for all we are going through.

Again as the alternative was much �tougher� and maybe I can see and share this because

I have been �doing this for so long�, that I know the difference personally.

All I can do is re-assure those who are going through what they are, while still challenging

is much much better than other alternative timelines of the old � Especially where

health is concerned.

And now the message that came through with this is 555:

Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the �old�

that is no longer positively serving you.

Trust that they will be replaced with �better�.

Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask

for support and guidance from your angels.

Know that your angels are with you, always.

Keep a positive attitude and mind-set about the �new� entering your life and keep

an open mind as to the opportunities presenting themselves.

Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance.

Even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point in time, trust

that all will fall into place for you.

These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints

and freely pursue your soul purpose as a spiritual being.

Angel Number 555 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of

your life.

Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit.

The angels ask that you �go with the flow �� Joanne Walmsley

Sacred Scribes Australia.

I will share more soon as guided with this.

As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

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