Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

[music playing]

You must be insane!

Come on.

You oughta be ashamed.

Joshua, give me a beat.

[music playing]

(RAPPING) Oh, oh.

These guys are second cousins, which is complicated,

because if they're Rascal Flatts fans,

then they're probably dating.

Your song "What Hurts the Most" was a real breakthrough,

but what really hurts the most is listening to you.

I'll be honest, and I'm not trying to be rude,

you used to sing scales, now you tip them too.

It took me a second to look at your crew.

Three old white guys.

What is this, Fox News?


Joshua, give me a beat!

[music playing]

(RAPPING) So we're battling Boyz II Men.

How do we dare step on the favorite band

of single grandmas everywhere?

"You're So Hard to Say Goodbye" is incredibly beautiful.

You've probably heard it if you've been to a funeral,

and here's some food for thought that I'd like you to chew,

your combined weight, how's it more than

when there was four of you?

And now you have a Vegas show.

I think it's so funny that a casino found a new way

to steal people's money.


All right, Josh.

[music playing]

(RAPPING) Make fun of our songs.

Go ahead, that's fine.

We sold 60 million records.

That's a lot of punchlines.

Your first album was self-titled,

but no surprise, your second was called "Melting,"

and your face is obliged, and Gary, you're a [bleep],,

which is truly quite scary.

Your frosted tips look like a hick guy Fieri,

and I'd make fun of you two if I thought it would bring shame,

but I tell you what, nobody don't

even know ya'll [bleep] names.


Well, Joshua.

Can you drop a brother a beat?

[music playing]

(RAPPING) Well call me Guy Fieri, now that's really silly,

because Mitch, you look like you ate all

the cheese steaks in Philly.

So you're on the road with New Kids.

Now what's that tour called?

Oh, here's some guys that we used

to like who have now gone bald, and last year

you worked for 98 Degrees.

Keep up the hard work, boys.

Maybe next year, Jodeci.

Stay working casinos to pay down them debts.

All 60 million records sold, but mostly cassettes.


All right, J. Give me a beat, pop.

[music playing]


Took "Life is a Highway," and made it a smash,

then your life got in a crash, and it ran out of gas.

All of your tracks are covers.

It's terribly hokey.

Had 16 number ones, and it's basically karaoke.

This old head boyband, what's that all about?

The one direction your career is going is down south,

but when it comes to country, you're

a tradition despite the fact you look

like a Republican magicians.


Gon' make America great again, Butter.

(SINGING) Life is a highway.


Give me a beat. [music playing]

(RAPPING) You have a residency in Vegas.

Does that cause some confusion?

Do you play the mirage because your career is an illusion?

The song "One Sweet Day" is hot fire,

but it wouldn't be shit if it weren't for Mariah.

I remember the '90s when all your stars

burned the brightest.

Now you can't get on bended knee because of arthritis.

See you were over matched going toe to toe,

so let me be the first mother-mother-[bleep] to say--

(SINGING) We've come--

(SINGING) To the end of the road, still I can't let you go.

No, no, no, no.



Hey, hold on.

Hold on.

Hey, so.

I'm-- I just-- I just wanna how it feel to sing a hit.



I want to hear what the crowd thinks.

Is it Rascal Flatts?


Or is it Boyz II Men?


Ladies and gentlemen, and the winner is Boyz II Men!


[music playing]

Drop the mic.

[music playing]

You must be insane.

Come on!

I knocked you out.

You oughta be ashamed.

For more infomation >> Drop the Mic: Rascal Flatts vs Boyz II Men - FULL BATTLE | TBS - Duration: 4:35.


PERFECT METHOD for Learning English - finally (not clickbait) - Duration: 10:23.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video about how to learn English

what is the perfect method for learning a foreign language

learning English in our case?

Everybody is on the lookout for the perfect method

clicking on videos right and left

looking for the magic bullet that will make you fluent in English in no time

well, look no more, the search is over,

Here comes the perfect method for learning English

Searching on the internet for how to learn English, one is under the impression that

there are a lot of different ways of learning a foreign language,

it seems as if there are so many different techniques, methods,

youtube teachers with their: shadowing and imitation techniques

flashcards and spaced repetition

speed learning and sleep learning

memory palaces, tricks and language hacks

1 simple trick, 2 breakthrough tricks, 3 months, 4 easy steps,

People telling you:

You need to find your own way

try different methods and find the one that works for you

No people, there aren't many many different methods

there is only one method

if we talk about learning a few words for your overseas vacation, yes

there are many different techniques and methods that

can help you cram a few words and a bit of grammar

in the short run

but when we talk about lasting effects

when we talk about mastering the English language

there is only one way:

you need to immerse yourself in the language you are trying to learn

Bury yourself in interesting content and read a lot, read daily


and every time you come across a new word use

Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries

Read and of course Listen, listen to native speech

listen daily to real life conversations

movies, and TV shows, podcasts, news

Read and listen, and use monolingual learner's dictionaries

it is what we call input

Immerse yourself in interesting content:

something you like or need for your job.

The internet

finding interesting stuff to read and listen is the easiest thing to do

especially if you want to learn English.

Read and Listen & Write, start a blog or something,

Writing is extremely important, writing helps you remember longer,

Read, Listen, Write & Speak when you have a chance,

if you don't have many speaking opportunities, then

launch a YouTube channel or a podcast

No spaced repetition, no flashcards, no shadowing, no,


interesting online articles, blogs,

movies, TED talks

Here is your perfect method:

read, listen & write daily and use monolingual learner's dictionaries

There aren't many methods, there is only 1 method for mastering a foreign language,

and not just foreign languages

Mastering the drums, losing weight, learning the moonwalk,

mastering the high jump

there are no magic tricks, no revolutionary methods

it is about copying the best and doing it again and again

for at least 10,000 hours

The high jump

There are very few exceptions,

in the case of the high jump there used to be different methods

Starting with the Eastern cut-off, the Western roll, the Straddle technique

until Dick Fosbury introduced the Fosbury Flop.

You could say that the Fosbury Flop revolutionized the high jump,

of course, thanks to the introduction of soft foam landing beds

Yes, there are instances of new methods and techniques, but still

For the last 50 years, the Fosbury Flop has been the dominant technique,

the only way to clear 209cm and 245cm

This is the technique, the only way to beat

Stefka Kostadinova Стефка Костадинова

and Javier Sotomayor

In case of language learning, and learning in general

the Internet revolutionized education,

but it is still about Reading and Listening to the target language as much as you can

and using monolingual dictionaries,

the core method hasn't changed

it is often said that

The holy grail of language learning, the best to learn a foreign language,

s to go to the country where the language is spoken

most people say that:

in order to learn English, you have to move to England, or the US, or Australia

you get the point.

That's what most people consider the best and only way to learn English

No, that's not the only way to learn English, it is not the best either.

Firstly, it is extremely expensive and secondly, it is not automatic

you don't jump into the ocean expecting to automatically start swimming

Don't think that by moving to the US you will effortlessly and quickly pick up the language

No, you won't

Ask Ichiro Suzuki, Melania Trump, Jackie Chan

Ask the tens of thousands of English teachers

Japan, Korea, China and throughout south-east Asia

who don't bother learning the local language

Ask me:

I am the litmus test for what works and what doesn't,

as far as language learning is concerned

I've been living in Japan for over 15 years

and my Japanese level is nowhere near my English one

it's about half


because I stopped learning kanji

I don't read.

Reading is the most important,

don't let anyone tell you that listening is more important

Listening is important but Reading comes first

Reading and using monolingual dictionaries,

neither of which I am doing at the moment with my Japanese

Moving abroad was very beneficial for 1 simple reason:

20 years ago, moving abroad was the only way to get access to interesting reading materials,

like books, magazines, newspapers and also local TV shows, news and radio.

But now, in the age of Internet, it doesn't matter where you live

You have all the best content in your pocket

The money people spend on studying abroad is truly staggering

once again, here is your perfect method:

The short answer is:

read a lot and use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries,

read and listen to the target language and use Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries,

you don't need to live abroad to do that,

no flashcards, no shadowing, no magic

reading comes first, then listening, it's what we call input,

next is writing and of course, speaking.

That's the short answer

The 200-page answer is in my book Virtually Native

where I focus on efficiency:

how to read, how to write, how to use monolingual dictionaries,

how to study grammar,

how to remember vocabulary,

but the core of my method is still:

reading and listening to the language as much as possible.

No magic

My book Virtually Native is available at Amazon and

For more infomation >> PERFECT METHOD for Learning English - finally (not clickbait) - Duration: 10:23.


Miku/GUMI Limelight (Rhyme light) 蜂屋ななし (60FPS) - Duration: 3:34.

Non stop talk tole. Check, chik tap tip.

Fake! your part time sympathy.

Hold, Tod's doll. Let's nope hope.

Not here, your worthless un-belief.

Stop scoff smile. Feel! zielen fool.

Sick. I'm chosen by god's world.

but then is there no salvation (LOL)

The unreachable dream is Groovin'

Weeding out the fakes. Searchlight

A Yes/no life, make me laugh Dr Shambles

Take in the alienation cartridge

It's bitterness making you vomit dead seed

The infection of glorifying it

"A thorough inquiry" the idiot cried

the shoddy made one's pain is overlooked

The step was dizzying

Don't panic. Warning. Standby stage

Pouring rain,


dance that one scene

Now it's vital

Revealed in limelight

Keeping a cleared head since

Gradually year after year re-screening appointments

My head is a little bit sensitive

It's this miserable illness incense ceremony

All you fakes are rusted

with a fake super sense

then is there no argument here? (lol)

What you gotta do is to lead the dance

Welcome! doom dowdy do da

What the take away?

Plants aren't in the planet

Be frightened!

All fall down!

"It's time to leave"

I think you would be better off dead

Apple is red yet taste is green meen seen

"A clinical experiment" embracing the blame

you're fixating on a broken promise

Bearing a grudge (trip)

The life preserved in formalin game

Someone's scraping

and spitting out

their last show

Run through preferably soon

The backstory is limelight...



lame lie...

"Repeatedly meticulous" becoming ridiculous

The shoddy one's pain is overlooked

Expecting a smile

Don't panic? Warning! SOS!

Showered in love,

showered with pity,

dance that one scene

A vital exhaustion much needed

"At best, lifesaving" erasing the blame

hoping for love, genes made for punishing

"took responsibility" smile

shunt life proof religion game

showering in lies,

glimpsing at,

and extracting my scene

let's play! audience

curious onlookers are bye bye

For more infomation >> Miku/GUMI Limelight (Rhyme light) 蜂屋ななし (60FPS) - Duration: 3:34.


Un revenu universel contre l'automation ? [PODCAST] | The Flares - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Un revenu universel contre l'automation ? [PODCAST] | The Flares - Duration: 5:58.


The Quantum Revolution - Duration: 3:56.

The first quantum revolution was really based in the understanding of quantum physics

and that lead to inventions like the transistor and the laser

– So basically what forms todays information technology.

– Now in the second quantum revolution, we can control individual quantum systems

and we can exploit the properties of those in a new way.

Of course big words, but I'm sure this will be a second technical revolution.

– You probably think this is science fiction. But it´s much more science than fiction.

– We will see the fruits of the second quantum revolution maybe 20–30 years from now.

– There is a very counterintuitive fact that electrons can be at two places at the same time.

There is this cartoon about a skier that goes downhill from a tree.

And you see two tracks from the skies and they go on each side of the tree.

For us that´s a funny cartoon, but the electrons would not laugh.

They wouldn't understand what so funny about it – they do this all the time.

– There are four so called pillars in the second quantum revolution

where you divide things in quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum communication and quantum simulation.

So those are things where you can do things much better if you have this control of the quantum systems

than what you can do with ordinary means.

– Because it´s so counter intuitive that you can have this enormous amount of possibilities at the same time

and we need to get some intuition for – and we´re slowly building that – how to exploit this for practical problems.

– We´re characterizing our first generation very small quantum computer.

– The goal of the project is to demonstrate a quantum computer with a hundred qubits.

– With such a processor we can address some interesting problems, problems that a supercomputer could not even address.

– This will be an enormous contribution to industry. Because it´s the same thing that is behind artificial intelligence and...

and self driving vehicles and the whole internet of things.

– We have been building competence in superconducting circuits for many years and for the last twenty years we've also looked at quantum properties of these superconducting circuits.

So we have a lot of knowledge.

This can really deliver something new. It's not an incremental change, it´s really a game changer. It´s a paradigm shift.

For more infomation >> The Quantum Revolution - Duration: 3:56.


【韓国】チーズたっぷりカレートッポギ食べる。 - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】チーズたっぷりカレートッポギ食べる。 - Duration: 7:22.


Qurani Wazaif in Urdu|duas to make impossible possible|namumkin ko mumkin banane ka wazifa in hindi - Duration: 6:44.

INSHAA ALLAH namukin ko mumkin banane ka wazifa

For more infomation >> Qurani Wazaif in Urdu|duas to make impossible possible|namumkin ko mumkin banane ka wazifa in hindi - Duration: 6:44.


Prosecutors request arrest warrant for 3 former NIS chiefs for alleged bribery - Duration: 2:00.

Prosecutors in Korea have requested arrest warrants for three former intelligence agency

chiefs this week.

It's alleged they funneled millions of dollars of taxpayers' money to former president Park


Park Ji-won has more.

Prosecutors requested an arrest warrant on Wednesday for former National Intelligence

Service Director Lee Byung-kee over allegations he oversaw the transfer of millions of dollars

of the agency's budget to the presidential office during the previous Park Geun-hye administration.

Earlier this week, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office also requested arrest

warrants for two other former NIS chiefs during the Park administration,...

Nam Jae-joon and Lee Byung-ho.

They are charged with causing loss of national treasury, bribery, wrongful exercise of authority,...

and embezzlement of public money.

According to the prosecution,... the former NIS chiefs gave some 45-thousand dollars a

month to the former president out of the intelligence agency's own budget.

That amount doubled to some 90 thousand dollars a month from July 2014,... when Lee Byung-kee

became head of the NIS. Lee said the amount was doubled upon a request

from the presidential office.

Lee later served as former President Park's chief of staff from March 2015 to May 2016.

In total, prosecutors say the three former NIS chiefs provided the Blue House with about

three-point-six million U.S. dollars from the agency's budget for "special activities".

The NIS is exempt from having to disclose how the budget allocated for classified special

activities is used.

The prosecutors are also planning to investigate Park Geun-hye to find out why the money was

demanded from the NIS... and how the money was spent.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Prosecutors request arrest warrant for 3 former NIS chiefs for alleged bribery - Duration: 2:00.


The End of the Road - Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> The End of the Road - Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:42.


Melankolik Beat I Sad Piano Beat I Yollar Hep Uzak - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Melankolik Beat I Sad Piano Beat I Yollar Hep Uzak - Duration: 2:33.


ఈ మొక్క ఎవరి ఇంట్లో ఉంటే వారికి అదృష్టం | Bhavisya Jyoti | Plant Vastu | Plant - Duration: 2:29.


For more infomation >> ఈ మొక్క ఎవరి ఇంట్లో ఉంటే వారికి అదృష్టం | Bhavisya Jyoti | Plant Vastu | Plant - Duration: 2:29.


IMF raises 2017 growth forecast for S. Korea to 3.2% - Duration: 2:08.

Despite the glum jobs figures,... its a different story for the country's overall economic growth.

The International Monetary Fund pushed up South Korea's 2017 growth outlook to three-point-two

percent,... while holding next year's growth forecast unchanged at three percent.

The IMF, remaining positive,... says the cyclical recovery is set to continue for a while.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

The International Monetary Fund has hiked its economic growth outlook for South Korea

this year to three-point-two percent,... up zero-point-two percentage points from last

month's forecast.

(ENGLISH) "The momentum is very strong.

Especially in Q3, we felt that investment growth remained stronger than what we expected;

exports still performed well.

And even when you adjust for all these changes in workdays and all that, still in the fourth

quarter, we expect this momentum to continue, so 3.2 is quite feasible."

The findings were released Tuesday after a team from the global body paid a two-week

visit to Seoul.

The IMF team also forecast a three percent growth outlook for 2018,.. backed by growth

in private consumption.

(ENGLISH) "And next year, we expect the growth rate

to remain around 3%,... consumption is picking up, benefiting from large minimum wage increase

and from policies supporting employment and social spending."

However, noting that inflationary pressures are not strong and consumption growth could

be stronger,... the IMF recommended South Korea's central bank should maintain its accommodative

monetary stance and expansionary fiscal policy.

It added that it's urgent for Seoul to carry out labor market restructuring, including

the creation of a stronger social safety net for the unemployed, while boosting workplace

flexibility for regular employees.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> IMF raises 2017 growth forecast for S. Korea to 3.2% - Duration: 2:08.


Стратегия продвижения млм через интернет | Как развивать сетевой бизнес онлайн - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Стратегия продвижения млм через интернет | Как развивать сетевой бизнес онлайн - Duration: 4:01.


Hoe kies je het juiste verhuisbedrijf? - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Hoe kies je het juiste verhuisbedrijf? - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 3:16.


How to set up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows with L2TP - Duration: 3:38.

Let's walk through the steps for setting up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows

10, using the L2TP protocol.

To complete this tutorial, you'll need a computer running Windows 10, as well as an

ExpressVPN subscription.

Begin by visiting the ExpressVPN website.

Click "My Account" at the top of the page and sign in with your ExpressVPN username

and password.

On the next page, click the green button that reads "Set up ExpressVPN."

Scroll down until you see "Manual Config" on the left.

Click on it.

Then click "PPTP and L2TP IPSec" on the right.

You'll see a username, password, and a list of VPN server addresses.

You will use these later in the setup process.

Next, click the network button on your Windows taskbar.

Note that it will look different depending on whether your computer is connected to the

internet through ethernet or Wi-Fi.

Click "Network and Internet Settings."

Then click "VPN" on the left.

Select "Add a VPN connection."

For VPN provider, select "Windows (built-in)."

For Connection name, choose a name that describes the VPN server you plan to use.

For server name or address, return to the ExpressVPN website to copy the address of

the server location you want to use.

Paste it into the VPN settings window.

For VPN type, select "L2TP/IPsec with certificate."

Make sure the type of sign-in info is set to "Username and password."

For username, return to the ExpressVPN site and copy the username by clicking the button

to the top right, and then paste it into the VPN settings.

Do the same for the password.

Leave "Remember my sign-in info" checked.

Then press "Save."

Note that you can create as many VPN profiles as you want, allowing you to switch between

VPN locations with ease.

To connect to VPN, click the ExpressVPN location you just made, followed by "Connect."

You may have to wait a little, but you'll know it's successful when you see the text


If you want to verify your VPN location, simply visit

To disconnect from the VPN, just click on the network button on your taskbar, select

the VPN connection, and click "Disconnect."

To delete a VPN profile, return to your network settings and select "VPN."

Select the VPN profile you want to delete and click "Remove."

Then click "Remove" again.


You've set up L2TP manual configurations on your Windows 10 computer.

Now you can enjoy the internet with peace of mind.

If you have any questions, ExpressVPN Support is available 24/7.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How to set up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows with L2TP - Duration: 3:38.


The Best Weight Loss Pills - Duration: 2:13.

whats up guys it's your boy Matty, Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm

talking about the best weight loss pills, the best diet pills. As I'm sure all of

you want to find out what pill you can take and watch the fat just melt off. The

weight just drop off by the kilos and today I'm gonna tell you what they are!

They don't fucking exist ok, so wake the fuck up. If you think that you can take a

pill or a potion or a powder and you're just gonna lose weight, lose body fat you

are living on another planet. Come back down to Planet Earth. If you have too

much body fat you need to address your nutrition. You need to address your

energy balance. In English that means sorting out your fucking calories!

Calories in versus calories out... don't think that you can take a pill or a

potion, have a shortcut and you can start shedding body fat. This is a myth!

These are people who are preying on you through clever marketing to make you think you

can take this pill and suddenly you're ripped or you're lean. That's like saying

you can just do this little business hack and you're going to be a

millionaire, or you can just say this pickup line and get any girl or any guy

you want. They don't exist! Diet pills, diet potions,

fat burners are a waste of time and even if there are some that can help you a

few percent more. Can make your metabolism speed up a tiny bit more..

so what!!??? If you're not addressing your energy balance first, you're not

going to be losing body fat. You're not going to be getting results, so the best

diet pills or the best weight loss pills would be the hard pill I'm gonna give

you to swallow right now. Which is fuck off all those supplements and start

addressing your energy balance. Get into a calorie deficit have a good amount of

protein, play with your fats and carbs find out how much food you need to eat

to lose body fat consistently, still have energy to get it in the gym and not feel

hungry all the time. That will be the best diet pill to swallow

ok! So forget about diet pills, potions and powders. A calorie deficit with

consistency good, amount of protein, fats and carbs and hit those macros and you will

lose body fat.

For more infomation >> The Best Weight Loss Pills - Duration: 2:13.


Telangana Famous Venkateswara Temple || Nacharam, Hyderabad || Telangana || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 2:35.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

For more infomation >> Telangana Famous Venkateswara Temple || Nacharam, Hyderabad || Telangana || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 2:35.


The lost video of everyone hated YOSHI EXE - Duration: 2:16.

0:00 - 0:13 - IT dosen't have audio. Probably I changed the audio format.


For more infomation >> The lost video of everyone hated YOSHI EXE - Duration: 2:16.


Wake up Mission:Hoengseong Changbongcheon Valley Water-diving!![2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.10.22] - Duration: 15:53.

(The tiring day goes by)

(and a fresh morning arrives)

(in beautiful Hongcheon.)

(They're still sleeping.)



(Everyone is fast asleep.)

(People in the tents are still sleeping too.)


(it's time to get up.)


(It's the morning song.)

(They get up right away.)

(Narsha wakes up instantly.)

(The morning song plays indoors too.)


(Siyoon gets up first.)

(Yura, are you up?)

(Yes, I'm up.)


Koo Hara!


(wants to)

(sleep a little more.)

(Yes, Hara. I understand.)

(I'll sleep a bit more too.)

Hey, Hara.

(Is Junho awake?)

Will you sleep more?

- Junho, wake up. / - Hara.

Wake up.

- You're the only one. / - Hara. Koo Hara.

(Hara, let's get up now.)


What's this?

Let's dance.

(Everyone who slept outdoors is up.)

(Shinyoung wakes up.)

(All right.)


(Defconn, let's go.)

(A couple that's never pretentious)

Why aren't they getting up?

(Defconn and Shinyoung are on the bus.)

Why are they taking so long?

(Taehyun and Gyeongree are up.)

- Wait. / - What?

Where were you?


I couldn't find you.

- They're here. / - You're up.

Taehyun is quick.

The one who's sleeping is Chaeyeon, right?



(Joonyoung wakes up.)


(Chaeyeon is passed out.)

(Did they say beauties are sleepyheads?)

(Get up, Chaeyeon.)

(Power off)

The wake-up mission.

(What will be the hardest mission?)

I really can't get up in the morning.

My ears are shut.

(Her ears are shut.)

(She finally opens her eyes.)

(We aren't late yet.)

Go, go, go.

(Everyone passes the wake-up mission.)

Where are we going?

(A fresh autumn morning)

(It feels like your mind is being cleansed.)

(This is)

(Hoengseong Changbongcheon Valley.)

(Everyone is gathered together again.)

(Spaced out)

Excuse me, MC.

She's not an MC. She's my sponsor.

She's Mother Kim.


we are at a valley near Yuchi-ri, Hongcheon.

The villagers...

Is this a special on the four stages of life?

She's my sponsor.

Two Days and One Night is known for water-diving.

- That's right. / - Yes.

(Did you just say)



Since the members of "Invincible Youth" are

- in Two Days and One Night... / - Please shout it out.

They'll do the morning diving.

(Welcome to the morning diving!)

- We'll do this. / - We have to do this.

- Let's do this. / - It's...

I'm cold.

It's "2017 Open Your Heart".

("2017 Open Your Heart")

- They should try it. / - Open your heart.

Open it.

It's a nice day for a morning dive.

Only "Invincible Youth" members will do it.

(As long as it's not me!)

- Why? / - Only "Invincible Youth".


("2017 Open Your Heart")


(Each member will talk about anything they want.)

You're safe if you finish between 50 to 60 seconds.

(They need to finish)

(their speech in 50 to 60 seconds.)

(If they fail, they'll dive with their partners.)

Do we just dive?

- Yes, you dive in. / - Without talking?

Just dive in.

(Let's see.)

This is it.

(If you fail, you dive.)

(Chaeyeon is up first.)

Chaeyeon, start.

Hello, I'm Chaeyeon of DIA.

Since yesterday, we all spent

such a fun time together.

I'm so happy that I got to travel

and eat with these people.

Thank you for allowing me these wonderful memories.

I want to travel with my group members too.

Thank you so much for everything.

Thank you. The end!

You should thank more.

- What? / - You should thank more.

- I think she got it. / - What?

What's wrong? Let me see.

- She did really well. / - Last digits are 22.

- Incredible. / - 22.

It ends with 22.

She should've talked more about the members.

- It's 39.22 seconds. / - That's short.

(39.22 seconds)

- Gosh. / - She talked too little.

Couldn't you thank the members more?

- Nothing? / - I feel sorry.

If you were going to dive in anyway...

- Seriously. / - It was too short.

You should've made a long speech.

Chaeyeon never failed before.

Chaeyeon, say something to your members.

Say anything you were upset about.

I love you all.

(I love DIA.)

That's not enough.

"I love you all". That's 40.02 seconds.

That's too bad.

- Next up is Yura. / - Yura.

You can't go over a minute.


(Yura suddenly starts)


- Excuse me. No grooving. / - Wait.

- You can't do that. / - That's not allowed.

- You can't do that. / - It's not allowed.

(Can I do this?)

- No. / - Grooving is okay.

What do you mean it's okay?

It's okay, right?

(Well, grooving is fine.)

- Get ready. / - Hey.

- Ready, set, go. / - Start.

Hello, I'm Yura of Girl's Day.

I'm so happy that I'm with you all.

I made such great memories yesterday.

You'll keep in contact afterward, right?

- Yes. / - Of course.

- Yes. / - I'm happy.

You have to say "the end".

I'm happy. The end.

(She said "the end" too late.)

- She failed. / - Let's see.

- I told you. / - All right.

You said "the end" a little too late.

I was done when I said "I'm happy."

No, "the end" is the end.

No, "I'm happy" was the end.

Yura, even with "the end" at the end,

you still pass with 59.15 seconds.

(She passed with 59.15 seconds.)

(She finished within the time limit.)

- I did it. / - You made it.

- Now... / - It was 59.15.

Are you serious, Junho?

- It was 59 seconds. / - You made it.

Get started, okay?

I'll go.

Pay attention, everyone.

Why are you moving?

- Junho. / - What are you doing?

- Are you a metronome? / - No, that's cheating.

What's wrong?

(You proved yourself guilty.)

Ready, get set, go.

It's an honor to be here on Two Days and One Night.

All the games were fun.

During my career in entertainment,

I don't think I'll ever play these games

- with so much fun. / - She speaks well.

It's an award ceremony speech.

- Without any sleep... / - Best Actress Award.

Our crew members work very hard without any sleep.

I hope the show continues to be a success.

I'll watch it more to raise

the viewer ratings.

(Jongmin starts to act strange.)

What is Cheerful Fool doing?

- What about your mom? / - And...

I love you, Mom and Dad.

- Okay. / - The end.

- She finished. / - That's too late.

I tried to tell you.

- We don't know yet. / - What's the time?

- Let's see. / - Wasn't it five minutes?

She could have passed.

- However, / - Oh, no.

due to her love for her parents,

she exceeded by two seconds.

It's one minute and two seconds.

- My goodness. / - That was close.

She has to talk about her parents.

Talking about her parents was worth being penalized.

Going in the water isn't important.

Narsha and Hara.

Thank you for coming.

One minute and five seconds.

- Gosh. / - That was unfortunate.

- Thank you. / - You failed.

Get ready.


It was nice meeting you on Two Days and One Night.

It was great.

I think I have to go in the water.

It was 1 minute 0.13 seconds.

- She goes in the water. / - It's confirmed.

(Taehyun and Gyeongree go in the water.)

It's unfortunate because she was being sincere.

Do you have something?

- There's not much time. / - Narsha.

- This is hard. / - Everyone, be quiet.

Should I go in the water or be sincere?

Be sincere.

- Be sincere? / - The best is

not being penalized while being sincere.

She got married not so long ago.

She has many people to thank.

Her in-laws.

You're a member of "Invincible Youth".

- Right. / - To reminisce about it

- Tell us how you feel. Right. / - takes 30 minutes.

30 minutes for "Invincible Youth",

- 30 for my husband / - It's 30 seconds.

and 30 minutes for my mother-in-law.

It's 30 seconds.

- Let's go. / - Ready, get set, go.

"Invincible Youth".

Dear "Invincible Youth".

I'm happy to be back here after seven years.

Nothing has changed including all of you.

Thanks to those who still welcome us,

the experience will remain in my heart.


- Dear? / - Dear?

- My husband. / - What does it mean?

(Dear Husband)

- My husband. / - Be more emotional.

It's my first night away in eight months of marriage.

(It's her first night away from home.)

- Unfortunately, / - Goodness.

my partner is Junho.

It was very difficult.

Her husband must be relieved.

Give me a massage when I get home. I love you.

- Talk about me now. / - Dear Junho.

(Dear Junho)

It was great to see you.

I have a lot to learn from you,

- but you're a handful. / - Finish it.

It was a fun experience. The end.

The end.

- That was amazing. / - 1 minute 12 seconds.

We went over by 12 seconds?

(Junho and Narsha go in the water.)

Isn't it cruel?

Team Siyoon is the only one that passed.

The rest goes in the water.

- That's right. / - Congratulations.

(They enjoy the autumn's fresh morning air.)

(Shall we go in the water?)

(It's cold.)

(Warming up is necessary.)

- Hara. / - Yes?

- You should stretch. / - I can't think.

- Gosh. / - One, two. One, two.

- Let's go. / - Two, two.

This is what's fun about Two Days and One Night.

It's very fun if you don't get penalized.

Right. Mine was 59.15 seconds.

Gosh, I can't believe it.

Let's go.

Let's go in.

- Here we go. / - Let's go.

- Let's go. / - Go in the water.


How will we do it?

- We must go in together. / - Goodness.

(It's very cold.)

Gosh, it's very slippery.

- Everyone, is it cold? / - It's slippery.

- It's slippery. / - Yura.

- It's slippery. / - Go together.

- Go now. / - It's slippery.

(Screaming is automatic.)

Be careful. It's slippery.

- Come. / - Come in.

- Hurry up. / - Where should I go?

- Can you hold her? / - It's slippery.

What are you doing?

- Here is for the heart. / - Stop it.

Stop it.

(Junho's whole body goes in the water.)

- My goodness. / - Gosh.

What's going on?

It's so funny.

(Going in the water is the best.)

- Wait for me. / - Hurry up.

We can't lose.

Hurry up, Jongmin.

Come here.

- Hurry up. / - Come here.

Come here now.

It's getting windy. Hurry up.


(It's a big mess.)

Gosh, it's cold.

Hurry up.

Come on.

(I'm in the water.)

All right.

Let's go in the water like this.

Scream "Two Days and One Night",

- then go in the water. / - Okay.

- Two Days. / - One Night!

Here we go.

(Chaeyeon dives in.)

(Hara goes in as well.)


(They fully experience going in the water.)


- Hey, stop it. / - Wait.

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