Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

So this is not exactly an official update or anything because pretty much

everything that has been done to the van thus far is a little like half finished

or in progress. But, I figured that I would just show you guys what I have

done so far. Yeah, just what's been happening. Okay so I'm pretty sure I

don't think that I've mentioned a single thing that has been done to the van

other than maybe like some basic maintenance stuff. If you follow me on

snapchat or Instagram then there's some things that you might kind of know.

Honestly, I don't really know what I post where... So the first thing other than

the actual like fixing up the maintenance and everything is- here

actually, got turn this around- so this, all that you see, this is the two side

doors and then this is where- just keeps going, there's the wheel well right there

and then the floor. So all this has rhino liner on it now. And this piece...

see where there's like cardboard right here?

That's kind of hard to explain, but this piece, this is actually metal because

there were holes on the floor where the seats used to be and they were very very

rusty so that's kind of what this is. This is the solution to that problem,

rhinoliner to prevent rust and then on top of those holes just these long

*metal bars that were like welded in and then in addition to that there is this..

Here's the front area, the seats. This floor right here was redone. The reason

for that being that the original mat was super super dirty, I tried to clean it,

did not work, so instead there is this. This is actually not 100% done because

underneath as you can see there is some Dynamat- just like so it's basically

metal, rhino liner, Dynamat and then this. And as you can see, super tedious to

cut all through here and whatnot and it goes all the way up to there - yeah

whole floor. So there's that with the floor. It's, again, like I said, it's not

done because there's still going to be another layer between the Dynamat and

this. Can you see this? This black mat there's going to be something else in

between there but it's gonna be a little bit- I gotta do some other stuff first

before that can happen. And then also the fan. Okay so now here we are, this is the

back of the van. There you go. Okay, so I've put in one fan. I'm actually gonna

have two. One over here and then somewhere over here I think. So but that

one hasn't been done yet so again, everything is kind of in progress. So it

has this wood framing and then it is a Maxx Air Deluxe fan. Right now here's the

power but I don't have solar panels yet so it kind of just... yeah that's - that's

how that's happening right now. It is cool like just to open it up and

it does help with the airflow. I'm sure once I can power it on it will be a lot-

a lot better. And like I said there's going to be another one closer to the

front which will be right in line with these side doors. And then along with

that I also have finally figured out where everything is going so that is

what this painters tape is. There's painters tape everywhere kind of like

under all this stuff which you can't really see right now so um oh- and also I

got a fridge. I just got the regular Dometic fridge, but I was fitting that in

here today and figured out where that's gonna go, finalized a place for that.

What else what else? Honestly, I think that's about it, that is what I have done

there's still this cavity up here um a lot of people ask what I'm gonna do with

that. Let's see can you see this? Oh Why's it so dark? Right now this is just where I keep

like window coverings and I don't know there's gonna be stuff up there who knows.

Okay so that was the other day and today I'm gonna do a little bit more and all

that's gonna happen is on these: the walls in the back half of the van: I have

some more Dynamat and I'm just gonna put Dynamat all over the walls. I am

eventually gonna do the floor and I'm going to do the driver and passenger

door as well, but for today I think I'm just going to do the back walls. So here

is the before... it's just black right now so I'm gonna put Dynamat all along here

here is the after

okay and then just some other stuff: I have bought some wood for like some

basic framing, I've ordered insulation it's in the

process of being shipped right now so I'm kind of just waiting for that, and

I've also oh! I also have a sink. And as far as future stuff because I know

people are gonna ask, yes, I do plan on getting solar panels that's kind of how

I intend to power the two fans and the fridge. But anyways, that was just a quick

update for as of what's been done now. And for everything that I have done

such as like the materials that I used and like how I installed the fan, all of that I

definitely will be putting out like separate videos for those that go more

into- into detail. I kind of just wanted to give you a quick overview and yeah

alright peace out

For more infomation >> THE HOBO VAN PROGRESS | Van Life Update 03 - Hobo Ahle - Duration: 6:18.


10 Best Cafes in Seoul, Korea (for Instagram Photos) | Seoul Travel Guide - Duration: 8:58.

hello kawaii friends so visiting cute cafes is one of my favorite things to do

and i'm going to show you 10 instagramable cafes that you can find in Seoul

First off we have Miss Yoon in Wonderland, and this is located in Gangnam

and Korea has a lot of Alice in Wonderland cafes but I really like this

one because of all the roses on the ceiling and on the walls. I think it just

makes for a really pretty picture and I like the theme of Alice going down the

rabbit hole. It's just really creative and well done. One place where I think

they could improve is with the food. Overall, it's kind of expensive and I

found this one cheaper item but most of the entrees are about 20 dollars and I wish

that they would make more Alice in Wonderland themed food. This place is

actually a little bit of a trek from the train station so I would recommend

taking a taxi here if you guys do end up going and also I believe that it turns

into a bar at nighttime and there's a pool on the roof. I was really surprised

to see this Salvador Dali lips sofa here but I thought it was really cool.

Next up, we have the Style Nanda Pink Hotel and what do we have here?

It's the.... Pink Pool Cafe on the rooftop! The rooftop is such a nice place

to relax and lounge out but make sure you buy your drinks before you go and

lay on the cushions because the guy will come and tell you to. What I like to get

when I come here are the drinks that have a big ball of freshly spun cotton

candy hanging over the drink and on some of the drinks they actually have

the cotton candy balls suspended in air hanging from a very thin pole.

So it makes for a really beautiful Instagram photo but my daughter went for

the cotton candy and started eating it before I could take a picture so...

you know, that's life with kids. When I first heard about this place I actually

thought it was a real hotel but it's actually a clothing and makeup store

with a cafe on top that is just themed like a hotel but it's really well done

to make you walk through the entire place

Next up we have Sugar Lane which

is this cute little dessert cafe and Gyeongnidan, and they specialize in these

rainbow meringues and they also do a strawberry latte which is basically milk

mixed with fresh strawberries and they also have Madeline's and a creme brulee

My daughter and I chose one of the set menus which includes a macaron a

meringue and a creme brulee and then my daughter also picked out two meringues

and colors that she liked and we decided to share a strawberry latte which

doesn't actually have caffeine in it it's just milk mixed with fresh

strawberries. If you are interested in learning how to make the meringues I

believe that they actually have a baking course which you can take but probably

is conducted in Korean although the owner did speak English

Another very Instagram worthy cafe that I've been to in Gyeongridan is

Ferrry Roasters and they basically serve doughnuts and coffee and it's kind of in

a hidden location, it's a little bit hard to find it's kind of on this steep hill

and it's hidden amongst a bunch of bushes so you'll have to use Google Maps

or something like that to find it but what their specialty is is this pink

sprinkley- looking Homer Simpson donut on top of a latte and it's called a

tube latte and the latte is unsweetened but it's perfect because the donut is really

sweet and it just gives you that sweet flavor that you generally get when you

put sugar in the donut and so we decided to just go all out and purchase a mini

donuts box. I have to be honest I wasn't a huge fan of the donut but I think that

this is definitely an Instagram worthy Cafe just because it's so pretty.

It's all about packaging right?

Now, I can't talk about Instagram-worthy

cafes without mentioning the LINE friends cafe and store. The LINE friends

Cafe is based on the Japanese app called LINE which is actually a chat app that's

popular in Korea as well and they have a really cute store and also their cafe

has a bunch of character themed desserts that are very instagram-worthy

Next up we have Remicone and this is a ice cream shop that specializes in a ice

cream cone called the Thunder bomb ice cream which is basically soft-serve

topped with a swirl of mint gray cotton candy with pop rocks sprinkled on top

and a little yellow lightning bolt and so it's a really cool Instagram looking

dessert and they also have some other interesting desserts that I haven't

actually tried yet but I've been meaning to. Every time I go I just have to get the

Thunder bomb ice cream. My kids love it too because they love cotton candy.

Next we have Zapangi and this is the pink vending machine cafe. Zapangi means

vending machine and Korean and when you go inside it's a really hipster cool

place with these cake in a tin can desserts as well as some specialty

drinks including a peach iced tea on a unicorn floatie (at least that's what

they had during this summer) and you could see all these cool couples hanging

out taking photos of their drinks, and you know just eating their cake in a

can and I thought it was okay, I like the atmosphere but I wasn't a huge fan of the cake or the tea

Next up we have Viva Salon which is in Mangwon-dong.

It's just down the street from Zapangi, and this is the Cookie Monster latte

cafe and not only did they serve Cookie Monster lattes they also have minion

lattes and on their Instagram page I saw Totoro lattes, and I saw a Jack

Skellington latte for Halloween, but when we went and we just had to choose these

two blue lattes. I'm not sure what the blue cream is made of.

I'm thinking it's probably food coloring and whipped cream or something

like that and they also had a chocolate milk option for the kids and this also

doubles as a vintage toy shop so if you have any cute toys that you're looking

for this is a great place to check out

Next up, we have Bistopping, which I saw

on Instagram and I had to go there and it's this really cool ice cream shop

where you can design your own ice cream cones. It can get a little bit expensive

depending on the toppings that you choose but it's just so pretty and I

think it is even better if you go with friends so that you can take a photo of

your ice cream and your friends ice cream together it just makes a really

pretty photo. So, first you choose your cone and there's the regular cones and

there's the special cones which you can see have colorful chocolate and sprinkles and

fruity pebbles on it and then you choose your ice cream which i think is yogurt

chocolate or vanilla and then you can choose the cookie toppings and each one

costs between three to five US dollars, so it can add up very quickly but if you

want a regular ice cream then just go to Baskin Robbins. You come to bistopping for

this special topping so try to pick out some cute ones. The toppings are actually

chocolate and cookies, and I believe it's a shortbread cookie.

This is the KAKAO friends store and on the third floor of the Kakao Friends store in Gangnam you will

find the Ryan cafe which brings me to the 10th Instagrammable cafe that you

must visit in Seoul. This is a really pretty cafe but they only serve dessert

and drinks so don't go here thinking that you'll eat lunch which is what I

basically did and we ended up eating cupcakes and macarons for lunch and then

afterwards we got our real but oh well sometimes you just have to

eat dessert first, right? If you're not familiar with Kakao Talk

it's basically a chat app that's very popular in Korea and Kakao Talk has its

own emoji characters and you can find the merchandise for these characters at

the Kakao Friends store. As you can see there is no shortage of cute cafes in

Seoul. In Asian countries a lot of people continue to live with their

parents through adulthood even like after they graduate from college

until they're married when they go out on on dates tehy want to go to a cute

cafe or something like that so cafes are really popular here.

Cafe owners really do a good job making their cafes stand out and so I have a ton of

other cafes that I want to visit here in Seoul, and I'll be doing more videos as

part of my daily vlog and they maybe I'll do another compilation video.

If you enjoyed this video please give me a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button

if you would like to see more videos like this. I'll talk to you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> 10 Best Cafes in Seoul, Korea (for Instagram Photos) | Seoul Travel Guide - Duration: 8:58.


Mi primer viaje fotográfico | FOTOGRAFÍA URBANA (Episode 1) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Mi primer viaje fotográfico | FOTOGRAFÍA URBANA (Episode 1) - Duration: 3:07.


Дом 2 новости 17 ноября 2017 (17.11.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 17 ноября 2017 (17.11.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:28.


Serial Kropla Prawdy. Odcinek 5. Pokusa. Opowieść o pożądaniu. - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Serial Kropla Prawdy. Odcinek 5. Pokusa. Opowieść o pożądaniu. - Duration: 6:27.


Wolfgang Puck Teaches Cooking | Official Trailer - Duration: 1:40.

There's something really in me, who likes to take this risk.

And often, sometimes I think, why the f*** did I do that?

I'm going to teach you many different recipes,

presentations, how to really make something happen.

I had a stepfather, he was not a nice guy.

I always wanted to leave.

I was 14 years old and I found a job.

I said, "it's perfect, I can leave the house."

You're going to learn how to be a better cook at home.

Teach your palate little step by step.

You can toast your peppercorns in the oven to release the oil.

Keep the pan.

Don't rinse the pan.

This is where we're going to make our sauce.

I was the chef at a French restaurant.

A manager comes to me and says, "here is the new menu."

"What do you mean the new menu?"

"You didn't even talk to me."

I got so pissed off at him, I took off my apron and said,

"well then you f***ing cook the menu."

I said, you know, I want to be in charge of my own destiny.

Instead of using parsley, I'm going to use the carrot tops.

Most people would just throw it away.

Don't use the expensive olive oil

because it's a waste of money.

If you want to start your day with a Bloody Mary like that,

you don't going to stop.

If you have passion for what you do,

you're going to be successful at the end.

They're going to say, "where did you learn that?"

Did you learn it at the MasterClass,

or did you go to Paris for a year?

I'm Wolfgang Puck, and this is my MasterClass.

For more infomation >> Wolfgang Puck Teaches Cooking | Official Trailer - Duration: 1:40.


Succes: Dubbel makelaarsloon verboden - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Succes: Dubbel makelaarsloon verboden - KoopKracht (Consumentenbond) - Duration: 0:36.


How do computers read code? - Duration: 12:01.

In your first programming class, you were probably introduced to the idea of a compiler.

Here's how it works.

You first write out your program.

But a computer can't read it yet.

So, in order to actually run your program,

you first need to pass it through this special program called the compiler.

Then, out pops a new version of your program that can be read by a computer.

It was probably then tested by running it with a bunch of inputs and expected outputs or something.

So there are two versions of your program.

The one you wrote but a computer can't read, and the magically generated one that a computer can read.

Except, it's better than magic.

The compiler is a complex machine that bridges the gap between

human-readable code and computer-readable code.

So, what exactly is the compiler doing,

and what does the executable version of your program actually look like?


You say you have no idea what I'm talking about?

Oh, I think I know what might have happened.

In your first programming class, you probably just used an IDE,

in which case this whole process was hidden from you.

When you click the run button, your work is saved, your program is built,

and it runs automatically.

So now that we're up to speed, what does the executable look like, and how does the compiler…


You still don't know what I'm talking about?

All you did was Python scripting???

*sigh* Oh my god there are so many edge cases.

Ok, this is what happens to programs in general, deal with it, how does it work,

I don't know, let's find out!

At a low level, computers processors can only do a small number of things.

They can read and write to memory, and they can do math with numbers they are holding.

Modern processors do other things too, but this is basically it.

Now, an executable program, the one generated by the compiler, is just a list of instructions

for the processor to follow, written in binary.

The instructions are things like… read these bytes from memory, do stuff to them,

write bytes to memory, jump forward this many lines, jump back this many lines but only if this flag is set,…

stuff like that.

A program, expressed in a list of binary instructions is called machine code,

and this is the kind of program that your computer can actually read.

But why does a computer processor only read programs that look like this?

Why this specifically?

Well in short, here's how a processor works.

The processor already contains the circuitry to do all of these instructions,

but the correct circuitry only gets connected together when the corresponding instruction gets fed into it.

The 1s and 0s in the instruction cause certain transistors to open or close, which ends up

connecting the correct circuitry together to execute that instruction.

If you want to look more into how this works, you might wanna check out crash course computer science

particularly episodes 5 through 8.

Episodes 3 and 4 are also helpful if you need a refresher on binary and logic gates.

Though you could just watch my video too…

And for the record, crash course isn't paying me to recommend them.

I just really like this series.

But in short, just know that executable programs look like this.

But when you learned to program, you didn't need know anything about these complicated

machine code things like memory management, operations on bytes, or conditional jumps.

Programming was about variables, and if statements, and loops, and functions.

Well, these things are just higher-level constructs

that make it easier for humans to think about programming.

A program, expressed in this form, is called source code.

It's the version of a program that a human understands,

and thus the version that most humans actually write code in.

The compiler's job is to take this source code that is human-readable,

and turn it into machine code that is computer-readable.

But how does it do that?

How does it turn a string of text into a list of instructions in binary?

Let's look at some examples:

Here's a pretty simple program.

Declare a variable of type integer that we'll call x.

Then assign it a value of 3.

For now, this program only exists as source code.

I know it looks like it has some kind of structure, but for the computer,

it's just a meaningless sequence of characters.

It's just text.

And I know that this program doesn't really do anything useful, but we're starting simple.

Let's pass this source code into the compiler and see what it does.

The compiler first divides the text up into individual "tokens".

It's kind of like the compiler is figuring out what the "words" are in this program.

Then, the tokens are organized into a hierarchical structure known as a parse tree, which is

like figuring out what the "grammar" is in this program, the structure.

Then, the compiler records context about the program, including variable and function names.

This is the stuff that a computer needs to keep track of in different parts of the program.

In our case, the only context we need is the variable x.

Oh, and the main function too but that's less important for us.

The final step is to traverse the tree, and figure out some machine code that would effectively

do the same thing as this particular source code.

*I just wanna that, typically, compilers don't go directly from the parse tree to the machine code.

There's usually a few intermediate steps that we're going to skip over.*

This is what the machine instructions look like in binary.

It's a little hard to read and interpret, so let's shorten it by writing in hexadecimal.

Actually, it's still a pain to read.

Let's write it out as assembly code, which is a more human-readable version of the machine code.

That's better.

Now, we're going to ignore this stuff here.

Just know that it's responsible for starting and ending the main function, which determines

where the program starts and ends.

This is the instruction that corresponds to the assignment of the variable x.

This instruction says to "move" the number 3 into this memory location.

Let's run the program and see what happens…

And as we'd expect, the number 3 got put into that memory location.

It looks like the compiler decided that this part of memory is where the variable x lives.

And that's it.

The compiler took our source code, which said to take a variable x and assign it the value 3,

and translated it into machine code, which says to place the value 3 in this part of memory.

So, our program is kind of boring right now.

What happens if we change it?

Let's add a line to increment x by one, after it's been assigned 3.

We assign it the value of x's current value plus 1.

Now, we pass it into the compiler again to generate a new version of our machine code.

The compiler finds tokens,...



...and generates.

It looks like there's only a single new instruction: to "add" the value of 1 to

this memory location.

After all, this is the location that the compiler decided that x lives.

Modifying the variable x is equivalent to modifying the value stored in this memory location.

Let's run it…

The value 3 appears in that memory location designated for the variable x,

and then the value becomes 4.

Now so far, we've seen how variable assignments and simple mathematical operations get translated.

But it's not so simple for if-statements, loops and functions.

There are no machine instructions that are direct equivalents.

Instead, we need to emulate their behaviour with instructions that do exist.

Let's start with an if-statement.

In an if-statement, we only execute the code in this block if this condition is true.

If the condition is false, we skip over this code.

In assembly, the code inside the block gets translated normally, but before it, we have

some instructions evaluating the condition, and then we have a conditional jump instruction.

In this case, to jump past the block we want to skip, but only if we're supposed to skip it.

The processor knows whether or not we're supposed to take this jump based on the result

of the previous instruction.

That instruction temporarily set some flags in the processor so we could remember the

result by the time we got to this conditional jump to skip over this block.

If we're not supposed to skip it, then the processor ignores the jump, and continues normally,

conveniently executing the code inside the block.

Notice that these machine instructions are effectively doing the same thing as our if-statement?

Let's see now jumps can emulate other source code behaviour.

There's the if-else-statement.

Only execute this block if this condition is true.

Otherwise, execute this block.

In assembly, we have the code in the first block, and the code in the second block.

Before the first block, we have a comparison and a conditional jump, like what we had earlier.

In between the blocks, we have a regular, non-conditional jump instruction.

This is so that execution skips the second block if it just finished the first one,

which is kind of how the if-else-statement works if you think about it.

Then there's the while-loop.

Only execute this block if this condition is true, and keep executing it over and over

again until it's not true anymore.

In assembly, we have the block's code, the instructions to evaluate the condition, and

the jumps emulating the loop.

Functions are a little more complicated.

Basically, functions encapsulate a code block, so that it can be used in multiple parts of a program.

Most programmers out there should know that they also isolate context

and they can do recursion and stuff.

This is what its equivalent assembly code looks like.

Let's run it to see what it does.

Hitting the function call, we save all context into memory, allocate new space on top of it,

execute the function code (which may involve calling more functions), and pop back down once it's done.

This makes it possible for functions to call other functions, or even themselves.

You just push more memory, and pop back down when you're done.

So that's how compilers work!

They take your source code, and make machine code.

But there's one problem.

If you compile your program on one computer and then copy it over to another computer

and try to run it, it might not work.

If the new computer has a different operating system or has a different processor model,

it probably uses different machine instructions.

So if you want your program to be able to run on this new computer, you'd better be

able to compile to that computer's machine code.

And if your program's users might run your software on different platforms,

unless you're distributing the source, you're gonna need to keep a copy of an executable for

every platform you want to run on.




Some languages like Java sneak around this issue.

Instead of machine code, Java gets compiled to an intermediate representation known as bytecode.

And then the bytecode can get sent to other computers where it gets converted to that

specific computer's machine code when the program is run via an interpreter.

It's a bit of a compromise.

You get better portability, though it's less efficient.

But regardless, the language you write your code in is compatible with a wide variety

of processors and operating systems.

Can you imagine what it was like back in the day when computer programming meant putting

assembly or even machine code onto punch cards?

Not only would you need to figure out the correct holes to punch for each instruction.

You wouldn't even be able to use your program on a different computer model,

because the other model expected you to punch different holes.

Things are a little nicer these days.

You just write a program, compile it, and test it with inputs and outputs,

*if only it were that simple*

all thanks to the people who wrote the special program: the compiler.

But, remember that the compiler is a program itself.

If people use compilers to develop programs, how was the compiler developed?

Well, it was probably written and compiled in another language, or even in the same language,

compiling a compiler with a previous version of itself.

If we follow this chain backwards, at some point, we reach the origins of development tools:

programs, written directly in machine code, that help you write other programs;

literally automating part of the process of creating automation.

The history of computer languages is pretty complex.

No wonder it took decades to get to where we are now!

Remember that the next time you're writing code.

We have all these beautiful things like syntax highlighting, static analysis, object-oriented

programming, functional programming, libraries, linkers, build tools, and debuggers.

But it's still amazing that we can just tell our computers to follow our exact instructions... the push of a button.

Nope, wait…

There we go, the push of a button.

Programming isn't so hard…

For more infomation >> How do computers read code? - Duration: 12:01.


Phonics Letter Q | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Alphabets Videos For Babies | ABC | Kids Tv - Duration: 4:24.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes its me bob

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter Q | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Alphabets Videos For Babies | ABC | Kids Tv - Duration: 4:24.


dolat mand aur ameer hone ka wazifa in Urdu by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:30.

dolat mand aur ameer hone ka wazifa in Urdu by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> dolat mand aur ameer hone ka wazifa in Urdu by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:30.


عــــــــاجل: الاتحاد الأوربي يوجه صفعة جديدة للبوليساريو قبل قمة أبيدجان - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: الاتحاد الأوربي يوجه صفعة جديدة للبوليساريو قبل قمة أبيدجان - Duration: 2:06.


Responder Mensajes Whatsapp Sin Aparecer CONECTADO!!! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Responder Mensajes Whatsapp Sin Aparecer CONECTADO!!! - Duration: 2:54.


LetterSchool handwriting 3X SPEED 10 to 1 New Year Cursive numbers D'Nealian Learn 10-1 for toddlers - Duration: 4:32.

LetterSchool handwriting 3X SPEED 10 to 1 New Year Cursive numbers D'Nealian Learn 10-1 for toddlers

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting 3X SPEED 10 to 1 New Year Cursive numbers D'Nealian Learn 10-1 for toddlers - Duration: 4:32.


ابوك والسوشيال ميديا | Egywood _ايجي وود - Duration: 7:05.

You bastard

You bastard, come up to remember your lessons

God burns you

When I was young I used to shine on a light for a jazz player

God burns you

what do you want

For more infomation >> ابوك والسوشيال ميديا | Egywood _ايجي وود - Duration: 7:05.


КРЫСОЧЕЛОВЕК?! [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> КРЫСОЧЕЛОВЕК?! [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:34.


سويس برجر بصلصة الفطر /شيف احمد\Swiss And Mushroom Burger - Duration: 6:28.

Ingredients in the English language below Subscribe To My English Channel,Link Below The Video

For more infomation >> سويس برجر بصلصة الفطر /شيف احمد\Swiss And Mushroom Burger - Duration: 6:28.


What You Need to Know About Using Windows Vista in 2018 - Duration: 3:54.

welcome back to the adventure this is Adam and today we're covering what you

need to know about using Windows Vista in 2018 we will get started right after

this Windows Vista support has ended but what does that mean exactly as of April

11th 2017 Windows Vista customers are no longer receiving new security updates

non security hot fixes free or paid assisted support options or online

technical content updates from Microsoft as of the making of this video you can

still download and install all existing Windows Vista updates through the

Windows Update feature for operating systems that have a dedicated community

an official service pack will be released that contains all available

updates this is especially useful for operating systems like Windows 98

because you can no longer get any updates from Microsoft now that we know

our options for updating Windows Vista we will need a web browser that is still

receiving security updates for this we have two options Mozilla Firefox

extended support release version 52 or pale moon Mozilla has officially

announced June 2018 as the final end-of-life date for Firefox support on

both Windows XP and Vista pale moon on the other hand has not announced their

plans for supporting Windows Vista moving forward they have indicated that

Windows Vista has the same major kernel version as Windows 7 8 and 10 so from a

development point of view the target platform and subsystem is the same this

means that pale moon may be a viable option for Vista users for years to come

staying secure online is important especially with an operating system that

is end-of-life while the browser may warn you if a website is malicious that

is not a perfect system you may even argue that knowing is half

the battle and you just won't click on or download anything suspicious for the

rest of us I highly recommend using anti-virus software there are a number

of free options that support Vista now but won't continue to support it

indefinitely some vendors state when support will end

Avira for example delicious specific dates Windows Vista

support ended October 4th 2013 for Avira other vendors do not publish specific

dates that target the operating system avast version 2017 still shows Windows

XP in the minimum requirements however definition updates for that version of

avast will eventually stop as time passes and less software vendors support

Vista you may consider a migration path to a newer supported operating system

this depends on what you will be using the computer for if you want to play

games and store files Vista is fine as is assuming the computer will not be

used for any web browsing if the computer is your primary system used for

all manner of tasks I highly recommend upgrading sooner than later what's

upgrade to is a different story and will depend on the hardware in the computer

some computers that came with Vista can run Windows 10 alternatively you can try

Linux there are some windows like distributions that we will take a more

in-depth look at in a later video so we can update Windows Vista we have a few

browser options and some antivirus software is supporting Vista for now as

we continue with this series we will look at how other types of software will

be supported on Windows Vista in the future

don't miss this video where we talk about why Windows Vista is bad click the

card above and subscribe for more videos on retro tech and legacy software every

Thursday thanks for stopping by see you next video

For more infomation >> What You Need to Know About Using Windows Vista in 2018 - Duration: 3:54.


Barbara pregunta a los franceses qué piensan de Colombia y yo sirvo de camarografo - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Barbara pregunta a los franceses qué piensan de Colombia y yo sirvo de camarografo - Duration: 10:03.


Q&A in Russian 3 (with English subtitles) | Вопрос-ответ на русском 3 - Duration: 7:34.

Hello everyone and welcome to the third Q&A video.

There were a lot of questions, let's start.

How do you feel abroad after a long time?

Do you tend to be homesick?

Yes....but you know, what is home?

It's very difficult to say. I was born in Slovakia, I've lived here for a long time, but

I also lived outside of Slovakia for a long time. In the USA

In the Czech republic, in Taiwan, in Italy and other places

So yes, Slovakia is my..

If something, I feel a connection with the city I was born in, Kosice

With Slovakia not too much.

I can't seem to stay in one place for too long

I miss Taiwan now for instance

But I'm sure that if I'd go to Taiwan

I would start disliking it and would like to go somewhere else.

Of course it's not right

I should be more tolerant

But if the question is whether I'm homesick or not

I can't say I miss my home, but I like to change the environment I'm in often

Could you please talk about the differences between the Chinese culture and the Western culture?

What parts of their culture did you like and which ones irritated you?

Man.. it's a topic worth 1 million videos

1 million and 1

I don't know how to stress it more, but

But the Chinese or Taiwanese cultures are so incredibly different that..

A lot.. really a lot.

If you like I could make more videos about this topic

First, what I like:

What I like about this culture is...

I've never been to China by the way, I've only been to Taiwan

It's very very safe there

I also like that everything is done so that it is very convenient for people to use

Services are very good

Everyone is smiling. The smile is often of course fake.

We say that Asians are often not honest

Every staff member, every person working in the services sector

They all are always smiling

The first, second and third day on Taiwan you feel like a king

That everyone loves you

But of course it's not like that

It's simply their professional smile

And as soon as you understand that the smile is not honest

A kind of a mental hell starts for you, because you start to

You start to remember all smiles of all people you've met

And you start to think about

Who is really your friend and who isn't.

And who was being honest with you and who wasn't

It's also a topic for a separate video, but

Regardless of whether the smiles are fake or not

To smile is a good thing

Therefore I like that they are smiling

That everything in Taiwan is made so that it is convenient for people to use

That it's safe there

I like that they.. There is a feeling that they..

I don't know how to say it in Russian, that

That the society as a whole is more than one single individual

That is of course both good and bad

But what I like about it is, that everyone has a sense of belonging to a group

And that's actually very important, because

Because it give people confidence

And what I don't like?....

Again, I could make 1 million and one videos about this topic

I really don't like how selfish they are

That practically all of them have ulterior motives

that they look at a lot of things through money

even things that we consider or would consider very impolite

I could give you a lot of examples, but..

as I said, I can make a lot of separate videos about the topic

Of course I don't like and find very irritating

All sorts of their 'physiological manifestations'

I don't even know how to say some of these things in Russian

They belch, they eat with their mouths open

A lot of things are simply so irritating that

It is very difficult to live in Taiwan or China

I'm absolutely convinced that there are a lot of people like this in the West too

But since here (in the West) there are less people

It is pretty easy to avoid them (these types of people)

But the population density in Taiwan is ridiculous

It's impossible to avoid these people. They are everywhere

I don't like that a person bumps into you and doesn't say 'I'm sorry'

I don't like it, when I hold a door for someone

and that person doesn't even look at me and doesn't say 'thank you'

Maybe those are small things, but..

As I said, I've lived in Taiwan for 5 years and

After five years you know

You reach mental states where you start to think that it is they who are right and not us

Therefore it is difficult to talk about all this

But again, if you like, I'll talk about all of that

"When it comes to topics, I would be interested to know about your native language"

"and about learning Slavic languages in general. All the best"

Thank you

My native language. My native language is Slovak

It belongs to the Western-Slavic language family

along with Czech and Polish. There are other languages there as well, but the two main ones are Czech and Polish.

Slovak is different from Russian by approximately 40%

..when it comes to vocabulary

But it's only my feeling. I'm sure there are studies about this.

and people who research these things very seriously

I'm only saying this as a person who learned Russian

Yes, I think they are different by about 20 to 40%

We write using the Latin alphabet.

What else would you like to hear? I don't know.

You can listen for yourself. Go online to

which is a TV station which broadcasts only news. 24 hours a day if I'm not mistaken.

And you will hear what the Slovak language sounds like

I would like to hear more stories from your personal life

Maybe about some strange experiences during your travels in Taiwan

I'm sure there will be a lot of funny situations like 'culture clash' there.

I lived in 9 countries.

I've traveled to about 40, even if I'm not the most experienced traveller in the world

But there are some interesting things I could talk about

So if you like, I'll make a lot of videos about this.

I think I might have a fairly interesting life, in the sense that I've lived in several different countries

and I 'participated' in the society

There are people who live in different countries

But they don't become part of the local society

And I think I've managed to do that

Friends, that's all. Thank you for all these questions.

I'm very happy that you are asking them

I'll see you in the next video. Bye bye.

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