Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Calligraphy Masters

Nguyễn Anh Vũ is from Vietnam and is only 14 years old!!!

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For more infomation >> 14 YEARS OLD COPPERPLATE SCRIPT CALLIGRAPHY - Duration: 9:23.


Families of missing victims of Sewol Ferry disaster decide to end search - Duration: 0:45.

As authorities in Mokpo are close to wrapping up the wreckage inspection of the sunken Sewol-ho,

the families of 5 missing victims declared they will give up their search... and go home

at the end of this week.

Though still grief-stricken, they decided to bury their lost ones in their hearts.

They said they had not been able to give up because they missed them so much, but also,

they no longer wanted to cause further pain to the public that supported them.

The ill-fated vessel was raised from the sea floor in March, and the remains of 4 victims

were recovered.

The five victims that are still missing are two students and their teacher, along with

a father and his seven-year-old son.

The tragic accident of April 16th, 2014 killed 304 people on board, mostly high school students.

For more infomation >> Families of missing victims of Sewol Ferry disaster decide to end search - Duration: 0:45.


Trump touts major achievements during his five-nation Asia trip - Duration: 2:07.

U.S. President Donald Trump claims his 2 week-Asia tour has some significant achievements.

The commander in chief went a step further, adding he helped unite leaders in the region

against North Korea and its threats.... and that under his administration, Asian countries

would be treating the U.S. more fairly on trade.

Kim Hyo-sun has the highlights of his "major statement"

President Trump made a televised statement to the nation on Wednesday,... summing up

his lengthy five-nation trip to Asia.

Hailing the achievements he made while sitting down with Asian leaders,... Trump explained

that his tour had three major goals - uniting the world against North Korea's nuclear threats,

strengthening alliances in the Indo-Pacific region and advancing fair and reciprocal trade

with other countries.

Highlighting that his state visit to South Korea was the first made by a sitting U.S.

president in 25 years,... Trump reiterated that he shared the same view with President

Moon Jae-in in dealing with the threats posed by Pyongyang.

(ENGLISH) "We have to denuclearize North Korea.

Tough new sanctions from the UN Security Council.

South Korea agreed to harmonize sanctions and agreed with ... to fund .. It's unacceptable."

President Trump also stressed that his message was well received by Asian leaders.

"Maximum pressure of North Korea.

They're responding by cutting and expelling North Korean diplomats and workers.


The U.S. leader added that Asia understood the importance of fairness and reciprocity

when it comes to trade,... touting successful negotiations with Asian leaders, including

a renegotiation of Washington's trade deal with Seoul.

He also explained that such momentum will be sustained through a new framework for trade

that benefits the U.S. and its partners.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump touts major achievements during his five-nation Asia trip - Duration: 2:07.


💥COINTIPP💥 Der Cryptogold Goldcoin kommt - So bekommst du ihn als erster im Vorverkauf ✴✴✴✴✴ - Duration: 9:40.

For more infomation >> 💥COINTIPP💥 Der Cryptogold Goldcoin kommt - So bekommst du ihn als erster im Vorverkauf ✴✴✴✴✴ - Duration: 9:40.


how to get views on youtube ❗ how to get more views on youtube fast ❗ get more views on youtube 💯 - Duration: 5:03.

how to get views on youtube ❗ how to get more views on youtube fast ❗ get more views on youtube 💯

how to get views on youtube ❗ how to get more views on youtube fast ❗ get more views on youtube 💯

how to get views on youtube ❗ how to get more views on youtube fast ❗ get more views on youtube 💯

For more infomation >> how to get views on youtube ❗ how to get more views on youtube fast ❗ get more views on youtube 💯 - Duration: 5:03.


ПОЕХВАШИЕ ФАНАТИКИ НОВОЙ ШКОЛЫ | Поклонники Кизару | - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> ПОЕХВАШИЕ ФАНАТИКИ НОВОЙ ШКОЛЫ | Поклонники Кизару | - Duration: 8:14.


The Microchipping Agenda is Running Exactly in Line With the Eradication of Cash - Duration: 8:58.

The Microchipping Agenda is Running Exactly in Line With the Eradication of Cash

by Edward Morgan

Technology as a whole has taken up a hugely disproportionate part of our lives in the

modern age.

The would be useful tools � if used in a rational proportion � that showcase the

�genius of man� for all to see, have gripped the once dreaming minds of young and old alike

and have disconnected us from one another on a scale which beggars belief.

What an irony that in the age of prolific �communications advancement� we have largely

forgotten how to actually communicate with one another, human being to human being, without

the pixilated and fiber � optic mediums situated in between and disconnecting us ever

further from reality.

The modern human�s fascination with each new and sophisticated piece of high-tech wizardry

leads them to unthinkingly accept each new �advancement� as glaring proof that we

are at the zenith of human evolution and the quaint sensibilities of generations gone by

were a result of their people�s inferior intellects and insufficient technological


This mindset, steeped in braggadocio, is patently false and dangerous in that it fails to produce

the necessary opprobrium when an idea as sinister as micro-chipping human beings comes barreling

headlong down the freeway of scientific so-called evolution.

I still remember a time in my relatively young life when the suggestion that the government

would some day implement a human micro-chipping program was enough to earn one the �tin

foil hat wearer� sobriquet.

No longer.

Today we are seeing this exact program begin to take shape and it�s gaining momentum

it seems with each passing day.

This in spite of the rather dubious explanations being given for their implementation.

Just this month we were treated to the insane ramblings of one Mike Miller, who holds the

lofty title of World Olympians Association chief executive.

Mr. Miller believes that athletes should be microchipped so that gaming officials can

gain the upper hand in the war against those vile scourges of society� drug cheaters

in sports.

Mr. Miller had this dandy to offer by way of explanation: �Well, we�re a nation

of dog lovers, we�re prepared to chip our dogs and it doesn�t seem to harm them, so

why aren�t we prepared to chip ourselves?�

Such an unbelievably psychotic statement could only come from a warped mind and the excuse

of �rooting out steroid users� in sports seems pathetically weak and entirely incommensurate

when considering the draconian, freedom-busting �solution� being offered.

Given all that is going on in our world today, I would be inclined to place �steroid use

in sports� right alongside Spongebob Square Pants� below threshold promotion of homosexuality

as equals in the category of �contemporary menaces to society�.

Mr. Miller however, apparently feels otherwise and is unfortunately not alone.

Earlier this year we saw for the first time, a company in America offer their employees

RFID (radio frequency identification) chips.

Three Square Market, a Wisconsin based company, offered this egregious technological encroachment

to employees, ostensibly so that they could, among other things, log in to computers, use

the copy machine and most hysterically of all, buy snacks!

Vice President of International sales for the company, Tony Danna said that the chips,

which are made by Sweden�s BioHax International, are part of a long term test into seeing if

they could have a wider commercial application.

At least one person closely connected to him believes they will.

Three Square Market�s CEO Todd Westby offered this ominous prediction:

�Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your

passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.�

Most concerning in this whole ordeal was the response from the company�s employees.

Far from being appalled by such a sinister proposition and reacting with justified disgust,

50 out of 85 workers actually allowed themselves to be burdened with this rice-sized Mark of

the Beast!

Apparently being physically and emotionally subordinate to implanted radio frequencies,

which are known to cause cancer and can be controlled exteriorly, is not reason enough

to pass up amenities such as more convenient access to snacks and photo copies.

Kevin Warwick, Deputy Vice � Chancellor at Coventry University and one- time professor

of cybernetics at Britain�s University of Reading, has been a prominent frontline cheerleader

for the microchip crowd for some years now.

Warwick � himself a vessel of RFID technology � has made numerous media appearances promoting

the �usefulness� of microchips and has even said that �If a machine is passing

down signals that make you completely happy, then why not be part of the Matrix?�

Well, as a rejoinder we could offer that as human beings we are capable of experiencing

a vast multitude of emotions, each one of which is crucial in helping us grow spiritually

along our paths of life, upon which we are continuously evolving.

Any attempt to pin down or alter these natural emotions in any way is an obvious affront

to our humanity.

Such obvious conclusions about the emotional nature of humankind never seem to factor in

to the senseless maunderings of these trans-humanist types.

So how have we gotten here?

How has a once intelligent populace capable of critical thought become so hypnotically

bewitched by the tech-no-logical demigods and their assorted devices of human enslavement,

that they are willing to accept RFID microchip injections?

It happened through incremental and seemingly innocuous steps.

First microchips were given to household pets and most saw it as a reasonable use of a new


Now we see them in credit cards, passports, clothes and even kid�s backpacks for school.

Soon it will be children themselves, elderly and the disabled who are targeted by this


Already we are seeing the next stage of this plan with things like Google Glass, Smart

Watches and other �wearables�.

The idea is to first get this technology on the body and then finally, in it.

The microchip agenda is running exactly in line with the eradication of cash that we

are seeing all across the world.

It seems rather obvious that unless we obstruct this agenda with massive moral outrage and

indignation, before long all monetary transactions will be made using these chips.

This is the eventual goal behind London�s Cost Cutter Supermarket implementing the Orwellian

�finger print scanning system� as a means of payment.

The globalist �chosenites� who create such humanity destroying garbage will play

on the population�s fears in attempting to achieve this foul agenda for human subjugation.

This is, in my view, why so many movies today are premised around the idea of abducted or

missing children.

I would not be in the least bit surprised if a high profile case of child abduction

dominates the news waves when they decide that the time has come to really drive this

agenda forth.

The predictable response from the average American household, marinating mindlessly

in the sanitizing glow of the fear mongering boob tube, will be one of �that could be

my child!!� and a great many people will line their children up for microchip injections

without paying it any thought, as surely as they do with inoculations today.

We must always be vigilant and possessed with the foresight to see where these demonic �advancements�

are intended to lead for they will always be introduced to us as uniquely benevolent

by the sorcerous scoundrels of the mainstream media.

The consequences of allowing such an invasion upon ourselves by shadowy corporate entities

should be plain for all to see.

Unfortunately, we have reached such a state of abject lunacy and become so detached from

the natural world, that I am not convinced most people will view this imposition as the

horror that it truly is.

Humanity seems not only willing, but all too eager, to sacrifice any remaining physical

or spiritual sovereignty that they have left.

For more infomation >> The Microchipping Agenda is Running Exactly in Line With the Eradication of Cash - Duration: 8:58.


Illenium - Reverie (ft. King Deco) - Duration: 5:01.

When you're screaming out But you can't make a sound

You know

It's only a dream

When your back hits the ground

And things turn around You know

It was only a dream

Cause nothing is as bad as you think Even when you're pulling at the seams

When the lights go out, you still got me

Detours lead to barricades And home is far, your friends are fake

I'll be there to clear the way

And you

You know my love can hold you down

You know my love can hold you down

And you

You know my love can hold you down

You know my love can hold you down

When the roof caves in

And you just can't win You know

It'll only get better, only get better

When you fall too far

Can't go back to the start You know

It'll only get better, only get better Nothing is as bad as you think

Even when you're pulling at the seams When the lights go out, you still got me

Detours lead to barricades And home is far, your friends are fake

I'll be there to clear the way

And you

You know my love can hold you down

You know my love can hold you down

And you

You know my love can hold you down

You know my love can hold you down

For more infomation >> Illenium - Reverie (ft. King Deco) - Duration: 5:01.


Как использовать #видеомаркетинг в бизнесе? Секреты видеомаркетинга. Видеомаркетинг — залог успеха. - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Как использовать #видеомаркетинг в бизнесе? Секреты видеомаркетинга. Видеомаркетинг — залог успеха. - Duration: 1:29.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.119 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.11.16] - Duration: 33:39.

(Episode 119)

Call as soon as you get there.

Jaehui and I will tie up loose ends.

I'm sorry.

You're not even well.

Don't worry about me.


Jin Bora,

take care of Dad for the time being.

Mind your health too.


Aunt Bora, may I speak to him?

Hello? Mr. Tall.

Bong Uri?

Why don't you come visit me anymore?

I miss you very much.

Mr. Tall!

My dear Bong Uri!

You've gotten even prettier.

Whatever. You promised you'd visit then didn't.

I'm very sorry for what I've done to you.

I'll forgive you then.

But you must visit me every day.

Then we're even.

I'm sorry,

but I can't come see you anymore.

I'm going far away on a trip.

Even though I won't be here,

you must be tough and stay healthy

alongside your mom, okay?

Then I'll come see you in the future.



Mr. Jin Dohyeon asked me to come get you.

You should've kept your word.

Jin Dohyeon, I'll wait with your little friend,

so get in touch.

Where is Mr. Tall?

If you wait, he'll be right here.

Wow. This puppy is adorable, right?

Uri, looks like Mr. Jin might get you a puppy.


Wow, how cute.



Jin Dohyeon went to the airport?

11:30 to New York? Okay.

What is it?

Jin Dohyeon might be trying to flee.

Did the 11:30 to New York leave?

It just took off.

Hi, Mom.


What do you mean Uri's missing?

What happened?

Uri is missing?

She said she was going to the playground while

we were making side dishes, but she's

nowhere to be found.

Maybe she went to a friend's and fell asleep.

She did that before.


She would've stopped by to let me know.

What do we do? I searched the whole neighborhood.

I'll check the area around the intersection.

You call Uri's friends.



It's me. Come right now.

I'll text you the address.

Where is Uri?

Why'd you have to go back on your promise

and put me through this hassle?

The kid's playing at my associate's store,

so don't worry.

Where's the money?

In my trunk.

I'll check the money first.

Where's Uri?

Where is Uri?

Officer Moo, she's at a pet store in Jamsil.

You're under arrest for violating the Law on

Aggravated Punishment for Specified Crimes.

You have the right to counsel,

contest the legitimacy of this arrest,

and defend yourself.

There are many cops here that can take me in.

Hurry up and go to Uri.

She must be rattled.

Let's go.


Mom. Mom.

It's okay.

It's okay. I'm here.

Don't cry.

Mom. Mom.

What's keeping you? Get going.

Find Spotty and get the story straight.

Have him say it was me

and he acted on my orders.

Chairman Jin, that's...

Do as I say no matter what.


Don't worry.

Even if it takes all the money I have,

I'll do whatever it takes to get your brother

out of jail.


It was all my doing.

I'm also the one who ordered the hit

on Cha Taejin

to keep him from ruining my son's future.

Wait. I shouldn't dally here.

I need to get up and take care of this.

Yes. Go get my medication.

I'm relieved that you look healthy.

What do you want to say?

Don't beat around the bush.

Good grief, you're so impatient.

My dad

must've convinced Cheon Yangbae

to say he ordered the hit on you.

But you know very well

it was me.

I really wanted to kill you.

So do your best to keep my dad from playing

cheap tricks this time.

I'm relieved you have some conscience at least.

Like you said, the woman I love cuffed me,

so I can't hide behind my dad anymore.

My dad's being called into the prosecutor's office.

Is there any way I can stop that?

You'll become a hero soon thanks to the meticulous

bribe ledger my dad kept.

Jin Dohyeon.

Never mind.

Of course this wouldn't work on Cha Taejin.

This is for the better.

We'll sustain huge losses from the tax audit,

so we can't bear the brunt of it alone.

Scumbags who took money from my dad but ignored us

will learn the bitter lesson of betrayal.

Jin Dohyeon!

Show what the powerless can really do.

The powerful won't bat an eye

if you trample on a dirty loan shark.

No ones goes head on as fearlessly as you do.

All the better if you consider

the bribe ledger makes up for what I did to you.

One more thing.

I'd like to see Officer Moo.

Here he comes. Here he comes.

Do you admit to the charges?

How are you feeling right now?

Is everything true?

Did you take a bribe to cover up the crime?

Do you admit to the charges?

Did you falsify the wire transfer record?

Your comment, please.

Do you admit to the charges?

How do you feel right now?

Here he comes. Here he comes.

It's said you bribed many people.

Who else is there?

Do you admit to the charges?

Will you come clean to the prosecutors?

How do you feel right now?

Your comment, please.

Your comment, please.

Don't you have something to say to me?

Like what?

You said to butt out

as I wasn't qualified

and was a nuisance.

You ignored me and disrespected me,

but look.

Fact is, I did half the work in solving this case.

And I caught culprits too.

So stop taking all the credit alone

and tell me

I did a good job or kudos or something.

I just think you owe me something like that.

You must hear it coming from me?


I must hear it coming from you.

Thank you.

You don't have to get that serious though.

You took on a lot.

Yes, I really did take on a lot.

When you were in a coma, I was...

I aged 10 years because of that.

Is that why you suddenly look so...

Oh, come on.

Anyway, thank goodness

Jin Dohyeon didn't ignore us and turned himself in.


Jin Dohyeon wants to see you.

He must have something to tell you.

I'm sorry I asked for you

as you probably didn't want to see me.

What do you want to say?

Bong Uri's doing well, right?

I was really fond of Uri.

Maybe it's my nasty temperament,

but I'd never loved anyone like that.

When you and Uri

appeared before me and my cold heart,

I thought that even I was going to find love,

that even my heart could feel warmth.

Mr. Jin Dohyeon.

I didn't know until I met you two

that I could love like that.

Maybe that's why I didn't want to lose you.

And that may be punishment for my sin.

I'm sorry.

I know it's of no use now.

No. I'm sure it's very shameless,

but that's what I had to tell you,

so I asked for you.

I can't say I forgive you.

But you didn't ignore us and came back,

so thank you.

Why do you keep yawning?

I volunteered for a night shift

upon returning to the station,

and it almost did me in.

Did something happen?

It was mayhem because someone started a fire

by lighting candles at night to propose.

How did a marriage proposal lead to a fire?

He arranged dozens of candles in a heart shape,

which caused the fire.

He should've toned it down.

Why cause a fire over a proposal?

Women tend to like elaborate proposals.

Anyway, it's a hard world for men.

Women have proposal fantasies.

Wow. We have the youngest senior inspector.

Two roses of Sharon at your age is impressive.

And they're in full bloom too.

And you have a remarkable partner by your side.

After the break-in at Officer Moo's,

I get worked up over even petty thefts.

That's not a bad a thing.

But Assistant Inspector Park...



How did you propose to your wife?


Are you planning to propose to Officer Moo?

We'll now get to see more of Taejin.

Taejin got promoted,

so all that's left is for him to get married.

Why does the apple taste like this?

Grandmother's still steadfast.

Shouldn't two people marry if they're in love?

You're out to worry me sick again when you marry.

I'm not going to marry.

No? Let's see then, okay?

She dotes on Uri.

She won't say no now, will she?

Looks like Suhyeok went to his in-laws' again.

Oh... Because his father-in-law is alone.

Juyeong said

his father-in-law has a nasty temper.

Suhyeok really is an angel.

That's because our daughter-in-law is good to us.

But does Suhyeok have to study abroad?

Juyeong said they're getting a lot of work.

Where will this leave Juyeong?

They can work together again in a few years.

This is a good chance for you to be the boss.

And if Suhyeok begs for a job when he returns,

just say no.

Once my boss, always my boss.

A man must be loyal.

Your family must be well thanks to Taejin's success.

I heard there's talk of a special promotion.

Of course. My mother-in-law is very proud.

And I'm on cloud nine.

Her henpecking has decreased dramatically.

Oh. Mother would like to invite Uri over.


She really dotes on Uri.

This must be a sign all will work out.

I suppose if they love each other,

it won't be a bad thing.


Do you know what I saw when I was cleaning

Taejin's room today?

Taejin bought a ring.


I think he's going to propose.

You had no idea?

No, not at all.

Men like it when their proposal

is appreciated by the woman.

So even if Taejin doesn't get it quite right,

pretend you love it

to make Taejin happy.

I got excited too when I saw the ring.

Let's watch over each other.


Did Dohyeon seem to be doing okay?

That's good.

I'll go see him soon.

Yes, okay. Thank you.

When did you get here?

Just now.

If you had dinner, how about a walk?

You should exercise more

if you want to go see Dohyeon more often.

I'll take care of myself.

Why are you so meddlesome?

If you came to pick up Bora, do that

instead of pestering me.

When are you leaving?

Next month.

Go in the spring when it's warmer.

She'll suffer in the winter cold.

Dad, you didn't chew out Suhyeok again, right?


What's wrong with you?

What do you think is wrong with her?

She enjoys torturing her father.

Go. I'm tired.

We were going to leave anyway.

Good night.

I'll be back tomorrow.

You don't have to come.

I'll be back tomorrow too.

Who says he's welcome here?

I have something to say.

What is it?

Don't take what I say the wrong way.

You're probably uncomfortable leaving Father alone.

Why? You don't want to leave?

Truth is, I was asked to do my dream project.

I think I'll be able to do it well with Juyeong.

It's a shame.

But if it's too hard for you...

Thank you.

Frankly, I felt bad leaving Dad alone here.

Are you sure?

Frankly, it is still a bit hard,

but I'd like to tough it out.

Once our baby is born,

I want my dad and your mom to see it grow up.

I'll do better.

How can you do better than this?

You're doing more than enough.

Okay, okay. Don't let her catch on.

Awkward acting is a no-no.

You must do especially well, Cha.

No matter how cute Officer Moo acts,

you must be levelheaded, okay?

Senior Inspector Cha's always levelheaded.

But won't Officer Moo be too shocked?


What are you talking about?

It'll make it that much better.

Why are there surprise parties?

Officer Moo is sure to be moved

and respond dramatically.

Anyway, let's get her worked up, everyone.

Officer Moo is coming.


Why did the bun guy move so close to the station?

What is this?

It's like everyone's avoiding me.

Aren't you having buns?

Of course.

This is really good stuff.

We're all working hard.

Good grief.

Officer Moo, aren't you being way too obvious?

He still has to be careful.

I'm worried about long-term effects.

Thank you.

You all know we're having

an early sendoff this Saturday, right?

How many times must you remind us?

Officer Moo, to the interview room.

Yes, sir.

Officer Moo,

you can look at these, right?

I'll go blind doing all these alone.

Could you take care of these three?

I have something else to look at with him.

I don't know why petty thieves

are on a rampage these days.


I have until the day's end, right?

Yes, yes, of course.

But will Senior Inspector Cha just leave?


I suppose marriage isn't an easy decision.

While many women work too these days,

it's a lot of pressure having to be responsible

for someone for the rest of your life.

It's not just women who get cold feet.

Many matchmakers are interested in Cha, right?

Oh, yes. That's what I heard.

He's now a senior inspector after all.

He's also handsome, and he's also

gotten media coverage recently.

They say the higher-ups dote on him.

They sure do.

Are you trying to tell me something?

Should we have taken it up a notch?

Officer Moo looked like she was about to cry.

Officer Moo,

hasn't Senior Inspector Cha said anything?

A marriage proposal perhaps?

Oh, please. How is that important?

Of course it is.

You're more clueless than you look.

Do you trust a man's love?

He'll be going

to the precinct not long after the sendoff.

What if he leaves you high and dry?

Why are you scaring me?

It's just that he's been acting strangely.

What do you mean?

Should I say he seems hesitant?

Or should I say he's not quite all there?

He doesn't look at you with the same intensity.

Geez, Senior Officer Jang.

Anyway, make sure you look pretty for the sendoff.

Even if things don't work out,

you want him to remember you

and regret it for the rest of his life.

Don't you have anything to tell me?

What now?

The coffee's nice.

The sendoff will go on all night,

so we won't have any time alone.

Assistant Inspector Park won't let us leave.

That's how sendoffs are.

Folks, don't even breathe too loud, okay?

You're the one who should be careful.

Why's your breathing so loud?

Stop it. Quiet down.

Senior Inspector Cha, you can do this.

Go, go.

Why are you scanning me top to bottom?

Haven't you ever seen me look pretty?

Have a seat.

I'm fine.

Anything you want to say before the others come?

I think there's something I must hear.

You're very clearcut with everything,

so why are you wishy-washy about this?

Was I mistaken?

About what?

What I mean is this.

The two of us.

So what is the problem?

Hey, Cha Taejin, is this how you're going to be?

I was going to exercise self-restraint,

but I just can't.

Are you just going to take off, you jerk?


Are you going to marry me or not?

Fine, let's do it.

Let's get married.

Why didn't you just say so sooner?

Wait. Over there...

You don't hold back, Moo Gunghwa.

Congratulations, Officer Moo.

Good job, Officer Moo.

What a relief.

W-What's going on?

We were going to surprise you,

but you surprised us instead.


Moo Gunghwa,

will you marry me?


For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.119 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.11.16] - Duration: 33:39.


যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি - Duration: 6:55.

যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) : HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) Channel , This YouTube Channel To Show You How To Reduce So Many Health Problems , To Cure Your Home made Things , U Like This Videos Subscribe Our You Tube Channel And Give Suggestion any Thing About Health Thank you for watching Our videos {HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা)} For more –like-comment-share & subscribe ================================= Don't forget to subscribe our channel : Facebook Page : Facebook Group : Google Plus : Blogger: যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি Video Link : আপনার স্ত্রীকে সহবাসে তৃপ্তি দিন ঠিক ২৫ বছরের যুবক এর মতো ! Healthcare: স্ত্রীর সাথে সহবাসের ১ ঘণ্টা আগে খেয়ে যৌন মিলনের সময় বাড়ান স্ত্রী কে আরো তৃপ্তি দিন ১০০% কার্যকরী : স্ত্রীর সাথে সহবাসের ২ ঘন্টা আগে এই খাবার গুলো খেয়ে সহবাস করুন দীর্ঘ সময় Healthcare : পুরুষদের যৌনশক্তি বাড়ানোর ১০০% কার্যকারী টিপস দেখুন।ফলাফল পাবেন মাত্র ৩ ৪ দিনে-HealthCare : Related Keyword: #HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) #health care bangla #healthcare pharmaceuticals #health bangladesh #health tips #bangla health magazine

যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) : HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) Channel , This YouTube Channel To Show You How To Reduce So Many Health Problems , To Cure Your Home made Things , U Like This Videos Subscribe Our You Tube Channel And Give Suggestion any Thing About Health Thank you for watching Our videos {HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা)} For more –like-comment-share & subscribe ================================= Don't forget to subscribe our channel : Facebook Page : Facebook Group : Google Plus : Blogger: যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি Video Link : আপনার স্ত্রীকে সহবাসে তৃপ্তি দিন ঠিক ২৫ বছরের যুবক এর মতো ! Healthcare: স্ত্রীর সাথে সহবাসের ১ ঘণ্টা আগে খেয়ে যৌন মিলনের সময় বাড়ান স্ত্রী কে আরো তৃপ্তি দিন ১০০% কার্যকরী : স্ত্রীর সাথে সহবাসের ২ ঘন্টা আগে এই খাবার গুলো খেয়ে সহবাস করুন দীর্ঘ সময় Healthcare : পুরুষদের যৌনশক্তি বাড়ানোর ১০০% কার্যকারী টিপস দেখুন।ফলাফল পাবেন মাত্র ৩ ৪ দিনে-HealthCare : Related Keyword: #HealthCare-(স্বাস্থ্যসেবা) #health care bangla #healthcare pharmaceuticals #health bangladesh #health tips #bangla health magazine

যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি

যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি

যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি

For more infomation >> যা খেলে সহবাস করতে ভয় পাবে আপনার স্ত্রী বা প্রেমিকা ! ১০০% কার্যকরী টিপস দেখুন ভিডিওটি - Duration: 6:55.


DEAF KEV-EDM-Mix||2017|| - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> DEAF KEV-EDM-Mix||2017|| - Duration: 4:21.


奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 神様のイタズラか?両親が他界して生き別れになってしまった幼い姉妹!そんな姉妹に奇跡が・・・ - Duration: 26:45.

For more infomation >> 奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 神様のイタズラか?両親が他界して生き別れになってしまった幼い姉妹!そんな姉妹に奇跡が・・・ - Duration: 26:45.


Fresh Ideas for Fall Planters - Way to Grow - HGTV - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Fresh Ideas for Fall Planters - Way to Grow - HGTV - Duration: 1:32.


おじいちゃん 感動話! おじいちゃんが おばあちゃんに 二度目のプロポーズ…。 感動して泣ける。 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> おじいちゃん 感動話! おじいちゃんが おばあちゃんに 二度目のプロポーズ…。 感動して泣ける。 - Duration: 3:54.


Reaching sports destination for 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 4:02.

Preparations for the biggest global winter sporting event continues in PyeongChang.

Other than venues for competitors and spectators, transportation system is crucial in ensuring

a successful hosting of the global games.

Our Cha Sang-mi guides us through the ways to get to and around the alpine city.

(Stand-up) "With the Olympics only a matter of weeks

away, one of the fastest ways to get to PyeongChang is to take this high-speed train."

This was a test run for a new KTX line that will open to the public in December.

Some one-and-a-half million people, including athletes and spectators from around the world,

will descend on PyeongChang for the Olympics early next year.

However, since the competition venues are over 2-hundred-and-70 kilometers away from

Korea's main gateway -- Incheon International Airport -- having excellent transport links

is essential.

That's why Korea has been upgrading rail, road, and air links in time for the games.

Introducing the new KTX first...

Jinbu Station is the main station for the PyeongChang Mountain Cluster, where all the

snow sports, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies will be held.

(KOREAN - 1) "Sixteen trains a day will depart from Incheon

International Airport to PyeongChang.

Eight of those will stop at Seoul Station; the rest will be non-stop.

It takes one-hundred-10 minutes to get from the airport to Jinbu Station on a non-stop



Apart from those, there are another 35 trains a day that will depart from Seoul station.

Getting to the venues for ice sports at the Gangneung Coastal Cluster will take just 16

minutes by train from Jinbu to Gangneung Station.

For those choosing to travel by car or bus, new expressways have been built, connecting

Korea's major cities to PyeongChang.

(KOREAN - 2) "The Second Yeongdong Expressway opened to

complement the existing Yeongdong Expressway.

Since expressways now connect East and West, drivers can now take a different route.

This is definitely a groundbreaking change for the local traffic network."

Apart from the official opening of Terminal 2 at Incheon International Airport in January,

the committee has been working on the regional Yangyang airport to reduce congestion on the


These transportation links got us to PyeongChang and Gangneung.

But, how do we go that extra step and get to the competition venues?

(KOREAN - 3) "Those coming by rail or road can take the

'spectator shuttle bus' to the Olympic venues.

The distance from the transportation hub to the venues is 10 to 20 minutes."

For those opting to drive, the PyeongChang Organizing Committee has almost completed

eight large parking lots.

(Stand-up) ed: Steve "Although preparations are going well, there

are many pitfalls that the organizers must be wary of,... from the risk of heavy snow,...

to extra traffic during the lunar new year vacation, which falls during the games."

Traffic volume is expected to peak between February 15th and 18th as Koreans criss-cross

the nation to be with their family for one of Korea's biggest national holidays.

(KOREAN - 4) "Assuming the maximum number of people who

visit the Olympics will be around 1 million, we are going to see a roughly eleven percent

rise in traffic volume in Gangwon-do Province.

We need to prepare with this figure in mind."

The winter weather is also unpredictable.

Gangwon-do Province is known in Korea for its heavy snowfall during January and February.

(KOREAN - 5) "When a heavy-snowfall watch is issued, we

will mobilize all our prepared human resources and equipment to remove snow from the roads."

Experts say that, considering the scale of the event, Korea's public and private sectors

have to come together to ensure a successful Olympic Games.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Reaching sports destination for 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 4:02.


Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Learn Colors | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 31:45.

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick,

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here and a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof,there a Woof,everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pigs. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink,there an Oink,everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there here a "neigh" there a "neigh" everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cow. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here and a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo there a Moo everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here and a Quack Quack there. Here a Quack there a Quack,everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

For more infomation >> Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Learn Colors | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 31:45.


Agamikal | আগামীকাল | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Debashree Roy - Duration: 1:49:33.

I'm getting late. I've an appointment.

Look what's going on, Sumita. I've work.

You want to leave?

You may leave.

Meet me tomorrow.

I'll leave now.

Meet me tomorrow. Bye.

The patient has been admitted.

Has he left?

What did the doctor say?

Are you a Bengali?

Sarbajit Mitra.

Is he a Bengali guy?

He is a Marwari.

He was my father's business partner.


I live in Howrah.


Will the man survive?

He didn't get knocked

I'll come tomorrow morning to visit him.

I'll also come.

When will you come?

During office hours?

"What's in my mind?"

Oh no! I feel itchy.

It's really uncomfortable.

I can't bear it anymore. I'll open it.

Pant and short doesn't suit me.

I'll open them.

"What's in your mind?"

I won't open this.

Study loudly.

I'll slap you hard.

Are you studying?

Look at this beautiful human drawing.

Show me.

How is it? I've drawn a human figure.

Isn't it good? I draw well.

Sumi is home.

Mother, Sumi is home.

I hope you are studying?

Go to the next room.

Are you a Bengali girl?

Sumita Roy.


Well, it's an interesting incident.

What happened after that?

I told her that I would

Do you know what the girl said?

She will also come.

What do you think, Karabi?

How is the girl?

There's no doubt that

I wasn't even sure if

Carry on, dada.

After what I heard from

Are you sure?

Let me start tying from tomorrow.

Here you are.

When did you come?

Let's go and meet him.

Come with me and I'll

You won't be able to meet him.

I too couldn't meet him.

They've discharged him.

They told that he became

That's all.

I think you are late

You were disturbed that

My office? I don't have any strict time bindings.

Does your wife also work?

My wife?

Let me drop you to your office.

You want to drop me?

Ok. Let's go.


Nante, make 7 cups out of five.

I think something is wrong.

Badal is missing.

Is our 7 stars trip to

Why? Badal has given

..the advance bus payment.

Why will it get cancelled?

You said that your father is sick.

The heart is the main

One of his heart valves is damaged.

He is at home without

Who is with him?

My office is over there.

In which floor?

Can't you see my colleagues

Jitu is not even coming here.

So, all of you are sitting here.

Your unemployment allowance

What is this?

We forgot about it.

Look over there.

Jitu has got hold of a beautiful girl.

So, this is where you work?

I got a graduate degree.

I went to places for a job.

People gave me lot of lectures.

But I got no job.

What's that? 7 star?

Are you going to Mirik?

I'll also go.

Won't anyone accompany you?

Moreover, you'll be with me.

Come on, let' go.

I'm their cashier.

Stay back for some more time.

It seems that you want

Well, I'll give you the remuneration.

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"Two hearts unite in love

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"Two hearts unite in love

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"The flowers give fragrance

"That's a gift of love."

"The flowers give fragrance

"That's a gift of love."

"After a long search one

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"Two hearts unite in love

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"What will the heart choose

"What will the heart choose

"Even death is pleasurable

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

"Two hearts unite in love

"There is just one sky."

"Only one moon is visible in the sky."

"There can't be two moons."

Softly. Softly.

Whatever share Jitu

You've got your share of money. - Yes.

I contribute my share 150

Let's hear what he is stammering.

We got only this much

Shut up. I also got 150 rupees.

Have you got only 150?

Who went for a boat ride with

You enjoyed the merry go Sukna forest. - Yes, the ride.

What are you saying?

Well, there's more. Don't worry.

Both of you got lost in the

Don't you think this is gain?

Jitu, please share something.

What can I share now?

The princess has just entered my life.

Let me get a share

..I'll treat you

What do you say? - Enjoy

Light the cigarette.

I'm worthless at the moment.

Why do you serve me so many dishes?

Shut up and eat.

Wife, do you understand

You don't.

I'm a handicap worthless fellow.


Jitu. Are you home?

Mother, why have you served

He delayed me because

..if he wants to take

Why have you come home

Are you sick?

Sports is going on in school,

I'll sit at home and check the copies.

You are a music teacher.

Just hear what mother is saying.

Notebooks are more important than

This is modern education. Do you get me?

Mother, serve me food.

Now that you are home,

Go and serve dada.

What happened? Serve me food quickly.

I've been waiting for so long.

You can't wait for some time.

What work do you have

I'll soon get a lot of wealth.

Wait and watch what I do.

What happened? Serve me.

You are always in hurry.

Serve lunch to brother,

He is waiting for you.

Could I offer a lift?


Shut up.

Excuse me.

Jitu is out of control.

What's going on?

Look what Jitu is doing.

He has forgotten everything

Where are we going?

I'm going out with office work.

I've taken you with me.

I hope it's not a problem for you.

I've no work, so you can take me along.

What are you staring at?

I'm wondering if you said

Why did you stop?

What happened? Come.

Is this your office?

I think it's a better

It maybe true but why

Today is my birthday.

Why did you bring me here on this day?

I want to spend this day only with you.

I think I've fallen in love with you.

I'm an unemployed man.

I'm riding cars and travelling

Why did you call in love with me?

I don't know.

I know it.

I too have fallen in love with you.

Shall I get the bill, sir?

Do you've 555 cigarettes?

Get one packet.


The heroes in films smoke this brand.

You are also a hero

Is it?

I enjoyed a lot today.

I pray that your birthday

Jitu, I feel very scared.

Promise me that you'll

Promise me. Say that you are only mine.

You've treated me to 555 cigarettes.

You are paying the hotel bills. But why?

That's because I'm unemployed.

I'm not financially stable.

I don't have the capacity

Do you realize how painful

I've to attend a party on Saturday.

You'll also come along with me.


Don't you see that

.. "Madam, what do you want?"

"Madam, should I get the bill?"

"Madam, how can I serve you?"

No one notices that

Are you jealous?

I've some problem.


What do you wish to buy?

Show that. How much?

Will you present this to your

No. This is for my mother.

I'll buy the gift right now. Come with me.

This is quite good.

Do you like this?

Is he fair or dark?

His complexion is like him.

Is it ok?

Show me a matching pant piece with this.

This is quite nice.

Keep this separately.

Do you've in-house tailor?

Excuse me, sir.

What's the matter?

This is the best shop in ac market.

Give your measurement.

Please lift your hand.


Shall I leave now?

What happened? Are you angry?

When you get a job buy

I won't work then.

Driver, please go.

He is troublesome.

I've been worried for

Why are you so worried?

He must be caught in some work.

He has arrived.

You are busy throughout the day.

Please have your meals on time.

I'm an unemployed guy.

Why are you so worried about me?

Let me get some work

Did you hear him?

Did you see how he talks?

555. The heroes in

You are the hero of Diamond Harbor now.

Dada, don't get angry.

Come and have dinner. Come.

We've money lenders running

Stop it.

How can he handle the cash now?

He is busy romancing.

Don't encourage Jitu.

Why should I encourage him, Badal?

Does he bear my expenses?

Boss, you look after everybody.

Don't act smart.

The festivities got

You drank so much and danced.

Haven't you come back to your

Badal, order tea.

Nante, get tea for us.

Tea is a great medicine.

The princess is here. Welcome.

Come. Come.

Please don't mind as I

There's no problem, take him with you.

Sit here, I'll be back after some time.


..invite us too.

I will when I have to.


What happened? Tell me.

I won't talk to you.

What's my mistake?

You celebrated Saraswati

I go back every day without meeting you.

Saraswati puja celebrations

Don't talk to me.

How could you enjoy without me?

You must pay fine.

What do you mean?

You can't go home until I allow you. Ok?

Ok, madam. Always at your service.

What are you looking at?

She is Ms. Julie. She sings really well.

Do you want to hear her sing?

What do you mean?

"One path leads to the

"One path leads to the

"One path has flower

"One path has flower

"..while there are

"One path leads to the

"One path has flower

"One path has flower

"..while there are

"One path leads to the

"I walk on one path

"I walk on one path

"Your path is blessed with

"I tread on a desert."

"The heat scorches me while

"One path leads to the

"One path has flower

"..while there are

"One path leads to the

"Tears roll down my eyes

"Tears roll down my eyes

"You enjoy the firecrackers

"My heart burns."

"I suffer while the

"One path leads to the

"One path has flower

"..while there are

"One path leads to the

Where are you going?

You are here?

You are drunk.

Keep the change.

How can an unemployed boy go back

Mother will also..

Is it possible for me to do anything?

You are responsible for this.

You are blaming me for everything.

Let me tell you something

Let's spend the night

Why will I have any problem

Come on, let's get a taxi. - Let's go.

Can you arrange one room?

Sorry, madam.

Thank you. It's ok.

Where will we get a room at this hour?

We work here.

Are we criminals?

We'll spend the night here

Take money and give us a room.

Unpleasant incidents

We can't take any risk.

Come on, let's go.

We can't even get a room in Kolkata

I'm tired.

What shall we do now?

Why do you ask me? Is it my problem?

Do you want a room, sir? - No.

Madam seems to be angry.

What's the use of shouting

Where will you go?

We'll go back to the

Drive, go to Park Street.

What happened? Are you sleeping?

I got drunk but it seems

I know someone who

He is not a Bengali guy

Will you go there?

How will you introduce me?

I'll tell him that you are

You are getting married, not me.

You are really drunk.

Sumita, come inside.

Please come in.

Where were you at this hour?

Look, the beautiful lady is here.


Come inside.

We are going to have

Meet my boyfriend Jitu.

Hello. - We'll ensure that

Is it ok?

Change the music.

I want you all to enjoy.

Sharmaji is a very nice man.

I know that you don't drink.

Cold drink for you. - Thanks.

Whisky for you, sir.

What do you think of my guests?

Come on, Sumita. Let's dance. Come on.

I think you are bored of sitting alone.

Aren't you used to it?

I'm new to this environment.

So what? Sumita will

Come on, let's enjoy.

Since when are you

What do you mean?

She wants to be in love with someone.

But she doesn't understand

..doesn't allow all this.

Who is the gentleman

Sumita's client.

We also get his calls some times.

Stop it now.

It's late. Come again tomorrow.

Good night.

Are you feeling sleepy?

Sharmaji, please take him to a bedroom.

Come with me.

Sumita, your formula is very strong.

I offered you to join me.

You can't do this

I don't want to earn a lot

I just want to earn

You are stupid.

As long as you've your

For how much did you trap him?

What are you saying?

Jitu is my boyfriend.

I'll marry him.

Go ahead.

Have you fallen asleep?

Are you actually sleeping?

So, you've been frequenting

You are a call girl?

Don't speak like that. I love you.

You need to surrender your heart

I've fallen in love with you as

Then why did you hide

There are so many

Why did you chose this path


You are right.

Be careful that your hands playing with the

No. No. That's won't happen.

Sumi, uncle is here.

I won't be able to attend

It's my duty to hand over the gift that

So, I'm here.

They'll come from different places.

Sumi was saying that

..if the wedding took

The sooner the better.

Kundu, Subinay is a very nice person.

He works as a head master

They own lot of lands.

He is from a well-to-do family.

Your future will be bright.

You'll have a happy married life.

Sister-in-law, keep this.


Mother, listen to me.

I want to have rosogullas

I'm your eldest son. - Yes.

I want to have four rosogullas.

Will you give me rosogullas? - Yes.

Great! I'll eat lot of rosogullas.

Aunt, Sumi di was asking

It's performed so that she

..and can become the

She must've woken up.

I'll go and free the bird from the cage.

You haven't changed your dress yet?

Change your dress,

Make luchi (deep fried bread)

Do you know how to cook halwa?

Subi loves to eat

Listen; don't involve

Cook, wash utensils and clothes.

Engage yourself in chores of daily life.


I don't want anyone to

I married you so that I could

Do you get me?

You are talking a lot.

Sister-in-law, I've explained

I've also told her what her role is.

Do you understand what a mask is?

You'll act as a mask

Bride, have your meal now.

You must stay healthy.

Wash the utensils after you have lunch.

Call a panchayat meeting

Take care that my

Don't you trust me?

I'll leave now.

Do you understand what a mask is?

You'll act as a mask

Has she fallen asleep?

Go and check.

How can I leave you and go?

I've got a letter from Kolkata.

Sumi's father is sick.

He's suffering from coronary thrombosis.

He has asked me and his

Will he survive?

He is not yet out of danger.

Someone is getting restless.


The son-in-law is restless

..if he should suppress the news.

What's this?

She must've been overhearing

She couldn't control herself

I want to visit father.

Her father is sick;

You may go. - You may go

Your husband is a renowned man.

Retain your husband's honor. - I will.

Subi has lot of work.

Both of you can't

You must make your parents feel this.

Do you get me? - Yes.

Well, let's go tomorrow.

I can't go with you.

I've a panchayat meting.

I'll send you with Sambhucharan

Come back the next day

..your father's condition.

Many things happen in family life.

Don't inform your parents

You shouldn't tell them anything

You are very sensible.

You are intelligent.

Why did you arrange all this?

Master is not well.

My daughter didn't

This is the first time

This is a very small arrangement.

Both the families are

Master is a very respectable just like him.

Please eat it. It'll become cold.

I've aged. Strokes are common at my age.

Nothing will happen to me.

You've come home after such a long time.

Let me see you.

What's this? Look at me.

Why are you crying?

I hope you are happy.

How could I live without

I'm relaxed now.

Sir always remains busy with his books.

I'm not new there.

I've been working there

He is a respected teacher.

There is no one like him.

He keeps himself busy with panchayat

He agreed to get married

I hope my daughter proves worthy of him.

She belongs to a respectable family.

Why won't she be worthy of him?

I visit his house often.

She does everything single handedly.

I took her name and she is here.

Uncle Shambu,

Will you go back tomorrow?

He is alone.

If I don't go..

I bless that you live

Listen, I've always told you

..and two glasses of water for us.

Don't scold her.

Do you want me to love her?

Go and get what I ordered you.

What's this?

Were you sleeping all this while?

When will Subi leave for school?

It's almost done.

You are eating and gaining weight.

Why are you staring at me?

Goa way from here. You've done enough.

She takes is much time

She shouldn't get food today.

Don't give her food today.

So, you are overhearing

Finish the cooking.

I finished cooking long time back.

Go and wash the clothes.

When will you dry the clothes? Go.

Bride, why are you washing

Look, she serves us

Did you drink water?

Naughty fellow.

Come on, eat this.

I hope this love lasts long.

You've high fever.

Yes, I was feeling uneasy.

I shouldn't have eaten rice.

What do I do now?

I'll go and get a doctor.

This is not a good sign.


We'll do something about this tomorrow.

Why did you enter this room? Get out.

So, you are taking care of your husband?

Come on, get out.

Can't you hear me?

Get out.

Can't you hear me?

Get out from here.

"I came here as the

"But I wasn't blessed

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"I came here as the

"But I wasn't blessed

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"I didn't get anything

"I didn't get anything

"There is only sufferings in my life."

"Darkness engulfs both my eyes."

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"Everybody lodges

"Everybody lodges

"I cry silently and suffer."

"I cry silently and suffer."

"It's my misfortune."

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"You can get water in

"You can get water in

"But my thirst never gets quenched."

"What's the use of living this life?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

"God, what sort of justice is this?"

Leave me.

You did us a favor by saving her life.

What happened?

What has happened, Sumi? Tell me.

Tell me what happened. Tell me.

What happened to Subinay?

You've paid the previous dues.

I've brought the receipt.

Only the present month's dues are left.

See that I get the money on time.

Where are you going?

You've finished everything.

Let me do something now.

What can you do?

I'm going to their

Let me see if I can get a job.

Bye, mother.

May I come in, sir?

Mr. Kunu, come in.

Come. Come. Take your seat.

Please take your seat.

She is Sumita, the daughter of our

They are going through financial crisis.

She badly needs a job.

She has two dependent brothers.

One of them is abnormal.

She got married but her maiden family.

How far are you educated?

I was going to appear

..but I got married at that time.

For how long have you been separated?

That's a personal issue.

I'm sorry.

Do you know typewriting?


Learn them.

There'll be a vacancy within

You are talking about six months..

..but its difficult for them

They've lot of loans.

You must do something for me.

I'll always remain grateful to you.

Sit in the next room.

You come with me;


Yes sir, I'll inform you.

Do something.

If she is ready,

Bring her to my theatre road flat.

What are you saying, uncle?

You can adopt any means to earn money..

..but money is never stigmatized.

But someone who doesn't the present

How could you bring this proposal?

Mother.. you sold father's bed?

What have you done, mother?

I'm hungry.

Brother, go and tell

I'm hungry.

Tell mother to give me food.

Give me something to eat. Mother.

Give me something to eat, mother.

I haven't eaten anything

My small brother also

Please give us something to eat.

We haven't eaten anything

Will you please stop? - Will you stop?

Won't we complain if we don't get food?

We didn't eat anything

You are busy eating.

What? I'm busy eating?

I'll beat you badly.


I can't bear this anymore, Sumi.

Sumi, I didn't eat anything

Mother beat me.

I asked her to give

She beat me because

Sumi, give me food.

She needs a job very badly.

I didn't eat anything

Brother also didn't eat anything.

Sumi, give me food. Give me food.

You can adopt any means to earn money..

..but money is never stigmatized.

Mother.. mother.. open the door.

Mother.. mother..

Mother.. what are you doing?

What are you doing?

Sumita? What brings you

You were right.

Reality is harsh.

Their life is more

Fix an appointment.

Come in, Mr.

Please be seated. Be seated, Mr. Kundu.

Sumita, sit down.

I'll leave now.

Excuse me, Ms. Sumita.

Mr. Kundu.. keep this.

Sir, I never thought that

She needs the money more than me.

Give her the money. Bye.

What other option did I have?

Don't I have the right to love you?

Can't I dream of a good life, Jitu?


I never got love from anyone.

When I met you, I got love from you.

Promise that you'll not refuse me, Jitu.

Didn't your husband

He is not alive. He died of snake bite.

Jitu, now you know my real identity.

I never told you anything would go away from me.

If I've made any mistake..

Sumita, my name is Sarbajit.

I've the power to win over

But, if marriage is

..will my mother be able to

What about you?

My sympathies for you've increased.

Don't expect anything more.

Please forgive me.

"I've realized what love is."

"I love you."

"You waited for me previously."

"But now I wait for you."

"I think I'm not

What happened, Sumita?

I told you several times to forget

They'll enjoy with you

When is the interview?

You'll get a job this time.

Answer smartly.

Keep the flowers of god with you.

Ok, son.

Bye, father.

Have a safe journey.

Mother, will you go to Dakhineshwar?

Let's go there.

I fell in love with a fallen girl.

Shame. Shame. What have I done?

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Poison helps to remove

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Why should you worry about

"Enjoy its calm moonlight."

"The waves of the rivers

"Fragrant flowers are full of thorns."

"Flowers have thorns."

"Thorns help to get rid of thorns."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

"Hate the sin and not the sinner."

"Lotus grows in the muck."

Dada.. where did he go?

Dada.. - Yes.

There is no end to thoughts.

Worries and thoughts

The annual day of our

You must come. Don't refuse me.

I won't be able to come.

What's wrong with you?

I don't feel good if you don't come.

Promise that you'll come.

No need to do all that.

When will the show start?

Don't forget.

Jitu, I was scared that came to know of my real identity.

So, I didn't tell you anything.

I never got love from anyone in life.

I saw you and got love from you.

Jitu, promise that you'll

Dada.. Dada.. open the door.

Dada, open the door.

Father is not well. Hurry up and come.

Go and call doctor

Father.. father..

Doctor uncle, hurry up.


Mother.. - Why isn't he speaking?

Let's go.

Let me hold it. - No, it's fine.

Do you hear me?

Why don't you speak?

Answer me.

Come in, doctor.



Jitu, come with me.

He is fine now but he needs

Heart surgery.

We must do it in a private nursing home.

Shall I make arrangements?

Can't it be done in

It'll be too late.

How much will be the expenses?

Forget my fees.

The nursing home charges,

medicines and Dr.

..add up to around 8-10,000 rupees.

Doctor uncle, make the arrangements.

We've to save father.

Doctor, save me.

I have to live. I have to live.

I remember what you did for us, sister.

But, how can he give such a huge amount.

I got the job because

I've earned money because of him.

Jitu, in which nursing

At Dr. Dutta's nursing home.

The surgery will cost

Uncle, if you don't help us now..

Why are you getting restless? I will..

I don't earn millions.

Well, I could've managed something.

But, the problem is that

..since the last few months.

I beg of you.

Please save us or we'll

I already told you that it

Mother, let's go. I say, get up.

How will you manage

You don't have to worry about it.

Don't worry.

I'll only know that

I'll live.

Look at the drink I made.

Look at this glass.

Everything is in perfect

Plan an outing. - Where?

To a distant hill station like Kashmir.

Take those two along with you.

The plan is a great one.

Who'll pay for the trip?

Boss is here to help us.

I'll give 8-10,000 rupees.

Collect donations and pay me back.

Hip, hip. Hurray.

Dada, Jitu is here.

Come inside. What are you doing outside?

Will you play?

Badal.. - Yes.

Will you please come out?

Jitu still treats us as strangers.

Badal is the only one close to him.

It's a private matter. Go with him. Go.

It's not private.

What do you want to say?

Father needs an immediate heart surgery.

If it's not done he won't survive.

I need 10,000 rupees. - 10,000 rupees?

Give me the money as loan.

I assure that I'll pay you back.

Wait, I'll be back soon.

Come on give the cards.

Badal, please..

Why are you pulling my hands, Jitu?

Why are you behaving irrationally?

Is 10,000 rupees a small amount that..

..I can give it to

If you want 200-400

It's ok. You don't have to give me.

Scoundrel. Loafer. Rascal.

You are ready to spend 10,000

But, you can't give the money

..dear friend Jitu's father.

To hell with your friendship.


Jitu, do you hate me

..the moment you saw me?

Please don't mind, I'm disturbed.

It's the matter of father's life.

He immediately needs a heart surgery.

I need 10,000 rupees.

But wherever I went

From where will I get the money?

I am ready to steal,

I must save father's life by any means.

You are making fun of me?

No, I'm not making fun of you.

You are in my position today.

Theft and robbery are also crimes..

..even if it is done

The society will term you a criminal.

People who are close to

I couldn't save my father.

Your father will definitely live.

Come here tomorrow,

Sumita, you will give the money?

Where will you get so much money?

I'll withdraw the money from my savings.

Sumita, I'll return your money.

My first work will be to give

I know that you'll return the money.


Sir, Ms. Sumita is here.

Is anyone else with her?

Good fortune has come to my house today.

Sharmaji, I want to speak to you.

I've come to join in your business.

You always said that Bengalis

My darling..

You must give me 10,000

When do you want the money?

Is it anything urgent?

You just think of your business,

Ok. Come at 10 in the

Take the money.

Sumita, you?

Sumita, she is my mother.

She is my sister Karabi.

Mother, she is the girl I spoke about.

I can never pay you back in life.

Take the flowers from

It's ok, dear.

I'll leave now, mother.

My office starts at 10.

What did you wrote? Read out.

One who is poor gets no respect.

What happened? Why are you back home?

I was feeling sick.

I'm sweating.

Lie down on the bed.

You've brought your father back to life.

Go back home. Don't be late.

Don't speak much, father.

The doctor has advised

Father, we'll leave now.

Let's go, brother.

The fever has subsided today.

You had high fever yesterday.

God has saved you.

Where is the lady? I'm a calm

Yes friend, we came day

..and even today but

He is assuring us that she'll come.

Shut up.

Stay here.

Shankar, get drinks for them.


Is Sumita at home?

She has fever.

Tell her that Sharmaji has come.

What are you playing with

Speak softly.

Believe me, I came back

I was sick. I had fever at night.

Stop joking and come with me.

The party is waiting for me.

Don't shout.

Everybody knows that

I'll tell everyone in this locality that..

Come soon. The car is waiting.

Dada, letter for you.

Karabi, I've got it.

I've got a job.


I've got a job. A very good job.

Let me go and tell mother and father first.

Mother, brother has got a job.

Sumita, I've got a job, a very good job.

Is Sumita at home?

Tell her that Jitu, Sarbajit is here.

She had high fever

Mr. Sharma from her

..and took her with him.

Do you've any message for her? - No.

Don't be stubborn, I say. - No..

Hurry up.

Why are you throwing tantrums?

Hurry up.

Stop here.

Sharmaji, open the door.


What's going on inside?

There seems to be some problem.

Gun shot. Inform the police.

Your Honor, this is my report.

I've a request to the honorable court.

Please punish these criminals

..and save the society.

Do you want to say

Your Honor, the murder

I'm innocent.

Your Honor, may I question him?

Mr. Sarbajit, you are repeating

Objection, Your Honor.

Your Honor, my friend isn't

Proceed on.

Since when have you been

..with your alleged

What is he saying?

Jitu is a very decent man.

The court is adjourned for the day.

Why did you lend 10,000 rupees to Mr.

Isn't it because he helped

Jitu, Jitu is my god.

The evil men of our society

..this business because of my poverty.

But, does any girl want

I also wanted to have a family.

I wanted to be a mother.

But, the society didn't let that happen.

He wanted to give me the honor.

He isn't guilty.

Please don't condemn him.

I beg of you. He is not guilty.

Don't condemn him, Your Honor.

I landed in a strange situation.

A man can't control himself

And so you snatched the pistol

No. I didn't kill him.

God has punished him.

He accidentally shot himself.

Your Honor, we've already

Sharmaji's finger prints

He also has a license of the pistol.

I had seen him at Sharmaji's party.

He had gone there with this girl.

What happened that day?

What can I say?

He was heavily drunk

He started beating

Ok, you may leave.

Mr. Sarbajit entered the room drunk.

What were you doing at that time?

I was serving drinks.

To Mr. Sarbajit?

Order. Order.

After going through the

..I've decided we can't accuse Mr.

..the murder of Mr. Sharma.

This case has revealed that

..that is a threat

It's a shameful act.

The accused had to fight for

According to section 324,

..guilty of entry without permission,

..and damage of goods and property.

I sentence him to three


Sumita, it's just three years.

Will you wait for me?

Will you be able to

What will give me hope?

What will I live with?

I'll get lost again.

Where shall I go? Tell me.

Where shall I go?

Can't you stay with this old man?

Can't you stay with me? - Father..

You've helped me get back my life.

I'm able to breathe

You'll reside in my heart.

I went to many people for help.

I begged before relatives.

Jitu went to all places

But, no one helped us.

I don't care for the society

Sumita, you are like a goddess for me.

You'll always reside in

Jitu, put the blessed vermilion

From today you are her husband.

She is my daughter-in-law.

Take this.

"Erase the darkness and light it up."

"Change evil into good."

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