Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

(Two Days and One Night)

(The best trip voted by our viewers,)

(Gimje Countryside Diary Special)

(Dragonflies bathe in the sun.)

(Cosmos flowers say hello.)

(It's fall.)

(We're at)

(the countryside village of Gimje.)

- What now? / - We're helping.

Are we here to work the fields?

We are in Shindeok Village,

Gimje, North Jeolla Province.

Isn't it close to your hometown?

Yes, mine's only half an hour away.

The rice here is delicious.

It's Korea's largest breadbasket.

It's the only place where you can see the horizon.

- The horizon? / - Really?

Isn't that it?

Isn't that the linear line?

The endless horizon.

We see it at the sea too.

- Really? / - Knowing that is nothing to be proud of.

Farmers get busy around this time of year.

- Now that scares me. / - So today's theme is

the Countryside Diary Special.


(He knows what's going to happen.)

It means we're working today.

We're all probably going to have chores.

Think of it as an abbreviation.

- We're all working. / - Right.

So let me introduce you to the elders of the village,

- who will hand out the jobs. / - Please come out!

(Like greeting a son back home)

(There's a skip to their steps.)

(Helicam recording)


(they suddenly stop dead in their tracks.)

(What's going on?)

Please come over!

- Over here. / - They find this awkward.

- Hello. / - Hi.

Please have a seat over here.

- All right. / - Hello. Have a seat.

- Here. / - Thanks.

- Hello. / - Over here.

(Finally, they're in their seats.)

(Why are they facing that way, though?)

(They couldn't care less about the celebrities.)

The elders of the village are in love with our helicam.

They're asking if it's remote controlled.

Remote controlled?

- It's coming closer. Here it comes. / - Here it is.

- Come on. / - It's the helicam.

(Did I startle you?)


We're over here.

Look over there.

Wave at the camera.



Isn't it cool?

And now it flies away.

(Over and out!)

They are your partners for today.

They got dolled up to meet you today.

- Really? / - It's nice to meet you.

- Hello. / - Greetings.

- Hi. / - Hello.

Look how pretty they are today.

That's right.

Do you all go to the same salon?

- No. / - No?

- Not at all. / - Really?

- They see different stylists. / - I see.

Of course.

Do you normally wear your pearl necklace to work?

Of course. I see I still have it on.

I guess I forgot to take it off.

- I mean... / - Look at her.

Her pants match her shoes and gloves.

(She's the resident fashionista.)

You're very stylish.

- I'm drawing blood today. / - Blood?

Yes, over here.

- I see. / - That was alarming.

(They thought they had to donate blood.)

She gave us a hint of what we're doing today.

You all heard her.

We'll now go ahead

and let them decide on who they want as workers.

The six ladies here today will tell you

about the jobs they have for you.

You should know that some are harder than the others.

- Gosh. / - I knew it.

What's the toughest job today?

Guys, look at their shoes.

- Look at the shoes. / - That's enough of a clue.

- Look at hers. / - She has on boots.

- The boots. / - My goodness.

The job she has for us must be the hardest.

Let's start with the easiest task.

The jobs will get progressively harder.

So ma'am, could you tell us about the job

you have for them today?

I'm taking Jongmin to harvest chilies.

- The crown of the chili. / - Really?

- Chilies? / - Harvesting chilies.

- Right. / - The chili crown.

- We'll work at home. / - At home?

- Really? / - What?

- That should be easy. / - That's easy.

You can work while facing each other.

What if he ruins the chilies?

You'll get an earful from me!

It sounds quite easy though.

Would it be okay

to take someone else instead of Jongmin?

I only need the one.

She must be Jongmin's fan.

Do you even know our names?

- I don't. / - She only knows Jongmin.

My name is Cha Taehyun.

- Taehyun? / - Yes, that's me.

I only know Jongmin for sure.

- No way. / - That's unbelievable.

How can this be?

His seven years here wasn't all for nothing.

- Right? / - It was worth it.

Of course.

So Ms. Oh, who will you choose?

You know who it is.

- The one beside Jongmin? / - I only want Jongmin.

(Jongmin will take off chili crowns.)

No way.

- He'll be a disaster. / - Don't take him.

Whomever I choose is up to me.

- How could you? / - Come on.

It's supposed to be a fair process.

(It should be fair!)


- Why are you yelling? / - Whatever.

The next task shouldn't be so bad either.

Ma'am, what task do you have in store for them?

I'm going to the market.

- The market? / - That'd be great.

- To the market? / - So I need someone

- It'll be like a day off. / - who can bargain well.

- Ma'am, please. / - That's me.

- And good with numbers. / - Two, three dollars.

- Three, no. Two dollars. / - You should look pitiful.


You look beautiful today.

You look like the youngest of the bunch.

Can we be friends?

You're barely a few years older than me anyway.

I see he has a good eye.

- She is the youngest. / - Really?

See? I'm this good at driving a bargain.

We're really good at bargaining for things.

- But he's the worst. / - I don't like you, though.

- Did you hear that? / - I've nothing to say.

So I'm choosing the one in the red shirt.

- What? / - Ma'am.

- Me? / - No way.

- You can't do this to us. / - Ma'am.

Ma'am, I'm wearing a red shirt as well.

The moment I walked in and saw you all,

I immediately grew fond of him.

- That's impossible. / - Please, ma'am.

They're making decisions based on looks.

This isn't about who they fancy.

I stand no chance, then.

(Meanwhile, she's taking a good look at them all.)

(Why is she looking at me?)

Did you immediately feel a connection?

He looks like my son.

(Joohyuk will go to the market.)

Congratulations on an easy task.

(The two are delighted.)

The first two already got their guy,

but the remaining ladies are now scanning our faces.

(They quietly scan the remaining four.)

They're choosing as we speak.

Let me ask you this. Do any of you only care

about who's the strongest?

- Not me. / - Do our looks matter?

I like someone who takes my direction well.

- Someone obedient. / - Yes, that's it.

I need someone who listens to what I say.

It can't be someone stubborn.

- She means you. / - You mean me?

She thinks you're stubborn.

Next is a task with a level-three difficulty.

This is where the tasks

get a little trickier.

- Oh, no. / - I don't like this.

I'm working in the chili field,

so I need someone with strong legs.

- Here. / - Look at this.

I like the one wearing red pants.

(Do you mean Junho?)

- I like his legs. / - Thank you.

- Ma'am... / - They're great.

- Is it me or not? / - He needs to be strong.

- Ma'am, Taehyun has the strongest legs. / - He does.

He fathered three children.

I need all three of you.


It's a job for about five to six people.

But this is a level-three task.

You need to be strong too.

Let me ask you this, then.

If you had to choose one, who would it be?

I've liked him from the beginning.

They've already made up their minds.

- This is meaningless. / - Unbelievable.

Ma'am, who do you have in mind?


(I want you.)


I'll be doing the level-five task!

- Gosh. / - Unbelievable.

The lady at the end has been eyeing me nonstop.

You seem very strong.


There was no point to this.

Anyway, thank you so much.

(Junho will pull out chili stalks.)

Why are you more tanned than the lady with

the level-five task?

That's because I work a lot.

- I work day and night. / - Day and night?

You don't seem like the type to take breaks.

- I don't. / - You don't take breaks.

I keep on working.

Why won't you take breaks?

That's what I thought.

Okay, next.

- Only three are left. / - Gosh.

I need someone who's good with dogs.

- Dogs? / - Dogs?

He should be good with dogs.

I'd also like him

to follow my lead and do as I say.

Are we building a doghouse?

- Yes. / - Let me do it.

- I'll do it. / - What?

My friend!

What was that?

You were already chosen by someone else.

Who do you think will follow your orders best?

Out of you? I'd say none.


(They're good for nothing.)

Ma'am, how about this?

You can choose whoever mimics a dog the best.

- A dog? / - A dog or a puppy.

- That's a good idea. / - All right.

(If that's what you want...)


(Your wish is my command.)

(He wags his tail.)

Look at them.

(They all suddenly become dogs.)

(Taehyun flips on his back.)

(You're a sweetheart.)

That dog has a sunstroke.


(Is he exhausted already?)

He is useless.

- This dog collapsed. / - I think he's sick.

You're right.

That's a sick dog right there.

(Taehyun snags the opportunity.)

He's very good at this.

That dog's peeing.

(Which dog?)

Look at him.

(The fat dog!)

(He sure looks strong.)

Are you a tiger or a dog?

Ma'am, you should choose the sweetest dog.

I choose him at the end.

(Taehyun will build the doghouse.)

(What about these two, then?)

Joonyoung is out of luck today.

Since I'm second last to choose,

I'm losing all my top choices.

(She doesn't like either of them.)

That's too bad.

He's much stronger.

Joonyoung isn't lucky today.

What level-five task do you have for them today?


- What? / - Papering.



No, papering. You'll be papering a wall.

- A wall? / - With wallpaper?

- I love interior design. / - Papering.

I'm tall, so I can reach higher places.

My dad used to run a paper mill.

But you're too heavy.


You're too heavy to step on a chair.

(He's disqualified for safety reasons.)

(Defconn is hurt.)

- Right. / - I need someone

who's light and nimble.


- That's what I think. / - He's fast.

Joonyoung's fast.

I'm chubby too, so it wouldn't be safe if I chose you.

In that case, then he's your man.

- You were born to be mine. / - He's also tall too.

Did you hear that?

She says you were born to be hers.

(That was the most direct proposal ever.)

(They are made for each other.)

They're made for each other.

(She's already picturing how to utilize Defconn.)

He is pretty big.

She thinks you're too big to fit in the rice field.

Do I have to get in the field?

Of course. You need to weave in and out.

- In the ditch. / - Do you like me, though?

- His glasses... / - You're too big.

She thinks you're too big.

You're too big for the job.

He's too big to weave in and out.

What about him, then?

Would you like Joonyoung instead?

Yes. He's probably nimble.

The choice has already been made.

Play rock-paper- scissors for him.

You can't.

We've been sticking to the order so far!

- Gosh, we're sorry. / - Goodness.

Take him instead.

Take him.

- No, I won't. / - I need the other one.

Others should play rock-paper-scissors too, then.

It can't just be me.

- Did you hear that? / - You're absolutely right.

Joonyoung, get over here.

The choice has been made.

Defconn's hers.

(Defconn has to go to the rice field.)

(Joonyoung will paper the wall.)

Ma'am, please bear with me.

He looks good.

We'll do our best so we don't cause any trouble.

You'll need to fit between the crops.



- Already? / - You should wear them.

They are your sons for the day,

so treat them like your very own.

Can I smack them too?

- Of course. / - Really?

Is that a joke?

If you are

satisfied with the job they did,

you can also pay them a small amount.

I can't give you much,

but I won't let you go hungry.

- Really? / - That's great.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

Just know that I don't eat much.


Am I supposed to eat that?

- Doenjang. / - She means, "Darn it."

(That's what she meant.)

That's how she meant it.

That's how she replied to Defconn's statement.


It makes a delicious sauce.

Of course. Anyway, you can pay me

only if you think I did a good job.

- I'll do my best. / - Sure.

- She's hilarious. / - I know.

I want to win her approval.

Do you have meat at your house?

No, I don't.

- What do you have, then? / - Doenjang jjigae

and aged kimchi.

- Of course. / - That sounds great.

It's the best.

Will you even have time to eat, though?

That's right. We won't.

I'm busy every waking minute of the day.

You should enjoy your life more.

I will!

Anyway, let's all do our best.

- Of course. / - We can do it.

- Let's go. / - Good luck.

Let's ask her to cue us in.

- Just say, "Two Days." / - Sure.

Say "Two Days" on the count of three.

We'll join in by saying "One Night."

Which camera should we look into?

- Just make a V. / - Okay, I got it.

- Are you ready? / - Just say "Two Days".

- All right. / - Are we good?

One, two, three.

- One Night. / - Two Nights!

- One Night. / - Two Nights!


(Isn't a night with them enough?)

A single night is not enough for her.

She wants us to stay for more than a night.

- You'll lead us in. / - Two!

- The others will follow. / - Say "One Night" together.

- We'll do it together. / - "One Night".

- One, two, three. / - One!

- Two. / - Two!

You'll say "Two Days" alone.

One Night!

(Take three)

Hold on. What was that?

(She remained silent since she might get it wrong.)

- It's "Two Days". / - Hurry up already.

- We're losing daylight. / - Of course.

- You'll say "Two Days". / - She's right.

She'll be the only one saying it.

You've been great so far.

You know what you have to do, right?

- All right. / - Here we go.

- Two Days! / - One Night.

(Finally, they did it!)

For more infomation >> Gimje Countryside Diary Special - Workers selection contest!! [ENG/THAI/2017.11.05] - Duration: 16:41.


Spiderman Bottles Finger Family Song | Learn Colors and Numbers for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:19.

Please SUBSCRIBE to #Sutichannel

Please SUBSCRIBE to #Sutichannel

Please SUBSCRIBE to #Sutichannel

For more infomation >> Spiderman Bottles Finger Family Song | Learn Colors and Numbers for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:19.


Bái Kiến Cung Chủ Đại Nhân Tập 6 Vietsub 1080 l Việt TV - Duration: 44:00.

For more infomation >> Bái Kiến Cung Chủ Đại Nhân Tập 6 Vietsub 1080 l Việt TV - Duration: 44:00.


Mikóczi Ferenc: Merj kitörni - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Mikóczi Ferenc: Merj kitörni - Duration: 3:19.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY 17 KASIM 2017 SON SAYFA | GS GÜNDEMİ | UĞUR KARAKULLUKÇU & ILGAZ ÇINAR | Youtube - Duration: 13:03.


Игры для мальчиков гонки машинки видео для детей CarX Highway Rcaing #1 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Игры для мальчиков гонки машинки видео для детей CarX Highway Rcaing #1 - Duration: 4:31.


Korean guys react to "BONEZ MC & RAF CAMORA feat. MAXWELL - Ohne mein Team" - Duration: 4:45.

Hello, I'm the korean guy Donggun!

Today we'll watch a special video

Let's start

How sudden

I think they're doing a somersault

They came to have fun with a group of friends

Well done

What's that?

The girl is dancing

Different beginning

First there were guys and now women joined

Is this a party?

Great party

On a roof

With this dances

Are the guys athletes?

The woman has a dark voice

Korean alcohol?

Great dances

The woman who is dancing on the roof is beautiful

Wow really pretty

This woman


Dancing with the influence of alcohol

I like the beat

People change often and rap

You can really do something like this?

Wow the dance is amazing

Korea also has such attractions

Reminds me of the situation when you fly over a slippery ground into the water

Do the song's words have the same meaning?

Seems like the people gone crazy

They really have fun

Maybe they have taken drugs?

This sign is everywhere

Seems like a dangerous moment in a movie

It's the same in Korea

What was closed there?


Is this something bad?


The song is great

If you listen to it in the club you gonna have fun

Strong alcohol like in the clubs

Why isn't this song being played here?

Why isn't it playes in the korean clubs?

Now I'm gonna listen to it the whole time

If only the sexy scenes could last a little bit longer…

I like the song

Who are these guys?



The middle of the video was a little bit annoying/exciting

You have to listen to this song at beach partys etc

It's not something you want to listen it's something you have to listen

Thank you

Even if in the middle was something with cigaretts

I liked it because there were many beautiful girl

It's my style

It started with three guys having fun

I hadn't expected it to be such a video at the beginning

But compared to that I thought it's a great video

It was great to watch and I liked the beat

For more infomation >> Korean guys react to "BONEZ MC & RAF CAMORA feat. MAXWELL - Ohne mein Team" - Duration: 4:45.


【纯素吃播】[Vegan Mukbang] Drunken noodles+Mango Sticky Rice+Tofu stir fry+Sesame paste spinach - Duration: 28:32.

Hi everyone, this is Munchimadness here.

Today I brought

vegetarian series

it should be vegan atually

but these contain coconut milk

well....then...coconut milk

my chopstick fell

Then this should be vegan series.

Let's introduce the food first.

I ordered them from a restaurant.

These two are drunk noodle

It's kind of similar to Chow Fun

This one is spicy, and this one is mild spicy.

I made this spinach dressed with sauce.

Sesame paste.

Sesame paste, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.

Mango sticky rice, which is mixture of sticky rice and mango.

It contains coconut juice.

This is white rice, and this is black rice.

Which is white rice and black rice.

This is tofu stir fry.

It's accompanied with dry chili pepper.

Water. And rice that pair with these dishes.

Let's have a look of closeshot.

Awesome. The camera focuses on my chest. 👏🏻

Cold spinach with sauce.

Drunken noodle.

Mango sticky rice.

It's my first time ordering from that restaurant, and wow

It costs more than $60.

Exclude $5 tips I paid.

I should probably cook once in every 2 eating show,

so that I can afford making videos.

Let's eat this first.

I made this.

It's eatable just after being boiled.

So yummy.

I really like spinach.

Something strange about it,

is why it tastes sweet somehow?

No there is no sweetness, just

It feels like sweet.

No there is not.

Very...very good.

Sooo yummy.

Filming a video feels like thanksgiving to me,

which is eating tons of great food.

So happy.

This is tofu.



Woah god

This is mango.

This one is yummy too.

They are all yummy.

The mango is so sweet.

So happy.


I don't eat mushroom.

This rice noodles are tender.

These broccolis are so palatable.

This part

absorbed so many juices, so it's flavory.

I'll go get spoon.


Woah there's sesame on top.

There are two pieces of mango.

I like them both.

I just finished the spinach.

Just now my phone

Just now my phone's storage

Just now the phone's stor...

Just now my phone's storage is full again,

so I went to delete some stuff.

go on.

Food is cold already.

I'll put some chili on this.

It's dry chili pepper. They smell so good.

Just a little.

Woah this chili pepper is good.

Geez so spicy.

Wow so hot.

This pepper is unbelievably hot.

Did my face turn red?


My god this is too hot for me.

At the beginning I can't taste the spiciness, but

Jesses christ.

It's too chili.

This mild spicy one,

The mild spicy drunken noodle is gone.

Let me move the camera closer.

Now it's closer.

I feel like I have pulled all my hair off.

It hurts so bad.

Here's so crowded.

It still hurts.

Mango sticky rice is finished.

It's really yummy.

These two dishes are cold. I'll microwave them.

The foil can't be microwaved. I'll go get a bowl.

I'm full.

Let me find a couple of excuses.

First excuse, I haven't been filming for a long time that my stomach shrinks.

Now I'm having a few days of holiday,

so I have some times to eat.

I was having classes earlier,

and I've been skipping meals.

I'm having a few days off,

though I still have homework to do,

I have some free time to enjoy my meals.

So my stomach should stretch bigger as I eating these days.

2ed excuse,

there were too many accidents today.

I did prepare a lot, but still

First of all, I poured water over my laptop earlier.

Yes, again.

It's been sitting till today I can turn it on again.

I was trying to share my phone screen to my laptop, but I failed

using the 1st app.

The food has been set up while I was trying to figure things out.

and my food got cold.

Finally the app starts working,

but during recording it crashed.

I have to fix it again, and the food got even colder.

After tons of working it's still failing, so I have to try 2ed app.

A new one.

I'm back.

My laptop just crashed.

I'll show you.

This is how I record, so I can see myself on the screen.

Then this thing just crashed.

See the small black window?

It's trash.

I just purchased a new screen sharing app.

So I can see myself.

I'll continue eating.

I continued eating, but then it tells me

my phone's storage is full.

So I took my phone down,

delete, delete, and delete.

Then put it back.

There were so many accidents, so then...

basically I missed the best time to eat.

The noodle lost its texture.

It seems like I only have these 2 excuses.

3rd excuse,

I'll put them in fridge,

and eat as breakfast.

No food are wasted.

One more thing, the dance that I posted on September 1st,

Togen Renka.

I was wearing high heels for this dance,

and almost fell and die.

I haven't mentioned in my mukbang yet, so

Are you sure you're not going to have a look?

Click here to watch it.

Or there's links down in the description.

Or there'll be end screen cards as I end this video.

Sure I'll end the video now.


if u like it pls leave a like, comment or share.

Or subscribe.

Don't forget to click the bell.

Feel free to check out my other videos.

This is Munchimadness, and I'll see you in the next video.


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