Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

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For more infomation >> Mallepoola Challagali || Remix || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 2:41.


10 COMMONLY CONFUSED Word Pairs in English - May be / Maybe | Every Day / Everyday | Lose / Loose - Duration: 14:19.

Welcome back.

In this lesson, we're going to look at ten commonly confused pairs of words.

I will show you how to avoid the confusion and use all of these correctly without making


There are two quizzes in this lesson – one in the middle and one in the end – for you

to check your understanding.

So let's jump in.

The first pair of words are 'lose' and 'loose'.

The word 'lose' with a single 'o' is a verb.

The most common meaning of this verb is 'to not have something because you can't find


For example: "I don't take my watch when I go swimming so that I don't lose it."

Notice that the last sound in this word is /z/ - /lu:z/.

Another meaning is 'to fail to win a competition' as in: "The team will be out of the tournament

if it loses this match."

'Loose' with two 'o's is an adjective that means 'not fixed or not attached strongly'.

For example: "It looks like you have a loose button on your shirt."

Here, the last sound is /s/ - /lu:s/" One of my teeth is loose.

I think it's going to fall off."

To recap the pronunciation, 'lose' has a /z/ sound at the end and 'loose' has

a 's' sound at the end – 'lose', 'loose'.

Number two is the pair of 'every day' and 'everyday'.

The difference in spelling between these forms is the space.

When we write 'every day' with a space, it's an adverb phrase that simply means

'each day'.

In most situations, this is the form you should use.

For example: "I get up at 7 am every day."

"He goes to the gym every day." and so on.

When it's written without a space, 'everyday' is an adjective that means 'common or ordinary'.

"I need to buy a pair of jeans for everyday wear."

(meaning for daily use.)

"The best teachers explain difficult concepts using simple, everyday language."

That means using ordinary language.

So remember that 'every day' with a space means 'each day' and without a space,

it means 'common or ordinary'.

Next up are the words 'maybe' and 'may be'.

Again, the difference is the space.

These words are very close in meaning.

Both of them are used to make guesses or talk about possibility.

When we write 'maybe' as a single word, it's an adverb.

Take this sentence: "It will rain tomorrow" – here, the main verb is 'rain' and

there's the helping verb 'will' – this is a modal verb used to make predictions about

the future.

So this sentence sounds like I'm confident that it will rain tomorrow.

But if I'm not so sure, I can say: "Maybe it will rain tomorrow."

So the maybe at the beginning makes it a little softer – I'm not so confident.

Instead, we can also say "It may rain tomorrow."

or "It might rain tomorrow."

Here, we have used the modal verb 'may' or 'might' (same meaning) to make a weak

prediction or guess about the future.

Here's another example: let's say that a baby is crying.

Someone asks, "Why is the baby crying?" and the answer is "She is hungry."

That sounds like we're very sure that that's why the baby is crying.

But what if we're not so sure?

Simple: add 'maybe' to the beginning of the sentence.

But I have a question for you: what is the main verb in this sentence?

It's 'is' which is a present tense form of 'be'.

There's no helping verb here because we don't need one in the present tense.

So here's another way we can say this: "She may be hungry."

Here, 'may' is a modal verb and 'be' is the main verb in the sentence.

This is always true when we write 'may' and 'be' as separate words: 'may'

is a modal verb that shows uncertainty and 'be' is the main verb.

One last example: "I forgot to get my brother a birthday present.

Maybe that is why he's angry with me."

You can also say, "That may be why he is angry with me."

If you want, stop the video, read all of this and make sure you understand.

Then play the video again and continue.

Number four is the pair of 'Desert' and 'dessert'.

'Desert' (with only one 's') is a noun refers to an area covered with sand where

there's no water or plant life.

For example, "The Sahara is the largest desert in the world."

The word 'dessert' refers to something sweet that's eaten at the end of a meal.

Like cake, pie or ice cream.

So, after you have dinner at a friend's place, you can ask: "What's for dessert?"

Now, as for me, "I love having chocolate cake for dessert."

Notice the way that we pronounce these words.

Both of them have a /z/ sound in the middle.

The difference is in how we say the first vowel: 'desert' (with an /eh/ sound and

with the stress on the first syllable – 'desert'), 'dessert' (with an 'i' sound and with

the stress on the second syllable – 'dessert').

It's really simple but there's one little exception.

The word with the single 's' can also be pronounced /dessert/ in one situation – when

it's used as a verb.

And it means to leave someone without help.

"Darling, I promise I'll never desert you.

I'll always be by your side."

A very romantic line.

But, if this is confusing for you, don't worry.

This use is not so important.

Just remember that 'desert' is an area covered with sand and with no water or plant

life, and 'dessert' is something sweet that's eaten of a meal.

Number five are 'Principal' and 'principle' which both sound the same.

'Principal' (spelled with 'al' at the end) is an adjective that means 'main

or most important'.

For example: "The principal aim of this channel is to bring free English lessons to

all learners."

'Principal aim' means the 'main aim'.

'Principal' can also be a noun that means the head of a school (because he or she is

the most important person in the school): "I think you're in trouble.

The principal wants to see you."

The word 'principle' (spelled with 'le' at the end) is a noun that means a theory

or a rule.

"To be a good musician, you should learn the basic principles of music theory."

It can also mean a moral rule – that is, a rule for good behavior: "I never cheat

on exams because it goes against my principles."

So 'principal' with 'al' is means 'main, most important', or 'the head

of a school' and 'principle' (with 'le') is a theory or rule.

Alright, now it's time for the first exercise.

This will help us to practice the first five pairs of words that we just discussed.

There are ten sentences on the screen.

In each one, I want you to choose the correct word.

Stop the video, think about your answers, then play the video again and check.

OK, here are the answers.

If you want, stop the video and check them with your answers.

Alright, let's now turn to number six – 'compliment' and 'complement'.

The difference in spelling between these two words is the one letter in the middle – 'i'

or 'e'.

But both words are pronounced the exact same way.

The word 'compliment' with an 'i' is a verb that means to praise someone for


For example: "I must compliment you on your English.

It's excellent!"

So I'm praising you for your English skills.

With the same meaning, it can also be used as a noun that means 'a comment or expression

of praise'.

"Please give my compliments to the chef."

It's common to say this to a waiter in a restaurant when you really enjoyed the meal.

When someone pays you a compliment, that is someone praises you, you can say: "Thank

you for the compliment."

The word 'complement' with an 'e' is normally a verb that means 'to make something

better, complete or perfect'.

So if we say that A complements B, it means that A makes B better or complete.

For example: "Her scarf complements her sweater perfectly."

It means that the scarf makes the sweater look complete or more attractive.

And with the same meaning, 'complement' can be a used as a noun that means 'a thing

that improves or completes something else.'

"Vanilla ice cream provides the best complement to apple pie."

That means it tastes great if you eat vanilla ice cream when you also eat apple pie.

So, 'compliment' with an 'i' means 'to praise someone for something' and

with an 'e' it means to 'make something better, complete or perfect."

Next up are 'ensure' and 'insure' which are usually pronounced the same way.

'Ensure' (spelled with an 'e' at the beginning) means the same thing as 'make


You say it when you want to tell someone to definitely do something.

As in: "Before signing any contract, ensure that you read and fully understand it."

"We must ensure that this doesn't happen again."

In both these sentences, we can use 'make sure' in the place of ensure and the meaning

would be the same.

The word 'insure' (with 'i' at the beginning) is also a verb and it means to

purchase insurance for something.

For example: "We've just insured our car against theft."

That means, if our car gets stolen, the insurance company will pay us some amount of money.

People sometimes get strange types of insurance: "The famous actor insured his nose for a

million dollars."

That means if something happens to his nose by accident, then he might not look so handsome

and may not be able to get acting jobs.

So, the insurance company will have to pay him a million dollars.

So remember, 'ensure' (with an 'e') means 'to make sure' and 'insure'

(with an 'i') means to purchase insurance for something.

Number eight is 'Affect' and 'effect'.

These two words are related.

'Affect' is a verb and it means 'to create a change in someone or something'.

It's generally used in a negative sense.

For example: "Glaucoma is a disease that affects the eyes."

"Many large cities are badly affected by pollution."

'Effect' is a noun, and it means 'the result or the change caused by something'.

"Too much homework can have negative effects on children."

"Are you sure this medicine has no side effects?"

Side-effects means any negative effects that the medicine might produce apart from the

main, positive effect.

So, 'affect' is a verb that means to create a change, and 'effect' is the change or

the result.

Up next are 'break' and 'brake'.

These two words are pronounced exactly the same way.

But they mean different things.

'Break' (spelled with 'eak') is usually a verb that means 'to damage something'.

For example: "Be careful not to break that glass!"

In some situations, this word can be a noun which means 'a short period when an activity

is stopped'.

As in: "Let's take a short break now.

Please be back in 10 minutes."

We usually talk about lunch breaks, coffee breaks, etc.

The word 'brake' (spelled with 'ake') is a noun that refers to a device that's

used to stop a vehicle (like your car, motorbike etc.): "I slammed on the brakes when I saw

the old lady walk onto the road."

"Slammed on the brakes" means I applied the brakes suddenly.

And finally, number ten is the pair of 'breath' and 'breathe'.

'Breath' (without the 'e') is a noun.

It refers to the air that we take into and leave out from our lungs.

For example: "Are you drunk?

Your breath smells of alcohol."

Notice that the last sound in this word is 'th' like in 'thing'.

"Take a deep breath and relax."

'Breathe' is the verb; that is, it's the action of taking air into the lungs and

then leaving it out.

"It's hard to breathe in here.

Can we open one of the windows?"

Here, notice that the last sound is 'dh' like in 'this' or 'that'.

"Divers use oxygen masks to breathe underwater."

So remember that 'breath' is the noun and 'breathe' is the verb.

Alright, now it's time for the second and final quiz.

Once again, I want you to choose the correct word in each sentence.

Stop the video, think about your answers, then play the video again and check.

OK, here are the answers.

Let me know how many you got right in the comments section below.

If you enjoyed this lesson, give it a thumbs-up by hitting the 'like' button.

If you're new to my channel, make sure to click that subscribe button and the bell icon

next to it to get my latest lessons right here on YouTube.

Happy learning, and I will see you in another lesson soon.

For more infomation >> 10 COMMONLY CONFUSED Word Pairs in English - May be / Maybe | Every Day / Everyday | Lose / Loose - Duration: 14:19.


Phonics Letter T | Learning Street With Bob | Kindergarten Songs | ABC Videos for babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:24.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes its me bob

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter T | Learning Street With Bob | Kindergarten Songs | ABC Videos for babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:24.


We Wish You A Merry Christmas | Schoolies |Christmas Songs | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:09:24.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Good tidings to you wherever you are good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Now bring us pudding

Now bring us pudding

Now bring us pudding and bring it right here

We won't go 'til we got some

We won't go 'til we got some

We won't go until we get some so bring it out here!

Good tidings to you wherever you are good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Now bring us some tea and breakfast

Now bring us some tea and breakfast

Now bring us some tea and breakfast and bring it right here

For Christmas time is coming

For Christmas time is coming

For Christmas time is coming is soon will be here

Good tidings to you wherever you are good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

For more infomation >> We Wish You A Merry Christmas | Schoolies |Christmas Songs | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:09:24.


Albin Dubbar: Frozen - "Du är världens sämsta syrra" - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Albin Dubbar: Frozen - "Du är världens sämsta syrra" - Duration: 2:56.


Kids Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Songs Collection | Kindergarten Videos| Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:32.

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow back to my home

I dare not go for if I do

My mother will say

Did you ever see a snake baking a cake?

Down by the bay

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow back to my home

I dare not go for if I do

My mother will say

Did you ever see a bee, drinking some tea?

Down by the bay

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow back to my home

I dare not go for if I do

My mother will say

"Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail?"

Down by the bay

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow back to my home

I dare not go for if I do

My mother will say

Did you ever see a cat, wearing a hat?

Down by the bay

For more infomation >> Kids Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Songs Collection | Kindergarten Videos| Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:32.


【Sword and Magical Logless】 Bow Weapon Motion Summary We collected only as much as possible! - Duration: 7:44.

Sword and magic logless I tried collecting attack motions of "bow" as much as I could collect at the old goddess!

Thank you for registering channels if you like.

For more infomation >> 【Sword and Magical Logless】 Bow Weapon Motion Summary We collected only as much as possible! - Duration: 7:44.


অবাক কথা !! মাশরাফি হঠাৎ করে এই কথা কেন বললেন ম্যাককালামকে | 24 Ghonta News - Duration: 2:22.

Surprise !! Why did Mashrafee suddenly say this to McCallam?

Video is presented by 24 Ghonta News

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For more infomation >> অবাক কথা !! মাশরাফি হঠাৎ করে এই কথা কেন বললেন ম্যাককালামকে | 24 Ghonta News - Duration: 2:22.


Detective Conan for PlayStation: Epilogue [German translatable subtitles] - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Detective Conan for PlayStation: Epilogue [German translatable subtitles] - Duration: 10:10.


2Days & 1Night Season3 : Gimje Countryside Diary Special-2014 [ENG/THAI/2017.10.29] - Duration: 1:13:16.

(Two Days and One Night)

(The best trip voted by our viewers,)

(Gimje Countryside Diary Special)

(Dragonflies bathe in the sun.)

(Cosmos flowers say hello.)

(It's fall.)

(We're at)

(the countryside village of Gimje.)

- What now? / - We're helping.

Are we here to work the fields?

We are in Shindeok Village,

Gimje, North Jeolla Province.

Isn't it close to your hometown?

Yes, mine's only half an hour away.

The rice here is delicious.

It's Korea's largest breadbasket.

It's the only place where you can see the horizon.

- The horizon? / - Really?

Isn't that it?

Isn't that the linear line?

The endless horizon.

We see it at the sea too.

- Really? / - Knowing that is nothing to be proud of.

Farmers get busy around this time of year.

- Now that scares me. / - So today's theme is

the Countryside Diary Special.


(He knows what's going to happen.)

It means we're working today.

We're all probably going to have chores.

Think of it as an abbreviation.

- We're all working. / - Right.

So let me introduce you to the elders of the village,

- who will hand out the jobs. / - Please come out!

(Like greeting a son back home)

(There's a skip to their steps.)

(Helicam recording)


(they suddenly stop dead in their tracks.)

(What's going on?)

Please come over!

- Over here. / - They find this awkward.

- Hello. / - Hi.

Please have a seat over here.

- All right. / - Hello. Have a seat.

- Here. / - Thanks.

- Hello. / - Over here.

(Finally, they're in their seats.)

(Why are they facing that way, though?)

(They couldn't care less about the celebrities.)

The elders of the village are in love with our helicam.

They're asking if it's remote controlled.

Remote controlled?

- It's coming closer. Here it comes. / - Here it is.

- Come on. / - It's the helicam.

(Did I startle you?)


We're over here.

Look over there.

Wave at the camera.



Isn't it cool?

And now it flies away.

(Over and out!)

They are your partners for today.

They got dolled up to meet you today.

- Really? / - It's nice to meet you.

- Hello. / - Greetings.

- Hi. / - Hello.

Look how pretty they are today.

That's right.

Do you all go to the same salon?

- No. / - No?

- Not at all. / - Really?

- They see different stylists. / - I see.

Of course.

Do you normally wear your pearl necklace to work?

Of course. I see I still have it on.

I guess I forgot to take it off.

- I mean... / - Look at her.

Her pants match her shoes and gloves.

(She's the resident fashionista.)

You're very stylish.

- I'm drawing blood today. / - Blood?

Yes, over here.

- I see. / - That was alarming.

(They thought they had to donate blood.)

She gave us a hint of what we're doing today.

You all heard her.

We'll now go ahead

and let them decide on who they want as workers.

The six ladies here today will tell you

about the jobs they have for you.

You should know that some are harder than the others.

- Gosh. / - I knew it.

What's the toughest job today?

Guys, look at their shoes.

- Look at the shoes. / - That's enough of a clue.

- Look at hers. / - She has on boots.

- The boots. / - My goodness.

The job she has for us must be the hardest.

Let's start with the easiest task.

The jobs will get progressively harder.

So ma'am, could you tell us about the job

you have for them today?

I'm taking Jongmin to harvest chilies.

- The crown of the chili. / - Really?

- Chilies? / - Harvesting chilies.

- Right. / - The chili crown.

- We'll work at home. / - At home?

- Really? / - What?

- That should be easy. / - That's easy.

You can work while facing each other.

What if he ruins the chilies?

You'll get an earful from me!

It sounds quite easy though.

Would it be okay

to take someone else instead of Jongmin?

I only need the one.

She must be Jongmin's fan.

Do you even know our names?

- I don't. / - She only knows Jongmin.

My name is Cha Taehyun.

- Taehyun? / - Yes, that's me.

I only know Jongmin for sure.

- No way. / - That's unbelievable.

How can this be?

His seven years here wasn't all for nothing.

- Right? / - It was worth it.

Of course.

So Ms. Oh, who will you choose?

You know who it is.

- The one beside Jongmin? / - I only want Jongmin.

(Jongmin will take off chili crowns.)

No way.

- He'll be a disaster. / - Don't take him.

Whomever I choose is up to me.

- How could you? / - Come on.

It's supposed to be a fair process.

(It should be fair!)


- Why are you yelling? / - Whatever.

The next task shouldn't be so bad either.

Ma'am, what task do you have in store for them?

I'm going to the market.

- The market? / - That'd be great.

- To the market? / - So I need someone

- It'll be like a day off. / - who can bargain well.

- Ma'am, please. / - That's me.

- And good with numbers. / - Two, three dollars.

- Three, no. Two dollars. / - You should look pitiful.


You look beautiful today.

You look like the youngest of the bunch.

Can we be friends?

You're barely a few years older than me anyway.

I see he has a good eye.

- She is the youngest. / - Really?

See? I'm this good at driving a bargain.

We're really good at bargaining for things.

- But he's the worst. / - I don't like you, though.

- Did you hear that? / - I've nothing to say.

So I'm choosing the one in the red shirt.

- What? / - Ma'am.

- Me? / - No way.

- You can't do this to us. / - Ma'am.

Ma'am, I'm wearing a red shirt as well.

The moment I walked in and saw you all,

I immediately grew fond of him.

- That's impossible. / - Please, ma'am.

They're making decisions based on looks.

This isn't about who they fancy.

I stand no chance, then.

(Meanwhile, she's taking a good look at them all.)

(Why is she looking at me?)

Did you immediately feel a connection?

He looks like my son.

(Joohyuk will go to the market.)

Congratulations on an easy task.

(The two are delighted.)

The first two already got their guy,

but the remaining ladies are now scanning our faces.

(They quietly scan the remaining four.)

They're choosing as we speak.

Let me ask you this. Do any of you only care

about who's the strongest?

- Not me. / - Do our looks matter?

I like someone who takes my direction well.

- Someone obedient. / - Yes, that's it.

I need someone who listens to what I say.

It can't be someone stubborn.

- She means you. / - You mean me?

She thinks you're stubborn.

Next is a task with a level-three difficulty.

This is where the tasks

get a little trickier.

- Oh, no. / - I don't like this.

I'm working in the chili field,

so I need someone with strong legs.

- Here. / - Look at this.

I like the one wearing red pants.

(Do you mean Junho?)

- I like his legs. / - Thank you.

- Ma'am... / - They're great.

- Is it me or not? / - He needs to be strong.

- Ma'am, Taehyun has the strongest legs. / - He does.

He fathered three children.

I need all three of you.


It's a job for about five to six people.

But this is a level-three task.

You need to be strong too.

Let me ask you this, then.

If you had to choose one, who would it be?

I've liked him from the beginning.

They've already made up their minds.

- This is meaningless. / - Unbelievable.

Ma'am, who do you have in mind?


(I want you.)


I'll be doing the level-five task!

- Gosh. / - Unbelievable.

The lady at the end has been eyeing me nonstop.

You seem very strong.


There was no point to this.

Anyway, thank you so much.

(Junho will pull out chili stalks.)

Why are you more tanned than the lady with

the level-five task?

That's because I work a lot.

- I work day and night. / - Day and night?

You don't seem like the type to take breaks.

- I don't. / - You don't take breaks.

I keep on working.

Why won't you take breaks?

That's what I thought.

Okay, next.

- Only three are left. / - Gosh.

I need someone who's good with dogs.

- Dogs? / - Dogs?

He should be good with dogs.

I'd also like him

to follow my lead and do as I say.

Are we building a doghouse?

- Yes. / - Let me do it.

- I'll do it. / - What?

My friend!

What was that?

You were already chosen by someone else.

Who do you think will follow your orders best?

Out of you? I'd say none.


(They're good for nothing.)

Ma'am, how about this?

You can choose whoever mimics a dog the best.

- A dog? / - A dog or a puppy.

- That's a good idea. / - All right.

(If that's what you want...)


(Your wish is my command.)

(He wags his tail.)

Look at them.

(They all suddenly become dogs.)

(Taehyun flips on his back.)

(You're a sweetheart.)

That dog has a sunstroke.


(Is he exhausted already?)

He is useless.

- This dog collapsed. / - I think he's sick.

You're right.

That's a sick dog right there.

(Taehyun snags the opportunity.)

He's very good at this.

That dog's peeing.

(Which dog?)

Look at him.

(The fat dog!)

(He sure looks strong.)

Are you a tiger or a dog?

Ma'am, you should choose the sweetest dog.

I choose him at the end.

(Taehyun will build the doghouse.)

(What about these two, then?)

Joonyoung is out of luck today.

Since I'm second last to choose,

I'm losing all my top choices.

(She doesn't like either of them.)

That's too bad.

He's much stronger.

Joonyoung isn't lucky today.

What level-five task do you have for them today?


- What? / - Papering.



No, papering. You'll be papering a wall.

- A wall? / - With wallpaper?

- I love interior design. / - Papering.

I'm tall, so I can reach higher places.

My dad used to run a paper mill.

But you're too heavy.


You're too heavy to step on a chair.

(He's disqualified for safety reasons.)

(Defconn is hurt.)

- Right. / - I need someone

who's light and nimble.


- That's what I think. / - He's fast.

Joonyoung's fast.

I'm chubby too, so it wouldn't be safe if I chose you.

In that case, then he's your man.

- You were born to be mine. / - He's also tall too.

Did you hear that?

She says you were born to be hers.

(That was the most direct proposal ever.)

(They are made for each other.)

They're made for each other.

(She's already picturing how to utilize Defconn.)

He is pretty big.

She thinks you're too big to fit in the rice field.

Do I have to get in the field?

Of course. You need to weave in and out.

- In the ditch. / - Do you like me, though?

- His glasses... / - You're too big.

She thinks you're too big.

You're too big for the job.

He's too big to weave in and out.

What about him, then?

Would you like Joonyoung instead?

Yes. He's probably nimble.

The choice has already been made.

Play rock-paper- scissors for him.

You can't.

We've been sticking to the order so far!

- Gosh, we're sorry. / - Goodness.

Take him instead.

Take him.

- No, I won't. / - I need the other one.

Others should play rock-paper-scissors too, then.

It can't just be me.

- Did you hear that? / - You're absolutely right.

Joonyoung, get over here.

The choice has been made.

Defconn's hers.

(Defconn has to go to the rice field.)

(Joonyoung will paper the wall.)

Ma'am, please bear with me.

He looks good.

We'll do our best so we don't cause any trouble.

You'll need to fit between the crops.



- Already? / - You should wear them.

They are your sons for the day,

so treat them like your very own.

Can I smack them too?

- Of course. / - Really?

Is that a joke?

If you are

satisfied with the job they did,

you can also pay them a small amount.

I can't give you much,

but I won't let you go hungry.

- Really? / - That's great.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

Just know that I don't eat much.


Am I supposed to eat that?

- Doenjang. / - She means, "Darn it."

(That's what she meant.)

That's how she meant it.

That's how she replied to Defconn's statement.


It makes a delicious sauce.

Of course. Anyway, you can pay me

only if you think I did a good job.

- I'll do my best. / - Sure.

- She's hilarious. / - I know.

I want to win her approval.

Do you have meat at your house?

No, I don't.

- What do you have, then? / - Doenjang jjigae

and aged kimchi.

- Of course. / - That sounds great.

It's the best.

Will you even have time to eat, though?

That's right. We won't.

I'm busy every waking minute of the day.

You should enjoy your life more.

I will!

Anyway, let's all do our best.

- Of course. / - We can do it.

- Let's go. / - Good luck.

Let's ask her to cue us in.

- Just say, "Two Days." / - Sure.

Say "Two Days" on the count of three.

We'll join in by saying "One Night."

Which camera should we look into?

- Just make a V. / - Okay, I got it.

- Are you ready? / - Just say "Two Days".

- All right. / - Are we good?

One, two, three.

- One Night. / - Two Nights!

- One Night. / - Two Nights!


(Isn't a night with them enough?)

A single night is not enough for her.

She wants us to stay for more than a night.

- You'll lead us in. / - Two!

- The others will follow. / - Say "One Night" together.

- We'll do it together. / - "One Night".

- One, two, three. / - One!

- Two. / - Two!

You'll say "Two Days" alone.

One Night!

(Take three)

Hold on. What was that?

(She remained silent since she might get it wrong.)

- It's "Two Days". / - Hurry up already.

- We're losing daylight. / - Of course.

- You'll say "Two Days". / - She's right.

She'll be the only one saying it.

You've been great so far.

You know what you have to do, right?

- All right. / - Here we go.

- Two Days! / - One Night.

(Finally, they did it!)

Ma'am, wait for me.

Wait for me.

(She busily heads off alone.)

Like I said, I'm busy every waking minute.

How about we go out into the town,

do some shopping

and eat at some of Gimje's most delicious restaurants?

- What do you say? / - Sure.

- Did you listen to what I just said? / - Sure.

We need to go that way.

My chilies are over there.

Are we going to work already?

(She wasn't listening after all.)

- Is this it? / - Yes.

- Whose field is it? / - Mine.

Are we working already?

But we just got here.

It will take over two hours to pull these out.

You don't have to do it all today, though.

It doesn't have to be done today.

Of course. Will you do it tomorrow, then?

(It's your job either way.)

Is that it?


(It's going to be quite the day today.)

(Who's putting on these extravagant pants?)

(It's Defconn with the level-six task.)

(He puts on his big-sized boots.)


Where are you?

- Do I look okay? / - Sure.

- I'm here. / - You really are huge.

I am.

Gosh. Is it always so hot here?

No, but it is around this time of year.

- So my job is to pull out the weeds. / - That's right.

Gather them with your hands.

All right.

Let's say these are weeds.

Take them in your hands

and cut them with a sickle.

- Grab and cut. / - I see.

How long do you normally do this?

From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(She normally works from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

6 p.m.

- 8 hours a day. / - I think it's 10.

- Is it 10 hours? / - Yes.

- Then 10 it is. / - Yes, 10.

You work 10 hours a day.

- Get in this way. / - Sure.

Make sure not to break the crops as you weave through.

- Of course not. / - That'd be bad.

You can watch as I make my way down.

- Aren't you coming? / - I'm not.

- I'm your supervisor today. / - I see.

- I'll start now. / - Sure.

- You can watch me. / - Go ahead.

- Look how I'm doing. / - Watch the crops.

Am I doing well?

(The supervisor has her hands behind her.)

- Am I doing all right? / - Get on with it.

- I'll get rid of them. / - Sure.

Do you get leeches around here?

We do.

(We do get leeches.)

You have boots on, so stop worrying.

- You over there. / - Yes?

Discard the weeds you cut

- at the end of the ditch. / - Sure thing.

Be careful.

You'll ruin all the crops if you fall down.


- You over there! / - Yes?

What's your name?

It's tricky. My name is Defconn.

What did you say?


- Defconn. / - Defconn?

Yes, that's right.

- Degofnn. / - Right.

Your name must mean you're big as well.

Yes, exactly.

Are you still watching?

- Be careful out there. / - Sure.

I shouldn't ruin a single crop.

It's 10 cents for each ruined crop.

Sure thing.

Here it is.

(Standing awkwardly)

(Finally, he pulls out his first weed.)

Is this it?

- Is this it? / - Yes.

- Did I get it right? / - Yes.

Make some noise!

- Okay! / - Thank you.

These weeds are a menace.

Ma'am, is this always done manually?

- Can't machines do it? / - They can't.

- They'll cause too much damage. / - I see.

Do you see the weeds in front of you?

Grab them with your hand.

All right. I'll do just that.

Once they're gathered, cut it with your sickle.

- My sickle? / - Cut it across.

- Like this? / - That wasn't deep enough.

Reach further down.

- Further down? / - Yes, at least halfway.

I can't tell them apart.

(It's not easy to spot them.)

What about this?

- What about this? / - Good job.

I did a good job.

Ma'am, when do we eat?

(You haven't done any work yet.)

At noon. Noon!


I should've cut them

before the crops started to grow. I'm late.

There aren't many hands to help either, right?

- No. / - There aren't.

I'll help you as much as I can today.

(The dark area is full of weeds.)

The weeds are tough.

(It's not easy since it's his first time.)

(But he does his best.)

(Meanwhile, at Junho's chili field)

- Do I pick the red ones? / - Yes.

Pick them and cut the strings.

You need to pick the chili stalks.

I need to pick the stalks after picking the chilies?


(After giving instructions,)

(Ms. Mallae starts working.)

(She looks skilled in using a sickle.)

(She's unbelievably fast.)

(She keeps working without a single break.)

(She's the master of the chili farm.)

You need to get rid of the supporting sticks.

I'll do it. Let me handle this.

I'll do the work that requires power. I'm a man.


(Why is it so firmly stuck?)

My goodness. It won't come out.

This is harder than I thought.

Could you try picking one?

(Defconn tries to pick one pole.)

Here you go.

(He easily picked it out.)

(It's easy.)

Something is wrong. It's supposed to be hard.

I didn't know it required power.

Gosh, this is hard.

(A little while later)

(Junho got the hang of it.)

(He picked out a few stakes.)

Ms. Mallae works all the time.

She works even at night.

- I'm so unlucky. / - You are indeed.

She's the only one working when others are singing.

I was once scared by some rustling noise

while passing by here. It turned out to be her.

(Junho is picked by the wrong partner today.)

Son, don't be so frustrated.

I'm going back to Seoul, Mom.

I want to go study.

My talent doesn't deserve this.

I'll go to Seoul and become a lawyer.

I'll give this to you. I'll give this to you.

Since you worked hard, I'll give this to you.

No, I'm tired of chilies. We always eat them at home.

(Her son is sick of chilies.)

Defconn, how much have you done?

Would you like to try picking one?

No, thank you.

That's the hardest task, isn't it?

- Why don't you help him? / - Pardon?

I've got to help her.

Ms. Mallae and I work and help each other,

while you're just watching him work like a supervisor.

He's really sly.

- What are you saying? / - I'm better, right?

Ma'am, aren't I better than him?

- You are. / - Make some noise!

What do you want from me?

"What do you want from me?"

(Junho and Defconn get used to the work.)

(Here's a child who doesn't know what to do.)

- Do you live alone? / - Yes.

- Really? / - I live alone.

You must be living in a studio apartment, then.

(The room to paper will be small.)

(Welcome to the palace.)

You live alone in such a big place?

(This is where Joonyoung will be working today.)

(Repaper the old wall.)

- This... / - We need to rip it first.

- Rip it? / - Yes.

Do I rip out the paper first?

Yes, you should.

Very well.


(He's so poor at ripping it.)

Ma'am, doesn't this look artsy?



It looked like something.

Oh, no. There's a spider.

It's all right.

(He's a scaredy-cat.)

We're in trouble.

At this rate, you can't finish this by today.

You're right.

How was your first impression of him?

It's all right. It's all right, but

he's a little weak.

Ma'am, you need to speak a little more quietly

so that I can't hear.

When will I ever finish this?

You better rip it quicker.

Let me search how to rip wallpapers.

"How to rip wallpapers easily."

You can search that too?

It'd be perfect to have something like this.

It'd be great to scrape it with something like this.

Hang on a second.

I'm not sure if this will do.

(Did she find a scraper?)

Here's a knife.


This is not what I need.

What do you need? That's quite sharp too.

This is a knife.

Just try scraping with it like this.

(It works.)

(He peels the wallpaper the way he peels fruits.)

Just like that.

(He peels the paper with the help of the knife.)

I think we can start repapering now.

- Ma'am. / - Yes.

- Give me some food. / - Pardon?

I want to eat.

(You haven't worked much.)

I have to cook, then.

What do you normally eat?

- What? / - What do you eat?

I only eat aged kimchi and rice.

You're a liar.

Let's eat pork cutlet.

Goodness, I can't eat it. It smells too strong.

Don't you eat something like pizza?

I don't like pizza either.

(There is no pizza.)

You like that kind of food because you are young.

Do you want some snack? What about bread?

- Pardon? / - Do you like bread?

No, thank you.

I'd like to eat cutlet.

I don't have cutlet.


(Meanwhile, Joohyuk heads downtown.)

Why did you pick me?

When all six of you were standing in front of us,

I wanted to pick you because you remind me of my son.

Then I will call you Mom

for the whole day today.

I will call you Mom. Mom.

You're my mom today.

- Do you know the bus schedule? / - I don't know.

Let me go ask around.

The first bus comes at 10:26 a.m.

(The bus comes every one hour.)

Mom, I guess Gimje is famous

for cosmos flower.

I saw many cosmos on the way here.

(An old bus station)

I think this is my first time

waiting for a bus at a bus station in the country.

I've seen people waiting here while driving by,

but I have never been here myself.

(He's a passenger of the country today.)

Hurry up.

(Let's ride the country bus to the market.)

I feel like I'm visiting my aunt in countryside.

Who do you think looked the most disobedient?

The worst worker.

Do you think young people here are good workers?

They aren't.

They just study and play with computer.

They don't know how to work.

I think Taehyun will work hard.

I think Joonyoung will work all right too.

But I feel like Junho, Jongmin and Defconn

will only be talking.

I love you, Lee Yongim!

Let's work together, Lee Yongim!

I'll use this cane here. You should watch yourself.

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to make you like me.

Forget about me and focus on mowing.

All right, ma'am.

(There's one worker while there are four supervisors.)

(We are watching you.)

You need to pick these.

(Meanwhile, Junho tries to cut corner.)

Do you like music?

I do like music.

Do you know there's a song about chilies?

(She's not very interested.)

This is the chili song.


(She even dances hard.)

Yes, chili.

How exciting.

How easy it is.

(Junho sings one verse.)

♪ In the summer ♪

(She sings the next verse.)

♪ I walk on the riverbank ♪

(A passionate performance at the chili farm)

This is fun.

(He's poor at helping out, but good at entertaining.)

This is awesome.

You're now listening to Ms. Mallae's "Chili Story".

What song do you want me to play next?

Ma'am, could you sing for me?

I can't sing.

Please sing a song.

I can't work efficiently like this.

Sing a song.

(Taedong River)

I forgot what comes next.

(She forgot the lyrics.)

- You're good. / - It's "Sad Taedong".

("Sad Taedong River")

(The song encourages him to pull the weeds.)

(Junho comes after the melody.)

(He came to visit them while Ms. Mallae is away.)

How's that? Does it help you?

No, it gets harder.

What? I sang the song to cheer you up.

I was joking. It cheers me up.

Defconn, let's help each other out.

We'll work at the chili field first, then here.

- No, work here first. / - Why?

You need to finish this first.

It feels like I just got more work.

Why did I volunteer for a harder job?

Just start working.

What am I supposed to do here?

Why aren't you at the chili field?

- Chili field? / - Yes.

- Where's Ms. Mallae? / - She left to get lunch.


- You can't do that. / - Why not?

Cut it further down so it won't come back out.

Why are we cutting it off? There must be a reason.

Because it takes all the nutrition.

(Looking around)

(Where's my son?)

The chili pepper lady is coming. Let's hide.

I should hide.

- I'm here. / - Go hide.

- Tell her I'm not here. / - You should hide.

- Ma'am. / - What?

He ran away as he didn't want to work.

- Where did he go? / - He ran away.

- Where is he? / - He went back to Seoul.

(Did my son go back to Seoul?)

(I'm going to Seoul, Mom.)

(Eventually, the mother...)

(I was too weak-hearted to hang on to him)

(She sublimates her sorrow into a song.)

(Standing up)

(Singing works great for a wayward son.)

(I feel so empty inside)

Ms. Mallae!

There you are!

Come here.

Or I'll go in there to get you.

We should be working there.

- I'll be right back. / - What are you doing here?

Finish it first.

You need to pick it like this.

(Ms. Mallae is upset.)


(She demonstrates how to pull the stalks.)



(She's violent.)

He's supposed to do this. Where did my son go?

(He's chatting away with the neighbors.)

What are you talking about?

- Let's go. / - You're here.

- Okay. / - Just do as I say.

- Okay. / - You don't look it, but you're so lazy.

Okay. I'll do it.

- I'm on it. / - You need a spanking.

I'll do it.

- You need to be punished. / - It really hurts.

- You rascal! / - It really hurts.

I'm done spanking.

Stop it.

(It turns out my son was a good boy.)

I'm so tired.

(Junho got caught again.)



♪ The drifting clouds ♪

(Letting out a sigh)

Please stop singing.

(I was told this would be a level-three task.)

(Meanwhile, this is the level-one work.)

(The chilies make Jongmin sigh deeply.)

How are we going to do all this?

This is still better than working in the field.

- At least I get to sit. / - Just do it.

- Do I take this off? / - Yes.

(Struggling with a chili)

You won't finish this within today like that.

What should I do, then?

(Ms. Jeongae thinks of Jongmin as her grandson.)

This is amazing.

(He's enough for me.)

Jongmin must be flattered.

- Is it past 10 now? / - Yes, it's 11 a.m.

I'm going to pick some persimmons to eat.

- Really? / - Yes.

- You have persimmons here? / - It's right over there.

(She picks some persimmons herself for Jongmin.)

Here, try it. I'm not sure if it's sweet.

This is the best part of being in the country.

(He takes a big bite.)

It didn't bear fruit last year.

This season is its first.

(It's bitter.)

I can tell it's the first one.

(Still, this is as good as being in paradise.)

I like it, though.

Your dog is having puppies?

- She's about to have them. / - Now?

- She'd have a big belly. / - She does.

Her belly is so big

that it almost hits the ground.

So have you prepared everything

to build a new doghouse?

We got the blueprint ready.

You made a blueprint?

My husband did.

- I just did... / - Your husband did?

All right.

So all I need to do is build the doghouse.

Hammering and stuff like that. It'll be fun.

Make it pretty.

(Is it a blueprint like this?)

(Is it even a blueprint?)

Is this the blueprint you were talking about?

- Yes. / - Is this what you want?

We'll need four planks for the sides.

- Wait a minute. / - We need a plane.

This is so...

We should make it pretty.

Where's Ddarong's current house?

- This is it. / - This?

She sleeps in this shed.

I see. It's here.

Ddarong's house is nice.

It's not nice. It's very old.

It must be cool in there.

Ddarong needs a bigger house.

- So what should I do now? / - What?

- What should I do? / - I told you.

Cut up the boards according to the drawing.

- Like this? / - Why don't you use that?

Grab it.

- I'll measure it for you. / - Okay.

- We need four of it. / - This long?

- Yes. / - Okay.

- I'll do it. / - Cut it straight.


Hold it.

I'll go get the sticks.

I seriously thought you had a real blueprint.

I was surprised to see that.

So everything is planned in your head, right?

The details for the doghouse?

I have no idea how it'll turn out.

(Don't worry.)

- We need more. / - More?


Should we make it like this? Here?

- Underneath... / - You need one under that.

We need another four sticks for the base.

(How would it turn out?)

We need four.

(They start cutting the base sticks first.)

- Four of it. / - Four of this.

So we need eight in total.

- We need eight of it? / - Yes.

- What about the top? / - We need to cut it.

We need 12 sticks in total.

We need four on top, four on the bottom

and another four as pillars.

We already have them.

- So we only need four. / - That's not it.

It'll work.

We need four supports here

and another four sticks on the top.

That means we need 12 in total.

I'm telling you it's not 12.

We need four for the bottom and the top.

- What about the roof? / - So it's eight.

- Well... / - We need to make a roof.

- I'm not sure about this. / - We need four supports.

- I know. / - So I'll do as I'm told.

I don't know what to do.

Then, you won't need one on here?

They are the bosses.

Hold this.

We need 12 sticks in total.

I'm telling you. I'm right about this.

- They are the same. / - Put them together.

- Put them together. / - This one?

- Where? / - On top.

- Here? / - Yes.

Like this?

It would've been hard for you to make this alone.

What's so hard about that?

(They're done putting eight sticks together.)


(We don't have supports.)

Is that it? It turns out you were right.

I told you. We need 12.

(I told you so.)

You're right.

We need to cut more.

- We need four more. / - I told you.

We have two.

I just hope Ddarong will have a nice house.

It'll work out.

How many times has she given birth?

I don't even know anymore.

Where's the puppies' dad?

I don't know who the dad is.

Ddarong, I didn't know you were so easy.

Do you like that Ddarong is pregnant?

No. It's just a lot of work.

I know.

You should've tied her up.

I left her unleashed to watch the house.

Ddarong, you're so naughty.


(They start assembling the supports.)

Please hold this.

(It's starting to take shape.)

We don't have one here.

Gosh, let's just do it as it is.

You were measuring things with a ruler before.

He's getting tired of it.

(She got me.)

He'll just do it roughly to finish it now.

He's tired.

- It's just... / - Hold this tight.

It's quite a lot of work.

Their shoulders must hurt.

- What? / - Their shoulders must hurt.

- Whose? / - These guys.

I thought you were talking about your husband.

I thought you were talking about your husband.

You were talking about the cameramen?

It must be very heavy.

They might dislocate their shoulders.

Go and prepare lunch.

I'll make the lunch now.

(She's off to prepare lunch.)

You're worried, right?

No, I'm not.

(You guys take care of it.)

Is this your hometown?

Yes, this is "samteo".

- Pardon? / - This is "samteo".

- "Samteo"? / - Yes.

- My birthplace. / - That's called "samteo"?

- Yes. / - You were born here.

I grew up here.

- Where did you meet her? / - What?

Where did you meet your wife?

- Jeongeup. / - Jeongeup?

- In Jeongeup? / - Yes.

How did you meet her in Jeongeup?

It was an arranged marriage.

That's how people got married back then.

It was tough.

Pardon? It was tough?

It sure was.

I was away for nine years.

Oh, you mean she had a tough time.

That was out of nowhere.

- Were you in Seoul? / - What?

(They had to live apart.)

I lived in Seoul. I did construction work.

- I see. / - Yes.

Your wife was here farming

and you worked in Seoul.

You came home four times a year?



Your wife must've gone through a lot.

(He feels bad for his wife.)

She went through so much. She did.

Have lunch first.

Okay. Should I go that way?

- Come here. / - There?

I'll go this way.

(He won't do as he's told.)

Everyone, come this way.

(He listens to his wife.)

Gosh, I'm tired.

(Ms. Yongim is bringing lunch.)

I say delicious! You say snack!

- Delicious! / - Snack!

I say delicious snack, you say...


You're so healthy and full of energy.

Do you work like this every day?

Every day. I don't even realize the time passing.

We don't even notice the sun setting.

We don't notice it.

You're such a good liar.

- I'm telling the truth. / - She is.

- Really? / - It's shocking.

- She works so much. / - I don't take

even a cent of government money.

You don't receive old-age pension?

No. They don't give me anything.

You've worked really hard.

So you should take a break now.

I want to live comfortably now.

I want to go sightseeing.

- And you should. / - Yes.

I'll go to Jeju Island.

- You should go. / - Go to Jeju Island

and spend a lot of money.

No, I can't spend money.

How old are you two?

We're strangers.

I know you aren't related.

I want to know how old you are.

She is the same age as my husband.

That's why I'm really good to her.

I thought Ms. Mallae was very quiet.

I'm very quiet. I'm not a talker.

- I never... / - I live alone,

- so I'm happy you guys... / - You live alone?

- Yes, alone. / - Where are your children?

They all left. They live in Seoul and Daegu.

She raised them with these chilies.

I feed my grandchildren.

I feed my five daughters.

I feed them all through farming.

I press oil and feed them.

She's a rapper.

- I'm not. / - ♪ I feed them all ♪

♪ I feed my children and grandchildren ♪

- ♪ I feed them all ♪ / - I feed them all!

By the way,

when did you meet your husband?

I met him when I was 20.

- How old was he? / - My husband was

- nine years older than me. / - Nine years older?

- Yes. / - That's a big age gap.

- But we didn't live too happily. / - Why not?

He died early.

(Her husband passed away early.)

- He passed away. / - Yes.

That's why I had to work night and day.

- After he died? / - Yes.

Nobody in this town works like I do.

- You're famous for it. / - Yes.

Now that I'm old, I miss my husband.

I should be with my husband soon.

- Don't say that. / - You should get a boyfriend.

No, I'll meet my husband again.

Since I didn't get to live with him for long.

Did you love him that much?

Yes, of course. I miss him so much.

It makes me cry.

(It makes me cry.)

Don't cry.

One time, I was so sad

I wailed in the field when nobody was watching.

I couldn't think of a way to make a living.

I felt like I couldn't continue.

But I did anyway and I'm proud of myself for it.

I think of my husband when my kids bring gifts.

I miss him, but I don't mention it.

I have a picture of him hanging in my house.

I'm afraid someone might steal it.

(Because he is so handsome.)

- Drinking keeps me going. / - Here.

- Let's do a love shot. / - Okay.

Do you know love shot?

- Love shot? Like this? / - Love shot.

It's good.

- It's yummy. / - It's good.

This is great.

She's not talking because Ms. Mallae is here.


We were chatting a lot earlier.

We should start working before lunch.

Of course.

She wants to go.

(Let's go and do our work.)

One, two, three.

I'm happy.

I feel good.

- Hello. / - It's Two Days and One Night!

- It's Kim Joohyuk. / - Hello.


He's here to say hi.

I'm here to get groceries.

- Okay. / - How much is two skates?

Two Korean skates

cost 140 dollars.

- 140 dollars? / - Yes.

Give me a discount.

I came all the way here.

Please wait a minute. I want to get a picture.

I need to get a photo.

- How much discount will I get? / - Hold on.

Tell me that first.

I won't take a picture without a discount.

I'll give them to you for 120 dollars.

- 10 dollars off each. / - That's great.

He won't leave unless I give him a discount.


What should I get?

- Scallion. / - Scallion, cucumber.

- A box of grapes. / - Okay.

We have to get fish sauce too.

- Wait. Mom. / - What?

We don't need to buy fish sauce.

We have so much.

(Just ask our staff.)

Don't we have a lot of it?

How much for 10 cucumbers?

- Five dollars. / - Five dollars.

- Scallions? / - Five dollars.

- Give him some discount. / - Onions.

I'm giving them to him for a good price.

- Come on. / - No.

You have to give us more discount.

- Cheaper. / - It is cheap.

- Come on. / - 20 dollars.

Just take 20 dollars, please.

Give them to us for 20 dollars.

For 20 dollars. Please.

(All right.)

I did it.

(A more aggressive negotiation starts now.)

(He shoots a local commercial.)

Do you want high quality meat?

Then come to this butcher's shop.

They prepare quality meat in a clean kitchen.

(With a commercial and photo shoot...)

How much will it be all together?

- Pardon? / - Can I give you discount?

Of course.

Otherwise, I can't have dinner tonight.

15 dollars.

(He received 15 dollars off.)

It'll be weird if I get too much discount.

I picked the best son.

He's really handsome.

They asked me to pick one out of six.

- So I chose him. / - The others aren't handsome.

They're not handsome. They aren't even human.

He's tall too.

(It's back to Junho and Defconn.)

After harvest, where does this rice go?

- Seoul. / - Where are you going?

- Right? / - Where are you going?

Keep working. I'm going for lunch.

(I'm going for lunch.)

Lend a hand!

(He's running away.)

- Ma'am. / - Yes?

I'm a musician.

- I see. / - Do you know rap?

- No. / - You don't, right?

Say "ho"!

(He tries to introduce her to hip hop.)

- Say ho, ho! / - Ho, ho!

You're great.

(Are you watching this, Yoon Mirae?)

You should ride a bike or something.

- You have bad legs. / - Yes.

- Should I carry you? / - No.

- Come on. / - No.

- Ma'am. / - No.

Let me give you a piggyback ride.

- Come on. / - No.

- I'm really strong. / - No.

- Come on. / - I said no.

- Just hop on. / - No.

Hop on. Just carry my sickle.

Just carry my sickle, please.


You're so light.

I only weigh 42 kg.

- Only 42 kg? / - Yes.

You're such a good son.

Don't you feel like you're getting married?

I feel like I'm riding a horse.

(She is happy.)

She's 42 kg.

I feel like I'm on a horse.

She's my bride.

(Time goes by)

(and it's now lunchtime.)

What will I feed him?

(The old ladies worry about lunch menu.)

There are no side dishes.

There's no side dish. What do I give them?

There isn't much. What do I do?

I have no side dishes.

There are so many.

I hope they won't get upset.

There is no space on the table.

I have no side dishes.

(Every mother feels the same.)

(They always want to give more.)

(Ms. Yongim is preparing lunch.)

Ma'am, I see that one of the light bulbs is burned out.

- Yes. / - It's burned out.

I'm not tall enough to replace it.

- I'll do it. / - That's not the problem.

The lighting itself has a problem.

- Its tip. / - Its tip?

- Yes. / - It's not the light bulb?

No. The lighting's tip is problematic.

It's the tip? How should I fix it, then?

I have a new one.

Here. This is the one.

- Oh, that? / - Yes.

- You need to replace it. / - Hang on, this is...

- Gosh. / - Do you need something?

I've never done this before.

(He decides to give it a try.)

(He disassembles the broken lighting.)

(She continues to make lunch.)

(He connects the new lighting.)

(The yellow corvina is almost done.)

(Defconn is)

(also sweating profusely.)

(Just as she's almost done cooking,)

(he finishes setting it up.)

(Will the new lighting that he set up)

(work properly?)


(Both of the light bulbs light up brightly.)

- Ms. Lee. / - Did you fix it?

- What is it? / - Turn the switch on.

- The switch? / - Yes.

(The dark room)

(lights up again.)

(She smiles brightly too.)

- Say "ho". / - Ho, ho.

- Ho, ho, ho! / - Ho, ho, ho!


(Someone else is also working while food is made.)

Shall I hang it now?

(He carefully hangs the first piece.)

Isn't this perfect?


It looks okay, right? Yes.

Ma'am, look. I hung it. I'll do it one by one.

- I see. / - Do you like purple?

That's the easy part. Do the hard part first.

You should cover that after I leave.

I might fall.

(This is what he's done in two hours.)

(The quintessence of a homemade meal)

You made more food because of me, didn't you?

- No. / - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


- It's great. / - There aren't much food.

It's nothing to show off.

How many bowls of rice are those?

She prepared it for all of us.

- You'll film first? / - Yes.

Suit yourselves.

(Even though there are no cutlet or pizza,)

(they can't be compared to these foods.)

This is the food I usually eat.


(enjoys their delicious homemade food.)

It's good.


- It's delicious. / - Good, good, it's good.

- Is it good? / - Yes.

Gosh, this is the one.

This is the true kimchi of Jeolla Province.

(Watching him eat makes her happy.)

It's delicious.

(Despite the great food)

- Can I stop eating now? / - What? Why?

I already ate lunch.

I was too hungry.

(No way.)

When? While we were working?



I didn't feel comfortable eating while you work.

Who did you want to take at first?

- Who I wanted to pick? / - Yes.

The one who went to paper the wall looked innocent.

The one who's papering the wall.

- At Ms. Shin's house? / - Yes.

But he seems too weak to hammer.

He can't handle it.

So I was going to pick the fat one with a beard,

but I thought

he wouldn't be good for me.

(He's not my type.)

The one who worked in the field?

I didn't think I could work with him.

Your husband told me that

you two were an arranged marriage.

- By arrangement? / - Excuse me.

- Eat up. / - Like many others.

- I should go. / - Sit back down.

Did he tell you that?

(He's sitting back down.)

Sit on the chair.

Maybe I wouldn't have married him if we had met first.


We hadn't even met.

Our parents arranged our marriage.

Did you not like him at first?

- Well... / - We were married anyway.

- Where would you go? / - He saw...

13 other women before me.

13 women.


- I was too young then. / - You didn't date anyone.

No. I just visited this town

and got married unexpectedly.

He met all those women,

but chose me in the end.

I guess you didn't like those other women you met.

Right? He didn't like them.

- I didn't like them. / - See?

But you liked her, right?

I told you we never dated.

But he liked you when he first saw you.

- We hadn't met... / - I had seen you

when you were in our town.

No, he hadn't.


He was watching you secretly.

- Let's go. / - Watch out for the cars.


- How much is it? / - One dollar each.

You should give me one for free.

(He's still trying to save money.)

It's 15 dollars, but I'll just take 12.

15 dollars? 12 dollars?

- Just 12 dollars. / - I don't have it.

I only have 11 dollars.

Fine, just 11 dollars, then. I'm doing this for her.

He has a good taste. It's pretty.

(He buys her a pink hat.)

(Meanwhile, Ms. Oh is...)

My daughter sent them to me.

(The phone rings.)

Hi. It's my granddaughter.


- May I speak to her? / - I'll put him on.

Talk to him.

- Hello? / - Hello?


Hi, are you filming right now?

Yes, we are.

Do you have a boyfriend?


Do you have a boyfriend?

- I do. / - You do?

She's too young.

All right, take care. Please hold on.

(She has a boyfriend.)


(I should just eat.)

We're eating lunch now.

By the way, why is this here?

That? It's a stereo.

- It's a karaoke machine. / - That's right.

- It is. / - Why do you have it?

My son-in-law brought it.

- For you to sing? / - Yes.

- He brought it for me. / - He's good to you.

- He's really good to me. / - You're a good singer.

- I'm not. / - You must've practiced.

No, I can't even speak in front of people.

Gosh, that's not true at all.

I'm not a good talker.

I thought you were Yu Jaeseok.

No, I'm not a good talker. I can't speak in public.

You're a good singer, you raised your children well,

you're a smooth talker, you're hardworking,

- and you have cute eyes. / - No.

My skin is dark from working so much.

- You're a good cook too. / - I'm not.

Your food is delicious.


(Was it really delicious?)

When will we see each other?

- Sorry? / - When will we meet?

- When will we meet again? / - Yes.

Our team is still in this town.

I know. When will we see each other again?

- After the filming? / - Yes, after this.

I'll visit you when I come to this region.

I'll visit you when I'm in Gimje.

- All right. Visit me. / - Okay.

I have three sons now.

You do.

Actually, I saw a photo studio back there.

I wanted to take a picture with her,

but I don't have money left after buying her a hat.

Talk to the photographer.

To do it for free? Do you think it's possible?

(Maybe he can make it happen.)

(They go into the photo studio.)

- Hello. / - Welcome.


How much is it for taking a picture?

- ID picture? / - No, together with her.

- The two of you? / - Yes.

The minimum charge is 30 dollars.

- 30 dollars? / - Yes.

It's the smallest size.

Could you take our picture and hang it outside?

If you want me to.

I want you to.

(He even seems a bit scary now.)

Do you?

In return,

could you do it for free?

(He finally said it.)

She can't do that. Nobody would do that.

How about 20 dollars?

(He doesn't even have 20 cents.)

I can do that.

We will lend you 20 dollars, then.

It's a loan.

Thank you. I'll pay you back.


How am I going to earn 20 dollars?


(he starts to freshen up.)

You should comb your hair before taking the picture.

You should look pretty in the picture.

What pose should we take?

It'd be good if you sit close to each other.

Put your hand around her shoulders.

- Please print two. / - Okay.

Gosh, you look great in it.

Do I?

Here. It's 20 dollars, right?

Thank you.

- Thank you as well. / - Not at all.

Thank you for

- taking our picture. / - I wanted to do it.

He's like my son.

(A picture of good memories)

- My work deserves a meal. / - You've worked hard.

- I also changed that. / - Right.

The television needs to be fixed too.

(The television too?)

- Television? / - It's embarrassing.

Why don't you sing?

What song should I sing?

Does it work?

You must press the button, but it doesn't work.

What about accompaniment?

It doesn't work. It's not necessary.

The TV doesn't work either.

Let me try.

- It's covered in dust. / - Don't do it.

It doesn't work.

Wait, let me try first.

- Here it is. / - It's old.

I'll just try it.

It won't explode, will it?

There we go.

The light came on.

Here it is.

- It must be old. / - It is.


(The microphone works too.)


(She's surprised.)

Does it work?

(She takes out the karaoke booklet.)

(The sound is still a mess.)

(Does he know how to operate it?)

(It's not a frozen screen.)

This was it. This was the problem.

(The static noise finally disappears.)

Didn't I do well?

It stopped.

(He fixes the speakers.)

(She's pleased.)


Yes, what's up?

(Will the music play too?)

Here it is.

(Here it is.)

He's a technician.

I didn't think it worked.

My mom ran a karaoke room in the past.

(Enjoy your time.)

(His voice sounds exaggerated.)

(She sings along.)

(My beloved Ms. Mallae)

(I want to live with you forever.)

(She sings solo.)

It starts with "A 19-year-old".

♪ A 19-year-old... ♪

♪ A 19-year-old young bride ♪

♪ Gives all of her love ♪

Let's start again.

Let's start again. Please sing to the beat.

This is Kim Junho's karaoke.

Please put in more effort.

- Okay? / - Hey, enough of this.

(When the song starts,)

(she immediately takes the stage.)

(Will you go...)

(Will you...)

(Will you go after leaving love?)

- That's enough. / - Just one more song.

- That's enough. / - I want to sing.

♪ Did you throw away the tears? ♪

(Didn't she say that was enough?)

Come on, let's go!

Let's go.

- One more song. / - That's enough.

Play "I Miss My Hometown". It's an old song.

(My hometown)

- ♪ I really miss it ♪ / - ♪ I really miss it ♪

(She seems quite tired.)

That's it.

(He continues singing.)


Stop it.

(He sings alone passionately.)

(Your time is up.)

All right.

(May I sing 10 more minutes?)

Your score might be zero.

What? I'm a great singer. I recorded seven albums.

- He might score zero. / - Don't you know "Zombie"?

- What? / - It's this song.

(It's the main song from his seventh album.)

♪ What does the zombie say? ♪

(She loves to dance.)

- ♪ Go to the field ♪ / - ♪ What does the zombie say ♪

♪ Let's go pick some chilies ♪

Let's go.

Let's go to the chili field.

It's at 1:30 p.m.

(Joohyuk and Ms. Jeomsoon head to the bus stop.)

It's next.

(There's a music performance.)

There's a big crowd.

(They stare at the crowd.)

Do you want to go see it?

(They come to take a look.)

(He wanders about awkwardly.)

- Are you the organizer? / - Pardon?

Did you organize this?


I have a question.

We're shooting Two Days and One Night.

I borrowed 20 dollars from the staff

and I have to pay it back.

May I participate in the event for 20 dollars?

(What did you say?)

(He's determined to pay back what he owes.)

(On one hand,)

(Joohyuk is usually extremely shy.)

(He doesn't like doing something in public.)

- What will you do? / - I can sing a song.

A song?

Shall I sing "Shabang Shabang"?

- Yes. / - Okay.

I'm not confident at all.

(He works at an event to pay for a photo.)

We have a special guest from Two Days and One Night.

It's the most amazing and free man.

Here's Kim Joohyuk. Please come out.

- Look. / - Hello.

He's handsome.

Hello, I'm Kim Joohyuk.


Two Days and One Night came to shoot in Gimje.

(What's going on?)

Play the music.

(He's excited.)

♪ You are totally awesome ♪

(This is a totally different Joohyuk.)

It's time to dance.

You'll be rewarded if you dance well.

Not only Joohyuk, but she also has to dance well.

It's dance time with Joohyuk.

Here's some music.

(The big audience could make them shy.)

(They dance well together.)

(She enjoys it more than expected.)

That was great.

She's so excited.

- She's the most excited. / - She is.

Give them an applause.

(Even before getting paid,)

(the audience is giving him cash.)

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

(He's rich.)

Here's your 20 dollars.

(He pays back the exact amount.)

I worked hard to earn it.

Putting the wallpaper on the ceiling is hard.

There's always a way.

I'd like to introduce you to a guy.

Really? Let's bring him.

(Hold tight.)

Let's go.

(The search team goes everywhere in town.)

There he is.

He's right here.


You said you'll introduce me to a guy.

Pardon me?

Come this way.

- Hop on. / - Where are we going?

(You'll find out.)

Will you follow us?

(He gets dragged without knowing why.)

(He's just happy.)

It's very close.

(It's time to change the wallpaper.)

What song goes well when wallpapering?

Oh, I know.

It's "Monster" by Drunken Tiger.

(The song plays.)

(Spread it on)

(Featuring the international referee)

- Sir. / - Yes?

Could you hang the light later?


Please, sir.

(He installs the light.)

It's easy.

- Can you turn it on? / - Okay.

- It works. / - Great.

We're done.

(He's relieved.)

(They changed the wallpaper to her favorite color.)

(It's a lovely living room.)

Do you like pink?

I like it.

But the paper is getting wrinkled.

You're right. It should be fixed.

(We'll hire a professional.)

(He's still proud.)

(In the second stage of building a doghouse)

(He cuts a metal sheet for the door.)

This seems like wood, not metal.

(Next is covering the roof.)

Cover the roof with the material.

(He still listens to his wife.)

That looks good.

(They spend the afternoon working hard.)


(It's ready for her to move in.)

There she is.


- It's your house. / - It's okay.

It's nice. They made it for you to give birth.

Good girl.

(He works on the final touch.)

(Two Days and One Night, give birth to healthy pups.)

(A fancy doghouse is built.)

(The blueprint versus the reality)

(He wants to pull out all the weeds.)

(It's a fine autumn afternoon.)

There are so many weeds.

- It's there. / - Really?

(For the men from city...)

Of course.

Believe me.

(Life in the country is relaxing and warm.)

How can one old lady do all this work?

(He stops being a lazy man and starts working hard.)

(The autumn day is about to end.)

Ma'am, look.

I did all the work while you were napping.

Look over there.

- You pulled them all. / - I did. I sure did.

(After pulling the weeds)

You did a great job.

- Say "ho"! / - Ho!

Make some noise!

(She makes a loud noise.)


("Break Up in the Morning" by 4MEN)

For more infomation >> 2Days & 1Night Season3 : Gimje Countryside Diary Special-2014 [ENG/THAI/2017.10.29] - Duration: 1:13:16.


ఉదయం లేచిన వెంటనే ఉమ్ములు ఎక్కువ వస్తున్నాయా | Saliva | Saliva Problems Mouth | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> ఉదయం లేచిన వెంటనే ఉమ్ములు ఎక్కువ వస్తున్నాయా | Saliva | Saliva Problems Mouth | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 2:19.


How set your company email as your primary on your Linkedin profile - Duration: 2:11.

With sales it is important to have a professional and optimized Linkedin profile.

So today, you'll get a simple tip how to improve your LinkedIn profile.

Hi, and welcome to another Fridaytip

LinkedIn has become an important platform for relationship building, booking meeetings and sales,

Therefore, it's important that your LinkedIn profile looks both professional and updated

Many of us have a private email as a primary address on our LinkedIn profile,

because it was the one we used when we first set up LinkedIn

But it's no good when you're going to use LinkedIn for booking meetings and sales.

Then the company e-mail should be the primary one listed and the one you receive request to..

So in this tip, you'll see how easy you can add your company email

as the default email address on your Linkedin profile.

You can start by opening your LinkedIn profile in the browser.

Click the Me icon located at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

Choose Settings & Privacy here from the drop-down menu.

Under the Basics section of your account settings, you'll find Email Addresses that you can click on.

Here you will find an overview of the email addresses associated with your Linkedin profile

If you have not listed your company address here as the main address, click on

(Add email address), then you can add your email address by entering

the new email address in the text box.

Click Submit Verification.

Enter your LinkedIn password to continue. A confirmation email will be sent to that e-mail address.

Enter your email account and follow the instructions to confirm the address.

To put your company email address your primary address

just click on Make Primary next to your email address.

Then the job is done.

That was all we had for today.

Thank you for watching.

Want to see more tips and videos from us.

Subscribe to our Youtube channel.

See you in another video.

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