Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Suga: V app! You can meet us at V app!

J-Hope Clash Royal! (A mobile video game)

Jin: I like Melon. (streaming app in Korea)

RM: Also there's a really good Korean app called, 'Unicorn' that blocks all the ads. Please download it!

For more infomation >> BTS Tell Us The Best Apps On Their Phones Right Now - Duration: 0:46.


Life at Sea is Better - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 25 - Duration: 12:58.

It was Sir Francis Drake who once said

It isn't that life ashore is distasteful to me.

But life at sea is better.

His words certainly rung true on our return to Grenada.

We had just spent an enjoyable few days delivering the Catana for Dream Yacht Charters

and they had generously flown us back to Grenada where Luckyfish sat on the hardstand.

However, that is where the fairytale ended.

Tuyas first time driving again, after 4 months, 5 months?


STEW: Driving on the left hand side of the road.

At least the wheel is on the right side.

So far so good.

We hired a car to see some of the island and organize flights home.

We were plunged straight back into reality.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Sir, I'm sorry but Miss Powers is not at her desk


WOMAN: Did you want to leave a number? Are you calling from Barbados or overseas?

STEW: No, just calling from Grenada

Return flights home to Mongolia were heavily booked.

On top of that, it would take 5 weeks to get the girls transit visas for a measly 3 hour

stopover in London, just so they could travel from Gatwick to Heathrow for their connection.

Without the visas we lost the air-tickets with no refunds.

WOMAN: Oh, ok, you seem to keep missing her. She's ...

Oh, she is on the phone I'm sorry.

STEW: That's fine. Thank you so much

I argued with travel agents.

I argued with Barbadan and Grenadan immigration authorities

I argued with various Caribbean airlines and learned more than I wanted to know about

corruption within one of them.

WOMAN: But, she is on the phone.

So, what you can do is call back in about 15 minutes

STEW: Yes, I will.

Yes, I will call in 15. Thank you.

WOMAN: Yes, OK, alright

STEW: See you now, bye-bye.


Don't know why it keeps ringing like that. Must be a skype thing. Or their thing.



It was a rude shock after the utter freedom we had grown used to.

In the end, there was no one to blame but me.

I should have seen all this coming.

We rented the cheapest apartment we could find and made the best of it.

After all, there are far worse places to be stuck than Grenada.

ZAYA: Are you enjoying your apartment?


ZAYA: You have got a beautiful kitchen.

STEW: I've got great flatmates and a shit flat.

We took a drive up to Levarra Beach on the north coast, to see the Leatherback turtles.

It was May and breeding season.

We were treated to the sight of two huge females, digging nests and laying eggs.

And to cap it off, one hatchling showed himself as we were returning along the beach.

VISITOR: Oh gosh, look at his little fins flapping...

I had been pondering these extraordinary animals and why they spend almost their entire life

at sea yet invest so much effort returning to land to lay eggs.

Then it struck me that they must have once lived entirely on land, then evolved to live

in the sea, only requiring land for the function of reproduction.

I marveled at evolution and asked the guide

if this was indeed the evolutionary path for sea turtles.

Well, she set me straight and told me they can't lay eggs in the sea

as they would wash away.

I guess evolution is still a theory in some parts of the Caribbean.

We took the car for a drive into the interior, through the Grand Etang National Forest

and into the high mountains.

I keep seeing Red, Gold and Green and I think the whole nation are Rastafarians

but, it's actually the colour of their flag...


ZAYA: Nice eh?

STEW: Beautiful. Be lovely for a swim.

CAR RADIO: Taken by wicked men, from Africa they came

To a land of slavery. All that Jesus said.


Here we found Rosemount House - a remarkably well preserved timber home dating back to

the days of slavery.

The owners of this tropical fruit, herbs and flower plantation, Mr and Mrs Duncan, made

us feel very welcome and gave us a lesson in making chocolate and the fascinating recent

history of the island.

MR DUNCAN: And you crack it open and you pull it.

and we take out the seed. We ferment them

for eight days.

After they have been fermented, we put them out to dry

After they are dry, you bake them

You remove the thin skin on it

you add other spices, you grind them

MRS DUNCAN: A little nutmeg, a little cinnamon, some lime and bay leaf

MR DUNCAN: And then you get the real chocolate that you can drink.

Here, I'm going to crack this one

This is the Cocoa Bean

You can suck on them

You can suck on it but don't bite it because it's bitter, its raw chocolate.

MRS DUNCAN: you can also make juice with it

just lightly blend it with water and you do juice

cocoa juice.

Don't bite it. If you bite it it's going to be bitter because it's raw chocolate.


TUYA: Goy amtae! (Tastes good!)

STEW: thank you for that. That's a real treat.

MR DUNCAN: This one is Locust.

but, the Grenadan name, we call it Stinking Toe

STEW: Stinking Too?

MR DUNCAN: In Grenada we call it that way. But the botanical name is Locust.

STEW: And now you are going to tell us why it is called Stinking Toe yeah?

MR DUNCAN: It's a hard shell. You break into it

And I will allow you to taste it if you want to .

STEW: Nah, I don't know about this

Rather nice.

MR DUNCAN: I like it.

STEW: Americans, wasn't it?.

MR DUNCAN: Well it was chaos at that time really.

MR AND MRS DUNCAN: What really happened was it was a revolutionary Government.

MR DUNCAN: Bishop overthrew the Gairy Government in '79

And he led out an Axis

But, he was really thinking of the country.

He was not thinking of his party really. He was thinking of the country.

And, he was looking to see how he could develop the country better.

VO: Mr Duncan went on to explain how Maurice Bishop was Prime Minister for 4 years.

He envisioned a moderate socialist future for Grenada but was executed in 1983 at the

height of the Cold War.

6 days later, the USA, under Ronald Reagan, led a military invasion of the island and

Grenada went back to the polls.

Grenada's International Airport was the brainchild of Maurice Bishop

and, it's named after him.

STEW: But we need to go back to work unfortunately.

If we had the choice, we'd stay here in Grenada.

ZAYA: Lovely road.

Drive lovely, OK? [LAUGHS]

STEW: I will try and miss all the bumps.

STEW: The revolution will be televised.

STEW: Yes?

How is packing going?

ZAYA: Come in.

STEW: Get those mozzies.

How's packing going?

ZAYA: All good, all done, almost.

STEW: What's missing?

ZAYA: Ahhh, little bit of stuff. My make-up.

STEW: Usual crap, bags, computer still not put away, last thing as always

air-conditioner, also last thing.

Dinner is being prepared, last of the food.

Snorkelling gear to go back to the boat.

Things, relatively under control

Well, we finally did get those flights sorted and made one final trip to Luckyfish before

returning to Mongolia and work.

ZAYA: Surrounded by masts...

STEW: Luckyfish's new home. On the hard.

ZAYA: Yeah. She seems happy.

STEW: Yeah. Happy as a boat can be, out of it's element.

ZAYA: Alright. Goodbye Luckyfish. Until next year....

Hey Everyone, next week we have a special treat lined up.

STEW: That was the inspiration for Tangaroa?


HANNEKE BOON: There it is. It's the same model.

JW: Now then. That was the inspiration. But the reality is....

Make sure you don't miss the great man himself, as he and Hanneke Boon talk to us about his

life, his boats and the latest designs from the Wharram Design office.

We hope you enjoyed this episode and would like to help us make more productions.

If so, please don't forget to subscribe and, consider becoming a Patron for as little

as a dollar a video.

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Life at Sea is Better - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 25 - Duration: 12:58.


ZA # BARRAS BOY ( videoclip ) prod.Facto Bsj - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> ZA # BARRAS BOY ( videoclip ) prod.Facto Bsj - Duration: 4:21.


SCHILLER LEBEN Live in Frankfurt - Duration: 33:45.

For more infomation >> SCHILLER LEBEN Live in Frankfurt - Duration: 33:45.


自己紹介+日本への情熱|Self-introduction + My passion for Japan - Duration: 5:00.

Hello everyone from Japan!

My name is Camelia.

Nice to meet you!

Currently, I live in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and I study Japanese and English at the Faculty of Letters. I am a 3rd year student

I have a lot of hobbies.

I like photography, reading, cooking, writing poetry and writing in my diary, traveling, and spending time in nature.

I am a very optimistic person, and I try to find a reason to smile every day

because this world still convinces me that everything is like a poem.

My passion for Japan started about 11 years ago.

And since then, coming to Japan became my biggest dream.

There are still a lot of things I do not understand about Japan, but sometimes I feel like there is a big part of me that will always be Japanese at heart.

When I first watched Japanese cartoons, I fell in love with Japan when I heard Japanese, but I did not think it was difficult.

I felt that Japanese sounds are much more enjoyable and softer than many other Asian languages.

And I thought Japanese conversation was very nice.

Then, the writing system, although difficult to learn, is beautiful in its complexity!

Japan has so many nice ceremonies and art forms which really help me to relax and appreciate the beauty of the simple things in life.

Japanese food is healthy and delicious!

Thanks to that, the average life expectancy of the Japanese is the highest in the world.

I tried sushi, miso soup, ramen, curry, Japanese sweets etc. and all of them had a great taste!

Occasionally, imitating that appearance, I tried to make Japanese food by myself.

There are four seasons in Japan and every season is really wonderful and artistic.

In the spring, the cherry blossoms. In the summer, the fireworks. In autumn, the maple leaves. In the winter, the snow festivals.

Someday, I would like to see such a beautiful sight directly with my eyes.

Last year in November, I participated in a karaoke contest, sponsored by the Japanese Embassy.

I could not win a prize and I felt somehow disappointed, but it was a good experience for me.

I was able to meet a Japanese singer, and I received various tips from her.

I have a love for Japan that I cannot talk about; there is something deeper that cannot be explained in words.

Today, I would like to convey that feeling with the song I sang in the karaoke contest.

For more infomation >> 自己紹介+日本への情熱|Self-introduction + My passion for Japan - Duration: 5:00.


SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:09.

📝 SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young Lyrics

Is it your head Is it your head

I gotta play in your head Your mama tell you to watch out because of

me And always sneaking out in the corridor, yeah

I do not apologize I don't need no bible in that I just cycle

I just do what I like So I just take the time as it comes on

Take out the time as it comes

Hoping we all gonna stay young Taking the time as it comes

Hoping we all gonna stay young You're not there, we all want stay young

Hold up, hold up Hit that, that's what you want

That's the thing they got you feeling to beat in your bones as they think they make you

see so You want someone out, but this guy never answers

I think I need some new numbers I heard about this one guy, I heard he got

that bum I've got done through the worse circle, we're

about going like karma He offered me some cash, but I said he ain't

no John, no Said I just wanna stay young

And I'm hoping I'm gonna stay young You're not there, we all want stay young

Hoping we all gonna stay young Hoping we all gonna stay

Hoping we all gonna stay Hoping we

all gonna stay young Hoping we all gonna stay

Hoping we all gonna stay young

For more infomation >> SIYONI & Tazzy - Stay Young (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:09.


Satsang — You Are Not The Doer. [Robert Adams] - Duration: 1:02:37.

For more infomation >> Satsang — You Are Not The Doer. [Robert Adams] - Duration: 1:02:37.


Bagel Crusty Chewy - Bagels Recipe - Duration: 5:23.

Herb ricotta cheese filling

Diced ham filling

1 packet (7g) yeast

3 tablespoons (42g) sugar

1 cup (250ml) warm water

Stir well

Let it for 10 minutes

381g (3 cups) bread flour (per cup = 127 grams)

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Stir into a rough dough

1 tbsp black sesame seeds, 1 tbsp poppy seeds. This is an optional, you don't must use it.

Mix together

Knead for 5 minutes on floured work surface

Until smooth

Form a ball

Put in a bowl, coat the dough with little oil.

Cover for an hour

Punch down

Back to work surface

Divide into 8 pieces

Form balls

Rest for 10 minutes

Flatten lengthwise

Roll out into rectangle

Stuff with savory or sweet filling, as you wish. In here use 4 pieces with dices ham the rest use herb ricotta cheese.

Roll and form into a sausage

Rolling with your palm to seal the seam about 20 cm long

At one end about 3 cm, flatten the dough widened. Wider on both sides than the diameter of the dough.

Unite both ends, wrap the other end with the flatten dough to form a ring.

Seal the seam

Looks like this

Boil the dough rings in simmering water 45 seconds per side

Remove use a slotted spoon, move the spoon to dries the excess water.

Bake at 220°C (430°F) for 18 - 20 minutes

Well-brown, chewy, crusty outside, soft inside

You will hear crackling sound when it break open while they are hot

Serve warm for the best

For more infomation >> Bagel Crusty Chewy - Bagels Recipe - Duration: 5:23.


Trump Just Announced What He's Doing To WH Christmas Tree No Matter How Many Libs Are MAD About It. - Duration: 4:48.

Trump Just Announced What He's Doing To WH Christmas Tree No Matter How Many Libs

Are MAD About It.

The Trumps are preparing for their first Christmas in the White House which you can expect to

be far different than the last two Christmases while the Obamas were occupying the place.

True to Trump fashion, he's doing things his way and not making any apologies for it,

no matter who it offends, knowing what the country needs now and making it great again.

Liberals have hijacked the holiday season for too long with their political correctness

and now that's all coming to an end.

Real family values are a priority in the White House now, starting with what the president

just announced he doing to the official Christmas tree that has never been done before.

President Trump already set the tone for the season as a promise he made during his campaigning

that we're going to start saying "Merry Christmas" again, instead of taking religion

out of the religious holiday.

He's done that with reaffirming that resolve in an announcement reminding everyone that

Jesus is the reason for the season and here in American we're going to say the words

that have been melting liberal snowflakes for years.

However, that was just the start.

When these anti-Christmas lefties see what he's doing to the White House Christmas

tree, it's only a matter of time before these liberal Scrooges hit the streets with

anti-Christmas carols, screaming their rhetoric.

It's typically part of the First Lady's responsibilities to organize the Christmas

decorating event and the official tree, as a time-honored tradition in the White House,

and this year is no different, except with what Melania Trump, in partnership with her

husband, has decided to do as a family.

The Trumps will be spending Thanksgiving in their home away from home, affectionately

referred to as the "Winter White House," which is at their Palm Beach, Florida resort.

As such, they are mixing things up this year at the White House in Washington, D.C. for

the unveiling of the Christmas tree which typically takes place during this time, prioritizing

their much-needed family time, but attending to traditions as well.

The Inquisitr reports:

Melania Trump has moved up the date of a time-honored White House tradition so that she and her

family can spend Thanksgiving weekend in Florida.

According to recent reports, the first lady will accept the White House Christmas tree

a few days before Thanksgiving instead of the day after the holiday.

As reported by ABC News, first ladies usually accept the White House Christmas tree on the

Friday after Thanksgiving.

However, Melania Trump and her husband aren't spending their first Thanksgiving as first

couple at the White House.

Instead, they plan on celebrating the holiday at their property in Palm Beach, Florida.

This is why the 2017 White House Christmas tree will be heading to Washington, D.C. on


It shouldn't matter that Melania decided to move the date up for accepting the tree

by a few days, but it's little changes like these that send the Trumps detractors into

angry overdrive.

Anything this family does differently is a problem for liberals, even innocuous changes

such as this.

They will likely accuse them of trying to change the tradition, rather than seeing this

date-change for what it really is – a way for them to maintain their own family traditions,

which is important, as well as the White House traditions.

It's about time that we have a first family in the White House that puts value on quality

time spent together as a family and making memories.

The Obamas always seemed to be living different lives and going in different directions except

when they had to make public appearances and appear as a united front.

Now that they don't have to keep up those pretenses, their true colors and feeling for

each other seem to be on full display.

The next wave of outrage will likely come after what Melania chooses to be the theme

of the Christmas tree, which is an honor she gets as First Lady.

Michelle Obama previously picked a theme summed up, by her, as "Reflect, Rejoice, Renew."

We're sure that Melania will not disappoint in her design of choice, which will likely

carry a theme that honors America and the Christian values of this country and the Christmas

holiday itself.

"Melania Trump will have a few more days to think about her Christmas tree decorating

theme before she and her family head to Florida for the long weekend," Inquisitr added.

"According to the Washington Post, President Donald Trump will kick off his Thanksgiving

festivities on Tuesday when he pardons two turkeys in the Rose Garden."

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have not only made America great again, they

are about to make Christmas in this country great again.

We're in for a spectacular season we've longed for over the last eight years and there's

a lot to celebrate this year, starting with the massively improved economy that makes

Christmas easier for a lot of American families.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Trump Just Announced What He's Doing To WH Christmas Tree No Matter How Many Libs Are MAD About It. - Duration: 4:48.


How to Crochet Poncho Part 3 of 3 COWL Neck with Post Stitches and Custom Sizing Info - Duration: 5:25.

hi I'm Kristin Omdahl and welcome back to my studio this is the third video in

the crochet poncho video series in part one we made this beautiful design for

the front of the poncho in part two we did the neckline and the back and now

for the third part of the video series we're going to be crocheting this cowl

neckline using post stitches let's get started to begin the cowl-neck

we're going to be working into the free loops of the stitches that we skipped on

the front and the free loops of the foundation single crochets that we

worked on the back and you just want to join with a slip stitch into any stitch

and I'm using a totally different color now just for high contrast and we'll

start in the first skip stitch on the front we're going to join with a slip

stitch and chain three which counts as our first double crochet we're going to

double crochet into the next stitch yarn over your hook insert your hook in the

next stitch yarn over pull up a loop yarn over pull through two yarn over

pull through two and we're going to double crochet in each stitch across the

front okay we had eight skipped stitches in the front so we chain 3 count as our

first stitch and then we worked a double crochet in each of the remaining seven

stitches for a total of eight on the front now we're going to come around and

work in the free loops of the foundation chains on the back and we're going to

work eight double crochets in the back as well

okay we're ready to join our round so we're going to slip stitch to the top of

the chain 3 at the beginning of the round to join and that completes round 1

of our cowl we're gonna chain 3 to begin our second round and chain 3 on this

round counts as a back post double crochet around the post of the next

stitch we're gonna work a front post double crochet yarn over your hook

insert your hook from front to back right to left around the post of the

next double crochet yarn over pull up a loop yarn over pull through two yarn

over pull through two on the next stitch we're going to work a back post double

crochet yarn over your hook insert your hook from back to front right to left

around the post of the next stitch yarn over pull up a loop yarn over your hook

insert your hook from back to front right to left around the next stitch

yarn over pull up a loop yarn over pull through two loops on your hook yarn over

pull through two loops on your hook around the next stitch we'll work a

front post double crochet and around the next stitch we'll work a back post

double crochet

and we're going to alternate front post double crochet back post double crochet

all the way around because we have an even number of stitches and we started

with a chain three that counted as a back post double crochet that means

we'll be ending on a front post double crochet so now we'll slip stitch to the

chain three at the beginning of the round to join and that completes round

two of our cowl now every round going forward is exactly identical we're going

to chain three which counts as our first back post double crochet and we're going

to crochet the stitches as they present themselves to us the next stitch is a

front post double crochet so we're going to front post double crochet around the

post of that stitch the next stitch presents itself as a back post double

crochet so we'll work a back post double crochet around its post and repeat that


and then we'll slip stitch to the top of the chain 3 at the beginning of the

round to join please be sure to watch all three parts of this video series to

learn how to make the entire project for this crochet poncho if you have any

questions by all means leave them for me in the comments and please subscribe to

my channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How to Crochet Poncho Part 3 of 3 COWL Neck with Post Stitches and Custom Sizing Info - Duration: 5:25.


Color MACK TRUCK Haulers Disney Cars 3 Nursery Rhymes Cartoon for Children Cars 3 Spiderman McQueen - Duration: 10:05.

Color MACK TRUCK Haulers Disney Cars 3 Nursery Rhymes Cartoon for Children Cars 3 Spiderman McQueen

For more infomation >> Color MACK TRUCK Haulers Disney Cars 3 Nursery Rhymes Cartoon for Children Cars 3 Spiderman McQueen - Duration: 10:05.


How to Crochet Poncho Part 1 of 3 FRONT Color Stripes with Custom Sizing Info - Duration: 16:19.

hi I'm Kristen Omdahl and welcome back to my studio in this tutorial I'm

going to show you how to make this beautiful crochet poncho it's worked in

sections where we're going to crochet pieces then join as we go to create this

beautiful squared off poncho that works from the bottom up to the shoulders we

make an opening for the neck then work our way down to the back and then add

the neck at the very end it's really simple the entire body is done in single

crochet and what I'm going to show you is how to crochet into stitches as

well as into the side of the rows of stitches to create this beautiful design

in my personal opinion ponchos that are straight across the bottom edge are the

most flattering to wear and I love the fact that this gives the illusion of

large sleeves on the sides you could add a button here or you could even sew down

this entire edge to give it more of a kimono sleeve look this pattern features

Be So Brave Yarn which is 100% American merino wool and on sale

for $5.00 per hank on my website for the holiday season you're also going

to need a size L crochet hook which is also eight mm if you prefer a

simpler look you could always crochet two pieces just in the solid side as

well I think this would be really pretty for a second piece and even keeping the

contrast color on the neck I love this way too you can download the free

pattern for this project on my website let's get started for this demonstration

I'm going to be using Be So Brave Yarn which is the same yarn we used in the

poncho I'm just going to use some different colors I'm also going to be

using the same size crochet hook which is 8 mm or an L hook and we are

going to start by tying the yarn onto the crochet hook you can use a solid knot

or a slipknot whichever you prefer and we're going to start with a chain I will

be doing a reduced size sample so I won't be doing the full amount of

stitches make sure you download the free pattern on my website to get the exact

number of stitches you'll be using so I'm going to chain to begin okay so for example i

chained eleven times in the pattern it the first rectangle is to chain 71 and

we're going to crochet into the second chain from our hook now that means we do

not count the loop on our hook that's our working loop so we're going to count

back two chains there's the first chain and the second chain and we're going to

single crochet into that chain and insert your crochet hook yarn over pull

up a loop and yarn over pull through two loops on your hook that's a single

crochet we'll do that again

and we're going to single crochet in each chain across okay we have our first

row of single crochet complete we're now going to chain one turn our work and now

we're ready to begin row two you're going to single crochet into the first

stitch at the beginning of the row this is often confusing for people because

it's hard to recognize what the first stitches you want to make sure you don't

count your chain one as your first stitch so you've got your working loop

on your yarn a working loop on your hook that's the chain one and then the next

one is the first single crochet so we'll insert our crochet hook into the first

stitch into both of the top loops yarn over pull up a loop yarn over pull

through two and that's our first single crochet complete well now single crochet

into each stitch across for Row two you want to repeat row two until you've

created the size of the rectangle that you need for your project if you're

making it exactly the same size as my poncho make sure you follow along in the

written pattern and follow along also on the schematic in fact this one will be

very helpful if you're making it a different size let's say you want to

make it smaller or larger you're going to start with a different sized

rectangle and then add your stripes as you need and so we're going to make this

very very small possibly doll sized or maybe Barbie size I'm not sure so I'm

going to do a couple more rows in single crochet and then I'll show you how to

start the first stripe okay I've done my first rectangle wow it's actually

approximately the size of the schematic how convenient so we're going to fasten

off this yarn and we're going to work our first stripe as a horizontal stripe

this is the easiest stripe because we're really just going to be working along

the stitches that we worked in the last row of the rectangle so I'm going to

grab a second color of yarn and tie the yarn to my crochet hook again however

you prefer to tie your yarn to a crochet hook you could do a slip knot or solid

knot and I'm going to start where I left off

slip stitch to join into that first stitch chain one and work one single

crochet in each of these stitches across weaving in ends is definitely a personal

preference you could either choose to weave them in as you go or you can save

them all for a project at the end as a task at the end of the project sometimes

I love to take it to my knitting club meetings because it's really easy work

that doesn't involve a whole lot of concentrations that I can talk and chat

with everybody and get the job done so I've got my first row complete and again

we just worked the same as we did all the other rows because we just worked

into the stitches so I'm going to chain one now turn my work and one single

crochet in each stitch across for this row and every row for as long as you

want this stripe to be okay I did four rows of my second color which is my

first horizontal stripe and we'll come back to the schematic here it's

important to remember how many rows you've done because you're going to need

to know that for the next section we're now ready to start our first vertical

stripe and what that means is we're going to be working across the end of

rows of the first horizontal stripe and the original rectangle and so what we're

going to do is come back here now instead of turning our work and working

across the last row we worked we're going to turn our work to the side now

and work into the end of rows of these so remember we did six rows here and

four rows here and again if you're doing the actual pattern that I made for the

poncho follow along with the exact numbers there but if you're making this

to any other size this is really important information as long as you

remember how many rows you've done of each stripe it's really easy to remember

it's one to one we're going to chain one and work one single crochet into each of

the four rows of the first horizontal stripe and to each of the six rows of

the original rectangle so we did a chain one we're going to work four single

crochets into the end of rows of these four rows here

and then working across here we've got six rows and sometimes if you need to

count it out first to make sure you have them spaced and recognize it one two

three four five six yeah I understand it and this is a point where you could

crochet over these ends as you go if you prefer to do that instead of weaving

them in later so I'll do that to show you how to do it

okay so there are four stitches here we're at two stitches here three four

five and six okay so that's the beginning of our first vertical stripe

and so we have six and four stitches we have ten stitches and now every row

going on will be exactly the same as the row two and more in each other section

it's a chain one turn your work and one single crochet in each stitch across and

now you'll repeat Row two for as many rows as you need for this striped I'm

going to do four like I did with the stripe here okay we finished our first

vertical stripe and I'm ready to fasten that off so cut my tail and now we're

ready to begin our second horizontal stripe so you'll notice the second

horizontal stripe now we'll work over the end of rows of the first vertical

stripe and across the top stitches of the first horizontal stripe we're going

to work over the end of rows of the first vertical stripe and over the

stitches of the first horizontal stripe so this is a great time to remember that

we have four rows here so we're going to crochet four stitches across here and

then crochet into the ten stitches here so we'll join our yarn into the end of

row at the corner with a slip stitch chain one one single crochet in that row

one single crochet into each of the next three rows and of rows and now we're

ready to crochet into the ten stitches from the top row of the first

horizontal stripe okay so that's the beginning of the second horizontal

stripe and now for the rest of the stripe we're just going to chain one

turn our work and single crochet in each stitch across second horizontal stripe

is complete I'll set it down with this schematic which makes it really helpful

to see where we are so we've done our second horizontal stripe so we're now

ready to do our second vertical stripe and what that means is we're going to

work across these ends of rows and across these stitches so we've have four

end of rows to work across and we have ten whoops let's get that all in the

camera we're going to work across the four end of rows here and we're going to

work across the ten stitches here I mistakenly fastened off this corner we

could have continued to work across this side without cutting the yarn so my

mistake you will have one less end to weave in between the two sections in the

same color you don't need to fasten off your yarn it just saves you a little

extra time at the end so I'll just slip stitch to join this one chain one and

we're going to work one single crochet across each of these end of rows and

then one single crochet into each of these stitches here and you can work

across around the loose ends if you want to or if it they feel like they're being

too bulky you can just leave them too behind and weave them in later okay and

so now we will chain one turn our work and work Row two and all remaining rows

exactly the same to just single crochet in each stitch across and the end of

this stripe we will fasten off okay so now you can see that we have our second

horizontal and second vertical stripes completed and now we're ready to begin

the third horizontal stripe so we'll work across these four end of rows and

then work across all fourteen of these stitches just

remember to keep count of how many stitches you had in each last section

and how many rows or make a note of it or follow the line by line instructions

of the original size we're gonna grab a third color of yarn now to show the

third set of stripes and remember tie your yarn to your crochet hook and we'll

join in the corner with a slip stitch chain one we're gonna work one single

crochet into each of the four end of rows from the last vertical stripe and

then working across the stitches in the last horizontal stripe work one single

crochet in each stitch across and that's the first row of our third horizontal

stripe complete and now the second row will be the same as all the other second

and future rows of each stripe its chain one turn your work and single crochet in

each stitch across okay for the third horizontal stripe I'm only doing two

rows so now without cutting your yarn you're gonna turn your work and get

ready to start your third vertical row which is going to be to chain one and

then work one single crochet into each of those to end of rows and then one

single crochet into each of the stitches from the last vertical row okay and for

our second row we're just going to chain one turn our work and single crochet in

each stitch across and fasten off this color okay so now we have our third

horizontal stripe complete our third vertical stripe complete and now we're

going to do our fourth vertical stripe first before doing our fourth horizontal

stripe last so we're going to pick up where we left off here at the end of the

third vertical stripe and work in each stitch across

with the next color so this time we won't be working into any end of rows

this one's super simple we're just going to join with a slip stitch in the first

stitch chain one and work one single crochet in each stitch across and row

two in all following rows are going to be to chain one turn your work and work

one single crochet in each stitch across

we're now ready to work the last right which is the fourth horizontal stripe

which means we'll be working across the end of rows of the fourth vertical

stripe the end of rows of the third vertical stripe and all the stitches of

the third horizontal stripe so I'll show you that again here we're going to work

across these six end of rows these two end of rows and all of these stitches

here so we're going to chain one one single crochet into each of these six

end of rows

and then one single crochet into each of these to end of rows and you can work

around these tails or skip them if you want whichever makes you more

comfortable and we're going to work in each of these single crochets across

from the last horizontal straight row to in all following rows for this section

same as every other we're going to chain one turn our work and work one single

crochet in each stitch across please continue on for part two to learn how to

make the neck opening and create the back and then in part three we'll make

the cowl neck if you have any questions by all means leave them for me in the

comments and please subscribe to my channel for more videos

For more infomation >> How to Crochet Poncho Part 1 of 3 FRONT Color Stripes with Custom Sizing Info - Duration: 16:19.


How To Make Chocolate Cake at home - Cake Style 2017 - Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Videos - Duration: 11:46.

How To Make Chocolate Cake at home

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cake at home - Cake Style 2017 - Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Videos - Duration: 11:46.


Steph Curry Predicts Which Teams Will Make the NBA Finals - Duration: 2:15.

After the Celtics lost their first two games of the 2017-18 NBA season—and lost their

prized free agency acquisition Gordon Hayward in the process, due to a devastating leg injury—there

were some NBA fans who wondered if this year was going to be a bust for Boston.

They had been picked to challenge LeBron James and the Cavaliers in the playoffs this season,

but after seeing the way they played in their opening games without Hayward, it didn't

appear as though that would be a real possibility anymore.

Since then, the Celtics have regained their composure and reeled off 14 wins in a row.

They have played well on both ends of the court, and despite short-term injuries to

Kyrie Irving and Al Horford, they have once again looked like the title contender some

people thought they could be heading into this season.

On Thursday night, the Celtics notched their most impressive win on the season thus far

by knocking off Steph Curry and the Warriors at home after falling behind by as many as

17 points in the second half.

They held the Warriors to just 88 points during the game—the fewest they've ever scored

in a game featuring Curry, Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green.

And after the game, Curry heaped a pile of praise on the Celtics and made a prediction

of sorts when he was asked if he thinks there's a chance the Warriors could face the Celtics

in the NBA Finals at the end of the season.

Curry told reporters that he believes it's "very likely" that Golden State could

end up playing against the Celtics, not the Cavaliers, in the Finals.

"Very, very likely, right?

They're playing the best right now in the East.

Obviously, until they beat Cleveland, who has done it three years in a row, we'll


I hear the weather's great [in Boston] in June, so we'll see."

Before anyone in Boston gets too excited about what Curry said, it's important to remember

that there's still a lot of basketball to be played between now and June.

The Celtics are sitting at 14-2 right now and look like they're ready to jump in the

driver's seat in the East, but they know better than anyone that injuries can happen

and change everything.

There are also trades that are inevitably going to happen throughout the course of the

season that could play a role in who ultimately makes it to the Finals.

But at least for now, the idea of the Warriors and Celtics playing in the NBA Finals this

season, as opposed to the Warriors and Cavaliers, doesn't seem all that crazy when you consider

how well both teams have played so far.

And if Thursday night was any indication, a Finals featuring the Warriors and Celtics

could end up being a lot of fun for NBA fans

For more infomation >> Steph Curry Predicts Which Teams Will Make the NBA Finals - Duration: 2:15.


ESTO YA NO ES BROMA 😱 El Cáncer Muere Cuando Usted Come CAQUI. ¡INCREIBLE! - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> ESTO YA NO ES BROMA 😱 El Cáncer Muere Cuando Usted Come CAQUI. ¡INCREIBLE! - Duration: 3:39.


Jersey Shore's Vinny G Talks Boardwalk Snacks || SnackTalk - Duration: 14:02.

Please, someone, get this out of my sight.

Vinny's appalled.

-Who wants to reinvent bacon?

Bacon is the greatest thing of all time.

-Welcome to "Snack Talk," the show that answers

every snack-related question you could possibly imagine.

Ya know, I really love boardwalks,

and what's not to love?

You got 30-year-old arcade games to play,

bootleg "Family Guy" T-shirts to scope out.

You can even get berated by a dunk tank clown.

That's great.

But the best thing about boardwalks,

it's the snacks, the glorious snacks

and the possibility of taking these

boardwalk snacks to the beach.

But you know, in all my years of being on

and under boardwalks, I've never been able

to truly determine, which of these beach

and boardwalk snacks is the best.

So, who better than to help me out

with this conundrum, than someone you may know

from the cast of "Jersey Shore."

You may also have seen him lately

as the host of various television programs.

There was even a time where he removed

a piece of lint from Pauly D's hair.

Please welcome, Vinny G!


-What's going on?

-How are you?

-Amazing, welcome to the Bodega.

Thank you for being here.

-Oh, thank you for having me.

-Let's talk about some snacks.

-Let's do it.

-So, Vinny.


-What's going on?

-Nothin much, just ya know, came to the Bodega,

I was hungry, wanted to get a snack.


-And then I ran into you.

-Yeah, well, here we are.

I'm glad that you're so into snacks.

Vinny G, you are here to help us

get to the bottom of what is the best

boardwalk beach snack.

So let's see, you've been doing some cooking?

-We just did a show on the Cooking Channel

called "Vinny & Ma Eat America."

My mom is this little Sicilian woman

who's never left Staten Island before

so taking her out of Staten Island

all over the country to try new food was hilarious.

Italian moms don't like eating new things.

-What would you say mom's favorite snack is?

-Ah man, she likes the stuff that she makes.

So she makes this thing call struffoli.

You guys ever hear of struffoli?


-They're like these fried honey balls.

So they take dough and then you deep-fry them

and you dip them in honey and you put

rainbow sprinkles on top.

It's like an Italian treat that you eat during the holidays.

And they are delicious.




-I gotta bring some back for you guys.


All right so Vinny you are here to help us

determine which is the absolute best

of boardwalk beach snacks.


-We've devised a method to help us

determine which is the best of beach boardwalk snacks.

I was up all night thinking about it,

and this is a variation on the classic game

(bleep), Marry, Kill, but without the

misogyny, commitment, or potential for murder.


-So we are calling this game,

Snack, Bury, Chill.

Snacks that we like, we'll set them aside.

-So clever.

-For immediate consumption.


Thank you so much.


-Snacks that we can't stand, we're gonna bury them,

right in the sand.

And then snacks that we're all right with,

we're gonna chill in the cooler

and maybe we'll have them later.


Enter, the sand.


-Pretty nice, huh?

Before we attack this task,

it's important that we take some precautions.

Here, I have a towel for you.

-Oh thank you.


And I have to, safety first Vinny, safety first.

-Is that sunscreen?

-Yeah, who's the white nerd now, Vinny?

-You just made it worse.

-Oh man this is a fried food feud.

-That is a hard one.

-Here we got deep-fried Oreos, churros and

please give us the definitive pronunciation

of this treat.


-Not, zepolay.

-No, not zepolay.

Zepolay sounds like a High-school douchebag.

-Fair, fair, I mean, how do you feel about these?

-Oh man, you want me to go first?


-OK, I'll start it off.

So, I'm gonna kill the deep-fried Oreo.

-Yeah, why so?

-I've had them before, and it's a bit excessive.

-It's a freaking novelty, Vinny, I'm right there with you.

-It is, ya know, it's just like,

who's ordering, I'm a fat kid at heart,

but I'm not that fat.

I like a deep-fried piece of dough

is good enough for me, or just an Oreo.

I don't have to blend them together,

and really feel like I'm a piece of (bleep).

-I agree with you, look, these two critters here

have stood the test of time.

They were here 50 years ago, they'll be here

50 years in the future, but think about it,

the deep-friend fair food is falling off.

We've already moved on to unicorn bar food.


-All right, well I'm with you on that.

-So I'm gonna bury the deep-fried Oreo.

-Put it in its quartz-based grave.

-This is kinda nasty now.

I feel like I'm making chicken cutlets.




-All right and then we're gonna move on to the churro.

Do you feel like the churro is a West Coast

thing more than an East Coast thing?

I don't see them a lot on the East Coast.

-From myself, as a Brooklyn person,

I hang out in the neighborhoods

that have a high Hispanic population.


-And so I see them occasionally,

mostly sold in the subway.



-Or like real bodegas and stuff.


-But, you know, I don't know, I could go either way on these.

-Well I think a churro is just basically

like a long donut, or a zeppole or something like that.

So I kinda see these as one in the same,

but you know what, because I kind of have a liking for them

but they don't really do it for me that much,

I'm gonna chill it.

-Chillin' on the churro.

-Chillin' on the churro.

-Un churro frio.

So that means zeppoles.

-Oh, zeppoles I'm keeping, let me tell you

about this guy.

My mom makes zeppoles in Staten Island

and the pizzerias, they have zeppoles,

they are amazing. You put some

Nutella in one of these things,

you dip it in some powdered sugar:

You can't get better in life.


I will literally (bleep) thinking about it.

-Oh man, fantastic.

-Not right now.

-Don't think any harder.

-Yeah, sorry.

-Fantastic, all right, so we will save the zeppole

for later snack consumption and

we will move on to the next round.

-I'm ready.

-All right.

The eliminations are gonna get a lot more tricky.

I have a feeling you're gonna be biased

towards one of these things.

So here we are, we have pizza,

a lobster roll, and fish tacos.

-Can you go first?


-I have a lot to think about with this.

-Yeah, I will.

So I think the thing that I wanna snack for me

is probably, and maybe I'm being an elitist

but it's probably the lobster roll

and I just think about the idea

of a lobster roll, and I don't want a lobster roll

in the city, I don't want a lobster roll at my house,

I want a lobster roll at the beach,

but I feel like I could have fish tacos and pizza

anywhere and it would be fine,

but a lobster roll, in a bodega, no.

So for me, that is the snack of choice,

the problem is, I think the taco is a better

beach snack but I love pizza more,

and I hate to say this to one of the loves

of my life, but I think I'm gonna have to

bury pizza and chill on the tacos.

-Wow, that is shocking.

Each one of these things could be amazing

or they could be horrible.

-Well said.

-I am very biased when it comes to pizza.

I could have horrible pizza where I would bury it.

So assuming, I just want everyone to know this,

assuming that these are all the best

of the options here, this is pizza

from Staten Island, this is a lobster roll

they imported from Maine, and that's fish tacos

that doesn't smell like, you know.

I will say, I am burying the fish tacos.

-Bury that fish taco.

-Because I just don't know.

-We both agree on that.

-I just don't know what's up inside of that fish taco.

So I'm burying that, this is disgusting.

-Thank you for your sacrifice.

-I am going to chill the lobster roll,

equally disgusting, 'cause you know

we gotta freshen that up a little bit.

And again, if this is the best pizzeria,

if this is a great pizza...

-We're gonna snack on that pizza.

-This is the greatest single invention on earth.

Whoever invented pizza, was an Italian guy probably right?

-Oh I'm sure.

-I wanna thank him and kiss him,

'cause pizza, you can't go wrong with pizza,

you always have to keep pizza.

You can honestly put anything up here

and I'll still pick the slice of pizza on there.

-Pizza wins.

-So the fact that you buried it, I don't like you.

-I didn't bury it, I chilled on it.

-No, I think you buried it.

-No, I buried the taco, didn't I bury the taco?

-I think you buried pizza.

-Roll back to see.

(tape rewinding)

I think I'm gonna have to bury pizza

and chill on the tacos.

-You buried pizza, even you're a denier,

you're a pizza denier.

-You sold me, Vinny, you changed me.

Now get these tacos out of our sight.

-Yeah, throw it back in the ocean.

-So Vinny, I want you know that I

personally drove all the way to the

Jersey Shore boardwalk to procure

these fine foods for you.

Don't let the little ends on the cup fool you, OK?

-I just saw a homeless guy outside selling this.

-All right, how do you feel about these frosty treats?

-All right, so right away, I'm going to bury

this little contraption you call a snow cone,

right here. Snow cones, I don't really see the point

in having them; there are so many better things

you can order as far as dessert goes.

It's really just eating flavored ice.

Now I love these two things, I love a milkshake,

and I love ice cream, right?


-The milkshake to me, I get confused about.

You know when you go to a diner,

you order a milkshake, but it's like,

do I eat it before I eat my meal?

Is it a beverage for my meal?

But to me, it's dessert, but I don't know if it's dessert.

You know what I mean, I get really confused.

But I love milkshakes so I'm gonna chill

on the milkshake.

-Wow, you should be like a snack lawyer.

-I can talk about this all day.

And now on the boardwalk,

on a nice hot summer day, you got an ice cream cone.

Don't even overcomplicate it,

just get a nice twist, maybe add some sprinkles to it,

but once you start messing with all the other flavors,

I don't (bleep) with it.

So, I'm gonna keep this.



-All right, ice cream wins.

The next round.

Chocolate-covered bacon,

chocolate-covered frozen banana, and watermelon.

This is the battle of the fruits.

I consider bacon to be kinda a fruit.


-Me too.

-All right, which one would you bury

and which one is the snack of your dreams.

-OK, right away, you gotta get this

as far away from me as possible.

What the hell?

As a bacon lover, I find this offensive.

Is this a real thing?

-Yeah, bite into it, bro.

-Someone out there, no.

Someone out there is eating.

I've heard of, even candy bacon,

you know when they put a coat of sugar on it?

It's a little excessive to me.

Who wants to reinvent bacon?

Bacon is the greatest thing of all time

and you want to put chocolate on it?


All right, bury it, bro.

-I'm burying.

And you know honestly, I would bury it as well,

I think this was invented purely for novelty sake,

to get likes on Instagram, and that's not

the kind of food that I want on my set.

-Yeah, go back to Williamsburg.

-Indeed, well said.

Please someone, get this out of my sight.

Vinny's appalled.


-Wow, I like the service around here.

-Keep this in, it will be great.

All right, now we've got chocolate-covered banana

which is slowly melting onto me.

Or the watermelon.

Watermelon, it's kinda like

nature's candy, the watermelon.

-It really is.

You know, I'm going to have to

chill the chocolate-covered banana.

I mean, those things are amazing.


-I'm not gonna lie, ya know.

They're the perfect combination

if you want to get your fruit in,

and you're chocolate and everything,

it's a great, when you're hot, a great treat.

But I love watermelon, and we've been looking

at all these (bleep) foods that are gonna kill you,

you know, so.


For health purposes and to end this

on a nice healthy note...


-I'm picking the watermelon.

-I understand.

All right Vinny, I need you to crown a victor.

We told these people that we would give them

the absolute best of boardwalk snacks.

Which snack is the best?

-The pizza is my favorite food ever, right?

But it has to be good pizza.

But you could also get pizza anywhere.

You brought me here for a reason.

-I did.

-You wanted to talk about a boardwalk snack, right?

-Give me the snacks.

-I think fried dough, powdered sugar,

wins takes everything for the boardwalk consumption,

I'm going with the zeppole.

-There you have it my friends.

-It has a cool name, it's Italian -- zeppole all day.

-There you have it, the zeppole,

is indeed the greatest snack for you

to consume on the boardwalk.

Vinny thank you so much for getting

to the bottom of what is the best boardwalk beach snack.

-My pleasure.

-Listen, I gotta tell you, your swag

is starting to rub off on me and I've been inspired.

Yeah it's true, see the greatest thing

about having your own bodega is

after you're done using it, you can

turn it into one heck of a club.



Zeppoles, the No. 1 beach snack.

-I'm outta here, loser.


Thanks for watching "Snack Talk."

Be sure to like and subscribe.

And if you'd like to win this beautiful

tub of cheeseballs, all you have to do

is guess the correct amount and leave

your guess in the comments below.

If you win, I will mail the tub to you personally.

For more infomation >> Jersey Shore's Vinny G Talks Boardwalk Snacks || SnackTalk - Duration: 14:02.


Adventure Of A Lifetime (S2 Ep4) "The fighting dog" - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Adventure Of A Lifetime (S2 Ep4) "The fighting dog" - Duration: 2:56.


Forgiveness | Dr. Ed Young - Duration: 28:31.

♪ Theme music ♪


That's a big word, isn't it?


Forgiveness has about it a mystery,

and I think we all wonder at times,

"Has God really forgiven me?

I mean, all of these times, I've gone back over and over

-has He really?

Does He keep on forgiving me?

Am I forgiven?"

And then we wonder, "Have, have I really forgiven other people?

Have I forgiven them?

Have I let them off the hook?"

And then, "Have people forgiven me?"

So forgiveness is a big, mysterious word.

So we say, "Forgive us our debts,

or forgive us our trespasses," and some translations said,

"Forgive us of our wrongs..."

I like it-"Forgive us of our sins..."

I got that one!

And you can do a linguistic study of the word for sin,

or trespasses, or debts in the Bible.

There's a lot of words.

It means to miss the mark; it means to come up short.

It means to step over the line.

It means to get out of the path.

It means to do your own thing.

It means to rebel.

There's a lot of word and nuances of the word

"sin" and "debts" and trespasses" and "wrongs"

all the way through the Scripture.

But we worry about the Lord's Prayer.

We say, you know, in some churches, they say "debts".

Other churches, they say "trespasses".

What's that all about?

I like one simple explanation I read.

He said it's the difference between

Scotchman and the Englishman.

He said that you go to a Scottish Presbyterian

church-they say, "Forgive us our debts."

Scotchman are into money and debt and being skin-flints,

and cheap, and so they're worried about being in debt;

so they use the word "debt".

Go to English church, church of England, Episcopal church;

they'll say "Forgive us our trespasses..."

The English are interested in property, in lines, and man when

you trespass, you go over that line...

So the difference in being an Englishman and a Scotchman,

debts and trespasses; I like to use the word "sin".

"Forgive us our sin..."

Now somebody might say, "Why do we have to

pray that if we're a Christian?

This is a believer's prayer."

So I want us to see two simple, basic things that every Jesus

follower needs to have nailed down in their life.

A lot of things you can forget and wonder about.

You'll need this.

You need to know how to get right with God, and you need to

know how to stay right with God.

Isn't that it?

Can get more basic than that.

How do you get right with God?

You need three words!

Every person, if you don't have these words,

write it down in your Bible.

Use lipstick, a pen, pencil, mascara, write it down!

We need these three words the rest of

our lives if we're Jesus followers.

First of all, we need it to get right with God.

We need to stay right with God.

What are those words?


We become a Christian when the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.

I have stepped over the line; I have fumbled; I have failed;

I have struck out; I have lied; I have deceived.

Conviction of sin is where it all starts,

and the Holy Spirit does that.

I can dangle everybody here over the fires of Hell for 30 minutes

-say, "Whoo, boy, I'm glad to get out of there!"

But it is the Holy Spirit that brings conviction

in my life and your life.

That's the first step of being a Christian.

Conviction-gotta have that word.

Then there is confession.

We are convicted of sin; we confess sin.

Don't say, "Forgive me of my many sins..."

Spell it out.

Be specific.

Be specific...

Confession of sin.

And then what do we do?

We repent.

We turn away from all known sin.

We move in the opposite direction.

Now this is how we become a Christian, those three words.

You have to have 'em to get right with God.

Conviction-the Holy Spirit does it.

Confession, and then we repent and we receive Christ-bang!

We're in the family of God.

This in one sense is a judicial process.

God is a holy God.

He cannot tolerate debts, trespasses, wrongs and sins.

They have to be dealt with.

You see, God doesn't leave any loose ends out there,

so it has to be dealt with.

We know that Jesus Christ came on the Cross.

He took all that I owe.

He took every time I had stepped over the line.

He took all of my sins and all of yours, and He died for us.

He paid the price.

He is the substitute for you in

a court of law before Almighty God.

He died on your behalf.

He took the judgment that you and I deserve upon Himself.

This is what happens-this is how we get right with God

-those three words.

Let me explain in a very simple way: There was a family walking

through the plains of Georgia-grass about this high,

taking a stroll, large, large valley, and they looked behind

them and they saw a brush fire that started.

And the wind was pushing that fire rapidly in their direction.

There was no way they could escape.

Fire was moving in!

Nowhere to run!

Flames everywhere!

But the father, who was an outdoorsman, took a match and

lighted a fire where the family was,

and they established a burned out place.

And they stepped back.

The fire was coming, and this place burned out.

So after the grass here was burned, he got his family in the

middle of that burned out place, and when the fire was moving

rapidly for them, it just went around them.

There was nothing to burn!

They were safe!

It went over them.

They were not harmed, or singed in any way

because there was nothing to burn.

The fire moved over them.

This is what happens on the Cross.

We stand in judgment for our sin.

Jesus has already paid the price.

There's no double jeopardy there, and so we have to stay in

that burned-out place with Christ at the Cross, and the

judgment passes over us because there's nothing for you and for

me to be judged about because Jesus has paid the price;

He has paid it all, see?

We're in that burned out place.

This is how we get right with God.

You've gotta have those three words

-conviction, confession, repentance.

Now, how do you stay right with God?

Well, I don't know about you, but since I became a Christian,

I've not sinned any more.

You know, I've just -I've been perfect!

It's just been amazing to observe!

That's not quite the way it is, is it?

So what do you do about sin in the life of a Christian?

You need those same three words to stay right with God.

Conviction of sin, the Holy Spirit does that.

Confession of sin, and repentance from sin.

To get right, there's where we go.

To stay right, there's where we go,

and let's talk about confession.

You know our problem with confession?

Our problem is the little weak word, "but".

Let me, let me tell you -we don't own our sin.

This is how we confess-"Lord, forgive me for losing my temper.

I know I'm wrong, but everybody in my family has a temper..."

"Lord, forgive me for those lustful thoughts, but,

You made me like this..."

"Lord, forgive me for wanting the approval of people more than

I want Your approval; but isn't most everybody like that?"

You see, we put these little if, ands, or buts in there...


Confession is taking ownership of sin!

I made the choice.

I stepped out of bounds.

I went in that direction.

I am wrong!

Don't put any defense up.

Confess that sin.

By the way, how long has it been since you've confessed a

sin-something that you should have done and you didn't do?

You know, we don't confe...

"Lord, you know, I, I...

Lord, forgive me because I didn't..."

Oh, "Forgive me, Lord, because I did..."

But evidently that's a big deal because in Matthew 25,

Jesus is there, the sheep and the goats, and He says,

"Hey, where were you when I was naked?

You weren't there.

When I needed clothes, where were you when I was in prison?

Where were you when I was broken?

Where were you when I was hungry?

Where were you when I had all these problems?"

And we say, "Lord, we didn't know!

We didn't see; we didn't know."

He said, "You didn't open your eyes!

The little ones, the people around you

-you should have known!"

What happens to us in our sins of omission, what we omit?

Why do we miss things?

We work with people, we live with people and suddenly,

their lives lose out in a disastrous way.

They go into depression.

They go into all, have all kinds of problems that explode their

lives, and you know what we say?

"You know, I see them all the time and I didn't know..."

That's the excuse we give.

Why do we not pick up on this?

It's because we don't really love folks.

When you love something or someone,

you always have understanding.

A mother loves her children.

She understands them because she's read all

the books on child psychology?

No, because she loves!

If you love botany, you're going to understand botany.

Whatever we love, we understand.

And therefore, because we're not sensitive-we do not love, we do

not see, we do not feel-oh, we love-"Well, there in trouble!

I'm going to help them..."

Before they're in trouble, if we love, we understand and then we

can move in ahead of time!

So we pray for sins omission-what we do not do.

We confess that, as well as sins of commission, and we pray,

I pray, "Lord, give me quick eyes to see."

Isn't that what we need?

Quick eyes of love to see!

Love has understanding.

It's just built in.

So, how do you get right with God?

Three words!

Conviction-Holy Spirit does that.

Confession, repentance.

How do you stay right with God when we fumble

and step over the line as Christians?

Same three words-you got to have those words built in your life,

your vocabulary, your Christian experience if you're going to

get right-yes, and if you're going to stay right.

Now, look at the second part of this: Forgive us our sins, and

then look at this: " we forgive those

who sin against us."

By the way, this is the most important

part of the Lord's Prayer.

If we take the Lord's Prayer, we'd write on a screen-it is

this Verse that ought to blink!

Voom, boom, boom!

It ought to be large print; it ought to be emphasized.

It is the most important part.

It is the heart of the prayer.

You say, "Well, how do you know that?"

It is because it is the only part of the prayer that after

the prayer was completed, Jesus in Verse 13 and 14,

He explains this.

He underscores it again.

He says, "I don't want you to miss that."

He is saying, "if you are going to be forgiven by God, you'd

better be in the forgiving business as

God is in the forgiving business."

Years ago, the families moved away over ten years ago.

There's a family in our church-father,

mother, cute little girl, little guy.

The girl was 13; the boy was about 7.

The mother went to pick them up at school.

As they were going home, they stopped in front of the house.

The little girl, 13 year old girl

got out and went to the mailbox.

She opened the mailbox, and she found in there a note

-a note that was meant for her mother;

but the 13 year old girl picked up the note.

It was a note from her father's mistress saying to the mother,

"He loves me.

He doesn't love you.

Go ahead and get the divorce, etc., etc...

She was trying to speed up the process.

And this 13 year old girl read that note.

Needless to say, she was devastated.

Needless to say, her mother was devastated.

Needless to say, that little home just exploded

in many, many directions.

But the 13 year old girl-it hit her perhaps harder than anybody

else because she was her daddy's girl.

And she would come to the church and stay hours.

She would spend the night with members of our staff.

She just couldn't go home while

they were going through all this process.

And this is what she said.

You'll never forget it.

She said, "How can I forgive my daddy?"

Said, "How can I forgive him?"

And then she would say, "Even if I knew how to forgive him,

I don't want to forgive him!"

Can you identify with that?

Is there somebody out there who so hurt, abused, shamed-man,

you say, "I just, I don't see how I can forgive this person,

but even if I knew how,

I really don't want to forgive this person."

Let me tell you where forgiveness starts.

We have to first of all forgive unilaterally.

Say, "Well what does that mean?"

It means we forgive people when

they don't even ask for our forgiveness.

Say, "Well, they didn't ask..."

Oh no!

We forgive unilaterally.

Sometimes we forgive when they don't ask because it's such

a trivial thing, it's an irritant to us

-just go ahead and forgive them.

Sometimes, they're such jerks, they're not worth fooling with;

they're not worth messing up your life

-just go ahead and forgive them.

You say, "Well, is there a Biblical background for this?

Unilateral forgiveness?


Jesus on the Cross-those who executed Him, they weren't

asking to be forgiven, but Jesus just unilaterally said,

you know, "I forgive you."

Stephen, being stoned -he looked up.

He said, "Father, forgive them..."

They weren't asking for forgiveness, but he said,

"Father, forgive them.

I forgive them."

That's unilateral forgiveness.

We need to practice that!

Just go ahead and forgive.

Some people are still holding a grudge against

a father who abused them.

Well you father's been dead for 6 years!

He's not going to come back and say,

"Oh, I want you to forgive me!"

Just unilaterally forgive them.

And, then there is relational forgiveness.

We sort of enjoy having that hatred.

We enjoy saying, "Boy, I hope God will

soon come in and zap 'em!"

You know, I just hope-anything bad's gonna happen, boy, the way

they treated me-look what's happened to me..."

And so there's a relational, and so we keep on, we're pulling on

the same thing, the same revenge, the same hatred,

the same ideas.

We want to bring them down.

We just can't forgive!

It's like, this is a big bell tower here-there's a bell up

there and we have a rope, and we pull that rope-it goes bongggg!


And we keep pulling on that revenge-bonggg!

I remember what you did!


I remember what you said.


I remember how you abused me!


I remember how you embarrassed me!


And we keep on pulling on that rope,

and pulling on that rope...

Let me tell you something: Let go of the rope.


Let go of the rope!

Are you gonna let that person control you and scar you and

keep you captive to that event,

or that misdeed all the rest of your life?

My goodness!

How absurd can that be?

Let go of the rope!

Now when you let go of the rope, it may bong a little bit, you

know-you been been ringing that bell

of revenge a long time-bongggg!


But gradually, it'll fade out...bong...

until you won't hear it any more.

The pain may still be there; but you've let go of the rope.

You've let go of the rope.

You have forgiven.

You know what this Verse is really saying?

Jesus is saying in this Verse, "You have received the grace of

God; therefore, now that you have received it, the grace of

God must go through you and offer grace to others.

If you receive grace, you have to give grace.

That's the principle.

You can't receive grace and just bottle it up

-say, "I'm not gonna forgive!

I'm not gonna forget..."

No, you have to-it has to pass through you.

Has to pass through you to others.

Has to pass through you to those you haven't forgive.

Otherwise, they're gonna keep you captive

for the rest of your life!

As God has set you free in Christ,

we are to set others free!

It's a supernatural thing.

I can't do it in my own volition.

But He enables us to forgive when we're reminded how much

we've been forgiven.

How do we forgive?

We forgive the way we have been forgiven.

"I don't want to forgive!"

Oh no-we want to forgive because we have been greatly forgiven.

Remember Matthew 18?

Great little Chapter.

Peter-I like Peter!

He's such a-he's so obvious, you know?

He tries to be super-pious; you just see right through him,

just like we see through one another.

So Pete one day said to Jesus, "Jesus..."

I can imagine he had a little whine-"Jesus, how many times do

we forgive someone?

Seven times?"

Now the rabbis said you forgive people three times,

so Pete just doubled and added one.

"Oh, Jesus, we're so pious!

How many times do I forgive people?

Seven times?"

Jesus said, "Look-you forgive people seventy times seven!

Four hundred and ninety times!"


What was Jesus saying to Peter?

Peter, quit counting!

You're not an accountant!

Somebody says, "Oh, you did this to me, and you did this to me,

and boy, I did this to you..."

We're not in the accounting business.

We've been forgiven; we're in the forgiving business.

We've been given grace-we're in the grace business!

And then following this, Jesus told a tremendous parable.

A tremendous story!

He said, "Once there was a king,

and a man owed him twelve million dollars."

Pretty good debt!

I thought about that -how in the world could

a servant owe twelve million dollars?

Only way I could figure it-he stole it from the king because

the king was the only one who would have twelve million.

Anyway, so the king said, "Hey, pay me!"

The guys says, "Can't do it.

Give me time."

King says, "Take this guy and his family.

Sell all of his property.

Put him in jail until he can pay me back."

I never understand how someone will make money in jail to pay

back a debt; but anyway-I'm not good at accounting.

So the man had, said, "Lord, have compassion on me.

Forgive me.

Forgive me of this debt!"

The king saw his family, had compassion,

and forgave him of a twelve million dollar debt!


Now the man goes out.

One of his friends, another servant,

owed him twenty thousand dollars.

He said, "Hey!

Pay me the twenty grand that you owe me!"

Guy says, "I can't do it.

Give me time!"

He said, "Take him and put him in jail!

Take his family!

Man, stay there until you pay me back!"

And the man says, "Have compassion!"

Same thing he asked for from the king.

But he wouldn't give compassion to the servant.

He said, "No deal!

It's been long enough.

Put him in jail."

Now his friends went and told the king what this ungrateful

servant had done and said, "You know what he did?

This guy-you just forgive him twelve million.

He wouldn't even give time for his friend to pay him back

twenty-thousand dollars-he's thrown him in jail!"

And the king-representing God-was indignant!

He said, "Go and get that ungrateful

rascal (Young's translation) and throw him in

jail until he pays the debt!"

Now I want you to watch this.

This is tricky.

Did the man owe the king twelve million?

Oh no, no, no, no!

The king had already forgiven the twelve million.

But he's in jail until he pays the debt.

What did he owe?

The debt that he owed was the forgiveness he had received; he

had to give that forgiveness to others, and that he did not do.

That's the debt he owed; not the twelve million.

That's away.

It's forgiven.

It's a debt of forgiving others.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Whatever we do today, that name that came to your mind as

we prayed-unilaterally forgive them.

Set them free so you can be free,

so grace can flow to you and to me.

We can be forgiven; therefore, we can be

in the forgiving business to others.

So to sum up everything this passage is teaching us in this

prayer of Jesus, I'm going to sum it up with a profound,

theological statement.

You ready?

Let go of the rope!

For a limited time, Dr. Young would like to give you his book,

"The Winning Walk".

It's our gift to you for your

financial support of this ministry.

(Dr. Young) Did you know walking involves practically

every muscle in the body?

None of us are born with the ability to walk.

It requires strength,

and balance and coordination and time.

I have found walking with God is no different.

No one instantly becomes an overcoming Christian!

We must take those first timid steps,

clinging to the Fathers hand before we can walk worthy of

our calling as Children of the King.

Like all journeys, The Winning Walk requires

the proper equipment and preparation.

By outfitting our lives with the Word of God,

we will be able to follow wherever the Master leads.

Get your copy today.

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For centuries, earnest believers have observe the stations of the

cross as a devotional exercise to reflect on the importance of

Christ sacrifice on the cross.

We have created a unique online collection of devotionals on our

website to help you remember some of those historical events

and to lead you to worship God, the amazing sacrifice,

on our behalf.

This is not a traditional rendering of the stations of the

cross, but a fresh new perspective on an ancient

practice to help us remember and embrace the passion story.

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week with a scripture, a historical description of

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the resurrection on the Sunday above all Sunday's

- Easter Sunday!

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