Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here, And a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick chick,

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dogs. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here, And a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof, There a Woof, Everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pig. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here, And an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink, There an Oink, Everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh neigh" here, and a "neigh, neigh" there ,Here a "neigh" there a "neigh"Everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cows. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here, And a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo, There a Moo, Everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here, And a Quack Quack there, Here a Quack, There a Quack, Everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Cement Mixer Truck | Construction Vehicles | Trucks For Kids | Kids Cartoon | Learn street Vehicles - Duration: 47:04.


Removing a Load-bearing Wall - DIY Network - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Removing a Load-bearing Wall - DIY Network - Duration: 1:48.


Kristin Scott Thomas Was Hesitant to Play Winston Churchill's wife - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Kristin Scott Thomas Was Hesitant to Play Winston Churchill's wife - Duration: 4:19.


"I picked the best son!! JooHyuk~❤" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 2:19.

- Hello. / - It's Two Days and One Night!

- It's Kim Joohyuk. / - Hello.


He's here to say hi.

I'm here to get groceries.

- Okay. / - How much is two skates?

Two Korean skates

cost 140 dollars.

- 140 dollars? / - Yes.

Give me a discount.

I came all the way here.

Please wait a minute. I want to get a picture.

I need to get a photo.

- How much discount will I get? / - Hold on.

Tell me that first.

I won't take a picture without a discount.

I'll give them to you for 120 dollars.

- 10 dollars off each. / - That's great.

He won't leave unless I give him a discount.


What should I get?

- Scallion. / - Scallion, cucumber.

- A box of grapes. / - Okay.

We have to get fish sauce too.

- Wait. Mom. / - What?

We don't need to buy fish sauce.

We have so much.

(Just ask our staff.)

Don't we have a lot of it?

How much for 10 cucumbers?

- Five dollars. / - Five dollars.

- Scallions? / - Five dollars.

- Give him some discount. / - Onions.

I'm giving them to him for a good price.

- Come on. / - No.

You have to give us more discount.

- Cheaper. / - It is cheap.

- Come on. / - 20 dollars.

Just take 20 dollars, please.

Give them to us for 20 dollars.

For 20 dollars. Please.

(All right.)

I did it.

(A more aggressive negotiation starts now.)

(He shoots a local commercial.)

Do you want high quality meat?

Then come to this butcher's shop.

They prepare quality meat in a clean kitchen.

(With a commercial and photo shoot...)

How much will it be all together?

- Pardon? / - Can I give you discount?

Of course.

Otherwise, I can't have dinner tonight.

15 dollars.

(He received 15 dollars off.)

It'll be weird if I get too much discount.

I picked the best son.

He's really handsome.

They asked me to pick one out of six.

- So I chose him. / - The others aren't handsome.

They're not handsome. They aren't even human.

He's tall too.

For more infomation >> "I picked the best son!! JooHyuk~❤" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 2:19.


Why are we depressed? ⚠️ - Duration: 10:51.

Hey seek it, welcome back:

India is one of the youngest countries in the world

in which 65% people are under 35

in fact 50% of Indian population is under 25

80% people who are watching this video are under 35

All these people younger than 35, or people born after 1982 are called Millennials in English

We Millennials are the most prosperous young generation of human history

which means no young generation has ever lived such a luxurious life

Also for the first time in the human history struggle of a young generation is not getting bread and butter but to reach new heights

Despite all that, studies (Done on Millennials) come up with the same result

The depression rate in Millennials is such extreme, that has never seen before in human history

India is the youngest country in the world and also one of the most depressed countries in the world

Every 1 out of 4 Indians is suffering from anxiety disorder

and every 1 out of 20 Indians is depressed

Since 1950 to 2010 suicide rate under 35 years has increased by 3 times

Today about 42.5% Corporate employees are depressed in India.

In India a student in every hour commits suicide

In people between 18 to 30 suicide is second leading cause of death.

But why?

and how did we reach here?

Unlike our parents, today's generation, we Millennials think differently

We have defined our own way of working

we have defied all previous rules and created our new values

Working Differently, taking risk doing what we find meaningful

we want to leave our traces

But things only look easy

in the people in der 20 In last 25 years

Narcissistic personality disorder (not satisfy with one's looks and personality) has hiked over 3 times

The models and actors we watch on TV and on the Internet, we also want to be like them, look like them

This is the same generation which has dominated Facebook Instagram and Snapchat

where even though fake, but we see a perfect world of other people

Which also creates a social pressure on us

to show our perfect world to others

in this virtual world we seek happiness through, comments likes and followers

Reality shows are also a part of this generation

which shows us perfect people.

Where looks, money and fame seem like a key to happiness

Only 2 generations ago

People had seen such a time

when they would work really hard to get every single thing

Even after working hard on farm and land

people cold hardly get enough to eat twice a day

Most of you must have heard similar storied from your parents and grand parents

In which they told

How hard they have worked to reach here

The same principles

they gave to their next generation.

however for the Millennials, apart from time

there were other things too that had changed

after 1990 in most cities and villages of India

poverty reduced significantly

Now it was not had to get 2 meals a day (for most people)

we Millennials studied in English medium schools

We watch English movies

we have Girlfriends and boyfriends

Now things have changed

to create the wealth, house and car our forefathers worked night and day

We got that without any hard work

Before Millennials were children would

dream of becoming doctors & pilot

we Millennials dream differently

we want to become a celebrity

a model or we want to become a software engineer

Not just in 1 country

in almost every country surveyed

where 1 thing appeared over and over again

We Millennials are lazier than our previous generations

Now Grofers delivers vegetables to our houses

Dominions delivers pizza

and Flipkat whatever we like

Despite such a comfortable life, why life is not easy?

The biggest problem is

on which most of you are watching this video

Mobile phone!!

When you eat with your family

how many times you check your phone?

and how many time that happens

in 1 hand you have food and on the other hand you have phone

or your eyes, are they on phone

or on the mother who is cooking for you?

In India and average Millennial cheeks his/her phone at least 100 times a day

And touching the phone unnecessarily

Refreshing apps

Or checking the same apps, that had had been checked only 5 minutes ago

If you count all that the number goes beyond 300

Why on earth we do that?

Because we are addicted to these phones

Using phone, taking selfie

Sharing photos and videos on social media

releases Dopamine (chemical) in our brain

Which gives us feeling if getting reward

The same chemical gets released in a smoker or a drinker's brain

Which is the main reason behind their addiction

Even before starting something

in just anticipation of its results

our mind starts releasing dopamine

That is why YOU checks your phone again and again, in hopes for getting something

these likes, shares and messages creates such a virtuous cycle that never ends

and makes us slaves to the phone

we need it before sleeping

after waking up

Even in night we check our mobiles

Survey tell us, 93% Millennials take their phones with them in bed

and more than 80% take it even in toilet

but what happens, when your new post gets less likes than your previous post

or you receive 0 comments

if your only phone gets broken?

It feels like a broken heart

it seems, someone has cheated in love

now the only thing that would give us happiness

has gone

Now you're not only sat

You are DEPRESSED too

Our parents had to work night and day

to achieve something on which they can be proud of

instead we only post something on social media

Which subconsciously gives us the similar feeling (proud & happy)

In contrast to our hundreds or 1000s of Facebook and WhatsApp friends

Our parents only had a few friends

They didn't earn them by commenting

instead they earned them by spending quality time together

After working hard for years in their respective Jobs and work

They reached on the stage, where they are today

And yes, where your also stand

When they would get results of this hard work

that didn't only give them happiness

But also gave them a satisfaction

but we, just like this social media and this virtual world

anticipate quick results in real life

I wish if life was that easy

if we only had to study only 5 minutes

I wish if we could get promoted in a month

then at least these studies, this job would not feel that boring

The truth is there is no alternate to hard work

nor is there is no alternate to spending time with family and friends

Celebrity news or watching technology videos

we cannot pass in school

and forwarding good morning messages on WhatsApp

don't make relations stronger

The more we are dependent on technology

the harder it is for us

getting out of Mobile addiction and depression

If you want to change your situation

Then leave behind these phones

Talk to your family while eating together

Instead to talking to friends on phone or messages

Meet them in park

And share your problems with them

If you are a patent, ten talk to your child

If you are student

Then now its your turn to show maturity

Get out of this virtual world

Also remember, we millennials also have some quality

That was missing in our previous generation

We are breaking the centuries old barriers of Casteism and religion

By using this very same technology

we are creating new job opportunities

The same generation gave Virat Kohli to the nation

This is the same generation if they decide

then they can create companies like Flipkart, Paytm and OLA

Technology do comes with some problems

But their solutions are also in front of us

Living away from technology is not a solution

Maybe we cannot do that today

However, we can use is correctly, with maturity

Remember, the steps we take today

that will also take us to the future

Now its your turn to tell, what do you think

if you are millennial

then what do you think of technology?

If you are a parent

then what do you think of our new generation?

If you have any suggestion, feel free to let us know in the comment section

And yes, thank you for watching:)

For more infomation >> Why are we depressed? ⚠️ - Duration: 10:51.


"It's now lunchtime!!!!!!!^5!!!!!!!" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 16:35.

(It's back to Junho and Defconn.)

After harvest, where does this rice go?

- Seoul. / - Where are you going?

- Right? / - Where are you going?

Keep working. I'm going for lunch.

(I'm going for lunch.)

Lend a hand!

(He's running away.)

- Ma'am. / - Yes?

I'm a musician.

- I see. / - Do you know rap?

- No. / - You don't, right?

Say "ho"!

(He tries to introduce her to hip hop.)

- Say ho, ho! / - Ho, ho!

You're great.

(Are you watching this, Yoon Mirae?)

You should ride a bike or something.

- You have bad legs. / - Yes.

- Should I carry you? / - No.

- Come on. / - No.

- Ma'am. / - No.

Let me give you a piggyback ride.

- Come on. / - No.

- I'm really strong. / - No.

- Come on. / - I said no.

- Just hop on. / - No.

Hop on. Just carry my sickle.

Just carry my sickle, please.


You're so light.

I only weigh 42 kg.

- Only 42 kg? / - Yes.

You're such a good son.

Don't you feel like you're getting married?

I feel like I'm riding a horse.

(She is happy.)

She's 42 kg.

I feel like I'm on a horse.

She's my bride.

(Time goes by)

(and it's now lunchtime.)

What will I feed him?

(The old ladies worry about lunch menu.)

There are no side dishes.

There's no side dish. What do I give them?

There isn't much. What do I do?

I have no side dishes.

There are so many.

I hope they won't get upset.

There is no space on the table.

I have no side dishes.

(Every mother feels the same.)

(They always want to give more.)

(Ms. Yongim is preparing lunch.)

Ma'am, I see that one of the light bulbs is burned out.

- Yes. / - It's burned out.

I'm not tall enough to replace it.

- I'll do it. / - That's not the problem.

The lighting itself has a problem.

- Its tip. / - Its tip?

- Yes. / - It's not the light bulb?

No. The lighting's tip is problematic.

It's the tip? How should I fix it, then?

I have a new one.

Here. This is the one.

- Oh, that? / - Yes.

- You need to replace it. / - Hang on, this is...

- Gosh. / - Do you need something?

I've never done this before.

(He decides to give it a try.)

(He disassembles the broken lighting.)

(She continues to make lunch.)

(He connects the new lighting.)

(The yellow corvina is almost done.)

(Defconn is)

(also sweating profusely.)

(Just as she's almost done cooking,)

(he finishes setting it up.)

(Will the new lighting that he set up)

(work properly?)


(Both of the light bulbs light up brightly.)

- Ms. Lee. / - Did you fix it?

- What is it? / - Turn the switch on.

- The switch? / - Yes.

(The dark room)

(lights up again.)

(She smiles brightly too.)

- Say "ho". / - Ho, ho.

- Ho, ho, ho! / - Ho, ho, ho!


(Someone else is also working while food is made.)

Shall I hang it now?

(He carefully hangs the first piece.)

Isn't this perfect?


It looks okay, right? Yes.

Ma'am, look. I hung it. I'll do it one by one.

- I see. / - Do you like purple?

That's the easy part. Do the hard part first.

You should cover that after I leave.

I might fall.

(This is what he's done in two hours.)

(The quintessence of a homemade meal)

You made more food because of me, didn't you?

- No. / - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


- It's great. / - There aren't much food.

It's nothing to show off.

How many bowls of rice are those?

She prepared it for all of us.

- You'll film first? / - Yes.

Suit yourselves.

(Even though there are no cutlet or pizza,)

(they can't be compared to these foods.)

This is the food I usually eat.


(enjoys their delicious homemade food.)

It's good.


- It's delicious. / - Good, good, it's good.

- Is it good? / - Yes.

Gosh, this is the one.

This is the true kimchi of Jeolla Province.

(Watching him eat makes her happy.)

It's delicious.

(Despite the great food)

- Can I stop eating now? / - What? Why?

I already ate lunch.

I was too hungry.

(No way.)

When? While we were working?



I didn't feel comfortable eating while you work.

Who did you want to take at first?

- Who I wanted to pick? / - Yes.

The one who went to paper the wall looked innocent.

The one who's papering the wall.

- At Ms. Shin's house? / - Yes.

But he seems too weak to hammer.

He can't handle it.

So I was going to pick the fat one with a beard,

but I thought

he wouldn't be good for me.

(He's not my type.)

The one who worked in the field?

I didn't think I could work with him.

Your husband told me that

you two were an arranged marriage.

- By arrangement? / - Excuse me.

- Eat up. / - Like many others.

- I should go. / - Sit back down.

Did he tell you that?

(He's sitting back down.)

Sit on the chair.

Maybe I wouldn't have married him if we had met first.


We hadn't even met.

Our parents arranged our marriage.

Did you not like him at first?

- Well... / - We were married anyway.

- Where would you go? / - He saw...

13 other women before me.

13 women.


- I was too young then. / - You didn't date anyone.

No. I just visited this town

and got married unexpectedly.

He met all those women,

but chose me in the end.

I guess you didn't like those other women you met.

Right? He didn't like them.

- I didn't like them. / - See?

But you liked her, right?

I told you we never dated.

But he liked you when he first saw you.

- We hadn't met... / - I had seen you

when you were in our town.

No, he hadn't.


He was watching you secretly.

- Let's go. / - Watch out for the cars.


- How much is it? / - One dollar each.

You should give me one for free.

(He's still trying to save money.)

It's 15 dollars, but I'll just take 12.

15 dollars? 12 dollars?

- Just 12 dollars. / - I don't have it.

I only have 11 dollars.

Fine, just 11 dollars, then. I'm doing this for her.

He has a good taste. It's pretty.

(He buys her a pink hat.)

(Meanwhile, Ms. Oh is...)

My daughter sent them to me.

(The phone rings.)

Hi. It's my granddaughter.


- May I speak to her? / - I'll put him on.

Talk to him.

- Hello? / - Hello?


Hi, are you filming right now?

Yes, we are.

Do you have a boyfriend?


Do you have a boyfriend?

- I do. / - You do?

She's too young.

All right, take care. Please hold on.

(She has a boyfriend.)


(I should just eat.)

We're eating lunch now.

By the way, why is this here?

That? It's a stereo.

- It's a karaoke machine. / - That's right.

- It is. / - Why do you have it?

My son-in-law brought it.

- For you to sing? / - Yes.

- He brought it for me. / - He's good to you.

- He's really good to me. / - You're a good singer.

- I'm not. / - You must've practiced.

No, I can't even speak in front of people.

Gosh, that's not true at all.

I'm not a good talker.

I thought you were Yu Jaeseok.

No, I'm not a good talker. I can't speak in public.

You're a good singer, you raised your children well,

you're a smooth talker, you're hardworking,

- and you have cute eyes. / - No.

My skin is dark from working so much.

- You're a good cook too. / - I'm not.

Your food is delicious.


(Was it really delicious?)

When will we see each other?

- Sorry? / - When will we meet?

- When will we meet again? / - Yes.

Our team is still in this town.

I know. When will we see each other again?

- After the filming? / - Yes, after this.

I'll visit you when I come to this region.

I'll visit you when I'm in Gimje.

- All right. Visit me. / - Okay.

I have three sons now.

You do.

Actually, I saw a photo studio back there.

I wanted to take a picture with her,

but I don't have money left after buying her a hat.

Talk to the photographer.

To do it for free? Do you think it's possible?

(Maybe he can make it happen.)

(They go into the photo studio.)

- Hello. / - Welcome.


How much is it for taking a picture?

- ID picture? / - No, together with her.

- The two of you? / - Yes.

The minimum charge is 30 dollars.

- 30 dollars? / - Yes.

It's the smallest size.

Could you take our picture and hang it outside?

If you want me to.

I want you to.

(He even seems a bit scary now.)

Do you?

In return,

could you do it for free?

(He finally said it.)

She can't do that. Nobody would do that.

How about 20 dollars?

(He doesn't even have 20 cents.)

I can do that.

We will lend you 20 dollars, then.

It's a loan.

Thank you. I'll pay you back.


How am I going to earn 20 dollars?


(he starts to freshen up.)

You should comb your hair before taking the picture.

You should look pretty in the picture.

What pose should we take?

It'd be good if you sit close to each other.

Put your hand around her shoulders.

- Please print two. / - Okay.

Gosh, you look great in it.

Do I?

Here. It's 20 dollars, right?

Thank you.

- Thank you as well. / - Not at all.

Thank you for

- taking our picture. / - I wanted to do it.

He's like my son.

(A picture of good memories)

- My work deserves a meal. / - You've worked hard.

- I also changed that. / - Right.

The television needs to be fixed too.

(The television too?)

- Television? / - It's embarrassing.

Why don't you sing?

What song should I sing?

Does it work?

You must press the button, but it doesn't work.

What about accompaniment?

It doesn't work. It's not necessary.

The TV doesn't work either.

Let me try.

- It's covered in dust. / - Don't do it.

It doesn't work.

Wait, let me try first.

- Here it is. / - It's old.

I'll just try it.

It won't explode, will it?

There we go.

The light came on.

Here it is.

- It must be old. / - It is.


(The microphone works too.)


(She's surprised.)

Does it work?

(She takes out the karaoke booklet.)

(The sound is still a mess.)

(Does he know how to operate it?)

(It's not a frozen screen.)

This was it. This was the problem.

(The static noise finally disappears.)

Didn't I do well?

It stopped.

(He fixes the speakers.)

(She's pleased.)


Yes, what's up?

(Will the music play too?)

Here it is.

(Here it is.)

He's a technician.

I didn't think it worked.

My mom ran a karaoke room in the past.

(Enjoy your time.)

(His voice sounds exaggerated.)

(She sings along.)

(My beloved Ms. Mallae)

(I want to live with you forever.)

(She sings solo.)

It starts with "A 19-year-old".

♪ A 19-year-old... ♪

♪ A 19-year-old young bride ♪

♪ Gives all of her love ♪

Let's start again.

Let's start again. Please sing to the beat.

This is Kim Junho's karaoke.

Please put in more effort.

- Okay? / - Hey, enough of this.

(When the song starts,)

(she immediately takes the stage.)

(Will you go...)

(Will you...)

(Will you go after leaving love?)

- That's enough. / - Just one more song.

- That's enough. / - I want to sing.

♪ Did you throw away the tears? ♪

(Didn't she say that was enough?)

Come on, let's go!

Let's go.

- One more song. / - That's enough.

Play "I Miss My Hometown". It's an old song.

(My hometown)

- ♪ I really miss it ♪ / - ♪ I really miss it ♪

(She seems quite tired.)

That's it.

(He continues singing.)


Stop it.

(He sings alone passionately.)

(Your time is up.)

All right.

(May I sing 10 more minutes?)

Your score might be zero.

What? I'm a great singer. I recorded seven albums.

- He might score zero. / - Don't you know "Zombie"?

- What? / - It's this song.

(It's the main song from his seventh album.)

♪ What does the zombie say? ♪

(She loves to dance.)

- ♪ Go to the field ♪ / - ♪ What does the zombie say ♪

♪ Let's go pick some chilies ♪

Let's go.

Let's go to the chili field.

For more infomation >> "It's now lunchtime!!!!!!!^5!!!!!!!" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 16:35.


Xem Tử Vi Thứ 7 Ngày 18/11/2017 Của 12 Con Giáp - Duration: 21:39.

For more infomation >> Xem Tử Vi Thứ 7 Ngày 18/11/2017 Của 12 Con Giáp - Duration: 21:39.


Kristin Scott Thomas Reveals What She and the Queen of England Talked About - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Kristin Scott Thomas Reveals What She and the Queen of England Talked About - Duration: 2:58.


ポーランドでボージョレー・ヌヴォーのイベントに行ってみた [ENG 日本語] Beaujolais Nouveau Tasting Event In Poland [海外 親日国] - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> ポーランドでボージョレー・ヌヴォーのイベントに行ってみた [ENG 日本語] Beaujolais Nouveau Tasting Event In Poland [海外 親日国] - Duration: 4:36.


2Days & 1Night Season3 : The late actor Kim JooHyuk. May he rest in peace.[ENG/THAI/2017.11.12] - Duration: 1:19:25.

(Two Days and One Night)

(Four years ago)

(These six separate streams)

(united for the first time.)

(As we look back,)

(there were only joyous memories.)

(For Kim Joo Hyuck, Our Brother, Our Family)

(Two Days and One Night)

- Hi, Defconn. / - Joohyuck.

- Yes? / - What are you up to?

I'm home.

(The man at his home is)

(Kim Joohyuck.)

Tell him to stay there.

Stay there, all right?

- I have to get going. / - No, stay there.

- Don't go. / - Stay home.

- We'll call you soon. / - I have to go.

Go where?

There's an interview for my new movie.

- We'll come to you, then. / - Where are you?

Are you filming right now?

We are. We want to wish you a happy New Year.

- I have to be out by 11 a.m. / - Okay.

- We'll see you at 11 a.m. / - Got it.

Over there.

Where's Joohyuck?

(They're here to see their big brother.)

- We're here. / - What are you wearing?

What is this? Why are you dressed like that?

My gosh.

- Where are you going? / - What is this?

- Happy New Year. / - Happy New Year!

- Unbelievable. / - We loved your New Year's interview.

We read how you see the show every week.

It's cold outside. Are you warm enough?

See? We have to gather every year.

The moment I saw who was calling...

- "Don't answer it." / - That's what I thought.

Of course.

You answered anyhow.

I wasn't going to.

I've been promoting the show in my interviews.

They ask about you instead of my movie.

There are so many articles about you

- and Two Days and One Night. / - Exactly.

I need to tune in two days from now.

You're battling it out in the sauna.

(Joohyuck never missed an episode.)

I've tuned in every week since my departure.

(I watched every episode.)

We feel like you're with us every week.

You can always join us for once.

Okay, I will with no strings attached.

- I knew it. / - That's a promise.

- You'll join us sometime. / - Right.

We'll have your outfit ready.

All right. Wait, what?

Okay, fine.

- Two Days! / - One Night!

(Remember the members, we are one.)

(He promised to join us again someday.)

(Today, we keep that promise.)

(November 22nd, 2013, First day of Season 3)

We're here.

(They secretly enter the new member's house.)

(Their first encounter)

(My gosh!)

(Kim Joohyuck)


(Water is sprayed.)


- What... / - Joohyuck.


- What is this? / - Hi.


You should've immediately sprayed the water.

Was this necessary?


I mean...


I wanted to make a good first impression.


- What's going on? / - Hurry up.

Junho, quickly.


- It's Kim Joohyuck. / - I'm Kim Joohyuck.


Here, have a drink.

- What's this? / - It's really nothing.


(What on earth is this?)

(This is hilarious.)

I smell a man living alone.

(They tip-toe so they wouldn't wake him up.)

Hi, I'm sorry to do this when we just met.

I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry. / - Look at him.

Are you kidding me?

Hang on. Who are you?

Nice to meet you.

He's Joohyuck. Kim Joohyuck.

Yes, hello.

(His boxers are just as polite.)

- He's awake now. / - Hi.

(Hi, little brother.)

(We're here for you.)

(Joohyuck holds him by the back of his neck.)

More, more!

- More. / - Get at him!

- There are students. / - Let's head over to them.

- Yes, let's. / - We'll ask them.

Kids love me.

- Not many kids know me. / - Of course they do.

Hi, guys.

- Gather over here. / - Hi!

- That's right. / - They're all excited.

You'll be participating in a life-changing vote.

Anyway, let's do a dry-run.

Don't turn around until we tell you to.

Just stand behind

the person you like the most.

- In one, two, three, go. / - Go!


No way.

One needs to step up his game.

There's one that really should.

My goodness.

Two will be eliminated from this round.

(Voting complete)

I just hope that you won't

take this too personally.

- All right? / - Of course.

Why is it so quiet?

Especially you, Joonyoung.

- Joonyoung... / - It's so quiet.

- Don't be too upset. / - Did you set me up?

Junho, I bet you're not expecting many.

Kids from 4 to 19 years old tend to adore me.

- Really? / - A lot are behind me.

Is that what you think?

You know how popular Junho is these days.


I feel somewhat lonely right now.

- Really? / - Don't worry.

You're actor Kim Joohyuck.

- I feel lonely. / - You're one of the best.

- I can feel the cold air. / - Once you turn around,

you'll know you have to do better.

(No one's behind him.)

In one, two, three.


(Tell me that)

(this is a joke.)

- Yes! / - I knew it.

Look how many stood behind me.

- There's no one here. / - No way.

- This is great. / - Hi, guys.

I'm going to do my best on this show.

I'll pour my heart into it.

- Thank you, guys. / - Are you upset?

- Thank you. / - I'm nothing but upset.

The man whom no one stood behind

is movie star Kim Joohyuck.

- I'll have to do better. / - He's very famous.

Stop it!

Stop it already.

- I'm so lonely. / - Gosh.

I'm nothing but lonely.

You even look lonely from behind.

Instead of forcing this, I need to be myself.

It's my first day.

As we grow closer,

we'll become a family.

(It's just the beginning.)

That's how we'll be.

(It's just the beginning.)

(We didn't)

(know him quite well yet.)

Let's eat.

(A feast)

I love every item of food over there.

Now I'm going crazy.

Flip the meat.

- Give me a strip of kimchi. / - Flip the meat.

- Who cares? / - The aged kimchi...

- Joohyuck. / - Aged kimchi?

- Let's not beg. / - Why not?

- We're on TV. / - So?

Just think about it.

You need to be strong.

Why should we share anyway?

Let's keep our integrity intact.

(Taehyun notices something.)

Don't you find it weird

that there's a karaoke machine here?

I know, right?

(Oh, that?)

- Does that work? / - What?

It appears to be.

I'll check it out.

You said you won't beg.

- I'm just bored. / - Of course.

- We're bored too. / - We have plenty anyway.

- A feast needs music. / - Exactly.

Of course.

Junho, who do you want to hear from the most?

- How about Joohyuck? / - Of course.

Yes, Joohyuck.

- What? / - You should sing for us.

I'd like to hear you sing.

There are two things I hate the most.

What are they?

Singing in public

and going in a cold bath.

I've been in one, though.

You'll now sing in public as well.

(Are you saying you won't do it?)

All right.

(As if!)

(No way!)

(I'll liven up the mood.)

Enjoy your meal.

(He's in charge of the party.)

(Thumbs up!)

(He rarely sings this in karaoke.)

(We're hearing him sing his favorite song.)

(Have you lowered your inhibitions now?)


(He even breaks out some old moves.)

Like that.

(We didn't know you were this adorable.)

(Thank you very much.)

Thank you.

- That was great. / - Yes, it was.

Did you see that?

Do you think this will affect my acting career?

- No, it won't. / - Not at all.

It won't hurt you at all.

People wouldn't care.

(Could I have something in return, then?)

Hi, it's the youngest.

- There you go. / - Thank you.


He has been in the light before,

which is why he could sing that song well.

- My gosh. / - We'll let you join us

if you sing some more.

Look at that.

- We should sing together. / - Gosh.

Didn't you say you hated singing in public?

(This was something you hated.)


(Slowly, they opened up to each other.)

(South Jeolla Province, octopus skewer)

Let's play a game of "One Bite".

- I'm in. / - Winner wins the chance.

- This... / - I have to win this.

- Of course. / - I need to eat this.

So what game should we play?

- I have an idea. / - We'll lie facing down

and crawl with our hands behind our backs.

(Crawl with our hands behind?)

- What? / - Are you good at that?

- What? / - Forward or backward?

- Forward. / - Forward or backward?

- Forward. / - The room's too small.

(While everyone finds it impossible...)

(Even the staff is unsure.)

(Joohyuck won't give up.)

(I've never come up with a game before.)

Like this.

This is what I meant.

(How pathetic.)

That's quite tricky. It's hard to move forward.

(Frosty responses)

(What's up with him?)

(I should've come prepared instead.)

What if we used our feet?

- To kick forward? / - Yes, to kick.

- We'll fly forward. / - From over there.

- Here. / - We'll see who goes far.

(What will they think this time?)

- Okay. / - Good.

Let's do this.

- That's better. / - It doesn't sound bad.

(He's never been so proud before.)

Let's see who goes first.

The winner decides. Rock-paper-scissors.

(They finally decided on an order.)

- I'm going first. / - He's first.

("Octopus Catapult" by Kim Joohyuck)

Push with your legs.

- Not the hands. / - No.

- That's it. / - Exactly.

Let's go.

- All right. / - Let's do this.

Octopus, octopus. I have to eat.

I only need one big push.


(He's the inventor of this game.)

- Wait. / - Gosh.

(After collecting his thoughts,)

(the octopus finally flies.)

Okay, stop right there.

- Here. / - Write down his record.

Right at his head.

- He went quite far. / - That's perfect.

Look how far he went.

- Good. / - All right.

Get me some tape.

- All right. / - Make sure you're right.

You actually look like a mantis.

(He resembles a certain insect.)

Doesn't he look like an origami frog?

You're right.

(Laugh while you can.)

- Exactly. / - See what I mean?

- I'm ready. / - He's tall so...

(He easily beats Joohyuck's score.)


- No way. / - Joohyuck's out.

(His excitement lasted a minute and 30 seconds.)

The winner is Jung Joonyoung.

(Jung Joonyoung, the luckiest man on earth)

Why does he always win?

(He wins a whole skewer of octopus.)

- Here. / - It's roasted well.

(He tastes the octopus.)

My gosh.

(I'd give anything to be Jung Joonyoung.)

Look at him.

- Has he no compassion? / - Unbelievable.

Look at him eat.

I know.

Let's throw this away.

- Really? / - Yes.

Throw it away.

Throw it away.


No way.

- I can't believe you all. / - It's delicious.

It's really good.

(He was humbler than we thought.)

(No, he was even better than that.)

(He was like the funny friend next door.)

That hurts!


(He got cramps too.)

- Are you all right? / - Hey!

(He is ruined.)

Shake it.

Go on, shake it!

- Spread out your leg. / - He has a cramp.

(The cramps cramped his style.)

You're okay.

(Then one day...)

This'll be your last test.

I'll give you the first half of an idiom.

- No way. / - You'll say the rest.

- Oh no. / - I can't do this.

The game's over with one wrong answer.

- Start with Joonyoung. / - Here we go.

You can do this.

And go.

(Joonyoung, the ace, kicks things off.)

"Childhood". One, two, three.




- "Childhood..." / - "Friend!"

There might be a hill by that name.

(I remember now!)

(There might be a hill by that name.)

You never know.

In your dreams.

You never know.

- Anyway... / - Childhood Hill.

(We stood no chance.)

(They pretend it never happened.)

Your wisdom will be tested through idioms.

- Okay. / - Here we go.

We'll start with Joonyoung.

- Bring it on. / - Okay, let's go.

- "Childhood." / - "Friend."

- Okay! / - Is this for real?

"A three-day". One, two, three.

- "Resolution." / - "Kill the dog." One, two, three.

(Kill the dog after hunting is over.)

"After the corner."

"After the corner."


- Are you kidding me? / - "After hunting is over"!

- Joohyuck. / - He's unbelievable.

- Really? / - I'm disappointed in you.

- Are you for real? / - What a disgrace.

You brought this on yourself.

- How could you say the wrong answer? / - Unbelievable.

I had no idea. My mind drew a blank.

- Gosh. / - You're not like us.

You're supposed to be the smart one.

Let's not do quizzes. It's embarrassing.

You'll hurt your image by getting it wrong.

- He's Mr. Gutaeng now. / - Gosh.

- Mr. Gutaeng. / - Mr. Gutaeng.

From time to time,

I wonder why I joined this show.


(To you who's left with only scars)

(Special guest, Joohyuck confesses.)

From time to time,

I wonder why I joined this show.

That thought just pops in my head.

I don't know what I should do.

I'll tell you. Go and sit in the corner.

(Sit in the corner.)

The corner?

He gets a new nickname every week.

(He's greedy when it comes to nicknames.)

(And just like that, we met Mr. Gutaeng.)

- Hello. Hi. / - Not so close, please.

(Trotting behind)

- Goodness. / - Hello.

- The birthday party. / - Let's do it now.

Whose birthday is it?

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

There you go.

(A moving party!)

Can I cuss on camera? Can I?

Has anyone vomited on camera?

I'm sorry to say this on TV,

but smokes after meals are the bomb.

(He entertained us more and more.)

Next, you'll be breaking the ice.

The ice?

- We need hammers. / - Is there a saw?

Do whatever you can to break the ice

and free the three packets of instant rice.

- Right away? / - And go!

(Everyone starts running.)

All right.

(Joohyuck comes to a halt.)

- Two of us... / - Move. Move over.

(He tells Junho to step aside.)

This is it!

- Move over. / - He's doing it.

Move over!

(Only 12 seconds in)

Did you see that?

- It's over. / - We did it.

Over there. You target that side.

(Next in line is...)


All right.

- Defconn. / - That's it.

It's fine.

- All right. / - We're good.

- That's it. / - Get them out.

- They're out. / - All right.

That's it. That's good.

- We're done. / - The end.

(Who knew it'd be this easy?)

Yes! We did it.

(Who knew it'd be this easy?)

We dug out all three of them.


(I'm sorry, but we're wiser now.)

- See? / - Take that.


It's over.

(We forgot...)


Some people just don't learn.

- Gosh. / - He won't learn.

I don't know about everybody else,

but Joohyuck has come a long way.

He was a real macho man.

- I wanted to do it. / - You are our hero.

Being flustered, I came back with a shovel.

But then, a man with a rock told me to move over,

so I did.

The rock flew, the ice broke

and the rice came out.

He is our hero.

(The story of Joohyuck's growth)

(It would've been impossible by himself.)

- 1G. / - 2G.


- We are 3G. / - We are 3G.

(His colleagues changed him for the better.)

Are the members different?

That's right.

It's a brand new team.

The first team was the funniest, though.

Yes, when it was led by Kang Hodong.

The show was very popular then.

We're not doing too bad, though.

(No, please don't say that.)

The new team, I mean.

From what I can tell,

- that's not the case. / - It is.

People adore us too.

I don't watch it much these days.

We'll do better, then.

We'll do better so that you'll watch often again.

(More and more people climb on the bus.)

(Joohyuck discovers something important.)

The camera is visible,

and I'm sitting at the front

while people get on the bus.

No one seems to recognize me.

- I know. / - They don't.

They just walk right past you.

Did you see that?

Excuse me. Aren't you Kim Joohyuck?

- It's him. / - From Two Days and One Night.

(The gratifying few)

I'm here to film an episode.


(He even shakes their hands.)

- We're headed to the market. / - Where?

- My gosh. Hello. / - Hello.

May I shake your hand? It's nice to meet you.

You look better in person.

Don't I? It's really a shame.

Joohyuck, could you say hello back here?


(Is this "Meet the Celebrity"?)

Nice to meet you.

Hold on. Let me wipe off my tears.

My goodness.

I'm so touched.

(He even poses for them.)

(He's their superstar.)

- Thank you and bye. / - Bye.

- Let me shake your hand. / - Bye.

- Can we shake hands? / - Thank you.

- Take care. / - You, too.

(That wasn't bad.)



(Yes, it's me.)


(The ladies love him.)

(An A-list celebrity)

Could you join us for a moment?

- Hello. / - Yes, hello.

I'll do my best. I'm Kim Joohyuck.

(Is this a presidential election?)

I'm here for you.

- Hello. / - Wait a minute.

- Here, here. / - It's so cold out here.

It's me, Jongmin.

It's so cold.

Whatever. I'm 43 years old!

Please think kindly of me.

(His servile attitude captivates them.)

- I can't believe him. / - Please, everyone.

That's so pathetic.

A year ago, no one stood behind Joohyuck.

Will the outcome be different today?

You'll turn around in one, two, three.

- Please! / - Please!

(It's a party!)

(People started to realize just how amazing he is.)

Thank you. Thank you so much.


(To us...)

(For some reason...)

You were all in on this, weren't you?

- You were. / - No way.

- Why would we be? / - I knew it!

(To us, Kim Joohyuck was)

(a friend and a brother.)

Comfortable, adorable and sweet.

You'll find him funny too.

That's what I want the viewers to see.

See who he is inside.

He's also very considerate.

He puts others first.

Putting others first is actually a flaw of his.

(The oldest but odd brother)

(who'd be the rock but never demand authority.)

(June 15th, 2014, Backpacking Special)

Are they coming?

Where are the others?

They're coming.

(He's looking out for those fallen behind.)

Watch your step.

Be careful.

Watch your step coming up.

It's very steep.

(The afternoon hike)

It's getting better.

(is coming to an end.)

It's pretty high.

(They are drained of energy.)

We're not done yet.

There's another corner.

Over there.

This must be it.

(The last stop before reaching the top)

(A mysterious tarp is blocking their way.)

What is it?

You'll come under the tarp over there

for an individual interview.

Joohyuck, you're first.

(Joohyuck's first to have the talk.)

Whatever it is, be nice to us.

- You got it. / - Sure.

Can't I sit somewhere less awkward?

(His own slapstick comedy)

There's a good 30 minutes left.

- Until we reach the top? / - Yes.

Please take a look at the sign.

The path we've been on was the easy one.

The other one is relatively harder.

It's known as the Gasping Hill.

- It must be tricky. / - Exactly.

It gets steeper at the last minute.

What you need to do

is think of what you'll discard.

What I'll discard?

Tents were made to share anyway,

so you can always share someone else's.

(It may be cramped, but you can share.)

Is there something we can eat?

- Should I take a look? / - Sure.

(It's snack time again.)

I think you'll have something.

Why do I have all the ham?

- Is it okay to eat this? / - Sure.

I think it's a game to empty our bags.

- I think you're right. / - What?

(His interview is over.)

You won't believe how heavy it is.

Why didn't you discard anything?

What's the point when we're almost there?

There's nothing I want to discard.

- Are you sure? / - Yes.

The other's might discard their things,

so I should keep mine.

Is it because you don't trust them?

No, I can't discard mine and use theirs.

I'd rather they use mine instead.

That's why I should keep mine.

There's no other way.

(June 14th, 2015, More More More Special)

(What will we be like in 10 years?)

"Junho will"

"organize the International Comedy Festival"

"in Pyeongyang."

You wrote some really nice things.

"Defconn will"

"take on rappers from North Korea"

"in an intense rap battle."

(He's moved by that.)

Let me freestyle.

"It'll be too rough to air"

"in both North and South Korea."

(Banned in both countries)

- "Jongmin." / - Yes?

"How's your cart bar doing?"

(Out of the blue)

Why do I own a cart bar?

"I'm always in tears just thinking of you."

"Was it 2017?"

"If it had not been for that incident..."

What incident?

"You'd still be on Two Days and One Night."

What on earth did I do?

"The toy hammer turned out to be made of steel,"

"and that made you a complete moron."

(A single blow made him a moron.)

So I became a moron?

Let's not lose hope.

Now let's hear what Joohyuck wrote.

"We just met for drinks yesterday,"

"so it's awkward to read this letter we wrote"

"10 years ago. You all have aged."

"Taehyun, congratulations on your son"

"getting into Seoul University."

(Affectionate predictions)

"Junho, I wish you'd stop"

"starting your own business."

"It's already your fifth attempt."

He's being sincere.

"I hope it works out this time anyhow."

"Defconn, stop worrying and do what you want."

"Joonyoung, now that you're older,"

"live a more normal life."

He's like a father.

My gosh.

"My second child started school this year."

- Really? / - After 10 years?

"My wife is also pregnant with my third child."

That means he's seeing someone now.

"I should make big bucks for my family,"

"so I'm lucky to be cast in a Brad Pitt movie."

"After its success, I'll treat you to a meal."

Only his life has turned out great.

- I know. / - Tell me about it!

(July 12th, 2015, To Your House)


we're heading to Jongmin's house.

- What? / - What?

(They'll be staying there for the night.)

Are we sleeping at Jongmin's?

At my house?

(Even Jongmin didn't know.)

What will we do all day?

- Are we sleeping there? / - The place we're going now

is where he spent his childhood.

So not his house?

I remember this smell.

- I missed this smell. / - I understand.

There is a mountain behind the village.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - Hello.

Jongmin is here.

- Hello. / - You look adorable.

- Hello. / - Jongmin.

- Is she your aunt? / - Yes.

- She's his aunt. / - Don't we look alike?

They do look alike.

I take after my mom.

Does Jongmin visit here often?

Not very often. Only when he visits his dad's grave.

I see. It must be because he's busy.

As you know, Jongmin's father passed away.

Even so,

- he is really... / - He's become a good man.

Exactly. I really appreciate him.

Gosh, it's dark.

When I was young, walking here at night

was so terrifying.

I'd sing while walking by because I was so scared.

(Meanwhile, the members are...)

Where is Jongmin?

- Is he outside? / - No.

Jongmin is taking his aunt to her house.

Do we have a morning mission tomorrow?

- A morning mission? / - Yes.

Yes, we do.

Since Jongmin's father's grave is here...

- He said it's near here. / - Yes.

Are you saying you want to visit his grave

instead of doing the morning mission?

You were thinking of another morning mission?

Yes, there is one.

Can we visit the grave after the morning mission?

I don't think you can do both.

Then how about...

(It's the second day of the trip.)

(Is everyone awake yet?)

(Today, they all got up early to get ready.)

(Under the lead of Joohyuck,)

(the members get ready for a grave visit.)

Let's go.

I've never gone to his grave with anyone else

- other than my family. / - Really?

It was really nice to talk about this idea.

- Was it? / - Yes.

Joohyuck came up with this idea.

- Is it here? / - It's over there.

(They are here to visit Jongmin's father.)

- Is it here? / - Are we there?

The left one is my grandfather's grave.

And the right one is your father's?

Hello, Jongmin's father and grandfather.

- Hello. / - My paternal grandfather.

- This is my father's. / - Hello.

It looks very well-trimmed.

He said his mother was here yesterday.

She must have thought Jongmin would come.

That must be why she cut all the weeds.

The sickle is sharp. I was told to be careful.

Is this how you do it?

Yes, that's how you get rid of the weeds.

I'm not sure if this is the correct way.

I can't step on it.

- Is this enough? / - That's enough.

Joonyoung, here.

(They carefully cut the weeds.)

- Isn't it cold? / - Shall we start?

- Okay. / - Let's begin.

Should we put them here?

Yes. We need to peel the fruits.

- Peel the top part only. / - Very good.

- And... / - Peel the opposite side.

- What about rice cake? / - Rice cake...

Let's put a piece of rice cake over there.

The rice cake is sent by Junho's mother.

It's from my mother.

There must be sikhye too.

We should serve him a cup of sikhye too.

What else do we need?

Chopsticks. Chopsticks.

Do we have chopsticks?

- Fill it up, please. / - Did he like alcohol?

- Yes, he did. / - Let me fill it too.

(They fill the glass with alcohol he used to like.)

Jongmin, you can bow alone first.

Let me start, then.

(Jongmin bows to his father first.)

Pour it on the grave.


(Followed by him,)

Let me fill it up so he can drink a lot.

(Joohyuck fills up the glass.)

Let me do it too.

I think it's enough.

He shouldn't drink too much.

He had a bad drinking habit.

Have you seen it?

I've seen it a lot.

(He makes a silly joke.)

That's enough.

If you've seen it a lot, what can I say?

Sir, Jongmin will do just fine.


We are

members of Two Days and One Night.

Jongmin is the most senior member among us.

I learn a lot from him.

We feel comfortable here all thanks to him.

Please don't worry about him and rest in peace.

We will have a good time here during the stay.

Don't worry.

Jongmin is doing well these days.

Don't worry about him.

- I'll tidy up the rest. / - All right, okay.

I'll visit you again someday. Take care.

- Take care. / - Take care.


(He's embarrassed to show appreciation,)

(so he just let them leave first.)

(Left alone, he stays there for quite a while.)

(Goodbye, Father.)

(Joohyuck's heartwarming comment made him)

(miss his dad even more on this summer day.)

Give me the water.

(He was as innocent as a boy.)

- Kim Joohyuck! / - Kim Joohyuck!

This is all my fault.

(He was a warm-hearted person.)


I'm delivering your mail.

- Bye. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - You're welcome. Bye.

(Kim Joohyuck was a nice person.)

Ma'am, I miss you.

So now we'll go ahead

and let them decide on who they want as workers.

I'm choosing the one in the red shirt.

- What? / - Ma'am!

- Me? / - No way.

- You can't do this to us. / - Ma'am.

I'm wearing a red shirt as well.

The moment I walked in and saw you all,

I immediately grew fond of him.

- That's impossible. / - Please, ma'am.

They're making decisions based on looks.

This isn't about who they fancy.

He looks like my son.

(Joohyuck will go to the market.)

(Joohyuck heads downtown.)

Why did you pick me?

When all six of you were standing in front of me,

I wanted to pick you as you remind me of my son.

Then I will call you Mom

for the whole day today.

Mom. I will call you Mom.

Actually, I saw a photo studio.

I'd like to take a picture with her.


(he starts to freshen up.)

You should comb your hair before taking the picture.

You should look pretty in the picture.

What pose should we take?

It'd be good if you sit close to each other.

Put your hand around her.

- Please print two. / - Okay.

- You look great in here, Mom. / - Do I?


- Thank you. / - I wanted to do this.

He's like my son.

(A picture of good memories)

Come on out, my juniors!

Excuse me. Hello.

(Joohyuck came to visit his juniors.)

- Hello. / - My gosh.

- It's Two Days and One Night. / - My gosh.

- Unbelievable. / - Hello.

I'm your senior. Please say hello back to me.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- What year are you? / - We'll be the 41st graduates.

- 40th? 41st? / - 41st.

I'm the 16th graduate.

(Nice to meet you, Joohyuck.)


- Kim Joohyuck! / - Kim Joohyuck!

You guys are definitely my juniors!

You guys are the best!

(Let's go, Youngdong High!)

Two bowls of rice cake ramen...

- Three bowls of rice. / - And three bowls of rice.

- It's 10 dollars. / - All right.

Please give us enough soup to eat with the rice.

Thank you.

Gosh, it's hard. What are we doing?

(He spent precious time with his juniors.)

(Two Days and One Night Field Trip Talent Show)

This is good.

I know. It's big, isn't it?

It's uncomfortable in a sleeping bag.

(The wild variety professional is kind.)

This is my first time to sleep in a tent.

This is fun. It'll be a nice memory for me.

In one, two and three.

(Sometimes, he was a mentor in life.)

People say we're smart,

but there's a lot of competition in school.

We keep comparing ourselves to others here.

It makes us suffer from low self-esteem

while other people praise us.

I was just told to go to Seoul National University.

I thought everything would be okay if I did.

I thought I'd be a hero or something once I get there.

But now that I'm in the school, it was nothing.

- I understand. / - I just got a student ID.

For the first two years,

I just drank and played rugby every day.

In fact, entering Seoul National University

wasn't his goal.

It's just that he tried

to meet the expectations

of the people around him.

He wasn't in his decision.

"What do I really like?"

That's what he is thinking right now.

If you're not sure whether you like it or not,

you should go further on your way.

Then you can think about it again.

You don't have to feel afraid and step back yet.

Just keep going.

You're still young.

(You're still at the beginning of the game.)

You still have plenty of chances.

Whatever you do, things can get hard.

Even when you do something you like,

you will still go through hardships

and get exhausted from time to time.

But there'd be one thing that makes you not quit.

There'd be a lot of bad things,

but this one thing would make you very happy.

And it'd give you the power not to give up.

You should choose something like that.

Then you'll love what you do your whole life.

You can't like everything about your job.



Look at him.

It kind of looks like Defconn.


(It looks just like him.)

It looks peaceful.

Go fight it.

Look. She knows it's a camera.


(He was an emotionally warm person.)

(He was a warm-hearted friend.)

I met Geunyoung when she was in middle school.

- In middle school? / - That's when I met her.

- She was so pretty then. / - What about now?

You're still pretty. She still has the eyes.

I can't believe someone can have such beautiful eyes.

Whenever I see her,

I'm surprised by how honest she is.


She's a girl of sound mind.

- She's so good. / - I see.

I heard people saying that.

What kind of man would take her?

- He's worried. / - I feel like her brother.

What kind of man do you want her to date?

- Pick one person. / - Among the members.

Among the members of Two Days and One Night?

(Don't be ridiculous.)

I can't answer that.

She deserves a better man.

She needs a man with a similar character.

What's her hobby?

She's a homebody.

- Really? / - She likes to be home.

Geunyoung told me

she even barely goes to a cafe near her house.

It must've been hard for her to decide to be here.

That's right. It was hard.

Do you watch TV at home?

Congratulations. You just got 11 new friends.

You're right.

(I just got 11 new friends.)

(This is so exciting.)

Please help Geunyoung have a good time today.

(He's like her big brother.)

- Welcome. / - Thank you.

In one, two and three. Hit me!

- Look at Geunyoung. / - She's good.

(You're good enough to be a singer.)

- Look at the score. / - Yes!

- I can't believe this. / - 95?

That's unbelievable.

- We did a good job. / - I know.

Honestly speaking,

I really want to thank you for inviting me here.

She's so nice.

While spending some time with you yesterday,

I found myself thinking I feel so comfortable

around you.

Now that we appeared in a TV show together,

people wouldn't get suspicious

even if I bought you dinner or something.

You're right.

I don't want anything from you.

Whenever I'm with you,

you can think I'm always on your side.

- All the time. / - You, too.

He has a warm heart.

That's why I keep working with him the whole time.

He's humane.

(He's here to surprise his friend.)

(Bursting open)

What's going on?

- One Night! / - What are you doing?

- One Night! / - What's going on?

- Say it. One Night! / - I can't believe this.

- Say it. One Night! / - Don't do this.

(He's panicking.)

(He's the CEO of a famous agency.)

Just say it.

Right. We have this.

(He keeps Joohyuck's videos in his office.)

It's his first film.

I collected Joohyuck's videos.

I used to bring these video tapes

to meetings with film companies.

(Joohyuck's first film, "Say Yes")

(Since his debut, he's appeared in many films)

(to become a top actor in the country.)

(And Jongdo has been with him the whole time.)

It's faded.

- I know. / - It's turned yellow.

(The faded labels show how old the tapes are.)

I've worked

with him for the past 17 years.

I've always wanted to go on a trip with Jongdo.

But I couldn't do that alone with him.

But now, here we are.

To me, he's like

my real brother.

I'm serious.

The happiest moment of my life was

when Joohyuck shot a TV commercial with his dad.

His father wasn't feeling well back then.

At that time,

he called me to his car.

And he asked me

to take good care of Joohyuck.

That memory just came back to me.

If I could be Joohyuck's pace maker,

it'd mean a lot to me.

(He decided to become Joohyuck's pace maker.)

(To Joohyuck, his father is...)

It's my first time to tear up as soon as I wake up.


The second I woke up,

I heard the word "father" and I burst into tears.

- I'm serious. / - I see.

But I tried hard to hold back the tears.

You had no idea until I told you about it, right?

- He had no idea. / - As soon as I heard

he's your father,

I saw his benevolent smile.

Tears suddenly welled up.

Three things came to my mind.

(Three things came to his mind.)

I was envious. It felt warm.

And I missed my father.

I was so envious.

My second son is in the military.

- In the military? / - Yes.

The man standing behind me is my second son.

He's in the military now.

You're such a happy family.

How did you feel when you sent him off

- to the military? / - How did I feel?

What is it like being a parent?

Actually, I...

I barely cry, to be honest.

I'm a bit of a cold person.

But I cried when my son joined the army.

What term was he on?

He couldn't even call me Dad.

He just shed big drops of tears without calling me.

He's a grown man, though.

I couldn't hold back tears looking at him.

So we cried together.

That's when I realized

I was very proud of him.

He shouted, "Salute!" And before I knew it,

I was taking the salute.

(A photo with his family)

(At Myeongdong Cathedral in 2014)

(At Myeongdong Cathedral in 1967)

Where did you get this picture?

- Why? Who are they? / - Are they your parents?



(The late Kim Musaeng and his wife)

Is it Myeongdong Cathedral?

Did you take the picture knowing about this?

So they are your mother and father?

My goodness.

(It's his first time to meet his parents' youth.)


(Samseong-dong home in 1976)

(Where are you, Joohyuck?)

- Which one are you? / - He's on the right.

- There. / - On the right.

(They hold off on what they want to say.)

(First day of middle school in 1985)

Is that your graduation?

(Joohyuck's Seoul)

(Outskirts of Seoul in 1984)

(The pictures make them shed tears.)

The places you visited today are

the places that the people we know

had seen and visited.

This picture was taken in 1967.

(Myeong-dong, in the spring of 1967)

As you can see,

it's Mr. Kim Musaeng.

That's when they were dating.

That's from when your mom and dad were dating.

Have you seen this picture?

I don't remember.

I've never seen this picture before.

He told me that

that picture is very precious to him.

(It's a very precious photograph.)

So he didn't show it to anyone,

and kept it for a long time.

(He kept it to himself.)

That's Myeongdong Cathedral.

You've never seen it before.

This is my first time seeing it.

Your dad is so stylish.

- Really? / - Your mom as well.

- They're both cool. / - They're young.

People didn't wear sunglasses like that then.

- They look great. / - They're stylish.

Look at the scarf she's wearing.

(1967 style date)

My mom was Sejong University's queen.

(She was Miss Sejong University.)

My dad snatched her.

Because she was the queen.

(The brave Kim Musaeng)

When was this?

I think I was four or five years old.

I'm on the right and that's my brother.

(His older brother is on the left.)

Was he a kind dad?

He was when I was young. But he was strict.

He was stern.

- Is it you? / - Yes.

(Traveling together)

My dad liked viewing stones.

Do you see the stones by the riverside?

Collecting stones was a game we played.

The car trunk is open to put the stones in.

I'm serious. We still have those stones at home.

You collected viewing stones.

(He must've been a difficult dad then.)

My dad was strict. He was very strict.

Dads are strict when their kids are young.

By the time

I saw his lonely side, he's passed away.

I see.

I realized that my dad looked lonely.

He was not the stern dad he used to be.

I have so many regrets.

(Things he regret)

I never expressed my affection.

When I watch TV at night and I see

a heartwarming father and son moment,

I feel envious.

That's why I want to get married soon.

I want to become a dad and understand Dad.


(No place is special from the beginning.)

(Memories make them special.)

(Do we have a special space?)

(The trips we took together)

I feel drowsy and sluggish.

Really? You shouldn't.

It's because I feel so at ease.

Let's start working hard.

(It's a good type of sluggish.)

My mind

is very much at ease.

- Because you're here. / - Yes.

I saw old men sitting in their chairs.

I understand them completely.

Sitting down and doing nothing.

Is this your first time visiting an island?

My grandparents live on an island.

- Right. / - Geoje Island.


my mom's dad ran a fishery.

There are a lot of photos taken on the island.

(Childhood photos with memories)

I was so tanned except for my butt.

(If only he could)

It was wonderful.

(look back on our memories like this.)

What's the next song?

(The weather was amazing.)

(The scenery was beautiful.)

(The guys traveling with me are funny.)

- Yes. / - Back then.

(October 25th, 2015, Emotional Fall Trip)

- Watching baseball? / - When I'm dreaming?

- It's nice. / - Some kids?

This music is like restaurant music.

- Gosh. / - What do you like?

- I like meat cutlet. / - The song is nice.

It's romantic.

Warm up the rolls, please.

Order a parfait.

- Parfait. / - Parfait.

- Gosh. / - Parfait.

Every table had a phone.

You call table number three and they'd pick up.

You see a girl sitting in a cafe.

You go inside

and call the cafe.

You ask for the girl who's sitting there.


(How gentle is the rain)

(Softly on the meadow)

(They sing in gibberish.)

I thought at least one of us would remember.

Nobody knows the lyrics.

How could I memorize them?

(Not all the days were sunny like this.)

- It's nice. / - It's great.

I feel like traveling today.

Yes, it's nice outside.

This is perfect.

(Looking back, all the days were perfect.)

(Winter mountain)

It's beautiful.

(The snowy landscape leaves them in awe.)

(Spring sea)

- Gosh. / - Right now!

- They're migrating. / - Yes.

(They see seasons change.)

(Summer island)

(Childish memories)

Get ready.

(Fall river)

It's stronger than you think.

Don't pull.


(Sometimes they were a bit risky.)

- Joohyuck! / - My shoe!

It's all wet.

(When hiking a rough path,)

(Joohyuck was always leading the way.)

- Come quickly. / - Hey.


Is this it?

It's nice.

It's beautiful.

(He was always humble before nature.)

(They visited beautiful cities.)

One, two, three, four, five. I see five.

(The memories of experiencing the wild)

Just run. Keep running.

(The five naughty guys got an older brother.)

- Good job. / - No.

(They walked together on the road.)

- It's windy. / - We're here.

- What's that? / - Look.

- Look at that. / - Gosh.

(They saw the wonders of nature.)

Look at them.

- They're splitting. / - Gosh.

Look at that.

(The first day of a new year)

(Midsummer nights)

(He said he wanted to see the world.)

(He adapted quickly.)


(There had been a lot of incidents.)

I can't believe this.

(At times, he was like a little boy.)

Did you eat it?

(He did his best)

(on an unfamiliar variety show.)

You said it'd be easy today.

- That's it! / - I got it!

(He gave us the gift of knowing)

(the cheerfulness only those who knew him know.)

I'm getting tired.

(Every day was new.)

She's excited.

(We got to meet good people through him.)


(Someone who was and wasn't talkative)

(Someone we couldn't know)

- Two Days! / - One Night!

(On every road they walked together)

- Gosh. / - Look at that.

I should take a panorama shot.

- Can we sit here? / - Yes.

- In the middle. / - Sit on the center.

Why don't we

take a nice picture together here?

When we look at it in our 60s or 70s later,

it will remind us of today.

- Something like this? / - We should gather up.

- Make the happiest face. / - Yes.

- I'll take it now. 1, 2. / - A moment to remember.

- Two Days! / - One Night!

(Thanks to the memories we made with him,)

- Two Days! / - One Night!

(in this wide world,)

- Gosh, thank you. / - Great work.

(we have special places now.)

(A long time ago,)

Joohyuck. Hurry up and get ready.

(we met unexpectedly.)

Why are you still talking? Hurry up.

(Six men who were awkward around each other)

(became good friends,)

Nice to meet you.

(and two years passed.)

(His mischievous friends)

(who now know him so well visited him again.)

We came because we miss the old days.

You're as annoying as then.

You haven't changed at all.

(The last trip)

(The trip began as usual.)

(He knew of Jongmin's fear of heights.)


(He always let others win and made people laugh.)

(A hard worker)

It's delicious.


(Throwing up citron)

- Go. / - One more turn.

(They played like boys for food and place to sleep.)

There you go.

(Even when those times were ending,)

One, two, three.

(he acted as usual until the end.)


(he never showed his feelings that day)

(because of his thoughtful character.)

I should take a picture to remember this.

I took it.

You seem to be having fun.

It's a nice picture.

They're all sleeping.

(He only took a picture in secret.)

It's our second anniversary today.

This is also the last trip with Joohyuck.

- Let's hear / - I'm jealous.

- how he feels. / - I'm jealous of him.

First of all, time passed so quickly.

It feels like it's only been a year,

but two years have passed already.

When I first came here, I was afraid.

But after the first and second filming,

I was glad I joined this show

because of these guys.

(It's because of the members.)

It didn't feel like work.

I came here to have big laughter

once in every two weeks.

I came here to be happy. That's how it felt.

So why are you leaving?

(Stop talking nonsense.)

- Why all of a sudden? / - That's right.

Tell us the reason why you're leaving.

- Joohyuck. / - Be honest.

He said it made him happy.

- Many would be curious. / - Listen. Earlier,

Junho and the others said, "Why are you leaving?"

"We came all the way here because of you."

I was happy to hear those things.

If they had been sad and solemn

because of me,

I would've thought that I'm not their true friend yet.

So why are you leaving?

Why are you leaving? I've been asking since morning.

Why aren't you telling us the reason?

- Why am I leaving? / - Yes.

- Be honest. / - Really?

- Yes. / - You should be honest.

To be honest, this isn't my main job.

(This isn't my main job.)

I'm a singer too.

- Hey. / - Jongmin.

- Hey. / - This is your main job.

I've mentioned this a lot.

I'm not helpful to this team.

I often want to do funnier things and be more active.

I want to, and I think I can,

but I hold myself back.

At that moment,

it makes me think that I'm not helpful to you.

I was going to quit after only a year.

We know.

But I couldn't do it because of you guys.

Thank you.

That doesn't sound so sincere.

Are you sleeping?

- You're sleepy, right? / - Are you sleepy?

I listened to him with my heart.

It's the last trip, and look what he's wearing.

- What is that? / - What were you thinking?

Girls love it.

(Is it for the viewers?)

Aren't we doing this for the viewers?

I also want to say something to the viewers.

- Now? / - Seniors watch it too.

- I know. / - To him right there?

I've been on this show for two years,

and I learned that the members and the staff

are the best people I've ever met

on any shows or movies.

I mean it. These boys are...

- These boys are... / - She's crying.

It has begun.

- She's crying. / - There she goes.

I'm talking right now.

- Come on. / - Don't interrupt me.

It's because he complimented the staff.

- Please continue. / - May I?

- Sure. Go on. / - Please understand.

Some people would be glad that I'm leaving,

and some people wouldn't want me to leave.

I think

it'll feel weird to be home on Friday and Saturday.

What if I set up a tent and sleep in it at home?

But we only meet every other week.


You're right. I'm sorry.

That's right.

(The day grows darker.)

Great work, everyone.

- Thanks. / - Thank you all.

I'm glad all of us are sleeping together tonight.

- Good night. / - Thank you, Joohyuck.

- Good night. / - Thank you.

It's our last night with Joohyuck.

It is.

It's sad that we can no longer see you

run off happily when the filming ends.

That's true.


Give us good advice before we go to sleep.

You don't need any. You're already doing well.

Just keep it up.

(They can't imagine)

(his absence yet.)

I can imagine what you'd say on the next episode.

"I don't feel like we're missing anything."

How did you know that?

- We won't feel it at all. / - When Junho was out,

you already saw what happened.

No one would notice it even if one of us is gone.

We had so much fun when Junho wasn't here.

- Was it fun? / - He's right.

It was awesome.

It's already the end of the day.

(The last day breaks.)

(It seems Joohyuck can't really sleep.)

(He watches the others sleep.)


I wonder if I'll ever sleep in a room

with other guys again.

(Sound asleep)

I usually can't sleep if someone snores.

(He was sensitive,)

But I slept fine with them.

(but he got used to their sleeping habits.)

They look like babies.


I should join them on a trip later.

(It feels sadder as the parting comes closer.)

That's enough for me.

(Two Days and One Night is a travel show.)

(We need to get used to meeting new people,)

(and we need to get used to parting a little more.)


(another parting awaits.)

(They go to see Joohyuck off.)

Are you leaving now?

- Are you leaving? / - He should.

(He walks slowly.)

It was nice working with you all.

I don't know what to say. Keep working hard.

(He makes a joke to avoid the awkwardness.)

You should work hard.

- Bye, Joohyuck. / - That's your car.

Did you say goodbye to the directors?

Not yet.


They're uncomfortable because of the cameras.

- Eunji and... / - I have to work tomorrow,

- but let's set a date. / - Yes.

- Sure. / - For a team dinner.

- Thank you. / - I can't leave like this.

- I've had a great time. / - Me, too.

No, this will make me feel awkward again.

- Thank you. / - I'm not good at this.

- He's crying. / - What?

I saw his eyes filled with tears.

- What is this? / - Come on.

These people are ridiculous.

- Is someone crying again? / - You cry so easily.

(If you guys cry...)

Hey. You're making us look bad for not crying.

You're making me look bad too.

- Don't worry. / - My gosh.

You worked the hardest.

You had a hard time during every shoot.

- Joohyuck seems stiff. / - He's about to cry.

- Why? / - Your face seems stiff.

You aren't your usual self.

- Is that so? / - Yes.

I should get going.

I'm leaving.


I'm leaving.


(They might as well walk him home.)

Go away.

Thank you.


(They started together but finish differently.)

He's crying again.

(It feels more realistic.)

- Goodness. / - Thank you, everyone.

- Goodbye. / - Bye.


(As they enjoyed their time together,)

(it's more difficult to say goodbye.)


(He tries to remain strong.)

It feels strange.

- What's going on? / - Lock the door.

- Lock the door. / - Lock the door.

- The door is unlocked. / - What's going on?

- Joohyuck. / - Yes?

- Take off the microphone before you go. / - Okay.

Are you taking the microphone?

Let him take it.

(They want to laugh until the end.)

(The other members say goodbye.)

Take off the microphone.

(The other members say goodbye.)

(They support each other more than anyone.)

- Goodbye. / - Take care.

Take care.

See you soon.

(It seems like they'll see each other soon.)

- Goodbye. / - Goodbye.

Why are we staying so far away from him?

Why are we so far away?

- Joohyuck. / - In case he cries.


His manager is here.

What is he doing when his manager is here?

Can you stay here?

- Aren't you taking him? / - Don't go.

What are you going to do?

He got in the car alone.

- What's the point? / - Give me the key.

I'll drive.

This is so weird.

(He makes them laugh until the end.)

They have to leave too.

(Joohyuck makes them laugh until the end.)

(He promised to go on a surprise trip together,)

(but we received a sudden tragic news.)

(Joohyuck left without saying farewell.)

(They'd like to say goodbye somehow.)


(to express their feelings...)


(To express their feelings...)


(this way)

(leaves them thinking and hesitating.)

Joohyuck was always

an amazing brother to us.

(He was amazing.)

He was more precious than anyone.

(He was an amazing and precious friend.)

When I was taking a break from Two Days and One Night,

I contacted the members when I returned to Korea.


He didn't want to give me a hard time.

When I returned, we had a meeting.

He was worried for me,

so he came to see me.

Joohyuck is having a hard time now,

but I can't be with him.

I feel so bad.

(I'm sorry, Joohyuck.)

I want to go and see him soon.

(I want to see him soon.)

We'll never forget you.

Our Joohyuck.

(We won't ever forget you.)

I hope

you're at a good place.

Rest in peace.


What should I say?


I'd always wanted to

show this place to you.

That's why I came here.

For your last episode,

we filmed ourselves with a camera

and went to the places where we spent time with you.

In that episode,

(It's a precious place that Joohyuck remembers.)

you mentioned this place.

You probably thought

that someone would come here.

That's what I think.

Here it is.


Do you see it?

(Myeongdong Cathedral)

Can you see it well?

You and your parents were together

as we put your photos together.

I wanted to show you this place.


Although you probably see it better where you are now.

I still wanted to show it to you once more.

(Two weeks ago)

(A congratulatory message for our 10-year anniversary)

Hello, this is Kim Joohyuck.

Congratulations on the 10-year anniversary of the show.

Continuing a show for 10 years is impressive.

From the audience perspective,

I feel a great deal of respect.

It's quite impressive.

I hope the members continue to work hard

so that there is no end to Two Days and One Night.


I say this every time, but I always miss you.

I wish great things for Two Days and One Night.

I hope it gets even more love by the viewers.

I wish luck to all the members.

(He smiled like the passing season.)

(We'll always miss him.)

(Even if you smile for me)

(You can't hide your dispirited face)

(Looking weak, you turn away)

(I can only watch you in a hazy view)

(I know that for our love)

(This is the last time)

(Even if we both wanted to, it can't last forever)

(In the passing of time)

(After time passes and we forget the nostalgia)

(That makes us hurt so much inside)

(The fact that we were in a precious love)

(Don't forget and remember it)

(After time passes and we forget the nostalgia)

(That makes us hurt so much inside)

(The fact that we were in a precious love)

(Don't forget and remember it)

(Don't forget and remember it)

(Don't forget and remember it)

(Kim Joohyuck will be remembered with love.)

For more infomation >> 2Days & 1Night Season3 : The late actor Kim JooHyuk. May he rest in peace.[ENG/THAI/2017.11.12] - Duration: 1:19:25.


Color Learning Video For Kids | Kindergarten | Kids Collection | Learn Color with Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 47:01.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Boy Who lives down the lane.

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...



Three little numbers..



Six Little Numbers...



Nine Little numbers..



Ten Little numbers..

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...

Ten little numbers…

Ten little numbers…

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

For more infomation >> Color Learning Video For Kids | Kindergarten | Kids Collection | Learn Color with Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 47:01.


Chuyện Thầm Kín - KHI LÊN ĐỈNH PHỤ NỮ BIỂU HIỆN NTN NHƯ THẾ NÀO? - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> Chuyện Thầm Kín - KHI LÊN ĐỈNH PHỤ NỮ BIỂU HIỆN NTN NHƯ THẾ NÀO? - Duration: 14:46.


Alex Lahey: Every Day's the Weekend - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Alex Lahey: Every Day's the Weekend - Duration: 3:42.


Ascension Cannot Be Rushed, Fooled, Or Cheated! - Duration: 8:00.

Ascension Cannot Be Rushed, Fooled, Or Cheated!

Just a personal note from me to you as I have recently come back from my visit with family.

And what I experienced while there was just way too much to share.

Albeit to say that I was �removed� from the mass/collective energies as people went

through what they each needed to, without my personal energy link. Which was very �interesting�

to see what souls actually were experiencing, instead of being directly personally connected.

As I was processing and transmuting years and years of a family (for all my birth family,

at the �core) and generational energies. As a week for me is a VERY long time, like

months, due to living constantly in a direct flow of Source.

I will say though, that as I sit here I am reading and feeling into posts and humanities

energy again, I am not resonating with what many are feeling or sharing! And I know I

am not the only one.

I have a new saying about ascension for me and the rest of humanity: �While you were

on your way/going � I was already coming back� (this is a Greek saying btw)�.and

what I wrote and shared in past posts over weeks/months, is now transpiring and �coming

out� more with humanity.

As it came from a �space� of me starting to shift into 7D in the human, more in this


Currently, I am making �notes� of what we are experiencing in the human linked to

Spirit, as you know the info from �above� alone is not the full or complete experience

or �picture� of what is currently �occurring� in our Ascension process.

As it is being written we are going through a rebirth, while I am getting it�s a whole

new birthing that was shared weeks ago. Yet many are resonating to a rebirth and that�s

very okay.

Here are some others �things� that I am writing in my notes that have come that I

don�t have the full picture of yet to share more with you all:


Our earth star chakra is like partially blocked and Gaia is going through a long and �hard

labor�. And to keep sending energy down and grounding and often.

As this is not just for ourselves, this is assisting Gaia in her/our new birthing. The

grounding technique from the Raghida Shaman video I shared is what I am now using and

guiding others with.

As it is so powerful and instant! Please watch it, as it is up to you to do this for yourself

;-). Although I may write and share this in the near future, as guided.

Also, the base chakra is shattered and with this in the human, there is so much more to

this for each person. However, I will share that due to this, people are doing a type

of filling their void within, of �outside� things/people etc.

Now, this is an �old� thing and not �new�, yet this is occurring, along with those lines,

yet different energetically. And more will come with this to explain soon.

And please do not �tell me� what this/what I�ve shared here means for me lol. This

is new, I am in 6D and was heading into and receiving 7d info and energy!

I had to �stop this� and had to come back as this was way too much energy and too quick

for me. For me to remain here and share with humanity what is going on in our ascension,

linking and being a Rainbow Bridge for humanity in linking our spirit to our soul.

As I shared recently that I too needed to make a choice to �stay� and continue to

guide, teach and lead energetically as a trailblazer/ascension pioneer in linking our Spirit to our Soul.

That is why I shared the saying: While you were on your way/going � I was already coming

back. Now for those whose negative spiritual egos flare up at this, just breathe and chill

out lol.

As this is my personal truth of what this is for me. As I am sure many of you who have

been on their conscious spiritual journeys as well can also relate to this for themselves

;-). Yet, this needs to come from a space of a loving �parent� and not arrogance.

�Usually� I do not share until I have more of a bigger picture explaining of what

I receive, yet right now I will share what I have.

For those pulling back, keep doing so, keep in your own space as you have!

As now also, there are more �false lightworkers� out, more so than in the past as it is more

on a collective scale now that others are now starting to see and feel this more. As

for me, this is something I have seen and felt for a while with individuals.

As I saw this when I was given my Spiritual soul when I shifted into 6D and could see

and feel ALL that was going on for and with souls in the astral and multi-dimensions!

This took me a few months to adjust to, I can tell you lol!

And due to this, that is the �why and how� I can see this has expanded collectively to

share with you what I have/am. As I was told I am a WaySeer, not only a Wayshower. Said

in unconditional love, truth, and honesty of what this is for myself and no disrespect

in saying this.

Due to this in Spirit, what I see in the whole �above� which I see like being an astral

sky, is full, as far as one can see type-of-thing! Full of a mixture of energies, like a huge

bag of glitter, was thrown up in the air!

It is that HUGE as to the energies that are in �flux� in Spirit, the above and then

we have Gaia going through a long and difficult new birthing at the same time and both are


So due to this, keeping oneself in our own energy spaces whilst amongst others, in the

centre balance of this all (like a bubble or circle in between the flux of energies

of �above� and the �below� going through a new birthing) as �nothing� is �stable�

right now. It is for us to remain stable in our own bubbles so-to-speak.

This is so �vital� right now and for however long we may need to, as this may be �like

this� for the rest of 2017. We don�t know though, I am �just saying�

Please remember to protect in both the human AND your Spirit as well! The �old� of

�hiding� in ones �shell� is not �working� anymore. Just putting a white bubble around

oneself the Human is just not �cutting it� anymore, in this case of what we are experiencing.

If you really really want to progress, allow yourself TIME to process, shift, clear and

heal all you are re-facing/experiencing the �old�. It is a facet of the facet and

it is continual now!


The whole planet, the above AND below is in a state of flux right now, with Gaia going

through her/our new birthing!

We �wanted� a new earth and it is here, yet we are �birthing� this as well, as

Bringers of a New Dawn!

As you are newly birthing yourself as well!!!

Just like each mother who births a baby, each experience and birthing is unique, so is your

own personal �Birthing�!

Yet within this, we ARE ALL ONE!

I am now taking �bookings� for 1:1 Divine Healings again. As these are on the increase

again. Where personal guidance and assistance in BOTH Spirit and Soul = the �whole�

� with your personal �birthing� is available.

Those who are �ready� for this, the way is provided. As when souls are �ready�

it always flows beautifully and effortlessly.

For more infomation >> Ascension Cannot Be Rushed, Fooled, Or Cheated! - Duration: 8:00.


10 maneiras fáceis de queimar gordura no dia a dia - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> 10 maneiras fáceis de queimar gordura no dia a dia - Duration: 11:52.


TOP ladies purse handbags for women in flipkart and amazon shopping online handbags - Duration: 0:34.

BEST ladies purse handbags for women in flipkart and amazon shopping online handbags

For more infomation >> TOP ladies purse handbags for women in flipkart and amazon shopping online handbags - Duration: 0:34.


Vlaardingen West - Eerste Metro's Hoekse Lijn - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> Vlaardingen West - Eerste Metro's Hoekse Lijn - Duration: 13:40.


3 opções de café da manhã para reduzir a barriga - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> 3 opções de café da manhã para reduzir a barriga - Duration: 10:05.


Trucks For Kids | Learn Colors For Children | Rhymes For Toddlers - Finger Family Humpty Dumpty - Duration: 1:02:44.

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat.

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. all through the town!

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! all through the town!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! all through the town!

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

For more infomation >> Trucks For Kids | Learn Colors For Children | Rhymes For Toddlers - Finger Family Humpty Dumpty - Duration: 1:02:44.


Dwadash Jyotirling Devastanam in INDIA || Powerful Temple || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 16:14.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

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