Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

[Redlight89] Hey guys Redlight89 Here...

[Sans] ready?

For more infomation >> FRIDAY NIGHT SANS FIGHT!!! | Trying Out The Sans Fight Part 2 - Duration: 5:59.




Star investor George Soros has abandoned his bets against the US stock market.

The rally of the S&P 500 apparently brought him to his knees.

HE EXPECTED US PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP TO FAIL The Wall Street was apparently too powerful

for the star investor.

Soros had been betting heavily on a crash of the leading US stock market index S&P 500

over the past few months, not least because he apparently expected US President Donald

Trump to fail in his economic policy.

However, the American leading index is still not making any efforts to crash.

On the contrary.

Soros has now tacitly dissolved its bets against the market barometer, the German newspaper

"Die Welt" reports, citing a mandatory announcement to the SEC.

GEORGE SOROS SURRENDERS TO WALL STREET The 87-year-old investment guru has thus reduced

the number of put options, with which he mainly speculated on falling prices of selected tech

groups, from around 1.8 million at the end of the first half of the year to currently

200,000 securities.

Since it simultaneously bets 200,000 shares on an increase in the S&P 500, it is now positioned


Soros' anti-USA speculations have left only a small bet against the US' Russell 2000 index

of small indices.

He also rejected the put notes that Soros used to bet on a crash of the US technology

index Nasdaq.

REVELATION WAS MANDATORY Soros' capitulation has now been made public because hedge funds

in the US regularly have to publish their positions.

At the latest 45 days after the end of each quarter, the hidden investors must provide

an insight into their books.

For more infomation >> GEORGE SOROS SURRENDERS DEFEATED - Duration: 2:26.


四角モチーフ A-6【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 22:36.

For more infomation >> 四角モチーフ A-6【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 22:36.


Harmless Guest: No Evil 028 - Duration: 6:07.


I did it again.

You all have a job to do! So go... it!

(Squeaky noise)

(Flute music)

What do I do?

This pumpkin thing's supposed to go to the… the Patchwork girl!

Am I supposed to give it to her?

Okay, I'm gonna go do that then….

….but If It's wrong it's yer fault!

Frida: Come on, you dumb waheela!

Find Eddy!

(dog whines)

Frida: Oh, come on!

Frida: She's your owner!


Jose: Eh!

Oh, what's your plan, smart guy!

Tell their parents.

This is… magic or something.

It's over our heads.


Just gonna have other people solve your problems for you.

Jose: Huey!

(Wonky music)

That other girl was right...

...your spirit is an idiot.

Huey! Something took Emily!

Huey: Ohhhhh…. That's what these were here for...

Huey: Is there a second person missing too?

Well…. her friend is gone.

Huey: Good! I'll help you find them.


Huey: Ooooo! The purple place.

(Brom sighs)

(Soft flute)

Well, that's done.

Our friends?

(Fork rings)

(crashing sound)

Jose: Emily!


Amaroq: Get outta here!

Huey: I don't wanna!

If you don't like us, this place is pretty big. We can…

stay far away from you, or...

The only ones who have lived here longer than a year is me and Charles.

Now, I'm a spirit...

and Charles is...strange.

If you stay here, you will go the way of all these…



Stay friends, keep you heads down,

grow up, and leave those villages.



Take them home!


All of them.

(Flute music continues)

He left didn't he?

For more infomation >> Harmless Guest: No Evil 028 - Duration: 6:07.


Especial 5K de Inscritos - Obrigado #FamíliaMultiArcade - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Especial 5K de Inscritos - Obrigado #FamíliaMultiArcade - Duration: 4:20.


10 Accidental Millionaires - Duration: 5:33.

Hard work usually pays off, but when your positive mental attitude is shit, hard work

doesn't necessarily equal bundles of hard cash.

Some may say, the people who made it onto this list, were lucky..

But if you ask Earl Nightingale, his bitch ass will tell you, that Luck Is when preparedness

meets opportunity..

So with that being said, Welcome to our list, of the 10 Accidental Millionaires.

Number 10: Chris Clark In the late 90's, Chris Clark ran a cheesy

website consulting business, and decided to make the smartest move ever.

When he bought up the domain name which in the 90's meant nothing...

But in 2008, his 20 dollar investment was turned into a $2.6 million dollar sale, when

he put it up for auction at a starting bid of $100…

Number 9: Glenda Blackwell North Carolina mother and pissed off wife,

Glenda Blackwell, was so fed up with her husband Buddy wasting all their heroin money on lottery


That she decided to teach her husband a lesson, by spending the last of their heroin money,

on Scratcher...

Well, she wouldn't be on this list if she didn't hit it right?

Yup, they hit the Big time with a 1 Million dollar winner winner chicken dinner…

Number 8: Terri Horton Jackson Pollock's abstract drip painting

is considered to be one of the greatest expressionary art of the 20th century.

His paintings are all one of a kind, and he only made so many.. so when one went missing

for decades.. and was bought by retired truck driver Terri Horton at a thrift store for

5 bucks, it set the art world on fire.. luckily for her she was told by a teacher that it

could be a Pollock OG, and after DNA evidence linked it back to Jackson Pollock, The art

world went bananas, and it's now up for sale, for a cool 50 Million dollars.

Number 7: Man Finds Declaration Of Independence An anonymous man bought an old canvas painting

at a Pennsylvania Flea market for $4, just to get the frame.

When the man took it home and took out the painting, he noticed another sheet folded

and hidden in the backing.. this hidden sheet of paper was a copy of the Declaration of

Independence printed by John Dunlap.

The historic sheet of paper was sold for 2.4 million dollars, at an auction house in 1991.

Number 6: Hai Leo Gao A WestPac bank employee accidentally lent

Hai Leo Gao of New Zealand, $10 Million dollars, rather than the $100,000 he was set to be

given, for his business loan.. when Leo Gao found out of the huge mistake, he quickly

transferred 6.7 million of it into bank accounts in Hong Kong, then quickly fled the country

with his girlfriend.

They were later caught and extradited after 2 and half years of living it up Danny Ocean


Number 5: Phil Ozersky The man who caught the record breaking 70th

home run ball off of Mark McGwire's bat, got paid fat, by auctioning off the ball for

a cool 2.7 million dollars...

The crazy part is the ball actually bounced off another fans hands, before landing in

this lucky fellow's hands.

The buyer of the ball, was none other than Spawn creator, and action figure producer,

Todd McFarlane.

Number 4: Rachel and Heidi McFarland This story is fucking sad..

Same sex couple Rachel and Heidi adopted son Gabriel from Rachel's teenage co worker

Markeya Atkins, even going as far as coaching Atkins on the birth in December of 2013.

When their former attorney Jason Reiper fucked up and didn't get a signature from Atkins,

known as 'release of custody documents..'

The couple had to give the child back.

Sadly, baby Gabriel was later killed by his biological father… and an Iowa jury awarded

the couple 3.25 million dollars for Reiper's negligence.

Number 3: Faberge Egg Multi-Millionaire As one of the 43 out of 50 Imperial Faberge

Golden Egg to be found and accounted for.

This one was located at a Flea market and was bought for its scrap gold for $14,000..

Sounds like a lot for some gold to just be melted down right?

He thought he fucked up and tried to get $500 for it...

Until the anonymous man discovered it was the Egg of all eggs, and made 33 Million dollars,

off of the 8.2 centimeter golden treasure.

Number 2: Kevin Lewis Who knew that having the most generic name

would make you a millionaire..

Well, at the Horseshoe casino in Cincinnati Ohio..

A man by the name of Kevin Lewis was picked to receive a $1 Million dollar promotional


The most bizarre ironic moment happened when the wrong Kevin Lewis received the promo Golfer


The two Kevin's were the same age, same ethnicity, same dick size, and same lucky

Mother fuckas... because the two Kevins, were given the 1 Million dollar winning from the

nice as shit horseshoe casino.

Number 1: David Choe Graffiti artist and super duper lucky fuck

David Choe, was asked to blast a mural on the wall of some company called Facebook in


Instead of taking cash, Choe a habitual gambler, chose to take a small company stock..

Choe who initially thought the business model was ridiculous and pointless, is n ow worth

more than a quarter billion dollars from his pointless stock from Facebook.

and there you have it, our list of the 10 Accidental Millionaires.. did we miss any

other lucky as shit millionaires? if so, mention them in the comment section below, and as

always, don't forget to like share and subscribe

For more infomation >> 10 Accidental Millionaires - Duration: 5:33.


Pilar Cyst Removal | Auburn Medical Group - Duration: 15:36.

thanks for joining us this is gail and she comes in with some kind of a cyst in your scalp it's

either a pilar cyst or an epidermoid cyst either way we're gonna get it out of

there for you great thank you has it caused any problems no

it's just been rather annoying pain or drainage no does yeah just discomfort when the hair lady tries

to comb over it what about when I was trying to comb it earlier you're not very good at that

thanks for saying that on camera sorry well if you wanna cut that that's fine but

we'll get you situated here we'll get you numbed up and prepped so I'll have

you lie on your back with your head at this end really okay and the reason is so

that I can get to the top of your head

and there will be bleeding there will be blood yes

okay so show me your your cyst actually since it's on the somewhat on the left side

I'll have you turn your head to the right okay and then we'll work with your

hair clip to hold the hair these are fantastic you might want to consider

adding these to your no I'm gonna use yours so this is where you get a shot

I'm sorry probably stings

you did really good

again well i'm not done yet yeah am i hurting you when I do this

no i don't feel anything okay so lots of anaesthetic you know if this was steve h'ed wanna watch he'd wanna watch oh yeah

why didn't you bring him he thought about I didn't even think about it and you probably would have let him watch yeah

i'd have him do part of it no he cannot do that right before

lunch yeah that's right I'm gonna put a drape over you I'm sorry because it will

make me a little hot that's okay but it also helps for keeping things contained contained so

there's good and bad to anesthetic the good is the patient doesn't feel a sharp

process I won't go to more detail because that would be mean in front of

Gail go ahead it's fine the bad though is all that wonderful medicine that we

put in changes the contour the scalp and my little pen that I used earlier I

can't see where it was cuz it cleaned off so I'm just gonna kind of do this a

little bit to remind myself of where it is there we go we're gonna go from here

to here

and again we are doing this without shaving off Gail's hair at her request

to have a shaveless procedure and there's more bleeding than people are

used to seeing on these videos because of the shortage of epinephrine lidocaine

with epinephrine

you're doing okay Gail I'm fine all right

hey I am too go this direction you should treat yourself to some kind of a

special lunch after this

we have a lot of comments about the all the wiping of the blood and yes that is

what happens when you don't have that epinephrine

and in this type of small procedure we don't have an assistant do it

some people do we don't it's just too many too many hands in the pot to have

an assistant on a small procedure like this so this is called blunt dissection

you go in and then separate

still okay Gail I'm doin' great all right

oh it ruptured oh sorry is it stinky not yet so I was trying so careful can you

tell what kind it is no either either piler or or epidermoid they they behave

the same way at this point

I think we'll just go ahead and get it out so I'm kind of squeezing out the contents

some keratinous material I don't smell it yet do you smell no

starting to feel like a dr. pimple popper video she puts these on Twitter

all the time and I find I can't can't look away once I go down my Twitter feed

and if I see one I just watch it

it's the biggest zit it kind of is

squeeze that or pop that they call them popping am I hurting you by pushing so

hard on your head no no we're gonna get it out of there yeah you gave me a pillow I'm good but

oh I thought you were talking about the cyst oh yeah it's kind of like a pillow

yes you're taking my pillow out yeah

Gail you were just perfect for these videos can you like grow a bunch of

other weird stuff and we'll yeah thanks i'll do my best

all right let's get to do we have any pickups with teeth do those not have teeth no now that would be

ideal in this situation as I separate this from I can go grab some real quick let me see here not just yet if

I can hold on to it

Gail you probably feel me just pulling and tugging away on your your cyst

just a little bit of sharp here I got the cyst way from what's under it hmm

I feel wet okay that's my fault well l not completely I

mean I'm not the reason that there's this a lack of supply of the epinephrine

look at that there's do you want to see it gail yeah you know okay I'm going to show it

to you then okay put this hair out of it oh that's cool I'm glad you said that

yeah it's kind of cute alright so it ruptured but you were able to kind of

we'd actually like to send that off in a specimen container all right so now to

go in and explore we always whenever we take something out we we look to see

where it came from and actually can I have some of the you probably have to

just set that up for ya the Arm and Hammer saline spray there you go that's

it ya know i'm really wet beautiful okay time to close so those who have watched me before I know that I like

to do the the just kind of go right in the middle there between the two

sides between the two sides

and of course nylon is not ideal when there's hair because it's hard to tell

the nylon from hair I gotta kind of leave that tail long enough that I can grab it

and tie without if I get a whole bunch of hair in it

but I accept the challenge Gail glad you're up for it it not everybody would

I worked a lot in the Emergnecy Department and there was a lot of shaving that went on there yeah

did I just I didn't I was able to not supposed to use tenotomy scissors for

this but I'm going to people probably wonder why why why well they're supposed

uses for tissue not for hard stuff like

the nylon

coming together very nicely by the way and as far as the bleeding I anticipated it

being much worse than it was oh good now if this was on a different

part of the body I'd be using a little different technique but it's on the

scalp and it's all covered with hair so I'm not going to be doing the

undermining and the the deeper sutures and it is pretty small too

I am getting a little bit of hair in the knot very little I'm okay with that

I can start to feel it a little bit it's not painful probably cuz I'm really

pulling is that why with the suture and so it's pulling from surrounding areas

I'm really pleased with how this is going though we're really pleased

let's see if that closes down kinda looks open

well we may be done with that three stitches yeah awesome how could you tell

from over there I can feel the tug is there a mirror yeah okay there is hair

but it is but it is sealed okay and even with without having that lidocaine

with epinephrine okay it's it's going really well we're gonna throw away the

Sharps and then get you up and figure out a way to clean out your hair before

you go huh do you want I don't get a shower until tomorrow morning okay

but there is a way that we could oh say put the clip over that so you can't see

where the blood is yeah let me do that with non bloody gloves or can I just pull my

hair back in a pony tail

you could do that right now yeah where's the clip I thought you had it no

oh there it is

let me take this off I have no idea what I look like or how much blood is in me but I just pull it back is it hidden actually see what happens oh this is

working so the cyst was in this vicinity it's now sutured closed there's no

bleeding Gail has been able to make the ponytail and just cover it up there's no

bleeding because we already got rid of all the bleeding when we sutured it closed

Gail this is awesome this is awesome thank you very much we don't cut any of your hair yeah

gail It was completely pain-free good thank you so much for letting us share it with all of our people who are watching

and we we do have some people we especially thank like Lindsay Antwine, Booboo Kitty, and Petra Rosenberg

Thank you ladies for your support making all these videos possible

Gail thank you for what you did to make it possible gail and dr. vaughan myself telling all of you to stay in good health

For more infomation >> Pilar Cyst Removal | Auburn Medical Group - Duration: 15:36.


Snoop Dogg 🐾 'Danger & Games' Music Video | Danger Games | Nick - Duration: 2:34.

Let me hear it.

It's the cross over special that everybody's talking about

Here we go!

♪ With so much drama in the NYC ♪

♪ It's kinda hard for Game Shakers Making games, ya see ♪

♪ But they, somehow, some way ♪

♪ Keep coming up With cool and funny games ♪

♪ 'Cept for this one day ♪

♪ So we gon' take a little trip With the Gamers ♪

♪ To visit your boy Henry Danger ♪

♪ Two in the morning And the Shakers still jumping ♪

♪ 'Cause the rest ain't home ♪

♪ He got Shakers in the room Just snooping around ♪

♪ And they ain't leaving 'Till something is found ♪

♪ So what you wanna do? ♪

♪ Hudson finds a tube of bubblegum Now he's gonna chew ♪


- What? - Whoa!

How did Hudson get dressed like Kid Danger?

♪ Henry's secret out Now close the door ♪

♪ What, oh what? He takes down all four, yeah ♪

♪ With his lasers He ain't gon' miss ♪

♪ Henry's up, Shaker's down In this Nick special, you can't miss ♪

♪ Rolling down the street Chewing gum balls ♪

♪ Playing some Crime Warp ♪

♪ Laid back ♪

♪ We mix some Games with some Danger and some Danger with some Games ♪

♪ Rolling down the street Chewing gum balls ♪

♪ Playing some Crime Warp ♪

♪ Laid back ♪

♪ We mix some Games with some Danger and some Danger with some Games ♪

♪ We got Henry in a tail spin ♪

♪ He's in the man cave Captain Man weighs in ♪

♪ Now the Game Shakers They work a tre ♪

♪ Save dub for the game they made ♪

♪ Everything is great When you're listening to Double G ♪

♪ He got the cultivating music that be captivating we ♪

♪ Who listens to the words That he speaks ♪

♪ Gotta stop Dr. Minyak Before he reeks havoc♪

♪ Attacking Doug at the big show ♪

♪ Making everybody in the joint Go psycho ♪

♪ All our superheroes taken down ♪

♪ Before he wrecks Doug's sound Will Hudson's voice be found? ♪

♪ Be around this Thanksgiving weekend When it all goes down ♪

♪ Rolling down the street Playing Crime Warp ♪

♪ Minyak's on the loose ♪

♪ Laid back ♪

♪ We mix some Games with some Danger and some Danger with some Games ♪

♪ Rolling down the street Chewing gum balls ♪

♪ Playing some Crime Warp ♪

♪ Laid back ♪

♪ Mix some Games with some Danger ♪

- What you got? - Danger Games!

- 5, 6, 7, 8, cross over! - 5, 6, 7, 8, cross over!

For more infomation >> Snoop Dogg 🐾 'Danger & Games' Music Video | Danger Games | Nick - Duration: 2:34.


YOU can THREE CROWN ANYONE in 1 SECOND with THIS GLITCH!! | Clash Royale - Duration: 7:35.


For more infomation >> YOU can THREE CROWN ANYONE in 1 SECOND with THIS GLITCH!! | Clash Royale - Duration: 7:35.


Biggest Unanswered Questions In Justice League - Duration: 5:37.

After years of buildup, Batman finally got the band together in Justice League to save

the world from certain doom.

But there are still a ton of questions about how exactly they managed to do it.

So hold on to your Mother Box, because here's a spoiler-filled look at some of the biggest

unanswered questions in Justice League.

What happened to the Mother Box?

The plot of Justice League revolves around the villainous Steppenwolf assembling the

Mother Box and almost wiping out the whole world.

Luckily, Cyborg and Superman team up to pull the box apart in the nick of time, and everyone

goes away happy.

But what happened to the Mother Box after that?

Considering it has the power to bend time and space and destroy entire planets, you'd

think the Justice League would want to keep a really close eye on it.

But for some reason the box is never seen again.

And where it ended up is just one big question we have about the Mother Box, the other one


"what's in the box?

What's in the the f------ box?!"

What about Darkseid?

In Batman versus Superman, we got a whole dream sequence teasing the arrival of the

ultimate big bad in the DC Extended Universe, Darkseid.

So it was pretty weird that he was barely even mentioned in Justice League, especially

considering almost the entire movie is about him.

See, Steppenwolf works for Darkseid, and the Mother Box is trying to turn Earth into a

new version of the planet Apokolips.

Which is also where the parademons come from.

And presumably where the boom tube teleportation tornados lead to.

So this movie was really all about Darkseid.

But when it comes to the DCEU, who is he?

What does he want?

And when is he going to show up on screen?

Those are all questions Justice League asks, but doesn't answer.

What's the deal with Cyborg?

In Batman versus Superman and Justice League, we learn that Cyborg's cyborgian bits were

created by the Mother Box, which basically overwrote his damaged body with Apokoliptian


Both Aquaman and Cyborg himself raise concerns that the Mother Box may turn Cyborg against

the Justice League, but other than one stray missile fired at Superman's face, nothing

comes of it.

Well...nothing comes of it yet.

But what happens when Cyborg faces Darkseid, the master of Apokolips?

Does the Justice League have an unwitting mole inside their group, a double agent infected

with an alien virus that's waiting to betray Earth at just the wrong time?

Maybe before Batman builds his special table in Justice League Mansion, he should consider

exactly what kind of ticking time bomb he's letting on the team.

Where was Green Lantern?

In maybe the movie's coolest moment, fans finally got the see the Green Lantern Corps

brought into the DC Extended Universe in a flashback sequence, where they team up with

the Amazons, Atlanteans, Old Gods, and regular schmoes to take down Steppenwolf when he first

attacked Earth thousands of years ago.

One question, though: where the heck was Green Lantern during the fight at the end of the


Green Lanterns are basically the beat cops of the universe, and since Darkseid and the

forces of Apokolips are pretty much the single biggest threat in that universe, you'd think

an APB would be put out as soon as that Mother Box starts shimmying.

And yet there's no sign of any Green Lanterns in the present day at all.

Was he at a cosmic donut shop?

Hopefully the next time the world is about to be destroyed, he'll bother to show up.

"Stand back and peep the light show! Green Lantern's got this!"

Green Lantern wasn't the only no show though...

Where was everyone else?

When Steppenwolf attacked thousands of years ago, a massive alliance came together to stop


This time around, though, a handful of weirdos in costumes are the only people who bother

to lift a finger.

So where was everyone else?

For no apparent reason, the Amazons suddenly aren't allowed to leave their island.

But why weren't the Atlanteans there to help the Justice League?

How about, you know, the Russian Army, who had to be wondering about what was going on

at that reactor site?

And what about other characters in the DC Extended Universe, like the Suicide Squad?

Remember them?

"I want to assemble a task force of the most dangerous people on the planet."

It seems really weird that nobody else on the planet cared whether or not Earth was


How do they explain Clark's return?

Most of Justice League revolves around how much the world needs Superman, and the team's

successful efforts to bring him back to life.

But how is anyone going to be able to spin Clark Kent's revival without giving away the

obvious fact that he's Superman? Clark got an obituary and a funeral in Batman versus

Superman, but now he's back in his old house, and walking the streets of Metropolis like

nothing ever happened.

Between that and Lois referring to Superman as "Clark" right out in the open, it seems

like they may have brought back Superman only to kill his secret identity in the process.

Who is in the Legion of Doom?

Finally, we just have to ask: who else is going to be in Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom?

So far in the end credits scene, we have Lex and Deathstroke the Terminator, but if the

Super Friends cartoon is any indication, we can expect to see more villains in the future.

The Joker, of course, has already shown up in Suicide Squad, but other bad guys like

Black Manta, Captain Cold, and the Cheetah have yet to make their debuts in the DC Extended


Frankly, we don't care who is on the team — as long as Lex trades in that yacht for

a headquarters that looks like Darth Vader's helmet and rests at the bottom of a swamp.

Give the fans what they want!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Biggest Unanswered Questions In Justice League - Duration: 5:37.


Q&A With SNEAKAHEAD - Duration: 3:56.

My name is Dez Miller, aka

Sneakerheads this and I am from Memphis, Tennessee the south side though. What made me jump into like shoes and like

All the other stuff is pretty much oh no

I just I just kind of love it like I know I never was able to get shoes when I was younger so

You know say now that I'm able to now. I'm grown you know Sokka. I'm able to buy my own stuff

The girl I think the girls that come at me the most because of my shoes are I

Think the little girls

delivery girl

You know I think that little bootie girls are attracted to I mean just naive just cuz of the shoes cuz of my size

Guys times up cuz of my side yeah

All girls out there, you know I'm saying

No, I do not have a small penis

What do butterflies feel in their stomach when they're in love I

Guess you can say they feel yourself. I've been left in lace up inside. I've said it. Hey butterflies right?

Why is peace around but comes in a square box oh

My god, you know I ask myself that question all the time I asked my brother Cameron it like and oh

No, that's just a crazy thing like it's it's a circle

It's a circle way to come in a square box like why didn't any companies? I don't need coming to circle box

That's mind boggling man. I always ask myself that question can't I cry on the water


Cannot cry in the water dad grind water you got finish man. I can grind the water. I think so

My favorite thing to do outside of work

Um I'm a big football guy, so it's probably like my side my side thing

You know I'm saying football fans doing football

or youtube I

Mean we're pretty much. I'm playing the game or something like that. That's pretty much to go with a hobby

Top weeds that came or hmm

Mine that's a hard decision boom like set music a bow for them funny guys

Real funny guy. I watch all the videos

but I

Gotta say tip to everybody right. Hey shout out the tipper. I taught you my talk to you on the phone, bro

My name is

Stinky this dismal okay? No I kind of mixed it up this time

Yeah, shout out to shout

Out the ssinnim TV man. Thank you for having me. Oh man, and I appreciate the Q&A

We done

For more infomation >> Q&A With SNEAKAHEAD - Duration: 3:56.


WNC expectant mothers traveling longer distances to find maternity wards - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> WNC expectant mothers traveling longer distances to find maternity wards - Duration: 2:18.


Sequencing DNA in the Rainforest with Nanopore Technology - Duration: 2:49.

The last few days

We've been on an expedition in the rain forests of Ecuador and our goal was to take a portable lab into the field

sequence the DNA of an organism and identify it to species in real time

so this was part of a National Geographic grant and

With a team of herpetologists here in Ecuador our goal was to use a new portable sequencer

This is a device that was made by Oxford nanopore technologies. It's this really cool portable gene sequencer

We use some other equipment like the miniPCR and

Overall we were able to take the bare bone elements of a laboratory and take it out into a very remote

rainforest in Ecuador. And so why would we want to do this?

essentially we are in a very biodiverse region of the planet and we went to a

Region called Canande which is in the Choco rainforest of Ecuador and this region is highly diverse

there are lots of species that are known some that are threatened some that are undescribed and

So the problem is that this place is being deforested very rapidly

So there's a real time sensitivity to trying to understand the organisms that live there

There is a very strong need to actually preserve this biodiversity here

Actually bringing the sequencer to the field

can save time. So we can instead of like going out in the field collecting the samples

bringing it back to a lab having them send off to a different country for sequencing this can take weeks and months and

In our case it took less than 24 hours

It was a really exciting turnaround we went out with our portable lab

And we found animals that night like vipers, geckos, frogs. All of these amazing diverse organisms

And so we were able to take a small amount of blood

extract DNA use PCR amplification for certain genes that are used in identifying species

And then we sequenced it right than in there so in less than 24 hours we had received the information

The DNA information that we could identify them to species

accurately and

A cool thing is that you can even do the bioinformatics in the field the only thing you need is a laptop

So it's very very easy very fast

And you get actual sequence you can even run a phylogeny or blast it against the database to see what species it is

in the rainforest and this has actually lots of

Implications not just for conservation or for teaching people about the biodiversity in certain areas

But also for labs in countries like Ecuador where all the sequencing technologies is not readily available

so if we can do it in the field anyone can do it in the lab here, and so this technology really works well for

Scientist here to apply it in the labs

For more infomation >> Sequencing DNA in the Rainforest with Nanopore Technology - Duration: 2:49.

------------------------------------------- - Duration: 5:29.

If a report from the NPD Group is accurate, Nintendo is eating Sony and Microsoft's lunch in the United States. The Switch was the #1 selling console in October, while the Nintendo SNES Classic is #2.

Add in 3DS sales, and the Nintendo Empire supposedly accounted for a stunning 66 percent of video game hardware sold in the US in October.

Nintendo cheekily notes that the US console hardware market broke one million units in October for the first time since 2011.

Super Mario Odyssey managed to take the #1 spot on NPD's sale chart despite launching on October 27, while Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Breath of the Wild took spots #10 and #11 respectively — not bad for games that have been out so long.

The big challenge for Nintendo will be maintaining this momentum in November and December.

The PlayStation 4 doesn't have a lot going for it this holiday season as far as major new launches — Sony launched both VR and the PS4 Pro last year and while the company is certain to do some promotional activity, it's not the same as Nintendo with its wildly popular new console or Microsoft, with its Xbox One X (Buy on Amazon).

What's going to be particularly interesting to watch is how the two consoles shake out in November (adjusted for the fact that Microsoft only launched the Xbox One on the 7th).

Initial sales figure for the Xbox One X look good, at least in some markets. Microsoft reports 80,000 sales in the UK, for example, matching the Switch's debut.

In some ways, the Xbox One X versus the Nintendo Switch (Buy on Amazon) is a match-up worthy of the three-way split we saw back when the Xbox 360, Wii, and PlayStation 3 were new.

While the overall quality of the Wii's motion controls was debatable and a hell of a lot of shovelware got shipped for that platform, Sony and MS were both trying to sell gamers on a more-expensive future that required 720p and/or 1080p televisions and took advantage of high-end audio sound systems.

Nintendo, in contrast, had the Wii: A diminutive console at a lower price, with unusual, easy-to-grasp motion controls, and that promised compatibility with the TV you owned already.

Measured in terms of total hardware shipped, the Wii beat both its rivals, even if the games you could play on it never looked as good.

Now Nintendo and Microsoft will go head-to-head once more, pitting two completely different visions of gaming against each other. Microsoft is making a power play, emphasizing 4K visuals and cutting-edge technology in a $500 console.

The Nintendo Switch can't match an original Xbox One's performance, but Nintendo doesn't want to talk about that — it wants to talk about gaming-on-the-go, a mobile experience that transfers to the living room, and its own highly regarded first-party games.

While you need to spend more than $300 to make the Switch work well, its base price is still $200 below MS, which does open up a pricing gap.

Last time around, Nintendo won the war. It's certainly been raking the profits in this year. Will the Xbox One X finally shake off the Xbox One's subpar performance and establish itself as more roadblock than door stop? We'll know next year.

For more infomation >> - Duration: 5:29.


Coaching Your Team for a Return on Investment - Duration: 2:14.

Hey guys it's Kelly Roach CEO of Kelly Roach Coaching where we help

entrepreneurs and businesses from around the world to make six and seven figure

leaps in their business and here's today's 2-minute tip cultivate a culture

of coaching. So many times I have entrepreneurs and small business owners

come to me with an underperforming team they're spending boatloads of money

every single month to keep their team on board and their team is not producing

enough revenue to cover their head count and to actually bring a return to the

business. Most of the time this is because the business owner is not

effectively coaching their staff. So there's lots of steps that go into

developing peak performance amongst your staff. But the one thing I want you to

focus in on today is creating a culture of coaching. That is where coaching and

giving feedback constructive and otherwise to your team is a part of

everyday life in the culture of your company. When this happens people have a

positive attitude and realize that it is an investment that you are making in

them when you take the time to coach them it is not a negative make-or-break

situation that they need to panic or be kind of spinning their head over for the

rest of the day or even week which is what happens when people are not

accustomed to a coaching environment. When you create a culture of coaching

people understand that you are making a massive investment in their success

because you believe in them and you want to help them get better every single day.

If you want to learn more about how to take your employees from an expense to

an investment in your business and you're ready to see big returns for the

work that you've done so far but needs some tricks and strategies to improve

that massively all you have to do is text in Big ROI to 44222

two again that's big ROI to 44222 and you're going to

immediately get invited to send in your email and we will send you a free

training series to show you how to become a seller leader and to get

massive return on investment for every member of your team. I hope you enjoyed

the 2-minute tip and if you can think of just one person that would benefit from

this go ahead and share it again you can text in big ROI to 4422

to get the training with it thanks so much!

For more infomation >> Coaching Your Team for a Return on Investment - Duration: 2:14.


We Got A New Dog! Welcome To The Legend Family Amber! (Hound Mix) - Duration: 7:58.

What's up Legends!? soyLEGEND here!

And we added a new Legend to the family!

We got another dog! So, without further ado, let's go meet Amber!

We've already been doing some integration. We already did Skylar

at the pet place.

Lakeshore Paws. And now

we're doing Kilo in the backyard. So, as you can see here..

This is Amber!

Next, we're gonna add Skylar to the

three mix back here with all the big dogs.

Then we'll have to integrate Cinder.

That'll be a little more tricky. So, we'll see what happens.

I guess I don't want to video tape that necessarily.

Uh-oh, we're one of those..

She just did like the sand scoop of the yard.

Are you ready? We're gonna go see..

Amber again. Huh? Yeah!

Come here. I want to give you your leash real quick.

Come here!

This is hard! One hand! Whoo gotcha!

Okay, here goes nothin'.

You know Amber. Oh yeah..

Hi Amber!

Hi sweetie..yeah!

What do you think Sky?

Three big dogs. Skylar!

Yeah, there we go.

Good girl!

That's a good girl!

Good girl!

Good girl!

I say we let them go now.

Leave her leash on though.

There we go, huh?

You're okay!


We're so good.

Go Kilo, go!

Ganging up on the new kid.

Ohh, you gonna take that Skylar? Huh? Yeah!

When we take the leash off, you can really go.

Kilo is all slobbery..look at how much slobber Kilo has!

Alright, we're gonna try inside now.

Oh yeah, that's the spot, huh?



Hi sweetie!

Alright, let's go exploring!

Close their food door.

Too late!


Who is that Cinder?

Come on!

So dad, what do you think of your new dog? Oh, she's awesome!

She's gonna be a good fit!

I think so, too!

Four dogs in this house! It's crazy!

Three and a half..

little dog is a half.

Look at this.


Get up there! Kilo!

Come on!

Come on!

Ohh, butt scratch!

Alright, they're playing in the room again.

There we go. Alright, that about does it for

this quick little Vlog. That is Amber, our new

dog. So, we have a bigger household. Legend family

grew a little bit today.

And it can grow even more if you subscribe to my channel

to see more of Amber and Kiloe and Skylar and Cinder and

everything else that we're doing here. So, join the Legend family

and subscribe, like, comment. Share this video

if you enjoyed it and until next time!

For more infomation >> We Got A New Dog! Welcome To The Legend Family Amber! (Hound Mix) - Duration: 7:58.


How to INSTALL Hacked Games, Paid Games AND ++ Apps - IOS 11/10/9 [Asterix Installer] - Duration: 3:12.

*How to INSTALL Hacked Games, Paid Games AND ++ Apps - IOS 11/10/9 [Asterix Installer]*

For more infomation >> How to INSTALL Hacked Games, Paid Games AND ++ Apps - IOS 11/10/9 [Asterix Installer] - Duration: 3:12.


ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងែ សៅរ៍ ទី​១៨ ខែ វិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017​ ​- ByOkideMedia - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងែ សៅរ៍ ទី​១៨ ខែ វិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017​ ​- ByOkideMedia - Duration: 13:36.


Quick 6 Tuning Walkthrough - Duration: 4:44.

In this video, we'll give you some tips on setup and tuning for the Quick 6 transmission control system.

This information can be helpful to those who are in the market for the latest in six-speed transmission control, as well as those who've already purchased a Quick 6.

The latest version of Shiftware can be found on the CD that came with the Quick 6 or downloaded from under the "Support / Software" section.

We recommend all Quick 6 customers have access to a Windows PC with Shiftware installed, and if possible, a laptop will make tuning much easier.

While the Quick 6 is fully adjustable in virtually every aspect of your transmission's performance, we've created several initial calibrations - or tunes - to help you get started.

These tune files were built from months of research based on actual vehicle testing.

This takes the guesswork out of initial setup and lets you start driving immediately after installation.

We strongly recommend starting with one of these tunes.

They're a good starting point for just about any vehicle combination and will reduce the possibility of errors.

In Shiftware, click the OPEN icon.

Under the default directory, you'll find the pre-made tunes.

For each transmission, there are four shift firmness options, each with three wide-open throttle shift points.

Smooth is closest to OEM shift firmness and the least aggressive.

Street is somewhat firmer at higher-throttle openings, but similar to OEM shift feel at light throttle.

This is a good choice for performance vehicles that are daily drivers.

Medium provides solid, quicker shift firmness, while firm offers the most aggressive shifts of our provided tunes.

Once you have selected your tune, be sure to designate the correct horsepower level for your vehicle in system settings.

To do this, click the dropdown box in the transmission tab and choose the power level that corresponds to your vehicle.

If you want to load multiple tunes and toggle between them, such as a smooth tune in table one for daily driving and a firm tune in table two for track day,

it's important that you disable part-throttle and wide-open throttle shift learning in the firm tune.

Shift learning works better on smooth-shifting tunes and values learned from a firm tune would shift poorly when used on a smooth tune.

However, values learned from a smooth tune will be fully-compatible with a firm tune.

With the firm tune open in Shiftware, click the System Settings icon and go to the Miscellaneous section.

Uncheck the first two boxes for part and full throttle shift learning.

Remember, the tune isn't updated on the controller until you click "Write Calibration to Controller", and then choose the table you want firm shifting on.

Now that the calibrations are on the controller, you're ready to calibrate the throttle position sensor.

To do this, turn the key on, but don't start the engine.

For carbureted vehicles, make sure the choke is fully open and off the fast idle cam.

Rotate the knob to SET and "Set Up System" will scroll.

Click the knob to enter the menu.

TPS will be the first option shown.

Click again to begin calibration.

Idle throttle position will be detected immediately, so leave the accelerator pedal untouched.

When the display reads "Press Accel Pedal", push the pedal all the way to the floor and hold it.

After a few seconds, release the accelerator pedal when the display tells you to do so.

"TPS Successful" will scroll on the display if calibration was successful and the measured voltages for each throttle position will be shown.

The controller now has your idle and full-throttle positions stored in memory.

If no error codes are shown, you can start driving at light throttle.

You'll notice shift feel and TCC behavior improve over the first few miles as the Quick 6 adapts to your specific transmission and power plant.

As shifts improve, you can begin applying more and more throttle as the controller completes its initial self-tuning process.

When you're satisfied with your transmission's performance, you can make further adjustments to the tune in Shiftware.

There are many ways to customize your transmission's behavior, and if you'd like an in-depth tour of them,

check out our Shiftware playlist, which is linked in the description below.

Feel free to contact US Shift with any questions you may have regarding the Quick 6 or any of our products.

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