Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

what is good youtube warstu here here with a video on Justice League

movie so this is gonna be our full justice league review with as spoilers

so guys let's get into it you've been warned this is gonna be a four of you

with spoilers going over everything I'm gonna try and keep it under 20 minutes

long so yes I did love the Justice League movie because it's a very simple

movie a small shark could understand the concept basically the concept is step

involves coming to earth to destroy Earth and take over it to Justice League

have to formally to Justice League get beat Superman Returns Steppenwolf gets

defeated the end I mean you that's it in a nutshell so it is a basic comic-book

movie was it better than the first Avengers movie yes and that's the only

couple movie you should be comparing it to because it's the first DCE you team

up you can't really you can't really say Suicide Squad was a team up movie

because let's be honest guys it's not the Justice League it was a Suicide

Squad so some people said that was the first DC eutteum but no it was just

thick I thoroughly enjoy this although it wasn't perfect I did enjoy it so

let's get into spoilers so how did Superman return I mean I personally

think they went with a kind of okay way to bring Superman back basically cyborg

and the flash brought Superman back and ironically this is exactly how a leak

said so basically they went into the Kryptonian ship where Superman

potentially could be reborn so essentially they lied him down in water

the mother box was there Barry Allen had to hit the mother box as hard as he

could using the Speed Force and it would shock

Superman back to coming back to life and obviously this was the third mother box

the last one and then Superman came back he wasn't evil he was just confused he

was confused and it was pretty badass there was a massive fight between

Superman the rest the team and he absolutely overpowered all of them and

destroyed all I mean this is funny line between Superman and Batman

when Superman said tell me do you bleed and this was a direct reference to what

actually happened in battler sue mad when Bruce Wayne said to Superman

tell me bleed and then after kind of Superman kicked his ass

Batman's like yeah I do bleed so it was pretty funny that was a quite funny

scene sue motive turned from me was absolutely perfect and obviously we all

know Lois Lois Lane was the key because in the Batman vs Superman that scene

where Ezra Miller flash said Lois is the key so obviously that's his big gun

that's his weapon as soon as Superman seen Lois he basically remembered

everything and came back to normal so that was a pretty sweet scene let's talk

about the Darkseid prelog fight although they weren't it it's Steppenwolf prelog

it was basically a new 52 Darkseid war but they changed it to Steppenwolf and

it was interesting because yes we've seen Ares and Zeus everyone's saying it

was Shazam or the wizard no it was Zeus Zeus was the guy shot who shot the kind

of Thunderbolt - Steppenwolf so that was interesting well gloves interesting is

yes we did see the Green Lantern so yes the Green Lantern was in the movie but I

can't for the life of me find out who it was it was one of the most unpopular

Green Lantern's basically he they come they died and then the ring went off

which is obviously a setup for Justice League - or a setup for the solo movie

coming in 2020 but it wasn't how it wasn't John I mean basically the green

lanten did kick some ass against the parademons but essentially the green

ants got destroyed so that was interesting and it was an interesting

backstory though it was kind of rushed the the main thing that people didn't

like about the villain is we didn't really find out anything about

Steppenwolf we didn't get a backstory didn't get an origin story the fact that

his motion capture kind of made the kind of fighting scenes and they were good

but I felt like if they were physically fighting each other in real life it

would have made much more sense and we got an outcome I

teaser with mirror so there was a scene underwater before Steppenwolf took the

mother box from the Amazonians where mirror used her worst to kind of

traverse the water push Steppenwolf back and then there's a massive scene with

mirror and a crow man where she says you're the rightful heir you need to

take responsibility and as it was his responsibility he realized that the

power of mother box had that could destroy the earth so he went out used

the Trident or at least I thought it was trident but it wasn't actually tried and

it was something else but that was interesting can't wait for the acronym

movies such a cool little tease between mirror and Aquaman can't wait to see

more of that in the Aqua movie that will comes out later next year the keep the

team chemistry between the whole team was the strongest thing in the whole

movie for me there's lots of quirky little scenes that worked and didn't

work I mean the flash was very different to the flash that we are customed to on

the TV show I mean personally I like the flash but some people didn't like the

flash I mean I mean he was a quirky geeky kind of it was a total different

version and for me that's why I liked it but for some people they didn't like

that version of the flash I mean I can understand why darkside bhai wasn't

Darkseid in it there was a reference to Darkseid

bassy Steppenwolf was trying to get Darkseid good books I think half their

issue was dark side was supposed to be the main villain after 7th and we were

supposed to feel his presence but to be honest we didn't feel any kind of

presence Steppenwolf was a throwaway villain Marvel style you wouldn't even

know who Steppenwolf host money's he was kind of he wasn't a very good villain he

was good enough for the movie but let's be honest guys we should have a better

villain for a movie like this is why someone like dark side needs to come

along I know they teeth obviously the injustice League or Legion

of the doom with the Lex Luthor post-credits scene saying that him and

Deathstroke me to form a league so we'll be quite interesting to kind of

see where they go forward with this a lot of people are really upset with the

whole kind of how I don't think I don't think Steppenwolf was actually bad but a

lot of people say that he wasn't much of a threat I mean the Superman return was

quite cool a lot of people saying he came out as bizarro evil Superman it

wasn't he was just confused for me it made a lot it made a lot of sense and I

think you did feel a presence of the fact that the SEO of Warner Brothers

told him that the movie had to be two hours one minutes that's two hours one

minutes with the credits not with the movie so really the movie was only

really one hour 50 I mean I thought the story was quite strong

although the backstories for a lot of the characters are quite weak we

obviously had the reverse-flash teased Easter Egg confirmed with Henry Allen

being in jail and Barry Allen saying he didn't do he didn't do it obviously all

his comic fans know that his reverse-flash ebar Thor killed Nora

Allen to set a little basis just just to kill Nora Allen because he killed Barry

Allen the reverse-flash wouldn't exist even though he's from the future so it's

really interesting and I really hope we do get some random tease for

reverse-flash being like part of the flashpoint movie because realistically

the flashpoint movie can't actually take place unless Barry Allen runs back in

time to stop his mother from being killed

so obviously that will have to be the prerequisite of the whole flashpoint

storyline but overall it's good this looking really good for the overall DC

as a DC EU as a whole now I understand what the critics said is said when you

see the trailers you've not racine anything because a lot of the trailer

footage guys wasn't even used in the movie there was like the whole Alfred

scene whatever and said it's Superman no it's green London well guys can't paola

comment down below we're never really going to know who it was because that

scene was deleted obviously Zack Snyder had to step down Joss Whedon took over

and did his best so there was probably a good 30 minutes

to 1 hour footage that we're never ever going to see which is a massive shame I

really hope on the extended blu-ray cut that we get to see a kind of Zack Snyder

the vision that he had the extended cut with darks I didn't I really think fans

really would want that it would be quite cool if we got to see that but I can't

see us getting that because obviously Lex Luthor did film a lot more death

drove obviously filmed a lot more iris West got cut a lot of people got cut

there's a lot of English actors that we in the movie got filmed some Amazonians

and stuff like that that got cut so I kind of feel bad for them but they're

they're so happy that they kind of got paid to do whatever they did and they

had the Justice League experience although they're kind of cuts there

there's scenes didn't get into the movie but for me I don't know it was just

annoying because the whole Batman versus Superman and the Amiga signs on the

floor but not met Batman looking over and we seen it I mean yes you could say

they're playing the long game but I hope they don't play the fan of long game

where it takes 10 years to get dark side as a lot of people gonna walk away from

this movie Finn damn that team had a good chemistry really did work together

but are they really gonna remember the story I love this movie guys I'd give it

an 8 out 10 him it wasn't perfect it was good but obviously because this is

Spider VIII I'm gonna go into more of my own personal feelings and thoughts about

what I thought about the overall story yes it could have been stronger yes I

think they cut out too much it should've been two and a half hours it needed an

extra 10 to 20 minutes so we could get a bit more backstory by the flash because

to be honest artists we didn't know anything about the flash and if you

weren't a big flash fan you wouldn't really know anything about the flash a

lot of people I know that watching the movies don't know anything about fashion

they don't watch the TV shows they're not gonna know who Darkseid is when they

drop when the steppenwolf drops to Darkseid name we know Darkseid exists in

the universe now because Steppenwolf said he'd been exiled from his mother

world apocalypse a lot of people ain't gonna know arts going to

anything about dioxide which is a shame because darkside is such a cool story

and the pre dogfight was a new 52 dioxide dioxide war storyline are though

you're not really going to get this from the movie so this is why people like me

will do videos like this we're going to explain it and break everything down I

mean overall I did love the movie but I think cyborg did suffer a bit from his

whole suit being pure CGI that's maybe why he wear a hoodie as everything it

was cool that they kind of wreak on the bit of the kind of wandering storyline a

little bit how she disappeared for hundreds of years they reckoned it pose

wonder one so it's kind of cool I love this in the new Superman the new

Superman I love Superman Batman vs Superman was amazing but we haven't got

a better version of Superman one that smiling one that's happy one that's

cracking jokes one that's strong as hell because Superman is so strong his

chemistry with the flash then races that post-credit scene where he raised the

flash it was a cheeky Easter Egg to the comic books where they raised multiple

times dating back to 1976 race Soviet life and other things is so cool how

they just kept teasing that and then the Superman returned when Barry Allen was

running and you could see the Speed Force and Henriques sorry Clark Kent

could still turn his head and it's as I it was just so cool but I don't underst

the understand all this lost footage deleted scenes Darkseid not being an

ingredient of being in it but not really being in it in some kind of exponential

kind of form I wouldn't love to see Green Mountain physically there although

the ring did fly about it did fly off off C to its next host it would have

been better to physically see Green Lantern in of the movie but yes guys

Green Lantern was in the movie to have strokes in the movie Lex Luthor was in

the movie I guess you could say Darkseid was in it in memory but I just hope that

we get some kind of deleted scene appears online similar to how of

Steppenwolf that teases Darkseid come in at at some point

though I think the injustice league would be cool I said teased it with the

scene in the end in Arkham and I'm gonna get that stroke on the yacht and then

we've got Lex louver saying we need to form a league although I think Legion

doing leaving a doing would be cool and the injustice league would be cool I

think Darkseid coming would be a lot better but I think people would feel

like a whole Steppenwolf try to take her world not dark spies trying to do

although Darkseid is a lot stronger and his heli hell is strong I mean his reign

is the anti-life equation so I feel like if dark side was to come in injustice

sorry Justice League two it would feel like a carbon copy of the first one

because originally it was gonna be a two-part the first one was gonna be the

origin story the second was going to be dark sites present as Darkseid was

supposed to be in the movie a lot he was rudely supposed to kill Steppenwolf at

the end but obviously the end how Steppenwolf got be was actually just the

parademons essentially killed him because they kind of they could smell

his fear after Superman used his freeze breath and broke his axe he obviously

got scared and then the boom tube came up and then he just disappeared and we

presume he went back to apocalypse and died there I mean you could say that was

a dark site ease although that would be stretching quite far I mean I really did

like Batman we've got a new Batman he's got a new hope he wants Batman's come

back it's very interesting how they used the mother box to bring the Superman

back but what why did they use the mother box I mean they could use the

revenger in the kind of fortress of solitude they could eat they could they

could have bought soon my back multiple kind of ways and they didn't really

follow the death of Superman's storyline that many comic book fans thought they

would be following the death of Superman's storyline which it didn't

annoy me but some people kind of maybe got annoyed about it I felt like they

could have used more cameo roles I mean yes we did get some cameo roles with

Zeus Ares Green Lantern which was interesting I mean they were

the kind of writers for the Justice League movie have hinted at Green

Lantern and Martian Manhunter for the second movie obviously Martian Manhunter

Sean Jones is a character on Supergirl TV show so it would be quite cool and he

did name reference Steve Trevor Batman drops a line to us saying well

you want to done this it was Steve so that was kind of interesting how they

tied Steve Travers name into into this as obviously Steve Trevor is a big kind

of big part of what I wonder ones history in the sense of what you know

from a from the TV from the movie so overall I did love the movie but like I

said there were a lot of issues a lot of things could have been done better but

obviously changing diaper they didn't change director Zack Snyder brought Josh

Whedon on board to kind of take basically finish what he started do the

reshoots so just to say it's a kind of Joss Whedon movie is kind of totally

wrong I don't know guys let me know the club books down below what do you guys

think were you happy with all the kind of little Easter eggs references the

Black Canary reference there were so many kind of references that you could

pick up on I'm doing this video freestyle I'm not I've literally not got

any notes this is me just talking out of my mind

speaking from what I remember I mean I'm gonna watch again tonight so it's just

interesting hopefully you guys like this kind of video let me know does anyone

know which green lands since it was because it was a split second was really

hard the whole rotten tomato 40% it's kind of funny because Warner Brothers

own part of that Warner was owned part of Rotten Tomatoes so it is kind of yeah

is kind of wrong I do find it funny how Steppenwolf took green lenses out really

easy so that was a part of the trailer where it said no lanterns so obviously

because it was thrown to hat we said here that the Greenland could be

destroyed I think Jason was are absolutely killed Aquaman can't wait for

the outcome and so the movie guys that is gonna be

call next year Mira was fantastic she killed her role although she only had a

small cameo role cyborg saying Booya at the end was pretty cool because

obviously they've read calmed his a his backstory in the most recent rebuff so

he's partly just to say you're not really a Teen Titan anymore so yeah it's

pretty cool let me know guys did you like Ezra made his version of flash did

you like the new Superman as they have kind of wrecked condom these kind of

light tone that was all part of Josh we sorry that was all part of Zack Snyder's

vision when he started Man of Steel then I've see Batman vs Superman and then

Justice League it's the end of a Superman trilogy you could say there was

so many Easter eggs like Ricky and more sorry Rick Morty playing in the

background of the kind of I guess you could call it flash cave that was pretty

cool so many cool I mean the face the way

it's died with Superman being on a cell phone recording with some little kids if

it was such a cool movie it did need a lot longer to be honest but I'm not

gonna nitpick I did love wandering was absolute badass in this I felt like she

kind of she I think she was big he was affected most I think because you would

have thought with this obsessive wonder one they would have reckon the some of

the Justice League to make wondering scenes a bit longer but she felt like a

supporting act for Batman really and that's not the way that it should've

been I felt like Batman was the main star then Superman came in and then the

kind of whole energy went up tenfold there was not one bad Superman scene

although that Superman bed not bad Superman mustache cgi editing was really

bad they should have just brought him back with a full-on beard no black suit

that I mean them - the only criticisms I've got for Superman he should have

came back with a black suit on he should have came back with a full-on beard and

he wouldn't I've had to wreck on the whole mustache thing that they should

have just made him a a kind of full-on beard

but anyway guys that's my full-on view spoiler making it what you like I did

love the movie bit of a freestyle don't normally do videos like this just spin

in I mean let me know guys did I miss anything did I miss the Easter eggs that

you guys picked up on that didn't I went over the main narrative what he'd like

what I didn't dislike like I said guys I loved this movie I absolutely loved it

so yeah I went into as much depth as I could

let me just think I miss anything no I don't think I did I'm gonna post my post

credit video before this but hopefully some of you guys can get like can watch

the whole video and let me know down below guys what you think please like

subscribe and comment it would be awesome just because it Justice League's

Ivan we're still gonna keep DC EU just to see more justic videos from our eyes

that going to be news 20 I just see - I've got a come on we've gotta Shazam

also do like infinity Wars Marvel stuff on this channel Black Panther the flash

arrow DCTC Ledger's tomorrow super go all this kind of DC comic book stuff is

gonna be on this channel ongoing and I hope you guys can fully on support me

patreon is down below if you guys want to support stuff like this I would like

to do longer videos but they don't really get much interest so I will catch

you guys in another video very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS DELETED SCENES? Green Lantern APPEARED? Darkseid? Full Review!!! - Duration: 21:09.


Closers: El momento de Seha [Sub Español] - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Closers: El momento de Seha [Sub Español] - Duration: 1:19.


How to Make Bloomin' Apples | Food Network - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> How to Make Bloomin' Apples | Food Network - Duration: 0:48.


Когда говоришь, что ты веган (русские субтитры) - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Когда говоришь, что ты веган (русские субтитры) - Duration: 2:15.


Star Wars - Battlefront II - СТРИМ - смотрим что за игра, и стоит ли покупать? Is it worth buying? - Duration: 3:48:34.

For more infomation >> Star Wars - Battlefront II - СТРИМ - смотрим что за игра, и стоит ли покупать? Is it worth buying? - Duration: 3:48:34.


Top 10 Scary Statue Stories - Duration: 7:41.

What are your feelings about statues?


I quite like them - especially those big ones you see in the middle of cities.

Some people don't like them though - they give them the creeps - they might even see

them move in the corner of their eye.

But that cant be true right?

That would be terrifying - would it?

My name is Danny Burke - and this is the top 10 Scary Statue Stories.

Starting off at number 10 we have Jesus.

This video comes from the Chapel of Saltillo in Mexico.

The camera person is filming a statue of Jesus which is inside a glass box.

As the camera zooms in - this happens - Jesus appears to open his eyes.

The camera then pans off to the right for a moment and after a few seconds, Jesus'

eyes close.

The clip blew up on social media with some people saying it was a miracle, others saying

there had to be an explanation for it but everyone was a little bit creeped out.

One investigator said the clip had been examined for weeks by 20 specialists who found no evidence

that it had been tampered with.

However there have been many videos uploaded online claiming to prove that it is a fake.

You should check it out … At number 9 now we have Snow White.

Not much is known about the clip youre about to see which kinda makes it creepier in a


I can tell you that its from Mexico during the 90s.

The person filming appears to be visiting some sort of kids theme park or exhibition

that contains statues.

He walks up to the snow white one - apparently transfixed by how creepy it looks.

Well, it got a lot creepier when this happened.


Obviously, the guy freaked out and ran away so we never got another look at snow white.

The whole thing is a mystery.

Perhaps thats why this clip has racked up over half a million views on YouTube …

At number 8 now we have The Ancient Egyptian.

Im sure youve all heard of the ancient egyptian curses right?

They say that removing artifcats from the tombs there will being terror and death to

those involved.

Well, staff at the Manchester Museum in England were a little bit nervous when they noticed

one of their statues appeared to have moved.

They installed a camera to watch it and this is what they saw.

One of their 3,800 year old statues, was slowly spinning round throughout the day as the museums

visitors streamed by.

They think the reason was that the visitors footsteps had caused minute vibrations that

nudged the statue out of place.

Other people still argue that this wouldnt be possible at it is a sign of some ancient

curse …

Coming in at number 7 we have the moving Buddha.

Booda if youre North American.

In 2013, reports started coming out from Malaysia that there were moving Buddhist statues.

Video was taken by the crowds who witnessed the event.

They say it shows one statue moving its lips and blinking - soon after, other statues started

to do the same - apparantley they were even moving their fingers although we don't get

to se that in the video.

Critics of this say it the video could have been manipulated, especially as it was such

poor quality.

However, the crowds of people there that day might have something to say about that.

What do you guys think?

Next up at number 6 we have The Floating Statue.

In the summer of 1985, 100 thousand people visited a statue of Mary in a small Irish


The statue was nothing out of the ordinary until a few locals said they had seen it floating

in the air.

Then a few dozen showed up, then hundreds and finally thousands went to see the event.

When it all started, the local police sergeant was sceptical.

He went down there to check it out and sure enough, there it was floating.

He was convinced it must have been a hoax, something with wires.

He checked behind though and found nothing.

When he tried to move the statue it wouldnt budge.

Critics say there isnt enough evidence and that it could have been a trick of the light.

Interesting story either way … Coming in at number 5 we have Sai Baba.

He was an Indian spiritual master who is known to Indian Hindus and Muslims for his teachings

on shunning materialism and living a life of love and inner peace.

In 2016 a statue of him appeared to practice his teachings.

Whenever believers would put garlands of flowers on him to pay their respects, they would always

end up broken off from him.

The temple owners set up a camera and this is what they saw … critics say the explanation

is simple: gravity.

The garlands were simply slipping off the statue.

But believers still say you can clearly see the statues shoulder moving.

You guys have seen the clip now, what do you think?

Next up at number 4 we have Crying Mary.

In early 2017, in the town of Los Naranos in Argentina, a statue of the Virgin Mary

appeared to cry blood.

Here is the video showing the statue in question.

Some locals called it a miracle while others said it was some kid of punishment and they

were very scared.

Priest Ricardo Quiroga urged everyone to remain calm but said -if she cries again, we need

to do something at a high level in the church- … an investigation team was launched to

find out whether the phenomenon is a hoax or a potential miracle.

At number 3 now we have Jesus … 2.

Yeah Im gonna call this one Jesus 2.

In April 2017, a video from Mexico started circulating online of a statue of Jesus that

appeared to move during a service.

This happened in the state of Halisco during their Good Friday mass.

See what you think.

Did you catch that?

Here it is in slow motion.

Immediately, members of the church started saying it was a miracle.

However, even the priest stayed skeptical and said it could have been the ropes that

hold the statue up coming loose.

Coming in at number 2 we have Jinn.

A jinn is a supernatural creature in Arabic mythology - its where we get our word Genie


They are said to be good, neutral or evil - just like humans.

Here we have a video uploaded in June 2017 that claims to show a Jinn posessing a hindu

statue through its eyes.

As you watch the clip, notice how the statues eyes appear to move - almost as if it was

watching the camera person or even the person watching this video!

One of the most creepy things about this video is that there is little explanation for who

filmed it or what happened to them when the video cut off.

Some critics claim it is an optical illusion while others agree with the uploader that

were seeing something demonic in the video …

And finally at number 1 we have The Cloak.

This clip comes from early 2016 in Vietnam.

Locals in Tapao noticed that a statue of Mary on top of a hill appeared to be moving.

Here you can see the clip with the subtitles of what they were saying.

They appear to be focused on her moving cloak.

It does APPEAR to move, thats for sure BUT - this is an incredibly grainy piece of footage.

Aside from the video, all we really have to go on is the adamant reactions of the people

who witnessed this and the verifying of other locals that it is in fact a known solid statue.

The debate around this video is part of the reason it has amassed over 700 thousand views

… what do you guys think?

And what do you think of the whole video in general?

What other scary stories do you want me to dig up for you?

You know Ill do it!

I am Danny Burke, thanks for watching Most Amazing Top 10 and I will see you in the next


Also heres our merch.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Statue Stories - Duration: 7:41.


This Kid Almost Died! - REACTION! - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> This Kid Almost Died! - REACTION! - Duration: 6:49.


McDonald's Will No Longer Serve This Fan Favorite Drink - Duration: 2:10.

If you grew up loving Happy Meals, you know there are few tastes more nostalgia-inducing

than the orange drink from McDonald's — otherwise known as Hi-C Orange Lavaburst.

Unfortunately, that drink's run as your go-to beverage order at McDonald's came to end over

the summer of 2017 when it was quietly phased out across the chain.

The announcement came in April 2017 through an alleged company memo leaked on Reddit,

which said the drink was being axed to make way for a new Coke beverage exclusive to McDonald's,

Sprite TropicBerry.

According to the memo, Hi-C would be discontinued May 1st and replaced with the new flavored

Sprite over the summer of 2017, once each restaurant's Hi-C supply was depleted.

Cries of despair and outrage could be heard across the internet as fans discovered the

drink's demise, and those cries were particularly loud on Twitter.

The Facebook page McDonald's Worker Memes even changed their cover photo to an image

of Hi-C Orange Lavaburst in memory of the drink, with some workers sharing their stories

of unhappy customers — and others bragging about still carrying the elusive beverage.

However, 2017 is coming to a close and Sprite TropicBerry has yet to be revealed to McDonald's


Instead, most McDonald's are serving Orange Fanta, most likely in an effort to appease

those customers craving something orange to wash down their Big Macs.

Unfortunately for the Golden Arches, it's not going over well on social media.

For now, however, fans of Hi-C Orange Lavaburst do have other options.

Twitter users claim to have found the drink at select Wendy's restaurants, and you can

also buy it on Amazon and at many grocery stores — but you'll probably want to enjoy

that in the privacy of your own home, unless you don't mind sipping on a juice box in public



It tastes so wonderfully!"


Perhaps the best option for Lavaburst lovers, though, is Jack in the Box, who wasn't afraid

to take advantage of McDonald's poor choices, tweeting, "Hi-FIVE!!!

We still serve Hi-C!

#HiCOrange #YoureWelcome."

At least there's one fast food chain that still cares about your childhood dreams.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> McDonald's Will No Longer Serve This Fan Favorite Drink - Duration: 2:10.


Meet Miss Universe Aruba 2017 Alina Mansur - Duration: 0:43.

I've always been an animal lover ever since I was small.

My greatest passion is horseback riding and my horses.

My uncle used to own a ranch, so every time we would go visit

I was always fascinated by the horses.

I started taking classes when I was eight and I never looked back.

I fell in love.

The horseback riding that I do is actually Paso Fino which is a banished sport.

I'm an island girl with an international twist.

I think my cultural heritage and humanity makes me, me.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Aruba 2017 Alina Mansur - Duration: 0:43.


Gousha: State lacks diversity in elected officials - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Gousha: State lacks diversity in elected officials - Duration: 1:12.


Abele boosted Virginia transgender candidate - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Abele boosted Virginia transgender candidate - Duration: 4:31.


【Touhou】Requiem Sung by a Hell Raven (English subs) - Duration: 4:01.

Requiem Sung by a Hell Raven

Based on Original Works by Team Shanghai Alice

Gensokyo at night time.

A raven flies along a path flanked by cherry trees in full bloom.

Okuu: "I never knew the surface world was so big. I'd only really been to the shrine.

I've been flying for a while, but it just keeps on going."

Requiem Sung by a Hell Raven

Okuu: "Too bad it's night, though. I can't see the cherry blossoms in the dark.

The Underworld has no night or day, so I can't tell if it's day here until I come out."

Actually, there is a way to tell from the Underworld if it is day or night above the surface,

but either she didn't know it, or she had forgotten it.

Probably the latter.

Mystia: "I heard a Hell Raven cry~

Don't you cry, go to sleep~

If you cry, you'll be eaten by the raven~♪"

Okuu: "A song? Out here, of all places?"

Mystia: "If you fly alone at night, you'll be led astray.

By me, that is."

Okuu: "It's okay, I'm not trying to get to anywhere."

Mystia: "I'm saying you won't be able to find your way back."

Girls Now Fighting...

Mystia: "Oww. You're no ordinary raven, huh?"

Okuu: "That's right. I'm a Hell Raven, with the power of Yatagarasu-sama."

Mystia: "Hell Raven...oh, the ones that eat dead flesh in the Blazing Hell."

Okuu: "But I also eat a lot of other things. Like boiled eggs."

Mystia: "Huh, you're more omnivorous than I imagined."

Youkai who eat dead flesh are on the decline in Gensokyo.

It seems the same is true in the Underworld.

But for Okuu, it had nothing to do with the preoccupation with luxury that one finds in Gensokyo.

Rather, it is that she simply eats anything.

Okuu: "By the way, what song were you singing before?"

Mystia: "I heard a Hell Raven cry~♪"

Okuu: "No no. The one you were singing during the battle.

Also, you sing even when you're fighting. Not that it matters."

Mystia: "If I don't keep singing, I die."

Mystia: "So, that song was a requiem."

Okuu: "Requiem?"

Mystia: "It's a song that mourns the dead. I don't usually sing something like this,

but when I'm watching cherry blossoms, I sometimes get the urge to sing it. I don't know why."

Okuu: "Huh, I didn't know there were songs like that."

Mystia: "Why don't you learn one?"

Okuu: "Huh? Me?"

Mystia: "It doesn't really matter what song, but maybe this one makes the most sense for Hell."

Okuu: "But the Underworld I'm in isn't Hell anymore.

There are still vengeful spirits left, though."

Mystia: "Then you can sing it to those vengeful spirits.

Maybe it'll help them rest in peace."

Okuu: You think so? Maybe."

And so, Okuu started coming out to the surface world every so often to learn to sing from Mystia.

Being a bird brain, she had a hard time memorizing the song, but with some help from the poltergeists, she learned to sing just one song.

Former Hell's Shopping District

A place populated by oni and youkai who abandoned or were hated in the surface world

and with vengeful spirits left from the Hell days

On this day, one heard a song that sounded out of place in this bustling district

Yuugi: "Is that Okuu singing there?

How rare of her."

Orin: "I heard she learned it from a youkai in the surface world"

Yuugi: "Oh, it's you, Orin. What is that she's singing?

It's making me depressed"

Orin: "A requiem. I heard it's a song that mourns the dead."

Yuugi: "Why did she go and learn THAT?

It doesn't go well with alcohol, that's for sure."

Orin: "But she's pretty good.

I've known her for a long time, but I never knew she could sing so well."

Yuugi: "Well, sure, I guess she's not bad.... Hey, Okuu."

Okuu: "Unyu?"

Yuugi: "Next time, go learn a more cheerful song.

Something fun and flashy that you could sing at a party"

Okuu: "Okay!"

Flashy songs are Mystia's specialty.

If asked, she'd be happy to teach them.

But after all, Okuu is a bird brain. Let's hope that after she learns a new song, she will still remember the old one...

Vengeful spirits carry a grudge against the living world.

Unlike ordinary spirits, they burn with vengeance.

Okuu's requiem didn't make help them rest in peace,

but Orin could feel their heat subside, if only ever so slightly.

Based on Original Works by: Team Shanghai Alice Base song: Lullaby of Deserted Hell (Touhou Subterranean Animism) Arranger: Beckman

For more infomation >> 【Touhou】Requiem Sung by a Hell Raven (English subs) - Duration: 4:01.


Meet Miss Universe Philippines 2017 Rachel Peters - Duration: 0:53.

The first time I tried surfing, it was so addicting.

When you catch your first wave the adrenaline rush you get is just amazing.

If it weren't for sunburn I would be surfing all day long.

I have the whole Philippines behind me.

They inspire me, they motivate me, even when I'm tired and I'm jet-lagged.

Reading their messages makes me want to do good for them.

While you're here on this earth, do what you love, be with the people you love, and

spread as much love and kindness to as many people as you can.

You always want to be remembered as a nice person, somebody who was kind to everyone.

Somebody who made a difference in the world.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Philippines 2017 Rachel Peters - Duration: 0:53.


HBrown - Skip (Official Audio) - Duration: 2:55.

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Labor leader runs for governor - Duration: 6:05.

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Winiety Austria i Słowenia - Gdzie kupić taniej? Poradnik podróżnika. - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Winiety Austria i Słowenia - Gdzie kupić taniej? Poradnik podróżnika. - Duration: 2:17.


BREAKING: Dead Bodies Just Found In Field After Hillary Begged For Forgiveness And Didn't Get It. - Duration: 6:39.

BREAKING: Look Who Was Just Found Dead In Field After Hillary Begged For Forgiveness

And Didn't Get It.

Another day and another dead body with a connection that cannot be ignored as Hillary Clinton's

body count seems to be on the rise once again, after a brief reprieve of no sudden, mysterious


The latest is possibly the most shocking yet in the truly startling trail of dead bodies

that keep accumulating around this crooked woman with major secrets she's desperate

to keep hidden no matter who has she has to kill off to ensure it.

Hillary begged for forgiveness and didn't get it and now someone whom she owed "penance"

is suspected of being caught in her wrath.

In what's being reported as a freak, unfortunate private plane and helicopter accident, where

the two aircrafts collided mid-air, leaving four dead, is far more mysterious than is

being said, based on who was on board and is now dead.

Air traffic control "staff shortages" have been blamed for this collision which

is a convenient excuse to cover up a connection one of the victims has to Hillary who always

seems to come up in random tragic events like this.

The Telegraph reported on the mid-air collision, with a not-so-ironic landing spot:

"Four people have been killed in a mid-air collision between a helicopter and light aircraft

flying from an airfield where air traffic control had been shut due to 'staff shortages.'

Wreckage from the aircraft tumbled from the sky and landed just over a mile from the former

home of the Rothschild banking family at Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire, yesterday lunchtime."

"Members of the Rothschild reported hearing a 'loud bang' and a plume of smoke could

be seen above trees."

"The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said the collision involved a helicopter and

a two-seat Cessna 152 aircraft, each carrying two people, both of the craft had taken off

from Wycombe Air Park, 23 miles away near High Wycombe."

"A Notice to Airmen was previously issued to warn pilots the air field's air traffic

control services would be closed during three 30-minute periods on selected days between

November 7-30 due to a 'staff shortage.'"

"The crash occurred around half an hour after the latest closure was due to end."

What makes this collision strange, outside of how it happened, is that it took place

right outside the Rothschild estate and only three of the four victims have been named.

It's being speculated that Lord Jacob Rothschild is among the casualties and if true, this

could be really bad for Hillary.

So far, the only victims to be identified, perhaps on purpose, is the pilot of the helicopter,

Captain Mike Green, and a student and flight instructor aboard the Cessna, 18-year-old

Saavan Mundae, who was being instructed by Jaspal Barha, according to The Sun.

So, was Jacob Rothschild, with a very big connection to the Clintons the fourth victim.

Several sources seem to suggest that's the case but the Rothschild estate has not confirmed

nor denied Jacob's well-being.

Your News Wire reports:

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, is a member of the powerful elite

Rothschild banking family.

The Rothschild's are commonly believed to have engineered WWI in order to force the

British government into creating Israel by getting them to sign the Balfour Declaration

in 1917.

Lord Rothschild also boasted that the New World Order, which his family heads, would

be in place by 2018.

We must reiterate that it's not confirmed who the fourth passenger is, but it's suspicious

that this victim has not been identified when the other three were.

Sources suggesting that it was Jacob are only doing so as an assumption.

What is fact, is that this collision took place near the Rothschild estate which is

strange considering it could have gone down anywhere and perhaps there was a reason the

aircrafts went down here.

Here's Hillary Clinton's connection with the Rothschild and why she had previously

begged them for forgiveness, according to True Activist:

Hillary Clinton asked Lady de Rothschild "Let me know what penance I owe you" after requesting

Tony Blair accompany her on official business, preventing him from attending a Rothschild

event scheduled for that same weekend.

Several politicians, especially those who are the most willing to bend over backwards

for wealthy interests, have made their careers by catering to the whims of the Rothschilds

and other families like them.

In US politics today, there is no better example of this archetype than Democratic Presidential

nominee Hillary Clinton.

In fact, less than two months ago, Clinton flew just 20 miles in a private jet to attend

a private Rothschild fundraiser in her honor.

Yet, this is just one of the latest examples of her intimate relationship to the banking


In emails from her private server made available to the public by WikiLeaks, Clinton's close

relationship to Lady de Rothschild is evident due to their warm exchanges which include

phrases such as "You are the best […] Sweet dreams," "I remain your loyal adoring

pal," and "Much love."

This is significant as, judging by Clinton's other emails, her communication style is almost

always curt and concise, never approaching the outright declarations of affection found

only in her exchanges with Lady de Rothschild.

Lady de Rothschild, married into the Rothschild family in 2000 after being introduced to Sir

Evelyn de Rothschild, who alone is worth $20 billion, at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference.

War criminal Henry Kissinger served as the couple's "match-maker."

Yet, the most bizarre interaction between Clinton and Lady de Rothschild took place

in an email titled "Info for you" (ID#1606), which was sent while Clinton was serving as

US Secretary of State.

In the email, Clinton tells Lady de Rothschild that she had to ask Tony Blair (then-Prime

Minister of England) to accompany her to Israel due to the Middle East peace negotiations

taking place at the time.

Blair had previously planned to spend the weekend in Aspen, Colorado with the Rothschilds

at an unspecified conference, but accepted Clinton's invitation.

Clinton then says "I hope you all understand.

[…] Let me know what penance I owe you."

For those who are not familiar with the word, penance is defined as follows: "An act of

self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing."

Does this sound like something Hillary Clinton would normally say?

Hillary Clinton never seems to be able to escape scandal and as long as she's a free

woman, rather than being locked up where she belongs, she will be continued to be questioned

in everything that she has any kind of connection to.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Dead Bodies Just Found In Field After Hillary Begged For Forgiveness And Didn't Get It. - Duration: 6:39.


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As a fourth-year medical student, actually pursuing something outside the realm of Medicine

was definitely not anything I had pictured for myself.

My life had always pointed itself in the direction of becoming a physician.

My personal goals and my personal dreams were always something that I couldn't stay away from.

I strongly believe that beauty and brains can exist cohesively.

They don't have to be on separate sides of the spectrum.

I would encourage anybody, if you have a dream don't be afraid to pursue it, regardless of what anyone thinks.

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Meet Miss Universe Austria 2017 Celine Schrenk - Duration: 0:37.

Hi, I'm Celina Schrenk and I'm representing Austria.

I just graduated Business School and now I want to become a teacher for little children.

Family is very important because they're are always there for me. My family loves me for who I am.

Everyone should be true to herself because I find

beauty comes from within so you don't have to look that good.

Because when you're true to yourself and when you're beautiful from the inside, everyone can be pretty.

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Meet Miss Universe Barbados 2017 Lesley Chapman-Andrews - Duration: 0:57.

I got into scuba diving because I wanted something new and fun and adventurous to do

and I am from an island, a beautiful island where we're known for our coral reefs.

Why not get a certification?

There are times when I do go underwater and I see the amount of pollution and garbage and litter that we have.

One of my goals is to really urge Barbadians to take better care of our island.

We've been very, very, very blessed to have not been affected as much by the Hurricanes.

But unfortunately our brothers and sisters have been greatly affected.

This is all due to what's happening in the environment now.

I would like to tell the world that we only have one earth to live on.

Let's take the best care we can of it.

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Meet Miss Universe Nepal 2017 Nagma Shrestha - Duration: 0:49.

The earthquake on April 25th, 2015 was very devastating and none of us expected it to happen.

It was just the start.

The second earthquake happened on May 12th that same year.

There were so many people that died in the earthquake and many injured as well.

The earthquake experience definitely made me stronger.

It made me realize how beautiful life is.

You never know what is going to happen in the future so you have to live in the present.

You have to cherish each and every moment.

It made me realize that you have a purpose in your life.

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Meet Miss Universe Nigeria 2017 Stephanie Agbasi - Duration: 0:45.

Growing I was kind of quiet.

I was type I didn't like talking. I was also kind of shy, but when I look back at myself

I can say I'm really happy of the lady I have become.

You don't have to always be quiet. If you want to achieve anything in life,

you actually have to come out. You have to speak up. You have to be bold.

You have to go out and conquer the world. You have to let the world know what you're made of.

I like to say that we are all made in the same image and likeness.

We're all human. We have the same blood flowing through our veins.

So let us love one another like we love ourselves.

Lets us preach the word of love. Let us love one another.

Let us learn to live in peace and harmony

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