Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017


For more infomation >> PARENTS WEDDING SPEECH | Dacozzy - Duration: 4:18.


Espaço - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Espaço - Duration: 2:29.


KERALA BLASTERS VS KOLKATHA highlight review | #1 donix clash | - Duration: 4:39.

rating 2.0

For more infomation >> KERALA BLASTERS VS KOLKATHA highlight review | #1 donix clash | - Duration: 4:39.


#FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S02 Ep11 11\17\2017 Break Clear of the Fear - Duration: 3:34:35.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday FringeCast S02 Ep11 11\17\2017 Break Clear of the Fear - Duration: 3:34:35.


[최강전사 미니특공대] 로봇대전 7~8화 합본 - Duration: 10:58.

Miniforce Robot Battle

Ackkkk! Save me! It's too cold!

Acck! A dinosaur!!

Hehehe, Humans are really weak.

Only this coldness is enough to make you ahiver!

Hey, stop it! Restore the frozen city!

No. You all have to know the pain of cold!

I don't know what happened to you before.

But, this isn't right! Stop it!

Really... You really don't know the time that the Earth was covered with ice?

How foolish! Then I'll let you know! Hahaha

Max! Get out the way!


Ugh.. I'm freezing…

Max..! You dinosaur! I'll make you regret it!

Laser! Fire!

Argh! No! Ice is setting in fast!!

Ugh.. No, Volt..! What should I do?..

Right.. that's the only way..!

I.. should throw away.. excess fuel..!

Hehehehe… He is frozen hard!

Now I'll crush you with my tail!

Ackkk! It's HOT!!

Volt! Get up! Open your eyes!!

Urgh.. I'm Okay. Thanks, Max!

Ugh… You reckless fellow! You set fire to yourself!

It takes courage to survive!

We'll show you the power of courage!

We fight for justice! Force-Bot Fusion!!

Hehe, a combination? How childish!

I'll freeze your giant body!

Volt! Hurry!

Force-Jet, Flame Strom!

Maximize the energy power!

Wow! The weather warms up!!

It's not cold at all!!!

Love you, Mini-Force!

For more infomation >> [최강전사 미니특공대] 로봇대전 7~8화 합본 - Duration: 10:58.


Simha Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, November 20 to November 26, in Kannada - Duration: 1:02.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Simha Rashi

For more infomation >> Simha Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, November 20 to November 26, in Kannada - Duration: 1:02.


PROJECT POP of Bandung, Indonesia - KALAHKAN DENGAN CINTA *TERBARU* - Duration: 3:41.

Project Pop is in the house yo...

Baby, look at yourself.

It's like you don't want to keep on living.

Maybe, your heart is broken.

Your BOO cheated on you!

Irked! Your heart filled with jealousy.

That time you caught a glimpse of your ex from afar.

With a new BOO.

Cooler than you!

Will never want to love again...

If this is how it is...

You're the one who stands to lose

Your ex may not even care...

Don't you stop.

Like you're gonna die.


Beat it with LOVE.

Your feelings of hatred,


and the pain in your heart.

Beat it with LOVE.

Time will heal.

And go on with life.

Why do you search for pictures?

Like a DODO.

Come on, move

and Go.

With friends.

Watch a movie.

Eat out.

Go on a holiday.

Fun right?


Fun right?

Go shopping.

Fun right?

Go walking.

Fun right?

What matters most is that your heart feels less restless.

Be reborn. A new person.

Who is more fun and more exciting.

If this is how it is.

You are the one who stands to lose.

Your BOO may not even care.

Don't stop.

Like you're gonna die.

Beat it with LOVE.

Your feelings of hatred,


and the pain in your heart.

Beat it with LOVE.

Time will heal,

and go on with life.

Why do you look for pictures (of your BOO) ?

Like a Dodo.

Why do you look for pictures (of your BOO) ?

Like a Dodo.

Beat it with LOVE.

Your feelings of hatred,


and the pain in your heart.

Beat it with LOVE.

Time will heal.

And go on with your life.

We take selfies.

Fun right?

Play some basketball.

Fun right?

Go and have some coffee.

Fun right?

Watch some football.

Fun right?

Have a manicure and a pedicure.

Fun right?

Hmm.... what else can we do?

Fun right?

Yea!!! (crowd applauds)

For more infomation >> PROJECT POP of Bandung, Indonesia - KALAHKAN DENGAN CINTA *TERBARU* - Duration: 3:41.


Mithuna Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, November 20 to November 26, in Kannada - Duration: 1:00.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Mithuna Rashi

For more infomation >> Mithuna Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, November 20 to November 26, in Kannada - Duration: 1:00.


Ben Kingsley Movies List - Duration: 3:16.

Ben Kingsley Movies List

For more infomation >> Ben Kingsley Movies List - Duration: 3:16.


13 Things Highly Intuitive People Don't Do - Duration: 6:02.

13 Things Highly Intuitive People Don't Do

You've met them.

You know, the people who seem to know what's going to happen before it does, predict your

impending breakup or simply seem to read your mind.

Before screaming 'burn the witch!' it's important to know that these people aren't

so different from you, they're probably just more intuitive.

Those who are both cursed and blessed by being highly intuitive, they simply go about their

lives in a different way.

Let's take a look at some of the things that these people don't do.


They Don't Ignore Their Inner Voice

Highly intuitive people know that their inner voice is something worth listening to.

Sometimes basing decisions purely off logic and reason isn't the best choice.

I realise that to some this will sound crazy, but to those who consider themselves intuitive,

they will understand that sometimes the best decision for ourselves are one that comes

from that little inner voice, as opposed to the external information that

the world provides us with.


They Don't Let the Modern World Stop Them From Taking Time For Solitude

Between increasingly longer work days and technology keeping us constantly connected

to one another, it can be difficult to take time for ourselves.

In fact, some of us get so addicted to constant contact that taking time for solitude can

be near impossible.

Intuitive people know that it's important to get off the grid every once and while,

even if it's just for an hour.

They understand that people need time to decompress and get some much need stress relief.

Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi are great ways to incorporate this essential 'you time'

into your busy schedule.


They Don't Stifle Their Own Creativity

It can be easy to ignore or push down your creativity in order to be more practical.

Quite frankly, pursuing creative interests and fields can be scary, and they're certainly

the roads less travelled.

However, intutive people know that if they have that creative calling it's important

to let it flourish.

Ignoring this urge can lead to a lifetime of unhappiness and feeling unfulfilled.


They Don't Ignore Personal Observations

Part of being intuitive is simply being good at observing the world around you and then

interpreting that information to find more subtle meanings.

Intuitive people realise that being observant is imperative in order to find truth in people

and the world in general.

A small look or shift in body language, or a seemingly throw away comment, can be more

important than what you may think.


They Don't Ignore the Importance of Connecting With People On a Deep Level

Highly intuitive people love with every fiber of their being.

Whether you're a friend, a family member or a lover, they realise how important it

is to connect on a deep level.

After all, this is the only way to truly know someone.

Both a positive and a negative of these connections is that they can also feel the pain of those

they're close to.

Not literally of course, but they care deeply when someone is hurting emotionally.

If an intuitive person ever says "I know how you feel", they probably truly do.


They Don't Ignore Their Dreams

Highly intuitive people know that truth can be found not only in the physical world, but

also in their own dreams.

They're aware that their brains use their sleeping state in order to work out problems

and present solutions and pathways for the dreamer.

Those who are the most aware of this generally become quite good at interpreting their own

dreams and acting accordingly.


They Don't Hold Onto Negative Emotions

People who are intuitive tend to be highly connected to their own emotions.

It's for that reason that they may find it hard to let go of negative emotions.

However, they recognise the necessity of it in order to to keep emotionally and spiritually

sane, as well as connect positively with others.


They Don't Forget to be Mindful

Intuitive people tend to be incredibly mindful of those around them, as well as their environment.

This is somewhat different to being observant because it taps into the feelings they get

from what's happening around them.

This can be as simply as discerning how someone feels about them, to gauging whether they

are in a potentially dangerous situation, despite appearances.


They Generally Don't Rush Their Decisions

Intuitive people who are acutely aware of the way they make choices may take longer

to eventually come to a decision.

This is because they tend to have more information and feelings to consider.


They Don't Take Wrong Decisions Lightly

Highly intuitive people can get incredibly upset if they end up making a bad decision

or choice.

This makes sense considering that they tend to be equipped with more personal tools to

avoid poor decisions and mistakes.

However, nobody is infallible and it also makes them all the more careful when it comes

to the important choices.


They Don't Mind Crying

Intuitive people tend to be in touch with their emotions, and thus don't see any harm

in a good cry.

They realise that sometimes people need a physical release in order to achieve an emotional



They Don't Ignore the Needs of Their Body

Highly intuitive people tend to be in tune with their bodies more and are aware if something

is wrong.

It's for this reason that many will turn to spiritual exercises because these pursuits

teach them how to be even more sensitive to their body's needs.


They're Not Afraid to be Spiritual

Highly intuitive people tend to be quite spiritual, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they're


They tend to be spiritual in terms of their relationship with themselves, those around

them and the world.

All in all, that's the 13 Things Highly Intuitive People Don't Do.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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