Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

Hey everyone! Today I will be sharing with you my top 5 study tips.

One thing I do want to say is that I won't be going over things like

"You should go to lecture, pay attention in class,

don't procrastinate, don't leave things until last minute." Things like that.

I think those are just basic student responsibilities and it's been said like

a million times. So today's tips are very specific to

things that I have done and have learned throughout the years

Tip #1 is to to create summary sheets and I can't stress how important this is to me and

it's something that I've been doing since at least grade 11.

Basically what I do is, before each test

if there's going to be five chapters on the midterm,

I'm going to make 5 summary sheets. One page per chapter.

Basically, if you have to summarize an entire chapter onto just one page,

it'll force you to think about the most important concepts

and that way you'll understand what exactly you're learning

and you're not just mindlessly memorizing different facts

And it doesn't matter whether your course is more memorization based or math based.

I've used this technique for all my different courses.

So I dug up old notes and I'll show you guys 3 examples.

The 1st one is from my virology course.

I had a lot of different viruses I had to memorize, and a lot of details and diagrams.

I use a few different colours and I keep this consistent across all my subjects.

Black marker is for the title. Red is for any list that I make.

so I'll number everything in red. Green is for any dates, years, or measurements.

So here I have nanometers written in green.

I'll use blue for just regular notes, and then pencil for examples and diagrams.

By doing this, if you ever need to find something, you can quickly locate it on your sheet of paper.

What I find really helpful about these summary sheets is that sometimes on the final exam

you don't want to go back and look at a million different lecture slides and reread the entire

chapter or your notes. So if you have these summary sheets for the things that were taught

earlier in the semester, you can just quickly glance at it.

Because a lot of the times, final exams don't even test you about the things

about the things earlier on in that much detail.

And maybe you just need to understand the main concept .

By having a summary sheet, you can save yourself a lot of time at the end of the course.

The second example I have is for one of my introductory physics courses that I took in university.

I essentially just made myself a summary equation sheet and I separated it by different sections.

So here I have kinematics, and I just wrote a few equations down.

Basically at the end of the course you just want to ask yourself, what each equation is for and

when it's used. The 3rd example I have is something from our organic chemistry course.

If you asked any life science student what they think of organic chemistry,

Most people would be like, "oh my god it's like the most difficult course ever. It's my worst nightmare". But,

it was actually one of my favourite courses, and I actually did really well in the course and I

think I owe it to the summary sheet that I made.

So basically this is not really a summary sheet, but more of a flow chart.

And what I did was, at the end of the course course,

I've summarized all the different reactions and mechanisms that were taught

and I made this massive flowchart.

This flowchart isn't really something that I would really look back at and try to learn the concepts again.

Rather, I think this was helpful because the process of making it is what helped me

gather all the different concepts that I've learned throughout the semester

and to summarize it onto one page.

Tip #2 has to do with notebooks. This is my to-do list.

So I know a lot of people like to make to-do lists that just outline what they should do for the day.

But I don't like doing that. I like to write out every single thing I have ongoing from each different subject.

I'll write all the subjects on the left side and then each assignment,

homework, or chapter after read on the right side.

By doing that, I know exactly how much stuff I have on hand that I have to do.

How I prioritize is: I'll use a yellow highlighter for the things that I want to do today.

Orange for things that I want to do tomorrow, and then pink, if necessary, for the 3rd day.

By doing that, I can have an idea how much I can accomplish in three days.

On the bottom left part of the page, I would usually write stuff that has to do with my extracurriculars.

So I run a non-profit and there's a lot of things I have to do

such as updating the website, which I have to do pretty often

and sometimes if you're so focused on school and deadlines, you will not remember

these kind of small little things that you have to do and it'll just slip your mind.

The most important part of my to-do list is to write out each time frame for each item in pencil

So I'll write out what time I need to wake up at.

So if it's 6:00am, I'll write wake up = 6am

and then breakfast and then

I'll put chapter 1, if I need to spend like 60 minutes, then I'll write 7-8am.

I'll write all the little times for that.

If I need to go, I'll allocate 1 - 1.5hr for it.

I'll write in dinner time, and I'll even include shower time and when I'm going to sleep.

I usually like to do the scheduling the night before,

because if I know I have so much stuff to do the next day,

and I already scheduled all the different time slots for it, I will feel obligated to wake up

on time instead of clicking the snooze button for like two hours and it's

totally okay if you don't follow your timeline exactly.

That's exactly why I write everything in pencil, because if I do need to make adjustments I can easily just erase it.

Tip #3 is really important to me because my professor has actually complimented me on this method.

Basically, if I have any questions while I'm doing readings or doing homework,

I'll write down on a piece of paper in pen. I'll save up the questions from a few days before I go to the professor.

When you're done asking, you can use pencil and write the answer down in your own words.

By rephrasing what the professor just said, it reinforces the idea in your head and that helps you memorize

how he explained it. At the end of the semester when you're studying for

the exam, or even just a day or two later when you're revisiting the material,

if you don't understand it again & you're like "Omg what. How did the professor explain it?"

You might not remember. Then now, you have to go back to the office and ask again.

It's not only a waste of your time, it's also a waste of

the professor's time and there's a million other students waiting to ask questions.

Tip #4. Basically in grade 9-10, my math grades were not the best.

It was actually one of my weakest subject and I

was really frustrated because I just felt really dumb. I was like

"Why is everyone else getting this, and I'm just having such a hard time

wrapping my head around the concept?"

My mom suggested me to go see a tutor, and

at that time I had this whole impression that if I see a tutor, that means that I'm not as smart as other people

But it was honestly the best decision

because seeing a tutor doesn't mean that you're dumb. In fact,

it's the complete opposite. It means that you're willing to

utilize the resources you have around you to get the grade that you want.

I just signed up for one tutoring lesson. I just went on Kijiji and found some random

retired math teacher and we met up at the public library and

he explained it in a way that I was never exposed to.

It helped me understand it just like that.

One tutoring lesson was honestly all that I needed. From gr10 to gr11,

my math grades went from low 80s to high 90s and I was just having such a great time in math class.

I ended up graduating high school with the math department award and I got one of

the highest marks in the grade and honestly,

that taught me is that you shouldn't be ashamed of going tutoring.

What you need to understand the material might be different from your classmates.

Tip #5 has to do with an agenda.

I use a monthly format agenda and there's a lot of colours here as you can see.

Basically what I suggest you guys do is to mark down all the most important

school dates at the beginning of your school year.

So in September, look at your school's website and mark down

reading week, Christmas break, when the semester starts and ends.

It takes 10 minutes in the beginning of the school year but it'll save you a lot of time in the long run.

I've met so many people who accidentally showed up on campus in the lecture hall

they texted me, they're like "Oh why is there no one here"

I'm like "It's a public holiday or it's reading week. What are you doing?"

They just wasted an hour commuting to school, just to find out that class is cancelled.

And another thing that I like to do is also colour coding, of course.

Anything that's marked in yellow are things related to school (eg. assignment, midterm).

Pink is for extracurricular activities.

Orange is for appointments, whether they're doctor's appts

or appts with professors, I will mark them down in orange.

Any random things that I need to do, for example if it's my

friend's birthday coming up and I need to get them a gift, I'll write it in pencil on the day.

So those are my 5 tips. I hope you guys found it helpful and if you do give it a try

and notice you know any improvement in your grades, do let me know

and I would be happy to film more study videos in the future.

I'll talk to you guys next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> My Top 5 Study Tips 💕 讀書心得分享 (A+ Organic Chemistry) - Duration: 8:37.


Gloria sea ♫ (Con Letra) - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Gloria sea ♫ (Con Letra) - Duration: 3:48.


Winning a Debate Against Someone You Disagree With - Duration: 10:24.

Are you constantly arguing with those around you?

How can you win the debate? Let's talk about that now.

[Autumn Asphodel]

Hi everyone! We are discussing how to win a debate against

someone you disagree with. If you're constantly arguing with

someone, and you know you are right and they are wrong, how

can you prove to them you are right and win the debate?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems.

Difference of opinion is a fact of life. We are all unique

individuals with unique lives and ideas. Even if we agree with

someone on almost everything, there could be one thing we

don't. It's not possible to agree with someone on

everything. After all, a difference of opinion is what

makes the world interesting. What would be so fascinating

about meeting people, learning about them and their life and

uniqueness, or even starting a conversation with others if we

all agree on everything and know what they would say?

Disagreements are a good thing, as they help bring important

topics into mainstream awareness to make change and laws.

Disagreements are meant to bring opposing views to your attention

so you can understand them better, learn, and dismiss them

if they don't apply to you, or accept them as new information.

Opposing views are also meant to help you realize the value of

connecting with those who have similar views as yours. There is

nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, especially those

close to you, but how you project your ideas is what's

important. You will disagree with people and think you are

right. They will disagree with you and think they are right. It

doesn't really matter because no matter what, you won't be able

to change the other person's mind. If you go into a debate

with that intent, then you've lost the battle right away.

Rather, the point of a debate is to inform and educate, and let

others decide for themselves based on the information you

present them, if your view is more acceptable than their own.

Ultimately, this also comes down to cognitive dissonance. When

people hear something they disagree with, that questions

everything they knew on a topic, they tend to deny the

information presented, even if you have significant evidence.

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot

change anyone's beliefs. If they hold a belief strong enough,

no amount of factual information presented to them will make them

think otherwise. It's rare for people who hold a solid belief,

who have done extensive studying and thought a lot about the

topic, to change. Others who have a belief, but it's not

solid, may research more about the topic you both disagree on

and actually uncover information that may make them reconsider

their position. Some people may be irrational, rude, and

inconsiderate. It's common for people to insult one another

during a debate, which is pointless since it only shows

immaturity and doesn't solve anything. Those who insult and

belittle the opposing side are often not confident in their

beliefs and let their emotions get the best of them. They also

tend to be conceited, thinking they know the only way something

can be done. We all have our own biases, and we may view our own

work as superior to that of others, but it's simply our own

view and opinion. Some people you debate with will have an

arsenal of links and resources at their fingertips ready for

you to read to prove that you are wrong and they are right.

They link to the same resources time and time again, repeating

themselves, unable to have a conversation, and seem robotic.

You will often see this in very rigid minded people who cannot

think for themselves and rely on external sources, news, and

science to answer it for them. A confident person is able to

admit being wrong, without exception. Many times you'll

also find people who are calm and seem open for a debate, but

will attack the moment they perceive you as a threat to

their beliefs or feel attacked by you, even if you didn't

intend to come off that way. Furthermore, some may even be

rational and open to new ideas, but they will often use the

phrase, "I could be wrong, but I don't think I am." There is no

such thing as 'right' and 'wrong.' As society is growing,

'right' and 'wrong' are changing. Thus, the moment when

we think we have the answer is when we don't have an answer at

all. 'Right' and 'wrong' are merely perceptions that we have

developed due to influences imposed on us by society,

teachings, and our personal views. What we consider fact and

fiction is purely an illusion we have created for ourselves in

this world. One person's reality is another's fantasy. I'm sure

we've all heard the phrase 'agree to disagree.' This

essentially means that people who are in a disagreement, going

back and forth, getting nowhere, can agree on one thing, that

they disagree. Yet many people cannot do this, especially when

they have a belief in their mind that they are right and the

other person is wrong. It takes a confident and sensible person

to remain calm and to agree to disagree with someone else. It's

hard to do this, so be proud that you can walk away with

confidence even if the other person can't. When you stand up

for what you believe in, and vocalize your thoughts and

beliefs, it's inevitable that you will lose people close to

you. You will lose some of those closest to you so you can learn

and grow. You learn from what they've taught you, and you are

able to become independent on your own. For example, if you've

been silent about your religious beliefs for so long, and

disagree with everyone around you, if may be because you fear

that they would judge you. There's nothing more difficult

than having to hold back on something you know in your mind

to be true when everyone else around you has opposing views.

Despite how difficult it is, the moment you begin to speak up for

what you believe in is when things get easier. People will

be shocked, disappointed, or even angry, but you have to

speak up despite all this. Even your closest friends may be

disappointed with you and leave your life. If you lose people

close to you due to your beliefs, they are not meant to

be in your life. You will attract the right ones by being

honest. There is always a decline before a rapid surge of

growth. So, by speaking up and being honest about what you

believe in and not automatically going along with those around

you in order to please them, then you will get rid of the

people who are not meant to be there and begin the process of

attracting those who are meant to be there. Speaking from my

own experience, I've been much more vocal about my personal

beliefs over the past year, and of course certain people will

disagree. But, I admire the people who disagree and voice

their opinion, but don't get so angry and threaten me without

actually listening or doing their own research. I am

thankful you are able to understand that we all have

unique views in this life. That we can disagree and still be

close. I am also thankful for my friends that I disagree with

greatly. Even if we have opposing beliefs, we are still

able to be friends. People accuse me all the time of

spreading misinformation. Yet when I ask these very people

what information is wrong, almost none of them reply back.

Why could this be? It has to do with them disagreeing for the

sake of disagreeing. If they truly think that the information

is wrong, they would be able to indicate what is wrong. But they

can't because of cognitive dissonance. When I present the

information to them that goes against their beliefs, they

don't know how to respond. Of course, I don't claim to be

right about everything I discuss. But everything

I discuss is also publicly available information that

people can find for themselves. Whether or not that is true is a

debate in itself. I prefer people to find the answers

themselves since only they can determine what is true and

false. In conclusion, disagreements are meant to bring

change and uniqueness into the world. Without them, we'd all

have the same views and life would be dull. But, how

we project our ideas is what's important. When you think you

know it all is when you don't know anything. It's not possible

to force someone to view things your way, and getting angry and

insulting the other person is pointless. Rather, present the

information you feel is correct, and let others look at it and

come to their own conclusion. Only they can change their

personal beliefs. It's so important to share this

information any way you can. With censorship on the rise, it

will be buried and hidden and we must fight against that. However

you can support this cause will fight the censorship. If you

would like to help spread the message of personal growth and

natural health, feel free to donate via Patreon for exclusive

rewards. Thank you to my supporters for helping make this

a reality. Sign up for my free email newsletter. And be sure to

follow me on social media and check out my other content.

Thank you so much! If you have any other input on this topic,

I would love to hear it so please feel free to leave a

comment and let me know what you agree or disagree with,

and/or how this has helped you or someone close to you.

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching my video!

If you would like more content, please feel free to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Winning a Debate Against Someone You Disagree With - Duration: 10:24.


🐺Wolfenstein II The New Colossus🐺[Walkthrough 👣]✨[Gameplay] [№ 9] 📺 PS4❞1440/ᴴᴰ⁶⁰ 📺 Deutsch✨German - Duration: 1:00:12.

For more infomation >> 🐺Wolfenstein II The New Colossus🐺[Walkthrough 👣]✨[Gameplay] [№ 9] 📺 PS4❞1440/ᴴᴰ⁶⁰ 📺 Deutsch✨German - Duration: 1:00:12.


SUNNY LEONE HOT SONG JA JARE JA ROMANTIC SONG by fana jaan please subscribe my channel - Duration: 3:28.

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

please subscribe fana jaan

For more infomation >> SUNNY LEONE HOT SONG JA JARE JA ROMANTIC SONG by fana jaan please subscribe my channel - Duration: 3:28.


「Nightcore」→ Dusk Till Dawn Sing Off (Switching Vocals) - Unforgettable, Faded, Diamonds and MORE - Duration: 3:50.

Nightcore DuskTill Dawn Sing Off (Subtiltes in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Dusk Till Dawn Sing Off (Switching Vocals) - Unforgettable, Faded, Diamonds and MORE - Duration: 3:50.


تحميل احسن برنامج تصوير صطح المكتب quick screen recorder - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> تحميل احسن برنامج تصوير صطح المكتب quick screen recorder - Duration: 4:02.


Murad Elizade O Gece Qis Gecesi idi 2018 HD - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Murad Elizade O Gece Qis Gecesi idi 2018 HD - Duration: 3:47.


G9 LED bulb vs Halogen Review - Demostration - Duration: 2:50.

So this is dead obviously. We're gonna talk about LEDs versus Halogens. Coming right now

Let's talk about Halogens first. In my hand I'm holding now

g9 Halogen a bulb

Halogen bulbs come in many shapes

They produce a big amount of infrared and ultraviolet

Radiation that can be damaging to fabrics and artwork these bulbs require an extremely hot running

temperature to produce light and can cause burns if touched

Halogen bulbs are extremely sensitive to skin oils which can cause them to

malfunction or burst their lasts approximately

3,600 hours

Halogen bulbs have a fragile quartz envelope and brittle

filament wire. Let's talk about LEDs now

They can last up to 50.000 hours

That is 13 times longer than halogen bulbs. Power consumption is the lowest compared to all the other lighting technologies

75% less than the halogen bulbs. The shatterproof bulbs are shock resistant and have no brittle filaments

LEDs require higher initial investment but produce greater energy returns over time

They are available in many different whites and colors

As we talked about before

This bulbs are not working anymore

So, I went outside and jump on my bicycle and drove to the store

And I bought, I bought the G9s LEDs

And this right here in my hand is a halogen bulb as you can see in the video, It's broken

This thing is also massive energy eater

And guys, don't forget to comment below. What do you think about LEDs?

I've got these pack of LEDs. It was a little bit more expensive than one halogen bulb

But its totally worth it. You can see on the back side. It's really

Energy saving, so let's try now

Let's put it in

Question: Do you rather use LEDs or normal halogens bulbs?

Comment below. And

hey, thanks again for watching consider subscribing to the channel

For more infomation >> G9 LED bulb vs Halogen Review - Demostration - Duration: 2:50.



For more infomation >> 5 НЕВЕРОЯТНЫХ ДИНОЗАВРОВ-ГИГАНТОВ - Duration: 8:31.


DISNEY CARS 3 DINOCO Cars, Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Ligtning McQueen Mack Truck Cal Weathers Racer Truck - Duration: 10:06.

DISNEY CARS 3 DINOCO Cars, Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Ligtning McQueen Mack Truck Cal Weathers Racer Truck

For more infomation >> DISNEY CARS 3 DINOCO Cars, Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Ligtning McQueen Mack Truck Cal Weathers Racer Truck - Duration: 10:06.


КАК стать ПРО в Майнкрафте? [Hypixel Mini-Game Sky Wars Minecraft] - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> КАК стать ПРО в Майнкрафте? [Hypixel Mini-Game Sky Wars Minecraft] - Duration: 6:28.


Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt Gen2 X2O 10,000 lb. Winch (1987-2017 JK, YJ, TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 7:01.

This Smittybilt Gen2 X20 10,000 lb. winch with wireless remote is for those of you that

have a 1987 and up Wrangler and are looking for a very well-built winch that's also going

to be completely waterproof.

That means the solenoid box of this winch is sealed up, it will be able to get dunked

right underwater, still perform just fine, whereas, with a lot of other winches, the

solenoid box is not going to be waterproof.

So that's something that definitely makes this different from a lot of the other winches

out there.

That along with the fact that this has a wireless remote that can also be wired, in case your

batteries run out, makes this a very, very functional winch.

Now, getting the winch installed is going to be a very simple one out of three wrenches.

This winch is going to be no different, it's going to bolt directly onto a winch plate

or a winch-ready bumper.

While there is going to be a little bit of wiring to do, you have to attach the solenoid

box onto the winch itself, and then two wires from the box go up to the battery, this is

very, very easy, very simple connections.

Even if you're not comfortable with automotive wiring, you haven't done a lot of it in the

past, you're still going to be able to get this done if you choose to do it in your driveway.

And we'll talk more about that installation in just a second.

So there are going to be a couple of different reasons you're going to want to have a winch

installed on your Jeep.

If you're out there doing some wheeling, you're in deep mud, you're on the rocks, you might

get high centered, a winch is a great way to attach to a tree, to a buddy's Jeep, and

get yourself out of a sticky situation very easily and very quickly.

Now, when you are choosing a winch, there are going to be a couple of different decisions

to make.

One is going to be the pulling capacity of that winch, which in general, you want to

be 1 1/2 times the loaded trail weight of your Jeep.

And this is a 10,000 lb. winch, so if you have a heavy 2-door or light 4-door Jeep,

this is going to be just fine.

If you do have a big, heavy, armored-up 4-door Jeep, you liked to get buried up to the axles

in mud, you might want to something that has a 12,000 lb. pulling capacity, but for the

vast majority of you, a 10,000 lb. is going to be more than enough.

Another decision to make when you're purchasing a winch is what kind of cable you want on


So this winch is going to come out of the box with a steel cable, and you can get more

expensive winches, even the same winch, but a little bit higher price that will come out

of the box with a synthetic line on it.

Now some of the benefits to synthetic are that it is lighter weight, and maybe most

importantly, while it still stretches like a steel cable, it doesn't store energy like

steel, so if it were to break under load, it's not going to snap and fly across the

area, possibly damaging a person, or a vehicle.

Synthetic line will just fall to the ground if it were to break.

Now, the synthetic line is going to be a little more maintenance heavy.

You have to clean it more often and replace it more often, and when you do replace it,

it's much more expensive.

So, steel line like this, is going to save you a little bit of money up front.

There's a going to be a little less maintenance to do upfront, and as long as you're okay

with a little bit of a heavier weight, and you take the proper safety precautions, it's

going to be just fine.

This is also going to come with a roller fairlead that's going to coincide very nicely that

steel line.

As far as the construction goes, like I said before, this is going to be a pretty well-built


This is Smittybilt's Gen2, so they have made some changes.

It's going to have some additional internal bracing, making the body of the winch very,

very strong.

It has a 6.6 hp series run motor, which is pretty traditional, what we would see in a

lot of winches, as far as the power plant goes, for something that right around that

10,000 lb. pulling capacity.

Now one thing that does makes this different from a lot of the others is the solenoid pack.

We mentioned before, that does have an IP67 waterproof rating.

So whether you go through a lot of really deep water, or you're just cruising down the

road and there is rain, you're never going to have to worry about your solenoid pack

getting wet and having any sort of issue with that.

Which is really nice peace of mind.

A lot of people will remote-mount their solenoid pack, instead of being on top of their winch,

they'll extend cables, they'll put it under the engine bay, they'll do a lot of things

to try to keep it dry.

With this, you don't have to worry about that.

Another thing I really like about the Smittybilt winch is right over here, your remote.

The remote itself feels good in the hand, it has sort of a rubberized coating on it.

It feels like it could take a beating, because let's be honest, when you're not using this

thing, you're just throwing it in your center console, in your glove box, in your gear bag.

It's gonna get beat up a little bit, so this is going to hold up really, really well, in

my opinion.

The other thing I really like about this is that it is going to be both a wireless and

a wired winch remote.

So you can simply unplug this, you have batteries in here, and this is going to work without

the need to be tethered.

So you can get far out of the danger zone when winching.

You can look at your rigging.

You can come back and look at the Jeep.

You can winch from inside the vehicle without having to have this cable stretch from the

winch all the way through the window of the Jeep.

But, say your battery's run out, maybe you're just in a situation where you can be a little

bit closer to the winch, you can always just plug this back in again, and you have a more

standard, wired winch remote with a 12-foot cable.

So it gives you a lot of flexibility there that you don't always have with a lot of the

other winches on the market.

Even a lot of the other ones that are a wireless winch, they're still going to have a full

wired remote and then a wireless remote.

They're going to be separate pieces that you are going to have to keep together.

This is just a little bit easier, a little bit of a neater package.

Like I said before, getting a winch installed on your Jeep is a very simple one out of three

wrench installation.

It shouldn't take you more than an hour to do.

Now you are going to have to make sure you do a little bit of prep beforehand.

You're going to have to either have a winch-ready bumper or have a winch plate installed on

your Jeep.

Once you have that, mounting the winch up itself is very, very simple.

It simply bolts down with four bolts.

The footprint of a winch is standardized, so the holes are already going to be there

in your bumper or in your winch plate, just bolt it right down.

You're also going to have your fairlead that you're going to bolt in place, and then you

are going to get to your wiring.

Like I said, even if you haven't done a lot of automotive wiring, this is going to be

pretty easy.

Everything is color-coded and labeled for you.

You make some attachments from your solenoid pack onto the backside of your winch here,

and then from the pack up to the battery, you really just run those wires through the

grill, along the inside of your fender, and make the connection at the positive and the

negative of your battery.

This winch has a lot of features, so it is going to be a little bit more expensive than

some of the other winches out there that don't have those features.

This is going to have the wireless remote and it also is going to be a waterproof solenoid

pack, so you would expect it to be a little bit more.

And at $400, I do think this is going to be a pretty good deal for everything that you

are getting.

If you do want to step up in both price and in function, you can step up to the Gen2 X20

with the synthetic line that is available as well for a few dollars more.

So if you're looking for a waterproof winch, I definitely recommend taking a look at this

one from Smittybilt, and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt Gen2 X2O 10,000 lb. Winch (1987-2017 JK, YJ, TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 7:01.


Послеоперационный период. 🤕 Пять советов как сделать ваш послеоперационный период более комфортным. - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Послеоперационный период. 🤕 Пять советов как сделать ваш послеоперационный период более комфортным. - Duration: 1:37.


Магазин канекалона ❤ Белый канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Магазин канекалона ❤ Белый канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:44.


Sol - If You Don't Call (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.

If you don't call And you think bout me, don't worry I'm good. Yeah, still care about you Never call but you could.

Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good. If you don't call When you think bout me, don't worry I'm good.

Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good. If you don't call Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good.

When we kicked it everyday We was something like One in the same / Two sides of the brain Now we don't talk, we went opposite ways What happened? I couldn't honestly say

Just part of living life I guess… People move on Everything ends, Like it's a song, can't repeat it Even your jam, you know her by heart Even your friends you treat like your fam / like the son of your mom Love some women like my sister but now they cutting me off I got exes I could text whenever something was wrong Now they married out in Texas and they husband's got a gun … So we don't talk.

If you don't call And you think about me, don't worry I'm good. Yeah, still care about you Never call but you could.

Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good. If you don't call Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good. Don't worry I'm good

Old friends, new friends School Friends / Too Cool Friends That One Girlfriend / You know...

At one point meant the world friend Lost touch / But you're always my fam Now we don't even wave when I see you 'round the way We just both looked away Used to call me everyday But over time people change And timing is everything…

I don't blame you / I don't wanna hate you After everything we been through / I just wanna thank you For being who you are, even though we grew apart Without you I wouldn't make it this far

Now I'm in my zone no new friends (no new friends) And the way I'm working I'ma lose my old friends (all my old friends) On my phone, unread text and full inbox But that ain't the only reason we don't talk

If you don't call And you think bout me, don't worry I'm good. Yeah, still care about you Never call but you could.

Either way I'll be good. Either way I'll be good. If you don't call When you think bout me, don't worry I'm good.

For more infomation >> Sol - If You Don't Call (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.


Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Music – NEFFEX and Svet Fit Music - Duration: 58:47.

Svet Fit Music

For more infomation >> Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Music – NEFFEX and Svet Fit Music - Duration: 58:47.


Baby Baby Yes Papa | Like Johny Johny Yes Papa | Funny Kids Songs - Duration: 3:56.

Johny Johny Yes Papa

Baby Baby Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Baby Baby Yes Papa | Like Johny Johny Yes Papa | Funny Kids Songs - Duration: 3:56.


San Holo - One Thing (LYRICS//CC) - Duration: 3:55.

Why do I feel like I'm running

Always chasing after something

Why do I feel like I'm running

Searching all the world for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

giving all I've got for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

searching all the world for one thing

Why do I feel like I'm running

Always chasing after something

Why do I feel like I'm running

Searching all the world for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

giving all I've got for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

searching all the world for one thing

enjoying this ?

[Pre-Chorus:] Searching all the world

Searching all the world

Searching all the…

Searching (x4)....

Searching all the world for one thing

no need for a drop button

[Chorus:] Searching all the world for one thing

Giving all I've got for one thing

[Verse 2:] Why do I feel like I'm running

Always chasing after something

Why do I feel like I'm running

Searching all the world for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

giving all I've got for one thing

Wandering, wandering,

searching all the world for one thing

Why do I feel like I'm running

Always chasing after something

Why do I feel like I'm running

Searching all the world for one thing

Searching all the world

Searching all the world

Searching all the…

Searching (x4)....

Searching all the world for one thing

[Chorus:] Searching all the world for one thing

Giving all I've got for one thing

Searching all the world for one thing

Giving all I've got for one thing

one thing

thanks for listening considering following me for more

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