Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 19 2017


Could it be that they have actually always been around, from prehistoric times to Middle


And if they have, could they have an influence in the creation of human mythologies and religions?

what if all those UFOs were humans from future and pretending to be gods and humans took

it seriously and created religions?


The link is in the source article link below in our description.

For more infomation >> THEY WERE HERE UFOS AND ALIENS IN ANCIENT PICTURES - Duration: 1:09.


XBOX ONLY!! | FREE XP/CAMO/CO-HOST LOBBIES!! | #RoadTo1.6k #SilcaArmy - Duration: 52:22.

For more infomation >> XBOX ONLY!! | FREE XP/CAMO/CO-HOST LOBBIES!! | #RoadTo1.6k #SilcaArmy - Duration: 52:22.


Bike Ride. Cherry Creek Reservoir Bike ride. - Duration: 4:13.

No Subtitles

For more infomation >> Bike Ride. Cherry Creek Reservoir Bike ride. - Duration: 4:13.


Lär dig svenska - Snabba tips - Hjälpverbet behöver - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Lär dig svenska - Snabba tips - Hjälpverbet behöver - Duration: 2:26.


jugando clash royale/marck alfa 125 - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> jugando clash royale/marck alfa 125 - Duration: 9:07.


Singapore Signs Sign Painting Lettering - Duration: 10:28.

Calligraphy Masters

Singapore Signs Sign Painting Lettering

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Thanks for watching & as always #KeepWriting

For more infomation >> Singapore Signs Sign Painting Lettering - Duration: 10:28.


All deine Aengste sind unwirklich - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> All deine Aengste sind unwirklich - Duration: 1:44.


Post Malone Says Justin Bieber Has Given His 'Culty' Church $10 Million - Duration: 1:29.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch,

Post Malone's recent feature in Rolling Stone was revealing in so far that he's a

fan of Olive Garden his extensive—and wildly expensive—loafer collection, and his "super

religious" past.

In addition, we learned Malone's feelings about another super-religious person, his

"genuine friend" Justin Bieber.

The "Rockstar" rapper said that Bieber is "a fucking awesome, great dude," but

is concerned about the pop star's relationship with the controversial Hillsong Church.

"It's a total cult.

He's already given them, like, $10 million."

A "source close to Bieber" denied that figure to Rolling Stone.

On top of everything else, we found out that Malone is a gun-obsessed conspiracy theorist

who might be preparing for the apocalypse.

The 22-year-old rapper discussed his arsenal of weapons after writer Jonah Weiner noticed

a copy of Guns & Ammo on his counter.

"I love shooting.

The feeling is pure...inebriation.

It's like hitting a punching bag to let off steam.

They're fun, they're practical, and bad shit happens.

If you hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you back […] The world is going to shit.

They're taking away a lot of our rights.

We have a shitty thing going on in the White House—I don't like Trump.

But I don't think it's just him.

Something's coming.

There's crazy shit that goes on that we can't explain.

Chemtrails and shit.

Like, they have a gun that gives you a heart attack, and they can't tell the difference."

His paranoia isn't too surprising considering his interests in "alternative news" and

"conspiracy shit."

You can read the full interview at Rolling Stone.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Post Malone Says Justin Bieber Has Given His 'Culty' Church $10 Million - Duration: 1:29.


Meet Miss Universe Germany 2017 Sophia Koch - Duration: 0:56.

I have a really close relationship with my parents.

They are really my one and only sweethearts.

I had the chance to grow up in a really nice family.

They always gave me a lot of love and attention;

things that you want to have as a child.

Violence when it comes to children

and how children are treated,

I want to make a change and see a difference.

Because I believe children should get the most beautiful time,

the most beautiful childhood, love, and attention.

One message I would like to send out to the world is

that I think we have to start now

to empower our future generation.

That's where we have to start in order to see

differences in the future.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Germany 2017 Sophia Koch - Duration: 0:56.


تقوية الرغبة الجنسية لدى الرجل والمرأة ومعالجة القدف السريع - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> تقوية الرغبة الجنسية لدى الرجل والمرأة ومعالجة القدف السريع - Duration: 5:44.


Je vais vous montrer. - Duration: 1:34.


I'm not the type of guy that does a lot of commercials.

One day, I've looked up for a bunch of videos on YouTube and I saw

a lot of

commercials for YouTube's channels

When I saw this, I said to myself:

''I should do one too BUT, in my way.''.

So, instead of telling you guys what I'm doing in my videos

I am going to show it to you.


Wanna see more?

So, what are you waiting for?

The red button is up here or down here.

And he's waiting impatiently for getting clicked on.

OH! of course, the end!

For more infomation >> Je vais vous montrer. - Duration: 1:34.


How Wrathion Could've Been Relevant | World of Warcraft Discussion - Duration: 11:19.

[BlizzCon 2015] Where is Wrathion in Legion?

He's definitely there

So I think he's thanks -- still in Pandaria right?

Well actually,

He may have some interest in the zone of Highmountain, which of course features Neltharion's Lair.

And that is a person of some interest

to Wrathion. So if he were to be lurking, that might be a good place to look for him.

[BlizzCon 2016] For those of you that played beta

Wrathion was around. We tried to get him into Highmountain in one of the quest lines and

More, so he doesn't fall off -- not that he was integral to the narrative. And we actually ran into a lot of problems with it

There's there was just time issues -- timetable issues that we just really couldn't get to work.

So you have things like Wrathion, who... we had no idea

where his arc would go and

it's just about who gets geeked up about the character or the

Whatever it might be and of the story and where they want to take it so that started out Badlands

And then the next thing you know it's all over the place, and it's awesome, and it's something we want to do more of so

[FinalBossTV 2017] We talked about plans for him for various other things

But right now nothing's really planned for Battle for Azeroth.

Next time I will leave nothing to chance!


What is up everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed BlizzCon last weekend and are as hyped as I am for some of the announcements made there

As much as I can go on about my thoughts and opinions for Battle for Azeroth

I want to focus on something that was not talked about during BlizzCon much to my dismay

and that is the Black Prince Wrathion himself

Quick warning that I will be freely talking about spoilers here

so if you want to avoid them this video might not be for you.

Ah, Wrathion, one of Blizzard's most complex characters with a fascinating origin story

and an excellently written morally grey character

He's one of the only purified black dragons out there and was a key character during Mists of Pandaria

He made it a point countless times that the Burning Legion was coming and his presence in that expansion could hardly go unnoticed

Hype built around him for so long and Wrathion was even a key player

in setting off the events that led to Warlords of Draenor. And since then,

Blizzard has pretty much dropped him out of the lore

Every year so far since his disappearance I've wondered

Why exactly they haven't put him back in?

Blizzard can come up with the excuse that they don't know where to take him as much as they want

But I won't buy it for a second. The last two expansions and now coming up third have had plenty of

opportunities for him to show up and partake in a role of some kind

And no, I'm not going to count the Warlord's cameo or the deaths of Chromie cameo as Wrathion content.

That is not good enough :(

See, for Warlords, Wrathion could have returned in any number of ways. An easter egg quest where maybe

Anduin enlists you to hunt down the black dragon through Draenor and bring him to justice

I say Anduin since they were friends throughout Mists, and Wrathion betrayed him during Hellscream's Trials

It could have entailed a quest line that could delve deeper into Anduin's character arc if say he were to

Sneak into Draenor with the player and then realized a true fear of war

Maybe even draw parallels between the first war that his own father witnessed as a child

This would give opportunity for Wrathion confront his actions, discuss whether or not this was a mistake

or fully intentional and what he plans to do next now that the Iron Horde is wreaking havoc upon Azeroth


Khadgar could have found him or Wrathion could have appeared at the end of any of the Warlord's raids and opened up a questline

where he enlists help from the players to find some artifacts or something to continue the quest to save Azeroth.

There were plenty of opportunities that could have been squeezed in somehow

Hell, even just two quests where he explains himself that it ends with him

Saying he needs to go into hiding again or something would have been better than

Whatever content this was

Also while I'm on the Warlords subject

I do want to note that during the Legion alpha when Wrathion was originally in it

He said that he wanted to create an army of orcs during Warlords, but it went awry with Hellscream

But technically, the orcs of Draenor kind of are allied with us after the end of Warlords.

Yrel said to herself that they'd be there if we needed them,

but it seems Blizzard wants to erase all evidence that they had of Warlords of Draenor even existing, so...

There's that

"If you ever need us,

We will be here."

"Until we meet again."

And I would have been able to forgive not having Wrathion in Warlords if it weren't for his absence AND

replacement in Legion. Legion was the one expansion that Wrathion absolutely should have been a part of.

Instead characters like Khadgar, Illidan, and Magni got the attention that should have in all respects gone to Wrathion

Spiritwalker Ebonhorn was originally going to be Wrathion but was cut and made into a separate character.

Doing this not only ousted Wrathion from a significant role in Legion

But also made him a little less special by saying Ebonhorn was ALSO a purified black dragon

Technically Wrathion should have at least been able to sense Ebonhorn

since it's said that Wrathion can sense the existence of other black dragons

Which is how he had them killed. If Wrathion wasn't going to be Ebonhorn,

They could have at least had him pay a visit to Highmountain to search for Ebonhorn

And maybe attempt to kill him and fail

The potential dynamic between him and Ebonhorn would have also provided some solid character development for the both of them

How would Wrathion feel to know that he's not alone and that he's not the only black dragon free from the Old Gods' corruption as well?

Would he maybe regret killing the other black dragons if he learned that he could have saved them instead with the Hammer Khaz'goroth?

And then there's the matter of Anduin now newly crowned king. Again,

there's some unresolved history between them and technically since Wrathion's betrayal led to Warlords,

which in turn led to the Legion to happen,

Wrathion is indirectly responsible even for Varian's death.

A lot of ground could have been covered if they were to reunite

Wrathion's crimes have gone unanswered for thus far and in my opinion, it should be Anduin to make some answer for it


All of these opportunities have been missed thus far

And it seems that Blizzard is about to try and miss yet another brilliant opportunity

We talked about plans for [Wrathion] for various other things

but right now nothing's really planned for Battle for Azeroth

It's bad enough that there are dozens of unresolved storylines that WoW has yet to touch on

but the one thing I've been counting on for years is Wrathion's return.

And I just don't want to go on another year of that

So here's an idea for how Wrathion could fit into Battle for Azeroth

First off,

I sincerely hope that we get a mention at the very least of Wrathion in the upcoming novel Before the Storm

by Christie Golden

That would be a perfect opportunity to reintroduce him to the storyline and I have a sneaking suspicion

Or at least wishful thinking that we might see him in it.

According to Ian Bates (or the redshirt guy)

Wrathion is currently in the Battle for Azeroth alpha - at least upon making this video

He can be found in a corner in a new spot in Stormwind known as the Alliance Embassy.

All other alliance leaders are present in that room as well as Wrathion. It's assumed

He's joined the Alliance since he isn't present in the Horde Embassy

And unless this is just a nifty easter egg that will get removed from the alpha just like he did the last time, I think

This is reason enough to suspect that he could at least get a passing mention of his existence in the book. Hopefully.

With the Allied races coming the Horde will be aided by the Highmountain Tauren which would also mean that Spiritwalker Ebonhorn would

most undoubtedly be among them. In this case, the playing field is even as both Horde and Alliance will each then have a

purified black dragon in their arsenal.

Wrathion could play a role as the Spy Master or work alongside the SI:7

and lead incognito missions. His ability to assume different illusions would help him immensely in sneaking

and spying on others, especially that of the Horde if need be.

After all, Wrathion has spent a majority of his time surrounded by rogues, so I'm sure he's learned a thing or two from them

He could also serve as Anduin's personal bodyguard and interact with the other rogues like Valeera and maybe even Tess Greymane

There could also be the opportunity to demonstrate conflicts of interest

Wrathion has made it known that his allegiances are his own and even though he last sided with the Alliance back in Mists

after Garrosh spiraled down, he could always just turn back depending on who's winning


Yes, I was backing the Alliance.

I thought Hellscream's victory was assured before he turned half of his Horde against him.

So I changed my allegiance.

Oh don't look so surprised. I'm a black dragon, my loyalties are my own

but that idiot, IDIOT Wrynn. High King indeed!

Why did he allow another Warchief? He could have united the world under the Alliance banner.

What a fool I was to trust his ambition!

He simply wishes to see one faction prevail over the other rather than see balance between them

If he's close enough to the High King of the Alliance he could even attempt to manipulate the other leaders subtly by feeding

ideas to them.

For example: sowing more rage within King Greymane

Since his anger tends to get the best of him. If he can push others to make the decisions

they need to win the war, Wrathion would succeed

Outside of that, Wrathion would most certainly have interest in the Azerite spilling out. Sargeras wounded Azeroth,

and that gash in silithus can't just go ignored. Wrathion wants to protect Azeroth. He's a black dragon

He can hear the calls of the earth

Realizing such a horrible thing had happened to this world would hurt him and there's enough potential and that alone for him to make any

rash decision based off of it

All I'm saying is that there is potential

And I just don't see why Wrathion can't be squeezed into the lore. There's enough openings, enough to work with, enough opportunities

And yet they just keep getting dismissed or fulfilled with different characters. Like -- Hey listen,

I think it's pretty cool that Magni Bronzebeard gets to be the voice of Azeroth, but - but how about there's two of them hmm?

Wrathion's a black dragon

He should be able to hear Azeroth's call. Actually you know what?

Maybe that can be an excuse as to why Wrathion hasn't been around. Azeroth's been talking to him at the same time as Magni and

Wrathion has been running around the world trying to gather resources

and intel and how to better fight the war, all the while not being seen. Hence

why in the future we'll see him taking an interest in the Obsidian Dragonshrine in Northrend.

Come on! There's gotta be something he can do!

Well, what are your thoughts on Wrathion? What would you like to see him doing in the next expansion? Anything I miss here

you'd like to point out, or do you just not care about Wrathion in general? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you all for watching

And thank you so much for those who have been very patient with my absence for the past few months on YouTube

I'll be sure to pick up my slack in the next coming few months

Thank you for your patience. Shoutout to wowelite, Party of Three and Kimberly Anne for supporting me on Patreon as well

I appreciate it immensely.

Thank you for watching, and I'll see you all in the next one! ♥

For more infomation >> How Wrathion Could've Been Relevant | World of Warcraft Discussion - Duration: 11:19.


MoiFavs Party | Fashion Stylist Aesha Shares Her Fav Shopping Destination - Duration: 0:57.















For more infomation >> MoiFavs Party | Fashion Stylist Aesha Shares Her Fav Shopping Destination - Duration: 0:57.


#ThisIsMyEDS Part 3, Question 1: "What's something you wish your friends/family knew?" [CC] - Duration: 4:52.

[music: THBD - Lost In The Night (Feat. Pipa Moran)]

Boy have I been avoiding and procrastinating filming this.

So this is part 3 of the #ThisIsMyEDS tag made by Annie Elainey.

And what I've decided to do for part 3 which is 6 questions is to make 1 video for each

of those questions.

Because the prompts seem like there's gonna be a lot, potentially, to say, I don't wanna

put them all in one and make like, a 45 minute video.

SO, I'm just gonna avoid that possibility and shoot these one at a time.

And also, considering I am dealing, currently, with downturn in symptoms due to EDS, I don't

think I can handle, emotionally, talking about all these six things at once, and then editing

it into one big thing.

So I'm gonna do this piece by piece and then I'm gonna put it on its own little playlist

on the channel.

Are you ready for this unscripted nonsense?

Probably really emotional?

Let's get started:

1) What's something you wish your friends/family knew?

So this one might not actually be as bad as I thought it'd be, because with my friends,

or with my closest friends, that I know online or that are in Cincinnati, they're all really

supportive and I'm pretty communicative to them and Randy and anybody in my life like

on a daily basis…

If anything, I'd like them to know that it's probably worse than what I'm letting on, but

they're…pretty plugged in to what's going on with me, generally.

Like, there's a lot that they know that I don' even post publicly, so they're um, they

know a lot.

[mumbling] They'd know a lot of what I'd want to say to them in reference to this tag.

When it comes to extended family, who might not be as privy to this information as people

I talk to daily, I would say that I definitely know what I'm talking about when it comes

to my symptoms, so there's really no need to doubt my diagnoses or what I'm talking


There's no need to doubt if I need to use the accommodations that I ask for.

I would let maybe some know that I know that they support some people that are gonna want

to usher in a type of society where I'm not gonna be valued at all, and I would say that

I hope they rethink those things considering they know somebody very close to them that

is looking at some very scary future hellscapes if some of this stuff is to come to pass,


I would also say to anybody that's not getting daily updates on me or some people like maybe

family who I don't talk to on a daily basis, I would say that if I talk about my pain,

it's a bad day.

And if I say it's an alright day, it's still probably a bad day, so.

When it comes to family and extended family especially please be aware of the early signs

and symptoms of this illness.

Like maybe if your kids are complaining that every time they stand up they get dizzy, or

maybe they are saying that they feel like on a rollercoaster just sitting there, maybe

look into some of the symptoms, especially associated with this illness because it is

a spectrum and I think that more information is better.

To be fair, I don't have a lot of interaction with my family in general, and I think we're

all okay with that.

I dunno.

But yes, to summarize: when it comes to people I talk to on a daily basis, like Randy, who's

my family, Alex and Allison, who're my family they're pretty aware and informed of what's

going on and what I would say to them is just thank you for being SO supportive all the


And I know I haven't really been public about this channel or some of my disability stuff

because, like, I'm either embarrassed or feel like it's burdensome, like, I just really

really appreciate everything that these three in particular have done.

Otherwise I would also say thank you to all followers I consider friends as well.

And when it comes to family, I would say thank you for the support you've offered thus far

and know that it's a lot worse than I let on.

And to anybody, I'm never offended if they offer money-- my paypal is always open.

And also I would say I have family who I haven't talked to in years, like a LOT of years, who

were very supportive financially and just…just supportive when it comes to me getting my

Ez Lite Cruiser.

And I would just say I…that blew me away, like I haven't talked to them in so long,

so thank you so much.

That really was great.

That's about all I have for this one.

Tune back in to this playlist for the second question which I'm gonna film when I get around


Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> #ThisIsMyEDS Part 3, Question 1: "What's something you wish your friends/family knew?" [CC] - Duration: 4:52.


Illegal Madness - Ocean Pacific - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Illegal Madness - Ocean Pacific - Duration: 3:07.


THE ELYS & CO| Belongs up North - Toyota Land Cruiser 150 - Duration: 2:09.

Here I feel home.

Far up North,

at the end of the world.

Where the mid-night sun slips through,

and the snow creaks below my feet.

While feeling the fresh mountain breeze,

fill my lungs.

(engine roar)

Here I feel fullfilled.

United with my surroundings,

and akin with nature.

Over that mountain,

below the forest during the last sun light,

crossing isolated highlands at night.


Or no road.

I have been where nobody else has been.

And I have seen things,

others only could have imagined.

For generations have I

have I been serving people safely.

Where there was no road,

I would continue.

Along the Fjords,

during mystic dawns.

Or out by the sea,

in the first morning glow.

[ Unrestrainable. Uncompromising. Limitless. ]

Are you ready?

For more infomation >> THE ELYS & CO| Belongs up North - Toyota Land Cruiser 150 - Duration: 2:09.


Accused Gardens Mall Shooter Makes First Court Appearance - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Accused Gardens Mall Shooter Makes First Court Appearance - Duration: 1:35.


Animal Jam on CRACK #1 - Duration: 1:32.

That it's finally me

And You And You

And me

Just us


[MLG Air Horns wailing along with the X-Files Theme]




Ugh, Yeah?


[Animal Jam music plays while MLG air horns wail in the background]

[Animal Jam music plays while MLG air horns wail in the background]

[Animal Jam music plays while MLG air horns wail in the background]


Move! [The word, "Move" echoes]

Woah! [The word "Woah" Echoes]

Hello? ["Hello?" echoes]

I'm a poopyhead.

You're a poopyhead.


[Person laughs hysterically in the background]


Hey Kid!

Do you want to gift trade?

Wait a minute!




For more infomation >> Animal Jam on CRACK #1 - Duration: 1:32.


La campionat de tir cu arcul | Arcaș român în Thailanda #3 - Duration: 7:53.

Azi mă duc la turnament.

Let the games begin.

Am tras extraordinar.

Două medalii.

Ceau. Sunt Mihnea, un arcaș roman din Bangkok.

Azi mă duc la turnament.

Hai să mergem.

Am ajuns la Archery and Friends – AF Archery.

Let the games begin.

Acesta este partenerul meu de țintă.

Primul set: 52 de puncte.

Hai să mai tragem.

Al doilea set: 52

Setul numărul 3 am tras 50 de puncte.

Am scăzut 2 pount, dar nu-i nici o problemă, recuperăm.

Încă 3 seturi.

Hai să facem treaba asta.

Am tras un 6 nasol, am scăzut la 49 de puncte, dar nu ne demoralizăm.

Încercăm încă o data. Încă 2 seturi.

Hai să tragem.

Setul ăsta am tras extraordinar de bine.

Hai să vă arăt.

Am tras extraordinar: 57 de puncte din 60. Perfect.

Ultimul set… hai să vedem. Luăm primul loc la calificări?

Ok, am terminat runda de calificare.

Okay, let's see.

Și, runda de calificări este gata, ultimul set am tras 54.

Un scor relativ destul de bun.

Am avut doar 2 seturi la mijloc când am tras un 49 și un 50.

Dacă ar fi fost peste 50 ar fi fost foarte bine.

Nici o problemă. Ah...

Scor maxim 360. Am făcut peste 300. Hai să vedem cât am făcut.

Scor final 314, probabil pe primul loc din cei 6 competitori.

Un campionat micuț, am tras destul de bine.

Dupămasă tragem individual și echipe.

Micul dejun la KFC.


Deci, am terminat runda de calificare pe locul întâi.

Urmează meciurile individuale și chiar niște meciuri de echipe.

Avem doar 2 echipe.

Let's do this.

Okay, încep meciurile de echipă.

Echipa mea, echipa mea: P'Santi and Pumpkin.

Let's go. Let's go.

Bun. Mai tragem.

Cred că am pierdut prima rundă.

Am pierdut primul set.

Încă 2 seturi sau 3 seturi. Hai să vedem.

Am câștigat runda a doua.

Nu pentru că au ras colegii mei bine ci pentru că adversarii noștri au ratat o săgeată.

Deci, scorul 2-2.

Am tras două săgeți în 9, colgii mei au cam tras pe aiurea, deci am pierdut runda 4-2.

Deci, am luat runda 4-4.

Urmează să facem o departajare, un shoot off.

Fiecare echipă trage doar câte 3 săgeți.

Hai să câștigăm meciul ăsta!

Deci, am pierdut. Nici o problemă.

Urmează meciurile individuale.

Primul meci individual am avut bye așa că am tras de unul singur și am și căștigat.

Urmează semifinala.

Deci, am câștigat semifinala 6-0, un meci destul de ușor.

Urmează finala.

Let's do this.

Gata. Am tras și în finală.

S-a terminat pentru ziua de astăzi.

Hai să vedem ceremonia de medalii.


Say hey.


Echipele. Locul 2 pe echipe.


Echipe, yeah...

Deci, ziua e gata. Am avut succes, 2 medalii: un bronz și un aur.

Facem poze de grup și merg acasă.

Mihnea, un arcaș roman din Bangkok.

Asta este. Am plecat acasă. Salut.

Două medalii.

For more infomation >> La campionat de tir cu arcul | Arcaș român în Thailanda #3 - Duration: 7:53.


Meet Miss Universe Croatia 2017 Shanaelle Petty - Duration: 0:53.

One of the hardest moments I've ever had to overcome in my life

was to really believe in myself and believe that I'm strong.

I was told that I couldn't take math

or science or the chemistry courses I wanted to take

just because I was that one black female

that was in these courses.

An I realized that no matter what someone might say,

you need to be strong in whatever you want

and you need to pursue it.

If you can put your mind to it you can overcome

them and any barrier put in front of you.

It means so much to me to be the first mixed-race contestant for Croatia.

When I was little, I didn't feel like I was Croatian

because people told me I didn't look like it.

But now I've learned that it's not how you look.

You should just be confident in who you are

and you need to embrace everything that makes you, you and just strut!

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