ASMR Relaxing Head Massage with Chopstick
Trailer - Peaky Blinders - Series 4 - BBC First - Duration: 1:01.We're going back
Today, we end this war between us
We are an organisation of a different dimension
They're coming for us all
We don't get to decide who lives and who dies
We're out of our league
South Park: The Fractured But Whole | love this show (stream gameplay) ep 1 - Duration: 2:56:36.-------------------------------------------
Bitcoin price surge doesn't shock holders! BTC gambling, Bcash Pump, SEC on ICOs - Duration: 18:11.hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister
welcome to today in bitcoin today is november the 1st 2017 buy and hold
strong hand alright in israel it's night time i woke up to watch the World Series
game which is I found on TV here amazingly enough
all right well bitcoins been doing real well today hasn't it so the the first
thing I want to jump into is saw I mean for the last few days people been
talking about this CME Group futures and at how this is big news for Bitcoin so
here's a here's a tweet for crypto kids confused on why CME is a big deal this
is how the money on the sidelines you've heard about four years starts to enter
alright so yes obviously this is part of the pump of the price of Bitcoin people
are excited about this and yes this is the beginning of the institutional money
pouring in that Brian Kelly talked about that that we've all been talking about
for quite some time so you know I am happy about this but at the same time
holders like me people who have long term thinking we knew this was going to
happen eventually whether it be in 2017 2018 2019 we knew it would probably be
before 2020 so everyone's it's jumping up close to sixty nine hundred dollars
now and I mean it's great it's you know it's always a good feeling but you know
don't don't go too crazy here if you really believe in Bitcoin you knew this
was gonna happen I mean Brian Kelly just burn it up on this very show that you
know there's a sideline money the institutional money whatever you want to
call it if you own Bitcoin you knew this is that's why you've all been coin
because you wanted to get in early before all these other you know
institutions got in all all before the mainstream got it and we're still there
we're still there so don't try to flip it now or play games with
you've always been thinking 20/20 you don't care it when it happens when all
this good stuff starts to happen you know it's going to happen maybe some of
it's not going to happen till 2024 all right whatever you're a holder be cool
and also some of this might be people buying up Bitcoin you know they get
their free 2x crypto the dividend altcoin because it is nothing but an an
altcoin it might be if they don't have replay protection there's going to be
some issues and speaking of those issues you know again big points approaching
$7,000 great but you better believe there's going to be prepared for a drop
in the middle of November when this 2x stuff starts real because people are
still fighting with it and to go but again you're thinking 2020 here so it
could run I would not be shocked if it drops down the $5,000 again what's the
problem if it does who cares you're sick of 2020 anyway right so it's
just psychological you have to control the psychological aspects of this stuff
can't go to a while and of course be happy that it's doing well and I'm going
to get into some other reasons why when it's Julie well I mean you can spread
the word a lot better when it's doing well we're gonna we're gonna talk about
that so again have a strong hand because it's hard to have a strong hand or the
pumps as I said on yesterday's show do check out the links section below for
yesterday's show and all my other shows and pound that like button people and
remember to subscribe to this channel all right here is another tweet and the
tweets are linked and this is very interesting tour de Mistura retweeted
this I think anyway interesting statistic in case you guys missed it
major offshore sports bookmaker sports book bookmaker dot-eu revealed that more
than 90% of the website's customers use Bitcoin to fund their accounts Wow I
mean that bitcoins big and get offshore gambling I mean that's a that is a use
case right there so for all you people that say it's not used for anything dude
I mean this is my takeover gambling one day just another bullish thing but again
if that day is today or if that day is in
20 19 or 20 21 it'll be patient and don't gamble by the way gambling is
terrible with people if people who are into that thing when they use Bitcoin
then you know what you're making us wealthier but you're not making yourself
wealthier as gambling as a loser's game all right so the be gold again it's not
live yet people it's not live on the main net just wanted to remind you but
they do have a new reddit that is out there and I linked to that reddit below
so 4 p.m. it looks like 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday this week in Bitcoin on
this very channel Richard Hart will be one of the guests I'll try to update
everyone on Thursday about when he just it's things change
about Friday also I'm gonna be on Abbie Hoffman show tomorrow at 12:30 Eastern
Time in the afternoon crypto gold central calm is andy hoffman and that's
always fun and I also have my show sometime tomorrow so you'll see me twice
if you're a fan of Andy's and a fan of mine and of course yeah crypto gold is his site and I'll be I'll be on his YouTube site avi I mean you'll
be able to see don't both a sign up for script of gold central calm people been
commenting about that in my comments section
alright sec released a statement about the potentially unlawful promotion of
ice by celebrities the ice s that you see is paying attention to this ICO
thing again I'm thinking it's jump in the shark soon because I'm getting
contacted by ICO people who want to be on my show like many of them everyday
but they're you know aetherium still has a lot of potentially it doesn't have to
just be an ICO there are other things you can do with
these tokens that doesn't involve ICO so again I I said on yesterday's show there
is potential with the area I believe if maybe you know regulated ICO market to
the I SEOs are probably gonna have to become regulating the United States I'm
not a fan of regulation I'm just bringing all this off but you know
people are going to complain when they got tricked into buying ico by some
celebrity and the government always overreacts some senator from wherever
wanna you know increase his uh his you know his name out there in the national
scene so he'll jump on that and he won't even understand cryptocurrencies none of
them understand cryptocurrencies out there on that Sonora that's something I
want to discuss in a future maybe tomorrow alright
my buddy in Korea reminds me that alright on the 4th of December is the
day I will be at the Bitcoin Center in Korea fourth of December that is in
Seoul Bitcoin I linked to the Bitcoin Center below and we're gonna talk about
Korea in a second again I'm skipping around so yesterday when I arrived at my
place here in bear Sheva I had been in Tel Aviv now I'm embarrassed I had
stayed at this place before at this lovely Airbnb and I met the guy who
owned it this time he was just straightening things up before I came in
and he asked me about what I did and I you know I mentioned Bitcoin and all of
a sudden to this long Bitcoin discussion he puts me on the phone with his friend
in Tel Aviv who owns some Bitcoin and how you know his friend tried to
convince him to buy a big point a while ago he saw the bought Bitcoin he has
some extra dollars around the dollars or he has some extra shekels around and he
doesn't he's not confident in the shekel it loses value against the dollar you
know and so we kind to this long discussion and it was great it was and
I'm his friend wants to maybe his friend is watching now to maybe he's watching
it well it's early late it's late at night early in the morning now I doubt
they're awake but the point is is that you know instead of talking about the
weather with strangers or instead of talking about the NFL with stranger
these guys wouldn't to talk about the NFL or soccer bring up Bitcoin it's
worth it it's more productive bring up Bitcoin as many people as possible and
he was saying to me all is it too late I feel like I missed out and if I buy it
when should I sell it I said no no no if you're gonna buy it in these savings in
these savings you had miss doubt its $6,500 right now I know
that seems like it now at 69 look how quick things change anyway these are the
type of conversations you should get into with people with strangers they're
talking about the weather talk about the Bitcoin what I mean I hate talking about
the weather with you know that but but the thing is is and I don't really like
that you know talking to strangers like on buses either if people are gonna
start talking to you then and they start talking about the weather change it to
Bitcoin okay but if you are one of those people who just loves will talk to every
single person you see bring up Bitcoin and everyone's got different personality
the bring up Bitcoin is a good thing because people do get excited about it
and you get some insight it's fun if your Bitcoin fan like I am alright so
going back well here here's a question someone asked me over Twitter have you
ever been burned by a Hyp which is a high-yield investment program and I said
no I don't I mean are you familiar with my shows like I tell people long-term
thinking don't get scammed and I know I sound played frustrated I it's a little
frustrating to get asked this question but the sitcom on I guess I'm helping by
bringing this up never get into these high-yield investment programs they're
totally insane they don't there's scans if it seems too good to be true it is
think it's as Bitcoin savings learn it again it's a lost art everyone is into
these getting rich quick schemes high-yield investment pro like god the
nonsense yeah if you're if you want to become wealthy there's no quick answer
to it okay you got a plan ahead and just get into things that aren't that don't
seem that promising and people are like why don't you did pretty well with the
Bitcoin in a short time just I was buying when everyone was saying oh it
just crash with 1200 or 200 it's over it's over it was a stab its toll ups
it's this is that it's the other yeah I was definitely going against the grain
and you could watch all my old videos in the links section you know well in my
archives when I was saying to buy 300 400 500 600 or 700 and now it's almost
seven thousand my god so now it didn't seem too good to be true back then I
will tell and there were many people you know this
whole scene has changed a lot in the last six months where everyone's pro
Bitcoin now but but again there is no you just got to have a long-term plan
buy and hold and don't panic because there were plenty of times to panic
along the way to plenty of times the panic just in March a lot of people
panicked and so getting doing well for yourself creating well that there are no
super duper easy answers it's hard to hold it's hard to save it's hard not to
panic it's hard not to go with the crowd and again okay it's hard not to do
something with your Bitcoin but do nothing with your Bitcoin just hold it
it's that it that's what you should be doing people it that part for me that's
easy for most people for 80% of you it's very hard you'd rather get into these
high-yield investment programs and anyway again follow me a tech ball on
Twitter TEC HP alt that has been crazy lately so yeah they're in Korea again
South Korea clearly part of this be cash pump that's going on is the volume in
Korea is unbelievable okay if you look at the bit if you look at the beat ass
chart you'll see like most of it is coming from South Korea and if you look
at the big thumb exchange in South Korea most of it is now in be cash so
something's going on in South Korea I can't wait to see I am going to be there
I mean in a month I am going to be in Seoul I'm gonna report to you guys on
what's really going on again Mike I mention top three many times on the show
my contact there is great he's mean I haven't asked him about B cash lately
but I'm gonna see it firsthand now B cash is also going to pump because of
all the 2x fund that we're gonna experience in the middle of November and
all the be cash people are going to say oh just be scared of all this replay
protection then we don't we don't have to deal with that we all though they're
gonna have their own Fork maybe there'll be a second B cash that would be great
if there's a second be cash by the way I think that would be great the more the
merrier and you know they would become more
legitimate they would become more legitimate having their own up crypto
dividend come from them I mean I consider a coin to be more legitimate if
if people are willing to for a crimp of dividend from it so you know what be
cash you know love it or hittin it it's more legitimate than something like
Ripple I mean it's big it's a it's a form of
Bitcoin now they it was an unfriendly fork but it's out there whatever I still
remember I don't tell you to buy that stuff but I'm just telling you what's
about to happen in our in our ecosystem here bitcoin is going to drop in price
most likely because of all the 2x fund and B cash will be further pumped by all
the because there is a big PCAST community out there in Asia in the
United State wherever it's gonna get pumped but then it'll probably dumped
again so but yeah the Koreans are obviously getting into it and they don't
they don't see it the same way as people in our little bubble here see it I've
covered this before but why not much them again ok here
Alistair Milne has a great tweet and you should follow alistair million he's got
a lot of great tweets actually coinbase users sign ups have accelerate again to
50,000 a day or 1.5 million per month and that's data from the last four days
so it's not just institutional money is pouring in in here there are regular
people who have a fear of missing out they're pouring into it right now as the
price gets higher they hear more about it they want to get it they think like
they just want to get in on it but again who would think when it drops down the
5,000 they'll be the ones complaining and stuff but will be the ones with the
strong frickin hands hey and I'll be the happiest guy in the world if he doesn't
drop the 5,000 and then I won't have to deal with all the panic because it even
despite all my warnings I know I'm gonna get a lot of people say oh the two exes
ruined everything it's over oh my god so I really don't want it to drop the 5,000
but I fully expected you so uh and again why does it matter to me iam not son any
of it until after the after the having in 2020 and I'm probably not gonna sell
any of it then anyway because I'm such a strong frickin hand I'll be talking
about 2020 for having by the time 2019 comes around anyway but there is a
lesson from yesterday I want to point out again just in case you didn't get it
I was talking about don't buy a house right now with your
Bitcoin don't do anything with your Bitcoin you know use your Fiat and rent
you get a really good house but don't end up with zero Bitcoin and a mortgage
in 2020 when you could have more than 32 Bitcoin worth and uh when you could have
32 bitcoins now and and have it worth a lot more in 2020 so don't give up if you
have and I've seen 32 Bitcoin because maybe that's how much it costs to buy a
house right now if you're one of the people who happens to have that or
happens to have an amount where you can sell it and then have a big mortgage you
know keep your Bitcoin and you're gonna have that same amount of Bitcoin in 2020
it's going to be worth a lot more than it is today
and then maybe you can buy a house or something just like and again maybe a
Bitcoin then who know maybe don't be worth a house may be worth a car so you
know obviously I'm gonna there be things I'm gonna have to take care of in my
life in 2020 so yeah maybe I'll get rid of one or two of them I haven't real I
haven't voted out I'm such a strong hand I don't even think know what I would buy
used to buy Bitcoin with in 2020 I don't know what I'm such a strong hand
presently I can't imagine giving up any of my Bitcoin but you know that life
will who knows who knows the life will be a lot different in 2020 I'll but I'm
looking forward to it I'm looking forward to it but never rush life that's
another lesson it goes by really fast I feel like I was just in college I feel
like I was just partying at a the auto part you're not in Baltimore with all my
buddies everything guys some of the guys are married now or have kids so like
life goes by real fast don't rush twenty twenty have a strong
hand now enjoy I mean I'm living at all I'm just living off of my lip I need
your cash holdings I'm really you got to have frugal lifestyle that's why you got
to learn about these different types of lifestyles that's why you have you can't
be tempted by all this crazy hyper consumers
all right well I'm actually going to go back to the national pastime I'm going
to see who wins the World Series pound that like button yeah that's my one vice
baseball the Orioles go Orioles we all have our little places all right i'm
adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe
this channel eggs as new shows when you do check out the new section below i'll
say hi to you in the chat and watch the the ball game
Американцы Слушают Русскую Музыку: OXXXYMIRON, PHARAOH, ЭЛДЖЕЙ, NOIZE MC, НОГУ СВЕЛО, MARKUL, JEEMBO - Duration: 26:06.-------------------------------------------
TORQUAY & THE GREAT OCEAN ROAD - Duration: 10:52.G'day a all it's Dash here
I hope you all well
Thank you for subscribing to my channel
It's a nice sunny day today, at 22°
Gonna be driving down to Torquay, the surfing capital of Australia
and then down to Lorne via the Great Ocean Road
Just down at the surfing village
There's like I can say
you not just buy surfboards or just swimwear
There's clothes
There's snowboarding, all that stuff
Rip Curl, Billabong
Quiksilver, Blunt, all these brands
So anyway let's check it out
Now I'm just going to do a cruise around Torquay, and then heading down to Lorne
I'm just standing down the corner of Pearl and Gilbert Street
This is actually ah
Or say the port of Torquay, or the original part of Torquay
So I'm gonna walk along Gilbert Street
This is Torquay's main beach
This is where I usually go for a swim or bodyboard at the summer times, or on hot or really warm days
The start of the Great Ocean Road
Now I'm gonna go to Bells Beach so I'm gonna turn left here
This is bells beach
This is where the professional surfers from all over the world come down to compete
at the end of March or in April
Not sure if you all seen this 1991 action movie Point Break
starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze
But there was one scene that was based on Torquay and Bells Beach
Yeah wonder, this could be one of Mick Fanning's footprints
Back onto the Great Ocean Road
Okay, I'm just down at Lorne.
This is the place where they usually held the annual
Mountain to Surf Run and the Pier to Pub swim events
Well I can say I'm considering to do the Mountain to Surf run in January
Also I've been many times seeing the Pier to Pub swim with my mates
This is it's beach
Also to say The Falls Music Festival is usually held down at Lorne Christmas time
Believe it is quite good, although it can get wild or crazy at times
There's two ways you can go back to Geelong
either on the Great Ocean Road straight ahead,
or to left on Dean Marsh Road, which takes you to the M1 freeway,
so I decide to go that way
So that is all
Thank you for watching
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