Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

PooPiSoN: Gonna fight right?

LekMaluco: O MAN

Levinovisk: Rock next to the left side here

LekMaluco: My materials ended up

Levinovisk: Where the dude at?.

LekMaluco: My materials ended up

LekMaluco: Put the floor

LekMaluco: Put the floor So we can go there

PooPiSoN: The FLoor...

PooPiSoN: Done!

PooPiSoN: Empty!

LekMaluco: Well it worked!

PooPiSoN:: Worked Worked

LekMaluco: To the left

PooPiSoN: Got nothing

PooPiSoN: And now?

LekMaluco: Now we S@#T on ma D@!#!

PooPiSoN: OMG how we change....

LekMaluco: My life just passed by

PooPiSoN: I believe!!! OMG!

PooPiSoN: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levi; He has no hitpoints

PooPiSoN: OMG!!

PooPiSoN: Im.. IM in THE WATER

PooPiSoN: F@#$ing S!@T there is a dude here


PooPiSoN: O MY

Levinovisk Where Where Where?


PooPiSoN:: Dont think he can see me..

Levinovisk: GOGOGOGO


LekMaluco: My Gawd Levi!!

LekMaluco: My Gawd LEVI NO NO NO

Levinovisk: MY GAWDDDD!!

PooPs: Where we going?

Levinovisk: Check this out

Levinovisk: Its goin to be the same call again again!

Levinovisk: Here Here at the lake

PooPiSoN: So if we dont land first we run?

Levinovisk: No we kill!!

Levinovisk: PooPiSoN its all about the kills!!

Levinovisk: To make the viewers happy!!

PooPiSoN: Rush 20 kills? ok..

Levi: Rush 20 killz

Levi: its gonna be new episodes for the channel

PooPs: ok ok rush 20

Levi: This is da first video of the series!

Levi: The FIRST VID !!!

PooPs: Rush 20 kills!!

PooPs: 20 kills errr try WT

PooPs: Where am i again?

Levi: err.. wt was it?

Levi: Get Big or die trying?

PooPs: Get get 20 or die trying!

PooPs: Get 20 or die trying

Levi: Its gonna be the name of the episodes

Levi: Gonna be the name of the episodes

Levi: Good good good good

Levi: Get 20 kills or die trying

PooPs:: Oh Levinovisk gonna be 50 Centavos?

Both: 50 CENTAVOs?

PooPs:: Look Im down down

PooPs: U ok ok ok?

Levi: U drop there... I will drop at other side


Levi: He got the pistol!! OUCH!

PooPs: Im Coming Coming!!

PooPs: Where he at?



PooPs: Chill OUT!!! Chill out chill out

PooPs: Chill out chill out

PooPs: Ohh He is some deep S!#T

PooPs: Killed killed Killed Killed killed Killed

Levi: Good Good good

Levi: Marked 19

Levi: 19 19 19

PooPs: Where where where?

PooPs: Wt??

PooPs: WTF is 19???????

Levi: NO no no

Levi: I mean we got 19 kills left!

Levi: Is he shooting at you?

PooPs: No

Levi: His at the Roof. They at the roof

PooPs: Im coming Im Coming!

PooPs: Im goin in

Levi: Lekmaluco u back? u back Lek?

Lek: Im B


PooPs: OMG!

Levi: ITS HIM!!!

PooPs: Kill him kill him kill him

Levi: Got him!

PooPs: Good good good good

Levi: Killed him!

PooPs: Calm down calm down

Levi: 2 ... 2 killz

PooPs: 2 killz 2 killz

PooPs: Wait Wait wait

Lek: 18 left

Lev: Left 18 Left 18 18 18

Levi: im croutching here

PooPs: Plz dont touch MABUTT


Levi: Oooh Gimme those delicious small A$$ of urs

PooPs: O N ONO

PooPs: I just got Touched

Levi: Stand up stand up

Levi: Get this get this

Levi: Get heal get heal behind you

PooPs: Oh God

Levi:Think there is someone there?

PooPs: I think there is no one

Levi: No one

PooPs: No one

Levi: No one No One

PooPs: Im hearing something is it You?

PooPs: is it You? You? You?

Levi: Its me me me me me

Lek: ninja

PooPs: Ninja


Levi: There is someone here in the water!

Levi: here here here here

PooPs: Where where where where

Lek: kill kill kill kill



PooPs: What the?!

PooPs: I got bandages.. bandages

Levi: Im goin to die!

Bandages Bandages

Levi: I will try to kill her gonna try

PooPs: Which button was to drop item..

PooPs: Drop bandages like this?

PooPs: Bandages Bandages Bandages

PooPs: Dont know where he at

PooPs: Yea Found him gonna shoot him

Levi: Got him !! Got him!

PooPs: Bandages Bandages Bandages

Levi: My Lord.. Gimme Bandages

PooPs: Im goin to rush him

Levi: Tnx Tnx Tnx

Levi: No You cant kill him in the water

Levi: Wait and let water take his life

Levi: Let´s wait

Levi: Wait

Levi: Wait and all we gotta do is aim here somewhere

Levi: If someone tries to help her we kill him

Levi: OMG I Got HiT

Levi: He shoot me!!

Levi: O NO! He got me from behind

Levi: His at behind and at right side right side

Levi: There at the tree tree

Levi: Kill ME!!

Levi: And take my weapons

Levi: Kill me Kill me Kill me


Levi: KILLME!!


PooPs: Where you at??

Levi: Im behind you .. From behind PooPiSoN!

Lek: You goin to stay there right?

Levi: Im Sliding here CUZ IM Slimy

Levi: Behind the car PooPiSoN

Levi: Shes Healing wait no Shes coming for you

Levi: There to the left!! Your Leftside!

Levi: Nice nice!! Heal me heal me!

PooPs: OMG!!

Levi: PooPiSoN

Levi: PooPiSon you played great! PooPiSoN

PooPs: I dont know how to play this thing

PooPs: I almost said the other word


PooPs: Profissionale?

PooPs: Bandages Bandages

PooPs: Get those

Levi: I got no bandages

Levi: We gotta take her down.. need to take her down

PooPs: Kill her! Where she at?

PooPs: Kill her but where is she?

Levi: Yo there is a dude over here at the RIVER!

PooPs: OMG dude there are more ppl around?

Levi: Wow i never thought you can build stuff inside the water.. Man broke my wall

PooPs: Dude I got no ammo!






Levi: PooPiSoN PooPiSoN



PooPs: I got 3 hp my God

PooPs: Gonna get all this and getting out of here

PooPs: Bye

PooPs: My Oh My

PooPs: Hey! If you kill me...

Levi: I did it I got two bandages

PooPs: And you... DUDE I GOT NOTHING

Levi: Im gonna give a bandage out of two bandages

Levi: one for you and one for me

Levi: Ha! I had two

Levi: Lets get out of here out..

Levi: Dudes we are here.., we are here

Levi: PooPiSoN killed 3 and I killed two


Levi: Care PooPiSoN Run

PooPs: NO NO NO it was me.. me

Levi: Was you?

PooPs: me.

Levi: Run PooPiSoN

Levi: Imma getting out of here ..out of here

Levi: I Dont Know where we suppose to go

PooPs: Dude well.. listen..

PooPs: O NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

Levi: Got Hit from Behind Run! RUN!!

PooPs: No No Zigzag ZigzingzingZag

Levi: I got hit and have 12 hp 12

PooPs: Zigzigzigzag

PooPs; Im dead dead

PooPs: Im coming coming coming coming

PooPs: Dont show yourself dont

Levi; PooPiSoN died..

Levi: PooPiSoN! IM goin to fight but first gonna hide behind the rock

PooPiSoN: You gonna...I think you gonna die

Levi: Still got time time

PooPiSoN: I think you gonna die

Levi: Got time

Levi: Imma gonna hide here and i got 2 bullets

Got two ammo here

PooPs: The guy saw you he saw you

Levi: TWO BULLETs 2 bullets PooPiSoN!



Levi: He killed me with sniper

PooPs: Here no right?

Lek: Only places with raids

Levi: Only places with raids after that we go for the cirites

PooPs: WOW we got ppl raining from the skies

Levi: yea this game is like that and I like to play this mode cuz its fun

Levi: Its funny as hell

PooPs: CARACA (I was goin to say Caralho which is D@#K in Portuguese) Dude

PooPs: Wow i just said CARACA my God

PooPs: You guys gonna drop here?

Lek: Yea

Levi: Yes yes yes yes

PooPs: or we going middle?


PooPs: O no no no no there is some crazy dude here

Levi: The game gave me

Levi: This game already gave me the bricks..

Levi: This is a bad sign for the future lives.


PooPs: Oh Bullets Bullets bullets

PooPs: Wow why does it have to be bullets man..

Lek: There is a box over here

PooPs: Yo who is this?

PooPs: Did you guys got something there on top?

PooPs: I only got Medkit here

Lek: I got..

Lev: Oh I got a pistol a pistol here PooPiSoN

PooPs: Ok ok ok

PooPs: Just gimme wtever you have.. I shoot

PooPs: My Gawd

PooPs: You just gave me the most powerful weapon of this game

Levi: 20 Kills

PooPs: Its not even revolver and.. ooo

PooPs: Im hearing something

PooPs: Im hearing something

Levi: im Lagging

Levi: Im laggin im B im B

PooPs: Im hearing something

Lek: There is a shotgun near the base the base

PooPs: Im hearing something

PooPs: I think..

Levi: I have already got 69

Levi: I got 69

PooPs: I think ppl are fighting over there

PooPs: Who is beating my CAR?

PooPs: Get away from my CaR! DuDE!

PooPs: OUT!!!

Levi: Your Car is gone

PooPs: NOOO!!

Levi: Your Car is gone!! man



PooPs: Was it Honda Civic?

PooPs: Wait it was Santana right?

Levi: Was .. A Santana

PooPs: Someone is Shooting

PooPs: Go Go GO!

PooPs: Lets move to get more LooTs

PooPs: Im the latest one here

PooPs: Dude I am goin to farm here

PooPs: Woods

PooPs: Gravy

PooPs: Gasoline

PooPs: Gimme this pistol too

PooPs: Gonna get this Shot-Gun can I?

Levi: Sure sure

Levi: Hold up im gonna make the calls

Levi: Here we got the bus and there are 3 boxes on it

Lek: Come here PooPiSoN.. Here check this out

Levi: Im gonna break your cars

PooPs: Not that weapon

PooPs: I dont want that thing

PooPs: That thing

PooPs: Is for the WEAK

PooPs: Who is Shooting?

Lek: Suppose to break right?

Levi: It Was LekMaluco

PooPs: Spend MOAR bullets.. You gonna take 2 bullets at Ur face just like Levi last time

PooPs: So wt we doing now?

Levi: Whoever comes here will be like

Levi: Dude the place wasnt spawned yet

PooPs: Go?

Levi: True True its only the residents.. Aw I GoT HiT

PooPs: Where?

PooPs: I got hit one ma head

PooPs: Up there up there up there

Levi: Stop LeK

PooPs: Who who? wasnt at the top?

Levi: Nah it was Lek was LekMaluco

PooPs: Why did u do that LEK? U MAD?

Levi: Cuz his MADKID (LekMaluko meaning)

PooPs: Look at my health My god DUDE!

PooPs: Im goin to use this thing

Lek: Here here take this

PooPs: I have Med KIT

LeK: O ok cool

Levi: You gotta force us use MedKits in the beginning of the game right LeK?

PooPs: Yea Its good

PooPs: Nice TeamPlay

PooPs: People Plz Report this player

Whoever is watching this video

Levi: It will be on the Episodes of the Channel 20 killz we got 45 left

PooPs: ooo Nice wts this?

PooPs: Dude,, Dudes,,, I dont have problem with weapons

PooPs: I can kill them with Bakery Weapons (Low Tier Weapons)

Levi: Weapons of...

PooPs: Baker

Lek: There are people

Lek: I just shot hit once

PooPs: Behind Behind Behind Behind

Lek: Got him twice three four

Lek: You stole my kill I hit him 4 and you just hit him once

Lek: Gonna rush these guys...

PooPs: Gimme Cover Gimme Cover

PooPs: Im Going

Lek: I knocked out one more

PooPs: One more one more one more



PooPs: Kill him with the knife dont you have any knives?

Levi: We gotta kill more ppl

PooPs: Look look look did you see?

Levi: Where Where Where

PooPs: Nah it just was a tree

PooPs: I thought I just saw something

PooPs: Is it Bush?

PooPs: o yea we got bushes now right?

Levi: yea bush can move now

PooPs: hmm must be careful

Levi: Where Where Where

PooPs: I dont know man i think i lost him

PooPs: I thought I saw something

PooPs: Between 75 and stuff

Levi: We gotta go here

PooPs: o no no no no.. I think im Seeing Stuff

PooPs: Dude there is A MushRoom over Here WTF is this

Levi: What mushroom

PooPs: There is a Mushroom

PooPs: Whose that nope its a tree

PooPs: My God Im Seeing Some Stuff

Levi: Seeing Stuff

Levi: So you smoke ? smoke right?

PooPs: No no no no i dont smoke today

PooPs: But i dont Smoke no more

PooPs: I quit Smoking

PooPs: its bad for your health

PooPs: Understood Kids?

PooPs: It is unhealty for you to smoke

PooPs: Cuz it shrinks the size of your thingy

PooPs: Look here Did u see that? did you?

Levi: No i didnt

Levi: Dude Stop scaring ME!!!

PooPs: There ARE LoT Of MushRooms Here man

Levi: Think Im lost here

PooPs: Wait Imma gonna check top

Levi: Ow Ow

Levi: That scared me!!!.. Im dead

PooPs: Noooo...



Levi: Dude they at the little cabin over there

Levi: No not there

PooPs: Yea i know

Levi: Kill them They gonna come out

Levi: They inside the cabin

Levi: At the bottom bottom

Levi: Yea that one they are inside

Levi: They are inside

Levi: Just go! Go ahead crouching

PooPs: Dude dude F#$K this

Levi: Revenge Revenge

Levi: Go crouching Dont Run

Levi: Stop stop stop stop running

PooPs: Why?

Levi: They are taking my items

Levi: Cuz you gonna make noises go crouching crouching yea yea

Levi: They put my trap up dont go inside the house

Levi: There!!!

PooPs: Meh I died

PooPs: He had shield too

Levi: Yea yea yea

Levi: That scared me you should have seen my face

For more infomation >> FORTO NAITO #1 Cogumelo-NITE (MUSHROOM-NITE) - Duration: 15:56.


The Kidnap (2018) Official trailer - D.A.D.D Productions - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> The Kidnap (2018) Official trailer - D.A.D.D Productions - Duration: 1:58.


The Biggest Brightest Flashlights of 2017 Year End Buying Guide. Also Christmas and Holidays. - Duration: 7:06.

Christmas is coming or Hanukkah, or you just have bad spending habits, which is why your

main youtube viewing is dumb product comparisons like this.

So I'd thought I'd put together a list of recommendations of lights I have reviewed,

to help you find the right big lumen light you have to hide from your significant other

or roomate who needs the rent money.

Some of these lights were released up to a few years ago and some have been released

this year.

This is not all flashlights, just ones I have reviewed, tested and like the best.

7000 lumens with a good tint from 2 years ago is still better than a 2000 lumen light

from this year with an ugly tint right?

We'll devide it into 3 basic sections.

3000-10000 lumens.

10000-20000 lumens, and above 20000 lumens.

On your mark get set go!

Ok 3000-10000 lumens.

I get it your sort of on a budget.

I'll give you 3 or 4 here.

First at about $60 is the Convoy L6.

It uses lithium ion rechargeables, is big, bright and has a dual switch easy to use interface,

a hard on off switch on it's tail and a mode changing switch up front.

This one gets you in the mid 3000 lumen range, and is built extremely well.

It'll illuminate stuff a few hundred feet out or less very well.

Check out my review of this light for full details.

To do this easily just search advanced knife bro and convoy L6.

For the rest just search for my name and the product.

I'll also link them below the video.

Next up is a $50-$70 light if you have a coupon the BLF Q8.

It has a great neutral tint, and a cool ramping feature brightness adjustment.

It's easy to use, and runs off 4 18650 batteries.

It's a versatile light that gives you choices from very very dim to 5200 lumens.

It's beam doesn't quite reach as far in the distance as the Convoy L6, but it's brighter.

And lastly in this section is the Noctigon Meteor at 7200 lumens.

This light is awesome, but the user interface requires you to use shortcuts mostly- so if

you hate reading quick operation manuals because you still can't read then maybe skip this


This light is several years old now, but it's compact, and extremely well engineered and

cool looking if that's a descriptor that could be applied unironically to a flashlight.

But ironically works too.

It's about $130.

And how about the Storm of Ra.

This light is a beast and with the longest beam distance here, and super easy operation.

It's not practical and not a rough and tumble light- meaning don't drop it, but it has active

cooling and burns though batteries quickly.

The coolest light really in the whole video, and puts a smile on my face every time I whip

it out.

It's $350 light, so not for ramen eaters.

Now again video is an overview- watch all of these reviews where I test the manufacturer

lumen claims and a lot of the runtimes and show you how they're used.

This is a click bait video.

10000-20000 lumen range.

Most people don't need lights this bright.

And I'll pare it down to only 2 lights.

First the Thrunite TN36 2017 edition, which is just over 10000 lumens but I chose this

because it has an easy to use user interface like the BLF Q8.

It is a cool whit tint only and comes in a bundle with batteries and a charger- all lights

in this video you'll need to buy a battery and charger separately except this one, which

this kit will set you back like $250.

This is probably my least overall favorite light in this bunch though because I like

some of my less bright lights in the last section more and it comes in a cool white

tint only- but mostly because I owned brighter lights before I reviewed this one.

Next is the 140000 lumen Acebeam X45 about a $240 light.

It takes 4 18650 batteries and comes in a neutral or cool tint.

I reviewed the neutral but it seems some people say the cool tint has a slight green cast

to it.

I would go with the Neutral if I were you, which is a touch on the warm side.

It's a substantial light and 14000 lumens lights up my whole large backyard.


If you needed a bit more throw you might try the imalent DT70 which I also reviewed but

it only comes in a cool tint and is less bright overall.

And finally in the biggest lumen range over 20,000 lumens my favorite light is the Imalent

DX80 which comes in over 30,000 lumens.

The light is massive and has a built in battery and charging system.

You can get it for about $380 or sometimes in the mid to high $200 if you can find an

online coupon.

This is literally the current brightest factory built verified lumens light you can buy as

of November 2017.

It is an insane amount of light.

Check out my review for that for full beamshot comparisons.

You're like why didn't you pick the Acebeam X80... well it's about 10000 lumens dimmer,

gets hot way to fast in your hand and has gimmicky colored LEDs.

I don't hate it, but this is a better light.

You need a lot of mass in a flashlight to help disperse the heat generated by 32000


Ok so check the description for links to reviews of these lights.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> The Biggest Brightest Flashlights of 2017 Year End Buying Guide. Also Christmas and Holidays. - Duration: 7:06.


Horóscopo hoy, 20 de noviembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo hoy, 20 de noviembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:41.


KICKED OUT OF NBA GAME (Lauri Markkanen is GIANT!) - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> KICKED OUT OF NBA GAME (Lauri Markkanen is GIANT!) - Duration: 12:31.


"Desafio RENZZI" Minha Apresentação - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> "Desafio RENZZI" Minha Apresentação - Duration: 3:04.


Scientists Create A Magnetic "Wormhole" That Connects Two Regions of Space - Duration: 4:56.

Scientists Create A Magnetic �Wormhole� That Connects Two Regions of Space

Wormholes are fascinating (but theoretical) cosmological objects that can connect two

distant regions of the universe. They would allow one to create �shortcuts� through

space in order to travel vast distances in a shorter period of time. They are predicted

by the general Theory of Relativity, and are what Einstein referred to as �bridges�

through space-time. Wormholes are mathematically predicted, if not proven, and a new study

illustrates how scientists have taken these theoretical anomalies � which many physicists

believe to be real � and created one for themselves.

Researchers in Spain, from the physics department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona

in 2015, actually created a magnetic wormhole in a lab that tunnels a magnetic field through


Using matematerials and metasurfaces, our wormhole transfers the magnetic field from

one point in space to another through a path that is magnetically undetectable. We experimentally

show that the magnetic field from a source at one end of the wormhole appears at the

other end as an isolated magnetic monopolar field, creating the illusion of a magnetic

field propagating through a tunnel outside the 3D space.

Just to be clear, the manufactured wormhole is not able to transport matter, it�s able

to transport a magnetic field from a physical object by having it disappear at one point,

and then reappear at another, which is still very significant in the world of science.

The wormhole is invisible to the human eye, but it�s a sphere made up of of an outer

ferromagnetic surface, an inner superconducting layer, and then a ferromagnetic sheet rolled

into a cylinder internally. Here is a picture of what it would look like to us:

Prior to this accomplishment, the researchers were able to create a tunnel to transport

magnetic fields. What makes this finding so much more interesting is the fact that again,

because of materials used to build the wormhole, they�ve managed to keep the magnetic field

completely invisible.

This result is strange enough in itself, as magnetic monopoles do not exist in nature.

The overall effect is that of a magnetic field that appears to travel from one point to another

through a dimension that lies outside the conventional three dimensions.

Alvar Sanchez, the lead researcher, said that the magnetic wormhole is an analogy of the

bigger, theoretical gravitational ones that are commonly used in science fiction. Despite

this, there is still, according to modern day science, no way to know if similiar magnetic

wormholes exist throughout space.

A paper that was recently published in the Annals of Physics offers mathematical evidence

that a massive black hole in our galaxy is actually a wormhole. If this is true, it should

be possible for humans to navigate it

Our result is very important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes in most

of the spiral galaxies.

What�s the significance here? Well, if a device can take a magnetic field from one

spot to another, it could have a number of medical applications. For example, it would

be possible to take pictures of the body with a strong magnet placed far away, releasing

people from having to endure the small, tight environment of an MRI machine, not to mention

the radiation that goes along with it.

It�s always fun to think about wormholes, anything that�s dominated the realm of science-fiction

that has a practical chance of actually being real is exciting. The search for extraterrestrial

life right now is at an all time high and Earth has never seen such an interest in ET

life like this before, which is why this area of theoretical physics is so well known to

the general public.

I�m going to leave you with this quote to give you something to think about. I�ve

used it before so I apologize if you�ve already come across it.

�There is another way, whether it�s wormholes, or warping space, there�s got to be a way

to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they�re

[extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.� � Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor

Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska

For more infomation >> Scientists Create A Magnetic "Wormhole" That Connects Two Regions of Space - Duration: 4:56.


COD WW2 GLITCHES 6 Best Online Glitches and Spots To Know About! - Duration: 7:38.

Don't Forget to Check Out BdeepXbX Out

Channel Link Is In The Description & Comment's

For more infomation >> COD WW2 GLITCHES 6 Best Online Glitches and Spots To Know About! - Duration: 7:38.





Don't Stop Believin' - Postmodern Jukebox (Vintage One-Take Journey Cover) - Duration: 4:22.

Just a small town girl

living in a lonely world.

She took the midnight train

going anywhere

Just a city boy

Born and raised in South Detroit

He took the midnight train going anywhere

A singer in a smoky room

A smell of wine and cheap perfume

For a smile they can share the night

It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard

Their shadows searching in the night

Streetlight people, living just to find emotion

Hiding, somewhere in the night

Working to get my fill

Everybody wants a thrill

Payin' anything to roll the dice

Just one more time

Some will win, some will lose

Some were born to sing the blues

Oh, the movie never ends

It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard

Their shadows searching in the night

Streetlight people, living just to find emotion

Hiding somewhere in the night

Don't stop believing

Hold on to the feeling

Streetlight people

Don't stop believing

Hold on to that feeling

Streetlight people

Don't stop believing, hold on to the feeling

Streetlight people

Don't stop Believin

Streetlight people

For more infomation >> Don't Stop Believin' - Postmodern Jukebox (Vintage One-Take Journey Cover) - Duration: 4:22.


WWE Tease Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn To RAW?! Top Star INJURED! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2017 - Duration: 4:14.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis, and I want to be the first


Triple H Wins Survivor Series ...congratulate Triple H for winning Survivor

Series 2017.

The Game managed to beat both Raw and Smackdown in the 5-on-5 elimination match main event,

despite being on Team Raw.

Don't worry - Braun Strowman's just as confused at WWE's booking as we are.

But while one fan might see this as McMahon family narcissistic booking, director and

occasional WWE creative consultant Max Landis praised the angle for its long term character

consistency: "Triple H backstabbing a young star to steal

his place on a team, then turning on that team to self destructively prove a point,

then literally crying in terror of a young star, then trying to attack that star and

getting laid out is the most Triple H thing ever to happen."

"He is the most consistently written and longest running character in television history.

A scared, angry, extremely dangerous person trapped by anxiety and fear on a lifelong

quest to prove he something he's not."

While his NXT protegees Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Roode, Finn Balor and Samoa Joe were

four of the first five people to be eliminated, Triple H did put over Braun Strowman strong

in the post-match angle, though, continuing to sell Braun's running powerslams when

walking up the ramp - where, still dazed, he comically walked straight into the video


Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn To WWE Raw?

Before Stephanie helped her husband out of the arena, though, she was taking advantage

of the dual-brand pay-per-view by potentially courting members of the Smackdown roster to


After their kickoff match victory over Breezeango, Owens and Zayn were interviewed backstage

for a exclusive, where Sami said: "We saw Stephanie McMahon a minute ago,

and you know what - on Raw, I had lots of problems with Stephanie McMahon, but now after

dealing with Shane, I can say that Stephanie was a de-light in retrospect."

Stephanie herself then wandered over and told them:

"I'm sorry you've been put in this position.

I hope that my brother recognizes both of you for the true talent that you are."

Owens, of course, has a history with The Authority, being handpicked by Triple H to win last Summer's

vacant Universal Championship, and KO and Zayn are currently feuding with Stephanie's

sibling arch-nemesis Shane.

The video title teases the two's Raw move even further, not so-subtly being called:

"Owens & Zayn consider a move to Raw after a backstage meeting with Stephanie McMahon".

The rumoured post-Summerslam Superstar Shake-Up never really happened outside of Bobby Roode's

main roster call-up, so perhaps WWE are considering a few roster trades following the last big

pay-per-view of 2017.

Top WWE Star Injured For a moment, that was the leading theory

behind why Drew McIntyre lost his NXT Championship at Saturday's TakeOver WarGames show - with

many speculating he lost the title to Andrade 'Cien' Almas because he was being re-called

up to the main roster.

But whatever the future plans are for Drew, it looks like they'll now have to be put

on hold.

Wrestling Observer Radio are reporting that Andrade won the NXT Championship as planned,

but McIntyre got injured by the final DDT spot of the match, seemingly holding onto

the top rope for slightly too long and hurting his arm - which is why he looked so frustrated

in the ring following the finish.

Both Triple H and McIntyre himself have since confirmed the injury, with Drew telling

"I felt something go in my arm, my bicep/elbow area... from experience, I know it's probably

not good, but I won't know anything official until I talk to the doctor."

He will be undergoing an MRI soon to confirm the severeness of the injury, which is feared

to be a torn bicep.

If he does require surgery, he could be looking at 3-6 months out for recovery.

Watch my review of Survivor Series 2017!

And have WWE failed to create new top stars?

Click the videos to find out more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk - order issue 1 of

the WrestleTalk Magazine now.

I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> WWE Tease Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn To RAW?! Top Star INJURED! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2017 - Duration: 4:14.


Cartoons for Children😃About Prepositions for Kids First Grade. Reading and Writing Education Videos - Duration: 3:17.

Cartoons for Children😃About Prepositions for Kids First Grade. Reading and Writing Education Videos

For more infomation >> Cartoons for Children😃About Prepositions for Kids First Grade. Reading and Writing Education Videos - Duration: 3:17.


やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「山手線と陰陽師の深い関係」 ミスター都市伝説 関暁夫 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「山手線と陰陽師の深い関係」 ミスター都市伝説 関暁夫 - Duration: 3:20.


inter Milan vs Atalanta 2-0 sportnieuws youtube online 20 November 2017 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> inter Milan vs Atalanta 2-0 sportnieuws youtube online 20 November 2017 - Duration: 1:07.


VLOG : Japan day 1 - Duration: 1:45.

good morning

it's currently


and we're at burger king

and like breakfast haven't start yet

I slept at like 12

and then I woke up

we just landed

we're just waiting

for our bus service to come

we are gonna go to Tokyo tower

look at that

so pretty

For more infomation >> VLOG : Japan day 1 - Duration: 1:45.


HOLY SHIT CATS 2 - Duration: 2:47.

[swishy swishy fist times]

Oh no! The space cats are invading!

Wow! You are so brave and in good shape!

Thanks! Time to heroically sacrifice myself!

I'm pregnant!


Tom! I thought you were dead!

Also I'm black now.

So I see. I however have remained completely the same.

Well you have gained weight...


Tom, there's something I need to tell you.

Oh baby-




Quick! Celebrity best friend Batman! Use your psychic powers!


Oh no. Now that cat has Batman's psychic powers!

That's totally how that works.

And it's using them to control the minds of a profession stunt team!

Yes. That also makes sense.

Aha! We are stuntmen!

Yes! We will punch you now!

Urgh! He's so strong and attactive!

Why are the cats here?

Remember the Quantum Syntax Crystal of Felinium Five?

You mean this one?

No. This one.


They need it to open the Astrocat Space Hole!

And destroy Earth!


But that's where I parked the car!


He's killed me!


Oh! I'm dead!



Oh no!

Did you die?

Worse. I sold out.


Uurgh! My integrity!

Hey! I had our baby just now!

My son...


Have you been working out?


Tom, this script doesn't make any sense.


Hey you! This video was sponsored by the game Battle Cats which you can download for free in the description below.

It's got cats and they're battling! What more could you want?

For more infomation >> HOLY SHIT CATS 2 - Duration: 2:47.


DOFUS 2.45 : SOIN DU 1700 EN 1 TOUR, Variantes de Sorts , CRA & ENU #1 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> DOFUS 2.45 : SOIN DU 1700 EN 1 TOUR, Variantes de Sorts , CRA & ENU #1 - Duration: 3:05.


Primitive Technology: Termite clay kiln & pottery part 01 - Duration: 9:43.

Primitive Technology: Termite clay kiln & pottery part 1

For more infomation >> Primitive Technology: Termite clay kiln & pottery part 01 - Duration: 9:43.


Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) - Playthrough |20.5| SKINERI CAM {EN} - Duration: 11:14.

What you see now is a rendering bug that Vegas causes for me now if I try to do anything that needs hardware acceleration.

There is like 11 secret places there. Including a catapult. But I cannot remember them, unfortunately. :(

The enemies are getting stuck.

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