Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017


I'm Terrence Green

and this is my dance journey.


I'm from this little town called York, PA.

I never really had dreams of dancing.

I was a star on the basketball court.

That was my place of freedom.

High school ended way too fast and I just had

to figure something out.

So, I ended up taking a trip to Atlanta

and linking up with a dance crew

called Swagger Crew.

And we were able to get on "America's Best Dance Crew."

People are like, "Your dancing is bomb."

I said I might be able to do something with it,

so it just started going.

Ended up booking a role on "Footloose."

Happy as shit.

My mom's happy, everyone's happy.

Then, out of nowhere...

my brother dies.

That was probably, like, the hardest thing

I've ever had to go through.

I had locked myself in the house.

I had nightmares.

I felt like...

everything was just falling apart.

That's when I realized that,

when you lose somebody close to you...

you start to value life more.

So, it's, like, one day, I went to church

and I started to see a little light.

I just know my life involved

making stories come to life.

After church, I go to this diner,

and I had a nervous breakdown.

It's so bad, I can't even hide it.

I mean, tears just coming down.

Some lady comes in and she's like,

"Terrence?" I'm like, "Yeah?"

She's like, "I know you don't know me,

"but I just wanna say

"keep going.

"Something's going to work for you."

I walked outside, I got in the car.

Two seconds later, my phone rings.

"'Step Up' wants you."

I'm gonna cry.

You deserve it, man.

You deserve it.

I didn't know what it meant.

I didn't know what was gonna happen.

I just knew that everything I went through made sense.


I know where I come from.

I know what I overcame.

When I'm gone,

people are gonna be like, "Damn...

"that dude was wildin'."


"But he did everything he said he was gonna do."

When you talk about me,

you're gonna need a lot of time...

'cause I'm gonna give you a lot of sh*t to talk about.


For more infomation >> My Dance Journey | Terrence Green - Duration: 2:48.


Girls Night 2 | Horror Short | Killer Promo - Duration: 2:12.

After "Girls Night", David Teixeira introduces his new film

With the special appearence of

Written, Produced and Directed by

Get ready. HE'S COMING BACK!

For more infomation >> Girls Night 2 | Horror Short | Killer Promo - Duration: 2:12.


ISLAMIC POWERFUL REMINDER BANGLA, আপনি এই কাজটি না করলে টয়লেটে মারা যেতে পারেন ! - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> ISLAMIC POWERFUL REMINDER BANGLA, আপনি এই কাজটি না করলে টয়লেটে মারা যেতে পারেন ! - Duration: 1:42.


6 Qualities that make a woman more attractive - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 6 Qualities that make a woman more attractive - Duration: 2:50.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি সংবাদ ২১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Independent Tv News - Duration: 11:02.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট টিভি সংবাদ ২১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Independent Tv News - Duration: 11:02.


Don't Be Tardy: The Littles Reveal Their Favorite Sibling (Season 6, Episode 9) | Bravo - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Don't Be Tardy: The Littles Reveal Their Favorite Sibling (Season 6, Episode 9) | Bravo - Duration: 1:11.


Top 10 WEIRDEST DINOSAURS That Roamed EARTH - Duration: 7:30.

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

You know, our world today is filled with some really strange critters, but if you think

that's unique to the quaternary period of the Cenozoic era, you'd be wrong.

Even the age of dinosaurs had its own rogues gallery of freakish and unusual creatures,

the top ten of which we've lined up for you in this Archive of the strangest dinosaurs

ever to have existed.

As we begin, subscribe to the channel and click the bell so you're notified automatically

whenever the Top10Archive team uploads a new video.


Incisivosaurus We know oviraptors as being lean, mean, carnivorous

machines, but this tiny beast, also known as the Incisor Lizard, may change what we

understand about the oviraptorsaur lineage.

The incisivosaurus is best recognized by its strange overbite and a pair of oversized,

rodent-like front teeth that hang over the lower jaw.

While menacing-looking, the Incisivosaurus was actually believed to have been part, if

not entirely, herbivorous.

Though only a skull 10 cm long has been recovered, estimations put the dinosaur's full size

at 3' (1 m).


Pegomastax Ark: Survival Evolved community members may

recognize this unusual beast for its thieving properties, but whether the pegomastax would

make a good modern pickpocket is not really known from its fossil records.

What we do know is that the possibly herbivorous bird-like dinosaur sported a short beak and

one enlarged tooth, possibly used as a means of defense.

When first discovered, the pegomastax made headlines as the "Dracula dinosaur" and

the "Fanged vampire parrot."


Qianzhousaurus It's nickname, Pinocchio rex, may make this

1,800 lb (800 kg), 29' (9 m)-long Cretaceous carnivore sound like child's play, but there's

no reason to believe it wouldn't make a meal out of you.

And when it does, you'd be dangling out of the dinosaur's most unique – and oddest

– feature, an elongated snout.

Unlike its cousin the Tyrannosaurus, the Pinocchio Rex isn't known for its powerful jaws, leaving

paleontologists questioning what its diet could have been.

While a longer snout often points to chowing down on fish, it's assumed Pinocchio, who

shared the land with the T-Rex, snacked on smaller dinosaurs.


Epidexipteryx What do you get when a mix a peacock with

an oviraptor?

You get the 1' (30 cm)-tall, 10" (25 cm)-long Epidexipteryx.

Its name, which means Display Feather, points to the tiny dino-bird's predominantly strange

feature – a series of ornate tail feathers believed to serve the same purpose as those

of a peacock.

The epidexipteryx was believed to have skittered about the ground during the Jurassic Period

and sported long, awkward arms that almost take the focus off its tail feathers.


Stygimoloch Sure, its name is weird, but we're more

distracted by its Satan-like horns protruding from the rear of its head.

A relative of the pacycephalosaurus, we understand the purpose of the domed head as a means of

protection in the big bad world of carnivorous giants, but those horns kind of make it look

like the rebellious teenager that opted for body augmentation to shock his parents.

In all seriousness, the strange horns weren't thought to be an added means of protection

but were used by males to compete for females.


Amargasaurus At first glance, the amargasaurus looks like

your standard sauropod, but that row of spikes on its head says differently.

The 32' (10 m)-long Amarga Lizard actually sports two rows of spikes which run from its

neck down to the end of its tail.

Why the strange sauropod sports any spikes is unknown, though researchers believe that

the larger set on its neck were either supports for a double sail or were covered by horns.

Other theories point to a defense mechanism or even simply as a means of display for species


Whatever the reason, they work in making the amargasaurus an oddball of a sauropod.


Concavenator Dinosaur names can be incredibly weird, like

the concavenator.

While it sounds like a scrapped model of terminator, the concavenator, or the hump backed hunter

from Cuenca (ˈkweŋ-kä), was a carnivorous member of the Cretaceous period.

Earning the theropod its name was a strange protrusion directly above its hip caused by

the extension of two presacral vertebrae.

Why it sported this hump is unknown, though researchers speculate it was a means of either

recognizing others within its species or enhancing thermo-regulation.


Mamenchisaurus We can all pretty much agree that giraffes,

while adorable, are pretty strange-looking animals, right?

If you're with us on it, then you'll probably think the same about the mamenchisaurus, a

sauropod from the Jurassic period.

At first glance, it looks like your standard sauropod, then things change when you start

to look at the numbers.

Growing upwards of 114' (35 m)-long, the mamenchisaurus' neck would make up about

half of that as it was usually the length of the body and tail combined.

Why its neck was so long is similar to why many buy those E-Z Grabber aids – so they

can reach everything around them without having to move.


Therizinosaurus This is nothing short of a living terror,

but when you get beyond how horrific and dangerous it looks, you start to see how strange the

therizinosaurus is.

A long neck, wide pot-bellied torso, giant claws that could tear into a bus – this

giant theropod is more of a failed science experiment than creature of nature.

Despite what its massive claws may indicate, the therizinosaurus was herbivorous and is

often compared to the now-extinct ground sloth.

Its unusual body build indicates that it may have traveled incredibly slow and maybe even

been a little on the lazier side.


Linhenykus Initially discovered in 1993, the mononykus

was recognizable by the distinct characteristic of not having actual hands, but a pair of

functional claws joined by non-functioning fingers.

Eighteen years later, a fossil was dug up in deposits located in Inner Mongolia and

what was discovered was even stranger than the mononykus.

Dubbed the linhenykus, this new specimen was similar to its cousin but had one notable

difference – where the mononykus had useless fingers, the linhenykus had nothing accompanying

its claw, making it the first one-fingered dinosaur ever known.

It's been proposed that the linhenykus – and it's clawed relatives – used their unique

appendages to dig in ant and termite nests.

Thanks for watching and we hope you found the info about these strange creatures interesting.

If so, give the video a like and leave a comment about which one captivated your attention.

And please subscribe to the channel.

If you think of yourself as a trivia guru on all things ancient and modern, head on

over to our second channel.

Either search "Test and Quiz Channel" on YouTube, or head over to our featured tab.

And, oh look! here's two more videos among the hundreds available on Top10Archive that

you can watch right now.

For more infomation >> Top 10 WEIRDEST DINOSAURS That Roamed EARTH - Duration: 7:30.


Melvin Is Magic - #03 Confetti Power - Duration: 3:32.

♫ Space, space, space, space ♫

♫ Star ! ♫

♫ Space, space, space, space ♫

♫ aaand zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom ♫

♫ Star ! ♫

♫ Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom ! ♫

♫ Star ! ♫


R : Melvin !

M : Owww. Rémi.

M : What happened ?

R : You have eaten a halluc1nogenic flower...

R : You were in a huge colored stellar trip Melvin !!

M : Okaaay

R : To bring you back among us ...

R : MMMmmmaaah I used this beautiful garden hose.


M : I have a big headache and ...

M : I still really want to pee, bordel !

R : Melvin, did you have visions ?

M : Yes.

M : I saw a porcelain toilet,

M : and my unicorn's ass was sit on it.

R : Melvin !

M : Ok ok !

M : I saw ...

M : I saw unicorns.

Of all the different colours

M : and of all the different mark

M : Except one I think...

M : And my mark ... in the vision ...

M : It was almost erased ?

R : Yes, all of this makes sense.

M : Oh and there was this unicorn too,

M : she was ...

M : really pretty

R : Mmmaaah you have to stop thinking with your horn Melvin !

M : You, of all people, say that ?!

M : First, you are not fucked to tell me where are the toilets

M : Second, If you go on,

M : I swear I'll go to the living room and

M : I'll go out my wee-wee and

[Technical difficulties]

Technical difficulties.

R : Well. Your musical trip mmmmh

R : confirm what I already knew Melvin

R : But you had no flashback.

M : No, just a stupid music that stays in your head.

M : Usual, in this tower.

R : Mmmmah. Never mind.

R : We will ask for a rendez-vous with the Oracle.

R : She will know how to bring back your memories Mevin !

M : Ok

R : I met the Oracle,

R : At this concert on Enigrebua

R : It was kind of a special concert ..

R : The whole concert room ...

R : was filled with Priest Of The Eggplant Cult.

R : well. Almost all the room.

M : No, no, no, no.

M : My bladder refuses to listen to you.

M : I'll let you fill with memories, I'll go and empty something else.

M : I will go down the tower and find a quiet place, even if I have to pee in the thickets.

M : Since you lost the toilets, it will be faster.

R : Well, go Melvin, I like initiatives.

R : Take this duck that make "pouic" with you.

R : Mmaheuh he will bring you luck.

R : I'm gonna phone to settle a rendezvous with the Oracle during this time.

M : For the elevator, how can I ..

R : Ask Dr. Flocon to oppen it.

R : And watch out for wardrobes !

M : Wardrobes ?

♫ Some say I do not have time to go... ♫

♫ To go on an adventure. ♫

Dr. Flocon ?


Could you please open the elevator door ?

For more infomation >> Melvin Is Magic - #03 Confetti Power - Duration: 3:32.


ROAD TO SPONSOR #1 - THE TRUTH... | Growtopia - Duration: 12:55.




For more infomation >> ROAD TO SPONSOR #1 - THE TRUTH... | Growtopia - Duration: 12:55.


Sunday Night Copperplate Calligraphy Practice - Duration: 1:36:50.

Calligraphy Masters

Presents: Sunday night Copperplate Calligraphy practice with Aquiro da Silva

If you are new to this channel, please subscribe and hit the bell icon <3

How many hours a day do you spend practicing your Calligraphy???

If you enjoyed this video, please hit the thumbs up button and share it with your friends <3

For more infomation >> Sunday Night Copperplate Calligraphy Practice - Duration: 1:36:50.


'Increasing lethality in all areas' US Air Force declares space a new 'warfighting domain' - Duration: 5:24.

�Increasing lethality in all areas� US Air Force declares space a new �warfighting


In order to increase the global dominance and �lethality� of the US military, the

Air Force is moving to modernize its space capabilities and to secure the �freedom

to attack and maneuver� in their new �warfighting domain,� top officials have stated.

�We are moving forward with modernization in space, so we�re increasing our lethality

in all of our areas of endeavor,� Air Force Secretary Heather A. Wilson told reporters


�And we are shifting to space as a warfighting domain.�

In 1967, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Outer Space Treaty which

prohibits signatories from placing nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction

in outer space.

The accord, however, stopped short of limiting the deployment of conventional weapons.

Wilson said Congress has proposed to increase the funding of space-related military programs

even beyond the levels sought by the Air Force.

Section 1605 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018 also classifies

space as a potential �combat domain.�

�It is the policy of the United States to develop, produce, field, and maintain an integrated

system of assets in response to the increasingly contested nature of the space operating domain

to [among other things] deter or deny an attack on capabilities at every level of orbit in

space,� as well as to �defend the territory of the United States, its allies, and its

deployed forces across all operating domains,� Section 1605 reads.

�Everyone agrees that space needs to be integrated, normalized as a part of a joint

warfighting effort.

This year�s budget...

The FY18 budget proposal increases what the Air Force is proposing to spend on space by

20 percent,� Wilson added.

Defense Secretary James Mattis has made modernizing America�s capabilities in space one of his

priorities in his efforts to make US Air Force �more lethal every day.� He earlier called

on Congress to pass the NDAA so the Pentagon can �invest in critical warfighting capabilities,

including in space.�

�Secretary Mattis has been very clear in his guidance to all the services that we are

to go look at how do we increase lethality and readiness,� Air Force Chief of Staff

Gen. David L. Goldfein, sitting next to Wilson, told reporters.

�The nation expects its Air Force to own the high ground, the ultimate high ground

and achieve space superiority which is like air superiority � freedom to attack and

freedom to maneuver.�

Most of America�s space strategy is coordinated from the National Space Defense Center (NSDC)

at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado.

Its experts are already devising potential space fighting scenarios.

�We do our best as a department when we follow a logic trail that actually goes from

a threat, to eventually, an acquisition.

And the steps are no different for space.

Access the threat.

From the threat, you define a strategy.

From the strategy, you define a concept of operations, or what we call Conops...

From those Conops you derive requirements, and then from those requirements you then

acquire,� Goldfein said.

�The Secretary and I also spent an entire day with all the four and three-star leadership

of the Air Force, doing a full-day tabletop exercise on warfighting in space.

So we are moving forward.�

Wilson announced that the Air Force awarded a $100 million contract to the Space Enterprise

Consortium last week.

Under the agreement, the South Carolina firm is to work on prototypes for the Department

of Defense for broad �space-related technologies,� such as �ground segment, launch segment,

space segment, software and processes.�

�The most important thing is to integrate and normalize space, as part of a joint operation.

The US Air Force has about 70 percent of what is in space, and my authorities are to organize,

train and equip airspace forces for the conduct of combat operations when they go to the combatant

commander,� Wilson said.

�And as we transition from a benign domain from which we monitor and report to a warfighting

domain, this is a significant shift that we are leading as we go forward,� Goldfein


�And so, as the Secretary said, normalizing space as a warfighting domain means we integrate

all those capabilities, tried and true principles of joint war fighting in this domain as we

go forward.�

For more infomation >> 'Increasing lethality in all areas' US Air Force declares space a new 'warfighting domain' - Duration: 5:24.


My Dance Journey | Eric Graise - Duration: 2:31.

Hello, my name is Eric Graise

and this is my dance journey.

My disability has always been part of my life.

I was born with a missing bone in both of my legs,

the fibula,

and I had them amputated when I was a small kid.

Being a double-leg amputee, you hear a lot of things.

You have a lot of people who have a lot of opinions

about what you can do and what you can't do.

But when I was a little kid, I used to jump around

and move around my room, especially to music,

but I had no idea I was dancing.

So, I would spend years watching YouTube videos,

um, watching "So You Think You Can Dance,"

and I would just, honestly, I would just cry.

You know, it was the one thing

that I thought I wouldn't be able to do well,

or at least eventually strive to do well,

and that's important to me as an artist.

So, while I was a theater major,

one of my professors wanted to show me a video

and there was an amputee.

And he wasn't wearing prosthetics

and the characters and the movement in it

all centered around him and his movement

and how he interacted in the world.

Oh, man, it blew my mind.

So, after I graduate college,

I audition for a company entitled Full Radius Dance.

And they are an integrated dance company

with people with disabilities

and people who don't have disabilities.

I took a chance and they took a chance on me,

and you know, here I am today,

and it's been amazing.

They honestly changed my life.

I wouldn't be sitting here today if it wasn't

for that company.

I spent so much time trying to imitate people

who weren't disabled.

But I learned that I could live in it and love myself

and show the world, like, who I am

and not be afraid to do that.

That's when the door sort of opened up.

That's when everything started to make sense

and that's when I got the call for "Step Up."

It was for a character named King

and he was this disabled character

who was a DJ, a singer, a rapper,

um, all these different things,

and just, it was totally reflective of my life,

which is crazy.

I thought I'd never see anything that was written

for me with such detail.

It was really a dream

come true.



For more infomation >> My Dance Journey | Eric Graise - Duration: 2:31.


Reilly Don - No Me Mientas ( Rap Romántico ) Freestyle - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Reilly Don - No Me Mientas ( Rap Romántico ) Freestyle - Duration: 3:36.


Budget-Friendly Outdoor Holiday Decor - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Budget-Friendly Outdoor Holiday Decor - HGTV - Duration: 1:13.


【ゴルフ】切り返しを攻略【ゴルフライブ】 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 【ゴルフ】切り返しを攻略【ゴルフライブ】 - Duration: 3:01.


5 Checks When Buying Life Insurance Endowment Plans, Hindi - Duration: 6:41.

This video discusses the five things to check before you buy a life insurance endowment plan

When you are buying any life insurance plan, including a life insurance endowment plan, you need to ensure adequate life insurance coverage

You can take the help of online life insurance calculators to find out how much life insurance you need

Financial advisors can also help you calculate the amount of life insurance you need

Find out the premium that you need to pay in various life insurance endowment plans for life insurance coverage you need

Don't be surprised if you find the premiums to be very high

This is because life insurance endowment plans combine life insurance coverage with investment and the life insurance coverage is less

Once you seek higher and adequate coverage, you need to pay higher premium

In that event, the issue arises whether the payment of high premiums is sustainable

This is the reason why many experts advise buying term plans which provide high coverage with low premiums

You can then separately focus on investments

The charges are high in life insurance endowment plans and the insurance companies are not obliged to disclose them

This is unlike unit linked insurance plans or ULIPs, where charges have to be disclosed

Once you know the charges, you can find out the impact of the charges on the growth of the money

In ULIPs, you can find out the portion of your premium that is actually being invested after paying for the charges

Since in a life insurance endowment plan, the insurance company bears the investment risk and takes investment decisions, it makes low risk investments

As a result, the growth of your money is not high

Even the bonus in a life insurance endowment plan, if the provision exists, is not guaranteed

The bonus amount is not guaranteed

You need to check out the bonus track record of the life insurance endowment plan

You need to find out the IRR or internal rate of return to find out the return from the life insurance endowment policy

Typically the returns are 4-5%

You need to check whether the growth rate of your money can be higher than the average inflation rate, so that you save enough

The surrender charges are very high in life insurance endowment plans

It may take you 7-8 years of being in the policy to just get your premiums back

Earlier exit will mean that you get only a portion of your premiums paid

The charges are not only high in life insurance endowment plans but most of the imposition is done in the initial period of the policy

For more infomation >> 5 Checks When Buying Life Insurance Endowment Plans, Hindi - Duration: 6:41.


ARMA 3 Tank Wall To Be Continued - Duration: 0:16.






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