Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited tonight I'm going for

overall win number 482, but most importantly number one of my 2017

Australia tour, which also includes New Zealand, Singapore, and will end in San

Francisco, California, but to start we're going to be doing a few challenges

around the Chicago metro area and tonight I'm in Darien, Illinois which is

southwest of Chicago I'm taking on their Big Boy Burger Challenge, now its got

three 12 ounce burger patties which I got them cooked medium-rare and then

there's a whole bunch of cheese, bacon, healthy vegetables, then we've got a side

of fries and we've got some coleslaw. I've got 30 minutes to finish this

challenge if I win I'm gonna get the meal free a sweet t-shirt and I'll be up

on their Wall of Fame so let's get this challenge started!

I'm at the Darien location there's five Q Bar & Q Billiard

locations total the challenge is available at all of them but the overall

record they say is 16 minutes and 10 seconds, so it's gonna start off this

trip with a bang and yeah let's get eaten I'm going to shut up and eat try

to dominate this thing but yeah let's do a countdown from "5."

Was going to try to speed eat those fries but there was like a garlic and an

oil on it which made them really good but hard to eat quickly, but 12 minutes

and 35 seconds is what I had on the clock, the official new record for the

Big Boy Burger Challenge here at the Q Bar it was an awesome awesome challenge!

Like I said there's five Q Bar & Q Billiards locations around the metro

area be sure to check out the challenge if you're interested it was so good

especially the cheese and the bacon on top of those burgers which were cooked

perfectly but awesome awesome challenge! So 12 minutes and 35 seconds I got the

about 18 down meal for free I got the new record so I'll be on the wall of

fame as the new record holder, I'm also going to get a sweet t-shirt to

add to my collection and win number one of the trip and overall win number 482,

so thank you to the Q Bar for the awesome Big Boy Burger challenge and

thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> BIG BOY BURGER CHALLENGE NEAR CHICAGO!! - Duration: 6:14.


Youtube Serial Killer meets Electronic Arts - Duration: 1:24.

Electronic Arts... EA

Command & Conquer

Dungeon Keeper

Medal of Honor

The early sports games

You once were a great company

But sadly

You have succumbed to greed..

You don't care about joy and happiness anymore

You care about money!

As if you didn't have enough already

You needed MORE!

And you came out with this abomination

Know as Star Wars Battlefront 2

Who do you think the people are?

Weak minded sheep?

Be careful...

You want to swim in green

But one day...

That green

Will ture into CRIMSON

For more infomation >> Youtube Serial Killer meets Electronic Arts - Duration: 1:24.


Learn YOUTUBE money! - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Learn YOUTUBE money! - Duration: 1:46.


THE END - ✨👋🏼 | last days in California 🏄🏼‍♀️ | trip to Chicago | BIG SURPRISE 🇩🇪 - Duration: 18:29.

I'm right now on my way back home.. to surprise you all

I hope my plan will work out and you all will be happy to see me

I am definitiv exited and happy to see all my friends and my family again

See you in Germanyyyy...

I have to explain... everyone thought I would arrive 4 days later

Only Tessa, who is filming, knew my arrival date

Hey , what is happening?

no.. what (haha) screaming

SURPRISE... I'm on the phone right now

You are crazy

How can that be? what are you doing here already??

Why are you recording me?


I expected exactly this reaction

How is that possible??

Honey you can't do that with us!!

It's so nice to have you back

Lara what are you doing here??

I thought you are Leonie..

Why are you here? We expected you later

I just wanted to surprise everyone

You are so cool

why are you here?


What the hell?? are you driving around now to surprise everyone?

You guys are becoming more and more

Talking to Semia's Grandma: Is Semia there?

NO what are you doing here? (by now you should know the German sentence and the meaning haha)

WAIT what day do we have??

It's not the 1st of August


What are you doing here???

You are way to early!!

I wanted to surprise you, imagine how my parents reacted

Did they abandoned you out of the US?

This is Tessa, who I met in California..

Oh right I remember...

It's just me Klaubt

Hey how are you

Can you guess what she said?

Is that real??

Literally no one knew it

Mhhhh who is wearing that short clothes?

Look at that nice ass (hahaha I love Steffi)

How are you? SURPRISE

Yeah I didn't expect you coming before the 1st of August...

I know, I surprised everyone

Today already??

Welcome back !!

Why are you already here??

Oh man, Hendrik.. What are youuu doing here... in your house.. what a surprise

*we had to fake that part because I forgot to record haha*

For more infomation >> THE END - ✨👋🏼 | last days in California 🏄🏼‍♀️ | trip to Chicago | BIG SURPRISE 🇩🇪 - Duration: 18:29.


Top 10 Foods To Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally You Will Increase Penis Size Faster by health care - Duration: 2:13.

Top 10 foods to grow your penis naturally

millions of men all around the world looking for ways to increase the size of their penis

by having a smaller manhood

It is detrimental to their confidence

But recent studies of the field indicates that you can eat certain foods to increase your penile

Area if you eat these top 10 foods and combined them with a special method you will gain length and thickness

The reason I say, this is because I was one who increased his penis size

You can do the same thing these top 10 foods are guaranteed to increase your role on circulation

That is what these foods are called blood and enhancing foods

When you consume these it will help you grow

What you have to do is combine these top 10 foods with penile enlargement exercises

By doing this it will maximize the results that you gain

This is an underground trick that many do not know about

But I have used it to my benefit and many other men have done the same thing

Here are the top 10 foods to help you to increase the size of your penis

one coffee



three boy stirs

four nuts and seeds

five pork

six porridge

seven Sherri's eight



710 onions

When you combine these foods with penile enlargement exercises

It will increase your overall blood health

This will speed up the time of your recovery and give you long agains

Thus you will grow longer and thicker rather if you did not eat these foods?

Thank for watching

Please like and share this video if you liked it subscribe

our channel to see more video

P lizard

For more infomation >> Top 10 Foods To Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally You Will Increase Penis Size Faster by health care - Duration: 2:13.


How To Give Yourself A Cold | 3 NINJA TECHNIQUES! - Duration: 2:55.

Hello Boys and Girls.

In this video I'm going to be showing you how to give yourself a cold.

So lather up your luffa's with some hot soapy water and let's get sick.

"Queries of the Interweb."

I just want to start this video off by giving a huge thank you to Lumogram for hooking me

up with this sweet logo.

It used to just be a still image and now it's this fly animation.

Look at it.

Look at the rocket blast off.

Ahh, that it so cool.

Lumogram is a company that animates logos.

Lumogram is offering my viewers five hundred dollars off their first logo animation.

You get a professionally animated logo for just ninety nine bucks.

Okay, it's like getting a lambo for the price of a used Jeep Wrangler.

The link to Lumogram's website and the five-hundred-dollar-off coupon code is in the description.

Okay, your cousin D, who started his own business and has a logo and didn't animate his logo,

he needs your help.

Send them this video and hook them up!

With that out of the way, let's talk about Let's talk about how to give yourself a

cold, how to catch a cold.

Can you give yourself a cold?

Can someone give their self a cold?

Here are three ways.

This first way to give yourself a cold is to walk around barefoot.

Walk outside barefoot.

Take those socks off and be one of those creeps who doesn't wear any footwear.

Come on.

Those aren't shoes, those are foot prisons.

Am I right?

If the weather is cold even better.

Walk outside on the sidewalks without any shoes.

Your cold is gonna be huuuuge!

This second way to give yourself a cold, is to hang around a lot of people.

So find out where people are and go there.

If you live in a city, perfect.

Go downtown if you live in a small town.

Right, you got a bunch of family around, chances are, one of them's catching the flu.

Go hang around people.

Be around the air they're breathing in.

You're gonna catch something alright, it's inevitable.

It's like the law of cold catching.

This third and final way I'll show you how to give yourself a cold is, don't be hygienic.

Don't wash your hands and be touching everything.

You know how in the hospital they're always like oh, wash your hands.

Even in school, they're like, always wash your hands.

Never wash your hands, okay.

Be touching all the light switches, be pulling all the door handles, be high-fiving everyone,

don't wash your hands after you do your business in the rest room, just don't tell

anyone about that.

You are a germ warehouse.

Now that you know how to give yourself a cold, go ahead and give yourself an animated logo


Five-hundred dollars off of your first logo animation, and these are professionally animated


The link to the website and the five hundred dollar off coupon are in the description.

Stay classy guys.

I'll see you in the next video.


Social media links are below my face for those of you who want to stalk me.

You guys like this new background music that was made for me, huh?

It's got that mysterious vibe.

It just makes you want to subscribe… or not.

I don't care, I'm doing fine without you.

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