Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 21 2017

you're first off thank you for clicking on this fucking video pardon my language

of parents and children watching you don't like fat fucking words the knees

are not the videos for you but for those y'all's are gonna stay a rock with your

boy I appreciate you now y'all see the title of this video give me good let's

dive all the way yeah come on ten niggas that got bigotry most of the time when

these people be talking I don't even hear them they talking they talk but I

do now the way y'all been recommended in this song man is I already know it's

gonna be a banger so right from the jump bangers days at k8 ago she's using these

30 song the thirties aren't the song is play listable and we turn up but I

already know gucci gang the remix lo pumps regular version in english wind

nuts already no hot spanish ain't gonna let us down latin culture never let me

down man let's go over one thing real quick haters you're always making

appearance in my comment section it's okay doh

I've got something for that ass a racer for the haters still drop that comment

below I'm still gonna heart that motherfucker just cuz I know it pisses

you off but you're here we bout to watch this video together so clearly I'm doing

some rightful spree respect hot spends Gucci day the Spanish remix let's don't

turn him all the way up he got the domino effect shirt on let's go

got the Gucci bag we got the Gucci yeah come on you know what it is

let's turn up

I know that the title we need that be drop again stop it

get some help no disrespect incentive aha Spanish hospital you gonna do Gucci

character then women I'm sure beautiful under the mask first

you're not represent for the Latin culture that is not enough ass for this

video excuse me the fuck did you just say you know I'm

saying baby girl I understand you did your thing and you probably hustled off

to get in this video but you ass it's not big enough for this music video you

know I'm saying and all the music videos we've watched together that's not enough

culo action in the back going on you know I'm saying I would still give you

that thump thump thumpety huh a pimp slap you say it again

but for a music video was lit as as Gucci gay I'm disappointed in that right

now y'all gonna have to hope you make up word later oh let's go back

chari crashed back that might be is Gophers no disrespect husband Excel your

news akin ladies I love you because you here you know I'm saying eyebrows on

fleek all that but the cool oh he wasn't acting that much in the back I'm gonna

say maybe it's the jean shorts maybe it's the brand of the jean shorts I see

you got the tacos autos on you know I'm saying but still not enough back there

for you boy I need more action in the back I need more you know some to grab

all to hoist you know you know I'm saying excuse me the fuck did you just

say that's the same girl that's my mama had y'all my bad we here for the music I

already know but hey I point every day on this reaction now that skirt is doing

alright she's doing the justice it's like that right there maybe it might be

the zoom in angle but that did they look nice it look like she got a little plump

rump action you know I'm saying but hey the gene sources what just wasn't the

thing you she got undies on it don't even matter cuz that gets laid off with

my mouth come on

drop that bag girl let's go girls go crazy for the name brand you know I'm

cool nice hair real thought you got the cool girl brother right there got the

okay let's go right to the middleman I need a second server you're not asleep

again let's get Liddy's at any one time Letty two titties owning you ready no

God please no no right in the middle let's go

doing the most that's enough of that right there

anyway bang banging me stop that every gonna keep you Lucchese on for the whole

thing is the song went crazy cool oh could have been better baked I rock with

it either way bang that thumbs up button below

but Gucci gang the Spanish remakes anybody was running that video process

hot spanish salute to y'all man hit that thumbs up button below for yourself for

your boy for coming to turn up with me keynote to the channel hit that

subscribe button down below the red one of course you norms and share these

videos with your family your friends just let him know ahead of time man

bring it we get real raunchy real dirty and we all give a fuck with society or

YouTube has to say by the video still getting posted whether it's copyrighted

or not I don't care this is for y'all I love making y'all smile entertain

y'all whatever piece of entertainment y'all get from these videos I appreciate

you from wherever you at in this word man we all come together as a family

Jimmy gang is growing every single day so thank you thank you thank you you

want to see how we really turned up though every single day we get ladies to

titties on Instagram and snapchat every single day like I just said what about

your phone get to admin that's why I said your song request video

recommendations I'll snap you back by the end of every single day you

personally will be me I do not have an assistant I'm not that cool yet either

even when I do get that cool you know Zedd I'm still not gonna have the system

cuz y'all my people y'all make me what I am so how we respond to you by the end

every single day on snapchat bitch phone let's go I get some time Oh Lord Jesus

alright that's enough time man I ain't talking about nothing no originally to

this video will be listed below so you go check it out for yourself but for

right now d Gibby

killing all y'all I got it on my head didn't bring a fuckin forgot it in the

whip now better bad shit cuz I got her off the strip talk about my got a few

girls in the

For more infomation >> 🤘🏽🤣 REACTION! 🤣🤘🏽 Gucci Gang - Spanish Remix | HotSpanish - Duration: 7:32.


Loomahat - Just Wanted to Say THANK YOU - Duration: 4:22.

Hey guys it's Denise and it is a few days before Thanksgiving 2017, so I

wanted to make sure that I stopped and took some time and did this video

because last year I wanted to do this and things got a little hectic and I

didn't. I felt terrible about it for like most of the time. In fact, every time

I get a comment I would be like, oh I really need to do this video. It's

basically just a thank you video. So many of you have been so generous and so kind

with your comments and your participation in you know, Facebook and

Patreon and here on YouTube, my website, Twitter. It really does feed me and

it prompts me and keeps me going and so I appreciate it.

You know, every so often I'll get something, I'll get a comment that's

really distasteful or just ugly, I've learned over the years to appreciate

even those, even the ugly and distasteful comments. Because so many of you are

prompted by these ugly comments to leave your beautiful stories of gifts

that you have made to shelters and charities, to your temples and your

church's, gifts that you make for your kids,

your grandma and your mom. So when you leave those they have a huge effect on

me. It is the time of the year that we make sure that we stop and we count our

blessings and I wanted to let you guys know that among my list of blessings are

you guys. I sometimes take some time off of the

channel and the loom knitting community in general. It's great comments and, and

beautiful stories that feed me and bring me back and help me to be more creative

and, and want to stay involved and give you guys something to loom knit. I was

going through Etsy in search of some yarn. In fact, I'm looking for some hemp

yarn. On that search I saw one of these you know, themed t-shirts a

Thanksgiving shirt and it said I'm thankful, I'm grateful and I'm blessed

and that's how I feel. I feel thankful, grateful and blessed. So, what more

can I do, what better gift then to stop, do this short little video and say

thanks. Thank you, thank you for taking over your time. It sounds silly but thank

you for your thank you. I say that a lot and you'll see it a lot of on my

comments but it's true it's and it's real and so thanks. I will see you guys or you'll

see me on the next video. So, keep loving with your looms, come back and let's chat

and please continue to leave your comments and your long stories. I love

the ones that are like really, really, really, really long. I love those, those

are great. I love hearing about your kids and your family and friends. Come back, let's loom again.


For more infomation >> Loomahat - Just Wanted to Say THANK YOU - Duration: 4:22.


Disturbing Stories From A Child Psychiatrist Part 2 - Duration: 6:29.

For those of you who read the first post I have an update on Miranda

Unfortunately, it's not very happy

She saw my therapist friend for a few months after she left the hospital

But they didn't make much progress

The abuse allegations were never sustained and her behavior continued to deteriorate

Yelling obscenities at mom having non-epileptic seizures until she finally stopped talking altogether

The last time they saw the therapists there was a plan to follow up at Mayo Clinic for further evaluation

My friend never saw or heard from them after that

if we want to be optimistic, maybe Mayo figured out how to help her and that's why she never returned to therapy I

Wanted to say thanks everyone for the positive response to my first post I feel encouraged to share more

So hopefully he'll find this interesting, too

again names and details have been changed for anonymity

case number two

When I first saw Jason when he was six years old he came in from an amazing home from what I could tell

Mom was a teacher and dad was an engineer

They seemed kind and loving and already had raised two polite well-adjusted children

then they had Jason I

See a lot of kids with aggression

Usually it is impulsive in the moment emotional dysregulation leading to violent acting out of some sort

Not so with Jason

He was for a better lack of a term


for example

This is the incident that led his parents to seek professional help

On a Thursday afternoon his three-year-old sister Amy who grabbed one of the toys he was playing with and refused to give it back

Well he didn't react at the time. He waited until that Saturday to extract revenge

As it was the first opportunity he was alone with his sister and supervised

They were in the front yard playing when mom went inside to grab her phone

She was only gone about 30 seconds, but when she came back Amy was unconscious in the driveway

Bleeding from a wound in her head

Jason's standing over her with a tricycle in his hands. He had smashed her over the head with a tricycle

On the way to the emergency room mom frantically asked him why he had done this

He very calmly a matter of a fact Leigh replied. She took Batman when we were at Nana's Batman is mine

Now I get parents in my office all day long who tell me about their bad kids

How he was just born to be oppositional and destructive despite all the wonderful parenting

99 times out of 100 that is weapons-grade bullshit

Without realizing it of course the parents are teachers are doing something to reinforce the kids behavior

Or we find out that there has been abuse or neglect or an underlying medical issue etc

There is almost always a reason the kid is bad

Jason was the first child I ever treated who I thought was actually just born that way

He was born entirely without the capacity for empathy

That scares me

Because it means you can do absolutely everything right as a parent and still end up with a future serial killer for a child

You may think I'm being dramatic, but let me tell you a little bit more about Jason

When he was five years old he spent the weekend at Grandma's house

She was your typical sweet old lady weighing in at about 95 pounds

She baked a batch of sugar-free cookies for the weekend with her grandson and planned some wholesome activities like puzzles and colouring

The first day went pretty well until Jason tasted one of the cookies

she made after dinner he spit it out onto the floor looked grandma intensely in the eyes and said I'm

Going to cut your face off

She was quite shaken by this and put him to bed early in the guest room that

Night at 3:30 a.m.

Grandma suddenly awoke to the sound of breathing close to her ear

When she opened her eyes Jason was kneeling beside her watching her sleep a blank expression on his face

Startled and disoriented she tried to get up quickly and tumbled onto the floor

She realized she couldn't stand up so she called out to Jason to go grab the phone

She looked up helplessly as he peered down at her from atop the bed

He didn't say a word and didn't go for help

Even as she started to cry and beg after a few minutes of watching her he stood up and walked out of the room

Closing the door behind him

Grandma lay there in pain for the rest of the night and a half of the following day

Finally Jason's mom came by the house to check on him around noon

She walked in to find Jason sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of cereal

She could hear whimpering coming from the bedroom

Grandma was taken to the ER with a broken hip

When asked why he didn't get the phone for Grandma? He answered. I don't like her her cookies taste like sand

Jason was not invited back for another sleepover

There are more examples of disturbing things Jason did but they all involve animals and to be honest

I can't stomach thinking about it let alone retelling it

Suffice it to say several lizards numerous insects one hamster

and one cat met a very unpleasant demise at the hands of Jason and

That's just the ones that we know about

he has been in intensive therapy for the past five years, but it does not seem to make a difference if

Anything I'm afraid it may be making him even more dangerous

He's very intelligent, and he learning to feign the normal human reactions and emotions. He is supposed to have

He is getting better at hiding the parts of himself that make other people uneasy

He's becoming a very charming little sociopath

Even his mom thinks he's getting better and outgrowing his old habits, but he still confides in me that deep down. He feels nothing

Watching another human or animal suffers fascinating to him

And it's the only thing that gives him a small thrill while the rest of life is utterly numb and boring

he tells me he has stopped killing animals, but I don't believe it for a second I

Have to try and hope for all my patients, but deep down. I truly think he will move on to killing humans someday and

Absolutely no one will see it coming

Well, I guess except me

Be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe

For more infomation >> Disturbing Stories From A Child Psychiatrist Part 2 - Duration: 6:29.


This Is How I See Things Right Now ~ Therese Zumi ~ 17th Nov 2017 - Duration: 5:30.

This Is How I See Things Right Now ~ Therese Zumi ~ 17th Nov 2017

by Therese Zumi Sumner

My God if I knew back in 2014-15 that we would still be here towards the end of 2017 in expectation

of The Event I don�t think I would have been able to continue writing in an optimistic

way about change these past two-three years.

This year was a tough one for me personally and yet in hindsight has brought me to a greater

sense of balance in my life.

So where do we find ourselves right now?

We find ourselves in the best position we could possibly imagine.

Regarding the entity that we name Yaldabaoth and the recently revealed parasitic worm like

entities within this large plasma anomaly ~ well my feeling is that the �hours�

left for this creature /entity of extremely low consciousness are numbered.

Also, the risk posed by the toplet bombs embedded in these parasites is also soon a thing of

the past.

I will not provide any % numbers here just suffice to say that things are very good.

As you know because of the classification of info Cobra is not allowed to divulge details

yet, but has promised an update on the situation 2-3 weeks from now which will also include

previously unknown details about The Event.

The improved energetic situation on and around Gaia, not in least the Cintamani Light Grid

with Angelic Beings situated above each stone that has been buried by a Lightworker, is

stronger and more balanced and stable with each day that passes.

We have recently learned that this Light Grid is already capable of handling The Event energies.

Every Lightworker that has somehow contributed to this amazing feat can feel contentment

knowing that their efforts have been very successful.

We the Lightworker community of Gaia should be feeling an enormous sense of inner calm

and joy, in knowing that the Divine Feminine Goddess energies, are finally flooding Gaia

and being anchored more each moment by each Lightworker that chooses to exist in a state

of balance and love.

This is a point in time when we need to be in trust ~ to BE in truth ~ to LISTEN at all

times to our I AM higher self ~ to KNOW in our Heart space the correct movement forward

to take, before we descend into the solar plexus chakra and move into action.

Daily contact with Source is a MUST.

Updates from Lightworkers like Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, and Corey Goode are preparing

us for a time of intensity up ahead.

On a recent Goldfish Report interview, Cobra suggested that the numbers being mentioned


arrests taking place, along with the expected timings of these events, are a bit too optimistic.

Believe me after following Cobra�s updates and interviews more than 5 years I can say

that 96-97% of what he says proves to be reliable.

A lot of wonderful things are taking place and not in least we learn that the Positive

Military are �practicing� / getting organized for their missions up ahead when its �time�.

Recently {he first said this 14-15 months back} Cobra reminded us that during the 2

-4 weeks period approx.

prior to The Event things would speed up intensively and we would know that we were getting closer

to the Transition.

My feelings here are that the Resistance Movement along with the Galactic Confederation and

all of the surface Lightworker groups within the Financial world, Positive Military etc.

etc. are working in tandem to create the safest, most harmonious, peaceful Transition possible.

I am currently working on an article ~ coming soon ~ which aims to show You what you can

do now to speed things up and create this Event asap.

In our private lives we need to strive for balance now.

If something is happening in your life that lowers your energy level ~ energy that could

be better utilized at this time for something of importance regarding being prepared for

The Event, then maybe you need to stand back and ask yourself �is this of Love?

Is this of balance�?

And if not then maybe it�s time to say �enough� like people all over Gaia are finally finding

the will to do.

Inspired by the advice recently from Archangel Michael, I personally believe that from this

place of balance, its high time we consider involving ourselves more directly with communication

with others in our communities.

This of course all depends on what free time you have available.

If you have the time, then why not consider being somehow active in your local community?

For example, visiting a local shelter for the homeless or community center for refugees,

or offering you time at a local home or hospital where patients might need someone to chat


You don�t have to be an expert at anything to talk and spread some love to others.

An hour or two a week would be great.

Then you would also have a wider circle of contacts at the time of the Event.

For more infomation >> This Is How I See Things Right Now ~ Therese Zumi ~ 17th Nov 2017 - Duration: 5:30.


🔥🤣 REACTION! 🤣🔥 Tacos Altos - Arcangel X Noriel X Farruko X Bryant Myers X Alex Gargolas - Duration: 10:30.

you're first off thank you for clicking on this fucking video pardon my language

of parents and children watching you don't like fat fucking words the knees

are not the videos for you but for those y'all's are gonna stay a rock with your

boy I appreciate you now y'all see the title of this video give me good let's

dive all the way yeah come on ten niggas that got bigotry most of the time when

these people be talking I don't even hear them they talking they talk but I

do now yall already know what it is baby ripping the throwback class of 2013 baby

no that's not what it is but uh tacos Altos meaning in English high heels

because you know your boy is not flowing spins we got the boy Archangel normal

yell for a root go for a riot Meyers aka spectacular Pretty Ricky and Alex guard

goalless that's the only one that of these artists I have never heard so hey

we gonna pop that cherry today so I hope y'all did not let me down with the

recommendation because y'all been asking for this one like crazy so I got an

answer but uh let's go over a few things real quick before we dive into this

reaction banger shades aka the goat cheese if the song is play list when we

turned up get bug why you already know this haters

y'all always making the appearance of might come to sex a minute it's okay

though I got something for that ass oh break sir for the haters still drop that

comment below I'm still go heart that motherfucker just cuz I know what pisses

you off but you here you bout to watch this video with me so what I'm doing

something right full spring respect turn them all the way up five minutes of 14

seconds baby let's see how many cool O's and this y'all said there's a lot in

this one so let's get sexual with it yeah

Alex Darden olace we in the city maybe what city we in the day I should notice

that look like New York but it's probably not New York no man look I'm

probably way off side no I'm a rewind before he gets on his a countdown shit

you know I'm saying I really respect are all these artists I'm Rocco Archangel

heel beats norio he a beast to say Farook we already know fruit good I'm

post me on his Instagram multiple times so so look to you big dog Brian Myers I

make fun of his voice how he changes it up but I'm rock with him and he's like

20 years old doing his that he's like 19 matter-of-fact doing his thing

slapping banging all too cool oh so Alex let's see what you got done I like me

some high heels when a woman is longer see but Nick

what I really like my organs in regards to me personally he pronounces hit he

enunciates his words perfectly clear I understand what he's saying I don't know

what the definition of words is but I know if the song title is talk of tacos

I'll toast he gonna say tacos out of those you know we better hope

before this goes nuts already now it's about to go nuts if you got some bangers

at the career slide them pegs on baby why cuz we know this let's go stop it

get some help

oh my god let me caress that bad girl ignore yeah I know Matthew you look like

you deep inserted and that they touching that backbone with that thing you know

I'm saying I like it though not all because you still you know I'm gonna

still need a little bit you know - cuz there's gonna be more women out there

that I want to toss money out but for tonight anything I brought with me baby

is all yours go ahead what

yes sound like you say it farts oh I hope I don't know what y'all Latin focus

into but I don't usually when you're referring to a fart on a female girls

don't usually fart per se I mean they do but uh usually you talk about a queef if

y'all don't know what a queef is hey children Google queef right now I spell

it I think what you spell I would spill a qu e EF but uh you could

spell if you're in the hood you can spell it KW e EF search Cleveland excuse

me the fuck did you just say now sound like you saying fart those I don't know

if fart fart those what is he really saying no because I know I'm wrong and

we're referring to the cooler usually parts exit - cool

that certain women that man I'm gonna say some railroad you were cooking we

just gonna let it play out but uh there's certain women

I don't even normally I wouldn't be the one to eat the booty but there's certain

women that I see in his world especially in the Latin culture that I was sucking

the fart out that ass oh wow oh wow real talk I don't even care no shame in

my game before y'all clown me in the comments

just know like there's certain women it is just so damn gorgeous I would do

anything that she is attracted to you know I'm saying anything that gets her

mental going bananas I would do it maybe you me suck a fart out you but go ahead

brain here this way to I'm brick shit seconds bring me a second serve that's

so dirty I already know I'm just even real with y'all my family she got a lot

of carrot during that movie I saw

yeah the world is mad baby you don't even need to hear is baby go barefoot

how do you care all these women is going tagged a Instagram but y'all usually got

the plug tag these girls instagrams man cuz so they can follow me on Instagram

and they could turn up with me and then hey you never know maybe in the same

city and we linked up at a whole bunch farts suctions going on you know I'm

there not really but hey I just want to touch the cooler one time this one time

just and if she let me put it in i'ma put it in a gentle until she tell me to

give her that thump thump thump thumpety huh the carpenter or that one drop this

way leave it cuz they gonna fetch it boy

shut up

I like the Stars but let me shoot for one time man is that a target cuz hey if

you can make me produces I can sure shoot it on you whatever you owe me both

of them I got enough for you I'm 22 baby I got plenty flow yeah I got all the

loads man as raunchy is here hey bang bang let me stop that dang distraction

set them to the side bang that thumbs up button below the tacos Altos anybody was

a part of that video process all these artists man shares with them on a social

media man bring them in share with your family your friends just let them know

ahead of time man we get real raunchy real dirty and we don't give up fuck

with society or YouTube has to say about if they want to copyright this video or

not its video still gettin post because I do this for y'all I love entertaining

y'all the fact that y'all get inspired and just that I brighten your day with

some of these videos some of yours is awesome man wherever you're at in this

worm and I rock with you if you rock with me and took time to watch this

video thank you if you're new to the channel hit that

little red button down below subscribe to the channel check that Bell so you

know whenever I post it we can just get Lydia's a titty you know I'm saying this

that's the only way to be in life is lit up and y'all know what I'm trying to say

anyways but if you want to see how we turn up behind his camera every single

day we get liddie two titties Instagram and snapchat every single day I take

your song request video recommendations especially on snapchat you'll get a

response from me if you snap me about anything I will snap you back by the end

of the day so whip your phones out get to Adam let's go all right that's enough

time but I talking about nothing man original link to this video will be

listed below so you go check it out for yourself before right now d Gibby

y'all I got it on my head never fuckin forgot it in a whip now better bad

I got her off the strip talk about my day because she got it on her lips it

got a few girls in the damn

For more infomation >> 🔥🤣 REACTION! 🤣🔥 Tacos Altos - Arcangel X Noriel X Farruko X Bryant Myers X Alex Gargolas - Duration: 10:30.


Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Final Race | Bob Costas Interview & Car Graveyard - Duration: 15:31.

For more infomation >> Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Final Race | Bob Costas Interview & Car Graveyard - Duration: 15:31.


Cracking The Story - How A Screenwriter Gets Unstuck by Gary Goldstein - Duration: 3:36.

Film Courage: We've heard screenwriters use the phrase 'Cracking The Story,' so

what does this mean exactly?

Gary Goldstein: Cracking The Story is (just to continue from what we were talking about)

you have the beginnings of a story but then you beat out the story, you create the whole

story, you role out the carpet, basically the whole story, so you don't really crack

the story and it may be more of a TV term than a film term (I'm not sure) but you

don't crack the story until you are able to tell the story from start to finish and

any of the holes in it are filled and that's my interpretation of it.

The concept of cracking something is like "Oh!

That was what was missing."

We got it and now we cracked the story and the rest of it just falls into place.

So there's that, but also just the concept of being able to tell the story from start

to finish.

If I send in a pitch (let's say) and I write up a pitch to send into a producer or network

or something for a movie or TV show pilot or something, I may send a premise line and

see if the general premise line is of interest.

And they may say "Oh, no.

We are already doing something like that."

Or "That's great, give me more."

I will give them the story from start to finish.

It doesn't have to be very long.

It can be a page and a half that I'm writing but at least I'm not just giving them preamble.

I'm not just giving them the first act of something.

I'm not just giving them like a tease.

I'm basically telling them, cracking that story for them, telling them where that story

is going to go from start to finish.

Not necessarily in great detail.

Sometimes in more detail but it's really about being able to show that this is an entire


This is where this will move and then we can fill it in and amplify it as we go along.

So it's really being able to tell a story from start to finish, for me anyway.

That's my interpretation of it.

Film Courage: What about those writers who say sometimes they begin something without

knowing the ending?

Gary Goldstein: Well, I've done that.

Film Courage: Oh, you have?

Gary Goldstein: I've done that or where the ending has changed a lot.

Again with April, May and June (this play), I didn't know.

I didn't know what they were going to find.

I didn't know that at the end of the first act they were going to find…that the sisters

were going to find something, that it just became obvious, it became the thing that was

driving me.

I didn't even realize it.

And I didn't know what that thing was going to be until I thought about it.

So that was a case where I really didn't know.

I've definitely written things where if you're writing a romantic comedy, generally

the couple will get back together in the end.

There's all of that, kind of some givens but sometimes you don't know.

Frankly, I do think it's better to know or at least have some idea.

It's like getting in a car and saying "Well, I know how to get halfway there but I don't

really know where I'm going after that?"

You're going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere so it's not dissimilar with a story.

I prefer to know where I was going and I think certainly before you start sitting down and

writing it, you should have a pretty good idea of where you're going and if it does

evolve or it makes changes along the way, great.

You know, work with it.

See where it takes you.

These stories unfold on your own sometimes.

But I think it's helpful, like I said, I'm a big believer in structure and having the

beats out before I start writing something from start to finish but we can be surprised

and I bet there's definitely been times when I've not known exactly where I was

going until I got there.

For more infomation >> Cracking The Story - How A Screenwriter Gets Unstuck by Gary Goldstein - Duration: 3:36.


Seriously: Lifting the Vail; An Uphill Battle - Duration: 4:23.

Hello! This week Seven Days published its annual seasonal depression preview issue

reminding you that winter doesn't have to suck especially if you can

afford to frequent a ski resort. And Stowe, which just opened Friday, is more

affordable than ever. This is their first season operating under the ownership of

Vail Resorts, and not only are season passes 1,000 dollars cheaper than last

year, they're epic passes. That gets you access to 14 other North American

resorts, as long as you can afford to fly there or whatever. It is some crazy

Groupon gone wild type shit, but it has some people worried that it's gonna make

the traffic and the parking situation at Stowe even worse. You know what? That's

not getting anyone psyched on winter. Let's just let's look at some footage of

some people absolutely ripping it out there and get hyped. Yo check this out.

Check this out. I'm about to hit this. I'm about to hit this. What? Did you see that?

Did you see that? Make sure the cameras rolling because I'm about to send it. Send it!

Whoa! Hey! Whoa, that switch? Hell yeah that was switch. Do they know that was

switch? Hey someone should tell him that was switch. That was switch, relax.

Alright yo. Check it out. Check it out. Check it. I'm gonna go big on this one.

That was insane! Did you feel it? I felt it. Oh yeah. Hey, this is like for real

been the best session I've had all season. This is this is legit.

Now one of the hottest trends of 2017 has been trying to move backwards. Mostly in time,

through policy, but in other ways too. For example, in winter sports, the hottest

thing happening right now is called uphill skiing.

That's where skiers use special Alpine touring gear to trek their way up the

mountain before skiing down like a normal person. And not only do you save

money on lift tickets; you're also staying fit because that sounds hard as

hell. Now if this sounds like something you'd like to try, Outdoor Magazine just

published a list of all the equipment one would need to acquire to get started,

and all told you're only looking at spending a little

over four thousand dollars. Four thousand dollars? Ok, well let's pretend for a second you don't have four

thousand dollars lying around. Not all hope is lost.

There's also a story this week listing craft ideas you can try from the

comforts of your own home to stay sane this winter. One of my favorite projects

involves filling a bathtub with a bunch of booze and cinnamon, and basically

making a hot toddy for the body. And that sounds like a winter sport I'd like to try.

I just spent $20 on booze and this tub

is nowhere near filled. It would cost like $4,000 to fill this whole thing. Why is everything about

winter so expensive? Ah!

For more infomation >> Seriously: Lifting the Vail; An Uphill Battle - Duration: 4:23.


Funny learn colors | My talking tom ,cat |Johny Johny Yes PAPA | song Nursery rhymes for kids - Duration: 2:55.

Funny learn colors | My talking tom ,cat |Johny Johny Yes PAPA | song

For more infomation >> Funny learn colors | My talking tom ,cat |Johny Johny Yes PAPA | song Nursery rhymes for kids - Duration: 2:55.


Shorewood IL Plumbing Estimate 815-630-1024 Shorewood IL Plumbing Estimates - Duration: 1:04.

Shorewood IL Plumbing Estimate. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


For more infomation >> Shorewood IL Plumbing Estimate 815-630-1024 Shorewood IL Plumbing Estimates - Duration: 1:04.


Điều bí ẩn phía sau những sòng bạc Casino - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Điều bí ẩn phía sau những sòng bạc Casino - Duration: 5:52.


Dragon Ball Z-Light of Hope (A Reménység fénye) Film Part1 MAGYAR FELIRAT - Duration: 13:15.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Z-Light of Hope (A Reménység fénye) Film Part1 MAGYAR FELIRAT - Duration: 13:15.


The Ranks and Accolades of the Hadley's Hope Rescue Squad- Explained - Duration: 11:15.

After being retrieved from deep space and debriefed by the company, Ripley's story of

the Nostromo being taken over by an alien presence was, to say the least, met with skeptisism,

and her decision to descruct the expensive vessel was considered questionable, and heavily

critisized, and led to a reduction in her rank and her flight status was revoked.

However, it would be the coordinates of the derelict spacecraft holding the xenomorph

eggs described by Ripley that led Carter Burke to send a survey team to search the location.

Within no more than two days, contact with the Hadley's Hope colony was lost, and at

Burke's recommendation, Weyland Yutani agreed to send a response team to take a look, with

the belief that an opportunity to obtain first rights to a legitmate R and D asset for the

bioweapons division.

The Weyland-Yutani Report, as well as Alan Dean Foster's novelization, goes into detail

on the decision to send the Marine Squad, and the team assembled to handle the situation.

Being in close conyacy with Weyland Yutani adminstrators, Burke advised that he had already

taken the initiative to access the team through Lt. Gorman, whom Burke described as understanding

the significance of being a team player.

It was also alluded that the team had previous experience with alien lifeforms: grain parasites

found on Actura.

With Ripley working as an advisor, and experienced battle-ready combat veterans, it was agreed

that there would be more than efficient resources to compile this rescue squad, which, in reality,

was being used to attain possible assets for Weyland-Yutani.

In July, 2179, the mission was underway.

LIEUTENANT FIRST CLASS ELLEN RIPLEY - ID 759/L2-01N Following her distrous deposition and limited

career prospects, Ripley had taken a jon on Gateway station operating powerloaders with

weekly, mandatory psychiatric evaluations on company orders.

She was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder along with comorbid generalized anxiey

disorder; with many medications recommended and dispsensed as a result.

Ripley held no military rank during the Hadley's Hope mission; technically, she was considered

a civilian advisor and her lieutenant designation was a flight rank rather than military.

Because she had served as a Warrant Officer for the UA, the USCM awarded her a second

lieutenant's pay scale in recognition of past service.

While she was inititally reluctant to join the mission, her own personal reasons motivated

her decision, as well as Burke's assurances that the intention was to whipe the alien

species out.

CARTER J BURKE - ID L1E7/.569643 367 MN At the time of the mission to LV-426, Carter

Burke served as the director of Special Projects, a position he took early in his meteoric rise

through the corporate ranks of Weyland-Yutani.

He was noted for having excellent people skills and hands-on initiative.

Given his unquestioning loyalty to the company and his high socia rating, he was the logical

choice to represent company interests.

Even as the situation within the team became dire, Burke remained loyal, making attempts

and working against the group toward gaining a specimen.


MODEL 341-B Bishop faithfully followed orders during the

mission to LV-426.

Burke wanted Bishop replaced with a modified model carrying Weyland-Yutani loyalty subprogram

directives, but timely access was unavailable.

Weyland Yutani was able to piece together sequences of events uploaded from Bishop,

though the company was unable to interfere with his directives to protect human life,

and the AP was integral to the survivors escape from LV426 by remote piloting the second dropship

from the Sulaco after the initial crash that left the team marooned.


The mission to LV426 was Lt. Gorman's second field command operation.

Despite showing exceptional potential in the USCM academy, Gorman failed to perform appropriately

under combat conditions.

He was also not especially liked or respected among his peers from the very beginning of

the mission, appearing more as an outsider not particularly worthy of the squad's trust.

While a traumatirc injury to the head left Gorman unconscious for most of the events

taking place after the attack witihn the xenomorph hive, he was able to stand off during the

infiltration of the operations center, and made an attempt to rescue Vazquez once she

was injured in the airducts, taking their lives, along with several aliens, with a grenade.


Apone served as the senior NCO for the Company-funded mission to LV426.

Chosen for his expertise in on-the-ground logistics and strong leadership abilities.

In the first direct contact with the Xenomorph, Master SGT Apone was captured to be used as

a host.

CORPORAL DWAYNE HICKS, SERIAL #: A27/TQ.0.48215E9 Corporal Hicks was the sole Colonial Marines

survivor from Hadley's Hope and the Xenomorph encounter on LV426.

After Lt. Gorman recieved incapacitating injuries and Apone was captured by Xenomorphs, Corporal

Hicks assumed command of the mission, which was technically under military jurisdiction.

Weyland Yutani was not especially satisfied with his command during the remainder of the

mission, citing that he had niether the training nor the experience to make informed decisions

regarding the protection of Company property, and it was believed that he relied heavily

on Ripley's input to make decisions.

Perished in hypersleep in the crash of a Type 337 Emergency Escape Vehicle, which was ejected

from the USS Sulaco in August of 2179.

Corporal Hicks posthumously recieved a Distinguished Service Medal from the USCM for outstanding



Weirzbowski carried an M240 incinerator unit into combat with the xenomorphs at the processor.

It is unknown if Weirzbowski was killed outright in the attack or if he was also taken as a

host; his armor was damaged and helmet lost when the drones attacked.


SERIAL # A08/TQ1.0.41776E3 Despite numerous altercations with superiors

and peers, he was scheduled to receive an honorable discharge from the USCM following

the mission to LV426.

Hudson was posthumously decorated for gallantry under fire.


Earned EMT Advanced in 2172.

A resourceful medtech, Dietrich was able to modify a biomonitor once Rebecca "Newt" Jordan,

the lone survivor of Hadley's Hope, was discovered, and determine any physical ailments.

Once in the hive, Dietrich was first to be adbducted by the xenomorphs to be used as

a host.


SERIAL #: A41/TQ8.0.81120E2 Long recognized for her absolute dedication

to the corps, PFC Vasquez enlisted to avoid detention time in 2172 as part of the Service

or Jail Act.

While cited several times early in her career for disorderly conduct (often accompanied

by Private Drake), Vazquez earned a silver National Interservice/Marine Corps Rifle competition

badge in 2175, and in 2177 she became an active member of the USCM at-risk youth Outreach



Like PFC Vasquez, Drake also enlisted shortly after national directives encourages courts

to offer military enlistment in lieu of sentencing.

Vasquez and Drake went through boot camp together and requested assignment to the same units.

Both chose advances weapons training as a speciality; their smartgun drill instructor

referred to them as "The Sweethearts," although they denied a romantic relationship.

On three separate occassions in 2172, Drake and Vazquez were picked up by MPs on D&D compliants.

While Vazquez finally embraced the marine lifestyle following her promotion in ran,

Drake seemed to resent this choice, often complaining about the pay scale.

Drake was killed in the Marines' first direct contact eith the Xenomorph XX121, a victim

of severe burns to the face and chest.


SERAIL #: A17/TQ4.0.61247E5 Held a first-degree black belt in the MCMAP

and was in the process of applying to instruct and train.

Referred jokingly within his unit as the Zen Master, Frost's nickname became code among

his fellow marines to remain cool during emergencies.

Frost was the first Marine to be killed in the Xenomorph hive on LV-426.


Killed in Action, Crow perished in the initial conflict when a bag of confiscated rifle ammon

was detonated by fire.

Suit readings record that he was killed instantly.


SERIAL # A71/TQ9.0.09428E1 By all accounts, Ferro a gifted dropship pilot.

Uploads to the Sulaco show that Cpl Ferro and PFC Spunkmeyer waited unsecrured at the

colony complex for a dust off call from Lt. Gorman.

A xenomorph drone got aboard the ship, killing both pilots.


SERIAL # A23/TQ6.0.92810E7 Pilot and crew chief, responsible for overseeing

maintenance of UD-4L dropships.

Due to looking younger than the rest of the team, It was long umoured that he had enlisted


While a talented team, all but Ripley, Hicks, Bishop survived the incidents at Hadley's

Hope, along with the colonist survivor Newt.

It could be said that circumstances were simply against them.

Perhaps a larger team may have fared better against the overwhelming odds of the xenomorph


If not for the complications arisen from the reactor core's vulnerability, the team may

have been able to defend themselves much better using weapons other than flame units and hidden


And certainly the infiltration and subsequent crash caused by the alien on the dropship

made a bad situation infinitely worse.

There is no doubt this was an efficient group with each member bringing a unique skill and

personality to the operation, and a lot could have been very helpful in the latter half

of mission.

My question to you is this: of the marines described here that DIDN'T survive the initial

contact within the hive, who would you have liked to have survive longer, at least until

the stand off at the operations center?

Personally I would have liked to see Drake live a little longer - and I think his gruff

and intimidating attitude would have made for some interesting contributions among the

group as they worked to survive.

Comment below and let me know who you would have liked to see more of.

And asaslways, Thank you very much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please make sure to give it a like, and if you're so inclined,

you can also subscribe for all the latest videos from the channel.

A very, very special thanks goes out to Weyland Yutani Executive EmYaruk, part of the Patreon


If you'd like to join the hive and support the channel, check out my Patreon page for

exclusive posts and contests.

In the meantime you can catch up with Alien Theory over social media- follow @Alien_Theory

on Twitter, and @AlienTheoryYT on Facebook and Instagram for more.

stay frosty And until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> The Ranks and Accolades of the Hadley's Hope Rescue Squad- Explained - Duration: 11:15.


Protecting Dwarf Plum Trees from Fruit Fly - Using Simple tools (Gulf Gold) - Duration: 3:23.

This is the dwarf gulf gold and this is our espalier which we're pretty proud of

So in the winter we prune off the front plane to make it nice and flat so you're

basically taking out any growth that comes to the front or to the back and

make sure that you leave your fruiting spurs and what you're aiming to do is to

get some nice fruiting laterals so all the branches that grow outwards like

this they're going to give you a heavier crop of fruit than branches that grow up

right so the idea of espalier is to flatten your tree stretch it out like

this and get these fruiting laterals and you can see we've got a great crop of

plums coming on so these are ready to pick and eat and they're just beautiful

they're a lovely sort of a bit of a reddish blush to them

With golden flesh inside

nice and juicy and a really good flavour

we don't want to lose this crop

so we're going to throw a net over this and being us espalier and flat it's nice

and easy to do so we're going to show you how

You can do it with one person

but it is easier to do with two so the aim is to get the net and we're going to

tie in at the bottom like this and on the sides like this and if there are a

couple of fruit poking out the side it's not going to matter if we lose a couple

of the fruit when we actually save our main crop so just cover your net so that

you actually protect most of your fruit and if you have a couple sticking out

don't fret so fruit fly actually pupate in the ground so the adult fly lays its

eggs in the fruit and then the fruit fall on the ground and the fruit flies

pupate in the ground so they're actually going to emerge from the soil so what

you need to do is you need to pick up any fallen and fruit to maintain hygiene

in your orchard and then you need to protect the tree from the base so we're

just going to just staple this together it doesn't have to be perfect so if one

fruit fly makes its way in it's not going to ruin the whole crop it might

just get into one fruit so that's not going to be too much of a

big deal

Now it's our favourite because it's self fertile so you only need one plum tree

there are no other plum trees planted around here and we've got a great crop

on this tree we also love it because it's a dwarf it's only a small tree so

this plum tree takes up about two meters tall in space and about 50 centimeters

wide it does really well in the subtropics it'll do well as far south as

Sydney and in warmer areas

and you too could be picking two hundred plums off

one of these in the spring if you dedicate a little bit of space to your

backyard to growing fruit trees

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