Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

hello everyone!

I'm back with another youtube video.

this time it's just a study with me/notetaking video.

before i start I'm just going to show you what stationeries i used in this video.

also, forgive my editing/animation skill, because I'm still learning :")

by the way, i made a poll on what video you want me to do next,

so you can click the i icon on the top right corner of this video and vote if you want!

thank you so much for watching this video until the end! I hope you guys liked it and don't forget

to leave a like and comment about what you think about it down below!

see you next time.

For more infomation >> Study With Me (Notetaking) - Duration: 4:30.


LE VERLAN et ses Principales Expressions - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> LE VERLAN et ses Principales Expressions - Duration: 8:46.




The following information is from the book "Mastery", by George Leonard.

If you haven't bought it yet, buy it.

Here's some wisdom about learning to sing being self-taught or finding a first rate


Hi I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

I will read excerpts from the book, Mastery, by George Leonard.

This is about learning any skill.

Apply this to learning to sing.

In chapter 5 he gives the first key to gaining mastery.

Key number one is "Instruction".

"There are some skills you learn on your own, and some you can try to learn, but if you

intend to take the journey of mastery, the best thing you can do is arrange for first-rate


The self-taught person is on a chancy path.

There are advantages: you enjoy the license of not knowing what can't be done; you might

wander into fertile territory previously ruled out by mainline explorers.

Some of those who taught themselves…have made it work.

Most, however, have spent their lives reinventing the wheel, then refusing to concede that it's

out of round…

Instruction comes in many forms.

For mastering most skills, there's nothing better than being in the hands of a master

teacher, either one-to-one or in a small group.

But there are also books, films, tapes, computer learning programs, computerized simulators

(flight simulators, for example), group instruction, classroom, knowledgeable friends, counselors,

business associates, even "the street."

Still, the individual teacher or coach can serve as a standard for all forms of instruction,

the first and brightest beacon on the journey of mastery.

Respect for credentials…..shouldn't blind you to other considerations.

The instructor who advertises as a eighth degree black belt in one martial art, ninth-degree

in another, and light-middleweight champion of the world in both could be a lousy teacher….

It's particularly challenging, in fact, for a top performer to become a first rate teacher.

Instruction demands a certain humility; at best, the teacher takes delight in being surpassed

by his or her students….

To see the teacher clearly, look at the students.

They are his work of art…

Even more, on the interaction.

Does the instructor proceed through praise or through damnation?

… Maybe you're looking for the type of instructor who's comfortable only with the best, only

with potential champions.

There are such teachers, and they serve a useful function, but for me the essence of

the instructor's art lies in the ability to work effectively and enthusiastically with

beginners and to serve as a guide on the path of mastery for those who are neither as fast

nor as talented as the norm….

Knowledge, expertise, technical skill, and credentials are important but without the

patience and empathy that go with teaching beginners these merits are as nothing.

… If you should end up with a teacher who doesn't seem right for you, first look inside.

You might well be expecting more than any teacher can give.

But teachers as well as students can be lazy, excessively goal oriented, indifferent, psychologically

seductive, or just plain inept.

It's important to keep proper psychological distance.

If you're too far removed there's no chance for the surrender that's part of the Masters

journey; if you come too close you lose all perspective and become a disciple rather than

a student.

The responsibility for good balance lies with student as well as teacher.

When irreconcilable differences do occur, remember that the better part of wisdom is

knowing when to say goodbye.

Bear in mind that on the path of mastery learning never ends.

In the words of the great Japanese swordmaster Yamaoka Tesshu:

'Do not think that this is all there is.

More and more wonderful teachings exist—the sword is unfathomable.'"

I would add if the sword is unfathomable, imagine the unfathomable-ness of the voice.

This is a great little book.

You will benefit by reading this book and applying it's lessons.

Learning your vocal type is an important step in learning to sing.

I'm not talking about whether you are soprano, alto, tenor, or bass.

Your vocal type is what you tend to do when you sing higher into your upper voice.

Go to power to and take the vocal test, which I call the power test.

Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.

Then go to the knowledge center and watch the videos about your vocal type.

Download free exercises and start practicing them.

They will help you progress rapidly.

If you liked this video given a thumbs up, subscribe, and share it with a friend.

Have you had a teacher who has helped you in a significant way with your singing?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Please join me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @PowerToSing.

I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.

You can sing higher with beauty, confidence, and power.

I'll see you inside the next video.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> LEARN HOW TO SING WITH A FIRST RATE INSTRUCTOR - Duration: 6:24.


Weihnachtsgans | | Rezept #136 - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> Weihnachtsgans | | Rezept #136 - Duration: 15:42.


[ATELIER GRANDES VOIES] : STAGE escalade 3 JOURS dans les Calanques ! ● VLOG #22 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> [ATELIER GRANDES VOIES] : STAGE escalade 3 JOURS dans les Calanques ! ● VLOG #22 - Duration: 3:48.


How To Master English Conversation - Duration: 7:36.

Why is English conversation so hard?

The conversation starts, but sometimes it ends very awkwardly because you don't know

what to say.

Actually, English conversation is kind of like tennis.

In tennis the players hit the ball back and forth, back and forth.

Sending and receiving.

Sending and receiving.

It's the same with English conversation.

Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.

I am Teacher Tiffani and today I am going to teach you How to MASTER English Conversatio

Are you ready?

Well then, let's jump right in.

English conversation is something that every English learner desires to be good at.

But in order to master it, you must first understand it.

There are three types of English conversations.

Once you understand them, you will become a master of English conversation.

The first type of English conversation is "Experience".

This type of conversation is focused on you discussing something that has happened to

you or something that you did.

There are three steps to follow in order to master this type of English conversation.

The three steps are, How to Answer, Follow up questions, and What to listen for.

First let's look at how to answer.

For this type of conversation, the most important thing to do is to give detailed information

about your own personal story or situation.

You can do this by including the following information.

Who, what, when, and where.

Next let's look at follow up questions.

The next thing you need to do is to ask a question.

This question gives the person you are talking to an opportunity to also tell their own experience.

For example, What about you?

What was your experience?

And Have you ever experienced that?

Finally, let's look at what to listen for.

In this part you need to pay attention to what they say.

Listen for something interesting about their experience.

So, you can listen for one key point and then ask them about it.

So, if we look at an example Experience Conversation, it would go like this.

Have you been to America?

Yes, I went with my family on a family vacation last year.

We went to Dallas, Texas.

What about you?

Yeah, I went to Paris 5 years ago with my sister.


How was Paris?

The second type of English conversation is "Feelings".

This type of conversation is focused on you discussing your personal feelings.

This type also has the same three steps.

First let's look at how to answer.

For this type of conversation, you must answer using three steps.

The first step is to State the emotion.

The next step is to Give 3 reasons why.

And the third step is to Give 1 example experience.

Next let's look at follow up questions.

The next thing you need to do is to ask a question.

This question gives the person you are talking to an opportunity to also talk about their


How about you?

Have you ever felt like that?

Finally, let's look at what to listen for.

Finally, you need to pay attention to what they say.

Listen for something specific about their feelings.

So you can listen for one key point and then ask them about it.

So, if we look at an example Feelings Conversation, it would go like this.

When do you feel happy?

I feel happy when I sing.

This is because music is fun, I sing well, and my friends sing with me too.

Last week my best friend and I sang songs together.

How about you?

That's nice.

I feel happy when I travel.

Oh, cool.

What about traveling makes you feel happy?

The third type of English conversation is "Opinion".

This type of conversation is focused on you discussing your personal opinion on a certain

topic or issue.

This type also has the same three steps.

First let's look at how to answer.

For this type of conversation, you must follow three specific steps to answer properly.

First, State your opinion clearly.

Second, Give 3 reasons why.

And third, Restate your opinion.

Next let's look at follow up questions.

The next thing you need to do is to ask a question.

This question gives the person you are talking to an opportunity to express their own opinion.

How about you?

What do you think?

What is your opinion about ______?

Finally, let's look at what to listen for.

Finally, you need to pay attention to what they say.

Listen for something specific about their opinion.

So you can listen for one key point and then ask them about it.

So, if we look at an example Opinion Conversation, it would go like this.

What do you think about living abroad?

In my opinion, living abroad is a great idea.

It helps you learn about other people, food, and lifestyles.

Basically, you learn about culture.

So I think it is good.

What do you think?

I agree.

I think it helps us to understand people too.


Why is it so good to understand people?

Back and forth.

Sending and receiving.

Now you can master English conversation.

Want the PDF cheatsheet for this lesson?

Click the link to download yours now.

Remember to subscribe

For more infomation >> How To Master English Conversation - Duration: 7:36.


DJI Spark FIRST FLIGHT & cow's CRAP! - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> DJI Spark FIRST FLIGHT & cow's CRAP! - Duration: 7:03.


【ARK】NA-PVE-50 勇者ケフが持ち帰った水晶でやっと鉄器次代卒業でござるwww - Duration: 4:18:08.

For more infomation >> 【ARK】NA-PVE-50 勇者ケフが持ち帰った水晶でやっと鉄器次代卒業でござるwww - Duration: 4:18:08.


Kann der Betriebsrat während eines Streiks seine Beteiligungsrechte ausüben? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Kann der Betriebsrat während eines Streiks seine Beteiligungsrechte ausüben? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 2:07.


Lego - Justice League Minifigures - knockoff review - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Lego - Justice League Minifigures - knockoff review - Duration: 4:10.


屋根裏の壁の中で、助けを求めて鳴いていた子猫。現場に向かった男性が、コンクリートを切断して子猫を救出!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 屋根裏の壁の中で、助けを求めて鳴いていた子猫。現場に向かった男性が、コンクリートを切断して子猫を救出!【感動する話】 - Duration: 2:31.


[Blabla #5] Le Temps - Duration: 4:57.

Hello, I'm in Australia

Hello, I'm in Delaware

OK this is not original, I'm BACK to Australia !

I'm back from the Future ! - Great Scott !

Previously in Dreampunk's videos

Dreampunk took excessive risks

Experimenting autochton specialities

It wasn't bad !

Attempting music covers way beyond his skills

What d'you mean ?

And finally making fun of his own president

In this Blabla #5 video

Wait wait, we cannot say what IS going to happen

this is completely stupid, people will just stop watching

In this Blabla #5 video

Dreampunk is going to talk about Time !

Ok... Great !

You wonder why Dreampunk persists making dumb videos instead of music

Do not find out why, by watching this video !

I'd like to make you think of time, YOUR time

I will speak as if everyone could do the same as me

But I'm aware that each one has its own restrictions, its own privilege

This video is mainly for people who have a job that is not their passion

And who would like to find time to spend on personal projects

Chapter 1 - Stop working !

Temporarily ! After working 4 years, I left to Australia

And I started not to work. And I realised how important it is

To allow yourself some time to think

And find something that matters and is meaningful to you

And finding this is so hard when you already work 5 days

You come back from work tired, physically, mentally

Of course you have to be able to do so, I had saved some money

And not working allowed me to focus on things that matter

For me, the Dreampunk project, the environment, people

I started volunteering

But mostly, not working allowed me to be open to opportunities

I started doing different casual jobs, not always great

But at least that give you an idea of what you don't want to do

And I had the chance to start doing coding clubs with kids

And I never had a job that meant that much to me before

And most of all, I'm working 4 days a week

Chapter 2 - Work less Earn more

I'm twisting a quote from this famous and respectable celebrity

"Who said this ? You ?"

"If you think impersonating will solve the fishermen's issue"

I'm now working 4 days a week

At first I thought it wouldn't be possible for 2 reasons

My company will never allow me to work 4 days

Wrong ! Well at least you can always ask

Or else find a company that likes the fact that you cost them less

And somehow, if many people start working 4 days a week

Then it allows more people to work : You fight against Unemployment !

"That works !" (French reference)

I could never live with less !

I think it's wrong. We usually adapt

It can be an opportunity to change our way of spending and consuming

And the importance of this 4-day week

You're gonna be happier, more productive at work

And on the other hand, you have 1 day / week to do whatever you want

Believe me it's worth the lower salary

So of course, working less Earn more, I'm not talking money

So what are you talking about, you...

Wow wow wow, kids are watching !

... Squalala !

Living Time

The philosophical moment is presented by Jean-Jacques Dreamkant

We often think money can bring us what we want

And we live in a system where everything is money

Crazier, even Art is money

Yet so many things money can't buy

Most important of them is Time

Money can't buy Time

But when you work, YOUR time gives you money

Isn't work some living time, spent doing things that you wouldn't naturally do ?

So for me, the goal would be to spend the least amount of time earning money

And do a maximum of things that matter

Learn to live with what you have, but also less that you already earn

This living time belongs to you

Who said this ? You ?

If you think swearing will help solve the fishermen's issue !

For more infomation >> [Blabla #5] Le Temps - Duration: 4:57.


Funny kids video and children. kids toys - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Funny kids video and children. kids toys - Duration: 3:41.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Seri 52-53 - Duration: 11:31.


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