Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017

It is my pleasure to introduce to you our guest speaker,

who is one of the most popular and very important public servant of our country today.

As he came this morning, I asked him how he was to be introduced.

And I was expecting him to give me a copy of his personal data

or list of the numerous awards and citations he received

but instead he told me

It's simple, Compañera

Just say that I am a judge with a heart and God-fearing.

That's a simple person and humble our guest right now.

That's why my amazement and respect for him all the more increased.

I won't let you wait any longer because just like me

you all want to hear his important message for all of us.

So my dear compañeros and compañeras,

please join me in welcoming our country's toughest lawyer and judge.

Recently awarded as the Most Outstanding Public Servant of the Year

Judge Salvador Roncesvalles.

Thank you Atty. Madrid for that very simple yet touching introduction.

Good morning to all of you.

A question I am frequently asked is why I decided to become a Lawyer.

Others were wondering especially my classmates

because I'm not as smart as they are.

Well, I could simply say that this is a childhood dream

Although, I just can't say because I'm ashamed

They might just laugh at me,

because I'm not that really good.

Of course, we are not well-off in our life.

But, while growing up,

I am proud and realized what the Lord wanted me to become someday.

I have this experience I want to share with you that helped me to become stronger.

and of course, to keep my dreams to be a lawyer.


My son.

Mom, I'll be the one to sell these watermelons, after all I don't have any school today...

My son is really good.

Okay my child, I know that you are a good vendor, the price for a small watermelon is 5 centavos,

10 cents for a large one but please take care.

But I always take care of m yself, Mom.

And above all, God is there to watch over us. He won't forsake us.

So, don't worry too much, Mom.

Yes, my son.

My son is really good, you're not only kind but Godly as well.

Mom, you forgot to say something ...

What is it, my son?


Yes, that's right!

You are my most handsome son!

No doubt, Mom because I'm your only son.

Bye, Mom!

Badong! Where you going? Can we go with you?

I'll be going in that subdivision, I will sell these watermelons.

Okay you can come.

Me too, Andoy and I will help you sell those watermelons.

Oh, you just want to have a free taste of watermelon!

Hey, no!

I just really wanted to help.

Okay, you two can come, just don't be naughty. And you two don't fight.

But wait, did you tell your parents where you're going?

Yes of course! We're going to help you, let's go!


Have some watermelon!

Reddish and sweet!

Buy some watermelon! It is very cheap, nutritious and healthy for your skin.

So buy some now!

Wow! These kids know how to make sales talk.

Do you see them, children?

They are still young but they are already able to help their parents.

How much is that?

It depends on the size. This small one costs 5 cents and 10 cents for the big ones.

I will get three big watermelons.

Here is my payment. Keep the change.

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

Your welcome. Take care.

Yes ma'am!


Someone saw us! That kid saw us!

Let's go! That's only a kid, you wouldn't kill a kid, would you?

He would be afraid to report us.

[Engine starts]




Why Minda? Where is Enriqueta?

Oh my God ma'am, Enriqueta is missing.

I saw her leaving so I followed her.

Call the driver and ready the car quickly!

Ma'am I saw the little girl. Some men forced her into a car.

Are you sure? Did you recognize the face?

Yes, I saw the kidnappers' faces.

I also remember their car's plate number.

Can you help us? Accompany us at the police station to make a statement of what you saw.

Okay. Andoy, Berting!

I will accompany them first to the police station.

Deliver those watermelons to the store.

Tell mother that I will accompany them.

I will go home right after.

Okay. Leave this to us.

Are you not afraid to report this to the police?

The kidnappers might get back at you.

I am not afraid Berting.

I entrust everything to God.

I will just tell them what I really saw and they need my help.

The girl they kidnapped should be rescued.

Kids, leave those watermelons to Minda and I will pay for them all.

Wow! It is our lucky day!

Are you sure about what you're saying?

Yes, I am certain.

Then, we will drop you off at your home so that we will be able to talk with your parents.

We need their consent for you to testify in this case.

Sir, Sergeant Llaguno called. Positive, sir.

They confirmed the plate number that the informant gave.

That's why they were able to follow the vehicle.

They already subdued the kidnappers.

The girl is now safe.

The kidnappers seem to notice that they were being followed so they dropped and left the kid at the park.

Salvador Roncesvalles, it is clear in your statement in this court

that you identified the people who kidnapped Enriqueta Sy.

Do you see them now inside the court room?


If so, can you point out who kidnapped Enriqueta Sy?

Them. The three of them kidnapped the girl.

They forced her into a car. I remember the plate number, NDT-326.

You're a liar! That's not us!

You'll pay for this kid. You'll regret what you have done to us.

Order in the court!

I was still young when I was blamed for a thing that I did not do.

It is evil to lie.

I learned this in the worship services when I was still young.

I promised myself that I will uphold the truth.

The truth should prevail over lies.

We need to be steadfast in our conviction and not fear the enemies' threats.

Judge, someone delivered this for you.

It came with flowers so I did not open it. It looks personal.

Let me see.


This is my first time to receive a bouquet of flowers.

Does it contain a bomb?

I asked myself, will I be afraid now of threats?

For more than five decades in this world,

the God that I believed in when I was a child is still the one true God that I believe in.

The God who bestowed blessings upon me back then

is still the God who guides and tirelessly blesses me until today.

That is why I considered myself so lucky.

So lucky that I was born in this world and grew with the very strong faith in God.

This I believed is the greatest blessing I ever got.

As lawyers, there are things that we really cannot avoid.

We sometimes take cases of well-known and influential people and even government officials.

There are cases that we don't want to take but we need to for the sake of our sworn duty.

Especially like me who serve in the government.

My advice for you, compañeros and compañeras, these are all parts of our journey as lawyers.

That's a fact that we need to accept.

Don't let yourself be down, this is the reality of our world as lawyers.

So we should push through. Let's just continue doing our best.

Let us perform the duty given to us with complete honesty and courage.

We should not be afraid but we should have a heart.

That is how we balance it.

And I hope that every lawyer here must not forget that we must not rely much on our own capabilities.

We should not boast because at the end of the day as human beings,

we are all nothing if God is not with us.

Thank you and may the Lord bless us all.


For more infomation >> God's Greatest Blessings - Albay | INCinema 2017 (w/ English captions) - Duration: 14:24.


[ Nhạc Nền Rap ] Beat Rap về Doflamingo ( One Piece ) - Phạm Tuấn, Huyy Đann, PhanAnn - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> [ Nhạc Nền Rap ] Beat Rap về Doflamingo ( One Piece ) - Phạm Tuấn, Huyy Đann, PhanAnn - Duration: 4:33.


Padha hua yaad nahi rehta ?? | पढ़ा हुआ कैसे याद रखे | Pada hua yaad rakhne ke upay | Success Maza - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Padha hua yaad nahi rehta ?? | पढ़ा हुआ कैसे याद रखे | Pada hua yaad rakhne ke upay | Success Maza - Duration: 3:38.


Study on science and religion in Latin America and Brazil - Ignacio Silva PhD - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Study on science and religion in Latin America and Brazil - Ignacio Silva PhD - Duration: 5:54.


habib wahid and Nancy best bangla new song 2018 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> habib wahid and Nancy best bangla new song 2018 - Duration: 5:02.



I didn't comb my hair!

Hello everyone! Welcome to this new video!

How are you doing? Is everything fine? or not?

I'm so so, It's like past midnight and I'm really exhausted

and you have to know that when I'm tired, I do my best

Cause I already seem like I'm high and when I'm tired, don't know why

It seems like I'm more high than usual, so I'm telling you guys.. However

What's gonna be today's topic?

We're gonna talk about stereotypes that Koreans have about Italians

Simple right? Let's start!

without wasting our time, we can go straight to the point

The first stereotype that Koreans have about Italians

and if you are Italian, when you'll come to Korea

you'll hear about this everywhere, hundreds of times each second

It's the fact that for them all Italian people are handsome

and you say "what a wonderful stereotype!"

"we are all beautiful!"

Just think that there is *got confused in Italian and creating new sentences*

a way of saying which is

that in Italy also homeless?? people are beautiful and handsome

really, it's a Korean way of saying, I'm not kidding

Everything is wonderful and colorful, if it wouldn't be

for the fact that they think everyone is beautiful

it makes you doubts about.. how do you say.. your uniqueness.. for example

when I meet someone and I introduce myself, it might happens that they say

"Wow you are beautiful" and I put some make up

I put foundation that makes me look like a porcelain barbie doll

I dress nicely

and finally I receive that compliment for which I worked hard

cause it takes hours to become handsome and then

when you say that you are Italian

"aah okay you are Italian, then It's obvious that you are beautiful.. all Italians are handsome"

NO! It's NOT true! If there's a Korean who is watching me

It's not true that all Italians are super handsome, got it?

and I don't even understand from where this thinking comes from

cause there's no one in particular as Italian actor who's famous in Korea

The most famous Italian in Korea is Alberto Mondi

I don't know if you guys know him, and after all

he's not that ugly I mean, but you can't even say that he is

*undefined sound of amazement*

he's normal, after all.. so I really do not understand this stereotype

but that's okay I mean

It has its pros and cons guys

most of the times, for me, It's a pain in the a**

another thing that I often hear is

the fact that Italians people always dress nicely

especially when I say that I'm from Milan.. and it's like..

"Milano fashion, fashion" in fact

take a look here.. a red sweater

made by Gucci, Armani

which cost 6.500 euro per square meter.. I don't know


*I got into these strings*

also here there are positive and negative things

even if you give your best to dress nicely

at the end, in any case

they won't give you some good points to you as a person BUT

they will give you some positive credits since you are from Milan

don't know maybe in Milan there's feeling of Dolce & Gabbana

spreading their sense of fashion

and we've blown away by that and we all turn into good fashionstas

somehow it doesn't give you any enthusiasm

and you questioning yourself "why am I even trying to dress nicely?!"

one positive thing is that even if I don't do my best to dress nicely

and I say that I'm from Milan, they'll think the rags that I'm wearing is fashion, got it?

the other side of the coin

am I saying it correctly, right?? It might be the first time that I'm saying correctly an Italian Idiom in

all the videos (maybe 70) that I did

I'm really proud of my self, good job Marco

so the next thing

makes me extremely uncomfortable

don't know why, but Koreans..

especially Korean boys think that

we Italians (all of us) love football.. NOW

this is actually true, I mean lots of average Italian men is into football

so this is not even a stereotype which comes out from nowhere

only thing is that

lots of Koreans are fans of Italian Football

like Milan, Inter..

I mean all this famous football teams all over the world

I guess.. I don't know.. I have no idea about football guys

however, since I don't know anything about it

every time that I meet a someone who guess that I'm Italian

this person gets excited cause he takes for sure

that I'm an expert of Italian football and he starts to say "ooh AC Milan"

"Buffon"... *undefined sounds*

and I'm like..

Del Piero? I don't know.

I say footballers' names randomly

and it's it works.

I mean, I say footballers' name randomly and they're easy to get

and we manage to have a conversation. It gives me anxiety

if I'm honest. Especially since I do shows

on (???) every week

and the producer of this show who follow us every time, because we walk around for filming, he's a huge fan of Milan

and every time he see me, he talk about football

he still doesn't get it that I don't understand anything about football, so I don't know if I'm good at acting

or he is easy to get

as long as I say names randomly


it's gone for now, guys.

Next stereotype that Koreans have about Italians is that

we speaking English very well

and/or Spanish

First of all, the average Korean doesn't know that Italian is a language. *NOTE: for a few years, thanks to Alberto as well, the Italian language is better known*

So, he takes for granted that our mother tongue

is Spanish, I don't know why, or English

there's different points of view

if that is annoying or not. First of all, it should be

basic knowledge that Italian language is...

...a language

But still... from our point of view :

How many people, that I know,

asked me if in Korea people speak Chinese?

So, at the end... we can say that mindless people are everywhere.

Once, I had an audition

I will always remember that

A beautiful and incredible figure!

Basically, it was a prank program

and they was looking for a person

who could play the role of an American choreographer

So, one of my agents and said me

"Marco, listen me. You have to come an incredible audition

You have to play the role of an American choreographer" and me "No, I mean...

I don't speak American language, you can see that's not true."

and he said "Not at all! Come here, then you're Italian

so you can speak Italian very well! Trust me"

Silly me, I went there alone

Who's there for the audition?

A real American, who said me "Oh hell! How are you, man? Yo, bro!"

And me just like "yo... wassup?

wassup... yeah... all my ladies

put your fingers up"

Obviously, he caught me after 2 second that I wasn't American

and he kicked me out...


Another stereotype, rather predictable

is that for Koreans, we Italians eat pasta

and pizza every day

they don't think that in our menu exist others kinds of food

also because, if you go to an Italian restaurant

as I already explained to you in the other video which I'm gonna linke here... or here

I never remember where is the letter I for INFO

if you go to an Italian restaurant, there is: PASTA or PIZZA.

that's that. Every time I say "No way,

I eat pizza once in a week

and it's enough, I mean, I know that a lot of people

eat pizza less than once in week, among my friends

and they remain shocked, because they're convinced that at breakfast

we eat pizza soaked in milk, got it?

Imagine if I tell them that we have much more

than pasta and pizza as recipes, they get crazy!

not only

they think we just eat pasta or pizza, but about pasta

they know only Carbonara, olive oli and with tomato

so, they think we eat

or one of these kinds of pasta or pizza

Every day. Stop.

Another stereotype

that Koreans have about we Italians, is that we can sing very well.

Nice... would be very nice. I don't know why they have this stereotype

but I think is due to the fact

that one of the things very famous in Korea

is the opera,

I guess... I don't know.

Anyway, I swear... every time I say

I'm Italian, one of the first thing they say is:

"So then you can sing very well!" or when they say:

"Let's go to a karaoke" because they often go to a karaoke in Korea

since they know that I'm Italian,

they say "No way, I won't go to a karaoke with him, he's Italian, so he sing very well

just like Pavarotti, basically"

This gives me anxiety, because people expect

that I'm a great singer

instead I never be able to achieve the expectations

because they think that

I'm the Rossella O'Hara of 2017 *NOTE: ROSSELLA O'HARA IS NOT EVENE A SINGER*

Why Rossella O'Hara? Why didn't I give the example with a man?

However, we all sing very well!

Another stereotype that is amazing, but even this is real enough

is that they thing Italians are mobsters

NOW: we all agree

that most Italians are not mobsters

but still, mafia is a thing that exists

in our country as we know

but still, it causes that many times for jokes,

also because my channel is named "Seoul mafia",

people ask me "Why is your channel named like that?" for jokes I answer :

"Well, because I'm a mobster"

Guys... they always believe it!

I mean... the frost!

Just like: ah.


They get scared so much, and I have to say that I'm joking

before they can have an heart attack

Well, this thing it's funny but

could also make we think about why

this thing about mafia is so intrinsic in their culture

we should wonder about this

the last stereotype that comes to mind

that people have said to me so many times

is that we Italians are

biggest traitors. Romantics, because we are able to win the woman

as if nothing happened

because we're amorous, romantics and cuddly

but also traitors of the ones... bad.

We have a deal on this point?

More or less. We have a deal that a lot of men cheat on

*he garbled with the words*

that they cheat on their girlfriends? Of course.

No doubt. But we also agree

that basically every man of the world

is the same of one another, not only we Italians are in this way

male in general

that don't think with the brain

sometimes the thought

is shifted further down

I'm not excusing the male gender


this for say that

not only we Italians traitors, because

if you come here in Korea, you can see that there are a lot of bar

with naked woman every 5 meters

so, if they are there, a reason exists, or not? Dear Koreans.

You think that women are there for dancing

ritmo vuelta on their own?

No. So...

Obviously I'm not saying that every man is in that way

that always do bumbumbum

Don't take all this as a joined-up thinking

but... I mean

is that a large percentual

That's all for this video

tell me if you expected these stereotypes or not

tell me if you ever been in another country

if you ever head others stereotypes about we Italians, what kind of image we have

see you soon in the next video! Remember that you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram




As you can see... we don't sing as Pavarotti


For more infomation >> ITALIAN STEREOTYPES in SOUTH KOREA 😨 - Duration: 12:49.





You are real but your waifu is not ( ̄^ ̄メ) - Duration: 1:28.

Yusuke :- Hey Holo, Will you be my waifu ?

Holo :- Waifu ?? But why ?

Yusuke :- Cause I like you a lot.

Holo :- No !!

Yusuke :- Huhhhhh.. But why ?

Holo :- Because you are real. Now STFU and Switch off the TV and go to sleep.

Megumin :- I can be your waifu, if you want too.

Yusuke :- Huhhhhhhhhh…. Sorry I m not into kids.

Megumin :- Really then ? *Explosion*

Yusuke :- What was that for ?

Megumin :- This is what you get, when you say something like that to Explosion Queen. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

For more infomation >> You are real but your waifu is not ( ̄^ ̄メ) - Duration: 1:28.


ek deewana tha serial next episode | এক দেওয়ানা থা হিন্দি সিরিয়াল HD - Duration: 1:01.

কুসুম দোলা আগামী পর্ব | kusum dola tomorrow episode | kusum dola bangla serial | কুসুম দোলা

For more infomation >> ek deewana tha serial next episode | এক দেওয়ানা থা হিন্দি সিরিয়াল HD - Duration: 1:01.


Trick To Make Your Air Jordan's Look New - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Trick To Make Your Air Jordan's Look New - Duration: 3:17.


UM CEMITÉRIO BIZANTINO NO BRASIL? | BAHIA - | Max e Mirjam EP 29 - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> UM CEMITÉRIO BIZANTINO NO BRASIL? | BAHIA - | Max e Mirjam EP 29 - Duration: 9:30.


Lipstick Tutorial - Lip Art Compilation - Best Makeup Ideas 2017 | Part 5 - Duration: 10:31.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial - Lip Art Compilation - Best Makeup Ideas 2017 | Part 5 - Duration: 10:31.


Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka tập 1 - Cuộc chiến giữa ngực "bự" và "lép" - Duration: 23:42.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka tập 1 - Cuộc chiến giữa ngực "bự" và "lép" - Duration: 23:42.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 190 Picking Up the Paperclip - Duration: 4:10.

Today's topic Picking Up the Paperclip

Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own Story and this is your daily growth hack

where each day we bring you a tip trick or insight to help you up level what we

call the five to thrive that's your mind your body your soul your relationships

and your business the other day I was walking in my office and I walked by a

paper clip on the ground now as I walk by I felt the urge to bend down and pick

it up but I also felt the urge to just keep going because it was just a paper

clip on the ground and I was in the middle of packing for a trip then I

realized then I realized that it was just a part of energy was gonna occupy

part of my mind a paper clip that is so I stopped and remembering the little

things that matter and I turned around and grabbed the paper clip and all of a

sudden unbeknownst to me a small weight fella had lifted from my shoulders as I

placed the paper clip back where it belonged and so I started noticing that

and I went through the rest of the day making sure I picked picked up the paper

clips in my life meaning make sure I did the little things those little things

that you just kind of let go that could be taking out the trash hole or earlier

than maybe you want to put filing paperwork organizing your background

organizing your desk cleaning your whiteboard whatever that may be for you

picking up the paper clips is just an analogy just a symbol for those little

things in our life that we put off because they're easy to do but easy not

to do also maybe you might think walking down the street as a piece of trash

that's kind of annoying but somebody else will get it you know somebody else

will do it I didn't leave that trash I don't need to pick it up but I could

almost guarantee if you pick up a piece of trash or you pick up the paperclip in

your office or whatever it may be around your home you'll feel a little less

weight a little weight come off your body because it frees the energy a

freezie energy in your head space as well because I believe somewhere

subconsciously you're actually storing the the memory of being able or actually

forgetting to pick up the paperclip and leaving something leaving something you

know you should do this is almost like chipping away at your self discipline

right so if we you know say we're gonna go up running in the morning and we

don't go running one morning it becomes easier the second morning and the next

morning doesn't it it does and this goes same thing if we say you

know what how one doughnut one hamburger is not gonna hurt and that one turns

into two three four and next thing you know it's been

six months and you're off your diet I think the paperclip is just a symbol or

and just for representation of all these little things that occur in our life so

today what I want you to do is look at the paper clips in your life especially

what I want you to grab your journal and put your 5 to thrive down and this is

gonna be really important and each of your 5 to thrive identify the paper

clips that you regularly encounter you know what are those paper clips in each

of those categories you know for me it was in my office and the little things

that were left around now that's a paper clip in my mind cuz it's occupying my

mind space I always used to say that I live in organized chaos but the truth is

when I clean my office and I detail or maybe it's just the house in general and

I detail it I just feel better why is everything do I know where things

are more no I just feel better because I think it cleans the actual space around

me the headspace that it's being occupied so I want you to identify your

5 your 5 to thrive and where are those paper clips we all have them where are

they in your life and then immediately I want you to take action right after you

listen to this and have written down your 5 to thrive and identified your

paper clips take immediate action to at least one of those just one take

immediate action in the moment that's it for me today remember go over to author

of your own story com where you get the latest tips tricks and techniques

delivered right to your inbox each and every day and go out and inspire someone

by being the Author of Your Own Story!

For more infomation >> AYS Daily Growth Hacks 190 Picking Up the Paperclip - Duration: 4:10.


DUPLIK (feat. Paul) PARTIE 2 - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> DUPLIK (feat. Paul) PARTIE 2 - Duration: 9:43.



Songs rejang - ting bedeting

Lyrics, karaoke, and translation

Regions song Bengkulu Indonesia

For more infomation >> TING BEDETING - LAGU DAERAH REJANG | LIRIK, KARAOKE, & TERJEMAHAN - Duration: 4:41.


Lionel Messi ● Unstoppable - Skills & Goals 2015 HD - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi ● Unstoppable - Skills & Goals 2015 HD - Duration: 4:02.


💅 Nail Art 2017 💅 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation November 2017 💅 Part 8 - Duration: 10:30.

💅 Nail Art 2017 💅 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation November 2017 💅 Part 8

For more infomation >> 💅 Nail Art 2017 💅 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation November 2017 💅 Part 8 - Duration: 10:30.


Cinco Pationhos | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:05:59.

Five little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mommy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mommy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mommy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mommy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

But only one little duck came back.

One little duck went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mommy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

But no little ducks came swimming back.

No little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Daddy duck said 'Quack, quack, quack,'

And all the five little ducks came back.

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