Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 26 2017


- Yeah.


- No, that's good.

- Hey, folks, welcome to actually sunny London.

- Sunny is one word for it, Barry.

- Yeah, sunny.

- Yesterday, my life was filled with pain.

- We've just finished filming Barshens,

we're a little tired, but we're doing

a bonus video for my channel.

Thank you, Stewart, for joining me.

- You are most welcome.

- Nice to meet you.

Today we are gonna be tasting some Peruvian treats.

- Indeed.

I thought you said some perverted treats,

I was quite excited but--

- That's a separate video altogether.

I've been sent some treats from Peru,

but the only thing that I could think of

with us being in London, Paddington

originated in Peru, my daughter told me that.

- It's entirely true, it is from deepest, darkest Peru.

- I thought it was just a bear that liked marmalade

that lived in a train station, where's the Peru thing?

- He was born in Peru.

That was easy.


- Well, why is his name Paddington, that's quite British?

- Because he was named after the station where he was found.

- So he's an immigrant.

- Yes, for his original name was something like (growls).

- So shall we peruse, hey, Peruvian banter

over these treats, I've got a letter, first of all.

- Well, this is nice, look, a handwritten card.

- Dear Barry, I'm telling you know

your bank account is over, um, from the bank, sorry.

Wrong one.

"Hello from Peru, I'm a big fan of your channel.

"I remember the first time I saw it."


Really nice kind words.

Thank you, Alexandra, for these delightful treats.

They all look really nice.

- They genuinely do.

- A rarity for us.

- It definitely is.

- We eat food that we don't really know

where it's come from, which is probably the case here,

to be fair, but it's all sealed.

Shall we peruse?

- Let's.

- Let's dive.

The first thing we've got.

I'm gonna show this here to the camera.

Inka Corn.

They look like bits of earwax, don't they?

- That's a nice thought, earwax.

I do like corn, this is very big corn.

- This is, yeah, I think I like these too.

They're very crunchy, they got a salty tang.

- Let's see if I can translate anything from it.

It's been fried in some giant fried corn.

- Nice, corn fried in corn.

- Yes.

- Cornception.

- Corn squared.

I'm quite looking forward to this.

- I'm gonna give you the first smell, of my Peruvian box.

- All I can smell is Vaseline.


- We did a video earlier today and I literally

layered my hands with, like, I basically a tub of Vaseline.

I am petroleum jelly.

- Somebody's gonna be.

- Tangy.

I think I got a little bit of Peru up my nose.

- I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

- Try one.

- Thank you.

- They do look like little toes.

- They're really nice.

- They are.

- They're not very spicy.

I'm surprised, it's those spicy chiles.

- It's not very chilli picante.

Chilli picante.

They're all right.

Though they do look like little toes.

Look at that toenail sticking out.

You could imagine that on a little Paddington Bear figure.

- Thanks Barry.

- That really helps it go down.

This is quite interesting.

- That's chocolate isn't it?

- Yes.

Discover Cacao Sujo.

That sounds like a nightclub.

- It does, a good nightclub at that.

One of those ones where the bouncer

isn't rude to you when you go in.

- No cause he's been fed chocolate.

Cacao sujo.

Cacao sujo, the best kept secret of the Incas.

- The best kept secret of the Incas?

I don't think that's chocolate.

The best kept secret of the Incas nobody knows about it.

- Cause it's a secret.

40% Cacao quinoa crunch.

Quinoa, quinoa?

They used to call it kee-no-wah.

It's like someone who knows about keys.


True story.

- Kee-no-wah.

That's like some character on the Matrix.

- Or from the bible, Noah.

- Maybe.


- He knew all about the keys.

This marvellously nutritious whole grain of the Incas

known as quinoa, is lightly roasted.

Deliciously complimenting our 40% pure cacao milk chocolate.

- So this is the posh version of dairy milk crunch

with the cocoa puffs in it.

- I sincerely hope so.

Shall we peruse?

- Yes.

Has it got a sacrificed human being's heart in it?

- Hang on, (grunts).

- There's an image I can't unsee.

- Sorry mum.

- If you think that's gold I'm slightly worried about you.

- Oh it's kind of like a poor mans pound.


- The other side, baby's diarrhoea colour.

- Yes.

Or leftover curry.

- Not much difference between the two.

Not in my fridge anyway.

- I know, give babies curry sometimes, it's nice.

- Keep them quiet.

- I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory,

there's a golden ticket, ooo.

- I've got a golden ticket, this is really melted.

- Slightly mangled.

- Mess.

- It's so mangled, look at the state of that.

That used to be lovely gorgeous blocks of Inca...

- Has that been through a microwave and then a goat?


- Should we have a little smell?

That smells deep, you know?

That's like Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

turned up to 11.

And you can see the pieces of quinoa.

- Yes, yep.

Yep, posh dairy crunch.

- There's not much to it is there?

- It's alright.

- Like eating mud.


- It's better than like...

- The secret of the Incas.

It was mud.

- Mud all along.

- There's a crunch there now.

- Yeah, it's not that great a chocolate though.

It's not that sweet, but it's not dark enough

to have a real sort of cocoa kick.

It's ended up a bit sort of nothing.

- It's like a confused chocolate where they just sort of

just chucked in the leftovers at the end of the day.

But it's nice.

- Which would explain the shape of it as well.

- Let's switch back to something savoury.

This should I think be served quite hot.

- Oh good.

- Now obviously, - In my armpit for a while?

- Yeah sort of like a hot water bottle sort of styling.

Yeah can you do that?

I'm gonna read the story.

Papa la juanca potato sala ha juancina is a typical dish

from (laughs) sorry.

Is a typical dish from the coast and highlands of Peru.

It was created using the construction of train tracks, what?

And workers were given a potato dish

served with a sauce made with cheese and yellow pepper,

the sauce is normally served over boiled potatoes

then topped with hard boiled eggs and olives, sounds nice,

the sauce despite it's creamy and

rich consistency is sneaky spicy.

It's also served with cocktail potato,

over pastille, or used as a dipping sauce

for celery sticks, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes.

Now I just wanna take the cheap option

and just grab a carrot from a fridge.


- I thought we were gonna make a snowman.

- We could do.

- I've worked out it's basically a cheese and something

cream, juancina, rich flavour of the house or something.

- Oh nice.

- Shall we open it up?

- Yeah, actually I've got a bowl here ready.

- It looks, from the front of it,

it looks quite like custard.

- Imagine that.

But it's Peruvian custard carrots.

What's it smell like?

- Interesting.

- Oh crikey that's cheese isn't it?

- Yeah.

Slightly worried about this one.

- Lush.

- Nice.

- Now I don't wanna take it all out,

cause I'm gonna let you have some for your trip home.

To Normanshire.

Now we might have to, oh you snapped the carrot for us.

- Yup.

If I see a carrot I snap it, you know me Barry.

- They don't call him Stewart carrot snapper for nothing.

Right carrot snapper?

- Oh yeah you know it my friend.

- If anyone's wondering what Stewart does in his spare time,

he just snaps carrots.

- I'm slightly worried about this.

It looks like toxic mustard.

- You made a little Donald Trump there.


I want to lick it first, like a lolly.

- Okay.

I'm gonna do the same.

- I should've shave my carrots, sorry.

- It's alright.

It's quite, it tastes very, Mediterranean vegetably

very much like peppers or something.

- No that's cheese.

There's some cheese I don't like to it.

That is...

- I like the cheese element, not so much the pepper element.

It's slightly spicy as well.

- I have to eat this like a rabbit I'm sorry.

Oh it's mustardy or something.

- If it wasn't for the flavour of the peppers

I would really like that.

- It's okay, if you like cheese.

Not a fan of it.

How was eating Donald Trump?

- It was, the best, just the best,

all others aren't as good, sad.

- Nothing like washing down your carrot Donald Trump

with a nice Wong.

- Good bit of wong.

- Chew on the donna pepper, went to school with her.

Wong mas calidad, suave tradition.

- A typical desert eaten everywhere in Peru.

- So my fear when I saw this box,

was oh my gosh this is like a cake we gotta maybe make this.

And to be honest I haven't researched

it any further than that, so it could just be that.


Sorry bout that.


Isn't that a Christmas song?

Mas calidad feliz navidad?


- Ah there's quality yes.

- There's a story there you go.

- (speaking foreign language) is the typical desert

eaten everywhere in Lima during the purple month.

And even though it can now be found year round

in big stores it was originally prepared only in October.

And still is sold mostly in this month,

like cream eggs, as the story tells,

(speaking foreign language) was a slave

who had a strange disease that paralysed her arms,

this is because she ate this cake, no,

this disease freed her from slavery

but at the same time left her unable to earn a living.

She started attending the processions to ask

for her health back which she eventually did get.

- Thanks for having my health back.

- Who took it?

Who was hiding it?

Was it in a jar? - Paddington Bear.

- And as a thank you gift she created this sweet.

So far so good.

Where the story starts becoming psychedelic

to be honest, pretty psychedelic already,

just look like the look of this candy covered desert

is in the part where she raised the desert

with her arms in one of the processions

and the lord of miracles smiled back at her

and blessed the offering.

- Wow.

- She passed the tradition of preparing todon

for this special time of year to her daughters,

granddaughters and generations to come.

So during the purple month, the lord of miracles

will bless your cake.

- What month is that?

- October.

- Obviously October's gone, but look.

It's a cake in a box.

- Cake in a box, cake in a box.

- Cake in a box, I've got a Peruvian cake in a box.

- It's very messy how we gonna eat it?

- And it's called wong which sounds wrong.

- Hey if that's wong I don't wanna be right.


Let's try and have a bit that hasn't touched the cheese.

That's not a euphemism.


- Right there's a wrapper on it.


I don't think we should eat this bit.

- Yep, there's a wrapper on it.

There's a picture of Dr Dre on a cake.

- Look at this.

- This is amazing.

It's also the stickiest thing since the lord of miracles.

- Should we leave that like a holder.

Do Lady and the Tramp style, do you wanna take one side?

- You go first.

- I'm gonna put some really slow intimate music on this.

- Ready?

- Oh we're gonna do it at the same time?

- Oh yeah.

- Don't go too much to the left or right, oh my god.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

I can't do that.

That suddenly felt so wrong, but so right.

- It's not that great.

It does taste like it's been in the box for a while.

- Tastes like wood.

That tastes like sawdust.

The sprinkles are nice.

That's just like eating flour or powder or something.

- It's kind of half made, do you know what I mean?

- Maybe that's the other step that we've gotta do.

Well it was a lovely story.

- Not unpleasant at all but it's

not something I would go for myself.

- Bit like myself.

This thing is wrapped in a pink cloth or tissue.

And it looks like a poop.


I can't disguise it guys it looks like a pecan poo.

- Looks more like a yeah let's not get into that.

- Pecan Toffee.

That's it.

- That sounds amazing.

Do you want a, uh?

- Oh yeah, can you um,

- I'll attack the Pecan Toffee.

Remove the poo. - I think this be really nice.

- Yeah it sounds amazing.

I like pecans, I like toffee, and that's what it is.

Oh it's very soft this.

It's a soft poo, I can't tell what they've been eating.

Oh pecans!

That makes sense.

- Yeah and we're eating a stool sample effectively right.

Oh my god, that's beautiful.

- Yeah that's really nice.

- I'm Paddington Bear, surfing, on a taste bud,

on the sea, in a Peruvian ocean.

- Bizarre image.

- With my hat going like that, like yeehaw cowboy,

eating that in the other hand, going,

yeah this is better than marmalade whatever it is.

- That's really nice.

- That's gorgeous.

You can have that with your cheese and carrot.

- Chocolate macano.

- Chocolate macano yes, it's like a nut or bolt?

Macano costa, that's it, that's all it says on the back.

- It looks like it's full of caramel or something?

- I hope so.

Oh no it's perished.

- No.

- It's merged into a slab.

Unless it's not, that looks like it's got,

- That has, it's melted into a slab.

This must've got hot at some stage.

- I think so, Peru is quite hot right?

So I snap it, we've got a little bit of,

I think those holes there would've been where...

- Oh yeah, shape of macano.

- Smells good though.

- Nice.

- Nice, yeah.

- Nothing wrong with that.

- This is good.

I now wanna visit Peru.

So we got two king kong san rockes things whatever they are.

- Made by the real king kong?

- I think so yeah, made by monkeys.

So there's one there, layers of cookie.

And then there's layers of cookie with a lukuma?

Caramel filling.

- They're very keen on the history, they've also

got photos of the people who founded the company.

- The story begins in late 1920's in the street san rocke

in the town of laboricky, there an avid baker

by the name of Victoria Major made a popular desert

at the time with a twist, instead of just using one filling,

she wanted to include other traditional

flavours people would enjoy.

Her new creation was made in a rectangular mould

and it was much larger than a traditional circular one.

It was a success.

- Brilliant, well done.

This did get the superior taste award.

- Oh, the desert was enormous.

Each desert weighed over 4.4 pounds.

The witty citizens didn't take long to compare the

giant alpha jaw to the main character of a popular film

at the time, featuring a great ape, named King Kong.

- That makes sense.

- Is it vacuum sealed?

- It literally is.

- Is that a wrapper again?

- Yeah I was about to eat that.

- Oh my gosh.

- No it isn't.

- Oh you got yours off.

I've got a second sheath on mine.

- That's weird, I only have a primary sheath on mine.

Oh not there is a second one sorry.

It just wasn't all the way around it.

- Oh wow look at it.

It's like a confused sort of lego set or something.

- We've had macano, now we have lego.

- That smells like poo.


- Mine smells like caramel more than poo.

- Oh yeah caramel poo.

- Marvellous.

- Oh that's alright.

Tastes like a cracker that doesn't wanna be a cracker.

- A cracker with aspirations.

- Yeah.

It wants to be an accountant,

but really it's just a cracker.

What happened?

- I don't know, the fruit taste or something is here.

It's faintly sour milky.

- Yeah, but I don't even know what lacuma is.

Lacuma matada, such a wonderful poison.

- Oh there's something deeply unpleasant

about the aftertaste of this.

- Really?

Let me try it.

- Can we swap?

Do a classic comb swap?

- I know what you mean, kind of like

the aftertaste of an exhaust pipe.

A little smokey.

The last thing we've got to taste...

- Purple corn.

- Purple corn purple corn.

- That was Prince's foot disorder.

- Was it?

- No.


- Chips de maize mordo.

- Purple corn chips.

- Purple corn chips these go great with guacamole,

salsa, or any of your favourite dips really.

So we could try it with that cheesy dip?

- No your favourite dips Barry.

Not your least favourite.

- Smell.

- Quite good.

- Yeah?

Smells like corn.

And there it is.

- This is literally called Peru Nachos I just realised.

- Are they really?

Chips de maize morado.

- Somebody shot a hole in this one.


- It got a gunshot wound while it

was trying to get out of customs.

Bit of saltiness.

- I really like this.

- Tastes a bit like eating a crispy, dry skinned dead arm.

Kind of thing, like, you know?

- You have more experience to that than I do to be fair.

- Yeah tastes like dead skin.

- Like you scratched a bit of dead skin off your leg.

And had a bit of a munch on it.

- Like really, casual little wiff when you aren't looking.

- Nice.


- And munched on it.

- These are really nice, I like these.

- You do?

Well congratulations, you won them.


- Finally.

- Well my favourite thing out of all of it

I think was that um, the poo bar.

- Yeah the poo bar was good.

- Absolutely sensational.

- My favourite thing is actually this then the poo bar.

- Why don't you have both together?

- Because that wouldn't work Barry.

- Oh yeah that's true.

Alright so, thank you so much Stewart for joining me

in this Peruvian taste explosion.

- You're welcome I'm just crunching loudly

to annoy the people listening in on the microphone.

- Make sure you get a good crunch on

that mic so I can try and edit out.

If you got any treats from around the world,

wherever you are, I've done like, 35 of these now,

I'm not good at counting.

Yeah I've done crazy countries like England and Wales.

- Crazy man.

- So if you wanna send me a box, get in touch,

and I'll talk to you over adult message, alright?

For more infomation >> Peru Taste Test ft Ashens - Duration: 17:18.


ქუთაისი ჩემი პატარაქუთაისისსიმღერა - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> ქუთაისი ჩემი პატარაქუთაისისსიმღერა - Duration: 2:41.


My Official Fursona - Duration: 0:19.

It hurts


It hurts


Have to...


Like this...

Song: Hyperventilation Dance by Nashimoto P ft. the one and only, overrrated Hatsune Miku

English Subtitles by thisendlessforest (link to channel in description.) English translation by BerrySubs (link to channel in description.)

Link to PV with English Subtitles in description, too.

For more infomation >> My Official Fursona - Duration: 0:19.


#FIXChallenge: Truth or Drink feat. Reza Chandika - Duration: 15:02.

Can you hear me? -- Yes

Hold on...

Why you playing with 'em titties?

I'm not!

Apa kabar Mothefixers ?!

Do we really have to speak english?

Like.. Calm down!

Yesterday Putra and I played Truth or Drink

That's right!

But today we're inviting a guest over

The one and only...

Fix's all time favorite guest

Why cant't you guys make me your permanent employee?

The problem is that you're moving a lot

Melbourne, Japan…

So Nicole and I as Fix

Will ask him some questions

Any if he refuses to answer them

He has to drink

And if Reza will ask either one of us

Let's say Nicole

And if Nicole doesn't feel like answering the question

We both have to drink, cause we're in the same team

Racun lo apa?

Tentu aja…


You have to say it like that huh

And Jagërmeister is not French

Of course not!

I'm not that stupid

We can clearly see there…

From Pantai Gading right? (Ivory Coast in Bahasa)

What is that?

If someone tells a joke, you gotta respond damn it!

You have to be good at geography

Say "I surrender Tuan Takur" say it!

Say it!

Nicole racun lo apa?

Racun gw…

I don't wanna be close to you…

Oh is that so?

No no no of course I would !

I came all the from Ciputat, come on!

Chicks at Seven Eleven

This is the least expensive vodka you could find in Jakarta

So yeah...

There is one that is cheaper

What is it?

Topi Miring (Indonesian brand)

But that is not vodka, Put

Iceland vodka is cheaper

Iceland vodka, vodka enak!

People have been asking me "Why do you like to drink so much?"

I mean... Who doesn't?


And for those who don't drink...

This is not us like encouraging you or anything

I mean, you do you

Go ahead

And this doesn't mean that...

This is something that...

What was I gonna say?

Minumlah dengan bijak

Dan dengan tanggung jawab

Where's my glass

I have to mix it

Do you guys know how to make Jager...

I know...

Yeah something like that

I'll make one for you after

Here is for our suc...

Let's try that one more time

Here is for our success in Paris

What about Cinaneng?

Who wants to go first?

Let's do rock paper scissors

The Indonesian one right? -- Yes!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!

One, Two, Open!


First question...

Your the host at Joox, right? -- Yep

I bet you've met so many celebrities...

You've met so many celebrities...

Actors... Musicians

And so on...

Who is the most annoying guest...

That you never wish for them to come back on your show

Tell us their name!

Who is it?


So here is the thing...

I will drink

And I will share a tiny bit of story

Of this person

So is that okay? -- Yeah up to you!

Do it while you drink

So there is this...

Youtuber, That...

Okay I'll admit that you're smart

But I think that Intelligence will fade

When you're arrogant

I know exactly who this person is!

Don't say it!

He drank...

Yeah, I was just saying that I know who you were talking about

So, I just wanna say one thing...

For the youtubers out there...

To both the newbies and the seniors

You can be yourselves

But one thing you should have is

A good manner

This person name must be Nicole

Giliran gw...


Fix Productions is also usually has guests

Dang it! This is the revenge

Not so much of a guest...

More like friends

Who is your friend...


Has been in one of your videos

And they got the most hate from the people of the internet

Like... "Why are they here?!"

The most hated guest?

Yes, and people are not feeling them being in your videos

But there are your friends...

Yes there is!

And I know who you are thinking!

We both know who this person is...

But that doesn't mean that we stopped inviting them over

We still enjoy working with them

They are still good people

And for us, kita sih ngga peduli

And who this person is?

You say one, I say one

Satu, Dua, Tiga!

Kamal -- Boy William

Beneran? -- Iya...

There has been several comments...

Oh maybe because that the contents are just ordinary

Yeah, that could be it

But for Kamal...

Even before we posted the content...

That have been people commented on our Instagram account

Saying... "Why Boy William?"

Isn't that because he is you're ex?

Please note this...

Boy William is not my ex!

Maybe just a one night stand

Oh you were thinking Kamal...

Cause our first video was with Kamal...

No that was our second video

And he was just saying that he doesn't like the food

And people were like hating on him real hard

But for us, Kamal is so funny!

That's why we keep inviting him over

Kamal, if you're watching this...

If I were you, I'd be like...

Is it my turn again? So fast!

Ja... -- Hmm?

Dammit! I'm so nervous

I am nervous for you!

Let's talk about sex...

Here we go again...

Why do we have to go there, Putra?

At what ag e, did you touch your self for the first time?

Since we are going down that road...

I'll Putra...

Cause I think Nicole would never do this

What is the name of your female friend...

For more infomation >> #FIXChallenge: Truth or Drink feat. Reza Chandika - Duration: 15:02.


Удивительная техника, Самоделки и Изобретения #34 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Сделано руками - Duration: 5:38.

When the bike appeared it was a simple device

But man always wanted a brand new

For example, not to pedal

Or to ride not on the road, but on rails

But in any case, the bicycle of our time

It's not just a bicycle, it's a way of life

And let them say "Do not reinvent the wheel"

And we will twist our pedals and enjoy life

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Удивительная техника, Самоделки и Изобретения #34 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Сделано руками - Duration: 5:38.


Pierwszy Gruz - BMW E36 325 Drift-Car - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> Pierwszy Gruz - BMW E36 325 Drift-Car - Duration: 9:31.


LetterSchool handwriting app Brasil Portuguese ABCDEFGHIJ Alfabeto Zaner-Bloser UpperCase letters - Duration: 33:30.

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting app Brasil Portuguese ABCDEFGHIJ Alfabeto Zaner-Bloser UpperCase letters - Duration: 33:30.


Anh Trai Nhọ ( Đỗ Duy Nam ) Phiên Bản Tả Thực – Doremon 3D - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Anh Trai Nhọ ( Đỗ Duy Nam ) Phiên Bản Tả Thực – Doremon 3D - Duration: 4:40.


ਤੂੰ ਸਾਗਰੋ | Bhai Gagandeep Singh Ji | Gurbani Kirtan | Shabad Kirtan - Duration: 10:19.

ਰਾਗੁ ਸੂਹੀ ਛੰਤ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਘਰੁ ੩ Raag Soohee, Chhant, Fifth Mehl, Third House: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਤੂ ਠਾਕੁਰੋ ਬੈਰਾਗਰੋ ਮੈ ਜੇਹੀ ਘਣ ਚੇਰੀ ਰਾਮ ॥ O my Lord and Master, You are unattached; You have so many hand-maidens like me, Lord. ਤੂੰ ਸਾਗਰੋ ਰਤਨਾਗਰੋ ਹਉ ਸਾਰ ਨ ਜਾਣਾ ਤੇਰੀ ਰਾਮ ॥ You are the ocean, the source of jewels; I do not know Your value, Lord. ਸਾਰ ਨ ਜਾਣਾ ਤੂ ਵਡ ਦਾਣਾ ਕਰਿ ਮਿਹਰੰਮਤਿ ਸਾਂਈ ॥ I do not know Your value; You are the wisest of all; please show Mercy unto me, O Lord. ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕੀਜੈ ਸਾ ਮਤਿ ਦੀਜੈ ਆਠ ਪਹਰ ਤੁਧੁ ਧਿਆਈ ॥ Show Your Mercy, and bless me with such understanding, that I may meditate on You, twenty-four hours a day. ਗਰਬੁ ਨ ਕੀਜੈ ਰੇਣ ਹੋਵੀਜੈ ਤਾ ਗਤਿ ਜੀਅਰੇ ਤੇਰੀ ॥ O soul, don't be so arrogant - become the dust of all, and you shall be saved. ਸਭ ਊਪਰਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਕਾ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਮੈ ਜੇਹੀ ਘਣ ਚੇਰੀ ਰਾਮ ॥੧॥ Nanak's Lord is the Master of all; He has so many hand-maidens like me. ||1|| ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਗਉਹਰ ਅਤਿ ਗਹਿਰ ਗੰਭੀਰਾ ਤੁਮ ਪਿਰ ਹਮ ਬਹੁਰੀਆ ਰਾਮ ॥ Your depth is profound and utterly unfathomable; You are my Husband Lord, and I am Your bride. ਤੁਮ ਵਡੇ ਵਡੇ ਵਡ ਊਚੇ ਹਉ ਇਤਨੀਕ ਲਹੁਰੀਆ ਰਾਮ ॥ You are the greatest of the great, exalted and lofty on high; I am infinitesimally small. ਹਉ ਕਿਛੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਏਕੋ ਤੂਹੈ ਆਪੇ ਆਪਿ ਸੁਜਾਨਾ ॥ I am nothing; You are the One and only. You Yourself are All-knowing. ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਨਿਮਖ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਜੀਵਾ ਸਰਬ ਰੰਗ ਰਸ ਮਾਨਾ ॥ With just a momentary Glance of Your Grace, God, I live; I enjoy all pleasures and delights. ਚਰਣਹ ਸਰਨੀ ਦਾਸਹ ਦਾਸੀ ਮਨਿ ਮਉਲੈ ਤਨੁ ਹਰੀਆ ॥ I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet; I am the slave of Your slaves. My mind has blossomed forth, and my body is rejuvenated. ਨਾਨਕ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਸਰਬ ਸਮਾਣਾ ਆਪਨ ਭਾਵਨ ਕਰੀਆ ॥੨॥ O Nanak, the Lord and Master is contained amongst all; He does just as He pleases. ||2||

For more infomation >> ਤੂੰ ਸਾਗਰੋ | Bhai Gagandeep Singh Ji | Gurbani Kirtan | Shabad Kirtan - Duration: 10:19.


ADVENTure Time mit Fabian | Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> ADVENTure Time mit Fabian | Frühstück in die Zukunft - Duration: 4:10.


ÜNAL TURAN SPECİAL MİX - BURAK BALKAN ( #FarzetKi ) 🚗🔥 - Duration: 3:05.


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For more infomation >> La Salvietta - Canzoni per bambini compilation - Duration: 36:21.


Lord of the Rings: Mordor - Duration: 11:28.

After the defeat of Morgoth at the end of the First Age, his lieutenant Sauron fled

into the east and established himself as the Dark Lord of Mordor.

These lands were very well protected from outside attack, surrounded by the mountains

of Ered Lithui in the north, as well as Ephel Duath in the west and south.

The only entrance large enough for an army to pass through from the west, was found in

the valley of Udun, which led into the treeless wasteland of Dagorlad.

Once passed the Black Gate there was a second heavily foritified entrance known as the Isenmouthe.

Sauron held his seat in the great fortress of Barad-dur,* at the foothills of the northern

mountains, but his true prize was the great mountain of fire called Mount Doom.

This was the primary reason for settling the area, as he would use the fire that welled

there from the heart of the earth in his sorceries and his forging.

Gathering Orcs, trolls, ringwraiths and other monstrous creatures he raised massive armies,

and kept them supplied by using slaves to mine the jagged hills of Gorgoroth, where

his armies raised their encampments and patrolled the passing roads.

Other slaves were used further south in the lands of Nurn, working soil enriched by volcanic

ash and irrigated by the sad water from the sea of nurnen.

In the east, there were the ash laiden plain of Lithlad and beyond that the lands of Rhun

, Khand and Harad, where Sauron had great influence, deceiving, coercing and corrupting

their people, so they might serve as his allies providing him with slaves, soldiers and further

resources to fuel his western campaigns.

Sauron thrived in the black lands, ruling his own dark kingdom.

Yet he was not the first to settle the area, as Shelob the great spider, last child of

the Ungoliant, had long before made her way into the mountains of Ephel Duath, after escaping

the destruction of Beleriand at the end of the first age.

Living off the blood of Elves, men and later orcs who passed nearby, she grew bloated and

fat weaving webs of shadow.

Although she consumed many of her own offspring, those who were able to escape her hunger spread

throughout the western lands of middle earth.

The pass leading to her lair became known as Cirith Ungol and when Sauron arrive around

the year 1000 of the second age, he allowed the creature to remain, as she was the best

possible guardian for the passage through the mountains.

Treating her as his cat, he sometimes sent her prisoners to feast upon, and found amusement

in hearing the tales of her ferocity.

Occasionally she would devour some of his orc soldiers but Sauron did not mind as he

had plenty to spare.

From the lands of Mordor, Sauron began plotting his rise to power, appearing before the Elves

of Eregion, while posing as Annatar, an emissary of the Valar.

Feigning friendship, he worked with them to forge 16 rings of power, while in secret forging

another in the fires of Mount Doom.

The One ring of power as it became known, could be used to influence the others.

Fortunately Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion quietly fashioned 3 more rings of power, naming them

Vilya, Narya, and Nenya and because Sauron had no hand in their creation, they were free

from his corruption.

When Sauron completed the one ring and put it on his finger, his deception was revealed

to the Elves, and so they held back the others, refusing to give them up.

Celebrimbor then sent word to Gil Galad asking for reinforcements, and so an army was sent

led by Elrond the half elven.

Arriving in 1697, they were too late, finding Eregion sacked and burned.

The Dwarves of Khazad Dum, who were allied with the Elves had marched forth to help defend

them, but when the battle was lost retreated back into their mountains.

With Celebrimbor captured, tortured and killed, Sauron was able to seize most of the rings

of power.

However the 3 crafted in secret were never taken, instead sent away into the west, to

be kept hidden by Elven Lords.

The arriving forces tried to defend against the armies of the dark Lord, but they too

were defeated, with Elrond forced to flee North, founding the city of Rivendell as an

elven refuge.

This event was the beginning of the War of the Elves and Sauron, seeing the vast armies

of Dark Lord spreading chaos throughout the west.

Of the rings of power, nine were given to kings of men, while 7 were given to dwarven


Although the Dwarves were resistant to the power of Sauron, the rings made them ever

more greedy and paranoid, ultimately leading many of them to ruin.

Yet the fate of the nine kings was far worse, as they became slaves to the will of Sauron,

eventually turning into ringwraiths.

However as time went on, word reached the mighty Numenoreans, they sent their armies

to aid their elven allies who under Gil galad desperately fought to defend the Grey Havens.

By sailing their armies both into the north and south, the Numenorians were able to trap

Sauron's forces, defeating them in the battle of the Gwathlo.

Furious and humiliated, the dark lord retreated to Mordor, and once more began to rebuild

his strength.

Yet it was not a total loss for the Dark Lord, as he had dealt tremendous damage to the lands

of Elves and Men, and with the Numeneorians returning home, the lands of the west were

left vulnerable.

Over the next thousand years, Sauron recovered some of his former strength and once again

expanded into the west, with reports reaching Numenor that he was pressing down upon the

cities by the coasts; and had taken the title of King of Men, declaring he would destroy


The ruler of Numenor, Ar-Pharazon was outraged by Sauron's proclamation of supremacy, and

so sailed east with his armies.

However the forces of the Dark Lord were no match for the Numenorians, resulting in many

of Sauron's soldiers deserting his cause.

Knowing he could not defeat Ar-pharazon, he allowed them to march unchallenged to Mordor

where he submitted to the king.

Not trusting the word of their ancient enemy, he took the dark Lord as his captive when

they returned to their island.

Yet Sauron was not altogether displeased, as he now saw an opportunity to finally rid

himself of these powerful kings and their people.

Using his skills, knowledge and cunning he made himself useful to the king, so that rather

than be kept as a prisoner, he was made an advisor and allowed freedom within the court.

Using this to its full advantage he started a cult dedicated to his master Melkor, converting

many of their people to his wicked ways.

Eventually he convinced the king to sail his armies west and invade the Undying lands,

where it was forbidden for men to travel.

As a consequence the Valar collapsed a part of the Pelori mountains , trapping the army


This violation was so grievous that Eru, the lord of all creation split the world in two,

and curving the half with Middle earth to make it round, thereby eliminating the chance

of this action ever being repeated.

Numenor itself sank into the sea, killing nearly everyone who populated the island.

Sauron, who remained on Numenor during the upheavel lost his physical form, and so his

spirit made its way back to mordor to recover.

Although he'd successfully orchestrated the demise of the Numenorean kingdom, his

spirit was greatly weakened, but with the power of the one ring, his strength would

eventually return, and so he started gathering his armies once more.

Unfortunately for the dark lord, not all the numenorians were lost with the island, as

many of those who remained faithful to Eru were sparred and sent on ships to Middle Earth

where they founded the kingdoms of gondor and arnor.

In 3429, Sauron decided to at last launch another attack against the west, this time

sending his forces to capture Minas Ithil and burn the White Tree.

Isildur son of Elendil managed to escape and reach his father seeking reinforcements, while

Anarion successfully defended Osgiliath.

Over the next few years, the Last Alliance was formed by Gil Galad and Elendil, which

included the armies of men, elves and dwarves to battle the forces of mordor in the battle

of Dagorlad.

Victorious in the fighting, the Last Alliance then chased Sauron into Barad Dur, where he

remained hidden for seven years.

Eventually, he stepped out his fortress and fought both leaders of the Alliance, who died

in the battle but also vanquished the Dark Lord, allowing for Isildur to cut the one

ring of power from his finger.

With the fall of Sauron, Middle Earth entered the third age and for a thousand years the

lands of Mordor were guarded and patrolled by the men of Gondor, in order to keep the

dark creatures within from escaping.

To help them in their mission, they garrisoned Minas Ithil, the Towers of the Teeth, the

Tower of Cirith Ungol and the forteress of Durthang in the north.

Yet as the years went by and the power of Gondor waned, these towers became abandoned

and were taken up by the armies of Sauron who were reforming.

Although the dark lord was defeated after the war of the last alliance, his spirit lived

on as the One Ring of Power was never destroyed.

Spending some time in the east as well as in Dol Guldur, the dark lord once again began

plotting his conquest of Middle earth.

While he waited for his strength to build and Mordor to return to its former glory,

he used his lieutenant the witch king of angmar to destroy the lands of arnor.

And while Angmar was eventually destroyed as well, the Witch King had completed his

mission and so returned to mordor to continue serving his dark master.

The Nazgul then captured the city of Minas Ithil, and made it there home, renaming it

Minas Morgul in the year 2002 of the third age.

Among the many captains and champion's of Mordor, the ringwraiths known as the Nazgul

were perhaps the best known.

Yet aside from these terrifying creatures, there was also the Mouth of Sauron, a Black

Numenorean who served as Sauron's ambassador.

Gothmog the "lieutenant" of Minas Morgul, and Grishnákh captain of Barad-dûr.

In the year 2941, the White Council finally realized Sauron was hiding in Dol Guldur and

so confronted the dark lord, forcing him to flee and return to Mordor.

But by this time, the nazgul and his other servants had prepared the dark kingdom for

war, and it was heavily fortified with vast armies under it's influence.

Once again in a strong position, ready to conquer middle earth, all that Sauron needed

to ensure his victory was to recover the one ring of power, which he learned had been rediscovered.

And so the Elves, Dwarves and men of the west once again had to organize and ally together,

fighting to defend their lands and prevent Sauron from recovering the one ring.

Meeting his armies in the battle of the pelennor fields, the battle of dale and many others,

they had a final confrontation at the black gate of mordor.

However, as important as these battles were, victory or defeat would be decided by a pair

of hobbits, named Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, who were tasked with sneaking the

one ring of power back into mordor so it could be destroyed in the fires of mount doom.

Although they considered passing through the black gate, they soon realized it was impossible,

and so managed to make their way into the pass of Cirith Ungol, encountering Shelob

and nearly failing in their mission.

But eventually they reached the crack in the side of mount doom, and the one ring was destroyed,

diminishing sauron's spirit to such an extent he could no longer interact with the world.

With the dark lord defeated, the orcs and monsters that survived fled, leaving the lands

of mordor behind.

The men of Gondor then freed the many slaves who formerly worked the lands and left the

area for them to settle as freemen.

For more infomation >> Lord of the Rings: Mordor - Duration: 11:28.


jingle bells christmas songs for kids in english by baby learn fun - Duration: 2:27.

jingle bells christmas songs for kids in english by baby learn fun

For more infomation >> jingle bells christmas songs for kids in english by baby learn fun - Duration: 2:27.


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Guide til gadgets - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Guide til gadgets - Duration: 2:19.


Tortitas de Plátano y Avena | RECETA HEALTHY | Sin Azúcar - Duration: 1:19.

Oat Pancakes

1 Banana

3 tbsps. Oat Flou + 1 tsp baking powder

50ml Coconut Milk

1 Egg

Cook medium heat, both sides

Peanut Butter

Chia Seeds


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