put this link in address bar http://bit.ly/2lL0sWX
Episode 30 : Désherbants "naturels", la facture est salée... - Duration: 11:53.-------------------------------------------
Sochta Hoon Ke Wo Kitne Masoom The | Sad Love Story | Burn Verion 2017 | Ft Junaid Asghar - Duration: 3:55.Sochta Hoon Ke Wo Kitne Masoom The
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Frozen Lachay dar paratha by asifa | homemade restaurant-style lachha paratha | pheni paratha- - Duration: 10:50.-------------------------------------------
Our Grenada COFFEE SCRUB - Sailing Luckyfish Ep 23 - Duration: 13:03.Grenada is one of those unique intersections along the World Cruising route.
It is at the end of many roads and at the start of something new.
Like Phuket in Thailand,
and Opua in New Zealand,
boats have sailed long distances to get here and owners are faced with several choices.
Do they still get along together as crew?
still like their boat or want a bigger one?
continue on, across the Pacific?
Or return the way they came
Should they put the boat up for sale?
Or, if the money hasn't run out just stay here indefinitely.
The number of boats on hardstands or in storage here
is testimony to the difficulty of these decisions for many.
Our search for a suitable place to hardstand Luckyfish for the Hurricane season continued
along the south coast of Grenada.
From True Blue we anchored one bay east at Prickly Bay and checked out the Spice Island
hardstand and rates.
The girls had really got the fishing bug and spent time making lures for next season.
In all we hand landed 9 good sized fish in the previous 3 weeks.
Enough to easily take care of all our protein requirements.
From there we travelled east again, this time stopping at the anchorage of Hog Island.
We wanted to check this spot as it is a well known hurricane hole
where boats tie up to the mangroves.
It's also a very pretty and peaceful anchorage, most of the time
digging Monkey eyes
STEW: Awwww, lovely
ZAYA: That's how we divide our coconut
That's Stewarts, that's mine, that's Tuya's
It was was cool to see this Spronk designed equal-masted schooner
still operating here after many years.
She still looks beautiful.
We took the dinghy over to check out the brand new Clarkes Court Bay Marina,
something we'd been hearing a lot about since Bequia.
Their special opening offer rate of about $400 per month dry stand storage was very
appealing so we brought Luckyfish around the next day.
The sailors place of worship in Clarkes Court Bay, if not the whole of Grenada,
is Nimrod's Rum Shack.
Although it does have to compete very occasionally with a real church just across the road.
Tuya and I were getting ready to get back to civilization.
ZAYA: I had heard about a natural skin scrub using coffee grounds and wanted to try it.
So..We had been saving our coffee grounds for a while for this.
STEW: Dried coffee grounds exfoliation, is that it?
And errrr, is it going to change your skin colour?
ZAYA: No. It's just to smooth your skin...
Do you like smooth skin?
STEW: I beg your pardon?
ZAYA: Do you like smooth skin?
STEW: Ooohh yeah. I like smooth skin.
Tuya, will you be doing the coffee grounds experience afterwards?
TUYA: [LAUGHS] Maybe ...
STEW: Maybe! Oh alright. I will save some video. I will save some space
ZAYA: Smooth baby...
You want to feel me?
STEW: Is it smooth?
ZAYA: Touch it.
STEW: You are being filmed. [LAUGHS]
Three days to go.
Three days until we go on the hard.
We booked our haul-out at Clarkes Court and began preparing the boat for storage
and doing some minor repairs.
Emptying the lockers for cleaning gave me a chance to check out what effect storing
our fairly light loads in different locations,
had on the trim of the boat.
So, after 6 months and over 6,000 miles Luckyfish came out of the water for a well-deserved
rest and some TLC.
Here you can see how little windage there is on the Wharram, and those skinny hulls
with high bridgedeck clearance.
She really looks so slippery compared to other cats.
The coppercoat was performing exactly as advertised.
This growth from the last month as I hadn't wiped the hulls down.
Well, we thought that was the end of the season for us,
but, then this happened
But that will have to wait for another video.
We hope you enjoyed this episode and would like to help us make more productions.
If so, please don't forget to subscribe and, consider becoming a Patron for as little
as a dollar a video.
Thank you for watching
Macho alpha | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:24.-------------------------------------------
Little Red Car | Happy Halloween | Songs Collection For Kids | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:07:29.Happy Halloween to you...
1740 counterfeit 2 Thaler of the Elector of Saxony in current Germany - Duration: 5:43.hello people here you going today look at this coin now not many people
watching these videos who actually know what these coins are DC's a to Tala coin
from Saxony and it has the second coat of arms here and here has various other
coat of arms from territories at their control and it has FW if but I'm not too
sure that is this property engraver now this coin is a counterfeit one and the
main way you can tell that is that the inscription it's not all the way in the
coin personally I've never seen a taller or to tower which are high denomination
high denomination coins which was rarely used for trade by merchants in rich
people generally the common people workers blacksmiths bakers anyone else
he doesn't trade like that or agricultural people would not have seen
this coin since they were to higher value now this coin is I should weigh
sure bet 56 grams and to put size comparison I have a old Danish 5 kronor
it's a pretty big Papa New Guinea one kina and the current Swiss spy francs
and as you can see these coins are pretty small compared today's it's a lot
of swine stuff new for Khurana these are about 30 millimeters so this coins
probably been 14 millimetres and another way you can tell it's counterfeit is the
crown as you can see the details of the dots and they should've been a lot of
fun engraved he should have hatching in here between a and also in yeah beside
the crane is another good giveaway and I'm actually not too sure if this is
actually silver it's probably probably just silver plated as we see on the
other side okay the inscription says sex Roman
Imperial I say hi to him that's awesome it Alecto 1740 and if you have a key I'm
sorry oh that's it's not evidence of it being
plated but it is evidence that it is starting to react you know super does
react a little bit but when she was not pure a relax a lot okay inscription says
DJ Frederick Augustus because this is a coin of Frederick Augustus the second
Rex side King king of Poland Duke of Saxony took Saxony oh I see Am I
I see ma da P and W yeah anyway this guy was the elected King of Saxony because
at this time until 1896 the kings were elected he was also a king of Poland and
Grand Duke of Lithuania so it should actually have a reference to live one
here in the title as this is in maybe I don't know maybe I'm missing a Nazi show
have a good side this is also a navigate by Devils can fit a look here this is
pretty poorly done this is right here this will be my Warren anyway this is
supposed to be a contemporary counterfeit back then
no I'm modern one but I do not have much data about it anyway to Tala 1740
frederick albert ii of saxony this con was real you be worth thousands of
dollars cuz two towers are not common going to actually get okay so thank you
very much and have a beautiful day
Learning Street With Bob The Train | AT Words | Word Play | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:28.HI kids!
Guess who's here..
Yes its me bob.,
Join me for learning street with bob..
Sale Sale Bangla DJ remix_bangla new dj song 2017_bangla 400 - Duration: 4:03.
Automobilista: Bathurst Truck Simulator! (Formula Truck @ Bathurst) - Duration: 14:42.More trucks on tricky tracks! This time we're punishing the Formula Trucks by rushing them over Bathurst's Mount panorama. An amazing combo which makes Automobilista shine to the max!
What's up everyone my name is faultless and welcome back for s'more simracing as you can see today. We are back on Ottoman lista and
Actually, it's gonna be quite an interesting one
probably already noticed that we're not driving just anything, but we're driving a
Truck yes. We are back on the trucks formula truck. We're on ion AMS and
Or at least we're trying to drive it around
Bathurst the planets do and I get these
almost 5000 kilograms weighing
beasts up and down a mountain and
Five times
And try most likely do that without crashing as we have a little bit of a drift there
From the practice I had this combination I can tell drifting a truck
Up and definitely down the mountain is not a good idea
Yeah, I think you don't really have to be a genius to
To know that other Serio
A lot of understeer through there these trucks are quite a handful to drive
they definitely are
Coming up the mountain you shouldn't have too many problems
But that's what kind of every car you drive on a Bathurst
Coming up the mountain it's not that big a deal, it's
Going down the mountain which is the?
most tricky part and
Yeah with a
What a vehicle like this where all the weights most of the weight is shifted to the back
But all the weight shifted to the back coming down the mountain will be even more of a challenge challenge
You have the weight and gravity against you
So and that's definitely a tricky bit and really fast right now whoops you miscalculated that one
But ya hear a lot of speech we hear and then to make ink
really easy to understeer just into the gravel there and
Sticky thing is to get it stopped for this corner. I have forgotten how it's called and there's quite a famous corner so
Walking up is definitely a thing here with the trucks
Trying to get them stopped is a huge deal as you can see the is failing to do so
because of the weights these trucks are so easily walking up their wheels and
Once you get it locked you're
Almost kind of a passenger and the thing we saw their truck going
Going off crashing into the wall and and waiting to enjoy. That's one of the
more recent editions these studios ever put in elbows barista, and you know it's really nice because
when they
Right after they crash. They're gonna
And trafficking cause accidents and all that but
Yeah, I kind of waits for
for a gap to rejoin and
Suddenly every good thing otherwise. We most likely would have crashed into that
Truck rejoining, so yeah good work with studios
That means we can
Suffer a little bit more here on the mountain
Again big understeer - there's kind of the second time we understeer it's almost into the wall there
Be mindful for that working the wheel a lot, but we are making progress down the inside here
Running a little bit why it's trying to keep the momentum going
But dirty wheels and definitely
Effects and the car behaves truck behaves
As you can see the a is definitely
Not 100% comfortable around here, but it's basically not surprising
Considering the kind of
Naturalness of this combination, but I don't know sometimes somehow, I mean it just works
They can under steer of the track and needs as we saw a couple times and definitely
the kind of last corner
Coming down the mountain here on this
back straight
It's a road here
the most likely will understeer also into the wall, but
I don't really mind actually and still or just a lot of fun to
drive these trucks around Ferran panorama with te I
Has said some some how it works it feels good feels natural and
Yes, just a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun really the trucks are always good fun
I always enjoyed kind of running these trucks on
The tracks that they basically don't belong on
So I have a video as well the trucks on the March Lyford, that's a also kind of an interesting combination like that
But you know I just I just enjoy
Racing these trucks around the tracks. They don't belong to to the trucks on tricky tracks
That's that's what I do
Yeah, it's been it's been quite a while since I've driven these trucks, and it's just good to be back
in the trucks and
Yeah, I'm kind of lately rediscovers a lot of this does a
Vanilla content
For example the formula V as well
It's a great great little car and that definitely doesn't get enough love
Or at least not from me and
Definitely gonna drive that one more in the future as well as the open Montana if you kind of have the right track
You really
have some awesome races with these two cars, and it's just a
lot of fun and
This is really the sim that keeps on giving, and then I can't get enough of so
kudos Risa studios, thanks for dads
So the formula truck here as well, this is one of those
One of those vehicles that is
That you're never gonna see as base content and in any soon
You know it's just it's just fun that Risa put puts that in and kind of it's like
What the heck this was a DLC so people who have had to pay for it
Not a lot of people will probably have been waiting around for a for a formula truck DLC
But you know they just do it, and and it works, and it's fun it's enjoyable and it's you know something
Something different than being a fifth gt3e car back here. You're gonna see
That's what makes out and lists are so unique
And it's not only the formula truck what they did with the aussie racing car camaro?
that was a
Thing that was the off Sia's aren't the thing that was free actually
But doesn't really matter anyway, it's time and resources they put into and
It's a it's a it's a unique car. It's definitely not sure that everyone will like it
And it's not just the safe joy as they choose it's kind of the original side of things
And that's what
Makes it
What makes it so interesting my opinion driving the aussie racing cars as well for example around here on that?
Bad thirst it's really enjoyable
Or for example the stadium super trucks
Is definitely a very good example of that?
Never gonna see that as base content in
In any sim and
Visa just puts it in and see what happens and that's a mentality. I I really like and
Something I really enjoy about awesome or what he said because oh man the same super trucks they are
They are wild they are
Some of the most enjoyable things I have ever driven
And I definitely
Definitely love love that aspect here. Although. It's more realistic
So in the meantime we
Gain some positions here
last on the back is a
yellow truck
And we are driving a flat nosed truck
there are probably a
Two or something like that non plastic letters or rocks let those tracks Wow and
here on honest, Melissa
But here in Europe. We are finding
Like those trucks in
We do here as well
Trucks are quite interesting because you're so high
into the driver seat
It's it's always kind of
Surprising how close you can really get to?
To another car or another truck in this case
Because yeah you always
expect there to be a
Nose in front of you
But ya see in this this case that's not
How it works, and yeah, it just is always surprising how close we really can get to the other the other trucks without hitting them
That's really an interesting thing as well
And in the meantime we are on the last lap here a little bit about the March as well obviously
This is a thirst. I've a download this from the
From the automobile track mega pack. I'm gonna leave that in the description as well as I'm not forgetting
Yeah for batter's there's actually two
Wonder steering the under steer big understeer
batters there's actually two versions
There's the regular version, and then there's the kind of max detail version
Max detail version is the one we are driving on right now and
You really?
Can really see the the difference between the max liter version and even regular regular versions of the max Intel version is
surprisingly more detailed and
Yeah, you can really see the difference in graphical quality. I suppose this should have an impact on
On on how the game runs I
Really haven't gotten any issues with running this max detailed version
I have to say I'm not running off to the Vista Internet
On full graphical settings as well. Oh, No
You can
Spawn it here, and this is awkward definitely in law on the last lap and I was too busy talking and not
Concentrating so as I was saying the max detail version
Doesn't definitely on my system have a big really have a big impact on on performance
I'm getting 60 frames per second and
Mike you see is definitely not not the best one out there, so I think you won't have any issues
let me just try it and
It's just just a lot more fun to to write the nice detail version
graphics and all that
Yeah, but otherwise
Walking up big time. It's very very nicely done and definitely the best track watts per automobile estar
Its next perfect
such a
big tractor model and
such a different kind of
Track a it's just very well done and not only
Behind this month so that was it a little bit of
Stupid thing there at the end on the mountain thinning it but a
Lot of fun anyways this combination is a lot of fun
As I said mods link will be in the description so you can check it out yourself truck is obviously
so yeah to look into it if you want it or not but
That's gonna. Be it for now. Thanks for watching
That's me leave a like if you enjoyed and yes subscribe for more videos on ultimate lista and other oh
Excuse me other assume racing contents. I'll see you later
Ten Little Indian Boys | Children Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:42.Ten little indian boys..
ELF Lip Kiss Balm: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 4:36.everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is that another Dollar
Tree Gold I upload one every single Friday so make sure you subscribe to my
channel hit that notification bell turn on those notifications I upload a video
every single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so let's go ahead
and get started so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is on the elf lip kiss balm so
this is a tinted lip balm it helps create soft moisturized lips
it has vitamin A vitamin E grapeseed oil and jojoba oil to help nourish and
moisturize lips it's also mint flavored so let's go ahead and see how this is I
like most of products so I really like the packaging it's really really pretty
and this is in very sweet doesn't have a very strong mint scent wow that is very
very tinted Wow so I give this a go
that's a very very bold tinted lip-balm it does feel really really smooth though
my lips are super dry right now I did wear matte liquid lipstick and I
basically to scrub it off and it was not a good liquid lipstick so anyway that
does feel really really nice on the mouth but yeah really really pretty
the mint scent it's not too over strong even though my lips are really really
dry and parched it's not stinging or anything but yeah it's really really
nice do you like it so yeah very sweet but
yeah yeah I would definitely I will definitely wear this again I'm not used
to attented lip balm being this pigmented so I do kind of feel like it's
more on almost like a lipstick side well it is very very moisturizing but very
very pretty I would love to see if like just regular stores like Walmart do have
other shades in this because I do think I would like it but that's really really
pretty so if you are looking for a tinted lip balm that is maybe a little
bit more opaque a little bit more full color I really do think you would enjoy
the elf kiss ball I yeah I think it's really really great if you just like a
very very very sheer tint I don't think this would be up your alley it is very
very colorful very very pigmented but for someone like me that loves lipstick
I do think that this is awesome I have the feeling that it's gonna stain my
lips let's go ahead and just see
yeah which I don't mind some staining alright yeah it's definitely leaving
that pink butt so that's nice I'm like a lip balm also
kind of helps stain your lips so that way when this does this kiss foam does
wear off you'd still have some color in your lips I think that is awesome
so yeah this is definitely Dollar Tree Gold and my buck $1 feels really good on
the mouth it's full colored and it's gonna stain which is awesome in my book
so yeah thumbs up definitely recommend it so yeah definitely check out your
local Dollar Tree and see if they have the elf lip kiss balm I definitely think
you would enjoy it but yeah it looks really really nice I like it
do you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video
if you did go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure that you share this video I
think quite a few people would actually enjoy this you can always follow me on
my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is that budget glam baby my
history it was like a mad make up and I will see you guys tomorrow for another
video have a great day guys
Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA - Duration: 1:06.Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!! - Duration: 5:24.Hello beautiful people!
My name is NinjaGrace, and welcome to my vlog.
I am putting on makeup for Halloweeeeeeeen!
Basically that's what I'm doing right now.
So, um, I am a cat again, if you remember my pictures from last year, um, I was a pretty
darn gorgeous cat.
But someone else did my makeup last year.
This year, I'm doing it all by myself, because I've learned a lot about makeup and I'm gonna
say that and then thirty minutes from now, you're going to see the results.
And I'm going to be crying, and I'm going to look like the most dumb person ever.
cuz it's like, oh, you said that you were going to do a lot better, but you look like
crap! *nyehhhhh.* Nobody do that to me please.
I'm begging you.
*laughs* I just-I just want to have fun with makeup.
but then I really hope that I don't fail.
Well, you shall see the end result very sooOooOoOOOoooon.
IT'S A CUTE LITTLE BLACK NOSE--I'm not done yet.
Definitely not done.
*shakes head* Not even close.
Well, at least there's no clowns around here.
I just really hate clowns during Halloween.
*looks at the ominous looking clown* *ominous looking clown looks back*
There's something radically wrong here.
I-I think- I'm not sure what this person's doing.
I don't know who this is.
*clown says something that I couldn't hear* Save me.
*mom goes ROAAAAAAARRRRRRRALSD* That's just my mom.
And I'm at my partyyyy!
Say hi to my mom!
*mom makes a sad face* She's Eeyore.
So she's sad. *mom bows head with sadness*
That's Mr. Wade!
Mr Wade: Hellooo.
That's Tristan...
Tristan: "Oh, that's bad."
You look fine!
And these are, like, all my people
Remember like, how I used to teach Tae Kwon Do for a living?
These are all my students, and a whole lot more that I really don't know.
That's my Master Instructor!
Master Macy does his gorilla-ish wave, showing humans that gorillas, in fact, do act a lot like themselves.
I didn't know who he was for like five minutes, because I thought that he was out of town.
Everyone keeps hitting me on the head.
I'm gonna die! I'm gonna DIE!
*Awkward screech that sounds like a weird antelope calling out for its father.*
Those are my sisters. (My sister in the black dress made that ball gown from SCRATCH. How cool is that?!)
*clown takes another swing at the lithe leopard. Leopard sideswipes. Clown: one, Leopard, one.*
The clown is trying to destroy all evidence of this video!
*the clown, seeing that I had found out its evil scheme, sidles away from the Lucious leopard. Clown: 1, Leopard: 2*
Oh, okay.
*Dancing with the Sierras*
*Starts being really weird and doing peace signs over face while Thriller is playing*
*laughter. Probably at my expense.*
(There's my sister that made the ball gown from scratch! my other sister couldn't finish hers in time, so she was a creepy clown instead.)
*awkwardly sidles into conversation.*
"You have some?"
Say hello to YouTube!!!!
"Hiii!" "Hi YouTube! (Actually, the two adults have a cool costume. The guy is green, and the girl is envy. So, green with Envy!!!)
*sticks out tongue like a two-year-old.*
Miss Ella Macy. Who are you today?
"Pippi Longstocking."
And who is that in there?
"Little me."
There's a little poem, and it looks exactly like her.
Only Ella's wearing a blue dress.
And Ella's pretty. And that's just a picture.
I'm home. Say hi!
*mama, you mean, y u do dis 2 meeeh
She said, "my mama's a kitty. I don't like it.
Can you say hello?
u smell wierd. I smell u mama.
Did u eat cheetoz witout meh???
I kno that u ate cheetoz without meh. u a cheetah!!!!
Ooh, shineh
She's like, who's that? Who's that?
Who is that, Merple? Who is that?
Meh, doi. I rite here mama!
Who's the sweetest in the whole world?
mama, dis camera smel like cheetoz.
I stil luv u mama
She is fascinated. Fascinated!
nah, u just have goodiz wit you mama. I smel dem.
Can you say hi?
I em far to wise 4 dat.
You're not in the mood to say hello, are you?
Hi! Hi baby! How are you?
You happy today?
yes mama.
Did you miss your mama?
yes mama.
i missed u. u r my mama.
*snoot* *snoot*
dat smelz good.
She loves to smell the phone.
Say hi!
i iz sleepers mama. let me sleep.
What a good girl.
I knows thez things.
What a good girl!
I KNOWZ!!!!!
Measuring quality: sensitive crystallisation - Duration: 1:38.Measuring quality: sensitive crystallisation
Hi everyone, I'm Alessandro Zilli
Head of Research and Development at 32 Via dei birrai
and I wanted to say a couple of words about sensitive crystallisation.
Crystallisation is an analysis method using images
which was developed in the Thirties by Dr Pfeiffer
and it is used to measure the quality of the foodstuffs
or products we are examining.
We use sensitive crystallisation because
when determining the quality of a product
analysing just the vitamins, mineral salts, fats and dissolved sugars is not enough.
We need more information, something we call the "life force".
All food we eat has a life force
which is generated by different factors.
The images produced during sensitive crystallisation analysis give us this information.
Everyone talks about the quality of food
but when determining the quality of products, hardly anyone is able to measure the actual quality.
Here at 32 we use this picture analysis method
because it gives us invaluable information
which helps us understand if we need
to make changes to our production process or our choice of raw materials
to ensure we maintain the quality standards of our products.
【アサシンクリードブラザーフッド】しよけんプレイ#09-2 - Duration: 10:01.PS3 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood # 09 - 2
Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies By Farmees - Duration: 1:25.Miss polly had a dolly
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