Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 4 2017

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Tarihte bilinen en eski metin olan Hz Nuh'un Dedesinin kitabı Enoch'ta düşen melekler

ve devler hakkında anlatılanlara göz atacağımız bir videoyla beraberiz.

Enoch, Hz Nuh'un büyükbabasıydı ve Hz Adem'den "yedinci" adamdı.

Ayrıca kendi adını taşıyan Enoch kitabını yazdı.

Bu kitabının yaklaşık 5500 yaşında olduğu düşünülmektedir.

Enoch, Hz Adem'den 622 yıl sonra doğdu ve Enoch Kitabını Dünya üzerindeki en

eski Kitaplardan biri haline getirdi.

Bu videoda, "Düşen Melekler" ve "Neflim" den bahseden çok ilginç şeylerin anlatıldığı

Enoch Kitabında sunulan bazı metinlere bakacağız.

Bu metinler eski efsanelerin ürünü mü?

Yoksa binlerce yıl önce yazılmış gerçekler mi?

Peki Neflimler nedir ya da kimdir?

Bir Neflim meleksi bir zarafet izini içeren ve insan ruhundan oluşan melez bir yaratıktır.

Çoğunlukla boyları normal insanlardan çok daha uzun olduğu için devler olarak da anılırlar.

Belirtildiği gibi Neflim, tipik olarak, bir insan ile düşmüş bir meleğin birleşmesi

sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.

Baba, ruhunu insan ebeveynden miras alır ve melek ebeveynden lütuf alır.

Bu lütuf, Neflim'e, insan ruhunun gücü ile beslenen, Meleklerin gücünden çok daha

üstün olan Enochi sihrine erişmesini sağlar.

Normal meleklerin parlak beyaz veya mavimsi beyaz parıltına karşı, Neflim 'in parlaklığı

bir melek gibi, parıltıları ise biraz loş ve grimsi renkte olduğu betimlenmektedir.

Devlerin ya da Neflim'in babalarının ruhu vardı, fakat ölümlü bedenleri anneleri


Düşmüş bir meleğin ölümsüz ruhunun babasından Nefil'e ilerlediğini, bu nedenle

Nefilim'in ruhunun ölümsüz olduğu ve düşmüş bir meleğinkiyle benzerlik taşıdığı


Bazı ilahi ve kadim yasalar gereği bu durum devam etseydi Neflim'in ruhları hala ölümsüz

olurdu ve eskiler tarafından ilan edilmiş olan bir bedene sahip olmadan yaşamaya devam


İnsanlara sahip olan Düşmüş Melekler'in bu Neflim çocukları, Hz Adem neslinden kadınlarla

üreme yapabilmeleri mantıklıdır.

Çünkü bu, insan kadınlarıyla kendi babalarından daha yakın fiziksel bir eşleşme ya da DNA

eşleşmesi olurdu.

Dahası, İncil'de veya tarihte daha ziyade onlar "erkekler" olarak adlandırılır görünüşte

insanmışlar ve bu nedenle yeniden üremek için hiç problem yaşamazlardı şeklinde

tasvir edilmişlerdir.

Bu devler, Neflim eşleri aldığında ve çocuk sahibi olduklarında, aynı manevi

miras devam etmiş olurdu.

İnsan vücudu olan çocukları olurdu, ama babaları gibi, çocukların ruhları da düşmüş

meleklere ve ölümsüzlere benziyordu.

Bu nedenle, ölümlü bedenlerinin ölümünde çocukları da iblis olmuş olurdu.

Bu aynı zamanda bir insanın dişi bir neflimden çocuk sahibi olabileceği anlamına gelmekteydi.

Böyle bir şey olsaydı böyle bir birliğin çocukları, babalarından ziyade bir insan

vücuduna sahip olurdu.

Ne yazık ki, bedenleri, DNA'ları annelerinden genetik bozulma mirası almışlardı.

Büyük tufandan sonra, ömürlerinin kısaldığı ve pek çoğunun yok olduğu söylenmiştir.

Aksi takdirde tüm insanlık Nefilim DNA ları ile kirletilebilirdi.

İbrani metinleri devleri, "Şiddetle dünyayı mahvettiler" şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır.

Bu devler, düşmüş meleklerden ve Âdem'in kızlarından gelmektedir: üç sınıfdan

oluşmaktadır: orijinal Neflim'i doğuran devler, Elouid'de doğar.

Bu "düşmüş olanları", "Nefilim", "Giborim" ve "Anakim" i anlatan üç isim vardır.

Jübile Kitabında Neflim "yıkılmış" diye "birbirleriyle savaşmışlardır.".

Rabbilerin edebiyatında, Rabbiler bu devlerin birçok ismi olduğunu kabul ettiler.

Onlara "Emim" deniyordu, çünkü onlardan birini yakalamışlardı.

Onları gören insanlar korku ve dehşet'e kapılıyordu.

Korkuya esin kaynağı oldukları ve şiddetli savaşçılar oldukları için büyük kolyeler


Şeklinde bahsedilmektedir.

Avim, çünkü dünyayı yok ettiler ve kendilerini de yok ettiler.

Aslında Enoch Kitabı da Hz Nuh'un büyükbabası olan Enoch'a atfedilen eski bir Musevi dini

eseri olarak tanımlanır.

Modern bilim adamları, M.Ö. 300'den başlayarak eski bölümleri özellikle Gözlemcilerin

Kitabını ve en son bölümünü M.Ö. birinci yüzyıla kadar dayandığını söylemektedir.

Enoch Kitabının ilk bölümü, Nefilim'i babası olan gözlemcilerin düşüşünü


Kitabın geri kalan kısmı, Enoch'un cennete yaptığı gezilerini, vizyonlarını, rüyalarını,

vahiylerini ve ziyaretlerini anlatıyor.

Kitap beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır: İzleyici Kitabı, Enoch Vahiy Kitabı, Astronomik

Kitap, Rüya görme kitabı ve Enok'un mektubu.

Fakat kitabın içindekiler esasen tartışmalı içeriğinden dolayı, modern dine ve tarihe

tamamen meydan okuyor.

Peki Enoch Kitabı gibi kaybolmuş yada bulunmayı bekleyen eski metinleri gözden kaçırmamız

mümkün mü?

Bu metinlerin uzak geçmişte insanlara olanlarla ilgili gerçeği söylemesi mümkün müdür?

Öyleyse neden bu eski metinleri görmezden gelmeyi seçeriz?

ana akım kronolojimize uymuyorlar diye mi?

Birçok yazar, sayısız antik metne dayanılarak, eski Neflim'in, uzak geçmişte dünyada yaşayan

eski bir uzaylı türü olabileceğini belirttiler ancak bu teori sıklıkla herşeye karşı

gelen ana bilim adamları için son derece tartışmalı bir düşünce olduğuna karar


Birkaç antik metne göre, Neflim'in aslında Büyük tufan'dan önce gezegene egemen olan

esrarengiz varlıklar olduğunu söylemek mümkündü.

Birçok antik metinde, devler olarak anılırlar ve bazı eski metinler, bu gizemli varlıkların

Aslında Düşen Melekler'in soyundan geldiğini söylemektedir.

Bununla birlikte, birçok bilim insanı Neflim'in ne olduğunu anlamaya çalışsa da, eski

metinlere göre uzak geçmişte gerçek ve yaşanmış olan bu gizemli varlıkları kuşatan

önemli pek çok karışıklık bulunmakta.

Ayrıca bu varlıkların gerçekliğini ispat eder nitelikte pek çok dini ve antik metinde

bahsi geçip dünyanın çeşitle bölgelerinde iskelet

ve kalıntılarına rastlanıyor.

Enoch Kitabından günümüze kadar ulaşan gizemli metinlerin bir kısmı şu şekildedir.

Bu bölümleri okuduktan sonra, onlarda bazıları veya herhangi bir gerçek var mıdır?

Sözde "düşmüş Melekler" in aslında uzak geçmişte var olması mümkün müdür?

İnsanlar arasında yaşayan Neflim'in olması mümkün mü?

Eğer öyleyse, tekrar soruyoruz, neden antik adamın geçmişi çok mükemmel kaydettiğini

görmezden gelmeyi seçtiniz?

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Hz Nuh'un Dedesi Enoch - Düşen Melekler Ve Devler - Duration: 11:06.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and I'll back y'all back to

make your video so obviously I've been gone for about I think two weeks which

is crazy as hell but I'm back in today as you all know world war two came out

so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be playing a campaign so I'm just

gonna say this right now during the cutscenes I'm not gonna talk cuz I want

to enjoy this campaign because hopefully it looks good and hopefully is gonna be

good also I'm gonna be uploading a lot of multiplayer zombies live streaming

doing a bunch of video so stay tuned subscribe if you're new leave a like on

a video and you guys have been showing a lot of support later I love every single

each and one of you anyways let's start this campaign

without mass ferocity Hitler's war machine has launched its blitzkrieg

against Western Europe to sing it to the brink as we race through our darkest

hour we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against oppression the naazy

onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face but with our eyes tasted

and defeated we must

this day is set upon a mighty endeavor a struggle to preserve our civilization

and to set free a suffering humanity our sons pride of our knick

please damn straight to prove

many souls will be sickened with the balances of war in this hour of great

sacrifice we shall prevail

Paul it's June 6 1944 wish you could see this brother we're invading some frog

Beach I'm not supposed to even know the name of all so we can take back France

from the Nazis but the weight has been half the battle

so he asked me for my watch and I'm thinking what the hell you want my watch

for your to captain or the goddamn football team but I made some good

buddies in basic and they're all on the boat with me everybody's scared as hell

but nobody's letting on I hate it when the first we could basic but now he's

probably the best friend I have in the world he's always looking for trouble if

there wasn't already a war on he'd be off trying to start with my fingers I'm

gonna take photos of the year Stiles says he's gonna be a photographer for

Life magazine kind of looks like Clark Kent said when he takes off his glasses

the only thing that happens is he can't see shit LoZ the vet but being honest he

whom I would call a bit of a rube okay let's make this more interesting say

Michael patron saint of soldiers he's had my back to the Kasserine owes me

three times in 10 seconds and he's all yours I don't know oh you could always

push out my money's on the smoke okay I'm in I can't watch

just time you want to tell you back to my story

me and my boys we muscled our way into this poker game the football team has

going we worked out a system where they can signal to me everybody's hands you

should have seen the QB face Frank took that pot you ready that's what happens

when you try to hustle a hustler now you get well had enough fighting him for two

minutes I said never shake hand would you that's not what you said last night

and enough bigotry for six man let me just defend than anything apparently you

did and I'm gonna give me something better a

real trophy you'll see good luck with that

Oh briefings in 1800 we're gonna be late I got us covered Daniels don't worry

about it briefings about to start what the hell

you boys doing then there's sergeant Pearson a real

sweetheart you think you're special huh the Krauts are gonna eat your lunch it's

not our lunch sergeant our lunch is secure watch your lip Susman on me since

I'm obviously on a lucky streak whatever happens stay close

first Normandy then the Rhine we got this Daniels

today with our allies we embark on an operation of unparalleled importance to

establish a beachhead at Normandy and rollback the German aggression that has

terrorized Europe for the past five years we are all that separates the

world from darkness it's so much more than a chance to be

heroes in our own lifetimes if we prevail our triumphs will be etched into

the hearts and minds of a grateful world or untold generations I'm talking about

glory gentlemen true glory Colonel Davis sure can't give a nice speech his pep

talk reminded me of the one coach Johnson gave us on our Thanksgiving Day

game versus honestly I'm sure you remember we lost that game about 42


always looking over Pierson shoulders lieutenant Turner he's got him on a

tight leash but uh Pierson breaks free we'll all get bit

ever since I could hold a knife I wanted to be like you Paul you've always been a

tough act to follow but I'm damn sure gonna try

it's now or never i cha hora let me let me enable the

other whatchamacallit the words right all right there we go all right there we

go yeah just wait - we - Parris seems like

a long way off

remember no digging it at the shore gotta advance you need to stay low and

do not bunch up stick to your trainings you're gonna

make it through a proud lead you fellas into battle anytime anywhere

all right give pal 40 teachers are supposed to be flattened right

don't scared private no sir should be

Daniel got a light sure thing


get your head down and tape folder oh shit y'all guys this campaign looks

clean the graphics look amazing oh my goodness oh my God he's praying

huh thank you lord get to the seawall cause they came off

Oh nigga this is what you trained for now pick up that beggar what is what is

a banger what is that is that a is that a bat you can do this yes sir

I guess I'm going in with the best uh-oh here we go oh shit yo this can't pay

looks so real um all you can peek through cover y'all that's clean eye oh

shit but why just got walk your run oh

my I'm right here I'm right here chill yo this is crazy

oh my god

brother Arturo your this how World War two as this shit is crazy all you got

helped not forgot about that

go go go go go oh it says the story okay now we got a

runner got you captain I got you oh that wasn't a bad that was my explosives well

that sounded so wrong come on

oh you're oh oh do something what the hell is this I found some cover oh oh no

they killed my buddy Oh get off me damn I could have saved him what the hell

yo man everybody must be pissing themselves what the hell is this oh she

saw this had a thingy thingy works oh so says this man on the right I see

how this works okay well there's another one right here

here we go patch myself up it's kind of like four-night if you think about it

really by the way for those of y'all that are wondering this is supposed to

be like super super accurate of the history thingy so I there's like Nazi

symbols and shit like that everywhere for those of you that were complaining

we have to go up there I let's go let's go let's go oh oh they help families

over here

come on oh shit what the hell was that ain't nothing left

see this is what I can't paint this supposed to be not that black ops 3

bullshit over that oh I'll pull out the pistol yeah let's go whatare pull up

there pull up in that's what you get alright Daniels just gonna take point

and clear those pumpkins go high oh you got a little objectives to I yeah oh I

blew his helmet off y'all see that

you're even screams grenade look

come on I see you oh Sh after wait so that fills up to you the health pack

okay oh gosh probably pull out my pistol for this area

Oh watch out bro B toklas broke his back oh oh oh better die

I forgot you have help oh yeah I keep forgetting that I Wow I forgot that I

have health in this game man like y'all call duties

mgz still sweeping the beach we gotta take him out as US may give me a health

pack what you doing bro you okay heroics perform York actually sir and squadra

Billy oh that's clean I I see it weighs their pack anywhere here

shit oh shit yo you got a turd

I got it going thrown Bo crawling so they don't shoot you

I'm not maybe I'm just dumb maybe damn blue I can't even see what's

going on

and never get over you may use one I was killing everybody oh come on well why is

my teammate just sitting there

I don't know I had like a certain amount until I looked at the little number by

the Helsinki

next assault wave ain't gonna make it gotta move up honor right here - right

here Bo Chu


oh it's not a flip door all catheters enemy about

oh go ahead yeah let me quick oh he has a flamethrower let's go let me

yo y'all let's go pull up down yeah oh

right then oh never mind never mind never mind him

I need to go grab some ammo oh you're this first a kid thing imaging this like

why what to call this mechanic is pretty cool I that like how you need a give it

makes it more realistic

I got you no way I kill them how that makes your sense that's right I'm

popping the helmet off of these guys

now them you're not doing nothing what you mean oh okay let's go those girls be

on this mission is awesome Daniels you exhaust me clear the last bunker rally

at the top of the bluff and for fucks sakes don't get yourselves killed

do you really got a custo light do you really okay let's go let's go

this is like the breaching moments like modern warfare 2 we're go so motion oh

one more we got this Daniel alright captains are worse why's he coming with

us let me zero sense I like I like when

you're behind cover you can peek in shit that's clean yo who's shooting at me

move it up like seeing them how much finest got it

I hope kill him but why do I saw this flame throwing me that's the question

right now I'd shoot you where you at where you at

oh I need you here look first give me a second you know that make it looks real

as l2 all right Oh Oh square get off of me you you damn his breath polish tank -

look at his teeth

you know why does that look like Michael Condrey furrow fries I suppose we

Michael Condrey that for all for a looks like him look

hey you said oh Sh come here buddy I can't walk oh shit get me the fuck outta

here we're gonna get you on your say with me

we've got to get over to that CCP yo just like that one miss your mana for

three we carry soap hi come on come on come on

we gotta take cover we're clear come on you call that fucking clear

hang in there

keep your head down did you get off they keep coming he's dead let's go

we gotta move I got you I got you

stay down

boom boom boom I like I can just one shot everybody in this mode yeah just

keep running

okay stay with me fuck any morphine you gotta hang on those girls in Paris are

waiting for you really of course they are look at your girl huh

you kidding me it's okay I can't see shit I'm what a

restaurant yeah no no you have to stay awake hey Daniels

hump you help me I need a goddamn addict

I got this go he'll take care of him I need you with me Daniels listen up

there's a GPF cannon by the farmhouse up the road it's tearing up the beach let's

move we'll come back for you check your ammo

and grenades move it up and bow when you're ready fries sir

ready frame Oh heads up Davis oh that's clean I sorry I'm gonna knock you out

right I gotta Maggie's name okay cool cool cool

let's go dan how are they just in it it's about a saber these guys are gonna

shun us shit but still running right ma no sense Oh

but why is he laying right in front of them is he done

geronimo Daniel

I can dismount it yo what the hell but it's probably inaccurate as hell hung on

the weight let me see oh she headed

got it

all right Thank You Hana who the hell that is Pearson

I need a casualty report we lost so many we took the beach hate a damn high price

Daniels I thought I'd seen everything he gonna be all right yeah he taped them up

pretty good sure stayed on the boat well now he

tells us hey what you did back there I owe you I'd say we're even we'll see

this through to the end to the end beachhead secured bivouac of the second

hedgerow after the ridge welcome to the bloody first you're a

long way from Texas farm boy

none of us could have prepared for that but you came through when it counted

thanks sir oh yeah you'll be all right son thank you

yes sir of course I will

I'm graphics oh boy look at that blood like I'm sorry to interrupt but Daniel

held inside of this is the best way to retake Europe but I'll guarantee you one

thing they weren't on the beach with us this morning

oh so this is everything that happened after action report I don't know who

decided this was the best way also that's what he just said okay man see I

would have done the other hero reaction but I just couldn't you know I just I I

did it but apparently I killed a but yeah guys I guess I'll be for the first

part I'm gonna be recording a lot more trust me I'm gonna my plan is to finish

the whole campaign so if you guys want to see more I'm gonna do it either way

but anyways if you guys did like him leave a like about how it looks and all

that and yeah

switch my whip came back in black I'm sorry saying recipes mask

For more infomation >> COD WW2 STORY MODE - CAMPAIGN MODE PART 1 - Duration: 34:18.


Decora en navidad DIY renos de papel reciclado - Decorate at Christmas, DIY recycled paper reindeer - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> Decora en navidad DIY renos de papel reciclado - Decorate at Christmas, DIY recycled paper reindeer - Duration: 12:21.


How Many Backlinks do You Need Per Day? - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> How Many Backlinks do You Need Per Day? - Duration: 7:01.


Tutorial: Live Stream für Facebook/Youtube (5/5) - Tipps & Tricks - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Tutorial: Live Stream für Facebook/Youtube (5/5) - Tipps & Tricks - Duration: 6:29.


Pokemon Theme Battle : Team Magma Leader Maxie Team - Duration: 4:47.

Welcome Everybody !! This Team was very challenging since I only had 4

Pokemon to use but here the opponent used for Pokemon also so it

wasn't like very hard or something but it was challenging, it was like new to

use only 4 Pokemon in the teams cuz Maxie only uses 4 in his like Ruby

and Sapphire and Emerald and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire so that was new I Hope you

Enjoy this one and don't forget to Like & Subscribe as always.

So enough of this and GOO !!

For more infomation >> Pokemon Theme Battle : Team Magma Leader Maxie Team - Duration: 4:47.


YOUNG BOLD X RÉQUIEM AKA LIL DEATH - RÚLDEPLANET🌎 (Prod. Raíces Estudios) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> YOUNG BOLD X RÉQUIEM AKA LIL DEATH - RÚLDEPLANET🌎 (Prod. Raíces Estudios) - Duration: 3:45.


HULK Surprise Toys with SPIDERMAN Speeder and HULK Smash Dozer - Duration: 10:04.

Hulk Surprise Toys with Spiderman Speeder and Hulk Smash Dozer

Here we go guys. Whoa

Hulk Smash

Dino Pals this is Toy Rex here.

Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

Hulk Surprise Toys with Spiderman Speeder and Hulk Smash Dozer

Let's check out the Spiderman Speeder first.

Spider man looks so cool and there's his super cool and there's his super fast speeder. Let's open it up.

Wow there's so many parts. Let's build the Spiderman Speeder.

Here's the Spiderman Speed Racer. It looks so cool. It's all Red with Blue wheels and there's spider webs on the side.

And you can put cool things on top of the car. Let's check out what we can put on.

There's this cool propeller. Whoa you can turn the speeder into a Helicopter. Let's try it.

Whoa the propeller looks so cool. Now Spider man's racer can fly whoa.

So cool guys it turned into a helicopter and lets put in the engine right here.

Now spiderman's racer can go really fast. And the last part is this black smasher.

Its so cool. It's got this really big headlights and it's got fire on top. Let's put it in the front.

Now Spider man's car is all complete. He can fly and also ram into enemies. Boom so cool.

Let's get spider man guys.

Here's a Spider man Toy and he drives the Spider man Racer and when he srives he wear this super cool helmet.

You put it on just like that. Now he's all ready to blast off.

Time for Spiderman to go into action Whoa.

And next we have the Hulk Smash Dozer.

He looks so cool Smash. Whoa Hulk is driving the super powerful green dozer.

It's got this really big hand for him to bash his enemies. Boom.

So cool the engines in the front and it's got a big scoop so it can scoop the bad guys. Whoa

Here we go guys Whoa.

Now let's combie the Hulk Smash Dozer and Spiderman Racer to make a super car Boom.

Whoa we made a super car guys. It's awesome.

It's go the big bulldozer in the front, Spiderman propeller and the big Hulk punch. Whoa.

It evens has the Hulk engine so it can go super fast.

It's called the Spider man Hulk Smasher. Whoa

So Cool and there's more Surprise Toys Watch.

For more infomation >> HULK Surprise Toys with SPIDERMAN Speeder and HULK Smash Dozer - Duration: 10:04.


Ask Learn Islam 24H | Qustions And Answer #05 | By Mufti Nazmul Huda Bin Habib | 2017 - Duration: 10:06.

AK Computer Network

For more infomation >> Ask Learn Islam 24H | Qustions And Answer #05 | By Mufti Nazmul Huda Bin Habib | 2017 - Duration: 10:06.


Beautiful Bangla Doa Video , রাসূলুল্লাহ (সা) কোন দোয়া পড়তে পড়তে মসজিদে যেতেন - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Bangla Doa Video , রাসূলুল্লাহ (সা) কোন দোয়া পড়তে পড়তে মসজিদে যেতেন - Duration: 2:59.


JEFES Y MAS JEFES... | CupHead Parte 2 (Gameplay En Español) - Duration: 16:55.

For more infomation >> JEFES Y MAS JEFES... | CupHead Parte 2 (Gameplay En Español) - Duration: 16:55.


Sports Fans Want Depth - Duration: 1:52.

- [Interviewer] Do you see this headed that way,

where brands are going to hire writers

to tell the story and that's gonna be the sort of

storytellers of the future?

- Yes, but a lot of them are going to get it wrong.

Which is exactly what you're talking about,

which is okay, we're gonna literally think about

the old-school model of being a media company.

Which is we're gonna write about all the athletes

that are involved with our brand or with our team

and we're gonna talk about them as if it's news

and we become the news source.

Fans don't care.

They're just gonna go to, (laughing)

again, they're gonna get the news from Twitter,

they're not going to your website

to read that one article that was super mediocre

about Serena Williams. (laughing)

They're not.

Where the brands that will win

in the next three to seven years that figure this out,

it's about how can I give you access to the players

that are part of our brand in a way

that no media company has even been willing to do.

What's goin' on, on and off the field,

personal life, business.

- [Interviewer] Authentic.

- Just, essentially document.

Just telling me what's really going on.

And the difference being that yes,

you can go on ESPN and you can see the 60 second,

90 second highlight of this player or this team,

or now you can go watch 10 minutes, 15 minutes

of behind the scenes that's not phony,

it's real. - [Interviewer] Right.

- And that's what fans really want.

They want the, you know what it is?

It's just the depth.

I want more, I don't want you to tell me the highlights.

I've already seen that by the time you're talking about it.

I already know what the highlights are to know who won.

I don't care.

I wanna know what is in the player's head and mind

and to go back to the Lebron example,

which is he's, you know, $58 million or $54 million

in endorsement deals why?

Because he has personality, - [Interviewer] Yep.

- He gives people access, he's pretty active

on oscial media for the most part.

And then you go to Tom Brady

or you even go to, like, Peyton Manning.

Obviously when he retired, he was making $15 million

in endorsement deals, he didn't even have a Twitter account!

I don't even know if he still does!

- [Interviewer] Well and they're-

For more infomation >> Sports Fans Want Depth - Duration: 1:52.


Осмотрительность | Discretion (Domics) русские субтитры - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Осмотрительность | Discretion (Domics) русские субтитры - Duration: 5:15.


An Untitled Adventure | Twincidents Ep. 1 - Duration: 2:53.

OFFSCREEN VOICE: "Alex and Drew's Grand Adventure?"

ALEX: That sounds like a picture book.

OFFSCREEN VOICE: "Where in the World is Alex's Birth Family?"

Hmmm. Actually an okay option.

OFFSCREEN VOICE: Okay? Just okay?

OFFSCREEN VOICE: Fine, what about "Journey to the Center of Alex's Past?"

What? I'm just trying to provide some intriguing options.

If we're going to stand out from the masses on the internet,

it has to have a catchy title.


Hi, I'm Alex and this is my sister Drew. And yes, we're both adopted.

And yes, we're still real sisters.

You're probably thinking

"Who are these randos and why are they making this video?

"Everybody makes YouTube videos these days. I don't have time for this"

But there's something special about the videos that we'll be making. Alex?

For graduation, our parents made us these scrapbooks.

Drew's has all this information about her and her birth mom.

And mine...has nothing like that.

All I know is what was on my birth certificate:

that my birth mom named me Phillipa and I was born in Ephesus, Oregon.

And since we're taking a gap year before college,

I thought it would be best

if we looked for Alex's birth family during this time.

Obviously I love my family here a lot,

like a lot a lot.

But I just need to know more.

I want to know more.

Ooh, oh! We could call it "There Will Be Blood...Relatives"

That sounds like we're gonna murder somebody.

Sorry that you don't like any of my ideas.


Thanks to Drew's tech skills, and no thanks to her terrible puns,

we'll be documenting this entire journey for posterity...

and a potential audience?

Hello out there!

So, if you're watching, stay tuned for this epic adventure!

Or possibly lots of paperwork and phone calls.

But probably definitely adventure!

I'm trying to think of like a like a pun that we can use for the title

that involves the world --the world?--the word "gap."

Because like, you know, we're taking a gap year...

And then we're like searching for your family...

It's like there's got to be a gap pun out there...

Thanks for watching!

Subscribe, stay tuned, watch this space!

Hey, stop looking for non-existent puns

and turn this thing off so I can get some ice cream.

I think there's cookie dough left

and I want to get to it before

Dad picks out all the dough chunks.

You always want ice cream, even when it's freezing outside.

I just always want ice cream.

Fair enough.

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