Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

Take you to Warp!

Something's wrong, what happened?

It happened, my friend,

that GWS finally went crazy.

30.04.2017 Sunday 11.59

Willow Road, Nottingham, England

Office GW Warhammer World

So, let's work out a plan of action,

Horus, you'll go up the staircase,

and I ...

I am ...


Horus, fuck your mother!

For the Emperor

Do not take prisoners!


Strictly between us,

all the Blood Ravens are such idiots?

Well, YOU stay here,

in the past the level of technology of humanity

is very low

and to solve our problem,

I hope enough and one space marine,

although not entirely adequate.

So what did you say?

Blood Ravens are strong in strategy and planning operations?

That bi ...


The following frames

contain a prohibitive level of cruelty

and are therefore cut out by roskomnadzor.

Instead, we will show

a few fragments from the life of Rano.

Rano is the best gardener.

Rano's centenary.

Children's drawing of Rano.

For «Warhammer FB» ...

For the «The End Times» ...

«For Age of Sigmar» ...

Hey nerd,


this «Fantasy Battle» can not be returned.

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3

Abandon all hope,

ye who are here.

For more infomation >> Forgotten on Kronus II (Part 3) - Duration: 5:28.


14 Popular YouTube Channel Ideas to Get You Started - Duration: 7:31.

YouTube has come such a long way since it launched back in 2005, now offering a wide

range of video content brought to you by professional filmmakers comparable to what you'd see in

movies and on television.

From web series and animated shorts to music mashups and scientific fact videos, YouTube

pretty much has it all, and there are more than enough YouTube channel ideas to go around

for everyone.

01 Vlogging Your Life

Vlogging is one of the easiest ways to get started with a YouTube channel because you

don't need any extra equipment other than a device with a camera that can capture video


Vloggers generally spend time talking to the camera about their own lives, thoughts, opinions,

concerns and even current news topics or events.

It's totally open-ended and is considered to be the video equivalent or writing in a

diary, journal or personal blog.

02 Unboxing Cool Products

In the world of high-end consumer electronics, unboxing is a big deal – and a huge trend

on YouTube.

When a new product is launched, these types of videos start popping up and catch audiences'

attention who are searching for the product to decide whether it's worth buying for themselves.

Product owners film themselves opening the boxed product for the first time to show its

contents as it comes.

03 Product / Service Reviewing

Unboxing videos show what you get from a product, but often times prospective consumers go looking

for people who've already tried, tested and used the product (or service) for a certain

amount of time.

And it doesn't have to be gadget-related – people upload video reviews for anything and everything.

What kinds of things do you use already that you could turn into a useful and informative

video review?

04 Gaming

People sure do love playing video games.

Amazingly, they love watching other people play games too.

PewDiePie is the channel that currently rules over gaming on YouTube with over 46 million


Viewers generally like to watch YouTubers play games as they give commentary, either

to gain insight into how to play better for themselves or simply as a form of entertainment.

05 Computer / Technology Tutorials

People will always be perplexed and confused by technology.

Rather than digging out the old product manual, more people are turning to YouTube.

Remember, YouTube is the world's second largest search engine.

You can find everything from JavaScript coding and PC troubleshooting to Photoshop editing

and iPhone jailbreaking.

You don't have to be a tech whiz – all you need to do is show helpful techniques that

you already know how to execute.

06 Musical Instrument Playing / Singing

Got some musical talent?

Then you sure can share it on YouTube.

Not only is music huge on YouTube with its Vevo integration, but original songs or covers

by everyday normal people like you are just as interesting to listen to and watch.

Tons of artists and bands have been discovered on YouTube, and these days it's pretty standard

for most musical people or groups to start channels if they dream of taking their career

down that path.

07 Cooking

Recipes with lists of ingredients and step-by-step instructions are great, but like most how-to

stuff, nothing beats seeing it live and in action.

With cooking videos, viewers get to see exactly which techniques you use and get a glimpse

at how the combined ingredients should look at each stage.

Even if you've got the simplest meal or snack ideas, it's worth sharing them on YouTube.

People are always looking for recipe ideas that are easy and practical.

08 Traveling

What could be more exciting than traveling to a new place?

Even if you just stay relatively local, lots of viewers who haven't traveled there before

will most definitely be interested in what's around there.

Lots of YouTube creators combine the travel theme with vlogging, taking their digital

cameras with them while documenting and describing the places they visit.

It's a great way to show viewers whether or not a place is worth checking out.

09 Education

Whether you plan on pursuing a doctorate in some particular scientific field or you just

simply enjoy being a geek as a hobby, sharing what you know on YouTube is a great way to

teach and inform thousands of viewers across the world about something you're deeply passionate

and knowledgeable about.

And hey, it will challenge your presentation skills!

You'll get bonus points from your viewership if you can teach and present in an engaging,

casual way that's easy to understand.

10 Comedy

If you have acting skills or just a knack for telling hilarious jokes, you could turn

that into something that entertains people enough to subscribe and share your videos.

Comedic sketches are one way of doing that.

You could also combine any of the above suggestions on this list like vlogging or education with

comedy to put a fun spin on it.

You can make almost anything funny if you get really creative; take a look at these

hysterical YouTube videos to see some examples.

11 Lifestyle Advice

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so you can bet that people are

searching for terms that might bring them closer to solving one of their problems.

From health and relationships, to money and career, you can certainly establish yourself

as an expert in any particular field that you're willing to give advice about based

off your own knowledge, education or personal experience.

Even better, you can ask viewers to comment what they want advice on in future videos

from you.

12 Animation

Do you have a passion for animation?

YouTube is one of the best platform for sharing your artistic creations.

Create animated shorts, web series shows or even long movies to build a following and

get a feedback from your viewers.

In fact, sharing your art like this on YouTube could set you up for getting discovered by

people who may be able to give you bigger opportunities, like that dream animation job

or a collaborative project with another artist.

13 News / Entertainment

A lot of people do really well on YouTube by vlogging or doing comedy videos on newsworthy

topics or celebrity gossip.

Philip DeFranco is one such YouTuber who has always been at the top of the news game with

the Philip DeFranco Show.

Comparable to starting a YouTube channel offering life advice, you can even put a spin on news

and entertainment by offering your own comments and opinions on the stories you decide to


14 Animals Doing Absolutely Anything

Nervous about getting on camera?

Got a cute pet to film instead?

Then you've got yourself a YouTube channel idea – and you don't even have to be in

the videos if you don't want.

It would be an understatement to say that the Internet loves cute animals.

No, the Internet is hopelessly obsessed with them.

Just point a camera at your dog or cat or hamster or whatever animal you own and hit


For more infomation >> 14 Popular YouTube Channel Ideas to Get You Started - Duration: 7:31.


Bangla Islamic Qustion And Answer | Shaikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2017 | Part 05 - Duration: 17:46.

Have done this video

This is a new Islamic Question & Answer

Shaikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf 2017

AK Computer Network

For more infomation >> Bangla Islamic Qustion And Answer | Shaikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2017 | Part 05 - Duration: 17:46.


Markets Next Week, November 6, 2017 - Duration: 8:29.

One of the most important things to remember is that the United States is proposing to reduce the corporate tax rates to 20%, much lower than any part of the world

In India, it is much higher. There will be much greater incentive for US companies to shift back to the US as far as tax residency is concerned

This will play in the investor's minds and it will have an impact

US tax reforms could slightly difficult from the emerging market perspective

US had been imposing 12% repatriation tax for cash lying in other parts of the world.

These could be incentives or disincentives depending which company you are and where you are based

This could lead to some kind of global asset re-allocation

India has moved up 30 notches in the ease of doing business

The government has cleverly dealt with items in the index. This is very good from the foreign investment perspective

At the grassroots level, GST has still to be sorted out. Time and again govt is extending deadlines which is leading to confusion

If it doesn't get sorted out soon, there will be still more confusion

While the bank recapitalisation plan is good but the weak banks will only get money for the NPAs

They will not get more of growth capital which stronger banks will get

The runaway rise in bank stocks can be expected to get hampered

The pharma sector is reeling under some sort of pricing pressure

Insurance sector is coming with massive IPOs priced aggressively. The listing price is not commensurate with the issue price

IPOs where something is left on the table for the investors are the ones investors can buy with a long term perspective

For more infomation >> Markets Next Week, November 6, 2017 - Duration: 8:29.


14 Ways to Protect Yourself from the New World Order NWO Agenda - Duration: 11:14.

14 Ways to Protect Yourself from the New World Order (NWO) Agenda

by Edward Morgan

Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate times.

Big black totalitarian clouds loom on the horizon.

The price of ignorance towards the New World Order (NWO) agenda could be very costly.

The psychopathic ruling elite own the banks, weapons, gold, drugs and oil, while having

the politicians, police, military and mass media etc. in their pockets, and are further

tightening that unrelenting grip on the control of our money, health, food, water, air, and

all the related science and technology, for complete domination over the human populace.

Fall for any of its carefully cultivated illusions and you could end up broke, losing property,

seriously ill, or even end up dead.

In response, this is my heartfelt advice on how to prepare for your survival in the unpredictable,

not too distant (potential) future.

Here are 14 ways to protect you, your family and friends from the escalating NWO agenda.

14 Ways to Protect Youself from the NWO Agenda


Stop giving attention to corporate sponsored news

Switch off the TV (Tel-Lie-Vision).

Turn to select alternative media sources instead for the truth.

Learn to research and discern the differences between disinformation and the truth, especially

in the case of the internet.


Stop voting for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of the major political parties, you�re only giving your power away to help

the ruling criminals further advance their NWO agenda.

Stop believing the left/right sock puppet campaigning shows, all of which are backed

and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You).

It doesn�t matter who gets voted in � they�re all funded and backed by the ruling elite.

Whomever wins, the politicians who sit in office will only be there to serve their lords

and masters, the ruling elite, instead of the wishes of we-the-people.

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don�t fully

understand: Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say, a policy

in your favour or advantage, such as a tax cut, will only be a short-term payoff.

In the end, if you vote for one of the major parties then you�ll only have to suffer

the far greater long-term cost of having chosen a party or so-called representative with connections

to the ruling elite�s agenda.

#3 Detoxify yourself

Use specific foods as well as supplements to detoxify yourself of lifelong body pollution.

Restore health and protect the body by removing fluoride, chloride, bromide, heavy metals

(including toxins from chemtrails/geoengineering), EMFs, radiation and other noxious substances.

#4 Drink good clean or filtered water

Avoid chemically-impregnated tap water and plastic bottled water.

Use filters such as those using reverse osmosis to filter the water.

Drink adequate amounts and keep your body well hydrated.

#5 Eat organic food

Eat plenty of organic fruit and vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Don�t begrudge the extra cost.

In the long run it�s worth it, because you will be ingesting nutrient-dense food without

the toxins.

For more information please see:

Buying Organic Food on a Budget � How to Go Organic without Going Broke

Here�s What Happens When You Eat a 100% Organic Diet

#6 Avoid junk food!

Avoid junk food with its high sugar, salt and cheap/nasty trans-fats and chemical flavor

enhancers which will not only not protect you from disease states � it will add to

them, even causing depression!

Chemical laden, processed, irradiated or GMO foods should be avoided.

(For more information, please see: Video: What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Processed


Avoid cooking with a microwave oven, and with non-stick coated or aluminium utensils, which

in effect turns the food into junk food and could lead to health problems through toxic


Also, don�t cook food using high temperatures for too long.

Extreme temperatures cause the nutritional value (vitamins and enzymes in particular)

to denature and greatly reduces the food value.

Keep the heat down!

#7 Use natural or organic home and personal care products

By uing organic products in your home and on your body, you avoid absorbing the toxic

chemicals often found in non-organic personal care products.

For more information please see:

Skin Science � Debunking Cosmetic Industry Propaganda

Loving Your Skin � 10 Essential Natural Topical Treatments

Toxic Products to Ban From Your Home � Plus Healthier Alternatives to Help You Do It

#8 Avoid low frequency EMF�s (electromagnetic frequencies) radiation

Common sources of EMF radiation include power grid lines, cell phones and towers, Wi-Fi

sources, laptops, microwaves, breast cancer mammograms, body scanner x-ray detectors (such

as those at airports), and compact fluorescent lighting (use clear or white LED lighting


Don�t fall for the corporate sponsored junk science brigade claiming that these EMF sources

and their applications are okay.

Anyone with a couple of investigative brain cells to rub together will find out that frequent

long-term use has been known to cause a range of serious illnesses related to cancer, nervous,

hormonal and behavioural problems.

For more information, please see:

It�s True: You Really Can Protect Yourself Against Electromagnetic Radiation � Here�s


#9 Avoid vaccines and vaccinations

Vaccines are NOT safe and are known to be ineffective.

As countless examples have proven, you could end up seriously ill, brain-damaged or even

dead from these fraudulent big pharma money spinners about which the revenue-raking government

and their paid-off media are only too happy to spread their related disinformation and


For more information, please see:

Vaccination�s Dilemma: �Unavoidably Unsafe� at Any Dose

Independent Journalist Ben Swann Blows the Lid on CDC Vaccine Cover-Up

Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who�s Infecting Whom?

#10 Don�t fall for joining the military

Don�t become a sucker for the ruling elite�s wars, which are secretly manufactured for

power, profit, political gain, and a planned population reduction agenda.

I know, like other things mentioned in my list, this may come as quite a shock to some


For more information, please see:

The Conspiracy of War � Power, Profit, Propaganda and Imperialism

Top 10 Indications That ISIS is a US/Israeli Creation

The Real Terrorists: The 0.01% #11 Have toxic amalgam fillings removed

Mercury amalgam fillings have been known to cause brain damage, lower IQ, contribute to

depression and harbour disease-causing bacteria.

See a biologic or holistic dentist to get them removed and replaced by safe alternatives

such as Zirconium Implants (don�t use metal based or plastic BPA resins).

Don�t support dentists who use mercury amalgam or fluoride.

Dental decay can be prevented with good nutrition, like for example using coconut oil as a mouthwash

since it contains the antibacterial lauric acid.

#12 Maintain well-stocked supplies of food and water

In case of a crisis stock up with a few weeks� supply of food and water in the hope that,

by then, things would have died down with normal supply somewhat resumed.

Such a crisis could be a financial one, like a currency collapse, or a fake war, a staged

attack (fake alien invasion perhaps, you never know?) or a HAARP (High Frequency Auroral

Research Project) secret weather modification� etc used for inducing chaos by the ruling

elite and their associates as an excuse to declare martial war on citizens.

In most cases, within three days of a �lock down� (likely less if panic and rioting

sets in) all purchasable food supplies will be gone.

#13 Maintain self-sufficiency

In line with point #12, grow your own food.

There are indeed many excellent websites advising how this can be done.

I have been saying that self-sufficiency, especially in the way of home-grown food,

is a major factor in workable communities.

Discernment and unity are other major factors.

Have sufficient physical cash on standby in case of emergency: You may want to consider

converting some of your hard earned cash into gold or silver coins as a good investment.

Try looking at non-power grid alternative energy supplies to power up your home.

How about solar panels or batteries or supplemental wind generators� etc?

Electric vehicles would also not be a bad idea.

For more information, please visit Wake Up World�s Survival and Disaster Preparation

page, or check out the following articles:

Survival Basics: 12 Tips for Families with Children

The Greenhouse of the Future � Grow Your Own Food Year-Round With This Revolutionary

System #14 Spread the word!

�Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.� ~ Albert Einstein

Wake up!

Use this and other similar articles to spread the word to your family and friends.

Get active.

If you do nothing, you�ll be unprepared and risk suffering the awful consequences

of the escalating NWO agenda.

For more infomation >> 14 Ways to Protect Yourself from the New World Order NWO Agenda - Duration: 11:14.


Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) - Playthrough |19| SKINERI CAM {EN} - Duration: 15:42.

We have to hold back here to get into a secret place.

This video is a part of us getting into another secret level, the Moon Mountains.

And at this point we have realized that that specific secret is elsewhere. We will get it eventually, though.

Also I have an eight core (one thread per core) CPU now, so there should be less choppiness now.

Passed away? So Egyptians aren't civilized anymore? Well, actually in our current time it is full of radical Islamists, so the game is right...

To get to the secret level, you must destroy all the statues in this level.

And we missed a secret again, when the pillar is going up you have to shoot it.

That's a first time we have seen an enemy drown, actually.

We are trying to get through as fast as we can, because our quest here is to get to the secret level.

In the demo there is one additional secret, which we will get. (get around a sleeping scorpionslamist)

If you want to know why am I calling the scorpions Scorpionslamists now, check the episode that's named Netricsa.

For more infomation >> Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) - Playthrough |19| SKINERI CAM {EN} - Duration: 15:42.


PAW PATROL Toys Play Don't Wake Daddy - Duration: 13:11.

Paw Patrol Toys Play Don't Wake Daddy

Oh No. Ah!

I am putting you in Jail Chase. Ha Ha

Oh No. The Evil night villain Romeo kidnap Chase and put Chase in Jail. Can the Paw Patrol pups save Chase.

Hey Dino Pals this is Toy Rex here.

Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

The Paw Patrol Pups are here to rescue Chase. You better let him go Romeo.

I don't think so Paw Patrol Pups. Id you want to save Chase than you have to play Don't Wake Daddy.

If you win than I will let him go. But if you lose all you pups have to go to Jail. Ha ha ha ha

Ok than Paw Patrol Toys will play the Don't Wake Daddy Game!

Here's the Don't Wake Daddy Game

If this kids wake up the daddy than they will be in big trouble trouble. Lets open up this super fun game.

Wow there's so many pieces. Let's build Don't Wake Daddy.

Snippy Snip time. Snip Snip Snip.

Here are all the pieces guys. This is the bed and this is the head board to the bed. Let's build it.

Now lets put daddy in his bed

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Toys Play Don't Wake Daddy - Duration: 13:11.


You Won't Believe Your Eye Even It Was FILMED ► LUCKIEST PEOPLE - Duration: 6:57.

You won't believe your eye even it was FILMED ► LUCKIEST PEOPLE

You won't believe your eye even it was FILMED ► LUCKIEST PEOPLE

For more infomation >> You Won't Believe Your Eye Even It Was FILMED ► LUCKIEST PEOPLE - Duration: 6:57.


Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) - Playthrough |19| TEMPLAYER CAM {EN} - Duration: 15:42.

We have to hold back here to get into a secret place.

This video is a part of us getting into another secret level, the Moon Mountains.

And at this point we have realized that that specific secret is elsewhere. We will get it eventually, though.

Also I have an eight core (one thread per core) CPU now, so there should be less choppiness now.

Passed away? So Egyptians aren't civilized anymore? Well, actually in our current time it is full of radical Islamists, so the game is right...

To get to the secret level, you must destroy all the statues in this level.

And we missed a secret again, when the pillar is going up you have to shoot it.

That's a first time we have seen an enemy drown, actually.

We are trying to get through as fast as we can, because our quest here is to get to the secret level.

In the demo there is one additional secret, which we will get. (get around a sleeping scorpionslamist)

If you want to know why am I calling the scorpions Scorpionslamists now, check the episode that's named Netricsa.

For more infomation >> Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) - Playthrough |19| TEMPLAYER CAM {EN} - Duration: 15:42.


actually though, I was speachless | seventeen - clap | oceanfiction reaction (eng sub) - Duration: 4:09.

L: Hi

E: Should I press it? L: Press it!

E: Press it L: poTATO

E: I am not prepared

E: Whatever it is. It it Seventeen, it is gonna be good.

L: It is.

L: Em hi, hi Stranger Things vibes.

E: *Shook to the bone*

E: Aaaaaah okay

E: Okay okay okay kay kay kay *okay*

E: I can't see I have myopia (is that the word?)

10 outta 10

E: Okay they are all gorgeous.

L: The hotness kills me.

*mouth drop*

E: Here it is the CHA CHA CHA CHA I told you

*am I annoying?*

E: Okayy. L: ohmy

*what kind of clap was that?*

E: Yeah mannn

E: My boyyy

E: Ey, okay... The evolution though.

L: Whoaaaaaa E: It is so gooodd

L: It is awesomeee.

E,L: It is amazing.

E: They are amazing too okay

E: It is so good okayyyy *I gave up*

*idk what I was saying. Probably bllshit as always*

E: *annoying noise* It is amazing.

E: I am blown away. For real.

L: So good! E: It is amazing. The graphics, them.

Everything is amazing.

E: I thought I was gonna be like aasdfghjklsdfghj but...

L: Oh thank you for watching.

E: Thank you for making.

L: Thank you thank you

E: And I thought I would be like OMG OMG OMG L: Yeah me too.

L: It is so f- E: I was shook.

L: It was so good E: it was perfect L: it was gorgeous.

E: I havent seen a kpop mv in a while

L: Me too but it was amaz- it is awesome

Especially with the edit, the "how to make it a video"

HOW TO MAKE IT A VIDEO *meanwhile I am done*

E: Dude okay and they tell me (why do you like kpop)

amazing (x123456769 times)

L: Now I feel bad for my editing skills


L: It was so good. E: It was very very good.

L: it was- it was


E: True. It was amazing.

L: There are no words to describe it.

E: Errthing happened so quickly. I could process it but it was amazing.

L: Tables in the air!

E: Dude, the editing... L: Yeaaa

E: The song, first of all, was perfect

E: It is catchy but not catchy- mainstream - annoying but it will stick in your head


L: It is awesome.


Was this too annoying?

Ignore my ugly ass and focus on Lmeon bc she looks fiiiiine.

Stan seventeen, those boys deserve the best.

okay, take careee



ty for watching a rat and a cute girl speaking kbye

For more infomation >> actually though, I was speachless | seventeen - clap | oceanfiction reaction (eng sub) - Duration: 4:09.


Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| Cesta k Tajné Úrovni {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| Cesta k Tajné Úrovni {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.


Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| Skineri CAM {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| Skineri CAM {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.





Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| TEMPLAYER CAM {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Pařit - Serious Sam 1 (FE, COOP, +Skineri) |19| TEMPLAYER CAM {CZ} - Duration: 15:42.


Is a Website Essential for a Local Business? - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Is a Website Essential for a Local Business? - Duration: 6:34.


Nightcore Mix ANIME ♫ Best Nightcore Gaming Music ANIME VOI.6 - Duration: 40:38.


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