Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

what's going on guys how you guys doing welcome back to a quick little update on

electro Neum so I haven't made a video about them in a while um I believe it's

my most watched video by a long shot like almost 10,000 views so obviously

there's some demand in it and I want to update a little bit of information

what's going on so this is the official electro Neum facebook page right this is

where they release all the information all the important stuff you need to know

so make sure to follow them if you guys are interested I'm really just type of

showing him on Facebook there it is but as all of you guys know that the servers

we're down people are having issues and whatnot with it and so um what they

released on November 2nd which was like three days ago four days ago I lose

track of days they released four days ago was please bear with us as we please

bear with us we are currently working with amazon's team online when we

brought the system up and instantly got hit by a giant botnet blah blah blah we

are integrating some of amazon systems Incorporation them into our codes

automatically block these a bunch of other stuff they brought a lot of links

no one cares about the rest the important part and the important part is

they're teaming up with Amazon right like the Amazon Jeff Jeff Bezos and his

Amazon that's pretty sick now obviously are they teaming up with Jeff Bezos

himself no are they team you up with Amazon the platform no not as of yet but

they are teaming up with one of Amazon's divisions or one of Amazon's teams that

obviously probably are pretty good at coding and they're getting help from

them in creating this - you know to kind of improve their code to make sure that

they can not run into these type of things again so they don't have to worry

about you know being Locker locking people out of their wallets and the

issues that have been going on so that's pretty cool yeah I was just a little

update but that does raise a lot of like what-ifs in the future like could you

guys imagine if electroni becomes the official coin of Amazon like guys that

would shoot electro Neum to the sky like the

moon the moon isn't even close isn't far enough you know we're talking galaxies

we're talking galaxies but no in all seriousness um nothing I know a lot of

people are gonna be in the comments they're gonna be like oh Amazon you know

they're not teaming up with Amazon like okay I want to Amazon's subdivision

sub-teams like what are you gonna still part of

them so that's pretty exciting and obviously since Amazon is a huge company

they're probably pretty and they're you know online they're probably pretty

decent at coding and there's probably some pretty decent coders at Amazon I

would help and so then teaming up with electroni um

is you know probably gonna help make sure that they really don't rent a I'm

pretty confident than if you get Amazon's team to help you with like not

encountering a certain bug you are free from that bug that's never gonna happen

you're never gonna run into it again it's just common sense Amazon so then

their teams are probably way too good at coding to ever make a mistake but yeah

hopefully you guys enjoyed a little bit of an update don't forget to go check

out their official website if their official Facebook page you guys can get

more information you guys see they post pretty often sometimes pictures

sometimes videos what was the last pulse was 29 minutes ago so they are and 15

hours they are very very up-to-date they are very active on their page so yeah

make sure you get all the information there that's where I get my information

from but yeah thank guys someone for watching subscribe to guys are new to

the channel smash that like button as well if you guys enjoyed this video and

I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow for another video

For more infomation >> Electroneum Teams Up With Amazon?? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? - Duration: 3:57.


Testing ND64 Filter on a Cloudy Day - Drone Vlog 001 - Duration: 4:35.

hey everybody and welcome to the drone vlog number 001 today we're going to try

a little experiment I'm going to attempt on a cloudy day to use an ND 64 which is

a clearing up a little bit so it might actually work what do I expect I don't

know what to expect I expect it to maybe work in maybe not but there's a couple

things I want to try and now we'll just see how this goes so why don't you join

me on this new adventure of our new drone vlogs and if all goes well you

will tomorrow see the video that I come up with today

so that was a reasonably good result just got done

I actually was getting pictures really good pictures of the train flying by

with a long exposure but then I happen to look down on my remote and I was at

25 percent the remote was beeping at me but I couldn't hear it since I was next

to the train but man I think I got some good shots got some video of two trains

at the one same time my wife here is cold as hell

(wife) runny nose

it's not that cold she just has no extra insulation like I have

another train

well crap I missed the Amtrak train on drone video but you got

it here in the vlog

so now it's raining and we can't get enough footage for the video and I did

get a good experiment in here are some things I learned about doing nd 64 on a

cloudy day number one you should probably have the focus peaking on

because that would help a little bit to make sure you're focusing properly

because when you have your aperture more wide open your focal point is a little

less a little smaller so you got to make sure you're in focus I have no idea if

I'm in focus I've gotta take a look a little bit of the footage looks good to

me I'm hoping it's not horribly out of focus so we'll see about that another

thing is I had to record the video in 200 ISO because it was just too

dark and I had the aperture wide open and I shutter speed was as slow as I

could possibly go down to 60 which is what you want to have her 30 frames per

second but the videos came out pretty good a little dark I can fix that in

post as always but here are some pictures I took while we were doing this

and in the next video you will see the footage from the drone that I got from

the experiment I think it turned out pretty good let's hope it did like I

said I've got to check the focus if you like this kind of video go ahead and

click subscribe to channel like share the video as always and of course until

next time fly safe


For more infomation >> Testing ND64 Filter on a Cloudy Day - Drone Vlog 001 - Duration: 4:35.


Marias | Temporada 5 | Episódio 12 - #PrecisamosFalarSobre - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Marias | Temporada 5 | Episódio 12 - #PrecisamosFalarSobre - Duration: 5:43.


Search for suspects in arcade shooting in West Palm Beach - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Search for suspects in arcade shooting in West Palm Beach - Duration: 0:36.


A Guide to Earth's Extraterrestrial Races - Duration: 44:32.

A Guide to Earth�s Extraterrestrial Races

Lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the Draco species as well their

negative Grays and Reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda.

There are astral taps that exist as a part of their matrix program and they needed to

be identified in order to recognize them more easily.

We will now move to a neutral perspective in order to explore the origin, evolution,

and qualities of some of the extraterrestrials tied to the planet at this time.

As I have mentioned, there are positive and negative beings within each extraterrestrial


We exist within a Universe of free will which allows duality to be present; good and bad,

right and wrong.

I posted an In5d article that has some information from Wes Penre on his viewpoint of identifying

good and bad races, called Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly.

In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side

by side with an array of different beings not unlike the Cantina bar in the movie Star


The future holds this time, and we are rapidly bringing it forward in the now.

In order to accept others into our lives, it is helpful to recognize who we really are.

We have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon.

There are many races of extraterrestrials here on, in, and around the planet at this


When I came across the information I am sharing with you from Amariah on her website,

it was of great interest to me to wonder whether I had lives as Zeta Reticulans, Reptilians,

Andromedans, Arcturians, Aliens, Felines, or Pleiadians.

Of course there are many other races including Sirians, Lyrans, etc., but they are not mentioned

in this particular source of information.

You may have characteristics that stand out more than others that match some of these

extra terrestrial races:

Zeta Reticulan Grays

Place of Origin: These beings are a product of this universe.

They originally developed in the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is about 39 light

years from Earth.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist in 4D and some are evolving into 5D

Appearance: These look like the gray alien image so commonly known today.

There are many forms, but they generally all have large heads, big black eyes, spindly

bodies, and grayish skin with many color variations.

They range in size from 3-6� in height and can have 3-5 long fingers and some are webbed.

They are less physically dense than we are, yet retain use of a body form and can change

their physical vessels for different purposes.

Evolution: Zetas are ahead of us by a few million years or so.

They started in the Zeta Reticuli system, but have become space travelers and many spend

their entire existence in space.

The variety of Zeta appearances is because of their extensive travel and settlement in

different environment and their adaptation to space and time travel.

However, since they became aware long ago that their consciousness is not their physical

container, they consciously can move into different bodies.

They tend to stick with a form that suits their jobs or roles at any given time.

They are highly technologically and scientifically advanced.

Various gray species have different histories, and some are known to have over emphasized

their focus on technology to the detriment of other qualities.

But, most have now evolved to be able to integrate with their technology in a symbiotic relationship

and have learned to balance their spirituality with their technological dependency.

They understand that their tools also have consciousness and they work with that consciousness.

These beings have been involved with the evolution of many 3D species, including humans, because

of their advances in genetic engineering and their ability to still work within a 3D environment.

Qualities: Telepathic, telekinetic, high mental function.

They appear emotionless, but are experts at reading frequency and do not need physical

expression to relay feeling.

They are scientific problem solvers, see through time and space and are energy transformers.

Abilities: Zetas can integrate with the consciousness of anything, and they create this way.

Their ships and equipment respond to their telepathic communication and are considered

live beings.

They are time travelers and can shift from 3D to 4D and can move others through these

dimensions as well, by shifting their frequency.

They operate from heightened emotional states, and thus are not influenced by denser emotions.

They can manipulate energy fields, which allows them to heal and create mental projections

and alter sensations.

Specialties: Zetas are called upon for upgrading species from 3D to 4D.

They do this with genetic methods to which there is an energetic component, and through

teaching spiritual principles to help species learn to use their psychic acumen.

They are evolutionary helpers and also guardians that watch over species progression.

Zetas also assist with modulating star seed energies to integrate with 3D physical bodies

for incarnation.

Basic Needs: Connection and understanding.

Zetas live for their sense of interconnectedness.

If they lose this they feel lost.

They also need the understanding that comes with connecting to one another and all beings

and hence form collectives that work together to solve problems.

Focus: Advancement and species evolution.

Zetas are excited and motivated by evolution and the integration of species and how the

soul can evolve by means of experiencing different forms.

Involvement with Earth: The Zetas have been involved with Earth periodically since the

first life forms were established here, and with humanity since their earliest evolutionary


They have always been here as guardians and aids in our development and in assisting with

DNA upgrades.

They have been asked by galactic councils to create an Earth human/Zeta hybrid in order

to help humans leap to a new level of consciousness and further the ongoing universal human expression.

The Zetas have obtained a reputation for their much misunderstood abductions and human experiments.

It has been surmised by many that they do these abductions to obtain DNA from human

beings in order prolong their own species, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

They already have the skill to clone their bodies, which are well adapted for space travel,

and shift their souls into new bodies.

They are far from a dying species.

They do not feel fear the way humans do, and thus they appear cold to this emotion.

It is seen by many beings that fear is a detriment to human evolution and galactic relations.

Hence, this is one of the attributes the Zetas are attempted to diminish in the new hybrids.

It is true that these hybrids will not exist on Earth alone, and that Zeta beings will

in some cases transfer their consciousness into these hybrids, as will Earth souls.

They are meant to be an evolutionary leap of potential expression for many in the universe

to experience.

If you think this is playing God, please read the pages on Soul Origin and Purpose.

Guides for Humanity: E2s (4D collective of evolutionary teachers), Meleah (Zeta/Hyman

Hybrid from the future)

Star seeds: There are millions of Zeta souls incarnate on Earth.

There are also Zeta Hybrids that are humans being born with advanced Zeta DNA.

They look just like any human being, though sometimes they have striking features like

larger heads and eyes.

The updated advanced hybrids are born in the 80�s with more Zeta DNA.

Later hybrids have even more refined Zeta qualities that can be activated.

Many of the Indigo and Crystal children are activating Zeta DNA.

Not all the hybrids have a Zeta soul and not all Zeta star seeds are hybrids.

Each are playing their roles in spurring the human evolutionary shift.

Often the Zeta souls are acting as activators of other�s abilities in some way or another.

They are often teachers, guides and can be healers as well.

They are usually considered �out there� thinkers as they see beyond physical limits.

This can make them seem lazy at times, because they do not get why they can�t just move

things with their minds.

Communication can be difficult also, because they don�t always compute physical gestures

and the limits of verbal language.

These starseeds are usually advanced in some way.

They think and create using their imagination and by tapping into astral knowledge and surrounding

energy fields.

These hybrid�s and Zeta souls are teaching and becoming the future potential of humanity

of Earth.

Incidentally, some of these hybrids visit or communicate with Earth from what you consider

the future.

These hybrids are an evolutionary success story in the future of this galaxy.


Place of Origin: The Draconian beings originally came from another universe after the universe

already created stars and planets and the Avian and Feline races were already developing

here billions of years ago.

They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out

to conquer other worlds.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: The original Reptilian master race is Draconian, which have the form of


They are huge winged beings of immense power.

There are now many forms of Reptilian beings in the universe.

Some are fully reptilian, and some are human reptilian hybrids.

Evolution: The Draconian race came in small numbers after this universe was formed.

They found and opened the gateway that is in the Lyran Constellation.

They were a renegade group whose motives were to find new lands to conquer and to multiply.

They became a menace to many evolving worlds and did not abide by limits of interference

set by creator beings and angelic consciousness.

The Reptilians developed a disturbing reputation in this universe.

But, the Draconian Royal lineage has since evolved to a high stature and they cooperate

in guiding creation in the universe.

There are many Reptilian races that are still war like and a bit rough.

While others have evolved to find the power within their heart centers and are a powerful

positive force in creating new civilizations.

Qualities: Strength, stamina, intense, influential, bold and aggressive, refined instincts, builders,

honorable, brave, loyal, protective.

Beneath the tough skin they have hearts of gold when they activate this from within.

Prone to outbursts of sentiment that can be overwhelming to other races.

Abilities: They tend to see advantages in all situations and can strategize ways to

effectively complete any goal.

Instincts are acute.

They sense motives and some say they smell fear and weakness, but also strengths.

Many species are only crudely telepathic, if at all, thus they often depend on telepathic

translators in their galactic dealings.

But, again, their instinctual prowess serves them well.

They also can energetically shapeshift into other beings.

Specialties: Reptilians will get the job done no matter what it takes.

They are social builders and can see how talents can best be used to accomplish tasks.

They establish effective hierarchies and rules to make teams succeed.

Higher dimensional Reptilians are called upon to bring order and direction to common pursuits.

They bring loyalty and sense of duty to endeavors.

Basic Needs: Respect and Order.

Reptilians generally need others to respect their strength and instincts.

They have strong desires to bring order out of chaos.

Focus: Bringing spirit of accomplishment, duty, loyalty, courage and order to all situations.

Evolving Reptilians seek to reveal the strength within their hearts and to use this power

to elevate projects.

Involvement with Earth: The Draconian race created the Dinosaurs on Earth.

They were an early experiment in for Gaia consciousness.

Then it was agreed by universal councils that there was time for new life to blossom on

Earth, but that reptiles would remain in smaller forms.

Much later, after humans were evolved in sentience, a 4D Reptilian race became involved in enslaving

human beings to do their bidding and there was some genetic mixing that occurred without

permission from guardians of Earth.

This race and other Reptilian beings are trying to rectify this mistake now.

Earth humans still have Reptilian DNA.

It is hoped that the positive aspects of this can be strengthened in the race.

Much of the overly aggressive and militant behaviors of humans came from these genes

that were not planned for.

There is also much resentment and negative influence from this early Reptilian influence

that exists energetically in the astral field of Earth and human collective consciousness.

Guide for Humanity: Crestonia (12D Draconian Queen)

Star seeds: The Reptilians souls on Earth today are often from 5D evolved races that

are here to remedy the negative influences from past reptilian beings.

They are heart centered with a profound power to use their loyalty and sense of duty to

awaken unconditional love on Earth.

Hidden beneath what may appear to be guarded nature, lies a huge capacity to transcend

differences and find acceptance for all walks of life.

These souls are often leaders in whatever they do.

They make wonderful group coordinators and event organizers and will usually finish what

they start.

They can come across too strong or boisterous, and some may say arrogant.

But again, when they let down the guard that covers their heart, they reveal an amazing

gift that allows them to see the love and talents of others and lead them to accomplish

great things.

These souls are often attracted to politics, community groups, the military, corporate

structures, building contracting, or anything that makes use of their skills to organize,

lead and build something.

However, even if they do solitary activities, such as writing a book, they will give it

sound structure and will gather everything they need with diligence and internal heart.

Note that some can see the Reptilian soul within these humans and will think they are


Since humans have Reptilian DNA it is easy for these souls to incarnate within the human

form and their true appearance can be seen by some.


Place of Origin: These are our galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light years away.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: There are many types of Andromedans, just as there are many different beings in

our Milky Way Galaxy.

Three types of Andromedans have telepathically contacted me.

One is from a race of 4-5D humans that have a similar features to us, but I see them as


Some may even have elongated cone heads.

Another, was from a race of 4D 3-4� blue skinned humanoids with bald round heads and

dark eyes, and the other is of a master race of at least 7-9� winged humanoids existing

in higher dimensions.

These may have their origin with the Avian races.

Evolution: Not yet aware of the Andromeda species evolution, but I am sure it is as

varied and rich as it is in the Milky Way galaxy.

Qualities: Not privy yet to specifics differentiating Andromedan races.

Still learning.

However, the beings connecting with thus far are of intense energy and vitality.

Abilities: Unknown, but that can change anytime.

Specialties: Still gathering from these beings.

Each has its own specialty.

Basic Needs: Unknown

Focus: Unknown.

Involvement with Earth: The winged beings have been involved with Earth since our first

life formed and with humans at various stages of our development.

It may be that the Sumerian winged beings depicted on their reliefs are Andromedans.

They say they have been invited by the Guardian Archangels of Earth to participate in our

progression and that they come to our solar system on the wings of the Archangels who

are the gatekeepers to Earth.

Perhaps the depictions of archangels are actually images of the winged Andromedans coming as

they came into our world and were thought to be the angels themselves.

Guide for Humanity: Andon (ambassador of the winged race of Andromedans)

Star seeds: There are less Andromedan souls incarnated here than the beings listed from

our Milky Way Galaxy, but there are still more than from other galaxies.

Somewhere in the vicinity of 800,000 humans have an Andromedan origin soul.

They usually live understated lives and only contain a small bit of their Andromedan energy.

The frequency is much different than that of our galaxy and this appears to affect the

ease of incarnation and the amount of soul energy that can be maintained in the human

form in 3D.

These people are often quiet warriors that are in the background and do not call too

much attention to themselves.

They are often in supportive roles for Earth masters or are in the shadows playing roles

that seem mundane.

Within this quiet demeanor they have a great potency and can deeply affect others with

their presence.

They often fear their own power and are unsure what to do with that internal strength.

In just being here, these souls opens new galactic energetic pathways between our galaxies.


Place of Origin: A planet of the star Arcturus 36.7 light years from us.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 4D to 6D

Appearance: Arcturians are humanoid, but have different features than us.

I see the 6D Arcturians as tall white glowing figures with angled and intense eyes.

These Arcturians may be what have been termed Tall Whites.

Others who have contact with lower dimensional 4D forms describe them as short with wider

faces and denser stature.

These could be a different race of Arcturians or simply be their 4th dimension appearance.

Evolution: Not yet aware of Arcturian evolution, other than they evolved to become a highly

spiritual species and are considered to be among the most technically advanced in the


They may actually have come from Andromeda originally.

Qualities: Precise intellect, telepathic, alchemists, analytical, scientific, reserved,

deep structured thinkers, code breakers, mathematical, healers, interdimensional travelers.

Abilities: Experts in use of geometry, color and sound vibrations for altering time, space,

atmosphere, and states of being.

Energetic alchemist, architects, builders and healers.

They see beneath the surface of things and use precise methods to create and alter environments

including the health of a vessel.

Specialties: Using sacred geometry to move through space and time and shift realities.

Their methods of interdimensional travel and communications are used throughout the universe.

They are also called upon to create geometrical sound and color forms to alter or transmit

to developing worlds.

Arcturians are often the master minds behind the crop circle signatures.

They create amazing ships of light that can traverse many dimensions and are sought after.

Basic Needs: Appreciation and being needed.

Arcturians know they are good at what they do, and like to be admired for it.

They enjoy using their abilities for constructive purposes.

Focus: Designing and implementing their brilliant ideas to be of service in the universe.

Involvement with Earth: The Arcturians are our neighbors and at one point a group inhabited

Earth, long before humans became sentient and before Lemuria and Atlantis.

It was decided by galactic councils that there would be other experiments to help local species

develop on Earth, so they left.

But they still retain an interest in Earth�s progress and today they make contact attempting

to open humanity to new thought, especially via their use of sacred geometry.

They design crop circle forms to input new evolutionary frequencies into Earth and her


Guide for Humanity: El Ectarus (6D Ambassador to Earth)

Star seeds: There are many million Arcturian souls born on Earth and a good portion are

among the younger generation.

It is felt that these starseeds can play an important role as ambassadors to the neighboring

4D Arcturians and also elevate humanities capabilities in their areas of expertise.

These starseeds will be the planners and builders of a new society through their innovations.

They not only see beyond the present structures and systems, they can also add an understanding

of the frequencies inherent in form.

They can be cutting edge mathematicians, physicists, geometry artists, architects, community planners,

system designers, technology wizards, musicians that have a talent for precise use of tones

for affect, and energy healers that use geometry and sound to heal specific organs and mental


These souls like nothing more than to experiment and see their ideas in action.


Place of Origin: The Avian Extraterrestrials originally came from another universe.

Now ET Bird Beings are found throughout this universe in many forms.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: Large birds in many varieties and some human bird hybrids

Evolution: There were already highly evolved Avian Species that entered this Universe from

another, billions of years ago.

They remain as an elite group of 12D beings.

However, many Avians in this Universe have evolved from small birds that were seeded

by the 12D Avians on 3D planets in various galaxies.

They evolved huge diversity of color, size, and adaptations.

Eventually many developed an expanded consciousness because of their ability to see a big picture

of their world.

Their sentience developed from their visionary perspective and ability to move via thought.

Some found themselves able to teleport and soar in their minds to other lands and then


This expanded their reach and they found themselves inhabiting new worlds.

Later avian species were genetically mixed with humans, as this was an experimental trend

in this universe.

Birds of Earth are a gift from the higher dimensional Avian beings to help regulate

our electromagnetic atmosphere.

Qualities: Visionary, precognitive, teleporters, uplifting, way showers, expansive, freedom

lovers, keen intelligence and multidimensional sight, industrious, efficient, excellent observers.

Abilities: Bright intelligence that sees from angles that no other can.

Can uplift any situation and take it to new levels of thought.

Easily raise vibrations.

Free thinkers and feelers that are not bound by confines of group consciousness.

Have a memory that holds the essence of everything they encounter.

Specialties: Higher dimensional forms are often called upon for their natural higher

perspective and to raise the bar in any situation.

They can be many places at once and usually send only an energetic form of themselves

around the universe for consultations.

Less evolved avians remain on their home planet and evolve their abilities in their own unique


Basic Needs: Freedom and Honor.

Do not try to confine a sentient avian being.

They honor all life and expect to be honored as well.

Focus: Expanding frontiers of thought and creation.

Raising frequency and taking situations and ideas to higher levels of knowing.

Involvement with Earth: Seeded bird species on Earth following the end of the Dinosaurs�


Higher dimensional avian beings have dropped in on Earth civilizations to help enlighten

to new perspectives, usually through communications with advanced masters or high priests and


Guide for Humanity: Thoth (12D ambassador collective)

Star seeds: There are only in the hundreds of thousands of avian souls incarnate on Earth.

These beings do not prefer to work through this confining method.

They often feel uncomfortable in human skin and desire to get out of where they are.

It is disconcerting for them to be confined in any way.

Those avian souls that have braved human incarnation are here to raise the energetic potential

of the race and help them to see beyond the astral influences to higher heights.

They are cage breakers and will always be looking for ways out of limiting situations

by stretching belief systems.

They are the Wright Brothers of humanity.

Daring to think the impossible dream.

They can be found in any field, but often those requiring high intellect and attention

to minute details and observations that others miss.

They remember things that others forget.

Avian souls can be excellent detectives or spies.

They are inventors, scientists, professors, poets, and innovators of all kinds.

They sometimes pursue their vision at the expense of more mundane things in life, as

they can have a mad scientist tendency and be a bit in the clouds.


Place of Origin: Originally these beings came from another universe.

They are prominent in the Sirius Star System, but exist in other star systems as well.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: Bipedal cats or human cat hybrids.

Features are similar to Earth felines.

Species have taken forms similar to Lions and others look more like our domestic cats

with variety of coloration.

They can be anywhere from 3-8� tall.

Evolution: Evolved billions of years ago from quadruped cats to bipedal large cats.

Developed higher senses and fine tuned psychic sensitivity as sentience rather than use of

physical tools.

Later feline species were genetically mixed with humans and have half human bodies with

cat features such as tails and feline facial characteristics.

These were created from a group of feline genetic engineers.

Felines of 6D and higher are energy beings no longer requiring what we perceive as physical

form, but they can shape themselves to appear as their original feline form.

Qualities: Curious, adventurous, creative, imaginative, organized, focused, planners,

tenacious and intense yet capable of profound relaxation and deep meditation.

Independent yet capable of forming close bonds to accomplish goals.

While serious about their tasks, they can be quite playful, fun loving, and lighthearted.

Abilities: Highly psychic and telepathic, visionary, and advanced creators.

Attune to frequencies and can mold energies to change environments with music, art, dance

and theater among all other creative means.

Able to connect with other forms of consciousness and co-create with ease.

Specialties: Higher dimensional forms are often galactic travelers and are called upon

to shift energies in environments and spark creative flow and psychic abilities.

They are also commonly galactic performers, sharing their creative energies in many artistic


Basic Needs: Both comfort and stimulation.

This is seen on all levels of development.

They love exploring new nooks of the universe, but they enjoy doing it in comfort.

Focus: Personal growth and evolving consciousness and creativity.

Felines find fulfillment in sharing their gifts to inspire new ideas and move energy

in new directions or to establish states of tranquility.

Involvement with Earth: They seeded feline species on Earth in times of mammal evolution.

Prominent in Atlantis/ Lemuria and later in Ancient Egypt as guides to humans who sought

celestial contact and assistance in developing extrasensory abilities and advances in creativity.

Guide for Humanity: Sekmet (9D ambassador collective).

Revered as a god in Ancient Egypt.

Star seeds: There are millions of Feline souls incarnate on Earth now.

They are here to bring creative spirit to new levels within humanity.

Souls have come from 4D to 9D and each bring their quality of Feline energy to the planet.

Usually the characteristics listed above will show themselves in the human personality.

They will often have a profound respect for cats of Earth.

Though much less common, some purposely distance themselves from the animals in order to claim

their independence from the Earth species (unconsciously).

While you would think humans with feline souls might be graceful and coordinated, they often

feel clumsy in a human body and unsure of their footing.

They also believe they should be able to create with their agile minds, and feel awkward having

to do mundane physical tasks.

Creative ventures are so important to them that they may miss out on human connection

as they pursue their dreams.

But what they do will usually have a deep energetic influence on others as their projects

carry the feline spirit of enlightenment.

These souls love to check out new things, ideas and places.

They have a knack for spotting trends and being there before others.

They are often up on anything fringe or cutting edge to the point where it could get them

in trouble.

They are often world travelers, but they must have a cozy nook to come home to.

They thrive on stimulating input, but they also want to feel the comforts of familiar


Feline souls also cherish their alone time and need solitude on a regular basis.

But they can cuddle too, on their terms.


Place of Origin: These beings are from the Sombrero Galaxy or M104 which is 28 million

light years from earth.

Yes, in a galaxy far far away.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 9D

Appearance: These are insectoid beings that have features similar to the Praying Mantis

insects of Earth, but they stand upright and are at least 8-9 feet tall.

Higher dimensional forms are energy beings that maintain their Mantis shape with colorful


Evolution: These beings evolved hundreds of millions of years ago on a planet of insects.

They became the first to develop advanced self awareness.

They developed the use of tools but in unison they became highly sensitive to sound and

light and its reflection in colors.

They used this special heightened awareness and became highly advanced in the connection

and use of frequencies to change their environment and to communicate with each other and their


In their historical past, Mantis were matriarchal.

They have strong female figures who dominated their cultures.

Higher dimensional beings have created a more balanced arrangement with these energies.

However, the feminine force is still regarded highly and one would not want to diminish

this power with a Mantis around.

And no decision is ever made without the female aspect first being taken in and it has the

final say.

Qualities: Sensitive to sound, color, and vibrational nuances, luminous, spiritual,

healers, graceful, fluid, artistic, penetrating, influential.

Abilities: The Mantis beings are masters with vibrations of sound and color.

They use this mastery to heal and create.

They are artists of universal light.

They dance through frequencies and alter their surroundings as they do so.

Mantis beings create bubble like force fields to travel through time and space.

In lower dimensions they create living spherical ships of light.

In higher dimensions they can send their light bodies in single bubbles of light across the


Specialties: Mantis beings are called upon to give guidance and direction to assure high

quality standards to all kinds of projects.

They assure that the frequencies are appropriate and that the atmosphere and players are conducive

to the particular outcome that is desired.

They are like the mural painters and anthem singers of in the universe.

They bring the right elements together.

Basic Needs: Fluidity and Admiration.

Mantis beings need the flexibility to do their fluid dance and they truly love their work

to be admired and the blessings of it to be received.

Focus: Weaving color and sound to create and enliven the light web of the universe.

Involvement with Earth: The Mantis are assisting, and in many ways overseeing, the Zeta Reticulan

hybrid program, and human spiritual advancement project.

Like the Zetas, they were asked by Galactic Councils to participate.

They are assuring that universal principals are adhered to as well as giving their expertise

in frequency alignment.

They are the artists in the hybrid process, if you will.

They are often seen in the background during abduction experiences.

These are usually 4-5D Mantis beings, but they are tuned into guidance from their higher

dimensional kin, who play a part in spiritually guiding them.

Prior to this recent involvement, Mantis have had little to do with Earth, other than gifting

the planet with the Praying Mantis insect that has since evolved into many glorious


These little creatures hold special energy of their Mantis parents.

It is no wonder that they are revered by many and are often seen as positive omens.

Guide for Humanity: Kizmet (9D Mantis)

Star seeds: There are over 800,000 Mantis souls incarnated here now and only since the

recent hybrid program began.

This is a new experience for the race and it is not an easy one.

Many of these starseeds feel completely out of place on Earth and in a human body, unless

they are of the younger generation who also have Zeta DNA.

These souls have it easier as there is a lot of Mantis frequency in their chemistry that

is aligned with their being.

Those born prior to the 90�s, and there are not as many of these, may have had a hard

adjustment period in life.

They have felt that if anyone really knew what they are like, they would run, so they

hide their inner truth in some way.

It has been a difficult task for their angels and other guides to get them to open up and

share what they came to share.

Once they do open up, their intensity, art, and ability to know what needs to be done

to create the perfect environment is uncanny.

They are usually artistic in some way.

They are writers, musicians, poets, designers of space and events.

They have a knack for bringing pieces of a puzzle together and making it sing.

Their gifts lie in bringing energy, aesthetic appeal, and vitality to whatever they do.

They are here to use these gifts to infuse higher frequencies into hearts and environments

through form, sound and color.

No one can do this like a fluid dancing Mantis soul.

Even if they are in the sciences, or some seemingly uncreative profession, they will

bring some extra flare to their job.

They are also a huge help to the new generation of souls being born with advanced DNA as they

help them align with their higher potential.


Place of Origin: The Pleiades Star Cluster.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D to 9D

Appearance: Appear much like particularly beautiful Earth humans, with perfect bodies

and pleasingly symmetrical features with a luminosity reflecting their higher dimensional


Evolution: Evolved millions of years ago as one of the early races of what we would call

humankind and look like we do.

This form has been modeled throughout the universe.

Pleiadian DNA has been used to develop many human beings in this universe, including those

of our solar system on Venus, Mars, Maldeck and Earth.

There still exists newly developing 3D planets in the Pleiades, but the Pleiadians that communicate

with us are usually 6D and 9D.

These are dimensions they work well within and from which they contact other worlds.

They have light bodies, yet like other higher dimensional ET beings, they can appear in

a form that projects what they evolved from.

Having a lot more time to evolve than we have, they have refined their natures and are intensely

spiritual and giving beings.

Qualities: Intuitive, sensitive, imaginative, radiant, communicative, empathic, soothing,

nurturing, mystical, understated creativity, healers, counselors, in tune with natural


Abilities: Pleiadians are healers on many levels.They can empathize and sooth all pains

with their sensitive communication and transfer of light.

They communicate by means of light transfer.

These beings have a natural radiance that comes from their mystical knowing of how to

connect and share Source light.

Specialties: Pleiadians are called upon to seed new worlds with the essence of evolved

human form, and to commune with a planet�s consciousness and its existing life in order

to introduce new beings and ideas in a nurturing way.

They embody the divine feminine and often will show themselves in female form to radiate

this refined quality.

Basic Needs: Peace and sharing.

Pleiadians thrive in places and states of peace and tranquility.

They feel best when they are sharing their refined essence.

Focus: Transferring their gifts of radiance throughout the universe through seeding and

communicating their healing vibrations and mystical awareness.

Involvement with Earth: Provided genetic and energetic model for early human development.

They are the missing link in our evolution to our current form.

They were guides for Atlantis and Lemuria and have been involved in the nurturing of

many life forms on Earth that began elsewhere, such as whales and dolphins.

They are responsible for infusing awareness into the many methods of energy healing discovered

by humans over the years.

They are playing an important role in reinvigorating our beliefs in the mystical elements of our

knowledge and helping us open to celestial contact in non threatening manners.

They radiate light and soothing energy that we are able to feel because of our genetic


Guide for Humanity: Katara (of 6D Pleiadian Emissaries of Light collective)

Star seeds: There are many millions of Pleiadian souls incarnate on Earth and have been since


These souls are here to remind us of our divinity and our connection to Source consciousness.

They come as healers and inspire us to nurture our spirits and that of the planet.

These souls are sensitive and usually extremely intuitive.

They also light up the room when they walk in and tend to heal without even knowing.

They communicate well with others and are good empathetic listeners.

Most leave their presence with a new sense of joy and gratitude.

These human star souls often have physical beauty and most incarnate as females and exude

feminine strength.

They can be overpowering for some human male Earth souls, as they radiate such deep feminine


They are often water signs that flow with emotion and passion and connection to the

blood of Gaia.

Pleiadian souls connect easily to nature.

Animals love them and become calm in their presence.

These star seeds can also bring the essence of a person�s soul to the surface and can

reflect their purpose and encourage their mission.

They are often found in professions of spiritual mastery, healing, psychology, communications,

child care, and fields related to ecology and care for the Earth.

They often volunteer for causes and give a lot of themselves.

The astral traps

There is a trap in the matrix that wants people to realize their extraterrestrial origins

and want to leave the planet and go home to those places.

By doing so they are giving up their right to a human body in connection with source

through the planet.

Having a human body connected to source at this time allows us to integrate all those

past lives pieces and parts of you that need to be transmuted back to positive energy.

When you do not want to be here, you are not fully present, centered and grounded.

When you are outside of your body, you have opened the door to allow others to occupy

that space within your body.

These are the beings who do not have a body at this time and this do not have a connection

to an energy source.

As Earth raises her frequency they will not be able to exist on or around her any more,

nor will they be able to move through space without any energy.

Another trap of the matrix is the belief that you are only one of these beings.

As we have all had many lives we can see that we may feel familiar with a lot of the other

characteristics or maybe none of others.

But we probably have had more of one lifetime in an incarnation one of these planets associated

with these races than another, and we are relying on those experiences and wisdom in

out lives right now.

Finally, the third trap is that negative astral beings have the ability to shape shift and

have posed as other races such as Pleiadians and Arcturians in order to bring messages

of love, light, and complacency with being �high� (out of the body).

These beings which may try to steer people on the planet to either wanting to go home

and not connecting with earth have introduced the false light matrix scenario which exists

in the astral fifth dimension.

The biggest illusion of all is that we are all of these and more because we are a fractal

part of infinite source creator having these individual lives right now.

Centering and grounding with the earth will allow you to enter that place of no time to

connect with the parts of you (including other extraterrestrials) that need to be integrated

and healed.

As you heal yourself, you help to heal the planet, solar system, galaxy, and beyond.

By grounding and centering, you also create a natural barrier that does not allow any

pieces and parts that are not of you to enter your energy field, no matter what implants

or contracts you have made in the past.

For more infomation >> A Guide to Earth's Extraterrestrial Races - Duration: 44:32.


FROZEN ELSA AND ANNA LOVE STORY Disney Games - Duration: 9:15.

Frozen Elsa and Anna Love Story Disney Games

To be continued

For more infomation >> FROZEN ELSA AND ANNA LOVE STORY Disney Games - Duration: 9:15.


أوري والغابة العمياء (مترجمة) - Ori And The Blind Forest - الغيضة الجوفاء/Hollow Grove - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> أوري والغابة العمياء (مترجمة) - Ori And The Blind Forest - الغيضة الجوفاء/Hollow Grove - Duration: 15:26.


A Brief History of Geologic Time - Duration: 12:08.

The tale of life on Earth has been unfolding for about 4 billion years.

And we humans are just the last word on the last page of that story.

At least so far.

And the vast stretches of time that are covered by the history of life can be hard for us

to fathom.

We wrack our brains just trying to imagine what a few hundred years looks like, let alone

billions of years

And, like, speaking for myself, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this


So, to help us comprehend the full expanse of time, scientists have turned to the rocks.

By looking at the layers beneath our feet, geologists have been able to identify and

describe crucial episodes in life's history -- from bursts of evolutionary diversity to

disastrous extinction events.

These key events -- of new life and sudden death -- frame the chapters in the story of

life on earth.

And the system we use to bind all these chapters together is the Geologic Time Scale.

First, let's talk about the history of geologic time itself.

'Cause figuring out how to read history in rocks was not easy.

For much of human history, of course, we had no idea how old the Earth was, or what actually

happened in deep time, or what happened in what order.

But in 1669, Danish scientist Nicolas Steno published the first laws of stratigraphy -- the

science of interpreting the strata, or layers of rock, in Earth's outer surface.

Steno argued that the layers closer to the surface must be younger than the layers below


So the farther down you dig, he thought, the older the fossils are that you find there.

Sounds legit, right?

But in Steno's day -- when some people thought that fossils had literally fallen from the

sky, for some reason -- this was pretty revolutionary idea.

Building on Steno's ideas, Italian geologist Giovanni Arduino went a step further and began

naming the layers of rock.

In the 1760s, Arduino studied the Italian Alps, organizing their layers based on their

depth and composition.

The lowest layers of metamorphic and volcanic rocks, he called the Primary layer.

Above those were hard sedimentary rocks which he called Secondary.

And the top layers of softer alluvial deposits he named Tertiary and Quaternary.

But, because rock layers don't appear in this same order all over the world, there

was no way for geologists to compare rocks from one location to another.

Without a way to compare strata, there could be no universal time scale.

Finally, in 1819, English geologist William Smith figured out the solution to this problem:


By comparing the remains of ancient organisms from different rock formations, Smith could

match their ages, regardless of how far apart they were.

For example, Smith realized that fossils of many early species of trilobites are found

below ammonite fossils, which are in turn below certain species of shellfish.

So, anyplace in the world where you find these first trilobites, you know that you're looking

at rock that's older than when ammonites lived.

And even in the most ancient rocks, that have little or no evidence of life, scientists

can still look for signs of the very earliest major geologic events, like when

continents first formed, and even when the Earth itself cooled and solidified.

Thanks to the work of early geologists like Steno, Arduino, and Smith, modern scientists

have used these and other clues to create what we now call the Geologic Time Scale,

or GTS.

The GTS has been reworked many times to reflect the latest knowledge of Earth's history.

And today, it's organized into five subgroups: Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs

and Ages.

Organizing time in increments like this allows us to ask questions about history on different


In the largest increments -- like Eons and Eras -- we can ask the biggest of big-picture


Like, was there life on Earth at this time?

If there was, what did it look like?

Did it live in the water or on land?

This is the kind of top-level view we're gonna take today.

But the smaller increments of time, like Periods and Epochs, help us take a tighter focus and

ask more specific questions.

Like, what was the climate like during this window of a few million years?

And how did life around the world adapt to it?

We'll be talking about those in more detail in future episodes, when we talk about each

era, period by period.


So, let's get the biggest of Big Picture views of Earth's history right now, by taking

a tour of all the Eons and Eras in the GTS.

Eons are the largest slices of time, ranging from a half-billion to nearly 2 billion years


And the earliest Eon is known as the Hadean.

It begins with the very formation of the Earth itself, around 4.6 billion years ago and ends

4 billion years ago.

And this is the only Eon that doesn't have fossils.

Because, back then, the world was just … hell.

Named after the Greek underworld Hades, the Hadean lived up to its name.

The planet was wracked by volcanic activity, cosmic bombardments, raging storms, and temperatures

that were at times hot enough to melt rock.

But even in this searing wasteland, life may have been able to form.

While no fossils have been found from this Eon, small amounts of organic carbon have

been discovered in Hadean rocks that some experts think is evidence of the earliest


These first organisms were tiny and single celled, but they were eventually able to shape

the future of the entire planet, so their appearance is the one major benchmark of this


The Hadean was brought to an end by the cooling of the Earth's crust, setting the stage

for continents to eventually form.

And this cooling marked the beginning of the next phase -- the Archean Eon, which ran from

4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago.

Named for the Greek word for 'origin', the Archean was once thought to be when the

first signs of life appeared.

But at the very least, it's fair to say it was the first time that life flourished,

forming mats of microbes in the primordial seas.

The fossils that these microbes left behind are called stromatolites, or sometimes, stromatoliths,

and the very oldest of them -- like those found in western Australia -- date from the


During this time, the atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide, but the appearance of cyanobacteria

was about to change all that.

Then 2.5 billion years ago, the Archean gave way to the Proterozoic Eon, meaning 'earlier


And around this time, photosynthetic bacteria, along with some multicellular forms of life,

spewed tons of oxygen into the atmosphere.

This probably wiped out much of the anaerobic life on Earth.


It cleared the path for crucial, new organisms, including the ancestral Eukaryotes, whose

cells each have a nucleus and organelles wrapped up in membranes.

Eukaryotes developed into the first really big, complex, and sometimes kinda weird forms

of life, like the frond-like Charnia and the plate-shaped Dickinsonia.

These new, larger organisms quickly diversified, and by 541 million years ago, we were at the

doorstep of the next and current eon, the Phanerozoic.

Its name means 'visible life,' and the Phanerozoic was when life really became … obvious.

This is the eon that's home to trees, dinosaurs, newts, aardvarks, and humans.

Basically, life as we know it.


How are you holding up? You doing OK?

We've covered about three and half billion years already!

Just got another half billion to go and then we're home free

OK, now, from here, it's best to explore the Phanerozoic Eon through its Eras, the

next level down in the divisions of time.

This'll let us explore more recent history in greater detail.

The first era of our current eon is the Paleozoic Era, which began 541 million years ago.

This chapter was defined by the diversification of visible life, and it started with a bang.

Actually, an explosion!

The Cambrian explosion.

This flurorescence of diversity and complexity in the world's oceans is such a huge deal

in the history of life that all of the eons that came before it -- the Hadean, Archean,

and the Proterozoic -- are collectively known as the Precambrian.

At the start of the Paleozoic, over about 25 million years, the fossil record suddenly

reveals the appearance of complex animals with mineralized remains.

Y'know, hard parts -- shells, exoskeletons, that kind of thing.

And the first of these new animals to become truly widespread were the trilobites.

They were so common all over the world that they've been used as index fossils for the

Palaeozoic Era for centuries, ever since the days of William Smith.

But the trilobites soon had competition.

Fish developed teeth and jaws, and came to dominate the seas, including the first sharks

and armored giants known as placoderms.

Meanwhile, the land, which had been barren since the formation of continents back in

the Archean, was finally being populated -- first by plants and then by arthropods.

By 370 million years ago entire ecosystems had developed on the primeval continents.

Soon after, the earliest amphibians evolved and hauled themselves out of the water, leaving

the first vertebrate footprints in the mud.

299 million years ago, the supercontinent Pangea had formed, with an enormous desert

at its center.

This desert was quickly populated by the ancestors of what would eventually become reptiles and

mammals, which could thrive in dry conditions, unlike amphibians.

But this time of incredible growth couldn't last forever.

and instead, the Palaeozoic Era ended in cataclysm.

252 million years ago, 70% of land vertebrates and 96% of marine species disappeared from

the fossil record, including survivors of previous extinctions, like our friends the trilobites.

I still miss those guys.

The event, known as the Great Dying, was the most severe extinction in our planet's history.

But its exact cause is still unclear.

A possible meteorite impact site off the coast of South AmericaIslands,

might be one clue.

And in Siberia, layers of basalt show that massive volcanic eruptions covered large swaths

of Pangea in lava.

Both of these incidents coincided with the end of the Palaeozoic, and it seems more than

likely that the extinction had many causes.

In any case, the Palaeozoic may have begun as a chapter defined by an explosion of life,

but it ended in nearly absolute death.

It took millions of years for life to recover, but when it did, a new world, The Mesozoic

Era, had arrived.

This is often called the Age of Reptiles, and with good reason.

Right from the start of the Mesozoic, reptiles were incredibly successful.

This is when they took some of their most famous forms, including dinosaurs, pterosaurs,

and a variety of marine species.

In fact, all of the non-avian dinosaurs lived only in the Mesozoic, so they remain one of

the best index fossils of this era.

And many modern groups of organisms also evolved in the shadow of the reptiles, like

mammals frogs, bees, and flowering plants.

But the Mesozoic Era came to an end 66 million years ago, with yet another episode of devastation,

known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene, or K-Pg, Extinction Event.

Like all mass die-offs, the K-Pg had many causes, but probably the biggest of them was

a gigantic asteroid that struck the earth, sending out enormous amounts of ash into the

atmosphere, blocking out sunlight, and creating a vicious cold snap across the planet.

Without the sun's energy, entire plant communities died, and the animals that relied on those

plants perished with them.

Evidence of this impact can be found in a layer of iridium, in rocks dating to the end

of the Mesozoic.

Iridium is an element that's rare on Earth, but very common in asteroids and comets.

And a giant impact crater in the Gulf of Mexico, whose age matches the date of this extinction

has become the smoking gun for the asteroid hypothesis.

The victims of the K-Pg Extinction were some of the biggest reptiles of the land, sea and

sky, including all of what we NOW call the non-avian dinosaurs.

Birds survived the cataclysm, of course, making them the last surviving lineage of the dinosaurs.

Ok we have 66 million years to go and

that's the last major extinction event that we have to

talk about. I thought you might want to

freshen up so I bought these

pre-moistened toilettes

just going to

you have

some Iridium

Here. On this side.

On your forehead. Other side.

With all of the great reptiles gone, the smaller animals that remained were able to eke out

a living in the next era, the Cenozoic.

This is our era, in more ways than one.

It's the era that we're in today, and it also marks the rise of the mammals.

Soon after the K-Pg extinction, the climate warmed, and jungles stretched across the planet.

Mammals quickly recovered in this hothouse world, and by 40 million years ago, most of

the mammal groups that we recognize had come about, like whales, bats, rodents and primates.

But, starting 34 million years ago, the climate began to shift again.

This time Ice caps started to grow at the poles, taking up much of the planet's water.

And these drier conditions created a new habitat, the grassland, where ancestral horses and

antelope were first hunted by the earliest cats and dogs.

It was also on these grassy plains 7 million years ago that a species of ape known as Sahelanthropus

became the first known primate to walk upright.

2.6 million years ago, the ice caps expanded even more, and the Earth entered a glacial period.

This is the one you hear referred to as The Ice Age.

Over the course of these last several million years, most modern lifeforms that we know

about developed and thrived, alongside giants like mammoths, ground sloths and saber-toothed


Once again, though, this era of lush diversity came to a morbid end: Starting around 15,000

years ago, the climate began to warm up.

And over the next few thousand years, many of the giant fauna went extinct.

By 11,700 years ago, the last major glaciation was over, and modern humans inhabited nearly

all corners of the globe.

But how big a role we played in the extinction of the so-called Ice Age megafauna is hotly


Regardless, there's no escaping the fact that our species has shaped the Earth to its

will since then.

Like cyanobacteria, and the dinosaurs before us, we've had a huge impact on habitats,

other organisms, and the biosphere itself.

And as we've learned today, it's the most dominant forms of life that define each phase

of deep time.

So, even though our time on this planet amounts to the last word on the last page of the story

of life, we are the authors of the next chapter.

One day, the epoch of humans may be detected by the marks we made on the land, the traces

of our cities and farms.

And our very bodies will be the index fossils of this time.

No matter how our chapter ends up, we get to be characters in a truly amazing story.

Thanks for joining me for this epic -- or ee pok -- journey through geologic time.

Now, what do you want to know about the story of life on Earth?

Let us know in the comments.

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

And the fun doesn't end here!

Do yourself a favor and check out some of our sister channels from PBS Digital Studios.

For more infomation >> A Brief History of Geologic Time - Duration: 12:08.


BREAKING: GOP Bill Proposes Devastating Slash To NFL Tax Breaks. - Duration: 2:28.

BREAKING: GOP Bill Proposes Devastating Slash To NFL Tax Breaks.

If Republicans manage to pass their tax reform plan, the NFL can kiss its tax break for stadiums


The newly proposed tax reform bill would kill the tax-exempt status for municipal bonds

used to finance stadium construction.

(Worth noting: this isn't an idea new to Trump or Republicans.

President Obama proposed ending the tax-free status for the bonds back in 2015, and the

stadium-finance bond provision has long been a target of tax reformers.)

Put simply, because nobody's here to delve through the intricacies of municipal construction

tax policy: when a team asks a city to kick in on a new stadium, the local government

issues municipal bonds to pay for its share.

Those municipal bonds are, at present, free from federal tax, saving investors a measurable,

significant, double-digit percentage of the overall cost … and, in turn, depriving the

federal treasury of significant potential revenue.

How much revenue are we talking here?

A fair amount.

Since 2000, the federal government has subsidized $3.7 billion in tax-exempt bonds for stadium

construction, according to Bloomberg.

A recent Brookings Institute study found that of 45 stadiums constructed between 2000 and

2016, 36 took advantage of the tax-free bonds.

(Yahoo News)

President Trump warned last month that this change could be coming.

"Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem,

Flag and Country?" Trump said on Twitter.

"Change tax law!"

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also commented on the issue after

Trump's tweet.

Despite the NFL giving up its tax-exempt status in 2015, she said "it's been well documented

that billions of taxpayer dollars continue to subsidize the construction and renovation

of professional sports stadiums."

"If this industry is going to use money from American taxpayers to build the very

fields they play on, is it really too much to ask that they show respect for the American

flag at the beginning of the game?" she asked.

Not surprisingly, the NFL is pushing back on the proposal.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: GOP Bill Proposes Devastating Slash To NFL Tax Breaks. - Duration: 2:28.


OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:47.

• From starting a fire in the school bathroom to fighting the toughest kid in class, the

Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the

most desperate ways we've tried to attract someone.

I'm Doopie – and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by MentalPigeon Zaraganba When Zaraganba was little he was madly in

love with a girl in his class.

One day they went out on the playground together after it had rained all morning.

The play equipment was still wet, but Zaraganba wanted to show her how cool he was by running

up the metal slide.

When he got halfway up, he slipped and slammed his face into the slide.

When he got up, he spat his two front teeth out in front of her and burst into tears.

Zaraganba's stunt cost him years of painful dental procedures.

He couldn't eat solid food for a while and had to wear metal in his mouth for the rest

of the year!

And the worst part?

His crush moved away just one week after his accident!

He sadly never saw her again…

Number 9 was submitted by Sn00pL00ps Emojie For the longest time Emojie had a huge crush

on his high school sweetheart, but he had no clue how to attract her.

He eventually found out that she really liked Doctor Who.

Emojie had never seen it before, so he decided to lock herself in her room and study it.

For two months, He binge watched it – foregoing sleep and ignoring his friends and family.

Once He understood it well enough, He made her a foam Tardis for Valentine's Day and

asked her to be his Doctor.

Luckily all her effort paid off and they're still dating to this day!

Number 8 was submitted by GraceLikesManga123 Ladybot

When Ladybot was twelve she had a big crush on the smartest girl in her grade.

The girl was in the gifted program so Ladybot assumed that she loved books.

Ladybot decided to show up for class carrying a giant stack of books – more than she could


Every time she opened her locker books would come spilling out, but Ladybot's crush didn't

seem to notice.

Ladybot then stepped things up by joining her track team, getting the same haircut,

and studying really hard to get into the gifted program!

But in the end, Ladybot's crush shut her down by declaring she was straight and moving


The worst part was, Ladybot's mom wouldn't let her quit the track team or the gifted


Number 7 was submitted by diepiotri-angle Tolop

In sixth grade Tolop had a crush on the new girl, Spincess.

Every day he aggressively flirted with her and gave her money to show her how much he


Spincess loved the attention and said she would go on a date with Tolop if he fought

the toughest guy in school.

The next day Tolop picked a fight – even though he was small and not much of a fighter.

He started losing immediately, but he refused to give up and finished the fight strong.

He ended up with huge bruises, a broken arm and leg, and a suspension from school.

And after all that, Spincess still refused to date him!

Number 6 was submitted by Kandy_Kittys2 Ramona In primary school, Ramona had a huge crush

on the class bad boy.

She was always trying to think of ways to impress him and one day came up with the brilliant

idea to lie and cut class.

Without thinking, she raised her hand to get the teacher's attention and said the first

thing that came to her mind: "Miss, can I please be excused?

I have… err… diarrhea!"

The whole class gasped, and the teacher was horrified!

She told Ramona to go to the toilet right away.

As Ramona was leaving, she glanced at her crush.

She expected him to be impressed, but he had the most disgusted look on his face!

After that day Ramona decided that pursuing him was a lost cause.

Number 5 was submitted by OnceIDidAThing Melissa When Melissa was thirteen she had an online

relationship with a boy who lived five hours away.

She couldn't wait to meet him in person… and then one day she got an opportunity to

do just that!

Her dad came home and told his family he'd been offered a great work opportunity in the

town where Melissa's boyfriend lived!

Melissa tried to convince them to move and even threw a huge tantrum, shouting, "I

have no friends and I'd rather die than stay here!"

In the end, Melissa's parents agreed to move.

But when Melissa arrived, her "boyfriend" suddenly changed his mind and deleted her

on all other forms of social media.

Number 4 was submitted by OsscarTheCouch Civil Spider

One time when Civil Spider was in primary school, he took a seat next to his crush at

lunch and tried to think of ways to impress her.

He figured she would like him if he just showed her how smart he was.

His plan was to get her attention, grab the nearest book and say, "Look how fast I can

read this!"

Civil Spider then sat there silently speed-reading the entire book.

When he finished, he looked up and saw that his crush had walked away.

Number 3 was submitted by theLOGMANcan Grgak When Grgak was in high school he had a crush

on a punk girl who was way too cool for him.

Grgak didn't know how to get her attention, but one day a crazy out-of-character idea

popped into his head.

He decided to go into the bathroom and set fire to all the trash cans, toilet paper rolls

and paper towels.

He narrowly avoided getting in trouble because the janitor and principle couldn't prove

it was him.

His crush thought it was amazing and agreed to go out with him.

But their relationship didn't last long because they had nothing in common, and Grgak

couldn't keep up the charade that he was some badass punk.

Number 2 was submitted by gamingpron0t Nixxiom When Nixxiom was fifteen he had a crush on

the new girl who'd just moved in.

He found out she was really into bad boys so he hatched a crazy scheme to impress her.

He told her to meet him at a local gas station just after seven o'clock.

When she got there, he told her to watch, as he ran inside and demanded money from the


Nixxiom's crush thought this was really cool… until Nixxiom got caught a few hours


He was forced to return the money and serve seven weeks of community service.

His parents grounded him for the rest of the year.

The next time Nixxiom talked to his crush, she said she was over her bad boy phase and

asked him to leave her alone.

That was the last time Nixxiom ever tried to impress

a girl…

For more infomation >> OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:47.


The Untold Truth Of Logan Paul - Duration: 4:27.

This blond-haired, blue-eyed, All-American bro became internet famous after his athletic

stunts and pratfall comedy earned him massive followings across multiple social media platforms.

But even with legions of followers in his "Lo-gang," there's a lot that fans may not

know about Logan Paul.

Making YouTube history

After recognizing that the Vine media platform was a sinking ship, Paul quickly stacked up

impressive followings on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

YouTube was the nut that he really needed to crack, however, and crack it he did.

His current Logan Paul Vlogs channel was created in September 2016, and in less than a year,

it had surpassed 10 million subscribers, a feat that had never been achieved before.

He celebrated making YouTube history with a vlog, of course:

"Not trying to be cocky, I've received a lot of awards and trophies in my life, but this

is the one definitely I'm the most proud of."

Landing Law & Order

Paul won himself a guest spot in a 2015 episode of Law and Order: SVU, and totally bombed

— behind the scenes, that is.

He remembered his really awkward moment with SVU's Detective Fin Tutuola, played by Grammy-winning

rapper Ice-T. He recalled, "So Ice-T is apparently a big deal and I am not part of the Ice-T


So he comes on set wearing a cop outfit and goes, 'Yo, what's up, are you the bad guy?'

And I say, 'Yeah!

Are you the security guard on set today?'

He goes, 'Yeah, I'm the security' and then just walks away.

I thought it was weird and then five minutes later I realized it was Ice-T. Whoops!"

Risking life on the daily

2016 turned out to be a pivotal year for Paul — he not only played his first lead role

in YouTube Red's The Thinning, he also landed his own short-form TV series.

Comcast's latest online platform, Watchable, gave "Logan Paul Versus…" the greenlight.

In the show, Paul takes on the craziest challenges the internet can throw at him — everything

from ballet dancing to wrestling a bear.

He said, "I've always loved pushing myself to experience every facet of life, no matter

how outrageous or insane, so finding a home like Watchable to share that with my fans

has been amazing."

Baywatch connection

Paul had a small scene in 2017's Baywatch that didn't end up making the final cut.

But filming it wasn't a total waste, as his friendship with Dwayne Johnson has blossomed


The pair turned what happened to Paul into a skit in which The Rock revealed that the

Vine legend had actually been getting cut from Johnson's movies for years.

The Rock has returned the favor by appearing on Paul's own channel several times.

Paul said of his famous friend:

"I knew this the first time I met him, I'm like he's such a genuine guy…

Dwayne The Rock Johnson, you are the man!"

Dealing with the haters

Like any successful YouTuber, Paul has his critics.

He told Business Insider that he's been dealing with hate ever since he started out in Ohio,

where people would yell and curse at him when they drove by him on the street.

He never allowed himself to get down about it, however, choosing to ignore his detractors,

saying, "Here's the thing about haters — I don't care...I'm very, very confident."

Blond ambition

Paul's latest track, "Outta My Hair," is an ode to the blond locks that have become a

part of his brand.

The music video stars former Disney alum turned Hollywood up-and-comer, Bella Thorne.

Thorne most recently appeared in Netflix horror comedy The Babysitter, making headlines for

a scene involving a "steamy kiss" with co-star Samara Weaving.

She gives a similarly charged performance alongside Paul too, playing his hair-obsessed

hook up.

The video, which reportedly cost Paul a cool $100,000 to make, clocked a staggering five

and a half million views within 12 hours on YouTube, meaning the vlogger, actor and musician

has a potential viral hit on his hands.

CelebMix seems to agree, calling it an "incredible song...We are left wondering what is next

to come from this star...Surely starring in Hollywood blockbusters, winning countless

awards, daily vlogging and releasing the soundtrack of our lives is enough..."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Logan Paul - Duration: 4:27.


Woman accused of selling heroin out of school van - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Woman accused of selling heroin out of school van - Duration: 1:52.


裏引き上げ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> 裏引き上げ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:34.


(EP-4) Trixz play Obscuritas - Duration: 5:17:54.

For more infomation >> (EP-4) Trixz play Obscuritas - Duration: 5:17:54.



MY camera might not look good because its old i will get a new one

For more infomation >> UNREAL TOURNAMENT AWESOME GAMEPLAY! ep 1 - Duration: 8:48.


AUNQUE USTED NO LO CREA - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> AUNQUE USTED NO LO CREA - Duration: 3:33.


CNN Tries To Humiliate Texas Shooting Hero, Blows Up In Their Face After He Says Two Words - Duration: 2:27.

CNN Tries To Humiliate Texas Shooting Hero, Blows Up In Their Face After He Says Two Words.

Johnnie Langendorf is the hero who was driving by the scene at the Sutherland Springs Church

shooting when he saw the shooter Devin Patrick Kelly shooting at another man.

Kelly then fled the scene after the man chased after the killer in the truck.

This guy deserves a trip to the White House to meet the president!

What a brave soul!

Americans everywhere are calling him a hero.

CNN just tried to humiliate the hero on a live interview when it backfired horribly

after he says these epic words. Watch:

That was awesome!

One person commented, "That guy doesn't realize how much that CNN leftist reporter

hates him.

He looks like that perfect country loving proud American.

Who loves his religion and constitution you're a hero.

We are proud of you."

Another said: "This is why you don't take away guns from great Americans they're here

to protect us from the evil lunatics that get guns illegally."

"They think they are making him look like a fool.

His balls are bigger than everybody that works a CNN combined."

"Guys like this are why Trump is President.

They go out and do whats right.

The reporter cant fathom why he did it.

This hero is just an ordinary American going out and getting the bad guy."

Thank you Johnnie!

America is cheering your bravery!

Let's all give him a big AMEN by Sharing this like crazy so it goes viral!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> CNN Tries To Humiliate Texas Shooting Hero, Blows Up In Their Face After He Says Two Words - Duration: 2:27.


IWI Fortress, New Stuff from Ruger, Smith, Springfield and TNW - TGC News! - Duration: 11:11.

This week on TGC News, the IWI Fortress, New stuff from Ruger, Smith, Springfield and TNW

and the struggle bus keeps trying.

Hold up, Yep.

I have to stop the show again.

Yesterday, in Sutherland springs Texas, a deranged man opened fire on a church and killed

26 people with an estimate 27 additional being injured.

As per usual, I will not say the name of the assailant because he doesn't deserve to be


There are A LOT of reports flying around about motive and whether or not gun control could

have done anything about this but the reality is that 26 people are gone because of the

acts of a mad man.

My heart goes out to the people that are truly affected by this.

Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things

you actually care about, My name is Jon Patton.

Before we get started, my friends over at F4 Defense are putting together a charity

build for the Marine Recon Foundation.

There are a bunch of great companies involved like, Faxon, Freedom Munitions, Trijicon and

Blown Deadline to name a few.

There's a link in the description if you want to check that out.

Now the news.

First up, a brand new pistol from a company that is best known for bullpups…

IWI or Isreal Weapon Industries the parent company of IWI US just announced the release

of a new handgun called the Masada.

The name Masada is Hebrew for Fortress.

Shout out to anyone that remembers the Magpul Masada, which later became the ACR.

I think it's awesome to see so many new handguns hitting the market.

With the Hudson H9 finally shipping, the Canik Tp9's doing well, and all of the other choices

for a sidearm, we are living the dream as enthusiasts.

Now the specs of the gun, Its a striker fired, 9mm with a 4 inch barrel.

Pretty normal.

The mags hold 17 rounds and the trigger pull is listed as 5.6 to 7 pounds of pull weight.

Not great but not surprising for a gun developed outside the US.

It's also 6.6" long which means it's kind of a hybrid of a subcompact sized top end

and larger grip.

Think of it as a Glock 17 with a glock 26 slide on top It has what appears to be a nice

texture on the grip, including on the interchangeable backstraps.

The controls are ambidextrous and the most interesting thing of all?

The fact that the trigger mechanism is interchangeable just like the Sig p320 and Hudson H9.

That is a very smart thing that's being adapted into a lot of companies.

There's no word on whether the Masada will be the fortress from its namesake, but I suspect

we will find out very soon.

And the gundustry struggle bus still has gas in it news

I got word from a TGC viewer that

the big S&W just laid off an unknown amount of workers.

According to one person that was let go, the people that were being laid off

were temporary workers.

He was unsure how many people got laid off exactly but described it as "A bunch",

probably much like every other company that is being forced to cut back.

And speaking of cutting back, according to The Firearm Blog, Remington just lost a bunch

of their top exec's including the Senior VP of sales, the senior vp of ammo, and the

senior VP of firearms and accessories.

They also announced they will be introducing furlough, or temporary layoff days in the

near future.

Not sure how much of this is related to the new CEO we talked about last week but I would

bet that company is feeling the pinch pretty hard right now.

On top of that, Ruger just announced that their 3rd quarter sales were down a whopping

35 percent and total earnings were down 50 percent.

Of course this is all due to the same stuff I've been talking about for months.

The normalization of firearms industry.

Ruger also mentioned that 30 percent nearly one third of their sales were from new products

like the Mk4, the RPR, and LCP 2.

The CEO said that they are working through this tough market right now.

And that is a good way to put it.

Gun companies across the board are trying to figure out who the current customer actually

is and where they need to be investing dollars internally and externally to keep sales up.

Ruger is kind of like the environmental indicator in the gun industry.

They are one of the largest and they are also publicly traded on the stock market.

Between them and a few of the other top dogs, we can generally tell what's REALLY happening


If they are feeling it, the smaller companies are feeling it even more.

Of course you guys know that I will be keeping an eye on this kind of stuff as it happens

but I want to know what you think.

Will the gun industry see the sales numbers of the Obama era ever again or will the so

called Trump Slump be the new normal for years to come?

I've got some more of the new shenanigans to share with you guys in the form of 4 new


First up, from TNW arms, the ASR Home builder kit.

The Adaptive survival rifle or ASR has the claim to fame of being kind of a takedown

pistol caliber rifle that takes glock mags.

It was ahead of the curve when it got released several years back.

Now they've come up with the idea of letting you build your own at home.

The kit comes with just about everything you need including a tap for the barrel nut and

buffer tube.

The only crappy thing is that they don't include vice blocks to hold everything but I guess

if you're taking on this project, you're probably pretty handy anyway.

The kit comes in either rifle or pistol, and is offered in 6 different calibers for the

price of 375 bucks.

Not too shabby.

Up next, Springfield has released the Saint in a pistol variant.

Its got a 7.5" barrel with a linear comp, an SB Tactical brace, and a nice MLOK handguard

with a handstop included.

For one of the biggest letdowns of the last 12 months, this seems to be a step in the

right direction.

Regardless of whether or not the gun is useful, at least they are paying attention to what

everyone is buying and trying to offer products in that category.

MSRP is set at 989.

Moving along, Smith and wesson is expanding the line of M&P10 rifles with the M&P10 sport.

The M&P15 sport is one of the best starter AR15's on the market, or at least it was

until everyone started marking their guns down under 500 bucks.

So I'm hoping that this no frills AR10 is a continuation of that concept.

Its features are basic, M4 stock and grip, railed front gas block, 16 inch barrel, it's

the most basic of basic.

Still could be a great way to get into the semi auto 308 game with an MSRP of 1049.

And yes this is very similar to the Optic Ready variant that already exists but the

barrel is 2 inches shorter and its 570 bucks cheaper.

And last but certainly not least, Ruger announced the expansion of the SP101 line by offering

one chambered in 9mm.

So hefty stainless gun with only 9mm recoil, not too bad.

MSRP on that is 719.

Oh snap, Friendly fire time.

Steve Phelps asks for my opinion on the ARX polymer copper matrix rounds vs traditional


Long story short, I don't trust them yet.

That stuff is still pretty new and I'm not sure I believe what they say it does.

However, I'm hoping to test them out in the not so distant future here on TGC so keep

an eye out for that.

Mark Barbera asks, what do you think is the best bore bore AR round?

As much as it hurts my heart to say this… the 458 socom is the best.

I would say the 50 Beowulf because half inch bullets BUT the far greater selection and

types of 458 ammo out there makes it the better choice.

And John Lion asks, why do barrels only have a certain twist?

Why not make a twist rate way faster?

It's all about physics.

Spinning a projectile too fast could actually cause it to destabilize after leaving the

bore, it could cost the jacketing material to completely shred and come off the projectile

mid flight OR you could generate so much heat and friction in the barrel due to the rotational

force that you would ruin the barrel.

I'm sure that's not EVERYTHING but i'm not an engineer haha.

Guns are a dance of physics, temperature management, and timing.

They have to work in concert for everything to come together the right way.

My question to you guys this week: What do you consider to the be threshold of a budget


Is it 200 bucks, is it 400?

Or maybe something else?

Let me know down in the comments below and If you have a question you want answered here

on TGC News you can post it in the TGC Nation group on Facebook.

And that is it for this week's show, if you enjoyed the show, hit that like button

and share it with your friends… that is a huge help.

If you didn't let me know why down in the comment section below and if you haven't

please get subscribed you won't want to miss a single episode and as always, thank

you all for watching, we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> IWI Fortress, New Stuff from Ruger, Smith, Springfield and TNW - TGC News! - Duration: 11:11.


People Matter: A Chat with Kristina Milke - Duration: 1:12.

(upbeat music)

- Kristina has been working with one of our recruiters

for the past 15 years.

Our recruiter has taken Kristina's career

from Controller all the way through to C.E.O.

What do you look for in a recruiter?

- I look for somebody who is very flexible

and make sue they understand what my needs are

and my personality

and what kind of organization would be a good fit for me now

and into my future as well.

- And as a client,

what do you look for in a recruitment firm?

- I want somebody who is going to listen,

so I can explain a bit about the corporate culture

of the organization I'm representing.

And the kind of role

and who that role is going to be interacting with

so that we can understand the, sort of the personality

and the skill set that is required

to interact within the organization.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> People Matter: A Chat with Kristina Milke - Duration: 1:12.


Dancing with the Stars - Who Is Lindsey Stirling? - Duration: 3:39.

Dancing with the Stars - Who Is Lindsey Stirling?

Get to Know Lindsey Stirling, the Violinist Taking Dancing With the Stars by Storm.

Every season, there is one contestant who takes Dancing With the Stars by storm, and this time its Lindsey Stirling.

During the shows season 25 premiere on Monday, the violinist wowed the audience as she effortlessly performed the cha cha with her partner, Mark Ballas.

Seriously, she looked less like one of the stars and more like a professional.

After picking up our jaws from the floor following her showstopping number, we couldnt help but want to find out more about her.

If youre just as intrigued as we are, keep scrolling for these basic facts about the talented 30-year-old.

She started taking violin lessons when she was 5.

Theres a reason Lindsey is so good at what she does — she started practicing violin at a very early age.

Due to her familys financial limitations, they found an instructor who could give her half lessons.

She was a junior miss.

When she was in high school, she wrote and performed a solo violin rock song for Arizonas Junior Miss.

After winning the title, she went on to earn the Spirit Award in Americas Junior Miss Finals competition.

She was a finalist on Americas Got Talent.

Lindsey was a quarter-finalist for the shows fifth season.

She was dubbed a hip-hop violinist by incorporating dancing into her performances.

Shes a Mormon.

During college, she served as a missionary in NYC for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In 2013, she was featured in the churchs Im a Mormon campaign.

She has a Billboard Music Award.

This year, she took home best top dance/electronic album for Brave Enough.

She previously danced with Mark Ballass best friend.

Before Dancing With the Stars, Lindsey performed with former pro Derek Hough in her music video for The Arena.

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