Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

Hello journalists, I'm DolphinVi. And I'm here to ask are you really this desperate?

Hey everyone

It's me Vi the gaming dolphin of YouTube here to cut through giving this information cuz the journalists sure won't

And speaking of journalists if you haven't heard

NBC has recently made an entire new video all about

How gamers help facilitate the rise of the alt right does it sound desperate does it sound like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel?

Yeah, but then again. I can't really blame them and to be honest

I actually feel a little bit of sympathy yet, just a little bit not a lot for NBC

I mean think of how hard their job must be guys

I mean the mainstream media's job has been to blame stuff on gamers for years

But now they've gone down the whole checklist where they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel now this sympathy of mine does not

Mean in the slightest that NBC is getting off lightly oh no this is a DolphinVi video people

That crowbar isn't just for show was they're about to find out

Let's get started

Before white supremacist neo Nazis and white nationalists marched in Charlottesville

Virginia in August they were organizing behind a computer screen and a lot of that

Organizing happened through a messaging service called discord which was originally created to connect video game players to one another yeah

So what Isis has used Facebook to connect with each other you're gonna claim that Mark Zuckerberg is an Isis supporter now?

This is just the latest in the long-running shared history between the gaming community in the alt-right

Using the color red to make things all serious hey

ya know that also reminds me of the moral panic known as the Communist Red Scare I wonder if there's connection there

Gaming culture has always been racist it's always been sexist

Hey Elliot

What brings Chloe price to school on a Saturday morning nothing good I

Sorry what was that I couldn't hear you over all the misogynist woman-hating games

I was playing but the internet had sort of allowed your to be

What had always been. So you're using a myth Emma Vossen in this piece of

Journalism, are you NBC? Let's take a look at miss Vossen here.

Okay, so she's right our editor and researcher at the university of waterloo games institute her research examines the accessibility of games culture to

Girls and women well that tells me if they need to know right there

And let's see some of her work down here

I was Viviane James involvement of girls and women in conservative video game movements

Laid to rest romance and of sexuality apocalyptic anticipation of the walking dead


Feminism and sexual fantasy reading and defending Fifty Shades of Grey as pornography

My highly balanced biography bi erasure for bi visibility day

and anything else such a smoky room communist meetings academics hashtag gamergate and the feminization of games and

I thought that was it, but no there's more. She's also the maker of lady hobbits and

It was a machinima of Lord of the Rings their adaption gender bends and race bends the main characters of Lord the Rings

Show the story is just as interesting and relevant if the characters are not a white men

Well that tells me everything I need to know about this woman right there. She's a card-carrying feminist

She was a blind supporter of gamergate and this is the source you're using to try and prove that gamers made the alt-right NB

C-- I mean, you're not even trying to have honest journalism anymore

Are you there emma watson is a PhD candidate studying?

How sexism seated in gaming is replicated in the real world new study finds

No link between gamey and sexist attitudes an article posted by forbes in

2015 linking to a German study on the matter

I will post the link in the description below for anyone who wants to read it

Her study is based on gamergate a movement that began with intimidating and harassing female video game journalists

Under the guise of fairness and video game journalism because fairness and journalism is mainly what gamergate was about the whole

feminism thing was a sideshow that tried to insert itself into the main narrative and to

Help back that up

You know because unlike you and bc. I actually use good sources I

Direct you to a video which will find in a card at the top right from troy levitt

Or ways italy that I don't know if I said this name wrong. I apologize

Where he breaks down the entire timeline of gamergate and exposes by the time gamergate really got started

Well again the whole thing with zoe quinn not be able to keep her legs closed to get special favors for a game

That was mostly a sideshow everyone forgotten about it

But feminists had to insert themselves back into the narrative the harassment quickly gained traction it helped catalyze the alt-right

movement, which secured power and prominence during the

2016 election cycle

When you were studying gamergate?

And you were really looking at the techniques that they use it's impossible not to see the same techniques being used by Trump supporters

So now Trump supporters are white nationalists does that include all those black people who voted for Trump yeah does anyone remember them?

According to Vossen the gamers in the alt-right share common ground in what way are we anything like white nationalists?

Most gamers want politics all this race and gender

Garbage out of gaming they want to put it back in as evidenced by the fact. They're white nationalist

I mean how could we have anything in common with them the fact that some of them are gamers is not enough as

People who are marginalized are fighting for equality those who traditionally had privilege. You know especially white men

Oh here, we go again white privilege white people are the devil yada yada, and of course they're gonna provide

Absolutely no evidence for this

I'm calling it now feel that they are being

Oppressed by these people. Who are trying to just be treated as equal

Even if it is true

And that's a pretty big "IF" why don't we take a look at a why white men might not be very happy about the so-called


Going on

I mean could it be alimony laws could it be child support laws could it be the one in five

Sexual assault statistic that's been debunked over and over again

But has caused tons of campus witch-hunts or could it even be affirmative action, which says race and gender should be taken into consideration

over skill when being hired for a job

Gee what could it be that would make white men not happy about so-called

Equality why do you hate black people?

African-americans are dirty. They're thinking they're just brave you found one racist a hole on the internet

Oh, well, I might as well give up right now. I can't possibly fight back against that

Xbox Live and PlayStation Network

Both allow players to chat live while gaming they have become havens for hate speech against women and minorities citation needed

Please I mean you're journalists right you're NBC you should have no problem proving this

What I had noticed a witness was what would I call it linguistic profiling So Kishonna gray? You're throwing at me now a

Let's take a look into this miss gray

She's previously served as an MLK scholar an assistant professor at MIT and the Women and Gender Studies Program

Well that tells me everything I need to know at her right now card-carrying feminist blind supporter of gamergate

Biased source whose word cannot be trusted I mean

Seriously NBC at least give me a challenge. You know we can look these people up right well

I had notice and witnessed was what I call it linguistic profiling


Profiling? like just based on how somebody sounds. You know they kind of lash out and like very like an inappropriate way

What's asinine? Is that some people are gonna believe this news at face value?

Commission, you know wow girls who play Call of Duty in America Wow they love to play

Egad now they have a sexist asshole and a racist one to use as evidence that gamers are sexist and racist

one source for each

I mean how could I possibly compete against that not everyone in the gaming community is sexist or racist hold on a minute

Let's hear that again

Not everyone in the gaming community is sexist or racist well

If not all gamers are racist and sexist then gamers as a whole cannot have caused the all right. Oh, well. That's it

Videos over their own argument that's been debunked

Thanks for watching everyone

We are having that sort of internal cultural problem with sexist and racist gamer and never mind

So what happens when these behaviors move from the gaming world to the real world these?

Behaviors did not move from the gaming world they've always been around

They're just a lot more prevalent lately

Conveniently around the same time that journalists like you have become so obsessed with gender and race

Hmm I wonder if there's a connection there, Keegan Hank studies a progression of the alt-right on the web discord

As a platform, and it had a new york rise in the alt right the moment I think NBC can't stoop any lower

They reach a whole new low first thing about this, Keegan Hanks guy

He works for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and that on its own

Tells me a lot more than I really need to know about this guy

As can be shown in a video from Prager University which will appear in a card in the top right corner

Yet nonetheless being the dolphin that I am I look this guy up for you and one of the first things

I noticed is. He is a writer for

Salon as well

That again tells me way more about this guy than I really need to know but nonetheless

Let's look at some of his articles shall we racist subreddit thriving under new harassment policy

Dylann roof may have been regular commenter a neo-nazi website

Why is paypal still allowing hate groups to use its services the darkest corner of the internet?

How red it became a haven for vile hate speech?

KKK issues call to arms over Alabama same-sex ruling the new

racists on campus meet the youth wing of the white nationalism movement and

White nationalisms exploding civil war in essence this guy is not just a biased fuckin cuck

He is the king of biased fucking cucks and NBC is here using the him as a source


One should take them seriously after this

I think many of the members of the alt-right were actually aware of it because they were also members of the video game community interviewed many of them are

Discord became almost a requirement for a lot of these people if you wanted to be actively involved the implication being that is somehow

discords fault

How mean again as I said earlier in the video?

Many Isis members use Facebook to get connected does that mean Mark Zuckerberg is now an Isis supporter

Discord is anonymous and lightly monitored which allowed the alt-right to control

Communications and access for thousands of users yes, because it's a free speech supporting platform

If there's a server populated with people you don't like you don't have to join it or you can leave it

If you try monitoring and getting rid of these people you force them into the dark web, which is even worse

Some discord servers controlled by alt-right leaders made users post pictures of their Caucasian skin in order to participate well


I mean to join a white

Supremacist group one would think being white is a prerequisite and because discord is anonymous you do have to prove it somehow

What's the issue here is it not better that we know where these white supremacists are so that we can avoid them?

This allowed the alt-right to centralize its message and disseminate information around the Charlottesville rally's

Discord service played a substantial role in fomenting the riots that led to the death of Heather hire

Well since you're the journalists here. I do expect you to prove that

After facing pressure discord shut down the servers used to organize in Charlottesville the company stated we will continue to take action against white supremacy

Nazi ideology and all forms of paper and the only difference that's gonna make is the white

Supremacist groups are gonna be forced into the dark net where no one can see them and where they can easily make criminal connections

Great going perhaps, not surprisingly James Alex Fields jr.. The white supremacists charged for Hire's

Death was no stranger to video games

And that's supposed to shock or surprise me just about anybody can get into video games

There is no skin color or gender prerequisite you have to meet to be able to get into video games

Anyone can do it including white supremacists. It's just one of the downfalls of having a platform open to everyone in

2010 his mother filed a complaint against him claiming he struck her in the head and locked her in the

Bathroom because she told him to stop playing video games that sounds a lot more like him having personal issues

deal with in him being a white supremacist oh

I'm thinking NBC believe me. I've done a lot more of it than you have well

Thanks for watching

Everyone make sure to like and comment

And if you're new here make sure to subscribe follow me on Twitter and join my discord leaks in description below

And I look forward to seeing you

For more infomation >> NBC blames gamers for the rise of the Alt-Right - Duration: 13:52.


Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Kids || lion vs gorilla finger family || Finger Family Videos - Duration: 11:01.

finger family rhymes

For more infomation >> Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Kids || lion vs gorilla finger family || Finger Family Videos - Duration: 11:01.


Chiều Hôm Ấy Remix - Jaykii [ Nightcore ] [ Re-up ] - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Chiều Hôm Ấy Remix - Jaykii [ Nightcore ] [ Re-up ] - Duration: 2:17.


10 IMPORTANT Things They DON'T Teach You In School - Duration: 5:28.

First up if you're new and you're not subscribed wait wait

I miss spinning chair this time, so you know what that means if you're not subscribed

I've been artists be sure to subscribe it's right down below turn the notification if you never watch my intros I see you

Watch the whole thing this time because I'm an insane announcement the biggest announcement ever

Let's give this to 25,000 likes if you think that there should be an extra day of the weekend

Maybe if we all like this video some person will see it and it will happen or if you just think I look cute today

And now for the huge announcement, so I don't sometimes doing a first book and for stuff

I have to say that when I announce that book I was a bit anxious and just incredibly nervous about the whole announcement

Process I explained where I was coming from the amount of love. I got an Instagram and Twitter after was overwhelming

I wasn't expecting it. It was so appreciated. Thank you when I got the offer to do a book

It was actually for two bucks

So I knew I was gonna be doing two which is insanity the second book it requires more creative energy

But it focuses on the same things mental health

Sexuality self-acceptance so many amazing things oh, I'm gonna show you the cover cuz it's freakin badass

I think it's gonna be one of those things that you fill out

And then you can read it three years from now

And you can reflect and see exactly where you were because it's one thing to see a picture of yourself

It's another thing to document where you are mentally this book again. Isn't about me. It's about you

You guys literally cooled it with the support of the first book and crashed the website after like two seconds

so Louie falls free on Instagram and Twitter you want to follow those and

Post all about the book self promote it let me know if you pre-ordered it the prerunner link will be in the description and into

the video

My people hello if you're watching this I appreciate you or should I say my children now

I've got lots of you asking for me to adopt you

There are a lot of things that I wish school taught me, but at least I know about sine of a cosine


Listen to yourself if you genuinely are feeling

Chronically upset or anxious every single day you deserve help

You don't deserve to go through that and not everyone is going through that it's not a normal thing, and it's not just stress

Don't take for granted what your parents give you when you move out you have to go grocery shopping by yourself paying rent

Age does not define who you hang out when it's just find people that are cold sand good means whatever in it pick this 18

Years old and I've only dated a Club Penguin can make more pokemons I own than friends

I have why we're just roasting myself. This is a harsh

Labels are incredibly fluid and don't redefine the rest of your life if your whole life

You think that you're straight and suddenly you find out hey. I'm frickin gay. That's cool, or if you don't want a label

that's okay -

It's never too late to find a new passion who cares if you look like an idiot

I always look like an idiot. I mean I'm literally crying litter

Do not talk behind people's backs do not even just how it affects other people, but it also affects yourself

And there are so many better things to talk about they can we talk about stranger things season 2?

Wow oh my gosh I stand Billy Bobby Brown I don't know if that's creepy

There are places to learn outside of the classroom talking the new people and getting new experiences sometimes

I learn more about politics remains than from actual people

Be cautious of what you post on social media

And I don't mean don't post too many means I think that's great so you never know who is gonna

See it some things should be left personal

Friendships aren't eternal. I didn't know that was a thing. It's a part of life other people are experiencing it

Do not be ashamed of your nerdy passions the fact that you watch anime

I don't know people think it's so lame and I'm like I don't care

Don't give up with the things that make you feel you never tool to send memes if you're 18

And you want to spend a night alone or watching cartoons go for it

And if you could give this a thumbs up send it to five people that you think might learn from this

This is like my heart and my soul. I'm gonna shout out one person. That's subscribed it turned out no patience

I'm gonna feature your post and your Jessi pages, but hey, and I'll see you guys in the future

For more infomation >> 10 IMPORTANT Things They DON'T Teach You In School - Duration: 5:28.


Bitcoin experience matters! Ethereum Classic, Korea, altcoins, BTC brings economic freedom - Duration: 20:21.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to today in bitcoin today is November the 6th 2017 buy and hold

strong hand alright it's very early in the morning here in Israel back in the

United States it's nighttime I get up early for these things I love it

anyway be gold will be live soon people be patient

your patience has almost paid off and keep an eye on it of course we will keep

you updated over here and I know how to be patient because I have Bitcoin

experience I've been through all this stuff before and you know it's great

that you can come into Bitcoin and be just a total newbie that is the freedom

of Bitcoin that is awesome but remember experience does matter here

so if you're gonna listen to people if you want to seek advice make sure they

have some experience so we're going to get into some matters of experience

today actually and my tweet of the day it comes from the great cortex Oh is the

vortex awesome or what man he's on the world crypto Network I love him he comes

on my show I come on his show he is a man of experience here but his tweet

says well first of all if you guys know what this tweet means I'm not even

explain what it means you were around in 2016

you've been through all sorts of flood and turbulence before early 2016 and

you're not you're not worried about and you're probably hope you're wealthy by

now if you deal with this the following tweet means but you're definitely a

veteran if you know what this tweet means and here's a tweet jeff garsik has

indeed become the new Mike Hearn all right so so Mike Hearn was a a guy from

early 2016 it was a cousin who was cause everyone was panicking over what Mike

Hearn said and what he was he did he left anyway understanding tweets like

this separates the men from the boys okay in

this space so if you know a person who understands what that tweet is all about

then ask them about 2x ask them hey what's going on with 2x and they'd

probably be very calm they'll use their experience to guide you through what is

going on just like I did on my show yesterday and remember everyone check

out the links section below to see my archives to see the show I did yesterday

it was a pretty good show there have been a lot of a lot of good

shows and also you can get a link you know email me at a mattress or help calm

if you need a crypto consultation need help something up your trays or and you

can use the links below to get a trésor crypto a sturdy wire calm and cold

t-shirts from cryptography D I'm going to have more t-shirts soon guys so I

will have more teach when I get back to Baltimore I'll be wearing some new

t-shirts so that's interesting that's a whole new story anyway experience so

yeah you know I think bitcoin experience is the very uh it translates pretty well

into having a strong hand okay so as you gain more experience to stronger your

hand becomes when you have to deal with all of this you know the fun and the the

players that are just bad actors in this space so pound that like button everyone

if you like when I'm saying so far and if you do have experience in this space

and you've heard me say pound that like button over a million times because you

watch the show all the time you got to be able to make fun of yourself too

that's another thing in life so here's another tweet out there by stop and

decrypt he seems like a real cool guy by the way I got to get in touch to this

dude he says I think you'll really enjoy the outcome it'll be an eye-opener for

many newcomers and just another day for those who've been around and he's

talking about the 2 X nonsense that's going on hey and I'm not anyway I gave

my ho 2x opinion yesterday so check that out I'm not gonna really give my opinion

anymore cuz there's nothing to worry about

but yeah it's gonna be an eye opener for newcomers but it's just another day for

guys with experience like I mean we just went through this with B

cash I mean there's nothing to worry about

all right back to the so let's leave the Bitcoin world here where we've got all

these newbies panicking and the veterans with the strong hands the economic guy

mich he has a you know I don't even know why I mention yeah I still read him I

try to read him every day every once in awhile he has a good some good things he

and he gives me some insight into like the mainstream media I guess the

alternative views of the mainstream media that's what he gives out but he's

not exactly a Bitcoin fan but it's good to read other opinions and he says a

Bitcoin debate it's a bubble no it's not a bubble it cannot be a bubble of

anybody that's the name of it so he you know he gives reasons why it's above the

why it's not a bubble but would I took away from the whole the whole experience

he did not mention the word fork one time in the article has no clue about it

I said you guys once you get out of our bubble here they're the people who are

talking Bitcoin out there they don't know about the fork they don't know

anything and some of these people are holders some of them are critics but

this is going to pass you know there's got to be turbulence and then so

probably mich in two weeks will be like Bitcoin just crash two thousand dollars

why is this happening it must be a bubble and he won't mention it fork it

off if you want know who axis is going to end up in a dustbin of history baby

like so many other things we've been through in life and in the encrypted

currency alright and again going you know one thing we can take away from the

mainstream media that I or the manged in mainstream is that cryptocurrency is

Sinanan synonymous with Bitcoin and sometimes ethereal I mean it's that

simple and it's important to remember and if you're into all coins if you

think you're all coin is gonna become the next big thing

you got your ear in for a world of hurt okay most of them are trash and again I

love living in the world of Bitcoin but you've got to go outside of the world

sometimes understand about how this is going to

play out Bitcoin the world of Bitcoin really expand into the main world that

we're used to and in the main world that we're used to

they don't know they just if they know a cryptocurrency it's Bitcoin and it's

aetherium they don't know you're all coin dude and it's gonna be in your all

corn isn't going to be the Facebook - bitcoins MySpace okay it's just not it's

not going on I mean bitcoin is so fuck I mean dismiss

write articles about dogecoin can you build anything with those do are there P

and so to come back to outer space now are people building things with your

altcoin legitimately everyone's building on Bitcoin and then it's theory all

right that's what I mean whether you like it if you like icos or not you got

to admit that their people are doing these crazy i SEOs on Syria but big

Bitcoin conferences do they have dogecoin conferences or what and then

you know you've got your exceptions and everything people gonna give me their

one-offs that oh yeah you know in Sweden they had this one conference about my

coin so my coin must be awesome great so again I'm going back if you if you must

speculate in all coins if you must do this and I do not encourage people to do

this you don't waste your precious Bitcoin on buying these things all right

don't waste your precious on buying these second-tier off coins just use if

you're gonna waste first of all don't but don't it's gotta be a first tier all

coin you waste and just waste your big waste your free money on it okay you get

a crypto dividend then you know sit sell some of it for Bitcoin and then if you

must use it to you know say oh I got a theory of classic or whatever you want

to get okay so yeah all coins are mostly worthless in the long run Bitcoin you

know value your wealth and Bitcoin and you'll see

I mean aetherium classic has gone down so much in terms of Bitcoin in the last

few months it's not it's pathetic it's sad and if you're in classics consider

it a top - you're all coin because it is it is in the top listings but so why do

I play around so we're going to talk about if you're in class because people

have brought that up um it's and people are trying to build

things on us here I mean we've got Barry Silbert is behind us here in classic and

yet it is getting rocked by Bitcoin okay and it might have its own what's one of

these a Wall Street funds with aetherium classic soon you know like how they're

doing a drawing a blank and so freakin early in the morning pound that like

button when Adam draws a blank anyway so but I didn't want to say a theory well

then we'll get to the classic thing in a second but one thing you know we're

talking about Kripa dividends and this is pretty much a side note I randomly

threw this in here i but you know we go through all this drama with Bitcoin

where people are you know when a higher is the two at they don't like say guack

they want to make their own version a Bitcoin into two X once they're on their

corporate version of Bitcoin I think the next troublemakers will be people like I

don't I don't like that digitally xx there's only gonna be 21 million

bitcoins I don't want there to be 80 million Bitcoin or I want there to be an

unlimited amount of Bitcoin so that'll be the next that'll be a challenge the

Bitcoin meeting that's the next one so why don't we just take it why don't they

just make their own crypto dividend of that right now why don't just do it make

a friendly fork crypto dividend a friendly for crypto dividend that has no

limit or has 80 million Bitcoin just do that now who and that's better than just

being a troublemaker hey thank you Adam you're also on

channel salute okay that was from X s Irma s Roma and he or she just gave me

$50 $50 on the super chat well let me tell you something I salute you for that

that was very nice and you that was really nice of you

that was really kind and I appreciate when people take the time to appreciate

this channel like that and that was very very kind of you and very very generous

other people can do the super chat also and you know who knows what's coming

what's coming soon I'm working on some things behind the scenes some

partnerships hopefully we'll see maybe this is going to even become bigger

soon enough you know there's there's a there's a lot of there's a lot of people

I respect in this space and hopefully we're going to get together just not on

this weekend Bitcoin because that shows every Friday and I bring the best guests

to this in the space to this channel on that show and on other shows of mine but

that's where you really see the people you got to pay attention to and check

out the links below it you can you can see that video I made about who's who

and who I think are the important people in the Bitcoin world and cryptocurrency

world hopefully will be more visible in our partnerships soon enough there's

some things going on behind the scenes hopefully so I know I'm that's kind of a

nebulous little statement there but hey I want to throw that in there that's a

little bonus for your $50.00 there I wanted to give you something special and

that was very nice of you for that $50.00 so okay so yeah maybe they'll be

big they'll call it Bitcoin on limited again so we we already had a Bitcoin

unlimited but they can call this next friendly fourth Bitcoin unlimited and by

the way it's funny how the mainstream so people got confused by that they people

think there's going to be a Bitcoin silver when that was just all a big joke

joke on reddit I mean it was just a reddit joke someone created this Bitcoin

silver thread and people wrote articles about it actually and it was just it was

just as fake as the Bitcoin platinum one and most likely even the Bitcoin um

uranium one was a total fake also that would seem to be the most legitimate but

they never did anything either so you're there's people talk to talk

with are they gonna walk the walk half the time you know there's a lot of

trolls on reddit read it isn't always the best place for information you got

it if you read something on reddit try to research it before you write an

article on coin desk or whatever about it

alright I've gone way off topic so here are three again links below there are

three new medium articles about 2x all right and I have not read them yet and

if you're a person who panics that don't read them these are more for the

experienced person who's got a strong hand already who's not going to be

scared who just likes to learn and thereby whale pot panda Jimmy song and

Dan Roberts in I'll link to below I don't need to give the titles they're

linked to below so yeah a theorem classic has a larger trading volume than

Bitcoin on bit thumb all right so v um is an exchange in South Korea and

remember I'll be in South Korea at the end of the month in the beginning of

December so I'm gonna be able to report on this firsthand but there seems to me

and I have mentioned this before the South Koreans just pump up top-tier

altcoins in like a cyclical pattern here they're pumping up aetherium classic

right now like it's it's the big thumb effect I call it the big thumb effect

and vortex is in the chat Wow listen to Adam when he says seek out people who

are experienced lots of newbies in this space held that like button there's your

man right there there's your man right there pound it baby you might get energy

huh can bring that when I just woke up I got it look you can tell I just woke up

with this crazy hair man I bring the energy and people again if you think

they're people with you must be on coke dude if you're still if you're so lazy

and out of shape that you just can't I mean this is about fall is he eating

right all right this is I was said a bad word this is I am specific freaking you

know this is about eating right being healthy right yesterday was my freaking

sprint day baby I'm sprinting in a parking lot over across the street and

Bear Sheva baby and then I go run four more miles go down run to the market

down there get me some what'd I get yesterday I mean you got avocado here

this is pretty good what do you got some plums and stuff I mean you got to stay

in shape people you got it I mean that's how you get energy in the morning be

able to do these shows I look at vention big towel over there love it when Adam

almost dropped the hair can't say woody alright alright yeah and I don't usually

see the chat but I got it open pretty big I see 21 million x' in there all

right now people are just like that are watching this on tape and you shouldn't

you should all have to watch this thing live I don't know why anyway

if you watch this on tape you're just like Adam I don't want to hear about

who's on the chat and what you're eating and try to stay healthy here but no I

feel don't do drugs people do not do drugs if they're so bad for you you just

get caught up and you don't be coming at you don't become an experienced wealthy

person when you're just addicted to drugs and there all sorts of different

types of drugs out there I mean Coca Cola's got caffeine and it's a legal

drug that it makes you on how it's some healthy all that sugar very bad for you

alright alright so yeah it's the big thumb effect in Korea big thumb is that

big exchange that's pumping etherium classic right now so on and so on

alright so yeah be again be gold is live soon pay attention here will tell you

what's going on don't forget about them that's a friendly for how many people in

cryptocurrency just think cryptocurrency is just a trading mechanism it's just

like I'm just a trainer they're like the they would day trade

Apple if they could this is just a new I mean it's just it's just something it

needs to be studied more because I mean they are just fueling the riches for us

holders I mean it's great I mean they serve a purpose the people who just see

see cryptocurrency as a trading mechanism 7 I mean I'm thinking about

I'm just think about when I was running yesterday you know I just was talking

about that running all right true economic freedom that's how I'm gonna

sum this up here and actually it's a great way to some sum up is just being

able to say whatever you want to say working for yourself I can't get fired I

can't get fired because I work for myself I've gotten myself in a situation

now you know but even before Bitcoin I got myself in a situation where I

couldn't I was already an entrepreneur beforehand but now like you can't even

take away my wealth my wealth does not it doesn't doesn't matter you know if

the bank if the banks closed down and stole all my money from their grave if

they stole my house great I don't care whatever I mean not like that's gonna

happen in in the United States of America but but things can happen in

different countries you know they do talk maybe in other countries well they

take your house to take your they close your bank account all the time is

horrible it's horrible what happens but here the true economic freedom I think

can be defined as like can you get on YouTube and just say whatever you want

to say and not worry because there are certain people that they have to cut

back on what they're going to say because they're scared they're gonna get

fired they can't give opinions so people have been saying like I don't why do you

say some of these things you're dirt alienating your audience when you say I

don't care what why should I care I already I have all this Bitcoin

nothing's I'm not gonna lose my Bitcoin I can say whatever I want is that is

true economic freedom and so with with me being able to run whenever I want and

start randomly talking about plums or apples and healthy and not being healthy

drugs are bad that is economic freedom and and it's it's Bitcoin has really

helped with that and you know no one's taking my Bitcoin no one is taking my

now it's my responsibility remember I can't do foolish things with it and try

to be greedy with it you know that that's up to me and that's part of the

responsibility but you know create responsibility there's great rewards

with great responsibility and that is the economic freedom I can say what and

look I can say like meat towels are freaking all the meat towel lifestyle

you know that mentality is great you know minimalist lifestyle is great you

know thinking outside the box it's is great and some people will go

under that if you say the word McTell you're a sexist who cares who cares I

mean men are better with money than women in general it's true it's true

look I can say whatever I want to I'm still gonna have my channel I'm still

gonna have you know my money and my my Bitcoin that is economic freedom that's

why you must get into this thing people get into this work and then work for

yourself become you know as had you've been listening to me back in the day

when it was 400 500 600 dollars then you'd be dancing around to and saying

anything you want to say alright that rant went

but at least it was at the end of the show so the people who didn't want to

hear it could hear all about Bitcoin pound that like one i'm adam meister the

bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like

this video share this video check out the notes section below and i'll just

say hello to you West Coasters in the chat right now bye bye

For more infomation >> Bitcoin experience matters! Ethereum Classic, Korea, altcoins, BTC brings economic freedom - Duration: 20:21.


Xbox One X Launch | LIVE - Duration: 1:59:11.

For more infomation >> Xbox One X Launch | LIVE - Duration: 1:59:11.


Learn Colors For Kids Children Toddlers with Wheels On The Bus Nursery Rhymes in this Learning Video - Duration: 1:02:45.

Let's go on a bus ride!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All through the town

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back, Move on back

The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All through the town

The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, Up and down

The people on the bus go up and down All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep All through the town

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' Whaa whaa whaa, Whaa whaa whaa

The baby on the bus goes 'whaa whaa whaa' All through the town

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' Shh, shh, shh, Shh, shh, shh

The mommies on the bus go 'shh, shh, shh' All through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town

"That was such a fun ride, wasn't it?"

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Boy Who lives down the lane.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Kids Children Toddlers with Wheels On The Bus Nursery Rhymes in this Learning Video - Duration: 1:02:45.


"10 famous" celebrities with some really weird habits by channeldeshi 2017 - Duration: 2:01.

weird habits

For more infomation >> "10 famous" celebrities with some really weird habits by channeldeshi 2017 - Duration: 2:01.


Satisfying Slime ASMR - Alphabet Slime | Toys Time - Duration: 6:09.

Satisfying Slime ASMR

Alphabet Slime

Toys Time

For more infomation >> Satisfying Slime ASMR - Alphabet Slime | Toys Time - Duration: 6:09.



*Caledon Laughs* Angel: Wooahhhh!

Watch out!

(Caledon and Angel laugh)

Oh my Gosh.

(Upbeat, Bouncy Music, "Happy Boy Theme" Plays)

Hey Guys!

We are playing Pokemon Go

With the local babywearers, which is pretty fun!

Kerrigan: (unintelligable) on my seeeat!

Angel: Say, "hi!"

Kerrigan: "Hi!"

(Angel giggles)

Kerrigan: There's this kid on my seat Angel: Oh

("Happy BoyTheme" ends and "Weekend at Tattoine" music begins)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

Angel: Do you see?

Caledon: Yeah, I see. I'm looking.

Angel: Wowww

What do you see?

Caledon: An Eagle.

(Caledon giggles)

Angel: Wheee!

(Angel laughs)

Angel: Wheeeee

Caledon: Kerrigan, hold on tight!

You better hold on tight!

Angel: Yay! Good brother!

Kerrigan: Mommy! Will you push me!

Angel: Your brother's helping you, he's being a good big brother.

(Caledon laughs)

Angel: Woah! Watch out! Caledon laughs

(Caledon laughing)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

("Weekend at Tattoine" continues)

Angel: Oh nooo

Oh my Gosh!

OH my... Gosh!

("Weekend at Tattoine" fades out)

Angel voiceover: That weekend, I went away to a town near Seattle

for a mom's weekend away

we rented out a beautiful Air BNB

There were about 20 or 30 of us

We're all in an internet mom's group together

So a bunch of us who live in the Pacific NorthWest

and also some nearby areas like San Francisco and Idaho

all traveled to this Air bnb to spend the weekend together

finally getting to hang out in person

and we just had a really good time

we just talked, and played games, and ate food,

and hung out

went into the indoor pool, the hot tub...

and it was just one giant sleepover for a whole weekend

we had some small babies there, but it was mostly kid free

and it was just... such a fulfilling and...

fun weekend to hang out with some people that I care a lot about

and I had a really, really good time

and we decided to make it an annual thing

so since I had so much fun, I really didn't vlog at all, really

other than just a little bit of showing the house

when we first got there and looked around

at all the rooms

But I just wanted to be present in the moment

and enjoy myself

so I just didn't really vlog.

("Across the Room" music plays and fades out)

For more infomation >> EXPLORING WASHINGTON STATE! - Duration: 4:16.


Top 10 Đoạn Phim Hay nhất One piece cập nhập mới nhất - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Đoạn Phim Hay nhất One piece cập nhập mới nhất - Duration: 3:40.


Katrina Kaif Movies List - Duration: 1:41.

Katrina Kaif Movies List

For more infomation >> Katrina Kaif Movies List - Duration: 1:41.


Monster Truck Police car Fire engine All series Cars for kids - Duration: 27:17.

Golovolomkiny TV Cartoons

Monster truck is a car with very large wheels and a powerful engine

By the way the first monster truck was built in 1975

Let's see what such cars are capable of

How to make a powerful sports car from an ordinary car

The answer is very simple Tuning

Tuning is a refinement of the car

which is aimed at improving its characteristics

We will replace the standard engine with a powerful sports car

now we remove the wheels



and put new sports one

And in order that our car was not only powerful but also looked beautifully replace the old bumper

Install the spoiler

Let's paint our car in bright red Let's make aerography

And we cover the glasses

Install the backlight of the machine

And add some more small details

Our street sports car is ready

Such cars can participate in professional races

but most often they violate traffic rules competing among themselves on the streets of the city

Fight with such violators of order help valiant police officers who use police cars





























Did you like it? Want to know more?

Then subscribe to our channel Golovolomkiny TV

And watch new cartoons about cars!

Bye Bye!

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