Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

DIY ROOM DECOR! +10 Easy Room Decorating Crafts Ideas 2017 Part 3

For more infomation >> DIY ROOM DECOR! +10 Easy Room Decorating Crafts Ideas 2017 Part 3 - Duration: 10:18.


Top 5 Least Painful Piercings - Duration: 2:45.

Top 5 Least Painful Piercings Before you get a piercing the pain factor

always runs through your mind.

How much is this going to hurt?

How long will it hurt for afterwards etcetera.

Well lucky for you guy im going to tell you about which piercings will cause you the least

amount of pain.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- if you could get any piercing where would it be and

why let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to our channel if you havnt already and like this video so

we can keep beringing you awesome top 5 lists.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 least painful piercings.

--Starting off at number 5- Tongue- apparently compared to other piercings out there this

one is considered one of the least painful ones.

I always thought it would be painful because when you bite your tongue it hurts..really


But according to people who have this piercing they claim its not nothing like the pain you

feel after biting your tongue.

People say its uncomfortable yet bearable.

Now while the piercing itself isn't so bad the after effects kind of suck, and it actually

hurts more afterwards then actually getting it pierced.

--in at number 4- eyebrow piercings are actually considered fairly low on the pain scale.

I was pretty surprised by this one actually.

People who get this piercing actually describe a feeling more like pressure than pain.

And describe the feeling resembling a strong pinch.

The reason I thought this piercing would be more painful then it is- is because theres

barely any fleshy tissue there its just skin- and its not just one incision point but 2.

I just imagine it would feel like getting 2 piercings as opposed to one.

--at number 3 spot- Navel- the navel piercing is usually a right of passage when it comes

to teenage girls.

When it comes to the pain of getting this piercing done its considered to be one of

the less painful piercings.

This is because its in an area with soft tissue.

Most people would compare this piercing to being stung by a bee.

So it doesn't feel good but its also not horrible.

--in at our number 2 spot- lip piercing- this is a piercing that is becoming more mainstream

and is considered to be fairly painless.

In order to get this piercing a small metal clamp is used to hold the lip in place- the

a needle pierces through before inserting a stud.

Easy peasy.

The reason this piercing barely hurts is due to the fleshy nature of this area.

Because its just soft tissue its easy to pierce and it causes it not to hurt that much.

--Coming in at our number 1 spot--Earlobes- theres a reason practically everyone gets

this piercing.

One of the reasons is it looks nice and the other is that it's the least painful.

Also im sure that fact that it can be legally done under the age of 16 helps.

The reason this piercing s considered the least painful is due to the fleshy nature

of the area.

Many people describe this piercing as feeling like a minor sting that lasts a couple seconds

and that its less painful then a bee sting.

I don't know if I agree with that.

I got my ears pierced when I was 12 and I remember being a bit more painful then a minor


Also this piercing is pretty easy to take care of and heals quickly.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 least painful piercings.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Least Painful Piercings - Duration: 2:45.


BMW is diagnosed on the road 2017 - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> BMW is diagnosed on the road 2017 - Duration: 9:06.


Das Zeugensterben im Clinton-Umfeld geht weiter | 07.11.2017 | - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Das Zeugensterben im Clinton-Umfeld geht weiter | 07.11.2017 | - Duration: 2:21.


CNC Projects #4 - Toy Chest Bench - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:39.

Hey, welcome back to another project video with Legacy Woodworking Machinery.

Today we are going to demonstrate how to create another awesome project

that Wayne Mack is producing on his Maverick CNC.

This easy to assemble Toy Chest Bench.

"Intro Music"

In the Height Chart project video, we mentioned how Wayne Mack, of Essex Woodcrafts in the UK,

uses his Maverick 3x5 CNC to produce a variety of products that can easily be customized.

He has again allowed us to share another one of his projects with you, the Toy Chest Bench.

Though smaller CNC machines can produce this project,

multiple sheets are needed to cut out all the parts.

As shown here, it's much easier to nest all the components on the Maverick 4x8 CNC machine.

Here's a little information I'd like to share with you about Legacy's CNC community.

You can join our community by clicking the link above.

As a member, you will be informed about local hands-on workshops, promotions on CNC machines,

and future training projects and classes.

We produce more than 50 training classes and projects every year.

I know you won't want to miss out on any of these so just sign up right now.

Now let's get back to producing the parts on the CNC.

We used a vacuum table to secure the 4x8 sheet of MDF material.

A V-Cutter is used to engrave details on the backrest panel,

while a 0.25" end mill finishes the pockets and cuts out the shapes.

The entire process takes about 35 minutes to complete.

This is a great product that can be customized to fit different themes

and requires no glue or hardware to put together.

Wayne sells these Toy Chest Benches as both finished and unfinished products.

Whether you want to make this as an outstanding gift or add it as another money making opportunity to your business,

you can produce this Toy Chest Bench on your CNC

by purchasing the CAD drawings on Legacy's website,

Just click on the link right over here.

To see and learn more about Legacy's multi-station CNC Router Systems, click down there.

Remember to press that subscribe button to be the first see new project videos like this

and as always, thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> CNC Projects #4 - Toy Chest Bench - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:39.


What if Earth Was Hit by a Giant Solar Flare? - Duration: 5:29.


Every now and then, you'll hear a story on the news about a new solar storm.

They happen all the time, but they're usually not intense enough to affect Earth beyond

some neat light shows around the poles.

But sometimes, they can be really powerful,

and they have the potential to wreak all kinds of havoc.

In 1859, Earth experienced the biggest solar storm ever recorded.

Back then, it didn't cause much damage, but if we ever get hit

by another storm like it… we're kinda toast.

Solar storms are just outbursts or explosions caused by magnetic activity on the Sun.

Sometimes, as part of one, the Sun will release coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, which are

giant waves of magnetism and the hot, electrically-charged gas called plasma.

If a CME hits Earth, it interacts with our magnetic field

and causes disturbances called geomagnetic storms.

These storms can create beautiful things like the Northern and Southern Lights,

but they can also cause all kinds of trouble.

The solar storm in 1859 was big enough to send two CMEs right at us.

We don't know exactly how strong it was because we didn't have satellites to measure

it, but research suggests it was the most powerful storm in the last 500 years.

When the first CME reached Earth, the Northern Lights were seen as far south as Colombia,

and the Southern Lights were seen as far north as Queensland.

In some places, it was even bright enough to read in the middle of the night.

But the new-fangled telegraph industry also experienced all kinds of electrical failures.

Machines sent and received false signals, and even threw sparks that,

in some cases, started fires.

Other technology, mostly scientific instruments, went similarly haywire.

At the time, no one knew what was happening, but this became some of the first evidence

that auroras are caused by electromagnetism.

Right after these events, two ameteur astronomers named Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson

independently saw a big, white flare on the surface of the Sun,

which turned out to be the second CME!

But except for a few broken telegraph machines, everyone survived the solar storm,

and it's now called the Carrington Event.

It could have been called the Richards Event, but sometimes life lets you down.

Now, these days, we rely on technology way more than we did in 1859.

And if a solar storm of the same magnitude as the Carrington Event hit us…

it'd be rough.

We've put a lot of stuff into space, and we rely on it really heavily.

GPS, cell phones, wireless credit card transactions (like when you pay at the pump for gas),

they're all satellite-based technologies.

And solar storms are especially dangerous to satellites.

Energetic particles from CMEs can damage their solar panels, mostly by short-circuiting them.

And static charges can build up on the satellites' bodies,

which can cause more short-circuiting or false signals.

And even worse, a powerful geomagnetic storm

could even cause satellites to fall out of orbit.

The upper atmosphere is filled with charged particles,

which can be affected by geomagnetic storms.

A bunch of things can happen, but they basically add up to a ton of built-up energy,

which means a lot of heat.

And hot gases expand.

Satellites just outside the atmosphere would suddenly be enveloped in a hot, cushy cloud,

which would create drag that would slow them down.

And if they got slow enough, they'd fall to Earth.

Fortunately, satellite engineers are aware of all of this.

And while they're not able to fully compensate for the damage from an angry Sun, they are

working on developing more resilient satellites.

But the impacts of an enormous storm wouldn't be limited to miles above the ground!

We'd be in trouble down here, too.

Besides the fact that our cell phones would stop working,

we'd also be sitting in the dark.

See, those giant boxes you see along power lines are transformers, and they convert electricity

running through power lines into something your house can use.

Unfortunately, geomagnetic storms can cause induced currents in them,

which can overload them and make them explode.

This is actually the same idea behind what made telegraph machinery spark in the 1800s.

It's estimated that if we had a Carrington Event today,

most of the United States would go dark.

And it would take years to replace the transformers and repair that kind of damage.

Our power grids just aren't prepared for a giant solar storm, but at least we're

getting better at predicting the Sun's activity, thanks to organizations like NASA and NOAA.

Now, if we knew an especially nasty solar storm was on the way, we could at least shut

down transformers so they don't short-circuit.

Then, we'd have only a week or so of Mad-Max-style pandemonium instead of years.

So, we'd be in trouble if the Sun decides to throw a temper tantrum,

but it could always be worse!

Other stars like the Sun can produce massive explosions, called superflares.

And they have energies between 10 and 1000 times that of a Carrington Event.

And that would probably cause total chaos.

But thankfully, recent papers suggest that the Sun probably isn't capable of producing

a superflare, because its upper atmosphere isn't energetic enough.

So if we ever experience a colossal solar storm… just remember:

it could have been way worse!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you'd like to learn even more about solar flares and solar storms,

you can watch one of the latest space news episodes,

where we talked about the strongest solar flare in over a decade.


For more infomation >> What if Earth Was Hit by a Giant Solar Flare? - Duration: 5:29.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Ady & Los Muchachos - CHUMBO - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ Ady & Los Muchachos - CHUMBO - Duration: 3:24.


⚡ God's fake demonic sons | Taking the Lord's name in vain | Genesis 6:1-4 - Duration: 10:28.

"If you're not part of my family, keep my name out your mouth."

That's basically what "don't take the name of the Lord in vain" means.

(Music plays)

Hey everyone! I'm Rachel. And today on Crack Your Bible, we are going to be talking

about Genesis 6. Now there's no way that I can cover every single thing in

Genesis 6, there are people who have entire ministries built around this one

chapter of the Bible because it is so jam-packed with information and facts.

And if you don't understand Genesis 6, you're not going to understand the Old

Testament. You're not going to understand the New Testament. You're definitely not

going to understand the book of Revelation. And a lot of people they will

say, and I've heard this, "oh, God of the Old Testament, He was an angry, mean God.

He just wanted to kill everybody." And if you don't understand Genesis 6 that

might sound like a reasonable position. Let's just dive into the first four

verses of Genesis 6. And then we're going to do a slight word study so that you

can understand a common claim of Christians when they're like, "don't take

the Lord's name in vain by saying 'oh my gosh.'" A lot of those people are

completely mistaken. They... it's gone over their head. They did not understand the

assignment. So let's just jump into Genesis 6, 1 through 4. Now the Bible says that "when

humans began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to

them, the sons of God, 'sons of God,' saw that the daughters of humans were

beautiful, and they married any of them that they chose. Then the Lord said, 'My

spirit will not contend with (or stay with) humans forever, for they are mortal;

(or "corrupted" in the Hebrew) their days will be a hundred and twenty years.' The

Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God

"sons of God," went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.

They were the heroes of old, men of renown." (braking car sound effect) Now we've already gone

over Genesis 4. We've already gone over Genesis 5 and now we're into Genesis 6.

And on Friday, if you saw that video, we talked about how today humans

celebrities are talking about their experiences having sex with ghosts or

incubi, succubi, phantoms, demons, whatever you want to call it. They are fallen

angels or these angels who sinned against God. They turned on God and they

are now having sex with humans today. Currently people are talking about this

right now now. From the video on Friday, we know why these fallen angels were

sleeping with women. They wanted to pollute the bloodline of the Messiah so

that He could not come. He would be corrupted and there would not be a

suitable person to redeem humanity, because the Redeemer had to share in the

human bloodline to be a substitute to redeem all of humanity. But He also had

to be God. And if all of humanity's bloodline is corrupted, they cannot be

redeemed. And you're going to see this in the last days. You're going to see

fallen angels taking human wives or just sleeping with women and it's going to

cause people to become unredeemable. Now something stuck out to me while I've

been studying. And we talked about genealogies in Genesis 5, we also talked

about genealogies in Genesis 4. And remember - Adam had Cain and Abel. He had

other sons and daughters but he also had a son named Seth. (Genesis 4:26 on screen.) And then Seth had a son

named Enosh. And it says, "and in those days people began to call on the name of the

Lord." But then we know from Genesis 5 that Enoch walked with God and that he

was a teacher and that he spent time warning (Jude 1:14-16 on screen)

people about fallen humanity, about God. We know that from the book of Jude and

I'm going to put a link up here because we've already talked about it. But I

always thought that that was like a weird thing. How were people calling on

the name of God, but then not even two chapters later people are having sex

with these fallen angels - Nephilim. You would think that if you're calling on

the name of God, you have a relationship with God. But I've said this many times

you need to go back to your concordances, because when you translate languages

it does not come out word for word or you might have a bad translation. So

let's go to the concordance (Genesis 4:26 on screen) and it says in the Hebrew "to call upon the name of

the Lord" is "halal quar shem Yahweh" "Halal" means "to pierce or defile." "Quara" means to

"call or proclaim." "Shem" means "name." And then "Yahweh" is the name of God. So when Enosh

was born, or Adams grandson, people began to "proclaim" or "defile" the name of God. So

the English translation is not what the Hebrew translation says. So again, go to

your concordances when something seems amiss.

We know that the Ten Commandments one of the commandments is "do not take the name

of the Lord in vain. Don't profane (defile) the name of God." (Leviticus 19:12 & Exodus 20:7 on screen.) So what were these

people doing back in Genesis 4 where they were defiling the name of God? And

then we go to Genesis 6, it shows us what was going on. "When humans started to

increase on earth," so when Seth, his brothers and sisters, started having

children, like Enosh, and then all of the men that come through in Genesis 5. "When

humans began to increase on the face of the earth,

the sons of God, "sons of God" or "Nephilim," took human women and they had children

with them." So these fallen angels, they're taking the name of God, even

though they are fallen angels. They're not of God. They're not of

children... they're not children of God. They're not of God. They're at war with

God. They want to replace God. I'll put another link up here. That was one of the

first videos I did. But you see in other parts of the Bible, where it talks about

children of God. (Galatians 4:3-7 on screen.) We become children of God through Jesus Christ, because we are

adopted in as sons. We're not physically the sons of God. (Romans 11:17-18 on screen.) We are the adopted sons.

We are grafted in to the family of God and that's what makes us children of God.

We take his name because we've been grafted in. We've been adopted. We don't

get to take His name if we haven't been adopted into the family of God. We don't

get to take the name, if we're not grafted into the vine, the body of Christ.

Otherwise you're taking that name in vain, and you see that is exactly what

these "sons of God" were doing. They were claiming that they were "sons of God" when

they were fallen angels. They were not part of the family of God.

They were profaning and they were taking His name in vain.

"Oh, I'm part of this family" when they are trying to destroy the kingdom of God. So

when you have the ten commandments and one of the commandments is "do not take

the name of the Lord in vain" it means, "don't use this name if you're

not in this family. If you don't... if you're not part of this clique, you don't

even go here you, don't get to use the name." It's kind of like people that will

change their name to the last name of a celebrity, to kind of get that sort of

recognition, even though they're not part of that

family. They're just kind of trying to latch on. Like Spice Girl Mel B, her

husband, who she's like in the middle of a divorce, took the name "Belafonte," after

"Harry Belafonte," so that people would associate him with this celebrity, Harry

Belafonte, and think "oh, he must be related to him in some way." So it's the

same with God. "If you're not part of this family, if you're not grafted in, you're

not adopted, you don't get to use this name. So don't go around using My Name

when you're not part of Us." So we see that going on right here in Genesis 6

and in Genesis 4. People were increasing on earth,

fallen angels came down claiming to be sons of God, and people were profaning

the name of God. So we are going to get into a lot more stuff really soon this

week. I will see you on Wednesday and I would like you to like, subscribe and

share and I will talk to you later. bye!

(Music plays)

For more infomation >> ⚡ God's fake demonic sons | Taking the Lord's name in vain | Genesis 6:1-4 - Duration: 10:28.


Linux é bugado; e bugado BAGARAMBA! - Duration: 14:39.

For more infomation >> Linux é bugado; e bugado BAGARAMBA! - Duration: 14:39.


Why Isn't God More Clear About Hell? - Duration: 2:06.

Why isn't God more clear?

Why isn't it just more clear?

I want it to just be really simple.

Why isn't God more clear about the nature of hell?

It reminds me of a conversation that Jesus had with Peter

at the end of the book of John.

And then he says to Peter, You know what?

I have a prophecy for you.

Something's gonna happen to you when you grow older.

You're gonna be bound.

You're gonna be persecuted.

And Peter's immediate reaction is to say,

"Whoa, okay.

"What about other people?

"Can we talk about their destiny?"

And the conversation goes like this.

"Peter turned and saw that the disciple

"whom Jesus loved was following them.

"(This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus

"at the supper and had said,

"'Lord, who is going to betray you?')"

"When Peter saw him," that's John,

"he asked, 'Lord, what about him?'"

And what does Jesus say?

Jesus says, "If I want him to remain alive until I return,

"what is that to you?

"You must follow me."

I other words, whatever happens to him,

it's not your concern.

Here's your concern.

Follow me.

I think this applies.

It is fascinating that we should say,

"I have to have absolute clarity

"about the destiny of everybody else."

Actually Jesus says, "I can give you something that's clear.

"Follow me."

The good news is that the stuff we really need to know

for living our daily lives and following Jesus,

the Bible's really clear on.

And as far as figuring out the destiny

of everyone else in the world, there's some mystery.

What we do know is that there is a hell.

You do not wanna go there.

It is a place of justice and punishment

and we want to help people avoid hell

and more than that we want them to

experience eternal life with Christ.

And that is enough of a motivation to share the gospel.

For more infomation >> Why Isn't God More Clear About Hell? - Duration: 2:06.


Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee - Despacito (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Justin Bieber - Duration: 3:51.

Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee - Despacito ft. Justin Bieber

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee - Despacito (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Justin Bieber - Duration: 3:51.


STABILicers Snow & Ice Cleats | Keep Your Balance on Your Next Winter Trip - Duration: 3:47.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. Winter is coming, so in this video we're

reviewing an affordable product that can help you tackle snow and ice conditions

on your next trip.

(light chiming music)

Winter is upon us and with that means snow and ice for many

travelers in the northern hemisphere. one lightweight product that always finds a home

in my bag when traveling to places where there may be snow and ice, are STABILicers.

These are snow and ice cleats that fit onto your current footwear to give you

additional traction. We used them on our trip to Sequoia National Park earlier

this year, and they proved to be extremely useful, especially when

climbing Moro rock and exploring the Giant Forest. We also had them ready when

we went to Zion National Park and climbed Angel's Landing. The rangers

there were actually recommending that people rent or purchase them before

attempting the hike due to ice along the ridges. Putting them on is

simple. All you need to do is stretch the band over the soles of your shoes and

ensure that it's secure along the toe and heel part of your shoe. Then just

walk onto snow and ice. You'll notice a dramatic improvement in your traction

with these on. You will want to remove them when you get back to normal terrain.

The stainless steel cleats can damage hardwood floors and scrape cement. Also,

you'll want to protect the cleats from unnecessary wear and tear, and direct

contact on asphalt and concrete. The brand that we use is from a company

called STABIL, and they have several models for different outdoor activities.

Their products are made in the US and are high quality. In fact, my pair has

lasted for over ten years, and I haven't noticed any tears in the elastic band.

Even the cleats are in great shape. There are other brands that make similar

products, such as the popular Yaktraxs. These tend to look a lot like snow

chains for your shoes, but the concept is the same. All the products are intended

to give you additional traction in an icy or snowy environment. In terms of

drawbacks, these are definitely meant for light

usage. What I mean is that they aren't going to replace crampons or snow shoes, and

definitely don't allow you to climb an ice glacier. Though it does look like

STABIL is expanding their product line to include

more hardcore options. Also, when walking through snow, it tends to accumulate

along the band. If you own waterproof boots, this won't be an issue. But for

people like me that like to hike in trail or running shoes, the build-up can

definitely make your feet cold and wet. It just means that you might have to

stop every once in a while to remove any of the excess snow or ice.

I noticed that STABIL now offers an overshoe that functions like a cover

over your normal shoes while providing additional traction. I personally haven't

used it, so I can't comment on how it feels, but it looks like a great solution

for anyone wanting a bit more warmth and dryness when walking through frozen

areas. STABILicers start around $20 and go up depending on the model. If you're

planning to go somewhere where you might be faced with snow or ice conditions, then I

highly suggest you pick up a pair. When we last visited a national park, we

noticed that the local stores were renting them out at $10 a pair. For that

price, your might as well pick up some for $20 or even less on Amazon, as you'll

probably find them useful even your daily life, especially if you live

somewhere where you get snow in the winter. Have you ever used stabilizers or

another similar product? If so, please share your experience below. We've

included Amazon links to some of the products mentioned in this video.

Trip Astute does get a percentage if you use our links. It doesn't cost you

anything extra, but it helps us to continue building content for this

channel. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit the "like"

button and consider subscribing. Also, subscribe to our newsletter by visiting and signing up. Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> STABILicers Snow & Ice Cleats | Keep Your Balance on Your Next Winter Trip - Duration: 3:47.


Thor: Ragnarok Finally Solves Marvel's Biggest Plot Hole - Duration: 2:29.

There's always been something a little off about Thanos and his quest for galactic domination,

and it has nothing to do with how much he likes sitting down.

It's all about the Infinity Gauntlet, the artifact that Thanos will apparently wield

in Avengers: Infinity War, and the strange fact that there seems to be more than one

in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"I only ask that you take this matter seriously."

We first got a glimpse of the Infinity Gauntlet, which is specifically constructed to hold

the powerful Infinity Stones, in the background of Odin's trophy room in 2011's Thor.

In that scene, the gauntlet held the Infinity Stones and was made for a right hand, which

is a subtly significant detail.

The next time we saw the Gauntlet was during a mid-credits scene after 2015's Avengers:

Age of Ultron.

Thanos reached into a vault, put on a glove with no stones on it and held it up.

It looked to be on the left hand this time.


"No, this is real."

But questions still lingered about his possession of the artifact, like how could Thanos get

the Gauntlet when it's supposed to be safely stowed away on Asgard?

And aren't the Infinity Stones supposed to be scattered around the universe anyway?

Two years ago, Marvel's Kevin Feige told CinemaBlend there's a simple explanation, saying,

"There are two different gloves.

That was not Odin's vault that you see at the end [of Age of Ultron]."


That sounds simple enough, but not everyone read that interview, and besides, Marvel's

not always known for being so forthright.

However, Thor: Ragnarok has now proven that, indeed, Feige was telling the truth.

In the film, we see Hela storm Odin's castle and walk around his trophy room to reveal

that lots of the trophies are actually fake, including the first-seen Infinity Gauntlet,

which she unceremoniously knocks over.

Soooo, that solves that.

Now the stage is set for Infinity War, and Feige's backstory checks out.

There are two gloves, Thanos has one of them, and he might just make good on that promise

after all.

"And I will bathe star ways in your blood."

Now we just have to wait to find out if Thanos has got the real deal and whether and how

he'll put his Infinity Gauntlet to use when the Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on

April 25th, 2018.

"I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Thor: Ragnarok Finally Solves Marvel's Biggest Plot Hole - Duration: 2:29.



to enter this month's $50 Xbox PSN or steam card giveaway all you have to do

is drop a like leave a comment and be subscribed yo what is up guys it's the

Goblin and welcome back to Call of Duty World War 2 video and the news

that we have today and I say we because I'm doing a dual commentary with my

buddy iTankid and I'm sure most you guys know him by now we've done a ton of duel

commentaries I think this is going on my channel as well as his we're gonna be

showing you guys the new how to get it tips all the sort of stuff today we're

gonna cover it all hope you guys will enjoy today's video let's go for 2,000

likes on both our channels so smack that like button guys if you guys could hit

2,000 likes to be amazing and tanka do you want to sort of introduce how this

nuke came about and stuff like that yes so a lot of people from the beginning of

World War 2 from the beta from the launch they were wondering is a nuke

actually in world war 2 now Michael Condrey the game developer at

sledgehammer he kind of leaked on Twitter that there would be a you know

some sort of new kill streak some sort of high kill streak that would have some

sort of bomb whether his game ending or not and he leaked that to one of our

buddies swag xbo which again a lot of you guys probably know who that is

so he leaked that onto Twitter and when that happened everyone you know exploded

just like the v2 rocket in World War 2 they went absolutely berserk they said

okay there will be a nuke in world war 2 and as time progressed we were trying to

figure out how is it actually in the game because people were getting 30 kill

streets 25 kill streaks 25 gun streaks and no one could get the nuke and we

were trying to you know figure out is there actually a nuke in the game and

considering that the update didn't come out for the day one patch in world war 2

a lot of people were wondering okay maybe the nuke will come in world war

two but it's at a later date now Luke I know you being a nuke guy this has to be

pretty big considering the fact that we found it what four days into world war

two's life cycle that's never happened in a cod ever yeah this is the latest

like they kept it a secret really they did a good job of doing that yeah and

right now I'm gonna show some footage up on the screen you can see right here

it's gonna be epsilon sky basically he gets 25 kills 25 guns streaked in a row

and you can see it pops up on his screen it's called the v2 rocket honestly the

animation the pop-up is not that exciting out-of-this-world yeah but I'm

I'm willing to look past that because it's just the fact that there is a new

kur I guess we could call it more like a Moab because as he calls didn't you see

it kills the enemy team but it does not end the game so it essentially works

like a Moab I'm not sure if it will work how the de-atomizer did an infinite

warfare where the de-atomizer would end the game in TDM are free for all but in

the objective game modes it would keep the game going I'm not sure how it would

work but you can see up on the screen right now it looks to be just like a

Moab and this is absolutely amazing now the way that you can get this and the

reason like ten kids said that people were getting you know super high gun

streaks and killstreaks and no nuke I honestly believe that the nuke was just

like a rumor going around you know one of those memes like the 1:26 update is

it common is it not we don't exactly exactly

but yeah exactly but it actually is confirmed and multiple people have got

it now there's no debate about it it is out now how you can get this nuke is

there's five divisions in culty world war two I'm sure all you guys are aware

of them um you know there's divisions for eat basically they synchronize which

eat with each set of guns of course airborne for SMGs infantry for assault

rifles etc etc with amount and all the other divisions so what you have to do

is you have to prestige each of those divisions once which you should be doing

anyway because you unlock an extra basic training and you unlock an extra gun

that the last gun from each category once you prestige the division once once

you've done that then the new Corps the Moab is automatically activated on your

account if you get a twenty five guns trick in any multiplayer game you will

have it you will call it in and it'll work exactly like how the Moab worked in

modern warfare 3 now the thing with this is you cannot do it in private match and

you have to have it unlocked in your account by completing these divisions

prestige in the divisions is not honestly that hard some people might say

oh this is a big deal it's really not that hard the games been out what two or

three days and people already have it and honestly shouldn't take you more

than ten to fifteen games with each division to prestige it and then once it

prestige all of them you are set and you have the Moab unlocked for the rest of

the games lifecycle which I'm super excited about so do you think they did

this right tanky do you the way they did in kept it secret is

this fair is this a good way to do it yes so it's kind of like a double-edged

sword for me cuz I'm more of an SMG player sometimes a whip out an assault

rifle maybe a sniper rifle but in terms of you know using the LMGs the shotguns

even like the snipers in the AR is on a more consistent basis you know compared

to the SMGs it's just not really my place now it's not really my thing so

this kind of is a double-edged sword in the fact that I have to get other you

know types of you know divisions prestige which obviously coincide with

other weapons like you said you know I would obviously be better suited using a

certain division depending on the weapon I you know I use cuz right now only you

just really airborne for my SMGs so when I prestige my airborne which I think

I've done twice already that that works for me and my gameplay but it almost

incentivizes me to use other things in the game and that kind of I guess

lengthens my playtime lengthens a chance I'm using other weapons other

attachments other gameplay styles so it kind of does incentivize you to play and

you know get out of your comfort zone and try new things and you know unlock

new things and rank up new things so it's a cool aspect in that way I get to

cover more of the game as like a pre unlock to get the nuke but like I said

is a double-edged sword because I don't really want to do that all too much I

kind of just want to hop into the game I go off with a certain class my favorite

SMG I get 25 or 30 kills I get the nuke I call it that's kind of like my thing

going back to like mw3 even in like bo2 or bo3 with nuclear's even though

there's no like game ending or game altering streak I still get my medals

doing whatever I want with this you kind of have to do like preliminary work like

you have to do like your research and your homework and get you know certain

things unlocked before you can even get the streak itself because once you

prestige the divisions and you get all that stuff done you still have to go out

and get the new so it's like two phases to the nuke in World War 2 with other

games it's it's more just hop into a game if you go off you go off you get

the nuke yeah so I see what you're saying there

but at the same time they did say like it's gonna be harder to get this here

and the thing with this is like like you say you do have to prestige all these

divisions which I agree I don't want to play with the expeditionary thing that's

not going to help me at all but the thing we need to remember is just

because these divisions work well with certain sets of weapons you can just

throw on any division like say I can throw on the mountain

and you can use your favorite SMG you're gonna be taking sort of an L in that

game because you won't have all that when you have a level one division

you're just getting one of the perks and the perk for like mountain is like

sniper sharp shooting it's not gonna help you at all with the SMG but if you

really don't want to use snipers or shotguns you don't have to which I think

is a great thing and you can prestige these weapons like I said 10 to 15 games

with each class prestige it and you're done so I think that basically the

reason why they're doing this obviously it would make more sense just to have

the nuke automatically activated but the reason why they're doing this is a

couple of things number one they want to keep it hidden and keep it secret which

they really did a good job at I didn't believe it until a couple of hours ago

when I first saw the real gameplay even when all the youtubers are talking about

I said you know I'm gonna be really skeptical about this and I think that

the other reason they did it is to get people they want people to test out I

think a lot of people are just doing the airborne every game every game

airborne every game airborne every game infantry and this sort of is a honestly

a smart marketing idea or a smart idea on their part because it will get people

into playing with the other divisions who knows maybe you like the shotguns or

the snipers or one of the other divisions and you could make a better

class setup off of that but honestly I don't think it's a big deal to complain

about it all because you're gonna finish it in a couple of hours anyway and as

long as they don't put anything else like oh new deal see division you got a

prestige that which I don't think they would do I don't think they would ever

do that though so you're pretty much gonna be good you play for a couple

hours you have the new permanently unlocked and I think this is a lot

better than the way that infinite warfare did it because having to have a

variant for each new gun and what if you want to run the other variant but it

doesn't have the nuke equipped you know just having it available in the

background is the right way to do it so I think 100% while it can be annoying

it's not gonna last it's it's only gonna be annoying for a day or two you're

gonna have the nuke and it should be a great year with this thing now the other

questions we have here is now that this nuke is 100% confirmed the main other

question here is is there a sort of dark matter camo now one of the we know

there's gold camo we know there's diamond camo

right now there's no DLC camels which i think is 100% going to change because

some of the multiplayer cameras are pretty weak and there's only like nine

of them or something like that or ten or eleven with gold and diamond but

the question is is there a dark matter after diamond when you get diamond for

everything do you get dark matter now people are trying to unlock it however

there is sort of a bug with one of the launchers where they can't actually get

the final challenge done with one of the launchers which makes me wonder are they

purposely you know bugging that so people can't unlock all the things and

they're still trying to import because they're still patching this game they've

just added leaderboards envelopes last night so are they still trying to and

the servers are going down from or not going down but there's gonna be a lot of

maintenance and stuff still going on you know around November 6 November 7 so the

thing is like are they going to be updating this and then fixing the bug

and then there's gonna be some sort of seeker camo in my opinion I think

they've done great with the new fairy and stuff like that or just have a nuke

in the game if there is a secret camo this could be absolutely huge and this

could be one of the best cards we've had we've had in a while

do you think there's a secret camo tank yet and what do you think it's gonna be

is it dark matters at crome yeah I think there is something big

considering the fact that Michael Condrey and his team over at

sledgehammer they went out of their way because you know a nuke in the game it's

it's been around you know I think mw2 was the first new class like what

2009-2010 it's been around so the fact that they went out of their way to you

know produce some sort of new elements of the nuke shows they're putting effort

into the the I guess major things that Koch had and with black ops 3 rolling

off with Dark Matter infinite warfare following through a black sky that final

galaxy oriented camel has been a massive thing for all the unlock grind players

in the community to go for so if sledgehammer was to go about this the

right way and am I putting the way they've already went about cuz I think

there is a camo hidden in some sort of you know update lock especially with how

the glitch is working with how the diamond camo I think yeah like um Sean T

Doug says all the camels already unlocked in that one glitch is going on

with his camos I think sledgehammer is going to put out some sort of massive

camo at the end whether it is a galaxy or not I'm not too sure about you know

what they're thinking cuz they try to keep it realistic to the you know World

War two setting the times you know that I guess aesthetic to the game so I'm not

too sure in terms of the galaxy aspect of the camo but a final camo maybe a

chrome me some sort of you know rare gem or

bright color I could see that happening I'm not too sure again

if it's gonna be you know galaxies or dark matter oriented but with how this

game is panning yet with how many things we're finding days after release I

wouldn't be surprised if there is a hidden camera I wouldn't be surprised we

don't find it for quite a while yeah it's gonna be a tendency I think the

main thing we got is the nuke is real huge relief to me even excite me because

I thought it was I would prepared that there was no nucleus game anyway hope

you guys did enjoy today's video if you guys are you know arts up to me add

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description sub sub sub sub us do all that subbing and all that stuff drop a

like on this video subscribe if you guys are new leave a comment down below what

do you think about the new for you excited what do you think about the

challenges to unlock it and is there a hidden camera that is the ultimate

question for the grinders that stay to the end of this video is there a hidden

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For more infomation >> HOW TO GET A V2 ROCKET IN COD WW2! (SECRET NUKE WW2 V2 ROCKET) COD WORLD WAR 2 V2 ROCKET GAMEPLAY! - Duration: 13:07.


Invisible Phone? -- LÜT - Duration: 4:55.

Hello my name is Kevin and I have a little riddle for you.

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For more infomation >> Invisible Phone? -- LÜT - Duration: 4:55.


Learn Fire Department Vehicles for kids | Emergency Vehicle For babies | Unboxing new cars - Duration: 7:16.

Learn Fire Department Vehicles for kids

For more infomation >> Learn Fire Department Vehicles for kids | Emergency Vehicle For babies | Unboxing new cars - Duration: 7:16.


Outdoor Flooring Explained - Duration: 1:38.

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For more infomation >> Outdoor Flooring Explained - Duration: 1:38.


Bli med på ekstra-trening i november :-) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Bli med på ekstra-trening i november :-) - Duration: 0:41.


Bogosh Kaye Kadi Niyada New Balochi HD Video Song - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Bogosh Kaye Kadi Niyada New Balochi HD Video Song - Duration: 4:05.


Lil Lonely - On My Soul (Prod. By Biv) - Duration: 2:25.

Lil Lonely - On My Soul (Prod. By Biv)

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