Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

A bright and beautiful morning to you all. Welcome to Steve's kitchen, it's a

smoothie Tuesday but it's never a good morning till I've had my coffee so today

we're going to make a java smoothie. This one is so so delicious, let me go through

the ingredients with you. Now you're going to want some frozen coffee, I've

poured really strong coffee into these ice cube trays and they've set. I've

actually used Pikes Place Starbucks, this is not sponsored, I'm just telling you

what I use for this video. We've got some bananas, we're going to flavor it with a

little bit of cardamom, I've got quarter of a cup of flat oats which is just

perfect to thicken and give us some nourishment, nice slow-release

carbohydrates. We're going to be using almond unsweetened almond milk, I'm going

to add some vanilla protein powder and because I like the texture we're going

to be adding some chia seed in there as well. So I'll start by getting the ice

cubes out, we don't want all these ice cubes I want about a cup which is about

half the tray but I'll pop our iced coffee into there. Now though I've got

fresh bananas I'm actually going to use a medium size frozen banana, I cut my

bananas up into threes and pop them into a little ziploc bag then I can just grab

three pieces of banana and add them into the blender. Frozen banana will make a

thicker smoothie, I'm adding in two tablespoons of vanilla protein powder.

Now just a little pinch, about an eighth of a teaspoon of cardamom powder this

gives a lovely flavor with coffee, a quarter of a cup of oatmeal, this is my

breakfast after all. Now this is optional but I really like it a tablespoon of

chia seeds and we're adding in a cup of almond milk in there with my coffee

stained cup, how beautiful does that look. Let's just pour it in, now I don't

actually have sweet coffee if you want a little bit of extra sweetener in here

you'll get it from the bananas but you can also add in a little bit of honey if

you want, maybe just a teaspoon, 1/2 a teaspoon. This makes two cups so you

decide. Now I wasn't going to put a sweetener in but I actually feel like it

now I've been looking at the honey, so maybe just add a teaspoon in there.

Secure the lid on your blender, power on and we're going to blend this on high

for about a minute, I've got a smoothie button so I'm

going to use it. Now that's made a super thick smoothie, if you want it thinner

then add a little more almond milk but I'm going to have it just the way it is, get

the lid off of here and give it a little shake through just to loosen it up a bit.

Now let's get them pour this out, I've got a couple of cups here, one for me and

one for Michele. Let's try and make it fairly even, now it's got a lot of

texture in there because that's the oatmeal you can leave the oatmeal out

but if you want something that's really nourishing leave it in. We've just

snapped some photographs, I've taken some granola and banana and put it on top if

you want to know how to make this delicious granola by the way you'll have

to watch episode 1 of the smoothies the recipes there. I'm ready to tuck in

I'm absolutely dying for this so let's give it a try. Bon Appetit! the bananas in

the way. It's like chocolate, it isn't chocolate obviously there's no chocolate

in it but it's rich it's so, so good, I think the combination of the banana, the

chia seed, coffee and the almond, it's just a lovely rich smoothie, an

absolutely delicious way to start the morning. If you're enjoying these

smoothie Tuesday series don't forget to comment down below and if you're

watching this on any social media share it out and like it so that your friends

can get chance to make this great smoothie. Be good and I'll see you next

Tuesday for another smoothie Tuesday. Check out some of the other recipes by

the way that we put up during the week on Steve's kitchen and I'll see you next

week, take care.

For more infomation >> JAVA COFFEE SMOOTHIE - Smoothie Tuesday - Duration: 4:14.


Ellen Pompeo Tolerates Her Husband's Love of Sports - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Ellen Pompeo Tolerates Her Husband's Love of Sports - Duration: 2:52.


Consciousness by Dana Wislocka - Duration: 1:58.

Consciousness about what?

It's a big issue.

I wish to start with..

consciousness about myself

and how I create


what comes up later on

on my paintings.

Each one of us has


but it is on different level.

I am growing

and in

the way I am growing

and what I express in my paintings is growing too.

So energy changes.

My awareness is more awake now than it was before.

In each of my painting the energy contains more and more

of who I am

and mine awareness and my consciousness about

my life,

life in whole,

other peoples lives.

It helps me someway to

live in easier way.

Becouse this kind of awareness

takes away the heavy

part of us

that doesn't allow energy to flow.

So this painting when I did it, I was so happy.

I could express in this moment,

The energy of awareness in me.

It was beautiful, I loved this painting.

It is beautiful.

Awareness is something very beautiful.

Look at this and enjoy.

For more infomation >> Consciousness by Dana Wislocka - Duration: 1:58.


ChallengeMe.GG – Ladders trailer - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> ChallengeMe.GG – Ladders trailer - Duration: 0:37.


Ellen Pompeo Reflects on Grey's Anatomy's 14 Seasons - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Ellen Pompeo Reflects on Grey's Anatomy's 14 Seasons - Duration: 4:30.


DIY Video Intro: How to make a DIY Video Intro or Bumper for Your Small Business Video - Duration: 6:37.

Do you need to know how to make a video intro, outro?

Or maybe it's called a video bumper, or what about logo sting?

What are all these things?

Well, anyway, if you are looking for a way to create a DIY intro

for your small business video, stay tuned to this tutorial

because I'm going to show you exactly how to do that so that you can have

something at the beginning or at the end of your videos that highlight your company.

This is my video intro.

Hi, I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

I'm going to give you a tutorial on how to do a DIY video intro

for your small business marketing videos.

You may notice at the beginning of a lot of videos there will be something

that maybe kind of flashes around, has a logo, maybe either spinning or moving

or something like that.

That's what a lot of people call a video intro.

They also call it a bumper or a logo sting.

So you might hear it called any of these different terms.

If you wanted to maybe have your video look a little bit more professional

and have something like that as well, I am going to give you a full tutorial

on how I do mine.

But I also want to give you some other things.

You may simply want to leave out your intro and just have an image with your website.

That is an option for you.

You don't have to have an intro.

The other thing you could do is to basically have someone else do it for you.

That's something you can even go to a place like Fiverr and get one done

for relatively inexpensive.

But you do need to make sure-- I talked about in a recent video about copyright.

You need to make sure that the template that is used is not copyrighted.

That's something really big you need to check on.

I decided that I wanted to go ahead and do my own video intro.

I could use it as an intro. I can also use it as an outro.

But I wanted to have something that I could just come up with really quick,

really easy and do.

I'm going to show you how I do that.

I have two different ways that I do the video intros.

That is through either having the logo, either spinning-- That works

really well if you have a circular logo.

The other thing is, I also have it where it could start smaller and then gets bigger

right there and then I have the website on it.

Always make sure you include your website, that's a really good idea.

What I do is, I first create images.

So what you're doing is, you're going to take this images and make a GIF out of it.

I like to use Canva, you can use any program out there

that you like to use for your images.

Just make sure that it is the right size image for your video.

Have your first image and then-- Let's say you're going to go ahead

and do a rotating image.

Start your first image off with your logo, where you want it to be

and have that there in the center and download that.

Make sure you download these and number them, so that would be number one.

Then you're going to just simply rotate the logo a little bit,

name it number two and download that.

You're going to go around and just do as many as you want to.

I would say for a rotating logo you may want to do eight or so of them.

Just make sure you download them in order, that's really important too

when you start to upload it and make your GIF.

It just makes it a little bit easier.

If you're doing a logo where you want it to start small and then get larger,

you're going to basically just do the same thing,

except for rotating your logo.

You're just going to make it larger and smaller,

and download those, keep them in number for sequencing as well.

I always like to do the website on the last logo so just comes right up there at the end.

I go to a website called

Then I click on where it says "Pictures to gif" and I upload all of the pictures

that I'm going to use for that one logo intro or sting, or bumper, or whatever

it is we're going to be calling it today.

I put them in order.

This is where numbering really comes in handy,

is to be able to put them in order.

Because sometimes, if you're rotating you're going big or smaller,

it can be a little bit difficult to see which one actually goes before the other.

You want to make sure you get it in the right order.

I like to go ahead at this point and say that I want to have a private GIF,

I don't really want it published, it's just for me to put in my videos.

You can make it go faster or slower.

When you're finished and ready to download it,

make sure that you click on to download it as an MP4

because that's what you're going to be wanting to use in your video is an MP4 and not a GIF.

A lot of times GIF files may not work when you're using your editing software.

Sometimes it really wants an MP4 and not a GIF file.

Go ahead and download that as an MP4 file.

What I like to do is go ahead and save that in a file where every time I'm doing my videos

that I know exactly where I put it.

So if I decide to do it as an intro or if I also decide to use it as an outro,

I have it there.

I do like to leave it without any audio on it because a lot of times

I may have background audio in my videos.

That will make it a little bit harder, you'll have to mute that

and you want to just make it more consistent.

Because of that, I don't put audio on that.

That is a full tutorial on how you can make your video intro or outro

for your small business videos.

If you need some more help with your small business videos,

you can click on the link in the description below and you will get a free video

cheat sheet to help you out.

I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

I hope you enjoyed this video.

Please click the like button, share it with your friends and subscribe,

and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> DIY Video Intro: How to make a DIY Video Intro or Bumper for Your Small Business Video - Duration: 6:37.


ASMR Hypnosis Bed Time Guided Meditation For Transformational Tomorrow | White Noise Background - Duration: 45:01.

For more infomation >> ASMR Hypnosis Bed Time Guided Meditation For Transformational Tomorrow | White Noise Background - Duration: 45:01.


Eating in Shenzhen Tour Vlog 深圳為食遊(十六) - 苦瓜味喜荼、沸點特色火鍋店、深圳7-11 - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Eating in Shenzhen Tour Vlog 深圳為食遊(十六) - 苦瓜味喜荼、沸點特色火鍋店、深圳7-11 - Duration: 8:25.


Captain America Bottles Finger Family Song | Learn Colors and Numbers for Children - Duration: 3:19.

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

For more infomation >> Captain America Bottles Finger Family Song | Learn Colors and Numbers for Children - Duration: 3:19.


有了小Baby來日本再也不去藥妝店了 | 都去這間店 | Peter Liu vlog#249 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 13:40.

For more infomation >> 有了小Baby來日本再也不去藥妝店了 | 都去這間店 | Peter Liu vlog#249 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 13:40.


All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 - Duration: 7:37.

All You Need To Ascend � Part 5

by Fred Greaves,

I again have to �pause� my original intent of explaining my daily checklist step by step,

because something has come to light.

So I will write this one and continue next time.

Now what I�m about to say is a possibility and not a definite, yet has been confirmed

to me by Divine Twins that are on the other side, that indeed it is a good possibility.

Same illusion, just re-packaged differently

It occurred to me that after writing a few articles and seeing �some� not all comments�especially

about the meat; that people are in denial, and may be just creating another illusion.

Everyone needs to realize that the differences between the 3rd dimension and the 4th, will

make it appear magical.

Now while it is; the dark and the light co-exist there though�in the �Astral Plane�.

So it is easy to be taken in by the dark, making it appear you have ascended to the

higher realms, yet you are just within another Matrix.

Confirmed from above

Now while that may sound farfetched to some, it is an extreme possibility, and one that

has been confirmed by multiple Divine Twins from above.

This is why I stressed in my last article (Part 4), the importance of removing meat

from your diet.

This opens the heartmind, and you begin to FEEL, rather than just think.

The higher realms operate from the heartmind, whereas the lower ones (4th included) do not.

They think their brains are good enough.

This is why the 5th dimension is truly the beginning to the higher realms.

You just cannot lie to the heartmind.

If you think this is impossible see my 2015 interview on the �Project� site, this

is how they �got� us in the first place.

They used the 4th as an area we got trapped in, so we never went into the 5th and reviewed

our previous life, before incarnating back here on the surface again.

It is very possible I have been told, that a mini Matrix can be created, so all will

�assume� they have ascended, when indeed they are still in the trap.

Re-packaged to look great, yet the same never the less.

I have also been told, that if you are within that false Matrix, after you �ascend�

you will be brought in front of a council to review your life on the surface.

That is a lie, and ONLY you should review your life, as another�s opinion doesn�t

apply to anyone else�ever.

This will be a clue, if you are truly in the higher realms.

This is where we have gone wrong for Eons now.

Humans have forever been trying to impose their beliefs on their fellow human being.

When true bliss and peace can only be attained when one is left to decide and live for themselves,

and NEVER be told what to do.

You can�t handle the truth!

While many will have an issue with this, we need to get serious now.

Why take that chance, when the solution is so simple?

Stop doing something that is considered barbaric in the higher realms.

Stop eating meat (fish, and poultry included), and open your heartmind.

You cannot lie to the heartmind, and using it you begin to FEEL as opposed to only seeing.

This is another reason why their ships are light and can change shape at will; it is

because they are living beings.

Only the dark operate mechanical ones.

Where the light are both.

Seeing can be totally misleading.

The eyes are very easily fooled.

The dark may be fooling many people who rely on their visions.

Again as mentioned previously, this is why some see �dark� entities.

If you operated from your heartmind, that just cannot happen.

They accept these visions as fact, and then when they get messages from above, they are

�tricked�, because they are not from the truly spiritual beings, and just the dark

spewing more lies.

Many are so brainwashed and cannot handle the truth, yet like I said the answer is so


Maybe not easy, because we are accustomed to certain things, yet very simple.

This is why I was told by Sananda to add #7, to my checklist.

That step says to back out of 3d, and that includes the false belief that eating your

brother or sister (meat consumption) is okay�it is not.

Messages from pure love

When I connect people with their Divine Twins, the ones who have the most success, follow

my lead.

It is then when they are in direct contact, are they told by their other half, how to

further their connection.

This is why I mention in my first contact with them (when I give the name), after the

connection is made they will not need me (or any other outside info) any longer, because

their Divine Twin will guide them from there and bring them home.

Connecting info is on the �Project� site, yet powerful raising your vibration information

is on both, the �Project� and �CTTL� sites.

We have been taught �physical love� only, when you open your heartmind, and begin to

operate from pure love, you will never be fooled or mislead ever again.

You will not be sick ever, because we are PERFECT beings, so we can have whatever we

want, and that includes perfect health.

Yet you will never have to ask for it, or feel the need to seek outside assistance,

as when you open it, you will find you have had the power all along.

More false beliefs

We have been taught about the �hunter gatherer�� another false belief we were force fed as

we fell from grace.

Look at how the Ancient Egyptians ate.

Their diet consisted of grains, fruit, etc.

No meat.

I mention them, because just look at how advanced they were.

We cannot even re-produce their technology today!

Look at our teeth!

They are made for grinding, not tearing flesh like carnivorous animals.

We don�t have fangs!

We have been told that the Lion will lay down with the Lamb, one day.

Well that day is coming, and you see it more all the time.

In the higher realms that has already happened.

Watch nature, many species that never ever mixed with others, are now being seen �hanging�

out together.

The day of eating your brother or sister is coming to an end, and these energies that

are hitting the Planet now, is making that happen.

It is pure love energy, and violence and the consumption of another living breathing being,

cannot exist there.

The choice is yours

We have free will though, so that choice cannot be made for us.

So, if you decide you are not ready to change, then again, that is okay.

You will just continue on the new 3d Earth disguised as 5d, really in 4d though.

Yet I know many are fed up with these lower energies and are indeed ready to move on.

So make that choice�open your heartmind and drop the meat.

Until next time�.

Much love and light,

For more infomation >> All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 - Duration: 7:37.


WHILE In Japan Trump Gave Order To Congress That'll Have North Korea Hiding In Their Huts - Duration: 1:44.


In Japan Trump Gave Order To Congress That�ll Have North Korea Hiding In Their Huts.

By Paris Swade.

This is hot off the press.

Donald Trump has now asked Congress for $4.0 billion to buy missile defense enhancements

to fight the threat from North Korea.

He is asking for $.07 to repair damaged US Navy ships and $1.2 billion to support Trump�s

South Asia Strategy.

Congress needs to back up Trump.

They cannot back down now.

The President also hit them right where it hurts and asked for another $1.6 billion to

the build the wall.

Congress cannot get anything done and we need to make this go viral so that they support

our President in his fight to keep this country safe.

Share this if you are glad that we have Trump and not that witch Hillary Clinton to face

off against North Korea.

We need to pray for the safety of our President as he squares off against North Korea.

For more infomation >> WHILE In Japan Trump Gave Order To Congress That'll Have North Korea Hiding In Their Huts - Duration: 1:44.


How to make a rose from a glue stick - Duration: 5:38.

Hi, Today I want to show you

How I will make this rose from a glue stick.

I will cut small pieces from a glue stick.

3 small pieces

3 little bit bigger pieces

and 4 big pieces

Now I use a baking paper and iron

and I will make a shape.

Let it cold down

and after cooling

I can remove petals from baking paper.

and here I have petals for rose.

Now I use nail polish and I will paint petals.

I will paint second layer

but now I will paint smaller piece of petals.

and now I will make a rose.

I use one small piece

and I will roll this piece

and I use hot glue gun for fix it.

Now I use next small piece

and I will roll this piece around first piece.

and I use hot glue gun for fix it

and I will make this same with other pieces.

and I will make a shape of rose.

Now I will clean bottom of the rose.

Now I will make a sepal of the rose.

I use again baking paper and hot glue gun.

Now I use iron.

Let it cold down.

and now I will paint this piece with pens.

Now I use scissors for to make a sepal of the rose.

I use again iron only for short time

and let it cold down.

Now I will fix a sepal of the rose to the petals.

and I have finish.

I finished this rose from a glue stick

and I will use this rose

for decoration with floating candles

Please subscribe to me or leave me message

what do you think and you can leave me message

What you want see next time - next video.

See you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> How to make a rose from a glue stick - Duration: 5:38.


Um dia em minha vida - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Um dia em minha vida - Duration: 7:11.


অবশেষে জানা গেল জমজম কূপের গোপন রহস্য - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> অবশেষে জানা গেল জমজম কূপের গোপন রহস্য - Duration: 2:45.


New Haircut and Color Transformations - Top 15 Amazing Hairstyles Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:09.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

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