Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017


Well she was a Hare Krishna in the Ashram Bed

She was sellin' 'get sky' and had funky-ass hair

For more infomation >> The Lord Is A Monkey - Butthole Surfers: 1:30 - 1:42 - Duration: 0:13.


Turns Out This Common Garden Weed Actually Tastes Great And Is Super Healthy - Duration: 2:51.

Tending to a garden requires a lot of patience.

Plants take time to grow, and they need to be nurtured and cared for.

You may have seen this green, leafy weed in your yard or garden while you were working…

It's pretty common, which is part of the reason why many people simply pick it and

throw it away as soon as they see it.

Most gardeners just pluck through the flowers and plants and throw away anything they don't


Yet, that's really the last thing that they should be doing when they could be eating


Most people who have a garden are unaware of the vitamins and nutrients that their plants

can offer!

So what exactly is this particular plant called?

It's purslane, and it's actually perfectly edible—not to mention tasty and nutritious.

Making sure your diet consists of roughage is vital to your health, and this plant is

the perfect food to help.

The leaves are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

All three of these are what we should be trying to consume a lot of every day.

But, most people don't get the required amounts.

The seeds are also special, and they are so powerful that they can survive for up to 25


They also are full of omega-3 fatty acids, and are great for your immune system.

Compared to every other green, leafy vegetable out there, purslane has the most vitamin A.

Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining proper vision and healthy skin.

That's something we can all benefit from!

The leaves are crunchy, with a tasty, lemony flavor.

That makes this plant a great addition to all sorts of meals, especially sandwiches

and salads.

Having a bit of citrus flavor in your food is always a delicious addition.

Purslane grows just about everywhere, from New Zealand to Europe to many parts of the

United States.

It's a good thing that it isn't rare considering how beneficial it is.

You can probably go outside right now and find some nearby!

Keep an eye out for it during the summertime, because that's when purslane grows!

Make sure you know what it looks like, though, so you don't end up getting rid of a whole

lot of health benefits!

For more infomation >> Turns Out This Common Garden Weed Actually Tastes Great And Is Super Healthy - Duration: 2:51.


Черная метка-Crni beleg1-4-srpski prevod - Duration: 43:28.

For more infomation >> Черная метка-Crni beleg1-4-srpski prevod - Duration: 43:28.


Overcoming These 12 Barriers Will Drastically Ease Your Spiritual Journey - Duration: 4:42.

Overcoming These 12 Barriers Will Drastically Ease Your Spiritual Journey

by Conscious Reminder

Every spiritual journey has its own kinds of barriers and we need to overcome those

barriers in order to achieve spiritual bliss and peace.

Here we list 12 spiritual barriers that you may have to overcome in your spiritual journey;

take note:


Defining yourself:

We tend to define ourselves but we forget that in the process of defining ourselves

we limit ourselves.

We end up setting goals for ourselves that are smaller.

We can achieve so much more if we resist from defining ourselves in completion and letting

universe decide what it wants for us.


Letting your job become your life:

We end up thinking that what we do and possess defines us.

But this isn�t true.

We have much more potential than our jobs and our identities are much bigger than the

professions that we take up for ourselves.

Don�t think, you are your job.


Heavily criticizing yourself:

Analyzing yourself is good and self evaluation is an important process but we should not

analyze ourselves to a point where we begin to dislike ourselves.

This isn�t fair.

Don�t be too critical of yourself.


Being anxious:

Well, don�t worry.

Be calm and deal with one problem at a time.

Being anxious and worried will not take you anywhere,


Letting your ego have the final say:

Don�t things so personally that you start talking from your ego instead of your mind.

People say all sorts of things and if you will take everything seriously, it will be

very difficult for you to live your life happily and maintain your peace of mind.

So don�t take things on a personal level.

Let people say whatever they want to say.

Only concentrate on criticism that makes you a better person.



Guilt is very bad for your spiritual health.

Guilt shows that there are decisions you made that you regret and this regret sort of lurks

around and affects you personally.

Guilt will render you uncomfortable and uneasy; so don�t feel guilty about the things that

are way in the past.

Just begin to make wiser decisions so that you don�t feel guilty about the decisions

you take from now.


Delaying and procrastinating:

If you have an attitude of delaying things for tomorrow, it is not good for your productivity.

Just give up on your procrastination and try to do as many things as possible rather than

postponing them.


Being around people who aren�t good for you:

Choose the people whom you want to be around.

You have to be in good company because people around you have a direct influence on you

and you can only be happy if people around you are good.


Seeking validation:

Don�t seek validation from anyone outside of you.

Concentrate on yourself and learn to appreciate yourself rather than seek approval from the

people around you.


Thinking about the past too much:

Don�t think about things that have happened in the past.

You aren�t in the capacity to change things that have already happened to you.

All that you can change is the way you take the things that have happened to you.

So, remember the lessons that you learnt from the events that happened in your life and

move on.

You are more than your past.


Being attached to things:

It is very bad for your spiritual journey if you attach yourself to material things.

We initiate a spiritual journey so that we can become more detached from the �things�

that are around us.

So learn to be more detached from things.


Not valuing you time enough:

Time is the most important asset that all of us and if you don�t value time, it won�t

value you.

You need to learn to respect your time and the time of the people around you as well.

Time that is once gone won�t ever come back.

So spend it wisely.

For more infomation >> Overcoming These 12 Barriers Will Drastically Ease Your Spiritual Journey - Duration: 4:42.


BEST OF DRDISRESPECT (Insane Kills, Funny Moments & More) #2 | PUBG - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> BEST OF DRDISRESPECT (Insane Kills, Funny Moments & More) #2 | PUBG - Duration: 12:01.


Declassified Docs Show CIA Poisoned Entire Town with LSD in Massive Mind Control Experiment - Duration: 6:09.

Declassified Docs Show CIA Poisoned Entire Town with LSD in Massive Mind-Control Experiment

For decades, after a French village was struck by mass insanity and hallucinations in 1951,

it was widely believed that a local bakery�s flour had become contaminated by ergot, a

poisonous fungus that occurs naturally on rye and causes hallucinations.

However, a discovery by an investigative journalist doing research for a book about the incident

uncovered damning evidence that the village�s food was intentionally contaminated with LSD

as part of a secret CIA mind control experiment.

On August 16, 1951, numerous locals were suddenly stricken with horrifying hallucinations of

fire, dragons, and snakes, with dozens being committed to asylums and hundreds left with

varying degrees of madness.

The incident was known locally as the mystery of Le Pain Maudit (Cursed Bread).

Time magazine wrote at the time: �Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed

wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that their

heads had turned to molten lead.�

A local postman at the time, Leon Armunier, was doing his rounds in the town of Pont-Saint-Esprit

when he was suddenly overcome by a feeling of nausea and wild hallucinations.

�It was terrible.

I had the sensation of shrinking and shrinking, and the fire and the serpents coiling around

my arms,� he told the BBC.

Armunier, now 87, fell off his bike and was taken to the hospital in Avignon.

He recalls being put in a straitjacket and sharing a room with three teenagers who had

been chained to their beds to keep them under control.

�Some of my friends tried to get out of the window.

They were thrashing wildly� screaming, and the sound of the metal beds and the jumping

up and down� the noise was terrible.

�I�d prefer to die rather than go through that again,� Armunier said.

According to H.P.

Albarelli Jr., who published a book about the experiment, the incident had nothing to

do with ergot contaminated bread, and instead, was part of a top-secret mind control experiment

conducted by the CIA.

Albarelli�s findings are based upon a CIA documents he uncovered while investigating

the incident entitled:

�Re: Pont-Saint-Esprit and F.Olson Files.

SO Span/France Operation file, inclusive Olson.

Intel files.

Hand carry to Belin � tell him to see to it that these are buried.�

The Telegraph reports:

Mr Albarelli came across CIA documents while investigating the suspicious suicide of Frank

Olson, a biochemist working for the SOD who fell from a 13th floor window two years after

the Cursed Bread incident.

One note transcribes a conversation between a CIA agent and a Sandoz official who mentions

the �secret of Pont-Saint-Esprit� and explains that it was not �at all� caused

by mould but by diethylamide, the D in LSD.

Further research revealed that F. Olson, according to the BBC, was Frank Olson � a scientist

that had spearheaded research into LSD for the CIA, while Belin was a reference to David

Belin, who was executive director of the Rockefeller Commission created by the White House in 1975

to investigate abuses carried out worldwide by the CIA.

The Pont-Saint-Esprit and F. Olson Files, mentioned in the document, would show � if

they had not been �buried� � that the CIA was experimenting on the townspeople,

by dosing them with LSD, according to Albarelli.

According to a BBC report:

It is well known that biological warfare scientists around the world, including some in Britain,

were experimenting with LSD in the early 1950s � a time of conflict in Korea and an escalation

of Cold War tensions.

Albarelli says he has found a top secret report issued in 1949 by the research director of

the Edgewood Arsenal, where many US government LSD experiments were carried out, which states

that the army should do everything possible to launch �field experiments� using the


Using Freedom of Information legislation, he also got hold of another CIA report from

1954 In it an agent reported his conversation with

a representative of the Sandoz Chemical company in Switzerland.

Sandoz�s base, which is just a few hundred kilometres from Pont-Saint-Esprit, was the

only place where LSD was being produced at that time.

The agent reports that after several drinks, the Sandoz representative abruptly stated:

�The Pont-Saint-Esprit �secret� is that it was not the bread at all� It was not

grain ergot.� In his book �A Terrible Mistake: The Murder

of Frank Olson and the CIA�s Secret Cold War Experiments,� Albarelli explains that

he had spoken to the former coworkers of Frank Olson who had told him that the Pont-Saint-Esprit

incident was just a part of a variety of mind control experiments that had been carried

out by the CIA.

One mystery that remains, according to Albarelli, is whether French authorities were aware of

the actual cause of the incident.

Whether the French government was aware or not, those affected by the CIA experiment

have a right to know what actually happened, and why they were used as test subjects for

an experiment of this nature � without consent.

Please share this harrowing story of innocent civilians being used as unwitting test subjects!

For more infomation >> Declassified Docs Show CIA Poisoned Entire Town with LSD in Massive Mind Control Experiment - Duration: 6:09.


Microwave Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Microwave for Children - Coloring Books for Kids - Duration: 10:02.














Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Microwave Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Microwave for Children - Coloring Books for Kids - Duration: 10:02.


Lidocaine & Magnesium IV Update For Chronic Pain [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 13:06.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hey guys, in today's video I am going to give you an update on how the Lidocaine is going.

I have made many videos vlogging my experience with the Lidocaine and

magnesium IVs, so I will leave a playlist to those in the description for you. I

have been getting a monthly IVs of Lidocaine and Magnesium for my Chronic

Pain for about a year now. For those who don't know Lidocaine is a numbing agent

it's typically used as topical creams to numb the skin but it can also be used in

injections, and also IVs. It works by blocking pain receptors, numbing them, and

therefore you experience less pain. Before getting the Lidocaine for the

first time I was in severe Chronic Pain every day. My daily pain level would be

anywhere from a 6 to a 7, there was never a time when I went below that. Most

days it was a challenge for me to get out of bed, to walk, to walk up and down the

stairs, to stand - you name it, it was difficult, and it was very painful. I was

in so much pain, like, being in constant like, level 8 pain daily was really

difficult, I broke down and cried about how much pain I was in about once a

week, it was that bad. I was, I was desperate to find something that would

help my pain, so I finally got in to see my Chronic Pain Doctor and I started

doing the Lidocaine IVs. Getting the Lidocaine IVs has definitely

helped me. It's not a miracle drug for me, but it does make my pain much more

tolerable, and a lot more manageable. I get my Lidocaine IVs about once every

three weeks, the IV costs for me around $30, and the IV for me takes about an

hour and half long. Now, my body is very sensitive to medications and my body

reacts to the Lidocaine in a very non typical way. Most of the time when people

get a IV of Magnesium and Lidocaine they end up falling right asleep, they wake

up, and they're a bit groggy, and a bit tired, and they may need someone to drive

them home. But for me, when I get this done it's the complete opposite, so just keep

in mind that if you get this IV done or you're going to get it done, you may not

react in the same way that I reacted. When I get my IV done I become very, very

nauseated. There have been times where I haven't taken anything for my nausea

beforehand, and I was on the verge of puking throughout the entire IV, I'd have

to have a trash can by the bed while getting IV, just in case I'd throw up. I would

have to go to the bathroom a lot, thinking I was going to throw up.

Um but yeah. Now I have learned that I need to take Zofran before I get an IV

done, otherwise I will be extremely and severely nauseated.

During the IV, I also become kind of loopy, and I kind of feel like I'm a bit high

on it too, even though this drug does not make you high, and that's just how I feel.

I feel either high or a bit drunk, it's a very weird feeling. When I get it done

that's how I feel, and everything just feels kind of distant and your

not there, it's a bit weird. During this IV I can also end up feeling very weak,

very fatigued, and my body will start to shake. After the IV is over - if I'm able

to make it through the IV, sometimes with the nausea I have had to cut the IV

short, because the nausea was so bad from the Lidocaine.

After the IV, my stomach usually feels quite lank, and I will end up burping up

the lidocaine quite a bit, and I almost always get a migraine after I get the

lidocaine done. As soon as I get home I try to eat something because it feels

very uncomfortable not having anything in my stomach after having the Lidocaine,

and then I'll go straight to bed. By the time I get home usually I'm in a lot of

pain, my muscles are very tired, they're very sore, they ache, they hurt - it kind of

feels like you have the flu, or you just really, really overdid it. Over the next

few days after having the Lidocaine done, my muscles and joints, and

everything else, will feel very stiff, this is the Lidocaine kind of

settling in and trying to take effect, so that is quite normal to experience. And

it does take quite a while for the Lidocaine to take effect for me, um it takes

about a week- anywhere's from seven to ten days before I end up experiencing any

significant pain relief from the Lidocaine. But the more you get the Lidocaine

IV done, then the more consistent pain relief you

are going to get. So now that I've been getting IVs of lidocaine and Magnesium

for about a year now I'm better able to understand what it has and hasn't

helped with. The first thing that it's helped with is my pain levels. My daily pain

levels has significantly lowered, um, before when I didn't have the Lidocaine I would

wake up and I'd be in so much pain that I could hardly walk, I could hardly move

out of the bed. Um it would probably be about a six when I wake up. Now

when I wake up I'd say it's about probably anywhere between a 4 and a 5, so

it's significantly lowered, and of course it always depends on the day. But usually

my daily pain level will stay anywheres between a five and a six, and if I'm

having really bad pain that day, or I did too much, then usually in the evenings I

will have a seven. So it's really only on the very bad days where I will wake up

and be in a seven or eight pain, throughout the entire day, so those days

are significantly lowered - which is fantastic! But even with the pain relief

from the Lidocaine, it is still quite difficult for me to do anything physical.

I still very much struggle to clean and do chores, because as soon as I start to

do anything that is too physical I will put myself in a lot of pain, and I really

don't like being in pain, if I can control my pain enough that it's

tolerable then that's perfect, but if I end up putting myself in too much pain

especially later in the day, it's very hard for me to sleep at night. So I'm

usually in the least amount of pain when I wake up in the morning, and usually in the most

pain come evening and night, which isn't really great for sleep. Um, even still with

the Lidocaine I really struggle to get asleep because of my pain, my pain is

always worse at night and that really hasn't changed with the Lidocaine. Most

nights I still have to take a Toradol before I go to sleep, I have to put

creams all over my body to help the pain, and it's still very difficult for me to

get comfortable in bed, and to kind of try to sleep because my body kept me in

a lot of pain. I also find that I am getting a lot more migraines now, I don't

know if this is because of the Lidocaine, or I'm just more susceptible to migraines,

um, I do believe migraines can be hereditary -

my mother she suffers with daily Chronic Migraines, and probably almost every

single day for the past month or two I've had a migraine to some degree at

some point in the day, like it'll either come in the morning, or come at night and

then it'll leave or come back the next day. it's very, very low but it's still

there. Now that my pain has become a lot more manageable and tolerable some of my

other symptoms have been giving me some problems. I find with lowered pain

levels it really amps up my other symptoms which were more suppressed

because I was in so much pain, but now that I'm in a lower state of

pain I find that I have a lot more fatigue, and I have a lot more weakness,

and I get exhausted very easily. So because of this I still can't really do

too much physical things with the pain - I'm fatigued, I'm weak. I spend

a lot of time on my computer editing videos, and writing scripts and then

still I really struggle with fatigue, it hits me

usually midday for me, so probably around anywhere from 3 o'clock 6 I'm very tired

and I could go and take a nap but I don't ever let myself take a nap during

the day, I'll lie down but I won't sleep. So usually with this fatigue I will stop

myself, take a break, and lay down, and then later on in the night when I want

to get more work done I usually have to push through the pain

in order to get work done. When I go shopping I still use a wheelchair. I

don't always use a wheelchair especially if it's just a short walk in the stores,

usually depends on the day, and how much pain I am in, but when I do go anywhere

- like a wildlife park, or like the air show - I had a vlog on that - I always

have to use a wheelchair for those because I still can't walk those big

distances. And if I do go to the stores and I don't use a wheelchair walking

does put me in a significant amount of pain, and it really depletes my energy. So

the Lidocaine really hasn't improved my mobility much. I really hoped that the

Lidocaine would have improved my mobility enough for me to be able to do

some more chores around the house, and more cleaning, some more physical things -

but sadly for me it really hasn't helped with that, it's just my pain levels are

lower but as soon as I do anything they spike. And like I said the Lidocaine for me,

um, it's not a miracle drug - it's not you get it, and then the next day you're in

no pain. I'm still in pain every day. And I do go through a lot of nausea just to

get the IV, but I think having my pain levels lowered to the point where I'm

better able to manage my pain, control it, and tolerate it, then I think going

through an hour and a half of severe nausea is kind of worth it in the long

run. I am quite happy that I'm not struggling with pain every day the way

that I had this time last year. I am still absolutely in pain but like I said

I'm no longer in a severe amount of pain, I'm no longer breaking down and crying

every week because I'm in so much pain, and I am no longer getting weekly

shots of toradol in my butt. Um, when the pain was very severe, and very bad I

would have to go and get shots of Toradol nearly every week because I couldn't

deal with the pain, so it's things like that that just you know, it improves your

quality of life. And certainly compared to last year in terms of pain, my quality

of life is much better than last, um while I'm still quite limited in what I

can and can't do, I'm not as restricted in what I can and can't do compared to

last year, and I don't feel like I'm being tortured every day which is pretty

good feeling. So I am going to be continuing doing the Lidocaine IVs for

as long as it stops working for me, which I really hope that it does not

stop working for me, because it does work quite well for me. So I hope you guys enjoyed this

video. I do want to make a video on how I manage my Chronic Pain, and what I do for

my Chronic Pain, so if you would want to see a video on that just let me know in

the comments below and I'll be sure to add it to my list a videos to make. Thank

you for watching this video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up, subscribe if

you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get

notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links will be in the

description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Lidocaine & Magnesium IV Update For Chronic Pain [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 13:06.


Adobe illustrator Bangla Tutorial Part 13 ।। What is Gradient - Duration: 7:49.

start now

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