Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 7 2017

Hoohohoho! Sonic!

You are... Dr. Eggman!


I am the world's greatest genius scientist, Dr. Eggman!

...Long time no see.

I've stayed quiet for a while, but I'll be getting busy again.

Are you planning to do evil things again?

This time, I won't let you get in my way!

Now kindly hand over your Chaos Emerald. Or else...

Or else, what?

Or else I'll snatch it from you by force!

Hoohohoho! Sonic!

You are... Dr. Eggman!


I am the world's greatest genius scientist, Dr. Eggman!

...Long time no see.

I've stayed quiet for a while, but I'll be getting busy again.

Are you planning to do evil things again?

This time, I won't let you get in my way!

Now kindly hand over your Chaos Emerald. Or else...

Or else, what?

Or else I'll snatch it from you by force!



Whoa! Oh man, you're gonna crash!


Ah, I guess I have no choice!

In any case, it sure has been a long time!

Yeah, maybe.

More importantly... what happened?

It's not like you to crash a plane like that.

I was testing the new model. I guess the transmission system's strength was weak

If you need a plane, there's the Tornado I entrusted you with, right?

Hehe, this time I'm thinking of something even more amazing!

I've got this right... here!

Whoa! A Chaos Emerald!

Yup! I obtained one of the seven.

A mysterious gem that produces infinite power...

I think that I can use it as a power source.

Oh right, let's go to my workshop! It's got something I want to show.

It's in the Mystic Ruins. You can get there in no time by train from the station!

Take the train to the Mystic Ruins!

For more infomation >> Sonic Adventure DX Night and Evening Settings Mod (Click CC For English Translation) - Duration: 4:08.


Book Shaming | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 6:16.

Yoday I'm going to be discussing the topic of book shaming and I first heard

about this idea or concept on the Book Jawn podcast. One episode that they had

when they first started their podcast was about book shaming and this concept

is pretty self-explanatory. It's when a reader gets shamed or made fun of for

reading a book, typically YA or genre novels like sometimes sci-fi and fantasy.

So they were discussing that and that really hit home with me because that's

something that I experienced a bit in college which I will talk about some

more and I had planned to make a video about this pretty much since I began my

channel but it never felt like the right time like I didn't feel like I had a

full or complete thought until recently when I was in a conversation that was also

around this topic and now I feel like I have more of a full story to tell and so

I would like to share my experiences with book shaming with you and also hear

yours in a comment. And if you have seen any of those articles where people are

making fun of adults for reading young adult novels like Harry Potter or The

Hunger Games novels, John Green books, anything like that you've definitely

read about book shaming in that form and that's something that really irritates

me. I don't like anyone looking down upon reading. Reading is beneficial. We learn

things from reading whether that book is marketed for our age group or our gender

or whatever. And just because something is narrated by a young person or centers

around young people does not mean that story's only for teenagers or children.

We have all read and enjoyed books outside of our age group. We've all maybe

read a book focusing on a senior citizen or someone older than us and that's

never frowned upon when we're young because we're learning about other

people's experiences or other fictional people's experiences but when it's an

older person reading a younger person's perspective for some reason that seems

juvenile when a lot of those books have really really heavy themes like for an

example the Harry Potter novels center around a lot of death and um and

friendship and love and bravery and so many powerful themes and same would go

for the Hunger Games. There's a lot about war and trauma and I don't know how you

could look down on somebody for taking in a story and reading about experiences

different from their own. Now I'm gonna go into some of my personal experiences

and conversations around this topic. So for my senior year of college I had to

write an honours thesis and this had to be I think 30 to 40 pages. For something

that long I wanted it to be on a book that I was passionate about, that I felt

strongly about and that I loved delving into and reading about. Obviously the

answer to that was Harry Potter something I've been passionate about and

something that I had actually studied previously in my college experience. In

my freshman honors seminar a really big part of that course was Harry Potter and

those two professors actually run the Harry Potter academic conference which I

interviewed them in my most recent how do you fan which I will link up here, down

there, everywhere. And they were a really big influence on me I'm starting a

chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance in my school and focusing on Harry Potter

in an academic way and so when I wanted to write my senior thesis on Harry

Potter my advisor was not convinced right away. So she was somebody who

focused on more serious literary fiction writers like Joyce or Virginia Woolf

people like that and so I think she thought Harry Potter was questionable.

I think her main issue was that there wouldn't be enough scholarly writing

around the series already but clearly that is not the case and there are so

many articles and books published about Harry Potter and there are more and more

every year. I found plenty of things to back up my thesis statement and I think

the only reason she let me move forward at all was because I did have a pretty

strong thesis and I had plenty of points from the books to illustrate that so I

think in the end I convinced her that Harry Potter was valuable in terms of

writing an academic paper and I wrote what I would consider to be a pretty

damn good forty page paper. Maybe I will put that on my Patreon or something so

that you can read it if you're interested. So what made me think of this

topic again recently was going to dinner with some of the people who presented at

this year's Harry Potter academic conference. I helped them out with social

media so I got invited to this dinner with the conference coordinators and a

few of the professors who had talks or read papers at the conference and during

this dinner the plenary speaker was talking about how she was at another

conference, a literature conference where she was speaking to another academic who

asked her what she had been writing on and when she said Harry Potter they kind

of snubbed her and didn't speak to her for the rest of

the conference and I thought that was horrible but it also brought back

memories of my former professor and so I told that story and everyone was kind of

sharing their experiences of Harry Potter being looked down upon as opposed

to more serious writers like Hemmingway, Joyce, whatever. But was interesting that

these people who literally had PhDs and tons of experience and so many published

things were still being snubbed and thought of as less serious than people

who focused on more adult fiction. I think there will come a time when

writings like Harry Potter or even like Tolkien or something like that will be

maybe taken more seriously because so many people are doing that work now to

continue writing about these works. There's no denying if these people

actually read these novels I think that they would see the value in them and

maybe admit their defeat but I'm not one hundred percent sure about that. So tell

me about a time when you have been book shamed if that has ever happened to you,

what you think will happen in the future in terms of this and tell me if if what

you've been book shamed for has been YA or maybe a different genre, maybe

romance novels or sci-fi, something like that. I'm definitely fascinated to

continue the conversation around this and just to stop book shaming altogether

if we can. Reading is good. I don't know how simple...I don't know how much more simply

I can put it. Reading is beneficial. Empathy is great.

Stories are powerful. I have nothing more to say. And don't forget to

subscribe if you are new to my channel and you like a nerdy content about books

obviously, TV shows, some lifestyle stuff, a lot of Harry Potter. Alright I'll see

you in my next video. Bye.

For more infomation >> Book Shaming | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 6:16.


ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Cutting Waba Fan Mad Mattr Kinetic Sand - Duration: 4:44.

ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Cutting Waba Fan Mad Mattr Kinetic Sand

ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Cutting Waba Fan Mad Mattr Kinetic Sand

For more infomation >> ASMR | Oddly Satisfying Video | Cutting Waba Fan Mad Mattr Kinetic Sand - Duration: 4:44.


Energy Update – Multiple Timeline Convergence - Duration: 3:23.

Energy Update � Multiple Timeline Convergence

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Multiple Timeline Convergence-Release/A Sweep up of �Debris� or the ECHOS of �Times


Feeling exhausted from being exhausted.

Double=Qaudruple exhaustion

Quadruple � as this is in double in Spirit and double in Soul=the Human!

(Previous post shared more about what �I mean� by our Spirit and Soul).

Either in the human waking life or in �dreams� or both.

Multiple timelines converged in a 24hours period recently very intensely for humanity.

How this will be then felt and experienced by each individual is �up to them�, as

to what they are needing to experience in this multiple timeline releasing that we recently

felt quite strongly.

As shared in previous post, some very twilight zone bizarre instances occurred that were


And then around midnight last night (AEST) was a release of a particular period in ones

life that was of major importance to their spiritual growth and life�s experiences,

that flowed and filtered and released out.

For myself, it was the 11yrs and 11months from start to end of my time I served in the


It was like watching (and feeling at the same time what came with these past experiences)

from when I joined, to what I experienced over these years to when I discharged.

I call this time as my �other life.

Flowing through, flicking scenes and situations, feeling into a lot of them again.

Feeling and releasing RESIDUAL old �echo� energies from those experiences.

Albeit, from a different energy �stance� or �view�.

Of one who has been clearing layers and layers of the old energies and experiences to bring

them where they are at right now.

It was like a sweep up of �debris� or ECHOS of these times past.

Remember, ascension is in stages and growth processes that we go through.

As shared here and now in these energy updates.

So for where you may be �at�, will be up to you and your soul and spirits growth,

remember this is a guide as to what is currently �happening� at the forefront of both Spirit

and Soul, which so many are also feeling.

This is just a deeper perspective of Spirit and Soul �analysis� through personal experience

as a Template, to bring through here and now in these words.

For you to resonate with of the Divine, of the Divine with YOU.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Multiple Timeline Convergence - Duration: 3:23.


GREAT PERFORMANCES | Official Trailer: In the Heights: Chasing Broadway Dreams | PBS - Duration: 0:29.

[Instrumental music]

NARRATOR: Great Performances takes us inside the Tony-winning smash,

In the Heights,

(In the Heights)

with its bright, new cast of Broadway dreamers.

(It won't be long now.)

(I'm so excited!)

(We're going to change the world.)

Hamilton creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, stars in his first triumph.

(What do you do when your dreams come true?)

On stage and off, (I'm home!)

see how they hit the heights (96,000)

with In the Heights on Great Performances.

For more infomation >> GREAT PERFORMANCES | Official Trailer: In the Heights: Chasing Broadway Dreams | PBS - Duration: 0:29.


5 Rifles of World War II - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> 5 Rifles of World War II - Duration: 8:56.


Bit Lucure Review | BitLucre Scam - Duration: 6:15.

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bit lucre bit lucre review, bit lucre reviews, bit lucre scam, bitlucre, bitlucre review, bitlucre reviews, bitlucre scam

For more infomation >> Bit Lucure Review | BitLucre Scam - Duration: 6:15.


Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Facade Remix) - Duration: 3:08.


For more infomation >> Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (Facade Remix) - Duration: 3:08.


Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:39:47.

Title: Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube)

For more infomation >> Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:39:47.


Email Marketing Best Practices | Draw Them In - Duration: 10:33.

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email marketing, email marketing tutorial, email marketing tips, email marketing best practices, email marketing course, email marketing campaign, email marketing tools

email marketing, email marketing tutorial, email marketing tips, email marketing best practices, email marketing course, email marketing campaign, email marketing tools

For more infomation >> Email Marketing Best Practices | Draw Them In - Duration: 10:33.


Supergirl 3x06 Promo "Midvale" (HD) Season 3 Episode 6 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

I remember thinking I would never feel like a runner.

You're not the only one with a secret.


Supergirl all new episode next Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x06 Promo "Midvale" (HD) Season 3 Episode 6 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Celine Tam - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You by Michael Bolton - Duration: 2:21.

I could hardly believe it

When I heard the news today

I had to come and get it straight from you

And how can I blame you

When I build my world around

The hope that one day we'd be so much

more than friends

And I don't wanna know the price I'm

gonna pay for dreaming

When even now it's more than I can take

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

Now that I've been lovin' you so long

How am I supposed to live without you

How am I supposed to carry on

When all that I've been livin' for is gone

And I don't wanna know the price I'm

gonna pay for dreaming

Now that your dream has come true

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

Now that I've been lovin' you so long

How am I supposed to live without you

How am I supposed to carry on

When all that I've been livin' for is gone

For more infomation >> Celine Tam - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You by Michael Bolton - Duration: 2:21.


kid cries after unlocking the rage spell in Clash Royale... - Duration: 7:43.

kid cries after unlocking the rage spell in Clash Royale...

Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today?

We are gonna be reacting to some legendary reactions

So I had my friend pick out a few clips he sent them on over my way

I have yet to watch them

So hopefully this video is entertaining now real quickly before we do get into things if you're new to my channel please remember to subscribe

and if you find this video entertaining

Please give the video a like down below so with that taken care of let's begin. Oh boy

Hopefully okay, so this right here is night owl. He's got this legendary jazz yeah, and remember

I have yet to see in any of these clips. I don't know what he's gonna get chest here, which

Heck yeah, dude hoped hoping for the best, so let's hope for the best right here right now

It appears he's going for the mega night. Let's see if he's gonna get it. Hopefully some sweet. Let's go. Let's go

Let's go. Let's go either gonna. Be really good or really bad

What do we got what do we got he's gonna get is gonna get yes. Okay? That's awesome. Okay. I didn't know oh

Man, I didn't open eyes

Awesome do this that means do have all the cards in

That's good. That was way easier than the mega night challenge way easier than the mega night challenge although


So my first impression on that clip is this guy looked really confused like just look at him one more time

When he realizes what he gets yes, okay?

That's awesome. Okay. I didn't know oh

Man moving on to the next clip this is what my friend we know

If I go

Super happy okay, so the kids also legendary. Let's see if he gets wanted

I'm pretty sure he's going to because my friends, but I'm hoping his reactions good

That's some bad, and I've got some arrows and got a bunch of God perfect commentary guys. I don't really usual enjoying but

And we got some mortars. Oh boys we got a skeleton

Armies we got is it we got a good


Oh, oh my god. Oh, oh oh I did not exceed

Is what I got right there guys, thanks for watching

I got wrong hand and even if I didn't guess that 12 when I still got a

legendary yeah

Okay, so my favorite thing about this clip is he starts off really depressed. He's like royal giant

And then I didn't know where he's like

Oh my god, oh, oh, and he's just freaking out, and then his voice cracks at the end. Thanks for watching

Oh, we got a face cam on this one. I don't know what kind of face cam

This is but it looks really funny, so let's see if his reaction is gonna be good here super magical chest

Could we play that sound back one more time

This kid was literally so happy he got a legendary card

He put his device down got up ran in a circle, and then he had a look at his device again

Just to make sure it was the right card so here. We go here. We go boys. Oh imagine a chest

What is he gonna get from here?

337 well pretty good

Tennis okay

twelve burglaries to

Goblets okay

1719 tonight's

for Volvo

Okay fine barbarians and arrange

Oh my gosh

that's what that's what that's what came out of there and look I can upgrade this I

Cannot brave my rage though. It's like he's happy. I am an arena three guys

I may need to stabilize myself in this arena wait. I was really hoping I'd get an X go out of that but

We have here. I don't get any yeah, that's it you got a rage spell and he freaked out

That's that's a it's not like a crazy card

It's just an epic card and the rage in general is pretty bad

But this clip reminds me of when I first unlocked the Tesla in clash Royale

So we're gonna hop into the time machine and go back to like my second ever clash royale video this was posted

Like a week after the game's release, so please do keep that in mind to start the video off

I do have a crown shut so we're just gonna open this just started away. Get some gold nothing too special

We get a few gems we get a Tesla which is brand new for me, so that's super awesome um

I'm not sure if I'll be using this, but I'll probably give it a shot in future videos or something like that reacts you didn't

See his reaction to the Ridgid fireball, and we have one more car - laughs - what can it be

All we get the hog rider

What I'm so sure those were the best cards. I've ever seen whoo my god hog rider Tesla

Oh, my I'm gonna be trying those out in future videos, but like I don't know what it was the card is not good

But for some reason I was super stoked to get a Tesla and a hog

But with that taken care of we're gonna move on to the final clip of the video

And hopefully this one is by far the most funny because so far

We've seen some good clips

but I

Really want to laugh at someone's reaction my man's got a super magical chest and his game sound is super loud

Ok his game sound is really loud, and I'm like going dead, but it's the same exact

I'm like you can't even hear him commentate like

He's talking in the background, but you just can't hear him cuz his game sound is so overpowering

Ok I'm crossing my fingers at this clip is gonna be the best one yet. Let's see

Two cards to go what what is he gonna get and is he even gonna be loud. I'm gonna shut up now

Okay, so then entire clip you couldn't hear them, then out of nowhere you hear, yeah

Okay nice reaction there buddy so guys. I think we're gonna be wrapping up this video if you enjoyed it

Please give it a like down below, but guys this has been eclipse and peace out

For more infomation >> kid cries after unlocking the rage spell in Clash Royale... - Duration: 7:43.


একবার করে দেখুন জীবন বদলে যাবে | motivational video in bangla | help poor pepole - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> একবার করে দেখুন জীবন বদলে যাবে | motivational video in bangla | help poor pepole - Duration: 5:24.


FL Studio Guru | FL Studio 12.5 Onward, Batch Rendering - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> FL Studio Guru | FL Studio 12.5 Onward, Batch Rendering - Duration: 5:01.


Night Time Hangs: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #9 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Night Time Hangs: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #9 - Duration: 6:25.


Reset A Windows Phone Easy Way - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Reset A Windows Phone Easy Way - Duration: 2:29.


MALICIOUS!!! - Dembow With Whatever | Espj - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> MALICIOUS!!! - Dembow With Whatever | Espj - Duration: 2:56.


Sexy Barbie Girl - Sunny Leone | Tera Intezaar | Arbaaz Khan | Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 0:30.

Sexy Barbie Girl - Sunny Leone

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For more infomation >> Sexy Barbie Girl - Sunny Leone | Tera Intezaar | Arbaaz Khan | Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 0:30.


Five Little Mickey Friends Jumping on the Bed! - Duration: 11:24.

[intro music]

>> Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

>> One little monkey jumping on the bed

>> One fell off and bumped his head

>> Mother called the doctor and the doctor said:

>> Put those monkeys back to bed!

[closing music]

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