Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

Love prohibition. We were forbidden to fall in love.


Our skirts had to be long.

At my high school, jobbing was strictly forbidden.

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat. There are some very strict school rules here in Japan

Guess what, this time we found some even stricter ones.

So let's go and Ask Japanese.

Did you go to a school with strict school rules?

In my middle school we had love prohibition.

We were forbidden to fall in love.


Are you serious? Is that legal?

Yeah but we did it all in secret.

That's exactly the age when you get your first crush!

What happens if the teachers catch you?

The teachers make the couple break up.

Are you flippin serious?!

You're kidding me right.

The TEACHERS do that?! - Yes they do.

They will call you to the teachers office, hear about the situation...

and then make the couple break up.


Did your school have strict rules like that?

Our socks definitely had to be white.


If you wear the wrong color, you have to take them off? - Yes.

If you have a rule like that, wouldn't you just wear pink to rebel?

Someone did exactly that!

That really happened!

Your ears would have been no good at our school.

We're not allowed to have our ears pierced.

Your eyebrows are thinned too. Not allowed.

Well I would never have passed your school test. My hair is dyed too.

That's forbidden too!

Your school wouldn't allow you to come.

Teachers would think you're taking the mickey.

I can't go to their school.

My school rules were very strict.

We weren't even allowed to have a job after school.

What's the reason for that?

It was a theological school. We were only allowed to focus on studies.

Jobbing was forbidden.

My school was actually very relaxed but jobbing was also forbidden.

- How were the clothes regulations? - A lot less strict than other schools.

What could you do at your school then?

We were allowed to pin our skirts up quite high.

Were you allowed to dye your hair?

Yes some girls did that.

Wow that's freedom there.

How about your school?

No hair dying at all.

We had a clothes regulation check once a month too.

The teachers also check your nails.

Together with the hair and eyebrows.

All was checked. You weren't allowed to tidy or shave your brows.


Even your eyebrows? - Shaving was forbidden.

What do they check about your nails?

How long they are and if you applied nail polish.

or if you buffed them up.

So if your nails have naturally grown a bit long...?

They will be cut.


Using a nail clip

The teacher does that? - Or hands it over

They tell you to clip the nails. On the next day you will be checked again.

How do they check your nails?

The teacher will stand in front. You show them your hand like this.

If you can see your nails perking out over your fingertips you're out.

Looking at that, I would be out.

If you see them, you loose.

That means your nails have to be SUPER short!


They also check the ears.

Whether you had them pierced or not.

- No earring, just having your ears pierced is forbidden? - Yes.

- Even in Highschool? - Yes forbidden.

- That's so strict. Were there girls with piercings?

Yes. - What did they do?

Then the teachers would check if they haven't added and piercings.

Most of those rules only seem to apply for girls...?

The boys were checked too. Like the color of their socks and such.

Boys and girls were both checked for their nails and eyebrows.

Our skirts had to be quite long.

How long?

Underneath the knee.

That's quite long.

And your teachers checked that? - They did.

They will bring a ruler like this...

What? They measure it with a little ruler?

Everyday? - Not every day.

At the end of every semester the teacher will come to measure your skirt.

If ya clever you just pin them down for that occasion. - Yes.

Girls did that.

We were forbidden to dye our hair too. - What happened if you did?

The teachers would get angry and tell you to dye it black.

We are all from the same school. - Oh same rules for all of you.

I see. Any other rules?

Having your ear pierced was forbidden.

What happened if you did?

They would tell you to take it out.

They'd cut your earlobes.

That's a lie.

What if you had a piercing before joining that school?

You wouldn't allow to wear anything in it. All accessories are forbidden.

I would have such a problem. I have two piercings.

You're out. - I am out!

You're expelled from school! - Expelled!

We went to a girls only school.

How were they about makeup and nails?

Both forbidden

Nobody could wear makeup to school.

They also confiscated our mobile phones.

Even if you just had it on you?

And what about break time?


And for lunch break? - Not at all.

We also had the rule that you could only eat with people from your class.

Why? You couldn't have lunch with another class?

That was forbidden too.

We had to put our tables together and all eat together as class.

Even eating with kids in the class next door was forbidden?

We were forbidden from entering the class next to our classroom.

Why? What is that good for?

I can't understand the reasoning behind that.

That was quite strict, yeah.

We couldn't enter other classrooms.

I think our school is one of the more strict schools in Japan.

We were forbidden to enter yeah.

They checked our clothes.

We weren't allowed to hitch up our school uniform skirts.

- Did you do it anyways. - Yeah I did.

When you did, did the teachers call you out on it?

Yeah. There was a thing called educational guidance

there the teachers would scold you. You then had to write an essay as apology.

Wow that's just strict.

If you broke the rules you got a little ticket in my school.

If you got two a week, you had to kneel for an hour.

So not a ticket to go somewhere fun like Disney, rather a bad ticket.

Did that happen to you? - No it didn't.

Have you gotten one before? - Yes I have.

With one you would have panicking right?

The hair.

They would check our color. With the girls they were strict about their skirts.

So boys couldn't dye the hair at all? - Yes.

What if you just make it a little bit brown? - People would see that.

What would happen if it came out?

First they would tell you to dye your hair back to black.

And if you didn't do that?

If they didn't... that's something nobody ever tried.

So they all did that then.

These days teachers get a lot of complaints from parents...

I think things have changed and the rules are not so strict anymore.

At highschool taking a job was forbidden.


But if we worked we would not get them.

What if you took a job anyways and it came out?

You would get expelled from school or...



The length of our skirts were checked.

Had to be longer than our knees.

How did the teachers check?

Once your knee was visible you were OUT.

What happens if you're out?

They would call you out on it like "skirt"

Instead of "You're out" they would shout "Skirt"? - Yes.

"Hey you there, roll down your skirt."

We would roll it up to make it shorter, and then roll it down for these tests.

Roll it down, and once its over, roll it up again.

So once the teacher goes, the skirt comes back up again.

They would also check our eyes. If we have colored contacts or eye crease glue.

How do you check someone's pupils for lenses?

They would come really close.

The teachers would do that?

Wow that's embarrassing.

One by one, ears, hair, skirt and fringe

Your fringe was not allowed to be longer than your brows, right?

Your eyebrows had to be visible.

Why so? - It had to be short.

Because it might get into your eyes.

So you can't study?

Because it might be distracting.

Man how detailed.

How strict.

In this case...

So my fringe would be... - Not allowed.

Well please give me the same check your teachers did then.

First, your hair is not allowed. - No!

Your fringe length is not allowed.

Your colored contact lenses. - I think those are not lenses.

That's my real eye color. - Wow pretty.

Next your makeup would be forbidden...

Your ears are pierced, that's so super forbidden

The length of your skirt is ok though.

The teachers would tell me off real bad.

They were strict on the hairstyles.

You weren't allowed sideburns.

What do you mean?

Shaving the sides of your head was forbidden.

But you were allowed to style your hair? - Yeah that was ok.

But dying was not.

Hey he said he's from Okinawa!

Okinawa is really hot, so what were your rules on summer and winter uniforms?

In Okinawa we have hot days all through the year.

We change our summer uniform to winter in November.

Is there a date when that has to change?

Yes there is.

In the middle of November.

What do you do if its cold before that?

What if September was already really cold? Might not happen but...

You could just wear a jumper from home on top.

So that's ok then.

It's actually not allowed, so you have to try and hide it.

So your own jumper etc is not allowed?

Not allowed. You can't wear that at school.

Those were our questions. Thank you.

So the strictest school rules here in Japan...

Most of them start with the visual. You really have to wear a school uniform

and it's not just the uniform, also your whole appearance

How long you fringe is, how your eyebrows look, if you ears are pierced,

if your hair is dyed, if you are wearing colored contacts.

Everything is getting checked, even the length of your nails

And I would have failed that test SO MANY times.

With EVERYTHING as you have seen.

What a friend of mine told me, she was also in a school

where it wasn't allowed for the people to date each other

and that was Highschool.

What happened is, her friend was going out with a boy

in her class, the teachers found out...

They called the parents and the girl, but only the girl...

and the parents of the girl...

and the girl.

to the teachers office and they told the girl

that she is distracting the boy from studying.

and that's why she should break up with him...

That is a very strict school.

Any strict school rules in your country?

Let me know in the box below and...

We've done this video with other people.

If you are curious about other school rules,

we put the link in the playlist. So you can find out about more school rules

here in Japan. I hope you enjoyed this video.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Don't forget to subscribe.

Catch you soon for another video on ask Japanese.



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Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Wind the bobbin up,

Wind the bobbin up,

Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap,

Point to the ceiling

Point to the floor

Point to the window

Point to the door

Clap your hands together - 1, 2, 3,

Put your hands down on your knees.

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