Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 8 2017

Deconstructing The Psychology Of Reincarnation

Critical Thinking and Paradigm Development in the Mystical Philosophy of Reincarnation



Reincarnation is one of the most interesting and significant discoveries in the field of

spirituality, mystical systems and spiritual development.

It has been discussed in the knowledge database of virtually every religious system since

the dawn of time.

Upon its broad shoulders rests many concepts and constructs in the spiritual disciplines.

It is fundamental, crucial and revelatory.

The soul and its vehicle are locked in opposite domains, yet living in the same wavespace.

The paths of the soul ever beckon to the higher realms.

As if in counterpoise, the paths of its vehicle, the body, always remain in fascination with

the matrix of spacetime.

The two sides are always in disagreement.

But they manage to have a conversation.

This conversation, this dialogue, this concord is a difficult one.

But it must occur if they are both to thrive in their native domains.

Having made temporary peace, they are free to pursue their respective aims.


The one who is born from the upper realms is an explorer of multidimensionality.

He or she or it (actually this form has no gender, but we will try to use conventional

terms for ease of comprehension) is a pure being, without assumptions, devoid of biases,

totally open to new experiences and possessed of the spirit of wonder always.

But, in order to explore the realms of multidimensionality, this pure being must acquire and maintain

vehicles of exploration.

There are several kinds of these vehicles, each suited to the plane or dimension or universe

of its current fascination.

Normally, the soul that journeys within its vehicle is not cut off from the Source.

Meaning, he maintains and enjoys actual contact with the higher realms, especially with its

realms of spiritual home.

There is a saying: �Home is where the Heart is.� And indeed, it is also true in this


In fact, the monad, that is locked within the temporary prison of its vehicles, has

made a massive sacrifice just by encasing itself in various case sheaths, as it were,

in its efforts to sample and explore the various multidimensional realms.

At some point, the soul will be extremely interested in the sensual delights and other

pleasures of the realm that he is exploring.

This is normal, as long as he is always connected to his base, his Source, his Home.

The basic tenet of reincarnation as soul pilgrimage in its ultimate manifestation has been a concept

that has been explored by a variety of spiritual masters and mystical thinkers throughout world

history, most notably by Lord Plotinus himself (Clark, 2016).

One of the greatest mystics of all time, Lord Plotinus discoursed about the verities of

the soul world, and his spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings have been immortalized

by his eminent disciple, Porphyry.

The essence of Spirit encases itself in various case sheaths, or vehicles of exploration in

order to make contact with the sensual apparatus of the realm it is exploring.

On the other side of the fence, the beings currently navigating that particular realm

or dimension are also possessed of certain distinct sensual and perceptual systems which

help them navigate the parameters of the realm they are currently exploring.

But what if, by some mechanism, whether intentional or accidental, the monad or the soul is suddenly

cut off from the Source, from his spiritual Home, and from the memory of his origins?

Then a very interesting existential dilemma arises!

We shall go back to this subtopic later.

Meanwhile, the vehicles of the monad or soul are its primary expressions in the realms

of exploration.

These vehicles are chosen for a purpose.

They serve the goals of the Soul Curriculum which the monad follows as a guide in its

mystical adventures.

The soul curriculum of every soul defines the roadmap of its journey.

In the realms of the material universe, the vehicles achieve an unusual power that is

characteristic of templates which are operating in their own elemental fields.

We recognize that the physical vehicles are children of the material universe.

Thus, while souls or monads are exploring in the material universe, their physical vehicles

are apt to attain a position of great importance.

Again, the normal attitude of the soul is to recognize that physical vehicles are simply

tools for the navigation, learning and pleasure of the exploring monad.

This equanimity is at its highest in the safety and security of the existential contours of

the Deep Self or Higher Self, which represents the core of every reincarnating being.

There arises a situation however, when the reincarnating aspects of the Deep Self, which

I call the Fractal Selves or fractal souls, are cut off from their Source.

This situation gives rise to what mystics now call the �Existential Loop Dilemmas.�

The reincarnating aspect, separated from the Source and its Deep Self Core, and phase-locked

in the planes of matter, or whatever plane that has caught it as prisoner, may come to

think that his current manifestation is already the most authentic one.

The only real one.

When in fact it is only a fa�ade, a mask, a vehicle of exploration.

This propensity to exalt the fractal over the Deep Self or Higher Self may also be magnified

by any devious system, born of negative polarity, which attempts to maintain such a state of

ignorance for its own egocentric ends and agendas.

If this is a state where you find your fractal self involved in, then you are required by

the forces of destiny and serendipity, to muster all the resources at your disposal

to overcome the boundaries of ignorance and attain the ascended state.

To seekers from the planet Earth, we now usually call this the �wisdom quest.� The wisdom

quest is the attempt of the fractal soul to realize its own true mystical nature, liberate

itself from the bondage of ignorance and willingly and cheerfully choose to graduate from its

present state.

This is no easy task.

The following table characterizes the differences of acquiring a reincarnation viewpoint, comparing

the orthodox human perspective with the perspective of advanced spiritual Seekers who possess

a reincarnation perspective:



There are many, many roadblocks to Ascension or soul graduation.

The acquired tendencies of the soul may be impediments or barriers.

Negative attitudes are definitely impediments, but also are �actuations arising out of

habit.� Failure to educate yourself in any way possible is a roadblock, too.

Thus, it is incumbent upon every soul to pursue knowledge for its own sake, as well as knowledge

for practical purposes.

You never know when that bit of knowledge shall help you.

Learn, learn, learn.

Institutional systems, when implemented by an invading race out of selfish intentions,

may be barriers to mystical development also.

And to this morass we can also add culture.

Culture is definitely a product of the evolutionary successes of a race, but it also possesses

challenging variables which may pose as impediments to Ascension itself.

Thus, Ascension is a very, very subtle enterprise.

It is the most challenging task in any incarnation!

Like any story or narrative, the spiral of reincarnation has its own theme, structure,

flavor, timing, color, vibration, story line, beginning, middle and climax.

Though the outline of the reincarnation process is defined by the soul curriculum chosen during

cosmic birth; the variables, specifics and dynamics of that process itself is colored

by the specific requirements of the Higher Self or Deep Self.

In this, as in many areas of Cosmic Life, free will and the liberty of choice are essential


The Deep Self is free to choose what narratives it wants to explore, using his own particular

paradigms of learning, in its own contexts, using its own timing and rhythm, and occurring

in environments of his own choice.

No one can interfere with this Cosmic Law.

The Higher Self has complete control of its incarnational perspectives, including the

nativity and culmination of those fractal selves.

The Deep Self and its incarnational streams are all existing in their own incarnational


They are inviolate and given the ultimate freedom to decide their own narrative cycles

and progressions.

In an earlier manuscript, this author has created and conveyed a particular way of underscoring

the importance of the freedom of the soul to pursue its cosmic curriculum, expressed

in its right to explore its incarnational and navigational perspectives.

This document has come to be known as the Spiritual Declaration of Human Independence

(Rimban, 2014).


By Sensei Erwin L. Rimban

Conceived and written September 13, 2014, The Philippine Islands

I am a human.

I am a citizen of the Multiverse.

I am a disciple of the symmetry of Ultimate Reality.

Consequently, I have the rights and privileges of a being and citizen of the manifolds of

the Cosmos, fully recognizing the diversity and multiplicity of the Multiverse, and its

capacity to express and evolve all forms of Life.

I am a human.

I have the right to Life and Meaningful Existence.

In all my cosmic explorations, I have the right to protect the identity and security

of my being, fully recognizing the rights of other cosmic beings to the same.

In addition, I have the right to celebrate, modify and evolve my own cosmic identity,

cognizant of the dynamics of change, and respect the rights of others to the same.

I am a human.

I have the right to Truth, and Knowledge, and Wisdom.

I have the right to access, contemplate, celebrate, articulate and disseminate Truth in all its

forms, without endangering the harmony of the Cosmos in the pursuit of Truth.

I respect the rights of all other cosmic beings to Truth and the celebration of Truth in the

community of cosmic beings.

I am a human.

I have the right to free expression.

I have the right to express myself aesthetically and experientially in all the forms of Art.

I have the right to pursue, celebrate, present and modify my Art in all forms possible, as

long as it does not injure a cosmic being, or cause injury to humanity or the community

of cosmic beings in any way.

Whenever my Art causes discord in the harmony of the Cosmos or purports to cause injury

to any being or system of beings, I am willing to enter dialogue to modify such Art and rectify

its mistake, in order to preserve and facilitate the harmony of the community of cosmic beings.

I uphold the harmony of the whole, and the evolution of the Totality over the desires

of a singularity.

I am a human.

I have the right to go Home.

In all my cosmic adventures, I have the right to inquire and quest for my true home, the

nativity and origin of my being.

In all cases where home is situated in higher realms or dimensions, I have the right to

pursue Ascension in all its forms.

Whenever such desire and quest occurs, the systems and communities of beings in the cosmos

must respect this right and provide meaningful assistance, or refrain from constructing any

impediments, as well as allow me the right to go home peacefully, cheerfully, and cordially.

I have the right to extricate myself from impediments to the wisdom quest, as well as

all other systems born of polaric duality which prevents my ascension and return to

higher realms.

I am a human.

I have the right to experience all the facets of Ultimate Reality in all the realms, planes

and dimensions of the Cosmos.

Let no system of thought, or set of beings ensnare, or deceive, or enslave me in my peaceful


Whenever such dichotomies of deception occur, may I exercise my right to resolve my harmony,

integrity and freedom within the concord of cosmic harmony.

Let my thoughts dwell on unity encompassing diversity, fully realizing the rights of other

communities of beings to experience Ultimate Reality in their own ways, modes and styles,

and frames of reference.

I am a human.

And I am free.

Free to travel the manifold dimensions of the Cosmos.

Let us all respect the rights of every being to cheerfully experience Life in all its forms,

acquire Wisdom and return Home.

I am a human.

I am free.

I am Love.

And I am recursive!

A human soul is an explorer par excellence.

In order to elicit maximum learning from its incarnational lives, the Deep Self is invited

by the Cosmos to sample and experience as many varied lives as much as possible.

The dance of the energies represented by the Houses of the Zodiac is only a guide to the

variety, multiplicity and diversity of lives that a fractal soul can assume.

At the same time, the natal astrology chart is a map that gives an insight into the range

of possible lives and incarnational streams that a cosmic being can assume.

An array of archetypes can dazzle the imagination.

Child, warrior, lover, scribe, mother, father, sage, king, queen, mystic, genius and the


These archetypes are the templates of assumption, characteristic of the infinite dances that

a soul can assume.

These and many more archetypes are you!

You are them, in your thousands of lifetimes!

You have loved before, been betrayed before, died before, a thousand times a thousand!

You have been born a king, entrenched in the pedestal of power.

You have been born a beggar, experiencing the extreme poverty that life can offer.

You have been born a queen, a shamaness, a priestess, a lover, etc.

You cannot graduate without experiencing the male as well as the female perspectives of

the universe.

All of us are both male and female, as well as beyond male and female.


The adventures into various realms of exploration always have incipient points as well as culmination


It is customary to understand this process using the lens of the sequential mind.

This gives rise to the phenomenon we now call as Sequential Reincarnation.

The road map of sequential or linear reincarnation is very distinct and has given rise to prototypical

assumptions and explanations.

A soul chooses a life.

He enters the fields of Immanence (various realms of exploration) with certain goals

and objectives in mind.

He/she enters the material plane and lives that particular life (the fractal soul phase)

and then he exits it (death phase).

Sequential or linear reincarnation is the prototypical explanation offered by both the

classical Hindu and Buddhist spiritual systems.

However, this author belongs to a select group of mystical writers and thinkers who have

discovered and are advocating the contemplation of a radical form of reincarnation.

This is the concept of Nonlinear Reincarnation (Rimban, 2017).

Seminal ideas of this unique form of reincarnation have been offered in various writings, most

recently Nonlinear Thought in Metaphysics, Psychology and Education (Rimban, Journal

of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness, July 2017).

The idea for this form of reincarnation can be visualized by looking at a painting.

We look at a painting in a nonlinear way or holistic way.

We do not look at it in a sequential way.

In Nonlinear Reincarnation, the Higher Self, situated in the higher dimensions, pre-selects

a set of lives, to be explored by its fractal souls.

The Higher Self, immortal, hyper-intelligent and totally secure in its foundation in the

higher realms, can look at its set of lives holistically, guiding them with art, elegance,

wisdom, compassion and an intelligence that is beyond the understanding of beings in the

physical realm.

Dr. Eben Alexander, one of the foremost neurosurgeons in the world, who was able to journey into

the higher realms while being comatose for days, gives a startling revelation of the

power of nonlinear dynamics in his book, Proof of Heaven (Alexander, 2012).

This book is highly recommended as an initial starting point for those who want greater

understanding of the power of higher dimensions and alternate realities.

We can say that there are two ways of apprehending Ultimate Reality.

One is the sequential mind pattern and methodology and the other is the nonlinear mind pattern

and methodology.

The predictive powers of the sequential mind, in its own context, are awesome, for it seeks

to create, cultivate and propagate alphabets of understanding, which it uses to navigate

from the known to the unknown.

These alphabets are all the languages, from the linguistic forms to the mathematical worlds,

to the computer languages and thence into all the symbolic forms.

These languages are powerful in their own right, for they give rise to a certain kind

of internal logic that arises out of their syntax and coding.

Like a game of chess or the set of equations in geometry, these languages persist for they

can define protocols in their own worldspheres.

Remember that all forms are fractals of the Cosmos, and therefore partake of its power.

In this sense, sequential constructs have an abundance of order.


Because that is the part of the cosmos that they express.

The problem, however, occurs when the sequential mind attempts to translate these languages

and interpret the Cosmos as a whole.

Here the map fails.

And it fails miserably!

The Cosmos is too awesome to be interpreted by any kind of mental map, however profound

that map is.

A map is still a map.

Thus, there are limits to what a map can understand.

On the other hand, the nonlinear processing aspect of Ultimate Reality apprehends multidimensional

realms simultaneously.

It is like looking at an art form, or listening to a piece of music, or watching a dance performance.

The whole is assimilated completely, not part by part like the one in sequential thought.

The learning style is holistic, and the learner assimilates a large amount of data.

In the same way, by configuring his fractal souls as nonlinear processors, the Higher

Self is able to assimilate a very large amount of data.

He assimilates a large amount of data simultaneously, all coming from the many lives that he has,

which are happening all at once!

This is an awesome discovery and could revolutionize world thought.

Nonlinear reincarnation can also explain the fact that most humans do not have memories

of past lives.

This is because human souls reincarnating in the nonlinear manner do not have past lives.

What they have are parallel or nonlinear lives!

The experiences of the fractal souls of a being undergoing nonlinear reincarnation yield

an incredible amount of data, processed at an astoundingly prodigious rate.

The Higher Self with nonlinear fractal lives is a learner par excellence.

Thus, this author would like to encourage esoteric, spiritual, mystical and metaphysical

seekers of all kinds to discover, research, study and learn more about the possibilities

and permutations of nonlinear reincarnation.

It is an idea whose time has come.

It may bring to light many of the darker aspects of consciousness that humanity has failed

to process since the dawn of time.

It may bring to light many of our universal questions and provide definitive answers to

many of our hypothetical dilemmas.

The following table presents, compares and contrasts the two different models of reincarnation:



From the point of view of reincarnation, the culmination of a narrative brings with it

all the connotations and associated meanings that are unique to such a transpersonal phenomenon.

Again as learners of the phenomenal universe, it is incumbent upon us to contemplate the

possibilities of such an event with the utmost care.

Now is the time to harness all our spiritual and mystical resources.

Now is the time to bring forth all the wisdom that we have acquired through eons of reincarnation.

Now is the time to unite, brothers and sisters.

For it is extremely imperative for all of us human souls to inquire and quest whether

we are now in the stage of culmination.

Ascension, the culmination of our quest eons ago, is our birthright.

Always has been, always will be.

Reincarnation is a gift, a very powerful gift of the Cosmos.

It allows spiritual beings from various dimensions of the Cosmos to discover the manifold realities

of Life in all its plethora of permutations.

It is the fulcrum of soul pilgrimage.

As cosmic learners, let us learn to use it to our optimum advantage.

As a concluding exercise, let us contemplate this beautiful poem of Dante Gabriel Rossetti,

which highlights the infinite beauty and mystical elegance of reincarnation:

Sudden Light, Dante Gabriel Rossetti

I have been here before,

But when or how I cannot tell:

I know the grass beyond the door,

The sweet keen smell,

The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.

You have been mine before,�

How long ago I may not know:

But just when at that swallow�s soar

Your neck turn�d so,

Some veil did fall,�I knew it all of yore.

Has this been thus before?

And shall not thus time�s eddying flight

Still with our lives our love restore

In death�s despite,

And day and night yield one delight once more?


For more infomation >> Deconstructing The Psychology Of Reincarnation - Duration: 23:26.


IT TAKES 2 TO TANGO - Fight Of The Living Dead S2 (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:10.

Announcer: Previously on

"Fight Of The Living Dead: Paradise Calls"...

( screaming )

Oh, my God, I got destroyed.

Subjects risked death

to begin the SkyPole repair process.

This is it.

Power has been restored.


The team suffered its first casualty.

( screaming )

( zombie munching )

Later, subjects defied ConOp directive,

discovering Branch 4 sympathizers

in the badlands.

( music playing )

( zombies groaning )

Miles: We had a very early--

or late/early morning,

last-- yesterday-- today.

And now we are up and back at it again.

I don't know if y'all can tell.

They don't give us no razors, you know,

so if someone, like me,

has a beard...

P.A.: While ConOp is aware

that SkyPole restoration is priority,

satellite communication issues

have prevented relay

of next steps from ConOp Central.

Thank you for your cooperation.

And please continue to hold.

ConOp is just playing games right now.

They're not being responsive.

We're trying to go on to the next mission,

but they're, like, busy doing something else.

I have no idea.

This is fun.

I am so high energy,

and I just wanna go, go, go, go, go.

And we're sitting there,

and, like, you know someone's about to die,

so you're basically just, like, waiting to die.

What happen to Goldilocks, guys?

Man: She left.

That's what I'm saying. I don't trust that bitch.

Wengie: So we wake up, Goldilocks is gone.

I kind of felt safe around her,

so I'm kind of worried.

Hopefully she comes back.

( alarm blaring )

P.A.: Attention. Attention.

Howler on the loose on the premises.

- Howler on the loose. - Repeat.

Howler on the loose on the premises.

Oh, gang, gang, I'm ready. Let's go.

Man: Oh, shit.

( growling )

( growling )

Guard: I need backup!

Karina: That howler looks

exactly like the one that took down De'arra.

There is no way I'm going out there.

- ( man screaming ) - ( zombie munching )

( man screams )

We are in ( bleep ) danger, girl.

Ken: The guard got killed,

and we did not know what to do.

- No. - Yeah.


Hannah: I feel like the zombies

are out to get everybody.

They're making me so nervous.

( over radio ) Hey, humans, it's DJ.

Man: Listen. DJ.

That guard was killed by a howler,

ConOps most dangerous and violent necrotic bioform.

You guys have to get the guard's air horn

because it's a great tool to use against them.

- Jake: Um... - Juanpa: Should be on his waist.

- The howler is there still. - That's what I'm saying.

Somebody's gonna need to distract him.

( zombie grunting )

This is called a sketchy mission.

I think we need the horn.

Someone needs to go like, "Hey! Hey! Hey!

No, I'll distract him. I got a feel for this.

Yeah, someone needs to go out there and make noise

so that way the zombie gets away from him.

- Is it me and you, bro? - I guess.

- ( voice distorted on radio ) - I'm ready.

- I've been ready. - Always ready.

Jake and I were just ready to go.

We were, like, fired up for every mission.

It's game time.

Good energy.

I'll get his attention.

And I'll just shield him.

I trust Jake

more than anyone in the house that I'm with here now,

so anything him and I are thinking of,

we always bring to each other.

Do you want me to go on the stage?

- And then I'm gonna go on the... - Should I go first?

And we tend to get the job done.

Who's getting the horn?

I'll get the horn.

-This is so sketch. -It is sketch, bro.

( knocking reverberates )

( growls )

- Yeah, look, he's getting up. - Howler is moving.

Come on, you wanna.

I got some food, bro.

( growling )

You hungry?

Wanna eat?

Miles: You can just go in there and grab it.

You gotta be careful for that guard, though.


Come on, come on, come on. He's coming back.

- Yeah, he's coming round the side. - Come back. You're good.

You're good.

Come on, come on. Come on.

He's coming.

Get the door ready. Get the door ready.

Woman: They're right here. They're right here.

Come, come, coming. Open it, open it.


Nice job, guys.

We weren't scared of no zombie up in our face.

- We just shoot zombies all day. - That's right.

Woman: Come back here, guys?

Just have to bug back, man.

( air horn blows )

- ( zombies growling ) - Goddamn, that's ( bleep ) loud.

So DJ told us the horn

is supposed to, like, knock the howler on its ass.

And it did.

I feel like Branch 4 has our back

way more than ConOp.

- Woman: Me, too. - Everything, everywhere.

Soaking wet. I was like, "What the ( bleep )?"

The desert heat is crazy here.

It's definitely more comfortable at night.

Feels like Ohio, bro,

like a muggy summer day.

Miles: It's ( bleep ) hot.

Hot as shit.

I had to wash my body

with Wet Wipes today.

Karina: So at this point we're following Branch 4's requests.

ConOp is kind of out of the picture right now,

and I'm thinking, ConOp is watching everything we're doing.

They're gonna know what's going down.

So I don't know where this is headed,

but it's not good.

P.A.: Attention, subjects.

ConOp would like to reward your patience

and continued compliance

with a delicious gesture of good will.

Please select a team

to retrieve the blue cooler

from the oasis.

Be advised

that many taskers remain offline.

In case of emergency,

remember the phrase, "It takes two to tango."

From all of us at ConOp, thank you.

- Oasis, snacks. - It's your calling.

The weirdest mission yet.

They end it by saying, "It takes two to tango,

so we have to go get this food,

and there's these two taskers out there,

and they're dancing.

We have to go to the van over there.

- There's food. - It's getting lunch but distracting them.

No, I don't think so. We don't know what it is.

Anwar: Jake, he wanted to go out on every mission.

I'm like, "Yo, we need you.

Calm down. Let's think about it. Let's strategize this."

I feel like he just needed to be our savior all the time.

It just means they want two people out there.

So either go in twos or fours.

You four.

I'll go.

Damn. All right, Ken.

( zombies growling )

Man: Yo, this is so weird.

I don't see anything.

I don't see anything.

Now I'm starting to feel like it's getting a little serious.

We're fighting for food,

so it's getting a little competitive now.

Oh, there's the cooler right there.

Pick this up. Pick this up.

No. They're not following.

P.A.: Tasker order failure.

Compliance status dropping,

now at 75%.

Jake: So what didn't make sense to me

is that we turned on the power to get the taskers online

so they wouldn't attack us,

but then they kept on announcing

that the taskers were less and less online.

( zombies grunting )

I'm just looking at Jake dancing with the zombies.

He's, like, trying to conduct them.

It means two to tango. Two are tangoing.

Two are dancing.

Oh, it takes two to tango, man.

Come on. Just get it.

Just grab these things.

- Yo, yo, guys need some help? - Watch your back, watch your back.

Need some help? Need some help?

I was the one who found out what "two for tango" meant.

We had to dance with them to distract them

to get the food.

This is heavy. I need your help.

( zombies growling )

- We got it, we got it, we got it. - Get it, get it, get it.

- Yo, this is heavy. - Other side.

Come on, get it up.

- Go, go, go, go, go. - Go, go, go.

- Watch it. - Watch out. He's running. He's running.

- ( zombie growling ) - Run! Run!

Run, guys!

( growling )

Ken: Hey, me and you are gonna dance.

Let Tony grab it, all right?

Hey, Tony, there's one right there.

( zombie growling )

Watch out, Juanpa!

Woman: Jake, there's one.

( zombie growls )

Y'all are crazy!

Go! Go, go, go, go...

Go! Go!

Go, go, go, go, go...

Woman: Oh, my God.

We're missing Anthony and Jake and Ken,

and Anwar went out there.

Ken, Ken, Ken. Ken, Ken, Ken.

( woman squeal )

Uh, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake...

Here's Anthony. Anthony.

Here, open it.

Get out, get out, get out of the way, bro.

Get out of the way, bro.

- Jake: Everything was going right.

We were killing it.

And everything happened so fast.

And I'm like, "Oh, snap, where's Anwar?"

Woman: Anwar, Anwar. Anwar.

Open the door! Open the door!

Woman: Anwar, Anwar! Anwar!

( woman screaming )

( screaming )

Juanpa: Oh, my God, that was crazy.

I saw there was, like, the hands of the zombies

going like... ( makes whooshing sounds )

And I was, like, "Yo, Anwar's gonna die."

But, thank God, Hannah was there,

I was there,

and we were able to rescue him.

- Ooh-ah. - Anwar: I don't know what happened.

In my mind I'm thinking,

Oh, ( bleep ), we're not eating today,

but teamwork, baby.

We got that fridge in.

We have Red Bull, juice,


Guess what?

It was worth it.


P.A.: Attention, subjects.

ConOp apologizes

for the brief lapse in communication

while adjusting our security protocols

following the guard incident earlier today.

In order to help us get the SkyPole back online,

we need you to retrieve

the all-access bracelet

from the tasker control room.

Thank you.

We were given wrist bands

during the very beginning of this competition.

Turns out that they actually open doors

and unlock things,

and they are useful,

so the only pass we didn't have

was an all-access pass.

So what spot are we going to?

The Airstream.

What do we know about that spot?

We need a certain bracelet?

- Woman: Yeah, crew. - Juanpa: Who has crew?

Anthony, Anwar, and Wengie.

Wengie: So I was really scared.

Hopefully I'm gonna stay close to my team,

and they're gonna protect me.

Juanpa: All right, let's go.

You got this.

Trigger Rick, you got it!

Oh, mighty slick, I'm feelin' good!

Yo, squad. You ready?

( zombies groaning )

All right, yo.

I suggest you move a little bit faster. Over.

He needs to turn that shit back on.

Man: Watch out, Wengie.

Oh, shit, he's coming.

( zombie growling )

Okay, we're good. Relax.

There's someone in here with us.

Oh, shit.

How's he looking?

Here they come.

Anthony: General announcements, very vague.

Doesn't really go into detail what we're supposed to do.

Just gives us, go get the bracelet,

so it's difficult figuring that out.

Man: What are we looking for?

Wengie: Bracelet. All-access bracelet.

There's a zombie coming on the other side, but--

One zombie on the other side.

( growling )

Oh, my gosh, there's, like, nowhere to hide.

Where are we gonna go?

There are so many places

the zombies can just come out of,

so I was, like, literally so freaked out.

( growling )

( blows air horn )

( screams )

( blows air horn )

( screaming )

( zombie munching )

( screaming )

( screams )

- ( zombie growling ) - Go! Go! Go!


( screaming )

Go back, go back.

- ( woman yelps ) - Let's go.

Honestly, the craziest shit I've ever seen

in my entire life, hands down.

This guy just, like, jumped right through the window,

like a frog.

They said something about an access pass.

There was no access-- all-access pass,

and I just know they wanted to kill one of us.

( bleep )

Where's Anthony?

Oh, my ( bleep ) God.

Oh, my God! Anwar!

Woman: Come on, you guys are good?

Come in, come in, come in.

Anwar, where's Anthony?

They got Anthony.

No, no, no, they don't.

- Juanpa: He's dead? - Anthony's dead.

- He's dead? - Yeah.

So someone got inside.

Yeah, through the window.

- There was an-- in the frickin truck. - The back window.

There was a crazy one. I was blowing the horn.

He just went crazy. And we just had to exit.

Ken: It's already gotten real, bro.

My amigo got killed,

and, like, I'ma come back,

and I'ma get those zombies

for my boy Tony.

Whoo! I'ma kill some zombies.

That's my boy!

That was so scary.

I-I don't even know how I'm gonna handle the rest of tonight.

This is only the beginning of the night,

like I don't--

I-I-I don't know.

It's fine. It's fine. We're good. We're good.

Let's-- Let's just stay positive,

stay strong.

So ( bleep ).

Dang. Sucks.

He's been like the best on the defense part.

What are we supposed to do?

Are we gonna survive?

( zombie snorts, growling )

I say our goal for today

is no more deaths.

Yes, second that.

Let's all have each other's back. Take it slow.

Let's come together as a team

and get through this.

We got it, guys!

- Man: Yeah! - ♪ Everywhere we go ♪

♪ People wanna know ♪

♪ Who we are ♪

♪ So we tell them ♪

♪ We are... ♪

♪ YouTubers ♪

Come on, bring it up there.

Hoo, ha, let's go. Hoo!

( radio crackles )

( over radio ): Humans, it's DJ.

ConOp's been trying to track my location.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to contact you again.

Watch your backs. They can't be trusted.

- ( radio crackles ) - Yeah, I don't know how this is gonna play out.

Can't trust ConOp.

And who's DJ?

And why are there two zombies

living on the outskirts of this perimeter?

Why are they so scared of ConOp?

That's actually a good point.

I need, like, answers.

We are trapped

in between two different entities.

ConOp and Branch 4.

We don't really have any way of verifying

which one is for us

and which one is against us.


P.A.: Attention, subjects.

Please prepare for ConOp check-in

regarding today's incident.

Thank you.

Attention, guests.

We apologize for the experience

of the last incident.

Program manager has informed me

that it was a mistake.

It was not to happen.

We'd like three of you to come with us now

so we can download about the experience.



and Martin.

Karina, please follow this gentleman.

Karina: This is so sketchy.

So what do we do?

You wait.

Karina: Why are we all separating?

Why are we separating?

Martin: I don't know.

Karina: Why are my friends going together somewhere else?

I don't know what's going on. I'm split from my team.

I should make a run for it,

but he also has me, like, gripped by the hand,

so I can't do anything at this point.

What the ( bleep )?

- Miles: I'm like... - How are you?

...what's going on? What the hell?

Who is this, though?

Yo, this is why we can't trust ConOp.

What's your name?

Eric, it's nice to meet you.

When did you get here?

Like ten minutes ago.

So I get here. I notice a few zombies.

And then I get locked up into a cage.

Guard: Over here. Thank you.

Oh, what the ( bleep )?

This is not...

- Tasker, stay. - What is going on?


That's Tooz.

ConOp got Tooz, y'all. That's him.

This is getting really sketchy.

Okay, they definitely know what's going on.

Thank you.

Juanpa: Okay, Anwar has the walkie.

Ask him who this guy is.

( radio crackles )

( whispering ) Anwar.


Who is that guy to your left?

Is he a YouTuber?

Anwar: Yes, it's Eric.

Eric: 1.6.

- 1.6 million. - No, 2.6. Sorry.

Anwar: 2.6.

Jake: I was double-checking. Thought it was an imposter.

Why are you in a cage?

I have no idea. We're held prisoners

for some reason. I don't know.

ConOp are supposedly protecting us.

There are no signs that they're trying to help us.

I think they're up to something.

You know what, ConOp? ( bleep ) you.

Where is Karina?

She's not with us.

Do you guys talk at all?

- ( zombie grunts ) - Oh, my God.

What is that on her back? ( bleep )

This is so sketchy.


They just took Miles.

Yeah, they're interrogating Miles.

What's your name?

- Miles. - Miles.

- Mm-Hmm. - Hello, Miles.


I'm just going to ask you a few questions.

- Mm-hmm. - Answer them

as honestly as you can.

For sure.

Karina: Hello?


What do you know about Branch 4?

What's Branch 4?

Why is there a timer?

"Human to tasker."

Tasker-- wait, what?

I think you know where Goldi is.

On the next "Fight Of Living Dead"...

- What did they ask? - Whether or not you wanna join ConOp?

- Do you wanna join? - Thinking about it.

Jake! Get the key! Get the key! Close it!

It's not here.

( zombies groaning )

We need more people. I'm down.

- What happened? - They're running away.

We had to make them chase us.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Keep going. Keep going.

( zombie snarls )

We have to get Jake.

( zombie growls )

For more infomation >> IT TAKES 2 TO TANGO - Fight Of The Living Dead S2 (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:10.


iPhone X、AssistiveTouchの仕様 - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> iPhone X、AssistiveTouchの仕様 - Duration: 1:41.


Chand Mada Chadeya | Pahari Folk Song | Love Song | Meenu Palta | USP TV - Duration: 4:34.





Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya uppar tikkari

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya uppar tikkari

Kiyan kariye aavan goriye raje diye nokari

Kiyan kariye aavan goriye raje diye nokari

Kiyan milan auog meri janeyo

Ho bada gaibsos meri janeyo

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya uppar baave

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya uppar baave

Roaar pare kiyan aavan tavi thatha mare

Roaar pare kiyan aavan tavi thatha mare

Kiyan milan auog meri janeyo

Ho bada gaibsos meri janeyo

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya riyasiya

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya riyasiya

Nikka nikka taap channa mati ae duyasiya

Nikka nikka taap channa mati ae duyasiya

Kiyan milan auog meri janeyo

Ho bada gaibsos meri janeyo

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya rajoriya

Chann maada chadeya oo chadeya rajoriya

Bani jaya pakhru te mili jaya choriya

Bani jaya pakhru te mili jaya choriya

Kiyan milan auog meri janeyo

Bada gaibsos meri janeyo

Ho milna jaroor meri janeyo

Meri janeyo

Meri janeyo

For more infomation >> Chand Mada Chadeya | Pahari Folk Song | Love Song | Meenu Palta | USP TV - Duration: 4:34.


Learn Colors with Baby, Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes for Children with Kids Songs - Duration: 10:33.

[intro music]

>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?

>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

[closing music]

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