Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 9 2017

Suicide is a very serious thing.

You could know someone who is contemplating suicide and not even be aware of it.

Thats why todays im going to talk to you guys about some warning signs to look for.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know what is one quality that makes you a good friend.

I think mine would be that im a good listener.

Let me know yours down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you havnt already and like this video so

we can keep bringing you top 5 list.

One final thing before we start- if you notice someone is experiencing one of the points

im about to mention that doesn't mean they are definitely suicidal.

There isn't a checklist to follow and it can be hard to identify but these are some

warning signs.

Coming in at our umber 5 spot--talking about suicide- this is something to take seriously.

If someone you know is talking about hurting or killing themselves or they mention how

things would just be better if they were no longer here then this is something to pay

attention to.

This person may just be saying this to get attention- or they could be seriously contemplating


This person may feel trapped or hopeless and begin secluding themselves from friends and


Its important that if this is the case you don't leave that person alone and you try

to convince them to get help.

Even if they arnt comfortable talking with someone in person they can always reach out

to someone over the national suicide prevention lifeline.

In at number 4--if they are bipolar or depressed- again just because someone is bipolar or suffers

from depression that doesn't mean they are suicidal.

But it does increase their chances.

According to a medical director of the American Foundation for suicide prevention- depression

is the leading illness for suicide- so the deeper the depression gets or the longer it

goes on the more discouraged and hopeless the person will feel.

At number 3--Health problems- although teens are at a higher risk of committing suicide

its actually adults who are at the greatest risk.

Its been reported that adults between the ages of 45- 64 had the highest suicide rate

at 19.6 percent.

Followed closely by adults who are 85 and older who have a suicide rate of 19.4 percent.

The reason its so high when it comes to the elderly is because of chronic health conditions-

a loss of independence- problems with vision or hearing or the loss of a loved one.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Buying a gun- if you have a friend who all of a sudden gets

their hands on a gun yet they have no desire to go hunting then that's something you

should look out for.

This is actually one of the loudest and clearest warning signs.

Access to a firearm in the home actually significantly increases the risk of suicide by up to 10


Its been reported that 2 to 1 men contemplate suicide more often then women and its largely

because of the method they choose not because of the intent that they have.

Men tend to use firearms- while women tend to overdose.

And in at number one --Internet searches- here we have yet another huge red flag- if

someone you know has a web browser history full of information on suicide and ways to

kill themselves then you need to take action.

This is most common with teenagers- which is why its important that parents look into

their kids browser history- especially with all of the online bullying that goes on.

Well there you have it.

That's our list of the top 5 ways to tell if someone is suicidal.

Thank you for watching.

Make sure you look out for one another and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Suicidal - Duration: 2:56.


Зимние зарисовки - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Зимние зарисовки - Duration: 3:48.



Subtitles by : Team DSML

For more infomation >> [ ENG SUB ] STRAY KIDS CUTE AND FUNNY MOMENTS IN EP. 2 - Duration: 9:53.


Rival & Cadmium - Just Breathe (feat. Jon Becker) [Evate Remix] [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:02:59.

Rival & Cadmium - Just Breathe (feat. Jon Becker) [Evate Remix] [1 Hour Version]

For more infomation >> Rival & Cadmium - Just Breathe (feat. Jon Becker) [Evate Remix] [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:02:59.



For more infomation >> LAVITAN CABELOS E UNHAS | 3 MESES DEPOIS - Duration: 4:30.


FINAL CUT TUTORIAL | YouTube VIDEO SETTINGS | Export Movie From iMovie | Tutorial How To Export 2017 - Duration: 8:03.

salutations everybody I'm Benjamin Brandon and this is value sessions where

I focus on tech reviews and tutorials to support the quality and in the budget

video creators like you in this tutorial I'm gonna go through the best export settings final cut pro x

and export through imovie have to offer you along with sharing a

valuable don't when it comes to the youtube video settings already laid out in

iMovie and final cut tutorial so without further ado let's do DS okay so now that

we're in final cut pro x I'm going to show you both ways to export first

old faithful file share and then you have youtube video settings Vimeo

clearly I need Facebook clearly I need these things right this tutorial has

come to a blistering halt because I need to refer to you that don't use but then

what did you mean about the don't dues so why is it that I'm telling you is

that the default settings for both youtube video settings and Vimeo exporting suck mainly

because of the compression when it comes to compression videos simply consider it

as you packing up for a trip you have a storage briefcase you put all your

clothes and your toothbrush and all that stuff in there and you shrink it up try

to compress it you smash it down that's what compression does when it comes to

youtube video encoding and quality and bitrate these default settings smash it so much

to the point where yes maybe all your stuff is in but it's not so the quality

or standards that you might want well it is for TSA in that example that is true

but they suck yes these default youtube video settings are faster and easier but you are losing

key elements of video data such as the bit rate and pixels which in essence

makes your project a McDonald's cheeseburger or fancy restaurant you're

better than McDonald's unless you're drunk

through these settings your final product becomes a very extremely

pixelated version roughly taking only two-thirds of your actual video data

that you shot in the first place wow that's a big deal yes it sure is let

me quickly put this in perspective for you if you're shooting with the camera

that's over 12 megapixels you will notice is loss of video quality right

away with these default export settings well it has 12 megapixels probably some

of the equipment that you're using today such as an iPhone 6 a 3rd gen or older

iPad or older Canon Powershot cameras such as the G 16 if you are shooting

with any equipment like this consider that the baseline of 12 megapixels okay

thanks my pleasure nerdy Ben now let's go ahead

and learn about Master File let's show you master file here at this point

here's what you want to do settings is your buddy

click on settings here I have my defaults let's go through what some of

these are really quick format is essentially the way to master your

project you can choose obviously video and audio or sometimes you just want to

extract audio publishing itself you can use some compressing options here

however don't do it trust me since I am shooting in 1080p I have the natural

default resolution of 1920 by 1080 which is standard for YouTube but I want to

refer to the video codec for a second now don't be overwhelmed there are a lot

of codecs here I get it but let me tell you you're only gonna need one two maybe

three if you're super cool like mkbhd or something so the first one is pro res as

you can see here I'm selective at Apple ProRes 422 what does that mean that is

the standard Universal codec when it comes to the Apple drivers controlling

your exporting and format capabilities the second one h.264 now if you have an

extremely humongous file h.264 is the leading industry codec because not only

does it give you a decent video quality but it also compresses the file size to

the point where it's easy enough to upload to youtube and then the third if

you want to get really crazy with it you can go ahead and choose Apple ProRes 422

high quality the only time I personally use this is when I have a video that's

no more than three or four minutes the file size and it's huge right now you

can see that I my handy-dandy Apple ProRes 422 and you

can see the file size that's gonna be exported is about 2.3 five gigs now

choose it into high quality the file size becomes over a gig more granted

like I said be very careful if you have a short video by all means do it this

video right here I believe it's about three to four minutes I want to make

sure that I cater towards all of you guys for doing more videos so I'm gonna

go ahead and use Apple ProRes 422 if you do have more questions on video codec

I'm pretty good with them feel free to leave comment below now this is just

asking you when you do export what do you wanted to open in QuickTime Player 4

max is your default video player for now I'm just gonna go regular QuickTime

movie which means what the export is just gonna be a actual video file simple

as that these are the settings that you must know to get the best quality

footage guys and as you can see here this video is 2 minutes and 31 seconds

in total ok so I'm gonna go back hit next where am I gonna put this this is

up to you right for the purposes of this demo I'll just put it on the desktop

call it a day but what's happening I thought this was it let's quickly note

that my face looks ridiculous moving on so now here's what you need to

do refer to this top left corner here this shows you exactly what's going on

with the best export settings final cut pro x itself now let's kick out a little bit what's transcoding main

in essence it's translating video data from the source which is your hard drive

to a QuickTime movie once it's complete you see it here and voila this video

again there's my stupid face you also know that it's done looking on the top

left corner it shows you but we'll close zoom out of my stupid face and click out

and voila that is your beautiful export in Final Cut Pro 10

but enough about the best export settings final cut pro x if you are running the free awesome software

export movie from imovie on a Mac this is where you need to pay attention now assuming you already

have your project created already let's refer to file and we'll go back to our

buddy share keep in mind the share button itself is also located same place

top right corner right and again let's refer back to the share and let's refer

to the don't dues right now we know why and there these guys here but you know

me I like Old Faithful file share now you don't see master file here right for

you export through imovie users you see file sibling cut and title your movie paper love 365

it's on my channel if you want to see it I kind of like this description it's

pretty helpful there's this movie about this is about a love story and 365 days

resolution itself very basic standard to the points as you can see here I'm at

1080p but guess what so for you 4k users iMovie does support 4k as well which is

great I've obviously haven't shot in 4k these are all still images compressed

into an actual compounded video so 1080p today and the quality hey remember our

friend programs now that you guys have been watching and you've seen front of

attend and what it can do remember one thing this is one of the most powerful

things that you can ever do when it comes to video exporting its compressing

as I stated you never want faster this is the McDonald's burger you want the

awesome restaurant burger with the blue cheese and bacon on it this is what

better quality does for you always and from there you pretty much said the

only other thing you can do is add to theater I personally like this feature

at the theater allows your video to not only get exported into an actual video

file but it even stores it into what they call a iMovie theater which you can

display on your iOS device or your Apple TV export movie from imovie

let's hit next save oh wait where'd it go what's happening Oh remember this guy

it shows you exactly what's happening remember that circle again it shows you

here I can hit show at this point it'll take me to the MOV file which is also

known as QuickTime and I can play it here and that's it guys it's that simple

export through imovie

and that's a wrap this video provided you some value some mash that like

button for me if you want receive a heads up on the next video subscribe and

I and I will see you on the next value session but until then

Oh fine I thought the defaults are great well fine I thought the defaults are

cool you don't know what cool is right I don't think I do either but I wear my

hat backwards

For more infomation >> FINAL CUT TUTORIAL | YouTube VIDEO SETTINGS | Export Movie From iMovie | Tutorial How To Export 2017 - Duration: 8:03.


What If America Invaded England? - Duration: 3:44.

America and England are allies, and they have been for the better part of the 21st centiury.

England is perhaps the last country on earth the United States would ever go to war with.

But what if America decided to invade England?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to leave a like, subscribe and let us know in the comments below what

topics you would like to see next.

There are possible plans that exist that detail hypothetical invasions, and there is likely

one drawn up for England.

In fact, there was a plan for america to invade English territory in the late 1920s and early


According to a top secret document, this plan was called War Plan Red.

War plan red outlined a possible invasion of the United Kingdom.

The plan assumed that Britain would have the upper hand because of how powerful their navy


To this day, the royal navy is very powerful; it's the second best in the world.

War plan red also assumed that the UK would use Canada as a base, in order to launch a

counter invasion of the United States.

Eventuallyt hough, the US would defeat Britain by cutting off its food supplies.

The plan never envisioned an invasion of England itself, only its territory in the western


War plan red was declassified in 1974.

But we're not talking about an invasion of Canada, we answered that question already

, and you can check it out at the link clickable on the screen.

Right now, we're talking about America invading England itself.

So what would happen?

Lets say, in an alternate timeline, America is taken over by a hostile regime, that ultimately

chooses to invade England.

This would be a very unfortunate event for pretty much everybody.

If America invaded England, there are a couple of scenarios.

Scenario number 1, the entire world would be drawn into a war, and everyone would gang

up on America.

Under NATO, the country that was attacked first would have to be aided by the allies.

Countries that are part of the british commonwealth, like Australia and New Zealand, would likely

also come to England's Aide.

Canada, however, would probably choose not to get involved because they are close allies

with the US, and they share a border.

Scotland would declare independence an offer help to the US, and allow the US to use Scotland

for military installations.

Perhaps England would also have to Appeal to anti-american countries for help, like

Russia, China, or Iran.

And scenario 2, the rest of the world's military power is nowhere near as great as

Americas, so rather than risk their own destruction, perhaps every other country world would cower,

make peace, and allow America to try to take over England.

Many countries, especially European countries need American military support against Russia.

The Truth is, America doesn't even really need to waste forces to invade England.

The UK is an island.

All the US needs to do is set up a blockade and prevent anyone from supplying them with

imports like food and oil.

Eventually England would have to surrender, and American forces could begin occupation.

But that day would not come without a fight.

If England was backed into a corner, they would almost certainly employ the use of nuclear


Both the US and the UK are part of whats called the nuclear power club.

Both have long range nuclear weapons.

Yes, the US has far more nuclear weapons than the England, but all England really needs

to do is shoot a few nukes from submarines to totally devastate the US mainland.

The US would likely retaliate and use their own nuclear weapons against England.

In the end, There would be no winner.

Both nations would suffer greatly, millions would die, entire cities would be reduced

to ashes.

The historic city of London would be wiped from the face of the earth, Washington DC

and new york would as well.

I guess it's a great thing the USA and Britain are allies.

It is highly unlikely America would ever invade England.

But we at life's biggest questions believe you should never say never.

Thanks for watching LBQ, you've made it to the end of the video.

On the screen right now, you're going to see a link to our patreon, where you can sign

up to be a patron of Lifes biggest questions.

More and more topcis are being demonitized on Youtube, and that presents a problem for

channels like LBQ.

Donating means you directly fund the creation of content that is unfairly demonitized.

Please click the link to find out the perks of donating.

Still watching?

Why don't you check out our playlist, biggest what ifs.

That's all for now, and thanks for watching lifes biggest questions.

For more infomation >> What If America Invaded England? - Duration: 3:44.


Creating Accessible YouTube Videos What are Captions - Duration: 2:11.

This video is about creating accessible YouTube videos with captions.

What is video captioning?

The last time you went to the gym or had a meal at a sports restaurant chances are you experienced video captioning.

Generally speaking video captures are at the bottom of the screen and are a text based representation what was being said on that screen.

They often contain word representations of important music or sound effects on the screen.

Or switches in speaker that are important to the viewers comprehension of the events that are happening on screen heard the one about the horse.

Another term often associated with video captions is the transcript.

A video transcript is a text document representing all of the video's captions, which can be useful for someone who does not have enough time to view the video.

For more infomation >> Creating Accessible YouTube Videos What are Captions - Duration: 2:11.


Leaked Secret Cable Confirms Israel Conspiring with Saudi Arabia to Provoke War - Duration: 6:52.

Leaked Secret Cable Confirms Israel Conspiring with Saudi Arabia to Provoke War

In what can be referred to as a smoking gun, on Tuesday, Israeli News Channel 10 published

a leaked diplomatic cable confirming a long-running �conspiracy theory� of Israeli-Saudi coordination

to provoke war.

As ZH reports, the cable was sent to all Israeli ambassadors throughout the world concerning

the chaotic events that unfolded over the weekend in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, which

began with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri�s unexpected resignation after he was summoned

to Riyadh by his Saudi-backers, and led to the Saudis announcing that Lebanon had �declared

war� against the kingdom.

The classified embassy cable, written in Hebrew, constitutes the first formal evidence proving

that the Saudis and Israelis are deliberately coordinating to escalate the situation in

the Middle East.

As ZH notes, the explosive classified Israeli cable reveals the following:

On Sunday, just after Lebanese PM Hariri�s shocking resignation, Israel sent a cable

to all of its embassies with the request that its diplomats do everything possible to ramp

up diplomatic pressure against Hezbollah and Iran.

The cable urged support for Saudi Arabia�s war against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.

The cable stressed that Iran was engaged in �regional subversion�.

Israeli diplomats were urged to appeal to the �highest officials� within their host

countries to attempt to expel Hezbollah from Lebanese government and politics.

The Israeli reporter who obtained the document is Barak Ravid, senior diplomatic correspondent

for Channel 10 News.

Ravid announced the following through Twitter yesterday:

I published on channel 10 a cable sent to Israeli diplomats asking to lobby for Saudis/Harir

and against Hezbollah.

The cable sent from the MFA in Jerusalem [Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs] to all Israeli

embassies toes the Saudi line regarding the Hariri resignation.

The Israeli diplomats were instructed to demarch their host governments over the domestic political

situation in Lebanon � a very rare move.

The cable said: �You need to stress that the Hariri resignation shows how dangerous

Iran and Hezbollah are for Lebanon�s security.� �Hariri�s resignation proves wrong the

argument that Hezbollah participation in the government stabilizes Lebanon,� the cable


The cable instructed Israeli diplomats to support Saudi Arabia over its war with the

Houthis in Yemen.

The cable also stressed: �The missile launch by the Houthis towards Riyadh calls for applying

more pressure on Iran & Hezbollah.�

Channel 10 News released a rough English translation of the of the secret Israeli embassy cable.

That translation is below.

�To the Director-General: you are requested to urgently contact the Foreign Ministry and

other relevant government officials [of your host country] and emphasize that the resignation

of Al-Hariri and his comments on the reasons that led him to resign illustrate once again

the destructive nature of Iran and Hezbollah and their danger to the stability of Lebanon

and the countries of the region.

Al-Hariri�s resignation proves that the international argument that Hezbollah�s

inclusion in the government is a recipe for stability is basically wrong.

This artificial unity creates paralysis and the inability of local sovereign powers to

make decisions that serve their national interest.

It effectively turns them into hostages under physical threat and are forced to promote

the interests of a foreign power � Iran � even if this may endanger the security

of their country.

The events in Lebanon and the launching of a ballistic missile by the signatories to

the Riyadh agreement require increased pressure on Iran and Hezbollah on a range of issues

from the production of ballistic missiles to regional subversion.�

As has been well-documented, Saudi Arabia and Israel share a common enemy that is Iranian


Although the IDF has �warned� of some �potential� direct action against the

most notorious terrorist groups in the world which seem to be comfortably ensconced within

eyesight of Israeli border posts, it has never taken significant direct action against terrorist

groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda and, instead, routinely target the Syrian army, Iranian-linked

militias, and Hezbollah with airstrikes.

This is a general reflection of the Israeli strategy of regime change in Syria, which

has resulted in a well-documented history of assistance to al-Qaeda affiliated rebel


This strategy is shared by Saudi Arabia, who, in September, made a �secret� visit to

Israel, despite the regime not even recognizing the existence of the Jewish state.

Israel�s state-funded Kol Yisrael radio service documented this visit, noting that

�An emir of the Saudi royal court visited the country secretly in recent days and discussed

with senior Israeli officials the idea of advancing regional peace,� the station reported.

As ZH reports:

Thus, as things increasingly heat up in the Middle East, it appears the anti-Iran and

anti-Shia alliance of convenience between the Saudis and Israelis appears to have placed

Lebanon in the cross hairs of yet another looming Israeli-Hezbollah war.

And the war in Yemen will also continue to escalate � perhaps now with increasingly

overt Israeli political support.

According to Channel 10�s commentary (translation), �In the cable, Israeli ambassadors were

also asked to convey an unusual message of support for Saudi Arabia in light of the war

in which it is involved in Yemen against the Iranian-backed rebels.�

All of this this comes, perhaps not coincidentally, at the very moment ISIS is on the verge of

complete annihilation (partly at the hands of Hezbollah), and as both Israel and Saudi

Arabia have of late increasingly declared �red lines� concerning perceived Iranian

influence across the region as well as broad Hezbollah acceptance and popularity within


What has both Israel and the Saudis worried is the fact that the Syrian war has strengthened

Hezbollah, not weakened it.

And now we have smoking gun internal evidence that Israel is quietly formalizing its unusual

alliance with Saudi Arabia and its power-hungry and hawkish crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.

For more infomation >> Leaked Secret Cable Confirms Israel Conspiring with Saudi Arabia to Provoke War - Duration: 6:52.


Non stai cercando di essere felice: le tue azioni puntano all'opposto - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Non stai cercando di essere felice: le tue azioni puntano all'opposto - Duration: 7:17.


Farming Simulator 17 Forage Mix New Mods - Duration: 10:52.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Ome new Mods You can useto make Forage Mix For Your Cows.

JOHN DEERE 6115M Front Loader 3 Wheel Setup 115Hp 40Km/h Top Speed

Ic Control

RMH VR10 Forage Mixer 10.000l Capacity 2 Wheel Setup Recommended Power 70Hp Digital capacity Meter

Old Bale Fork 2 Design Setup With Attacher Or Simple X Key To Attach Bales X Key to Release bales

Kilverblad Counterweight 1.000Kg

I also use the John Deere H480 Front Loader From John Deere 7030 Series Special Mod.

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Forage Mix New Mods - Duration: 10:52.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 46-El día más largo! - Duration: 25:01.

Episode 46 The longest day!

Good morning to all. Today we will start the day taking care of our animals.

We will feed and water the pigs and the sheep,

We will load the wool pallets in the trailer and sell a couple of pig trucks.

The truth is that I need to be busy. My uncle Harold has gotten worse and I keep thinking about him.

So we will try to have a very busy day. We will cut and sell the last trees of field 18.

And if they offer us a good price we will start selling the silage in the BGA.

Oh! And I do not forget that it's time to harvest the fields. More hectares than ever.

I said. A long day where I will be very busy. Take a seat and enjoy.

I did not count on this! For the price they offer, we should sell all the wood chips we can today.

I'll call the guys to bring reinforcements.

It seems they are all here!

Let's speed up the pace a bit :-)

While the guys are finishing with the wood chips, let's have a look at the BGA.

The price they offer is not enough, but we will start preparing to sell the silage.

Finally, harvest time! Again, take a seat and enjoy !!

Pablo is spreading purín to the fields, and

Mark will cultivate some fields so that in the morning we can start planting.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 46-El día más largo! - Duration: 25:01.


Come aiutare il proprio bambino a parlare? - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Come aiutare il proprio bambino a parlare? - Duration: 1:05.


Star Trek Continues E10 Поход туда... (Часть 1) - Duration: 46:35.

Thank you for allowing me to meditate with you.

This is normally done in private, counselor...

...but it is an honor to teach Vulcan techniques to one so willing.

These sessions... They're the only times that Vulcans pay attention to their emotions?

We find it salutary to have an interval during which we ask ourselves the question no other Vulcan may:

"How do you feel?"

When this mission is over...

I will miss these times with you.

And I with you.

Doctor, I believe you may benefit from

further teaching with masters on Vulcan.

Perhaps you could as well.

There's a discipline called the "Dalhutnar," isn't there?

To help one accept the wisdom of vestigial emotions.

There is also the "Kolinahr": the purging of all remaining emotions.

There is no chance of me undertaking the former, nor the latter.

I am rarely disposed to discuss matters of a private nature...

but our relationship is... special.

I have served aboard this starship for sixteen years under two captains.

I would not admit this in front of Dr. McCoy...

but such a lengthy association with

men and women from Earth has taught me to value

my maternal birthright in a way I never could had I remained on Vulcan.

KIRK (VO): Captain's log, stardate 6988.4. The Enterprise is scheduled to return to Earth shortly.

I always intended to bring her back in one piece, but the triumph is bittersweet.

The recent loss of our sister ship still gnaws at me.

Whatever it was that caused the Hood's crew to lose life support, killing all 430 men and women aboard is...


Kirk here.

UHURA: Priority incoming message from the Chief of Starfleet Operations.

I'll take it down here, lieutenant.

Admiral Thesp.

Captain... priority one. We're diverting you to Aldebaran.

Admiral, considering the ships we've lost in that system recently, do you think that's wise?

Wise or not, it's necessary. The Yorktown and Republic were severely damaged during their investigation into the Hood's loss.

And shortly afterwards, the Federation colony on Aldebaran III went completely silent.

How could an entire Federation colony suddenly go silent?

Starfleet has a top-secret laboratory on that world.

The supply vessel we sent to investigate -- the S.S. Halifax -- never returned.

Before we lost contact, the Halifax reported significant anti-proton residue on the planet's surface.

I think you know what that means.


KIRK (VO): Space. The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:

to explore strange new worlds.

To seek out new life and new civilizations.

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

Captain, readings indicate the colony has been destroyed.

Romulan plasma weapon?

Judging by the damage, it appears the central reactor has suffered a containment failure.

- That's unusual. - It's impossible! I installed the safeguards myself 5 years ago.

Perhaps some kind of sabotage.

SCOTT: At least the Pandora Science Lab's intact.

But it's underground -- and it generates a particle scattering field. I'll have to put ya down outside.

- Just put us down in one piece, Scotty. - Aye sir. - Energize.

The disruption field is obstructing my readings.

I am detecting 2 life forms large enough to be humanoid.

I don't suppose they left a key under a rock somewhere.

I can attempt to access the lift using standard Federation prefixes...

Automated defenses!

We must maintain the barrage! The drone cannot fire through its own shields!

Spock! Sould the turret's anti-grav beam be creating a gap on the bottom of its deflector screen?

- Highly possible. - Let's find out.


LANA: You're Vulcan.

- You. You're Vulcan. - Affirmative.

When a simple "yes" would do. Vulcan for sure.

Forgive the attack. The drone's sensors thought you were another Romulan invader.

The bio-signs are almost identical. You're in charge?

Captain James T. Kirk. Federation starship Enterprise.

"T" for Tiberius.

Who are you? What happened here?

You don't know?

It was your starship that first pierced the barrier around our galaxy 5 years ago.

An energy field that enhances humans with high ESP quotients. "Uplifts" them.

Since then, certain Starfleet officials have been asembling us.

Testing us. Experimenting. 25 in total.

It appears you, too, have journeyed through the barrier yourself.

- A trial run. - Trial for what?

The ultimate last resort.

Protection against invasion.

In the event the Federation is ever invaded by a superior force,

we were to fly through the galactic barrier.

Granting you superior powers. Effectively weaponizing you.

The Federation isn't in the business of weaponizing its citizens.

You should better familiarize yourself with the Starfleet charter.

Article 14, Section 31.

Captain. Absolute power does NOT corrupt absolutely.

It corrupts SELECTIVELY... you know from experience.

Aboard your ship, one uplifted esper became a megalomaniac... while the other retained humanity.

And which are you?

I follow "Sas-tar-po-harn."

A human spiritual movement that follows the pacifist teachings of Surak and T'Mord of Vulcan.

- Psychologically unsuitable espers were excluded from this project. - About my original question:

What happened here?

A cloaked vessel arrived. They overwhelmed the lab. Destroyed the ship sent here to investigate.

The Halifax.

The Romulans vaporized our scientists and kidnapped the espers.

What about you?

I used my powers to suspend my life signs.

I "played dead."

What do Romulans want with a bunch of espers?

I believe I can surmise the answer, lieutenant.

Despite my advanced ESP rating, my experiences with the barrier failed to uplift me.

I suspect Vulcan physiology renders us immune to the psionic effects.

- And, if Vulcans cannot be uplifted... - Then neither can Romulans.

They want to use the kidnapped espers to form an attack force.

But not against us, captain. Against the Romulan Praetor.

They oppose his termination of the Klingon alliance.

Romulan politics don't concern me. Getting my people back does.

What's your name?


You'll be safe with us, Lana.

SPOCK: Captain, a word?

If you recall, it was incredibly dangerous to have Mitchell aboard the Enterprise after his powers had multiplied.

If we leave Lana here, she will remain as we intended HIM to be: Isolated, where she could do no harm.

You heard her Spock. She's a pacifist.

Besides, if we're going to pursue a Romulan ship full of espers --

espers that've been turned -- I want us to have one of our own.

A most logical position.

You sound surprised.

Captain, there is the matter of the other life form I detected.

SENTEK: That would be me, commander!

Drop your weapon!

Do you feel confident that you can shoot me before I kill your captain? Disarm NOW.

Hold your position, lieutenant!

Surrender is not the Romulan way, captain.

Fire now, and this disruptor will detonate. I have no quarrel with you.

Save yourselves. But the mutant stays with me.

Given that particular model of firearm, I believe we have approximately 38 seconds until a forced-chamber overload.

We will not abandon a Federation citizen!

It seems you have little choice.


- Kirk to Enterprise! - Captain, we cannot leave him here to die.

Emergency! Five to beam out -- NOW!


Sulu has detected the Romulan kidnappers on long-range sensors.

- We are on an intercept course. - Excellent.

Admiral, I won't lie. They have a head start. A good one.

They'll cross into the Neutral Zone before we can catch them.

A week before my retirement.

Captain, I'm ordering you to pursue those "karskat" Romulans into the Zone...

...all the way to the home worlds if you have to. Just get the espers back -- no matter what. Starfleet out.

- Kirk to bridge. - Spock here.

Set a course for the Romulan Neutral Zone. Maximum warp.


Mr. Spock?

- You heard the order lieutenant. - Yes, sir.

Uhura, transmit this encrypted message on the following subspace frequency.

- Sir, that carrier wave is only used... - Please proceed.

Direct any response to my quarters.

Four-oh. Perfect.

I try to take the stairs instead of levitating whenever I can. Keep in shape.

- Captain! - We're in hot pursuit. We'll get your friends back.

Uh... the Romulan?

He's in our brig. Lana, why was he still there on Aldebaran III?

I think he's a praetorian spy! Must've infiltrated the dissidents.

He fled to the hills after they discovered him.

We were the only people at the lab for weeks. Our paths crossed frequently.

Do you trust him?

About as far as I can throw him.

Which -- in your case -- I'd wager is pretty far.

Why didn't you use your abilities to subdue him?

He has tremendous innate powers. And as I told you, captain... I am a strict pacifist.

I do not utilize my abilities to harm others unless they pose a direct threat.

Bones. Speaking of "direct threats"... we'll be engaging the Romulan ship soon.

I hope I don't have to call on you, but...

If I had a credit for every time you said that.

I have the chem lab synthesizing hyronalin. Best against radiation burns.

SULU ON COMM: Bridge to captain.

Kirk here. Go ahead, Sulu.

SULU: The marauder's about to cross into the Neutral Zone.

Sound battle stations. I'm on my way.

How long until the Neutral Zone boundary?

SULU: Ten seconds.

- Lieutenant? - Our orders recorded and logged, sir. - Five seconds.

Stay sharp, everyone.

COMPUTER: Warning -- treaty violation. Warning -- treaty violation.

Mute that, Uhura.

- On course for Romulan space. - Keep an even hand on the tiller, Sulu.

Out of the frying pan... into the fire.

Scanning to one-half parsec.

There's no sign of the marauder, captain. She could be cloaked.

- I've got something on motion sensors! - Can we get a phaser lock?

No sir -- but he's out there.

See if you can boost the directional beam. We need surgical precision.

Try to take out his engines without endangering the habitat module.

- Captain, a Romulan ship is decloaking off our port bow! - Shields to maximum.

T'liss-class imperial bird-of-prey. I have wisual.

The marauder?

Negative. The vessel is registered as the I.R.W. Hawk's Talon.

Captain, we're being hailed.


I received Mr. Spock's message requesting a parley.

Yet the fact remains: the Enterprise violated interstellar law by entering Romulan space.

Shall we call it "war" now, Captain Kirk? Or wait for an official declaration?

Contacting the Romulans, Spock? THAT Romulan?

On your own initiative? What were you thinking? Why didn't you ask me?

- You would not have agreed. - Damn right I wouldn't have agreed!

You're lucky I don't rip one of those stripes right off your sleeve.

Captain, I became aware of reports that Charvanek was granted command of a new bird-of-prey after she was repatriated.

I am confident, once I speak with her, that she will see the wisdom of assisting us in pursuing the Romulan dissidents.

- She and I have a rapport. - A "rapport."

Bring her aboard.


You have 30 minutes. I hope that's enough time for your... rapport.

- Welcome aboard the Enterprise... again. - Captain.

Mr. Dickerson, please conduct the lieutenant to guest quarters.

Aye, sir.

- "Jolan tru." - And should I greet you as your people would? "Live long and prosper"?

You may greet me as you wish.

Human lore would suggest I offer "the other cheek."

I confess... the humans did treat me well. Still, I was surprised the exchange was arranged so quickly.

Logic dictated that your return would entice your Praetor to release the Tellarite merchants held on Remus.

You mean the Tellarite SPIES.

They would have sold the information they acquired. My terminology is apt.

Hmm... Now who is being clever, Spock?

Your Praetor would seem quite loyal to you. Is your loyalty to him as great?

Commander, he needs your help.

I need your help.

Your father negotiated the arrangement that led to my return. The House of Sarek has my gratitude.

I will aid you... if I can.

KIRK: Commander, I appreciate your assistance.

ROMULAN COMMANDER: Spock mentioned Romulan dissidents and kidnapped humans with psionic abilities.

Our intelligence sources know nothing of these "marauders."

In order to track them, I will need their ships' configurations. Armaments.

Then we are -- to use an Earth expression -- "in luck."

We apprehended a Romulan commander on Aldebaran III... undercover member of the vessel's crew still loyal to the Praetor.

"Jolan tru."

I have never seen this individual before! He is certainly no Romulan commander.

Are you sure?

Transporter room, what the hell's going on?!

I beamed the prisoner out of the brig -- just as you ordered, sir.

Dammit, chief! I gave no such order!

Captain, I know my fleet as well as you know yours. That man was an imposter!

An imposter... who's now on the loose.

Captain, I swear I received orders to transport the prisoner. I just... I don't know where.

Sir, the targeting scanner's memory logs have been erased. But the imposter could not have traveled far.

Our shields have been at full power since Commander Charvanek beamed aboard.

- Then he's still on the Enterprise. - Dickerson, I need security teams on all decks.

SCOTT ON COMM: Intruder alert! Main engineering!

Looks like we found our man.

Sir! The mains are going offline!

Hold your fire! He's released the electro-plasma!


Gotcha, ya lovely.


If the nerve pinch was as you described, Charvanek will be incapacitated for at least 3 hours.

We don't have that kind of time, doctor. Her second-in-command wants her returned immediately.

They ARE better equipped to treat her than we are.

Burke, prepare the commander for transport. What's HIS status?

I'm keeping him under. Pulse 200, blood pressure 20/10.

- Romulan or Vulcan, they read the same. - Vulcan?

The pressure hold he administered.

Spock's "Vulcan death grip."

McCOY: Bingo. I've been doing some digging.

The Aldebaran colony's last census listed one Vulcan. A male anthropologist named Sentek.

There's more, Jim. Federation records show that he's married to our friend Lana. And his ESP rating is through the roof.

He's got natural psionic abilities way beyond normal -- even for a Vulcan.

If his powers are already so strong, why go to an esper lab?

Maybe... to find a mate.

A human esper. One that could be uplifted by the barrier... become his equal.

And one who's already embraced Vulcan philosophy.

Wanna bet Lana's trip into the barrier wasn't authorized by Starfleet?

To see all the scientists killed... to have everyone like you taken prisoner.

It must have been very difficult.

Colleagues, neighbors, friends... Awful.

It's important to allow yourself time to grieve, Lana.

I'd like to try and help if I can.

That was a brilliant performance. We know about you and Sentek.

Why don't you try the TRUTH this time?

- Captain, she's been through a terrible ordeal. - She scripted the ordeal, counselor!

Didn't you, Lana? You and your husband.

He wasn't going to commit suicide with that disruptor overload at all.

He was trying to blow up the lab entrance so we couldn't find out what REALLY happened.

Human evoluton has stalled, captain.

A typical man of 2270 -- like you -- is no different physically from a Cro-Magnon of 100,000 years ago.

But WE are. We are superior.

I thought you said absolute power only corrupts selectively.

And SELECTION -- whether natural or artificial -- is the engine of evolution.

Your kind should embrace your fate.

Instead, you try to control us. Use us.


Why do you suppose the Preservers erected a barrier around our galaxy?

Why? Hell, probably to contain us.

To keep violence from spilling into the universe.

No. It was so that naturally superior individuals could be uplifted...

...once we had the technology to venture into the stars.

You don't know what gods think!

Yes. I do.

SMITH: Still no sign of the marauder. He was there... and then he wasn't.


Subspace scan completed. We find no evidence of a cloaked vessel, Enterprise.

The sensor logs you requested.

Our trace of the Romulan kidnappers disappeared after Sentek lost consciousness and Lana was put in the brig.

So that's why he tried to disable the power grid: to prevent us from realizing the ship was an illusion!

TAL: So it would seem.

Mr. Palmer, run a level 3 diagnostic on our long-range sensors.

- Let's see how badly they've been compromised. - Yes sir.

Lt. Sulu... if there is no "Romulan marauder," then the Enterprise entered our space without provocation.

Starfleet is clearly the aggressor.

Subcommander, that's for diplomats to decide. For now...

For now, you will stand down and surrender to the Romulan Star Empire!

Sir, the bird-of-prey is charging its plasma weapon!

Captain Kirk to the bridge.

Go ahead, Tal. Open fire.

And tell your Praetor why you destroyed a Federation starship instead of capturing it.

Your ship's mission is about to end. It is scheduled to return to Earth...

...and our sources inform us only 3 other ships of its class remain in service.

We have no interest in obsolete technology.


A shame. Unlike you, lieutenant, your Mr. Spock had an agreeable cunning.

May his "katra" find its way to "Vorta Vor."

Evasive maneuvers! Brace for impact!

Romulan weapon reaching full charge in 3... 2...1...

- Why haven't you fired?! - Subcommander, I HAVE!

Stand aside!

Scans show their plasma torpedo fully charged and operational.

- Why didn't they fire? - I'm betting they think they did.

Subcommander! Power down our weapons immediately!

Sir. You have recovered sufficiently to return to duty?

The second time you've had to relinquish command back to me, isn't it?

Your glory is mine, commander.

Tal, we will assist the Enterprise in its mission. Is that understood?

Commander, we have them! Here in Romulan space!

I have no intention of permitting human espers -- nor Romulan dissidents -- to attack the Praetor. Or worse.

I suspect there is a greater plan here. A plan that may jeopardize both the Federation and our Star Empire.

Your loyalty to the Praetor is admirable.

As, I assume, is yours.

Absolutely, commander.

What's our status?

DRAKE: Mr. Scott enhanced the forcefield with the ship's shield grid. Nobody's gonna beam through that.

- Indeed. Rather ingenious. - I'd expect nothing less.

Sulu says you fooled Subcommander Tal into thinking his weapons malfunctioned.

No need to thank me, captain.

Just like you fooled US into thinking Romulans kidnapped the espers.

Your people STOLE the Halifax, didn't they?

You knew Starfleet would send another ship to investigate.

Sooner or later, we'd track them down. So you and Sentek stayed behind --

projected that illusion of a marauding vessel -- to buy your compatriots the time they need to make it to the galactic barrier.

Simple humans are so easy to deceive.

They can be tricked into doing almost anything.

Like shutting down their own life support.

The Hood. My God... that's what happened to the Hood!


Lana, why?

To see if we could.

There's nothing you -- or anyone -- can do now. My brethren will be uplifted by the barrier.

Even the great James T. Kirk will be brought to his knees.

Captain's log, supplemental. What have I done bringing an esper mutant on board?

I've been exhausted -- but has my judgment been compromised?

Have I put my ship at unnecessary risk?

In the hopes that my senior staff can provide some insight,

I've assembled those who were present when we first crossed the barrier...

...what seems like an eternity ago.

SPOCK: Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to stardate 1312.

The so-called "galactic barrier." A field composed of negative energy surrounding our galaxy.

Effectively encasing it.

Early in the Enterprise's five-year mission,

I ordered us across the barrier to investigate the disappearance of an old Earth vessel some 200 years earlier.

I think we all remember what happened.

Except for those of us that weren't yet aboard.

We've read the reports, captain. Two crewmembers with high ESP ratings had their abilities altered.

Correction. Their abilities BOOSTED. Exponentially.

So, when the Halifax reaches that barrier with all of those espers on board...

Counselor, that is precisely what we must prevent.

It is logical that the espers will endeavor to enter the galactic barrier here,

at the point nearest the Aldebaran system.

The Halifax is a low-warp ship. That journey would take weeks.

But it's been weeks since they stole the wessel. What if they already made it?

Lt. Smith... As I recall, you were holding Commander Mitchell's hand when the crossing occurred.

Any insight you can provide? Anything unique you may have experienced via physical contact?

Nothing I didn't put in my report, sir.

Mr. Spock, defeating one god was hard enough. But a ship full of 'em...!

They're not "gods," Scotty. They're just humans.

Even with all his power, Gary was still susceptible to human frailty.

Hell, he couldn't even remember my middle name.

Precisely. An uplifted esper's strength weakens as it is expended.

Then we must use that to our advantage. Strike first -- before they grow stronger.

We're not out to defeat them, commander.

They're Federation citizens... our brothers, sisters... even if they are misguided.

Consider this a rescue mission.

PALMER ON COMM: Captain, transmission from the U.S.S. Kongo. They've picked up the Halifax's ion trail.

Transfer it to this computer. And tell Captain Asmi we'll be joining the chase.

You heard her. Get to work.

Sir, even at maximum sustainable speed, we can't catch the Halifax before it enters the barrier.


What are your ship's warp capabilities?

Our birds-of-prey do not utilize what you refer to as "warp power."

We use other methods to travel faster than light.

Indeed. There is speculation that Romulans employ confined quantum singularities to bend space.

I cannot confirm that.

What if a traditional warp field and the fold from an artificial singularity OVERLAPPED?

A background in astro-sciences comes in handy when you're a helm officer.

- It may be possible. - Sulu, you're a genius.

Who am I to argue with you, sir.

Work with Scotty and the Romulan engineers to enhance our velocity.

Let's see how fast we can get our girl to go.

Lower your deflectors, Enterprise.

- Mr. Chekov? - Shields down. - Tractor beam standing by.

Activate tractors. Extend superluminal fold.

Scott to bridge! I've routed the primary tractor beam through the shuttle bay.

But captain... she's not designed to take this sort a' strain for long!

You always say that... and she always does. Mr. Smith?

Punch it.

Yes sir!

Six different systems red-lining!

KIRK ON COMM: Let them red-line!

Aye. Me poor bairns.

Well I'll be damned...

Sir, galactic barrier dead ahead.

Signal the Hawk's Talon. Full stop.

As before, sensors and deflectors yield inexplicable readings.

[OVER COMM] Charvanek to Enterprise. She's fiercely beautiful, isn't she?

Indeed she is. And deadly.

- Sir, we're picking up a wessel at the barrier. - Full mag.

Identification confirmed: S.S. Halifax.


UHURA: Hailing frequencies open.

This is Captain James Kirk of the Starship Enterprise.

We are here to render aid.

I understand that you have grievances, and we offer our services

as go-betweens with Starfleet Command.

But it is crucial that you DO NOT enter the barrier. Please reply.

- Uhura, anything? - Just silence.

There is no one aboard.

Captain, we're detecting another ship nearby. A starship!

Scanning. It is the Kongo, sir. We are receiving anomalous readings.


It would appear there are only about two-dozen life forms aboard.

I've tied into the Kongo's bridge, captain.

Put it on screen.

You're too late, captain. Relinquish command...

...or the Enterprise will suffer the same fate as the Hood!

[English subtitles by: Lisa Hansell]

For more infomation >> Star Trek Continues E10 Поход туда... (Часть 1) - Duration: 46:35.


MINCIR en marchant - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> MINCIR en marchant - Duration: 3:49.


This Model Literally Kicks Ass - Duration: 2:36.

There is a difference between a model and a role model.

And we need more role models.

This is Mia Kang for Uproxx.

I am a model and a Muay Thai fighter.

Some of the biggest things that I learned

from Muay Thai was a distinction

between ego and self-confidence.

So, I have a job that's extremely egocentric,

extremely narcissistic.

I get my photograph taken for a living.

When you do martial arts,

you have to leave your ego at the door.

When you step in the ring in front of an opponent,

you have to be 100% self-confident in your abilities

and in yourself.

If you're 99%, you're gonna lose that fight.

In early 2016 I was living in New York,

I was a very successful model,

I was in Sports Illustrated,

I was in Guess campaigns.

From the outside it seemed like I kinda had it all.

I know what it feels like to be that 14-year-old girl

that's looking through magazines wondering -

why don't I look like that?

Oh my gosh, my thighs should be skinnier

and my collarbone should, you know.

And I was the girl in the magazine!

It was always - my arms are too big,

my eyes are too small when I smile.

There was always something.

So, imagine what the rest of the women out there feel.

It blows my mind. It's unbearable.

I was being asked to go on like 10-day

liquid-only diets before shoots.

I reached a very low point

and then I asked for a vacation.

A 10-day vacation turned into nine months

of me moving into a Thai Camp,

falling in love with Muay Thai,

devoting my whole every waking breath to it,

and becoming a fighter.

My whole body just changed and I watched it change

and I loved it because I was seeing strength in myself

that I never ever thought I could possibly have.

Even doing a push-up.

I've never done a push-up in my whole life.

Or, I had a six-pack at one point.

Never in my life would I ever think that

I'd have a six-pack.

I felt like a lethal weapon, you know?

And I was loving these changes that were happening

and I was embracing it.

I remember the day when I looked in the mirror

and I was happy with what I saw

because I felt secure with myself

and confident for the first time in my life.

All I can do is try to be the role model

that I wish that I had.

For more infomation >> This Model Literally Kicks Ass - Duration: 2:36.


Nikon D3400 DSLR Mode Dial | The Mode Dial on the Nikon D3400 camera - youtube - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Nikon D3400 DSLR Mode Dial | The Mode Dial on the Nikon D3400 camera - youtube - Duration: 2:28.


What is Geo-Phys & How does it work? Hayley tries out a resistivity meter &magnetometer - Duration: 3:44.

Well I'm here with David and he's at the University of Winchester aren't you

David now you've got this wonderful machine in front of you but I'm very

familiar with as a result of Time Team and Tony Robinson always talking about

the geophys so now we've got this in front of us can you tell us about the

machine itself? so this is a resistivity meter

it looks at the difference in the ground electrical resistance it basically has a

9-volt battery inside of it two spikes on the end of this frame and a long

length of cable with two spikes in the ground behind us and then when we put it

down it passes that electrical signal through the ground and measures the

difference in the electrical resistance in ohms so the measurement electrical

resistance. Wonderful and how far can that penetrate? Between half a meter and a

meter depending on the size of feature that we are trying to identify. Okay is

this complicated to use or can I dare to have a go? Simply lift

it up and put it down then take a meter step forwards and repeat. Well even I can

do that okay I do feel as though I'm holding a

Zimmer frame so that not that noise that it's just made what does that mean?

That's just telling you that it's taking the reading. Okay and do we know if we've

got any interesting finds beneath my feet in the field? The small

amount of geophysics we've done in this field shows that the resistance level

goes up the further up this slope we go which is indicating things that are more

solid it may be of the geology or it may be of other things. What's the most

interesting thing that you found? We've got some nice things have been doing

work with the ANOB be looking at Winklebury hill fort we've got evidence of

Pitt Rivers' trenches but also work on war Barrow and on Stockton earth-work.

And you have a completely different implement it looks like a Robocop arm

but it's not. This is a magnetometer this picks up the change in the local Earth's

magnetic field so that is changeable by what's buried in the ground archaeologically but also geologically and it's picking up a measurement in nanotesla

so it's a small amount of magnetics and basically what it's doing is taking two

readings automatically one at the top the sensor and one at the bottom and

calculating that difference and doing it within one decimal place. So how is this

one different from the other machine that we use in the resistivity meter that

we used last time? it's so the other ones picking up Earth's er resistance this

one is picking up the magnetic field right so this will not pick up buildings

so much unless they're brick built because the brick is fired so has a

change in magnetics but will pick up things like hearths and

kilns very well because of that big magnetic change. Okay okay so can I have

a go at this? Certainly so if you just hold it so it's like two and when you

ready press the start stop and it will start bleeping you and taking readings.

Okay yeah I can see what it's doing there so exactly where else is this

recording just in the local area? so it's just recording directly below that

sensor and you'd walk along that set pace 20 meter 20 meter line.Okay and

would this change in any way for sort of?yeah that number would

fluctuate up and down it's fluctuating a lot at the moment because we are all full

of metal we've got metal on us when you do this in real life you have to be

totally metal free right so it doesn't cause that fluctuation. Okay thank you

very much David thank you for letting me have another go.


For more infomation >> What is Geo-Phys & How does it work? Hayley tries out a resistivity meter &magnetometer - Duration: 3:44.


Funko Power Ponies Mystery Minis My Little Pony Blind Bags Unboxng and Toy Review - Duration: 3:16.

make sure you like and subscribe

now we are going to open power ponies


these are the power ponies funko vinyl figures

these are all the power ponies you can collect

all of these will be donated

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

there are 2 pinkie pies

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

who did we get

its a bad guy

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

he has a comb for a cutie mark

he is a 1/12

its spike

we always get spike in the funko mystery minis

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

he is holding a comic book

he is a 1/12

they are all 1/12

its a villain

this one is much bigger than the others

look at the size compare

green and red 2 tones eyes

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

this is the rainbow dash we opened in another video

we got a pinkie pie

she is a 1/12

she is ready to fight

pinkie pie is my favorite

this is the laste one

apple jack

we got a power ponie apple jack

its power pony

pony picking time

they are kinda heavy for their size

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

MLP, My Little Pony, Power Ponies, Funko, Mystery Minis, Hasbro, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutteryshy, Pinkie Pie, Henchman, Maneiac, Saddle Rager, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Masked Matter-Horn, Mane-iac, , haul, blind bags, opening, unboxing, review, toy review, Kawaii, kid friendly videos, family friendly videos, channel, surprise, toy, kids, mystery, Funko, Funko pop, Vinyl, Pop vinyl, Mystery, mystery mini, mystery minis, blind box, blind box unboxing, mlp mystery minis, power ponies, power pony, power pony mystery mini, power ponies mystery minis,

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